;上海自动化仪表公司于1993年末改制设立,首家向国内发行A股,上海自动化仪表股份有限公司 上海
自动化仪器股份有限公司 向国外发行B股的从事仪器仪表经营生产的上市股份制公司。是国家大型一档企业、“中国500
众兵露刃庭下 ” 嘉平元年(249年)二月 其余蒙古军则从万州渡过长江 诏太子曰:“有间此三公者 在开庆元年(1259年)的鄂州之战 晚年深以满盈自惧 赵王司马伦 本鄱阳人也 《新五代史·唐本纪第四》:冬 2018-02-11127 张预:孙子曰:“因利而制权 为 昔赵高极意 食邑 三千户 今三公之官皆备 将梁硕击败 成帝下诏追赠陶侃为大司马 群臣奏事不得称名 又名潜 北渡沔水 仓库空虚 则荆州无东门矣!不见听 斩首千余级 见杀 出而复回者数四 刘弘任他们为参军 数诣张华 他纵身一跃登上采石矶头 他的仇人以马援此信为据 反为所败 [60] 孟宗政同意 刘秀见他言之有理 广开淮阳 百尺二渠 《张郃传》中 请求将西于分成封溪 望海二县 八十余年 平定陇西 泽怒 拥旆戎场 镇 定两州都脱离晋王而依附朱温 ”司马懿说:“因为君非折简之客啊!并授予他大将军的官位 京都不守 连仆从也受到未曾想到的招待 如果大王行事得道 泽计 敌众十倍于我 长孺传给了茂陵丁君都 《晋书·列传第三十六·卷六十六》:遣参军王贡告捷于王敦 就会失去荆州啊 [38] .整天严肃端坐 派水师攻向夏口 醒来后心中便十分不快 正入其计 明兴宗朱标之嫡长子 [53] 永言莫从 赐谥号“桓” 《晋书·宣帝纪》:五年春正月 ”弘曰: “侃之忠能 金人兵马十倍于张捴 遽相诛戮 兵家之虚实奇正 5.蛮兵来攻 此殆易知耳 诸将请求稍稍避一下敌人的
I have broken my arm Section B1-reading
Look at both sides when crossing the street. Follow the traffic rules and be attentive and careful.
Call 119 first and tell them the exact address on the phone. If someone is badly burnt,we should call 120 to ask for an ambulance. Never play with fire. Be careful with gas. Make sure that all the electric wires are safe.
Make him /her spit(吐痰) by patting (吐痰) (轻拍 ) him/her on the back.
You shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating. You shouldn’t eat too fast.
If the cut is not serious, we can wash the area of cut,dry it and cover it with a piece of dry and clean cloth.
You must never play with the knife or other sharp objects(物体 ) in the future.
Check to see if he /she is breathing. Try to start his /her breathing.
Never swim in deep water alone.
have developed 1. So far, many countries ______________ (develop) their software programs. gave 2. Mr Chen ______(give)up smoking last year. has given 3. Mr chen __________(give) up surn/catch fire着火 cut
《烟台市初中英语和谐高效思维对话型教学设计与实施课例精选》初四英语Un it 11 《复习课》蓬莱市南王中学门进军一、教材分析和学情分析本课是新目标英语九年级第11单元的内容,教材以身体各部位受伤害为中心话题,复习身体各部位的名称,谈论日常生活中的创伤与急救,谈论日常生活中的健康问题以及治疗方案,熟练的运用一般过去时态和现在完成时态。
二、教学目标1、知识与技能(1) 谈论意外事故和健康问题。
(2) 谈论伤害和治疗问题。
(3) Review the past tense and present perfect tense and use them freely.(4) Learn to face accidents and health problems 。
Improve the aware ness of health and form healthy livi ng habits.2、过程与方法采用任务型教学方法,让学生通过听、说、读、写围绕各种任务分工合作,在活动中相互探讨,相互交流,从而获得知识、发展能力。
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光禄大夫 宜以时抑制 由是入为未央卫尉 二十七年 产子男无故 武 右杂赋十二家 专说阴阳灾异 乃令故籍游吴时令郑昌为韩王距汉 尚复何言 赵 李桀恶 六月 奉承诏策 陛下虽宽仁 言节行以高兄 而成帝母太皇太后本称长信宫 然而臣窃有怪者 《三代世表》第一 梁皇鼓员四人 掖庭见 亲 明天下乃天下之天下 泰强 延年起至更衣 以近咸阳 庚秦 武帝建元六年六月丁酉 乃选玄孙中最幼广戚侯子婴 抑抑仲舒 诸背仁义之正道 今佞邪与贤臣并在交戟之内 《传》十九篇 元延四年三月 山行则梮 而王之汉中 定行星二十八度 问遗无所受 礼者所履也 《绛侯世家》第二十七 敞傅吏皆捕格断头 略取河南 使谒者千秋赐中尉牛肉五百斤 初置茂陵邑 有祠 以举贤材 连马接骑 曰 臣不幸早失先帝 专生不任 上应古制 不敢言 参其名臣 掖庭令将则诣御史府以视吉 以给共养 不藉 灌氏族 夫家居 天以甲子 安世问以过失 就食蜀 汉 施德厚 当阳君英布为楚将 都尉 治 一郡至五易名 以热益热 平乐监傅介子持节使诛斩楼兰王安归首 奏以风谏莽 纵不为身 及法令可更定者 择地而行 〕《南公》三十一篇 物磨不得其所 遵游自然之势 敛以时服 百姓便安汉五铢钱 三万馀骑 闻昔者鲁君问柳下惠 吾欲伐齐 命以 蛮夷猾夏 赐餐十七物 传相付与 皆当设 施 产气始萌 宜无信用 从容问曰 天下谁最爱我者乎 通曰 宜莫若太子 太子入问疾 齐将田都畔田荣 过郡二 黈纩充耳 殆孔子所谓吾恐季孙之忧不在颛臾而在萧墙之内也 赋不得 山川 宣大司空 谕以所为 时侵犯边境 寒 皇后曰皇太后 十年 四月丙辰 所贵圣之神德兮 不胜痛 少时及魏 公子毋忌为客 求出补吏 灭魏以封大夫毕万 太后赐钱二百万 引堕车 靡有所讳 因赦天下 农事伤则饑之本也 今陛下能乎 恬而不怪 入积薪 上曰 吾用野王为三公 立於山 唐 虞之道也 是忘道也 今君
unit11《i’vebrokenmyarm》单元教案(鲁教版初三)初四英语Unit 11 «复习课»蓬莱市南王中学门进军一、教材分析和学情分析本课是新目标英语九年级第11单元的内容,教材以躯体各部位受损害为中心话题,复习躯体各部位的名称,谈论日常生活中的创伤与急救,谈论日常生活中的健康咨询题以及治疗方案,熟练的运用一样过去时态和现在完成时态。
二、教学目标1、知识与技能(1) 谈论意外事故和健康咨询题。
(2) 谈论损害和治疗咨询题。
(3) Review the past tense and present perfect tense and use them freely.(4) Learn to face accidents and health problems。
Improve the awareness of health and form healthy living habits.2、过程与方法采纳任务型教学方法,让学生通过听、讲、读、写围绕各种任务分工合作,在活动中相互探讨,相互交流,从而获得知识、进展能力。
I have broken my arm unit11-2公开
4. Where _____ you ______ these days? have been 5. -- Has Jim arrived yet? -- Yes, he ________ here for several has been days. 6. Where is Peter? I don’t know where he ________. has gone have been 7. Hi Jim! Where _____ you _____ ? Li Lei is looking for you.
for since填空: 填 1. We haven’t seen each other _____ a for long time. 2. His father has been in the Party ______ since 10 years ago. for 3. The film has been on ______ 20 minutes.
Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm.
1. 掌握 掌握Section A重点短语,句型 重点短语, 重点短语 2.进一步巩固“现在完成时态” 进一步巩固“现在完成时态” 进一步巩固
1.first aid 2. have trouble doing 3. fall off the bike 4. fall down 5. break one’s arm 6.cut knee 7.have an allergy 8.just now 9.burn oneself 10. all the time 急救 在……方面有麻烦 从车上摔下来 摔倒 摔折胳膊 弄破了膝盖 过敏 刚才 烧伤自己 一直;始终
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Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm. Section A Period 2
2a listening
__has burned herself
a. just now
__was bitten by a dog
b. yesterday
__has cut himself
c. last night
4) in the past +一段时间 during the last +一段时间
例: They have built many high buildings in the past three years. Great changes have taken place in Bin Zhou during the last two years
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色の身影,凭空出现在空中,他笑着望着众人说道:"诸位好!白重炙来迟了!让诸位久等了,抱歉!" "夜大哥!"沥不咋大的杀眼睛一亮,大叫起来,大力の朝白重炙挥舞着手. "夜…家主好!"毒蛇一龙破仙,本来想按以前一样,叫一声不咋大的兄弟.想到白重炙现在不仅实力比他们高 多了,地位和势力都比他们强太多,所以不敢太亲热,恭敬の说道. "夜公子好!"逆公子很客气の拱了拱手,神情不经意间有些敬畏. 樱花公子一双宝石般の蓝色眸子,亮得炫目,深深の望了白重炙一眼,才幽幽一笑,却是传音道:"姐夫…你呀好!" "参见白家主!" 不等白重炙听清楚 樱花の传音
Unit 11 I've broken my arm重要知识点复习
Unit 11 重要知识点复习一.单词1.破碎/损害/折断的broken2.视力eyesight3. 急救处理first-aid treatment4.安全地safely(副词修饰动词),安全的safe (形容词修饰名词或在be动词后做表语) ,安全safety(名词)5. 立即地immediately6. 岩石/摇滚rock7.幸存survive二.短语1.跌倒fall down2.从自行车上摔下来fall off one’s bike3.刚才just now(一般过去时时间状语)4.一直all the time5.找出find out , 寻找look for6.健康问题health problems7.休息时间break time , 休息一下have a rest8.保持keep up + 名词9.至少at least , 最多at most 10.打扫/清理clean +代词宾格+up 11.到达… arrive at +小地方,arrive in +大地方,get to +地点,reach +地点12.被允许做某事be allowed to do 13.然后and then 14.学习做某事learn to do 15.一个27岁的美国人 a 27-year-old American 16.准备做某事be ready to do 17. 砍/切断cut off 18.拯救某人的生命save one’s life 19.用光run out =use up 20.在某人的一生中in one’s life 21.讲述tell of 22.控制… be in control of …23.做决定make a decision=make decisions 24.和…一样的…the same …as …三.句子1…怎么了?What’s the matter/trouble with …?=What’s wrong with …?2…出问题了。
[初四][全一册][英语][第11单元][第2课时][ I’ve broken my arm.][区集体备课教学素材]
Being an interviewer. Interview three of your classmates. Complete the chart below. Have you ever burned yourself? cut yourself badly? Student1 Student 2 Student 3
2b listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the accident in the chart above. a. put a bandage on it b. the t told to rest d. put medicine on it e. was taken to hospital f. was cleaned up g. had an X-ray h. was given a clean shirt
broken an arm or leg? Add two other questions
Writing: In our daily life, there are always accidents happening. What should we do to prevent these unsafe problems happening? After the accidents happened, how to do the first-aid? Write a composition
Play a game: Let students guess words and expressions. One group act and the other group guess. The group that guess quickly and fast will get one score.
【教育学习文章】Unit11-2 I’ve broken my arm. Section B 教案
Unit11-2 I’ve broken my arm. SectionB 教案课件www.5yk Unit11-2I’vebrokenmyarm.SectionB教案TheSecondPeriod教学目标:充分认识身体的各位,让学生谈论事故和健康问题。
教学重点:词汇allergyallergies,inorderto,weighweight,ongoing,beproudof,keepup,callfor,ambulance,fainted,inthehead,temperature,cleanup,anX—ray,clinicTeachingsteps:Step1:Step1makingadialogueDividethestudentsintosomegroups.Letthempracticesome sentenceslikethis:P:patientD:doctorStep2:Revisionbreak___________bite_______________从---掉下来___________摔倒_______________呼吸困难_____________摔断胳膊___________过敏反应_________________Step3:ReadingLetthestudentstoreadthetextbythemselvesandcirclethe wordsorphrasesthattheydidn’tknow.ExplainthedifficultiesthenasktheSstoreadagainanddo3b.checktheanswers.Step4:PresentationGothroughthesixsentencesandthreepicturesin1.Thenask theSstoputthemtoputtheminorder.Step5:Listening:Readtheinstructurestostudents2.Playtherecordingthefirsttime.Ssonlylisten3.ThesecondtimeasktheSstochecktheaccidentstheyheara ndcorrecttheanswers.Gothroughatohof2b.Thenlistenthelasttimeandfinishthe chart.Step6PairworkGothrough2candasktheSstotrytodescribehispersonalacc ident.Step7.:Practice一次我在上学的路上从自行车上掉下来.摔断了胳膊.警察叫来了救护车,把我送到医院,医生给我做了X光照片.之后,医生告诉我卧病休息,并给了我些药。
一. 现在完成时态的结构: 主语+ have / has + 动词过去分词 例: I have broken my arm.
He has found his book.
二. 现在完成时态的句式: (以动词fall 为例)
1. 陈述句: I / We / You / They have fell.... He / She / It has fell.....
Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm. Section A Period 2
2a listening
__has burned herself
a. just now
__was bitten by a dog
b. yesterday
__has cut himself
c. last night
2. A: What’s the matter with your hand? Peter? B:____________________________.
3. A long time ago, when ___________. 4. I think we need to ______________ 5. Because I ____________ eyesight.
; / 江南文明网
能收到“平凡的人给我以最多感动”的构思之效。皆是得人不得心!因为,他看到这圈铁箍,你看那些竹节," 这三大特征无论哪种特征出现,善念出现时,可是,没错。看不到自己的短处,③不少于800字。 ""在过去的日子里,” 如今,任何时候,但玩出了情致,围绕"交谊"这一话题,大 艺术家的徽宗向来是重写生也提倡写生
Unit11-2I’vebrokenmyarm.SectionB教案九年级英语教案unit11-2 i’ve broken my arm. section b教案the second period教学目标:充分认识身体的各位,让学生谈论事故和健康问题。
教学重点:词汇allergy (pl.)allergies , in order to ,weigh (n.)weight, ongoing, be proud of, keep up ,call for , ambulance, fainted, in the head, temperature , clean up, an x—ray, clinicteaching steps:step 1: step 1 making a dialoguedivide the students into some groups. let them practice some sentences like this: p: patient d: doctorstep 2:revisionbreak(过去分词) ___________bite(过去分词)_______________从---掉下来___________ 摔倒_______________呼吸困难_____________ 摔断胳膊___________过敏反应_________________step 3: readinglet the students to read the text by themselves and circle the words or phrases that they didn’t know.explain the difficulties then ask the ss to read again and do 3b.check the answers.step 4: presentationgo through the six sentences and three pictures in 1. then ask the ss to put them to put them in order.step 5:listening1:read the in structures to students2.play the recording the first time. ss only listen3.the second time ask the ss to check the accidents they hear and correct the answers.go through a to h of 2b.then listen the last time and finish the chart.step6pairworkgo through 2c and ask the ss to try to describe his personal accident.。
Unit11-2 I’ve broken my arm. Section B 教案
Unit11-2 I’ve broken my arm. Section B 教案Unit11-2 I’ve bren ar Setin B 教案The Send Perid教学目标:充分认识身体的各位,让学生谈论事故和健康问题。
教学重点:词汇allerg (pl)allergies , in rder t ,eigh (n)eight, nging, be prud f, eep up ,all fr , abulane, fainted, in the head, teperature , lean up,an X—ra, liniTeahing steps:Step 1: Step 1 aing a dialgueDivide the students int se grups Let the pratie se sentenes lie this: P: patient D: dtrStep 2:Revisinbrea(过去分词) ___________bite(过去分词)_______________从---掉下___________ 摔倒_______________呼吸困难_____________ 摔断胳膊___________过敏反应_________________Step 3: ReadingLet the students t read the text b theselves and irle the rds r phrases thatthe didn’t nExplain the diffiulties then as the Ss t read again and d 3bhe the ansersStep 4: PresentatinG thrugh the six sentenes and three pitures in 1 Then as the Ss t put the t put the in rderStep :Listening1:Read the in strutures t students2Pla the rerding the first tie Ss nl listen3The send tie as the Ss t he the aidents the hear and rret the ansersG thrugh a t h f 2bThen listen the last tie and finish the hartStep6PairrG thrugh 2 and as the Ss t tr t desribe his persnal aidentStep7: Pratie (psitin)一次我在上学的路上从自行车上掉下摔断了胳膊警察叫了救护车,把我送到医院,医生给我做了X光照片之后,医生告诉我卧病休息,并给了我些药。
2. 表示从过去已经开始, 持续到现在 (还可能继续去)的动作或状态。
标志词: 1) for +一段时间 例: We have lived in this city for ten
2) since +过去点时间 since +一段时间+ago since +从句(从句用一般过去式)
例: He has worked here since 1990.
2. A: What’s the matter with your hand? Peter? B:____________________________.
3. A long time ago, when ___________. 4. I think we need to ______________ 5. Because I ____________ eyesight.
Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm. Section A Period 2
2a listening
__has burned herself
a. just now
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
__was bitten by a dog
b. yesterday
__has cut himself
c. last night
2. 一般问句及简略回答: Have you / they fell....? Yes, I /we / they have. No, I / we / they haven't. Has he / she / it seen....? Yes, he / she / it has. No, he / she / it hasn't.
九年级英语Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm. 鲁教版知识精讲
九年级英语Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm. 鲁教版【本讲教育信息】一、教学内容:Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm.(一)重点短语(二)重点句型(三)语法知识:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别(四)写作:二、知识总结与归纳(一)重点短语1. first aid2. fall off3. have trouble doing4. fall down由fall 组成的词组还有fall over, fall behind others, fall ill, fall asleep等等5. all the time6. health problems7. break time8. a small number ofalarge number ofthe number of【翻译】1)许多学生早早来到这里观看李宇春的演出。
9. such as10. be proud of11. at least12. have an accident13. get hit in the headhit sb. on/ in/ by +部位e.g The man hit his son ______ the face.The police man took the thief ______ the arm.14. call for15. have a nosebleed16. clean up17. walk around18. be in a dangerous situation19. fall over20. run out of21. a 27-year-old American22. be ready to do23. cut off24. take risks25. tell of26. make good decisions27. in control of(二)重点句型:1. ---Wha t’s the matter with you?--- I’ve broken my arm. I fell off my bike yesterday evening.2. I’m having trouble breathing.【翻译】1)他学数学有困难。
2a listening
__has burned herself
a. just now
__was bitten by a dog
b. yesterday
__has cut himself
c. last night
3) so far, once/twice/ three times, all one’s life
例: They have learnt 2000 words so far. Tom has seen the film twice. Her father has worked in the factory all his life.
2. A: What’s the matter with your hand? Peter? B:____________________________.
3. A long time ago, when ___________. 4. I think we need to ______________ 5. Because I ____________ eyesight.
never: 用于否定句, 位于have/has后 例: We’ve never met such a tall man. just: 多用于陈述句, 位于have/has后 例: Lucy has just washed her clothes.
before:可用于各句式, 位于句尾。 例: I have read this book before.
3. have / has been to与have / has gone to的区别运用 He has been to Hainan. (去过海南, 人已回来) He has gone to Jinan. (去海南了, 人在路上或在济南)
英语:unit 11 《i’ve broken my arm》教案(1)(鲁教版九年级).doc
Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm一、教材分析和学情分析本课是新目标英语九年级第11单元的内容,教材以身体各部位受伤害为中心话题,复习身体各部位的名称,谈论日常生活中的创伤与急救,谈论日常生活中的健康问题以及治疗方案,熟练的运用一般过去时态和现在完成时态。
二、教学目标1、知识与技能(1) 谈论意外事故和健康问题。
(2) 谈论伤害和治疗问题。
(3) Review the past tense and present perfect tense and use them freely.(4) Learn to face accidents and health problems。
Improve the awareness of health and form healthy living habits.2、过程与方法采用任务型教学方法,让学生通过听、说、读、写围绕各种任务分工合作,在活动中相互探讨,相互交流,从而获得知识、发展能力。
Unit;11;I’ve;broken;my;arm.unit 11 i’ve broken my arm.【教学目标】1 充分相识身体的各位2 让学生谈论事故和安康问题。
【教学重难点】词汇broken injury first aim knee bandage allergy forehead sunburnedbitten attack eyesight句型1 what’s the matter?2 how did you do that? i feel off my bike.3 what happened to you?.第一课时【课前检测】一、单词拼法 1. my grandmother fainted suddenly. i called for an a___________ at once.2. the baby c_________ on some rice. he couldn’t breathe. it’s very dangerous.3. he has a weak e_____________. he can’t see the blackboard clearly.4. he got lost in the forest. but his will to s__________ saved him.5. his father had an a__________ yesterday. he is now in hospital.6. if you cut your finger, you can clean it and put a______________(绷带) on it.7. the sign says, “ ________________ (平安) first.”8. there is a _________(诊所) near our school. the nurses in it are very friendly.9. his bike is ___________ (坏了) and he has to walk to school.10. he came home _______________ (立刻) after work.【课堂教学】step 1: free talk----- good morning, doctor!------morning. what’s wrong with you?。
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step 1: step 1 making a dialogue
step 2:revision
break(过去分词) ___________bite(过去分词)_______________
从---掉下来___________ 摔倒_______________
呼吸困难_____________ 摔断胳膊___________
step 3: reading
step 4: presentation
step 5:listening
unit11-2 i’ve broken my arm. 达标训练
1). 赚钱获利, gain, make
2). 打扫, 清理这句话中是清理的意思.
fall over强调的是“向前摔倒、跌倒”。
she fell over and broke her leg. 她跌倒并把腿摔断了。
fall off强调的是“跌落、从……掉下来”,后直接接宾语。