
公司名称:__________公司章程:__________签字:__________ 日期:__________英文模板:Certificate of Employment for Overseas TravelThis is to certify that Mr./Ms. (Name) is an employee of our company, currently working in the position of (Department/Job). Since joining our company, he/she has demonstrated outstanding performance, showing great responsibility and achieving remarkable results.The employee is planning to travel to (Country/Area) for the purpose of (Reason), departing on (Date) and returning on (Date). This travel plan complies with both our company's regulations and relevant laws and regulations.This certificate is hereby issued.Company Name: __________Company Bylaws: __________Signature: __________ Date: __________。
出国在职证明 英文整理

出国在职证明英文整理出国在职证明英文出国在职证明英文CERTIFICATEEmbassy of Beijing in China,Mr. Zhou Han Che is the 职务of our corporation. She began to work in our company since 来此单位工作日期and has been in our company for来此单位工作时间, mainly charging of the affairs of 工作范围, with a salary of around RMB月薪/month.Now, she has been permitted to take a vacation from 假期开头时间to 假期结束时间, and she will take a journey to 国家名称for 假期天数days during this period.All the expenses including travel, board and lodging, and any miscellaneous expenditure would be borne by . We hereby guarantee that Ms. 姓名will obey the laws in and will come back to China on time before the expiry date of visa.Yours sincerely,领导签字盖公章日期2.Certificate of incumbencyIndonesia Embassy in china:I have my staff passport number: XXX, G0XXXXXXX, duties as deputy general manager, a monthly income of $XXXX; in March 9th to 12 days of traveling to Indonesia for businevisits, I guarantee the company returned on time, do not violate local laws and regulations. My company retained their positions, please give the visa facilitation.Company address: XXXXPhone: XXXXXXXX companyIn 2023 February 25CertificationEmbassy / General Consulate of IndonesiaFebruary 25, 2023Dear Visa Officer,This is to certify that Mr . XX XX is an employee of our company, he will visit Indonesia from March 9th-12th, 2023 for 4 ( four ) days.Our company will be responsible for all the expenses related to Mr XX XX 's stay in Indonesia, including but not limited to board, lodging and airf-are.Please be informed that below is his important information:Passport: G0XXXX No.Date of Birth: 22 July, 1962Gender: MalePosition: Deputy General ManagerSalary: XXX RMB / MonthOur Company hereby guarantees that the applicant will obey all the laws and regulations of the countries to be visited, and return to China on time . We keep his position upon the trip is finished.Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.Sincerely yours.2CERTIFICATIONDate: DateThe Embassy ( General Consulate ) of Beijing ( Shanghai /Guangzhou /... )This is to certify that are employees of our company names, units or individuals introduced, they will visit, city in visit date days days . During they stay for in the travel expenses will, all be covered by our company.Sex Name Date of birth Passport No . Profession( personal data )Our Company hereby guarantees that the applicants will obey all the laws and regulations of the countries to be visited, and return to China on time . We keep their position upon the trip is finished.Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.Company nameLeadership positionSignatureSealThis is the common businevisa working certificate.Tourist visa certificate of incumbency in some countries require job, monthly payCERTIFICATIONDate: DateThe Embassy ( General Consulate ) of Beijing ( Shanghai / Guangzhou /... )This is to certify that are employees of our name, company, they ( he / she ) will visit, city in visit date for stay days.Our Company hereby guarantees that the applicants will obey all the laws and regulations of the countries to be visited, and return to China on time . We keep their position upon the trip is finished.Salary: XXXX / month position:Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.Company nameLeadership positionSignatureSealThe visa working certificate / guarantee pattern generally similar, but that the identity, position, salary, the unit will retain the position, the rise of pa-pe-r signed OKBeijing send signed by embassy beijingShanghai / Guangzhou send signed with general consulate Shanghai/ guangzhou【出国在职证明英文】文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。

在职证明英文版签证用Employment Verification LetterTo whom it may concern,[Full Name]'s current salary is [Amount], and his/her working hours are from [Start Time] to [End Time]. He/She works [Number of Days] per week, which includes [Weekday(s)].Throughout his/her employment, [Full Name] has demonstrated excellent work ethic, dedication, and professionalism. He/She is highly skilled and proficient in his/her job role, and consistently goes above and beyond to meet deadlines and deliver quality work. [Full Name] consistently receives positive feedback from supervisors and clients for his/her exceptional performance and strong interpersonal skills.[Full Name] is responsible for [Brief description of job responsibilities]. He/She effectively handles [Specific Duties or Projects] and collaborates with team members to ensure smooth operations within the department. He/She has shown great adaptability to changes and has a strong ability to handle high-pressure situations.Should you require any further information or clarification regarding [Full Name]'s employment, feel free to contact us at [Contact Information].Thank you for considering this employment verification letter. We hope it serves its purpose and assists [Full Name] in his/her visa application process.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Position]。

美国签证在职证明中英文模板As an author of the Baidu Wenku document, I am pleased to present the template for the "Employment Verification Letter for US Visa Application" in both English and Chinese.Employment Verification Letter for US Visa Application。
[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date]To Whom It May Concern,。
This letter is to confirm that [Your Name] is currently employed as a [Your Job Title] at [Company Name]. [He/She] has been working with us since [Start Date] and is currently holding the position of [Job Title]. [He/She] works full-time and is a valued member of our team.As part of [His/Her] responsibilities, [Your Name] is involved in [Brief Description of Duties]. [He/She] has demonstrated excellent skills in [Specific Skills or Qualities] and has made significant contributions to our company.We can confirm that [Your Name] has an annual salary of [Salary Amount] and is eligible for [Any Additional Benefits or Perks, if applicable]. [His/Her] employment is stable, and we anticipate [His/Her] continued employment with us for the foreseeable future.If you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Contact Information].Sincerely,。

Certificate of Employment
This is to certify that Mr XXXXPassport No.:xxxxxx, born on xx-xx-xxxx, is working as the XXXXXXXX in XXXXXX. Mr. XXXX will go to the United States on a X-day business trip on XX-XX-XXXX. We will keep his position when he is in the United States. He will obey the U.S. law and go back to China on time.
All the expenses including air tickets, accommodation, insurance and etc. are borne by our company.

X X X XX X X XX X X X Ltd.Date: 1-JAN-2015To: Embassy of the United StatesDear Visa officer:This is to certify that Mr. XXX XXX works in our company as XXXXXXXX since the year of XXXX. His/Her monthly salary is RMB XXXX. He/She will have a tour to the United States of America from 22 SPE 2016 to 05 OCT 2016. His/Her information is listed as follows,All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself. We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his staying abroad. We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our company. Yours sincerelyCompany Name: 公司英文名称Add:地址Tel: 电话Name of the leader : 领导姓名Signature:X X 市X X X X 有限公司在职证明尊敬的美国大使馆签证官:兹证明先生/女士自年来我公司任职,职位是。

附件1:在职证明参考样本TO:VISASECTIONDearSirs,Mr./Ms.XXXX(申请人姓名)worksinourcompanyfromXX.XX.XXXX(现公司入职时间某年某月某日).He/ShewillbeontravellingpurposesvisitingyourcountryandsomeotherSchengencou ntriesfromXX.XX.XXXXtoXX.XX.XXXX(出国具体日期某年某月某日).Alltheexpensesincludeairtickets,transportation,accommodationandhealthinsura ncewillbecoveredbyhimself/herself/XXXX(出资方的公司名称或个人名字).He/Shewillbebackontimeasperhis/herscheduleplannedandshallcontinuetoworkinou rcompanyafterhis/hervisittoSchengencountries.Name DateofBirth Passport-No. PositionAnnualIncomeXXXX XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX RMB XXXX Yourkindapprovalofthisapplicationwillbehighlyappreciated.BestRegards,Nameoftheleader(领导人姓名)Positionoftheleader(领导人职位)Signature(领导的签名)Company’sStamp(公司盖章)Tel:XXX-XXXXXXAdd:XXXXXXCompanyName:XXXXXX附件2:在职证明样本译文致:签证官XXX先生/女士自XXXX年X月X日(现公司入职时间某年某月某日)在我公司工作。
XX签证在职证明中英文模板 英文在职证明(XX签证可用)模板

XX签证在职证明中英文模板英文在职证明(XX签证可用)模板【--出guo祝福语】公司抬头纸打印CERTIFICATETo: The Consular Section, United States Embassy:The above mentioned applicant (NAME) is a Chinese national and is holding a Chinese Regular Passport.(NAME) has been a full time employee of our pany since (日期), and our pany has issued the social security insurance for her.(NAME) is applying for a visa to the United States in attending the MAGIC Market Week Show from 17 to 20 February xx. (简单的公司介绍,去参展之类) and we will be responsible to settle all the travel expenses including airfare, aommodationand all other personal expenses for (NAME). We assure you that she would be returning to China on schedule.Your assistance in issuing her a visa for this purpose would be greatly appreciated. Should you have other queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at (电话).Yours sincerely,(公司名称) 19 NOV xx本文:内容仅供参考。

To Embassy,
This is to certify that(姓名全拼),ID number:(身份证号码),is permitted by our company to visit(前往的国家)for a personal trip from (XX)/Apr。
/2005 to (XX)/Apr./2005。
(姓名) worked in our company since (进入公司时间)。
His salary is 100,000(Annual salary),and the title is Finance.
We hereby guarantee that he will abide by all local laws and regulations and will come back to China on time. His position in our company will be kept for his coming back。
Sincerely yours
Signature: 权利人签字

在职证明Job certificate日期(Date):致(To):******大使馆(*** Embassy)兹证明我公司员工******,男/女,大陆居民身份证号******************,护照号********,其自从****年**月在我公司就职,目前担当******职务,月薪*****元(RMB),此次其方案在假期于****年**月**日至****年**月**日,前往**国旅游**天,旅游所需费用,均由其本人担当。
This is to certify that our employee ****** , male / female, Mainland resident ID number ******************, passport number ******** , has been employed in our company since **** year ** month. Current position ****** ,The monthly salary is ***** yuan (RMB). The plan is to travel to the fruit from ****-**-** to ****-**-** , Travel to ****( country) ** days,The cost of travel shall be borne by himself.我公司确保其遵守当地法律,保证其在旅游活动结束后准时回国,我公司保留其原有职务待遇,请大使馆赐予其签证。
Our company ensures that it complies with local laws and guarantees that it will return to China on time after the end of the tour. Our company reserves its original position and asks the embassy to grant it a visa.公司名称(Company name):公司负责人(Company leader):联系电话(Contact):公司地址(Company address):。

CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT21 June,2018(在职证明出具日期)Attn: Visa SectionThe US Embassy and Consulates General in Shanghai(签证大使馆)Dear Visa officer:This is to certify that Mr/Ms.(拼音姓名大写同护照)is the职位of our company (公司名). He/She is going to travel the Unite d States(去的国家)in September(去的时间). We guarantee that he/she will obey the local laws during the tour and come back to China as soon as he/she finishes the trip. His/Her monthly salary is 4200 RMB(月薪). His/Her position in company will be kept until his/her return. He/She will cover all the traveling expenses himself/herself, please kindly issue the visa after your checking up!Name: (拼音姓名大写同护照)Sex:Male/Female(性别)Date of Birth: 出生日期(日/月/年)Passport No.: 护照号Sincerely yours,Signature:(公司负责人签名)Occupation of Signature: (公司负责人职位中英文)总经理General ManagerSeal:(盖公章)Company:(公司名)Add:(地址)Tel:(电话)Fax:(传真)。

Incumbency Certification在职证明Feb 15th, 2016 (XXXX年XX月XX日)To Denmark Visa Application Centre, (致丹麦签证申请中心)Dear Sir or Madam,(尊敬的先生/女士)Herewith we confirm that XXXX is working as XXXXXX in the XXXXXXX Department of XXXXXXXX. She has been working in our company since XXXXX. She has been allowed for a leave from XXXXX to XXXX. Her annual salary is about XXXXX RMB. All costs relating to her trip will be covered by herself.兹证明XXXXXX在我公司(XXXXXXXXXXXX)工作,并担任XXXXXXX职务。
Name List(名单)We will keep her position during her leave. Meanwhile, we guarantee that during this trip she will abide laws of your country and be back as scheduled. If any other information is needed, please feel free to contact us. It will be grateful if her visa is issued successfully.在她的假期期间,我公司将保留她的职务。

在职证明英文版签证用第一篇:在职证明英文版签证用CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT 21 June,2018(在职证明出具日期)Attn: Visa SectionThe US Embassy and Consulates General in Shanghai(签证大使馆)Dear Visa officer: This is to certify that Mr/Ms.(拼音姓名大写同护照)is the 职位of our company(公司名).He/She is going to travel the United States(去的国家)in September(去的时间).We guarantee that he/she will obey the local laws during the tour and come back to China as soon as he/she finishes the trip.His/Her monthly salary is 4200 RMB(月薪).His/Her position in company will be kept until his/her return.He/She will cover all the traveling expenses himself/herself, please kindly issue the visa after your checking up!Name:(拼音姓名大写同护照)Sex:Male/Female(性别)Date of Birth: 出生日期(日/月/年)Passport No.: 护照号Sincerely yours,Signature:(公司负责人签名)Occupation of Signature:(公司负责人职位中英文)总经理General Manager Seal:(盖公章)Company:(公司名)Add:(地址)Tel:(电话)Fax:(传真)第二篇:签证用英文在职证明模版April, 2013Dear Sir / Madam男的为Mr,女的是Ms,删掉不是的那个,下同(你全名的拼音,下同)This is to certify that Mr/Ms.XXXXX), holder of China Passport No.XXXXX(护照号)has been employed by our company sinceXXXXX(你和公司签订合同的日期).Her/His current position is the XXXX(你的职位).Mr/Ms XX(你的姓拼音)is entitled to an annual leave from 27th to 30th of April 2009(这里按你实际出行日期填写)inclusive and he/she would like to take his/her annual leave by joining a pleasure trip to the Philippines(前往国家的名称)during his/her vacation.Upon his/her return, he/she will resume his/her duty in this company.Thank you very much for your attention in this matter.Yours faithfullyXXXX(人事 / 行政经理的全名,如有英文名写英文名,没有写中文全名拼音)HR/Administration Manager,XXXXXXXXXXX(公司名,英文)第三篇:签证用英文在职证明Certification of work September, 2016Consulate General of Australia in Shanghai:This is to certify that Mr.__________(Male, Birthday: __________), holder of China Passport No.__________ has been employed by __________ Co., Ltd since October, 2005.His current position is General Manager.His salary is RMB10,000 / month.Mr.__________ is entitled to an annual leave from 10th of November to 19th of December, 2015 inclusive and he would like to take his annual leave by joining a pleasure trip to Australia during his vacation.We guarantee he will abbey the law of Australia.Upon his return, we will resume his duty in this company.We will take all responsible for his return in time.Thank you very much for your attention in this matter.Yours faithfully HR/Administration Manager:Address:__________ Tel:__________ Fax:__________ Organization:__________第四篇:澳大利亚签证英文在职证明【模版】DATE: 1/4/2016 Visa Section Australia Consulate General inShanghaiMr Guo Daoyong(护照号码)is the Settlement Specialist of the Asset Management Department in our Company since20141202, and his monthly income is RMB10000.We have approved his annual leave 2/1/2016 to 3/31/2016 for his honeymoon holiday to Australia and other Countries.All the expenses during the travel will be borne by himself.We hereby guarantee Mr Guo Daoyong will obey the laws in outbound and we shall retain his position till the end of the holiday.Signature:Occupation of Signature: Company: Adress: Telephone:第五篇:德国签证在职证明(英文)公司英文名称电话T:传真F:地址Add:TO: The Embassy Of Germany in Shanghai Dear Visa Section Officer, We, 公司英文名称,show our great respect for your embassy.We hereby confirm that Mr/Mrs 姓名拼音(date of birth :09/03/1968,passport no.:护照号)has been employed by our company as a 职位名称since 入职日期.His/Her month/annual salary is 5,000RMB.Now, he has been permitted to take a vacation from Sept 16 to Sept 25 and during this time he will visit the EMO exhibition and take a journey to Germany.All the expenses including travel, board and lodging, and any miscellaneous expenditure would be borne by 费用承担者himself.We would be very grateful if you would approve his/her visa as soon as possible.Thank you in advance.Sincerely yours,Signature:签字人姓名拼音(职务)说明:中文信息全部去除替换成英语,最后用公司抬头纸打印出来,找负责人签中文名字(除了公司名称和签字为中文外,其余都保留英文版本)并盖公司公章。

Incumbency Certification在职证明Feb 15th, 2016 (XXXX年XX月XX日)To Denmark Visa Application Centre, (致丹麦签证申请中心)Dear Sir or Madam,(尊敬的先生/女士)Herewith we confirm that XXXX is working as XXXXXX in the XXXXXXX Department of XXXXXXXX. She has been working in our company since XXXXX. She has been allowed for a leave from XXXXX to XXXX. Her annual salary is about XXXXX RMB. All costs relating to her trip will be covered by herself.兹证明XXXXXX在我公司(XXXXXXXXXXXX)工作,并担任XXXXXXX职务。
Name List(名单)We will keep her position during her leave. Meanwhile, we guarantee that during this trip she will abide laws of your country and be back as scheduled. If any other information is needed, please feel free to contact us. It will be grateful if her visa is issued successfully.在她的假期期间,我公司将保留她的职务。
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Thisistocertifythat Mr.XXXXXX worksinourcompanyas XXXXXXXX s incetheyearof XXXX.His/HermonthlysalaryisRMB XXXX.He/Shewi llhaveatourtotheUnitedStatesofAmericafrom22SPE2016to05OC T2016.
Allthetravellingexpenses,includingairtickets,transportat ion,accommodationandhealthinsurance,willbecoveredbyhimse lf/herself.
Weherebyguaranteethathe/shewillabidebyallthelawsandregul ationsduringhisstayingabroad.Wealsoguaranteethathe/shewi llbebacktoChinaonscheduleandwillcontinuetoworkforourcomp any.