
国际金融英语试题及答案1. 以下哪个选项不是国际货币基金组织(IMF)的主要职能?A. 提供技术援助B. 监督成员国的经济政策C. 促进国际贸易D. 提供紧急财政援助答案:C2. 世界银行的主要目标是什么?A. 促进全球贸易B. 减少全球贫困C. 维护国际货币稳定D. 促进全球金融市场发展答案:B3. 什么是外汇储备?A. 一个国家持有的外国货币和黄金B. 一个国家持有的国内货币和黄金C. 一个国家持有的外国货币和证券D. 一个国家持有的国内货币和证券答案:A4. 根据国际收支平衡表,以下哪项交易不属于经常账户?A. 商品出口B. 服务进口C. 外国直接投资D. 工人汇款回国答案:C5. 什么是货币贬值?A. 一个国家的货币价值相对于其他国家货币的减少B. 一个国家的货币价值相对于黄金的减少C. 一个国家的货币价值相对于商品和服务的减少D. 一个国家的货币价值相对于外国投资的减少答案:A6. 什么是浮动汇率制度?A. 货币价值由市场供求关系决定B. 货币价值由政府固定C. 货币价值由国际货币基金组织决定D. 货币价值由中央银行决定答案:A7. 什么是国际金融市场?A. 跨国公司进行商品和服务交易的市场B. 跨国公司进行货币和金融资产交易的市场C. 跨国公司进行商品和金融资产交易的市场D. 跨国公司进行服务和金融资产交易的市场答案:B8. 什么是国际货币体系?A. 国际货币的发行和流通体系B. 国际货币的监管和管理体系C. 国际货币的交换和结算体系D. 国际货币的发行、监管和管理体系答案:D9. 什么是外汇交易?A. 一种货币兑换成另一种货币的交易B. 一种商品兑换成另一种商品的交易C. 一种服务兑换成另一种服务的交易D. 一种资产兑换成另一种资产的交易答案:A10. 什么是国际金融危机?A. 一个国家内部的金融体系崩溃B. 一个国家内部的货币体系崩溃C. 多个国家金融体系的崩溃D. 多个国家货币体系的崩溃答案:C。

International Finance 国际金融Notes to the ans wers:1、All the terms can be found in the text.2、The discussions can be attained by reading the original text.Chapter 1Answers:II. T T F F F T TIII. 1. reserve currency 2. appreciate 3. was pegged to 4. deficit 5. fixed exchange rates 6. floating exchange rates 7. depreciate 8. market forcesIV. 1. Confidence in the ability of the U.S. to redeem dollars for gold began to fall as potential claims against the dollar increased and U.S. gold reserves fell.2.Under the fixed exchange rate system, the value of the dollar was tied to gold through itsconvertibility in to gold at the U.S. Treasury, and other nations’ currencies were tied to the dollar by the maintenance of a fixed rate of exchange.3.IMF has adjusted its role in the exchange rate system in view of the development of thesituation.4.After the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, the task of ―rigorous monitoring‖theexchange rate policy of member countries fell on the shoulder of IMF.5.Under normal conditions the stabilizing operations were sufficient to contain short-runfluctuations in a currency’s price within the required bounds of 1% of par value and thereby maintain a system of fixed exchange rates.Chapter 2Answers:I. liquid, turnover, due to, hedge, cross trading, electronic broking, outright forwards,Over-the-counter, futures and options, derivatives, remainder.II.. 1. The fundamental changes occurred in post-war world economy. The international flow of commodities, capital and labor is intensifying, thus leading to integration of international markets.1.Often referred to as ―financial institutions with a soul‖, credit unions are member-ownedcooperatives that offer checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, and consumer loans.2.If you think the price of gold will rise, you can buy a most simple kind of financial derivativewhich is called ―futures‖. If by that time the price really goes up, then you make a gain. But if you make a wrong guess and the price declines, then you suffer a loss.3.Financial derivatives are financial commodities deriving from such spot market products asinterest rate or bond, foreign exchange or foreign exchange rate and sto ck or stock indexes.There are mainly three types of derivatives: futures, options and swaps, each of which involves a mix of financial contracts.panies and investment funds are using basic currency futures and currency options, onesthat are regarded as traditional hedging products for investors who want to protect their international assets from sharp gains and declines in currency prices.Chapter 3Answers:II. 1. deposit accounts 2. securitization 3. Deregulation 4. consolidation 5. portfolio 6. thrift institutions 7. listing 8. liquidity 9. banking supervision 10. Credit riskIII. 1. Depository institutions 2. commercial banks 3. credit analysis 4. working capital 5. consolidation 6. financing 7. moral hazard 8. Bank supervision and regulation 9. Credit risk 10. Liquidity riskIV. 1. If a bank’s base rate was below money market rates, a customer could borrow from a bank and lend these funds to the money market, thus making a profit on the deal.2.Financing of international trade is one of the basic functions of a commercial bank. Not onlydoes it father deposits (demand, time and savings accounts), but it also grants loans.3.If you have a credit card, you buy a car, eat a dinner, take a trip,a nd even get a haircut bycharging the cost to your account.4.As the central bank and under the leadership of the State Council, the People’s Bank ofChina will formulate and implement monetary policies, execute supervision and control power over the banking industry.5.One of major function of the central bank is the supervision of the clearing mechanis m. Areliable clearing mechanis m which can settle inter-bank transaction with high efficiency is crucial to a well-operated financial system.Chapter 4 Ans wers:II. 1.integrity 2. pretext 3. released 4. produce 5. facilities 6. obliged 7. alleging 8. Claims 9. cleared 10. deliveryIII. 1. in favor of 2. consignment 3. undertaking, terms and conditions 4. cleared 5. regardless of 6. obliged to 7. undervalue arrangement 8. on the pretext of 9. refrain from 10. hinges onIV. 1. The objective of documentary credits is to facilitate international payment by making use of the financial expertise and credit worthiness of one or more banks.2.In compliance with your request, we have effected insurance on your behalf and debited youraccount with the premium in the amount of $1000.3.When an exporter is trading regularly with an importer, he will offer open account terms.4.Exporters usually insist on payment by cash in advance when they are trading with oldcustomers.5.Cash in advance means that the exporter is paid either when the importer places his order orwhen the goods are ready for shipment.Chapter 5.II.1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. cIII. 1. guaranteed 2. without recourse 3. defaults 4. on the buyer’s account 5. is equivalent to 6. in question 7. devaluation 8. validity 9. discrepancy 10. inconsistent withChapter 6Answers:II. 1. open account, creditworthiness 2. demand 3. draw on, creditor 4. protest 5. schedule, discrepancies 6. acceptance 7. drawee 8. guranteedIII. 1. collecting bank 2. tenor 3. the proceeds 4. protest 5. deferred payment 6. presentation 7. the maturity date 8. a document of title 9. the shipping documents 10. transshipmentIV. 1. Documentary collection is a method by which the exporter authorizes the bank to collect money from the importer.2.When a draft is duly presented for acceptance or payment but the acceptance or paymentis refused, the draft is said to be dishonored.3.In the international money market, draft is a circulative and transferable instrument.Endorsement serves to transfer the title of a draft to the transferee.4.A clean bill of lading is favored by the buyer and the banks for financial settlementpurposes.5.Parcel post receipt is issued by the post office for goods sent by parcel post. It is both areceipt and evidence of dispatch and also the basis for claim and adjustment if there is any damage to or loss of parcels.Chapter 7II. financing, discounting, factoring, forfaiting, without recourse, accounts receivable, factor, trade obligations, promissory notes, trade receivables, specialized.III. 1. a cash flow disadvantage 2. without recourse 3. negotiable instruments 4. promissory notes 5. profit margin 6. at a discount, maturity, credit risk 7. A bill of exchange, A promissory noteIV. 1. When a bill is dishonored by non-acceptance or by non-payment, the holder then has an immediate right of recourse against the drawer and the endorsers.2.If a bill of lading is made out to bearer, it can be legally transferred without endorsement.3.The presenting bank should endeavor to ascertain the reasons non-payment ornon-acceptance and advise accordingly to the collecting bank.4.Any charges and expenses incurred by banks in connection with any action for protection o fthe goods will be for the account of the principal.5.Anyone who has a current account at a bank can use a cheque.Chapter EightStructure of the Foreign Exchange Market外汇市场的构成1. Key Terms1)foreign exchange:―Foreign exchange‖ refers t o money denominated in the currency of another nation or group of nations.2)payment“payment”is the transmission of an instruction to transfer value that results from a transaction in the economy.3)settlement―settlement‖ is the final and uncondit ional transfer of the value specified in a payment instruction.2. True or False1) true 2) true 3) true 4) true1)Tell the reasons why the dollar is the market's most widely tradedcurrency?key points: U.S.A economic background; the leadership of USD in the world economy ; the role it plays in investment , trade, etc.2)What kind of market is the foreign exchange market?Make reference to the following parts:(8.7 The Market Is Made Up of An International Network of Dealers)Chapter 9Instruments交易工具1. Key Terms1) spot transactionA spot transaction is a straightforward (or ―outright‖) exchange of one currency for another. The spot rate is the current market price, the benchmark price.Spot transactions do not require immediate settlement, or payment ―on the spot.‖ By convention, the settlement date, or ―value date,‖is the second business day after the ―deal date‖ (or ―trade date‖) on which the transaction is agreed to by the two traders. The two-day period provides ample time for the two parties to confirm the agreement and arrange the clearing and necessary debiting and crediting of bank accounts in various international locations.2) American termsThe phrase ―American terms‖means a direct quote from the point of view of someone located in the United States. For the dollar, that means that the rate is quoted in variable amounts of U.S. dollars and cents per one unit of foreign currency (e.g., $1.2270 per Euro).3) outright forward transactionAn outright forward transaction, like a spot transaction, is a straightforward single purchase/ sale of one currency for another. The only difference is that spot is settled, or delivered, on a value date no later than two business days after the deal date, while outright forward is settled on any pre-agreed date three or more business days after the deal date. Dealers use the term ―outright forward‖ to make clear that it is a single purchase or sale on a future date, and not part of an ―FX swap‖.4) FX swapAn FX swap has two separate legs settling on two different value dates, even though it is arranged as a single transaction and is recorded in the turnover statistics as a single transaction. The two counterparties agree to exchange two currencies at a particular rate on one date (the ―near date‖) and to reverse payments, almost always at a different rate, on a specified sub sequent date (the ―far date‖). Effectively, it is a spot transaction and an outright forward transaction going in opposite directions, or else two outright forwards with different settlement dates, and going in opposite directions. If both dates are less than one month from the deal date, it is a ―short-dated swap‖; if one or both dates are one month or more from the deal date, it is a ―forward swap.‖5) put-call parity―Put-call parity‖says that the price of a European put (or call) option can be deduced from the price of a European call (or put) option on the same currency, with the same strike price and expiration. When the strike price is the same as the forward rate (an ―at-the-money‖forward), the put and the call will be equal in value. When the strike price is not the same as the forward price, the difference between the value of the put and the value of the call will equal the difference in the present values of the two currencies.2. True or False1) true 2) true 3) true3. Cloze1) Traders in the market thus know that for any currency pair, if the basecurrency earns a higher interest rate than the terms currency, the currency will trade at a forward discount, or below the spot rate; and if the base currency earns a lower interest rate than the terms currency, the base currency will trade at a forward premium, or above the spot rate. Whichever side of the transaction the trader is on, the trader won't gain (or lose) from both the interest rate differential and the forward premium/discount. A trader who loses on the interest rate will earn the forward premium, and vice versa.2) A call option is the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlyingcurrency, and a put option is the right, but not the obligation, to sellthe underlying currency. All currency option trades involve two sides—the purchase of one currency and the sale of another—so that a put to sell pounds sterling for dollars at a certain price is also a call to buy dollars for pounds sterling at that price. The purchased currency is the call side of the trade, and the sold currency is the put side of the trade. The party who purchases the option is the holder or buyer, and the party who creates the option is the seller or writer. The price at which the underlying currency may be bought or sold is the exercise , or strike, price. The option premium is the price of the option that the buyer pays to the writer. In exchange for paying the option premium up front, the buyer gains insurance against adverse movements in the underlying spot exchange rate while retaining the opportunity to benefit from favorable movements. The option writer, on the other hand, is exposed to unbounded risk—although the writer can (and typically does) seek to protect himself through hedging or offsetting transactions.4. Discussions1)What is a derivate financial instrument? Why is traded?2)Discuss the differences between forward and futures markets in foreigncurrency.3)What advantages do foreign currency futures have over foreigncurrency options?4)What is meant if an option is ―in the money‖, ―out of the money‖,or ―atthe money‖?5)What major international contracts are traded on the ChicagoMercantile Exchange ? Philadelphia Stock Exchange?Chapter 10Managing Risk in Foreign Exchange Trading外汇市场交易的风险管理1. Key Terms1) Market riskMarket risk, in simplest terms, is price risk, or ―exposure to (adverse)price change.‖ For a dealer in foreign exchange, two major elements of market risk are exchange rate risk and interest rate risk—that is, risks of adverse change in a currency rate or in an interest rate.2) VARVAR estimates the potential loss from market risk across an entire portfolio, using probability concepts. It seeks to identify the fundamental risks that the portfolio contains, so that the portfolio can be decomposed into underlying risk factors that can be quantified and managed. Employing standard statistical techniques widely used in other fields, and based in part on past experience, VAR can be used to estimate the daily statistical variance, or standard deviation, or volatility, of the entire portfolio. On the basis of that estimate of variance, it is possible to estimate the expected loss from adverse price movements with a specified probability over a particular period of time (usually a day).3) credit riskCredit risk, inherent in all banking activities, arises from the possibility that the counterparty to a contract cannot or will not make the agreed payment at maturity. When an institution provides credit, whatever the form, it expects to be repaid. When a bank or other dealing institution enters a foreign exchange contract, it faces a risk that the counterparty will not perform according to the provisions of the contract. Between the time of the deal and the time of thesettlement, be it a matter of hours, days, or months, there is an extension of credit by both parties and an acceptance of credit risk by the banks or other financial institutions involved. As in the case of market risk, credit risk is one of the fundamental risks to be monitored and controlled in foreign exchange trading.4) legal risksThere are legal risks, or the risk of loss that a contract cannot be enforced, which may occur, for example, because the counterparty is not legally capable of making the binding agreement, or because of insufficient documentation or a contract in conflict with statutes or regulatory policy.2. True or False1)True 2) true3. Translation1) Broadly speaking, the risks in trading foreign exchange are the same asthose in marketing other financial products. These risks can be categorized and subdivided in any number of ways, depending on the particular focus desired and the degree of detail sought. Here, the focus is on two of the basic categories of risk—market risk and credit risk (including settlement risk and sovereign risk)—as they apply to foreign exchange trading. Note is also taken of some other important risks in foreign exchange trading—liquidity risk, legal risk, and operational risk2) It was noted that foreign exchange trading is subject to a particular form ofcredit risk known as settlement risk or Herstatt risk, which stems in part from the fact that the two legs of a foreign exchange transaction are often settled in two different time zones, with different business hours. Also noted was the fact that market participants and central banks have undertaken considerable initiatives in recent years to reduce Herstatt risk.4. Discussions2)Discuss the way how V AR works in measuring and managing marketrisk?3)Why are banks so interested in political or country risk?4)Discuss other forms of risks which you know in foreign exchange. Chapter 11The Determination of Exchange Rates汇率的决定1. Key Terms1) PPPPurchasing Power Parity (PPP) theory holds that in the long run, exchange rates will adjust to equalize the relative purchasing power of currencies. This concept follows from the law of one price, which holds that in competitive markets, identical goods will sell for identical prices when valued in the same currency.2) the law of one priceThe law of one price relates to an individual product. A generalization of that law is the absolute version of PPP, the proposition that exchange rates will equate nations' overall price levels.3) FEER―fundamental equilibrium exchange rate,‖ or FEER,envisaged as the equilibrium exchange rate that would reconcile a nation's internal and external balance. In that system, each country would commit itself to a macroeconomicstrategy designed to lead, in the medium term, to ―internal balance‖—defined as unemployment at the natural rate and minimal inflation—and to ―external balance‖—defined as achieving the targeted current account balance. Each country would be committed to holding its exchange rate within a band or target zone around the FEER, or the level needed to reconcile internal and external balance during the intervening adjustment period.4) monetary approachThe monetary approach to exchange rate determination is based on the proposition that exchange rates are established through the process of balancing the total supply of, and the total demand for, the national money in each nation. The premise is that the supply of money can be controlled by the nation's monetary authorities, and that the demand for money has a stable and predictable linkage to a few key variables, including an inverse relationship to the interest rate—that is, the higher the interest rate, the smaller the demand for money.5) portfolio balance approachThe portfolio balance approach takes a shorter-term view of exchange rates and broadens the focus from the demand and supply conditions for money to take account of the demand and supply conditions for other financial assets as well. Unlike the monetary approach, the portfolio balance approach assumes that domestic and foreign bonds are not perfect substitutes. According to the portfolio balance theory in its simplest form, firms and individuals balance their portfolios among domestic money, domestic bonds, and foreign currency bonds, and they modify their portfolios as conditions change. It is the process of equilibrating the total demand for, and supply of, financial assets in each country that determines the exchange rate.2. True or False1) true 2) true3. Cloze1)PPP is based in part on some unrealistic assumptions: that goods are identical; that all goods are tradable; that there are no transportationcosts, information gaps, taxes, tariffs, or restrictions of trade; and—implicitly and importantly—that exchange rates are influenced only byrelative inflation rates. But contrary to the implicit PPP assumption,exchange rates also can change for reasons other than differences ininflation rates. Real exchange rates can and do change significantly overtime, because of such things as major shifts in productivitygrowth, advances in technology, shifts in factor supplies, changes inmarket structure, commodity shocks, shortage, and booms.2)Each individual and firm chooses a portfolio to suit its needs, based on a variety of considerations—the holder's wealth and tastes, the level ofdomestic and foreign interest rates, expectations of future inflation,interest rates, and so on. Any significant change in the underlying factorswill cause the holder to adjust his portfolio and seek a new equilibrium.These actions to balance portfolios will influence exchange rates.4. Discussions1)How does the purchasing power parity work?2)Describe and discuss one model for forecasting foreign exchange rates.3)Make commends on how good are the various approaches mentioned in the chapter.4)Central banks occasionally intervene in foreign exchange markets. Discuss the purpose of such intervention. How effective is intervention?Chapter 12The Financial Markets金融市场1. Key Terms1)money marketThe money market is really a market for short-term credit, or the option to use someone else's money for a period of time in return for the payment of interest. The money market helps the participants in the economic process cope with routine financial uncertainties. It assists in bridging the differences in the timing of payments and receipts that arise in a market economy.2)capital marketMarkets dealing in instruments with maturities that exceed one year are often referred to as capital markets.3)primary marketThe term ―primary market‖ applies to the original issuance of a credit market instrument. There are a variety of techniques for such sales, including auctions, posting of rates, direct placement, and active customer contacts by a salesperson specializing in the instrument4) secondary marketOnce a debt instrument has been issued, the purchaser may be able to resell it before maturity in a ―secondary market.‖ Again, a number of techniques are available for bringing together potential buyers and sellers of existing debt instruments. They include various types of formal exchanges, informal telephone dealer markets, and electronic trading through bids and offers on computer screens. Often, the same firms that provide primary marketing services help to create or ―make‖ secondary markets.5)RPsIn addition to making outright purchases and sales in the secondary market, entities with money to invest for a brief period can acquire a security temporarily, and holders of debt instruments can borrow short term by selling securities temporarily. These two types of transactions are repurchase agree-ments (RPs) and reverse RPs,respectively. In the wholesale market, banks and government securities dealers offer RPs at competitive rates of return by selling securities under contracts providing for their repurchase from one day to several months later6)BAs 7)CDs (reference to 13.1)8) EurodollarEurodollars are U.S. dollar deposits at banking offices in a country other than the United States.9) EurobankEurobanks—banks dealing in Eurodollar or some other nonlocal currency deposits, including foreign branches of U.S. banks— originally held deposits almost exclusively in Europe, primarily London. While most such deposits are still held in Europe, they are also held in such places as the Bahamas, Bahrain, Canada, the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Tokyo, as well as other parts of the world.10)LIBOR (reference to 13.2.2 Certificates of Deposit)London inter-bank offer rate11)mortgage-backed securities12)Eurobond market (details make reference to13.3.3 )The Eurobond market, centered in London, is an offshore market in intermediate- and long-term debt issues. It serves as a source of capital for multinational corporations and for foreign governments. It developed after the United States instituted the interest equalization tax in 1963 to stem capital outflows inspired by relatively low U.S. interest rates.2. True or False1) true 2) true 3) true3. Discussions1) Describe the characteristics of Interest Rate Swap and the role of it in thebank-related financial market.2) What risks are encountered in the swaps markets?3) Discuss one or two specific examples of derivative products and their use.4. Translations1) Markets dealing in instruments with maturities that exceed one year are often referred to as capital markets, since credit to finance investments in new capital would generally be needed for more than one year. The time division is arbitrary. A long-term project can be started with short-term credit, with additional instruments may need to be renewed before a project is completed. Debt instruments that differ in maturity share other characteristics. Hence, the term ―capital market‖ could be –and occasionally is applied to some shorter maturity transactions.2) The secondary market for Treasure securities consists of a network of dealers, brokers, and investors who effect transactions either by telephone or electronically. Telephone trades are generally between dealers and their customers. Electronics trading is arranged through screen-based systems provided by some of the dealers to their customers. It allows selected trades to take place without a conversation. When dealers trade with each other, they generally use brokers. Brokers provide information on screen, but the final trades are made bytelephone.Chapter 13Concepts of Financial Assets Value金融资产价值的概念1. Key Terms1) absolute measure of valueAn absolute measure of value is used when one must compare it to a nominal amount: purchase price, amount to invest, target sum of money to raise2) relative measure of valueA relative measure of rate of return is more convenient to use when one wishes to compare one financial asset to a set of numerous alternative assets. A rate of return is the most commonly used relative measure of value.3) discountingFuture benefits must be discounted (or converted) to their present (or today's) value, before they are summed. Discounting is part of the study of time value of money, or actuarial mathematics, and a complete treatment of it can be found in specialized textbook.4) time value of moneyTime value of money studies how amounts of money are made equivalent over time. Converting amounts today into their future equivalent consists in adding interest to principal, i.e. compounding. Converting amounts in the future into today's equivalent consists of charging an interest, i.e. discounting. Thus, discounting is the exact inverse of compounding.5) FV 6) PV 7) annuity8) short term securitiesShort term securities (i.e. securities with maturity less than one year) are sold at a discount (i.e. nominal value less the interest to be earned over the remaining number of days to maturity). There is no coupon, and no additional benefits such as conversion right, but there may be a penalty for early redemption in the case of some bank certificates of deposit.9) P/E ratio (make reference to 15.5.3 --Earnings Multiple or P/E Ratio)Another approach which is used as a short-cut by a large number of investors, is the earnings multiple. It is sometimes referred to as earningsmultiplier, and it is most commonly known as price-to-earnings or P/E ratio. In many instances, the approach, rather than being an oversimplification, can be an improvement over the previous format. In its most common presentation, the idea is that the price P of a share should be a multiple m of its earnings per share E. The multiple m is an industry average because it is assumed that all companies in an industry face similar marketing, technological and resource challenges, and thus, should have similar organizational and production patterns.10) intrinsic valueintrinsic value, or difference between market price of the underlying stock and strike price (which is also known as exercise price because it is the price at which an option holder can buy from or sell to the option writer the underlying stock through the options exchange)。

国际金融学期末分录题及答案英文1、Almost every one of us could see her anxiety from the()on her face. [单选题] *A. appearanceB. feelingC. movementD. expression(正确答案)2、We have ______ homework today. ()[单选题] *A. too manyB. too much(正确答案)C. much tooD. very much3、Tom sits _______ Mary and Jane. [单选题] *A. amongB. between(正确答案)C. onD. next4、22.Will there ________ any schools in the future? [单选题] *A.isB.areC.amD.be(正确答案)5、My home is about _______ away from the school. [单选题] *A. three hundred metreB. three hundreds metresC. three hundred metres(正确答案)D. three hundreds metre6、Boys and girls, please _______ your favorite book here and show it to us next class. [单选题] *A. bring(正确答案)B. sellC. buyD. take7、The house is well decorated _____ the disarrangement of a few photos. [单选题] *A. exceptB. besidesC. except for(正确答案)D. in addition to8、( ) --------Please take my seat here.-------- __________________________. [单选题]*A. That is nice of you(正确答案)B. I think it is my seatC. No, you sit hereD. I don’t think it’s a good seat.9、By the end of this month, all this _____. [单选题] *A. is changedB.will changeC. will have changed(正确答案)D. has changed10、Tony can _______ the guitar.Now he _______ the guitar. [单选题] *A. play; plays(正确答案)B. playing; playingC. plays; is playingD. play; is playing11、The sun disappeared behind the clouds. [单选题] *A. 出现B. 悬挂C. 盛开D. 消失(正确答案)12、I _______ Zhang Hua in the bookstore last Sunday. [单选题] *A. meetB. meetingC. meetedD. met(正确答案)13、Tom is very _______. He never cleans his room. [单选题] *A. lazy(正确答案)B. activeC. shyD. healthy14、We _____ three major snowstorms so far this winter. [单选题] *A.hadB. haveC. have had(正确答案)D.had had15、The teacher has his students_____a composition every other week. [单选题] *A.to writeB.writtenC.writingD.write(正确答案)16、59.—Can I talk to the manager?—Please wait ________ minute. [单选题] * A.anB.a(正确答案)C.theD./17、She talks too much; you’ll be glad when you’re free of her. [单选题] *A. 与她自由交谈B. 离开她(正确答案)C. 受她的控制D. 与她在一起18、I have worked all day. I'm so tired that I need _____ . [单选题] *A. a night restB. rest of nightC. a night's rest(正确答案)D. a rest of night19、I paid him 50 dollars for the painting, but its real()must be about 500 dollars. [单选题] *A. feeB. value(正确答案)C. priceD. fare20、You could hardly imagine _______ amazing the Great Wall was. [单选题] *A. how(正确答案)B. whatC. whyD. where21、These plastics flowers look so_____that many people think they are real. [单选题] *A.beautifulB.artificialC.natural(正确答案)D.similar22、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] *A. as soon as(正确答案)B unless .C as far asD until23、The boy’s mother always _______ him a story before he goes to bed. [单选题] *A. saysB. speaksC. tells(正确答案)D. talks24、—______ do you play basketball?—Twice a week.()[单选题] *A. How often(正确答案)B. How muchC. How manyD. How long25、—______ pencils are these?—They are Tony’s.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhereC WhoD. Whose(正确答案)26、Her ()for writing was that she wished women to get the right to higher education. [单选题] *A. motivation(正确答案)B. motivateC. effectD. concentration27、I got caught in the rain and my suit____. [单选题] *A. has ruinedB. had ruinedC. has been ruined(正确答案)D. had been ruined28、Nick has always been good _______ finding cheap flights. [单选题] *A. at(正确答案)B. forC. withD. to29、During the Spring Festival, people in Northern China usually eat _______ as a traditional Chinese food. [单选题] *A. pizzaB. dumplings(正确答案)C. hamburgersD. noodles30、Mike and his friend are going to the _______ to see the new action movie tonight. [单选题] *A. book shopB. restaurantC. concertD. cinema(正确答案)。

金融英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "equity" in finance refers to:A. DebtB. Ownership interest in a companyC. A type of loanD. A financial statement2. Which of the following is not a type of financial derivative?A. FuturesB. OptionsC. StocksD. Swaps3. The process of evaluating the creditworthiness of a borrower is known as:A. Credit analysisB. Market analysisC. Risk managementD. Portfolio management4. In the context of finance, what does "leverage" mean?A. The use of borrowed funds to increase the potential return of an investmentB. The ratio of a company's assets to its liabilitiesC. The process of selling securities to the publicD. The ability to buy or sell securities without owningthem5. A bond that pays no periodic interest but is issued at a discount to its face value is called:A. A zero-coupon bondB. A coupon bondC. A convertible bondD. A junk bond6. Which of the following is a measure of a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations?A. Current ratioB. Debt-to-equity ratioC. Return on equity (ROE)D. Earnings per share (EPS)7. The term structure of interest rates refers to the relationship between:A. The risk of an investment and its expected returnB. The maturity of a debt instrument and its yieldC. The size of a company and its market shareD. The economic cycle and the stock market performance8. A financial instrument that allows the holder to buy or sell an asset at a specified price within a specific time period is known as:A. A futureB. A forwardC. An optionD. A swap9. In finance, the term "carry trade" refers to:A. Borrowing money at a low interest rate to invest in a higher-yielding assetB. The practice of selling securities shortC. The strategy of buying and holding stocks for long periodsD. The process of hedging against currency fluctuations10. The primary market is where:A. Securities are first offered to the publicB. Securities are traded after they have been issuedC. Companies buy back their own sharesD. Investors can purchase commodities二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The ________ is the difference between the bid price and the ask price of a security.12. A ________ is a financial institution that accepts deposits and provides loans.13. The ________ is the process of buying and selling securities on the same day.14. The ________ is the risk that the value of an asset will decrease due to market conditions.15. A ________ is a financial statement that shows a company's financial performance over a specific period.16. The ________ is the risk that a borrower will not repay a loan.17. A ________ is a type of investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase a diversified portfolio of assets.18. The ________ is the potential for an asset's value toincrease or decrease.19. The ________ is the process of determining the value of a business or business assets.20. A ________ is a financial instrument that represents ownership in a company.三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the concept of "leverage" in finance.22. What is the difference between a "mutual fund" and a "hedge fund"?23. Describe the role of a "stock exchange" in the financial markets.24. What is "risk management" and why is it important in finance?四、论述题(每题20分,共40分)25. Discuss the impact of "inflation" on different types of investments.26. Analyze the importance of "corporate governance" in ensuring the long-term success of a company.答案:一、1. B2. C3. A4. A5. A6. A7. B8. C9. A10. A二、11. Spread12. Bank13. Day trading14. Market risk15. Income statement16. Credit risk17. Mutual fund18. Volatility19. Valuation20. Stock三、21. Leverage in finance refers to the use of borrowed money to finance investments, with the goal of increasing potential returns. However, it。

Part Ⅰ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分,答错不扣分分,答错不扣分1. 1. If If If perfect perfect perfect markets markets markets existed, existed, existed, resources resources resources would would would be be be more more more mobile mobile mobile and and and could could could therefore therefore therefore be transferred be transferred to to those those countries more willing to pay a high price for them. ( T ) 2. The forward contract can h edge hedge hedge future receivables future receivables or or payables payables payables in in in foreign currencies to foreign currencies to i nsulate insulate insulate the the the firm firm against exchange rate risk. ( T ) 3. The primary objective of the multinational corporation is still the same primary objective of any firm, i.e., to maximize shareholder wealth. ( T ) 4. A low inflation rate tends to increase imports and decrease exports, thereby decreasing the current account deficit, other things equal. ( F ) 5. A capital account deficit reflects a net sale of the home currency in exchange for other currencies. This places up ward pressure on that home currency’s value. ( F ) 6. The theory of comparative advantage implies that countries should specialize in production, thereby relying on other countries for some products. ( T ) 7. 7. Covered Covered Covered interest interest interest arbitrage arbitrage arbitrage is is is plausible plausible plausible when when when the the the forward forward forward premium premium premium reflect reflect reflect the the the interest interest interest rate rate rate differential differential between two countries specified by the interest rate parity formula. ( F ) 8. The total impact of transaction exposure is on the overall value of the firm. ( F ) 9. A put option is an option to sell-by the buyer of the option-a stated number of units of the underlying instrument at a specified price per unit during a specified period. ( T ) 10. Futures must be marked-to-market. Options are not. ( T ) Part Ⅱ:Cloze (20%)每题2分,答错不扣分分,答错不扣分1. If inflation in a foreign country differs from inflation in the home country, the exchange rate will adjust to maintain equal( purchasing power )2. Speculators who expect a currency to ( appreciate ) could purchase currency futures contracts for that currency. 3. 3. Covered Covered Covered interest interest interest arbitrage arbitrage arbitrage involves involves involves the short-term the short-term investment investment in in in a a a foreign foreign foreign currency currency currency that that that is covered is covered by by a a ( forward contract ) to sell that currency when the investment matures. 4. ( Appreciation/ Revalue )of RMB reduces inflows since the foreign demand for our goods is reduced and foreign competition is increased. 5. ( PPP ) suggests a relationship between the inflation differential of two countries and the percentage change in the spot exchange rate over time. 6. 6. IFE IFE IFE is is is based based based on on on nominal nominal nominal interest interest interest rate rate rate ( ( differentials ), ), which which which are are are influenced influenced influenced by by by expected expected inflation. 7. Transaction exposure is a subset of economic exposure. Economic exposure includes any form by which the firm’s ( ( value ) will be affected. 8. 8. The The The option option option writer writer writer is is is obligated obligated obligated to to to buy buy buy the the the underlying underlying underlying commodity commodity commodity at at at a a a stated stated stated price price price if if if a a a ( ( put option ) is exercised 9. There are three types of long-term international bonds. They are Global bonds , ( eurobonds ) and ( foreign bonds ). 10. 10. Any Any Any good good good secondary secondary secondary market market market for for for finance finance finance instruments instruments instruments must must must have have have an an an efficient efficient efficient clearing clearing clearing system. system. system. Most Most Eurobonds are cleared through either ( Euroclear ) or Cedel. Part Ⅲ :Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分1. Assume the following information: A Bank B Bank Bid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796 Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800 Given Given this this this information, information, information, is is is locational locational locational arbitrage arbitrage arbitrage possible? possible? If If so, so, so, explain explain explain the the the steps steps steps involved involved involved in in in locational locational arbitrage, and compute the profit from this arbitrage if you had $1,000,000 to use. (5%) ANSWER: Y es! One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802. With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank. These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500. 2. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the British pound is $1.90. How will this spot rate adjust in two years if if the the the United United United Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom experiences experiences experiences an an an inflation inflation inflation rate rate rate of of of 7 7 7 percent percent percent per per per year year year while while while the the the United United United States States experiences an inflation rate of 2 percent per year?(10%) ANSWER: According to PPP , forward rate/spot=indexdom/indexfor the exchange rate of the pound will depreciate by 4.7 percent. Therefore, the spot rate would adjust to $1.90 × [1 + (–.047)] = $1.8107 3. 3. Assume Assume Assume that that that the spot the spot exchange exchange rate rate rate of the of the Singapore Singapore dollar dollar dollar is is is $0.70. $0.70. The The one-year one-year one-year interest interest interest rate rate rate is is is 11 11 percent in the United States and 7 percent in Singapore. What will the spot rate be in one year according to the IFE? (5%) (5%) ANSWER: according to the IFE,St+1/St=(1+Rh)/(1+Rf) $.70 × (1 + .04) = $0.728 4. Assume that XYZ Co. has net receivables of 100,000 Singapore dollars in 90 days. The spot rate of the S$ is $0.50, and the Singapore interest rate is 2% over 90 days. Suggest how the U.S. firm could implement a money market hedge. Be precise . (10%) ANSWER: The firm could borrow the amount of Singapore dollars so that the 100,000 Singapore dollars to be be received received received could could could be be be used used used to to to pay pay pay off off off the the the loan. loan. This This amounts amounts amounts to to to (100,000/1.02) (100,000/1.02) (100,000/1.02) = = = about about about S$98,039, which S$98,039, which could could be be be converted converted converted to to to about about about $49,020 $49,020 $49,020 and and and invested. invested. The The borrowing borrowing borrowing of of of Singapore Singapore Singapore dollars dollars dollars has has has offset offset offset the the transaction exposure due to the future receivables in Singapore dollars. 5. 5. A A U.S. company ordered ordered a a a Jaguar Jaguar Jaguar sedan. In sedan. In 6 6 months , months , it will pay pay ££30,000 30,000 for for for the the the car. car. car. It It worried worried that that pound ster1ing might rise sharply from the current rate($1.90). So, the company bought a 6 month pound call (supposed contract size = £35,000) with a strike price of $1.90 for a premium of 2.3 cents/£. (1)Is hedging in the options market better if the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months? (2)what did the exchange rate have to be for the company to break even?(15%)Solution: (1)If the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months, the U.S. company would rose to $1.92 in 6 months, the U.S. company would exercise the pound call option. The sum of the strike price and premium is $1.90 + $0.023 = $1.9230/£This is bigger than $1.92. So hedging in the options market is not better. (2) when we say the company can break even, we mean that hedging or not hedging doesn’t matter. And only when (strike price + premium )= the exchange rate , hedging or not doesn’t matter. So, the exchange rate =$1.923/£. 6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rate system.(15%) textbook page50 答案以教材第50 页为准页为准P AR T Ⅳ: Diagram(10%) The strike price for a call is $1.67/£. The premium quoted at the Exchange is $0.0222 per British pound. Diagram the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price for this call option Solution: Following diagram shows the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price of this put option: P AR T Ⅴ:Additional Question Suppose Suppose that that that you you you are are are expecting expecting expecting revenues revenues revenues of of of Y Y 100,000 100,000 from from from Japan Japan Japan in in in one one one month. month. Currently, Currently, 1 1 1 month month forward contracts are trading at $1 = $105 Y en. Y ou have the following estimate of the Y en/$ exchange rate in one month. Price Probability 90 Y en/$ 4% 95 Y en/$ 25% 100 Y/$ 45% 105 Y en/$ 20% 110 Y en/$ 6% a) What position in forward contracts would you take to hedge your exchange risk? b) Calculate the expected value of the hedge. c) How could you replicate this hedge in the money market? Y ou are expecting revenues of Y100,000 in one month that you will need to covert to dollars. Y ou could hedge this in forward markets by taking long positions in US dollars (short positions in Japanese Y en). By locking in your price at $1 = Y105, your dollar revenues are guaranteed to be Y100,000/ 105 = $952 On the other hand, you can wait and use the spot markets. Exchange Rate Probability Revenue w/Hedge Revenue w/out Hedge V alue of Hedge 90 Y/$ 4% $1,111 $952 -$159 95 Y/$ 25% $1,052 $952 -$100 100 Y/$ 45% $1,000 $952 -$48 105 Y/$ 20% $952 $952 $0 110 Y/$ 6% $909 $952 $43 Expected V alue = (.02)(-159) + (.25)(-100) + (.45)(-48) + (.20)(0) + (.08)(43) = -$24 Y ou could replicate this hedge by using the following: a) Borrow in Japan b) Convert the Y en to dollars c) Invest the dollars in the US d) Pay back the loan when you receive the Y100,000 。

Multiple-choice test(only one is correct):1.Gresham’ s Law states thata)Bad money drives good money out of circulation.b)Good money drives bad money out of circulationc)If a country bases its currency on both gold and silver, at an official exchange rate, it will be themore valuable of the two metals that circulate.d)None of the above.2.Balance of paymentsa) is defined as the statistical record of a country’ s international transactions over a certain period oftime presented in the form of a double-entry bookkeepingb) provides detailed information concerning the demand and supply of a country’ s currencyc)can be used to evaluate the performance of a country in international economic competitiond)all of the above3.If the United States imports more than it exports, thena)The supply of dollars is likely to exceed the demand in the foreign exchange market, ceteris paribus.b)One can infer that the U.S. dollar would be under pressure to depreciate against other currenciesc)a) and b)d)None of the above4. The current spot exchange rate is $1.55/ and the three-£month forward rate is $1.50/. You enter into£ ashort position on 1,000£.At maturity, the spot exchange rate is $1.60/. How much have£ you made orlost?a) Lost $100b) Made £100c) Lost $50d) Made $1505. The sensitivity of“ realized” domestic currency values of the firm denomi’scontractualated cash flowsin foreign currency to unexpected changes in the exchange rate is:a)Transaction exposureb)Translation exposurec)Economic exposured)None of the above6.Three days ago, you ente red into a futures contract to sell ?62,500 at $1.20 per ?. Over the past threedays the contract has settled at $1.20, $1.22, and $1.24. How much have you made or lost?a)Lost $0.04 per ? or $2,500b)Made $0.04 per ? or $2,500c)Lost $0.06 per ? or $3,750d)None of the above7.A swap banka)Can act as a broker, bringing together counterparties to a swapb)Can act as a dealer, standing ready to buy and sell swapsc)Both a) and b)d)Only sometimes a) but never ever b)8.Suppose that the one-year interest rate is 5.0 percent in the United States, the spot exchange rate is$1.20/?, and the one -year forward exchange rate is $1.16/?. What must one -year interest rate be in the euro zone?a) 5.0%b) 1.09%c) 8.62%d) None of the above.a b$1.89 =1£.00. If you were to buy $10,000,000 worth of British pounds and then sell them five minutes later, how much of your $10,000,000 would be“ eaten-ask”spread?bythe bida)$1,000,000b)$52,910.05c)$100,000d)$52,631.5810.Under the gold standard, international imbalances of payment will be corrected automatically underthea)Gresham Exchange Rate regimeb)European Monetary Systemc)Price-specie-flow mechanismd)Bretton Woods Accord11.With any hedgea)Your losses on one side should about equal your gains on the other sideb)You should try to make money on both sides of the transaction: that way you make money comingand goingc)You should spend at least as much time working the hedge as working the underlying deal itselfd)You should agree to anything your banker puts in front of your face12. Comparing“ forward” and“ futures” exchange contracts, we can say that:a)They are both“ marked-to-market” daily.b)Their major difference is in the way the underlying asset is priced for future purchase or sale:futures settle daily and forwards settle at maturity.c) A futures contract is negotiated by open outcry between floor brokers or traders and is traded onorganized exchanges, while forward contract is tailor-made by an international bank for its clientsand is traded OTC.d)b) and c)13.An “ option ” isa) a contract giving the seller (writer) the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a given quantityof an asset at a specified price at some time in the futureb) a contract giving the owner (buyer) the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a given quantity ofan asset at a specified price at some time in the futurec)not a derivative, nor a contingent claim, securityd)unlike a futures or forward contract14.Economic exposure refers toa)the sensitivity of realized domestic currency values of the firm ’contractuals cash flowsdenominated in foreign currencies to unexpected exchange rate changesb)the extent to which the value of the firm would be affected by unanticipated changes in exchangeratec) the potential that the firm ’consolidated financial statement can be affected by changes in exchangeratesd)ex post and ex ante currency exposures15.Under a purely flexible exchange rate systema)Supply and demand set the exchange ratesb)Governments can set the exchange rate by buying or selling reservesc)Governments can set exchange rates with fiscal policyb) and c) are correct.。

金融英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of financial instrument?A. StockB. BondC. DerivativeD. Commodity2. The term "leverage" in finance refers to:A. The use of borrowed funds to increase the potential return of an investment.B. The amount of money invested in a project.C. The process of buying and selling securities.D. The risk associated with a particular investment.3. What does the acronym "IPO" stand for?A. International Public OfferingB. Initial Public OfferingC. Internal Private OfferingD. International Private Offering4. The primary market is where:A. Securities are issued for the first time to the public.B. Securities are traded after they have been issued.C. Companies buy back their own securities.D. Investors sell their securities to other investors.5. A bear market is characterized by:A. A prolonged period of falling prices.B. A period of economic growth.C. A period of high inflation.D. A period of low unemployment.6. The term "risk management" in finance involves:A. Predicting future market trends.B. Identifying potential risks and taking steps tomitigate them.C. Maximizing returns on investments.D. Managing the day-to-day operations of a financial institution.7. A "blue chip" stock refers to:A. A stock that is considered to be of high quality and carries a lower risk.B. A stock that is traded on a blue-colored chip.C. A stock that is considered to be very risky.D. A stock that is traded on a major stock exchange.8. The process of "short selling" involves:A. Borrowing securities and selling them in the hope of buying them back at a lower price.B. Selling securities that the investor does not own.C. Buying securities with the expectation that their price will increase.D. Holding securities for a long period of time.9. What is the role of a "broker" in finance?A. To provide financial advice to clients.B. To facilitate the buying and selling of securities between investors.C. To manage a company's financial transactions.D. To underwrite securities for companies.10. The "efficient market hypothesis" suggests that:A. Stock prices fully reflect all available information.B. It is possible to consistently beat the market by picking individual stocks.C. Investors are irrational and make poor decisions.D. The market is always undervalued.二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The _______ is the process by which a company raisescapital by issuing shares to the public for the first time. 12. A _______ is a financial contract that obligates thebuyer to purchase an asset or the seller to sell an asset ata predetermined future date and price.13. The _______ is the market where existing securities are bought and sold.14. The _______ is a measure of the risk of an investment compared to the return it is expected to generate.15. When the stock market is experiencing a significant and sustained increase in prices, it is known as a _______ market.16. A _______ is a financial institution that acceptsdeposits and provides various types of loans to customers. 17. The _______ is a measure of the ability of a company to pay its current debts with its current assets.18. A _______ is a financial statement that shows a company's financial performance over a period of time.19. The _______ is a type of investment strategy that focuseson long-term growth potential.20. An _______ is a financial instrument that derives its value from an underlying asset.三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between a "mutual fund" and a "hedge fund".22. Describe the concept of "diversification" in investment.23. What is "inflation" and how does it affect the value of money?24. Discuss the role of "central banks" in the economy.四、论述题(每题20分,共20分)25. Discuss the impact of globalization on the financial markets and provide examples to support your argument.五、案例分析题(每题20分,共20分)26. Analyze a recent financial crisis and discuss the factors that contributed to it, the impact it had on the global economy, and the lessons that can be learned from it.答案:一、选择题1-5 D A B A A6-10 B A A B A二、填空题11. Initial Public Offering (IPO)。

国际金融中英文版答案)国际金融中英文版Chapter 2:Payments among NationsSingle-Choice Questions1.A country?s balance of payments records:一个国家的国际收支平衡记录了 Ba.The value of all exports of goods and services from that countryfor a period of time.b.All flows of value between that c ountry?s residents andresidents of the rest of the world during a period of time.在一定时间段里,一个国家居民的资产和其它世界居民资产的流动c.All flows of financial assets that cross that country?s bordersduring a period of time.d.All flows of goods into that country during a period of time.2.A credit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡里的贷项是 Aa.An item for which the country must be paid.一个国家必须收取的条款b.An item for which the country must pay.c.Any imported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim owed to a foreigner.3.Every international exchange of value is entered into thebalance-of-payments accounts __________ time(s). 每一次国际等价交换都记进国际收支帐户2次 Ba.1b.2c.3d.44.A debit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡中的借项是 Ba.An item for which the country must be paid.b.An item for which the country must pay.一个国家必须支付的条款c.Any exported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim on a foreigner.5.In a nation's balance of payments, which one of the following items isalways recorded as a positive entry? D在国际收支中,下列哪个项目总被视为有利条项a.Changes in foreign currency reserves.b.Imports of goods and services./doc/864363004.html,itary foreign aid supplied to allied nations.d.Purchases by foreign travelers visiting the country.国外游客在本国发生的购买6.The sum of all of the debit items in the balance of payments: 在收支平衡中,所有贷项的总和 Ba.Equals the overall balance.b.Equals the sum of all credit items.等于所有借项的总和c.Equals …compensating? transactions.d.Equals the sum of credit items minus errors and omissions.7.Which of the following capital transactions are entered as debits inthe U.S. balance of payments? 下列哪个资本交易在美国的收支平衡中当作借项?Ba.A U.S. resident transfers $100 from his account at Credit Suissein Basel (Switzerland) to his account at a San Francisco branchof Wells Fargo Bank.b.A French resident transfers $100 from his account at WellsFargo Bank in San Francisco to his Credit Suisse account in Basel.一个法国居民在旧金山的Fargo Bank用其帐户转帐100美金到位于巴塞尔的瑞士信贷户口c.A U.S. resident sells his IBM stock to a French resident.d.A U.S. resident sells his Credit Suisse stock to a Frenchresident.8.An increase in a nation's financial liabilities to foreign residents is a:一个国家对另一个国家金融负债的增加是一种Ca.Reserve inflow.b.Reserve outflow.c.Capital inflow.资本流入d.Capital outflow.9.___A_______ are money-like assets that are held by governmentsand that are recognized by governments as fully acceptable forpayments between them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可.a.Official international reserve assets 官方国际储备资产b.Unofficial international reserve assetsc.Official domestic reserve assetsd.Unofficial domestic reserve assets10.W hich of the following is considered a capital inflow? 下列哪项被视为资本流入 Aa.A sale of U.S. financial assets to a foreign buyer.美国一金融资产卖给一外国买家b.A loan from a U.S. bank to a foreign borrower.c.A purchase of foreign financial assets by a U.S. buyer.d.A U.S. citizen?s repayment of a loan from a foreign bank.11.I n a country?s balance of payments, which of the followingtransactions are debits?一个国家的收支平衡表中,哪个交易属于借项? Aa.Domestic bank balances owned by foreigners are decreased.外国人拥有的国内银行资产的下降b.Foreign bank balances owned by domestic residents aredecreased.c.Assets owned by domestic residents are sold to nonresidents.d.Securities are sold by domestic residents to nonresidents.12.T he role of ___D_______ is to direct one nation?s savings intoanother nation?s investments: 资金流的作用是指导一个国家的储蓄进入到另一个国家的投资a.Merchandise trade flowsb.Services flowsc.Current account flowsd.Capital flows资金流13.T he net value of flows of goods, services, income, and unilateraltransfers is called the: 商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目(户)Ba.Capital account.b.Current account.经常账目(户)c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.14.T he net value of flows of financial assets and similar claims(excluding official international reserve asset flows) is called the: 金融资产和类似的资产(官方国际储备资产流除外)的净值流叫Aa.Financial account.金融帐b.Current account.c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.15.T he financial account in the U.S. balance of payments includes:美国国家收支表中的金融帐包括:Ba.Everything in the current account.b.U.S. government payments to other countries for the use ofmilitary bases.美政府采用其它国家军事基地所需支付款项c.Profits that Nissan of America sends back to Japan.d.New U.S. investments in foreign countries.16.AU.S. resident increasing her holdings of a foreign financial assetcauses a: 一个美国居民增持一外国金融资产会引起Da.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.d.Debit in the U.S. capital account.美国资本帐的借帐17.A foreign resident increasing her holdings of a U.S. financial assetcauses a: 一个美国居民增持本国一金融资产会引起 Ca.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.美国资本帐的贷帐d.Debit in the U.S. capital account.18.A deficit in the current account: 经常帐户中的赤字Aa.Tends to cause a surplus in the financial account.会导致金融帐中的盈余b.Tends to cause a deficit in the financial account.c.Has no relationship to the financial account.d.Is the result of increasing exports and decreasing imports.19.I n September, 2005, exports of goods from the U.S. decreased $3.3billion to $73.4 billion, and imports of goods increased $3.8 billion to $144.5 billion. This increased the deficit in:2005年8月,美国商品出口降低了33亿美元,共734亿美元;商品进口上升到1145亿美元,上长了38亿.这样增加了哪个方面的赤字?Ca.The balance of payments.b.The financial account.c.The current account.经常帐户d.Unilateral transfers.20.W hich of the following would contribute to a U.S. current accountsurplus? 以下哪项有助于美国现金帐的盈余? Ba.The United States makes a unilateral tariff reduction onimported goods.b.The United States cuts back on American military personnelstationed in Japan.美国削减在日本的军事人员c.U.S. tourists travel in large numbers to Asia.d.Russian vodka becomes increasingly popular in the UnitedStates.21.W hich of the following transactions is recorded in the financialaccount?以下哪个交易会被当作金融帐Aa.Ford motor company builds a new plant in China 福特摩托公司在中国设立车间b.A Chinese businessman imports Ford automobiles from theUnited States.c.A U.S. tourist spends money on a trip to China.d.The New York Yankees are paid $10 million by the Chinese toplay an exhibition game in Beijing, China.22.I f a British business buys U.S. government securities, how will thisbe entered in the balance of payments? 如果一英国商人购买了美国政府的债券,那么这个交易在收支平衡表中会被当作是?Ca.It will appear in the trade account as an import.b.It will appear in the trade account as an export.c.It will appear in the financial account as an increase in U.S.assets held by foreigners.会被当作是外国人所有的美国资产增长d.It will appear in the financial account as a decrease in U.S.assets held by foreigners.23.I n the balance of payments, the statistical discrepancy or error term isused to: 在收支平衡表中, 统计差异与错误项目会用来确保借帐总和跟贷帐总和一致 Aa.Ensure that the sum of all debits matches the sum of all credits.b.Ensure that imports equal the value of exports.c.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments deficit.d.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments surplus.24.O fficial reserve assets are: 官方储备资产是 Ba.The gold holdings in the nation?s central bank.b.Money like assets that are held by governments and that arerecognized by governments as fully acceptable for payments between them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可/doc/864363004.html,ernment T-bills and T-bonds./doc/864363004.html,ernment holdings of SDR?s25.W hich of the following constitutes the largest component of theworld?s international reserve assets?下列哪项构成了世界国际储备资产的大部份? Da.Gold.b.Special Drawing Rights.c.IMF Reserve Positions.d.Foreign Currencies.外汇(币)26.T he net accumulation of foreign assets minus foreign liabilities is:海外净资产的积累减去外债等于C/doc/864363004.html, official reserves./doc/864363004.html, domestic investment./doc/864363004.html, foreign investment.国外投资净值/doc/864363004.html, foreign deficit.27.A country experiencing a current account surplus: 一个国家经历经常帐户的盈余 Ba.Needs to borrow internationally.b.Is able to lend internationally.就有能力向外放贷c.Must also have had a surplus in its "overall" balance.d.Spent more than it earned on its merchandise and service trade,international income payments and receipts and internationaltransfers.28.T he ___C_______ measures the sum of the current accountbalanceplus the private capital account balance.官方结算差额是指经常帐户余额的总和加上私人资本帐(B=CA+FA,FA:为非官方投资和储备)a.Official capital balanceb.Unofficial capital balancec.Official settlements balance官方结算差额d.Unofficial settlements balance29.I f the overall balance is in __A________, there is an accumulation ofofficial reserve assets by the country or a decrease in foreign official reserve holdings of the country's assets. 如果综合差额处于盈余,那么会出现本国官方储备资产的积累或者国外官方储备的减少(B=CA+FA,B+OR=0,OR:官方储备金额)a.Surplus盈余b.Deficitc.Balanced.Foreign hands30.W hich of the following is the current account balance NOT equal to?以下哪项不等同于现金帐 Da.The difference between domestic product and domesticexpenditure.b.The difference between national saving and domesticinvestment./doc/864363004.html, foreign investment.d.The difference between government saving and governmentinvestment. 政府储蓄与政府投资的差值True/False Questions31.C apital inflows are debits and capital outflows are credits. 资金流入是借项,资金外流是贷项32.T he net value of the flow of goods, services, income, and gifts is thecurrent account balance. (T) 商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目余额33.T he net flow of financial assets and similar claims is the privatecurrent account balance. 金融资产和类似的资产的净值叫经常帐目余额34.T he majority of countries' official reserves assets are now foreignexchange assets, financial assets denominated in a foreign currencythat is readily acceptable in international transactions. (T)大部份官方储备资产作为以外汇资产和金融资产为命名的外币在世界上交易与流通.35.A country's financial account balance equals the country's net foreigninvestment.一个国家的金融帐差额相当于一个国家的净国外投资36.A country has a current account deficit if it is saving more than it isinvesting domestically.一个国家如果在国内的储蓄比投资要大,那么会出现经常账目赤字37.T he official settlements balance measures the sum of the capitalaccount balance plus the public current account balance. 官方结算差额是资金帐户余额的总额加上公共经常帐户余额38.A nation's international investment position shows itsstock ofinternational assets and liabilities at a moment in time. (T)一个国家的国际投资状况反映出它在特定时间里的国际资产股份以及债务情况.39.A nation is a borrower if its current account is in deficit during a timeperiod. (T)在一段时间内,如果一个国家的经常帐出现赤字,那么它就是借方.40.A nation is a debtor if its net stock of foreign assets is positive. 如果一个国家的国外资产净储备是正数,那么它是借方(债务方)41.A transaction leading to a foreign resident increasing her holdings ofa U.S. financial asset will be recorded as a debit on the U.S. financialaccount.如果一项交易引起一外国居民增持美国金融资产的股份,那么这项交易在美国金融帐中会被当作借项42.A credit item is an item for which a country must pay. 贷项是指一个国家必须还款的条项43.G old is a major reserve asset that is currently often used in officialreserve transactions. 黄金作为主要的储备资产,常被用在官方储备交易当中.44.T he current account balance is equal to the difference betweendomestic product and national expenditure.(T)经常项目余额等于国民生产与国民支出的差额45.I n 2007 U.S. households, businesses and government were buyingmore goods and services than they were producing.(T)2007年,美国家庭,商业,政府购买的商品和服务比他们生产(商品和服务)的要多.46。

国际金融中英文版Chapter 2:Payments among NationsSingle—Choice Questions1.A country's balance of payments records:一个国家的国际收支平衡记录了 Ba.The value of all exports of goods and services from that countryfor a period of time。
b.All flows of value between that country's residents and residentsof the rest of the world during a period of time。
在一定时间段里,一个国家居民的资产和其它世界居民资产的流动c.All flows of financial assets that cross that country’s bordersduring a period of time.d.All flows of goods into that country during a period of time.2.A credit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡里的贷项是 Aa.An item for which the country must be paid.一个国家必须收取的条款b.An item for which the country must pay。
c.Any imported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim owed to a foreigner.3.Every international exchange of value is entered into thebalance—of-payments accounts __________ time(s)。

(完整word版)国际⾦融题库(英⽂版).doc Multiple-choice test(only one is correct):1.Gresham’ s Law states thata)Bad money drives good money out of circulation.b)Good money drives bad money out of circulationc)If a country bases its currency on both gold and silver, at an official exchange rate, it will be themore valuable of the two metals that circulate.d)None of the above.2.Balance of paymentsa) is defined as the statistical record of a country’ s international transactions over a certain period oftime presented in the form of a double-entry bookkeepingb) provides detailed information concerning the demand and supply of a country’ s currencyc)can be used to evaluate the performance of a country in international economic competitiond)all of the above3.If the United States imports more than it exports, thena)The supply of dollars is likely to exceed the demand in the foreign exchange market, ceteris paribus.b)One can infer that the U.S. dollar would be under pressure to depreciate against other currenciesc)a) and b)d)None of the above4. The current spot exchange rate is $1.55/ and the three-£month forward rate is $1.50/. You enter into£ a short position on 1,000£.At maturity, the spot exchange rate is $1.60/. How much have£ you made or lost?a) Lost $100b) Made £100c) Lost $50d) Made $1505. The sensitivity of“ realized” domestic currency values of the firm denomi’scontractualated cash flowsin foreign currency to unexpected changes in the exchange rate is:a)Transaction exposureb)Translation exposurec)Economic exposured)None of the above6.Three days ago, you ente red into a futures contract to sell ?62,500 at $1.20 per ?. Over the past three days the contract has settled at $1.20, $1.22, and $1.24. How much have you made or lost?a)Lost $0.04 per ? or $2,500b)Made $0.04 per ? or $2,500c)Lost $0.06 per ? or $3,750d)None of the above7.A swap banka)Can act as a broker, bringing together counterparties to a swapb)Can act as a dealer, standing ready to buy and sell swapsc)Both a) and b)d)Only sometimes a) but never ever b)8.Suppose that the one-year interest rate is 5.0 percent in the United States, the spot exchange rate is$1.20/?, and the one -year forward exchange rate is $1.16/?. What must one -year interest rate be in the euro zone?a) 5.0%b) 1.09%c) 8.62%d) None of the above.a b$1.89 =1£.00. If you were to buy $10,000,000 worth of British pounds and then sell them five minutes later, how much of your $10,000,000 would be“ eaten-ask”spread?bythe bida)$1,000,000b)$52,910.05c)$100,000d)$52,631.5810.Under the gold standard, international imbalances of payment will be corrected automatically underthea)Gresham Exchange Rate regimeb)European Monetary Systemc)Price-specie-flow mechanismd)Bretton Woods Accord11.With any hedgea)Your losses on one side should about equal your gains on the other sideb)You should try to make money on both sides of the transaction: that way you make money comingand goingc)You should spend at least as much time working the hedge as working the underlying deal itselfd)You should agree to anything your banker puts in front of your face12. Comparing“ forward” and“ futures” exchange contracts, we can say that:a)They are both“ marked-to-market” daily.b)Their major difference is in the way the underlying asset is priced for future purchase or sale:futures settle daily and forwards settle at maturity.c) A futures contract is negotiated by open outcry between floor brokers or traders and is traded on organized exchanges, while forward contract is tailor-made by an international bank for its clients and is traded OTC.d)b) and c)13.An “ option ” isa) a contract giving the seller (writer) the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a given quantityof an asset at a specified price at some time in the futureb) a contract giving the owner (buyer) the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a given quantity of an asset at a specified price at some time in the futurec)not a derivative, nor a contingent claim, securityd)unlike a futures or forward contract14.Economic exposure refers toa)the sensitivity of realized domestic currency values of the firm ’contractuals cash flows denominated in foreign currencies to unexpected exchange rate changesb)the extent to which the value of the firm would be affected by unanticipated changes in exchange ratec) the potential that the firm ’consolidated financial statement can be affected by changes in exchange ratesd)ex post and ex ante currency exposures15.Under a purely flexible exchange rate systema)Supply and demand set the exchange ratesb)Governments can set the exchange rate by buying or selling reservesc)Governments can set exchange rates with fiscal policyb) and c) are correct.。

国际金融中英文版Chapter 2:Payments among NationsSingle-Choice Questions1.A country’s balance of payments records: 一个国家的国际收支平衡记录了 Ba.The value of all exports of goods and services fromthat country for a period of time.b.All flows of value between that country’s residentsand residents of the rest of the world during a periodof time. 在一定时间段里, 一个国家居民的资产和其它世界居民资产的流动c.All flows of financial assets that cross that country’sborders during a period of time.d.All flows of goods into that country during a period oftime.2.A credit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡里的贷项是 Aa.An item for which the country must be paid. 一个国家必须收取的条款b.An item for which the country must pay.c.Any imported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim owed to aforeigner.3.Every international exchange of value is entered into the balance-of-payments accounts __________ time(s). 每一次国际等价交换都记进国际收支帐户2次 Ba.1b.2c.3d.44.A debit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡中的借项是 Ba.An item for which the country must be paid.b.An item for which the country must pay. 一个国家必须支付的条款c.Any exported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim on a foreigner.5.In a nation's balance of payments, which one of the following items is always recorded as a positive entry?D 在国际收支中, 下列哪个项目总被视为有利条项a.Changes in foreign currency reserves.b.Imports of goods and services.itary foreign aid supplied to allied nations.d.Purchases by foreign travelers visiting the country. 国外游客在本国发生的购买6.The sum of all of the debit items in the balance of payments: 在收支平衡中,所有贷项的总和 Ba.Equals the overall balance.b.Equals the sum of all credit items.等于所有借项的总和c.Equals ‘compensating’ transactions.d.Equals the sum of credit items minus errors andomissions.7.Which of the following capital transactions are entered as debits in the U.S. balance of payments? 下列哪个资本交易在美国的收支平衡中当作借项? Ba.A U.S. resident transfers $100 from his account atCredit Suisse in Basel (Switzerland) to his account at aSan Francisco branch of Wells Fargo Bank.b.A French resident transfers $100 from his account atWells Fargo Bank in San Francisco to his Credit Suisseaccount in Basel. 一个法国居民在旧金山的Fargo Bank用其帐户转帐100美金到位于巴塞尔的瑞士信贷户口c.A U.S. resident sells his IBM stock to a French resident.d.A U.S. resident sells his Credit Suisse stock to a Frenchresident.8.An increase in a nation's financial liabilities to foreign residents is a: 一个国家对另一个国家金融负债的增加是一种Ca.Reserve inflow.b.Reserve outflow.c.Capital inflow.资本流入d.Capital outflow.9.___A_______ are money-like assets that are held by governments and that are recognized by governments as fully acceptable for payments between them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可.a.Official international reserve assets 官方国际储备资产b.Unofficial international reserve assetsc.Official domestic reserve assetsd.Unofficial domestic reserve assets10.Which of the following is considered a capital inflow? 下列哪项被视为资本流入 Aa.A sale of U.S. financial assets to a foreign buyer. 美国一金融资产卖给一外国买家b.A loan from a U.S. bank to a foreign borrower.c.A purchase of foreign financial assets by a U.S. buyer.d.A U.S. citizen’s repayment of a loan from a foreignbank.11.In a country’s balance of payments, which of the following transactions are debits?一个国家的收支平衡表中,哪个交易属于借项? Aa.Domestic bank balances owned by foreigners aredecreased. 外国人拥有的国内银行资产的下降b.Foreign bank balances owned by domestic residentsare decreased.c.Assets owned by domestic residents are sold tononresidents.d.Securities are sold by domestic residents tononresidents.12.The role of ___D_______ is to direct one nation’s savings into another nation’s investments: 资金流的作用是指导一个国家的储蓄进入到另一个国家的投资a.Merchandise trade flowsb.Services flowsc.Current account flowsd.Capital flows 资金流13.The net value of flows of goods, services, income, and unilateral transfers is called the: 商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目(户)Ba.Capital account.b.Current account.经常账目(户)c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.14.The net value of flows of financial assets and similar claims (excluding official international reserve asset flows) is called the: 金融资产和类似的资产(官方国际储备资产流除外)的净值流叫Aa.Financial account.金融帐b.Current account.c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.15.The financial account in the U.S. balance of payments includes: 美国国家收支表中的金融帐包括: Ba.Everything in the current account.b.U.S. government payments to other countries for theuse of military bases.美政府采用其它国家军事基地所需支付款项c.Profits that Nissan of America sends back to Japan.d.New U.S. investments in foreign countries.16.AU.S. resident increasing her holdings of a foreign financial asset causes a: 一个美国居民增持一外国金融资产会引起Da.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.d.Debit in the U.S. capital account. 美国资本帐的借帐17. A foreign resident increasing her holdings of a U.S. financial asset causes a: 一个美国居民增持本国一金融资产会引起 Ca.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.美国资本帐的贷帐d.Debit in the U.S. capital account.18. A deficit in the current account: 经常帐户中的赤字 Aa.Tends to cause a surplus in the financial account.会导致金融帐中的盈余b.Tends to cause a deficit in the financial account.c.Has no relationship to the financial account.d.Is the result of increasing exports and decreasingimports.19.In September, 2005, exports of goods from the U.S. decreased $3.3 billion to $73.4 billion, and imports of goods increased $3.8 billion to $144.5 billion. This increased the deficit in:2005年8月,美国商品出口降低了33亿美元,共734亿美元;商品进口上升到1145亿美元,上长了38亿.这样增加了哪个方面的赤字?Ca.The balance of payments.b.The financial account.c.The current account. 经常帐户d.Unilateral transfers.20.Which of the following would contribute to a U.S. current account surplus? 以下哪项有助于美国现金帐的盈余? Ba.The United States makes a unilateral tariff reductionon imported goods.b.The United States cuts back on American militarypersonnel stationed in Japan.美国削减在日本的军事人员c.U.S. tourists travel in large numbers to Asia.d.Russian vodka becomes increasingly popular in theUnited States.21.Which of the following transactions is recorded in the financial account?以下哪个交易会被当作金融帐Aa.Ford motor company builds a new plant in China 福特摩托公司在中国设立车间b.A Chinese businessman imports Ford automobilesfrom the United States.c.A U.S. tourist spends money on a trip to China.d.The New York Yankees are paid $10 million by theChinese to play an exhibition game in Beijing, China.22.If a British business buys U.S. government securities, how will this be entered in the balance of payments? 如果一英国商人购买了美国政府的债券,那么这个交易在收支平衡表中会被当作是? Ca.It will appear in the trade account as an import.b.It will appear in the trade account as an export.c.It will appear in the financial account as an increase inU.S. assets held by foreigners.会被当作是外国人所有的美国资产增长d.It will appear in the financial account as a decrease inU.S. assets held by foreigners.23.In the balance of payments, the statistical discrepancy or error term is used to: 在收支平衡表中, 统计差异与错误项目会用来确保借帐总和跟贷帐总和一致 Aa.Ensure that the sum of all debits matches the sum ofall credits.b.Ensure that imports equal the value of exports.c.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-paymentsdeficit.d.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-paymentssurplus.24.Official reserve assets are: 官方储备资产是Ba.The gold holdings in the nation’s central bank.b.Money like assets that are held by governments andthat are recognized by governments as fullyacceptable for payments between them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可ernment T-bills and T-bonds.ernment holdings of SDR’s25.Which of the following constitutes the largest component of the world’s international reserve assets? 下列哪项构成了世界国际储备资产的大部份? Da.Gold.b.Special Drawing Rights.c.IMF Reserve Positions.d.Foreign Currencies. 外汇(币)26.The net accumulation of foreign assets minus foreign liabilities is: 海外净资产的积累减去外债等于C official reserves. domestic investment. foreign investment. 国外投资净值 foreign deficit.27. A country experiencing a current account surplus: 一个国家经历经常帐户的盈余 Ba.Needs to borrow internationally.b.Is able to lend internationally.就有能力向外放贷c.Must also have had a surplus in its "overall" balance.d.Spent more than it earned on its merchandise andservice trade, international income payments andreceipts and international transfers.28.The ___C_______ measures the sum of the current account balance plus the private capital account balance.官方结算差额是指经常帐户余额的总和加上私人资本帐(B=CA+FA,FA:为非官方投资和储备)a.Official capital balanceb.Unofficial capital balancec.Official settlements balance官方结算差额d.Unofficial settlements balance29.If the overall balance is in __A________, there is an accumulation of official reserve assets by the country or a decrease in foreign official reserve holdings of the country's assets. 如果综合差额处于盈余,那么会出现本国官方储备资产的积累或者国外官方储备的减少(B=CA+FA,B+OR=0,OR:官方储备金额)a.Surplus盈余b.Deficitc.Balanced.Foreign hands30.Which of the following is the current account balance NOT equal to? 以下哪项不等同于现金帐 Da.The difference between domestic product anddomestic expenditure.b.The difference between national saving and domesticinvestment. foreign investment.d.The difference between government saving andgovernment investment. 政府储蓄与政府投资的差值True/False Questions31.Capital inflows are debits and capital outflows are credits. 资金流入是借项,资金外流是贷项32.The net value of the flow of goods, services, income, and gifts is the current account balance. (T)商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目余额33.The net flow of financial assets and similar claims is the private current account balance. 金融资产和类似的资产的净值叫经常帐目余额34.The majority of countries' official reserves assets are now foreign exchange assets, financial assets denominated in a foreign currency that is readily acceptable in international transactions. (T) 大部份官方储备资产作为以外汇资产和金融资产为命名的外币在世界上交易与流通.35. A country's financial account balance equals the country's net foreign investment.一个国家的金融帐差额相当于一个国家的净国外投资36. A country has a current account deficit if it is saving more than it is investing domestically.一个国家如果在国内的储蓄比投资要大,那么会出现经常账目赤字37.The official settlements balance measures the sum of the capital account balance plus the public current account balance. 官方结算差额是资金帐户余额的总额加上公共经常帐户余额38. A nation's international investment position shows its stock of international assets and liabilities at a moment in time. (T) 一个国家的国际投资状况反映出它在特定时间里的国际资产股份以及债务情况.39. A nation is a borrower if its current account is in deficit during a time period. (T)在一段时间内,如果一个国家的经常帐出现赤字,那么它就是借方.40. A nation is a debtor if its net stock of foreign assets is positive. 如果一个国家的国外资产净储备是正数,那么它是借方(债务方)41. A transaction leading to a foreign resident increasing her holdings of a U.S. financial asset will be recorded as a debit on the U.S. financial account. 如果一项交易引起一外国居民增持美国金融资产的股份,那么这项交易在美国金融帐中会被当作借项42. A credit item is an item for which a country must pay. 贷项是指一个国家必须还款的条项43.Gold is a major reserve asset that is currently often used in official reserve transactions. 黄金作为主要的储备资产,常被用在官方储备交易当中.44.The current account balance is equal to the difference between domestic product and national expenditure.(T) 经常项目余额等于国民生产与国民支出的差额45.In 2007 U.S. households, businesses and government were buying more goods and services than they wereproducing.(T)2007年,美国家庭,商业,政府购买的商品和服务比他们生产(商品和服务)的要多.46。

国际金融试卷中英版Single choice1、自发形成的国际货币体系是( B )A.国际金汇兑本位制B.国际金本位制C. 布雷顿森林体系D.牙买加体系1. Spontaneous form of the international monetary system is ( )A. The international gold exchange standard systemB. The international gold standardC. The Breton Woods SystemD. Jamaica System2、如果美元相对日元升值了,则美国对日本的出口会__进口会__(B)A、增加;减少B、减少;增加C、增加;增加D、减少;减少2、If the dollar have appreciate in term of the yen, the export from America to Japan will__, and the import from Japan will__ (B)A、increase; decreaseB、decrease; increaseC、increase; increaseD、decrease;decrease3、看涨期权__看跌期权__(A)A、有限损失,有限收益B、有限收益;有限损失C潜在收益无限;有限损失D、有限损失;潜在收益无限3、The potential gain of the call option is __, and the possible lose is __(A)A. unlimited; limitedB. unlimited; unlimitedC. limited; unlimitedD. limited; limited4、外国投资者收购某企业股权10%以上,属于(B)A、资产组合投资B、直接投资C、间接投资D、直接投资4、Economists consider foreign acquisition of 10 percent or more of the entity’s outstanding stock as( B )A、portfolio investmentB、foreign direct investmentC、foreign indirect investmentD、International payment5、如果一国出现通货紧缩和逆差,应该采取()的财政政策和()的货币政策:CA、膨胀性;膨胀性B紧缩性;紧缩性C、膨胀性;紧缩性D;紧缩性;膨胀性5.If Deflation and adverse balance happen in one country ,what you can do is to make Fiscal Policy ( ) and Monetary Policy ( )A. Inflated; InflatedB. Deflationary; DeflationaryC. Inflated; DeflationaryD. Deflationary; Inflated6、巴塞尔协议规定银行必须符合,核心资本对风险调整资产的比率必须超过(B)A、2%B、4%C、6%D、8%6、Under the Basel capital standards, the ratio of core capital to risk-adjusted assets must exceed () percent.A、2%B、4%C、6%D、8%7.假设美国外汇市场上的即期汇率为1英镑=1.4608美元,3个月的远期外汇升水为0.51美分,则远期外汇汇率为( B )A.0.9508B.1.4557C.1.4659D.1.97087、If the spot rate in US foreign exchange market is 1£=1.4608$, and the forward premium in 3 months is 0.15 cent, the forward foreign exchange rate will be (B)A.0.9508B.1.4557C.1.4659D.1.97088、在国际资金完全不流动的浮动汇率制下,经济的自发调整过程中,(A )不发生移动A.LM曲线B.IS曲线C.CA曲线D.MM 线8.In the international capital not flow floating exchange rate system ,The process of adjusting economic spontaneously ,()don't move.A.LM CurveB.IS CurveC.CA CurveD.MM Curve9、决定投资支出变化的因素是:(C)A、名义收入B、实际收入C、利率D财政政策9、The decisive factor of investment spending is(C)A、nominal income B real income C、interest rate D、fiscal policy10.期权交易( C )A.代表金融资产的合约B.买方向卖方交付保险费的费率固定C.买方向卖方交付的保险费不能收回D.买方与卖方的损益具有对称性10、About Options Trading ,which the following is right ?( )A、The contract stand for financial assetsB. the rate of premium which buyer giving to seller is fixed.C. the premium which buyer giving to seller is unredeemable.D. the profit and loss between buyer and seller is symmetrical.PartⅡmultiple choices1、根据外汇风险的表现形式将外汇风险分为(BDE)A、汇率风险B、交易风险C、利率风险D、经济风险E、会计风险2、已过确定合理的经常账户余额的标准为(AD)A、经济理性B、顺差C、逆差 D 可持续性E国际收支平衡3、最大的三个世界金融中心是(ACD)A、伦敦B、巴黎C、纽约D、东京E香港4、估计金本位制的基本特点有(ABDE)A、各国货币以黄金为基础,保持固定比价关系B、实行自由多变的国际结算制度C、特备提款权为主要的国际储备资金D、国际收支依靠市场机制自发调节E、纸币与黄金自由兑换F、在市场机制自发作用下的国际货币制度需要国际金融组织的监管1、According to the foreign exchange risk forms of expressiondivides ,the foreign exchange risk divides into (BDE )A、exchange rate risk B. transaction risk C. interest rate riskD. economic riskE. Accounting Risks2.The standard to be sure that the Current account balance is reasonable (AD )A.economic rationalityB. favourable balanceC.adverse balanceD.SustainabilityE.balance of international payments3.The three biggest The World Financial Centers are (ACD )A.LondonB.ParisC.New YorkD.TokyoE.HongKong4、The characteristics of the Gold Standard (ABDE )A. National currency is a foundation with gold, keep fixed rate of exchangeB. carry out A free and volatile international settlement systemC. Repearing drawn right for International reservesD.The international balance of payments depending on market mechanism spontaneous regulationE.Notes and gold freely convertiblePartⅢtrue/false1、A low inflation rate tends to increase import and decrease export, thereby decreasing the current account deficit, other things equal. (F)2、在纸币制度下,黄金平价是决定汇率的基础(错)2、Under the paper money system, gold parity is the foundation of exchange rate determination (F)3、远期合约与期货合约相比涉及的面值比较小(T)3、Compared with forward contracts, futures contracts typically involve smaller currency denominations. ( T )4、如果经常账户与私人资本账户的借方与贷方的总额为正,则私人部门对外国的支付超过外国对本国的支付(F)4、If the sum of the credits and debits in the current account and the private payment capital account is positive, private payment made to foreigners exceed private payments received from foreigners. ( F )5、Future must be market-to-market. Options are not. ( T )PART ⅤInterpretation1、有效汇率1、Effective Exchange Rate有效汇率是一种以某个变量为权重计算的加权平均汇率指数,它指报告期一国货币对各个样本国货币的汇率以选定的变量为权数计算出的与基期汇率之比的加权平均汇率之和。

INTERNATIONAL FINANCEAssignment Problems (5) Name: Student#:I. Choose the correct answer for the following questions (only correct answer) (3 credits for each question, total credits 3 x 20 = 60)1. When the supply of and demand for a foreign exchange in the foreign exchange market are exactly the same, the exchange rate is the __________.A. real exchange rateB. effective exchange rateC. equilibrium exchange rateD. cross exchange rate2. An increase in the demand for French goods and services will __________.A. induce a rightward shift in the demand for euroB. induce a leftward shift in the demand for euroC. result in a rightward movement along the demand curve for euroD. result in a leftward movement along the demand curve for euro3. If U.S. dem and for Japanese goods increases and Japan’s demand for U.S. products also rises at the same time, which of the following can you conclude in this situation?A. The U.S. dollar will appreciate against the yen.B. The U.S. dollar will depreciate against the yen.C. The U.S. dollar will not change relative to the yen.D. The U.S. dollar may appreciate, depreciate, or remain unchanged against theyen.4. If the price of a pair of Nike sneakers costs $85 in U.S, and the price of the same sneakers is €80 in Pari s, the spot rate is $1.35 per euro, the euro __________.A. is correctly valued according to PPPB. is correctly valued according to relative PPPC. is undervalued according to PPPD. is overvalued according to PPP5. If the expected exchange rate E (SB/A) according to the relative purchasing power parity is lower than the spot exchange rate (SB/A), we may conclude that __________.A. country B is expected to run huge BOP surplus with country AB. country A’s interest rate is going to be lower than that of country B’sC. the expected inflation rate in country A is higher than the expected inflation rate in country BD. the expected inflation rate in country A is lower than the expected inflation rate in country B6. Assume that PPP holds in the long run. If the price of a tradable good is $20 in the U.S. and 100 pesos in Mexico; and the exchange rate is 7 pesos/$ right now, which of the following changes might we expect in the future?A. an increase in the price of the good in the U.SB. a decrease in the price of the good in MexicoC. an appreciation of the peso in nominal termsD. a depreciation of the peso in nominal terms7. Which basket of goods would be most likely to exhibit absolute purchasing power parity?A. Highly tradable commodities, such as wheatB. The goods in the Consumer Price indexC. Specialized luxury goods, which are subject to different tax rates across countriesD. Locally produced goods, such as transportation services, which are not easily traded8. The absolute purchasing power parity says that the exchange rate between the two currencies should be determined by the __________ .A. relative inflation rate of the two currenciesB. relative price level of the two countriesC. relative interest rate of the two currenciesD. relative money supply of the two countries9. According to the relative PPP, if country A’s inflation rate is higher than country B’s inflation rate by 3%, __________.A. country A’s currency should depreciate against country B’s currency by 3%B. country A’s currency should appreciate against country B’s currency by 3%C. it is hard to say whether country A’s currency should appreciate or depreciate against country B’s currency. The exchange rate is influenced by many factorsD. none of the above is true10. If the law of one price holds for a particular good, we may conclude that __________.A. there is no trade barriers for the good among the different nationsB. the price of the good is the same ignoring the other expensesC. arbitrage for the good does not existD. all of the above are true11. An investor borrows money in one market, sells the borrowed money on the spot market, invests the proceeds of the sale inanother place and simultaneously buys back the borrowed currency on the forward market. This is called __________.A. uncovered interest arbitrageB. covered interest arbitrageC. triangular arbitrageD. spatial arbitrage12. Real return equalization across countries on similar financial instruments is called __________.A. interest rate parityB. uncovered interest parityC. forward parityD. real interest parity13. In which of the following situations would a speculator wish to sell foreign currency on the forward market?14. According to IRP, if the interest rate in country A is higher than that in country B, the forward exchange rate, defined as F1A/B is expected to be __________.A. lower than the spot rate S0A/BB. the same as the spot rate S0A/BC. higher than the spot rate S0A/BD. necessary the same as the future spot rate S1A/B15. For arbitrage opportunities to be practicable, __________.A. arbitragers must have instant access to quotesB. arbitragers must have instant access to executionsC. arbitragers must be able to execute the transactions without an initial sum of money relying on their bank’s credit standingD. All of the above must be true.16. The __________ states that the forward exchange rate quoted at time 0 for delivery at time t is equal to what the spot rate is expected to be at time t.A. interest rate parityB. uncovered interest parityC. forward parityD. real interest parity17. Assume expected value of the U.S. dollar in the future is lower than that now compared to the value of the Japanese yen. The U.S. inflation rate must be higher than Japan’s inflation rate according to __________.A. relative PPPB. Fisher equationC. International Fisher relationD. IRP18. According to covered interest arbitrage if an investor purchases a five-year U.S. bond that has an annual interest rateof 5% rather than a comparable British bond that has an annual interest rate of 6%, then the investor must be expecting the __________ to __________ at a rate at least of 1% per year over the next 5 years.A. British pound; appreciateB. British pound; revalueC. U.S. dollar; appreciateD. U.S. dollar; depreciate19. Covered interest arbitrage moves the market __________ equilibrium because __________.A. toward; investors are now more willing to invest in risky securitiesB. toward; purchasing a currency on the spot market and selling in the forward market narrows the differential between the twoC. away from; purchasing a currency on the spot market and selling in the forward market increases the differential between the twoD. away from; demand for the stronger currency forces up the interest rates on the weaker security20. If the forward exchange rate is an unbiased predictor of the expected future spot rate, which of the following is NOT true?A. The future spot rate will actually be equal to what the forward rate predictsB. The forward premium or discount reflects the expected change in the spot exchange rate.C. Speculative activity ensures that the forward rate does not diverge too far from the market’s consensus expectation.D. All of the above are true.II. Problems (40 credits)1. The Argentine peso was fixed through a currency board at Ps1.00/$ throughout the 1990s. In January 2019 the Argentine peso was floated. On January 29, 2019, it was trading at Ps3.20/$. During that one year period Argentina’s inflation rate was 20% on an annualized basis. Inflation in the United States during that same period was2.2% annualized. (10 credits)a. What should have been the exchange rate in January 2019 if purchasing power parity held?b. By what percentage was the Argentine peso undervalued on an annualized basis?2. Assume that the interest rate paid by an American borrower on a ten-year foreign bond is 10% if the bond is sold in Denmark and 7% if the bond is sold in the Netherland. Will the expectedinflation rate in the Netherlands likely be higher than the expected inflation rate in Denmark? Will the Danish kroner be expected to increase in value against the Dutch guilder? Explain your answer. (5 credits)3. Suppose S = $1.25/₤and the 1-year forward rate is F = $1.20/₤. The real interest rate on a riskless government security is 2 percent in both England and the United States. The U.S. inflation rate is 5 percent. (5 credits)a. What is England’s nominal required rate of return on riskless government securities?b. What is England’s inflation rate if the equilibrium relationships hold?4. Akira Numata, a foreign exchange trader at Credit Suisse (Tokyo), is exploring covered interest arbitrage possibilities. He wants to invest $5,000,000 or its yen equivalent, in a covered interest arbitrage between U.S. dollars and Japanese yen. He faced the following exchange rate and interest rate quotes: (12 credits)5. On a particular day, the spot rate between Czech koruna (CKR) and the U.S. dollar is CKR30.35/$, while the interest rate ona one-year financial instrument in Czech is7.5% and 3.5% in U.S. (8 credits)a. What is your expected spot exchange rate a year later?b. You’re concerned your investment in the Czech Republic because of the economic uncertainty in that country. When you expect the future value of the koruna, you require a risk premium of 2%. What is the expected future spot rate supposed to be?Answers to Assignment Problems (5)Part II1. a. inflation differential (20% -2.2%) = 17.8%U.S. should have appreciated by 17.8%Implied exchange rate 1(1 + 17.8%) = Ps1.178/$b. (1.178 – 3.2 ) / 3.2 = -63.19%2. a. According to international Fisher equation: (1 + id) / (1 + if) = (1 + E[πd]) / (1 + E[πf])id: interest rate in Denmarkif: interest rate in Netherlandπd: Danish inflation rateπf Dutch inflation rateSince (1 + id) / (1 + if) = (1 +10%)/(1 + 7%) > 0So, (1 + E[πd]) / (1 + E[πf]) >0, which means the expected inflation rate in Denmark would be greater than that in Netherland.b. If Danish inflation is higher than Dutch inflation, Danish kroner will be expected to decrease in value against the Dutch guilder. (relative PPP theory)第 11 页。

PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分,答错不扣分1. If perfect markets existed, resources would be more mobile and could therefore be transferred to those countries more willing to pay a high price for them. ( T )2. The forward contract can hedge future receivables or payables in foreign currencies to insulate the firm against exchange rate risk. ( T )3. The primary objective of the multinational corporation is still the same primary objective of any firm, i.e., to maximize shareholder wealth. ( T )4. A low inflation rate tends to increase imports and decrease exports, thereby decreasing the current account deficit, other things equal. ( F )5. A capital account deficit reflects a net sale of the home currency in exchange for other currencies. This places up ward pressure on that home currency’s value. ( F )6. The theory of comparative advantage implies that countries should specialize in production, thereby relying on other countries for some products. ( T )7. Covered interest arbitrage is plausible when the forward premium reflect the interest rate differential between two countries specified by the interest rate parity formula. ( F )8.The total impact of transaction exposure is on the overall value of the firm. ( F )9. A put option is an option to sell-by the buyer of the option-a stated number of units of the underlying instrument at a specified price per unit during a specified period. ( T )10. Futures must be marked-to-market. Options are not. ( T )PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分,答错不扣分1. If inflation in a foreign country differs from inflation in the home country, the exchange rate will adjust to maintain equal( purchasing power )2. Speculators who expect a currency to ( appreciate ) could purchase currency futures contracts for that currency.3. Covered interest arbitrage involves the short-term investment in a foreign currency that is covered by a ( forward contract ) to sell that currency when the investment matures.4. (Appreciation/ Revalue )of RMB reduces inflows since the foreign demand for our goods is reduced and foreign competition is increased.5. ( PPP ) suggests a relationship between the inflation differential of two countries and the percentage change in the spot exchange rate over time.6. IFE is based on nominal interest rate ( differentials ), which are influenced by expected inflation.7. Transaction exposure is a subset of economic exposure. Economic exposure includes any form by which the firm’s ( value ) will be affected.8. The option writer is obligated to buy the underlying commodity at a stated price if a ( put option ) is exercised9. There are three types of long-term international bonds. They are Global bonds , ( eurobonds ) and ( foreign bonds ).10. Any good secondary market for finance instruments must have an efficient clearing system. Most Eurobonds are cleared through either ( Euroclear ) or Cedel.PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分1. Assume the following information:A BankB BankBid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800Given this information, is locational arbitrage possible? If so, explain the steps involved in locational arbitrage, and compute the profit from this arbitrage if you had $1,000,000 to use. (5%)ANSWER:Yes! One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802. With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank. These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500.2. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the British pound is $1.90. How will this spot rate adjust in two years if the United Kingdom experiences an inflation rate of 7 percent per year while the United Statesexperiences an inflation rate of 2 percent per year?(10%)ANSWER:According to PPP, forward rate/spot=indexdom/indexforthe exchange rate of the pound will depreciate by 4.7 percent. Therefore, the spot rate would adjust to $1.90 ×[1 + (–.047)] = $1.81073. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the Singapore dollar is $0.70. The one-year interest rate is 11 percent in the United States and 7 percent in Singapore. What will the spot rate be in one year according to the IFE? (5%)ANSWER: according to the IFE,St+1/St=(1+Rh)/(1+Rf)$.70 × (1 + .04) = $0.7284. Assume that XYZ Co. has net receivables of 100,000 Singapore dollars in 90 days. The spot rate of the S$ is $0.50, and the Singapore interest rate is 2% over 90 days. Suggest how the U.S. firm could implement a money market hedge. Be precise . (10%)ANSWER: The firm could borrow the amount of Singapore dollars so that the 100,000 Singapore dollars to be received could be used to pay off the loan. This amounts to (100,000/1.02) = about S$98,039, which could be converted to about $49,020 and invested. The borrowing of Singapore dollars has offset the transaction exposure due to the future receivables in Singapore dollars.5. A U.S. company ordered a Jaguar sedan. In 6 months , it will pay £30,000 for the car. It worried that pound ster1ing might rise sharply from the current rate($1.90). So, the company bought a 6 month pound call (supposed contract size = £35,000) with a strike price of $1.90 for a premium of 2.3 cents/£.(1)Is hedging in the options market better if the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months?(2)what did the exchange rate have to be for the company to break even?(15%)Solution:(1)If the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months, the U.S. company would exercise the pound call option. The sum of the strike price and premium is$1.90 + $0.023 = $1.9230/£This is bigger than $1.92.So hedging in the options market is not better.(2) when we say the company can break even, we mean that hedging or not hedging doesn’t matter. And only when (strike price + premium )= the exchange rate ,hedging or not doesn’t matter.So, the exchange rate =$1.923/£.6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rate system.(15%)textbook page50 答案以教材第50 页为准PART Ⅳ: Diagram(10%)The strike price for a call is $1.67/£. The premium quoted at the Exchange is $0.0222 per British pound. Diagram the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price for this call optionSolution:Following diagram shows the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price of this put option:PART Ⅴ:Additional QuestionSuppose that you are expecting revenues of Y 100,000 from Japan in one month. Currently, 1 month forward contracts are trading at $1 = $105 Yen. You have the following estimate of the Yen/$ exchange rate in one month.a)b) Calculate the expected value of the hedge.c) How could you replicate this hedge in the money market?You are expecting revenues of Y100,000 in one month that you will need to covert to dollars. You could hedge this in forward markets by taking long positions in US dollars (short positions in Japanese Yen). By locking in your price at $1 = Y105, your dollar revenues are guaranteed to beY100,000/ 105 = $952You could replicate this hedge by using the following:a) Borrow in Japanb) Convert the Yen to dollarsc) Invest the dollars in the USd) Pay back the loan when you receive the Y100,000。

PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分,答错不扣分1. If perfect markets existed, resources would be more mobile and could therefore be transferred to those countries more willing to pay a high price for them. ( T )2. The forward contract can hedge future receivables or payables in foreign currencies to insulate the firm against exchange rate risk. ( T )3. The primary objective of the multinational corporation is still the same primary objective of any firm, i.e., to maximize shareholder wealth. ( T )4. A low inflation rate tends to increase imports and decrease exports, thereby decreasing the current account deficit, other things equal. ( F )5. A capital account deficit reflects a net sale of the home currency in exchange for other currencies. This places up ward pressure on that home currency’s value. ( F )6. The theory of comparative advantage implies that countries should specialize in production, thereby relying on other countries for some products. ( T )7. Covered interest arbitrage is plausible when the forward premium reflect the interest rate differential between two countries specified by the interest rate parity formula. ( F )8.The total impact of transaction exposure is on the overall value of the firm. ( F )9. A put option is an option to sell-by the buyer of the option-a stated number of units of the underlying instrument at a specified price per unit during a specified period. ( T )10. Futures must be marked-to-market. Options are not. ( T )PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分,答错不扣分1. If inflation in a foreign country differs from inflation in the home country, the exchange rate will adjust to maintain equal( purchasing power )2. Speculators who expect a currency to ( appreciate ) could purchase currency futures contracts for that currency.3. Covered interest arbitrage involves the short-term investment in a foreign currency that is covered by a ( forward contract ) to sell that currency when the investment matures.4. (Appreciation/ Revalue )of RMB reduces inflows since the foreign demand for our goods is reduced and foreign competition is increased.5. ( PPP ) suggests a relationship between the inflation differential of two countries and the percentage change in the spot exchange rate over time.6. IFE is based on nominal interest rate ( differentials ), which are influenced by expected inflation.7. Transaction exposure is a subset of economic exposure. Economic exposure includes any form by which the firm’s ( value ) will be affected.8. The option writer is obligated to buy the underlying commodity at a stated price if a ( put option ) is exercised9. There are three types of long-term international bonds. They are Global bonds , ( eurobonds ) and ( foreign bonds ).10. Any good secondary market for finance instruments must have an efficient clearing system. Most Eurobonds are cleared through either ( Euroclear ) or Cedel.PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分1. Assume the following information:A BankB BankBid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800Given this information, is locational arbitrage possible? If so, explain the steps involved in locational arbitrage, and compute the profit from this arbitrage if you had $1,000,000 to use. (5%)ANSWER:Yes! One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802. With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank. These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500.2. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the British pound is $1.90. How will this spot rate adjust in twoyears if the United Kingdom experiences an inflation rate of 7 percent per year while the United States experiences an inflation rate of 2 percent per year?(10%)ANSWER:According to PPP, forward rate/spot=indexdom/indexforthe exchange rate of the pound will depreciate by 4.7 percent. Therefore, the spot rate would adjust to $1.90 ×[1 + (–.047)] = $1.81073. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the Singapore dollar is $0.70. The one-year interest rate is 11 percent in the United States and 7 percent in Singapore. What will the spot rate be in one year according to the IFE? (5%)ANSWER: according to the IFE,St+1/St=(1+Rh)/(1+Rf)$.70 × (1 + .04) = $0.7284. Assume that XYZ Co. has net receivables of 100,000 Singapore dollars in 90 days. The spot rate of the S$ is $0.50, and the Singapore interest rate is 2% over 90 days. Suggest how the U.S. firm could implement a money market hedge. Be precise . (10%)ANSWER: The firm could borrow the amount of Singapore dollars so that the 100,000 Singapore dollars to be received could be used to pay off the loan. This amounts to (100,000/1.02) = about S$98,039, which could be converted to about $49,020 and invested. The borrowing of Singapore dollars has offset the transaction exposure due to the future receivables in Singapore dollars.5. A U.S. company ordered a Jaguar sedan. In 6 months , it will pay £30,000 for the car. It worried that pound ster1ing might rise sharply from the current rate($1.90). So, the company bought a 6 month pound call (supposed contract size = £35,000) with a strike price of $1.90 for a premium of 2.3 cents/£.(1)Is hedging in the options market better if the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months?(2)what did the exchange rate have to be for the company to break even?(15%)Solution:(1)If the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months, the U.S. company would exercise the pound call option. The sum of the strike price and premium is$1.90 + $0.023 = $1.9230/£This is bigger than $1.92.So hedging in the options market is not better.(2) when we say the company can break even, we mean that hedging or not hedging doesn’t matter. And only when (strike price + premium )= the exchange rate ,hedging or not doesn’t matter.So, the exchange rate =$1.923/£.6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rate system.(15%)textbook page50 答案以教材第50 页为准PART Ⅳ: Diagram(10%)The strike price for a call is $1.67/£. The premium quoted at the Exchange is $0.0222 per British pound. Diagram the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price for this call optionSolution:Following diagram shows the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price of this put option:PART Ⅴ:Additional QuestionSuppose that you are expecting revenues of Y 100,000 from Japan in one month. Currently, 1 month forward contracts are trading at $1 = $105 Yen. You have the following estimate of the Yen/$ exchange rate in one month.a)b) Calculate the expected value of the hedge.c) How could you replicate this hedge in the money market?You are expecting revenues of Y100,000 in one month that you will need to covert to dollars. You could hedge this in forward markets by taking long positions in US dollars (short positions in Japanese Yen). By locking in your price at $1 = Y105, your dollar revenues are guaranteed to beY100,000/ 105 = $952You could replicate this hedge by using the following:a) Borrow in Japanb) Convert the Yen to dollarsc) Invest the dollars in the USd) Pay back the loan when you receive the Y100,000。

国际金融中英文版Chapter 2:Payments among NationsSingle-Choice Questions1. A country’s balance of payments records: 一个国家的国际收支平衡记录了Ba.The value of all exports of goods and services from that country for aperiod of time.b.All flows of value between that country’s residents and residents of therest of the world during a period of time. 在一定时间段里, 一个国家居民的资产和其它世界居民资产的流动c.All flows of financial assets that cross that country’s borders duringa period of time.d.All flows of goods into that country during a period of time.2.3. A credit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡里的贷项是 Aa.An item for which the country must be paid. 一个国家必须收取的条款b.An item for which the country must pay.c.Any imported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim owed to a foreigner.4.Every international exchange of value is entered into the balance-of-paymentsaccounts __________ time(s). 每一次国际等价交换都记进国际收支帐户2次 Ba. 1b. 2c. 3d. 45. A debit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡中的借项是 Ba.An item for which the country must be paid.b.An item for which the country must pay. 一个国家必须支付的条款c.Any exported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim on a foreigner.6.In a nation's balance of payments, which one of the following items is alwaysrecorded as a positive entry? D 在国际收支中, 下列哪个项目总被视为有利条项a.Changes in foreign currency reserves.b.Imports of goods and services.itary foreign aid supplied to allied nations.d.Purchases by foreign travelers visiting the country. 国外游客在本国发生的购买7.The sum of all of the debit items in the balance of payments: 在收支平衡中,所有贷项的总和 Ba.Equals the overall balance.b.Equals the sum of all credit items.等于所有借项的总和c.Equals ‘compensating’ transactions.d.Equals the sum of credit items minus errors and omissions.8.Which of the following capital transactions are entered as debits in the U.S.balance of payments? 下列哪个资本交易在美国的收支平衡中当作借项? Ba. A U.S. resident transfers $100 from his account at Credit Suisse in Basel(Switzerland) to his account at a San Francisco branch of Wells Fargo Bank.b. A French resident transfers $100 from his account at Wells Fargo Bank inSan Francisco to his Credit Suisse account in Basel. 一个法国居民在旧金山的Fargo Bank用其帐户转帐100美金到位于巴塞尔的瑞士信贷户口c. A U.S. resident sells his IBM stock to a French resident.d. A U.S. resident sells his Credit Suisse stock to a French resident.9.An increase in a nation's financial liabilities to foreign residents is a: 一个国家对另一个国家金融负债的增加是一种Ca.Reserve inflow.b.Reserve outflow.c.Capital inflow.资本流入d.Capital outflow.10.___A_______ are money-like assets that are held by governments and that arerecognized by governments as fully acceptable for payments between them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可.a.Official international reserve assets 官方国际储备资产b.Unofficial international reserve assetsc.Official domestic reserve assetsd.Unofficial domestic reserve assets11.Which of the following is considered a capital inflow? 下列哪项被视为资本流入 Aa. A sale of U.S. financial assets to a foreign buyer. 美国一金融资产卖给一外国买家b. A loan from a U.S. bank to a foreign borrower.c. A purchase of foreign financial assets by a U.S. buyer.d. A U.S. citizen’s repayment of a loan from a foreign bank.12.In a country’s balance of payments, which of the following transactions aredebits?一个国家的收支平衡表中,哪个交易属于借项? Aa.Domestic bank balances owned by foreigners are decreased. 外国人拥有的国内银行资产的下降b.Foreign bank balances owned by domestic residents are decreased.c.Assets owned by domestic residents are sold to nonresidents.d.Securities are sold by domestic residents to nonresidents.13.The role of ___D_______ is to direct one nation’s savings into another nation’sinvestments: 资金流的作用是指导一个国家的储蓄进入到另一个国家的投资a.Merchandise trade flowsb.Services flowsc.Current account flowsd.Capital flows 资金流14.The net value of flows of goods, services, income, and unilateral transfers iscalled the: 商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目(户)Ba.Capital account.b.Current account.经常账目(户)c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.15.The net value of flows of financial assets and similar claims (excluding officialinternational reserve asset flows) is called the: 金融资产和类似的资产(官方国际储备资产流除外)的净值流叫 Aa.Financial account.金融帐b.Current account.c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.15.The financial account in the U.S. balance of payments includes: 美国国家收支表中的金融帐包括: Ba.Everything in the current account.b.U.S. government payments to other countries for the use of military bases.美政府采用其它国家军事基地所需支付款项c.Profits that Nissan of America sends back to Japan.d.New U.S. investments in foreign countries.16.A U.S. resident increasing her holdings of a foreign financial asset causesa: 一个美国居民增持一外国金融资产会引起Da.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.d.Debit in the U.S. capital account. 美国资本帐的借帐17.A foreign resident increasing her holdings of a U.S. financial asset causes a:一个美国居民增持本国一金融资产会引起 Ca.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.美国资本帐的贷帐d.Debit in the U.S. capital account.18.A deficit in the current account: 经常帐户中的赤字 Aa.Tends to cause a surplus in the financial account.会导致金融帐中的盈余b.Tends to cause a deficit in the financial account.c.Has no relationship to the financial account.d.Is the result of increasing exports and decreasing imports.19.In September, 2005, exports of goods from the U.S. decreased $3.3 billion to$73.4 billion, and imports of goods increased $3.8 billion to $144.5 billion.This increased the deficit in:2005年8月,美国商品出口降低了33亿美元,共734亿美元;商品进口上升到1145亿美元,上长了38亿.这样增加了哪个方面的赤字?Ca.The balance of payments.b.The financial account.c.The current account. 经常帐户d.Unilateral transfers.20.Which of the following would contribute to a U.S. current account surplus? 以下哪项有助于美国现金帐的盈余? Ba.The United States makes a unilateral tariff reduction on imported goods.b.The United States cuts back on American military personnel stationed inJapan.美国削减在日本的军事人员c.U.S. tourists travel in large numbers to Asia.d.Russian vodka becomes increasingly popular in the United States.21.Which of the following transactions is recorded in the financial account?以下哪个交易会被当作金融帐Aa.Ford motor company builds a new plant in China 福特摩托公司在中国设立车间b. A Chinese businessman imports Ford automobiles from the United States.c. A U.S. tourist spends money on a trip to China.d.The New York Yankees are paid $10 million by the Chinese to play anexhibition game in Beijing, China.22.If a British business buys U.S. government securities, how will this be enteredin the balance of payments? 如果一英国商人购买了美国政府的债券,那么这个交易在收支平衡表中会被当作是? Ca.It will appear in the trade account as an import.b.It will appear in the trade account as an export.c.It will appear in the financial account as an increase in U.S. assets heldby foreigners.会被当作是外国人所有的美国资产增长d.It will appear in the financial account as a decrease in U.S. assets heldby foreigners.23.In the balance of payments, the statistical discrepancy or error term is usedto: 在收支平衡表中, 统计差异与错误项目会用来确保借帐总和跟贷帐总和一致 Aa.Ensure that the sum of all debits matches the sum of all credits.b.Ensure that imports equal the value of exports.c.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments deficit.d.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments surplus.24.Official reserve assets are: 官方储备资产是 Ba.The gold holdings in the nation’s central bank.b.Money like assets that are held by governments and that are recognizedby governments as fully acceptable for payments between them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可ernment T-bills and T-bonds.ernment holdings of SDR’s25.Which of the following constitutes the largest component of the world’sinternational reserve assets? 下列哪项构成了世界国际储备资产的大部份?Da.Gold.b.Special Drawing Rights.c.IMF Reserve Positions.d.Foreign Currencies. 外汇(币)26.The net accumulation of foreign assets minus foreign liabilities is: 海外净资产的积累减去外债等于C official reserves. domestic investment. foreign investment. 国外投资净值 foreign deficit.27.A country experiencing a current account surplus: 一个国家经历经常帐户的盈余 Ba.Needs to borrow internationally.b.Is able to lend internationally.就有能力向外放贷c.Must also have had a surplus in its "overall" balance.d.Spent more than it earned on its merchandise and service trade,international income payments and receipts and international transfers.28.The ___C_______ measures the sum of the current account balance plus the privatecapital account balance. 官方结算差额是指经常帐户余额的总和加上私人资本帐(B=CA+FA,FA:为非官方投资和储备)a.Official capital balanceb.Unofficial capital balancec.Official settlements balance官方结算差额d.Unofficial settlements balance29.If the overall balance is in __A________, there is an accumulation of officialreserve assets by the country or a decrease in foreign official reserve holdings of the country's assets. 如果综合差额处于盈余,那么会出现本国官方储备资产的积累或者国外官方储备的减少(B=CA+FA,B+OR=0,OR:官方储备金额)a.Surplus盈余b.Deficitc.Balanced.Foreign hands30.Which of the following is the current account balance NOT equal to? 以下哪项不等同于现金帐 Da.The difference between domestic product and domestic expenditure.b.The difference between national saving and domestic investment. foreign investment.d.The difference between government saving and government investment. 政府储蓄与政府投资的差值True/False Questions31.Capital inflows are debits and capital outflows are credits. 资金流入是借项,资金外流是贷项32.The net value of the flow of goods, services, income, and gifts is the currentaccount balance. (T) 商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目余额33.The net flow of financial assets and similar claims is the private currentaccount balance. 金融资产和类似的资产的净值叫经常帐目余额34.The majority of countries' official reserves assets are now foreign exchangeassets, financial assets denominated in a foreign currency that is readily acceptable in international transactions. (T) 大部份官方储备资产作为以外汇资产和金融资产为命名的外币在世界上交易与流通.35.A country's financial account balance equals the country's net foreigninvestment.一个国家的金融帐差额相当于一个国家的净国外投资36.A country has a current account deficit if it is saving more than it is investingdomestically.一个国家如果在国内的储蓄比投资要大,那么会出现经常账目赤字37.The official settlements balance measures the sum of the capital account balanceplus the public current account balance. 官方结算差额是资金帐户余额的总额加上公共经常帐户余额38.A nation's international investment position shows its stock of internationalassets and liabilities at a moment in time. (T) 一个国家的国际投资状况反映出它在特定时间里的国际资产股份以及债务情况.39.A nation is a borrower if its current account is in deficit during a time period.(T)在一段时间内,如果一个国家的经常帐出现赤字,那么它就是借方.40.A nation is a debtor if its net stock of foreign assets is positive. 如果一个国家的国外资产净储备是正数,那么它是借方(债务方)41.A transaction leading to a foreign resident increasing her holdings of a U.S.financial asset will be recorded as a debit on the U.S. financial account.如果一项交易引起一外国居民增持美国金融资产的股份,那么这项交易在美国金融帐中会被当作借项42.A credit item is an item for which a country must pay. 贷项是指一个国家必须还款的条项43.Gold is a major reserve asset that is currently often used in official reservetransactions. 黄金作为主要的储备资产,常被用在官方储备交易当中.44.The current account balance is equal to the difference between domestic productand national expenditure.(T) 经常项目余额等于国民生产与国民支出的差额45.In 2007 U.S. households, businesses and government were buying more goods andservices than they were producing.(T)2007年,美国家庭,商业,政府购买的商品和服务比他们生产(商品和服务)的要多.46。

国际金融中英文版Chapter 2:Payments among NationsSingle-Choice Questions1.A country’s balance of payments records:一个国家的国际收支平衡记录了 Ba.The value of all exports of goods and services from that countryfor a period of time.b.All flows of value between that c ountry’s residents andresidents of the rest of the world during a period of time.在一定时间段里,一个国家居民的资产和其它世界居民资产的流动c.All flows of financial assets that cross that country’s bordersduring a period of time.d.All flows of goods into that country during a period of time.2.A credit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡里的贷项是 Aa.An item for which the country must be paid.一个国家必须收取的条款b.An item for which the country must pay.c.Any imported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim owed to a foreigner.3.Every international exchange of value is entered into the balance-of-payments accounts __________ time(s). 每一次国际等价交换都记进国际收支帐户2次 Ba.1b.2c.3d.44.A debit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡中的借项是 Ba.An item for which the country must be paid.b.An item for which the country must pay.一个国家必须支付的条款c.Any exported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim on a foreigner.5.In a nation's balance of payments, which one of the following items isalways recorded as a positive entry? D在国际收支中,下列哪个项目总被视为有利条项a.Changes in foreign currency reserves.b.Imports of goods and services.itary foreign aid supplied to allied nations.d.Purchases by foreign travelers visiting the country.国外游客在本国发生的购买6.The sum of all of the debit items in the balance of payments: 在收支平衡中,所有贷项的总和 Ba.Equals the overall balance.b.Equals the sum of all credit items.等于所有借项的总和c.Equals ‘compensating’ transactions.d.Equals the sum of credit items minus errors and omissions.7.Which of the following capital transactions are entered as debits inthe U.S. balance of payments? 下列哪个资本交易在美国的收支平衡中当作借项?Ba.A U.S. resident transfers $100 from his account at Credit Suissein Basel (Switzerland) to his account at a San Francisco branchof Wells Fargo Bank.b.A French resident transfers $100 from his account at WellsFargo Bank in San Francisco to his Credit Suisse account inBasel.一个法国居民在旧金山的Fargo Bank用其帐户转帐100美金到位于巴塞尔的瑞士信贷户口c.A U.S. resident sells his IBM stock to a French resident.d.A U.S. resident sells his Credit Suisse stock to a French resident.8.An increase in a nation's financial liabilities to foreign residents is a:一个国家对另一个国家金融负债的增加是一种Ca.Reserve inflow.b.Reserve outflow.c.Capital inflow.资本流入d.Capital outflow.9.___A_______ are money-like assets that are held by governmentsand that are recognized by governments as fully acceptable forpayments between them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可.a.Official international reserve assets 官方国际储备资产b.Unofficial international reserve assetsc.Official domestic reserve assetsd.Unofficial domestic reserve assets10.Which of the following is considered a capital inflow? 下列哪项被视为资本流入 Aa.A sale of U.S. financial assets to a foreign buyer.美国一金融资产卖给一外国买家b.A loan from a U.S. bank to a foreign borrower.c.A purchase of foreign financial assets by a U.S. buyer.d.A U.S. citizen’s repayment of a loan from a foreign bank.11.In a country’s balance of payments, which of the followingtransactions are debits?一个国家的收支平衡表中,哪个交易属于借项? Aa.Domestic bank balances owned by foreigners are decreased.外国人拥有的国内银行资产的下降b.Foreign bank balances owned by domestic residents aredecreased.c.Assets owned by domestic residents are sold to nonresidents.d.Securities are sold by domestic residents to nonresidents.12.The role of ___D_______ is to direct one nation’s savings intoanother nation’s investments: 资金流的作用是指导一个国家的储蓄进入到另一个国家的投资a.Merchandise trade flowsb.Services flowsc.Current account flowsd.Capital flows资金流13.The net value of flows of goods, services, income, and unilateraltransfers is called the: 商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目(户)Ba.Capital account.b.Current account.经常账目(户)c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.14.The net value of flows of financial assets and similar claims(excluding official international reserve asset flows) is called the: 金融资产和类似的资产(官方国际储备资产流除外)的净值流叫Aa.Financial account.金融帐b.Current account.c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.15.The financial account in the U.S. balance of payments includes:美国国家收支表中的金融帐包括: Ba.Everything in the current account.b.U.S. government payments to other countries for the use ofmilitary bases.美政府采用其它国家军事基地所需支付款项c.Profits that Nissan of America sends back to Japan.d.New U.S. investments in foreign countries.16.A U.S. resident increasing her holdings of a foreign financial assetcauses a: 一个美国居民增持一外国金融资产会引起Da.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.d.Debit in the U.S. capital account.美国资本帐的借帐17. A foreign resident increasing her holdings of a U.S. financial assetcauses a: 一个美国居民增持本国一金融资产会引起 Ca.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.美国资本帐的贷帐d.Debit in the U.S. capital account.18. A deficit in the current account: 经常帐户中的赤字 Aa.Tends to cause a surplus in the financial account.会导致金融帐中的盈余b.Tends to cause a deficit in the financial account.c.Has no relationship to the financial account.d.Is the result of increasing exports and decreasing imports.19.In September, 2005, exports of goods from the U.S. decreased $3.3billion to $73.4 billion, and imports of goods increased $3.8 billion to $144.5 billion. This increased the deficit in:2005年8月,美国商品出口降低了33亿美元,共734亿美元;商品进口上升到1145亿美元,上长了38亿.这样增加了哪个方面的赤字?Ca.The balance of payments.b.The financial account.c.The current account.经常帐户d.Unilateral transfers.20.Which of the following would contribute to a U.S. current accountsurplus? 以下哪项有助于美国现金帐的盈余? Ba.The United States makes a unilateral tariff reduction onimported goods.b.The United States cuts back on American military personnelstationed in Japan.美国削减在日本的军事人员c.U.S. tourists travel in large numbers to Asia.d.Russian vodka becomes increasingly popular in the UnitedStates.21.Which of the following transactions is recorded in the financialaccount?以下哪个交易会被当作金融帐Aa.Ford motor company builds a new plant in China 福特摩托公司在中国设立车间b.A Chinese businessman imports Ford automobiles from theUnited States.c.A U.S. tourist spends money on a trip to China.d.The New York Yankees are paid $10 million by the Chinese toplay an exhibition game in Beijing, China.22.If a British business buys U.S. government securities, how will thisbe entered in the balance of payments? 如果一英国商人购买了美国政府的债券,那么这个交易在收支平衡表中会被当作是? Ca.It will appear in the trade account as an import.b.It will appear in the trade account as an export.c.It will appear in the financial account as an increase in U.S.assets held by foreigners.会被当作是外国人所有的美国资产增长d.It will appear in the financial account as a decrease in U.S.assets held by foreigners.23.In the balance of payments, the statistical discrepancy or error termis used to: 在收支平衡表中, 统计差异与错误项目会用来确保借帐总和跟贷帐总和一致 Aa.Ensure that the sum of all debits matches the sum of all credits.b.Ensure that imports equal the value of exports.c.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments deficit.d.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments surplus.24.Official reserve assets are: 官方储备资产是 Ba.The gold holdings in the nation’s central bank.b.Money like assets that are held by governments and that arerecognized by governments as fully acceptable for paymentsbetween them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可ernment T-bills and T-bonds.ernment holdings of SDR’s25.Which of the following constitutes the largest component of theworld’s international reserve assets?下列哪项构成了世界国际储备资产的大部份? Da.Gold.b.Special Drawing Rights.c.IMF Reserve Positions.d.Foreign Currencies.外汇(币)26.The net accumulation of foreign assets minus foreign liabilities is:海外净资产的积累减去外债等于C official reserves. domestic investment. foreign investment.国外投资净值 foreign deficit.27. A country experiencing a current account surplus: 一个国家经历经常帐户的盈余 Ba.Needs to borrow internationally.b.Is able to lend internationally.就有能力向外放贷c.Must also have had a surplus in its "overall" balance.d.Spent more than it earned on its merchandise and service trade,international income payments and receipts and internationaltransfers.28.The ___C_______ measures the sum of the current accountbalance plus the private capital account balance.官方结算差额是指经常帐户余额的总和加上私人资本帐(B=CA+FA,FA:为非官方投资和储备)a.Official capital balanceb.Unofficial capital balancec.Official settlements balance官方结算差额d.Unofficial settlements balance29.If the overall balance is in __A________, there is an accumulationof official reserve assets by the country or a decrease in foreignofficial reserve holdings of the country's assets. 如果综合差额处于盈余,那么会出现本国官方储备资产的积累或者国外官方储备的减少(B=CA+FA,B+OR=0,OR:官方储备金额)a.Surplus盈余b.Deficitc.Balanced.Foreign hands30.Which of the following is the current account balance NOT equalto? 以下哪项不等同于现金帐 Da.The difference between domestic product and domesticexpenditure.b.The difference between national saving and domesticinvestment. foreign investment.d.The difference between government saving and governmentinvestment. 政府储蓄与政府投资的差值True/False Questions31.Capital inflows are debits and capital outflows are credits. 资金流入是借项,资金外流是贷项32.The net value of the flow of goods, services, income, and gifts isthe current account balance. (T) 商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目余额33.The net flow of financial assets and similar claims is the privatecurrent account balance. 金融资产和类似的资产的净值叫经常帐目余额34.The majority of countries' official reserves assets are now foreignexchange assets, financial assets denominated in a foreign currency that is readily acceptable in international transactions. (T)大部份官方储备资产作为以外汇资产和金融资产为命名的外币在世界上交易与流通.35. A country's financial account balance equals the country's netforeign investment.一个国家的金融帐差额相当于一个国家的净国外投资36. A country has a current account deficit if it is saving more than it isinvesting domestically.一个国家如果在国内的储蓄比投资要大,那么会出现经常账目赤字37.The official settlements balance measures the sum of the capitalaccount balance plus the public current account balance. 官方结算差额是资金帐户余额的总额加上公共经常帐户余额38. A nation's international investment position shows its stock ofinternational assets and liabilities at a moment in time. (T)一个国家的国际投资状况反映出它在特定时间里的国际资产股份以及债务情况.39. A nation is a borrower if its current account is in deficit during atime period. (T)在一段时间内,如果一个国家的经常帐出现赤字,那么它就是借方.40. A nation is a debtor if its net stock of foreign assets is positive. 如果一个国家的国外资产净储备是正数,那么它是借方(债务方)41. A transaction leading to a foreign resident increasing her holdingsof a U.S. financial asset will be recorded as a debit on the U.S.financial account.如果一项交易引起一外国居民增持美国金融资产的股份,那么这项交易在美国金融帐中会被当作借项42. A credit item is an item for which a country must pay. 贷项是指一个国家必须还款的条项43.Gold is a major reserve asset that is currently often used in officialreserve transactions. 黄金作为主要的储备资产,常被用在官方储备交易当中.44.The current account balance is equal to the difference betweendomestic product and national expenditure.(T)经常项目余额等于国民生产与国民支出的差额45.In 2007 U.S. households, businesses and government were buyingmore goods and services than they were producing.(T)2007年,美国家庭,商业,政府购买的商品和服务比他们生产(商品和服务)的要多.46。

国际⾦融英⽂版练习题Chapter_1International FinanceAssignment Problems (1) Name: Student No.: Choose the correct answer for the following questions (only ONE correct answer) 1. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the subject matter of international finance?A. International finance studies the important trade theories.B. International finance examines the theory of balance of payments and its relationship with macroeconomic variables.C. International finance studies exchange rate theories and the impacts of the exchange rate on the economy.D. International finance discusses the exchange rate risks and the derivative instruments by which people use to cover the exchange rate risks and to speculate.2. Globalization refers to __________.A. the strengthening of existing international linkages of commerce, finance and the addition of new international linkagesB. the expansion of world governance and global societyC. the increased mobility of peoples and informationD. All of the above3. Mutually beneficial trade requires each country to be the least-cost producer of at least one good that it can export to its trading partner. This is called __________.A. the theory of comparative advantageB. the international finance theoryC. the theory of absolute advantageD. the theory of balance of payments4. Which of the following would NOT be a way to implement comparative advantage?A. IBM exports computers to Gambia.B. Computer hardware is designed in the United States but manufactured and assembled in Malaysia.C. Water of the greatest purity is obtained from the wells in Oregon, bottled, and exported worldwide.D. All of the above are examples of ways to implement comparative advantage.5. Which of the following would NOT be considered a feature of comparative advantage?A. Exporters in country A sell goods to importers in countryB.B. Firms in country A specialize in making products that can be produced relativeefficiently, given country A’s endowment of factors of production. Firms in country B do likewise thus maximizing the combined output of countries A and B.C. Trade exists between countries A and B because of specialized factors of production that cannot be moved among countries.D. All of the above are features of comparative advantage.6. The real sector in an economy deals with __________.A. transactions in all goods and servicesB. transactions in all financial assetsC. transactions in goods, services and financial assetsD. transactions in new technological products only7. Of the following, which would NOT be considered a way that government interferes with comparative advantage?A. tariffsB. quotasC. managerial skillsD. other non-tariff restrictions8. A firm with operations in more than one country is called a (an) _________.A. big firmB. multinational corporationC. international firmD. all of the above9. The primary goal of an MNC comes down to __________.A. seek marketsB. improve its production efficiencyC. gain access to technology or managerial expertiseD. maximize shareholder wealth10. World trade of goods and services has expanded in a remarkable pace because of the __________.A. reduction in trade barriersB. lower transportation costsC. advances in telecommunications, information technology and financial servicesD. All of the above are the reasons of rapid growth in international trade.11. Nowadays the world trade in goods and services is important __________.A. only to developed countriesB. only to less developed countriesC. to both developed and less developed countriesD. to neither developed nor less developed counties12. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the nowadays financial markets?A. Increasingly interdependent national financial marketsB. the global trend toward free-market economiesC. An increasingly number of cross-border partnerships, including many international merges, acquisitions, and joint venturesD. An increasing number of cooperative linkages among securities exchange13. __________ indicates that mutually beneficial trade can occur even when one nation is absolutely more efficient in the production of all goods.A. The theory of comparative advantageB. The theory of absolute advantageC. The theory of balance of paymentsD. The theory of exchange rate determination14. A well-established multinational company needs __________ to maximize its firm value.A. an open market placeB. high quality strategic managementC. access to capitalD. all of the aboveQuestions 15 through 20 are based on the information presented in table 1.1:Table 1.1Production capabilityContainers of snowboards Containers of digital cameras Austria has 1,000 units 15 containers/unit 8 containers/unitof production factorsRussia has 1,000 units 12 containers/unit 3 containers/unitof production factors15. One production factor in Austria has a (an) __________ over one production factor in Russia in _________.A. absolute disadvantage; digital camerasB. absolute disadvantage; snowboardsC. absolute advantage; both digital cameras and snowboardsD. none of the above16. Austria has a large comparative advantage over Russia in the production of __________ at a ratio of __________.A. snowboards; 5:4B. digital cameras; 8:3C. snowboards; 8:3D. digital cameras; 5:417. Assume no trade between Austria and Russia. If each country puts 50% of their factors into each product, the total number of snowboards and digital cameras produced by the two countries combined are __________ and _________.A. 13,500 snowboards; 5,500 camerasB. 12,000 snowboards; 8,000 camerasC. 5,500 snowboards; 13,500 camerasD. 3,000 cameras; 15,000 snowboards18. If trade takes place at Russia’s domestic price, __________ snowboards will be required to obtain 1 digital camera.A. 4B. 2.5C. 1.25D. 0.2519. If each country specializes in production with Austria producing only digital cameras and Russia producing only snowboards, at a trading rate of 3 snowboards per digital camera, how many cameras and snowboards will be available to be consumed in Austria if they trade 3,000 cameras to Russia?A. 9,000 snowboards and 5,000 camerasB. 3,000 snowboards and 3,000 camerasC. 3,000 snowboards and 9,000 camerasD. There is not enough information to answer this question20. If each country specializes in production with Austria producing only digital cameras and Russia producing only snowboards, at a trading rate of 3 snowboards per digital camera, how many cameras and snowboards will be available to be consumed in Russia if they trade 9,000 snowboards to Austria?A. 9,000 snowboards and 5,000 camerasB. 3,000 snowboards and 3,000 camerasC. 3,000 snowboards and 9,000 camerasD. There is not enough information to answer this questionAnswers to Assignment Problems (1)1. A2. D3. C4. D5. D6. A7. C8. B9. D 10. D11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. B。
国际金融中英文版Chapter 2:Payments among NationsSingle-Choice Questions1.A country’s balance of payments records:一个国家的国际收支平衡记录了 Ba.The value of all exports of goods and services from thatcountry for a period of time.b.All flows of value between that c ountry’s residentsand residents of the rest of the world during a periodof time. 在一定时间段里, 一个国家居民的资产和其它世界居民资产的流动c.All flows of financial assets that cross thatcountry’s borders during a period of time.d.All flows of goods into that country during a periodof time.2.A credit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡里的贷项是 Aa.An item for which the country must be paid. 一个国家必须收取的条款b.An item for which the country must pay.c.Any imported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim owed to aforeigner.3.Every international exchange of value is entered into thebalance-of-payments accounts __________ time(s). 每一次国际等价交换都记进国际收支帐户2次 Ba.1b.2c.3d.44.A debit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡中的借项是 Ba.An item for which the country must be paid.b.An item for which the country must pay. 一个国家必须支付的条款c.Any exported item.d.An item that creates a monetary claim on a foreigner.5.In a nation's balance of payments, which one of the followingitems is always recorded as a positive entry? D 在国际收支中, 下列哪个项目总被视为有利条项a.Changes in foreign currency reserves.b.Imports of goods and services.itary foreign aid supplied to allied nations.d.Purchases by foreign travelers visiting the country.国外游客在本国发生的购买6.The sum of all of the debit items in the balance of payments:在收支平衡中,所有贷项的总和 Ba.Equals the overall balance.b.Equals the sum of all credit items.等于所有借项的总和c.Equals ‘compensating’ transactions.d.Equals the sum of credit items minus errors andomissions.7.Which of the following capital transactions are entered asdebits in the U.S. balance of payments? 下列哪个资本交易在美国的收支平衡中当作借项?Ba.A U.S. resident transfers $100 from his account atCredit Suisse in Basel (Switzerland) to his account ata San Francisco branch of Wells Fargo Bank.b.A French resident transfers $100 from his account atWells Fargo Bank in San Francisco to his Credit Suisseaccount in Basel. 一个法国居民在旧金山的Fargo Bank用其帐户转帐100美金到位于巴塞尔的瑞士信贷户口c.A U.S. resident sells his IBM stock to a Frenchresident.d.A U.S. resident sells his Credit Suisse stock to aFrench resident.8.An increase in a nation's financial liabilities to foreignresidents is a: 一个国家对另一个国家金融负债的增加是一种Ca.Reserve inflow.b.Reserve outflow.c.Capital inflow.资本流入d.Capital outflow.9.___A_______ are money-like assets that are held bygovernments and that are recognized by governments as fully acceptable for payments between them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可.a.Official international reserve assets 官方国际储备资产b.Unofficial international reserve assetsc.Official domestic reserve assetsd.Unofficial domestic reserve assets10.Which of the following is considered a capital inflow?下列哪项被视为资本流入 Aa.A sale of U.S. financial assets to a foreign buyer.美国一金融资产卖给一外国买家b.A loan from a U.S. bank to a foreign borrower.c.A purchase of foreign financial assets by a U.S. buyer.d.A U.S. citizen’s repayment of a loan from a foreignbank.11.In a country’s balance of payments, which of thefollowing transactions are debits?一个国家的收支平衡表中,哪个交易属于借项? Aa.Domestic bank balances owned by foreigners aredecreased. 外国人拥有的国内银行资产的下降b.Foreign bank balances owned by domestic residents aredecreased.c.Assets owned by domestic residents are sold tononresidents.d.Securities are sold by domestic residents tononresidents.12.The role of ___D_______ is to direct one nation’ssavings into another nation’s investments: 资金流的作用是指导一个国家的储蓄进入到另一个国家的投资a.Merchandise trade flowsb.Services flowsc.Current account flowsd.Capital flows 资金流13.The net value of flows of goods, services, income, andunilateral transfers is called the: 商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目(户)Ba.Capital account.b.Current account.经常账目(户)c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.14.The net value of flows of financial assets and similarclaims (excluding official international reserve asset flows) is called the: 金融资产和类似的资产(官方国际储备资产流除外)的净值流叫 Aa.Financial account.金融帐b.Current account.c.Trade balance.d.Official reserve balance.15.The financial account in the U.S. balance of paymentsincludes: 美国国家收支表中的金融帐包括: Ba.Everything in the current account.b.U.S. government payments to other countries for the useof military bases.美政府采用其它国家军事基地所需支付款项c.Profits that Nissan of America sends back to Japan.d.New U.S. investments in foreign countries.16.A U.S. resident increasing her holdings of a foreignfinancial asset causes a: 一个美国居民增持一外国金融资产会引起Da.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.d.Debit in the U.S. capital account. 美国资本帐的借帐17. A foreign resident increasing her holdings of a U.S.financial asset causes a: 一个美国居民增持本国一金融资产会引起 Ca.Credit in the U.S. current account.b.Debit in the U.S. current account.c.Credit in the U.S. capital account.美国资本帐的贷帐d.Debit in the U.S. capital account.18. A deficit in the current account: 经常帐户中的赤字 Aa.Tends to cause a surplus in the financial account.会导致金融帐中的盈余b.Tends to cause a deficit in the financial account.c.Has no relationship to the financial account.d.Is the result of increasing exports and decreasingimports.19.In September, 2005, exports of goods from the U.S.decreased $3.3 billion to $73.4 billion, and imports of goods increased $3.8 billion to $144.5 billion. Thisincreased the deficit in:2005年8月,美国商品出口降低了33亿美元,共734亿美元;商品进口上升到1145亿美元,上长了38亿.这样增加了哪个方面的赤字?Ca.The balance of payments.b.The financial account.c.The current account. 经常帐户d.Unilateral transfers.20.Which of the following would contribute to a U.S. currentaccount surplus? 以下哪项有助于美国现金帐的盈余? Ba.The United States makes a unilateral tariff reductionon imported goods.b.The United States cuts back on American militarypersonnel stationed in Japan.美国削减在日本的军事人员c.U.S. tourists travel in large numbers to Asia.d.Russian vodka becomes increasingly popular in theUnited States.21.Which of the following transactions is recorded in thefinancial account?以下哪个交易会被当作金融帐Aa.Ford motor company builds a new plant in China 福特摩托公司在中国设立车间b.A Chinese businessman imports Ford automobiles from theUnited States.c.A U.S. tourist spends money on a trip to China.d.The New York Yankees are paid $10 million by the Chineseto play an exhibition game in Beijing, China.22.If a British business buys U.S. government securities,how will this be entered in the balance of payments? 如果一英国商人购买了美国政府的债券,那么这个交易在收支平衡表中会被当作是? Ca.It will appear in the trade account as an import.b.It will appear in the trade account as an export.c.It will appear in the financial account as an increasein U.S. assets held by foreigners.会被当作是外国人所有的美国资产增长d.It will appear in the financial account as a decreasein U.S. assets held by foreigners.23.In the balance of payments, the statistical discrepancyor error term is used to: 在收支平衡表中, 统计差异与错误项目会用来确保借帐总和跟贷帐总和一致 Aa.Ensure that the sum of all debits matches the sum ofall credits.b.Ensure that imports equal the value of exports.c.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-paymentsdeficit.d.Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-paymentssurplus.24.Official reserve assets are: 官方储备资产是Ba.The gold holdings in the nation’s central bank.b.Money like assets that are held by governments and thatare recognized by governments as fully acceptable forpayments between them. 官方国际储备资产是一种类似于钱的资产,这种资产由政府掌握并作为政府间的一种支付手段得到充分认可ernment T-bills and T-bonds.ernment holdings of SDR’s25.Which of the following constitutes the largest componentof the world’s international reserve assets?下列哪项构成了世界国际储备资产的大部份? Da.Gold.b.Special Drawing Rights.c.IMF Reserve Positions.d.Foreign Currencies. 外汇(币)26.The net accumulation of foreign assets minus foreignliabilities is: 海外净资产的积累减去外债等于C official reserves. domestic investment. foreign investment. 国外投资净值 foreign deficit.27. A country experiencing a current account surplus: 一个国家经历经常帐户的盈余 Ba.Needs to borrow internationally.b.Is able to lend internationally.就有能力向外放贷c.Must also have had a surplus in its "overall" balance.d.Spent more than it earned on its merchandise and servicetrade, international income payments and receipts andinternational transfers.28.The ___C_______ measures the sum of the current accountbalance plus the private capital account balance. 官方结算差额是指经常帐户余额的总和加上私人资本帐(B=CA+FA,FA:为非官方投资和储备)a.Official capital balanceb.Unofficial capital balancec.Official settlements balance官方结算差额d.Unofficial settlements balance29.If the overall balance is in __A________, there is anaccumulation of official reserve assets by the country ora decrease in foreign official reserve holdings of thecountry's assets. 如果综合差额处于盈余,那么会出现本国官方储备资产的积累或者国外官方储备的减少(B=CA+FA,B+OR=0,OR:官方储备金额)a.Surplus盈余b.Deficitc.Balanced.Foreign hands30.Which of the following is the current account balance NOTequal to? 以下哪项不等同于现金帐 Da.The difference between domestic product and domesticexpenditure.b.The difference between national saving and domesticinvestment. foreign investment.d.The difference between government saving andgovernment investment. 政府储蓄与政府投资的差值True/False Questions31.Capital inflows are debits and capital outflows arecredits. 资金流入是借项,资金外流是贷项32.The net value of the flow of goods, services, income, andgifts is the current account balance. (T) 商品,服务,收入和单方面转让等现金流的净收益叫经常账目余额33.The net flow of financial assets and similar claims isthe private current account balance. 金融资产和类似的资产的净值叫经常帐目余额34.The majority of countries' official reserves assets arenow foreign exchange assets, financial assets denominated in a foreign currency that is readily acceptable ininternational transactions. (T) 大部份官方储备资产作为以外汇资产和金融资产为命名的外币在世界上交易与流通.35. A country's financial account balance equals thecountry's net foreign investment.一个国家的金融帐差额相当于一个国家的净国外投资36. A country has a current account deficit if it is savingmore than it is investing domestically.一个国家如果在国内的储蓄比投资要大,那么会出现经常账目赤字37.The official settlements balance measures the sum of thecapital account balance plus the public current account balance. 官方结算差额是资金帐户余额的总额加上公共经常帐户余额38. A nation's international investment position shows itsstock of international assets and liabilities at a moment in time. (T) 一个国家的国际投资状况反映出它在特定时间里的国际资产股份以及债务情况.39. A nation is a borrower if its current account is indeficit during a time period. (T)在一段时间内,如果一个国家的经常帐出现赤字,那么它就是借方.40. A nation is a debtor if its net stock of foreign assetsis positive. 如果一个国家的国外资产净储备是正数,那么它是借方(债务方)41. A transaction leading to a foreign resident increasingher holdings of a U.S. financial asset will be recorded asa debit on the U.S. financial account. 如果一项交易引起一外国居民增持美国金融资产的股份,那么这项交易在美国金融帐中会被当作借项42. A credit item is an item for which a country must pay.贷项是指一个国家必须还款的条项43.Gold is a major reserve asset that is currently often usedin official reserve transactions. 黄金作为主要的储备资产,常被用在官方储备交易当中.44.The current account balance is equal to the differencebetween domestic product and national expenditure.(T) 经常项目余额等于国民生产与国民支出的差额45.In 2007 U.S. households, businesses and government werebuying more goods and services than they were producing.(T)2007年,美国家庭,商业,政府购买的商品和服务比他们生产(商品和服务)的要多.46。
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PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分,答错不扣分1. If perfect markets existed, resources would be more mobile and could therefore be transferred to those countries more willing to pay a high price for them. ( T )2. The forward contract can hedge future receivables or payables in foreign currencies to insulate the firm against exchange rate risk. ( T )3. The primary objective of the multinational corporation is still the same primary objective of any firm,i.e., to maximize shareholder wealth. ( T )4. A low inflation rate tends to increase imports and decrease exports, thereby decreasing the current account deficit, other things equal. ( F )5. A capital account deficit reflects a net sale of the home currency in exchange for other currencies. This places upward pressure on that home currency’s value. ( F )6. The theory of comparative advantage implies that countries should specialize in production, thereby relying on other countries for some products. ( T )7. Covered interest arbitrage is plausible when the forward premium reflect the interest rate differential between two countries specified by the interest rate parity formula.( F )8.The total impact of transaction exposure is on the overall value of the firm. ( F )9. A put option is an option to sell-by the buyer of the option-a stated number of units of the underlying instrument at a specified price per unit during a specified period. ( T )10. Futures must be marked-to-market. Options are not. ( T )PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分,答错不扣分1. If inflation in a foreign country differs from inflation in the home country, the exchange rate will adjust to maintain equal( purchasing power )2. Speculators who expect a currency to ( appreciate ) could purchase currency futures contracts for that currency.3. Covered interest arbitrage involves the short-term investment in a foreign currency that is covered by a ( forward contract ) to sell that currency when the investment matures.4. (Appreciation/ Revalue )of RMB reduces inflows since the foreign demand for our goods is reduced and foreign competition is increased.5. ( PPP ) suggests a relationship between the inflation differential of two countries and the percentage change in the spot exchange rate over time.6. IFE is based on nominal interest rate ( differentials ), which are influenced by expected inflation.7. Transaction exposure is a subset of economic exposure. Economic exposure includes any form by which the firm’s ( value ) will be affected.8. The option writer is obligated to buy the underlying commodity at a stated price if a ( put option ) is exercised9. There are three types of long-term international bonds. They are Global bonds , ( eurobonds ) and ( foreign bonds ).10. Any good secondary market for finance instruments must have an efficient clearing system. Most Eurobonds are cleared through either ( Euroclear ) or Cedel.PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分1. Assume the following information:A BankB BankBid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800Given this information, is locational arbitrage possible?If so, explain the steps involved in locational arbitrage, and compute the profit from this arbitrage if you had $1,000,000 to use. (5%) ANSWER:Yes!One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802.With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank.These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generatinga profit of $2,500.2. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the British pound is $1.90.How will this spot rate adjust in two years if the United Kingdom experiences an inflation rate of 7 percent per year while the UnitedStates experiences an inflation rate of 2 percent per year?(10%)ANSWER:According to PPP, forward rate/spot=indexdom/indexforthe exchange rate of the pound will depreciate by 4.7 percent. Therefore, the spot rate would adjust to $1.90 × [1 + (–.047)] = $1.81073. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the Singapore dollar is $0.70.The one-year interest rate is 11 percent in the United States and 7 percent in Singapore.What will the spot rate be in one year according to the IFE?(5%)ANSWER: according to the IFE,St+1/St=(1+Rh)/(1+Rf)$.70 × (1 + .04) = $0.7284. Assume that XYZ Co. has net receivables of 100,000 Singapore dollars in 90 days.The spot rate of the S$ is $0.50, and the Singapore interest rate is 2% over 90 days.Suggest how the U.S. firm could implement a money market hedge.Be precise . (10%)ANSWER: The firm could borrow the amount of Singapore dollars so that the 100,000 Singapore dollars to be received could be used to pay off the loan.This amounts to (100,000/1.02) = about S$98,039, which could be converted to about $49,020 and invested.The borrowing of Singapore dollars has offset the transaction exposure due to the future receivables in Singapore dollars.5. A U.S. company ordered a Jaguar sedan. In 6 months , it will pay £30,000 for the car. It worried that pound ster1ing might rise sharply from the current rate($1.90). So, the company bought a 6 month pound call (supposed contract size = £35,000) with a strike price of $1.90 for a premium of 2.3 cents/£.(1)Is hedging in the options market better if the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months?(2)what did the exchange rate have to be for the company to break even?(15%)Solution:(1)If the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months, the U.S. company would exercise the pound call option. The sum of the strike price and premium is$1.90 + $0.023 = $1.9230/£This is bigger than $1.92.So hedging in the options market is not better.(2) when we say the company can break even, we mean that hedging or not hedging doesn’t matter. And only when (strike price + premium )= the exchange rate ,hedging or not doesn’t matter.So, the exchange rate =$1.923/£.6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rate system.(15%)textbook page50 答案以教材第50 页为准PART Ⅳ: Diagram(10%)The strike price for a call is $1.67/£. The premium quoted at the Exchange is $0.0222 per British pound.Diagram the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price for this call optionSolution:Following diagram shows the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price of this put option:PART Ⅴ:Additional QuestionSuppose that you are expecting revenues of Y 100,000 from Japan in one month. Currently, 1 month forward contracts are trading at $1 = $105 Yen. You have the following estimate of thea)b)Calculate the expected value of the hedge.c)How could you replicate this hedge in the money market?You are expecting revenues of Y100,000 in one month that you will need to covert to dollars. You could hedge this in forward markets by taking long positions in US dollars (short positions in Japanese Yen). By locking in your price at $1 = Y105, your dollar revenues are guaranteed to be Y100,000/ 105 = $952You could replicate this hedge by using the following:a) Borrow in Japanb) Convert the Yen to dollarsc) Invest the dollars in the USd) Pay back the loan when you receive the Y100,000Welcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。