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【文献出处】黑龙江科技信息, Heilongjiang Science and Technology Information, 编辑部邮箱

【年,卷(期)】2008 14



【作者】李素荣; 戴秀君; 袁晓明;

【文献出处】河北化工, Hebei Chemical Engineering and Industry, 编辑部邮箱



【中文关键词】青霉素G; 膜过滤; 纳滤膜; 超滤膜;

【英文关键词】penicillin; membrabe filtration; ultrafiltration; nanofil-tration;


【英文摘要】Using nanofiltration to concentrate the end of filtration and making certain of the concentrated multiple, the problem to extract the broth has turned out. To use the membrane technology including the ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membrane,the filtration of higy concentration can be got,and the yield of filtration has been increased. With the use of this method,the volume of the filtration decreases 25 percent,the yield can increase 1 percent,the volume of the COD of the broth waste can...


【篇名】Separation and purification of benzylpenicillin produced by fermentation using coupled ultrafiltration and nanofiltration technologies。

【Auther】L. Tessiera, P. Bouchardb and M. Rahnic

【刊名】Journal of Biotechnology

【年,卷(期)】V olume 116, Issue 1, 2 ,March 2005,

【Page】Pages 79-89

【Abstract】The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capacity of using coupled ultrafiltration—nanofiltration technologies for separation and purification of benzylpenicillin (BP). More specifically, we verified the efficiency of three ultrafiltration(UF) membranes

(cut-off of 5000, 30,000 and 100,000 Da) to remove impurities that cause stable emulsion during the chemical extraction of the antibiotic. We also tested the effectiveness of a nanofiltration (NF) membrane (cut-off of 300 Da) to concentrate the benzylpenicillin recovered from permeates and to decrease the osmotic pressure by reducing the ionic charge of the broth. Results have shown that high recovery (89.0–91.0%) can be obtained in permeate generated by the 30,000 and 100,000 UF membranes, but a slight emulsion will be formed during phase separation. With the 5000 UF membrane, lower recovery is obtained (81.0%) but no emulsion is produced, leading to a high solvent extraction yield (94.6%). The nanofiltration of 30,000 and 100,000 UF permeates leads to very high recovery (98.0%), but stable emulsions are formed, reducing the chemical extraction yield (80.0–82.6%). For the nanofiltration of 5000 UF permeate, excellent recovery of the antibiotic is noted (97.4%) leading to high extraction yield (92.4%) with no emulsion formed. Diafiltration step should be applied during UF procedure in order to increase the antibiotic recovery in the generated permeates.




【英文篇名】Progress on biodiesel production with enzymatic catalysis in China

【作者】谭天伟; 鲁吉珂; 聂开立; 张海霞; 邓利; 王芳;

【文献出处】生物工程学报, Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 【年,卷(期)】2010,07 【摘要】介绍了北京化工大学近年来酶法合成生物柴油工业化研究的结果。主要内容包括以下几个方面:高产脂肪酶菌株的选育、脂肪酶发酵工艺优化及放大、脂肪酶固定化方法、酶反应器放大、生物柴油分离精制及副产物甘油综合利用。该脂肪酶假丝酵母Candida sp.99-125在5 m3罐发酵活力不低于8 000 IU/mL,然后将该脂肪酶吸附固定在织物膜上并进行表面改性,用于搅拌罐式反应器生产每吨甲酯的需酶量仅为4.2 kg,产品经分离精制调质后,其各项指标完全符合德国生物柴油生产标准。副产物甘油可用于1,3-丙二醇发酵,30 L发酵罐中1,3-丙二醇的产量可达到76.1 g/L。


【篇名】Biodiesel production with immobilized lipase: A review‖

【刊名】Biotechnology Advances

【年,卷(期)】2010; 28(5)


【Auther】Tianwei Tan a,⁎, Jike Lu a,b, Kaili Nie a, Li Deng a, Fang Wang a

a Beijing Bioprocess Key Laboratory, College of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029, PR China

b Bioengineering Department, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, 450001, PR China 【Abstract】

Fatty acid alkyl esters, also called biodiesel,are environmentally friendly and show great potential as an alternative liquid fuel. Biodieselis produced by transesterification of oils or fats with chemical catalysts or lipase. Immobilized lipase as the biocatalyst draws high attention because that process is ―greener‖. This article reviews the current status of biodiesel production with immobilized lipase,including various lipases,immobilization methods, various feedstocks, lipase inactivation caused by short chain alcohols and large scale industrialization. Adsorption is still the most widely employed method for lipase immobilization. There are two kinds of lipase used most
