




2)具体询价:所谓具体询价实际上就是请求对方报盘(request for an offer)。


Basic Expressions1. Our buyers asked for your price list or catalogue.我们的买主想索求你方价格单或目录。

2. Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver.所报价格需包括到温哥华的保险和运费。

3. I would like to have your lowest quotations C.I.F. Vancouver.希望您报成本加运费、保险费到温哥华的低价格。

4. Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer?请寄样品目录和详细报价。

5. We would appreciate your sending us the latest samples with their best prices.请把贵公司的新样品及优惠的价格寄给我们,不胜感激。

6. Your ad in today's China Daily interests us and we will be glad to receive samples with your prices.对你们刊登在今天《中国日报》上的广告,我们很感兴趣。


7. Will you please inform us of the prices at which you can supply?请告知我们贵方能供货的价格。

8. If your prices are reasonable, we may place a large order with you.若贵方价格合理,我们可能向你们大量订货。



商贸英语口语之询价一、惯用单句1 我们对中国的地毯非常感兴趣,我想就这方面进行询价。

We are very interested in Chinese carpets. I'd like to make an inquiry.2 我们对你们的地毯很感兴趣。

你方的报价如何?We're quite interested in your carpets. How about your offer?3 请把你们的价格表或目录寄给我们好吗?Will you please send us your price list or catalogue?4 请把你们的目录和详细报价寄给我们好吗?Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer?5 您能把目录中所列产品的价格报给我们吗?Could you make offers for the items listed in your catalogue?6 您能把七号产品的价格报给我吗?Would you give me an offer for Item No.7?7 您能把ZX102型的价格报给我吗?May I have your offer for Model ZX102?8我能问一下这种产品的价格吗?May I ask the price of this product?9我能问一下这种产品的最低价吗?May I ask the rock-bottom price of this product?10 您能告诉我这个产品的单价是多少吗?Could you tell me the unit price of this product?11你能给我报这些商品的最低价格吗?Would you please quote me your lowest prices for the goods? 12希望您能报给我们纽约到岸价的最优惠价格。



以下是一段商务英语情景对话,内容涉及订购货物并进行砍价谈判:John: Hello, Ms. Li. It's John from the United States. We ordered 1000 sets of your products last month and the quality was good. However, the price was a bit high. We would like to discuss the price with you.李女士:您好,约翰先生。



John: Yes, Ms. Li. The price is indeed a bit high for us. We would like to order the same products at a lower price this time.约翰:是的,李女士。



Li: Well, Mr. John, the price has already been fixed after we negotiated with you last time. We can't reduce the price any more.李:嗯,约翰先生,上次和您商量后价格已经定下来了,我们不能再降价了。

John: Then, can you give us some discount? We plan to order more products from you in the future.约翰:那么,你能给我们一些折扣吗?我们计划将来向你们订购更多的产品。

Li: Mr. John, as I said, we can't reduce the price any more. But if you order more products, we can offer you some discounts on the original price.李:约翰先生,正如我所说,我们不能再降低价格了。




I’m glad to have the opportunity of visting your corporation.hop e we can do business together.2.克莱夫先生,很高兴有机会与你会面。


请你谈谈对哪些产品特感兴趣?It’s a great pleasure to meet you,Mr Clive.i believe you h ave se en our exhibits in the show room.what is it in particular you’re int erested in?1.我对你们的小五金很有兴趣。




I’m interested in your hardware.i’ve seen the exhibits and stud ied your catalogues.I think some of the items will find a ready marke t in Canada.here’s a list of requirements; I’d like to have your lo west quotations C I F vancouver.2.谢谢你方的询价。


能否请你谈谈你放所需的数量?Thank you for your inquiry.would you tell us what quantity you re quire so that we can work out the offers?1.行呀。

同时请你们提出一个估价好吗?I’ll do that.meanwhile,could you give me an indication of the pr ice?2.这是我们的装运岗船上交货价,但上所有的价格都已我方确认为准。



商贸英语口语之商议价格一、惯用单句1 您开的价也太高了吧。

You're asking too much.2 你们的报价太高,我们不能接受。

The price you offer is too high. We can't accept it.3 我们的价格与国际市场上的是一致的。

Our rates are in line with the world market.4 我们的价格与今天的市场形式相吻合。

Our prices fit in with today's market situation.5 您不能只看价格不看质量。

You can't consider the price separately from the quality.6 您应该考虑质量因素。

You should take the quality into account.7 我们必须考虑商品的质量问题。

We have to take into consideration the quality of the goods.8 价格减少5%如何?How about reducing the price by 5%? = How about lowering the price by 5%?9 每件100美元如何?How about $100 per unit?10 我建议降价4%。

I propose a reduction of 4%.11 这是我们最优惠的价格,不能再低了。

This is the best we can offer. We can't go any lower.12 这是我们的最低价格,不可能再让了。

This is our rock-bottom price, we can't make any further concessions.13 这是我们可以报的最低价格了。



外贸英语对话询价篇做外贸行业,即使没有一口流利的英语,了解一些常用的外贸英语对话也是很有必要的!今天学习啦小编在这里为大家分享外贸英语对话询价篇,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助!外贸英语对话--询价篇T o m:I m g l a d t o h a v e t h ec h a n c e t o v i s i t y o u r c o r p o r a t i o n.I h o p e t oc o n c l ude s o m e s u b s t a n t i a l b u s i n e s s w i t h y o u.C h e n:I t s g r e a t p l e a s u r e.M r T o m,t o h a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y o f m e e t i n g y o u. I b i l i e v e y o u h a v e s e e n t h e e x h i b i t s i n t h e s h o w r o o m.M a y I k n o w w h a tp a r t i c u l a r i t e m s y o u a r e i n t e r s t e d i n?T o m:I mi n t e r e s t e d i n y o u r h a r d w a r e,I h a v e s e e n t h ee x h i b i t s a n d s t u d i e d y o u r c a t a l o g s.I t h i n k s o m e of t h e i t e m s w i l l f i n d a r e a d y m a r k e t i n H o l l a n d.H e r e i s a l i s t o f m y r e q u i r e m e n t s. f o r w h i c h I d l i k e t o h a v e y o u r l o w e s t q u o t a t i o n s,C I F S y d n e y.C h e n: T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r i n q u i r y. W o u l d y o u t e l l u s t h e q u a n t i t y y o u r e q u i r e s o a s t o e n a b l e u s t ow o r k o u t t h e o f f e r s?T o m: I l l d o t h a t. M e a n w h i l e, w o u l d y o u g i v e m e a n i n d i c a t i o n o f p r i c e?C h e n:H e r e a r e o u r F O B p r i c e l i s t s.A l l t h ep r i c e s i n t h e l i s t s a r e s u b j e c t t o o u r c o n f i r m a t i o n. T o m:W h a t a b o u t t h e c o m m i s s i o n:F r o m E u r o p e a ns u p p l i e r s I u s u a l l y g e t a 3 t o 5 p e r c e n t c o m m i s s i o n f o r m y i m p o r t s.I t s t h e g e n e r a l p r a c t i c e.C h e n: A s a r u l e w e d o n o t a l l o w a n y c o m m i s s i o n.B u t i f t h e o r d e r i s l a r g e e n o u g h, w e l l c o n s i d e r i t. T o m: Y o u s e e, I d o b u s i n e s s o n c o m m i s s i o n b a s i s.A c o m m i s s i o n o n y o u r p r i c e s w o u l d m a k e i t e a s i e r f o r m e t o p r o m o t e s a l e s. E v e n a 2 o r 3 p e r c e n t w o u l d h e l p. C h e n: W e l l d i s c u s s t h i s w h e n y o u p l a c e y o u r o r d e r w i t h u s.汤姆:我感到很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司。



询盘:外贸实务口语句型及对话第2课Unit 2 Inquiry询盘在对外贸易中,交易的一方欲出售或购买某种商品,向另一方询问买卖该商品的各项交易条件,这种口头的或书面的表示,在进出口业务中称之为询盘或询价。


2)具体询价:所谓具体询价实际上就是请求对方报盘(request for an offer)。


Basic Expressions1. Our buyers asked for your price list or catalogue.我们的买主想索求你方价格单或目录。

2. Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver. 所报价格需包括到温哥华的保险和运费。

3. I would like to have your lowest quotations C.I.F. Vancouver. 希望您报成本加运费、保险费到温哥华的。

4. Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer?请寄样品目录和详细报价。

5. We would appreciate your sending us the latest sam ples with their best prices.请把贵公司的最新样品及惠的价格寄给我们,不胜感激。

6. Your ad in today’s China Daily interests us and we will be glad to receive samples with your prices.对你们刊登在今天《中国日报》上的广告,我们很感兴趣。





以下是外贸价格谈判中常用到的英语口语:1.Let’s get down to business, shall we?让我们开始谈生意好吗?2.I’d like to tell you what I think about that.我想告诉你我的一些想法。

3.Are those prices FOB or CIF?这些价格是船上交货价还是运费及保险费在内价?4.Are these prices wholesale or retail?这些价格是批发价还是零售价?5.That’s too high.价钱太高了。

报关员培训6.Oh, no, this is the lowest price.噢,不,这是最低价。

7.Let us have your rock-bottom price.我们给你低价。

8.What’s the price range?价格范围是多少?9.They start at one hundred and fifty yuan and go up to two hundred yuan.它们以50元起价,至多到200元。

10.The price is quite reasonable.这价格相当合理。

11.The price is unreasonable.这价格高得不合理。

12.Can you make it a little cheaper?=Can you come down a little?=Can you reduce the price?你能不能算便宜一点?13.That sounds very impressive.那似乎非常好。

14.That sounds reasonable.那似乎非常好。

15.I’d like to hear your ideas on…我想听听你关于……的看法。

16.You’re offering us this product at 1800 yuan per unit-is that right?你提供我们的这种产品报价是每台1800元吗,对吗?17.We’d appreciat e it if you could sell it to us for 1350 yuan per unit.如果你能以每台1350元的价格卖给我们,我们将不胜感激。



外贸英语口语:教你如何询价常用短语:1. be interested in: 对……有兴趣2. Subject to: 以……为准3. Place an order: 订货看看下面的例子:A: I'm glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation. I hope we can do business together.A: 我有机会拜访贵公司,感到很高兴。


B: It's a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Clive. I believe you have seen our exhibits in the show room. What is it in particular you're interested in?B: 克莱夫先生,很高兴有机会与你会面,相信你已经在样品间参观了展品,请你谈谈对哪些产品特别感兴趣?A: I'm interested in your hardware. I've seen the exhibits and studied your catalogues.I think some of the items will find a ready market in Canada. Here's a list of requirements; I'd like to have your lowest quotations, C. I. F Vancouver.A: 我对你们的小五金有兴趣。



B: Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offers?B: 谢谢你方的询价。



外贸采购询盘常用英语口语第一篇:外贸采购询盘常用英语口语外贸采购询盘常用英语口语May I have an idea of your prices?可以了解一下你们的价格吗?Can you give me an indication of price?你能给我一个估价吗?Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods.请告知你们有关商品的最低价。

If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away.如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。

When can I have your firm C.I.F.prices, Mr.Li?李先生,什么时候能得到你们到岸价的实盘?We’d rather have you quote us F.O.B.prices.我们希望你们报离岸价格。

Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F.Hamberg for the chairs.请告诉你方椅子到汉堡到岸价的最低价格。

Words and Phrasesfavorable 优惠的firm price 实价,实盘Will you please tell the quantity you require so as to enable us to sort out the offers?为了便于我方报价,可以告诉我们你们所要的数量吗?We’d like to know what you can offer as well as your sales conditions.我们想了解你们能供应什么,以及你们的销售条件。

How long does it usually take you to make delivery?你们通常要多久才能交货?Could you make prompt delivery?.Buyer 采购员A: Who is the buyer on this program?B: Lisa Yang.A:谁是这个项目的采购员?B:杨丽莎。




May I have an idea of your prices?可以了解一下你们的价格吗?Can you give me an indication of price?你能给我一个估价吗?Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods.请告知你们有关商品的最低价。

If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away.如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。

When can I have your firm C.I.F. prices, Mr. Li?李先生,什么时候能得到你们到岸价的实盘?We'd rather have you quote us F.O.B.prices.我们希望你们报离岸价格。

Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Humburg for the chairs.请告诉你方椅子到汉堡到岸价的最低价格。

Words and Phrasesfavorable 优惠的firm price 实价,实盘Will you please tell the quantity you require so as to enable us to sort out the offers?为了便于我方报价,可以告诉我们你们所要的数量吗?We'd like to know what you can offer as well as your sales conditions.我们想了解你们能供应什么,以及你们的销售条件。

How long does it usually take you to make delivery?你们通常要多久才能交货?Could you make prompt delivery?可以即期交货吗?Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?不知你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货?Could you tell me which kind of payment terms you'll choose?能否告知你们将采用哪种付款方式?Will you please tell us the earliest possible date you can make shipment?你能否告知我们最早船期吗?Do you take special orders?你们接受特殊订货吗?Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment?你能给我们寄来一份胶靴的目录,连同告诉我们付款方式吗?he inquired about the varieties, specifications and price, and so on and so forth.他询问了品种、花色和价格等情况。



外贸英语对话询价篇做外贸行业,即使没有一口流利的英语,了解一些常用的外贸英语对话也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享外贸英语对话询价篇,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助!外贸英语对话--询价篇Tom: I'm glad to have the chance to visit your corporation. I hope to conclude some substantial business with you.Chen: It's great pleasure. Mr Tom, to have the opportunity of meeting you. I bilieve you have seen the exhibits in the show room. May I know what particular items you are intersted in? Tom: I'm interested in your hardware, I have seen the exhibits and studied your catalogs. I think some of the items will find a ready market in Holland. Here is a list of my requirements. for which I'd like to have your lowest quotations, CIF Sydney.Chen: Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offers?Tom: I'll do that. Meanwhile, would you give me an indication of price?Chen: Here are our FOB price lists. All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation. Tom: What about the commission: From European suppliers I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports. It's the general practice.Chen: As a rule we do not allow any commission. But if the order is large enough, we'll consider it.Tom: You see, I do business on commission basis. A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even a 2 or 3 percent would help. Chen: We'll discuss this when you place your order with us.汤姆:我感到很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司。



客户---How much for this item? 这款多少钱?
我方--- How many pcs would you like? 你想要多少数量?
You know, the price varies with the quantity you purchase. 要知道,价格随着你采购量而变化
And could you pls tell me the specs for the item you want?
客户---Can you send the quote to my email? 你能把报价发到我的邮箱吗?
客户--- How many colors are available? 有几个颜色可以选?
---- How many pcs can a 40ft container fit in? 1个40尺柜能装多少?----- Any discount? 能便宜点吗?
我方--- Could you please send me the artwork for the logo in PDF or AI format?
能发我PDF 或者AI 格式的logo 设计稿吗?
我方--- We will deliver all the 3500 pcs 25 days after we receive 30% deposit.
我们会再收到30% 定金后25天发出全部3500 件货。



外贸询价英语对话篇一:外贸价格谈判英文对话外贸价格谈判英文对话When he starts banging on the table,that’s as far as you can go with him。


Good luck!祝你好运!EDW ARD GREEN:Thanks. So let’s clarify the position so far。



As far as Big Bo is concerned we have agreed on a unit price of 20 for 30,000,and I can’t go below that price for an order of this size。

仅就“大老板” 我们同意给20的单价,但要购买3万件,对这样的订购量我不可能低于这个数。

Now let’s look at terms of payment。


DA Y MCNEIL:Ninety days。


EDW ARD GREEN:I’m sorry Mr. Mcneil,but that’s completely unacceptable。


Our standard policy on discounts of over thirty percent is payment within thirty days of delivery。


DA Y MCNEIL:This is not a standard situation。


I am making a very large order..。



进出口实用英语-询价1 I’ve come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。

2 Y ou’re going out of your way for us, I believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。

3 It’s just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient for you right now.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。

4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。

5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then.如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。

6 Is there any way of ensuring we’ll have enough time for our talks?我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判?7 So our evenings will be quite full then?那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗?8 We’ll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。

9 We’d have to compare notes on what we’ve discussed dur ing the day.我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。

10 That’ll put us both in the picture.这样双方都能了解全面的情况。





询盘英语对话1A customer wants to make an inquiry about the printed pure silk scarves. Now Steven is taking about it with the customer.一客户想要对印花真丝围巾询一下价,现在史蒂文正和该客户谈论此事。

Customer:We are very interested in your printed pure silk scarves, so could you introduce us your prices?客户:我们对贵方的印花真丝围巾很感兴趣,请介绍一下贵方的价格好吗?Steven:Thank you for inquiring. But your enquiry is too vague to reply.史蒂文:谢谢询价。


Customer:Please send us your best offer and state payment terms and time of shipment.客户:请向我们报最优价,并说明支付条件和装运期。

Steven:Ok. I need to discuss it with our manager. We'll let you have our firm offer next week.史蒂文:好的。



Customer:I'm waiting. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.客户:我等您的报价,请早日发盘不甚感谢。

Steven:Ok. I will reply to you as soon as possible.史蒂文:好。



伦敦某公司的冯小姐到某茶厂询问有关乌龙茶Oolong tea的价格。


A:I’m glad to have the opportunity to visit your corporation .I hope we can do business together.有机会拜访贵公司,我感到很荣幸。


B:It’s a great pleasure to meet you, Miss Feng.I believe you have seen our teas in the tea factory ,What is it in particular you’re interested in?冯小姐,很高兴与您会面。

相信您已在茶厂参观了我们的茶,请您谈谈对那些产品感兴趣?A:I’m interested in your oolong tea,green tea,scented tea and health protection tea .I’ve seen your teas and studied your catalogues.I think this teas will find a ready market in London.Here’s a list of requirements.我对你们的乌龙茶、绿茶、花茶和保健茶感兴趣。



B:Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?谢谢您的询价。

为了便于我方报价,能否请您谈谈贵方需求的数量?A:I’will do that.Meanwhile ,Could you give me an indication of the price?行。

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外贸英语对话询价篇外贸英语对话--询价篇Tom: I m glad to have the chance to visit your corporation. I hope to conclude some substantial business with you.Chen: It s great pleasure. Mr Tom, to have the opportunity of meeting you. I bilieve you have seen the exhibits in the show room. May I know what particular items you are intersted in? Tom: I m interested in your hardware, I have seen the exhibits and studied your catalogs. I think some of the items will find a ready market in Holland. Here is a list of my requirements. for which I d like to have your lowest quotations, CIF Sydney.Chen: Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offers?Tom: I ll do that. Meanwhile, would you give me an indication of price?Chen: Here are our FOB price lists. All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation. Tom: What about the commission: From European suppliers I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports. It s the general practice.Chen: As a rule we do not allow any commission. But if the order is large enough, we ll consider it.Tom: You see, I do business on commission basis. A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even a 2 or 3 percent would help. Chen: We ll discuss this when you place your order with us.汤姆:我感到很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司。
















外贸英语对话--询价篇难点解析FOB-- FOB是一个常用的缩写词,意思指离岸价,如FOB 上海,指的是上海离岸价。

FOB HONGKONG 指的是香港离岸价。


CIF是cost, insurance 和freight 缩写。

如:CIF LONDON 倫敦到岸价/ CIF KLANG 马来西亚巴生港到岸价。

General Practice 意思是惯例,international general practice 是国际惯例。

商品检验Commodity InspectionShall we take up the question of inspection today? 今天咱们讨论商品检验问题吧。

The inspection of commodity is no easy job. 商检工作不是那么简单。

Mr. Black is talking with the Chinese importer about inspecting the goods. 布莱克先生与中方进口商就商品检验问题进行洽谈。

As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods has its special importance. 作为合同里的一个组成部分,商品检验具有特殊的重要性。

We should inspect this batch of porcelainware to see if there is any breakage. 我们要检查一下这批瓷器是否有破损的。

The exporters have the right to inspect the export goods before delivery to the shipping line. 出口商在向船运公司托运前有权检验商品。

The inspection should be completed within a month after the arrival of the goods. 商品检验工作在到货后一个月内完成。

How should we define the inspection rights? 商检的权力怎样加以明确呢?I m worried that there might be some disputes over the results of inspection. 我担心对商检的结果会发生争议。

We ll accept the goods only if the results from the two inspections are identical with each other. 如果双方的检测结果一致,我们就收货。

外贸英语对话:商谈交易Negotiating A DealAI understand we will need seven air conditioning units on the two floors.That s what you think, yes?我了解我们需要七部空调机在两个楼面。

你是这个意思,对吧?BYes. You could use five or six units.But five or six wouldn t be very efficient. I recommend seven.是的。



AAnd if we take the Decker units you suggested, what would the price be?还有我们如果用你建议的戴格牌,会是多少钱?BLet me calculate the price for you.I can give you a 15% discount if you buy the seven units.Let s see here. Your total would be 5929 dollars.让我算一下。



AIsn t there any way we can get central air conditioning in this building?我们可以在这栋建筑装设中央空调系统吗?BAs I said, it is possible, but it would be much more expensive.I think it would be at least 12000 dollars to do a complete system.就像我说的,是可行的,但是会花费很多。


AThat s too much. We need to use the separate units, I guess.那真是太多了。


BIt s more practical, and the new units really are very quiet.Your customers won t even notice them.在实用性方面,新的装置也会比较安静。


ASo you say we can do it for 6000 dollars.所以你说我们可以在六千美元以内完工。

BYes, that s for the units.Installation would probably be another 700 to 1000 dollars.But it depends on the time spent, of course.是的,只有装置的费用。



AYou mean installation isn t included? I m very surprised.你的意思是没有包含安装费?我很惊讶。

BNo, Ma am. Installation isn t included.The price I quoted was just for the units.不,女士。



AIn Taipei, you know, the company usually installs the things they sell.They don t charge extra.在台北,你知道,一般公司都安装他们所卖的产品。
