3M滤毒盒型号与防护功能对照表图像货号产品名称描述WX06001有机气体滤毒盒●可防护有机气体及蒸气,如苯及同系物、汽油、丙酮、二硫化碳、醚等●包装:2个/包,30包/箱WX06002 酸性气体滤毒盒●可防护酸性气体、氯气、盐酸、二氧化硫、二氧化氯、硫化氢●包装:2个/包,30包/箱XF0038494786003 有机及酸性气体滤毒盒●可防护有机蒸气、氯气、盐酸、二氧化硫、硫化氢、氢氟酸●包装:2个/包,30包/箱XF0038051086004氨气/甲胺滤毒盒●可防护氨气、甲胺●包装:2个/包,30包/箱XF0038051166005甲醛/有机蒸气滤毒盒●可防护甲醛、有机蒸气●包装:2个/包,30包/箱XF0038051246006多用气体/蒸气滤毒盒●可防护有机蒸气、氯气、二氧化氯、氯化氢、二氧化硫、氟化氢、硫化氢、氨气、甲胺、甲醛●包装:2个/包,30包/箱XF0038051326009汞蒸气/氯气滤毒盒●可防护汞蒸气、氯气●包装:2个/包,30包/箱XF0038051406057 有机/无机/酸性气体滤毒盒●可防护有机/无机/酸性气体,氯气、盐酸、二氧化硫、氰化氢(配合全面具在低浓度中有限制使用)及硫化氢●包装:8个/盒,8盒/箱XF0038050906098低沸点有机气体滤盒及颗粒物滤棉●用于一些单一的有机蒸气(沸点低于65摄氏度)及颗粒物防护(P3),配合全面具使用,例如甲醇、二氯乙烷、三氯乙烷●包装:2个/包,16包/箱XF00380515760926多用气体/蒸气滤毒盒及P100颗粒物滤棉●可防护有机蒸气、氯气、二氧化氯、氯化氢、二氧化硫、氟化氢、硫化氢、氨气、甲胺盒甲醛及各类颗粒物的高效防护(P100)●包装:2个/包,30包/箱XF00380516560928溴甲烷/放射性碘滤盒及P100颗粒物滤棉●可防护浓度不超过5ppm的碘甲烷(放射性碘)和溴甲烷,配合全面具使用●包装:2个/包,30包/箱图像货号产品名称描述XF0038052155N11 N95滤棉(有字的朝里面)●过滤各类非油性颗粒物●包装:10个/盒,10盒/箱734501滤棉塑料胶盖●用于将5N11滤棉固定在6000/7000的滤盒上●包装:20个/盒,5盒/箱211502滤棉承接座●用于将2000系列滤棉固定在6000/7000系列滤盒上●包装:20个/盒,5盒/箱6802071 P95滤棉●可过滤各类颗粒物,但不适用于放射性、高毒颗粒物●包装:2片/包,50包/箱9122076HF P95氟化氢/酸性气体异味滤棉●氟化氢及防颗粒物滤料可除酸性气体异味及各类颗粒物,但不适合用于放射性、高毒颗粒物●包装:2片/包,50包/箱WX02078 P95粉尘/酸性有机异味滤棉●可过滤各类颗粒物及酸性有机异味●包装:2片/包,50包/箱WX82091 P100高效滤棉●可过滤各类颗粒物,包括电焊烟、核放射尘、玻璃纤维等●包装:2片/包,50包/箱9372096 P100/酸性气体异味高效滤棉●可过滤各类颗粒物及酸性异味●包装:2片/包,50包/箱WX62097 P100高效粉尘/有机异味滤棉●可过滤各类颗粒物及有机异味●包装:2片/包,50包/箱2317093B P100高效滤尘盒●可过滤各类油性及非油性悬浮微粒。
自行车轮胎,胶管,汽车配件,电器配件,TPV各种工业产品,各种高性能产品充油松散型,可用于低硬度产品,可高填充 轮胎胎侧,发泡件,高硬度产品 汽车发泡件,绝热发泡件,发泡密封条 汽车发泡件,绝热发泡件,发泡密封条 汽车发泡件,绝热发泡件,发泡密封条,硫速较快 低门尼高ENB,因此加工性能优异,硫化速度快且可以二烯烃类吸纳高并用 高分子量,高ENB,挺性好,低压变 松散型,高分子量,高ENB,挺性好,低压变 松散型,高分子量,高ENB,挺性好,低压变
NO 牌号 门尼粘度ML(1+4) 乙烯 第三单 充油 含量 体含量 份数 100℃ 125℃ 150℃ Wt% Wt% OilPHR 35 46 30 63 84 84 98 87 53 54 61 45 41 29 84 109 90 61 81 67 64 57 53 69 58 58 62 68 70 60 72 55 60 60 60 2.3 4.1 4.5 4.1 4.7 4.5 5.5 5.7 4.5 4 9.4 8.5 8.5 9.0 50 75 100 内胎、鞋材、机械制品等 注射制品,高硬度制品,垫圈,线缆,电子配件 胶管、门窗密封件、各种挤出制品,线缆 胶管、密实密封条,垫圈,一般工业制品 胶管、密实密封条,垫圈,一般工业制品,硫速快 门窗密封条,汽车外饰件,防水板材等 密封性密封条,胶管,模压产品,防水板材,汽车配件等 低硬度模压注射件(洗衣机门封,线束保护套等),胶管,高回弹产品等 低硬度模压注射件(洗衣机门封,线束保护套等),胶管,高回弹产品等 应用 特性
符合国标GB 7324-94应用范围
概述:本产品以高级脂肪酸皂稠化深度精制的基础油,并加入二硫化钼和抗氧、防锈等添加剂.采用先进的接触器循环制脂新工艺调制而成。主要性能:二硫化钼的摩擦系数很低尤其是在高压运转条件下其摩擦系数更低在润滑膜遇到重负荷、震动、冲击负荷或高温的情况下起补强作用,因此二硫化钼锂基脂特别适用于重负荷和瞬时高温部位的润滑。用途:本产品适用于工作温度在-20 --+120℃范围内工作的轧钢机械、矿山机械、建筑机械、重型起重机械、注塑机械等重负荷的齿轮和轴承的润滑并能使用于有冲击负荷的部件。注意事项:使用本产品前必须把润滑部位清洗干净.避免污染新脂。
FPC培训教材KEE 工程部二零零四年十月---------------------------------版本:B----------------------------------------------目录第一章概述 3第二章FPC材料简介 6第三章FPC材料分析与选择8第四章FPCB制程简介11第五章FPC技术指标13第六章FPC模具15第七章FPC包装与储存17第八章FPC测试18第九章零组件知识的介绍19 第十章我司FPC的优势21 第十一章FPC询价单的填写及要求,命名方式22 第十二章报价知识介绍24 第十三章进阶工艺介绍27第一节干膜与曝光技术介绍27 第二节显影蚀刻去膜技术介绍28 第三节镀锡铅技术介绍29 第四节PTH技术介绍30 第五节覆盖膜层压技术介绍31 第六节零组件技术介绍32第十四章公司质量系统介绍第十五章FPC检验规范与检验工具第一章概述FPC指可挠性印刷电路板是FLEXIBLE PRINTED CIRCUIT 的英文缩写,它具有轻、薄、短、小的特点,作为一种特殊的互联技术能够满足三维组装的要求,已被广泛应用于NOTEBOOK、LCD、手机、数码相机、计算器、航空电子以及军用电子设备中,当然它也有初始成本高以及不易更改和修复等缺点。
例如:用在打印机上打印头的FPC二、就类型分:5.刚挠或挠性组合印制板三、FPC产品应用FPC产品应用第二章FPC材料简介一、挠性覆铜箔基材(CCL)A:铜箔1.按铜箔厚度可分为0.5OZ 1OZ 2OZ 相对应为17.5um 35um 70um2.按种类分可分为------压延铜与电解铜2.1压延铜----通常用RA表示(rolled annealed copper)特点:采用厚的铜箔多次重复压延而成,具有较高的延展性及耐弯曲性一般用在耐弯曲的FPC板上2.2电解铜----通常用ED表示(electrolytically deposited copper)特点:用电镀的方法形成,其铜微粒结晶状态呈垂直状,利于精细线路的制作,常用在弯曲性要求较低的FPC板上B:基材(BASE FILM)目前公司内常用到的基材有如下两种:1.聚酯(POL YESTER)----通常说成PET,价格低廉,电气和物理性能与聚先亚氨相似,较耐潮湿,其厚度通常为1~5MIL,适用于-40℃~55℃的工作环境,但耐高温较差,决定了它只能适用于简单的柔性PCB,不能用于有零组件的FPC板上2.聚先亚氨(POL YIMIDE)----通常说成PI,它具有优异的耐高温性能,耐浸焊性可达260℃、20sec,几乎应用于所有的军事硬件和要求严格的商用设备中,但易吸潮,价格贵,其厚度通常为0.5~5MIL 二、覆盖膜覆盖膜-----即通常所说COVERLAY,其作用是使挠性电路不受尘埃、潮气、化学药品的侵蚀以及减少弯曲过程中应力的影响,主要起绝缘作用其结构可形象地用下图表示:A:介质薄膜1.聚酯(POL YESTER)---其厚度通常为1(mil)、2(mil)2.聚先亚氨(POL YIMIDE---其厚度通常为0.5 (mil)、1(mil)、2(mil)B:粘结薄膜(参见后面介绍)C:离型纸-----为了保护粘结薄膜不受污染另外可代替COVERLAY,还有一种工艺就是网印防焊(SOLDER MASK),采用FPCB专用液体感光型油墨或UV光固化油墨,其厚度一般为10~20um,其特点为油墨抗弯曲,而且减低了成本,简化了生产工艺。
3M双面胶带3M胶带型号列表3M VHB 胶带主要3M双面胶产品列表:产品型号/ 产品名称/ 标准规格/ 一般用途3M 9495LE 300LSE 双面胶带 , 难粘表面之塑料、金属、泡绵等3M 9690 300MP 双面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品透明窗粘结3M 9495MP 200MP双面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品透明窗粘结3M 9492MP 200MP双面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品透明窗粘结3M 9009 300 双面胶带 , 难粘表面之塑料、金属、泡绵等3M 9019 300 双面胶带 , 难粘表面之塑料、金属、泡绵等3M 966 100MP 双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9079 3M耐高温双面胶带, 耐260度高温(FPC适用)9461P 100MP 双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9485PC 350 双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9482PC 350双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9460PC VHB 双面胶 , 0.05MM厚纯胶膜耐高温,FPC用3M 9469PC VHB 双面胶 , 0.13MM厚纯胶膜耐高温,FPC用3M 9473PC VHB 双面胶 , 0.25MM厚纯胶膜耐高温,FPC用3M 8142 光学透明双面胶带 , 0.13MM厚适用于触摸屏等需光透明之场合3M 467MP 468 双面胶带 , 一般工业用途3M 8008 8018 8608 988T 52330 55256 , 一般工业用途之双面胶带3M 7952MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 双面离型纸之467MP胶带3M 7945MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7956MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7957MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7959MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7961MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7993MP 200MP PET单面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品按键3M 7997MP 200MP PET单面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品按键3M 9672LE 300LSE 双面胶带 , 无基材胶膜,适用于难粘表面,3M 9075 丙烯酸系算面胶 , 无纺布基材3M 6408 丙烯酸系算面胶 , 无纺布基材,纸基,3M 9448 橡胶系双面胶 , 无纺布双面胶3M 9080 丙烯酸系双面胶 , 无纺布双面胶3M 4930 VHB, 0.4MM厚特强粘性泡绵双面胶3M 4920 VHB ,0.4MM厚特强粘性泡绵双面胶3M 4615 丙烯酸泡绵双面胶 , 0.4MM厚高柔性,3M 4945 VHB 双面胶 , 1.10MM厚特强粘泡绵双面胶带3M 4941 VHB 双面胶 , 1.10MM厚特强粘泡绵双面胶带3M 4611 VHB 双面胶 , 1.10MM厚特强粘泡绵双面胶带3M 5413 Kapton 胶带 , PCB波峰焊保护用, made in USA;3M 7413 Polyimide 胶带 , PCB波峰焊保护用,made in China;8402 PET胶带 600MMX33M PCB波峰焊保护用;8952,8951,851,850,853 PET胶带,3M 471 pvc胶带 , 标示胶带多种颜色3M 5702 , , 黄黑相间标示胶带3M 5453 PTFE 胶带 12"X60YD heat seal tape3M 5421 5423 5425 UHMW-PE 1"X18YD 抗磨降低摩擦胶带3M 425 铝箔胶带 1"X60YD 一般性用途3M 9703 自粘导电双面胶带 12"X36YD EL片、薄膜开关FPC等用3M 9713 热压导电双面胶带 12"X36YD EL片、薄膜开关FPC等用3M 331T 蓝色保护胶带 1.2MX100M PCB电镀保护胶带,不锈钢表2K10,3K04,332,保护膜;3M 2142 美纹纸遮蔽胶带 400mmX 50m PCB过锡炉(波峰焊)等遮蔽场合使用3M 244 美纹纸遮蔽胶带 400mmX 50m PCB过锡炉(波峰焊)等遮蔽场合使用8152,8902, PCB电镀绿胶带 1000MMX50M PCB电镀等遮蔽场合使用3M 610,600 测试胶带 1 "X36YD3M 616 遮光胶带 1"X36YD3M 810 隐形胶带 3/4"X36YD 一般性用途3M 811 半透明胶带 1/2"X36YD 一般性用途3M 665,666 双面胶带 1"X25YD 一面低粘性其他型号总览3M 胶带:410,415,444,465,467MP,468MP,469,665,666,920XL,924,926,927,950,966,969,471,500,610,810,600,#588,583,615,615S, 3M 脚垫,粘扣:SJ3562,SJ3527,SJ3440,SJ3441,sJ3540,3541,SJ3550,3551, SJ5302,5312,SJ5816,SJ5608,3M 双面泡绵胶带:4004,4008,4016,4026,4032,CP66,4052,4085,4416,4432,1600T;3M VHB胶带:4905,4910,4920,4921,4926,4929,4930,4932,4936,4941,4914,4945,4949,4950,4951,4952,4955,4959,4962,4965,4974,4951,4210,5392,4604,4608,4615,4630,4609,4627,5925,4008,4032,4026,4016,5952,4952,4979,4993,5408,5552,7303,7951MP,7953MP,7979,3M 双面胶带:9045MP,9056,9057,9059,9185MP,9415,9420,9425,9429,9449,9458,9459W,F9460PC,9461,9462,9465,9469,9471,55235,55230,6408,9472,9473,9482,9485PC,9490LE,9495MP,9495B,9495LE,9500PC,9505,9552,9589,9665,9667,300LSE,9671LE,9672LE,9690,9690B,9692,9695,9703,9713,9731,9752,9755,9820,9828,9885,9890,9925XL,8008,8018,8004,988T,55230,55231,55256m55257, 55280,55258,cip66,cip60,cip-47,cip-36,cip-01,cip-02, #9795,#9795B,966, #ST416,9079,#9609,#7303,#7816,7818,#7881,3M 标签材料:#7811,7812,7603,#3921,#77,1280,#851,#850,616,910,920, 402,8401,332T,5419,SuZhouDaTong,7413,8141,8142,9448,9448B,55230,55256,8008,8018,8608,988T,9080,9075,9070,6408;3M 汽车胶带:4229P,4211,4210,4211,4215,4016,4615,4611,4609,5314,4124,CP5008,cp5012,4218,GT6008,4229p,3M 铝箔胶带:425,427,#471,5702,#5421,5423,#5425,#5491, #5490,5480,5481,8952,#1020,#1115,#1040, 411,3M 保护膜:2124C,2104C,#3K04,2K10,332, 331T,336,361,375,371,373,401,411,415,420,3M 水溶性胶带:900,#9069,#9996,#913,#906,9974,9979,900B,906,#9996,#9979, #SJ3526,3527,SJ3551,3550,3M 封箱带:301,309,#371,#375,#373,3M 纸胶带:#232,#2307,2308,2309,200,2214, 244,2444,#2364,#6969,Kapton高温胶带:7413T,7413D,5413,7419,5419,2132,92,42,40实用3M 纤维胶带:#8898,#898,893,89152517,336,8952,8402,950,8902,367FR, 369FR,3M 电气绝缘胶带:5,10,#11,27,40,42,#69,#60,#92,1350,1554,61,62,12,40,42,54,56,74,1298,1318,79,90,94,44,46,1276,1312,1339, 1170,1181,1194,1245,1345,1190,AL-35FR,77,23,2228,2517,2157,13,24,70,130C,2220,2229,2166,1500,1600,1712,1700,1750, 33+,35,88,22,66R,2000,22, #610,#600,810,811,#8915,#5413,#5451,3M 柔印胶带:1015,1020,1120,1115,1040,1614,1640,1815,1820M,1915,1920M,1181,1190,1205,1245,1170,1281,1285,1290,1318,1345,1350, 200,2214,244,213,2310,214,232,2307,2308,2309,243J,217,236,241, 2517,250,3M 胶水:DP100,DP420,190,2216,2214,125DP,DP190,CA40H,TE230,TE100,200,LC1110,2000NF,1357,5,10,4693,826,2262,4475,847,1300,4799,560, 847,2214,3M 喷胶:77,90,75,polygun-TC,3762,3749,3779,3747,3764,3748,695,620,70,23,13,24,2220,2157,2228,2229,1500,1600,1750,1712,22,33+,35,88,2000,3M 研磨:7447,7440,7448,96,8440,5010,5020,509,8698,86,261U,734,241Q,161X,268L,372L,6450J,3M砂纸::263X,264,265,461X,468L,861X,261X,6001J,661X,200A,251U,261U,321A,361F,401Q,461F,577F,237AA,241D,307EA,577F,777F,248D,281W,431Q,983C,011K,211Q,216U,235U,236U,255P,734,415U,PN82482,PN05941,241D,GJRA46,6050,610, 2214,740,741,745,746,718,718A,709,701,702,963,963E,等3M 口罩:#8210,N95,8246,8247; 9001,9002,3M 防毒面具:6000,6200, 6001,6003,6057, ,3200, 6800,7800,3M 耳塞:1100,1110, 1270.1260, 14253M 安全防护眼镜:1621,1711,1722,文档。
表面处理规格(specification for surface finish) ENIG:0.05-0.1um Flash gold:0.05-0.1um Plating gold:0.1-1um Hardness of plating hard gold:over 150HV. Immersion Ag:0.07-0.2um. Immersion Tin:0.3-1.2um Plating Tin:4-20um OSP:0.2-0.5um
导通孔 基材(Base material)
覆盖膜 (Coverlay)
电解铜,又叫ED铜,英文全称:Electro-Deposited copper
压延铜,又叫RA铜,英文全称:Rolled Annealed copper
二者的对比: 压延铜
软板既可以用油墨阻焊,也可以用覆盖膜阻焊,那么二者之间优劣对比 如何呢?请见下表:
成本 耐折性 对位精度 最小阻 最小开 特殊形状
窗 的窗口
高 0.15mm 0.2mm 可以
覆盖膜 高
0.2mm 0.5mm 不能做
从上表可以看出,覆盖膜的耐折性是要优于油墨,所以软板上需要弯折 的部位都是用覆盖膜阻焊的。而油墨的对位精度高,焊盘密集的地方, 如BGA位置,就需要油墨阻焊了。如下图,一个板子上针对不同的部位 的特点可以采用不同的阻焊材质。
3M2440.081200MM*50M 用途:汽车船舶类喷漆,喷涂的遮蔽保护. 电子制造业及其它工业。
3M7533-3KG/桶 4桶/箱耐热型可丝网印刷用压敏胶,耐热耐潮性能优异;被广泛用于电子产品,家电及汽车业.SONY G40000.151020MM*50M 适用范围:汽车、家电电器、电脑、通讯设备中的金属和塑料标牌、面板等粘接日东5000NS0.161200MM*50M 适用范围:多种环境颜色为白色;胶带强度大,不会发生胶带破裂的情况,也无剥离去除破碎胶带的繁琐作业;采用不易残留粘胶的粘合剂,初粘性和持粘性好;长期耐温70℃,短期耐温可达170℃。
3M94560.121219MM*107M白底红字,基材:棉纸厚度:0.12(mm)宽度:1219(mm)长期耐温性:65(℃)适用范围:百叶窗帷幔短期耐温性:82(℃)型号厚度(mm)规格优势及应用3M410/3M410M0.15406MM*33M 对物体的粘合力取决于胶与物体表面的接触量.粘后加压会使胶与物体表面的接合更紧密,粘合效果更好.为了有适宜的粘接,受粘物体的表面一定要清洁,干,平整.3M467+PET0.38600MM*55M 适用范围:适用于柔性线路板,薄膜开关,电子标牌,橡胶制品,塑料制品等各种需要结构性固定的地方。
透明PET板加双层3M467双面胶3M16000.1518MM*20M 3M1600无铅电工绝缘胶带是一种性能优良、经济实用的聚氯乙烯绝缘胶带。
3M22281.6550.8MM*3M ScotchTM2228胶带和ScotchTM33+PVC胶带一起使用。
3M VHB 胶带 物性表
Tape NumberColorThickness in. (mm)Tape NumberColorThickness in. (mm)4930 (F) White 0.025 (0.64) 4955 White 0.080 (2.0) 4932 White 0.025 (0.64) 4956 (F) Gray 0.062 (1.55) 4936 (F) Gray 0.025 (0.64) 4957F Gray 0.062 (1.55) 4941 (F) Gray 0.045 (1.1) 4959 (F) White 0.120 (3.0) 4943F Gray 0.045 (1.1) 4979F Black 0.062 (1.55) 4945 White 0.045 (1.1) 4991 Gray 0.090 (2.3) 4946 White 0.045 (1.1) 5915 (P) Black 0.016 (0.4) 4947F Black 0.045 (1.1) 5925 (P) Black 0.025 (0.64) 4949 Black 0.045 (1.1) 5930 (P) Black 0.032 (0.8) 4950 White 0.045 (1.1) 5952 (P) Black 0.045 (1.1) 4951 White 0.045 (1.1) 5958FR Black 0.040 (1.0) 4952 White 0.045 (1.1)5962 (P) Black 0.062 (1.55)VHB ™T apesTechnical DataMay, 2013Product Description:3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes provide the convenience and simplicity of a tape fastener and are ideal for use in many interior and exterior bonding applications. In many situations, they can replace rivets, spot welds, liquid adhesives and other permanent fasteners.These 3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes are made with acrylic foam which is viscoelastic in nature. This gives the foam energy absorbing and stress relaxing properties which provides these tapes with their unique characteristics. The acrylic chemistry provides outstanding durability performance.These tapes utilize a variety of specific foam, adhesive, color and release liner types to provide each product/family with specific features. These features can include adhesion to specific or a broad range of materials, conformability, high tensile strength, high shear and peel adhesion, resistance to plasticizer migration, and UL746C recognition. All 3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes have excellent durability and excellent solvent and moisture resistance.Note: All 3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes should be thoroughly evaluated by the end user under actual use conditions with intended substrates to determine whether a specific tape is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user ’s method of application, especially if expected use involves extreme environmental conditions or high dead load stress.3M ™ VHB ™ T ape ProductsTape NumberColorThickness in. (mm)4611 Dk Gray 0.045 (1.1) 4618 White 0.025 (0.64) 4622 White 0.045 (1.1) 4624 White 0.062 (1.55) 4646 Dk Gray 0.025 (0.64) 4655 Dk Gray 0.062 (1.55) 4905 Clear 0.020 (0.5) 4910 Clear 0.040 (1.0) 4914 White 0.010 (0.25) 4919F Black 0.025 (0.64) 4920 White 0.015 (0.4) 4926 Gray 0.015 (0.4) 4929 Black 0.025 (0.64) (F) or (P) after the product number designate that both a paper and film liner product version are available. [e.g. 4930 (paper liner) and 4930F (film liner),5915 (film liner) and 5915P (paper liner). See page 3 for specific details.3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes Adhesive Types:Multi-Purpose Acrylic: This adhesive bonds to a wide range of materials including metals, glass, and high and medium surface energy plastics and paints. This unique adhesive also has the ability to resist migration of plasticizers in vinyl substrates. Modified Acrylic: This adhesive bonds to medium low surface energy paints and plastics, including many powder coated paints in addition to the substrates listed with the multi-purpose acrylic adhesive (except plasticized vinyl).General Purpose Acrylic: This adhesive bonds to most higher surface energy substrates including metal, glass and high surface energy plastics.Low Temperature Appliable Acrylic: This adhesive can make bonds down to 32°F (0°C), compared to 50°F (10°C) for most acrylic adhesives. This adhesive system bonds to most high surface energy substrates including metal, glass and high surface energy plastics.Low Surface Energy: This high performance synthetic adhesive bonds to many lower surface energy substrates, including many plastics and power coated paints, plus smooth general purpose substrates.3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes Foam Types:Conformable: This foam provides high strength with the capability of conforming to the irregularities of rigid substrates, even when there might be slight mismatch.Very Conformable: This foam provides the highest level of conformability while maintaining high internal strength. Firm: This foam provides the highest level of foam strength in the 3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes family. Clear: Not technically a foam, this solid acrylic material provides excellent clarity.3M™VHB™Tapes3M™ VHB™ Tape Families:4941 This family utilizes multi-purpose acrylic adhesive on both sides of conformable foam. The adhesive provides excellent adhesion to a broad range of high and medium surface energy substrates including metals, glass, and awide variety of plastics, as well as plasticized vinyl. The conformable foam provides good contact, even withmismatched substrates. Available in gray and black.5952 This family matches the modified acrylic adhesive on both sides of very conformable foam, providing adhesion to the broadest range of substrates, including most powder coated paints. Available in black.4950 This family has general purpose adhesive on both sides of firm type foam. This family is typically used on metal, glass and high surface energy plastic substrates. Available in white and black.4945 This family has multi-purpose adhesive on both sides of firm foam. Available in white.4910 This family of clear tapes is excellent for applications where clear or colorless is desired. The general purpose adhesive on both sides is suitable for high surface energy substrates.4951 This family of tapes is based around the low temperature appliable acrylic adhesive system, utilized on both firm and conformable foam types. These products are suitable for high surface energy substrates. Available inwhite (firm foam) and gray (conformable foam).4952 This family utilizes the low surface energy adhesive on a firm foam. Available in white.4611 This family has a general purpose adhesive on both sides of firm foam. This family of tapes is typically used on metal substrates, and has the added feature of high temperature resistance, making it often suitable for bondingprior to high temperature paint processing. Available in dark gray.4622 This family has general purpose adhesive on the face side (the side that typically would be bonded first) and multi-purpose adhesive on the liner side (the side exposed when the release liner is removed) of a conformablefoam. Available in white.3M™ VHB™ Tape Product Family GuideNOTE: For easy product comparison, data in this product information page will be organized by product family.3M ™ VHB ™ TapesTypical Physical PropertiesNote: The following technical information and data should be consideredrepresentative or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.3M ™ VHB ™ TapesTypical Performance CharacteristicsNote: The following technical information and data should be consideredrepresentative or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.90° Peel Adhesion - Based on ASTM D3330 -T o stainless steel, room temperature, jaw speed 12 in/min (305 mm/min). Average force to remove is measured. 72 hour dwell.Normal Tensile (T-Block T ensile) - ASTM D-897 - T o aluminum, room temperature, 1 in 2 (6.45 cm 2), jaw speed 2 in/min (50 mm/min.) Peak force to separate is measured. 72 hour dwell.Dynamic Overlap Shear - ASTM D-1002 - T o stainless steel, room temperature, 1 in 2 (6.45 cm 2), jaw speed 0.5 in/min (12.7 mm/min.) Peak force to separate is measured. 72 hour dwell.3M ™ VHB ™ TapesTypical Performance CharacteristicsNote: The following technical information and data should be consideredrepresentative or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.Static Shear - ASTM D3654 - To stainless steel, tested at various temperatures and gram loadings. 0.5 in 2 (3.22 cm 2). Will hold listed weight for 10,000 minutes (approximately 7 days). Conversion: 1500 g/0.5 in 2 equals 6.6 lb/in 2; 500 g/0.5 in 2 = 2.2 lb/in 2.Short Term Temperature Tolerance - No change in room temperature dynamic shear properties following 4 hours conditioning at indicated temperature with 100 g/static load. (Represents minutes, hours in a process type temperature exposure).Long Term Temperature Tolerance - Maximum temperature where tape supports at least 250 g load per 0.5 in 2 in static shear for 10,000 minutes. (Represents continuous exposure for days or weeks).3M™VHB™Tapes*Exception – 5915 (P) max. width 46 inches (1170 mm); 5925 (P) max. width 47 inches (1195 mm).Slitting T oleranceStandard slitting tolerance ± 1/32 inch (± 0.031 inch, ± 0.8 mm).Precision slitting with slitting tolerance of ± 1/64 inch (± 0.016 in., ± 0.44 mm) is available on select products with minimum order of full web increments.Core SizeAll products are provided on a 3 inch ID Core (76.2 mm).Converted PartsIn addition to standard and custom roll sizes available from 3M through the distribution network, 3M™VHB™ Tapes are also available in limitless shapes and sizes through the 3M Converter network. For additional information, contact 3M Converter Markets at 1-800-223-7427 or on the web at /converter.Shelf LifeAll 3M™VHB™ Tapes have a shelf life of 24 months from date of manufacture when stored at 40°F to 100°F (4°C to 38°C) and 0-95% relative humidity. The optimum storage conditions are 72°F (22°C) and 50% relative humidity.Performance of tapes is not projected to change even after shelf life expires; however, 3M does suggest that3M™VHB™ Tapes are used prior to the shelf life date whenever possible.The manufacturing date is available on all 3M™VHB™ Tape cores as the lot number. The lot number, typically a 4 digit code, is a Julian date (Y D D D). The first digit refers to the year of manufacture, the last 3 digits refer to the days after January 1. Example: A lot number of 9266 would translate to a date of manufacture of Sept. 22 (266th day of year) in 2009. On most products this is found as the 4 digits after the “9” following the product number. For tapes printed continuously around the core (e.g. 3M™VHB™ Tape 5952 family) the lot number typically will be the string of 4 digits preceding the product number.3M ™ VHB ™ TapesTapesConstant Factor 4941 at 1 kHz2.29 0.0245 Tapes 4941 hr ft °F 0.53 (w/mK) (0.08) 5952 0.37 (0.05) at 1 MHz 1.95 0.0506 4950/4945 0.63 (0.09) 4950 at 1 kHz 2.28 0.0227 4910 1.09 (0.16) at 1 MHz 1.99 0.0370 46110.77(0.11)5952 at 1 kHz2.14 0.00654910 at 1 kHz 3.21 0.0214 at 1 MHz 2.68 0.0595 4611 at 1 kHz 2.80 0.0130 at 1 MHz2.430.0564nAdditional Typical Performance CharacteristicsNote: The following technical information and data should be considered representative or typical only and should notbe used for specification purposes.Outgassing: 3M ™ VHB™ Tapes % TML %VCM %WVR Dielectric Breakdown Strength (ASTM D149)3M ™ VHB™ Tapes (in volts/mil)3M ™ VHB ™ TapesUL746C Listings - File MH 17478Category QOQW2 Component - Polymeric Adhesive Systems, Electrical Equipment4930 0.77 0.01 0.214932 2.41 0.66 0.23 49451.240.010.19TML - Total Mass LossVCM - Volatile Condensible Materials WVR - Water Vapor RegainedNASA Reference Publication, “Outgassing Data for Selecting Spacecraft Materials”, (11/18/2004) Available online at 4941 360 4926 330 5952 455 5925 520 4950 460 4920 640 4910 630 4611330Dielectric Constant (ASTM D150) 3M ™ VHB ™ Dielectric DissipationThermal Conductivity - K-value 3M™ VHB™ BTU in/at 1 MHz1.990.0374Resistivity (ASTM D257)R-Value = thicknessK-value(When units of K-value are BTU-in/hr ft °F and thickness is given in inches.)3M ™ VHB ™ Volume Resistivity Surface Resistance Tapes (in ohm-cm)(in ohms/square)4914 1.7 x 10>104941 2.1 x 10 2.7 x 105952 2.5 x 10>10 4950 1.5 x 10>10 4920 1.7 x 10>10 4910 3.1 x 10>10 46111.4 x 10>10Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR) (ASTM F1249) at 38°C/100% RH 3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes 4950 14.0 g/(m 2 day) 4941 25.6 g/(m 2 day) 595237.1 g/(m 2 day)Solvent and Fuel ResistanceTypical 3M ™ VHB ™ Tape Properties for Modeling %R100 90 Thermal Coefficient Ae 8080 of Expansion1 x 10in/in/°F1.8 x 10mm/mm/°C Shear Modulus (@25°C, 1 Hz)d t 7070 he 6060 en 5050 s t 4040 i i 3030 4950 Family: 6 x 10Pa 4941 Family: 3 x 10Pa(Shear Modulus is both temperature and frequency dependent).Youngs Modulus: For VHB tapes the YoungsModulus will be about 3 times the Shear Modulus. v o 20e Salt WaterHydraulic Fluid10W30 Motor Oil KeroseneIsopropyl AlcoholJet Fuel20 10 0Poisson ’s Ratio T est MethodGlycol Antifreeze0.49Burn Characteristics 3M ™ VHB ™ Tape 5958FR Meets FAR 25.853 (a) 12 second vertical burn, Appendix F, Part I (a)(ii).Meets NBS Smoking Density (ASTM F814/E662). Meets Toxicity (Draeger Tube ABD0031, AITM 3.0005)• T ape between stainless steel and aluminum foil. • 72 hours dwell at room temperature. • Solvent immersion for 72 hours.• T est within 45 minutes after removing from solvent. • 90° peel angle.• 12 in./min. rate of peel.• Peel adhesion compared to control.Note: Continuous submersion in chemical solutions is not recommended. The above information is presented to show thatoccasional chemical contact should not be detrimental to tape performance in most applications in ordinary use.3M ™ VHB ™ TapesE s t i m a t e o f % o f M a x i m u m 3M ™ V H B ™ T a p e A d h e s i o nDesign and T ape Selection ConsiderationsChoose the right tape for the substrate: Adhesives must flow onto the substrate surfaces in order to achieve intimate contact area and allow the molecular force of attraction to develop. The degree of flow of the adhesive on the substrate is largely determined by the surface energy of the substrate.AdhesiveHigh surface energy— SubstrateLow surface energy— SubstrateThis illustration demonstrates the effect of surface energy on adhesive interfacial contact. High surface energy materials draw the adhesive closer for high bond strength.Relationship of Adhesion and Surface Energy for 3M ™ VHB ™ Tape Adhesive FamiliesHIGHMEDIUMLOW400-1100 Aluminum42-50 PolyimideABS38-39PVA36-37EVA18-33 Stainless Steel Copper Zinc Tin LeadAnodized Aluminum GlassPhenolic NylonAlkyd Enamel Polyester Epoxy Paint PolyurethanePolycarbonate (Lexan ®) PVC Noryl ® AcrylicPolane ® Paint Powder PaintPolystyrene AcetalKynar ® Paint Powder PaintPolyethylene Polypropylene Tedlar ® Silicone PTFENOTES: There are a wide variety of formulations, surfaces finishes and surface treatments available on substrate materials which can affect adhesion. This chart is intendedto provide only a rough estimate of the adhesion levels which can be expected on some common materials relative to a reference surface such as aluminum.Light abrasion of surface will significantly increase adhesion levels on many materials, except when using tapes 4952/4932.Use the right tape thickness: The necessary thickness of tape depends on the rigidity of substrates and their flatness irregularity. While the 3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes will conform to a certain amount of irregularity, they will not flow to fill gaps between the materials. For bonding rigid materials with normal flatness, consider use of tapes with thickness of 45 mils (1.1 mm) or greater. As the substrate flexibility increases thinner tapes can be considered.Use the right amount of tape: Because 3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes are viscoelastic by nature their strength and stiffness is a function of the rate at which they are stressed. They behave stronger with relatively faster rate of stress load (dynamic stresses) and will tend to show creep behavior with stress load acting over a long period of time (static stresses). As a general rule, for static loads, approximately four square inches of tape should be used for each pound of weight to be supported in order to prevent excessive creep. For dynamic loads, the dynamic performance characteristics provided on page 4 should be useful, factoring in the appropriate safety factors.Allow for thermal expansion/contraction: 3M ™ VHB ™ Tapes can perform well in applications where two bonded surfaces may expand and contract differentially. Assuming good adhesion to the substrates, the tapes can typically tolerate differential movement in the shear plane up to 3 times their thickness.Bond Flexibility: While an advantage for many applications where allowing differential movement is a benefit, the tape bonds are typically more flexible than alternative bonding methods. Suitable design modifications or periodic use of rigid fasteners or adhesives may be needed if additional stiffness is required.Severe Cold Temperature: Applications which require performance at severe cold temperatures must be thoroughly evaluated by the user if the intended use will subject the tape product to high impact stresses. A technical bulletin “3M™ VHB ™ Tape Cold Temperature Performance ” (70-0707-3991-0) is available for additional information.3M ™ VHB ™ TapesApplication T echniquesClean: Most substrates are best prepared by cleaning with a 50:50 mixture of isopropyl alcohol (IPA*) and water prior to applying 3M™ VHB™ Tapes.Exceptions to the general procedure that may require additional surface preparation include:• Heavy Oils: A degreaser or solvent-based cleaner may be required to remove heavy oil or grease from a surface and should be followed by cleaning with IPA/water.• Abrasion: Abrading a surface, followed by cleaning with IPA/water, can remove heavy dirt or oxidation and can increase surface area to improve adhesion.• Adhesion Promoters: Priming a surface can significantly improve initial and ultimate adhesion to many materials such as plastics and paints.• Porous surfaces: Most porous and fibered materials such as wood, particleboard, concrete, etc. need to be sealed to provide a unified surface.• Unique Materials: Special surface preparation may be needed for glass and glass-like materials, copper and copper containing metals, and plastics or rubber that contain components that migrate (e.g. plasticizers).Refer to 3M Technical Bulletin “Surface Preparation for 3M™ VHB™ Tape Applications” for additional details and suggestions. (70-0704-8701-5)*Note: These cleaner solutions contain greater than 250 g/l of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Pleaseconsult your local Air Quality Regulations to be sure the cleaner is compliant. When using solvents, be sure to follow the manufacturer ’s precautions and directions for use when handling such materials.Pressure: Bond strength is dependent upon the amount of adhesive-to-surface contact developed. Firmapplication pressure develops better adhesive contact and helps improve bond strength. Typically, good surface contact can be attained by applying enough pressure to insure that the tape experiences approximately 15 psi (100 kPa) pressure. Either roller or platen pressure can be used. Note that rigid surfaces may require 2 or 3 times that much pressure to make the tape experience 15 psi.Temperature: Ideal application temperature range is 70°F to 100°F (21°C to 38°C). Pressure sensitiveadhesives use viscous flow to achieve substrate contact area. Minimum suggested application temperatures:• 50°F (10°C): 3M™ VHB™ Tapes 4950, 5952, 4910, 4952, 4611, 4622 families. • 60°F (15°C): 3M™ VHB™ Tapes 4941, 4945 families. • 32°F (0°C): 3M ™ VHB ™ Tape 4951 families.Note: Initial tape application to surfaces at temperatures below these suggested minimums is notrecommended because the adhesive becomes too firm to adhere readily. However, once properly applied, low temperature holding is generally satisfactory. To obtain good performance with all 3M™ VHB™ Tapes, it is important to ensure that the surfaces are dry and free of condensed moisture.Time: After application, the bond strength will increase asthe adhesive flows onto the surface (also referred to as “we t out”). Bond Typical Build vs. TimeAt room temperature approximately 50% of ultimate bond strength will be achieved after 20 minutes, 90% after 24 hours 80and 100% after 72 hours. This flow is faster at higher temperatures and slower at lower temperatures. Ultimate bond strength can be achieved more quickly (and in some cases bond strength can be increased) by exposure of the bond to elevated temperatures (e.g. 150°F [66°C] for 1 hour). This can provide better adhesive wetout onto the substrates. Abrasion of the surfaces or the use of primers/ adhesion promoters can also have the effect of increasing bond strength and achieving ultimate bond strength more quickly.20 MIN 1 HOUR24 HOURS3M ™ VHB ™ TapesSpecial Cases:Rough Surfaces with 3M™ VHB™ Tapes 4932/4952 – 3M™ VHB™ Tapes 4932/4952 were designed to adhere to many low surface energy substrates. Rough surfaces created by light abrasion or textured molds are typically detrimental to bond strength with this tape family.Plasticized Vinyl – Plasticizers compounded in soft vinyl can migrate into adhesives and significantly change their performance characteristics. 3M™ VHB™ Tapes 4941 and 4945 families have very good plasticizer resistance and adhesion to many vinyl formulations. Because of the wide variation in vinyl formulations,however, evaluation by the user must be conducted with the specific vinyl used to ensure that performance will be satisfactory over time. Problems related to plasticizer migration can often be predicted by accelerated aging of assembled parts at 150°F (66°C) for one week).Technical InformationThe technical information, recommendations and other statements contained in this document arebased upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of such information is not guaranteed.Product UseMany factors beyond 3M ’s control and uniquely within user ’s knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and performance of a 3M product, user is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M product and determining whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user ’s method of application.Limited Warranty3M warrants for 24 months from the date of manufacture that 3M™ VHB™ Tape will be free of defects in material and manufacture. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This limited warranty does not cover damage resulting from the use or inability to use 3M ™ VHB™ Tape due to misuse, workmanship in application, or application or storage not in accordance with 3M recommended procedures. AN APPLICATIONWARRANTY EXPRESSLY APPROVED AND ISSUED BY 3M IS AN EXCEPTION. THE CUSTOMER MUST APPLY FOR A SPECIFIC APPLICATION WARRANTY AND MEET ALL WARRANTY ANDPROCESS REQUIREMENTS TO OBTAIN AN APPLICATION WARRANTY . CONTACT 3M FOR MORE INFORMATION ON APPLICATION WARRANTY TERMS AND CONDITIONS.Limitation of Remedies and LiabilityIf the 3M ™ VHB ™ T ape is proved to be defective within the warranty period stated above. THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY , AT 3M’S OPTION, SHALL BE TO REFUND THE PURCHASE PRICE OF OR TO REPAIR OR REPLACE THE DEFECTIVE 3M ™ VHB ™ TAPE. 3M shall not otherwise be liable for loss or damages, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including negligence, warranty, or strict liability.This Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division product was manufactured under a 3M quality system registered to ISO 9001: 2008 standards.Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division3M Center, Building 225-3S-06 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000800-362-3550 • 877-369-2923 (Fax) /vhbRecycled Paper 40% pre-consumer 10% post-consumer3M and VHB are trademarks of 3M Company. Tedlar is a registered trademark of E.I. Dupont De Nemours & Co. Inc.Kynar is a registered trademark of Arkema.Lexan and Noryl are registered trademarks of Sabic Innovative Plastics IP BV.Polane is a registered trademark of Swimc, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.©3M 2013 70-0709-3863-7(6/11)。
100多种3M胶的规格产品名称:3M============================================产品名称:3M 4926/4936/4936F/4941/4941F/4956/4956F/4979F胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.4(15)/0.64(25)/0.64(25)/1.1(45)/1.1(45)/1.6(62)/1.6(62)/1.6(62)特性:灰黑色,闭孔结构丙烯酸泡绵基材,服贴性高,适用一般涂漆表面,抗增塑剂。
/黑色4956胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:中主要用途:卡车子总装,电力机柜,广告标志,LCD,玻璃窗离型纸:A/A/B/A/D/A/B/B注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4932/4952胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.64(25)/1.1(45)特性:白色闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,适用于PP或粉末喷涂表面胶型:合成短期耐温性:93`C(200°F)长期耐温性:71`C(160°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:高主要用途:办公家具,车辆总装,建筑标志离型纸:A/A注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4951胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):1.1(45)特性:白色闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,适用施工温度可低至0`C胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:建筑低温操作的应用离型纸:C注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4943F/4957F胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):1.1(45)/1.6(62)特性:灰色,高贴服性泡绵胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:蜂窝电话天线,电子收费装置离型纸:C/C注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4905/4910胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.5(20)/1.0(40)特性:透明闭孔结构基材非常适用于透明材质之粘接胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:阳光顶内外层密封,玻璃门把手离型纸:D/D注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4920/4930/4950/4955/4959胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.4(15)/0.64(25)/1.1(45)/2.0(80)/3.0(120)特性:白色,闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,通用型号。
Product Data SheetUpdated : November 2001Supersedes : February 1999Product Description A-30 is a firm acrylicpressure-sensitiveadhesive system. Itfeatures high ultimate bondstrength with excellent hightemperature performanceand excellent solvent resistance. Bondstrength increasessubstantially with naturalageing.467 is a long ageingresistant product usedextensively by thenameplate industry.Physical PropertiesNot for specification purposesAdhesive Type Firm Acrylic 3M ref : A-30Thickness(ASTM D-3652)Tape Liner Total 50 µm 2 Thou 100 µm150 µmRelease Liner Tan printed polycoatedpaper.Tape Colour ClearShelf Life24 months from date of despatch by 3M when stored in theoriginal carton at 21°C (70°F) & 50 % Relative HumidityPerformance CharacteristicsNot for specification purposes Adhesion to StainlessSteelASTM D-33305.5 N/10mmShear Resistance HighTemperaturePerformanceMax : Minutes / HoursMax : Days / WeeksMinimum204 °C149 °C-30 °CSolvent Resistance Excellent. When the adhesive is properly applied toimpervious materials, it will resist solvent attack andadhesive softening through edge contact with mild acidsand alkalines, oils, grease, gasoline kerosene, JP-4 fuel,and many other standard aromatic and aliphatic solvents.However, it is not recommended for uses wherecontinuous immersion is required.2Date : November 2001467MP Transfer TapePerformanceCharacteristics (Cont..) Not for specification purposes UV Light ResistanceExcellent. Will not oxidise when exposed to air or sunlight UV.Water ResistanceExcellent. There are no evident adverse effects on thebond of properly applied materials after immersion in 21°C water for about 100 hours.Additional Product InformationThe legend Hi Performance No. 467 is imprinted on the release liner.467MP is designed with a moisture resistant release liner which resists cockling or wrinkling from high humidity.The 50 micron thick adhesive is ideally suited forjoining materials that are relatively smooth, thin and have low residual stress. If rough or thick materials with a small degree of residual stress are to be joined, then the 130 micron thick adhesive should be consideredApplication Techniques 1. Bond strength isdependent upon the amount of adhesive-to-surface contact developed. Firm application pressure develops better adhesive contact & thus improves bond strength.2. To obtain optimum adhesion, the bonding surfaces must be clean dry and well unified. A typical surface cleaning solvent is isopropyl alcohol & water. Use proper safetyprecautions for handling solvents.3. Ideal tape application temperature range is 21°C to 38°C (70°F to 100°F).Initial tape application to surfaces at temperatures below 10°C (50°F) is not recommended because the adhesive becomes too firm to adhere readily. However once properly applied low temperature holding is generally satisfactory.Applications467MP is well suited for bonding together a wide variety of similar anddissimilar materials such as metals, paints, wood, glass and some plastics.An excellent adhesive for mounting nameplates and decorative trim.Automotive Industry.SpecificationsThis tape meets the requirements of U.S.Government specification MIL-P-19834, Amendment 1, Type 1.467MP is a UL and AGA recognised product.3M is a trademark of the 3M Company.Values presented have been determined by standard test methods and are average values not to be used for specification purposes. Our recommendations on the use of our products are based on tests believed to be reliable but we would ask that you conduct your own tests to determine their suitability for your applications.This is because 3M cannot accept any responsibility or liability direct or consequential for loss or damage caused as a result of our recommendations.Tapes & Adhesives© 3M United Kingdom PLC 19963M United Kingdom PLC 3M House,28 Great Jackson Street, Manchester, M15 4PAProduct Information :Tel 0870 60 800 50 Fax 0870 60 700 993M Ireland3M House, Adelphi Centre, Upper Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire,Co. Dublin, IrelandCustomer Service :Tel (01) 280 3555 Fax (01) 280 3509。
1 接线端子 2 手动旋钮
3 自动调校孔
3 4
4 控制方式的拨码开关
5 LED 灯显示运行状态
打开电子模块盒盖,可以看到显示运行状态的两色 LED 显示灯。
绿色 常亮
6/12 西门子楼宇科技 暖通空调产品
V& 100
100 kPa =
1 m3/h =
阀门全开且体积流量为 V100 时阀门两端 (A → AB) 的压差 阀门全开时 (H100) 的体积流量 阀门两端的最大允许压差,在此压差范围内相配执行器能在整个行程准确地驱动阀门 1 bar ≈ 10 mWC 0.278 l/s 水温为 20 °C
功能 控制模式
备注、维修 自动控制模式,一切正常
闪烁 红色 常亮
调校 手动控制 调校故障
等候,直至调校完成 (绿色或红色 LED 显示灯常亮) 手动旋钮在 MANUAL 或 OFF 位置 重新调校(操作 1x 孔按钮)
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更换电子模块 检查主控网络(外部控制电流或电压)
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清洗再生耗水量 户型 家庭
200-250L 2卫以上公寓,别墅 3-5人
性能参数: 额定总处理量:50000升 额定流量:8升/分钟 最高工作压力:125PSI 工作水温:5-50摄氏度 产品专配螺纹规格:1/2英制螺纹 普通花洒的最大流量为5.8升/分钟,沐浴水温为38 度左右,花洒软管接口为1/2英制螺纹 3M全效沐浴净化器的额定流量为8升/分钟,工作水温 为5-50度,花产品专配螺纹规格为1/2英制螺纹,完全 满足日常应用
3M被众多对食品安全有极高要求的国际 国内品牌,如麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客、棒 约翰、美仕唐纳滋、永和大王、百事可乐、 可口可乐、雀巢、娃哈哈、7-11等,选为全 球饮用水过滤系统供应商
世界上超过90%内置饮用水及制冰系统 的双开门冰箱均采用3M饮用水过滤系统
产品特点: 独有不锈钢阀头及滤芯,不易破损,使用寿命长 无需用电,无需更换滤芯 “反冲洗”技术,反冲与直冲相结合,清洗效果 出色,彻底清理附着在网面上的杂质,保证过滤 效率 过滤泥沙、铁锈、胶体等大颗粒杂质
前置过滤 AP801/802
性能参数: 直径高度:18.4 ×35.4cm/18.4 ×59.5cm 流量:4.5吨/10吨/小时 最大工作水压:100PSI 工作压力:0.172-0.862Mpa 阀头进出水口尺寸:1”NPT 产品特点: 超大流量,为同类产品的2.5倍,独创的渐进式结构滤芯,有效提 升容污力 更添凹槽设计,令滤芯的有效面积增加 65%,显著延长滤芯的使用 寿命 高强度滤筒筒身设计,特殊一次成型塑料材质,承压可达 100psi 独特的滤筒盖内置卸压阀,令更换滤芯更安全,置入式滤芯 过滤铁锈、悬浮物、尘土、颗粒杂质、碎屑等
国内外氯醋树脂牌号及指标一. 韩国韩华:1. 二元氯醋树脂技术指标2. 应用CP-427:用于涂料、油墨、粘合剂。
CP-430:粘接剂,打印用油墨,工业涂料,Over Lacquers漆。
)3.韩国韩华三元氯醋树脂TP-400M三元氯醋树脂TP-400M性质参考产品技术规格:型号 TP-400mK值 49.5聚合度 400粘数ml/g 53-57醋酸乙烯含量% 14左右马来酸含量% 约1%氯含量 50±1挥发物(含水份)% <1.0颗粒尺寸mm <0.5堆积密度g/ml >0.6玻璃化温度Tg (℃) 76产品性能:TP-400m 三元氯醋树脂是含有羧基的热塑性树脂,故对金属特别对金属铝有优越的粘着性,对PVC制品、纸、纤维、玻璃、砖瓦水泥、木材等也有优良的粘着性。
3M双面胶带3M胶带型号列表3M VHB胶带主要3M双面胶产品列表:产品型号/ 产品名称/ 标准规格/ 一般用途3M 9495LE 300LSE 双面胶带 , 难粘表面之塑料、金属、泡绵等3M 9690 300MP 双面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品透明窗粘结3M 9495MP 200MP双面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品透明窗粘结3M 9492MP 200MP双面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品透明窗粘结3M 9009 300 双面胶带 , 难粘表面之塑料、金属、泡绵等3M 9019 300 双面胶带 , 难粘表面之塑料、金属、泡绵等3M 966 100MP 双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9079 3M耐高温双面胶带, 耐260度高温(FPC适用)9461P 100MP 双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9485PC 350 双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9482PC 350双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9460PC VHB 双面胶 , 0.05MM厚纯胶膜耐高温,FPC用3M 9469PC VHB 双面胶 , 0.13MM厚纯胶膜耐高温,FPC用3M 9473PC VHB 双面胶 , 0.25MM厚纯胶膜耐高温,FPC用3M 8142 光学透明双面胶带 , 0.13MM厚适用于触摸屏等需光透明之场合3M 467MP 468 双面胶带 , 一般工业用途3M 8008 8018 8608 988T 52330 55256 , 一般工业用途之双面胶带3M 7952MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 双面离型纸之467MP胶带3M 7945MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7956MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7957MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7959MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7961MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7993MP 200MP PET单面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品按键3M 7997MP 200MP PET单面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品按键3M 9672LE 300LSE 双面胶带 , 无基材胶膜,适用于难粘表面,3M 9075 丙烯酸系算面胶 , 无纺布基材3M 6408 丙烯酸系算面胶 , 无纺布基材,纸基,3M 9448 橡胶系双面胶 , 无纺布双面胶3M 9080 丙烯酸系双面胶 , 无纺布双面胶3M 4930 VHB, 0.4MM厚特强粘性泡绵双面胶3M 4920 VHB ,0.4MM厚特强粘性泡绵双面胶3M 4615 丙烯酸泡绵双面胶 , 0.4MM厚高柔性,3M 4945 VHB 双面胶 , 1.10MM厚特强粘泡绵双面胶带3M 4941 VHB 双面胶 , 1.10MM厚特强粘泡绵双面胶带3M 4611 VHB 双面胶 , 1.10MM厚特强粘泡绵双面胶带3M 5413 Kapton 胶带 , PCB波峰焊保护用, made in USA;3M 7413 Polyimide 胶带 , PCB波峰焊保护用,made in China;8402 PET胶带 600MMX33M PCB波峰焊保护用;8952,8951,851,850,853 PET胶带,3M 471 pvc胶带 , 标示胶带多种颜色3M 5702 , , 黄黑相间标示胶带3M 5453 PTFE 胶带 12"X60YD heat seal tape3M 5421 5423 5425 UHMW-PE 1"X18YD 抗磨降低摩擦胶带3M 425 铝箔胶带 1"X60YD 一般性用途3M 9703 自粘导电双面胶带 12"X36YD EL片、薄膜开关FPC等用3M 9713 热压导电双面胶带 12"X36YD EL片、薄膜开关FPC等用3M 331T 蓝色保护胶带 1.2MX100M PCB电镀保护胶带,不锈钢表2K10,3K04,332,保护膜;3M 2142 美纹纸遮蔽胶带 400mmX 50m PCB过锡炉(波峰焊)等遮蔽场合使用3M 244 美纹纸遮蔽胶带 400mmX 50m PCB过锡炉(波峰焊)等遮蔽场合使用8152,8902, PCB电镀绿胶带 1000MMX50M PCB电镀等遮蔽场合使用3M 610,600 测试胶带 1 "X36YD3M 616 遮光胶带 1"X36YD3M 810 隐形胶带 3/4"X36YD 一般性用途3M 811 半透明胶带 1/2"X36YD 一般性用途3M 665,666 双面胶带 1"X25YD 一面低粘性其他型号总览3M 胶带:410,415,444,465,467MP,468MP,469,665,666,920XL,924,926,927,950,966,969,471,500,610,810,600,#588,583,615,615S, 3M 脚垫,粘扣:SJ3562,SJ3527,SJ3440,SJ3441,sJ3540,3541,SJ3550,3551, SJ5302,5312,SJ5816,SJ5608,3M 双面泡绵胶带:4004,4008,4016,4026,4032,CP66,4052,4085,4416,4432,1600T;3M VHB胶带:4905,4910,4920,4921,4926,4929,4930,4932,4936,4941,4914,4945,4949,4950,4951,4952,4955,4959,4962,4965,4974,4951,4210,5392,4604,4608,4615,4630,4609,4627,5925,4008,4032,4026,4016,5952,4952,4979,4993,5408,5552,7303,7951MP,7953MP,7979,3M 双面胶带:9045MP,9056,9057,9059,9185MP,9415,9420,9425,9429,9449,9458,9459W,F9460PC,9461,9462,9465,9469,9471,55235,55230,6408,9472,9473,9482,9485PC,9490LE,9495MP,9495B,9495LE,9500PC,9505,9552,9589,9665,9667,300LSE,9671LE,9672LE,9690,9690B,9692,9695,9703,9713,9731,9752,9755,9820,9828,9885,9890,9925XL,8008,8018,8004,988T,55230,55231,55256m55257, 55280,55258,cip66,cip60,cip-47,cip-36,cip-01,cip-02, #9795,#9795B,966, #ST416,9079,#9609,#7303,#7816,7818,#7881,3M 标签材料:#7811,7812,7603,#3921,#77,1280,#851,#850,616,910,920, 402,8401,332T,5419,SuZhouDaTong,7413,8141,8142,9448,9448B,55230,55256,8008,8018,8608,988T,9080,9075,9070,6408;3M 汽车胶带:4229P,4211,4210,4211,4215,4016,4615,4611,4609,5314,4124,CP5008,cp5012,4218,GT6008,4229p,3M 铝箔胶带:425,427,#471,5702,#5421,5423,#5425,#5491, #5490,5480,5481,8952,#1020,#1115,#1040, 411,3M 保护膜:2124C,2104C,#3K04,2K10,332, 331T,336,361,375,371,373,401,411,415,420,3M 水溶性胶带:900,#9069,#9996,#913,#906,9974,9979,900B,906,#9996,#9979, #SJ3526,3527,SJ3551,3550,3M 封箱带:301,309,#371,#375,#373,3M 纸胶带:#232,#2307,2308,2309,200,2214, 244,2444,#2364,#6969,Kapton高温胶带:7413T,7413D,5413,7419,5419,2132,92,42,403M 纤维胶带:#8898,#898,893,89152517,336,8952,8402,950,8902,367FR, 369FR,3M 电气绝缘胶带:5,10,#11,27,40,42,#69,#60,#92,1350,1554,61,62,12,40,42,54,56,74,1298,1318,79,90,94,44,46,1276,1312,1339,1170,1181,1194,1245,1345,1190,AL-35FR,77,23,2228,2517,2157,13,24,70,130C,2220,2229,2166,1500,1600,1712,1700,1750, 33+,35,88,22,66R,2000,22, #610,#600,810,811,#8915,#5413,#5451,3M 柔印胶带:1015,1020,1120,1115,1040,1614,1640,1815,1820M,1915,1920M,1181,1190,1205,1245,1170,1281,1285,1290,1318,1345,1350, 200,2214,244,213,2310,214,232,2307,2308,2309,243J,217,236,241, 2517,250,.WORD 完美格式.3M 胶水:DP100,DP420,190,2216,2214,125DP,DP190,CA40H,TE230,TE100,200,LC1110,2000NF,1357,5,10,4693,826,2262,4475,847,1300,4799,560, 847,2214,3M 喷胶:77,90,75,polygun-TC,3762,3749,3779,3747,3764,3748,695,620,70,23,13,24,2220,2157,2228,2229,1500, 1600,1750,1712,22,33+,35,88,2000,3M 研磨:7447,7440,7448,96,8440,5010,5020,509,8698,86,261U,734,241Q,161X,268L,372L,6450J,3M砂纸::263X,264,265,461X,468L,861X,261X,6001J,661X,200A,251U,261U,321A,361F,401Q,461F,577F,237AA,241D,307EA,577F,777F,248D,281W,431Q,983C,011K,211Q,216U,235U,236U,255P,734,415U,PN82482,PN05941,241D,GJRA46,6050,610, 2214,740,741,745,746,718,718A,709,701,702,963,963E,等3M 口罩:#8210,N95,8246,8247; 9001,9002,3M 防毒面具:6000,6200, 6001,6003,6057, ,3200, 6800,7800,3M 耳塞:1100,1110, 1270.1260, 14253M 安全防护眼镜:1621,1711,1722,. 技术资料 . 专业整理.。
• 产品: 5073/ 5074/ 5076 3M Beta 胶带是一种新颖的密封和粘结材 料,对各种材料有很高初粘结力,具有卓 越的密封性能,耐侯性和静态支持力. 3M Beta 胶带可以应用在:部件密封\内饰低 表面能材料粘接\内部缓冲物粘接(海绵等) \内外饰件粘接
• 产品: 2353/ 2510/ 4291
七十多年前3M首次发明了遮蔽胶带用于汽车 制造中喷漆的分色保护。今天,作为世界 著名的胶带生产公司,3M提供一系列的遮 蔽胶带及其它遮蔽产品,可以为您解决各 种遮蔽问题。
2214/200/2307/2308通用型遮蔽胶 带
中低温遮蔽胶带可用于多种固定,保护及遮 蔽场合,可在66C-93C温度范围内使用。
产品: SJ3742/ SJ3780/ SJ3741/ SJ5671
3M蘑菇扣固定系统是一种不外露,正面锁定 设计,可用于固定汽车内部饰件和其它部 件。产品通过蘑菇状聚丙烯钉杆的互相齿 合作用产生很高的抗张/剪切强度。另外, 搭扣可以通过分布不同数量的蘑菇杆数而 提供不同的抗张强度需要. 使用3M蘑菇扣固定系统的优点包括:容易 排列\带响声的正面锁定\可多次开启和锁定\ 容易固定\无振动噪声\多种搭扣固定方式适 合不同安装需要
• 产品: 4229P/ 4218P 4215/ 4216/ 5312/ 4212L/ 4213/ 4211 5386/ 5344
3M丙烯酸胶带可以在罩光漆和新材质的汽 车油漆表面和坚硬或强壮的汽车部件表面 使用,即使在严酷的环境下也会提供超级 粘接性能. 使用3M丙烯酸胶带的优点包括:卓越的应 力分散和吸收能力\高贴覆性 \吸收会令粘胶 剂失效的增塑剂\卓越的抗化学品能力\卓越 耐候性和耐久性.3M丙烯酸胶带可以应用在: 防擦条\踏板\遮阳板\密封条\后档泥板\铭牌\ 饰条\门边保护
P3-MULTAN 46-81
材料安全数据表商品名: P3-MULTAN 46-81 代码: DEE000353580002制造商信息汉高股份有限公司电话: (021) 68267097上海市南汇区盐仓镇果园公路188号传真: (021) 68267654邮编:201324 国家应急电话: (0532) 3889090; (0532) 3889191万一接触眼睛,立即用大量水冲洗15分钟。
灭火说明::避免接触皮肤和眼睛环境预防:商品名: P3-MULTAN 46-81 代码: DEE000353580002不容许直接排入污水管道及地表水清理方法:用吸水材料擦地板(如沙、锯末).无特殊要求注意明火储存程序::保证良好的通风特殊成分的控制指标甲醛CAS号.: 50-00-0最大: 0,5 ppm ( 0,6 mg/m3)2-乙醇胺CAS号.: 141-43-5最大: 3 ppm ( 8 mg/m3)个人防护:工作间隙和完成后洗手如果雾化戴呼吸装置手防护:戴PVC手套物理状态: 液体外观: 黄色蒸汽密度: 无数据PH(5%) 9.5比重(20℃): 1.08g/cm3粘度: 无数据水溶性: 溶于水挥发度: 无数据根据使用说明,没有分解需避免的物质:商品名: P3-MULTAN 46-81 代码: DEE000353580002无分解产物:正常使用无,遇火会产生NH3,Nox,COx化学稳定性皮肤接触: 长时间接触可能会造成皮肤过敏眼睛接触: 长时间反复接触会造成眼睛不适A: 综合产品信息无数据B: 成分致癌性无数据ACGIH:IARC:流行病学:无数据。