A Calibration Target for Far-Infrared Spaceborne Applications
FLIR 红外气体成像相机产品介绍说明书
OPTICAL GAS IMAGING Infrared Cameras for Gas Leak DetectionMAKE INVISIBLE GASES VISIBLESAVE LIVES, REVENUE, AND THE DAY A facility can have thousands of connections and fittings that require regular inspection, but the reality is less than one percent of these components will ever leak. Testing them all with a traditional “sniffer” takes a great deal of time and effort.From natural gas extraction to petrochemical operations and power generation, companies have saved more than $10 million annually in lost product by including FLIR optical gas imaging in their leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs.METHANE AND HYDROCARBONSScan thousands of connections for natural gas(methane) and other hydrocarbon leaks quickly and froma safe distance to avoid regulatory violations, fines, andlost revenue.SULFUR HEXAFLUORIDE (SF6)Scan substation circuit breakers for sulfur hexafluoride(SF6) leaks at a safe distance from high-voltage areas,without the need to shut down operations.HYDROGEN (CO2 TRACER GAS)Imaging the tracer gas, CO2, with an optical gas cameraallows operators of hydrogen-cooled generators toefficiently find hydrogen leaks.CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2)Prevent shut-downs by detecting carbon dioxide(CO2) leaks early in chemical production, manufacturing, andEnhanced Oil Recovery programs.CARBON MONOXIDE (CO)Protect workers and the environment from toxic levelsof carbon monoxide (CO) by pinpointing leaks quicklyand efficiently.REFRIGERANTSFind leaks early to avoid interruptions in operations,prevent the loss of perishable products, and limit theenvironmental impact of toxic refrigerants.SPOT HARD-TO-FIND CO2 LEAKSSEE HYDROCARBON LEAKS CLEARLY FIND LEAKS AT STEEL PLANTSFIND SF6 LEAKS EASILYDETECT R-124 COMPRESSOR LEAKSDETECT LEAKS FROM HYDROGEN-COOLED GENERATORSOptical gas imaging cameras give you the power to spot invisible gases as they escape, so you can find fugitive emissions faster and more reliably than with sniffer detectors. With a FLIR GF-Series camera, you can document gas leaks that leadto lost product, lost revenue, fines, and safety hazards.TRACK LEAKS TO THEIR SOURCEThe GF-Series optical gas imaging cameras can detect natural gas, SF6, and CO2 leaks quickly, accurately, and safely without the need to shut down systems, or the need for contact with the components. Gas leaks that are invisible to the naked eye look like smoke on infrared optical gas imaging cameras, making them easy to see – even from a distance.WITH FLIR OPTICAL GAS IMAGERS, YOU CAN:• Scan broad areas quickly, from a safe distance• Survey hard-to-reach connections and fittings• Improve compliance with environmental regulations• Check electro-mechanical systems for signs of failure, using temperature measurement capability A LEAKING PRESSURE GAUGECAPTURED GAS LEAKLEAK IS CLEARLY VISIBLE ON THE THERMAL IMAGEHANDHELD CAMERASWhen you need to survey large work areas for industrial gas or chemical leaks, a handheldoptical gas imaging camera can help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. Camerassuch as the GFx320, GF306, and GF346 allow you to check every component throughoutmultiple sites, and are ergonomically designed for comfortable, all-day use. These camerasalso offer features such as temperature calibration for improved contrast between the gascompound and the background scene.HELPFUL ACCESSORIESFLEXIBLE SYSTEMS THAT MEETYOUR CHANGING NEEDSNo other thermal imaging camera manufacturer offersa wider range of accessories than FLIR Systems.Hundreds of accessories are available to customize ourcameras for a wide variety of imaging and measurementapplications. From a comprehensive range of lenses,through LCD screens, to remote control devices,everything is available to tailor your camera to yourspecific application.FIXED CAMERASHave a need for continuous monitoring or automated leak detection in criticalareas? With thermal imaging cameras such as the G300a, G300pt, andA6604, you can constantly monitor vital gas pipelines and installations inremote or difficult to access zones. You will immediately see if a dangerousand costly gas leak appears. Monitoring is performed from a safe distancewithout the need to send technicians into potentially dangerous areas.GF-SERIES HANDHELD CAMERAS ARE IDEAL FOR:• Chemical processing plants• Manufacturing plants• Natural gas wellsites• Electrical substations• Power generatorsG300A, G300PT, AND THE A6604 CAMERASARE IDEAL FOR:• Offshore oil platforms• Natural gas processing plants• Biogas generation plants• Petrochemical facilities• High value well sites• Underground storage facilities• Critical pipeline crossingsVISIBLE IMAGE INFRARED IMAGE HIGH SENSITIVITY MODE Scan broad areas quickly, from a safe distanceThe FLIR GF304 detects refrigerant gas leaks without interrupting or shutting down operations. Most modern refrigerants are organofluorine compounds, and while they are not ozone-depleting, some blends contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Refrigerants are used in a variety of systems, including food production, pharmaceutical storage, and air conditioning.• R 22• R 125• R 134A • R 143A• R 245fa • R 404A • R 407C • R 410A• R 417A • R 422A • R 507AThe FLIR GF306 detects sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) – used to insulate high voltage circuit breakers – as well as the industrial refrigerant and fertilizer anhydrous ammonia (NH 3). SF 6 is a potent greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential that’s 22,000 times greater than CO 2 over a 100-year period. By detecting and repairing SF 6 leaks, energy producers can avoid costly damage to circuit breakers while protecting the environment.A/C COMPRESSOR - INFRARED IMAGEHIGH SENSITIVITY MODECOMMON SF 6 PLUMBING LEAKSF 6 LEAKING FROM CIRCUIT BREAKERGF304 CAMERAS ARE IDEAL FOR:• Food production, storage, and retail • Automotive production and repair • Air conditioning• Pharmaceutical production, transport, and storageGF306 CAMERAS ARE IDEAL FOR:• Utilities • Ammonia plants• Industrial refrigeration systemsFLIRGF306FLIRGF304REFRIGERANTSSULFER HEXAFLUORIDE AND AMMONIAGF306 DETECTS THE FOLLOWING GASES:GF304 DETECTS THE FOLLOWING REFRIGERANT GASES:• A cetic acid • A cetyl chloride • A llyl bromide • A llyl chloride • A llyl fluoride • A nhydrous ammonia • B romomethane • C hlorine dioxide • E thyl cyanoacrylate (superglue)• E thylene • F reon-12• H ydrazine • M ethylsilane• M ethyl ethyl ketone (MEK)• M ethyl vinyl ketone • P ropenal • P ropene • S ulfur hexafluoride • T etrahydrofuran • T richloroethylene • U ranyl fluoride • V inyl chloride • V inyl cyanideThe GFx320 and GF320 detect methane emissions from the production, transportation, and use of oil and natural gas. They allow you to survey large areas up to nine-times faster than with traditional gas sniffer methods. These OGI cameras also offer highly accurate temperature measurements, so inspectors can assess and improve thermal contrast between the gas cloud and the background.• M ethane • M ethanol • P ropane • B enzene • E thane • P ropylene • E thanol • P entane• 1-Pentene• I soprene• B utane• E thylbenzene• M EK• M IBK• T oluene• O ctane• H eptane• X ylene• E thylene• H exaneINTRINSICALLY SAFEThe FLIR GFx320 allows you to quickly detect and visualize fugitive natural gas emissions while maintaining safety inside hazardous locations. This Intrinsically Safe OGI camera is third-party certified for use in Class I Div II safety areas. The GFx320 is verified to meet sensitivity standards defined in the US EPA’s OOOOa methane rule and meets reporting requirements by tagging each recording withGPS data. By finding leaks and fixing them quickly, your company can protect the environment while avoiding product losses and the cost of regulatory fines.GFx320: SAFETY ZONE COMPLIANTAt offshore rigs, well sites, and production plants,there’s often a risk of gas collecting and ignitingwith a stray spark or hot surface. Working in theseareas requires special clothing and equipment – if it’spossible at all.The oil and gas industry has long awaited a gasdetection solution such as the GFx320, because itsIntrinsically Safe designation allows the user to workconfidently and focus on the job at hand.THE GFx320 HAS THE FOLLOWINGCERTIFICATIONS:ATEX/IECEx, Ex ic nC op is IIC T4 Gc II 3 GANSI/ISA-12.12.01-2013, Class I Division 2CSA 22.2 No. 213, Class 1 Division 2THE GFx320 AND GF320 ARE IDEAL FOR:• O ffshore platforms• L iquid natural gas shipping terminals• O il refineries• N atural gas wellheads and processing plants• C ompressor stations• B io-gas and power generation plantsMETHANE LEAK AT NATURAL GAS FACILITY SITENATURAL GAS LEAK ON COMPRESSOR VALVEVENTING STORAGE TANK PRESSURE RELIEF VALVEMETHANE & HYDROCARBONS FLIR GFx320FLIR GF320THE GFx320/GF320 DETECT MORETHAN 400 GASES, INCLUDING:NEW!The GF343 lets you see CO2 leaks quickly and accurately, whether the gas is the result of a production process, part of an Enhanced Oil Recovery program, or being used as a tracer gas for hydrogen. CO2 is a primary greenhouse gas, with emissions resulting not only from the combustion of fossil fuels but also from industrial processes, oil production, and manufacturing. Reliable non-contact CO2 detection allows plants to inspect equipment while it is still online in the course of normal operations, avoiding unplanned outages. It also helps keep operations safe while moving towards carbon-neutral capture and storage operations.The FLIR GF346 exposes invisible, odorless carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from a safe distance. CO leaking from vent stacks or pipes can be deadly, especially if the gas is allowed to collect in an enclosed area. The GF346 can quickly scan broad areas and pinpoint even small leaks from several meters away, increasing worker safety and protecting the environment.• A cetonitrile• A cetyl cyanide • A rsine• B romine isocyanate • B utyl isocyanide • C hlorine isocyanate • C hlorodimethylsilane • C yanogen bromide • D ichloromethylsilane • E thenone• E thyl thiocyanate• G ermane• H exyl isocyanide• K etene• M ethyl thiocyanate• N itrous oxide• S ilanevSPOT HARD-TO-FIND CO2 LEAKSSEE MORE WITH HIGH SENSITIVITY MODE (HSM)VENTING FROM BLAST FURNACELEAKING FLANGEGF343 CAMERAS ARE IDEAL FOR:• Enhanced Oil Recovery programs• Hydrogen-cooled power generators• Carbon capture systems• Ethanol producers• Industrial tightness testingGF346 CAMERAS ARE IDEAL FOR:• Steel industry• Bulk chemicals manufacturing• Packaging systems• Petrochemical industryCARBON DIOXIDECARBON MONOXIDE FLIR GF343FLIR GF346GF346 DETECTS CARBON MONOXIDEAND THE FOLLOWING GASES:ImagingSpecifications GFx320GF320GF304GF306GF343GF346Primary Gas Seen Methane (CH4)Methane (CH4)Refrigerants Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) / Ammonia (NH3)Carbon dioxide (CO2)Carbon monoxide (CO)Detector Type Cooled InSb Cooled InSb Cooled QWIP Cooled QWIP Cooled InSb Cooled InSb Spectral Range 3.2 – 3.4 µm 3.2 – 3.4 µm8.0 – 8.6 µm10.3 – 10.7 µm 4.0 – 4.4 µm 4.52 – 4.67 µm Resolution320 x 240320 x 240Total Pixels76,80076,800Hazardous Location Certifications ATEX/IECEx, Ex ic nC op is IIC T4 Gc II 3 G ANSI/ISA-12.12.01-2013, Class I Division 2 CSA 22.2 No. 213, Class 1 Division 2Thermal Sensitivity<15 mK at 30°C (86°F)<15 mK at 30°C (86°F)Accuracy±1°C (±1.8°F) for temperature range 0°C to 100°C (32°F to 212°F) or ±2% of reading for temperature range >100°C (>212°F)*±1°C (±1.8°F) for temperature range 0°C to 100°C (32°F to 212°F) or ±2% of reading for temperature range >100°C (>212°F)* Temperature Range-20°C to 350°C (-4°F to 662°F)–20°C to 250°C (–4°F to 482°F)-40°C to 500°C (-40°F to 932°F)Not calibrated for temperature measurement–20°C to 300°C (–4°F to 572°F) Lenses14.5° (38 mm), 24° (23 mm)Standard: 24° × 18°; Optional: 14.5°, 6°Standard: 24° × 18°; Optional: 14.5°Standard: 14.5° × 10.8°; Optional: 24°Standard: 24° × 18°; Optional: 14.5°Standard: 24° × 18°; Optional: 14.5°, 6°Zoom1-8x continuous digital zoom1-8x continuous digital zoomFocus Manual Auto and manual Auto and manualColor LCD Monitor 4.3 in., 800 x 480 pixels 4.3 in., 800 x 480 pixelsAdjustable Viewfinder Tiltable OLED, 800 x 480 pixels Tiltable OLED, 800 x 480 pixelsVideo Camera w/Lamp 3.2 MP 3.2 MPLaser Spot Activated by dedicated button Activated by dedicated buttonVideo Out HDMI HDMIAnalysisSpotmeters10*10*Area Boxes 5 (min./max./avg.)* 5 (min./max./avg.)*Profiles 5 (min./max./avg.)* 5 (min./max./avg.)*Delta T Delta temperature between measurement functions or reference temperature*Delta temperature between measurement functions or reference temperature*AnnotationGPS Location data automatically added to images Location data automatically added to imagesFile StorageRadiometric JPEG14-bit measurement data included14-bit measurement data includedRadiometric IR Video15 Hz direct to memory card15 Hz direct to memory cardMPEG Recording RTP/MPEG4RTP/MPEG4SPECIFICATIONS*GF343 is not calibrated for temperature measurement.NEW!INFRARED TRAINING CENTERThe Premier Infrared Camera User Educational & Training ResourceYour professionalism drives you to know everything you can about your business; that’s why you’ll want to get the most out of your GF-Series camera.FLIR cameras are easy to use and intuitive, but only expert training will give you the knowledge and skills to wringevery last bit of capability from your investment. An Infrared Training Center (ITC) certificate is proof of your expertise in operating your camera and interpreting the thermal information it provides.During the three-day ITC Optical Gas Imaging certification course, you’ll learn how to set up and operate FLIR GF-Series cameras, which gases these cameras can see, and how environmental conditions affect gas leak detection, all while earning 2.0 IACET CEUs. Training includes classroom instruction and lab time covering basic inspection procedures, permitting requirements, safety practices, and more.For full course descriptions, updated schedules, and more information,visit the itc website at: or call 1.866.872.4647.ITC COURSES PROVIDE:• I ndustry-leading, high-quality interactive instruction • T he most qualified international instructors • T he most extensive hands-on laboratories • I SO 9001-registered• O ptional online training coursesOTHER ITC COURSES INCLUDE:• OOOOa Fugitive Emissions Monitoring (U.S. Only)• Thermography Fundamentals • General Thermography Primer• Level I, Level II, and Level III Thermography • IR Electrical Inspection • IR Mechanical inspectionAttend classes at our training center, locally at one of our regional classes, or in your facility with our on-site service.THE PROFESSIONAL GUIDESEE OPTICAL GAS IMAGING IN ACTION, ACCESS CASE STUDIES, AND MUCH MOREGain a greater understanding of OGI technology and how it can help you find and repair gas leaks with FLIR’s content-rich iBook, Optical Gas Imaging: The Professional Guide. This guide provides an in-depth look at OGI and infrared, through technical explanations, videos, and animations. You’ll get expert tips for maximizing OGI surveys and see how different industries use OGI cameras to save time, money, and the environment.Get the iBook at /OGIFLIR TOOLS MOBILEIMPORT, PROCESS, AND SHARE DATA QUICKLY WITH THE FREE APPGet the word out straight from the field with FLIR Tools Mobile for Apple ® and Android ™. Connect your smartphone or tablet to your GF-Series camera, then use the app to transfer video from the camera, tack on more measurement spots, add text, change palettes, add notes, and generate a PDF. Email video and findings to colleagues and customers in no time. Upload to Dropbox or accounts, or use the app to display images on-site to those who need to know immediately.FLIR Tools Mobile also lets you stream live video from your GF-Series, plus take remote control of GF-Series functions, including focus, level, span, and many other modes. This functionality is perfect when you need to place the camera off on its own for monitoring or safety reasons, or need to share live imaging with others nearby.OPTICAL GAS IMAGING:Key Features:• W irelessly import images from the camera’s SD card • S tream live video• R emotely control & record images and video• A nalyze & tune radiometric images - measure temperatures • C reate PDF reports with text & custom logos• S hare images & reports using email, , or DropboxEquipment described herein may require US Government authorization for export purposes. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited. Imagery for illustration purposes only. Specifications are subject to change without notice. For the most up-to-date specs, visit our website: . ©2017 FLIR Systems, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks of FLIR Systems, Incorporated. 17-2691-INS-OGI/OGI NASDAQ: FLIRBOSTONFLIR Systems, Inc. 9 Townsend West Nashua, NH 03063 USAPH: +1 866.477.3687PORTLANDCorporate Headquarters FLIR Systems, Inc.27700 SW Parkway Ave.Wilsonville, OR 97070USAPH: +1 866.477.3687EUROPE FLIR Systems Luxemburgstraat 22321 Meer BelgiumPH : +32 (0) 3665 5100HONG KONGFLIR Systems Co., Ltd Rm 1613-16, Tower II Grand Central Plaza 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road Shatin, New Territories Hong KongTEL: +852 2792 8955LATIN AMERICA FLIR Systems Brasil Av. Antonio Bardella, 320Sorocaba, SP 18052-852BrasilTEL: +55 15 3238 7080CANADAFLIR Systems, Ltd.920 Shelton Ct.Burlington, ON L7L 5K6CanadaPH: +1 800.613.0507call 866.477.3687 to speak with a FLIR Specialist.。
arbitrary ['ɑ:bitrəri] adj. 任意的;武断的;专制的Arbitrary: 任意角度|任意的|仲裁arbitrary amount: 临时款项|临时款项育路外语|临时款项财经arbitrary projection: 任意投影absolute number绝对数Absolute number: 绝对数|不名数|无名数ARFCN Absolute RF Channel Number: 绝对频道号以整数表示的绝对射频信道号。
Absolute Radio FrequencydChannel Number ARFCN: 绝对射频信道号absorption n. 吸收;全神贯注,专心致志absorption: 吸收|分摊|合并absorption rate: 吸收率|分摊率|摊配率absorption band: 吸收带|吸收谱带|吸收频带adaptive antenna自适应天线adaptive antenna: 适应性天线Adaptive array antenna: 自适应阵列天线|自适应智能天线技术AA Adaptive Antenna: 自适应天线,一种天线提供直接指向目标的波束,能够随目标移动自动调整功率等因素,也称为智能天线air gap气隙air gap: 气隙|空隙|空气隙air-gap line: 气隙磁化线|气隙线路|气隙线air-gap: 电机的空气隙|空气燃料混合气|空气隙火花放电隙algorithm ['ælɡəriðəm] n. 算法,运算法则analogue filter模拟滤波器;模拟信息滤波器angular resolution 角坐标分辨率angular resolution: 角分辨率|角度监别|角度分辨能力fine angular resolution: 高角分辨率anisotropic [æn,aisəu'trɔpik] adj. [植]各向异性的;非均质的anisotropic: 非单折射性|各向异性|蛤异性的Anisotropic Steel: 各向异性钢片|各向异*钢片anisotropic consolidation: 各向异性固结|各向不等压固结|异向性压密annular ring 环孔;环状垫圈;循环振铃annular ring: 孔环|循环振铃|环状垫圈Annular ring: 环状圈|( 环状圈 ) :钻孔周围的导电材料。
英文缩写中文absorbance A 吸光度acousto optic tunable filter AOTF 声光可调滤光器advance process control APC 先进过程控制系统american society for testing and materials ASTM 美国材料试验协会标准artificial neural networks ANN 人工神经网络back propagation BP-ANN 反向传输神经网络calibration transfer CT 模型传递技术charge coupled device CCD 电荷耦合器件cross validation CV 交互验证方法direct standardisation DS 直接校正算法distributed control system DCS 分布式控制系统elimination of uninformative variable UVE 无信息变量消除法euclidean distance ED 欧式距离finite impulse filter FIR 有脉冲响应办法first derivative 1ST DER 一阶微分fourier transform FT 傅里叶变换fourier transform near infrared FT-NIR 傅里叶变换近红外fuzzy C-means clustering FCME 模糊C-均值聚类gas chromatography GC 气相色谱genetic algorithms GA 遗传算法global calibration model GCM 全局校正模型hierarchical cluster analysis HCA 系统聚类分析方法hybrid calibration model HCM 混合校正模型kennard-stone K-S K-S标样选取方法k-nearest neighbor KNN K-最近邻法linear discriminant analysis LDA 线性判别分析linear learning machine LLM 线性学习机light emitting diode LED 发光二极管locally weighted regression LWR 局部权重回归ling wavelength NIR LW-NIR 长波近红外mahalanobis distance MD 马氏距离Mid-infrared MIR 中红外model updating MU 模型更新multiple linear regression MLR 多元线性回归multiplicative scatter correction MSC 多元散射校正near infrared spectroscopy NIR 近红外光谱nearest neighbor distance NND 最邻近距离net analyte signal NAS 净分析信号number aperture NA 数值孔径orthogonal signal correction OSC 正交信号校正partial least squares PLS 偏最小二乘photodiode array PDA 光电二极管阵列piecewise direct standardisation PDS 分段直接校正算法prediction residual error sum of squares PRESS 预测残差平方和principal component analysis PCA 主成分分析principal component regression PCR 主成分回归process analytical chemistry PAC 过程分析化学root mean square error of cross validaton RMSECV 交互验证均方根偏差root mean square error of prediction RMSEP 预测均方根偏差root of mean sum squared residuals RMSSR 光谱残差均方根sample conditioning system SCS 样品预处理系统sample recovery system SRS 样品回收系统second derivative 2nd Der 二姐微分short wavelength near-infrared SW-NIR 短波近红外signal-to-noise ratio S/N 信噪比simulated annealing SA 模拟退火算法slope/bias S/B 斜率偏差算法soft independent modeling of class analogy SIMCA 簇类的独立软模式方法standard error of calibration SEC 校正标准偏差standard error of cross validation SECV 交互验证标准偏差standard error of prediction SEP 预测标准偏差standard normal variate SNV 标准正交变量变换stepwise regressiion analysis SRA 逐步回归分析法support vector machines SVM 支持向量机方法topology TP 拓扑方法ultraviolet-visible UV-VIS 紫外可见光谱wavelet transform WT 小波变换monochromator 单色器grating 光栅detector 检测器collimating mirror 准直镜平行光镜optical bench 光学台resolution 分辨率diffraction gratings 衍射光栅band-width 带宽slit 狭缝A spectroscopic instrument generally consists of entrance slit,collimator, a dispersive element, such as a grating or prism,focusing optics and detector. In a monochromator system there is normally also an exit slit, and only a narrow portion of the spectrum is projected on a one-element detector. In monochromators the entrance and exit slits are in a fixed position and can be changed in width. Rotating the grating scans the spectrum.Development of micro-electronics during the 90’s in the field ofmulti-element optical detectors, such as Charged Coupled Devices (CCD) Arrays and Photo Diode (PD) Arrays。
Fluke 热成像相机产品介绍说明书
We recognize that it’s not one approach for all—each industry, busi-ness and success measure is unique. Optimally engineered, Fluke cameras are aligned to drive efficiency through the latest in ther-mography technology advancements. They offer everything needed for industrial professionals to safely, quickly and easily find, assess and solve mission-critical problems before they result in downtime, become costly or even disastrous.• In-focus images in a matter of seconds. LaserSharp™ Auto Focus uses a built-in laser distance meter that calculates and displays the distance from your designated target and immediately adjusts the focus.•Shoot images near…and far. Interchangeable Smart Lensesrequire no calibration and give you the versatility and image qual-ity needed to conduct inspections in almost any environment. •Simply the best optics to transmit energy and produce high quality infrared images. Fluke uses only 100 % diamond-turned germanium lenses with specialty coatings.• See more details when you adjust the level of infrared and visible light with patented IR-Fusion™ technology.•Edit and analyze images on camera—edit emissivity, enable color alarms and markers, and adjust IR-Fusion™ visual and infrared image blending.•Manage data, capture multiple measurements (mechanical,electrical and thermal) and organize them by piece of equipment with Fluke Connect™ software.• Inspect multiple complex targets or targets from varying distances. Capture a clear, accurate image focused throughout the field of view with MultiSharp™ Focus . The camera automatically pro-cesses a stack of images focused near and far with the Ti480 PRO and TiX580.BFluke Connect TMcompatibleTECHNICAL DATASUPERIOR IMAGE QUALITYRESOLUTION640 x 480 (307,200 pixels)SPATIAL RESOLUTION 0.93 mRad FIELD OF VIEW 34 °H x 24 °VTi401 PRO, Ti480 PRO, TiX501 and TiX580 Infrared CamerasProvided by: (800)404-ATEC®Rentals • Sales • Calibration • Service2 Fluke Corporation Ti401 PRO, Ti480 PRO, TiX501 and TiX580 Infrared CamerasPowerful, easy-to-use Fluke Connect™A comprehensive and connected software platform that represents the future ofintegrated equipment maintenance, monitoring, analysis and reporting. It’s easierthan ever to optimize thermal images, perform analytics, generate quick, customiz-able, robust reports, and export images to the format of your choice in the cloud. Andyou will be able to integrate with Fluke Connect—the largest integrated system ofmaintenance software and tools in the world.•Modern visual design•Intuitive navigation—easier to learn, easier and faster to work in•Simplified work flows•Simplified reporting workflow and better report templates•Fluke Connect Cloud storageDownload at Fluke Connect and Fluke Connect cloud storage not available in all countries.100% Focused–Every object. Near and far. MultiSharp™ Focus.Manual focus MultiSharp Focus3 Fluke Corporation Ti401 PRO, Ti480 PRO, TiX501 and TiX580 Infrared CamerasPlease Note: Fluke Connect analysis and reporting software is available in all countries but Fluke Connect is not. Please check availability with your authorized Fluke distributor**Indicates Fluke Connect™ features that will be available soon. Watch the Fluke website for software and firmware updates.4 Fluke Corporation Ti401 PRO, Ti480 PRO, TiX501 and TiX580 Infrared Cameras5 Fluke Corporation Ti401 PRO, Ti480 PRO, TiX501 and TiX580 Infrared CamerasOrdering informationFLK-Ti401 PRO 60 Hz Infrared Camera FLK-Ti401 PRO 9 Hz Infrared Camera FLK-Ti480 PRO 60 Hz Infrared Camera FLK-Ti480 PRO 9 Hz Infrared Camera FLK-TiX501 60 Hz Infrared Camera FLK-TiX501 9 Hz Infrared Camera FLK-TiX580 60 Hz Infrared Camera FLK-TiX580 9 Hz Infrared CameraIncludedIncluded Infrared camera with standard infrared lens; AC power supply and battery pack charger (including universal AC adapters); two rugged lithium ion smart battery packs; USB cable; HDMI video cable; 4GB micro SD card; and adjustable hand strap. Available by free download: Fluke Connect™ desktop software and user manualTi401 PRO onlyRugged, hard carrying case, soft transport bagTi480 PRO, TiX501, TiX580 only Rugged, IP67 rated, airtight hard carrying case TiX501, TiX580 onlyAdjustable neck strapOptional accessoriesFLK-LENS/TELE2 Infrared Telephoto Lens (2X magnification)FLK-LENS/4XTELE2 Infrared Telephoto Lens (4X magnification)FLK-LENS/WIDE2 Infrared Wide Angle LensFLK-LENS/25MAC2 25 Micron Macro Infrared Lens TI-CAR-CHARGER Car Charger FLK-TI-VISOR3 Sun VisorBOOK-ITP Introduction to Thermography Principles Book TI-TRIPOD3 Tripod Mounting Accessory FLK-TI-BLUETOOTH Bluetooth headset FLK-TI-SBP3 Additional Smart BatteryFLK-TI-SBC3B Additional Smart Battery Charger FLK-TIX5XX-SBP4 Additional Smart BatteryFLK-TI-SBC3B Additional Smart Battery Charger TiX501 and TiX580 additional accessories FLK-TIX5X-LENS CAP Infrared Lens Cover FLK-TIX5XX-NECK Neck strap FLUKE-TIX5XX HAND Hand strapFLK-TI-BLUETOOTH Bluetooth Headset FLK-TIX5XX-HDMI HDMI CableVisit to get complete details on these products or ask your local Fluke sales representative.Fluke CorporationPO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The NetherlandsFluke. 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精品文档Glossary of《Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry》《当代摄影测量》双语教学词汇表AAbbe comparator principle阿贝比长原理aberration 像差absolute flying height 绝对航高absolute orientation 绝对定向absorption 吸收access 存取、访问accessory 附件、辅助设备accident error 偶然误差accuracy 精度、准确度accuracy assessment 精度评定acquisition 获取active remote sensing 主动式遥感adaptability 适应性adjustment 平差adjacent 邻接adjacent flight line 相邻航线adjacent area 邻接区域adjoining sheets 邻接图幅aerial camera 航空摄影机aerial photograph 航摄像片aerial photographic gap 航摄漏洞aerial photogrammetry航空摄影测量aerial remote sensing 航空遥感aerophotogrammetry 航空摄影测量aerotriangulation 空中三角测量block triangulation区域网三角测量strip triangulation航带法空中三角测量independent model triangulation独立模型法空中三角测量bundle triangulation光束法空中三角测量affine rectification 仿射纠正affined transformation 仿射变换aggregation 聚合、聚集air base 摄影基线airbone imagery 机载影像airborne sensor 机载传感器alignment 排列成行、对准algebra 代数algorithm 算法allocation 配置altimeter 测高仪altitude 高度、高程ambiguity 模糊、不定性anaglyph 互补色anaglyphical stereoscopic viewing互补色立体观察analog 模拟analog/digital conversion 模数转换analog photogrammetry 模拟摄影测量analytical aerotriangulation解析空中三角测量analytical photogrammetry 解析摄影测量analytical plotter 解析测图仪ancillary data 辅助数据angular field of view 像场角angular momentum 角动量animation 动画annotation 注释、注记annotated photograph 调绘像片aperture 光圈、孔径relative ~ 相对孔径effective ~ 有效孔径approximation 近似值、逼近archive 档案archiving 存档architectural photogrammetry建筑摄影测量archaeological photogrammetry考古摄影测量artificial intelligence 人工智能artificial target 人工标志(点)aspect 方位aspect map 坡向图assessment 评定、估价astigmatism 像散atlas 地图集atmospheric haze 大气蒙雾atmospheric refraction 大气折光atmospheric window 大气窗口atmospheric transmission 大气传输atmospheric transmissivity 大气透过率attenuation 衰减attitude 姿态attitude parameter 姿态参数attribute 属性autocollimation 自准直autocorrelation 自相关automatic triangulation自动空中三角测量azimuth angle 方位角azimuth resolution 方位角分辨率Bbackprojection 逆投影backup 备份ballistic camera 弹道摄影机ballistic photogrammetry弹道摄影测量bandwidth 波段宽barrel 圆筒、桶形失真baseline 基线base-height ratio 基-高比batch process 批处理baud rate 波特率Bayes classification 贝叶斯分类bilinear interpolation 双线性内插binary image 二值影像biomedical photogrammetry生物医学摄影测量biostereometrics 生物立体量测学black-and-white film 黑白片blinking method of stereoscopic viewing 闪闭法立体观察block adjustment 区域网平差blunder detection 粗差探测bulk processing 粗处理bundle of rays 光束boundary 边界breakline 断裂线bridging of models 模型连接brightness 亮度Ccadastral mapping 地籍制图calibration 检校camera calibration 摄影机检校carrier phrase measurement载波相位测量Cartesian coordinates 笛卡尔坐标cartography 地图学characteristic curve of photographic emulsion 感光特性曲线check point 检查点chromatic 彩色的classification 分类classifier 分类器close-range photogrammetry近景摄影测量clustering 聚类cognitive mapping 认知制图collinearity condition 共线条件collinearity equations 共线方程color enhancement 彩色增强color infrared film 彩色红外片color film 彩色片coma 彗星像差combined adjustment 联合平差comparator 坐标量测仪compensation 补偿complementary colors 互补色component 组件、分量compression 压缩computer aided mapping 机助测图computer vision 计算机视觉computer-aided cartography计算机辅助制图condition equations 条件方程confidence 置信度coverage 覆盖conformal 正形的、等角的contact printing 接触晒印content of information 信息量contour lines 等高线contour interval 等高距constraint 约束contrast enhancement 反差增强contrast coefficient 反差系数control point 控制点control photostrip 骨架航线convergent photography 交向摄影convolution operators 卷积算子coordinate grid 坐标格网coordinate system 坐标系photographic coordinate system 像平面坐标系image space coordinate system 像空间坐标系object coordinate system物方坐标系coplanarity equation 共面方程correlation efficient 相关系数corresponding image point 同名像点corresponding image rays 同名光线corresponding epipolar line 同名核线cosine transformation 余弦变换covariance 协方差covariance matrix 协方差矩阵crest 山脊、峰顶cross-section 断面cyberspace 信息空间、赛博空间cycle slip 周跳Ddata acquisitation 数据获取data compression 数据压缩data mining 数据挖掘data snooping 数据探测法data transmission 数据传输data processing 数据处理data warehouse 数据仓库datum 基准deformation 变形densitometer 密度计density slicing 密度分割depression 抑制、衰减depth of field 景深detector 探测器developing 显影diagonal matrix 对角矩阵diaphragm 光圈differential 差分differential method of photogrammetric mapping 分工法测图differential rectification 微分纠正diffraction 衍射diffusion 扩散、漫射digital/analog transform 数/模转换digital correlation 数字相关digital earth 数字地球digital image 数字影像digitizer 数字化器digitization 数字化digitized image 数字化影像digital mapping 数字测图digital mosaic 数字镶嵌digital surface model数字表面模型(DSM)digital terrain model数字高程模型(DTM)digital orthophoto map数字正射影像(DOM)digital orthoimage 数字正射影像digital photogrammetry 数字摄影测量digital raster graphic数字栅格地图(DRG)digital rectification 数字纠正digital tracing table 数控绘图桌dimensional 维one- dimensional一维的two- dimensional 二维的three- dimensional 三维的disparity 不同、差异displacement of image 像点位移distortion of lens 物镜畸变差distribution function 分布函数direct line transformation直接线性变换(DLT)direct scheme of digital rectification直接法纠正direction cosines 方向余弦discrimination 辨别、区分dispersion 分散、散射drainage 水系drawing 绘图drift angle 偏流角dynamic 动态的Eearth curvature 地球曲率earth ellipsoid 地球椭球eccentricity 偏心、偏心率edge detection 边缘检测edge enhancement 边缘增强eigenvalue 特征值eigenvector 特征向量electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波谱elements of interior orientation内方位元素elements of exterior orientation外方位元素elements of relative orientation相对定向元素elements of absolute orientation绝对定向元素elements of rectification 纠正元素emulsion 药膜encoding 编码enhancement 增强entity 实体entropy (信息)熵entropy coding 熵编码environment 环境epipolar line 核线epipolar plane 核面epipolar correlation 核线相关epipolar resampling 核线重采样epipole 核点equalization of histogram 直方图均衡equivalent vertical photograph等效竖直像片equally tilted photography 等倾摄影error circle 误差圆Ethernet 以太网expert system 专家系统ES exposure 曝光exposure station 摄站exponential 指数的exterior orientation 外部定向event 事件Ffalse color film 假彩色片false color photography 假彩色摄影false color composite 假彩色合成feature 特征feature coding 特征编码feature extraction 特征提取feature selection 特征选择fiducial marks 框标mechanical fiducial marks机械框标optical fiducial marks光学框标field curvature像场弯曲field of view 视场filtering 滤波fixing 定影flight block 摄影分区flight height (flying height)航高flight line 摄影航线flight plan of aerial photography航摄计划flight strip 航带flying height 航高absolute ~ 绝对航高relative ~ 相对航高flying trace 航迹floating mark 浮游测标flux 通量、流动focal distance 焦距focal length 焦距focal plane 焦平面format 像幅forward motion compensation (FMC)向前运动补偿Fourier transformation 傅立叶变换fractal 分数维frame camera 框幅式摄影机free net adjustment 自由网平差frequency 频率Fresnel 菲滠耳fuzzy classifier method 模糊分类法fuzzy image 模糊影像GGaussian distribution 高斯分布generalization 综合geodetic origin 大地原点generation 产生geodetic datum 大地基准geodetic database 大地测量数据库geocentric coordinate system地心坐标系geodetic origin 大地原点geodetic datum 大地基准geographic coding 地理编码geoid 大地水准面geomatics 测绘学geometric correction 几何校正geometric rectification 几何纠正geometric registration of image图像几何配准geometric model 几何模型geostationary 地球静止的geo-synchronous satellite 地球同步卫星gnomonic 球心的goniometer 测角器、测向器gradients 梯度graphic 图形的grating 格子、光栅gravity 重力grey level 灰度级grey scale 灰度级grey wedge 光契grid 格网ground nadir point 地底点gross error detection 粗差检测GPS aerotriangulation GPS空中三角测量Gruber point 标准配置点Hheight displacement 投影差high-pass filtering 高通滤波histogram equalization 直方图均衡histogram 直方图histogram specification直方图规格化histogram equalization直方图均衡化hologram photography 全息摄影hologrammetry 全息摄影测量homogeneous 均质的、齐次的homologous image point 同名像点homomorphic filtering 同态滤波horizon camera 地平线摄影机horizontal 水平的、平面的horizontal parallax 左右视差(x-parallax)horizontal parallax difference左右视差较hot spots 热点hough transformation 霍夫变换Huffman 霍夫曼hue 色度hypergraph 超图hypermedia 超媒体hyperspectral 高光谱、超光谱hypertext 超文本hypothesis 假设Iidentified photograph 调绘片index contour 计曲线illuminance of ground 地面照度image,imagery 影像image coding 影像编码image correlation 影像相关image description 影像描述image digitization 影像数字化image enhancement 影像增强image fusion 影像融合image interpretation 影像解译image matching 影像匹配image mosaic 影像镶嵌image motion compensation像移补偿image overlaying 影像复合image pyramids 影像金字塔image quality 影像质量image recognition 影像识别image registration 影像配准image resolution 影像分辨力image restoration 影像复原image motion compensation像移补偿(IMC)image segmentation 图像分割image space coordinate system像空间坐标系image transformation 图像变换image understanding 图像理解imaging equation 构像方程imaging radar 成像雷达imaging spectrometer 成像光谱仪incident angle 入射角independent model aerial triangulation 独立模型法空中三角测量indirect scheme of digital rectification 间接法纠正industrial photogrammetry工业摄影测量inertial measurement unit (IMU)惯性测量装置information extraction 信息提取infrared film 红外片infrared photography 红外摄影infrared remote sensing 红外遥感infrared scanner 红外扫描仪inner 内部的inner orientation 内定向instrument 仪器、设备integration 集成intensity 亮度interactive 交互interest point 兴趣点、有利点interferogram 干涉图interferometry 干涉测量学interior orientation 内部定向interometry SAR 干涉雷达(INSAR)interoperability 互操作interpolation 内插bilinear interpolation 双线性内插nearest-neighbor interpolation邻近像元内插invariant 不变量irradiance 辐射照度isocenter of photograph 像等角点isometric 等角、等值的isometric parallel 等比线iteration method 迭代法iteration method with variable weights选权迭代法intersection 相交inverse matrix 逆矩阵Kkey-in 键盘输入key word 关键字kinematic positioning 动态定位knickpoint 转折点、裂点Llaboratory 实验室Landsat 陆地卫星landform 地形landscape map 景观地图large format camera大像幅摄影机(LFC)latent 潜在的lateral tilt 旁向倾角(roll)lateral overlap(side overlap,side lap)旁向重叠layover 雷达图像移位least squares correlation最小二乘相关leveling of model 模型置平linear array sensor 线阵列传感器linear features 线特征linear transformation 线性变换linearization 线性化logarithmic 对数的longitudinal tilt 航向倾角(pitch)longitudinal overlap(end overlap,forward overlap)航向重叠low-pass 低通Mmagazine 暗盒magnification 放大manual 人工的manuscript map 原图map compilation 地图编辑map legend 图例map projection 地图投影map revision 地图更新mapping satellite 测图卫星marine charting 海洋测绘mathematical expectation 数学期望maximum likelihood classification最大似然分类matrix 矩阵mean square error 中误差measuring mark 测标mechanics 力学median filters 中值滤波器mesh 网、网格metadata 元数据meteosat 气象卫星minimum distance classification最小距离分类metric camera 量测摄影机microwave remote sensing 微波遥感method of least squares 最小二乘法microwave radiation 微波辐射microwave radiometer 微波辐射计modulation transfer function调制传递函数(MTF)moiré莫尔条纹monocomparator 单像坐标量测仪mount 安装、座架mosaic 镶嵌optical mosaic 光学镶嵌digital mosaic 数字镶嵌most probable value 最或然值multicollimator 多投影准直仪multiplex 多倍仪multistage rectification 多级纠正multispectral camera 多光谱摄影机multispectral photography多光谱摄影multispectral remote sensing多光谱遥感multispectral scanner多光谱扫描仪(MSS)multi-temporal analysis 多时相分析multi-temporal remote sensing多时相遥感multiplicity 多重性、相重性Nnadir point 底点navigation 导航negative 负片neighborhood method 邻元法nodal point 节点front nodal point 前节点rear nodal point 后节点neutral network 神经网络nonlinear 非线性的non-metric camera 非量测摄影机non-topographic photogrammetry非地形摄影测量normal case photography 正直摄影normal distribution 正态分布normal equation 法方程式normalization 正交化Ooblique 倾斜的oblique photography 倾斜摄影object space coordinate system物空间坐标系object spectrum characteristics地物波谱特性object oriented 面向对象observation 观测值observation equation 误差方程式occlusion 遮蔽offset 移位off-line 离线、脱机on-line 在线、联机on-line aerial triangulation联机空中三角测量one-dimensional 一维的opacity 不透明的operator 算子optical axis of lens 物镜主光轴optical rectification 光学纠正optical-mechanical rectification光机械学纠正optical projection 光学投影optical transfer function光学传递函数(OTF)orthogonal matrix 正交矩阵orientation elements 方位元素orientation point 定向点orthogonal projection 正射投影orthographic 正射的orthogonal matrix 正交矩阵orthoimage 正射影像orthophoto 正射像片orthophotomap 正射影像地图orthophoto stereomate正射影像立体配对片orthophoto technique 正射影像技术outline map 略图outstanding point 明显地物点overlap 重叠Ppackage 包panchromatic film 全色片panoramic camera 全景摄影机panoramic photography 全景摄影panoramic distortion 全景畸变parallax 视差parallax difference 视差较parallel-averted photography等偏摄影parameter 参数parameter estimation 参数估计pass point 加密点pattern recognition 模式识别perceived model 视模型perigee 近地点perspective center 透视中心phase transfer function相位传递函数(PTF)photogrammetric distortion摄影测量畸变差photogrammetric workstation摄影测量工作站photogrammetry 摄影测量terrestrial ~ 地面摄影测量two-medium ~ 双介质摄影测量biomedical ~ 医学摄影测量photography 摄影学photographic baseline 摄影基线photographic bundle of rays 摄影光束photographic coordinate system摄影测量坐标系photographic interpolation摄影测量内插photographic paper 相纸photographic processing 摄影处理photographic scale 摄影比例尺photo base 像片基线photo coordinate system像平面坐标系photo interpretation 像片判读photo map 像片平面图photo mosaic 像片镶嵌photo nadir point 像底点photoplan 像片平面图photo rectification 像片纠正photo scale 像片比例尺phototheodolite 摄影经纬仪physiological parallax 生理视差picture format 像幅pinhole 小孔(成像)pixel 像元planarity 平面性、平面条件platform 平台platen 压平板、平台plot 平面图、略图plumb line 铅垂线point marking 刺点point transfer 转点point of interest 兴趣点polar 极、极地的polar coordinates 极坐标polarized 极化polarization 极化polygon 多边形polynomial 多项式positive 正片power spectrum 功率谱precision 精密度precision estimation 精度估计prediction 预测、推估prick point 刺点primary color 原色principal component transformation 主分量变换principal distance of photo 像片主距principal distance 主距principal line 像主纵线principal plane 像主垂面principal point 像主点principal point of photograph 像主点principle of geometric reverse几何反转原理printer 印相机prism 棱镜precision estimation 精度估计probable error 或然误差probability 概率论processing 处理bulk processing 粗处理precision processing 精处理product 产品production 生产、产量projection 投影projection center 投影中心projection printing 投影晒印propagation of errors 误差传播protocol 协议prototype 原型pseudo-color image 伪彩色影像pseudo range measurement 伪距测量pushbroom imaging 推扫式成像pyramids 金字塔Qquadtree 四叉树qualitative 定性的quality control 质量控制quantitative 定量的quantizing 量化quantization 量化quantum 量子query 查询、检索Rradargrammetry 雷达图象测量radial distortion 径向畸变radial triangulation 辐射三角测量radiant 辐射的radiation correction 辐射校正radiograph X光照相radiometry 辐射测量radiometric correction 辐射校正radiometer 辐射计random error 随机误差、偶然误差random variable 随机变量raster grid 栅格网raster to vector conversion栅格-矢量转换ratio transformation 比值变换real-aperture radar 真实空径雷达real-time photogrammetry实时摄影测量reconstruction 重建rectifier 纠正仪rectification 纠正affine rectification 仿射纠正reduction 归化redundancy 余redundant information 余信息refinement 改正reflectance spectrum 反射波谱region of target 目标区region of search 搜索区relative flying height 相对航高relative orientation 相对定向relaxation 松池reliability 可靠性relief displacement 投影差resampling 重采样remote sensing 遥感aerial remote sensing 航空遥感space remote sensing 航天遥感remote sensing of resources 资源遥感environmental remote sensing环境遥感geological remote sensing 地质遥感ocean remote sensing 海洋遥感forest remote sensing 森林遥感atmospheric remote sensing大气遥感infrared remote sensing 红外遥感microwave remote sensing 微波遥感multi-spectral remote sensing多光谱遥感active remote sensing 主动遥感passive remote sensing 被动遥感remote sensing platform 遥感平台representation 显示、表达reseaux 网格resection 后方交会residual 残差resolution 分解力、分辨率ground resolution 地面分解力space resolution 空间分辨率temporal resolution 时间分辨率temperature resolution 温度分辨率resolving power of lens 物镜分辨力restitution 测图、成图、复原、恢复restoration 恢复retrieval 检索return beam vidicon camera反束光导(RBV)管摄影机reversal film 反转片roam 漫游rotation matrix 旋转矩阵route 路径Ssampling 采样sampling interval 采样间隔satellite altimetry 卫星测高satellite attitude 卫星姿态satellite-borne sensor 星载遥感器saturation 饱和度scaling of model 模型缩放scanner 扫描仪searching area 搜索区seasat 海洋卫星segmentation 分割self-calibration 自检校semiconductor 半导体semi-metric camera 半量测摄影机sensitivity 感光度sensitometry 感光测定sensitization 感光sensitometry 感光度测定sensitive material 感光材料sensor 传感器sequential 序列的shadow 阴影shutter 快门sidelap 旁向重叠side-looking radar侧视雷达(SLR)similarity 相似、相似性simulation 模拟single image 单张像片singularity 奇异性small format aerial photography小像幅摄影space intersection 空间前方交会space photography 航天摄影space photogrammetry航天摄影测量space remote sensing 航天遥感space resection 空间后方交会Spacelab 空间实验室space shuttle 航天飞机spatial 空间的spatial domain 空间域specification 规范、说明spectral 光谱的spectral sensitivity 光谱感光度spectrograph 摄谱仪spectrometer 波谱测定仪spectroradiometer 光谱辐射仪spectrum character curve波谱特征曲线spectrum response curve波谱响应曲线spectrum feature space 波谱特征空间sphere 球面、球体spline 样条squint 斜视static 静态的stellar camera 恒星摄影机standard deviation 标准差standard error 标准差statistical 统计的statoscope 高差仪stereocamera 立体摄影机stereocomparator 立体坐标量测仪stereometer 立体量测仪stereo pair 立体像对stereo plotter 立体测图仪stereoscope 立体镜bridge-type ~ 桥式立体镜mirror ~ 反光立体镜stereoscopic vision 立体视觉stereoscopic observation 立体观测stereopair 立体像对stereophotogrammetry立体摄影测量stereoscopic model 立体观测模型stop-number 光圈号数stochastic 随机的strips 航线、航带strip aerial triangulation航带法空中三角测量sub pixel 子像素sun-synchronous satellite太阳同步卫星superimposition 叠加supervised classification 监督分类surface model 表面模型survey adjustment 测量平差survey mark 测量标志surveying and mapping 测绘surveying 测量学elementary surveying 普通测量topographic survey 地形测量control surveying 控制测量sweep 扫描swing angle 像片旋角(yaw)symmetry 对称synthetic aperture radar合成空径雷达system integration 系统集成systematic error 系统误差Ttangential distortion 切向畸变target area 目标区template 模板terrestrial camera 地面摄影机terrestrial photogrammetry地面摄影测量texture enhancement 纹理增强texture analysis 纹理分析thematic map 专题地图thematic mapper 专题制图仪(TM)theodolite 经纬仪thermal radiation 热辐射thermal infrared imagery 热红外影像threshold 阈值tie point 连接点tilt angle of photograph 像片倾角tilt displacement 倾斜位移tracing 跟踪transparent negative 透明负片transparent positive 透明正片triangulated irregular network不规则三角网(TIN)triple 三倍的、三重的true-orthophoto 真正射影像two-medium photogrammetry toning 调色topographic map 地形图topology 拓扑toponomastics, toponymy 地名学trainning field 训练区transmittance 透光率translation 平移、移动transparent 透明的transverse 横轴、横向的triangulation 三角测量aerial ~ 空中三角测量analogue aerial ~ 模拟法空三测量analytical aerial ~ 解析法空三测量block ~ 区域网空中三角测量strip ~ 航带法空中三角测量independent model ~独立模型法空中三角测量bundle ~ 光束法空中三角测量trichromatic 三色的Uuncertainty 不确定性underwater camera 水下摄影机under photogrammetry水下摄影测量universal method of photogrammetric unit matrix 单位矩阵unit weight 单位权unsupervised classification非监督分类update 更新urban mapping 城市制图user interface 用户界面mapping 全能法测图Vvanishing point 灭点、合点variance 方差variance-covariance 方差-协方差vectograph method of stereoscopic viewing 偏振光立体观察vector 矢量vectorization 矢量化verifiability 置信度verification 确认vertical 竖直的、高程的vertical exaggeration 高程扩张vertical parallax上下视差(y-parallax)vertical photography 竖直摄影viewpoint 视点virtual reality 虚拟现实visual 目视的visual interpretation 目视判读visualization 可视化voxel 体素Wwavelet 小波wavelength 波长weight 权weight function 权函数weight matrix 权矩阵weighted mean 加权平均数whiskbroom 横扫式workstation 工作站XX-ray photogrammetry X射线摄影测量Yyan angle 航偏角y-tilt 航向倾角Zzenith angle 天顶角zonal rectification 分带纠正zone 带zone generation 区域增长zoom 缩放zoom in 缩小zoom out 放大注:更详细的摄影测量与遥感专业词汇请查阅:1、《英汉测绘词汇》. 测绘出版社2、《测绘学名词》. 测绘出版社, 2002缩写词CAC Computer-aided Cartography 机助地图制图CCD Charge-coupled Device 电荷偶合器件DCBD Digital Cadastral Database 数字地籍数据库DLG Digital Line Graph 数字线划图DRG Digital Raster Graphics 数字栅格图DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle 数字正射影像图DPW Digital Photogrammetric Workstation摄影测量工作站GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System [俄罗斯]全球轨道导航卫星系统GPS Global Positioning System 全球定位系统ERTS earth resources technology satellite 地球资源卫星ETM Enhancement Thermatic Mapper 增强型专题制图仪HRSC High Resolution Stereo CameraIFOV Instantaneous Field of View 瞬时视场IFSAR Interometry SAR干涉雷达IMU Inertial Measurement Unit 惯性测量装置INS Inertial Navigation System 惯性导航系统ISS Inertial Surveying System 惯性测量系统LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging 激光探测和测距LIS Land Information System 土地信息系统MTF Modulation Transfer Function 调制传递函数NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetative IndexNSDI National Spatial Data Infrastructure 国家空间数据基础设施RMSE root mean square error 均方根差,中误差SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar 合成空径雷达SDI Spatial Data Infrastructure 空间数据基础设施SLAR Side Looking Airborne Radar 侧视雷达WGS84 World Geodetic System for 1984 1984年世界大地坐标系学会、组织名称ACSM American Congress on Surveying and Mapping 美国测绘学会ASPRS American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing美国摄影测量与遥感学会CSGPC Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography 中国测绘学会ESA European Space Agency 欧洲空间局FIG Federation International of Geometres 国际测量师联合会ICA International Cartographic Association 国际制图协会ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织ISPRS International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing国际摄影测量与遥感学会IUSM International Union of Surveying and Mapping 国际测量联合会NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration [美国]国家航空与航天局NASDA National Space Development Agency [日本]国家宇宙开发事业团NGCC National Geomatics Center of China [中国]国家基础地理信息中心。
CONTENTSPreface (i)The Japanese Pharmacopoeia,Sixteenth Edition (1)General Notices (1)General Rules for Crude Drugs (5)General Rules for Preparations (7)General Tests,Processes and Apparatus (25)1.Chemical Methods1.01Alcohol Number Determination (25)1.02Ammonium Limit Test (27)1.03Chloride Limit Test (28)1.04Flame Coloration Test (28)1.05Mineral Oil Test (28)1.06Oxygen Flask Combustion Method (28)1.07Heavy Metals Limit Test (29)1.08Nitrogen Determination(Semimicro-Kjeldahl Method) (30)1.09Qualitative Tests (31)1.10Iron Limit Test (37)1.11Arsenic Limit Test (37)1.12Methanol Test (39)1.13Fats and Fatty Oils Test (39)1.14Sulfate Limit Test (41)1.15Readily Carbonizable Substances Test (41)2.Physical MethodsChromatography2.01Liquid Chromatography (42)2.02Gas Chromatography (45)2.03Thin-layer Chromatography (47)2.04Amino Acid Analysis of Proteins (47)Spectroscopic Methods2.21Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceSpectroscopy (48)2.22Fluorometry (50)2.23Atomic AbsorptionSpectrophotometry (51)2.24Ultraviolet-visible Spectrophotometry (52)2.25Infrared Spectrophotometry (53)Other Physical Methods2.41Loss on Drying Test (55)2.42Congealing Point Determination (55)2.43Loss on Ignition Test (56)2.44Residue on Ignition Test (56)2.45Refractive Index Determination (56)2.46Residual Solvents Test (57)2.47Osmolarity Determination (57)2.48Water Determination(Karl FischerMethod) (58)2.49Optical Rotation Determination (61)2.50Endpoint Detection Methods inTitrimetry (62)2.51Conductivity Measurement (63)2.52Thermal Analysis (65)2.53Viscosity Determination (67)2.54pH Determination (69)2.55Vitamin A Assay (71)2.56Determination of Specific Gravity andDensity (72)2.57Boiling Point and Distilling RangeTest (74)2.58X-Ray Powder Diffraction Method (75)2.59Test for Total Organic Carbon (79)2.60Melting Point Determination (80)3.Powder Property Determinations3.01Determination of Bulk and TappedDensities (82)3.02Specific Surface Area by GasAdsorption (84)3.03Powder Particle DensityDetermination (86)3.04Particle Size Determination (87)4.Biological Tests/Biochemical Tests/Microbial Tests4.01Bacterial Endotoxins Test (92)4.02Microbial Assay for Antibiotics (96)4.03Digestion Test (100)4.04Pyrogen Test (103)4.05Microbial Limit Test (103)4.06Sterility Test (114)5.Tests for Crude Drugs5.01Crude Drugs Test (117)5.02Microbial Limit Test for Crude Drugs (120)6.Tests for Preparations6.01Test for Metal Particles in OphthalmicOintments (126)6.02Uniformity of Dosage Units (127)6.03Particle Size Distribution Test forPreparations (129)6.04Test for Acid-neutralizing Capacity ofGastrointestinal Medicines (129)6.05Test for Extractable Volume ofParenteral Preparations (130)6.06Foreign Insoluble Matter Test forInjections (131)6.07Insoluble Particulate Matter Test forInjections (131)6.08Insoluble Particulate Matter Test forOphthalmic Solutions (134)6.09Disintegration Test (135)6.10Dissolution Test (137)JP XVI Contents6.11Foreign Insoluble Matter Test forOphthalmic Solutions (141)7.Tests for Containers and Packing Materials7.01Test for Glass Containers for Injections..1417.02Test Methods for Plastic Containers (142)7.03Test for Rubber Closure for AqueousInfusions (148)8.Other Methods8.01Sterilization and Aseptic Manipulation (149)9.Reference Standards;Standard Solutions;Reagents,Test Solutions;MeasuringInstruments,Appliances,etc.Reference Standards9.01Reference Standards (150)Standard Solutions9.21Standard Solutions for VolumetricAnalysis (153)9.22Standard Solutions (164)9.23Matching Fluids for Color (166)Reagents,Test Solutions,etc.9.41Reagents,Test Solutions (167)9.42Solid Supports/Column Packings forChromatography (306)9.43Filter Papers,Filters for filtration,Test Papers,Crucibles,etc (308)9.44Standard Particles,etc (308)Measuring Instruments and Appliances,Thermometers,etc.9.61Optical Filters for Wavelength andTransmission Rate Calibration (309)9.62Measuring Instruments,Appliances (309)9.63Thermometers (310)Official Monographs (313)Crude Drugs (1593)Infrared Reference Spectra.....................1775–1961 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra.........1965–2131General InformationG1Physics and ChemistryGuideline for Residual Solvents and Models for the Residual Solvents Test (2135)Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (2136)Near Infrared Spectrometry (2141)pH Test for Gastrointestinal Medicine (2144)System Suitability (2145)Test for Trace Amounts of Aluminum inTrans Parenteral Nutrition(TPN)Solutions (2146)Validation of Analytical Procedures (2148)G2Solid-state PropertiesLaser Diffraction Measurement ofParticle Size (2151)Powder Fineness (2154)Powder Flow (2155)Solid and Particle Densities (2158)G3Biotechnological/Biological Products Amino Acid Analysis (2159)Basic Requirements for Viral Safety ofBiotechnological/Biological Productslisted in Japanese Pharmacopoeia (2166)Capillary Electrophoresis (2179)Isoelectric Focusing (2184)Mass Spectrometry of Peptides andProteins (2186)Mycoplasma Testing for Cell Substrates used for the Production of Biotechnological/Biological Products (2188)Peptide Mapping (2191)Qualification of Animals as Origin ofAnimal-derived Medicinal Productsprovided in the General Notices ofJapanese Pharmacopoeia and OtherStandards (2194)SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (2196)Total Protein Assay (2201)G4MicroorganismsDecision of Limit for BacterialEndotoxins (2205)Disinfection and Sterilization Methods (2205)Media Fill Test(Process Simulation) (2206)Microbial Attributes of Non-sterilePharmaceutical Products (2209)Microbiological Evaluation of Processing Areas for Sterile PharmaceuticalProducts (2211)Preservatives-Effectiveness Tests (2215)Rapid Counting of Microbes usingFluorescent Staining (2217)Rapid Identification of MicroorganismsBased on Molecular Biological Method (2220)Sterility Assurance for Terminally Sterilized Pharmaceutical Products (2221)Terminal Sterilization and SterilizationIndicators (2225)G5Crude DrugsAristolochic Acid (2227)Purity Tests on Crude Drugs Using Genetic Information (2228)On the Scientific Names of Crude DrugsListed in the JP (2231)G6Drug FormulationTablet Friability Test (2244)G7Containers and PackagePlastic Containers for PharmaceuticalJP XVI ContentsProducts (2244)G8WaterQuality Control of Water for PharmaceuticalUse (2246)Water to be used in the Tests of Drugs (2253)G9OthersInternational Harmonization Implementedin the Japanese Pharmacopoeia SixteenthEdition (2253)AppendixAtomic Weight Table(2010) (2287)Standard Atomic Weights2010 (2288)Index (2291)Index in Latin name (2307)Index in Japanese (2309)PREFACEThe15th Edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP)was promulgated by Ministerial Notification No. 285of the Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare (MHLW)on March31,2006.In July2006,the Committee on JP established the basic principles for the preparation of the JP16th Edi-tion,setting out the roles and characteristics of the JP, the definite measures for the revision,and the date of the revision.At the Committee,the five basic principles of JP, which we refer to as the``five pillars'',were estab-lished as follows:1)Including all drugs which are im-portant from the viewpoint of health care and medical treatment;2)Making qualitative improvement by in-troducing the latest science and technology;3)Pro-moting internationalization;4)Making prompt partial revision as necessary and facilitating smooth adminis-trative operation;and5)Ensuring transparency regarding the revision,and disseminating the JP to the public.It was agreed that the Committee on JP should make efforts,on the basis of these principles,to en-sure that the JP is used more effectively in the fields of health care and medical treatment by taking appropri-ate measurements,including getting the understanding and cooperation of other parties concerned.It was agreed that the JP should provide an official standard,being required to assure the quality of medi-cines in Japan in response to the progress of science and technology and medical demands at the time.It should define the standards for specifications,as well as the methods of testing to assure overall quality of all drugs in principle,and it should have a role in clarifying the criteria for quality assurance of drugs that are recognized to be essential for public health and medical treatment.The JP has been prepared with the aid of the knowledge and experience of many professionals in the pharmaceutical field.Therefore,the JP should have the characteristics of an official standard,which might be widely used by all parties concerned.It should provide information and understanding about the quality of drugs to the public,and it should be conducive to smooth and effective regulatory control of the quality of drugs,as well as promoting and maintaining international consistency and harmoniza-tion of technical requirements.It was also agreed that JP articles should cover drugs,which are important from the viewpoint of health care and medical treatment,clinical results and frequency of use,as soon as possible after they reach the market.The target date for the publication of JP16th Edi-tion(the Japanese edition)was set as April2011.JP Expert Committees are organized with the fol-lowing panels:Panel on the Principles of Revisions; Sub-committee on the Principles of Revisions;Panel on Medicinal Chemicals;Panel on Antibiotics;Panel on Biologicals;Panel on Crude Drugs;Panel on Phar-maceutical Excipients;Panel on Physico-Chemical Methods;Panel on Preparations;Panel on Physical Methods;Panel on Biological Tests;Panel on Nomen-clature;Panel on International Harmonization;Panel on Pharmaceutical Water;and Panel on Reference Standards.Furthermore,working groups are estab-lished under the Panel on Physico-Chemical Methods, Panel on Preparations and Panel on Biological Tests to expedite discussion on revision drafts.In the Committee on JP,Takao Hayakawa took the role of chairman from July2003to December2010, and Mitsuru Hashida from January2011to March 2011.In addition to the regular revision every five years in line with the basic principles for the preparation of the JP it was agreed that partial revision should be done as necessary to take account of recent progress of science and in the interests of international harmonization.In accordance with the above principles,the panels initiated deliberations on selection of articles,and on revisions for General Notices,General Rules for Crude Drugs,General Rules for Preparations,General Tests, Monographs and so on.Draft revisions covering subjects in General Notices, General Rules for Crude Drugs,General Rules for Preparations,General Tests and Monographs,for which discussions were finished between September 2005and March2007,were prepared for a supplement to the JP15.They were examined by the Committee on JP in April2007,followed by the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council(PAFSC)in June 2007,and then submitted to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.The supplement was named ``Supplement I to the JP15th Edition'',promulgated on September28,2007by Ministerial Notification No. 316of MHLW,and became effective on October1,i。
pcb中英文术语对照A/W (artwork) 底片Ablation 烧溶(laser),切除abrade 粗化abrasion resistance 耐磨性absorption 吸收ACC ( accept ) 允收accelerated corrosion test 加速腐蚀accelerated test 加速试验acceleration 速化反应accelerator 加速剂acceptable 允收activator 活化液active work in process 实际在制品adhesion 附着力adhesive method 黏着法air inclusion 气泡air knife 风刀amorphous change 不定形的改变amount 总量amylnitrite 硝基戊烷analyzer 分析仪anneal 回火annular ring 环状垫圈;孔环anode slime (sludge) 阳极泥anodizing 阳极处理AOI ( automatic optical inspection ) 自动:光学检测applicable documents 引用之文件AQL sampling 允收水准抽样aqueous photoresist 液态光阻aspect ratio 纵横比(厚宽比)As received 到货时back lighting 背光back-up 垫板banked work in process 预留在制品base material 基材baseline performance 基准绩效batch 批beta backscattering 贝他射线照射法beveling 切斜边;斜边biaxial deformation 二方向之变形black-oxide 黑化blank controller 空白对照组blank panel 空板blanking 挖空blip 弹开blister 气泡;起泡blistering 气泡blow hole 吹孔board-thickness error 板厚错误bonding plies 黏结层bow ; bowing 板弯break out 从平环破出bridging 搭桥;桥接BTO (Build To Order) 接单生产burning 烧焦burr 毛边(毛头)camcorder 一体型摄录放机carbide 碳化物carlson pin 定位梢carrier 载运剂catalyzing 催化catholic sputtering 阴极溅射法caul plate 隔板;钢板calibration system requirements 校验系统之各种要求center beam method 中心光束法central projection 集中式投射线certification 认证chamfer 倒角(金手指)chamfering 切斜边;倒角characteristic impedance 特性阻抗charge transfer overpotential 电量传递过电压chase 网框checkboard 棋盘chelator 蟹和剂chemical bond 化学键chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸着镀circumferential void 圆周性之孔破clad metal 包夹金属clean room 无尘室clearance 间隙coat 镀外表coating error 防焊覆盖错误coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) 热澎胀系数cold solder joint 冷焊点cold-weld 金属粉末冷焊color 颜色color error 颜色错误compensation 补偿competitive performance 竞争力绩效complex salt 错化物complexor 错化物component hole 零件孔component side 零件面concentric 同心conformance 密贴性consumer products 消费性产品contact resistance 接触电阻continuous performance 连续发挥效能contract service 协力厂controlled split 均裂式conventional flow 乱流方式conventional tensile test 传统力测试法conversion coating 转化层convex 突出coordinate list 数据清单copper claded laminates (CCL) 铜箔基板copper exposure 线路露铜copper mirror 镜铜copper pad 铜箔圆配copper residue (copper splash) 铜渣corrosion rate numbering 腐蚀速率计数系统corrosion resistance 抗蚀性coulombs law 库伦定律countersink 喇叭孔coupon 试样coupon location 试样点covering power 遮盖力CPU 中央处理器crack 破裂;裂痕crazing 裂痕;白斑cross linking 交联聚合cross talk 呼应作用crosslinking 交联crystal collection 结晶收集curing 聚合体current efficiency 电流效率cut-outs 挖空cutting 裁板cyanide 氰化物cycles of learning 学习循环cycle-time reduction 交期缩短date code 周期deburring 去毛头dedicated 专用型degradation 退变delamination 分层dent / pin hole 凹陷/ 针孔department of defense 国防部designation 字码简示法de-smear 除胶渣developing 显影dewetting 缩锡dewetting time 缩锡时间dimension error 外形尺寸错误dielectric constant 介质常数difficulty 困难度difunctional 双功能dimension 尺寸dimension stability 尺寸安定性dimensional stability 尺度安定性dimension and tolerance 尺寸与公差dirty hole 孔异物discolor hole 孔黑;孔灰;氧化discoloration 变色disposable eyelet method 消耗性铆钉法distortion factor 尺寸变形函数double side 双面板downtime 停机时间drill 钻孔drill bit 钻头drill facet 钻尖切萷面drill pointer 钻尖重(研)磨机drilled blank board 已钻孔之裸板drilling 钻孔dry film 干膜ductility 延展性economy of scale 经济规模edge spacing 板边空地edge-board contact ( gold finger ) 金手指tab 金手指tack free 不黏taped hole gauge 锥形孔规target hole 靶孔task force 任务编组tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile stress 性应力tent 浮盖terms and definitions 术语与定义termination load 抗匹配负载test circuit 测试线路test method 试验方法test point 测试点thermal shock 热震荡试验thermal stress 热应力试验thermistor 热电感应式thermo cycling 热循环试验theoretical cycle time 理论性周期时间thickness 厚度time to market 上市时机thickness distribution 厚度分布thief 补助阴极thin core 薄基板;层板throwing power 分布力tolerance 公差;容差tooling hole 工具孔torque load 扭力拒之负载total quality program 全面的品质计划toughness 坚度trace error 线路错误trace nick & pin hole 线路缺口及针孔trace peeling 线路剥离trace pin-hole 线路针孔trace surface roughness 线路表面粗糙tarnish and oxide resist 抗污抗氧化剂transmittance 透光度trim line 裁切线true levelling 真平整true position 真正位置的孔;真位twist 板翘type 种类umbra 本影undercut 侧蚀uneven coating 喷锡厚镀不平整universal 万用型universal tensile tester 万用拉力试验机universal tester 泛用型测试机upper carrier 顶部承载钢uptime 稼动:时间vacuum deposition 真空蒸镀法vacuum hydraulic lamination真空液压法vaporizer 气化室V-cut V形槽vertical microsection 垂直微切片via hole 导通孔visible inventory 有形的库存vision inspection 目视检查Void 孔破void in hole 孔壁上的破洞void in PTH hole 孔破walkman 随身听warehouse 仓库warp 板弯warp , warpage 板弯water absorption 吸水性wear resistance 耐磨度weave exposure 纤纹显露weave texture 织纹隐现wedge angle 契尖角week 周wet chemistry 湿式化学制程wet film 湿膜wet lamination 湿膜压膜法wet process 湿制程wetting 沾锡wetting balance 沾锡平衡法wicking 渗铜;渗入;灯蕊效应width 宽度width reduce 线细width-to-thickness ratio 宽度与厚度的比值window 操作围work-in-process 在制品work order 工单working film 工作片working master 工作母片year 年yellow 金黄色yield 良率电路板门户网,商机无限,资讯最新,问答圈子,社区平台 jewwww等级:一级普工文章:46积分:419注册:2006年9月20日发表于2006-9-21 21:32:00第3楼fabric 网布failure 故障fast response 快速响应fault 瑕庛;缺陷fiber exposure 纤维显露fiber protrusion 纤维突出fiducial mark 光学点,基准记号filler 填充料film 底片filtration 过滤finished board 成品fixing 固着fixture 电测夹具(治具) flaking off 粹离flammability rating 燃性等级flare 喇叭形孔flat cable 并排电缆feedback loop 回馈循环first-in-first-out (FIFO) 先进先出flexible manufacturing system (FMS) 弹性制造系统flux 助焊剂foil distortion 铜层变形fold 空泡foreign include 异物foreign material 基材异物free radical chain polymerization 自由基连锁聚合fully additive 加成法fully annealed type 彻底回火轫化之类形function 函数fundamental and basic 基本fungus resistance 抗霉性funnel flange 喇叭形折翼galvanized 加法尼化制程gap 钻尖分开gauge length 有效长度gel time 胶化时间general resist ink 一般阻剂油墨general 通论general industrial 一般性(电子)工业级geometrical levelling 几何平整glass transition temperature (Tg) 玻璃态转换温度Gold 金gold finger 金手指gold plating 镀金golden board 标准板gouges 刷磨凹沟gouging 挖破grain boundary 金属晶体之四边green 绿色grip 夹头ground plane 接地层ground plane clearance 接地空环hackers 骇客HAL ( hot air leveling ) 喷锡haloing 白边;白圈hardener 硬化剂hardness 硬度hepa filter 空气滤清器high performance industrial 高性能(电子)工业级high reliability 高可靠度high resolution 高分辨率high temperature elongation (HTE) 高温延展性铜箔high temperature epoxy (HTE) 高温树酯hit 击hole counter 数孔机hole diameter 孔径hole diameter error 孔径错误hole location 孔位hole number 孔数hole wall quality 孔壁品质hook 外弧hot dip 热浸法hull cell 哈氏槽hybrid 混成集成电路hydrogen bonding 氢键hydrolysis 水解hydrometallurgy 湿法冶金法image analysis system 影像分析系统image transfer 影像转移immersion gold 浸金(化镍金)immersion plating 浸镀法impedance 阻抗infrared reflow 红外线重熔inhibitor 热聚合抑制剂injection mold 射模ink 油墨innerlayer & outlayer 外层insulation resistance 绝缘电阻intended position 应该在的位置intensifier 增强器intensity 强度inter molecular exchange 交互改变interconnection 互相连通ionic contaminants 离子性污染物ionic contamination testing 离子污染试验IPA 异丙醇5I : inspiration (启蒙)identification 确认计划目标implementation 改善方案information 数据internalization 制度化invisible inventory 无形的库存knife edges 刀缘Knoop 努普(硬度单位) kraft paper 牛皮纸laminar flow 层流laminate 基层板laminating 压合lamination 压合laminator 压膜机land 焊垫lay back 刃角磨损lay up 组合叠板layout 布线;布局lead screw 牵引螺丝leakage 漏电learning curve 学习曲线legend 文字标记leveling 平整levelling additive 平整剂levelling power 平整力life support 维系生命limiting current 极限电流line space 线距line width 线宽linear variable differential transformer(LVDL) 线性可变差动:转换器liquid 液状(态)liquid crystal resins 液晶树脂liquid photoimageable solder resist ink 液态感光防焊油墨liquid photoresist ink 液态光阻剂油墨lot size 批量lower carrier 底部承载板mechanical plating 机祴镀法machine scrub 刷磨清洁法macrothrowing power 巨分布力margin 钻头刃带market share 市场占有率marking error 文字错误masked leveling 儰装平整mass lamination 大型压板mass transfer 质量传送效应mass transfer overpotential 质量传递过电压mass transportation 质传master drawing 主图;蓝图material use factor 材料使用率mealing 泡点;白点memory 记忆装置meniscograph solderability measurement 新月型焊锡效果microetch 微蚀microetching 微蚀microfocus 微焦距microfocus system 微焦距系统microprofile 微表面microsectioning 微切片法microthrowing power 微分布力migration 迁移mini-tensile tester 迷你拉力测试仪mis hole location 孔位错误misregistration 焊锡面与零件面对位偏差misregsitration 对不准moisture and insulation resistance test 湿气与绝缘电阻试验molded circuit board (MCB) 模制电路板monoethanal amine 单乙醇氨monohydrate state 水化物monomer 单分子膜;单体mouse bite 锯齿;蚀刻缺口msec 毫秒muffle furnace 高温焚火炉multichip 超大IC型(多芯片模块)线路板流程术语中英文对照流程简介:开料--钻孔--干膜制程--压合--减铜--电镀--塞孔--防焊(绿漆/绿油)--镀金--喷锡--成型--开短路测试--终检--雷射钻孔A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size)B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination)c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切片( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 表面刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C面印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S面印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask)I . 镀金Gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating)i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au) J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 目检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离子残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test) m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired)N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )专业线路板厂CAM及MI工程师培训,热线报名:05廖小姐jewwww等级:一级普工文章:46积分:419注册:2006年9月20日发表于2006-9-21 21:35:00第5楼PCB综合词汇中英文对照:1、印制电路:printed circuit2、印制线路:printed wiring3、印制板:printed board4、印制板电路:printed circuit board (pcb)5、印制线路板:printed wiring board(pwb)6、印制元件:printed component7、印制接点:printed contact8、印制板装配:printed board assembly9、板:board10、单面印制板:single-sided printed board(ssb)11、双面印制板:double-sided printed board(dsb)12、多层印制板:mulitlayer printed board(mlb)13、多层印制电路板:mulitlayer printed circuit board14、多层印制线路板:mulitlayer prited wiring board15、刚性印制板:rigid printed board16、刚性单面印制板:rigid single-sided printed borad17、刚性双面印制板:rigid double-sided printed borad18、刚性多层印制板:rigid multilayer printed board19、挠性多层印制板:flexible multilayer printed board20、挠性印制板:flexible printed board21、挠性单面印制板:flexible single-sided printed board22、挠性双面印制板:flexible double-sided printed board23、挠性印制电路:flexible printed circuit (fpc)24、挠性印制线路:flexible printed wiring25、刚性印制板:flex-rigid printed board, rigid-flex printed board26、刚性双面印制板:flex-rigid double-sided printed board, rigid-flex double-sided printed27、刚性多层印制板:flex-rigid multilayer printed board, rigid-flex multilayer print ed board28、齐平印制板:flush printed board29、金属芯印制板:metal core printed board30、金属基印制板:metal base printed board31、多重布线印制板:mulit-wiring printed board32、瓷印制板:ceramic substrate printed board33、导电胶印制板:electroconductive paste printed board34、模塑电路板:molded circuit board35、模压印制板:stamped printed wiring board36、顺序层压多层印制板:sequentially-laminated mulitlayer37、散线印制板:discrete wiring board38、微线印制板:micro wire board39、积层印制板:buile-up printed board40、积层多层印制板:build-up mulitlayer printed board (bum)41、积层挠印制板:build-up flexible printed board42、表面层合电路板:surface laminar circuit (slc)43、埋入凸块连印制板:b2it printed board44、多层膜基板:multi-layered film substrate(mfs)45、层间全导通多层印制板:alivh multilayer printed board46、载芯片板:chip on board (cob)47、埋电阻板:buried resistance board48、母板:mother board49、子板:daughter board50、背板:backplane51、裸板:bare board52、键盘板夹心板:copper-invar-copper board53、动态挠性板:dynamic flex board54、静态挠性板:static flex board55、可断拼板:break-away planel56、电缆:cable57、挠性扁平电缆:flexible flat cable (ffc)58、薄膜开关:membrane switch59、混合电路:hybrid circuit60、厚膜:thick film61、厚膜电路:thick film circuit62、薄膜:thin film63、薄膜混合电路:thin film hybrid circuit64、互连:interconnection65、导线:conductor trace line66、齐平导线:flush conductor67、传输线:transmission line68、跨交:crossover69、板边插头:edge-board contact70、增强板:stiffener71、基底:substrate72、基板面:real estate73、导线面:conductor side74、元件面:component side75、焊接面:solder side76、印制:printing77、网格:grid78、图形:pattern79、导电图形:conductive pattern80、非导电图形:non-conductive pattern81、字符:legend82、标志:mark中国新柳电子开发专业PCB线路设计:02(设计基地)() Email: jewwww等级:一级普工文章:46积分:419注册:2006年9月20日发表于2006-9-21 21:35:00第6楼1、基材:base material2、层压板:laminate3、覆金属箔基材:metal-clad bade material4、覆铜箔层压板:copper-clad laminate (ccl)5、单面覆铜箔层压板:single-sided copper-clad laminate6、双面覆铜箔层压板:double-sided copper-clad laminate7、复合层压板:composite laminate8、薄层压板:thin laminate9、金属芯覆铜箔层压板:metal core copper-clad laminate10、金属基覆铜层压板:metal base copper-clad laminate11、挠性覆铜箔绝缘薄膜:flexible copper-clad dielectric film12、基体材料:basis material13、预浸材料:prepreg14、粘结片:bonding sheet15、预浸粘结片:preimpregnated bonding sheer16、环氧玻璃基板:epoxy glass substrate17、加成法用层压板:laminate for additive process18、预制层覆箔板:mass lamination panel19、层芯板:core material20、催化板材:catalyzed board ,coated catalyzed laminate21、涂胶催化层压板:adhesive-coated catalyzed laminate22、涂胶无催层压板:adhesive-coated uncatalyzed laminate23、粘结层:bonding layer24、粘结膜:film adhesive25、涂胶粘剂绝缘薄膜:adhesive coated dielectric film26、无支撑胶粘剂膜:unsupported adhesive film27、覆盖层:cover layer (cover lay)28、增强板材:stiffener material29、铜箔面:copper-clad surface30、去铜箔面:foil removal surface31、层压板面:unclad laminate surface32、基膜面:base film surface33、胶粘剂面:adhesive faec34、原始光洁面:plate finish35、粗面:matt finish36、纵向:length wise direction37、模向:cross wise direction38、剪切板:cut to size panel39、酚醛纸质覆铜箔板:phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminates(phenolic/pa per ccl)40、环氧纸质覆铜箔板:epoxide cellulose paper copper-clad laminates (epoxy/pape r ccl)41、环氧玻璃布基覆铜箔板:epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates42、环氧玻璃布纸复合覆铜箔板:epoxide cellulose paper core, glass cloth surfaces copper-clad laminates43、环氧玻璃布玻璃纤维复合覆铜箔板:epoxide non woven/woven glass reinforced copper-clad laminates44、聚酯玻璃布覆铜箔板:ployester woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates45、聚酰亚胺玻璃布覆铜箔板:polyimide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates46、双马来酰亚胺三嗪环氧玻璃布覆铜箔板:bismaleimide/triazine/epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad lamimates47、环氧合成纤维布覆铜箔板:epoxide synthetic fiber fabric copper-clad laminates48、聚四乙烯玻璃纤维覆铜箔板:teflon/fiber glass copper-clad laminates49、超薄型层压板:ultra thin laminate50、瓷基覆铜箔板:ceramics base copper-clad laminates51、紫外专业线路板厂CAM及MI工程师培训,热线报名:05廖小姐jewwww等级:一级普工文章:46积分:419注册:2006年9月20日发表于2006-9-21 21:36:00第7楼PCB原材料化学用语中英文对照:1、a阶树脂:a-stage resin2、b阶树脂:b-stage resin3、c阶树脂:c-stage resin4、环氧树脂:epoxy resin5、酚醛树脂:phenolic resin6、聚酯树脂:polyester resin7、聚酰亚胺树脂:polyimide resin8、双马来酰亚胺三嗪树脂:bismaleimide-triazine resin9、丙烯酸树脂:acrylic resin10、三聚氰胺甲醛树脂:melamine formaldehyde resin11、多官能环氧树脂:polyfunctional epoxy resin12、溴化环氧树脂:brominated epoxy resin13、环氧酚醛:epoxy novolac14、氟树脂:fluroresin15、硅树脂:silicone resin16、硅烷:silane17、聚合物:polymer18、无定形聚合物:amorphous polymer19、结晶现象:crystalline polamer20、双晶现象:dimorphism21、共聚物:copolymer22、合成树脂:synthetic23、热固性树脂:thermosetting resin24、热塑性树脂:thermoplastic resin25、感光性树脂:photosensitive resin26、环氧当量:weight per epoxy equivalent (wpe)27、环氧值:epoxy value28、双氰胺:dicyandiamide29、粘结剂:binder30、胶粘剂:adesive31、固化剂:curing agent32、阻燃剂:flame retardant33、遮光剂:opaquer34、增塑剂:plasticizers35、不饱和聚酯:unsatuiated polyester36、聚酯薄膜:polyester37、聚酰亚胺薄膜:polyimide film (pi)38、聚四氟乙烯:polytetrafluoetylene (ptfe)39、聚全氟乙烯丙烯薄膜:perfluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer film (fep)40、增强材料:reinforcing material41、玻璃纤维:glass fiber42、e玻璃纤维:e-glass fibre43、d玻璃纤维:d-glass fibre44、s玻璃纤维:s-glass fibre45、玻璃布:glass fabric46、非织布:non-woven fabric47、玻璃纤维垫:glass mats48、纱线:yarn49、单丝:filament50、绞股:strand51、纬纱:weft yarn52、经纱:warp yarn53、但尼尔:denier54、经向:warp-wise55、纬向:weft-wise, filling-wise56、织物经纬密度:thread count57、织物组织:weave structure58、平纹组织:plain structure59、坏布:grey fabric60、稀松织物:woven scrim61、弓纬:bow of weave62、断经:end missing63、缺纬:mis-picks64、纬斜:bias65、折痕:crease66、云织:waviness67、鱼眼:fish eye68、毛圈长:feather length69、厚薄段:mark70、裂缝:split71、捻度:twist of yarn72、浸润剂含量:size content73、浸润剂残留量:size residue74、处理剂含量:finish level75、浸润剂:size76、偶联剂:couplint agent77、处理织物:finished fabric78、聚酰胺纤维:polyarmide fiber79、聚酯纤维非织布:non-woven polyester fabric80、浸渍绝缘纵纸:impregnating insulation paper81、聚芳酰胺纤维纸:aromatic polyamide paper82、断裂长:breaking length83、吸水高度:height of capillary rise84、湿强度保留率:wet strength retention85、白度:whitenness86、瓷:ceramics87、导电箔:conductive foil88、铜箔:copper foil89、电解铜箔:electrodeposited copper foil (ed copper foil)90、压延铜箔:rolled copper foil91、退火铜箔:annealed copper foil92、压延退火铜箔:rolled annealed copper foil (ra copper foil)93、薄铜箔:thin copper foil94、涂胶铜箔:adhesive coated foil95、涂胶脂铜箔:resin coated copper foil (rcc)96、复合金属箔:composite metallic material97、载体箔:carrier foil98、殷瓦:invar99、箔(剖面)轮廓:foil profile100、光面:shiny side101、粗糙面:matte side102、处理面:treated side103、防锈处理:stain proofing104、双面处理铜箔:double treated foil中国PCB人才网,提供最全面的PCB专业人才信息,.pcbjob.jewwww等级:一级普工文章:46积分:419注册:2006年9月20日发表于2006-9-21 21:36:00第8楼PCB线路设计词汇中英文对照:1、原理图:shematic diagram2、逻辑图:logic diagram3、印制线路布设:printed wire layout4、布设总图:master drawing5、可制造性设计:design-for-manufacturability6、计算机辅助设计:computer-aided design.(cad)7、计算机辅助制造:computer-aided manufacturing.(cam)8、计算机集成制造:computer integrat manufacturing.(cim)9、计算机辅助工程:computer-aided engineering.(cae)10、计算机辅助测试:computer-aided test.(cat)11、电子设计自动化:electric design automation .(eda)12、工程设计自动化:engineering design automaton .(eda2)13、组装设计自动化:assembly aided architectural design. (aaad)14、计算机辅助制图:computer aided drawing15、计算机控制显示:computer controlled display .(ccd)16、布局:placement17、布线:routing18、布图设计:layout19、重布:rerouting20、模拟:simulation21、逻辑模拟:logic simulation22、电路模拟:circit simulation23、时序模拟:timing simulation24、模块化:modularization25、布线完成率:layout effeciency26、机器描述格式:machine descriptionm format .(mdf)27、机器描述格式数据库:mdf databse28、设计数据库:design database29、设计原点:design origin30、优化(设计):optimization (design)31、供设计优化坐标轴:predominant axis32、表格原点:table origin33、镜像:mirroring34、驱动文件:drive file35、中间文件:intermediate file36、制造文件:manufacturing documentation37、队列支撑数据库:queue support database38、元件安置:component positioning39、图形显示:graphics dispaly40、比例因子:scaling factor41、扫描填充:scan filling42、矩形填充:rectangle filling43、填充域:region filling44、实体设计:physical design45、逻辑设计:logic design46、逻辑电路:logic circuit47、层次设计:hierarchical design48、自顶向下设计:top-down design49、自底向上设计:bottom-up design50、线网:net51、数字化:digitzing52、设计规则检查:design rule checking53、走(布)线器:router (cad)54、网络表:net list55、计算机辅助电路分析:computer-aided circuit analysis56、子线网:subnet57、目标函数:objective function58、设计后处理:post design processing (pdp)59、交互式制图设计:interactive drawing design60、费用矩阵:cost metrix61、工程图:engineering drawing62、方块框图:block diagram63、迷宫:moze64、元件密度:component density65、巡回售货员问题:traveling salesman problem66、自由度:degrees freedom67、入度:out going degree68、出度:incoming degree69、曼哈顿距离:manhatton distance70、欧几里德距离:euclidean distance71、网络:network72、阵列:array73、段:segment74、逻辑:logic75、逻辑设计自动化:logic design automation76、分线:separated time77、分层:separated layer78、定顺序:definite sequence中国PCB人才网,提供最全面的PCB专业人才信息,.pcbjob.jewwww等级:一级普工文章:46积分:419注册:2006年9月20日发表于2006-9-21 21:37:00第9楼PCB线路板其他相关中英文对照:1、主面:primary side2、辅面:secondary side3、支撑面:supporting plane4、信号:signal5、信号导线:signal conductor6、信号地线:signal ground7、信号速率:signal rate8、信号标准化:signal standardization9、信号层:signal layer10、寄生信号:spurious signal11、串扰:crosstalk12、电容:capacitance13、电容耦合:capacitive coupling14、电磁干扰:electromagnetic interference15、电磁屏蔽:electromangetic shielding17、电磁兼容性:electromagnetic compatbility18、特性阻抗:impedance19、阻抗匹配:impedance match20、电感:inductance21、延迟:delay22、微带线:microstrip23、带状线:stripline24、探测点:probe point25、开窗口:cross hatching26、跨距:span27、共面性(度):coplanarity28、埋入电阻:buried resistance29、黄金板:golden board30、芯板:core board31、薄基芯:thin core32、非均衡传输线:unbalanced transmission line33、阀值:threshold34、极限值:threshold limit value(TLV)35、散热层:heat sink plane36、热隔离:heat sink plane37、导通孔堵塞:via filiing39、卡板:card40、卡板盒/卡板柜:card cages/card racks41、薄型多层板:thin type multilayer board42、埋/盲孔多层板:43、模块:module44、单芯片模块:single chip module (SCM)45、多芯片模块:multichip module (MCM)46、多芯片模块层压基板:laminate substrate version of multichip module (MCM-L)47、多芯片模块瓷基数板:ceramic substrate version o fmultichip module (MCM-C)48、多芯片模块薄膜基板:deposition thin film substrate version of multilayer mod ule (MCM-D)49、嵌入凸块互连技术:buried bump interconnection technology (B2 it)50、自动测试技术:automatic test equipment (ATE)51、芯板导通孔堵塞:core board viafilling52、对准标记:alignment mark53、基准标记:fiducial mark54、拐角标记:corner mark55、剪切标记:crop mark56、铣切标记:routing mark57、对位标记:registration mark58、缩减标记:reduvtion mark59、层间重合度:layer to layer registration60、狗骨结构:dog hone61、热设计:thermal design62、热阻:thermal resistance翱世电子科技,为您提供芯片采购、PCB设计、打样贴片一体化服务!jewwww等级:一级普工文章:46积分:419注册:2006年9月20日发表于2006-9-21 21:38:00第10楼线路板(PCB)常用度量衡单位术语换算1英尺=12英寸1英寸inch=1000密尔mil1mil=25.4um1mil=1000uin mil密耳有时也成英丝1um=40uin(有些公司称微英寸为麦,其实是微英寸)1OZ=28.35克/平方英尺=35微米H=18微米4mil/4mil=0.1mm/0.1mm线宽线距1ASD=1安培/平方分米=10.76安培/平方英尺1AM=1安培分钟=60库仑主要用于贵金属电镀如镀金1平方分米=10.76平方英尺1盎司=28.35克,此为英制单位1加仑(英制)=4.5升1加仑美制=3.785升1KHA=1000安小时1安培小时=3600库仑比重波美度=145-145/比重SG.SG.比重(克/立方厘米)=145/(145-波美度)翱世电子科技,为您提供芯片采购、PCB设计、打样贴片一体化服务!jewwww等级:一级普工文章:46积分:419注册:2006年9月20日发表于2006-9-21 21:38:00第11楼PCB外观及功能性测试相关术语1.综合词汇1.1 as received 验收态提交验收的产品尚未经受任何条件处理,在正常大气条件下机械试验时阿状态1.2 production board 成品板符合设计图纸,有关规和采购要求的,并按一个生产批生产出来的任何一块印制板1.3 test board 测试板用相同工艺生产的,用来确定一批印制板可接受性的一种印制板.它能代表该批印制板的质量1.4 test pattern 测试图形用来完成一种测试用的导电图形.图形可以是生产板上的一部分导电图形或特殊设计的专用测试图形,这种测试图形可以放在附连测试板上液可以放在单独的测试板上(coupon)1.5 composite test pattern 综合测试图形两种或两种以上不同测试图形的结合,通常放在测试板上1.6 quality conformance test circuit 质量一致性检验电路在制板包含的一套完整的测试图形,用来确定在制板上的印制板质量的可接受性1.7 test coupon 附连测试板质量一致性检验电路的一部分图形,用于规定的验收检验或一组相关的试验1.8storage life 储存期2外观和尺寸2.1 visual examination 目检用肉眼或按规定的放大倍数对物理特征进行的检查2.2 blister 起泡基材的层间或基材与导电箔之间,基材与保护性涂层间产生局部膨胀而引起局部分离的现象.它是分层的一种形式2.3 blow hole 气孔由于排气而产生的孔洞2.4 bulge 凸起由于部分层或纤维与树脂分离而造成印制板或覆箔板表面隆起的现象2.5 circumferential separation 环形断裂一种裂缝或空洞.它存在于围绕镀覆孔四周的镀层,或围绕引线的焊点,或围绕空心铆钉的焊点,或在焊点和连接盘的界面处2.6 cracking 裂缝金属或非金属层的一种破损现象,它可能一直延伸到底面.2.7 crazing 微裂纹存在于基材的一种现象,在织物交织处,玻璃纤维与树脂分离的现象.表现为基材表面下出现相连的白色斑点或十字纹,通常与机械应力有关2.8 measling 白斑发生在基材部的,在织物交织处,玻璃纤维与树脂分离的现象,表现位在基材表面下出现分散的白色斑点或十字纹,通常与热应力有关2.9 crazing of conformal coating 敷形涂层微裂纹敷形涂层表面和部呈现的细微网状裂纹2.10 delamination 分层绝缘基材的层间,绝缘基材与导电箔或多层板任何层间分离的现象。
红外热成像仪使用流程英文回答:Using an infrared thermal imaging camera involves several steps to ensure accurate and effective results. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use an infrared thermal imaging camera:1. Prepare the equipment: Before using the infrared thermal imaging camera, make sure it is fully charged or connected to a power source. Also, check if the camera lens is clean and free from any obstructions.2. Set up the camera: Turn on the camera and adjust the settings according to your requirements. This may include selecting the temperature range, adjusting the emissivity settings, or choosing the color palette for the thermal image.3. Calibrate the camera: It is essential to calibratethe camera before use to ensure accurate temperature measurements. Most cameras have a built-in calibration feature, but some may require manual calibration using a reference source with a known temperature. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for calibration.4. Determine the target area: Identify the area orobject you want to analyze using the thermal imaging camera. It could be a building, electrical panel, mechanical equipment, or even a human body.5. Capture the thermal image: Hold the camera steadyand aim it at the target area. Press the capture button to take a thermal image. Make sure to maintain a consistent distance from the target to get accurate results.6. Analyze the image: Once the thermal image is captured, review it on the camera's display or transfer itto a computer for further analysis. Look for any abnormal hotspots or temperature variations that could indicate potential issues or anomalies.7. Interpret the results: Based on the analysis, interpret the thermal image to understand the underlying conditions. For example, in a building inspection, a hot spot on the thermal image could indicate an insulation problem or an electrical issue.8. Take necessary actions: Depending on the findings, take appropriate actions to address any identified problems. This could involve repairing faulty electrical connections, improving insulation, or scheduling maintenance for equipment.9. Document and report: It is crucial to document the findings and generate a report for future reference or sharing with others. Include the thermal images, analysis, and recommended actions in the report.10. Regular maintenance: Keep the infrared thermal imaging camera in good condition by regularly cleaning the lens, updating the software, and following themanufacturer's maintenance guidelines.中文回答:红外热成像仪的使用流程包括以下几个步骤,以确保准确有效的结果。
离轴三反时间延迟积分CCD相机内方位元素和畸变的标定吴国栋【摘要】由于测绘相机的关键几何参数内方位元素和畸变的标定精度决定相机的立体测绘精度,本文提出了一种离轴三反时间延迟积分( TDI) CCD相机内方位元素和畸变的标定方法.介绍了离轴三反TDICCD相机的光学系统和像面拼接方法,明确了该相机内方位元素和畸变的含义.建立了标定系统及相应的数学模型,应用最小二乘回归法求得了内方位元素和畸变的表达式.利用提出的方法标定了相机的内方位元素和畸变,并对标定误差进行了分析.结果表明:该方法对主点的标定精度可达1.0 μm(1σ),对主距的标定精度可达2.0 μm(1σ),对畸变的标定精度为2.3 μm(1σ).结果显示提出的标定方法快捷且有效.%The stereo mapping precision of mapping cameras depends on the calibration precision of the geometric parameters, such as inner orientation parameters and distortion, therefore, a new calibration method of inner orientation parameters and distortion for a three-mirror off-axis Time Delay Integration(TDD CCD camera was proposed. The optical system and image plane stitching of the camera were introduced, and the meanings of the inner orientation parameters and distortion were defined. A calibration system and corresponding mathematical model were established, then the expressions of inner orientation parameters and distortion were settled by the least square poly-regress method. A calibration experiment was performed on the camera, and results show that the point calibration accuracy and the focal calibration accuracy are better than 1. 0 μm(1σ) and 2. 0 μm(1σ) , respectively. Moreover, the distortion calibration accuracy has been 2. 3(um(la). Obtained results demonstrate that the calibration method has the advantages in the speed and efficiency for three-mirror off-axis TDICCD cameras.【期刊名称】《光学精密工程》【年(卷),期】2012(020)003【总页数】6页(P462-467)【关键词】时间延迟积分CCD相机;离轴三反相机;内方位元素;畸变;标定【作者】吴国栋【作者单位】中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春130033【正文语种】中文【中图分类】V447.3;TH7031 引言摄影测量是19世纪在测绘领域发展起来的一个新分支,其主要内容是利用摄影相机获取像的信息来测定空间点的位置。
Driver Assistance Systems Technology GuidePreface 2Driving systems 3 Overview 3 Blind Spot Assist/Active Blind Spot Assist 4 Lane Keeping Assist/Active Lane Keeping Assist 6 DISTRONIC/DISTRONIC PLUS 8 DISTRONIC PLUS with Steer Assist 12 Night View Assist/Night View Assist PLUS 14 Adaptive Highbeam Assist/Adaptive Highbeam Assist PLUS 17 Cruise control and Speedtronic 19 Downhill Speed Regulation 21 Speed Limit Assist/Traffic Sign Assist 22 ATTENTION ASSIST 24 Parking systems 26 Overview 26 PARKTRONIC/PARKTRONIC with Parking Guidance 27 Active Park Assist 29 Reversing camera 31 360° camera system 34 Driving Safety Systems 36 Overview 36 Brake Assist System (BAS/BAS PLUS) 37 Adaptive Brake Assist 38 Brake Assist System (BAS PLUS) with Intersection Assist 39 PRE-SAFE® brake 41 PRE-SAFE® PLUS 43 COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST/ COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS 45 Annex 47 Information and copyright 47PrefaceDear Reader,Driver assistance systems make driving easier by providingassistance and protection to the driver – and they help tomake the Mercedes-Benz brand even more fascinating thanbefore. Bring this fascination for the brand to life for yourcustomers in your role as a service specialist.This manual provides all of the important information youneed about the driver assistance systems found in Mercedes-Benz cars. It is compact, clearly arranged and contains themost important facts about their operation as well as practi-cal tips for service and diagnosis. It will help you to performin accordance with the motto of "The Best or Nothing" in yourcustomer consultations and when preparing your servicejobs.Global Service & Parts wishes you good luck!Daimler AGRetail Operation (GSP/OR)b NoteThis manual is not subject to the ongoing updateservice. When working on the vehicle, always use themost up-to-date workshop aids (e.g. EPC net, WIS net,DAS, special tools) for the vehicle in question.See the respective sales documentation for country-specific special considerations.DISTRONIC PLUS with SteerDTR+Q266207/212 MOPF, 222AssistNight View Assist NV610216, 221Night View Assist PLUS NV+610166, 212, 218, 216/221 MOPF, 222, 231Adaptive Highbeam Assist IHC608117, 166, 172, 176, 204 MOPF, 207, 212, 216 MOPF,218, 221 MOPF, 231, 246IHC+628207/212 MOPF, 222Adaptive Highbeam AssistPLUSCruise control TPM440169, 203 up to MY 2005, 245 – non-braking cruise control117, 164, 166, 171, 172, 176, 203, 204, 207, 209, 211,212, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 230, 231, 246, 251 –braking cruise controlSpeedtronic LIM440169, 203 up to MY 2005, 245 – non-braking variablespeed limiter117, 171, 172, 176, 203, 204, 207, 211, 212, 216, 218,219, 221, 222, 230, 231, 246, – braking variable speedlimiterDownhill Speed Regulation DSR4301164, 166, X204Speed Limit Assist SLA513117, 166, 172, 176, 204 MOPF, 207, 212, 216 MOPF,218, 221 MOPF, 231, 246As of MY 2012 Speed Limit Assist 1.5207/212 MOPF, 222 Traffic Sign Assist ATTENTION ASSIST AA538117, 166, 172, 176, 204 MOPF (only with code 442), 207,212, 216 MOPF, 218, 221 MOPF (without S400 Hybrid),222, 231, 2461 Included with off-road package (code 430)P54.33-3399-00Instrument cluster display for Blind Spot AssistThe driver is able to abort the course-correcting brake sys-tem intervention by countersteering at a steering angle of > 5° or by depressing the accelerator pedal to change its position by > 10%.Extended functionality on BR 222The readiness indicator is displayed on the instrument cluster and not in the form of a visual indicator consisting of a yellow triangle in the outside mirror. The warning indicator is dis-played in the outside mirror and on the instrument cluster.b Service informationNo calibration is required. When accident repairs are performed, the paint coat thickness on the bumper must be observed and filler repairs may not be carried out in the area of the sensors on the bumper.P54.33-3400-00 Active Blind Spot Assist1 False warnings may be issued near guardrails or concrete sidewalls inroadwork zones.2 The system shuts off automatically in the vicinity of certain radio astronomyfacilities by means of navigation data.A Warning stage 1B Warning stage 2: If the driver sets the turn signal despite the warning, thered triangle flashes and an acoustic warning also sounds in the instrument cluster.C Warning stage 3: Course-correcting, single-sided brake system intervention ifrisk of side collision detected. (Only with Active Blind Spot Assist)1P46.10-3366-00layed warning. Earlier warnings are issued on the outside of bends and on narrow lanes.As of model series 246 and 166, different operating modes can be set on the instrument cluster.or stationary vehicles. If a vehicle is detected close behind in the same lane (tailgating scenario) or the system detects an obstacle in the same lane, e.g. cyclists, the course-correcting brake system intervention may be aborted.b Service informationThe camera has to be re-calibrated if the windshield is replaced, the camera is replaced or the suspension is modified.Special tool Romess Rogg 0840-10, calibration target for Night View Assist.Steering wheel with vibration element 1Vibration motorP54.33-3401-00P54.33-3402-00markings under certain circumstances (e.g. if there is onco-ming traffic in the lane).The system operates in a vehicle speed range of 60 - 200 km/h. As of a speed of > 200 km/h, haptic warnings are issued only.Instrument cluster display 1Systems vehicleInstallation location of multifunction camera 1Multifunction cameraP30.30-2660-00Installation situation of DTR+ radar sensors (code 233)1 Short-range radar sensor 2Long-range radar sensorapplied by the DTR or DTR+ system is not adequate, the dri-ver is warned visually and acoustically. The control response of the DISTRONIC system is determined by the distance to the target object, the vehicle speed and the steering angle.takes into account the fact that overtaking on the right on freeways or similar roads is not permitted above 80 km/h and adjusts the speed to the traffic line in the left-hand lane. In countries with left-hand traffic, the system prevents overta-king in the left-hand lane.P30.30-2661-00P30.30-2662-00P30.30-2663-00ARS 210 sensorSensor LRR 3b Service informationManual calibration must be performed on sensor type ARS 210, see AR30.30-P-1000R.Special tool: Romess Rogg, Order no. 09803A calibration drive must be performed for sensor type ARS 310/315/316, see Xentry Diagnostics.b Service informationSpecial tool for sensor type LRR 3:Beissbarth Order no. 1690380004 or Romess Rogg Order no. 09807-10ARS 310 sensor• Radar sensors control unit (SGR) (code 233 only)Detection range of DISTRONIC PLUS with ARS 310 long-range radar sensor and short-range sensorsShort range with 80° detection angle Medium range with 60° detection angle Long range with 18° detection angle Camera range with 35° detection angleMedium range with 16° detection angleSystem Model series Sensor Code Vehicle speed range Maximum possibledeceleration DISTRONIC209, 211, 219, 220,ARS 21021930 – 180 km/h30 %215, 230ARS 3102190 – 200 km/h30 %164, 251 as ofMY 2011ARS 3102330 – 200 km/h40 % DISTRONIC PLUS166, 172, 204 MOPF,207, 212, 218, 216,221, 231222,ARS 3152330 – 200 km/h50 %207/212 MOPF ARS 3162330 – 200 km/h50 %LRR 32390 – 200 km/h40 %117, 176, 246,463 MOPFP54.33-3403-00Instrument cluster indicator of DISTRONIC PLUS with Steer Assist 1Steer Assist iconwhile the stereo multifunction camera is able to detect the position of the vehicle in front. The distance to the vehicle in front must be between 1.0 - 40.0 m (speed-dependent) and the offset to the vehicle in front can be max. 0.35 m at the start of a control operation.The "Stop & Go Pilot" function operates in the range up to 60 km/h. If the lane marking is not detected or missing, the vehicle is kept in the center of the lane through object guidance.The torque sensor of the electric power steering records the steering torque applied by the driver (hands-off detection) and the signal is evaluated by a control unit. If no steering torque or an insufficient steering torque is measured for ap-prox. 10 s, a visual warning is issued in the first stage. After a further 5 s, an acoustic warning is output in the second stage and the Steer Assist function is deactivated. The DISTRONIC PLUS system still remains active in this case.P30.30-2666-00Components of DISTRONIC PLUS with Steer Assist1 Short range radar2 Long range radar3 Stereo multifunction camera4 Radar sensors control unitthe right-hand high beam. (Only BR 216 MOPF/MY 2012)are highlighted more clearly by colored markings. In darksurroundings, the night view picture is automatically activatedwhen objects are detected. The spotlight function is perfor-med by means of a mechanical flap in the headlamp. ArrayViewing range of Night View AssistViewing range with low beamsViewing range with Night View AssistP54.33-3404-00 Display on instrument cluster in the dark (pedestrian detection)1 Visual highlighting of person detected by system2 Pedestrian detection active symbolP54.33-2595-00P54.33-2596-00B84/2 Night View Assist infrared cameraB 84/11 Night View Assist infrared camera (thermal imaging camera)P82.10-7310-00Depending on the traffic situation, the high beams are activa-ted and deactivated automatically, which provides added con-venience because it is not normally necessary to intervene manually. The multifunction camera detects points of light and evaluates them. If there are vehicles in front or oncoming or if the road lighting is sufficient, the high beams and pos-sibly also the dynamic low beams are dimmed.Various light systems Low beams Dynamic low beamsNo low beams, no high beams (certification: registration not permissible either for low beams or high beams)High beamsAdaptive Highbeam Assist PLUSComponents• 1 x multifunction camera• ILS headlamps, Intelligent Light System, with code 622• LED-ILS headlamps, LED-Intelligent Light System, code 642 (Adaptive Highbeam Assist Plus)Diagnosis• Multifunction camera (MFK)High Beam Assist PLUS with oncoming vehicleHigh Beam Assist PLUS with vehicle in frontP54.33-3405-00P54.33-3406-0030 km/h. The system also shuts off as soon as the ESP per-forms a control intervention or is switched off. On vehicles with manual transmission, the cruise control shuts off auto-matically if the vehicle is in neutral for longer than 6 s or the clutch is operated. This also happens if a gear which is too high is engaged or the engine speed drops too much. The system is also shut off if the transmission is shifted to the "N" position on vehicles with automatic transmission or if DSR (Downhill Speed Regulation) is switched on on cross-country vehicles. An acoustic warning indicates automatic shutoff, while manual shutoff is not confirmed. The cruise control does not shut off if the driver accelerates.As with the cruise control function, manual shutoff is not confirmed while automatic shutoff is indicated by an acoustic warning.Instrument cluster display for cruise controlInstrument cluster display for SpeedtronicP54.33-3407-00b Service informationThe braking cruise control/variable speed limiter is integrated in the ESP. The non-braking cruise control/ variable speed limiter is integrated in the engine con-trol unit.If there is a variation in wheel circumference between the individual wheels of > 4 %, the functions are not available.Instrument cluster display for permanent speed limiter40 km/h and the system shuts off automatically at speedsabove 45 km/h.On model series X204 before MOPF and 164, the speed set-ting can be adjusted within the range of 4 - 18 km/h. Down-hill Speed Regulation can be switched on at vehicle speedsof up to 30 km/h and the system shuts off automatically atspeeds above 35 km/h.B Service informationDownhill Speed Regulation is integrated in the ESP.If there is a variation in wheel circumference betweenthe individual wheels of > 4 %, the function is notavailable.P54.33-2573-00 Instrument cluster displaysigns - as well as no entry signs. If a no entry sign is detectedwhen the vehicle drives onto a freeway or expressway in thewrong direction (wrong-way driver scenario), the no entrysign is displayed on the instrument cluster and on the Audio/COMAND display. In addition, a warning message is shownon the instrument cluster and an acoustic warning is output.b Service informationThe camera has to be re-calibrated if the windshield isreplaced, the camera is replaced or the suspension ismodified.Calibration is performed with special tool RomessRogg 0840-10, calibration target for Night ViewAssist.P54.33-3408-00The driver is prompted to take a break through the output of a visual and acoustic warning message. After a break warning, a new warning is issued after another 15 min at the earliest. The system is reset when the engine is switched off or the driver changes, when the seat belt buckle is released and the door is opened.mand display.No warnings or delayed warnings are issued if Steer Assist (code 266) is active.Instrument cluster display for ATTENTION ASSISTb Service informationMonitoring and evaluation of the steering wheel angle sensor on the steering column tube is performed by the ESP control unit. In the event of faults in the ESP control unit related to the steering wheel angle sensor, the service instructions must be followed pre-cisely (valid for BR 221 MOPF/216 MOPF).EP54.33-3409-00 Schematic illustration of function sequence with display on instrument clusterA Operation of controlsB Driving timeC Current steering wheel behavior compared to startD Time of dayF Current steering wheel angle--- Part of calculation for fatigue probability using algorithms- - EvaluationP54.65-5173-00P54.65-5174-00 Location of short range sensorsDetection range of Park AssistArea not scannedRange of ultrasonic sensorsDetection range of ultrasonic sensorshicle length + 1.3 m. The system detects all spaces betweentwo vehicles and between vehicles and a clearly recognizablecurb. In traffic jams, the system may erroneously indicateparking spaces between vehicles.b Service informationThe volume and the sound can be adjusted using Xen-try Diagnostics. It is also possible to code in an earlieracoustic warning ("extended acoustic warning"). Onvehicles equipped with a trailer hitch, this must alsobe coded in because otherwise it is detected as anobstacle and is not included in distance calculations.In the case of PARKTRONIC with Parking Guidance,the outer left/right front sensors are special sensorswith an extended detection range and separate partnumbers.starts once reverse gear has been engaged and the Active Park Assist system is activated.The function requirement is a vehicle speed of <10 km/h. A warning is issued as of a vehicle speed of 8 km/h.System detects a suitable parking spaceUltrasonic sensors with extended range Semi-automatic parkingUltrasonic sensors with extended rangeP54.33-3410-00BR 117).b Service informationThe volume and the sound can be adjusted using Xen-try Diagnostics. It is also possible to code in an earlier acoustic warning ("extended acoustic warning"). On vehicles equipped with a trailer hitch, this must also be coded in because otherwise it is detected as an obstacle and is not included in distance calculations.The outer left/right front sensors are special sensors with an extended detection range and separate part numbers.Start Park Assist display on instrument clusterP54.33-3411-00P54.33-3412-00a 180-degree field of view as well as object recognition.Display on instrument cluster for maneuvering mode 1 Virtual steering angle (dynamic, yellow guide lines)2 Virtual vehicle width (static, white guide lines)4 "Maneuvering mode active" symbol c Distance line 0.30 m d Distance line 1.0 m eDistance line 4.0 mInstrument cluster display for trailer mode (with code 550 Trailer hitch)3 Virtual steering angle (yellow guide line)5 "Trailer mode active" symbolfDistance line around ball head (red guide line):P54.33-3413-00P54.65-5177-00180° view 6Parktronic indicatorReversing camera on rear-end door handleA/C 207XA/C 207 MOPF XW/S/V 212XW/S/V 212 MOPF XC 216 MOPF X1C 218XC 218 as of MY14XX 218XW/V 221 MOPF X1W/V 222X R 231XW 246X251X251 MOPF X11 Static guide linesP54.33-3414-00P54.33-3415-00View on instrument clusterView on instrument clustera Distance line 0.30 mb Distance line 1.00 mc Distance line 4.00 mP54.33-3416-00360° view on instrument clusterPRE-SAFE® PLUS -253207/212 MOPF, 222COLLISION PREVENTION ASSISTCPA 252/258Code 252: 246, 176, 166 (as of MY 2013)Code 258: 207/212 MOPF, 222, 117COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUSCPA+239117, 176/242/246 as of MY 2014Detection ranges of radar sensors and stereo multifunction camera Detection range of left and right front bumper short-range radar sensorDetection range of COLLISION PREVENTION ASSISTDetection range of long-range radar sensorDetection range of stereo multifunction cameraobjects.b Service informationSee DISTRONIC PLUSb Service informationSee DISTRONIC PLUS or COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST (PLUS)PRE-SAFE ® brake (Collision Mitigation System, CMS) and BAS PLUS in comparison Time until collisionAutonomous brake interventionb Service informationCalibration of stereo multifunction camera using Xen-try Diagnostics with special tool from Romess Rogg 0840-10, Calibration target for Night View Assist.s before impact. At the same time, the PRE-SAFE® occupant protection measures are activated. The partial braking can be interrupted by a steering movement, kickdown and/or braking by the driver. If the driver does not intervene, autono-mous emergency braking is initiated as a third step, approx.0.6 seconds before impact (CMS2). In this case, the system is not able to prevent the impact, it can only significantly re-duce the severity of the impact.As of MY 2012, the functional range of the PRE-SAFE® brake system was extended on BR 166, 207, 212, 216, 218, 221, 231. In addition to a downward extension of the vehicle speed range for warnings and interventions, the system can prevent a collision through autonomous emergency braking in the vehicle speed range up to approx. 30 km/h (CMSstop).b Service informationLimited availability if radar sensor system dirty.b Service informationCalibration of stereo multifunction camera using Xen-try Diagnostics with special tool from Romess Rogg 0840-10, Calibration target for Night View Assist.in the range up to 72 km/h for stationary objects.The system may not be able to detect pedestrians or objects crossing the path of the vehicle if they are concealed at the side by trees, walls, parked vehicles etc. This also appliesto objects which approach at high speed or in cases where the radar sensor system shuts off due to heavy snow or icing. This situation can also occur if the windshield is dirty or fogged within the field of view of the stereo multifunction camera.• Stereo multifunction camera on BR 207/212 MOPF, 222actuation of the brakes or parking brake or by activation ofthe "HOLD function" or by engagement of park position "P".In preparing for the collision, the brake pressure is increasedin order to hold the vehicle in place. This measure reducesthe forward acceleration and minimizes the risk of injury tooccupants in the area of their cervical vertebrae.As the next step, the occupant protection measures are ac-tivated approx. 0.1 s before the calculated impact point bythe reversible emergency tensioning retractor and NECK-PROhead restraint systems.After the impact, the brake pressure is maintained for up toapprox. 2 s to hold the vehicle in place. The advantages ofholding vehicle in place are that it reduces injuries in the areaof the cervical vertebrae and it can help to avoid subsequentcollisions with other road users.b Service informationAfter a rear-end collision has been detected and hastaken place, the PRE-SAFE® PLUS function is no lon-ger available until it is activated using a diagnostictester.Calibration of the radar sensor is not required.Time until collisionMulti-mode radar sensorHazard warning lampsP54.70-2668-00 COLLISION PREVENTION ASSISTA90 COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST controller unitving and stopping objects and for COLLISION PREVENTIONASSIST PLUS they are 7 - 30 km/h for stationary objects.The COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS system can per-form autonomous partial braking at vehicle speed ranges of7 - 200 km/h for moving and stopping objects and 7 - 30km/h for stationary objects.b Service informationCalibration as per DISTRONIC PLUS (code 239) forCOLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS.© 2013 by Daimler AGThis document, including all its parts, is protected by copyright. Any further processing or use requires the previous written consent of Daimler AG, Department GSP/ OR, D-70546 Stuttgart. This applies in particular to reproduction, distribution, alteration, translation, microfilming and storage and/or processing in electronic systems, including databases and online services.Image no. of title image: P54.33-3433-00Order no. of this publication: HLI 000 000 15 12Space for your notes。
光电英语词汇(C3)光电英语词汇(C3)光电英语词汇(C3)conjugate points 共轭点conjugate rays 共轭光线conjugate variables 共轭变量conjugate wave 共轭波conjugation 共轭conjunctiva 眼球结膜connecting hose 连接管connection (connexion)(1)连接(二)接头(三)接合面connection in series 串联connections of resistor 电阻的接法connector (1)连接器(二)插头(三)接线柱connector insertion loss 连接器插入损耗connector loss 联接器损失connector-induced optical conductor loss 连接器引起的光导体损耗conner cube interferometer 隅角立方镜干涉仪connuous-wave dye laser (1)连续波(2)等幅波conocave plane 凹平面conoscope (1)锥光镜(二)锥光偏振仪(三)偏光显微镜conoscopic microscopic observation 锥光偏振显微镜观察法conoscpic illumination 锥光偏振照明conservation 守恒consistency (1)一致性(二)稠性(三)稠度consitituent 组分console (1)托架(二)仪表板,控制台consonance (1)谐和(二)共鸣constan deviatin spectroscope 恒偏分光镜constand aberration 恒定像差constand angle transmission interferecnce spectroscopy 恒定角透射干涉光谱学constand current 恒电流constand velocity 等速度constand voltage 恒电压constandt angle reflectin interference spectroscoy 恒定角反射干涉光谱学constant (1)常数,恒量(二)恒定,不变constant amplitude recording 定幅记录constant angle fringes 定角条纹constant deiation spectrograph 恒偏摄谱仪constant deviation 恒偏向constant deviation fringes 恒偏向条纹constant deviation prism 恒偏棱镜constant linear velocity (cvl)线性恒速constant pressure 恒压constant speed scanning 等速扫描constant temperature 恒温constant temperature bath 恒温槽constant variant enhancement 恒变增加constantan 康铜(铜镍合金) constitutional diagram 组合图constraint 约束,制约constriction (1)颈缩(二)集聚constrigence 倒色散率constringence 倒色散系数construction of image 作图求像法constructive interference 相长干涉constructive reflection 相长反射consumption 消耗量,消耗率cont-down (1)递减计数(2)漏失计数contact (1)接触(二)触点contact angle 接触角contact blocking 光胶contact fluid 接触液contact fluorography 接触式萤光摄影机contact for flash unit 闪光灯触点contact for flash-auto control 闪光灯自控触点contact interferometer 接触干涉仪contact lens 接触透镜contact lens inserter/remover 隐形眼镜置入器/移除器contact microradiography 接触式辐射显微术contact presistance 接触电阻contact printing 接触印片contact segment 接触部分contactless pickup 无镜点传感器contactless switch 无接点开关contactor 接触器,开关contaminant 沾染物质contamination 沾染contemporary optics 现代光学content indicator 信息量显示器contention 争夺,争用conter-rotating wave 反向旋转波conterclockwise 时针方向的continental haze layer 大陆薄雾层continouous ttuning 连续扫描摄影机continous curve 连续曲线continuity 连续性continuity equation 连续性方程continuous access high speed camera 连续进入高速摄影机continuous chromatography 连续色谱法continuous emssion spectrum 连续发射光谱continuous film movement camera 连续输片摄影机continuous image 连续像continuous krypton lamp 连续?灯continuous laser 连续激光器continuous lens 连续透镜continuous medium 连续媒质continuous monitoring technique 连续监控技术continuous motion camera 连续输片摄影机continuous operation 连触转continuous spectrum 连续光谱continuous strip camera 等待型摄影机continuous variable optical attenuator 连续可变光衰减器continuous wave 续连调谱continuous-flow chromatography 进续流动色谱法continuous-wave (cw)laser 连续波雷射continuously scanning 连续扫描continuously variable maginification 连续可变放大continuously [-operating] laser 连续激光器continuum 连续谐波带continuum of states (1)连续区(2)连续光谱contionous line 连续谱线contour 连续态contour analysis 轮廓分析contour line 等高线地图contour map 轮廊投影仪contour projection charts 轮廓投影图contour projector (1)收缩量(2)收缩contourgraph (1)轮郭(2)等高级contouring 轮廓contourography 透视图法contraction 非共点变换contracureent transformation 反偏振contrapolarization (1)衬比(2)衬比度contras of phtographic plate 照相干板度contrast 对比?减系数contrast attenation factor 对比带contrast band 反衬色,对比色contrast color 衬度增强contrast control 对比控制contrast enhancement 增衬器contrast filter 对比滤器contrast improvement 反差光补contrast of fringes 条纹比contrast of luminance 发光率对比contrast rendition 对比度再现contrast reversal 反差反转contrast sensitivity 反差灵敏度contrast transfer function 对比转移函数contrast transfer function (ctf)摄像管contraster 反差如强contrat light compensating contrast micromether 反差测微计contravariant component of vector 矢量逆变分量control (1)控制(2)控制器control azimuth 控制方位control ball 控制球control board 控制板,控制台,操纵台control bus 控制汇流排control buttion 控制按钮control center (1)控制中心(2)调度中心control circuit 控制电路control disk 控制盘control element 控制元件control equipment 制设备control grid 控制栅control knob 控制钮control panel 控制板,控制盘control spring 控制弹簧control system 控制系统,制导系统control target 控制目标control unit 控制单元,控制组件control-grid aperture 控制栅孔经control-rod calibration 控制杆校准controllability 可性controllable 可控的controllable diffraction grating 可控卫射光栅controllable liquid-crystal display device 可液晶显示装置controlled doping 受控掺染controlled impurity introduction 受控掺染controller 控制器,调节器conus 圆锥,锥体conuter-rotaing wedges 反向旋转光楔convection 对流convective refraction 对流折射conventional image 寻常像converge in probability 概率收敛convergence 聚焦,会聚,辐合,收敛convergence (=convergency)(1)收敛(2)会聚(3)会聚度convergence angle 会聚角convergence mirror 聚光镜convergence of rays 光线会聚convergence ration 会聚比convergency (1)收敛(2)会聚(3)会聚度convergent (1)收敛的(2)会聚的convergent gas lens foucs 气体会聚透刽聚焦convergent irror 聚光镜convergent lens 会聚透镜convergent pencial of rays 会紧光束convergent transformation 会聚变换convergent wave 会聚波convergent-beam irradiation 会聚束辐照convergin lens 会聚透镜converging lens 会聚透镜converging light 会聚光converging meniscus 会聚凹凸透镜conversion (1)转换(2)换算conversion angle 转换角conversion conefficient 变换系数conversion efficiency 转换效率conversion efficincy 转换效率conversion factor 转换因数conversion objective 可换物镜conversion table 换算表converter (1)转换器(2)换能器(3)变流器(4)变频器converter logic 变换逻辑convertible 可换的,可变的convertible lens 可换透镜convertible objective 可换物镜convertible protar lens 可换普塔镜头convex 凸,凸面的convex lens 凸透镜convex mirror 凸镜convex-concave 凸凹形convex-concave lens 凸凹透镜convex-plane cylindrical lens 平凸柱形透镜convexity 凸度,凸性convexo-convex 双凸的conveyer 送置,conveyer belt 传送带convolution 卷积convolution code 卷积码convolution technique 卷积技术convolution theorem 卷积定理convolutiona integral 卷积积分convolutional coding 卷积编码convulsion 震动cooke eyepice 柯克目镜cooke objective 柯克接物透镜cooke triplet astigmat 柯克三相散光cooke triplet lens 柯克三合透镜cooke triplet objective 柯克三合物镜cool light 冷光coolant 冷却液,冷却剂coolant clarifier 冷却液过滤器coolants 冷媒cooled detecotr 致冷控测器cooled filter 冷却滤光片cooled infrared detectors 冷红外线探测器cooling 冷却cooling systems for lasers 雷射用冷却设备coolour solid 色体cooper pairs 古柏(电子)偶cooperative fluctuation 合作起伏cooperative target (1)合作靶(2)合作目coordinate (1)坐标(2)对等的coordinate axis 坐标轴coordinate data 坐标数据coordinate graphics 坐标图形学coordinate measuring machine 坐标测量机coordinate measuring microscope 坐标量度显微镜coordinate position 坐标位置coordinate transformation processing 坐标变换处理coordination 协调,配位coordinatography 坐标绘图仪coordinatometer 坐标测量仪coordinator 坐标方位仪copal suqare shutter 高堡式方型快门copal-leitz shutter (cls)高堡-莱兹快门coper-chloride laser 氯化铜激光器cophasing 同相位copier 复印机,复印器coplanar 共面的coplanar contact 共面接触coplanar grating 共而生coplanarity 共面生coplaner 共面的coplex line 复线copolymerization 共聚合(作用)copper (cu)铜copper cable 铜线copper foil 铜箔copper halide laser 卤化铜激光器copper halide laser system 卤化铜激光统copper oxide photocell 氧化铜光电管copper vapor-pumped duy laser 铜蒸汽抽运染料激光器copper-vapor laser 铜蒸汽激光器coppered carbon 镀铜碳copy (1)(电影) 拷贝(2)复制品copy hologram 复制全息图copy machine lenses 影印机镜头copyboard 拷贝台copying camera 复印照相机copying objective 复制物镜copy[ing] camera (1)复制照相机(2)光电复印机cor-excited 核心激发corbon monoxide laser 一氧化碳雷射cord (1)软线(2)粗条纹core (1)心,核心(2)芯core center 纤蕊中心core diameter 根径core diameter deviation 纤蕊直径偏差core storage 磁心存储器coreected cure 校正曲线coring 成核cork 软木塞cork pad 软木垫片cornea 角膜corneal electrode 角膜电极corneal radius measuring device 角膜半径测量装置corner 角膜corner cube prism 隅角棱刽,三面直角棱镜corner cube reflector 隅角立方反射器corner cuble mirror 隅角立罢反射器corner focus 角聚焦corner mirror 隅角反射镜corner prism 隅角棱镜corner reflectors array 隅角反射器阵列corner resolution 隅角分辨率corner-cube reflector 角反射器corner-cube reflectors (prisms)顶角反射棱镜cornering 僻处corning 粒化,成粒状corning glass 考宁玻离,硼圭酸盐玻离cornu mounting 考钮装置cornu prism 考钮棱镜cornu's sprial 考纽螺线cornu-double prism 柯努双棱镜cornu-jellet prism 考纽-耶鲁棱镜corona (1)电量(2)日冕(3)光圈,光环corona discharge 电晕放电corona discharge laser 电量放电管激光器coronagraph 日冕仪coronagraphic technique 日冕仪技术coronagraphy 日冕仪coronal (1)日冕的(2)光圈的,光环的coronal holes 日晚孔coronene 六苯并苯coross (1)十字形(2)交叉(3)横的corpuscle 微粒corpuscular 微粒的corpuscular emission 微粒发射corpuscular nature of light 光的微粒性corpuscular theory 微粒理论corpuscular type 粒子型correct exposure 正确曝光corrected diffraction efficiency 校正衍射效率corrected gear 校正齿轮corrected lens 适当透镜corrected value 校正值,修正值correcting collar 校正环correcting device 校正装置correcting lens 校正透镜correcting mount (1)校正环(2)校正架(3)校正座correcting plate 校正板correction (1)校正,修校(2)校正值correction curve 校正曲线correction factor 校正因数correction filter 校正滤色片correction plate 校正板correction wedge 校正光楔correction window 校正窗correction windows 修正窗correctness 正确性corrector (1)校正电路(2)校正器corrector plate 校正器板correlated color temperature 相关色温correlated colour temperature 相关色温度correlation (1)相关(2)相关性correlation analysis 相关分析correlation dectection 相关检波correlation function 相关函数correlation matrix 相关阵correlation method 相关法correlation quantity 相关量correlation spectrum 相关光谱correlatograph 相关图correlator 相关器correspondence principle 对应原理correspondence theory 对应论corrosion 腐蚀corrosion resistance of glass 玻璃抗蚀能力corrsion-resistan matterial 抗腐蚀材料corrugated metal 波状金属corrugated mirror 波纹镜corrugated pipe 波纹管corrugated wavegudie 波纹波导corrugation 波纹corundum 刚玉corundum lattice 刚玉点阵cos-type layer 余弦层cosecant (csc)余割cosine (cos)余弦cosine collector 余弦集电器cosine condition 余弦条件cosine emission law 余弦发射定律cosine law 余弦定律cosine law of illumination 照度余弦法则cosinusoidal intensity distribution 余弦强度分布cosmetic defect 外观缺陷cosmetic defects 化粧瑕疵cosmic 宇宙的cosmic dust 宇宙尘cosmic expansion 宇宙扩张cosmic laser 宇宙激光器cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic ray 宇宙射线cosmic ray telescope 宇宙线望远镜cosmic x-ary spectroscopy 宇宙x射线分光镜cosmos 宇宙cospeparation 同时分离cotangent (cot)余切cotter 销cotter pin 开尾销cotton effect 科顿效应cotton-mouton constant 柯顿穆顿常数cotton-mouton effet 科顿-穆顿效应coude 柯得coude focus (1)科得焦距(2)科得焦点(3)科得聚焦coude focusing 折轴调焦coude mounting 折轴装置coude reflector 折轴反射望远镜coude refractor 折轴折射望远镜coude spectrography 科得摄谱仪coude system 科得系统coude telescope 科得望远镜cough vacuum 低真空couled fm oscillation 耦合调频振荡coulomb 库仓coulomb damping 库仑阻尼(衰减)coulomb scatter angle 库仑散射角coulomb scattering 库仓散射coulomb's law 库仑定律coulomb's law (magnetism)磁库仑定律coulometer 库仑计coumarin dye laser 香豆素染科激光器count (1)计数(2)计算counter (1)计睥器(2)计算员counter ballast 计数管counter hand 计数器指针counter measure 对抗措施,防范措施counter modulation 反调制,解调counter spectromenter (1)计数器能谱计(2)计算器光谱计counter telescope 计数器望远刽counter tube 计数管counter window 计数窗counter withstand voltage 逆向耐压counter-doping 反向掺染counter-whell printer 计数轮打印机counteraction 反作用counterbalance 抗衡counterpoise 平衡器,均衡counterpropagating laser pulse 反向传输激光脉衡countersink (1)埋头孔(2)置小窝孔counterstreaming plasma 逆流等子体counterweight 砝码counterweighted pad 配重平衡垫counting chamber 计数室couple (1)偶(2)耦合(3)联托couple axle 联动轴,临结轴couple of force 方偶coupled amplitude 耦合振富coupled camera 耦合照相机,耦合摄影机coupled cavity technique 耦合腔技术coupled exposure meter 耦合曝光表coupled matrix 耦合矩阵coupled mode 耦合模coupled modes 藕合模coupled oscillator 耦合振荡器coupled pendulum 耦合摆coupled range finder 耦合测距仪coupled rangefinder 藕合测距器coupled substitution 耦合置换coupled transition 耦合跃迁coupled wave theory 耦合波理论couplem amplitude approximation 耦合振富近似coupler 耦合器coupling (1)耦合(2)联轴节coupling amplifier 耦合放大器coupling aperture 藕合孔coupling condenser 交连原容器coupling efficiency 耦合效率coupling factor 耦合系数,耦合因数coupling layer 耦合层coupling loss 耦合损失coupling mirror 耦合镜coupling paameter 耦合参量coupling spectrum 耦合光谱coupling-ou 耦合输出course setting compass 航海罗盘covalent 共价covalent bond 共价键covalent bonding 共价键covalent crystal 共价晶体covalent groove 共价晶体covalent liquide 共价液体covariance 协方差covariant component 共变分量cover 覆盖物,罩,套cover glass (1)防护玻离罩(2)盖玻片cover plate 盖板cover-glass gauge 盖玻片测厚计cover-glass thickness 盖玻片厚度coverage (1)作用范圈,有效距离(2)视野covered wire 被覆线,包线covering power 拍摄本领cowling 罩,整流罩crack 裂纹,裂逢cracking 断裂cradle 支架craft 工艺cramer-rao inequality 克拉姆-雷奥不均匀性cramp (1)夹(2)夹住,固定crank (1)曲柄(2)手柄crank web 曲柄板cranked eyepiece 转像目镜crankshaft 曲轴crater (1)焰口(2)焊口crater lamp 点源录影灯cratering effect 焰效效应cratoer lamp 黑源录影灯creep 蠕变creep curve 蠕变曲线creepage 漏电creosote 染酚油crepuscular rays 曙莫辉光crescent (1)月牙(2)新月形的crest (1)波峰(2)层值,最大值(3)齿顶crest factor 波峰因数cretes prism 克里特棱镜crew-in filter 旋入滤光片cribbing 式支架crimson 深红色crisscross eyepiec 井字线目镜criterion (复数:criteria)判据准则criterion for image evaluation 像质评价标准critical 临界的critical absorption wavelength 临界吸收波长critical adjustment 临界调整critical angle 临界角critical angle of incidence 临界入射角critical angle refractomenter 临界角折射计critical aperture 临界孔径critical assembly 临界装置critical attenuation 临界?减critical coupling 临界藕合critical curve 临界曲线critical damper 临界阻尼器critical damping 临界阻尼critical dependence 临界依赖关系critical electric field 临界电场critical flicker frequency 临界闪变频率critical frequency 临界频率,截止频率critical fusion frequency 临界熔解频率critical illumination 中肯照度critical inversion desity 临界反转密度critical opalescence 临界乳光critical point (1)临界点(2)中肯点critical scattering 临界散射critical temperature 临界温度critical value 临界值criticality 界性,临界状况crm customer relationship management 顾客关系管理crogenic box 低温箱cron 克龙crookes radiometer 克鲁克斯辐射计cross correlation 互相关系cross direction 横向cross dispersion 交叉色散、交叉修正器cross guide line 横导线cross line 十字线分测板cross modulation 交扰调制cross nicols 正交尼科耳cross polarization 正交偏振cross prism 正交棱镜cross product 叉积,矢量积cross profile 横断面cross rail (1)横轨(2)横梁(3)横导轨cross relaxation 交叉马豫cross section 横截面cross table 十字工作台,横移动工作台cross talk resistance 抗串扰性cross wire 叉丝,十字线cross wires 叉线,十字线cross-checking 相互检验,交叉cross-coherence 互相千,交叉相千cross-correlation function 互相关函数,交叉相关函数cross-correlation method 互相关法cross-correlation theorem 互相关定理cross-coupling optical beam 交叉耦合光束cross-grating 交叉光栅cross-hair ring 十字丝环cross-hair [lines] 十字丝,交叉丝cross-like 十字形的cross-line graticule 十字线,交叉线cross-line screen 十字线屏cross-polarized target 正交偏振目标cross-pumped laser 交叉押运激光器cross-section 横截面,剖面cross-section view 横断面图cross-ship 交叉滑移cross-spectral purity 交叉光谱纯度crossbar 横杆crossbar matrix 眨横矩阵crosscorrelation 互相关,交叉相关crossed 交叉的crossed brackets 交叉括号crossed disperstion 向色散crossed grating 交叉光栅crossed lens 最小球差单透镜crossed loops 交叉环crossed nicol's mirror 正交尼科耳反射镜crossed nicol's prism 正交尼科耳凌镜crossed nicols 正交尼科耳crossed polarizer (crossed polariser)正交起偏振镜crossed prism 正交棱镜crossed prisms 正交棱面crossed-field spectrometer 正交场光谱计crosshairs 叉发crossing point 交叉点crosslink (1)交叉结合(2)交键,交联crossover (1)交叉(2)跨接(3)交叉点crossover frequency (1)交叉频率(2)分隔频率crosspoint 相交点crosstalk (1)串音,串扰(2)交调失真crosstalk effect 串音效应crosstalk image 串音像crosstalk suppression 交调失真抑制,串扰抑制crowbar (1)撬棒(2)起货钩(3)急剧短路crowbar circuit 消狐电路crowded frequency spectrum 拥挤频谱crown flint [glass] 冕牌火石玻璃crown glass 冕牌玻璃crown [glass] 晖转玻璃crstal triode 晶体三极管crt display 映像管显示器crt (cathode-ray tube)recording film 示波器记录胶片crucible 钳锅cruciform 十字形crush strength 接刮强度crust 硬表面cryanometry 天空监度测定法crygenic laser fusion fuel 冷陈激光聚变燃料cryogen 冷陈剂cryogen cooling sytem 致冷系统cryogenic coller 位温致冷器cryogenic liquide 低温液体cryogenic refrigeration 低温致冷cryogenic target 冷冻靶cryogenics 低温学,低温实验法cryolite 冰晶石cryolite film 冰晶石膜cryolite glass 冰晶石玻璃,乳色玻璃cryometer 低温计cryomicroscope 低温显微镜cryophthalmic unit 眼科冷冻仪cryosar 雪崩复合低温开关cryosistor 低温晶体管cryospectroscopy 低温光谱学cryostant 低温恒温器cryostat 低温恒温器cryostat cooler 低温恒温冷却器cryosurgery 低温手术cryotron 冷子管cryptocyanine dye 隐花青染料cryptographicaly coded card 隐图编码卡片crystal 晶体crystal crystal class 晶类crystal defect 晶体缺陷crystal detector 晶体检波器crystal diamagnetism 晶体抗磁性crystal diffraction 晶体衍射crystal diode 晶体二极管crystal display 液晶显示crystal edge 晶棱crystal field effects 晶场效应crystal field spectrum 晶场光谱crystal filter 晶体滤波器crystal frequency control unit 晶频控制装置crystal grain 晶粒crystal grating 晶栅crystal growing equipment 单结晶制造设备crystal laser 晶体激光器,固体激光器crystal lattice 晶体点阵,晶格crystal monochromator 晶体单色器crystal of high activity 易激晶体,高活性晶体crystal optics 晶体光学crystal orentation device 晶体光轴定向器crystal orientater 晶体光轴定向仪crystal orientation 晶体定向crystal oven 晶体恒温箱crystal projection 晶体投影crystal pulling furace 拉晶炉crystal quartz 晶体石英crystal space grating 晶体空间光栅crystal spectrograph 晶体摄谱仪crystal spectrometer 晶体分光计crystal structure 晶体结构crystal system 晶系crystal texture 晶体组织crystal unit 晶体振荡子crystal-controlled dc servo motor 晶控直流伺服电动机crystallgraph 检晶器crystalline (1)晶状(2)晶体的crystalline axes 晶状轴crystalline axis 晶轴crystalline grain 晶粒crystalline humor 晶状体crystalline lens 眼珠水晶体crystalline quartz 晶状石英crystallinity 结晶度,晶性crystallite 微晶crystallization 眼水晶体crystallized glasses 结晶玻璃crystallo-luminescence 结晶变光crystallogram 晶体图crystallography 结晶学crystalloid 类晶体,凝晶质crystallon 籽晶crystallorgrm 晶体衍射图crystals growing materials 结晶育成材料cube (1)立方体(2)立方,三次幕cube corner retroreflector 立方隅角返回反射器cube-corner prism 方角棱镜cubic (1)立方体的(2)立方的,三次的cubic axis 立方轴cubic ccrystal sytem 立方晶系cubic crystal structure 立方晶体结构cubic lattic 立方点阵cubical arryary 三维阵列cue light 彩色信号灯culdoscope 陷凹镜,後窟窿镜culmination (1)极点,顶点(2)中天cumulative error 累积误差cumulative ruling error 累积刻线误义cumulative time 总时间,累积时间cumulus 积云cup base 杯座cup bevel 球模倒边cup mount 杯座,碗形托座cupprous 亚铜的,一价铜的cupric 铜的,二价合的curation 屏模,帘curie 居里curie (ci)居里curie constant 居里常数,居里恒量curie point 居里点curie temperature 居里温度curium (cm)局curl (1)卷曲(2)旋转(3)旋度current (1)流动(2)电流current amplification 电流放大倍数current amplification factor 电流放大率,电流放大因素current carrier 载流子current feedback bias circuit 电流回授偏压电路current gain 电流增体current position 电流位置current stabilizer 稳流器current supply 供电current transformer (ct)电流变压器;比流器current-illuminaton 电流照度current-wave laser 电流波激光器currentless 无电流的,去激的curretn amplification 电流户大curretn breaker 断路器curretn margin 电流容限curretn sink 电流吸收currrent feedback 电流反馈cursor 游标curtain aperture 调光孔径curvature (1)曲率(2)场曲curvature of field 场曲率curvature of the field 场曲curvature of the image 像面弯曲curvature radius 曲率半径curve (1)曲的(2)曲线(3)曲线定规curve gauge 曲线规curve generator (1)粗磨面透磨机(2)曲线发生器curve generators 曲线产生机curve of magnetization 磁化曲线curve of reflection 反射曲线curved image 弯曲像curved mirror 曲面镜curved polisher 曲面抛光器curved slit 弯缝curved surface 曲面curved-crystal spectrograph 弯晶摄谱仪curver crystal camera 弯晶照相机curvilinear distortion 曲线畸变curvilinear gudie way 曲线导轨curvilinear integral 线积分curvilinerar figure 曲线图形,曲线形curvimeter 曲率计curvivity 曲率cushion (1)软垫(2)压cushion ring 垫圈cushion socket 弹簧捏座cushioning 缓冲cushon distortion 枕形畸变cusp (1)尖点(2)歧点(3)会切点cut (1)切削,切割(2)切口cut and try method 试凑法cut film (1)薄膜(2)切片cut glass 刻花玻离cut off frequency 截止频率cut off wavelength 截止波长cut-image range finder 复合焦点测距仪cut-off (1)载止(2)截频cut-off characterisstic 截止特性cut-off filter 截止滤光片cut-off frequencty 截止频率cut-off lens 切割镜片cut-off polarizer 截止偏振器cut-off potential 截止电势,截止电位cut-off region 截止区cut-off slope 截止斜率cut-off value 截止值,断开值cut-off wavelength 截止波长cut-open view 剖视图cut-out (1)中止,阻断(2)断流器cut-sheet film 切片cutaway section 剖视图cutaway view 剖视图cutback center 剪削中心cutoff 截止,断绝cuton 开启cutting 割削cutting disk 切削盘,切割盘cutting machines 切削加工设备cw dey laser 连续染料激光器cw electroluminescent light source 连续波电致发光光源cw fir laser 连续波远红外激光器cw gas laser 连续波气体激光器cw laser rader 连续波光雷达cw oscillation 连续波振荡cw visible gas laser 连续波可见气体激光器cw-hcn-laser 连续波氢氰酸激光器cw-pumped dye laser 连续波押运染料激光器cyan (1)青(2)氰基cyanic laser 氰激光器cyanide 氰化物cyanide deposit 氰化物淀积cyaniding 氰化cyanine dye 花青染料cyanine dye infrared laser 光青染料红色激光器cyanocrylate cements 青度接合剂cyanogen 氰cyanometer 青度计cyanometry 天空蓝度测定法cyanopsin 视监质cybernetic design 控制论设计cybernetics 控制论cycle (1)周(2)周波(3)周期(4)循环cycle time 周期时间,循环时间cycler 周期计cycles per second (cps)赫cyclic code 循环吗cyclic error 周期误差cyclic interferometer 环状干涉仪cyclic iterative method 循环迭代法cyclic process 循环过程cyclic[al] (1)周明的,循环的(2)环状的cycling 循环cyclodos 发送电子转换开关cyclogram 周期图表cyclograph (1)圆狐规(2)特种电影摄影机,轮转全景摄影机cycloidal gear 摆线齿轮cycloidal mass spectrometer 圆迹质谱仪cycloinverter 变向离子变频器cyclometer counter 跳字计数器cyclooctatetraene 环辛曲烯cyclophon 旋调器cycloplegics 睫允麻?剂cyclopropane 环丙烷cyclorotaion 旋转cyclotron 回旋加速器cyclotron frequency 回旋频率cyclotron radiation 回旋辐射cyclotron resonance 回旋共振cyclotron resonance detector 回旋共振探测器cyclotron resonant 回旋共振的cyclotron responsance maser 回旋共振微波激射器cylincrical lens 柱面透镜cylinder (1)圆柱体(2)圆筒(3)汽函cylinder diaphragm 圆筒光阑cylinder functions 柱函数cylindergauge 径规cylindrial harmonics 柱谱函数cylindrical toroidal lenses 柱状透镜,环形透镜cylindrical anamorph 柱面镜形cylindrical bearing 圆筒轴承,滚柱轴承cylindrical cavity 筒形腔cylindrical coordinates 柱面坐标cylindrical lens 柱面镜cylindrical lenticulation 圆柱形透镜光栅cylindrical mirror 柱面镜形cylindrical mode 柱状波型cylindrical plug gauge 函径塞规cylindrical reflector 柱形反射器cylindrical rooler 筒形滚柱cylindrical rooler bearing 筒形滚柱轴承cylindrical surface 柱面cylindrical symmetry 柱形对称cylindrical wave 柱面波cylindrical wavefront 柱形波前cylindricity 柱面性,圆柱cylindrometer 柱径计cymometer 波频计,波长计cymoscope (1)检波器(2)振荡cystocope 膀胱镜cytospectrophotometry 细胞分光光度学czerny-turner monchromator 柴尔尼-特纳单色仪czerny-turner mounting 柴尔尼-特纳{光栅分光}装置czochralski technique 左克拉斯基技术光电英语词汇(C3) 相关内容:。
Infrared Remote And Chips Are IntroducedPeople's eyes can see the visible wavelength from long to short according to the arrangement, in order to red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet. One of the red wavelengths for 0.62 ~ 0.76 mount, Purple is 0.38 wavelength range ~ mount. Purple is shorter than the wavelength of light called ultraviolet ray, red wavelengths of light is longer than that of infrared light. Infrared remote control is to use wavelength for 0.76 ~ 1.5 mount between the near infrared to transfer control signal.Commonly used infrared remote control system of general points transmit and receive two parts. The main component part for the launch of infrared light emitting diode. It is actually a special light emitting diode, due to its internal material differs from ordinary light emitting diode, resulting in its ends on certain voltage, it is a rather infrared light. Use of infrared light emitting diode the infrared wavelengths, for 940nm appearance and ordinary, just the same light emitting diode five different colors. Infrared light emitting diode generally have black and blue, transparent three colors. Judgment of infrared light emitting diode and judgment method, using a millimeter to ordinary diode electric block measure of infrared light emitting diode, reverse resistance. The infrared light emitting diode luminescence efficiency to use special instrument to measure precise, and use only spare conditions to pull away from roughly judgment. Receiving partof infrared receiving tube is a photosensitive diode.In actual application of it receiving diode to reverse bias, it can work normally, i.e., the infrared receiving circuit application in diode is used to reverse, higher sensitivity. Infrared receiving diode usually have two round and rectangular. Due to the power of infrared light emitting diode (or less commonly 100mW), so ir receiving diode received signals is weak, so will increase high-gain ones.the amplifier circuit.In common CX20106A, etc. PC1373H moon infrared receiving special amplifier circuit. In recent years both amateur or formal products, mostly using infrared receiving head finished. The head of infrared receiving product packages generally has two kinds: one kind USES sheet shielding, A kind of plastic packaging. There are three pin, namely the power is (VDD), power negative (GND) and data output (VO or OUT). Infrared receiving head foot arrangement for types varied, manufacturer's instructions. Finished the advantages of infrared receiving head is not in need of sophisticated debugging and shell screen, use rise as a transistor, very convenient. But when used in the infrared receiving attention finished first carrier frequency.Infrared remote common carrier frequency for 38kHz, this is transmitted by using 455kHz Tao Zhen to decide. At the launch of crystals were integer frequency, frequency coefficients, so commonly 12, so 455kHz ÷ 12 hundredth kHz 38kHz hundredth 379,000. Some remote control system adopts 36kHz, 56kHz, etc. general 40kHz launched by the crystals of oscillation frequency to decide.Infrared remote characteristic is not influence the surrounding environment and does not interfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot penetrate walls, so the room can use common household appliance of remote control without mutual interference, Circuit testing is simple, as long as given circuit connection, generally does not need any commissioning can work, Decoding easily, can undertake multiple remote control. Because each manufacturer produces a great deal of infrared remote application-specific integrated circuit, when need press diagram so jip. Therefore, the infrared remote now in household appliances, indoor close (less than 10 meters) in the remote control is widely used.Multiple infrared remote control system of infrared emission control buttons, there are many parts general representative of different control function. When pressed a button, correspondingly in the receiver with different output.Receiving the output state can be roughly divided into pulse, level, self-locking and interlock, data five forms. "The pulse output is according to launch" when the button, the receiver output terminals output corresponding "effective", a pulse width 100ms in general. "Level" refers to the output launch press button, the receiver output corresponding output level ", "effective transmit to loosen the receiver" level "disappears. This "effective pulse" and "effective", may be of high level is low, and may also depend on the output corresponding static state, such as feet for low, static "high" for effective, As for the static, "low" high effective. In most cases, "high" for effective. "Since the lock" refersto launch the output of each time you press the button, a receiver output corresponding change, namely originally a state for high level into a low level, originally for low level into high level. The output power switch and mute as control etc. Sometimes also called the output form for "invert". "The interlock" refers to multiple outputs each output, at the same time only one output. The TV sets of this case is selected, the other is like the light and sound input speed, etc."Data" refers to launch the output some key, use a few output form a binary number, to represent different keystroke.Normally, the receiver except a few data output, but also a "valid" output data, so the timely to collect data. This output form with single-chip microcomputer or are commonly used interface. In addition to the above output form outside, still have a "latch" and "temporary" two forms. The so-called "latch" refers to launch the output signal of each hair, the receiver output corresponding ", "new store until you receive signals. "Temporary" output and the introduction of "level" output is similar.Remote distance (Remote Control effect of RF Remote Control distance) are the major factors as follows:unched in power transmission power: while distance, but great power consumption, easy to generate interference.2.and receiving the receiver sensitivity, receiving, remote distance increased sensitivity to improve, but easy to cause disturbance maloperation or abuse.3.antenna, using linear antenna, and parallel, remote distance, but occupies a large space, in use the antenna spin, pull can increase the remote distance.4.and the higher height: antenna, remote farther, but by objective conditions.5.and stop: current use of wireless remote use of UHF band stipulated by the state, the propagation characteristics of approximate linear transmission, light, small, transmitters and receivers diffraction between such as walls are blocking will greatly discounted remote distance, if is reinforced concrete walls, due to the absorption effect conductor, radio waves.Considering the design of hardware volume small to be embedded in the remote control, so we chose 20 foot single-chip chip AT89C2051. Below is the introduction of the function.(1)AT89C2051 internal structure and performanceAT89C2051 is a byte flash 2K with programmable read-only memory can be erased EEPROM (low voltage, high performance of eight CMOS microcomputer. It adopts ATMEL of high-density non-volatile storage technology manufacturing and industrial standard MCS - 51 instruction set and lead. Through the combination of single chip in general CPL1 and flash memory, is a strong ATMEL AT89C2051 microcomputer, its application in many embedded control provides a highly flexible and low cost solutions. The compatible with 8051 AT89C2051 is CHMOS micro controller, the Flash memory capacity for 2KB. And CHMOS 80C51 process, have two kinds of leisure and power saving operation mode. The performance is as follows.5.CUP, 2KB Flash memory,Working voltage range 2.7-6V, 128KB data storage.The static working way: 0-24MHz, 15 root input/output line.A programmable serial, 2 a 16-bit timing/counters.Thereis a slice of inside precision simulation comparator, 5 the interrupt sources, 2 priority.Programmable serial UART channel, Directly LED driver output,The internal structure of AT89C2051 is shown in figure 1.Figure 1 AT89C2051 interior structure(2)AT89C2051 chip pin and functionIn order to adapt to the requirement of intelligent instrument, embedded in the chip foot AT89C2051 simplified configuration, as shown in figure b. The major changes to: (1) the lead foot from 20 to 40 wires, (2) increased a simulated comparator.=Diagram b AT89C2051 foot figure.AT89C2051 pin function:1.the VCC: voltage.2. to GND.3.P1 mouth: P1 mouth is an 8-bit two-way I/O port. P1.2 ~ P1.7 mouth pin the internal resistance provides. P1.0 and P1.1 requirements on the external pull-up resistors. P1.0 and P1.1 also separately as piece inside precision simulation comparator with input (AIN0) and reversed-phase input (AIN1). Output buffer can absorb the P1 mouth 20mA current and can directly LED display driver. When P1 mouth pin into a "1", can make its input. When the pin P1.2 ~ P1.7 as input and external down, they will be for the internal resistance and flow current (IIL). In flash P1 mouth during the procedure and program code data receiving calibration.4.P3: the P3.0 ~ P3.5 P3, P3.7 is the internal resistance with seven two-way I / 0 lead. P3.6 for fixed inputs piece inside the comparator output signal and it as a general I/Ofoot and inaccessible. P3 mouth buffer can absorb 20mA current. When P3 mouth pin into "1", they are the internal resistance can push and input. As input, and the low external P3 mouth pin pull-up resistors and will use current (IIL) outflow. P3 mouth still used to implement the various functions, such as AT89C2051 shown in table P3 mouth still receive some for flash memory programming and calibration of program control signals.5.RST: reset input. RST once, all into high level I/O foot will reset to "1". When the oscillator is running, continuous gives RST pin two machine cycle of high level can finish reset. Each machine cycle to 12 oscillator or clock cycle.6.XTAL1: as the oscillator amplifier input and inverse internal clock generator input.7.XTAL2: as the oscillator reversed-phase the amplifier's output.P3 mouth function as is shown in table 1.(3)the software and hardware constraints. AT89C2051Due to the foot of the chip AT89C2051, no set limits of external storage interface, so, for external memory read/write instructions as MOVX etc.Due to 2KB ROM, so, the space to jump instruction should pay attention to the destination address range (transfer 000H - 7FFH), beyond the range of addresses, will not meet wrong results. The scope of data storage is 00H (7FH -- when stack manipulation), also should be noticed.The input signal is simulated by the original P3.6 foot into the microcontroller, so the original P3.6 foot.Unable to external use. Simulation comparator can compare two simulation, if the size of the voltage external A D/A converter and its output as A comparator analog input, and by simulating the comparator another input voltage to be measured, through the introduction of the software method can realize the A/D conversion.8.the Flash memory AT89C2051)Provide a 2KB of single-chip AT89C2051 in Flash memory chips, which allows the online program to modify or use special programming programming.(1)Flash memory encryptionAT89C2051 SCM has 2 encryption, can programming (P) or programming (U) to obtain different encryption functionality. Encryption functionality table as shown in table 1-1.Encrypt a content erased only through chips to erase operation.(2)Flash memory programming and procedures,the piece inside chip AT89C2051 Flash memory programming.Note:1.the counters RESET at an EPROM inside the rising edge, and 000H RESET to XTAL1 by foot is executed, pulse count.2.pieces of 10ms to erase PROG pulse.3.during the programming P3.1 pulled low RDY/BSY instructions.(3).A T89C2051 SCM in Flash memory chips programming steps are as follows:1.in the sequence is the VCC GND pin, add working voltage, XTAL1 pin RESET, receiving GND pin, other than the above time, waiting for 10ms.2.In P3.2 pin RESET, heightening level.3.In P3.3, P3.4, P3.5, P3.7 pin; add model multilevel.4.P1.0 P1.7 -- for the 000H unit add data bytes.5.RESET to increase the 12V activation programming.6.P3.2 jump to a one byte programming or encryption.7.calibration has been programming, data from 12V to RESET logic level "H" and set P3.3 P3.7 -- for the correct level, and can output data in P1 mouth.8.For the next addresses) in the unit XTAL1 byte programming, a pulse, make address counter add 1, in mouth add programming data.9.programming and calibration circuit figure c, d.Figurec programming circuit Figured calibration circuit Explanation:(1) P3.1 during programming instructions to be low RDY/BSY,(2) single erasing the PROG 10ms need,(3) internal EEPROM address counter on the rising edge RESET, and 000H RESET to XTAL1 by foot pulses are executed.Along with the rapid development of science and technology, human society has undergone earth-shaking changes. Make our life more colorful. In these changes, the remote control technology has been widely permeates TV, aerospace, military, sports and other production, all aspects of life. From the broad sense, all equipped with electric locomotive facility or electrical switches, if feel some necessary, can consider to improve existing with remote control device, the operation fixed switch to realize the remote operation of the original equipment, stop, the variable, etc. Function.switch, for example, can be used to control the electric control switch the light switch, We design the infrared remote control system to realize the opponent switch quantity control. Infrared remote characteristic is not influence the surrounding environment and does not interfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot penetrate walls, so the room can use common household appliance of remote control without mutual interference, Circuit testing is simple, aslong as given circuit connection, generally does not need any commissioning can work, Decoding easily, can undertake multiple remote control.红外遥控人的眼睛能看到的可见光按波长从长到短排列,依次为红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。
第46卷第6期2020年12月空间控制技术与应用A e r o s p a c e C o n tro l a n d A p p lic a t io nVol.46 No.6Dec.2020D O I:10.3969/j.issn. 1674-1579.2020.06.01 1红外-可见光双目系统像素级快速融合方法*贺盈波4,王伟华,李连升,陈树琪,王嘉捃,孙海添摘要:红外-可见光双目系统既能感知目标的温度,又能获取目标的颜色、纹理信息,在日常生活和工业产生中获得较多的应用.红外相机由于和可见光相机成像机制的不同,在标定过程中往往需要使用不同的靶标.本文提出了 一种红外-可见光双目系统像素级的快速标定融合方法,通过设计了一种圆孔形靶标,实现了一步法标定,在可见光相机像素坐标系下像素质心标定精度小于丨个像素,可用于大批量的低成本的民用红外标定产品系统.关键词:红外-可见光双目系统;相机标定;圆孔把标;图像融合中图分类号:TN219 文献标志码:A文章编号:1674-1579(2020)06-0073-06A Fast Pixel-Level Fusion Method for Infrared-Visible Binocular SystemHE Yingbo,WANG Weihua,LI Liansheng,CHEN Shuqi,WANG Jiajun,Sun Haitian Abstract:An infrared-visible binocular camera can not only perceive the temperature of the targets,but also obtain the color and texture information of them,which has gotten more and more application in daily life and industrial production.Considering the different imaging mechanism between infrared and visible camera,different calibration targets are needed in general calibration.In this paper,we propose a pixel-level fast calibration method for the infrared-visible binocular system.By designing a unique circular target rig,one-step calibration is realized.The calibration precision is below 1pixel in visible camera pixel coordinate system.This method can be used to the large batch and low cost civil infrared production calibration system.Keywords:infrared-visible binocular system;camera calibration;circular target rig;image fusion0引言红外传感器通过对物体的热感应进行响应成像,可用于火灾预警、工业生产线异常检测、公共场所人体温度排查等.在2020年初受疫情影响的特殊时期,红外测温装置得到了大范围的使用.然而,由于红外探测器本身固有的特性,存在着对比度低、分辨率差、目标纹理信息不足等缺点〜1.因此,在 实际使用时通常附加可见光相机,可见成像探测器通过感知物体的反射光线或者发光物体的光谱线收稿日期:2020-10-丨9;录用日期:2020-丨丨-22.Manuscript received Oct. 19,2020; accepted Nov. 22,2020.空间光电测量与智能感知实验室资助项目(LahSOMP-2018*02).Lab of Space Optoelectronic & Perception (LabSOMP-2018-02 ).北京控制工程研究所,北京丨00190.Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing 100190, China.* 通信作者.E-mail: yhhe86@ 126. coni.而形成图像,其具有成像分辨率本领高、边缘细节轮廓清晰等特点,可用于对目标的提取与追踪等.红外-可见光双目系统集成各自的优点,既能感知目标的温度,同时又能提取目标的边缘和纹理信息,在诸多领域得到了广泛的应用+81.国内外关于单目可见光相机标定方法应用比较多的是张正友的平面标定法,典型的如棋盘格标定法,其标定精度在0. 1~〇. 5像素.对于红外相机,由于其感知的是目标的热辐射,因此标定过程多采用恒温的热靶标,如平面圆孔热靶标,其标定过程也采用摄像机针孔模型,标定精度在0. 1〜0.5像素.而对于红外-可见光双目视觉系统,目前 的融合方法可分为两大类:基于靶标的标定方法,以及基于图像特征提取的图像域融合方法[9'121.对 于靶标标定法[<M°],由于红外与可见光成像原理不同,无法采用普通的标定物一次完成系统标定.通常会采用带有圆孔的靶标,红外和可见光相机分别提取圆孔的中心,在不同的距离和姿态条件下,• 74•空间控制技术与应用第46卷获取一系列的特征点坐标数据,最终通过求解超定方程组获取相应的旋转和平移矩阵.而图像域融合法1M2主要是通过对红外和可见图像明显的边缘特征点进行提取,然后对一系列的特征点进行对齐,最终实现像素的对齐.标定法精度高,但 需依赖一定的硬件资源;而图像融合法所需资源较少,但其精度不高,需依赖于图像中明显的特征点.本文采用靶标标定法,对红外-可见光双目系统在像素级上进行融合.由于在实际使用中,红 外和可见光探测器焦距、像素以及像元尺寸的不同,常常面临一个红外像素对应多个可见光像素的情况,如本文中采用的低成本红外探测器1X 1像素约对应可见光像素10 x 10,从误差估计的角度,标定精度1个像素(可见光相机坐标系下)可 满足需求.因此,从标定成本和使用需求的角度考虑,本文提出了一种简单快速的红外-可见光双目系统的像素级标定方法,设计了一种圆孔标定靶标,可同时提取红外和可见光标定点的坐标,有效实现像素级的融合,融合精度在1个像素以下.1双目相机像素级融合方法1.1 常规标定方法双目相机的标定包含两大步骤:13\第一,各个单H相机内参和外参矩阵的确定;第二,根据对应关系,将两个相机的外参矩阵进行转换.双目相机的标定涉及像素坐标系、相机坐标系以及世界坐标系,如图1所示.丨冬11相机标定涉及的像素坐标系、相机坐标系以及世界坐标系Fig. 1C a m e r a calibration related pixel coordinate system, camera coordinate system and world coordinate system一般地,单目相机的成像过程可采用针孔模型来描述,单目相机像素坐标系和世界坐标系的关系可用正定矩阵进行描述,如式(!)所示:V7 Vr Y 1y ur y~1八R.Yt tZ=0 /, r〇[/? T]H二m,m2-1 _-0 0 1 --1-1-式中:(\,\)表示像素坐标系下的像素值表示空间点在相机坐标系下的坐标;(U,,,)表示世界坐标系下的空间点坐标;(/t,/,)表示相机在;c,:>•两个方向的等效焦距,理想成像系统下二者数值相等;y表示U,y)坐标系的非正交程度,理想值为0; (x。
FoodPro 食品测温仪说明书
FoodPro SeriesTemperature measurementinstrumentsS can Quickly scan temperatures without risk of cross-contamination Probe Verify internal temperatures with fl ip down probethermometer (FoodPro Plus unit only)T imer Set adjustable alarms for line check reminders (FoodPro Plus unit only)HACCP Check Indication lights instantly warn of potentially unsafe temperaturesH and Washable Sealed to IP54 standards for long life expectancy and accuracySpot Illumination Target IR measurements highlighted by LED Extended Life Two year warranty standard for normal useTeFoodPro ThermometerThe first line of defenseThe FoodPro non-contact thermometer is the fi rst line of defense in the battle against improper receiving, storage and holding temperatures.Using infrared, the highly accurate FoodPro quickly reads surface temperatures, allowing workers to make rapid and frequent temperaturemeasurements faster than contact units and without fear of cross contamination. The easy-to-see illumination light shows the temperature measurement spot and removes the targeting guesswork.The Fluke FoodPro Plus is a combinationinfrared surface temperature scanner and probe thermometer with an integrated countdowntimer to monitor line checks and cooking and cooling intervals. Infrared readings feature atarget illumination light to quickly locate and highlight the measurement spot; the dual-reading display shows the highest scanned temperature alongside the current reading. The quick response, fi eld replaceable RTD (Resistant Thermal Device) platinum tipped probe does not need recalibration.The FoodPro Plus is a rugged, long term and indispensable tool for every type of foodservice establishment.Foodservice professionals understand the need for complete, accurate and fast temperature monitoring from point of receiving through holding and serving. Monitoring temperature is essential to keeping food safe. Regular monitoring of temperatures and adherence to food safetyguidelines makes for better business—increasingThe Fluke FoodPro thermometer series provides advanced tem-perature measurement solutions for the foodservice industry.food safety and reducing liability and food waste. The combination of both FoodPro thermometers provides a complete temperature measurement and monitoring solution for foodservice professionals.FoodPro Plus ThermometerThe total temperature solutionSpotting critical temperatures has never been easieror faster. The HACCP Check “Go/No-Go” lights on allFoodPro models show immediately if temperaturesare within HACCP guidelines for safe hot or coldfood holding. A green light indicates safe hot andcold holding temperatures, while potentiallydangerous food temperatures trigger a red light.Local government authorities recommend the useof HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)temperature thresholds where time and temperaturerules apply. These guidelines are recommended tofood service professionals and institutions forcontrolling the temperatures that product shouldbe stored, cooked, or cooled to, as well as thelength of time food products can safely remain atspecific temperatures.Deep fryers Probe meatand poultryCold storage Preparing foods Steam tablesand salad barsIP54 sealed foreasy cleanupA multitude of uses inevery kitchen and facilityHACCP checkNon-contactline checksIndustry standardsrequire internaltemperaturemeasurements for linechecks to be takenwith a probe 25 mmbelow the surface(2001 NSF/ANSI 7standard, section6.3.2). To apply asimilar method withthe Fluke FoodPro,push back food 25mm deep and take thetemperature with aninfrared scan.Line checks canbe accomplished10-20 times fasterwhen using a fastresponse infraredthermometercompared to a contactunit, and at the sametime eliminate crosscontamination risk.Risk ZoneRipeningFermentingWarming-CoolingHeavy growth ofmicroorganisms4 °C to 60 °CSaferPasteurizationSterilizationConservationWarm HoldingMicroorganismgrowth inhibitedor destroyed60 °CSaferChilled andFrozen StorageMicroorganismgrowth inhibited4 °CTemperatureRangeAccuracy(Assumes ambient operating temperature of 23 oC ± 2 oC (73 oF ± 4 oF)Response Time Spectral response EmissivityDistance to Spot Size/ Optical Resolution (D:S)Typical Working Range (Target Illumination) Minimum Target Size Illumination to IR Channel Offset Temperature RangeAccuracy(Assumes ambientoperating temperature of 23 °C ± 2 °C Response Time Probe Dimensions Sensor Type RepeatabilityAmbient Operating Range Relative Humidity Storage Temperature Weight/Dimensions (with Battery)PowerBattery Life (Alkaline)Target Illumination Light Display Hold (7 seconds)LCD Backlit Display Temperature Display Max. Temp. Displayed TimerEnvironmental Calibration Certificate Standards Certifications WarrantyIncluded Accessories Options AccessoriesFluke CorporationPO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BD, Eindhoven, The Netherlands For more information call:In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or Fax (425) 446-5116In Europe/M-East/Africa (31 40) 2 675 200 or Fax (31 40) 2 675 222In Canada (800) 36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116Web access: http://www.fl SpecificationsFluke. K eeping your worldup and running.© Copyright 2006, Fluke Corporation.All rights reserved. Printed in the Netherlands 02/06Data subject to alteration without notice.Pub_ID: 11053-eng-30 °C to 200 °CBetween 0 °C and 65 °C: ± 1 °C Below 0 °C: ± 1 °C ±0.1 degree/degreeAbove 65 °C: ± 1.5 % of reading< 500 ms after initial reading8-14 micronsPre-set for food service applications 2.5:1 @ 90 % energy, typical≈25 mm to 250 mm12 mm Ø13 mm —————Within the accuracy specifications of the unit0 °C to 50 °C90 % (± 5%) RH non-condensing@30 °C-20 °C to 60 °C 100 g150 mm x 30 mm x 50 mm1 AA Alkaline 10 hours minimum @ 23 °CHigh Brightness LED•—4 digits, 0.2 °C resolution——IP54 sealing(hand-washable, non-submersible)—Conforms to EN 61326-1 Electromagnetic Emissions andSusceptibility, EN 61010-1 General SafetyCE NSF 2 year limited Battery, User’s Guide—-35 °C to 275 °CBetween 0 °C and 65 °C: ± 1 °C Below 0 °C: ± 1 °C ± 0.1 degree/degreeAbove 65 °C: ± 1.5 % of reading< 500 ms after initial reading8-14 micronsPre-set for food service applications 2.5:1 @ 90 % energy, typical≈25 mm to 250 mm12 mm Ø13 mm -40 °C to 200 °CBetween -5 °C and 65 °C: ± 0.5 °CBelow -5 °C: ± 1 °C Above 65 °C: ± 1 % of reading 7-8 seconds (3 time constants)Diameter: 3.0 mm Length: 80 mmThin-film Platinum, Class A, Resistance Thermal Device (RTD)Within the accuracy specifications of the unit0 °C to 50 °C90 % (± 5 %) RH non-condensing@30 °C-20 °C to 60 °C 150 g165 mm x 32 mm x 50 mm9 V Alkaline10 hours minimum @ 23 °CHigh Brightness LED••4 digits, 0.1 °C resolution•Integrated countdown timer, adjustable from 10 secondsto 7 hours, 59 minutesIP54 sealing(hand-washable, non-submersible)Calibration accuracy with NIST and DKD traceability Conforms to EN 61326-1 Electromagnetic Emissions andSusceptibility, EN 61010-1 General SafetyCE NSF 2 year limitedBattery, Carrying Pouch, User’s Manual, Quick Start GuideReplacement Probe (FP PROBE)。
红外测氢仪标定方法Calibration is a critical step in using an infrared hydrogen analyzer to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurements. 红外氢分析仪的标定是使用中至关重要的一步,可以确保测量的准确性和可靠性。
Proper calibration not only guarantees the precision of the instrument but also ensures that the results are consistent and trustworthy. 正确的标定不仅可以保证仪器的精确度,还可以确保结果的一致性和可信度。
There are several methods for calibrating an infrared hydrogen analyzer, each with its advantages and disadvantages. 红外氢分析仪有几种标定方法,每种方法都有其优点和缺点。
Understanding these different methods is crucial for selecting the most suitable calibration approach for specific measurement requirements. 了解这些不同的方法对于选择特定测量要求的最适合的标定方法至关重要。
One common method for calibrating an infrared hydrogen analyzer is known as the span gas calibration. 一种常见的红外氢分析仪标定方法是称为零点和跨度气体的标定。
This method involves using a known concentration of hydrogen gas in a calibration gas cylinder to establish the upper range of the instrument's measurement capability. 这种方法涉及使用一个已知浓度的氢气在标定气瓶中建立仪器测量能力的上限范围。
The next generation FT-NIR spectrometer.TANGO. ANALySIS TO GO.TANGO CREATES VALUES.Straight forward analyses without delays.Faster, simpler, more secure - with TANGO your NIRanalysis speeds up. TANGO has exactly what usersrequire of an FT-NIR spectrometer suitable for indus-trial use: robustness, high precision and straightfor-ward operator guidance.EVERyTHING, wITH EASE.Fast measurements for high sample throughput,simultaneous evaluation of different componentsand an intuitive handling, without need for expertisetraining: TANGO simplifies the NIR analysis andtherefore offers maximum security of the results.Specifically targeted for the given application and thedemands required of an efficient analyzer. For liquidsor for solids, with integrated PC and monitor or asseparate analysis station, e.g. for connecting a laptop.Integrated into a network or as a stand alone solution.ONCE IS ENOUGH.CALIBRATION TRANSfER fOR mORE EffICIENCy.For precise analysis, an accurate calibration is crucial.With TANGO, you only need to do it once! All calibra-tions can be transferred to another spectrometer, alsoacross different system platforms. Easy via LAN orUSB stick.fT-NIR SpECTROmETERTANGO IS INTUITIVE HANdLING.NIR analysis becomes simpler.And faster. And more secure.Forget tedious training courses or special-ized knowledge. TANGO makes it simplefor you: with its intuitive user interface itguides the operators quickly and securelythrough the work flow. Also untrainedstaff can operate the spectrometersecurely and error free. Good to know:the user interface is available in 17languages.into the measuring cup or vial with themeasurement being done through glass.AUTOmATIC:BACKGROUNd mEASUREmENTSContributing to the high precision ofFT-NIR spectrometers is the exact align-ment with the background. But TANGOgoes one step further: if required, theLOGICAL:SAmpLE HANdLING THE EASy wAy.When it comes to sample handling,TANGO saves time and prevents operat-ing errors. No sample preparation isnecessary, no chemicals, no additionalreagents. The sample is simply filledbackground measurements are per-formed automatically without user inter-vention. This alignment can even takeplace if a sample is located in the sam-pling position. The perfect prerequisitefor optimal and secure measurementsat any time – without (human) errors. 1The sample is simply filled into themeasurement cup and placed onto the spectrometer.2The product is selected by either pressingon the respective product icon or by usinga barcode reader.3 A simple touch on the screen startsthe measurement.AdVANCEd EASE Of USEERGONOmIC:USER COmfORT IN ALL wAyS. Nowadays, with laboratory space being at a premium, it is difficult to locate a new analyzer in the lab. This isn’t an issue with TANGO due to it’s small foot-print and ability to be positioned in any orientation - it can be operated from all three sides. The monitor swivels inall directions and can even be tilted in various positions to enable an optimum view. Alternatively, it can be placed flat on top of the spectrometer for a perfect viewing from above.pRACTICAL:EffICIENCy IN EVERy dETAIL. TANGO demonstrates how easy NIR analysis can be, not just during measure-ments. The housing and touch-screen monitor are rugged and easy to clean - ideal for lab and at-line environments. The exchange of the light source, ifrequired, can be done in a few seconds.Also the desiccant cartridge, whichkeeps the inside low on humidity can be changed easily.4The progress is displayed by the green status bar. After approximately 15 to 30 seconds the measurement is finished.5The result view, e.g. as target/actual value shows the quality of the analyzed product immediately.6One last push of a button: If required, the stored result can be exported via USB at any time.TANGO IS THE SpECIALIST AT yOUR SIdE. Innovative technologymakes precision a productive factor.Select the TANGO you need. The reflection analyzer for solids or the transmission analyzer for liquids. With or without integrated PC and monitor. TRANSmISSION mEASUREmENTS: HIGHEST pRECISION fOR LIqUIdS. TANGO for measuring liquids comes equipped with an active sample heater/cooler as standard. The temperature of the sample can be selected between +20°C and +80°C. A sensor is perma-nently checking the temperature of the sample vial. This allows for a fast temperature control of the sample and therefore quick and reliable results.REfLECTION mEASUREmENTS: ANALyzE SOLIdS EffICIENTLy.TANGO for measuring solids contains a gold coated integrating sphere for analysis by diffuse reflection. This sphere ensures highly reproducible measurements of inhomogeneous sam-ples. The diameter of the measurement spot is around 10 mm; the measured sample surface can be enlarged by using sample rotators.fOR THOSE wHO wANT AddI-TIONAL RELIABILITy.TANGO delivers reliable results wher-ever highest demands are made on raw materials as well as intermediate and finished products and a rapid measure-ment at low cost must be ensured. The most important applications are:• Testing of incoming raw materials • Process-accompanying analytics • Final product inspection • Release analyticsPolymer IndustryChemical and petrochemical industryPharma and BiotechnologyFood and beverage industryFeed manufacturingOUTSTANdING fUNCTIONALITy fOR THOSE wHO pREfERCUSTOm-mAdE AppLICATIONS.TANGO offers an efficient andcost-effective analysis for materialidentification and quantification in awide variety of application fields. Thecomprehensive application support ofthe Bruker specialists helps to selectthe optimal measuring method as wellas appropriate accessories and softwaresolutions.Typical applications include:• Food and beverage industry• Feed manufacturing• Pharma and biotechnology• Chemical and petrochemical industry• Polymer industryfOR THOSE wHO REqUIRECOmpLETE SOLUTIONS.For markets with standardised productsTANGO offers complete solutions withpre-calibrated systems. For the food andfeed industry, ready-to-use applicationpackages are available. Please contactyour local NIR expert for further informa-tion.TANGO IS dIffERENT.High-precision measurementsindependent of operator and environment.The easy-to-use software interface is operated via a touch screen panel.3561241Sample area for solid and liquid samples. The background is recorded automatically if necessary.2Light source and desiccant cartridge can be easily exchanged by the operator.3The Internal Validation Unit guaran-tees that the TANGO is performing at its optimum.4The Rocksolid TM interferometer with Cube Corner technology is the heart of the TANGO.5Highly reflective gold coated optics ensure optimized light throughput.6TECHNICAL fEATURES Sturdy housing, precise core. TANGOconnects industrial design with moderntechnology and intuitive handling. Theresult is measurements with extraordi-nary precision and reliable stability.pRECISION SqUAREd:CUBE CORNER TECHNOLOGy Unlike the classical flat mirror technol-ogy, Cube Corner mirrors offer a crucial advantage: unbelievable precision of the optical path. Further, the most frequent sources of error such as vibrations do not affect this technology.LEAdING EdGE TECHNOLOGyWhen it comes to precision, there is noalternative to Fourier Transform technol-ogy. Another advantage is that FT-NIRis independent of ambient light. Thesample can be put directly onto theTANGO for measurement without open-ing any doors or drawers.OpERATION ON-SITE: pRECISETECHNOLOGy ANd ROBUST dESIGNIndustrial conditions demand a greatdeal from highly precise measur-ing instruments. No problem for theTANGO. Due to its special constructionit can handle tough conditions and isperfectly suited for rough environments.Besides its encapsulated housing toprotect the optics, TANGO is insensitiveto vibrations and temperature changes.Behind the design there is a logicalphilosophy: It is better to exclude errorsfrom the beginning rather than correct-ing them afterwards.TANGO at a glance:• Proven FT-NIR technology byBruker Optics• Easy-to-use touch screen operation• Automated background management• Robust and precise optics• Small footprint• User-friendly maintenance• Direct calibration transfer to andfrom all Bruker Optics FT-NIRspectrometers• Data exchange via network• Complies with 21 CFR Part 11requirementsAll-in-one or stand-alone –TANGO suits your IT structureperfectly.TANGO IS INNOVATION.Made by Bruker.Bruker Optics is the leading manufacturer and worldwide supplier of Fourier Trans-form Infrared, Near Infrared and Raman spectrometers for various industries and applications. For years, we set new standards on the market when it comes to precision and efficiency, ergonomics and ease of operation, consulting and services.HIGHEST qUALITy fROm A RENOwNEd COmpANy:ALwAyS mORE THAN yOU ExpECT We are never satisfied with the common market standards. This is where our own research and development depart-ments play a major role: here new ideas are turned into innovative products - in more precision, advanced user comfort and unrivalled reliability.To us, it is obvious that these highest demands are also valid for our produc-tion process. High-quality materials, careful workmanship and, if neces-sary, especially developed production processes and test routines ensure the quality that is common to all Bruker Optics spectrometers. No matter which new products we design, we place the very highest demands on them all. This is why not only the TANGO, but all NIR spectrometers fulfil the strict requirements for the certification in the pharmaceutical industry.wORLdwIdE ON-SITE:wE ARE THERE wHERE yOU NEEd US Bruker‘s competence is there where our customers need it - from the very first contact. Our application specialists are scientists and engineers which know NIR spectroscopy and spectrometers as well as the customers applications.Highest standards in production assure precision and reliability.Plenty of time for personal consultation and cus-tomer service guarantee a sustainable and efficient solution.KNOw-HOw mEETS SERVICEA network of international offices and representa-tives guarantees a competent customer support world wide.With service centers all over Europe, North and South America, Asia and Oceania an efficient global technical support is guaranteed. This includes a professional installation as well as qualified and fast after sales service and, if desired remote diagnostics.mORE THAN STATE-Of-THE-ART TECHNOLOGy:OUR KNOw-HOw fOR yOU Regular training courses and customized local training are vital elements of our know-how transfer. Please contact your local office or look at our web site: /training.html/opticsBruker Optics Inc.Billerica, MA · USAPhone +1 (978) 439-9899Fax +1 (978) 663-9177*********************Bruker Optik GmbH Ettlingen · GermanyPhone +49 (7243) 504-2000Fax +49 (7243) 504-2050********************Bruker Hong Kong Ltd.Hong KongPhone +852 2796-6100Fax +852 2796-6109*******************.hkBruker Optics is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change specifications without notice. © 2013 Bruker Optics BOPT-4000088-03Covered by one or more of the following patents: DE102004025448; DE19940981. Additional patents pending.Bruker Opticsis ISO 9001 ser class 1 product.。
FRONTIER DISCUSSION | 前沿探讨1 前言随着社会经济的不断发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,汽车产品在人们生活中也扮演着越来越重要的角色,为大众的出行带来了极大的便利。
2 主动安全软目标物标定现状研究现阶段我国使用的主动安全软目标物主要依赖于从国外进口,软目标物的制备工艺、异构缝合、测试评价等核心技术被国外公司所垄断。
通过对ISO 19206系列标准进行研究,软目标物的标定主要分为:毫米波雷达RCS标定、红外反射特性标定、光学特性标定(RGB)、关节运动仿生特性标定、几何特性标定。
BB703 黑体温度计ibrator 产品说明书
1U Calibrates From Ambient 10 to 400°C (Ambient 20 to 752°F)U Portable Miniature Design U Built-In Digital 1⁄32 DIN Temperature ControllerU Calibrates Infrared Instruments Quickly and Accurately U NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate with 3 Data Points Included U Soft Carrying Case Included U Optional RS232 Communications with Free CN9-SW Communications Software and CableSpecificationsTarget Plate Temperature Range: Ambient 10 to 400°C (Ambient 20 to 752°F)Ambient Environmental Conditions: Temperature: 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F) Humidity: 0 to 90% RH, non-condensing Power: BB703: 115 Vac, 50/60 Hz 175 W BB703-230VAC: 230 Vac, 50/60 Hz, 175 W Internal Control Sensor: Platinum RTD, Class A, 100Ω, alpha = 0.00385Accuracy: ±1.4°C (±2.5°F)Resolution: 0.1°Stability: 0.3°C (±0.5°F)Target Plate Emissivity: 0.95Size: 56 H x 127 W x 155 mm D (2.2 x 5 x 6.1")The BB703 is a high performance, rugged, miniature blackbody calibrator. It is used for infrared pyrometer calibrations with a temperature range of ambient 10 to 400°C (ambient 20 to 752°F). With its unique miniature design and built-in 29 mm (1.125") target plate, the BB703 is an ideal and economical infrared calibrator for any laboratory or field service application. The “-C2” option allows for remote configuring, adjustment, and reading. Free software is included with these models.BLACK POINT™ BB703Miniature Blackbody Calibration Source Portable Design and High Temperature RangeOrdering Examples: BB703-C2, 115 Vac blackbody calibration source, with the RS232 option.BB703Weight: 1.09 kg (2.4 lb)Installation Category: II Maximum setpoint must be reduced when operating at ambient temperatures in excess of 25°C (77°F).M o d e l s w i t h R S 232 a n d F r e e S o f t w a r e A v a i l a b l e !。
Extech Hygro-Thermometer 加 InfraRed 温度计模型 RH101说明书
User's Guide Hygro-Thermometer + InfraRed ThermometerModel RH101IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of the Extech Hygro-Thermometer plus InfraRed Thermometer.This device measures relative humidity, air temperature (with probe), and surface temperature (with the InfraRed function). The large, easy-to-read backlit LCD includes primary and secondary displays plus numerous status indicators. The InfraRed feature includes a laser pointer for convenient targeting. Careful use of this meter will provide years of reliable service.Safety∙Use extreme caution when the laser pointer beam is on∙Do not point the beam toward anyone's eye or allow the beamto strike the eye from a reflective surface∙Do not use the laser near explosive gases or in otherpotentially explosive areasMeter Description1. Humidity/Air Temperature Probe2. Probe input jack3. LaserpointerSensor4. IRholster5. RubberDisplay6. LCD7. IR thermometer measurement button8. IR and Relative Humidity function buttons (4)9. Air Temperature function buttons (3)10. Probe holder11. Power ON/OFF button12. Backlight buttonNote: The battery compartment, tilt stand, tripod mount, and probe holder removal screw are located on the rear of the instrumentDisplay Layout∙MAX (top of LCD): Max Hold function engaged for the Air Temperature function ∙HOLD (top of LCD): Data Hold function engaged for the Air Temperature function ∙PROBE TEMP: Reminder that the top LCD digits represent Air (Probe) Temperature∙∙IR TEMP: Indicates that the larger LCD digits represent IR temperature measurement ∙MAX (bottom of LCD): Max Hold for the IR Temperature and RH function∙HOLD (bottom of LCD): Data Hold for the IR Temperature function and RH function ∙o C / o F: Temperature units of measure∙%RH: Relative Humidity unit of measure∙Large LCD digits at center of display for Relative Humidity and IR Temperature ∙Smaller LCD digits at top, right of display for Probe Temperature∙OperationPowerProbe Humidity and Temperature Measurements1. Attach the probe to the meter via the jack at the top of the meter.2.Hold the probe in the area to be tested & allow adequate time for readings to stabilize. 3. Read the Relative Humidity (center of LCD) and Probe Temperature (top of LCD). NOTE: Do not immerse the probe in liquid; it is intended for use in air only. InfraRed (Non-Contact) Temperature Measurements 1.The IR sensor is located at the top of the meter.2. Point the sensor toward the surface to be measured.3. 4. The measured IR surface temperature will appear at the center of the LCD (largerdigits). The temperature displayed is the temperature of the area within the spot. 5. When the red IR button is released, the laser pointer will switch off and thereading will freeze (data hold) on the display for approx 10 seconds.6. Note that the probe (Air Temperature wand) continues to monitor temperatureduring IR tests and its temperature is displayed on the top of the LCD (smaller digits).7. After approx. 10 secs. the meter defaults to the Humidity and Air Temperaturedisplay. Automatic Power OFFTo conserve battery life the meter automatically shuts off after 10 minutes.oF/oC buttonsThe Air Temperature and the IR Temperature units can be selected by the user. For AirTemperature, press the o F/oC button on the bottom left. For the IR temperature units, press the o F/oC button at the center of the meter.Data Hold ButtonsDisplays can be held (frozen) at any time by pressing the HOLD button. For Air Temperature, use the HOLD button on the bottom right. For IR Temperature and for Relative Humidity, use the HOLD button on the right center of the meter. Press HOLD again to exit the mode. Note that in IR temperature mode Data Hold is automatically engaged when the red IR button is released. MAX ButtonsPress the MAX button (bottom of meter for Air Temperature; center of meter for IR temperature and Relative Humidity) to display only the highest reading. The displayed measurement will now only change when a higher reading is detected. Press the MAX button again to exit this mode. BacklightInfraRed Measurement Considerations∙When taking IR measurements the meter automatically compensates for ambient temperature changes. Note that it may take up to 30 minutes to adjust to extremely wide ambient changes.∙Low temperature measurements quickly followed by high temperature measurements may require several minutes to stabilize as a result of the IR sensor cooling process.∙If the surface of the object under test is covered with frost, oil, grime, etc., clean before taking measurements.∙If an object's surface is highly reflective apply masking tape or flat black paint before measuring.∙Steam, dust, smoke, etc. can obstruct measurements.∙To find a hot spot, aim the meter outside the area of interest then scan across (in an up and down motion) until the hot spot is located.IR TheoryIR thermometers measure the surface temperature of an object. The meter’s optics sense emitted, reflected, & transmitted energy that is collected and focused onto the meter’s detector. The meter’s circuitry translates this information into an LCD reading.IR Field of ViewEnsure that the desired target is larger than the spot size as shown in the diagram below. As the distance from an object increases, the spot size of the area measured by the meter becomes larger.The meter’s field of view ratio is 8:1, meaning that if the meter is 8 inches from the target, the diameter (spot) of the object under test must be at least 1 inch. Other distances are shown below in the field of view diagram.MaintenanceCleaning and storage1. The meter should be cleaned with a damp cloth and mild detergent when necessary. Do not usesolvents or abrasives. 2. Store the meter in an area with moderate temperature and humidity.replaced.Replace the 9V battery as follows:1. Turn the meter off and disconnect the air temperature probe.2. Remove the large flat-head screw on the rear of the meter to remove the probe holder.3. Remove the rubber holster that surrounds the entire meter by pulling it over the top of the meter.4. Remove the small Phillips head screw on the rear of the meter.5. Open the battery compartment and replace the 9V battery.6. Re-assemble the meter before operating.Never dispose of used batteries or rechargeable batteries in household waste. As consumers, users are legally required to take used batteries to appropriate collection sites, the retail store where the batteries were purchased, or wherever batteries are sold. Disposal: Do not dispose of this instrument in household waste. The user is obligated to take end-of-life devices to a designated collection point for the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment.Other Battery Safety Reminderso Never dispose of batteries in a fire. Batteries may explode or leak.o Never mix battery types. Always install new batteries of the same type. WARNING: To avoid electric shock, do not operate the meter until the battery cover is in place and fastened securely.NOTE:: If your meter does not work properly, check the fuses and batteries to make sure that they arestill good and that they are properly inserted.CalibrationA humidity calibration adjustment is located in the battery compartment. 1. Remove the battery door and move the battery to one side.2. Place the humidity probe in a humidity chamber or humidity calibration bottleand wait 20 minutes 3. Turn the meter on and turn the adjustment until the humidity reading on thedisplay agrees with the calibration source.SpecificationsDisplayDual LCD with Backlight and status indicators Sensor Type Humidity: Precision capacitance sensorTemperature: Thermistor (probe) and InfraRedResponse Time IR Temperature: 0.5 seconds; Probe Temperature and Relative Humidity: 3 minutesAccuracy note Accuracy is specified for the following ambient temperature range: 18 to 28°C (64 to 82°F)Sampling Rate 2.5 samples per second InfraRed Emissivity 0.95 (fixed)IR Field of View D/S = Approx. 8:1 ratio (D = distance, S = spot) Laser powerLess than 1mWIR Spectral Response 6 to 14 m (wavelength)Operating Conditions 0 to 50o C (32 to 122oF); < 80% RH non-condensingStorage Conditions -10 to 60o C (14 to 140oF); <80% RH non-condensing Power Supply 9V Battery with auto power off (after 10 minutes)Battery LifeApprox. 24 hours (if Backlight and Laser are used continuously the battery life is reduced to 2 to 3 hours approx.) Dimensions / Weight 150 x 72 x 35mm (5.9 x 2.8 x 1.4”); 235g (8.3 oz) Patent NoticeU.S. Patent 7168316EmissivityMost organic materials and painted or oxidized surfaces have an emissivity of 0.95 (fixed setting in the model RH101). Inaccurate readings will result when measuring shiny or polished surfaces. To compensate, cover the surface under test with masking tape or flat black paint. Allow time for the tape to reach the same temperature as the material underneath then measure the temperature of the tape or the painted surface.Function Range and Resolution Accuracy Humidity 10.0 to 95.0% RH± 3.5% RHAir Temperature -20 to 60oC (-4 to 140oF) ± 2.0oC (± 3.0oF) IR Temperature-50.0 to -20.0oC (-58.0 to -4.0oF) ± 5oC (± 9oF) -20.0 to 93.3oC (-4.0 to 199.9oF) ± 2% of rdg or ± 2o C (± 4oF) 93oC to 204oC (200 to 400oF) 204oC to 500oC (400 to 932oF)± 3% of rdgThermal Emissivity Table for Common MaterialsMaterial EmissivityAsphalt 0.90 to 0.98Concrete 0.94Cement 0.96Sand 0.90Earth 0.92 to 0.96Water 0.67Ice 0.96 to 0.98Snow 0.83Glass 0.85 to 1.00Ceramic 0.90 to 0.94Marble 0.94Plaster 0.80 to 0.90Mortar 0.89 to 0.91Brick 0.93 to 0.96Cloth (black) 0.98Human skin 0.98Lather 0.75 to 0.80Charcoal (powder) 0.96Lacquer 0.80 to 0.95Lacquer (matt) 0.97Rubber (black) 0.94Plastic 0.85 to 0.95Timber 0.90Paper 0.70 to 0.94Chromium oxides 0.81Copper Oxides 0.78Iron Oxides 0.78 to 0.82Textiles 0.90Copyright © 2011‐2014 FLIR Systems, Inc.All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any formISO‐9001 Certified。
62 MAX和62 MAX+红外温度计校准指南说明书
62 Max/62 Max +Infrared ThermometerCalibration Information IntroductionThe Fluke 62 MAX and 62 MAX + Infrared Thermometers (the Product) can determine the surface temperature by measurement of the infrared energy radiated from the target surface.NoteJapanese models indicate Celsius only.WarningTo prevent personal injury, read all safety information before you use theProduct.Contact FlukeTo contact Fluke, call one of the following telephone numbers:•Technical Support USA: 1-800-44-FLUKE (1-800-443-5853)•Calibration/Repair USA: 1-888-99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853)•Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853)•Europe: +31 402-675-200•Japan: +81-03-6714-3114•Singapore: +65-6799-5566•Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-5500Or, visit Fluke's website at .To register your product, visit .To download manuals, or to see, print, or download the latest manual supplement, visit./usen/support/manualsJune 2013 ©2013 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. 162 Max/62 Max +Calibration Information2Safety InformationA Warning identifies conditions and procedures that are dangerous to the user. A Caution identifies conditions and procedures that can cause damage to the Product or the equipment under test. The symbols used on the Product and in this manual are shown in Table 1.WarningTo prevent eye damage and personal injury: • Read all safety Information before you use the Product. • Do not use the Product if it operates incorrectly.• Use the Product only as specified, or the protection supplied by the Product can be compromised.• Before you use the Product, inspect the case. Do not use the Product if it appears damaged. Look for cracks or missing plastic.•See emissivity information for actual temperatures. Reflective objectsresult in lower than actual temperature measurements. These objects pose a burn hazard.•Do not look directly into the laser with optical tools (for example,binoculars, telescopes, microscopes). Optical tools can focus the laser and be dangerous to the eye.• Do not look into the laser. Do not point laser directly at persons or animals or indirectly off reflective surfaces.• Replace the batteries when the low battery indicator shows to prevent incorrect measurements.• Do not use the Product around explosive gas, vapor, or in damp or wet environments.•Use the Product only as specified or hazardous laser radiation exposure can occur.Table 1. SymbolsSymbol Meaning SymbolMeaningRisk of danger.Important information. See Manual.This product complies with the WEEE Directive(2002/96/EC) marking requirements. The affixed label indicates that you must not discard thiselectrical/electronic product in domestic household waste. Product Category: With reference to theequipment types in the WEEE Directive Annex I, this product is classed as category 9 "Monitoring and Control Instrumentation” product. Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste. Go to Fluke’s website for recycling information.Warning. Laser. Conforms to European Union directives.BatteryConforms to relevant Australian standards.Conforms to China Metrology CertificationConforms to relevant South Korean EMC standards.Infrared ThermometerMaintenance3MaintenanceCautionTo prevent damage to the Product, do not leave the Product on or near objects of high temperature.Clean the ProductUse soap and water on a damp sponge or soft cloth to clean the Product case. Carefully wipe the lens surface with amoist cotton swab. The swab may be moistened with water. See Figure 1.hiy002.eps62 Max/62 Max +Calibration Information4Change the BatteryTo install or change the AA IEC LR06 battery, use a flat-head screwdriver to remove the battery compartment door.Replace the battery as shown in Figure 2. Be sure to observe the correct polarity.hiy001.epsFigure 2. Change the BatteryInfrared ThermometerSpecifications5Specifications62 MAX62 MAX +Temperature Range-30 °C to 500 °C (-22 °F to 932 °F)-30 °C to 650 °C (-22 °F to 1202 °F)Accuracy(Calibration geometry with ambient temperature 23 °C ±2 °C)≥0 °C: ±1.5 °C or ±1.5 % of reading, whichever is greater(≥32 °F: ±3 °F or ±1.5 % of reading, whichever is greater) ≥ -10 °C to <0 °C: ±2 °C (≥14 °F to <32 °F: ±4 °F) < -10 °C: ±3 °C (<14 °F: ±6 °F)≥0 °C: ±1 °C or ±1 % of reading,whichever is greater (≥32 °F: ±2 °F or ±1 % of reading, whichever is greater) ≥ -10 °C to <0 °C: ±2 °C (≥14 °F to <32 °F: ±4 °F) < -10 °C: ±3 °C (<14 °F: ±6 °F)Response Time (95 %) <500 ms (95 % of reading) <300 ms (95 % of reading)Spectral Response 8 to 14 microns Emissivity0.10 to 1.00Temperature Coefficient ±0.1 °C/°C or ±0.1 %/°C of reading (whichever is greater) Optical Resolution 10:1(calculated at 90 % energy) 12:1(calculated at 90 % energy) Display Resolution0.1 °C (0.2 °F)Repeatability (% of reading) ±0.8 % of reading or ±1.0 °C (2 °F), whichever is greater ±0.5 % of reading or ±0.5 °C (1 °F), whichever is greater Power 1 AA IEC LR06 BatteryBattery Life 10 hours with laser and backlight on 8 hours with laser and backlight on Weight 255 g (8.99 oz)Size(175 x 85 x 75) mm (6.88 x 3.34 x 2.95) inches Operating Temperature 0 °C to 50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F)Storage Temperature -20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F), (without battery) Operating Humidity 10 % to 90 % RH non-condensing @ 30 °C (86 °F) Operating Altitude 2000 meters above mean sea level Storage Altitude 12,000 meters above mean sea level Drop Test 3 meters IP RatingIEC 60529: IP 54 Implement Standard Q/SXAV37Laser SafetyIEC 60825-1, Class 2 Electromagnetic EnvironmentIEC 61326-1: PortableElectromagnetic CompatibilityApplies to use in Korea only:Class A Equipment (Industrial Broadcasting & Communication Equipment) [1][1] This product meets requirements for industrial (Class A) electromagnetic waveequipment and the seller or user should take notice of it. This equipment is intended for use in business environments and is not to be used in homes.62 Max/62 Max +Calibration Information6Performance Verification TestsThe subsequent performance tests verify the complete operation of the Product and check the accuracy of each function against Product specifications. If the Product fails any part of the test, calibration adjustment and/or repair is necessary. Product calibration can only be adjusted at the Fluke factory. To return your Product for calibration adjustment, call one of the numbers in the “Contact Fluke” section of this document. Read the entire Performance Tests section before you make any adjustment. Required EquipmentTable 2 shows the required equipment necessary for the performance tests.NoteFluke recommends plate blackbodies as verification equipment because cavity blackbodies have small field of view, which could increase uncertainty for a thermometer with low D:S. If cavity blackbodies are used to verify the Product, make sure that the distance between the cavity blackbody opening and the Product is equal to the diameter of the cavity blackbody opening × 2. Where the temperature of the cavity tube near the outside is lower than the temperature of the cavity, readings will be lower. Moving the 62Max closer to the cavity opening may be necessary for the 62 Max to only measure the cavity temperature.If other than Fluke blackbodies are used, the target should be checked for actual radiometric output with a more accurate device, such as a Heitronic KT19-82.Table 2. Required EquipmentItemMinimum Use Specifications Calibration Equipment 2.1 Blackbody 2.2 Blackbody 2.3 BlackbodyRange: -10 °C to 100 °C Range: 100 °C to 500 °C Range: 500 °C to 650 °CFluke 4180 Fluke 4181Plate Blackbody with 10 cm to 15 cmtarget. [1][1] Calibrate with an IR thermometer that has low uncertainty such as KT19 and TRT.Before the Performance Verification Tests Before you do the performance verification tests: • Performance verification tests are to be done within the temperature of 23 ±3 °C and between 25 % and 60 % relative humidity.• Make sure that all required calibration equipment has a valid calibration certificate and/or label.• Make sure that any item(s) substituted for the equipment in Table 2 meets or exceeds the stated minimum use specifications.• The correct radiometric temperature will need to be determined before blackbodies are used to make measurements.•Make sure that the required calibration equipment is allowed a warm-up period as per manufacturer recommendations. See the documentation for the equipment.Infrared ThermometerPerformance Verification Tests7To prepare the Unit Under Test (UUT) for verification: 1. Visually inspect the UUT outer case for cracks or damage.2. Open the battery compartment and inspect the battery and battery compartment for corrosion or damage.3. Install a new AA battery prior to verification.4. Close the UUT battery compartment door.5. Set the UUT temperature units for degrees Celsius (°C) if necessary.6. Push SEL until °C alone is shown. Change by pushing SET. Performance Verification Test ProceduresNoteThe subsequent verification test requires the blackbody emissivity to be set to 0.95 at all temperature points.NoteFor temperatures below ambient, to reduce the chance of condensation or ice buildup on the emitter plate of the 4180, it is recommended to install a clean dry air or nitrogen gas purge box on the front of the 4180 Blackbody. Although the purge box is recommended, it is optional. If temperature measurements are made without a purge box, refer to the 4180 User Manualfor how to make proper temperature measurements below ambient. See Figure 3.hiy003.epsFigure 3. Aim the 62 Max + for Verification62 Max/62 Max +Calibration Information81. Set blackbody emissivity and temperature for the first temperature listed in Table 3. Allow adequate time for theblackbody to stabilize. See the blackbody documentation.2. Position the UUT at the correct the distance from the blackbody listed in Table3. Center the UUT laser(s) on theblackbody emitter plate. For the 62 MAX +, make sure that the midpoint of the two laser spots is centered on the blackbody plate. The 62 Max uses one laser. 3. Push and hold the UUT trigger for 5 to 6 seconds. 4. Release the trigger. 5. Record the UUT indication.6. Move to a location that is not centered on the blackbody.7. Make sure the UUT reading is within the limits listed in Table 3.8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the remaining temperatures listed in the Temperature column of Table 3. The62 Max is specified to 500 °C. 461 °C is the last temperature point to verify. 9. Set blackbodies to nominal values.Table 3. Verification TestsDistance (cm) [1] Temperature (°C) Emissivity62 Max Limits (°C)62 Max + Limits (°C)Fluke 4180 points 28 -10 0.95 -12.0 to -8.0 -12.0 to -8.0 28 0 0.95 -1.5 to 1.5 -1.0 to 1.0 28650.9563.5 to 66.564.0 to 66Fluke 4181 point 28 250 0.95 246. 2 to 253.8 247.5 to 252.5 284610.95454.1 to 467.9456.3 to 465.6Fluke 62 Max + only above 500 °C 25.55800.95574.2 to 585.8[1] Distance is calculated based on the target size. Typically a spot size that is about 1/2 the target size provides the best results.NoteFluke recommends plate blackbodies as verification equipment because cavity blackbodies have small field of view, which could increase uncertainty for a thermometer with low D:S. If cavity blackbodies are used to verify the Product, make sure that the distance between the cavity blackbody opening and the Product is equal to the diameter of the cavity blackbody opening × 2. Where the temperature of the cavity tube near the outside is lower than the temperature of the cavity, readings will be lower. Moving the 62Max closer to the cavity opening may be necessary for the 62 Max to only measure the cavity temperature.Temperature verification is complete. If the Product does not pass the performance verification tests, calibration adjustment or repair is necessary. Product calibration can only be adjusted by Fluke. To return your Product for calibration adjustment, call one of the numbers in the “Contact Fluke” section of this document.Blackbody LayoutMake sure that the distance between two blackbodies is more than 1 meter. Forced air or HVAC vents should not be near the surface of the radiation source. Do not have two blackbodies work face to face. For more detail about blackbody use, see the Fluke 4180 Technical Guide .Infrared Thermometer User-Replaceable Parts9User-Replaceable PartsTo order replacement parts, call one of the numbers in the “Contact Fluke” section of this document. User-replaceable parts are listed in Table 4.Table 4. User-Replaceable PartsDescription Fluke Part Number QuantityFluke 62 Max Rear Decal 4134155 1 Fluke 62 Max + Rear Decal41341621 Fluke 62 Max Battery Door Assembly 4103199 1 Battery AA Alkaline13119331Fluke 62 Max + Carabineer Solid Aluminum, 2.3 in with spring hingeblack finish4149787 1 62 Max/62 Max + Users Manual40607121LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThis Fluke product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for three years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries, or damage from accident, neglect, misuse, alteration, contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Resellers are not authorized to extend any other warranty on Fluke’s behalf. To obtain service during the warranty period, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service center to obtain return authorization information, then send the product to that Service Center with a description of the problem.THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, SUCH AS FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. FLUKE IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OR THEORY. Since some states or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of an implied warranty or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of liability may not apply to you.Fluke CorporationP.O. Box 9090Everett, WA 98206-9090U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V.P.O. Box 1186 5602 BD Eindhoven The Netherlands 11/9962 Max/62 Max + Calibration Information 10。
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M.C. Gaidis, M.S. Anderson, and D.G. Hading
Technology, Pasadena, CA 9 1 109 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Correspondence: gaidis@
v. Pol.
Polarizing Diplexer
Mirror Feed
Scan Mirror
;;:stion Ambient
H. Pol.
Feed Mirror
While there are commercially available absorbers which offer quite good emissivity in the 2.5 THz region [3], we find that due to various problems (outgassing, thermal conductivity, structural rigidity.. .) these did not readily fulfill every one of the five low-level requirements. Below we discuss the present approach whichoffers what appears to be i n acceptable solution.
Rather than attempt to develop a frequency-resonant type of absorber [4], we decided on the more brute force but simpler method of a broadband absorber in an absorption-enhancing configuration. The following issues were addressed in designing the structure or body of the target: 1. Pyramids or wedges will be used to increase the number of surfaces off which incident radiation must scatter before back-reflection 2. The tips and bases of the pyramid structures shall be made fine enough to keep direct (zero-order) reflection to allowable values 3. The target size should be large enough to intercept the beam at the -40 dB points to minimize standing wave problems (for the = 60 mm beam waist, this requires a target of at least 250 mm in diameter) . 4. The target shape must be structurally sound to withstand the stresses of launch vibration, and the target must fit within theTHz receiver module 5. Target mass shall be minimized within the above constraints 6 . Target lifetimeshall be greater than 2 years groundktorage and 5 years in low earth orbit 7. Illumination by the sun at different orbital positions shall not introduce significant temperature changes or gradients 8. Thermometry must be provided with adequate resolution and accuracy, giving a true measure of the effective black bodytemperature of the target The calibration target was forced to be in a “potato-chip” shape to fit within the THz receiver module and still intercept the beam at the -40 dB point as it reflects from the scan mirror. Because of this loss of symmetry, a wedge profile was chosen over a pyramidal profile, at the expense of some mass increase. Examination of various materials gave us confidence that only a thin layer (= 200 Fm) of absorber was needed to achieve required emissivity. Therefore, a relatively high thermal conductivity body could be used, then coated with a thin layer of absorber. Aluminum was chosen for the calibration target body for ease of machining, cost, thermal conductivity, mass, and strength. The shape of the wedges was a trade-off between mass and performance. One would like a small included angle between wedges to maximize the number of reflections before back-reflection, but the wedge must be significantly larger than a wavelength to ensure predictable behavior. In addition, reasonably-priced machining techniques cannot produce perfectly
Keywords: Calibration target, far-infrared, spacebome, 2.5 THz, black body, absorber, submillimeter,terahertz, radiometer
The OH radical plays a significant role in a great many of the known ozone destruction cycles, and has become the focus of an important radiometer development effort for NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) Chem I satellite, which will monitor and study many tropospheric and stratospheric gases and is scheduled for launch in 2002 El]. The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) instrumenton this satellite is the only near-term opportunity obtain global measurements of this important radical. to The lowest energy OH doublets at 2510 and 25 14 GHz fall fortuitously close to a strong methanol laser line at 2522 GHz. A receiver noise of 20,000 K, SSB is expected to provide enough sensitivity for daily global stratospheric maps of OH above 35 km and monthly global maps to 18 km from a Iimb-sounding satellite in polar orbit. These requirements are consistent with' the performance that can be obtained from state-of-the-art room-temperature Schottky diode mixers. The molecular oxygen line at 2502 GHz can also be monitored as a pressure/altitude indicator. The challenges of producing such a sensitive receiver are numerous. Previous work covers the receiver front end [2]; here we discuss the design, fabrication, and testing of the calibration target. The optical components in the receiver chain are shown in Figure 1. The beam of the dual-polarization receiver is transformed by a telescope to give a beam waist radius of approximately 60 mm at a scan mirror. The scan mirror directs this beam to one of three places: the ambient calibration target (ambient temperature, = 295 K), a space view (= 3 K), or the limb view (signal from the OH under investigation). The ambient calibration target is provides a well defined radiance to calibrate out drifts in receiver performance with temperature fluctuations and aging. This is used in conjunction with the space port view (= 3 K) to establish a receiver gain value. The quality of performance required of the calibration target is dictated by the EOS-MLS desire to have an uncertainty in the absolute value of the measured radiance of less than 3 K in the range 2.520 THz to 2.524 THz. The flow-down of this requirement based on our experimental approach results in the following low-level requirements: I. Temperature uniformity across the target shall be I 1 .O" C 2. Temperature measurement accuracy I k0.15' C 3. Emissivity 2 0.99 4. Negligible standing waves 5. Suitable for space flight use