













典型电力推进系统船的系统原理框图如下:G—主发电机;EG—应急发电机;Q—主开关;MSB—主配电板;ESB—应急配电板;M—电动机;T—变压器;VFD-变频器 BT -----侧推 MT----主推进器二、电力推进系统的特点1.电力推进系统的优点(1)可靠性好:由于投入工作原动机可调,因此可保证各发电机组在最佳工作状态。














Steering Module
Propulsion Module
Figure 1-1 Basic arrangemenቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ of the Azipod VI
Azipod® VI Series Product Introduction 5
1.2 Type designation for the Azipod product In the ship concept design stage, the following main designation is used. (A more specific type code will be allocated for the product during the advanced design stage). xxxx y Azipod® Example: Azipod ® VI 1600 A ...being an ice-operating Azipod with a shaft power in the lower end of the range (e.g. 5 MW ) and built with an asynchronous propeller motor. V = ”Classic” Azipod X = Next generation Azipod (in dedicated publications) C = ”Compact” Azipod (in dedicated publications) I = Design for operation in ice conditions O = Design for operation in open water (in dedicated publications) C = “Counter-Rotating Propellers” design ( - ” - ) The diameter of the propulsion motor (mm) “S”, “M” or “L” = Lenght of the (synchronous) propulsion motor “A” = Synchronous propeller motor














abb azipod吊舱推进器介绍

abb azipod吊舱推进器介绍

Ingenuity on the move SkippingIngenuity on the moveSkipping constraintsCRP Azipod propulsion, an azimuth-ing 17.6 MW Azipod unit installed in a contra-rotating mode, aft of the main propeller 1.There is always a risk involved when building a prototype. But, as CRP pod propulsion was the only solution able to achieve a 24-hour schedule and a daily ferry service, the decision to go ahead with the CRP Azipod propul-sion was taken. In doing so, SNF and MHI broke the decades-long deadlockin the marine industry’s attempt to seize the full benefits of contra-rotat-ing propulsion .Deliveries from ABB Marine included a 17.6 MW Azipod unit for each of the two ferries, working in tandem with a reduction-gear-driven CP (con-trollable pitch) pod propeller. ABBa lso delivered the control systems and the 27-MW, 6.6-kV power generationand distribution systems.The layout of the propulsionplant features two Wärtsilä 12V46 engines driving a CP propeller through a twin-in/single-out gearbox. Another pair of 12V46 engines drives alternators that feed electricalpower to the Azipod unit. The power distribution is 25.2 MW on the CP propeller and 17.6 MW on the Azipod, making 42.8 MW in total. In order to achieve the same vessel speed, a conventional twin-shaft propulsion system would require a total installedpower of approximately47 MW.Demanding weather conditionsThe weather conditions in the Sea of Japan can be divided into two distinct seasons, win-ter and summer. The winter season lasts from November through March and, during this time, the Sea of Japan is infamously stormy. The air temperature can drop below zero and, even though the sea never actually freezes, ice build-up on ships can be a problem. The winds during the winter storms often reach speeds of more than 30 m/s, with waves in excess of eight meters high.Shin Nihonkai normally de-lays or cancels ferry depar-tures when the height of the waves exceeds 5 meters but, because of the length of its routes, weather conditions vary and ferries can be de-layed by unexpected storms. Maintaining a high averageWith an overall length 224.5 meters, and with a service speed of 30.5 knots, these two RoPax ferries are the largest and fastest in Japan . They are also the first vessels in the world to take advantage of ABB’s contra-rotat-ing Azipod ® propulsion system.Major benefits from CRP pod propulsionShin Nihonkai Ferry operates an extensive network of ferry routes between the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido in northern Japan. The main reason for choos-ing CRP Azipod ® propulsion was the increasing cost ofbunker fuel. But a numberof additional benefits werealso gained.At 573 nautical miles, the Maizuru-Otaru route is the longest in the network. Be-cause of its length, the route had always required three ferries to provide a daily ser-vice. These three ferries, op-erating at 20 knots, covered the distance in 30 hours and were able to keep consistentarrival and departure times in both ports. In order to provide a daily service with only two ferries, the vessels needed to be larger and able to maintain a cruising speed of 30.5 knots. Shin Nihonkai Ferry had been investigating how this might be achieved, but real-ized that the cost, in terms of fuel consumption, at these speeds would havebeen prohibitive.For a two-ship solution tobe viable, a remarkable (yetrealistic) reduction in fuelconsumption would have tobe demonstrated to SNF.When presented with theCRP Azipod propulsion con-cept, which promised highfuel oil cost savings, ShinNihonkai Ferry becamei nterested. After intensiver esearch, MHI chose a sin-gle-skeg hull solution withShin Nihonkai Ferry Co., Ltd.Factbox 2 Ferry specificationsIngenuity on the moveSkipping constraintsour operations, we are also opening up new market opportunities.”Fuel consumption reduced by 20 percentThe target for Hamanasu and Akashia was to make a 10 percent saving in fuel oil consumption, as compared to conventional twin-screw ferries. In May 2004, Hamanasu was the first ship to embark on the much-anticipat-ed initial sea trials. In the speed tests, with a power split of 55 percent for the forward propeller and 45 percent of the aft, the vessel logged a maxi-mum speed of 32.04 knots – a remark-able achievement.Even more remarkable was the fuel oil consumption, which set a new benchmark in the industry. The seaspeed is essential: a reduction in speed of as little as 1.5 knots can cause an hour’s delay on this route.During the summer season, the weath-er is calmer but the ferry routes are prone to relatively frequent typhoons. These are fairly easy to predict as they tend to be slow moving. Nonetheless, a ferry can be forced to sail through a typhoon to maintain the daily service.Built to expectationsMr. Yasuo Iritani, President of ShinN ihonkai Ferry, explains that hed ecided to go ahead with the project based on the positive result of their studies of the concept.“The ships are somewhat more expen-sive than conventional ferries but the operational savings are big enough forus to recover the initial expense,” he explains. Mr Iritani also comments that, with the new ferries, SNF has achieved its main objective of operat-ing a 24-hour service on the Maizuru-Otaru route.Compared with the exist-ing service, the vehicle turnaround time isr educed by 25 percen.“Compared with the existing service, the vehicle turnaround time is re-duced by 25 percent, which is attrac-tive to cargo distributors. For exam-ple, the reduced transportation time makes us an alternative to air cargo for high-grade perishable foodstuffs. This means we are not only improvingW 12V46C12600 kWCRP AZIPOD 17,6 MWW 12V46C12600 kWW 12V46C12600 kWW 12V46C12600 kW2910 kWIngenuity on the moveSkipping constraintstrials confirmed the findings from the extensive test made in MHI’s model basin in Nagasaki. After severalmonths of operation on their intended route, the owner has learned that the new vessels, for the same 24-hour ser-vice, will save some 20 percent in fuel consumption compared to the two old twin-shaft, diesel-driven ferries, which operated temporarily on the route. The service speed of the twin-shaft ferries was only 29.4 knots and their transportation capacity was 15 percent less than that of the new ships.Improved maneuverability with Azipod ® propulsionThe maneuverability of the ship was also of great interest. When maneu-vering at low speeds and in port, the Azipod unit can be used as a rudder and side thruster. At cruising speeds the steering range of the Azipod isr estricted, but, despite their size,H amanasu and Akashia are able to maneuver at low speed, without tug assistance, in winds up to 18 m/s. Un-der these conditions, smaller, conven-tional, twin-screw ferries require assis-tance.Flexible operationThe propulsion plant also offers great flexibility in terms of power distribu-tion. For example, the ships carry a lot of perishable foodstuffs from Hok-kaido, including dairy produce and vegetables. The cargo is transported in refrigerated trailers that require electrical power. However, on their return trip to Hokkaido, refrigerationis not required and the electrical pow-er can be used, if necessary, for pro-pulsion. Conversely, if weather condi-tions are favorable, the ship can sail one trip with only three engines, and still remain on schedule.The new vessels, will save some 20 percent in fuel consumption compared to the two old twin-shaft, ferries.Operational experienceMr Kiyoshi Takaoka, Marine Depart-ment Manager, says that the companyis very pleased with the performance of the new ships. The maneuverability is excellent and the ships are very sta-ble in rough seas.Mr Takahashi, Hamanasu’s captain, is also more than satisfied with his ship:“Under normal weather conditions the course stability is excellent. We do not normally go out if the wave height is above five meters, but some-times typhoons are unavoidable. Last summer we experienced typhoons and wave heights above eight meters with extreme winds. We reduced speed to 20 knots and, although it was a rough ride, the ship was fully maneuvrable. When maneuvering inport, I feel very safe because of the1Contra-rotating propellershigh thrust available from the Azipod unit; equaling that of two tug boats.”“When slow-steaming at five knots and below, the steering performance with the Azipod is still remarkable. The acceleration when leaving port is much better compared [to that of] oth-er ships and, at full speed, the stern wave is very small, which indicates good fuel economy.”Having built these first two vessels, MHI can recommend Azipod CRP pro-pulsion both for ferries and for high-day-rate vessels such as LNG (liquid natural gas) carriers, where redundan-cy is important.Lars AndersonWärtsilä Switzerland, Ltd.Winterthur, Switzerland lars.anderson@ Thomas Hackman ABB Oy Helsinki, Finlandthomas.hackman@Reference[1] ABB Review, 3/2005. “Green shipping”, by MattiTurtiainen。



吊舱式电力推进系统英文名称: 暂无英文名称标签:电力推进系统顶[3]分享到发表评论(0)目录••简介••类型••概述••吊舱式混合电力推进系统评估[显示全部]船舶电力推进就是将船舶推进原动机(现一般多采用柴油机或燃气轮机)产生得机械能量转变为电能,并以电机驱动船舶螺旋桨得一种推进方式,有常规推进器与吊舱推进器两种形式。




ABB公司推出得对转桨(contra-rotating propulsion)吊舱式混合电力推进系统,结合了常规推进器与吊舱推进器两种形式,适用于诸如潜水作业供应船、破冰船、旅游船、潜艇、化学品船、油船、LPG船、LNG船等。



船舶电力推进系统作为船舶IPS 系统得核心组成部分,其主要由推进电动机、电力系统、螺旋桨装置与变速控制装置四个部分组成。


流线型吊舱悬挂在船体尾部,由法兰盘与船体相接,吊舱内安装得电动机直接驱动螺旋桨,吊舱可作360 度回转,替代舵得作用,可以显着改善船舶得操纵性能与紧急机动性能。



o p 用于两 艘阿法拉 型 16 0 00 0 载重 吨的双 向航行原 油 轮 。每艘 油 轮将 采用一 套循
环交 交变 频 控 制 的 100 W 的 A i d推 进 系 统 , 60 k  ̄o p
MW) 其 中 4 , 5套 系统 已交 付 使用 ( 总装机 功率
《 .聋 》 0 2年 第 2期 t I 2O
首船将于 2 0 年 6 02 月交付使用 。
1 2 C mp c i d的 应 用 . o a tAzp o
Cmpc A i d的第一批范例船舶之一是一艘 o at  ̄ o p
渡轮, 装 备 了 两 台 50 W 全 回转 牵 引式 推进 它 0k C m at z d 可 以在冰区全年航 行。该船选用 o pcA i , p o
o pc A i 不仅仅 因为其高可靠性 , 由于其 C m at z d p o 更
高效率以及在低负载工况下的低污染排放水平 。 另一个合同是为英国 A p dr 船厂建造的两 pl oe e 艘英 国皇家海军考察船提供 C m at  ̄ o o pc A i d推进 p 系统 , 成 该 合 同 生 效 的 主 要 原 因是 C mpc Az 促 o at i — o 极佳 的推进性 能 以及系统全 寿命周期 费用较 pd
使在 1米厚 的重 冰 区 油轮还 能 以 3节 的速 度航 行 。
接下来采用 , i d的船舶为建造于 17  ̄p z o 98年的 100 60 载重 吨的成品油轮“ ik” 其 由常规机械 U k u 号, 推进改造成 A i d z 推进 的工程完成于 19 年 . z o p 93 A i . pd o 的功率 为 14 0 W , 体按 照 Cas1 S pr 0k 船 1 l A ue 破 s 冰等级建 造 , z d破 冰 等级则 为 D V 的 Ca Ai o p N 1s s 1 。目前 ,  ̄ o 0 A i d电力推进系统是穿越北海_ p 东海航 线唯一经济上可行 的推进方案 , 因为它在无破冰船 的帮助下仍可非常安全地在冰区航行 。 “ k u号 和“ un” Uik ” L n i号令人 满 意的试 验结果 和 可靠 的运行 经验促 成 C ri l a v 游轮 公司 ( C ) na C . 在 L 19 年秋天决定为其 “ l i ” 95 Ea o 号和“ aai ” tn P r  ̄ 号两 d 艘豪华游轮选用 A i d电力推进系统 , z。 p 每艘游轮装










2.2电力驱动与推进技术采用 POD 吊舱推进机构,共同的特点是:电动机的轴即是螺旋桨的轴,消除了多级机械传动的功率损失;整个推进器可以 360°旋转,除提供推力外还代替了常用的舵系,并为动力定位提供了良好的条件;可实现模块化制作和安装。

目前的单机功率已达数十 MW,电力驱动与推进是半潜船设计与制造的首选方式。

以ABB 为例其电力驱动与推进系统见图 1。

POD 吊舱推进器的简介如下:Azipod 推进器。

ABB 是开发 POD 推进器最早的公司,其产品(Azipod)经过了多艘实船的考验,占据着世界POD 推进器市场的最大份额。















(3)有很好的低速特性,恒功率特性,恒电流特性和陡转特性;(4)因省去了主机与螺旋桨之间的轴系以及舵,节省了大量的空间,可以增加船舶有效空间和有效载荷;(5)可采用中高速的非反转原动机,主机的选择有很大的灵活性;(6)原动机和螺旋桨系柔性连接,使得螺旋桨的转速不受原动机转速的限制,彼此都可以工作在最佳状态;(7)噪声小,震动小,废气NOx排放减少;(8)若采用吊舱式电力推进系统,省去了长轴系,操舵装置和舵,可不设舵机房,也省去了bow throuster,减轻了设备的重量,增加了有效载荷。

abb azipod吊舱推进器介绍

abb azipod吊舱推进器介绍
Leading supplier of

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Finland, Norway, China and Singapore
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Moving people and goods safely and efficiently You will find ABB marine solutions

Electric propulsion

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吊舱式电力推进系统1Azipod电力推进技术约13年前,当时芬兰海事局开始寻求在冰区航行具有更高性能的破冰船的解决方案,其初步想法是推进电机应该提供任意方位的推进力,由此ABB便提出了Azipod的原型方案并提交给Kvarner Masa船厂制造,相关的Azipod推进技术也申请了专利。

1.1 Azipod的运行情况及最新应用现在,Azipod吊舱式电力推进系统已成为大型豪华游轮的标准配置。




接下来采用Azipod的船舶为建造于1978年的16000载重吨的成品油轮“Uikku”号,其由常规机械推进改造成Azipod推进的工程完成于1993年,Azi-pod的功率为11400kW,船体按照Class 1ASuper破冰等级建造,Azipod破冰等级则为DNV的Class10。


“Uikku”号和“Lunni”号令人满意的试验结果和可靠的运行经验促成Carnival游轮公司(CCL)在1995年秋天决定为其“Elation”号和“Paradise”号两艘豪华游轮选用Azipod 电力推进系统,每艘游轮装备2套14000kW的Azipod系统。

Voyager级豪华游轮是目前全球最大吨位的游轮,每艘游轮采用两套14000kW的Azipod 系统再加上一套14000kW的固定Azipod系统(Fixipod)。





在此期间,舰船电力推进技术经历了一个曲折的发展过程,即二战前的新兴期、二战后到70 年代末以前的萧条期和80年代以后的蓬勃发展期.上世纪初,由德国、俄国引导的以蓄电池为动力源的电力推进技术在船舶上得到了应用,但由于成本、维护、保养等方面因素的制约,发展较为缓慢.二战期间,电力推进曾出现过一段流行期,由于当时交流电机调速技术不成熟,多采用直流电力推进,其调速系统简单、调速性能好。





Azipod 桨纸轴纸轴封闭系统现代化说明书

Azipod 桨纸轴纸轴封闭系统现代化说明书

Propulsion Product ServicesAzipod® Propeller Shaft Seal ModernizationThe reliable Azipod® sealing system helps avoid oil leak-ing into the sea and to prevent the ingress of seawaterinto the bearing sump. A complete sealing system mod-ernization improves the reliability of the sealing systemand minimizes the risk of any oil leaks. The solutionincludes a new type of outer shaft seal, in which bearingoil and seawater are insulated from each other by meansof a controlled pressurized-air chamber.The solutionThe conventional lip seal system on the propeller bearing side is usually formed by three to five seal rings forming chambers filled with oil, between the propeller and propeller bearing.In the modernization, the propeller bearing side is formedof five seal rings between the propeller bearing and the propeller. The outermost seal rings form the first chamber against the seawater. That chamber is filled with greaseand acts as a dirt barrier. The second chamber is filled with pressurized air. Any leakage from the bearing housing or from seawater is gathered in the second chamber and drained out automatically at specified intervals to the drainage system. The third and fourth chambers, filled with oil, are connected to the pressurized seal tanks located above the shaft line inside the Azipod unit.The air control unit in the Azipod room automatically detects any draft changes and adjusts the pressures to maintain the optimal pressure difference in the second, third, and fourth chambers.Benefits−Improved reliability- The pressurized-air chamber creates a barrier between the bearing oil and the seawater−Improved functionality- Any change in the hydrostatic pressure of the shaftsealing is automatically detected, and the air pressure is adjusted on the basis of draft variations−Seal condition monitoring- The drainage can be monitored−Cost-effective modernization- The solution provides an efficient way of minimizing the risk of oil pollution through the shaft seal3A F V 6026603 E N R e v A 2011 #15331For more information please contact your nearest Service Center:/marine© Copyright 2011 ABB. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice.Azipod ® is a registered trademark of ABB Oy.Azipod ® propulsionAn Azipod unit is a podded electric propulsion unit where the variable speed electric motor driving the fixed pitch propeller is in a submerged pod outside the ship hull, and the pod can be rotated around its vertical axis to give the propulsion thrust freely to any direction. Thus the ship does not need rudders,stern transversal thrusters or long shaftlines inside the ship hull.Azipod life cycle services。







ABB公司推出的对转桨(contra-rotating propulsion)吊舱式混合电力推进系统,结合了常规推进器和吊舱推进器两种形式,适用于诸如潜水作业供应船、破冰船、旅游船、潜艇、化学品船、油船、LPG船、LNG船等。



船舶电力推进系统作为船舶IPS 系统的核心组成部分,其主要由推进电动机、电力系统、螺旋桨装置和变速控制装置四个部分组成。


流线型吊舱悬挂在船体尾部,由法兰盘和船体相接,吊舱内安装的电动机直接驱动螺旋桨,吊舱可作360 度回转,替代舵的作用,可以显着改善船舶的操纵性能和紧急机动性能。


abb azipod吊舱推进器介绍

abb azipod吊舱推进器介绍

ABB 评论 2/2008
­7­ ­
儿童的教育,当地居民主要是从事服 装生产,现在他们的工作时间可以延 长了,他们的小孩也可以在晚上进行 学习了。 ABB 公司已经与中国的广东省 (中国 GDP 最高的省份)签订了一个协 议,主要是为该省的工业企业如何提 高能源效率提出建议与方法。该协议 是在 2006 年签订的,为期5年,其目 标是到 2010 年,要使广东省的单位 GDP 的能耗降低 16%。各级政府当局 将促进 ABB 公司与 1,000 多家高能耗 企业之间的合作。ABB 将对这些合作 企业进行能源节约的审计,并帮助他 们实行节能措施。节省下来的能源可 以用于增加电力供应以及由此而带给 人们的方便。
ABB 评论 2/2008
更先进的技术、 更美好的世界
Friedrich Pinnekamp
方便舒 适使我们能自 由地发展我们的技术 与能力来改善我们的生 活质量。对方便与舒适的 理解主要决定于每个人的 出发点:对于那些需要走几 公里路才能取到饮用水的人来说, 他们想要的方便与舒适就是在家里能 够源源不断地得到饮用水。类似地,对 于那些过去要用手去打开百叶窗的人来说, 只要按一下开关按钮就能自动打开百叶窗 时,就会觉得这给他们带来了方便。 一旦具有功能良好的基础设 施——例如供水和百叶窗控制——那么 人们就可以有更多的精力从事于进一步开发和发 明新型手段来使方便与舒适达到更高的水平。因此为了 不断提高方便与舒适程度,提高世界上每一个人的生活质量, 我们需要在可靠的基础设施方面进行大量的投资。ABB 拥有齐全的产 品线和系统,可以向这一类的基础设施,尤其是与电力和生产率方面有关的一些 基础设施提供大部分主要设备。ABB 的业务遍及世界各地,因此对于各地各种不同的需 求均可很好地满足,从而为实现更加美好的世界而做出贡献。

ABB System项目指南:乘客舱直驱Azipod说明书

ABB System项目指南:乘客舱直驱Azipod说明书

components. Lower shaft heigh solutions areavailable.+Transformerless low voltage 690 V system design available for 2–4 propulsion motors, 1–18 MW total propulsion power.+Open to all energy sources and forms of energy storageCons:-Hydrodymanical benefits created by the pulling propeller are not available- A separate steering system is needed Cons:-Needs close cooperation with the shipyard to reach its full potentialCruise vessels operate according to the itinerary requirements, which are based on the season and area of operation. To determine a standard and comparable itinerary, cruises in the season 2009–2010 were analyzed. Based on approxi-matelly 1,000 legs from 150 cruises, ABB Marine established a cruise ship standard.Share of cumulative energy consumption (% of the total consumption) ofyARD TiP:In some projects when the vessel speed is below 21 kn, it may be reasonable to consider a fully low voltage solution with three Azipod C units. This solution is suitable for high comfort classes when the total propulsion power is within the product range. See the mega yacht section for details.510152025Vessel average speed between the harbors [kn]24121086142018162422Vessel average speed between the harbors [kn]Cruise vessel operational profile with more focus on passenger comfort than on the covereddistance and destinations. The vessels sail more in the low speed range than at high speeds. It is more important to see new places and loca-tions. Onshore activities have a key role.We have divided the operational profiles of cruise vessels into two simplified categories55.3 Cruise vessel5.3.1 Direct Drive – system deliveryDirect Drive is the optimal solution for conventional propulsion. A wide selection range, proven products and simple design satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers. Redundancy levels provide an extensive selection for operational and passenger safety.15.3 Cruise vessel5.3.2 Azipod – system deliveryABB Azipod propulsion system is widely used in variuspassenger ships. Because of its high performance capability, highcomfort class rating and small amount of components inside the hull, it is a perfect solution for passenger vessels on the powerlevel of 10–20 MW per unit.25.3 Cruise vessel5.3.3 Direct Drive – system componentsABB portfolio for the low voltage system:For smaller vessel and for the onboard processes, ABB offers the smartest drive with internal redun-dancy and propulsion motors with efficiency options.From top to bottom: LV main generator, main switchboard MNS, propulsion drive ACS800 and propulsion motor. Ready-made Direct Drive solutions are available at the motor shaft heights from 560 mm to 1000 mm.Direct Drive is a new concept in which the best shaftline solu-tions are used for maximum reliability and performance.DeSigNeR TiP: Use ready-made ABB Direct Drive designs (see chapters 13–15)ABB portfolio for the medium voltage system:For large cruise vessels ABB offers the best and most reliable products in the market.From top to bottom: MV main generator, main switchboard Unigear, transformer, propulsion drive ACS6000 and propulsion motor. Ready-made Direct Drive solutions are available at the motor shaft heights from 1120 mm to 2000 mm.DeSigNeR TiP:Use ready-madeABB Direct Drivedesigns (seechapters 13–15) 55.3 Cruise vessel5.3.4 Azipod – system componentsThe Azipod® delivery is very simple. Instead of the alignment work involved long shaftlines, the Azipod® unit is modular and combined from pre-tested units.Below ABB basic components for power production: medium voltage marine generator and marine main switchboard ABB Unigear.ABB Azipod® propulsion system is the proven and ever-improving cruise vessel standard that is the best solution when the vessel size, passenger comfort and manoeuvrability requirements are important.5With the Azipod propulsion, the delivery normally uses the medium voltage level in the network. This means that the propulsion frequency converter is a voltage source inverter, ABB ACS6000, designedfor high-efficiency synchronous motors.ABB ACS6000 propulsion drive offers additional design benefits which make the overall systemdesign very favourable for energy efficiency optimization as well. This can bring down the operationalcosts while at the same time providing the highest level of comfort onboard.The power generated by the medium voltage generators is distributed via an ABB main switchboard,which can be designed with low short circuit current ratings (design towards the lower values is asafety issue which reduces forces in case of a short circuit). The main reasons for this design are thehigh and constant power factor of a modern frequency converter as well as the low disturbances inthe network voltage, which allows design without oversizing the generators.Below propulsion chain components: propulsion transformer, modern ACS6000 drive and Azipod propulsion unit.5.3 Cruise vessel5.3.5 Summary of power savings potential74 |ABB System project guide for passenger vesselsABB System project guide for passenger vessels | 75Cruise vessel operational profile with more focus on passenger comfort than on the covereddistance and destinations. The vessels sail more in the low speed range than at high speeds. Onboard activities have a key role.It is more important to see new places and loca-tions. Onshore activities have a key role.We have divided the operational profiles of cruise vessels into two simplified categories。




1.中国科考船装备ABB电力推进系统 [J],
2.21世纪的Azipod吊舱推进器电力推进系统 [J], 冀路明;汪庆周
3.ABB发布全套船舶咨询及自动化系统提升燃油能效集成先进软件、电力系统以及Azipod@吊舱式推进系统,帮助船东削减高达20%的燃油消耗 [J],
4.中国海洋科考船装备ABB电力推进系统 [J],
5.二十一世纪的Azipod吊舱式电力推进系统 [J], 冀路明;汪庆周



全回转吊舱式推进器线型设计朱东华;魏菲菲【摘要】对吊舱推进器的特点、水动力性能以及代表厂商和产品进行了介绍.通过对线型设计时所需注意事项的分析,展示了其在多种船型领域的适用性.【期刊名称】《船舶设计通讯》【年(卷),期】2014(000)002【总页数】4页(P10-13)【关键词】吊舱推进器;线型设计;水动力性能【作者】朱东华;魏菲菲【作者单位】上海船舶研究设计院,上海201203;上海船舶研究设计院,上海201203【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U664.30 前言全回转吊舱式推进器(又称POD推进器,简称吊舱式推进器)是由动力驱动固定在水下船体之外吊舱之内的螺旋桨,吊舱可以绕其纵轴360°旋转,自由地向任何方向推进。



吊舱式推进器广泛应用在客船(邮轮或渡轮)、大型集装箱船、钻井平台、海洋工程支援船、客滚船、游艇、科学考察船、打捞船和 LNG 船上[1]。

1 吊舱式推进器特点[2-3]1.1 优点吊舱式推进器和传统推进器比较有许多优点:1)节能减排。











1.2 缺点1)一次性投资成本增加。


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T横 =T4 +T6 T纵 =T3 +T5 M 转1 =OA T3 +OB T6 M 转2 =OG T横
• 调整两螺旋桨的角度,当两桨同时与AB成 一个向前或向后的夹角且 时: T横 =T4 +T6 =0,船体横向推力为0 ,船体沿首 尾线做直线运动 ,T纵 =T3 +T5 决定了船体的向 前或向后运动。 由此可见在主机转速不变的前提下,通 过调整两桨的角度,可以降低船速,让船 体保持低速前进。
Azipod 吊舱式推进器的舵效分析:
• 由此可见,调整两桨的角度可以保持舵效, 在一定范围内,角度越大,舵效越好。
• 吊舱推进器的舵效跟推进器在横向的推力 分力有很大的关系,偏转一定角度,可以 迅速改变横向的分力,产生较大的转首力 矩,比只降低转速的舵效好,应舵快。
• 在横轴AB 上有T3,T4 两个力, 其大小和方 向直接决定船的左、右移动情况, 并且 以OG为力臂对船产生一个转船力矩。 • 在纵轴OG上有T5,T6 两个力, 其大小和方 向直接决定船的前进或后退情况, 并且 以 OA,OB为力臂对船产生一个转船力矩。
• 综上分析得出“科学号”在静水中推力合 成方程式: ������
Azipod 吊舱式推进器的舵效分析:
• 与普通推进船舶相比较,吊舱推进船舶转首力 矩是由吊舱推进器在偏转一定角度后其推力产 生的,与舵力相比,吊舱推进器具有更大的量 值。 • 吊舱式推进系统中,螺旋桨前没有轴和支架, 没有受到附体的干扰,来流规则而均匀,各方 向上的速度分量均以一次谐波为主,高次谐波 量很小。 • 本船吊舱推进器的吊柱与桨叶相距较远,可提 高桨叶进流的均匀度、降低桨叶尾流诱导的吊 柱脉动力。有利于改善尾流,提高舵效。
浅析“科学号”科考船推进装 置的特性
• “科学号”海洋科考船采用了ABB公司 先进的Azipod吊舱推进器系统,两个拖 式的吊舱推进器装在船舶尾部。 • Azipod吊舱推进器 实物如右图所示:
• 船体外部推进器结构如图—2所示:
Azipod 吊舱式推进器技术参船首尾线 从船尾至重心的距离, AB为左、右桨的连线 的垂直距离, 与首尾线 交 O点, T1 , T2 分别为左、 右桨产生的推力, 即: ������
T1分解为:T3 T1 sin ,T4 T1 cos T2分解为:T5 T2 sin ,T6 T2 cos
Azipod 吊舱式推进器的推力分析:
• 下面图中,左、右桨的推力 表示为 T1 ,T2 ;箭头所指的方 向为推力的方向;左、右桨位置 以左、右桨的连线为基准, 螺旋 桨向船首(向前)或向船尾(向 后)转动的角度,用 , 表 示。 • 坐标的建立以船首尾线为纵轴, 左、右两桨的连线为横轴。
Azipod 吊舱式推进器的推力分析:
Azipod 吊舱式推进器的舵效分析:
• 刘红梅等人对吊舱推进与传统推进船舶操 纵性能对比分析,给出了该船舶在两种推 进操纵方式下的转首力矩计算值。发现在 偏转角(舵角)小于5°时,其舵力产生的 转首力矩要略大于吊舱推进器产生的转首 力矩,在偏转角(舵角)5°~12°时,两 者产生的转首力矩相当,在偏转角(舵角) 大于12°时,吊舱推进器产生的转首力矩 将大于舵力产生的转首力矩,且随偏转角 (舵角)的增大其趋势更加明显。
• 本船的推进器型号 为CO0980,图3灰 色部分表示主机的 轴功率与推进器转 速之间的关系。
• “科学号”科考船的可操控性大大提高。该船 能够在5分钟内实现原地360度回转;如果发生 碰撞,船舶能够在130秒内将船速由每小时15 海里迅速降至0。 • Azipod 系统还能极大地降低噪音和震动至60分 贝,低于船级社所规定的70分贝,提升了船舶 的舒适度。 • ABB提供的 PMS电力管理系统,可以让“科学 号”的发动机组始终控制在优化燃油消耗的范 围之内,最高能降低油耗25%。
Azipod 吊舱式推进器的舵效分析:
• 1994年的纯吊舱推进装置(Azipod)试验,采 用“幻想”号(Fantasy)姊妹船船模,两艘船 分别安装了两台Azipod;每台的外形都根据 实船精心设计;同时模拟原地转弯试验和Z形 航行。试验证实,其总水动力效率还可提 高5—7%;转向性能比常规的舵要好,全速时 的转弯半径可减少30%左右。