二年级牛津英语期中练习试卷Class______ Name_______ No______ Score_______Part 1 Listening(听力部分)50%✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ ☎听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内✆ ☎ ✆ ✌ ☎ ✆ ✌ ☎ ✆ ✌ ❆☹ ❆☺☎ ✆ ✌ ◆⏹ ❍ ⏹☎ ✆ ✌ ☐ ❑ ❑ ☐☎ ✆ ✌ ♋ ❒ ♓ ❒☎ ✆ ✌ ♒☐❒♦♏ ♌♏♋❒☎ ✆ ✌ ♦♋♌●♏ ♎♏♦☎ ✆ ✌ ♦♓☐ ♦♦♓⏹♑☎ ✆ ✌ ♍☐♦ ♍♒♓♍☎ ✆ ✌ ❒◆♌♌♏❒ ☐♏⏹♍♓●☎ ✆ ✌ ❑◆♓●♦ ♌♏●♦✋✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♦♓♍ ☎听录音,勾出听到的字母组✆ ✈ ✈ ✈ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☜☞☝ ☞☜☝ ☝☞☜ ☹☠ ☠☹ ☹☠☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ❖◆♋ ❖♋◆ ◆♋❖ ●❍♓ ♓●❍ ●♓❍☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☐❑♌ ♌❑☐ ♌☐❑ ☐♋♦ ♦☐♋ ☐♦♋☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆ ☎ ✆✋✋✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♦♓♍ ☎听录音,勾出听到的图片✆ ☎ ✆☎ ✆☎ ✆☎ ✆ ☎ ✆☎ ✆☎ ✆☎ ✆ ☎ ✆☎ ✆☎ ✆☎ ✆✋✞ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ❍♋♦♍♒☎听录音连线✆ ❒♋♦ ♋ ♦♒♏♏☐ ♦♒♏ ♎☐☐❒ ☐⏹❼♦ ♍●♓❍♌ ♦♒♏ ♍●♋♦♦❒☐☐❍ ●☐♦♏ ♦♒♏ ♦♓⏹♎☐♦ ☐♏⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦❒♏♏ ☐❍♏ ♦☐ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♑❒☐◆⏹♎✞ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ ☎找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内✆☎ ✆ ✌ ❆♒♓♦ ♓♦ ❍⍓ ❒☐☐❍ ❆♒♓♦ ♓♦ ❍⍓ ♌♏♎☎ ✆ ✌ ✋ ♒♏♋❒ ♋ ☐♓♑ ✋ ♦♏♏ ♋ ☐♓♑☎ ✆ ✌ ☹☐☐ ♋♦ ♦♒♏ ◆❍♌❒♏●●♋ ❆♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♋⏹ ◆❍♌❒♏●●♋☎ ✆ ✌ ♋❍ ♍♋⏹ ♦♓☐ ♋❍ ♍♋⏹ ♦♦♓⏹♑☎ ✆ ✌ ✋❼❖♏ ♑☐♦ ♋ ❒◆♌♌♏❒ ✋❼❖♏ ♑☐♦ ♋ ☐♏⏹♍♓●✞✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内) ☎ ✆ ✌ ✋ ♍♋⏹ ♦♓⏹♑ ☟♏ ♍♋⏹ ♦♓⏹♑☎ ✆ ✌ ✋ ♦♏♏ ♋ ❒♋♌♌♓♦ ✋ ♒♏♋❒ ♋ ♍♒♓♍☎ ✆ ✌ ✋♦ ♓♦ ♋ ♍☐♦ ✡♏♦ ♓♦ ♓♦ ♋ ♍☐♦☎ ✆ ✌ ✌ ☐♋❒ ✌ ●♋❍☐☎ ✆ ✌ ✋ ♒♏♋❒ ♋ ♒♏⏹ ✋ ●♓♏ ♋ ♒♏⏹☎ ✆ ✌ ✋♦ ♓♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦♋♌●♏ ✋ ♦ ♓♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐●☐☐❒✞✋✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ◆♎♑♏ ☎听录音,判断正误,用“❆”表示正确,“☞”表示错误✆ %☎ ✆ ✋ ♒♏♋❒ ♋ ♍☐♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐♋❒❍✋♦ ♑☐♏♦ ❽❍☐☐ ❍☐☐❾☎ ✆ ☹☐☐ ♋♦ ♦♒♏ ☐♋⏹♎♋ ✋♦ ♓♦ ♌●♋♍ ♋⏹♎ ♦♒♓♦♏ ✋♦ ♓♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♌☐⌧☎ ✆ ✋ ♒♋❖♏ ♋ ♐❒♓♏⏹♎ ☟♏ ♓♦ ♌♓♑ ♋⏹♎ ♑❒♏⍓ ☟♏ ♒♋♦ ♦♦☐ ♦❍♋●● ♏♋❒♦☎ ✆ ❆♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♋ ♌♏♎ ♋⏹♎ ♋ ♦☐♐♋ ♓⏹ ❍⍓ ❒☐☐❍ ❆♒♏ ♌♏♎ ♓♦ ♌●◆♏ ❆♒♏ ♦☐♐♋ ♓♦ ❒♏♎♋❒♦ ❒♓♦♓⏹♑(阅读部分) ✋ ☐☐⍓ ♦♒♏ ♐☐●●☐♦♓⏹♑ ☎正确抄写字母和单词✆ ☠ ✞ ☝ ❑ ☐ ♌ ♎ ♍☐❍♏ ♐❒♓♏⏹♎ ♌❒☐♦⏹ ♑❒♋♦♦ ♦♓♑♏❒✋✋ ☹☐☐ ♋⏹♎ ♍♓❒♍●♏ ☎圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母✆✈( ♋ ❑ ♎ ) ♦ ☎ ✋ ☹ ❆ ✆ ☠ ☎ ⏹ ♐ ❍ ✆ ❒ ☎ ✞ ✆ ✞ ☎ ❖ ◆ ⌧✆ ♑ ☎ ☝ ☺ ✆✋✋✋ ☹☐☐ ♋⏹♎ ♦❒♓♦♏ ☎看图,将单词写完整✆ ✆ ✆ ✆♦♦♉♉ ♉♉ ♑♦ ♉♉ ♌ ♉♉ ♉♉♉♉ ♉♉ ❍ ♉ ✆ ✆ ✆♉♉ ♉♉♌❒♏♉♉ ♉♉♋♉♉ ♉♉ ⏹♒♉♉ ♉♉ ✆ ✆♦ ♦ ♉♉ ♉♉ ♦♉♉ ●♉♉ ☐♒♉♉ ⏹♦✋✞ ♏♋♎ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ ☎圈出不同类的词✆ .♐●⍓ ♦♋● ♐●☐☐❒ ♦♦♓❍.♋⏹♓❍♋● ♦♓♑♏❒ ♍♒♓♍☐♋⏹♎♋.☐❒♋⏹♑♏ ♍♋♏ ♌♋⏹♋⏹♋ ☐♏♋♍♒.●☐☐ ♦♏♏ ♒♏❒♏♒♏♋❒.☐♏⏹♍♓● ❒◆♌♌♏❒ ❒◆●♏❒ ♦♦♏♏♦.♌♏♎ ♦☐♐♋ ❒☐☐❍ ♦♋♌●♏✞ ♏♋♎ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ ☎选择填空,将字母代号填入括号内✆☎ ✆ ✋ ♒♋❖♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ☐❒♋⏹♑♏ ☎ ✌ ♋ ♋⏹ ✆☎ ✆ ♉♉♉♉♉ ♎☐ ⍓☐◆ ♦♏♏✍ ✌ ❍☐⏹♏⍓ ☎ ✌ ♒♋♦ ♒♏❒♏ ✆☎ ✆ ❆♒♏❒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒❒♏♏ ♌☐⍓♦ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ❒☐☐❍ ☎ ✌ ♓♦ ♋❒♏ ✆☎ ✆ ♉♉♉♉♉ ⍓☐◆ ♦♋● ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♑❒♋♦♦ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐♋❒✍ ☎ ✌ ✌❒♏ ♋⏹✆☎ ✆ ♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♒♏❒♏ ☎ ✌ ☝☐ ☐❍♏ ✆☎ ✆ ❆♒♏ ♍♋♦ ♍♋⏹ ♉♉♉♉♉☎ ✌ ♐●⍓ ◆❍☐ ✆✞✋ ♏♋♎ ♋⏹♎ ◆♎♑♏☎ 读句子,判断正误,用“❆”表示正确,“☞”表示错误✆ ☎ ✆.你看到了天空中的一只鸟,说,✋ ♒♏♋❒ ♋ ♌♓❒♎☎ ✆ 当你看见有人在公园里爬树,就劝他说, ●♓❍♌ ♦♒♏ ♦❒♏♏ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐♋❒☎ ✆ 小猫在你的床下,你说, ❆♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♋ ♍♋♦ ◆⏹♎♏❒ ❍⍓ ♌♏♎☎ ✆ 起风了,妈妈看见窗还开着就对你说, ●☐♦♏ ♦♒♏ ♦♓⏹♎☐♦ ☐●♏♋♦♏✞✋✋ ♏♋♎ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏☎根据短文,圈出正确的内容✆✋ ♋❍ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐♋❒ ✋ ♍♋⏹ ♦♏♏ ❍♋⏹⍓ ♐♓♦♒ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ❒♓❖♏❒ ✋ ♒♏♋❒ ♦♒♏ ♌♏♏♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐●☐♦♏❒♦ ✋ ♍♋⏹ ☐●♋⍓ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦♦♓⏹♑◆♦ ✋ ♍♋⏹ ⏹☐♦ ♦♋● ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♑❒♋♦♦ ☹☐☐ ♦♒♓♦ ♓♦ ❍⍓ ◆❍♌❒♏●●♋ ✋♦ ♓♦ ☐♓⏹ ✋ ♍♋⏹ ♦♓♦ ◆⏹♎♏❒ ❍⍓ ◆❍♌❒♏●●♋ ✋ ♋❍ ♒♋☐☐⍓ ☎ ✆ ✋ ♋❍ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ✌ ☐♋❒ ☐☐ ☎ ✆ ✋ ♍♋⏹ ♦♏♏ ❍♋⏹⍓♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ❒♓❖♏❒ ✌ ♎◆♍♦ ♐♓♦♒ ☎ ✆ ⍓ ◆❍♌❒♏●●♋ ♓♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉✌ ❒♏♎ ☐♓⏹ ☎ ✆ ✋ ♍♋⏹ ☐●♋⍓ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉✌ ♑❒♋♦♦ ♦♦♓⏹♑二年级牛津英语期中练习听力内容♋❒♦ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹♓⏹♑(听力部分)✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ ☎听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内✆ ❆☺ ❍ ⏹ ☐ ❑ ♋ ❒ ♌♏♋❒ ♦♓☐ ♍☐♦ ☐♏⏹♍♓● ♌♏●♦☎✌ ✌ ✌ ✌ ✌ ✌ ✆✋✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♦♓♍ ☎听录音,勾出听到的字母组✆ ✈ ☝☞☜ ☹☠ ❖♋◆ ●♓❍ ♌❑☐ ☐♋♦✋✋✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♦♓♍ ☎听录音,勾出听到的图片✆ ♒♋♦ ♎☐ ⍓☐◆ ♦♏♏✍ ✋ ♦♏♏ ♋ ☐♓♑ ✋♦ ♦♒♓♦ ♋ ☐♋⏹♎♋✍ ✡♏♦ ♓♦ ♓♦ ✋ ♒♋❖♏ ♑☐♦ ♋⏹ ◆❍♌❒♏●●♋ ♒♏ ♍♋⏹ ♦♓☐ ♦♒♏ ❒☐☐♏ ❆♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♋ ♦☐♐♋ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ❒☐☐❍ ♒♋♦ ♎☐ ⍓☐◆ ♒♏♋❒✍ ✋ ♒♏♋❒ ♋ ☐●♋⏹♏✋✞ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ❍♋♦♍♒☎听录音连线✆❒♋♦ ♋ ♦♒♏♏☐ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♑❒☐◆⏹♎☐⏹❼♦ ♍●♓❍♌ ♦♒♏ ♦❒♏♏●☐♦♏ ♦♒♏ ♦♓⏹♎☐♦ ☐♏⏹ ♦♒♏ ♎☐☐❒ ☐❍♏ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♍●♋♦♦❒☐☐❍✞ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ ☎找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内✆ ❆♒♓♦ ♓♦ ❍⍓ ❒☐☐❍ ✋ ♦♏♏ ♋ ☐♓♑ ☹☐☐ ♋♦ ♦♒♏ ◆❍♌❒♏●●♋ ♋❍ ♍♋⏹ ♦♦♓⏹♑✋❼❖♏ ♑☐♦ ♋ ❒◆♌♌♏❒ ☎ ✌ ✌ ✌✆✞✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♍♒☐☐♦♏ (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内) ♒♋♦ ♍♋⏹ ⍓☐◆ ♎☐✍ ♒♋♦ ♎☐ ⍓☐◆ ♦♏♏✍ ☹☐☐ ♓♦ ♓♦ ♋ ♍☐♦✍ ♒♋♦❼♦ ♓⏹ ⍓☐◆❒ ❒☐☐❍✍ ♒♋♦ ♎☐ ⍓☐◆ ♒♏♋❒✍ ♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♦♒♏ ♦☐♐♋✍ ☎ ✌ ✌ ✌ ✆✞✋✋ ☹♓♦♦♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ◆♎♑♏ ☎听录音,判断正误,用“❆”表示正确,“☞”表示错误✆ ✋ ♒♏♋❒ ♋ ♍☐♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐♋❒❍ ✋♦ ♑☐♏♦ ❽❍☐☐ ❍☐☐❾ ☹☐☐ ♋♦ ♦♒♏ ☐♋⏹♎♋ ✋♦ ♓♦ ♌●♋♍ ♋⏹♎ ♦♒♓♦♏ ✋♦ ♓♦ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♌♋●● ✋ ♒♋❖♏ ♋ ♐❒♓♏⏹♎ ☟♏ ♓♦ ♌♓♑ ♋⏹♎ ♑❒♏⍓ ☟五年级英语( )期末测试卷 ♏ ♒♋♦ ♦♦☐ ♌♓♑ ♏♋❒♦ ❆♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♋ ♌♏♎ ♋⏹♎ ♋ ♦☐♐♋ ♓⏹ ❍⍓ ❒☐☐❍ ❆♒♏ ♌♏♎ ♓♦ ♌●◆♏ ❆♒♏ ♦☐♐♋ ♓♦ ❒♏♎ ☎ ❆ ☞ ☞ ❆ ✆页脚内容。
2011——2012学年二年级英语第二学期期中测试Class:____________ Name: __________________________一.正确书写下列字母.(注意手写体)(10’)Hh Rr Nn Ll Ff--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------二.根据中文意思勾出正确的英文单词。
(15’)母鸡 (hen, duck) 绵羊 (shoe , sheep) 鼻子 (nose, eye) 朋友 (fly, friend) 大的 (big, bag) 大象 (panda, elephant) 铅笔 (pen, pencil)关 (open, close) 房间 (road, room) 桌子 (taxi, table)窗户 (wind, window)兔子 (rabbit, rubber) 动物园 (park, zoo)爬 (swing, climb)骑 (ride, walk)三.看图勾单词完成句子。
(10’)1. I see a . ( ) A. pig B. bear2. There is a on the table. ( ) A. lamp B. rubber3. I can . ( ) A. swim B. swing4. There are 5 boys in the. ( ) A. classroom B. room5. I hear a . ( ) A. panda B. monkey。
12%〔〕1.A.workerB.cook()3.A.docto rB.nurse()5.A.doorB.book ()2.A.tableB.desk ()4.A.cleanB.close ()tomatoB.potato二、听音,把你所听到的句子,把AB选项写在括号内。
12%()1.A.Cleanthetable,please.B.Cleanthechair,please.()2.A.MerryChristmas!B.Thankyou.(What’sthis?’sshe?()4.A.It’sa banana.B.It’sbig.(Whatarethese?B.What’sthis?(Who’sshe?B.What’sshe?三、听音,给句子标序号。
8%〔〕morning,SuHai.()arethese?Theyarebeans()atthemoon.()4.What ’syourfather?一、圈出不一样类的单词。
10%1.father nurse brother2.bigsmallbright3.desk pen chair4.tomatoapplecarrot5.door star sun二、依据所给中文,选出相应的英文单词,在括号内写出相应的序号。
12%〔〕1、工人B.workerC.teacher〔〕2、星星〔〕3、土豆〔〕4、妈妈A..mother 〔〕5、光亮的〔〕6、沙发三、中英文连线。
6%这些是什么?Allright.她是谁?感谢你好的它是光亮的看星星It ’sbright. Whatarethese? ThankyouWho ’sshe? Lookatthemoon.四、从B栏中选出A栏相对应的英文选项,把序号写在提早括号内。
二年级牛津小学英语2B第二学期期中测试题Class:____________ Name: __________________________听力部分(50分)一.听单词、辨别图片与单词是否相符、相符的打√、不相符的打×.(2*10)1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )5. ( )6. ( )7. ( )8. ( )9. ( ) 10. ( )二.听单词、选择与它相符的图片的代号.(2*5)11. ( ) A. B. C.12. ( ) A. B. C.13. ( ) A. B. C.14. ( ) A. B. C.15. ( ) A. B. C.三.听录音、用√和×判断句子正误.(2*5)16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( )19. ( ) 20. ( )四.听录音、完成下列单词.(1*10)1. tab___e2. j___mp3. s____eet4._____rass5. bic____cle6. ____ly7. li____e8. cle____n9. ____ose 10. b_____rd笔试部分(50分)一.读单词、在相应图片的方框内写上序号.cow sofa walk rabbit umbrella1 / 2二.读单词、圈出不同类的词.1. panda horse bird bear2. skip climb fly bed3. ferry plane train car4. lamp vain bed table5. duck sleep pig elephant三.看图、在正确句子的前面打√.1. 2. 3.I like to write. It’s a table.I like to dance. It’s a lamp4. 5.I can ride.I can fly.四.读上句、圈下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√.1. What can Spotty do? ( ) Spotty can run. ( ) I can run.2. What do you see? ( ) I see a duck. ( ) I hear a duck.3. How are you? ( ) Thank you. ( ) Fine, thank you.4. Do you like winter? ( ) Yes, I don’t.( ) No, I don’t.5. Where do you live? ( ) I live in Shiyan. ( )I love Shiyan.五.写出下面句子的书写形式.1. D on’t ride a bicycle here.2. Kitty is under the sofa.3. Close the window, please.5. I’ve got four eggs.2 / 2。
牛津英语2B 期中测试2014-2015学年度第二学期小学阶段性检测二年级英语试题等级_______________Li stening Part (50%)一、Lis ten and c ircle.(听录音,圈出听到的字母、字母组合和单词)10% 1) A 。
PD ﻩB。
Q Bﻩ2) A. N HﻩB。
HM3) A. R E ﻩB. O F ﻩﻩ4) A 。
a o eﻩB。
e a o5) A. bea r B. pear ﻩ ﻩ6) A 。
chi ck B. c hi cke n..7) A . b ig B. b ag ﻩ 8) A.w indow ﻩB。
r oom9) A. wal k ﻩB. jump ﻩﻩﻩ10) A。
panda ﻩB. elephant . .二、Listen and nu mb er .(听录音,给下列图片编号)12%学校 年级 姓名……………………………密………………………………封……………………………线………………………………………………………1.2。
ﻩﻩ 3.()ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩ( )ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩ( )4。
ﻩ 5. ﻩ 6.ﻩﻩ()ﻩﻩﻩﻩ( )ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩ( )三、Listen and judge。
(听录音,用“T”或“F”判断是否与图片内容一致)12%1. 2. 3。
ﻩ()ﻩﻩﻩ()ﻩﻩ( )4.ﻩﻩ5。
6.ﻩ()ﻩﻩﻩﻩ()ﻩﻩﻩ()四、Listen and match。
(听录音,把人物与相应的句子用线连起来)10%( )1) Li Ming ﻩﻩA. I can ride。
( )2)May ﻩﻩB. I am a dog。
( )3) Spotty ﻩﻩC. I like to eat apples。
()4) Mother ﻩﻩﻩD。
I have a bed.( )5) KittyﻩE. I live i nShanghai。
五、Listen and circle。
Class______ Name_______ No______ Score_______
Part 1 Listening(听力部分)50%
听录音,判断正误,用“ ”表示正确,“ ”表示错误 %
( )
圈出不同类的词 .
. .
读句子,判断正误,用“ ”表示正确,“ ”表示错误
.你看到了天空中的一只鸟,说, 当你看见有人在公园里爬树,就劝他说,
听录音,判断正误,用“ ”表示正确,“ ”表示错误
播两遍(5%)1.() A. B. C.2.() A. B. C.3.() A. B. C.4.() A. B. C.5.() A. B. C.三、听录音、圈出听到的字母或单词。
播两遍(10%)() 1. A. train B. plane() 2. A. jg B. gj() 3. A. bd B. db() 4. A. window B. door() 5. A. HKA B. AHK() 6. A. winter B. autumm() 7. A. GBM B. KML() 8. A. aie B. eia()9. A. ILJ B. JIL()10. A. tiger B. monkey四、听录音、用√和×判断句子正误。
播两遍(10%)() 1. A. That’monkeysa. B. This is a tiger.() 2. A. Open your gift. B. Give me a gift.()3. A. Say‘ hello ’ to me. B. Say ‘ thank you ’ . () 4. A. They’re beans. B. They’re bears.() 5. A. This doll is for you. B. This yo-yo is for me. ()6. A. What can you see? B. What can you do ? () 7. A. Put on the coat . B. Take off your sweater.() 8. A. I like this dress. () 9. A. I can see a little bird. monkeys.B. I like these sweets.B. I can see five little() 10. A. What are these? B.What are those?笔试部分( 60% )一、读单词、在相应图片的括号内写上序号。
第1页 共4页 第2页 共4页2017—2018学年第二学期《牛津英语2B 》期中检测试卷分值:100分 时间:60mins根据听力圈出正确的图片。
( )I see a horse.2.( ) I hear a sheep.3.( ) Look at the bear.4.( ) Look at the tiger.5.( )There is a window in my room.6.( ) Look at the duck.7.( )There are doors in my room.8.( )I can skip.9.( ) I can walk.10.( )There is a table in my room.三、 根据听力,将正确的选项填入括号里。
1.( ) _____ here, Spotty.A. ComeB. Go2.( )Draw the cow on the paper.A.B.第3页 共4页 第4页 共4页3.( ) -What do you see? -I see a _____.A.pandaB.horse4.( ) -What do you hear? -I hear a _____.A.duckB.elephant5.( )Draw the duck on the ground.A.B.6.( ) ____ the window, please.A.CloseB.Open7.( )There is a bed in my room.A. B.8.( ) Don ’t ____ on the grass.A.walkB.jump9.( )Don ’t ride a bike here.A.B. 10.( ) -What can you do? -I can ____.A.flyB.climb四、 根据听力,将图片序号填在相对应的单词括号里。
二年级牛津英语期中练习试卷Class______ Name_______ No______ Score_______Part 1 Listening(听力部分)50%I. Listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内) 12%( )1. A. PD B. BD ( )2. A. RP B. PR( )3. A. TL B. TJ ( )4. A. un B. m n( )5. A. p q B. q p ( )6. A. a r B. i r( )7. A. horse B. bear ( )8. A. table B. desk( )9. A. skip B. swing ( )10 A. cow B. chick( )11. A. rubber B. pencil ( )12. A. quilt B. beltII. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组) 8%1. PQO OPQ QPO2. DBR RDB BRD( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. EFG FEG GFE4. LSN NSL SLN( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. vua vau uav6. lmi ilm lim( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )7. pqb bqp bpq 8. oas soa osa( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )III. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片) 6%1. 2.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. 4.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )IV. Listen and match(听录音连线) 5%1.Draw a sheep ● ● the door.2.Don’t climb ● ●the classroom.3.Close ● ● the window.4.Open ● ●the tree.e to ● ● on the ground.V. Listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)5%( )1. A. This is my room. B. This is my bed.( )2. A. I hear a pig. B. I see a pig.( )3. A. Look at the umbrella. B. There is an umbrella.( )4. A. Sam can skip. B. Sam can swing.( )5. A. I’ve got a rubber. B. I’ve got a pencil.VI. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内)6% ( )1. A. I can sing. B. He can sing.( )2. A. I see a rabbit B. I hear a chick.( )3. A. It is a cow. B. Yes, it is a cow.( )4. A. A park. B. A lamp.( )5. A. I hear a hen. B. I like a hen.( )6. A. It is on the table. B. I t is on the floor.VII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误) 8%( )1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes “moo, moo”.( )2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the box.( )3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two small ears.( )4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red.Part 2 Writing(阅读部分)50%I. Copy the following (正确抄写字母和单词)10%N R U G K q p b d jcome friend brown grass tigerII. Look and circle (圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母)6%1.Q(a q d )2. t ( I L T )3. N ( n f m )4. r ( R V S )5. U ( v u x)6. g ( G D J )III. Look and write (看图,将单词写完整) 10%1) 2) 3) 4)sw__ __ g t __ b __ __ __ __ m __ h __ __ se5) 6) 7) 8)__ __bre__ __a __ __ n h__ __ c __ __ mb9) 10)s w __ __ t __ l__ ph__ ntIV. Read and choose (圈出不同类的词) 6%1.fly walk floor swim2.animal tiger chick panda3.orange cake banana peach4.look see here hear5.pencil rubber ruler sweet6.bed sofa room tableV. Read and choose (选择填空,将字母代号填入括号内)6%( )1. I have _______ orange. ( A. a B. an ) ( )2. _____ do you see? A monkey. ( A. What B. Where ) ( )3. There ______ three boys in the room. ( A. is B. are ) ( )4. _____ you walk on the grass in the park? ( A. Are B. Can ) ( )5. ______ here. ( A. Go B. Come ) ( )6. The cat can _____. ( A. fly B. jump )VI. Read and judge( 读句子,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误) 8% ( )1.你看到了天空中的一只鸟,说,I hear a bird.( )2. 当你看见有人在公园里爬树,就劝他说,Climb the tree in the park. ( )3. 小猫在你的床下,你说,There is a cat under my bed.( )4. 起风了,妈妈看见窗还开着就对你说,Close the window, please.VII. Read and choose(根据短文,圈出正确的内容)4%I am in the park. I can see many fish in the river. I hear the bees on the flowers.I can play on the swing. But I can not walk on the grass. Look, this is my umbrella. It is pink. I can sit under my umbrella. I am happy.1. ( ) I am in the _______. A. park B. zoo2. ( ) I can see many______ in the river. A. ducks B. fish3. ( ) My umbrella is ______ A. red B. pink4. ( ) I can play on the ______. A. grass B. swing二年级牛津英语期中练习听力内容Part 1 Listening(听力部分)I. Listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内)1. PD2. R P3. TJ4. B. m n5. p q6. a r7. bear 8. B 9. skip 10 cow 11. pencil 12. belt(A A B B A A B B A A B B)II. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组)1. OPQ2. DBR3. GFE4. LSN5. vau6. lim7. bqp8. oasIII. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片)1. What do you see? I see a pig.2. Is this a panda? Yes, it is.3. I have got an umbrella.4. She can skip the rope.5. There is a sofa in the room6. What do you hear? I hear a plane.IV. Listen and match(听录音连线)Draw a sheep on the ground. Don’t climb the tree.Close the window. Open the door. Come to the classroom.V. Listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)1. This is my room.2. I see a pig.3. Look at the umbrella.4. Sam can swing.5.I’ve got a rubber.( A B A B A)VI. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内)1.What can you do?2. What do you see?3. Look, is it a cow?4. What’s in your room?.5. What do you hear?6. Where is the sofa? ( A A B B A B ) VII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误)1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes “moo, moo”.2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the ball.3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two big ears.4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red. ( T F F T )应试小技巧一、进入考场,首先要做的是让自己冷静下来。
二年级牛津英语期中练习试卷Class______ Name_______ No______ Score_______Part 1 Listening (听力部分)50%I. Listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内) 12%( )1. A. PD B. BD ( )2. A. RP B. PR( )3. A. TL B. TJ ( )4. A. un B. m n( )5. A. p q B. q p ( )6. A. a r B. i r( )7. A. horse B. bear ( )8. A. table B. desk( )9. A. skip B. swing ( )10 A. cow B. chick( )11. A. rubber B. pencil ( )12. A. quilt B. beltII. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组) 8%1. PQO OPQ QPO2. DBR RDB BRD( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. EFG FEG GFE4. LSN NSL SLN( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. vua vau uav6. lmi ilm lim( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )7. pqb bqp bpq 8. oas soa osa( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )III. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片) 6%1.2.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3.4.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )6.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )IV. Listen and match(听录音连线) 5%1.Draw a sheep ● ● the door.2.Don’t climb ● ●the classroom.3.Close ● ● the window.4.Open ● ●the tree.5. e to ● ● on the ground.V. Listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)5%( )1. A. This is my room. B. This is my bed.( )2. A. I hear a pig. B. I see a pig.( )3. A. Look at the umbrella. B. There is an umbrella.( )4. A. Sam can skip. B. Sam can swing.( )5. A. I’ve got a rubber. B. I’ve got a pencil.VI. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内)6%( )1. A. I can sing. B. He can sing.( )2. A. I see a rabbit B. I hear a chick.( )3. A. It is a cow. B. Yes, it is a cow.( )4. A. A park. B. A lamp.( )5. A. I hear a hen. B. I like a hen.( )6. A. It is on the table. B. I t is on the floor.VII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误) 8%( )1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes “moo, moo”.( )2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the box.( )3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two small ears.( )4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red.Part 2 Writing(阅读部分)50%I. Copy the following (正确抄写字母和单词)10%N R U G K q p b d je friend brown grass tigerII. Look and circle (圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母)6%1.Q ( a q d )2. t ( I L T )3. N ( n f m )4. r ( R V S )5. U ( v u x)6. g ( G D J )III. Look and write (看图,将单词写完整) 10% 1)2) 3)sw__ __ g t __ b __ __ __ __ m __ h __ __ se5)6)7)8) __ __bre__ __a __ __ n h__ __ c __ __ mb9)10)s w __ __ t __ l__ ph__ ntIV . Read and choose (圈出不同类的词) 6%1. fly walk floor swim2. animal tiger chick panda3. orange cake banana peach4. look see here hear5. pencil rubber ruler sweet6. bed sofa room tableV . Read and choose (选择填空,将字母代号填入括号内)6%( )1. I have _______ orange. ( A. a B. an) ( )2. _____ do you see? A monkey. ( A. What B. Where )( )3. There ______ three boys in the room. ( A. is B. are ) ( )4. _____ you walk on the grass in the park? ( A. Are B. Can ) ( )5. ______ here. ( A. Go B. e ) ( )6. The cat can _____. ( A. fly B. jump )VI. Read and judge( 读句子,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误) 8% ( )1.你看到了天空中的一只鸟,说,I hear a bird.( )2. 当你看见有人在公园里爬树,就劝他说,Climb the tree in the park. ( )3. 小猫在你的床下,你说,There is a cat under my bed.( )4. 起风了,妈妈看见窗还开着就对你说,Close the window, please.VII. Read and choose(根据短文,圈出正确的内容)4%I am in the park. I can see many fish in the river. I hear the bees on the flowers. I can play on the swing. But I can not walk on the grass. Look, this is my umbrella. It is pink. I can sit under my umbrella. I am happy.1. ( ) I am in the _______. A. park B. zoo2. ( ) I can see many______ in the river. A. ducks B. fish3. ( ) My umbrella is ______ A. red B. pink4. ( ) I can play on the ______. A. grass B. swing二年级牛津英语期中练习听力内容Part 1 Listening(听力部分)I. Listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内)1. PD2. R P3. TJ4. B. m n5. p q6. a r7. bear 8. B 9. skip 10 cow 11. pencil 12. belt(A A B B A A B B A A B B)II. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组)1. OPQ2. DBR3. GFE4. LSN5. vau6. lim7. bqp8. oasIII. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片)1. What do you see? I see a pig.2. Is this a panda? Yes, it is.3. I have got an umbrella.4. She can skip the rope.5. There is a sofa in the room6. What do you hear? I hear a plane.IV. Listen and match(听录音连线)Draw a sheep on the ground. Don’t climb the tree.Close the window. Open the door. e to the classroom.V. Listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)1. This is my room.2. I see a pig.3. Look at the umbrella.4. Sam can swing.5.I’ve got a rubber.( A B A B A)VI. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内)1.What can you do?2. What do you see?3. Look, is it a cow?4. What’s in your room?.5. What do you hear?6. Where is the sofa? ( A A B B A B )VII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误)1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes “moo, moo”.2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the ball.3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two big ears.4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red. ( T F F T )。
(2)1.Do you like autumn? No,I don’t2. What can you see? I can see a boat.二找出不同类的词并将序号写在括号内。
(20)( ) 1. A. jeep B. see C. boat( ) 2. A. train B. plane C. doll( ) 3. A. school B. lesson C. zoo( ) 4. A. autumn B. season C. winter( ) 5. A. tiger B. lion C. my( ) 6. A. Art B. bear C. PE( ) 7. A. puppet B. toy C. puzzle( ) 8. A. Chinese B. see C. Music( ) 9. A. monkey B. panda C. train( ) 10. A. a B. ten C. three()11. A. hot B. cold C. summer()12. A. cat B. car C. taxi()13. A. winter B. white C. black()14. A. pear B. potato C. peach()15. A. bus B. cinema C. park()16. A. monkey B. lion C. butterfly()17. A. skirt B. swim C. sweater()18. A. bright B. big C. moon()19. A. bag B. grandma C. grandpa()20. A. close B. clean C. colour三、选择正确答案。
(10)( )1. Do you like spring ? Yes, I _______.A. don’tB. doC. is( )2. What lessons do you have ? ______have English and PE.A. HeB. WeC. My( )3. What can you see? I can see _______________.A. a lionB. lionC. a elephant( ) 4. What do you like? I like________.A. trainB. a trainC. trains( ) 5.What seasons do you like? I like ________.A. a winterB. springC. yo-yo( ) 6. Do you like apples? No, I _______.A. doB. can’tC. don’t( ) 7. What can you see? I can see_________.A. boatB. a boatsC. a boat( ) 8. What’s this? It’s _______.A. jeepB. a jeepC. jeeps( ) 9. Is this a car? Yes, it _____ .A. isB. isn’tC. are( ) 10. What do you have? I_____ a doll.A. canB. haveC. am() 11. - ________ your father? -He’s a doctor.A.Who’s B.What’s C. How() 12. - _______ you like summer? -No, I don’t.A.Do B.Can C. What()1 3. - How many __________? - Six.A.monkey B. dog C. dogs() 14. - What _______ that? -It’s a ruler.A.is B.are C. can() 15. - Can you dance? - ______________.A.I can sing. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I can.() 16. - Nice to meet you. - ___________A. Here you are.B. Thank youC. Nice to meet you, too. () 17. - What do you like? -I like ___________.A. butterflyB. butterflysC. butterflies() 18. Spring is __________.A. whiteB. greenC. red() 19. - _________________? - I can sing.A. What can you do?B. What do you like?C. What are these? () 20. -What’s this?-It’s a _______.A.ant B.milk C. bee四、根据情景选择合适的选项, 将其序号填入题前括号内。
小学二年级英语期中复习题(牛津版)小学二年级英语期中复习题(牛津版)一、选词填空1. What do you like ________? I like eating_______.A.eat bananaB.eating bananas 2. What do you like_____ ?I like drinking water.A.drinkB.drinking 3. Do you like ______________ ? Yes, I __________ .A.hop canB.hopping do 4. Look at me.I can______________ a bicycle.A.rideB.riding 5. I like carrots.______________ sweet.A.ItsB.Theyre 6. What colour are thebutterflies?______________ purple.A.ItsB.Theyre二、读句子,判断正误,(TorF)( gt;TF )1.你看到了天空中的一只鸟,说,I hear a bird.( TF )2.当你看见有人在公园里爬树,就劝他说,Climb the tree in the park.( TF )3.小猫在你的床下,你说, There is a cat under my bed.( TF )4.起风了,妈妈看见窗还开着就对你说,Close the window, please.1. I have _______ orange.A.aB.an 2. _____ do you see? A monkey.A.WhatB.Where 3. There ______ three boys in the room.A.isB.are 4. _____ you walk on the grass in the park?A.AreB.Can 5. ______ here.A.Goe 6. The cat can _____.A.flyB.jump四、阅读理解I am in the park. I can see many fish in the river.I hear the bees on the flowers. I can play on the swing. But I can not walk on the grass. Look, this is my umbrella. It is pink. I can sit under my umbrella. I am happy.答案 1. I am in the _______.A. parkB. zoo 2. I can see many______ in the river.A. ducksB. fish 3. My umbrella is ______A. redB. pink 4. I can play on the ______.A. grassB. swing同学们一定要懂得只有好好学习才能取得好成绩,希望提供的小学二年级英语期中复习题,大家能够多多练习,争取向父母和老师交一份不错的成绩单!小学生期中考试复习专题为大家提供期中考试复习计划、期中考试复习方法、期中考试考前心理辅导及期中考试复习试卷题库,请大家点击进入查看。