【可编辑】Unlock-AY-LDC1000 用户手册-V1.0
1DC1010/1020/1030/1040 产品手册1DC1000系列通用控制器中文操作手册2DC1010/1020/1030/1040 PRODUCT MANUAL3DC1010/1020/1030/1040 产品手册34DC1010/1020/1030/1040 PRODUCT MANUAL5DC1010/1020/1030/1040 产品手册 5LCK=0001, 只进入LEVEL1并允许改变SP 值 LCK=0101, 除改变LCK 功能外,其它任何参数不能改变7DC1010/1020/1030/1040 产品手册79DC1010/1020/1030/1040 产品手册9假设SET8.3=1,SP值西安市将被改成PV值显示。
11DC1010/1020/1030/1040 产品手册1112DC1010/1020/1030/1040 PRODUCT MANUAL13DC1010/1020/1030/1040 产品手册133) 结束功能如果ALD 设定为 17 (* 参看选择表), 此程序将在程序8或程序段16结束。
* 这样,在显示窗口中的 PV 和 END 将闪烁,报警继电器动作。
如果程序少于八个程序段,控制器就没有END 命令。
这样,请将下一程序段的 OUT 设定为0(out=0),程序就将在下一设定程序段结束。
4) 连接功能PTN=1, 进行模式1, 它包含8个程序段 PTN=2, 进行模式2, 它包含8个程序段PTN=0, 连接进行模式1和模式2 ,共有碍6个程序段 (首先设定PTN1和PTN2, 然后设定 PTN=0)5) 其它功能 (*参看 level 4)SET8.1=1 程序重运行 SET8.2=0 无停电处理功能 SET8.2=1 有停电处理功能(如果电源中断, 控制器仍将保持内存记忆功能。
高冠 LDC1000B电梯一体化控制器用户手册150709
CN4 为高压监控接口。列表如下: 端口号 H1A H1B H2A H2B H3A H3B 位置 CN4-1 CN4-2 CN4-3 CN4-4 CN4-5 CN4-6 定义 高压输入(厅门) 高压输入(厅门) 高压输入(轿门) 高压输入(轿门) 高压输入(安全) 高压输入(安全)
高压监控接口的输入电压:AC/DC 110V±20V。 3.3.4 CN5 为输出信号接口。列表如下: 端口号 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 YC1 Y5 Y6 YC2 Y7 YC3 Y8 YC4 3.3.5 CN6 为异步机编码器接口; CN7 为同步机编码器接口; CN8 为控制板与驱动板连接接口; CN10 为手持操作器接口; CN9、CN11、CN12 为系统保留接口。 3.3.6 LE33 为驱动板工作正常指示灯; LE34 为制动单元放电指示灯; LCD1 为直流母线电源指示灯,熄灭后才能拆卸 R、S、T、U、V、W、B1、P 端子。 3.3.7 K6 为系统复位键,按下此键后,系统重启; 3.3.8 J1 为并联通信终端电阻跳针,并联时需要跳接,群控时只保留 2 个终端跳接,其他 不能跳接; J3 为编码器插头外壳接地跳线, 跳接时 CN7 编码器 D 型插头外壳接地(一般无需连 接); J2、J4 为系统用跳针,厂家保留。 3.3.9 CN13 为同步、异步编码器选择跳线。 3.3.10 R、S、T 为主回路电源输入端子; U、V、W 为驱动器输出端子; B1、P 为制动电阻器连接端子; E 为地线端子。 位置 CN5-1 CN5-2 CN5-3 CN5-4 CN5-5 CN5-6 CN5-7 CN5-8 CN5-9 CN5-10 CN5-11 CN5-12 定义 Y1~Y4 公共端 输入接触器控制输出 输出接触器控制输出 抱闸接触器控制输出 抱闸强激接触器输出 开门命令 关门命令 Y5 ~Y6 公共端 备用输出点 Y7 公共端 消防反馈 Y8 公共端
第 1 页 共 53 页第一章 概述本手册主要是向你介绍DMC1000运动控制卡软件方面的内容,共分为八章;第一章为概述;第二章介绍驱动软件的安装;第二章介绍测试软件<Moton1000>的安装和使用;第四章介绍运动函数在windows下的调用;第五章为运动函数列表;第六章函数详解;第七章将向你介绍使用DMC1000控制卡的编程技术与技巧;第八章向你介在VB和VC两种编译下的一个编程实例(附源代码);附录A为DMC1000控制卡在使用过程中,经常遇到的一些问题及其解决方法。
第二章 驱动软件的安装DMC1000运动控制卡在windows环境下使用,必须安装驱动软件,下面是向你介绍DMC1000运动控制卡驱动软件的安装方法。
2.1 在WIN 9.x/WIN 2000 环境下,驱动软件的安装 下面以WIN 98为例,介绍驱动软件的安装。
首先将电脑的电源关掉,将DMC1000控制卡插入PCI插槽,然第 2 页 共 53 页后开机,将出现如下图所示的界面:单击下一步,进入下图所示的界面:如上图所示,再单击下一步,则进入下面的界面:第 3 页 共 53 页在这里,假设G 盘为光盘,按上图输入“g:\dmc1000\windows 9.x\driver ”路径,或者选择“浏览”来寻找该路径,然后单击一步。
(通常DMC1000控制卡的驱动程式被放置在配套光盘的该目录下)第 4 页 共 53 页如上图所示,选择“下一步”,即可完成驱动程式的安装。
V V V 3.0V 电源输出电流-2.5mA V 3.0V 电源输出电流 2.5mA A 输入信号等于 GND A 输入信号等于 VDD ns 发射模式下 PCLK 上升沿之前
DIO 准备好的最短时间 ns 发射模式下 PCLK 上升沿之后
DIO 被读取的最短时间 见 12 页表 2
Data Sheet
模拟模块接地 一般
晶体第 2 脚
晶体第 1 脚 或外部时钟输入
模拟模块接地 保护
数字模块接地 地层
对数字模块供电 3V
数据输入/输出 发送时输入 接收时输出
接收和发送状态下传输时钟信号 三总线编程时钟信号 三总线编程数据 写状态下编程数据输入 读状态下编程数据输出 三总线编程地址锁存使能 该管脚可用作 RSSI 或 10.7MHz IF 输出端到 可选的外围 IF 和解调器 若未使用 该管脚 必须悬空
A 3 8MHz 16PF 负 载 /9 14MHz 12PF 负载/14 16MHz 16PF 负载
A mA <500MHz mA >500MHz
Data Sheet
RF Transceiver
Distributed by
C-MAX Quality Source of Electronic Components
RF Transceiver
Distributed by
C-MAX Quality Source of Electronic Components
参数 供电电源 供电电压
低电位模式 433/868MHz 接收状态 时电流损耗
最小值 2.3
MLF1000使用手册- 简要版
薪誠彬企業有限公司XIN CHAMPION CO.,LTD 台灣桃園縣龜山鄉頂湖七街三號TEL:886-3-3279366 FAX:886-3-3279350廣東省深圳市寶安區石岩鎮浪心村長岭42號TEL:755-2809-3769 FAX:755-2809-3227簡要使用手冊Version 1.0__謝謝您購買ML-LF1000請詳細閱讀本手冊以確保本產品得以長期使用目錄1.產品介紹與規格2.操作面板控制部件示意圖3.機台主要部件俯視示意圖4.操作面板各控制部件功能說明5.溫度設定調整說明6.馬達皮帶更換7.內部電機/電子零組件說明8.電路圖配置說明9.產品服務1.產品介紹與規格:ML-LF1000無鉛製程專用噴流式錫爐新近樹立了台灣電子工業界維修的新標準,外型輕巧,性能超越日製機種,價格則低廉許多;全機電子電機零組件採用通過國際安全CE、UL認證的材料,錫槽採全鈦合金材質,安全穩定,耐用可靠,優於市面上普遍使用之不鏽鋼316材質,數位式的微電腦操控面板,操控精確、方便美觀,幾乎不須維護。
規格:型號ML-LF1000噴流式錫爐輸入電壓230 V AC (50/60Hz) ±10%消耗功率2,500 W,15A加熱功率2,000 W溫度範圍200 ℃~ 450 ℃控溫方式數位式微處理控制面板±1℃;波湧怠速與時間控制錫槽材質全鈦合金材質有效尺寸(PCB) 無限制機台尺寸(W×D×H) 30 cm × 60 cm × 26 cm機台重量: 淨重約25Kg錫槽容量: 約22Kg 最佳工作錫量20Kg ~21Kg (另可選配加氮氣機種) 工作台面無鉛、抗高溫、抗腐蝕、靜電桌墊噴嘴尺寸各式標準尺寸,也可依客戶特殊需求而訂製2.操作面板控制部件示意圖:3.機台主要部件俯視示意圖:4.操作面板各控制部件功能說明:4.1 波湧計時器旋鈕: 最短1秒;最長60分4.2 微電腦溫度程式控制器4.3波湧馬達控制器4.4 總電源開關與操作模式切換開關5.溫度設定調整說明開機初始畫面1.原出廠溫度設定值275 O C,最大450O C2.欲更改溫度時需先按一下鍵使其SV視窗數值閃爍,利用數值控制鍵變更數值,可移位,注意設定的數值,不可大於A2.SP過熱保護模式之數值,如有需要亦需變更A2.SP數值3.PV視窗顯示RTD感測錫槽溫度,當溫度達到SV設定值後即可工作6.馬達皮帶更換6.1 全鈦合金錫槽主要部件示意圖6.2 更換步驟1. 等待錫槽焊錫完全冷却。
TRC1000 培训资料(售后)
1.硬件构成篇............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.1 硬件构成图.................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 泰志达取控制系统----控制单元............................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 泰志达控制器之急停板............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.4 泰志达控制器之 PIO 单............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.5 泰志达控制器之 TIO................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.6 IO 详细对照表........................................................................................................................................................... 8
DST4000 和 DST1000 系列数字存储示波器用户手册
5.1 显示区 ........................................................................................ 20 5.2 信息区域..................................................................................... 23 5.3 波形显示..................................................................................... 23
DST4000 和 DST1000 系列 数字存储示波器
Version 1.0
杭州三汇科技有限公司 www.
目 录 ...........................................................................................................i 版权申明 .......................................................................................................................................................................v 第 1 章 安全事项......................................................................................... 1
Value & Technology可编程序控制器NK1系列用户手册[第二版修订2]前言此次承蒙采用本公司的NK1系列可编程序控制器(PLC),表示衷心的感谢!在使用NK1系列PLC之前,请仔细阅读本手册。
NK1系列PLC是一种整体式可扩展PLC,由本体单元、扩展单元、扩展功能板组成完整的PLC 系统,当然单独的一个本体单元也是一个完整的PLC系统。
另外40点型、64点型NK1本体单元还带有一个功能板安装位置,用于安装一块功能板,以增强PLC的功能,包括:电池板/普通IO 板/模拟量板/串行通信板等等。
NK1系统最大I/O点数达520点(本体64点+ 扩展单元32点×14+功能板8点×1)。
NK1系列PLC的主要特点如下:z整体式结构,便于安装、接线;z备有直流24V,交流110/220V 2种工作电源机型供用户选择;z交流工作电源机型采用AC85~264V宽电压供电,适用范围更广;z采用多扩展单元直接扩展I/O系统,最多可带14个扩展单元,外加1块功能板,并可任意接入最多2根扩展电缆,系统可扩展I/O点数最大到520点(本体64点+扩展单元32点×18+功能板8点×1);z备有继电器输出/晶体管输出/混合输出(晶体管、继电器)等多种本体机型,可根据需要,组成最经济系统;z本体带有多个通信口(20点型本体:二个RS232C口,一个RS485口,一个USB口;40点型/64点型本体:一个RS232C口,一个RS485口,一个以太网口,一个USB口),方便组建各种网络系统。
杭州艾研信息技术有限公司4. 关于进不了中断的问题,TM4C123G例程里面采用的是Comparator Mode作为中断方式,但Comparator Threshold High, Comparator Threshold Low两个阈值是根据检测的金属材料的不同需要自己去重新设置的,例程里面只是给出了在例程测试时可以使用的金属材料阈值,并不代表所有材料都是这个阈值。
大家也可以采用别的模式(DRDYB Mode)(详见本文附录)5. 在之前给出的Demo程序中LDCRead()函数中变量ProximityData和FrequencyData采用了或运算,在每次使用前需要做清零操作。
杭州艾研信息技术有限公司附录:1、在TM4C123G的例程文件下LDC1000_cmd.h有定义了两个阈值的变量相对应LDC1000的寄存器Comparator Threshold High LSB,Comparator Threshold High MSB,Comparator Threshold Low LSB,Comparator Threshold Low MSB 这样4个寄存器,下图就是对应的个寄存器。
V 1.0 控制说明书
V 1.0控制(1) PW MOD IN - 接受来自另一个模块的电压以控制脉冲宽度。
(2) VCO 输出 - 通过 3.5 毫米 TS 电缆将 VCO 信号发送到一个或两个信号源。
(3) 波形图 - 为 VCO 选择脉冲, 三角或锯齿波形。
(4)脉宽 - 根据在 PW MOD IN 插孔上接收到的电压来调整脉冲宽度调制。
(5) MOD 手册 - 设置脉搏波的上部和下部之间的比率。
(6) 同步输出 - 通过 3.5 毫米 TS 电缆发送同步信号。
(7) 范围 - 以八度为单位设置 VCO 的音高范围。
(8) 同步输入 - 通过 3.5 毫米 TS 电缆接收同步信号。
(9) 弱/强 - 确定同步的准确性。
(10) 沥青 - 微调音高。
(11) MOD 等级 - 调整连接到相关 MOD IN 插孔的信号的电平。
(12) 修改输入 - 接受控制或调制 VCO间距的电压。
电源连接该模块随附所需的电源线, 用于连接到标准 Eurorack 电源系统。
在将模块安装到机架盒中之前, 进行这些连接会更容易。
1. 关闭电源或机架式机箱的电源, 然后断开电源线的连接。
2.将电源线上的 16 针连接器插入电源或机架盒上的插座。
该连接器具有一个卡舌, 该卡舌将与插槽中的间隙对齐, 因此不会被错误地插入。
如果电源没有键控插座, 请确保将插针 1 (-12 V) 的方向与电缆上的红色条纹对准。
3. 将 10 针连接器插入模块背面的插槽中。
连接器具有一个卡舌, 该卡舌将与插座对齐以正确定向。
4.在牢固连接电源线的两端之后, 您可以将模块安装在盒中并打开电源。
安装模块随附了必要的螺钉, 用于将其安装在 Eurorack 箱中。
安装前, 请先连接电源线。
根据机架机箱的不同, 可能会有一系列沿机箱长度方向相距 2 HP 的固定孔, 或者是一条允许单个螺纹板沿机箱长度方向滑动的导轨。
User ManualT ABLE OF C ONTENTS1. Before You Begin (3)What Is Included (3)Unpacking Instructions (3)Claims (3)Text Conventions (3)Symbols (3)Disclaimer (3)Product at a Glance (4)Safety Notes (4)2. Introduction (5)Overview (5)Dimensions (6)3. Setup (7)AC Power (7)Fuse Replacement (7)Mounting (8)Orientation (8)Rigging (8)4. Operation (9)Remote or Manual Operation (9)Wired Manual Remote Control (FC-M) (9)Wireless Remote (FC-W) (9)Wired Timer Controller (FC-T) Setup (10)Wired Timer Controller (FC-T) Operation (10)5. Technical Information (11)Fogger Maintenance (11)Storage (11)6. General Troubleshooting (12)7. Technical Specifications (13)Returns (14)Contact Us (15)Page 2 of 15 Hurricane 1000 User Manual Rev. 21.B EFORE Y OU B EGINWhat Is Included ·Hurricane 1000·FC-M Wired Remote Control·FC-W Wireless Remote·Warranty Card·Quick Reference GuideUnpacking Instructions Carefully unpack the product immediately and check the container to make sure all the parts are in the package and are in good condition.Claims If the box or the contents (the product and included accessories) appear damaged from shipping, or show signs of mishandling, notify the carrier immediately, not Chauvet.Failure to report damage to the carrier immediately may invalidate your claim. Inaddition, keep the box and contents for inspection.For other issues, such as missing components or parts, damage not related to shipping,or concealed damage, file a claim with Chauvet within 7 days of delivery.Text ConventionsConvention Meaning1—512 A range of values50/60 A set of valuesSettings A menu optionMenu > Settings A sequence of menu options<Enter> A buttonDisclaimer Chauvet believes that the information contained in this manual is accurate in all respects. However, Chauvet assumes no responsibility and specifically disclaims anyand all liability to any party for any loss, damage or disruption caused by any errors oromissions in this document, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence,accident or any other cause. Chauvet reserves the right to revise the content of thisdocument without any obligation to notify any person or company of such revision,however, Chauvet has no obligation to make, and does not commit to make, any suchrevisions. Download the latest version from .The works of authorship contained in this manual, including, but not limited to, all design,text and images are owned by Chauvet.© Copyright 2015 Chauvet & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.Electronically published by Chauvet in the United States of America.CHAUVET, the Chauvet logo, and “Hurricane 1000” are registered trademarks ortrademarks of Chauvet & Sons Inc. (d/b/a Chauvet and Chauvet Lighting) in the UnitedStates and other countries. Other company and product names and logos referred toherein may be trademarks of their respective companies.Author Date Editor DateR. Isenstadt 08/27/15 M. Gregory 08/27/15Hurricane 1000 User Manual Rev. 2 Page 3 of 15Page 4 of 15 Hurricane 1000 User Manual Rev. 2Safety Notes These notes include important information about the mounting, usage, and maintenanceof this product; read before using the product.·Always connect the product to a grounded circuit to avoid the risk of electrocution.·Always disconnect the product from the power source before cleaning or replacing the fuse.· Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged.· Never disconnect the product from power by pulling or tugging on the cord. · If mounting the product overhead, always secure to a fastening device using a safety cable.· Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the product when operating. · Do not touch the product’s housing when operating because it may be very hot. ·Do not mount the product on a flammable surface (linoleum, carpet, wood, paper, carton, plastic, etc.).· The product’s nozzle is very hot during operation and it remains hot for a long time after operation has stopped.· The fog exits the nozzle at a very high temperature. Keep a minimum distance of 6.5 ft (2 m) from the nozzle to the nearest object. · Do not use the product as a space heater.· Do not drink or come in contact with the fog fluid. If you do, call your local emergency service (911 in the US) for help.·Do not add perfume, alcohol, gasoline, or any other flammables to the fog fluid.· Always make sure that the voltage of the outlet to which you are connecting the product is within the range stated on the decal or rear panel of the product.· The product is for indoor use only! (IP20) To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not expose the product to rain or moisture.· Always install the product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 20 in (50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.· Be sure that no ventilation slots on the product’s housing are blocked. · Never connect the product to a dimmer or rheostat.· Make sure to replace the fuse with another of the same type and rating.·Never carry the product from the power cord or any moving part. Always use the hanging/mounting bracket.·The maximum ambient temperature (Ta) is 104 °F (40 °C). Do not operate the product at higher temperatures.· In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using the product immediately. · Never try to repair the product. Repairs carried out by unskilled people can lead to damage or malfunction. Contact the nearest authorized technical assistance center. · This product is not intended for permanent installation. · Use only CHAUVET water-based fog fluid.· Drain the tank before transporting or storing the product.·To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of non-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by unplugging it.Keep this User Manual for future use. If you sell the product to another user, be sure to give this document to the next owner.FCQ (Fog Cleaner Quart) was specifically developed by Chauvet to clean your Hurricane 1000. Make sure you use FCQ regularly, no longer than 90 days between cleanings, to increase the life of your fogger.Hurricane 1000 User Manual Rev. 2 Page 5 of 152. I NTRODUCTIONOverviewBack Panel ViewFuse HolderFluid Level IndicatorFog Fluid TankDimensionsPage 6 of 15 Hurricane 1000 User Manual Rev. 23.S ETUPAC Power This Hurricane 1000 has a fixed voltage power supply and it can work with an input voltage of either 120 VAC, 60 Hz or 230 VAC, 50 Hz, depending on the specific model.To determine the product’s power requirements (circuit breaker, power outlet, andwiring), use the current value listed on the label affixed to the product’s back panel, orrefer to the product’s specifications chart. The listed current rating indicates theproduct’s average current draw under normal conditions.·Always connect the product to a protected circuit (circuit breaker or fuse).Make sure the product has an appropriate electrical ground to avoid the riskof electrocution or fire.·To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods ofnon-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or byunplugging it.Never connect the product to a rheostat (variable resistor) or dimmer circuit, evenif the rheostat or dimmer channel serves only as a 0 to 100% switch.Fuse Replacement 1. Disconnect the product from power.2. Twist the fuse holder cap counterclockwise to loosen the fuse holder and pullstraight out.3. Remove the blown fuse.4. Replace with a fuse of the same type and rating.5. Screw the fuse holder cap back in place and reconnect power. ·Disconnect the product from power before replacing the fuse. ·Always replace a blown fuse with another of the same type and rating.Hurricane 1000 User Manual Rev. 2 Page 7 of 15Page 8 of 15 Hurricane 1000 User Manual Rev. 2MountingBefore mounting the product, read and follow the safety recommendations indicated in the Safety Notes .OrientationThis product may not be tilted. This product should only be mounted/used on a level surface.Rigging· Before deciding on a location, always make sure there is easy access to the product for maintenance and fluid replenishment.· Make sure that the structure or surface onto which you are mounting the product can support the product’s weight (see the Technical Specifications ).· When mounting the product overhead, always use a safety cable. Mount the product securely to a rigging point, such as an elevated platform or a truss.·When rigging the product onto a truss, you should use a mounting clamp of appropriate weight capacity. The bracket has 13-mm holes, which are appropriate for this purpose.·The rubber feet also serve as floor supports and allow for surface mounting. When mounting the product on the floor, make sure that the product and cables are away from people and vehicles.Mounting DiagramWhile operating the Hurricane 1000, make sure there is adequate fog fluid in the machine to prevent pump and heater damage. When the fog fluid level becomes low, simply add more fog fluid to continue using the Hurricane 1000.NozzleMountingBracket(works with CH-05 from Chauvet) Mounting Clamp(such as CLP-15 or CLP-15N clamp fromChauvet)Hurricane 1000 User Manual Rev. 2 Page 9 of 154. O PERATIONRemote or Manual OperationThe Hurricane 1000 can be operated manually, or with the included wired manual remote control (FC-M). The Manual button is located on the rear of the unit. See the product Overview . Additionally, the product can be operated with the included wireless remote (FC-W) or the optional wired timer controller (FC-T).Wired Manual Remote Control(FC-M)The FC-M wired manual remote control allows the user to start and stop the fog output. It operates the same as the Manual button on the product, with the addition of a READY indicator LED.1. Plug in the fog machine to power.2. Plug in the wired manual remote control to the Remote Connector socket on the back ofthe fog machine. (See the product Overview .) 3. Wait for the READY indicator LED to light up, indicating the Hurricane 1000 is heatedenough to produce fog. 4. Press and hold the <FOG> button on the wired manual remote control.5. Release the button to stop the fog output.FC-M Manual RemoteControl Overview·The Hurricane 1000 unit may start producing fog intermittently to allow for fluid reheating after a period of continuous fog output. This is a normal occurrence. ·The duration of manual fog output is based on the capability of the fog machine.Wireless Remote(FC-W)The FC-W wireless remote allows the user to trigger the Hurricane 1000 to produce fog from up to 100 ft away. No extra receiver is required, as the product has an internal receiver for the wireless remote.1. Plug in the fog machine to power.2. Allow the Hurricane 1000 up to 3-4 minutes to heat up.3. Press and hold the <1> button on the wireless remote.4. Release the button to stop the fog output.FC-W Wireless Remote Overview·Ensure the FC-W has an unobstructed view of the product for maximum performance.·The <2>, <3>, and <4> buttons are reserved for future use.Page 10 of 15 Hurricane 1000 User Manual Rev. 2Wired Timer Controller (FC-T)SetupThe FC-T wired timer controller allows you to automatically trigger fog output by setting interval and duration times. LED indicator lights display the machine and controller’s current state. Rotary knobs set interval time, output, and duration time, while manual and continuous buttons allow overriding control.1. Plug in the fog machine to power.2. Plug in the wired timer controller to the Manual Remote Connector socket on the back ofthe fog machine. (See the product Overview .)3. Allow the Hurricane 1000 three to four minutes to heat up before continuing.FC-T Wired Timer Controller OverviewWired Timer Controller (FC-T)OperationThe FC-T wired timer controller has three modes of operation: timer, continuous, and manual.Timer Mode To trigger the Hurricane 1000 with the timer function, follow the instructions below:1. Set the desired output level with the OUTPUT knob.2. Set the INTERVAL and DURATION knobs to the desired positions.· The INTERVAL knob sets the amount of time in between bursts of fog.· The DURATION knob sets the length of time that the fog machine will runduring the burst.3. Press the <TIMER ON/OFF> latching button. The LED indicator above the buttonwill light up. The timer will now run as set by the INTERVAL , DURATION , and OUTPUT knobs.4. Press the <TIMER ON/OFF> button again to turn off the timer.The <MANUAL> button will override the timer.Continuous Mode To trigger the Hurricane 1000 to continuously output fog, follow the instructions below:1. Set the desired output level with the OUTPUT knob.2. Press the <CONTINUOUS> latching button. The LED indicator above the button willlight up. The fog machine outputs fog until the <CONTINUOUS> button is pressed again.3. Press the <CONTINUOUS> button again to stop the fog output.DO NOT run the product in Continuous mode for longer than 15 minutes. Continuous mode must be followed by an equal amount of time without output (For example: follow 8 minutes of Continuous operation with 8 minutes of no output). DO NOT trigger the product to output fog during that time.· In order for Continuous mode to run uninterrupted, without the Hurricane 1000stopping to reheat, set the OUTPUT knob no higher than 7. At Output levels above 7, the fogger will cycle through intermittent bursts of fog during its reheating program. · The duration of Continuous fog output is based on the capacity of the tank. · Fluid consumption will be significantly increased during Continuous mode.Uninterrupted ContinuousMode at Output 75. T ECHNICAL I NFORMATIONFogger Maintenance Do not allow the fogger to become clogged. After every 40 hours of continuousoperation, use CHAUVET Fog Cleaner Quart (FCQ) through the system to prevent theaccumulation of particulate matter in the heating element. The recommended cleaning procedure is as follows. 1. Unplug the product from power.2. Empty all fog fluid from the machine.3. Add cleaning solution to the tank.4. Connect the product to power and allow it to warm up.5. Run the unit in a well-ventilated area until the tank is almost empty. Do not allowthe pump to run dry.6. Refill with fogger fluid to continue using the fogger. Run the machine briefly to clearany remaining cleaning solution from the pump and heater.Do Not operate the machine without fluid at any time.Fog Cleaner Quart (FCQ) was specifically developed by Chauvet to clean your Hurricane 1000. Make sure you use FCQ regularly, no longer than 90 days between cleanings, to increase the life of your product.StorageBefore storing the fogger, run FCQ through the system as described in the cleaning procedure above; however, only follow steps 1 through 5. Do not refill the tank with fog fluid if storing the fogger. Cleaning the system prior to storage will help prevent any particles from condensing inside the pump or heater while not in use .Test-run your Hurricane 1000 on a monthly basis to achieve the best performance.6.G ENERAL T ROUBLESHOOTINGIf you still experience problems after trying the solutions presented here, contactChauvet Technical Support. See Contact Us.7.T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSDimensions andWeight11.9 in (301 mm) 8.9 in (225 mm) 8.2 in (208 mm) 5.8 lb (2.7 kg)Note: Dimensions in inches rounded to the nearest decimal digit.PowerModel-specific 120 VAC, 60 Hz or230 VAC, 50 HzFixedConsumption 740 W 805 WOperating current 5.9 A 3.5 AFuse F 10 A, 250 V F 6 A, 250 VPower input connector Hard-wired Hard-wiredPower Cord plug Edison (US) Local plugOperation2 min 0.26 gal (1.0 l) 20 ml/minFog Output Output10,000 cfmThermal Maximum External Temp. Cooling System104 °F (40 °C) ConvectionOrderingHurricane 1000 (120 V) 09071071 781462214197Hurricane 1000 (230 V)09071072 781462214203R ETURNSIn case you need to get support or return a product:· If you are located in the U.S., contact Chauvet World Headquarters. · If you are located in the UK or Ireland, contact Chauvet Europe Ltd. · If you are located in Mexico, contact Chauvet Mexico.· If you are located in Benelux, contact Chauvet Europe BVBA.· If you are located in any other country, DO NOT contact Chauvet. Instead, contactyour local distributor. See for distributors outside the U.S., UK, Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux.If you are located outside the U.S., UK, Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux, contact your distributor of record and follow their instructions on how to return Chauvet products to them. Visit our website for contact details. Call the corresponding Chauvet Technical Support office and request a ReturnMerchandise Authorization (RMA) number before shipping the product. Be prepared to provide the model number, serial number, and a brief description of the cause for the return.Send the merchandise prepaid, in its original box, and with its original packing and accessories. Chauvet will not issue call tags.Clearly label the package with the RMA number. Chauvet will refuse any product returned without an RMA number.Write the RMA number on a properly affixed label. DO NOT write the RMA number directly on the box.Before sending the product, clearly write the following information on a piece of paper and place it inside the box: · Your name · Your address· Your phone number · RMA number· A brief description of the problemBe sure to pack the product properly. Any shipping damage resulting from inadequate packaging will be your responsibility. FedEx packing or double-boxing are recommended.Chauvet reserves the right to use its own discretion to repair or replace returned product(s).C ONTACT U S USA WORLD HEADQUARTERSGeneral Information – ChauvetAddress: 5200 NW 108th AvenueSunrise, FL 33351Voice: (954) 577-4455Fax: (954) 929-5560Toll free: (800) 762-1084Technical SupportVoice: (954) 577-4455 (Press 4)Fax: (954) 756-8015Email: ************************World Wide WebEUROPEGeneral Information - Chauvet Europe BVBAAddress: Stokstraat 189770 KruishoutemBelgiumVoice: +32 9 388 93 97Technical SupportEmail: *************************World Wide Webwww.chauvetlighting.euGeneral Information - Chauvet Europe Ltd.Address: Unit 1CBrookhill Road Industrial EstatePinxton, Nottingham, UKNG16 6NTVoice: +44 (0)1773 511115Fax: +44 (0)1773 511110Technical SupportEmail:**************************World Wide WebMEXICOGeneral Information - Chauvet MexicoAddress: Av. Santa Ana 30Parque Industrial LermaLerma, Mexico C.P. 52000Voice: +52 (728) 285-5000Technical SupportEmail: ********************.mxWorld Wide Web.mxOutside the U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, or Benelux contact the dealer of record. Follow their instructions to request support or to return a product. Visit our website for contact details.。
D-LinkDWC1000无线控制器DWC-1000无线控制器参考手册目录第一章你想了解什么 (5)1.1文档内容 (5)第二章产品概述 (6)2.1 产品概述 (6)2.1.1产品定位 (6)2.1.2产品参数 (6)2.2产品特点 (7)2.2.1稳健优化的网络 (7)2.2.2综合安全性能 (7)2.2.3高扩展性、可用性和灵活性 (8)2.2.4管理简单 (8)第三章控制器基本设置 (9)3.1 登陆页面 (9)3.2 更改管理地址 (9)3.3查看设备版本信息 (10)3.4升级控制器 (11)3.5备份导出配置 (11)3.6开启DHCP功能 (12)3.7管理无线AP (13)3.8更改被管理AP的相关选项 (15)3.9 AP的配置文件 (16)3.10Captive Portal认证 (21)3.11查看被管理AP的状态 (28)3.12 AP的RF通用设置 (28)3.13给被管理AP升级 (29)3.14 SNMP设置 (30)3.16License升级 (35)第四章:典型组网应用 (45)4.1 DWC1000无线系列酒店应用 (45)4.1.1 应用需求 (45)4.1.2配置步骤 (46)访问DWC-1000 WEB界面 (47)建立DHCP SERVER,分配IP地址 (48)修改无线配置模板 (48)修改无线名称和加密 (49)管理AP (50)4.2 DWC1000无线系列公司无线网络覆盖应用 (52)4.2.1 应用需求 (52)4.2.2配置步骤 (53)DWC-1000配置无线模板 (55)第五章故障排错 (58)5.1 常见故障 (58)5.1.1 为什么Power灯不亮? (58)5.1.2 为什么Lan口灯不亮? (58)5.1.3 PING不通默认IP地址? (58)5.1.4无法访问WEB界面 (60)5.1.4 DWC-1000无法管理DWL-2600AP (61)5.1.5 DWC-1000能发现所有AP,但是不能全部管理上 (61) 5.1.6有DHCP SERVER,但是客户端获取不到IP地址 (62)5.1.7 DWC-1000接X600无线AP,客户端PING控制器丢包 (62) 第一章你想了解什么1.1文档内容第二章产品概述2.1 产品概述2.1.1产品定位D-link DWC-1000 SMBDWC-10006AP2496DWC-1000AP2.1.2产品参数2.2产品特点2.2.1稳健优化的网络DWC -1000DWC-1000RFDWC-1000 RF2.2.2综合安全性能WIDS DWC-1000WEP/ WPA/ W PA2MAC2.2.3高扩展性、可用性和灵活性D-Link AP VPN AP AP DWC -1000 6 AP 24AP VPN DWC-1000VPNVPN AP2.2.4管理简单AP APAPAPAPDWC -1000第三章控制器基本设置3.1 登陆页面DWC-1000http:// 更改管理地址SETUP Network Setting LAN Setup Configuration IPSave Setting3.3查看设备版本信息DWC-1000DWC-1000STATUS Device Info System Status4.2.0.3WW/downloads2008detail.asp3.4升级控制器TOOLS FirmwareUpgrade3.5备份导出配置TOOLS System3.6开启DHCP功能DHCP AP DHCP SERVERDHCP DHCP RELEASE DHCP SERVER SETUP Network Setting LAN Setup Configuration DHCPMODE DHCP SERVER3.7管理无线APDWC-1000AP DWL-2600/3600/6600/8600APAP DHCP CLIENT DHCPAP APAP LAN APDHCP SERVER AP APLAN VLAN SETUP AP Management AP ProvisionAPstatus Not Started AP PrivisionAP LAN VLAN APPING ADVANCED AP Profile EDITVLAN ID3.8更改被管理AP的相关选项AP SETUP AP Management Manul ManagemetnAP,Edit Channel/Power APAP SETUP AP Management Valid Access PointsAP Edit AP1AP MODEAP2Authentication Password AP3Profile AP4Radio802.11a/n802.11b/g/nSETUP AP Management Manul Managemetn Edit Channel/Power3.9 AP的配置文件AP ADVANCED AP ProfileRADIO SSID QOSAP ANY Wired Network Discovery VLAN ID AP AP VLANAPConfigure Radio802.11a/n802.11b/g/nConfigure SSID802.11a/n802.11b/g/n SSIDSSID VLAN。
目录第一章安全信息及注意事项.................... - 1 -1.1安全事项 (1)1.2注意事项 (2)第二章产品信息........................................ - 4 -2.1命名规则及铭牌 (4)2.2NICE1000系列型号 (4)2.3技术规范 (5)2.4产品外观 (6)2.5控制器的保养与维护 (7)第三章安装与配线.................................... - 9 -3.1系统配置简介 (9)3.2机械安装 (10)3.3电气安装及接线 (10)第四章调试工具使用说明 ..................... - 19 -4.1NICE1000调试工具 (19)4.2操作面板使用说明 (19)第五章功能参数表.................................. - 23 -5.1功能参数表说明 (23)5.2功能参数表 (23)第六章功能参数说明 ............................. - 37 -6.1F0组基本参数 (37)6.2F1组电机参数 (38)6.3F2组矢量控制参数 (41)6.4F3组运行控制参数 (42)6.5F4组楼层参数 (45)6.6F5组端子输入功能参数 (46)6.7F6组电梯基本参数 (53)6.8F7组端子输出功能参数 (55)6.9F8组增强功能参数 (55)6.10F9组时间参数 (57)6.11FA组键盘设定参数 (58)6.12FB组门功能参数 (61)6.13FC组保护功能设置参数 (63)6.14FD组保留参数 (65)6.15FE组电梯功能设置参数 (65)6.16FF组厂家参数(保留) (68)6.17FP组用户参数 (68)第七章系统典型应用及调试 .................. - 69 -7.1电梯调试 (69)7.2系统典型应用 (70)第八章故障诊断及对策 ......................... - 77 -8.1故障类别说明 (77)8.2故障信息及对策 (77)-前言NICE1000是默纳克控制技术有限公司自主研发的电梯一体化控制器。
DOLCSAW1000H 门禁设备用户手册说明书
1]Quick Start Guide2]Installation and Wiring 3]Connection Diagram 4]Programming GuideUSER MANUALVIDEOINSTRUCTIONALv.11.13.18The DOLCSAW1000H is a single door multifunction standalone access controller.FEATURES•Waterproof, conforms to IP66•One relay, remote infrared programmer•1,000 users (998 common users + 2 panic users)•Can be set to read EM card, HID card, or both•Card block enrolment•Tri-colour LED status display•Integrated alarm & buzzer output•Pulse mode, Toggle mode•Can add and use 4~6 digits PIN on Infrared Remote Control •2 devices can be interlocked for 2 doors•Built in light dependent resistor (LDR) for anti tamper•Low temperature resistance(-40ºF) SPECIFICATIONSUser Capacity Common User 1000 998Operating Voltage Idle Current 12~24DC 35mAProximity Card Reader Radio Technology Read Range EM&HID125KHz Proximity Card 2~6 cmEnvironment Operating T emperature Operating H umidity Meets IP66-40˚C˚C˚F˚F ~ 60 (-40 ~ 140) 0~98%RHWiring Connections Relay Output, Exit ButtonRelayA djustable Relay Output Time Lock Output Load One (NO, NC, Common)1~99 Seconds (5 seconds default) 2 Amp MaximumPhysicalColor Dimensions Unit Weight Shipping Weight ABS ShellBlack (White optional)L120mm × W48mm × D20mm 150g220gDiode IN4004 (For relay circuit protection)Wall Anchors Screw DriverInfraredRemote ControlMaster CardsSelf Tapping ScrewsDOLCSAW1000HIN THE BOXMaster Add CardMaster Delete Card•Drill 2 holes(A,C) on the wall for the screws and one hole for the cable•Knock the supplied rubber bungs to the screw holes(A,C)•Fix the back cover firmly on the wall with 4 flat head screws •Thread the cable through the cable hole(B)•Attach the unit to the back cover ArrayStep3Step2Step1SOUND AND LIGHT INDICATIONDC POWER SUPPLYPROGRAMMING BY INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL Programming will vary depending on access confirguration. Follow the instructions according to your access configuration.•User ID number: Assign a user ID to the access card in order to track it. The common user ID number can be any number fom 0~997, the panic user ID is from 998~999. IMPORTANT: User IDs do not have to be proceeded with any leading zeros. Recording of User ID is critical. Modifications to the user require the User ID be available.•Proximity Card: Any 125KHz industry standard 26 bit EM and HID Proximity card or Tag.ADD COMMON USERSADD PANIC USERSDELETE USERSSET RELAY CONFIGURATIONSET STRIKE-OUT ALARMThe strike-our alarm will engage after 10 failed card attempts(Factory is OFF). It can be set to deny access for 10 minutes after engaging or disengage only after entering a valid card/PIN or Master code.SET CARD READING TYPENOTE:• If no Master Cards added, must press the Exit Button for at least 10 seconds before release• Reset to Factory default, the user's information is still retained.TO RESET TO FACTORY DEFAULT : Power off, press the Exit Button, (EXIT BUTTON = Yellow + GROUND) hold it and power on, there will be two beeps, and the LED light turns into orange, release the exit button, then read any two 125KHz EM card or HID card, the LED will turn into red, means reset to Factory default successfully. Of the two cards reading, the 1st one is Master Add Card, the 2nd one is the Master Delete Card.MASTER CARD USAGEUsing Master Card to add and delete card users Add a Card UserDelete a Card User1. (Read Master Add Card)2. (Read User Card)Repeat Step 2 for additional user cards 3. (Read Master Add Card)1. (Read Master Delete Card)2. (Read User Card)Repeat Step 2 for additional user cards 3. (Read Master Delete Card)TRANSMITTER SOLUTIONS WARRANTYThe warranty period of Transmitter Solutions keypad is twenty-four (24) months. This warranty shall begin on the date the keypad is manufac-tured. During the warranty period, the product will be,repaired or replaced (at the sole discretion of Transmitter Solutions) if the product does not operate correctly due to a defective component. This warranty does not extend to (a) the keypad case, which can be damaged by conditions outside the control of Transmitter Solutions, or (b) battery life of the keypad. This warranty is further limited by the following disclaimer of warranty and liability:EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE, TRANSMITTER SOLUTIONS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING THE GOODS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICU-LAR PURPOSE. BUYER MAKES NO RELIANCE ON ANY REPRESENTATION OF TRANSMITTER SOLUTIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THE GOODS AND ACCEPTS THEM “AS-IS/WHERE-IS”. TRANSMITTER SOLUTIONS SELLS THE GOODS TO BUYER ON CONDITION THAT TRANSMITTER SOLUTIONS WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY OF ANY KIND AS A RESULT OF THE SALE. BUYER AGREES THAT TRANSMITTER SOLUTIONS SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER DIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING INJURIES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY, TO BUYER, ITS EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS, AS A RESULT OF THE SALE. BUYER ALSO AGREES TO HOLD TRANSMITTER SOLUTIONS HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS BUYER, OR ANY THIRD PARTY, MAY HAVE AS A RESULT OF BUYER’S USE OR DISPOSAL OF THE GOODS. BUYER HAS READ THIS DISCLAIMER AND AGREES WITH ITS TERMS IN CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING THE GOODS.2480 West 38500 South, Suite B Salt Lake City, UT 84120 (866)975-0101 • (866) 975-0404 fax 。
【可编辑】Unlock-AY-LDC1000 用户手册-V1.0
目录1LDC1000简介 (2)2单片机连接LDC1000 (3)2.1硬件连接 (3)2.2使用F5529LP控制LDC1000 (3)2.2.1程序下载 (4)2.2.2SPI通讯 (7)SPI初始化 (7)SPI读写 (7)2.2.3SPI扩展通信模式 (9)2.2.4数据处理 (9)2.3使用TivaM4控制LDC-1000 (10)2.3.1程序下载 (11)2.3.2函数说明 (14)3寄存器设置及数据处理 (17)3.1RpMIN和RpMAX值设定 (17)3.2Rp值计算公式 (18)3.3电感计算公式 (18)3.4输出数据速率 (19)4电路设计注意点 (20)4.1滤波电容选择(CFA 和CFB管脚管脚间) (20)4.2EVM板掰开的方式 (20)5附录 (21)5.1LDC1000电感检测原理 (21)5.2使用LDC1000测量并联谐振阻抗和电感 (23)5.3参数计算 (25)5.3.1Rp的Min和Max值计算 (25)5.3.2Rp的Min和Max值电路意义分析 (26)6原理图 (27)杭州艾研信息技术有限公司1LDC1000简介LDC1000是世界首款电感到数字转换器。
杭州艾研信息技术2 单片机连接LDC10002.1 硬件连接图 1 LDC1000与MCU 的连接原理图LDC-1000与MCU 的连接原理图如图1所示。
LDC1000 click
23ver. 1.01LDC1000 click manual0100000026854click™BOARD2. Soldering the headersLDC1000 click™1. Introduction3. Plugging the board inOnce you have soldered the headers your board is ready to be placed into the desired mikroBUS ™ socket. Make sure to align the cut in the lower-right part of the board withthe markings on the silkscreen at themikroBUS ™ socket. If all the pins are aligned correctly, push the board all the way into the socket.Turn the board upward again. Make sure to align the headers so that they are perpendicular to the board, then solder the pins carefully.Turn the board upside down so that the bottom side is facing you upwards. Place shorter pins of the header into the appropriate soldering pads.Before using your click ™ board, make sure to solder 1x8 male headers to both left and right side of the board. Two 1x8 male headers are included with the board in the package.4. Essential featuresInductive sensing is a contactless, magnet-free technology. It’s highly reliable making it suitable for use in harsh environments - dust, dirt, oil or moisture don’t hinder its performance. LDC1000 click ™ allows you to achieve a high level of sensing precision with a sub-micron resolution in short range applications. You can use it to infer attributes such as position, rotation, motion, twist and torque, shape and even defects in the material composition from any conductive target. Onboard INA and INB pins allow you to replace the provided detachable sensor and solder your own.LDC1000 click ™ carries the world’s first inductance-to-digital converter IC, along with a detachable sensor (an LC tank comprising a 36-turn PCB coil and a 100pF 1% NPO capacitor). The board can be used for short range measurements of the position, motion or composition of conductive targets. LDC1000 click ™ communicates with the target board through mikroBUS ™ SPI (CS, SCK, MISO, MOSI) and INT lines. The board is designed to use either a 3.3V or a 5V power supply.1MikroElektronika assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the present document.Specification and information contained in the present schematic are subject to change at any time without notice. Copyright © 2014 MikroElektronika. All rights reserved.5. LDC1000 click ™ board schematic 8. Support7. Code examplesMikroElektronika offers free tech support (/support) until the end of the product’s lifetime, so if something goes wrong, we’re ready and willing to help!Once you have done all the necessary preparations, it’s time to get your click ™ board up and running. We have provided examples for mikroC ™, mikroBasic ™ and mikroPascal ™ compilers on our Libstock website. Just download them and you are ready to start.6. SMD jumperTo switch between 3.3V and 5V power sup-plies use the on-board zero-ohm SMD jumper. By default it’s soldered in the 3.3V position.AN RST CS SCK MOSI MISO +3.3V GNDPWM INT RX TX SCL SDA +5V GNDMIKROBUS DEVICE CONN.123416151413SCLK CSB SDI VIO INTB XOUT TBCLK/XINCLDO 87651211109SDO DGND CFB CFA VDD GND INB INAPAD U1LDC1000C656nFC522pFC_Tank100pFGNDSCK SDISDOSCK SDISDO CSINTB CS R12K2LD1GND+5VGNDGNDJ1AC11uFC2100nFGND +3V3+5VVIO C3100nFC41uFAGND +5V +5VAGNDVIO GND+3V3+5VGND AGND INTBAGNDX18MHz C820pFC720pFGNDGNDPCB_coil 18uH.com。
Alpha Push Pull Smart Door Lock 1000 Series 用户手册说明
1000 seriesIntuitive push-pull useSystem wake-up by manualtouchAuto Locking FunctionDDL111LAGGB Wonderful life starts from AlphaFull automatic: more safety & freedomWith simplicity brought by speedy unlock and auto lock and safety ensured bydual verification and C-grade lock cylinder, Alpha is a solid choice for a smart life.The ergonomic design even makes it a pleasure to push the door open.Easy life doesn't stop thereProtect home security at all timeEnjoy the reassurance after you close the doorIntuitive fingerprinting: Unlock swiftly at one goPatented full auto mortise: Unlock and open the door at oneExtraordinary design brings outstanding experienceIML brushed finishing: Smooth and wearable, always like newMultiple protection in one for overall home safetyProtect your password security in real timeDual verification unlocking: Security is never forgottenOne-key outside forced lock: Instant alarm upon inside unlocSafe handle: No more safety risks, be reassured while awayC grade lock cylinder: Higher reliability and securityHighlightsAuto locking functionPhilips EasyKey Alpha employs full automatic mortise. Without the need for any extra action,the deadbolt will spontaneously pop out after you close the door. If the door is not locked properly, the mortise will give an alarm to remind you of the door lock status.C grade lock cylinderLock cylinder is the key component that controls the opening of the lock and iscompared to the heart of a lock. C grade lock cylinder employs multiple antithefttechnologies with unique design of the pin tumbler and vane structure, and is able to give high performance on preventing technical lockpicking.Dual verification unlockingIn dual verification mode, you can use a combination of any two factors (fingerprint,password and card) as the unlocking solution to ensure doubled security for your home.Fake PIN codePhilips EasyKey Alpha comes with the feature of Fake PIN Code technology which allows you to enter random number combinations tosuccessfully get identified as long as there is consecutive input of the real password. This feature can effectively prevent peeping and safeguard your real password.IML brushed finishingThe IML brushed surface has the hardness higher than 2H. Besides, it's waterproof,moisture proof and can keep fingerprint residue out.Intuitive fingerprintingThe fingerprint sensor is integrated in the push-pull handle so that when you hold the handle, your finger will naturally fall on the snesor. You can simply reach out andintuitively touch the sensor, then push to open after a successful fingerprint verification. The one-step unlocking feature will definately bring you a fast and convenient door opening experience.Multiple alarming functionPhilips EasyKey Alpha is featured with all-around alarm functions which not onlyimproves the anti-theft level of your home and safeguard you and your family in real time, but also reminds you of the door lock status to create convenience for use.One-key outside forced lockBefore leaving home, you can touch theoutside forced lock key to enable the function.In this mode, opening the door from inside the room will trigger an alarm. This feature can effectively warn you of security risks and upgrade the level of home security.Patented full auto mortiseThe upgraded full automatic mortise makes it possible for instant unlocking right after a successful verification. Once you arerecognized, you can directly push or pull the handle to open the door, which greatlysimplifies the use of your door lock and brings you a fast and convenient in and out experience.SpecificationsAccess SolutionBluetoothCard/Key TagFingerprintMechanical KeyPassword/PIN CodeAccessory PartsAccessorial Battery: 4 AA alkaline batteries CertificateDrilling TemplateInstallation AccessoriesMechanical Key: 2 keysMortiseMounting PlateQuick Start GuideCleaning PadSmart Key Tag: 2 cardsUser ManualWarranty CardDesign & AppearanceColor: Champagne goldEmergency Escape Design: Indoor fast opening mortiseErgonomic Design: Push-pull handle design Fingerprint Sensor: Semiconductor Handle: Push-pull handleMain Material: Zinc alloy and aluminium alloySurface Processing: ElectroplatingEasy OperationIndicator: Door locks status prompt, Lowbattery prompt, Mute status prompt, Outsideforced lock prompt, System locking promptVoice Guide: Human voice guideInstallationDoor Opening Direction: Left inward opening,Left outward opening, Right inward opening,Right outward oepningDoor Thickness: 38-60 mm, 60-90 mm, 90-120 mm, Other range*Door Type: Antitheft door, Copper door,Wooden doorMulti-lock Point: NoLock CapacityCard/Key Tag: Up to 100Fingerprint: Up to 100Master PIN Code: 1One-time PIN Code: 1User PIN Code: Up to 10ModeOperationg Mode: Auto mode, Manual modeSystem Setup Mode: Dual verification mode,Normal modePower SpecificationBattery Type: Alkaline BatteriesEmergency Power Supply: 5V power bankMaximum Batteries Capacity: 8 batteriesPower Supply: 4 AA batteriesTime of Use: 10 months*Working Voltage: 4.5-6VSmart Lock FunctionsAlarm Function: Anti-dismantle alarm, Outsideforced lock alarmLocking Function: Indoor deadlock, SystemlockingMortise: Full auto mortise, Hidden C-gradelock cylinderSafety Function: Dual verification, Fake PINcode, Outside forced lock function, Safe handlefuntion* May be less depending on the actual usage.* Please contact our service agents or authorized dealersfor other door range.© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑09‑30 Version: 1.0.112 NC: 8670 001 61207 EAN: 69 71318 50070 1。
ldc1000电感数字转换器1、特性:磁——自由操作可调式感测范围(通过线圈的设计)降低系统成本远程传感器的位置(从恶劣环境的解耦LDC)高耐久性(通过接触较少的操作)环境干扰不敏感(如灰尘,灰尘,水,油)电源电压,模拟:4.75V至5.25V电源电压,IO:1.8V至5.25V电源电流(W/O LC Tank):1.7毫安RP分辨率:16位分辨率:24位频率范围:5Khz~~5Mhz2、应用程序的操作模式。
绝对最大额定值推荐的操作条件电气特性所有的限制保证TA =温度Tj = 25°C,VDD = 5.0V,VIO = 3.3VLDC外部时钟或晶体的频率计数器时序图除非另有说明,在TA = 25°C指定的所有限制,VDD的= 5 = 3.3,暴力,10pF 电容负载并联SDO 10KΩ负荷。
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目录1LDC1000简介 (2)2单片机连接LDC1000 (3)2.1硬件连接 (3)2.2使用F5529LP控制LDC1000 (3)2.2.1程序下载 (4)2.2.2SPI通讯 (7)SPI初始化 (7)SPI读写 (7)2.2.3SPI扩展通信模式 (9)2.2.4数据处理 (9)2.3使用TivaM4控制LDC-1000 (10)2.3.1程序下载 (11)2.3.2函数说明 (14)3寄存器设置及数据处理 (17)3.1RpMIN和RpMAX值设定 (17)3.2Rp值计算公式 (18)3.3电感计算公式 (18)3.4输出数据速率 (19)4电路设计注意点 (20)4.1滤波电容选择(CFA 和CFB管脚管脚间) (20)4.2EVM板掰开的方式 (20)5附录 (21)5.1LDC1000电感检测原理 (21)5.2使用LDC1000测量并联谐振阻抗和电感 (23)5.3参数计算 (25)5.3.1Rp的Min和Max值计算 (25)5.3.2Rp的Min和Max值电路意义分析 (26)6原理图 (27)杭州艾研信息技术有限公司1LDC1000简介LDC1000是世界首款电感到数字转换器。
杭州艾研信息技术2 单片机连接LDC10002.1 硬件连接图 1 LDC1000与MCU 的连接原理图LDC-1000与MCU 的连接原理图如图1所示。
采用了四线制SPI 连接方式,信号线的具体定义如表1所示。
MCU 通过SPI 连接(SDI 、SDO 、SCLK 、CSB )实现对LDC-1000的控制,以及数据读取。
在SPI 通信过程中,LDC-1000扮演从机(Slave )的角色。
2.2 使用F5529LP 控制LDC1000杭州艾研信息技术有限公司图 2 MSP430F5529 LauchPad控制LDC1000表 1与5529相连的数据管脚定义表接口2.2.1程序下载按上述描述进行硬件连接,连接时可先焊接2*5的双排排母(EVM包装袋中自带)到EVM 板上,再用杜邦线将排母连接到F5529LP的相应管脚上,连接完成后,用万用表测试连通性。
如正确安装驱动,在Windows系统的设备管理器中会看到如图 3 设备管理器标识:LDC-1000接口F5529LP接口图1中的MCU接口说明SDO P4.2/UCB1SOMI MISO SPI数据输出SDI P4.1/UCB1SIMO MOSI SPI数据输入SCLK P4.3/UCB1CLK SCLK SPI时钟信号CSB P4.0/UCB1STE GPIO 从设备使能信号INT P1.2 INT/GPIO 中断接口TBCLK P1.0/ACLK Timer/Aux CLK频率计数时钟频率VIO 3V3供电接口+5V 5VGND GNDNA P7.0 红色LEDNA P1.1 绿色LED杭州艾研信息技术有限公司图 3 设备管理器2、打开CCS(V5版本),单击“Project->Import existing CCS eclipse project ”,如图4所示。
选择实验例程所在的文件夹,将示例工程导入(图 5)。
图 4 导入工程的菜单选项杭州艾研信息技术有限公司图 5 导入LDC1000例程3、在工程项目上,右击,点击“Build Project ”编译(图 6)图 6 Build Project4、单击“Debug ”将程序下载至板卡,单击“Run ”运行代码(图 7)。
杭州艾研信息技术有限公司图 7 Debug2.2.2 SPI 通讯LDC1000与F5529的通讯接口为SPI ,F5529LP 有多组SPI 接口,我们选用了其中的UCB1的那一组,参考以下步骤进行配置。
如果选用F5529中的其它组的SPI 接口可参考下面步骤进行相似配置。
SPI 初始化使用F5529硬件SPI 模块,按照所选择模块引脚对SPI 进行配置,基本步骤如下所示,更多可参考”MSP430x5xx/MSP430x6xx Family User ’s Guide ”(SLAU208J)-Chapter 33:// initialize SPIP4DIR |= BIT0; // CS 引脚功能和方向选择,为IO 口 P4SEL &= ~BIT0; //SPI SETUP P4SEL |=BIT1 + BIT2 + BIT3; //SOMI,SIMO,CLK 引脚功能选择 UCB1CTL1 |=UCSWRST; UCB1CTL0 |= UCMST+UCMSB+UCSYNC+UCCKPL;//SPI 工作模式配置,3线SPI ,8位数据,主机,MSB 优先 UCB1CTL1 |= UCSSEL_1; //选择SPI 模块的时钟 UCB1BR0 = 0x06;UCB1BR1 = 0; //对时钟进行分频 UCB1CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST;SPI 读写在参考程序中定义了如下所示的几个函数,可直接进行SPI 的读写。
SPI 读,读取指定地址寄存器的值。
其中传递参数addr 为从机读数据的地址,8位;data 为读取到的寄存器值保存的地址指针;len 为读取的字节数/次数char spi_readByte ( char addr, char * data); //单字节读取杭州艾研信息技术有限公司char spi_readWord(char addr, unsigned int * data); //双字节读取char spi_readBytes( char addr, char * buffer, char len); //多字节读取SPI写,向指定寄存器写入控制值。
其中传递参数addr为从机写入数据的地址,8位;data为写入到的寄存器值保存的地址指针;len为写入的字节数/次数char spi_writeByte(char addr, char data); //单字节写入char spi_writeWord (char addr, unsigned int data); //双字节写入char spi_writeBytes( char addr, char * buffer, char len); //多字节写入对上述函数进行调用时,函数参数值的选定应根据LDC1000的SPI通信协议(即SPI通信的时序,时序图如图 8所示)。
图 8 LDC1000 SPI读写时序杭州艾研信息技术有限公司片选信号CSB的置位意味着新的寄存器访问。
LDC1000_cmd.h 内对LDC1000的寄存器地址及对应的位进行了定义。
#define LDC1000_CMD_REVID 0x00#define LDC1000_CMD_RPMAX 0x01#define LDC1000_CMD_RPMIN 0x02#define LDC1000_CMD_SENSORFREQ 0x03#define LDC1000_CMD_LDCCONFIG 0x04#define LDC1000_CMD_CLKCONFIG 0x05#define LDC1000_CMD_THRESHILSB 0x06#define LDC1000_CMD_THRESHIMSB 0x07#define LDC1000_CMD_THRESLOLSB 0x08#define LDC1000_CMD_THRESLOMSB 0x09#define LDC1000_CMD_INTCONFIG 0x0A#define LDC1000_CMD_PWRCONFIG 0x0B#define LDC1000_CMD_STATUS 0x20#define LDC1000_CMD_PROXLSB 0x21#define LDC1000_CMD_PROXMSB 0x22#define LDC1000_CMD_FREQCTRLSB 0x23#define LDC1000_CMD_FREQCTRMID 0x24#define LDC1000_CMD_FREQCTRMSB 0x252.2.3SPI扩展通信模式LDC1000支持SPI的扩展通信模式,可实现对多个寄存器连续访问。
spi_readBytes(LDC1000_CMD_FREQCTRLSB,&frequencyData[0],3);2.2.4数据处理//read all REG value using default settingchar orgVal[20];//write to registerspi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_RPMAX, RPMAX);spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_RPMIN, RPMIN);spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_SENSORFREQ,0x94);spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_LDCCONFIG,0x17);spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_CLKCONFIG,0x02);spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_INTCONFIG,0x02);杭州艾研信息技术有限公司spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_THRESHILSB,0x50);spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_THRESHIMSB,0x14);spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_THRESLOLSB,0xC0);spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_THRESLOMSB,0x12);spi_writeByte(LDC1000_CMD_PWRCONFIG,0x01);//read all registers using extended SPIspi_readBytes(LDC1000_CMD_REVID,&orgVal[0],12);在例程中对LDC1000的读写如上图所示。