会计英语(1)1.Accounting(会计)The process of indentifying,recording,summarizing,and reporting economic information to dicision makers.2.Financial accounting(财务会计)The field of accounting that serves external decision makers,such as stockholders,suppliers,banks,and government agencies.3.Management accounting(管理会计)The field of accounting that serves internal decision makers,such as top executives,department heads,hosptil administrators,and people at other management levels within an or organization.4.Annual report(年报)A combination of financial statements,management discussion and analysis,and graphs and charts that is provided annually to investors.5.Balance sheet (statement of financial position,statement of financial condition)(资产负债表)A financial statement that shows the financial status of a business entity ata particular instant in time.6.Balance sheet equation(资产负债方程式)Assets = Liabilities + Owners' equity.7.Assets(资产)Economic resources that are expected to help generate future cash inflows or help reduce future cash outflows.8.Liabilities (负债)Economic obligations of the arganization to outsiders ,or claims against its assets by outsiders.9.Owners’ equity (所有者权益)The residual interest in the organization’s assets after deducting liabilities.10.Notes payable (应付票据)Promissory notes that are evidence of a debt and state the terms of payment.11.Entity (实体)An organization or a section of an organization that stands apart from other organization and individuals as a separate economis unit.12.Transaction (交易)Any event that both affects the financial position of an entity and be reliably recorded in money terms.13.Inventory (存货)Goods held by a company for the purpose of sale to customers.14.Account (帐户)A summary record of the changes in a particular assets,liability,or oweners’equity.15.Open account (贸易账户,来往帐目)Buying or selling on credit, usually by just an “authorized signature” of thebuyer.16.Account payable (应付帐款)A liability that results from a purchase of goods or services on open account.17.Creditor (债权人)A person or entity to whom money is owed.18.Debtor (债务人)A person or entity that owes money to another.19.Sole proprietorship (个体经营、独资经营)A separate organization with a single owner.20.Partnership (合伙)A form of organization that joins two or more individuals together as co-owners. 【。
会计专业英语名词解释Chapter 11. Accounting: Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, recording, andcommunicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users of the information.2. Accrual basis accounting: Accrual basis accounting refers to an accounting methodthat records financial events based on economic activity rather than financial activity.Under accrual accounting, revenue is recorded when it is earned and realized, regardless of when actual payment is received. Similarly, expenses are matched with revenue regardless of when they are actually paid.3. Balance sheet: Balance sheet is the financial statement showing the financial positionof an entity by summarizing its assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity at one sp ecific date.4. Business entity: Business entity refers to an economic unit that controls resources,incurs obligations, and engages in business activities.5. CAS: Chinese Accounting Standards refer to the accounting concepts, measurementtechniques, and standards of presentation used in financial statements made by the PRC Financial Apartment.6. Cash basis accounting: Cash basis accounting is a method of bookkeeping thatrecords financial events based on cash flows and cash position. Revenue is recognized when cash is received and expense is recognized when cash is paid out.7. Conservatism: Conservatism states that when alternative accounting valuations areequally possible, the accountant should select the one that is least likely to overstate assets and income in the current period.8. Consistency: Consistency means that a company uses the same accountingprinciples and methods from year to year.9. Continuity: Continuity refers to an accounting assumption, also known as thegoing-concern assumption, that the company will continue to operate in the near future, unless substantial evidence to the contrary exists.10. Corporation: Corporation is a business organized as a separate legal entity understate corporation law and having ownership divided into transferable shares of stock.11. Cost principle: Cost principle is a widely used principle of accounting for assets at theiroriginal cost to the current owner.12. Financial accounting: Financial accounting refers to the development and use ofaccounting information describing the financial position of an entity and the results of its operations.13. Financial position: Financial position refers to the financial resources and obligationsof an organization, as described in a balance sheet.14. Financial reporting: Financial reporting refers to the process of periodically providing“general-purpose”financial information (such as financial statements) to persons outside the business organization.15. Financial statements: Financial statements refer to the four related accounting reportsthe summarize the current financial position of an entity and the results of its operations for the preceding year ( or other time period).16. Full disclosure principle: Full disclosure principle requires that circumstances andevents that make a difference to financial statement users be disclosed.17. Going-concern assumption: Go-concern assumption is an assumption by accountantsthat a business will operate indefinitely unless specific evidence to the contrary, such as impending bankruptcy, exists.18. Historical cost: The historical cost of an asset is the exchange price in the transactionin which the asset was acquired.19. Matching principle: Matching principle is an accounting principle that dictates thatexpenses be matched with revenue in the period in which efforts are made to generate revenue.20. Materiality: Materiality refers to the magnitude of an omission or misstatement ofaccounting information that, considering the circumstances, makes it likely that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would have been influenced by the omission or misstatement.21. Market value: Market value is the estimated amount for which a property shouldexchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion,22. Net realizable value: The net realizable value of an asset is the amount of cash (or theequivalent) that could be obtained on the date of the balance sheet by selling the asset in its present condition, in an orderly liquidation.23. Income statement: Income statement is a financial statement indicating theprofitability of a business over a preceding time period.24. Partnership: Partnership is a business owned by two or more persons associated aspartners.25. Present value: The present value of an asset is the net amount of discounted futurecash inflows less the discounted future cash outflows relating to the asset.26. Proprietorship: Partnership is a business owned by one person.27. Relevance: Accounting information is relevant if it can make a difference in a decisionby helping users predict the outcomes of past, present, and future events or confirm or correct prior expectations. To be relevant, accounting information should have either predictive or feedback value, or both. In addition, it should be timely,28. Reliability: Reliable information is reasonably free from error and bias, and faithfullyrepresents what it is intended to represent. That is, to be reliable, information should be verifiable, neutral, and possess representational faithfulness,29. Revenue recognition principle: An accounting principle that dictates that revenue berecognized in the accounting period in which it is earned.30. Statement of cash flow: A financial statement summarizing the cash receipts and cashpayments of the business over the same time period covered by the income statement.31. Statement of owner’s equity: A financial statement explaining certain changes in theamount of the owner’s equity (investment) in the business.1. Asset: Assets mean the entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estateapplicable or subject to the payment of debts.2. Operating cycle: The operating cycle is the time span from when cash is used toacquire goods and service and until cash is received from the sale of goods and service.3. Cash: cash refers to an exchange medium launched into circulation which is availablefor any ordinary use and can be used to purchase goods or services or repay debts.4. Cash equivalents: Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments or otherassets that readily convertible to cash and sufficiently close to their due date.5. Internal control: Internal control means all policies and procedures used to protectassets, ensure reliable accounting, promote efficient operations, and urge adherence to company policies.Chapter 31. Receivables: Receivables refer to the monetary claims against business, individualsand other debtors.2. Accounts receivable: Accounts receivables are amounts due from customers for creditsales. This section begins by describing how accounts receivables occur. It includes receivables that occur when customers use credit cards issued by third parties and when a company gives credit directly to customers.3. Installment accounts receivables: Installment accounts receivables are amounts overan extended time period.4. Commercial discounts: Commercial discounts refer to a certain sum of moneydeducted from listed prices.5. Cash discounts: Cash discounts refer to a deduction from gross invoice price, whichare an inducement offered to the buyer to encourage the payments of goods within a specific period of time.6. The percentage-of-sale method: The percentage-of-sale method estimates somepercentage of credit sales would turn out to be uncollectible, in which the percentage of bad debts to credit sales should be properly estimated with the past experience. 7. The percentage-of-receivable method: The percentage-of-receivable methodestimates the uncollectible with a percentage of the ending balance of accounts receivables rather than credit sales.8. The aging method: The aging method analyzes the age structure of the accountbalance. In this method, an aging schedule is prepared, classifying the length of time that has passes since the sale that gave rise to them.9. The allowance method: The allowance method is the most usual way that companiesuse to record uncollectible accounts. In calculating uncollectible accounts, an account allowances for uncollectible receivable is set up.10. Promissory note: A promissory note is a written promise to pay a certain sum ofmoney on demand or at a fixed and determinable future time, generally over 30 or 60 days.1. Inventory: Inventory is the total amount if goods and/or materials contained in a storeor factory at any given.2. Product costs: Product costs are those costs that “attach”to the inventory. Suchcharges include freight charges on goods purchased, other direct costs of acquisition, and labor and other production costs incurred in processing the goods up to the time of sale.3. The perpetual inventory system: The perpetual inventory system requires thatseparate inventory ledger be maintained for each goods.4. The periodic inventory system: The periodic inventory system requires a companydetermines the quantity of inventory on hand only periodically, under which the cost of ending inventory is subtracted from the cost of goods available for sale, then the cost of goods sold are determined.5. The specific identification method: The specific identification method can be usedwhen units in the ending inventory can be identified as coming from specific purchases.6. The weighted average cost method: The weighted average cost method assumes thatthe goods available for sale have the same cost per unit. Under this method, the cost of goods available for sale is allocated on the basis of the weighted-average unit c0st.7. The first-in, first-out (FIFO) method: The first-in, first-out (FIFO) method is base on theassumption that the costs of the first items acquired should be assigned to the first item sold.Chapter 51. Accelerated depreciation: Accelerated depreciation is a method of depreciation thatcall for recognition of relatively large amounts if depreciation in the early years of an asset’s useful life and relatively small amounts in the later years.2. Depreciable value: Depreciable value is the amount of the acquisition cost to beallocated as depreciation over the total useful life of an asset. It is the difference between the total acquisition cost and the estimated residual value.3. Depreciation: Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the cost of an asset toexpress over the years of its estimated useful life.4. Fair market value: Fair market value is the value of an asset based on the price forwhich a company could sell the asset to an independent third party.5. Impairment: Impairment is a change in economic conditions which reduces theeconomic usefulness of an asset.6. Residual value: Residual value is the amount a company expects to receive fromdisposal of an asset at the end of its useful life.7. Useful life: Useful life refers to the shorter of the physical life or the economic life of anasset.1. Amortization: The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible assetover the period of its economic usefulness.2. Copyright: A grant by the state government covering the right to publish, sell, orotherwise control literary or artistic products for the life of the author plus 50 years. 3. Franchises: Agreements entered into by two parties in which, for a fee, one party (thefranchisor) gives the other party (the franchisee) rights to perform certain functions or sell certain products or services.4. Goodwill: The present value of expected future earnings of a business in excess of theearnings normally realized in the industry.5. Identifiable intangible asset: Intangibles that can be purchased or sold separately fromthe other assets of the company.6. Intangible assets: Those assets which are used in the operation of a business butwhich have no physical substance and are not current.7. Leases (or leaseholds): Intangible assets because a right to use the property is heldby the lessee.8. Patent: An exclusive right granted by the state government giving the owner control ofthe manufacturing, sale, or other use of an invention for a period of years from the date of filling.9. Research and development costs: Expenditures that may lead to patent, copy rights,new processes and new products.10. Trademarks: Distinctive identifications of a manufactured product or of a service,taking the form of a name, a sign, a slogan, a logo, or an emblem.Chapter 71. Available-for-sale securities: Securities that may be sold in the future.2. Consolidated financial statements: Financial statements that present the assets andliabilities controlled by the parent company and the aggregate profitability of the affiliated companies.3. Cost method: An accounting method in which the investment in common stock isrecorded at cost and revenue is recognized only when cash dividends are received.4. Debt investments: Investments in government and corporation bonds.5. Equity method: An accounting method in which the investment in common stock isinitially recorded at cost and the investment account is then adjusted annually to show the investor’s equity in the investee.6. Fair value: Amount for which a security could be sold in a normal market.7. Held-to-maturity securities: Debt securities that investor has the intent and ability tohold to maturity.8. Investment portfolio: A group of stocks in different corporations held for investmentpurposes.9. Long-term investments: Investments that are not readily marketable and thatmanagement does not intend to convert into cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer.10. Parent company: A company that owns more than 50% of the common stock ofanother entity.11. Short-term investments: Investments that are readily marketable and intend to convertinto cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer.12. Stock investments: Investments in the capital stock of corporations.13. Subsidiary (affiliated) company: A company in which more than 50% of its stock isowned by another company.14. Trading securities: Securities bought and held primarily for sale in the near term togenerate income on short-term price differences.Chapter 81. Amortization table: A schedule that indicates how installment payments are allocatedbetween interest expense and repayments of principal.2. Capital lease: A lease contract which, in essence, finances the eventual purchase bythe lessee of leased property. The lessor accounts for a capital lease as a sale of property; the lessee records an asset and a liability equal to the present value of the future lease payments. A capital lease is also called a financing lease.3. Commercial paper: Very short-term notes payable issued by financially strongcorporations. They are highly liquid from the investor’s point of view.4. Commitments: Contracts for the future transactions.5. Contra-liability account: A ledger account which is deducted from or offset against arelated liability account in the balance sheet; for example, Discount on Notes Payable.6. Convertible bond: One which may be changed at the option of the bondholder for aspecific number of shares of common stock.7. Deferred income taxes: Income taxes upon income which already has been reportedfor financial reporting purposes, but which will not be reported in income tax returns until future periods.8. Discount on notes payable: A contra-liability account representing any interestcharges applicable to future periods included in the face amount of a note payable.Over the life of the note, the balance of the Discount on Notes Payable account is amortized into Interest Expense.9. Deducted bond: Debenture bonds refer to an unsecured bond.10. Estimated liabilities: Liabilities which appear in financial statements at estimatedamounts.11. Long-term liabilities: Obligations that are not due for at least a year.12. Loss contingency: A possible loss, or expense, stemming from past events, that willbe resolved as to existence and amount by some future event.13. Mortgage bonds: Bonds secured by the pledge of specific assets.14. Operating lease: A lease contract which is in essence a rental agreement. The lesseehas the use of the leased property, but the lessor retains the usual risks and rewards of ownership. The periodic lease payments are accounted for as rent expense by the lessee and as rental revenue by the lessor.Chapter 91. Income: Income is defined as increases in economic benefits during the reportingperiod in the form of inflows or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants. Income encompasses both revenue and gains.2. Revenue: Revenue is income that arises in the course of ordinary activities of anentity and is referred to by a variety of different names including sales, fees, interest, dividends and royalties.3. Gains: Gains represent other items that meet the definition of income and may, or maynot arise in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity.4. Accrued revenue: Accrued revenue is the revenue that has been earned but not yetcollected.5. Trade discounts: Trade discounts depend on the volume of the business or size oforder from the customer.6. Cash discounts: Cash discounts are offered to customers by some companies toencourage prompt payment of bills.7. Expenses: Expenses are outflows or using up of assets as part of operations of abusiness to generate sales.8. Employee expenses: Employee expenses are the entitlements which employeesaccumulate as a result of rendering their services to an employer.9. Depreciation (amortization): Depreciation is a periodic expense of operations and isassociated with the consumption or loss of service potential of non-current assets. 10. Bad (doubtful) debts expense: Bad debts expense is, in effect, a reduction of the“receivables” asset.11. Income taxes expense: Income taxes expense is the expense recognized in theaccounting records on an accrual basis that applies to income from continuing operations.12. Profit: Profit is the ultimate result of various operating activities of the enterprise in areporting period.13. Accounting policies: Accounting policies are the specific principles, bases,conventions, rules and practices adopted by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements.14. Applicable profit: Applicable profit is assets that can be distributed to all kinds ofbeneficiaries.Chapter 101. Owner’s equity: Owner’s equity refers to the sources invested by owners or formed inthe course of the production and operation or other sourced shared by owners.2. Par value: The par value is an arbitrary dollar amount assigned to each share.3. Treasury stock: Treasury stock may be defined as shares of a corporation’s owncapital stock that have been issued and later reacquired by the issuing company but that have not been canceled or permanently retired.4. Capital reserve: Capital reserve refers to the capital which isn’t viewed as the paid-incapital or capital stock.5. Undistributed profit: Undistributed profit is the profit that is not distributed toshareholders but retained to the later years.Journal entries1. A company had the following transactions during January: Using the net method ofrecording purchases, prepare the journal entries to record these January transactions.Jan.2 Purchased merchandise, invoice price of $20 000, with terms 2/10, n/30.4 Received a credit memorandum for $4 000, the invoice price on merchandisereturned from the purchase of January 2.12 Purchased merchandise, invoice price of $15 000, with terms 3/15, n/30.26 Paid for the merchandise purchased on January 12.30 paid for the merchandise purchased on January 2.Answer:Jan.2 Merchandise …………………………………………………….19 600Accounts payable………………………………………………………19 6004 Accounts payable…………………………………………………3 920Merchandise………………………………………………………………3 92012 Merchandise……………………………………………………..14 550Accounts payable………………………………………………………14 55026 Accounts payable………………………………………………..14 550Cash……………………………………………………………………..14 55030 Accounts payable………………………………………………..15 680Expense (400)Cash………………………………………………………………………16 0802. The following series of transactions occurred during 2010 and 2011, when LinwoodCo. sold merchandise to John Moore. Linwood’s annual accounting period ends on December 31.10/01/2010 Sold $12 000 of merchandise to John Moore, terms 2/10, n/3011/15/2010 Moore reports that he cannot pay the account until the early next year. He agrees to exchange the account for a 120-day, 12% note receivable.12/31/2010 Prepared the adjusting journal entry to record accrued interest on the note.03/15/2011 Linwood receives a check from Moore for the maturity value (with interest) of the note.03/22/2011 Linwood receives notification that Moore’s check is being returned for nonsufficient funds (NSF).12/31/2011 Linwood writes off Moore’s account as uncollectible.Prepared Linwood Co.‘s journal entries to record the above transactions.The company uses the allowance method to account for its bad debt expenses.Answer:Oct.1, 2010 Accounts receivable—Moore……………………………..12 000Sales……………………………………………………………..12 000 Nov.15, 2010 Notes receivable……………………………………………12 000Accounts receivable—Moore........................................12 000 Dec.31,2010 Interest receivable (184)Interest revenue (184)($12 000 x 0.12 x 46/360 = $184)Mar.15, 2011 Cash…………………………………………………………..12 480Notes receivable………………………………………………...12 000Interest receivable (184)Interest earned (296)($12 000 x 0.12 x 74/360 = $296)Mar.22, 2011 Accounts receivable—Moore……………………………….12 480Cash…………………………………………………………….12 480 Dec.31, 2011 Allowance for doubtful accounts……………………………12 480Accounts receivable—Moore…………………………………12 4803. (a) A company purchased a patent on January 1, 2006, for $2 500 000. The patent’slegal life is 20 years but the company estimates that the patent’s useful life will only be5 years from the date of acquisition. On June 30, 2006, the company paid legal costsof $162 000 in successfully defending the patent in an infringement suit. Prepare the journal entry to amortize the patent at year end on December 31, 2006.(b) Suxia Company purchased a franchise from Yanyan Food Company for $400 000on January 1, 2006. The franchise is for an indefinite time period and gives Suxia Company the exclusive rights to sell Yanyan Wings in a particular territory. Prepare the journal entry to record the acquisition of the franchise and any necessary adjusting entry at year end on December 31, 2006.(c) Chenghe Company incurred research and development costs of $500 000 in 2006in developing a new product. Prepare the necessary journal entries during 2006 to record these events and any adjustments at year end on December 31, 2006.Answer:JOURNAL ENTRIES(a) December 31, 20×6Amortization Expense …………………………………………..518 000Patent………………………………………………………………… 518 000 (To record patent amortization.)$2 500 000 ÷ 5 years ……………………..$500 000$162 000 ÷ 54 months = …………………….$3 000$3 000×6……………………………………. $18 000$518 000(b) January 1, 20×6Franchise ………………………………………………………..400 000Cash………………………………………………………………. 400 000(To record acquisition of T astee Food franchise.)December 31, 20×6No amortization of the franchise is required since its life is indefinite.(c) 20×6Research and Development Expense……………………….. 500 000Cash………………………………………………………………. 500 000 (To record research and development expense for the Current year.)December 31—no entry.4. Suxia Company had the following transactions pertaining to short-term investments inequity securities.Jan.1 Purchased 900 shares of Chenghe Company stock for $9 450 cash plus brokerage fees of $ 270June.1 Received cash dividends of $0.50 per share on Chenghe Company stock.Sept.15 Sold 400 shares of Chenghe Company stock for $ 4 300 less brokerage fees of $100Dec.1 Received cash dividends of $0.50 per share on Chenghe Company stock.(a) Journalize the transactions.(b) Indicate the income statement effects of the transactions.Answer:(a) Jan. 1 Stock Investments……………………………………….. 9 720Cash..................................................................... 9 720 June 1 Cash (900 × $0.50) .. (450)Dividend Revenue (450)Sept. 15 Cash ($4 300 – $100)…………………………………. 4 200Loss on Sale of Stock Investments (120)Stock Investments (400 × ($9 720 ÷ 900)) ......................4 320 Dec. 1 Cash (500 × $0.50). (250)Dividend Revenue (250)(b) Dividend Revenue is reported under Other Revenues and Gains on theincome statement. Loss on Sale of Stock Investments is reported under Other Expenses and Losses on the income statement.5. Presented below are the three independent situations:(a) Henry Corporation purchased $ 400 000 of its bonds on June 30, 2005 at 102 andimmediately retired them. The carrying value of the bonds on the retirement date was $ 367 200. The bonds pay semiannual interest and the interest payment due on June 30, 2005 has been made and recorded.(b) Rose, Inc., purchased $600 000 of its bonds at 96 on June 30, 2005 andimmediately retired them. The carrying value of the bonds on the retirement date was $ 590 000. The bonds pay semiannual interest and the interest payment due on June 30, 2005 has been made and recorded.(c) Sealy Company has $200 000, 10%, 12-year convertible bonds outstanding.These bonds were sold at face value and pay semiannual interest on June 30 and December 31 of each year. The bonds are convertible into 80 shares of Sealy $ 5 par value common stock for each $ 1 000 par value bond. On December 31, 2005 after the bond interest has been paid, $ 50 000 par value of bonds were converted.The market value of Sealy’s common stock was $ 48 per share on December 31, 2005.Instruction: For each of the independent situations, prepare the journal entry to record the retirement or conversion of the bonds.Answer:(a) June 30 Bonds Payable……………………………………………. 400 000Loss on Bond Redemption……………………………….. 40 800Discount on Bonds Payable ………………………………………...32 800Cash …………………………………………………………………408 000($400 000 – $367 200 = $32 800)($400 000 × 102% = $408 000)(b) June 30 Bonds Payable……………………………………………. 600 000Discount on Bonds Payable………………………………………... 10 000Gain on Bond Redemption ………………………………………….14 000Cash………………………………………………………………… 576 000($600 000 – $590 000 =$10 000)($600 000 × 96% =$576 000)(c) Dec. 31 Bonds Payable………………………………………………. 50 000Common Stock…………………………………………………….. 20 000Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par …………………………………..30 000($5 × 80 × 50 =$20 000)6. Maia’s Bike Shop uses the perpetual inventory system and had the followingtransactions during the month of May:May 3 Sold merchandise to a customer on credit for $ 600, terms 2/10, n/30. The cost of the merchandise sold was $ 350.May 4 Sold merchandise to a customer for cash of $ 425. The cost of themerchandise was $ 250.May 6 Sold merchandise to a customer on credit for $ 1 300, terms 2/10, n/30. The cost of the merchandise sold was $ 750.May 8 The customer from May 3 returned merchandise with a selling price of $ 100.The cost of the merchandise returned was $ 55.May 15 The customer from May 6 paid the full amount due, less any appropriate discounts earned.May 31 The customer from May 3 paid the full amount due, less any appropriate discounts earned.Prepare the required journal entries that Maia’s Bike Shop must make to record these transactions.。
会计的基本英语知识点汇总1. Introduction to Accounting会计简介Accounting is the systematic process of identifying, recording, measuring, classifying, summarizing, interpreting, and communicating financial information. It plays a crucial role in the management and decision-making processes of businesses and organizations.会计是一种系统性的流程,用于识别、记录、度量、分类、总结、解释和传达财务信息。
2. Basic Accounting Principles基本会计原则There are several fundamental principles that underpin the field of accounting:有几个基本原则支撑着会计领域:a) Accrual Principle: This principle states that financial transactions should be recorded when they occur and not when the cash is received or paid out.应计原则:该原则规定财务交易应在其发生时记录,而不是在现金收到或支付时记录。
b) Matching Principle: This principle states that expenses should be recognized in the same accounting period as the revenues they help generate.配比原则:该原则规定支出应在与其相关的收入产生的同一会计期间内确认。
1. Financial Statements(财务报表)Financial statements are crucial in accounting as they provide a comprehensive summary of a company's financial activities. The four main types of financial statements are: balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and statement of changes in equity.财务报表在会计中非常重要,因为它们提供了一个公司财务活动的综合概述。
2. Double-Entry Bookkeeping(复式记账法)Double-entry bookkeeping is a fundamental concept in accounting.It states that every financial transaction has equal and opposite effectson at least two accounts. This ensures that the accounting equation (assets = liabilities + equity) remains balanced.复式记账法是会计中的一个基本概念。
Unit 4 AccountingPART I Fundamentals to Accounting第一部分会计基本原理1.accounting[?'ka?nt??]n. 会计2.double-entry system复式记账法2-1 Dr.(Debit) 借记2-2 Cr.(Credit) 贷记3.accounting basic assumption会计基本假设4.accounting entity会计主体5.going concern持续经营6.accounting periods会计分期7.monetary measurement货币计量8.accounting basis会计基础9.accrual[?'kr??l]basis权责发生制【讲解】accrual n. 自然增长,权责发生制原则,应计项目accrual concept 应计概念accrue [?'kru?] v. 积累,自然增长或利益增加,产生10.accounting policies会计政策11.substance over form实质重于形式—13.recognition[rek?g'n??(?)n] n. 确认13-1 initial recognition[rek?g'n??(?)n]初始确认【讲解】recognize ['r?k?g'na?z] v. 确认14.measurement['me??m(?)nt] n. 计量14-1 subsequent ['s?bs?kw(?)nt] measurement 后续计量15.asset['?set] n. 资产16.liability[la??'b?l?t?] n. 负债17.owners’ equity所有者权益18.shareholder’s equity股东权益19.expense[?k'spens; ek-] n. 费用20.profit['pr?f?t] n. 利润21.residual[r?'z?dj??l]equity剩余权益22.residual claim剩余索取权23.capital['k?p?t(?)l] n. 资本24.gains[ɡeinz]n. 利得25.loss[l?s] n. 损失26.Retained earnings留存收益27.Share premium股本溢价28.historical cost历史成本historical [h?'st?r?k(?)l] adj. 历史的,历史上的historic [h?'st?r?k] adj. 有历史意义的,历史上著名的28-1 replacement [r?'ple?sm(?)nt] cost 重置成本29.Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position资产负债表29-1 Income Statement 利润表29-2 Cash Flow Statement 现金流量表29-3 Statement of changes in owners’equity (or shareholders’equity) 所有者权益(股东权益)变动表29-4 notes [n??ts] n. 附注PART II Financial Assets*第二部分金融资产*30.financial assets金融资产e.g. A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one enterprise and a financial liability or equity instrument of another enterprise.give rise to 引起,导致31.cash on hand 库存现金32.bank deposits[d?'p?z?t]银行存款33.A/R, account receivable应收账款34.notes receivable应收票据35.others receivable其他应收款项36.equity investment股权投资37.bond investment债券投资38.derivative financial instrument衍生金融工具39.active market活跃市场40.quotation[kw?(?)'te??(?)n]n. 报价41.financial assets at fair value through profit or loss以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产41-1 those designated as at fair value through profit or loss 指定为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产41-2 financial assets held for trading 交易性金融资产42.financial liability金融负债43.transaction costs交易费用43-1 incremental external cost 新增的外部费用【讲解】incremental [?nkr?'m?ntl] adj. 增量的,增值的44.cash dividend declared but not distributed 已宣告但尚未发放的现金股利投资收益45.profit and loss arising from fair value changes公允价值变动损益46.Held-to-maturity investments持有至到期投资47.amortized cost摊余成本【讲解】amortized [?'m?:taizd]adj. 分期偿还的,已摊销的48.effective interest rate实际利率49.loan[l??n] n. 贷款50.receivables[ri'si:v?blz] n. 应收账款51.available-for-sale financial assets可供出售金融资产52.impairment of financial assets金融资产减值52-1 impairment loss of financial assets 金融资产减值损失53.transfer of financial assets金融资产转移53-1 transfer of the financial asset in its entirety 金融资产整体转移53-2 transfer of a part of the financial asset 金融资产部分转移54.derecognition[di?'rek?g'n???n] n. 终止确认,撤销承认54-1 derecognize [di?'rek?gna?z] v. 撤销承认e.g. An enterprise shall derecognize a financial liability (or part of it) only whenthe underlying present obligation (or part of it) is discharged/cancelled. 【译】金融负债的现时义务全部或部分已经解除的,才能终止确认该金融负债或其一部分。
初级会计专业英语提纲Ⅰ. Choices (选择及判断资料)P5 会计六要素Assets are the economic resources that are owned or con trolled by a business and can be expressed in monetary units.资产指由企业拥有或控制并能用货币计量的经济资源。
Liabilities are the obligations or debts that a business must pay in money or services at some time in the future.负责指将来需用货币或服务偿还的债务或履行的义务。
Owner’s equity represents the owner’s interest in or claim upon a business net assets which is the difference between the amount of assets and the amount of liabilities.业主权益代表业主对企业净资产的权益或要求权,净资产是指企业的资产总额减负债总额后的余额。
Revenues are the economic resources flowing into a business as a result of operational activities (such as providing goods or services to other economic entities).收入指由于经营活动(例如,向其他经济实体销售产品或提供服务)而流入企业的经济资源。
Expenses are the outflow of a business’s economic resources resulting from the operational activities (such as purchasing goods or receiving services from other economic entities).费用指由于经营活动(例如,采购或接受其他经济实体的商品或服务)而流出企业的经济资源。
《会计专业英语》Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting
▪ 1.1 What is accounting ▪ 1.2 Forms of business entities ▪ 1.3 Business activities ▪ 1.4 Users of accounting information ▪ 1.5 Types of accounting ▪ 1.6 Careers in accounting
Internal users
➢ Internal users are employees of an enterprise and are directly involved in managing and operating the business.
➢ From basic labor categories to chief executive officers, all employees are paid, and their paychecks are generated by the accounting information system.
➢ Resources owned by a business are called capital assets. ➢ Assets have different types and names. Various, non-current,
and tangible assets are called property, plant, and equipment (PPE).
Investing activity
➢ Investing activities involve the purchase of the resources a company needs in order to operate.
会计专业英语lesson 1 Accounting an information system
《会计专业英语》课堂教案本次课标题:Lesson 1 Accounting:An Information system授课班级10会计上课时间2学时上课地点教学目标能力(技能)目标知识目标①Understand capital markets and decision making.②Identify the users of accounting information.Master the news words and terms①Understand the history and development ofaccounting②Explain the difference between Financialaccounting and managerial accounting能力训练任务及案例本章要求学生对会计的内涵、会计执业的内涵、会计信息使用者有大致的了解。
教学重点/难点教学重点:The definition of Accounting. The purpose of Accounting system.The principle of Accounting.教学难点:The requirement of Accounting information.The users of Accounting information.The Accounting profession.教材/教参教材:常勋肖华,《会计专业英语》,上海:立信会计出版社,2005年11月。
《会计专业英语》习题答案人大版Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Introduction to AccountingMultiple choice questions:1. D2. C3. C4. C5. B6. A7. C8. D9. C 10. CDiscussion questions1. What are the three basic forms of business entities?The forms of business entities are generally divided into sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporations.A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business only owned by one person. A sole proprietorship often has the following characteristics: (1) The owner also acts as the manager. (2) The owner is personally liable for the debts of the business. If the business has financial difficulties, creditors can force the owner to sell his or her personal assets to pay for the business debts. (3) Its advantage is simplicity.A partnership is usually an unincorporated business owned by two or more persons voluntarily acting as partners. The owners of a partnership, when unincorporated, are also personally liable for the debts of the business. In comparison he sole proprietorship, the partnership has the ability to raise larger amounts of capital investment from multiple owners. Since the personal skills of the individuals are vital to the partnership, covenants are usually drawn up which makes it difficult for individual partners to exit the legal entity.A corporation is a business organization as a separate legal entity owned by stockholders. Investors in a corporation receive shares of stock to indicate ownership claims. Shares of stock are easy to sell. Individuals can become stockholders by investing small amounts of money.2. Compared with sole proprietorship and partnership, what are the advantages of corporation as a form of business entity?Compared with sole proprietorships and partnerships,a corporation is easy for corporations to raise larger amounts of funds. Successful corporations often havethousands of stockholders, and their stocks are traded on organized stock exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange. Different from sole proprietorships and partnerships, corporate stockholders have no personal liability to the legal entity and their risks are limited to their purchase amount only.3. Who are the external users of accounting information? Give examples.External users have a current or potential financial interest in the reporting entity, but are not directly involved in managing and operating the business. The main external users include investors and creditors. Investors use accounting information to decide whether to buy, hold, or sell stocks. Creditors use accounting information to decide whether to sell goods or services on credit or lend money to an entity. Other external users of accounting information are government agencies, suppliers, customers, general public, and so on.4. What are the three main types of business activities? Give examples of each activity.All business can be classified into three types of activity: financing activity, investing activity, and operating activity. A company usually obtains cash through financing activities to start and grow its business. It then invests the cash in to run the business, such as delivery vehicles. Once this equipment is in place, it can begin the operating activities of making and selling goods.Financing activity: A company has two primary sources to raise funds. One is borrowing money and the other is issuing (selling) shares of stock in exchange for cash. Persons or entities to whom a company owes money are creditors. Amounts owed to creditors are called liabilities. A company may also obtain funds by selling shares of stock to investors in exchange for ownership rights. The total amount paid in by stockholders is ownership of shares of common stock and called paid-in capital. A creditor has a legal right to be paid at the agreed-upon time. However, stockholders have no legal right to expect any payments on a regular basis. The payments paid to stockholders are called dividends.Investing activity: Investing activities involve the purchase of the resources a company needs in order to operate. These resources can be buildings, furniture, computers, and delivery trucks among many other capital investments. Resources owned by a business are called capital assets. Assets have different types and names. Various, non-current, and tangible assets are called property, plant, and equipment (PPE).Operating activity: Once a business has assets, it can begin its operations. The amounts earned on the sale of its products or services are called revenues. Sources of revenues common to many businesses are sales revenues, service revenues, and interest revenues (typically not operating revenues but financing revenues).5. Accounting is sometimes described as the language of business. What is meant by this description?Accounting is an information system that identifies, records, and communicates the economic events of an organization to interested users. Specifically, accounting provides information about the reporting entity that is useful to present and potential investors, creditors, and other information users in decisions about providing resources to the entity. As we often say, accounting is a business language.。
会计专业英语名词解释Chapter 11. Accounting: Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, recording, andcommunicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users of the information.2. Accrual basis accounting: Accrual basis accounting refers to an accounting methodthat records financial events based on economic activity rather than financial activity.Under accrual accounting, revenue is recorded when it is earned and realized, regardless of when actual payment is received. Similarly, expenses are matched with revenue regardless of when they are actually paid.3. Balance sheet: Balance sheet is the financial statement showing the financial positionof an entity by summarizing its assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity at one sp ecific date.4. Business entity: Business entity refers to an economic unit that controls resources,incurs obligations, and engages in business activities.5. CAS: Chinese Accounting Standards refer to the accounting concepts, measurementtechniques, and standards of presentation used in financial statements made by the PRC Financial Apartment.6. Cash basis accounting: Cash basis accounting is a method of bookkeeping thatrecords financial events based on cash flows and cash position. Revenue is recognized when cash is received and expense is recognized when cash is paid out.7. Conservatism: Conservatism states that when alternative accounting valuations areequally possible, the accountant should select the one that is least likely to overstate assets and income in the current period.8. Consistency: Consistency means that a company uses the same accountingprinciples and methods from year to year.9. Continuity: Continuity refers to an accounting assumption, also known as thegoing-concern assumption, that the company will continue to operate in the near future, unless substantial evidence to the contrary exists.10. Corporation: Corporation is a business organized as a separate legal entity understate corporation law and having ownership divided into transferable shares of stock.11. Cost principle: Cost principle is a widely used principle of accounting for assets at theiroriginal cost to the current owner.12. Financial accounting: Financial accounting refers to the development and use ofaccounting information describing the financial position of an entity and the results of its operations.13. Financial position: Financial position refers to the financial resources and obligationsof an organization, as described in a balance sheet.14. Financial reporting: Financial reporting refers to the process of periodically providing“general-purpose”financial information (such as financial statements) to persons outside the business organization.15. Financial statements: Financial statements refer to the four related accounting reportsthe summarize the current financial position of an entity and the results of its operations for the preceding year ( or other time period).16. Full disclosure principle: Full disclosure principle requires that circumstances andevents that make a difference to financial statement users be disclosed.17. Going-concern assumption: Go-concern assumption is an assumption by accountantsthat a business will operate indefinitely unless specific evidence to the contrary, such as impending bankruptcy, exists.18. Historical cost: The historical cost of an asset is the exchange price in the transactionin which the asset was acquired.19. Matching principle: Matching principle is an accounting principle that dictates thatexpenses be matched with revenue in the period in which efforts are made to generate revenue.20. Materiality: Materiality refers to the magnitude of an omission or misstatement ofaccounting information that, considering the circumstances, makes it likely that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would have been influenced by the omission or misstatement.21. Market value: Market value is the estimated amount for which a property shouldexchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion,22. Net realizable value: The net realizable value of an asset is the amount of cash (or theequivalent) that could be obtained on the date of the balance sheet by selling the asset in its present condition, in an orderly liquidation.23. Income statement: Income statement is a financial statement indicating theprofitability of a business over a preceding time period.24. Partnership: Partnership is a business owned by two or more persons associated aspartners.25. Present value: The present value of an asset is the net amount of discounted futurecash inflows less the discounted future cash outflows relating to the asset.26. Proprietorship: Partnership is a business owned by one person.27. Relevance: Accounting information is relevant if it can make a difference in a decisionby helping users predict the outcomes of past, present, and future events or confirm or correct prior expectations. To be relevant, accounting information should have either predictive or feedback value, or both. In addition, it should be timely,28. Reliability: Reliable information is reasonably free from error and bias, and faithfullyrepresents what it is intended to represent. That is, to be reliable, information should be verifiable, neutral, and possess representational faithfulness,29. Revenue recognition principle: An accounting principle that dictates that revenue berecognized in the accounting period in which it is earned.30. Statement of cash flow: A financial statement summarizing the cash receipts and cashpayments of the business over the same time period covered by the income statement.31. Statement of owner’s equity: A financial statement explaining certain changes in theamount of the owner’s equity (investment) in the business.1. Asset: Assets mean the entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estateapplicable or subject to the payment of debts.2. Operating cycle: The operating cycle is the time span from when cash is used toacquire goods and service and until cash is received from the sale of goods and service.3. Cash: cash refers to an exchange medium launched into circulation which is availablefor any ordinary use and can be used to purchase goods or services or repay debts.4. Cash equivalents: Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments or otherassets that readily convertible to cash and sufficiently close to their due date.5. Internal control: Internal control means all policies and procedures used to protectassets, ensure reliable accounting, promote efficient operations, and urge adherence to company policies.Chapter 31. Receivables: Receivables refer to the monetary claims against business, individualsand other debtors.2. Accounts receivable: Accounts receivables are amounts due from customers for creditsales. This section begins by describing how accounts receivables occur. It includes receivables that occur when customers use credit cards issued by third parties and when a company gives credit directly to customers.3. Installment accounts receivables: Installment accounts receivables are amounts overan extended time period.4. Commercial discounts: Commercial discounts refer to a certain sum of moneydeducted from listed prices.5. Cash discounts: Cash discounts refer to a deduction from gross invoice price, whichare an inducement offered to the buyer to encourage the payments of goods within a specific period of time.6. The percentage-of-sale method: The percentage-of-sale method estimates somepercentage of credit sales would turn out to be uncollectible, in which the percentage of bad debts to credit sales should be properly estimated with the past experience. 7. The percentage-of-receivable method: The percentage-of-receivable methodestimates the uncollectible with a percentage of the ending balance of accounts receivables rather than credit sales.8. The aging method: The aging method analyzes the age structure of the accountbalance. In this method, an aging schedule is prepared, classifying the length of time that has passes since the sale that gave rise to them.9. The allowance method: The allowance method is the most usual way that companiesuse to record uncollectible accounts. In calculating uncollectible accounts, an account allowances for uncollectible receivable is set up.10. Promissory note: A promissory note is a written promise to pay a certain sum ofmoney on demand or at a fixed and determinable future time, generally over 30 or 60 days.1. Inventory: Inventory is the total amount if goods and/or materials contained in a storeor factory at any given.2. Product costs: Product costs are those costs that “attach”to the inventory. Suchcharges include freight charges on goods purchased, other direct costs of acquisition, and labor and other production costs incurred in processing the goods up to the time of sale.3. The perpetual inventory system: The perpetual inventory system requires thatseparate inventory ledger be maintained for each goods.4. The periodic inventory system: The periodic inventory system requires a companydetermines the quantity of inventory on hand only periodically, under which the cost of ending inventory is subtracted from the cost of goods available for sale, then the cost of goods sold are determined.5. The specific identification method: The specific identification method can be usedwhen units in the ending inventory can be identified as coming from specific purchases.6. The weighted average cost method: The weighted average cost method assumes thatthe goods available for sale have the same cost per unit. Under this method, the cost of goods available for sale is allocated on the basis of the weighted-average unit c0st.7. The first-in, first-out (FIFO) method: The first-in, first-out (FIFO) method is base on theassumption that the costs of the first items acquired should be assigned to the first item sold.Chapter 51. Accelerated depreciation: Accelerated depreciation is a method of depreciation thatcall for recognition of relatively large amounts if depreciation in the early years of an asset’s useful life and relatively small amounts in the later years.2. Depreciable value: Depreciable value is the amount of the acquisition cost to beallocated as depreciation over the total useful life of an asset. It is the difference between the total acquisition cost and the estimated residual value.3. Depreciation: Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the cost of an asset toexpress over the years of its estimated useful life.4. Fair market value: Fair market value is the value of an asset based on the price forwhich a company could sell the asset to an independent third party.5. Impairment: Impairment is a change in economic conditions which reduces theeconomic usefulness of an asset.6. Residual value: Residual value is the amount a company expects to receive fromdisposal of an asset at the end of its useful life.7. Useful life: Useful life refers to the shorter of the physical life or the economic life of anasset.1. Amortization: The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible assetover the period of its economic usefulness.2. Copyright: A grant by the state government covering the right to publish, sell, orotherwise control literary or artistic products for the life of the author plus 50 years. 3. Franchises: Agreements entered into by two parties in which, for a fee, one party (thefranchisor) gives the other party (the franchisee) rights to perform certain functions or sell certain products or services.4. Goodwill: The present value of expected future earnings of a business in excess of theearnings normally realized in the industry.5. Identifiable intangible asset: Intangibles that can be purchased or sold separately fromthe other assets of the company.6. Intangible assets: Those assets which are used in the operation of a business butwhich have no physical substance and are not current.7. Leases (or leaseholds): Intangible assets because a right to use the property is heldby the lessee.8. Patent: An exclusive right granted by the state government giving the owner control ofthe manufacturing, sale, or other use of an invention for a period of years from the date of filling.9. Research and development costs: Expenditures that may lead to patent, copy rights,new processes and new products.10. Trademarks: Distinctive identifications of a manufactured product or of a service,taking the form of a name, a sign, a slogan, a logo, or an emblem.Chapter 71. Available-for-sale securities: Securities that may be sold in the future.2. Consolidated financial statements: Financial statements that present the assets andliabilities controlled by the parent company and the aggregate profitability of the affiliated companies.3. Cost method: An accounting method in which the investment in common stock isrecorded at cost and revenue is recognized only when cash dividends are received.4. Debt investments: Investments in government and corporation bonds.5. Equity method: An accounting method in which the investment in common stock isinitially recorded at cost and the investment account is then adjusted annually to show the investor’s equity in the investee.6. Fair value: Amount for which a security could be sold in a normal market.7. Held-to-maturity securities: Debt securities that investor has the intent and ability tohold to maturity.8. Investment portfolio: A group of stocks in different corporations held for investmentpurposes.9. Long-term investments: Investments that are not readily marketable and thatmanagement does not intend to convert into cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer.10. Parent company: A company that owns more than 50% of the common stock ofanother entity.11. Short-term investments: Investments that are readily marketable and intend to convertinto cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer.12. Stock investments: Investments in the capital stock of corporations.13. Subsidiary (affiliated) company: A company in which more than 50% of its stock isowned by another company.14. Trading securities: Securities bought and held primarily for sale in the near term togenerate income on short-term price differences.Chapter 81. Amortization table: A schedule that indicates how installment payments are allocatedbetween interest expense and repayments of principal.2. Capital lease: A lease contract which, in essence, finances the eventual purchase bythe lessee of leased property. The lessor accounts for a capital lease as a sale of property; the lessee records an asset and a liability equal to the present value of the future lease payments. A capital lease is also called a financing lease.3. Commercial paper: Very short-term notes payable issued by financially strongcorporations. They are highly liquid from the investor’s point of view.4. Commitments: Contracts for the future transactions.5. Contra-liability account: A ledger account which is deducted from or offset against arelated liability account in the balance sheet; for example, Discount on Notes Payable.6. Convertible bond: One which may be changed at the option of the bondholder for aspecific number of shares of common stock.7. Deferred income taxes: Income taxes upon income which already has been reportedfor financial reporting purposes, but which will not be reported in income tax returns until future periods.8. Discount on notes payable: A contra-liability account representing any interestcharges applicable to future periods included in the face amount of a note payable.Over the life of the note, the balance of the Discount on Notes Payable account is amortized into Interest Expense.9. Deducted bond: Debenture bonds refer to an unsecured bond.10. Estimated liabilities: Liabilities which appear in financial statements at estimatedamounts.11. Long-term liabilities: Obligations that are not due for at least a year.12. Loss contingency: A possible loss, or expense, stemming from past events, that willbe resolved as to existence and amount by some future event.13. Mortgage bonds: Bonds secured by the pledge of specific assets.14. Operating lease: A lease contract which is in essence a rental agreement. The lesseehas the use of the leased property, but the lessor retains the usual risks and rewards of ownership. The periodic lease payments are accounted for as rent expense by the lessee and as rental revenue by the lessor.Chapter 91. Income: Income is defined as increases in economic benefits during the reportingperiod in the form of inflows or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants. Income encompasses both revenue and gains.2. Revenue: Revenue is income that arises in the course of ordinary activities of anentity and is referred to by a variety of different names including sales, fees, interest, dividends and royalties.3. Gains: Gains represent other items that meet the definition of income and may, or maynot arise in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity.4. Accrued revenue: Accrued revenue is the revenue that has been earned but not yetcollected.5. Trade discounts: Trade discounts depend on the volume of the business or size oforder from the customer.6. Cash discounts: Cash discounts are offered to customers by some companies toencourage prompt payment of bills.7. Expenses: Expenses are outflows or using up of assets as part of operations of abusiness to generate sales.8. Employee expenses: Employee expenses are the entitlements which employeesaccumulate as a result of rendering their services to an employer.9. Depreciation (amortization): Depreciation is a periodic expense of operations and isassociated with the consumption or loss of service potential of non-current assets. 10. Bad (doubtful) debts expense: Bad debts expense is, in effect, a reduction of the“receivables” asset.11. Income taxes expense: Income taxes expense is the expense recognized in theaccounting records on an accrual basis that applies to income from continuing operations.12. Profit: Profit is the ultimate result of various operating activities of the enterprise in areporting period.13. Accounting policies: Accounting policies are the specific principles, bases,conventions, rules and practices adopted by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements.14. Applicable profit: Applicable profit is assets that can be distributed to all kinds ofbeneficiaries.Chapter 101. Owner’s equity: Owner’s equity refers to the sources invested by owners or formed inthe course of the production and operation or other sourced shared by owners.2. Par value: The par value is an arbitrary dollar amount assigned to each share.3. Treasury stock: Treasury stock may be defined as shares of a corporation’s owncapital stock that have been issued and later reacquired by the issuing company but that have not been canceled or permanently retired.4. Capital reserve: Capital reserve refers to the capital which isn’t viewed as the paid-incapital or capital stock.5. Undistributed profit: Undistributed profit is the profit that is not distributed toshareholders but retained to the later years.Journal entries1. A company had the following transactions during January: Using the net method ofrecording purchases, prepare the journal entries to record these January transactions.Jan.2 Purchased merchandise, invoice price of $20 000, with terms 2/10, n/30.4 Received a credit memorandum for $4 000, the invoice price on merchandisereturned from the purchase of January 2.12 Purchased merchandise, invoice price of $15 000, with terms 3/15, n/30.26 Paid for the merchandise purchased on January 12.30 paid for the merchandise purchased on January 2.Answer:Jan.2 Merchandise …………………………………………………….19 600Accounts payable………………………………………………………19 6004 Accounts payable…………………………………………………3 920Merchandise………………………………………………………………3 92012 Merchandise……………………………………………………..14 550Accounts payable………………………………………………………14 55026 Accounts payable………………………………………………..14 550Cash……………………………………………………………………..14 55030 Accounts payable………………………………………………..15 680Expense (400)Cash………………………………………………………………………16 0802. The following series of transactions occurred during 2010 and 2011, when LinwoodCo. sold merchandise to John Moore. Linwood’s annual accounting period ends on December 31.10/01/2010 Sold $12 000 of merchandise to John Moore, terms 2/10, n/3011/15/2010 Moore reports that he cannot pay the account until the early next year. He agrees to exchange the account for a 120-day, 12% note receivable.12/31/2010 Prepared the adjusting journal entry to record accrued interest on the note.03/15/2011 Linwood receives a check from Moore for the maturity value (with interest) of the note.03/22/2011 Linwood receives notification that Moore’s check is being returned for nonsufficient funds (NSF).12/31/2011 Linwood writes off Moore’s account as uncollectible.Prepared Linwood Co.‘s journal entries to record the above transactions.The company uses the allowance method to account for its bad debt expenses.Answer:Oct.1, 2010 Accounts receivable—Moore……………………………..12 000Sales……………………………………………………………..12 000 Nov.15, 2010 Notes receivable……………………………………………12 000Accounts receivable—Moore........................................12 000 Dec.31,2010 Interest receivable (184)Interest revenue (184)($12 000 x 0.12 x 46/360 = $184)Mar.15, 2011 Cash…………………………………………………………..12 480Notes receivable………………………………………………...12 000Interest receivable (184)Interest earned (296)($12 000 x 0.12 x 74/360 = $296)Mar.22, 2011 Accounts receivable—Moore……………………………….12 480Cash…………………………………………………………….12 480 Dec.31, 2011 Allowance for doubtful accounts……………………………12 480Accounts receivable—Moore…………………………………12 4803. (a) A company purchased a patent on January 1, 2006, for $2 500 000. The patent’slegal life is 20 years but the company estimates that the patent’s useful life will only be5 years from the date of acquisition. On June 30, 2006, the company paid legal costsof $162 000 in successfully defending the patent in an infringement suit. Prepare the journal entry to amortize the patent at year end on December 31, 2006.(b) Suxia Company purchased a franchise from Yanyan Food Company for $400 000on January 1, 2006. The franchise is for an indefinite time period and gives Suxia Company the exclusive rights to sell Yanyan Wings in a particular territory. Prepare the journal entry to record the acquisition of the franchise and any necessary adjusting entry at year end on December 31, 2006.(c) Chenghe Company incurred research and development costs of $500 000 in 2006in developing a new product. Prepare the necessary journal entries during 2006 to record these events and any adjustments at year end on December 31, 2006.Answer:JOURNAL ENTRIES(a) December 31, 20×6Amortization Expense …………………………………………..518 000Patent………………………………………………………………… 518 000 (To record patent amortization.)$2 500 000 ÷ 5 years ……………………..$500 000$162 000 ÷ 54 months = …………………….$3 000$3 000×6……………………………………. $18 000$518 000(b) January 1, 20×6Franchise ………………………………………………………..400 000Cash………………………………………………………………. 400 000(To record acquisition of T astee Food franchise.)December 31, 20×6No amortization of the franchise is required since its life is indefinite.(c) 20×6Research and Development Expense……………………….. 500 000Cash………………………………………………………………. 500 000 (To record research and development expense for the Current year.)December 31—no entry.4. Suxia Company had the following transactions pertaining to short-term investments inequity securities.Jan.1 Purchased 900 shares of Chenghe Company stock for $9 450 cash plus brokerage fees of $ 270June.1 Received cash dividends of $0.50 per share on Chenghe Company stock.Sept.15 Sold 400 shares of Chenghe Company stock for $ 4 300 less brokerage fees of $100Dec.1 Received cash dividends of $0.50 per share on Chenghe Company stock.(a) Journalize the transactions.(b) Indicate the income statement effects of the transactions.Answer:(a) Jan. 1 Stock Investments……………………………………….. 9 720Cash..................................................................... 9 720 June 1 Cash (900 × $0.50) .. (450)Dividend Revenue (450)Sept. 15 Cash ($4 300 – $100)…………………………………. 4 200Loss on Sale of Stock Investments (120)Stock Investments (400 × ($9 720 ÷ 900)) ......................4 320 Dec. 1 Cash (500 × $0.50). (250)Dividend Revenue (250)(b) Dividend Revenue is reported under Other Revenues and Gains on theincome statement. Loss on Sale of Stock Investments is reported under Other Expenses and Losses on the income statement.5. Presented below are the three independent situations:(a) Henry Corporation purchased $ 400 000 of its bonds on June 30, 2005 at 102 andimmediately retired them. The carrying value of the bonds on the retirement date was $ 367 200. The bonds pay semiannual interest and the interest payment due on June 30, 2005 has been made and recorded.(b) Rose, Inc., purchased $600 000 of its bonds at 96 on June 30, 2005 andimmediately retired them. The carrying value of the bonds on the retirement date was $ 590 000. The bonds pay semiannual interest and the interest payment due on June 30, 2005 has been made and recorded.(c) Sealy Company has $200 000, 10%, 12-year convertible bonds outstanding.These bonds were sold at face value and pay semiannual interest on June 30 and December 31 of each year. The bonds are convertible into 80 shares of Sealy $ 5 par value common stock for each $ 1 000 par value bond. On December 31, 2005 after the bond interest has been paid, $ 50 000 par value of bonds were converted.The market value of Sealy’s common stock was $ 48 per share on December 31, 2005.Instruction: For each of the independent situations, prepare the journal entry to record the retirement or conversion of the bonds.Answer:(a) June 30 Bonds Payable……………………………………………. 400 000Loss on Bond Redemption……………………………….. 40 800Discount on Bonds Payable ………………………………………...32 800Cash …………………………………………………………………408 000($400 000 – $367 200 = $32 800)($400 000 × 102% = $408 000)(b) June 30 Bonds Payable……………………………………………. 600 000Discount on Bonds Payable………………………………………... 10 000Gain on Bond Redemption ………………………………………….14 000Cash………………………………………………………………… 576 000($600 000 – $590 000 =$10 000)($600 000 × 96% =$576 000)(c) Dec. 31 Bonds Payable………………………………………………. 50 000Common Stock…………………………………………………….. 20 000Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par …………………………………..30 000($5 × 80 × 50 =$20 000)6. Maia’s Bike Shop uses the perpetual inventory system and had the followingtransactions during the month of May:May 3 Sold merchandise to a customer on credit for $ 600, terms 2/10, n/30. The cost of the merchandise sold was $ 350.May 4 Sold merchandise to a customer for cash of $ 425. The cost of themerchandise was $ 250.May 6 Sold merchandise to a customer on credit for $ 1 300, terms 2/10, n/30. The cost of the merchandise sold was $ 750.May 8 The customer from May 3 returned merchandise with a selling price of $ 100.The cost of the merchandise returned was $ 55.May 15 The customer from May 6 paid the full amount due, less any appropriate discounts earned.May 31 The customer from May 3 paid the full amount due, less any appropriate discounts earned.Prepare the required journal entries that Maia’s Bike Shop must make to record these transactions.。
2023年会计硕士《英语一》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.2.【单选题】The _______ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.A.researchB.rescueC.vesselD.vast3.【单选题】John _______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is veryrude.A. pretendsB.assuresC.affordsD.melts4.【单选题】The doctors _______ the medicines to the people in the flood area.A.distributedB.packedC.prayedD.undertook5.【单选题】We are _______ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.A.distinguishedB.annoyedC.astonishedD.scored6.【单选题】Without a proper education, people could _______ all kinds of crimes.A.conductB.stoopmitD.sweat7.【单选题】Many kinds of animals are believed to have _________from the earthA.withdrawnB.vanishedC.foundD.hung8.【单选题】We do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B.S. .A.continueB.bayC.assistanceD.graduate9.【单选题】We can not _______ all the magazines together.A.routeB.drawC.threadD.bind10.【单选题】Carelessness made him fall in his job _______.A.interviewB.intentionC.stomachD.stocking11.【单选题】Both sugar and salt can ______in water.A.desertB.absorbC.dissolveD.involve12.【单选题】This river forms a natural _______ between China and Korea.A.boundaryB.stringC.spotD.zone13.【单选题】In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______.A.facilitiesB.hensC.votesD.artists14.【单选题】The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _______their plans for the new bicycle.A.countingB.strippingC.elaboratingD.casting15.【单选题】Much of the news provided by this newspaper is_______, not foreign.A.domesticB.strainC.purchaseD.murder16.【单选题】If you have any problems during your study here,please do not _______ to call me for helpA.hesitateB.despairC.urgeD.request17.【单选题】It is not ---_______ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.A. continuousB.difficultC.convenientD.sufficient18.【单选题】He tried to _____ __relations with his former wife but he failed.A.measureB.maintainC.shelterD.reply19.【单选题】The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.A. beanB.beamC.bakeD.battery20.【单选题】With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991.A.survivedB.suspendedC..sufferedD.subfected第2卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.A.exhibitionB.exceptionC.exceptD.reception2.【单选题】Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefullyA.sortingB.jokingparing3.【单选题】We won ’t allow any foreign country to _______ in our internal affairs.A.devoteB.districtC.interfereD.wander4.【单选题】He works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member.A.traditionalB.scholarC.nurseD.pilot5.【单选题】She is already 16years old. But she _______as if she were still a little girl.A.believesB.absorbsC.accrsesD.behaves6.【单选题】As a teacher, you should not _______ the students from asking questions in class.A. ruinB.restrainC.importD.impose7.【单选题】Some lazy men would rather _______ than work.A. indicateB.declareC.solveD.starve8.【单选题】When you fill in the application form, please use your_______ address so that we can contact you easily later.A.policyB.plainD.principal9.【单选题】Sometimes it is very difficult to _______ some of the English words. Even the native speaker can not help.A.decreaseB.createC.defineD.delight10.11.【单选题】We can not trust him any more because he often________ his duty.A.owesB.spoilsC.desertsD.neglects12.【单选题】This boy was _______ for what he had done in the class.A.scoldedB.overcomeC.inclinedD.displayed13.【单选题】When making modern cameras , people began to_______ plastics for metal.A.surroundB.substanceC.stretchD.substitute14.【单选题】In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state.A.federalB.figureC.scientificD.service15.【单选题】All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65.A.fadedB.illustratedC.concerned16.【单选题】I have not heard anything from him since his _______.A.departureB.faultC.foundationD.acciptance17.【单选题】Some states in the United States _______ people tocarry guns.A.applyB.charmC.ignoreD.forbid18.【单选题】Although the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a_______ speed.A.spareB.fastC.moderateD.moral19.【单选题】What he said in the meeting _______ everybody present.A.disgustedB.dismissedC.disposedD.eliminated20.【单选题】Professor Smith is also the _______ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here,you may go to him for help.A.detectiveB.presidentC.managerD.director第1卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验2.正确答案:B3.正确答案:A4.正确答案:A5.正确答案:C6.正确答案:C7.正确答案:B8.正确答案:D9.正确答案:D10.正确答案:A11.正确答案:C12.正确答案:A13.正确答案:A14.正确答案:C15.正确答案:A16.正确答案:A17.正确答案:C18.正确答案:B19.正确答案:D20.正确答案:A第2卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:B2.正确答案:B3.正确答案:C4.正确答案:B5.正确答案:D6.正确答案:B7.正确答案:D8.正确答案:C9.正确答案:C11.正确答案:D12.正确答案:A13.正确答案:D14.正确答案:A15.正确答案:A16.正确答案:A17.正确答案:D18.正确答案:C19.正确答案:A20.正确答案:D。
Accounting English学习会计英语,词汇是基础。
第一篇(词汇篇上——结构篇)第一部分:基础的会计词汇CPA (Certified Public Accountant)注册会计师AICPA (American Institute Of CPA)美国注册会计师CICPA (Chinese Institute Of CPA)中国注册会计师ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)特许公认会计师协会“四大”指的是世界四大会计师事务所,分别为普华永道(Price Waterhouse Coopers, PwC)毕马威(KPMG)德勤(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,DTT)安永(Ernst&Young,E&Y)Management Accountants 管理会计师•The Institute of Management Accountants(美国管理会计师协会,IMA)•Certified Management Accountant(美国注册管理会计师,CMA)Controller 总会计师,会计主管CFO(Chief Financial Officer)财务总监,首席财务官Financial position 财务状况Result of operation 经营成果Cash flow 现金流Income tax returns 纳税申报Prepare income tax returns 编制纳税申报Audit v.审计Controller 总会计师,会计主管Treasurer 财务主管CFO(Chief Financial Officer) 首席财务官Financial statement 财务报表(Statement:结算单,报表)Internal control 内部控制Internal auditing 内部审计Bookkeeping 簿记Professional ethics 职业道德Transaction 交易,事务Conceptual framework of financial accounting 财务会计概念框架Objectives of financial reporting by business enterprise 企业编制财务报告的目标Qualitative characteristics of accounting information 会计信息的质量特征Basic assumptions of accounting 会计的基本假设Basic principles of accounting 会计的基本原则Prescribe v.规定,开处方Coherent system 协调一致的系统Interrelated objectives 相互联系的目标Fundamental 基本原理,基本原则Consistent standards 一致的标准New and emerging practical problems 新的和突出的问题Securities 有价证券Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 美国证券交易委员会Acquiesce v.默许Stock 股票Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts (SFAC) 美国财务会计概念公告Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFASs) 美国财务会计准则公告Interpretation of the SFASs 美国财务会计准则公告解释Facilitate v.促进,帮助Evenhanded 公平的Allocate v.分配Scarce resource 稀有资源Adopt v.采取Constraints 制约因素Hierarchy 等级制度Pervasive 普遍的Threshold 门槛,起点,开端Criterion 评判的标准,尺度Decision-making 有关决策制定的Sequence 顺序Accounting procedure 会计程序Interval n.间隔、间距、幕间休息第二部分:专业的会计词汇Entry 分录Make an accounting entryClosing entry 结账分录Contra entry 抵消分录(contra n.相反,对立面)Adjusting entry 调整分录Entry price 入账价值Entry document 记账凭证Journalize v.登记日记账Journal n.日记账,序时账Journal entry 日记账分录Cash journal 现金日记账Post v.过账Posting is the process that debits and credits are transferred from the journal to the ledger accounts.Ledger accounts n.分类账Account n.账户Trial balance 试算平衡表Item n.项目Double-entry accounting 复式记账法Single-entry accounting 单式记账法Bookkeeping 簿记Debit (Dr.) v.借记n.借方Debit balance 借方余额Credit (Cr.) v.贷记n.贷方Credit balance 贷方余额Credit card 信用卡T-account T字形账户Accounting equation 会计等式,会计方程式Chronological adj.依时间前后排列而记载的Source document 原始凭证Verify v.核实,查证Format 格式General journal 普通日记账Special journal 特殊日记账Column 纵队,列;专栏;圆柱,柱形物Enter v.记账Premium 保险费;(正常价格或费用以外的)加付款,加价;额外补贴,津贴;奖金Ref. =reference 摘要Subsidiary ledger account 辅助分类账subsidiary adj.辅助的Trial balance 试算平衡表Erroneous adj.错误的,不正确的Balance sheet accounts 资产负债表账户Permanent (real) accounts 实账户Income statement accountsTemporary (nominal) accounts 虚账户Close sth to sth = transfer sth to sth 转移,转账Rental 租金Plus 加Less 减Add 加Deduct 减Minus 减Financial statements include:1. The balance sheet 资产负债表2. The income statement 利润表3. The statement of changes in owner ’s equity 所有者权益变动表4. The statement of cash flows 现金流量表(财务报表的编制内容十分复杂,尤其是现金流量表的编制,具体编制和内容将单独讲授,会尽量结合国际原则进行综合,同时应用中英双语。
Post test 1 基本概念1. Things of value owned by an entity: assets Money: cashClaims of creditors: liabilitiesClaims of investors: equity2. 2 types of sources of funds:Stronger claim: liabilitiesLesser claim: equity3. A balance sheet reports the status of an entity ....ata point of time.4. Give the fundamental accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Equity5. The above equation is consistent with what concept?: Dual-aspect concept6. Money-measurement concept states that accounting reports only facts that can be expressed in monetary amounts.7. A balance sheet does not report all the facts abouta business. What concept limits the amount or type of information that can be reported? Money-measurement concept8. Brown Company has 10000 dollar cash. Its owner withdraws 100 dollars for his own use. The owner is (no better or worse off) than he was before. Brown company now has (less) cash. The fact that this event affects the owner differently than it affects the company is an illustration of the entity concept.9. The entity concept states that accounts are kept for entities as distinguished from the persons who own those entities.11. The going-concern concept is: Accounting assumes that an entity will continue to operate indefinitely.12. The asset-measurement concept is: if reliable information is available, accounting focuses on the fair value of assets. Nonmonetary assets are reported at their original cost.13. An item can be reported as an asset if it passes 3 of the following: item is valuable, item was acquired at a measurable cost, item is owned or controlled by the entity.14. Goodwill is a favorable name or reputation purchased by the entity.15. An asset is classified as current if it is cash or is expected to be converted into cash in the near future, usually within one year.16. A liability is classified as current if it becomes due in the near future, usually within one year.17. Marketable securities are current assets. Investments are noncurrent assets.19. An insurance policy paid in advance of the time period covered is an example of a prepaid expense.20. A building, an item of equipment, and an automobile may all be examples of plant and property.21.Parker Company operates a furniture store. On December 31,2005,it had 30 desks that it was holding for sale. These would be reported as inventory. The desk that is used by the president of Parker Company would be reported as plant and property.22.Fox Company sold $1,000 of goods on credit to Golden Company. This would be recorded as an account receivable of Fox Company and as an account payable of Golden Company.23. Indicate whether the following statements about the balance sheet of a corporation are true or false:a. Assets list all the valuable things owned bythe entity----Fb. The amount reported for the paid-in capitalitem is approximately the fair value of the stock-----Fc. The amount reported for total equity isapproximately the fair value of the corporation’sstock---Fd. Total equities (also called “net worth”) showapproximately what the entity is worth.----Fe. Retained earnings is the amount of cashretained in the entity.-----FPost test 2 资产负债表的变更:收入的核算1.On January 2, John Brown started the BrownCompany. In January, Brown Company did thefollowing things:a. It received $5,000 cash from John Brown asits capital.b. It borrowed $10,000 from a bank, giving anote therefor.c. It purchased $4,000 of inventory for cash.d. It sold $2,000 of its inventory for $6,000 to acustomer, who paid $3,500 cash and agreed to pay$2,500 within 30 days.e. It purchased an auto for $7,000. It paid$2,000 down and gave a note to the automobiledealer for the remaining $5,000f. Brown withdrew $1,000 cash for his personaluse.g. Brown was offered $10,000 for his equity inthe business, but he refused the offer.On a separate piece of paper, prepare a roughdraft of a balance sheet for Brown Company as of theclose to business January 31, and an incomestatement for January.Brown CompanyBalance Sheet as of Jan31AssetsCash……………………………………$11,500Accounts Receivable…………………2,500Inventory………………………………….2,000Automobile………………………………7,000Total………………………………………$23,000Liabilities and EquityNotes Payable………………………$15,000Paid-in Capital…………………………5,000Retained Earnings……………………3,000Total……………………………………$23,000Brown CompanyIncome Statement for January Revenue...........................$6,000Expense ...........................$2,000Income ............................$4,0002.Brown Company's income was $4,000, but itsRetained Earnings was only $3,000. Reread the firstframe and choose the item (a-g) that explains thedifference. f3.John Brown claims that the inventory as of January31 is worth $6,000, as shown by the fact thatinventory costing $2,000 was actually sold for $6,000.Would you change the balance sheet ?...(No). This isan illustration of the asset-measurement concept.Nonmonetary assets are reported at their cost ratherthan their worth or fair value.Post test 3 会计记录和系统1. On March 5, Kay Company purchased $6,000 ofinventory, paying cash. Prepare a journal entry forthis transaction below.Journal2001 Transactions Dr. Cr.March 5Inventory6,000Cash6,0002. On March 10, Kay Company made a $15,000 sale toa customer who paid $6,000 cash and agreed to payto the other $9,000 in 30 days. The merchandise soldhad cost $8,000. Prepare a journal entry for the sale,below.Journal2001 Transactions Dr. Cr.March 10Cash6,000Accounts Receivable9,000Revenues15,0003. On March 10, Kay Company made a sale for$15,000 for merchandise that had cost $8,000.Prepare a journal entry to record the cost of the salebelow.Journal2001 Transactions Dr. Cr.March 10 Expenses8,000Inventory8,0004. Recall from the previous frames that revenuesfrom the sale on March 10 were $15,000 and that themerchandise sold had cost $8,000. Prepare theclosing entries.Journal2005 Transactions Dr. Cr.March 31Revenues15,000Retained earnings15,000March 31Retained earnings8,000Expenses8,0005-10. Omit11.A critic said that the company had $25,000 cash atthe beginning of March and $25,000 at the end ofMarch, and since its cash balance was unchanged, itcouldn't be said to have any income in March. Thiscriticism is (incorrect).12.The reason the criticism is incorrect is becauseincome is an increase in retained earnings, notnecessarily in cash. For example, the sales revenue ofKay Company in March was $15,000 and its incomewas $7,000 even though $9,000 was received in cash.Post test 4 营业收入和货币资产1. The conservation concept states that increases inequity are recognized only when they are reasonablycertain, while decreases in equity are recognized assoon as they are reasonably possible.2. The materiality concept states: disregard trivialmatters but disclose all important matters.3. What is the length of the usual accounting period?One year. Financial statements prepared for shorterperiods are called interim statements.4. Cash accounting reports items that increase ordecrease cash. Accrual accounting reports items thatchange equity or retained earnings, even thoughthese changes may not affect cash.5. Increases in equity associated with the entity’soperations during a period are revenues, anddecreases are expenses. The difference betweenthem is labeled income.6. The realization concept states that revenues are recognized when goods or services are delivered.7. H Company manufactures a table in August and places it in its retail store in September. R Smith, a customer, agrees to buy the table in October, it is delivered to him in November, and he pays the bill in December. In what month is the revenue is recognized? (November)8. The receipt of cash is a debit to Cash. What is the offsetting credit and (type of account) for the following types of sales transactions?Account Crediteda. Cash received prior to delivery. Advances from customers (a liability)b. Cash received in same period as delivery. Revenuec. Cash received after the period of delivery. Accounts receivable (an asset)9.Similarly, revenue is a credit entry. What is the offsetting debit when revenue is recognized in each of these periods?Account Debiteda. Revenue recognized prior to receipt of cash. Accounts receivableb. Revenue recognized in same period as receipt of cash. Cashc. Revenue recognized in the period following receipt of cash. Advances from customers10.In February, H Company agrees to sell a table to a customer for $600, and the customer makes a down payment of $100 at that time. The cost of the table is $400. The table is delivered to the customer in March, and the customer pays the remaining $500 in April. Give the journal entries (if any) that would be made in February, March, and April for both the revenue and expense aspects of this transaction. February:Cash100Advances from customers100March:Accounts receivable500Advances from customers100Revenue600March:Expenses400Inventory400April:Cash500Accounts receivable50011.At the end of 2005, M Company had accounts receivable of $200,000, and it estimated that $2,000 of this amount was a bad debt. Its revenue in 2005, with no allowance for the bad debts, was $600,000. A. What account should be debited for the $2,000 bad debt? RevenueB. What account should be credited? Allowance for doubtful accountsC. What amount would be reported as net accounts receivable on the balance sheet? $198,000D. What amount would be reported as revenue on the 2005 income statement? $598,00012.In 2006, the $2,000 of bad debt was written off.A. What account should be debited for this written off? Allowance for doubtful accountsB. What account should be credited? AccountsreceivablePost test 5 费用的核算;损益表1. An expenditure occurs in the period in which goodsor services are acquired. An expense occurs in theperiod in which goods or services are consumed.2. A certain asset was acquired in May. There wastherefore an expenditure in May. At the end of May,the item was either on hand, or it was not. If it wason hand, it was an asset; If it was not on hand, it wasan expense in May.3. Productive assets are unexpired costs. Expensesare expired costs.4. The matching concept states that costs associatedwith the revenues of a period are expenses of thatperiod.5. Expenses of a period consist of:a. costs of the goods and services delivered duringthat period.b. other expenditures that benefit operations ofthe period.c. losses6. If Brown company pays rent prior to the periodthat the rent covers, the amount is initially reportedas credit to cash and a debit to Prepaid Rent, which isan asset account. If Brown Company pays the rentafter the period covered, the amount is initiallyrecorded as a debit to Rent Expense and a credit toAccrued Rent, which is a liability account.7. A brand new machine owned by Fay Company wasdestroyed by fire in 2005. It was uninsured. It hasbeen purchased for $10,000 with the expectationthat it would be useful for 5 years. The expenserecorded in 2005 should be $10,000.8. Gross margin is the difference between salesrevenue and cost of sales.9. gross margin percentage: (gross margin)/(salesrevenue)10. The difference between revenues and expenses inan accounting period (or the amount by which equity[i.e., retained earnings] increased from operatingactivities during the period) is called net income.11. A distribution of earnings to shareholders is calleddividends(股利).12. retained earnings at the end of the period=retained earnings at the beginning of the period + netincome–dividends.Post test 6 存货和销售成本1. A dealer sells a television set for $800 cash. It hadcost $600. Write journal entries for the four accountsaffected by this transaction.Dr. Cash800Cr. Revenue800Dr. Cost of Sales600Cr. Inventory6002. When using the perpetual inventory method (永续盘存), a record is kept for each item, showingreceipts, issues, and the amount on hand.3. Write an equation that shows how the cost of salesis determined by deduction:Cost of sales = beginning inventory+purchases –ending inventory4.Omit5.In periods of inflation, many companies use theLIFO method in calculating their taxable incomebecause LIFO gives a higher cost of sales and hence alower taxable income.6. A company discovers that the fair value of itsinventory is $1000 lower than its cost. What journalentry should it take?Dr. Cost of Sales1,000Cr. Inventory1,0007. In a manufacturing business, what three elementsenter into the cost of a manufactured item?Direct material, direct labor, and overhead.8. Period costs become an expense during the periodin which they were incurred.9. Product costs become an expense during theperiod in which the products were sold.10. One type of overhead rate involves use of thetotal direct labor costs and total production overheadcosts for a period. Write a ratio that shows how theoverhead rate is calculated.(Total production overhead costs)/(Total directlabor costs)11. A given finished item requires $50 of directmaterials and 5 hours of direct labor at $8 per hour.The overhead rate is $4 per direct labor hour. At whatamount would the finished item be shown ininventory? $110 = 50 + 40 + 2012. An inventory turnover of 5 is generally better thanan inventory turnover of 4 because it indicates thatless capital is tied up in inventory, and there is lessrisk that the inventory will become obsolete.Post test 7 非流动资产和折旧1. The amount at which a new plant asset is recordedin the accounts includes its purchase price plus allcosts incurred to make the asset ready for itsintended use (such as transportation andinstallation).2. A plant asset is acquired in 2005. It is expected tobe worn out at the end of 10 years and to becomeobsolete in five years. What is its service life? ---Fiveyears.3. Ordinarily, land is not depreciated because itsservice life is indefinitely long.4.A plant asset is acquired in 2005 at a cost of $20000.Its estimated service life is 10 years, and its estimatedresidual value is $2000 :a. The estimated depreciable cost of the asset is$18,000b. If the straight-line depreciation method is used,the depreciation rate for this asset is 10 percent.c. What amount will be recorded as depreciationexpense in each year of the asset’s life?---$1,800d. What amount will be debited and what accountwill be credited to record this depreciation expense?Dr. Depreciation expenseCr. Accumulated depreciatione. After five years have elapsed, how would thisasset be reported on the balance sheet?1) Plant------$20,0002) Less accumulated depreciation-------$9,0003) Book value-------$11,0005. A machine is purchase on January 2, 2005, for$20,000 and its has an expected life of five years andno estimated residual value.a. If the a machine is still in use six years later, what amount of depreciation expense will be reported in for the sixth year?----zerob. What amount, if any, will be reported on the balance sheet at the end of the sixth year?1) It will not be reported.-----X2) It will be reported as follows:Machine$20,000Accumulated depreciation$20,000Book value$06. A machine is purchase on January 2, 2005, for $50,000. It has an expected service life for 10 years and no residual value. Eleven years later it is sold for $3,000 cash.a. There will be a gain of $3,000b. What account will be debited and what account credited to record this amount?Dr. CashCr. Gain on disposition of assets.7. Given an example of each of the following types of assets, and give the name of the process used in writing off the cost of the second and third type. Asset type\Example\Write-off processPlant Asset\m achine, b uilding\Depreciation Wasting asset\c oal, o il ,m inerals\Depletion Intangible asset\g oodwill, t rademark \Amortization 8. Conoil Company purchased a producing oil property for $10,000,000 on January 2, 2005. It estimated that the property contained one million barrels of oil and that the property had a service life of 20 years. In 2005, 40,000 barrels of oil were recovered from the property. What amount should be charged as an expense in 2005?------$400,0009. Wasting assets and intangible assets are reported on the balance sheet in a different way than building, equipment, and similar plant assets. The difference is that wasting assets are reported at the net amount and plant assets are reported at cost, accumulated depreciation, and net amount.10. In calculating its taxable income, a company tries to report its income as low as it can. In calculating its financial accounting income, a company tries to report its income as fairly as it can.11. As compared with straight-line depreciation, accelerated depreciation writes off more depreciation in the early years of an asset’s life and less in the later years. Over the whole life of asset, accelerated depreciation writes off the same total cost as straight-line depreciation.12. Companies usually use accelerated depreciation in tax accounting because it reduces taxable income and hence income tax in the early years.13. Assume an income tax rate of 40%. If a company calculated its financial accounting income (before income taxes) in 2005 as $6 million and its taxable income as$4 million, what amount would it report as income tax expense on its 2005 income statement?----$2,400,00014. Fill in the missing name on the following table:Income tax expense $100,000Income tax paid -60,000Deferred income tax$ 40,000 The $40,000 would be reported on the balance sheet as a liability.。
1. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet)- 一种财务报表,用于记录企业在特定日期的资产、负债和所有者权益。
3. 现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement)- 一种财务报表,用于记录企业在特定时期的现金流入和流出。
4. 应收账款(Accounts Receivable)- 由企业出售货物或提供服务后,尚未收到款项的金额。
5. 应付账款(Accounts Payable)- 企业尚未支付的货物或服务的款项。
1. 人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)- 管理和协调组织内的人力资源,包括招聘、培训、绩效评估等。
2. 市场营销(Marketing)- 通过研究市场需求,制定有效的营销策略,推广产品或服务来增加销售量和利润。
3. 战略管理(Strategic Management)- 确定和实施组织的长期目标和计划,并监督实施过程。
4. 团队管理(Team Management)- 管理和协调团队成员,以实现特定目标。
5. 经济学(Economics)- 研究资源分配、生产和消费的行为及过程的学科。
2023年会计硕士《英语一》考试全真模拟易错、难点精编⑴(答案参考)(图片大小可自由调整)一.全考点综合测验(共50题)1.【单选题】Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefullyA.sortingB.jokingC.countingparing正确答案:B2.【单选题】All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65.A.fadedB.illustratedC.concerned正确答案:A3.【单选题】Without a proper education, people could _______ all kinds of crimes.A.conductB.stoopmitD.sweat正确答案:C4.【单选题】Although the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a_______ speed.A.spareB.fastC.moderateD.moral正确答案:C5.【单选题】When you fill in the application form, please use your_______ address so that we can contact you easily later.A.policyB.plainC.permanentD.principal正确答案:C6.【单选题】The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.A. beanB.beamC.bakeD.battery正确答案:D7.【单选题】Students with _______ problems may apply for student loans.A. economicB.financialC.maleD.economical正确答案:B8.【单选题】In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state.A.federalB.figureC.scientificD.service正确答案:A9.【单选题】The doctors _______ the medicines to the people in the flood area.A.distributedB.packedC.prayedD.undertook正确答案:A10.【单选题】We won ’t allow any foreign country to _______ in our internal affairs.A.devoteB.districtC.interfereD.wander正确答案:C11.【单选题】Some lazy men would rather _______ than work.A. indicateB.declareC.solveD.starve正确答案:D12.【单选题】This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______under it without moderntechnology.A.canalB.tunnelC.channelD.cable正确答案:B13.【单选题】Sometimes it is very difficult to _______ some of the English words. Even the native speaker can not help.A.decreaseB.createC.defineD.delight正确答案:C14.【单选题】He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about.A.novelB.novelC.acceptableD.additional正确答案:A15.【单选题】The college students in China are _______ from smoking on campus because this will do them no good.A.discouragedB.observedC.obeyedD.obtained正确答案:A16.【单选题】We are _______ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.A.distinguishedB.annoyedC.astonishedD.scored正确答案:C17.【单选题】With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991.A.survivedB.suspendedC..sufferedD.subfected正确答案:A18.【单选题】John _______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is veryrude.A. pretendsB.assuresC.affordsD.melts正确答案:A19.【单选题】This boy was _______ for what he had done in the class.A.scoldedB.overcomeC.inclinedD.displayed正确答案:A20.【单选题】We do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B.S. .A.continueB.bayC.assistanceD.graduate正确答案:D21.【单选题】The _______ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.A.researchB.rescueC.vesselD.vast正确答案:B22.【单选题】When making modern cameras , people began to_______ plastics for metal.A.surroundB.substanceC.stretchD.substitute正确答案:D23.【单选题】Pine trees are usually believed to _______ cold weather.A.guardB.accomplishC.roarD.endure正确答案:D24.【单选题】He works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member.A.traditionalB.scholarC.nurseD.pilot正确答案:B25.【单选题】When traveling alone in the mountains, you ’d better take a _______ with you in case you get lost.passpressplseD.campus正确答案:A26.【单选题】Many kinds of animals are believed to have _________from the earthA.withdrawnB.vanishedC.foundD.hung正确答案:B27.【单选题】We can not _______ all the magazines together.A.routeB.drawC.threadD.bind正确答案:D28.【单选题】With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.A.exhibitionB.exceptionC.exceptD.reception正确答案:B29.【单选题】We can not trust him any more because he often________ his duty.A.owesB.spoilsC.desertsD.neglects正确答案:D30.【单选题】Some states in the United States _______ people tocarry guns.A.applyB.charmC.ignoreD.forbid正确答案:D31.【单选题】I have not heard anything from him since his _______.A.departureB.faultC.foundationD.acciptance正确答案:A32.【单选题】What he said in the meeting _______ everybody present.A.disgustedB.dismissedC.disposedD.eliminated正确答案:A33.【单选题】After working for twenty hours without any rest, the doctors were _______.A.exhaustedB.mountedC.wrappedD.restored正确答案:A34.【单选题】It is not ---_______ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.A. continuousB.difficultC.convenientD.sufficient正确答案:C35.【单选题】The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _______their plans for the new bicycle.A.countingB.strippingC.elaboratingD.casting正确答案:C36.【单选题】This river forms a natural _______ between China and Korea.A.boundaryB.stringC.spotD.zone正确答案:A37.【单选题】Carelessness made him fall in his job _______.A.interviewB.intentionC.stomachD.stocking正确答案:A38.【单选题】When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth ’s _______.A.surfaceB.atmosphereC.attitudeD.bent正确答案:B39.【单选题】As a teacher, you should not _______ the students from asking questions in class.A. ruinB.restrainC.importD.impose正确答案:B40.【单选题】He tried to _____ __relations with his former wife but he failed.A.measureB.maintainC.shelterD.reply正确答案:B41.【单选题】Much of the news provided by this newspaper is_______, not foreign.A.domesticB.strainC.purchaseD.murder正确答案:A42.【单选题】Both sugar and salt can ______in water.A.desertB.absorbC.dissolveD.involve正确答案:C43.【单选题】She is already 16years old. But she _______as if she were still a little girl.A.believesB.absorbsC.accrsesD.behaves正确答案:D44.【单选题】This morning in the class, our teacher lost his ______at last because he could not stand any more.A. temperB.terrorC.verseD.contain正确答案:A45.【单选题】If you have any problems during your study here,please do not _______ to call me for helpA.hesitateB.despairC.urgeD.request正确答案:A46.【单选题】Free medical service is _______ to nearly all the college students in China.A.favoriteB.availableC.convenientD.average正确答案:B47.【单选题】Several loudspeakers are _______ from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.A. connectedB.sustainedC.associatedD.suspended正确答案:D48.【单选题】Professor Smith is also the _______ of the international program office. If you have anyproblem when you study here,you may go to him for help.A.detectiveB.presidentC.managerD.director正确答案:D49.【单选题】He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.A.resolvedB.resortedC.requestedD.reserved正确答案:A50.【单选题】In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______.A.facilitiesB.hensC.votesD.artists正确答案:A。
一.专业术语Accelerated Depreciation Method 计算折旧时,初期所提的折旧大于后期各年。
加速折旧法主要包括余额递减折旧法declining balance depreciation,双倍余额递减折旧法double declining balance depreciation,年限总额折旧法sum of the years' depreciationAccount 科目,帐户Account format 帐户式Account payable 应付帐款Account receivable 应收帐款Accounting cycle 会计循环,指按顺序进行记录,归类,汇总和编表的全过程。
在连续的会计期间周而复始的循环进行Accounting equation 会计等式:资产 = 负债 + 业主权益Accounts receivable turnover 应收帐款周转率:一个时期的赊销净额 / 应收帐款平均余额Accrual basis accounting 应记制,债权发生制:以应收应付为计算基础,以确定本期收益与费用的一种方式。
Accrued dividend 应计股利Accrued expense 应记费用:指本期已经发生而尚未支付的各项费用。
Accrued revenue 应记收入Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧Acid-test ratio 酸性试验比率,企业速动资产与流动负债的比率,又称quickratioAcquisition cost 购置成本Adjusted trial balance 调整后试算表,指已作调整分录但尚未作结账分录的试算表。
Adjusting entry 调整分录:在会计期末所做的分录,将会计期内因某些原因而未曾记录或未适当记录的会计事项予以记录入帐。
•accounting 会计、会计学•account 账户•account for / as 核算•certified public accountant / CPA 注册会计师•chief financial officer 财务总监•budgeting 预算•auditing 审计•agency 机构•fair value 公允价值•historical cost 历史成本•replacement cost 重置成本•reimbursement 偿还、补偿•executive 行政部门、行政人员•measure 计量•tax returns 纳税申报表•tax exempt 免税•director 懂事长•board of director 董事会•ethics of accounting 会计职业道德•integrity 诚信•competence 能力•business transaction 经济交易•account payee 转账支票•accounting data 会计数据、信息•accounting equation 会计等式•account title 会计科目•assets 资产•liabilities 负债•owners’ equity 所有者权益•revenue 收入•income 收益•gains 利得•abnormal loss 非常损失•bookkeeping 账簿、簿记•double-entry system 复式记账法•tax bearer 纳税人•custom duties 关税•consumption tax 消费税•service fees earned 服务性收入•value added tax / VAT 增值税•enterprise income tax 企业所得税•individual income tax 个人所得税•withdrawal / withdrew 提款、撤资•balance 余额•mortgage 抵押•incur 产生、招致•apportion 分配、分摊•accounting cycle会计循环、会计周期•entry分录、记录•trial balance试算平衡•worksheet 工作草表、工作底稿•post reference / post .ref过账依据、过账参考•debit 借、借方•credit 贷、贷方、信用•summary/ explanation 摘要•insurance 保险•premium policy 保险单•current assets 流动资产•long-term assets 长期资产•property 财产、物资•cash / currency 货币资金、现金•accounts receivable 应收账款•provision for bad debts /allowance for uncollectible account / doubtdebts 坏帐准备•recoveries 追回款•direct write-off method 直接冲销法•allowance method 备抵法•contra account 备抵账户•prepaid expense 预付、待摊费用•prepayment / advance to supplies 预付账款•inventory 存货•merchandise inventory库存商品•finished goods 产成品•semi-finished goods 半成品•good in process 在产品•construction in process 在建工程•warehousing 仓库•FIFO /LIFO/ weight average / specific identification存货发出成本计价的四种方法•overhead 企业经费•long-term equity investment 长期投资•fixed assets / plant assets 固定资产•useful life 使用寿命•residual value / salvage value 残值•unit –production method 单位产量法•depreciation per unit单位折旧额•accumulated depreciation 累计折旧•accelerate method 加速折旧法•DDB method 法双倍余额递减•SYD method 年数总和法•disposal of fixed assets 固定资产清理•intangible assets 无形资产•patents 专利权•trademarks 商标权•goodwill 商誉•deferred assets 递延资产•operating lease 经营租赁•capital lease 融资租赁•capital expenditure 资本性支出•revenue expenditure 收益性支出•amortize 分期偿还(债务)•other cash equivalent 其他货币资金•order / draft 汇票•deposit 存款、订金•IOUS 借据•postdated check延付支票(不属于流动资产)•outstanding check 未付支票•not sufficient funds check 资金不足支票•electronic funds transfer 电子资金转账•service charges / handling charge 手续费•petty cash 备用金•bank statement 银行对账单•bank reconciliation 银行余额调节表•receipt 收入、收据•reimburse 偿还、报销 vt •disbursement 支付、支出•creditor 债权人•promissory note 本票•dishonor 拒绝承兑、拒付• trade discount 商业折扣•cash discount / sales discount 现金折扣•sales returns and allowance 销售折让•perpetual inventory system 永续盘存制•periodic inventory system 定期盘存制•expiration / maturity 到期、截止•obligation ; liability义务•liabilities 负债•book value账面价值•face value ; par value票面价值•discount 折价、贴现、折扣•account payable应付账款•not payable应付票据•taxes payable 应交税费•vat-input 增值税进项税•vat-output 增值税销项税•commercial accepted draft 商业承兑汇票•bank accepted draft 银行承兑汇票•short-term loan 短期借款•advance from customer / unearned revenues 预收账款•interests 利息•dividends 股利•pay off 偿付清、还清•salaries payable 应付职工薪酬•wages 基本工资•bonus 奖金、红利•pension payment 养老保险•medical insurance premiums 医疗保险金•housing reserves 住房公积金•non-monetary welfare 非货币性福利•employee 雇员、员工•bond 债券•premium 溢价、保险金、佣金•due date / maturity date 到期应付日、到期日•paid-in capital 实收资本•capital stock 股本•capital reserve 资本公积•surplus reserve 盈余公积•undistributed profit 未分配利润•retained earnings 留存收益•common stock 普通股•preferred stock 优先股•Corporatio.limite..Co.LT.股份有限公司•Single proprietorship / sole proprietorship 独有企业•Partnership 合伙企业•Fees earned 酬金、酬劳•Real estate 房地产、不动产•Commision 回扣、佣金•General journal 日记总账•Special journal 特种日记账•general ledger 总分类账•subsidiary ledger 明细分类账•original document / source document 原始凭证•chart of account title 会计科目表•primary operating revenue 主营业务收入•operating expense 经营费用、期间费用•revenues realization principle 收入实现制•accrual basis 权责发生制•matching principle 配比性原则•prudence principle 谨慎性原则•time period 时间分期•balance sheet 资产负债表•income statement 利润表•statement of cash flow 现金流量表• revenue / sales 营业收入•cost of goods sold / cost of sales 营业成本•sales taxes and extra charges / operating taxes 营业税金与附加•selling expense 销售费用•advertising expense 广告费用•general and administrative expense 管理与总务费用、管理费用•utility expense 公共事业费用•financing expense 财务费用•loss of assets impairment 资产减值损失•changes of fair value assets 公允减值变动•income from investment 投资收益•gross profit 毛利、利润总额•net profit 净利润•current ratio 流动比率•quick ratio 速度比率•debts to total assets ratio 资产负债比•capitalization ratio 资本化比率•times interests earned ratio 已获利息倍数•EBIT 息税前利润•inventory turnover 存货周转率•rate of return on assets 资产报酬率•profit margin 边际利润•earning per share 每股收益•liquidity ratio 流动性比率•financing leverage ratio财务杠杆比率•efficiency ratio效用比率•profitability ratio盈利能力比率•trend analysis 趋势分析法•common-size analysis 结构分析法•ration analysis比率分析法。
第一章财务英语词汇1Account 帐户Accounting system 会计系统American Accounting Association 美国会计协会热点推荐:17招做外贸业绩呱呱叫!女人做外贸要懂得把握自己年入千万,像阿甘般奔跑的外贸男人!欧洲黄页:寻找客户的葵花宝典American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会Audit 审计Balance sheet 资产负债表Bookkeepking 簿记Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测Certificate in Internal Auditing 内部审计证书Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师Cost accounting 成本会计External users 外部使用者Financial accounting 财务会计Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会Financial forecast 财务预测Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则General-purpose information 通用目的信息Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室Income statement 损益表Institute of Internal Auditors 内部审计师协会Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会Integrity 整合性Internal auditing 内部审计Internal control structure 内部控制结构Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署Internal users 内部使用者Management accounting 管理会计Return of investment 投资回报Return on investment 投资报酬Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会Statement of cash flow 现金流量表Statement of financial position 财务状况表Tax accounting 税务会计Accounting equation 会计等式Articulation 勾稽关系Assets 资产Business entity 企业个体。
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Unit 1Financial information about a business is needed by many outsiders .These outsiders include owners, bankers, other creditors, potential investors, labor unions, government agencies ,and the public ,because all these groups have supplied money to the business or have some other interest in the business that will be served by information about its financial position and operating results. 许多企业外部的人士需要有关企业的财务信息,这些外部人员包括所有者、银行家、其他债权人、潜在投资者、工会、政府机构和公众,因为这些群体对企业投入了资金,或享有某些利益,所以必须得到企业财务状况和经营成果信息。
Unit 2Each proprietorship, partnership, and corporation is a separate entity.每一独资企业、合伙企业和股份公司都是一个单独的主体。
In accrual accounting, the impact of events on assets and equities is recognized on the accounting records in the time periods when services are rendered or utilized instead of when cash is received or disbursed. That is revenue is recognized as it is earned, and expenses are recognized as they are incurred –not when cash changes hands .if the cash basis accounting were used instead of the accrual basis, revenue and expense recognition would depend solely on the timing of various cash receipts and disbursements.在权责发生制下,视服务的提供而非现金的收付在本期对资产和权益的影响作出会计记录。
Unit 3During each accounting year ,a sequence of accounting procedures called the accounting cycle is completed.在每一会计年度内,要依次完成被称为会计循环的会计程序。
Transactions are analyzed on the basis of the business documents known as source documents and are recorded in either the general journal or the special journal, i. e . the sales journal ,the purchases journal (invoice register ) ,cash receipts journal and cash disbursements journal .根据业务凭证即原始凭证分析各项交易,并记入普通日记账或特种日记账,也就是销货日记账,购货日记账(发票登记簿),现金收入日记账和现金支出日记账。
A trial balance is prepared from the account balance in the ledger to prove the equality of debits and credits.根据分类账户的余额编制试算平衡表,借以验证借项和贷项是否相等。
A T-account has a left-hand side and a right-hand side, called respectively the debit side and credit side.一个T 型账户有左方和右方,分别称做借方和贷方。
After transactions are entered ,account balance (the difference between the sum of its debits and the sum of its credits ) can be computed.当各项交易入账之后,便可计算账户余额(其借项合计数与贷项合计数之间的差额)The process of transferring amounts entered in the journal to the proper ledger amounts is called posting, the objective of which is to classify the effects of transactions on each individual asset , liability , owners’ equity , revenue , and expense account .将日记账记录的金额转入恰当的分类账户的过程叫做过账。
Unit 4The basic principle of double-entry bookkeeping is that every transaction has a twofold effect .复式记账的基本原理是每一项交易活动都有双重的结果。
The financial condition or position of a business enterprise is represented by the relationship of assets to liabilities and capital.一个企业的财务状况是由资产对负债和资本的关系来表示的。
By convention, asset and expense increases are recorded as debits while liability , capital and income increases are recorded as credits.根据惯例,资产和费用的增加被记为借项,而负债,资本和收入增加被记为贷项。
Unit 5The simplest form of the account is known as the T-account because it resembles the letter T. the accountant, as a matter of convenience, refers to the group of company account as the ledger.账户最简单的形式称为丁字账户,因为它类似大写字母T。
Unit 6The financial statements are the means of conveying to management and to interested outsiders a concise picture of the profitability and financial position of the business. These are three basic financial statements which are reported the financial position of a business: balance sheet, income statement, the statement of cash flows. Balance sheet and income statement are prepared at a particular data, customarily to prepare them at the end of each month .财务报表是向管理人员和有关外界人士传送企业盈利能力和财务状况的简明情况的工具。
Assets are economic resources which are owned by a business and are expected to benefit future operations.资产是一个企业所拥有的、并期望有益于未来经营的经营资源。
The owners’ equity in a business represents the resources the invested by the owner; it is equal to the total assets minus the liabilities. The equity of the owner is a residual claim because the claims of the creditors legally come first. If you are the owner of a business, you are entitled to whatever remains after the claims of the creditors are fully satisfied.企业中的业主权益代表业主投资的资源;它等于总资产减去负债。
Unit 7Income statement is a statement, sometimes called the profit and loss statement, reporting profitability or the operating result of a business for an accounting period (which can be one month, one quarter, one calendar year or one fiscal year as may be determined by the business concerned).收益表,有时也叫做收益损失表,是用来报告企业一定会计期间(可以是一个月、一季度、一自然年度或一财政年度,由企业自己决定)的盈利情况或经营成果的报表。