Service_02 NIS




服务器端配置(基于REDHAT 6 企业版):1、添加设置NIS域名为HCINISSRV,通过以下命令:[root@186 ~]# nisdomainname HCINISSRV为了系统启动后自动执行此操作,可以将命令"/bin/nisdomainname HCINISSRV" 添加到文件/etc/rc.local中。


# Host : Domain : Map : Security# * : * : passwd.byname : port10.193.251.187 : * : * : none10.193.251.188 : * : * : none* : * : * : deny3、初始化NIS数据库运行命令:32位系统/usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m,64位系统/usr/lib64/yp/ypinit -m ,(其中-m是master,相当于将当前主机设置为主域控),然后设置主数据库存储主机的名称,然后按CTRL+D键,最后按Y确认,最后程序将创建初始化的NIS数据库。


以后每次添加用户或者修改用户信息后都需要更新该数据库4、启动进程/etc/rc.d/init.d/ypserv restart/etc/rc.d/init.d/yppasswdd restart为了系统启动后自动执行此操作,可以将上述命令添加到文件/etc/rc.local中。

测试:[root@test root]# rpcinfo -u localhost ypservprogram 100004 version 1 ready and waiting program100004 version 2 ready and waiting[root @test root]# rpcinfo -u localhost yppasswddprogram 100009 version 1 ready and waiting# 这个rpcinfo 就是在观察与RPC Server 有关的program 目前的状况!客户端设置(基于REDHA T 6 企业版):1、添加设置NIS域名为HCINISSRV,通过以下命令:[root@other ~]# nisdomainname HCINISSRV为了系统启动后自动执行此操作,可以将命令"/bin/nisdomainname HCINISSRV" 添加到文件/etc/rc.local中。



NIS slave server是将master server的数据库作为本身的数据库来源。


1 所需软件见《NIS入门实践指南》2.1节2 NIS Server配置NIS master server和NIS slave server都需要先安照《NIS入门实践指南》中3.1-3.4节的内容进行配置。

2.1 Master Server配置(1)因为有Slave服务器,因此需要进行Master/Slave同步操作。



这样设置之后可以将数据库推(push)给其他的Slave服务器,但是必须要告诉Master 要推出去的数据库是给哪台服务器的,因此还需要修改/var/yp/ypservers文件。

(2)修改/var/yp/ypservers文件有两种方式,一是直接将服务器主机名称写入文件:第二种方式是在建立数据库时添加服务器:(3)通过以上方法可以将Slave服务器都加到/var/yp/ypservers文件中,但被添加的服务器必须能在/etc/hosts内找到IP的对应关系:(4)启动Master Server和Slave Server的ypserv服务,通过yppush可以Master Server 可以直接将数据库传给Slave Server:总的来说当Master/Slave数据库不符,就该用passwd.byname和passwd.byuid同步。

当Master上以useradd制作出实体用户后,需要以make –c /var/yp 更新数据库或/usr/lib64/yp/ypinit –m 制作最新的数据库,然后利用yppush命令来进行数据库传输。

JBL QUANTUM800 游戏头戴耳机说明书

JBL QUANTUM800 游戏头戴耳机说明书

800B E D I E N U N G S A N L E I T U N GEINFÜHRUNG (1)VERPACKUNGSINHALT (2)PRODUKTÜBERSICHT (3)Bedienelemente am Headset (3)Bedienelemente am 2,4G USB-Funkdongle (5)Bedienelemente am 3,5-mm-Audiokabel (6)ERSTE SCHRITTE (7)Aufladen des Headsets (7)Tragen des Headsets (8)Einschalten (9)Erste Einrichtung (nur für PC) (9)VERWENDUNG DES HEADSETS (11)Mit 3,5-mm-Audioverbindung (11)Mit 2,4G-Funkverbindung (12)Mit Bluetooth (sekundäre Verbindung) (14)PRODUKTSPEZIFIKATIONEN (16)FEHLERBEHEBUNG (17)LIZENZ (19)Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Kauf! Dieses Handbuch enthält Informationen über das JBL QUANTUM800 Gaming-Headset. Wir empfehlen dir, dir ein paar Minuten Zeit zu nehmen, um diese Anleitung zu lesen, die das Produkt beschreibt und eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung enthält, die dir bei der Einrichtung und Inbetriebnahme hilft. Bitte lies dir vor dem Gebrauch des Produkts alle Sicherheitshinweise sorgfältig durch.Wenn du Fragen zu diesem Produkt oder seinem Betrieb hast, wende dich bitte an deinen Händler oder den K undendienst oder besuche unsere Website unter: 010*******0601 JBL QUANTUM800 Headset02 USB-Ladekabel (USB-A-zu-C)03 3,5-mm-Audiokabel04 2,4G USB-Funkdongle05 Kurzanleitung, Garantiekarte und Sicherheitsdatenblatt06 Windschutz-Schaumaufsatz für Boom-MikrofonBedienelemente am Headset01 ANC*- / TalkThru**-LED• Leuchtet, wenn die ANC-Funktion aktiviert ist.• Blinkt schnell, wenn die Funktion TalkThru aktiviert ist.02 Taste• Kurz drücken, um ANC ein- oder auszuschalten.• Länger als 2 Sekunden drücken, um TalkThru ein- oder auszuschalten.03 / Regler• Gleicht die Chat-Lautstärke im Verhältnis zur Game-Lautstärke ab.04 Lautstärke +/--Regler• Passt die Lautstärke an.05 Abnehmbarer Schaumaufsatz als Windschutz06 LED Mikro stumm/Stummschaltung aufheben• Leuchtet, wenn das Mikrofon stummgeschaltet ist.07 Taste• Drücken, um das Mikrofon stumm zu schalten oder die Stummschaltung aufzuheben.• Halte die Taste länger als 5 Sekunden gedrückt, um das RGB-Licht ein- oder auszuschalten.08 Lade-LED• Zeigt den Lade- und Akkustatus an.09 3,5-mm-Audiobuchse10 USB-C-Anschluss11 Sprachfokussiertes Boom-Mikrofon• K lappe dies nach oben, um die Stummschaltung zu aktivieren, oder nach unten, um die Stummschaltung des Mikrofons aufzuheben.12 Taste• Halte diese länger als 2 Sekunden gedrückt, um den Bluetooth-Kopplungsmodus zu aktivieren.13 Schieberegler• Schiebe ihn nach oben/unten, um das Headset ein-/auszuschalten.• Schiebe ihn nach oben und halte ihn länger als 5 Sekunden gedrückt, um den 2,4G-Kopplungsmodus zu aktivieren.14 Status-LED (Ein/Aus / 2,4G / Bluetooth)15 RGB-Beleuchtungszonen16 Flachfaltbare Hörmuschel* AN C (Aktives N oise-Cancelling) Erlebe das totale Eintauchen beim Gaming, indem die Umgebungsgeräusche unterdrückt werden.** TalkThru:Headset abzunehemen.Bedienelemente am 2,4G USB-Funkdongle01 CONNECT-Taste• Halte die Taste länger als 5 Sekunden gedrückt, um in den kabellosen 2,4G- Kopplungsmodus zu wechseln.02 LED• Zeigt den Status der kabellosen 2,4G-Verbindung an.Bedienelemente am 3,5-mm-Audiokabel01 Schieberegler• Schiebe ihn, um das Mikrofon im 3,5-mm-Audiokabel stumm zu schalten oder seine Stummschaltung aufzuheben.02 Lautstärkeregler• Regelt die Lautstärke des Headsets im 3,5-mm-Audiokabel.Aufladen des HeadsetsLade dein Headset vor der Verwendung über das mitgelieferte USB-A-zu-C-Ladekabel vollständig auf.TIPPS:• Das vollständige Aufladen des Headsets dauert ca. 2 Stunden.• Das Headset kann auch über ein USB-C-zu-C-Ladekabel (nicht mitgeliefert) aufgeladen werden.• Das Headset kann während des Ladevorgangs nicht eingeschaltet werden.Tragen des Headsets1. Setze die mit L markierte Seite auf dein linkes Ohr und die mit R markierte Seiteauf dein rechtes Ohr.2. Passe die Ohrpolster und den Kopfbügel für einen komfortablen Sitz an.3. Stelle das Mikrofon nach Bedarf ein.Einschalten• Schiebe den Ein/Aus-Schalter zum Einschalten des Headsets nach oben.• Schiebe ihn zum Ausschalten nach unten.Die Status-LED leuchtet beim Einschalten konstant weiß.Erste Einrichtung (nur für PC)Lade von /engine herunter und erhalte den vollen Zugriff auf die Funktionen deines JBL Quantum Headsets – von der Headset-Kalibrierung bis hin zur Anpassung des 3D-Audiotons an dein Gehör, von der Erstellung individueller RGB-Beleuchtungseffekte bis hin zur Bestimmung des Rückhörtons vom Bügelmikrofon.Software-AnforderungenPlattform: Nur Windows 7 / Windows 10 (64 Bit)500 MB freier Festplattenspeicher für die InstallationTIPP:• QuantumSURROUND und DTS Headphone:X V2.0 sind nur unter Windows verfügbar. Software-Installation erforderlich.1. Verbinde das Headset über eine kabellose 2,4G USB-Funkverbindung mit deinemPC (siehe …Mit 2,4G-Funkverbindung“).2. Rufe die …Sound Settings (Sound-Einstellungen öffnen)“ -> …Sound ControlPanel (Sound-Systemsteuerung)“ auf.3. Markiere unter …Playback (Wiedergabe)“ …JBL QUANTUM800 GAME“und wähle …Set Default (Als Standard setzen)“ -> …Default Device(Standardgerät)“ aus.4. Markiere …JBL QUANTUM800 CHAT“ und wähle …Set Default(Als Standard setzen)“ -> …Default Communication Device(Standardkommunikationsgerät)“ aus.5. Markiere unter …Recording (Aufnahme)“ …JBL QUANTUM800 CHAT“ und wähle…Set Default (Als Standard setzen)” -> …Default Device (Standardgerät)“ aus.6. Wähle in der Chat-Anwendung …JBL QUAN TUM800 CHAT“ als Standard-Audiogerät aus.7. Folge zum individuellen Einstellen der Sound-Einstellungen den Anweisungenauf dem Bildschirm.Mit 3,5-mm-Audioverbindung1. Schließe den schwarzen Stecker an dein Headset an.2. Schließe den orangefarbenen Stecker an der 3,5-mm-K opfhörerbuchse deinesPCs, Mac, Mobiltelefons oder deiner Spielkonsole an.Grundlegende BedienungHINWEIS:• Die LED für die Mikrofon-Stummschaltung bzw. das Aufhebender Stummschaltung, die Taste , der Regler / und die RGB-Beleuchtungszonen am Headset funktionieren nicht bei einer 3,5-mm-Audioverbindung.Mit 2,4G-Funkverbindung1. Schließe den 2,4G USB-Funkdongle an einem USB-A-Anschluss deines PCs, Mac oder deiner PS4 an.2. Schalte das Headset ein. Es wird automatisch mit dem Dongle gekoppelt und verbunden.Grundlegende BedienungManuelles Koppeln1. Schiebe den Ein/Aus-Schalter am Headset nach oben und halte ihn länger als5 Sekunden gedrückt, bis die Status-LED weiß blinkt.2. Halte am 2,4G USB-Funkdongle CONNECT länger als 5 Sekunden gedrückt, bisdie LED schnell weiß blinkt.Beide LEDs am Headset und Dongle leuchten nach erfolgreicher Verbindung konstant weiß.TIPPS:• Das Headset schaltet sich nach 10 Minuten Inaktivität automatisch aus.• Die LED wechselt nach dem Trennen der Verbindung zum Headset in den Verbindungsmodus (blinkt langsam).• Die Kompatibilität mit allen USB-A-Anschlüssen wird nicht gewährleistet. Mit Bluetooth (sekundäre Verbindung)Mit dieser Funktion kann dein Mobiltelefon während des Gaming mit dem Headset verbunden bleiben, damit du dir keine Sorgen machen musst, dass du wichtige Anrufe verpasst.1. Halte am Headset für länger als 2 Sekunden gedrückt.Die Status-LED blinkt schnell (wird gekoppelt).2. Aktiviere Bluetooth auf deinem Mobiltelefon und wähle …JBL Quantum800“unter …Devices (Geräte)“.Die Status-LED blinkt langsam (wird verbunden) und leuchtet dann blau (verbunden).Anrufsteuerung×1×2Wenn ein Anruf eingeht:• Drücke einmal zum Annehmen.• Drücke zweimal zum Ablehnen.Während eines Anrufs:• Drücke einmal zum Auflegen.TIPP:• Verwende die Lautstärkeregler deines über Bluetooth verbundenen Geräts,um die Lautstärke zu regeln.• Membrangröße: 50-mm-Dynamikmembranen• Frequenzbereich (passiv): 20 Hz – 40 kHz• Frequenzbereich (aktiv): 20 Hz – 20 kHz• Mikrofonfrequenzbereich: 100 Hz – 10 kHz• Max. Eingangsleistung: 30 mW• Empfindlichkeit: 95 dB bei 1 kHz / 1 mW• Maximaler Schalldruckpegel: 93 dB• Mikrofonempfindlichkeit: -40 dBV bei 1 kHz / Pa• Impedanz: 32 Ohm• 2,4G WLAN-Übertragungsleistung: <0 dBm• 2,4G WLAN-Modulation: π/4 DQPSK• 2,4G WLAN-Audiofrequenzbereich: 2403,35 – 2479,35 MHz• Bluetooth-Übertragungsleistung: <9 dBm• Bluetooth-Übertragungsmodulation: GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Bluetooth-Frequenz: 2,402 – 2,480 GHz• Bluetooth-Profilversion: A2DP 1.3, HFP 1.6• Bluetooth-Version: V5.0• Akku-Typ: Lithium-Ionen-Akku (3,7 V/1300 mAh)• Energieversorgung: 5 V 2 A• Ladezeit: 2 h• Musikwiedergabezeit mit ausgeschalteter RGB-Beleuchtung: 14 h• Mikrofon-Aufnahmemuster: Unidirektional• Gewicht: 410 gHINWEIS:• Änderungen der technischen Daten ohne Vorankündigung vorbehalten.Falls bei der Verwendung dieses Geräts Probleme auftreten, prüfe die folgenden Punkte, bevor du den Service anforderst.Akku leer• Das Headset schaltet sich nach 10 Minuten Inaktivität automatisch aus. Schalte das Headset wieder ein.• Lade das Headset auf (siehe …Aufladen des Headsets“).Die 2,4G-Kopplung zwischen Headset und 2,4G USB-Funkdongle ist fehlgeschlagen• Bring das Headset näher an den Dongle. Sollte das Problem weiterhin bestehen, kopple das Headset mit dem Dongle erneut manuell (siehe …Manuelles Koppeln“). Bluetooth-Kopplung fehlgeschlagen• Überprüfe, ob die Bluetooth-Funktion auf dem Gerät, das mit dem Headset verbunden werden soll, aktiviert ist.• Bring das Gerät näher an den Dongle.• Das Headset ist über Bluetooth mit einem anderen Gerät verbunden. Trenne das andere Gerät und wiederhole dann den Kopplungsvorgang (siehe …Mit Bluetooth (sekundäre Verbindung)“).Kein oder schlechter Ton• Überprüfe, ob JBL QUANTUM800GAME als Standardgerät in den Game-Sound-Einstellungen deines PCs, Mac oder deiner Spielkonsole ausgewählt wurde.• Passe die Lautstärke an deinem PC, Mac oder deiner Spielkonsole an.• Überprüfe die Chat-Balance des Spiels auf dem PC, wenn nur Game- oder Chat-Audio wiedergeben wird.• Überprüfe, ob ANC aktiviert ist, während TalkThru deaktiviert ist.• Wenn das Headset in der Nähe eines USB 3.0-fähigen Geräts verwendet wird, kann es zu einer offensichtlichen Verschlechterung der Tonqualität kommen.Dies ist keine Fehlfunktion. Verwende stattdessen ein Verlängerungs-USB-Dock, um den Dongle so weit wie möglich vom USB 3.0-Anschluss entfernt zu halten. Bei kabelloser 2,4G-Verbindung:• Stelle sicher, dass das Headset und der 2,4G-Funkdongle erfolgreich gekoppelt und verbunden sind.• Die USB-A-Anschlüsse einiger Spielekonsolen sind möglicherweise nicht mit dem JBL QUANTUM800 kompatibel. Dies ist keine Fehlfunktion.Bei 3,5-mm-Audioverbindung:• Überprüfe, ob das 3,5-mm-Audiokabel sicher angeschlossen ist.Bei Bluetooth-Verbindung:• Der Lautstärkeregler am Headset funktioniert nicht bei einem über Bluetooth verbundenen Gerät. Dies ist keine Fehlfunktion.• Halte das Gerät von Funkstörquellen wie Mikrowellen oder WLAN-Routern fern.Meine Stimme wird von meinen Teamkollegen nicht gehört• Überprüfe, ob JBL QUANTUM800CHAT als Standardgerät in den Chat-Sound-Einstellungen deines PCs, Mac oder deiner Spielkonsole ausgewählt wurde.• Stelle sicher, dass das Mikrofon nicht stummgeschaltet ist.Ich kann mich nicht hören, wenn ich rede• Aktiviere den Nebenton über , um dich selbst klar und deutlich über den Game-Audioton zu hören. ANC/TalkThru wird deaktiviert, wenn der Nebenton aktiviert ist.Die Bluetooth®-Wortmarke und die Logos sind eingetragene Marken und im Besitz von Bluetooth SIG, Inc. und jegliche Verwendung dieser Marken durch HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated, erfolgt unter Lizenz. Alle anderen Marken und Markennamen sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Eigentümer.- 19 -HP_JBL_Q800_OM_V8。



新入职员工英语单词培训资料一、酒店各部门及酒店设施名称:行政办公室:Executive [iɡ′zekjutiv] office 客房部:Rooms division [di′vi??n]前厅部:Front[fr?nt] office 餐饮部:Food & Beverage [′bev?rid?] department[di'pɑ:tm?nt] 工程部:Technical [′teknik?l] department / Engineering[‚end?i′ni?ri?] department人事部:Human['hju:m?n] Resources[ri's?:siz] department 保安部:Security [si′kju?riti] department 大堂副理:Assistant[?'sist?nt] Manager 管家部:Housekeeping ['hauski:pi?] PA:Public Area公共卫生市场销售部:Sales Marketing department 预订部:Reservation[‚rez?′vei??n] 运输部:Transportation [‚trænsp??′tei??n] department 宴会厅:Banquet [′bæ?kwit] Hall(ballroom) 大堂酒吧:Lobby Bar 医务室:Clinic [′klinik]健身房:Gymnasium [d?im′neizi?m] /Gym[d?im] room 健身中心:Fitnee center 网球场:Tennis Court[k?:t] 室内/外游泳池:indoor/outdoor swimming pool [pu:l] 外币兑换:Foreign['f?rin] Exchange 邮局:Post Office 大堂公用电话:House Phone 付费电话:pay phone 洗手间:Toilet ['t?ilit] /Washroom/Lavatory ['læv?‚t?ri] 电梯:Lift/Elevator[′eliveit?] 员工电梯:Service Elevator 自动扶梯:Escalator[′esk?leit?] 旅行社:travel agency[′eid??nsi] 夜总会:Night Club 停车场:park/parking lot[l?t] 商店/杂货店:store二、前厅部:接待处:Reception [ri′sep??n] 询问处:Information[‚inf?′mei??n] 商务中心:business[′biznis] center 礼宾部:Concierge[‚k?:nsi′ε??] 机场代表:Airport Representative[‚repri′zent?tiv] 皇冠楼层:Clubfloor/Executive[iɡ′zekjutiv] Floor 总机:Operator[′?p?reit?]/Switchboard[′swit?‚b?:d] 酒店人员用房:house use 散客:walk in 净房价:net rate 没有通知取消而又未到的预订:no show 坏房:out of order 吉(空)房:vacant[′veik?nt] 有人住的房间:occupied[′?kjupaid] 客满:full house 入住登记:check in 退房:check out 提升:upgrade [′?pɡreid] 半日用房:day use留言条:message [′mesid?] 共计:total 价钱:price[prais] 基本费:basic[′beisik] charge[t?ɑ:d?] 附加费:surcharge[s?:′t?ɑ:d?]/ additional charge 手续费:commission[k?′mi??n] charge 服务费:cover charge/ service charge 信用卡:credit[′kredit] card 值班经理:MOD(manager on duty) 残疾人用房:handicap[′hændikæp] room 转房:room change[t?eind?]三、礼宾部行李:luggage[′l?ɡid?] (英)/baggage[′bæɡid?] (美) 手提包:handbag[′hændbæɡ] 手提箱/衣箱:suitcase[′sju:tkeis] 旅行袋:travel[′trævl] bag 背包:kitbag[′kitbæɡ] 贵重物品:valuable[′vælju?bl] 易碎物品:breakable [′breik?b?l] 笔记本电脑:laptop ['læpt?p] 帆布:canvas ['kænv?s] 塑料:plastic ['plæstik,plɑ:stik] 银色:silver ['silv?] 粉红色:pink[pi?k] 深蓝色:navy['neivi]blue/dark [dɑ:k]blue 紫色:purple 灰色:grey[ɡrei]/gray 行李标签:label['leibl]/tab[tæb]/tag [tæɡ] 包裹:parcel['pɑ:sl] 告示牌:signboard['sainb?:d] 护照:passport['pɑ:sp?:t] 身份证:identity[ai'dentiti] card 小册子:brochure[br?u'?ju?] 观光(n./vi.):sightseeing['saitsi:i?]/sightsee ['saitsi:] 一天游:full dayexcursion 半天游:half day excursion [iks'k?:??n] 旅行社:travel agency 导游:guide [ɡaid] 领队:tour conductor [k?n'd?kt?] 车费:fare[fε?] 免费:free[fri:] 单程车费:one way fare 来回车接送:round[raund] trip [trip] transfer[træns'f?:] 轿车服务:limousine ['limu(:)zi:n] service ['航空公司:airline ε?lain] company/airways ['ε?weiz] 飞机班次:flight[flait] number 机场快线:airport express [iks'pres] 粗绳:rope [r?up] 登机牌:boarding['b?:di?] check/pass/card *号键:as terisk['æst?risk] (key) #号键:pound[paund] sign/pound key 电池:battery ['bæt?ri] 移动电话:mobile['m?ubail](phone) 充值卡:recharge [' ri:'t?ɑ:d?] card 行李车:trolley['tr?li]四、家具furniture['f?:nit??]:窗帘:curtain ['k?:t?n] 婴儿床:crib[krib] 加床:extra ['ekstr?] bed 茶几:teatable 衣柜:wardrobe['w?:dr?ub] 行李架:baggage stand/rack [ræk] 床头柜:night table/bedstand 椅子:chair 抽屉:drawer['dr?:?] 沙发:sofa['s?u f?] 长沙发/长靠椅:settee[se'ti:]五、电器:开关:switch[swit?] 台灯:desk lamp[læmp]/reading lamp 床头灯:bedlamp/bedlight/bedside lamp 落地灯:standard lamp/floor lamp 灯罩:lampshade['læmp?eid] 小酒吧:mini bar电热水壶:(electric[i'lektrik] )kettle['ketl] 空气调节装置:air conditioner[k?n'di??n?] 电冰箱:refrigerator[ri'frid??reit?]/fridge [frid?] 电视机:television['telivi??n]æpt?(r)] 熨斗:iron['ai?n] 熨板:ironing board 充电器:charger 多用途插座:adapter[?'d磅秤:scale[skeil] 传真机:fax[fæks] machine[m?'?i:n] 吹风筒:hairdryer [' drai?] 宽带:broad[br?:d] band[bænd] 宽带线:cable ['keibl] 无线的:wireless ['wai?lis] 遥控器:remote[ri'm?ut] control[k?n'trol] 打印机:Printer六、客房用品:衣架:hanger['hæ??] 烟灰缸:ashtray ['æ?trei] 冰桶:ice barrel['bær?l] 糖:sugar['?uɡ?] 即溶咖啡:instant['inst?nt] coffee 废纸篓:wastebasket['weist‚bɑ:skit] 圆珠笔:ball pen 文具夹:stationery['stei?(?)n?ri] holder ['h?uld?] 信封:envelope['envil?up] 回形针:clip[klip] 手电筒:flashlight['flæ?lait] 钉书机:staple['steipl] 雨伞:umbrella 衣柜:wardrobe['w?:dr?ub] 送餐餐牌:door knob[n?b] menu['menju:] 请勿打扰卡:do not disturb[dis't?:b] (DND Card) 拖鞋:slipper['slip?] 洗衣服务:laundry [' l?:ndri] service 洗衣单:laundry list[list] 洗衣袋:laundry bag 叫早服务:morning call(service)/wake up call 鞋刷:shoe brush [br??] 鞋油:shoe polish['p?li?]/shoeshine ['?u:?ain] 剪刀:scissors['siz?z]针线包:sewing ['s?ui?] kit [kit] 胶水:glue[ɡlu:] 玻璃胶纸:tape [teip] 开罐器:can opener ['?up?n?] 冰夹:ice tongs[t??z] 保险箱:safety [' seifti] box 开瓶塞钻子:corkscrew [' k?:kskru:] 牙签:toothpick ['tu:θpik] 垃圾箱(英/美):du stbin ['d?stbin]/ ashcan['æ? kæn] 城市地图:city map 服务指南:service guide 电视节目单:TV program['pr?uɡræm] guide[ɡaid] 总经理名片:GM's card 床垫:mattress['mætris] 地毯:carpet[' kɑ:pit] 全身镜:looking glass 床单:bedsheet [bed?i:t] 毯子:blanket ['blæ?kit] 枕头:pillow['pil?u] 枕头套:pillowca se[′pil?ukeis] 羽绒被:duvet [du:′vei] 鞋拔:shoehorn ['?u:h?:n]七、浴室用品:['bɑ:θru:m] 抽水马桶:lavatory 浴帽:shower['?au?] cap[kæp] 毛巾:towel['tau?l] 浴室:bathroom浴巾:bath towel 肥皂:soap[s?up] 洗发水:shampoo [?æm'pu:] 护发素:hair conditioner [k?n'di??n?] 沐浴露:foam [f?um] bath 浴盐:bath salts [s?:ltz] 润肤露:body lotion['l?u??n] 棉签:cotton['k?tn] bud[b?d] 浴袍:bathrobe['bɑ:θr?ub] 牙膏:toothpaste['tu:θpeist] 牙刷:toothbrush['tu:θbr??] 梳子:comb [k?um] /hair brush 剃刀:shaver['?eiv?] 须刨:razor ['reiz?] 纸巾:tissue ['tisju:] 厕纸:toilet paper 女宾清洁袋:lady's sanitary ['sænit?ri] bag 空气清新剂:airfreshener['fre??n?(r)] 花洒:rain[rein] shower八、餐饮:中国餐厅:chinese restaurant 海鲜餐厅:seafood restaurant 自助餐:buffet['b?fit] 早茶:tea breakfast 下午茶:high tea 点心:dimsum['dim's?m]/refreshment[ri'fre?m?nt] 面条:noodle['nu:dl] 稀饭/粥:conjee/congee['k?nd?i:] 粤菜:Cantonese[‚kænt?'ni:z] style[stail] 营业时间:business hours 欢乐时光:happy hour 茶壶:tea pot[p?t] 筷子:chopsticks['t??pstiks]汤匙:soup[su:p] spoon[spu:n] 餐叉:fork[f?:k] 水果盘:fruit[fru:t]plate[pleit]九、其它:老虎钳:plier['plai?] 螺丝刀:screwdriver[' skru:draiv?] 锤子:hammer['hæm?]计算机:calculator['kælkjuleit?] 翡翠:jade[d?eid] 翻版:counterfeit['kaunt?fit]/fake[feik] 皮革制品:leather ['leð?] 名牌:famous brand[brænd] 邮票:stamp[stæmp] 珍珠:pearl 水果:fruit 药房:drugstore 打火机:lighter['lait?] 火柴:match 扑克牌:squeezer/playing card 安全套:condom 卫生巾:sanitary towel 对讲机:walkie-talkie十、广州各主要酒店名字:白天鹅宾馆:White swan[sw?n] hotel 花园酒店:Garden hotel 中国大酒店:China hotel 东方宾馆:Dongfang hotel 亚洲国际大酒店:Asia['ei??] international hotel富力丽兹卡尔顿酒店:The Ritz[rits]-Carlton['k天誉威斯汀酒店:TheWestin GuangZhou ɑ:lt?n] GuangZhou 富力君悦酒店:Grand Hyatt GuangZhou 艾葳格兰花园酒店:Evergrande garden hotel 长隆酒店:ChimeLong[t?aim,l??] hotel 远洋宾馆:Ocean['?u??n] hotel 胜利宾馆:Victory['vikt?ri] hotel 广东迎宾馆:Guangdong guest house 华夏大酒店:Landmark ['lændmɑ:k] Canton['kæn't?n] hotel 广州大厦:Hotel Canton 景星酒店:Star hotel 中央酒店:Central[sen'trɑ:l] hotel 江湾大酒店:Riverside [' riv?said] hotel 爱群大酒店:Aiqun hotel 白云宾馆:BaiYun hotel 国泰宾馆:Cathay[kæ'θei]Pacific[p?'sifik] hotel 招商宾馆:China merchants['m?:t??ntz] hotel 外商活动中心:Foreign['f?rin] businessmen club 广州建国酒店:JIANGUO hotel 假日酒店:Holiday inn 广州国际金融大厦:Guangzhou internationalfinancial[fai'næn??l] building 华美达酒店:Ramada pearl[p?:l] 广州十甫假日酒店:Holiday inn SHIFU GuangZhou 丽柏广场:La[lɑ:] Perle [pЗ:l] 天河城:Tee mall 中信广场:CITIC Plaza 正佳广场:Grandview mall 陶陶居:TAOTAOJUrestaurant 莲香楼:LIANXIANGLOU 太平洋电脑城:Pacific PC center 凯悦酒家:The deluxe restaurant十一、房间类型补充:高级吸烟双床房(TTWS):superior [sju:'pi?ri?] twin smoking高级非吸烟双床房(TTWN):superior twin non smoking 高级吸烟大床房(KNGS):superior king smoking高级非吸烟大床房(KNGN):superior king non smoking 豪华吸烟双床房(TFTS):deluxe [di'l?ks, di'luks] twin smoking 豪华非吸烟双床房(TFTN):deluxe twin non smoking豪华吸烟大床房(KFTS): deluxe king smoking 豪华非吸烟大床房(KFTN): deluxe king non smoking 豪华吸烟大床套房(XFTS):deluxe suite king smoking 豪华非吸烟大床套房(XFTN):deluxe suite king non smoking 行政楼层吸烟大床房(KEXS):club floor king smoking 行政楼层非吸烟大床房(KEXN):club floor king non smoking 行政楼层吸烟双床房(TEXS):club floor twin smoking 行政楼层非吸烟双床房:(TEXN)club floor twin non smoking 行政楼层吸烟大床套房(XEXS):club floor suite king smoking 行政楼层非吸烟大床套房(XEXN):club floor suite king non smoking 行政楼层吸烟三房套房(XOTS):club floor three bays suite smoking (include one king bed room & one twin beds room) 行政楼层非吸烟三房套房(XOTN):club floor three bays suite non smoking (include one king bed room & one twin beds room)双床残疾人用房(TWCS):disable room twin smoking 总统套房(XSTS): presidential[‚prezi'den??l] suite (six bays)。

NIS+ 和 DNS 设置和配置指南说明书

NIS+ 和 DNS 设置和配置指南说明书
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entrée en relation d' affaires 建立业务关系offre n. f. de service 提供服务offre de renseignements 提供资料demande n. f. de prix 询盘offre 报盘contre-offre 还盘commande n. f. 订货ordre n. m. 订货; 订单bulletin n. m. de commande 订单confirmation n. f. d' une commande 确认订货refus n. m. d ' une commande 拒绝订货annulation n. f. d ' une commande 取消订货traiter 1es affaires 谈生意faire des affaires 做生意voyageur de commerce 旅行推销员client, e n. 顾客, 客户vendeur, se n. 卖主acheteur, se n .买主fournisseur, se n .供应商, 供货商faire la commission 代理买卖commission n. f. 佣金marchandise n. f. 货物, 商品acheter une marchandise 购货livrer une marchandise 交货retoumer une marchandise 退货marchandise de bonne mauvaise qualité 优劣质商品marchandise défectueuse 劣质商品échantillon n. m. 样品emballage n. m. 包装marque n. f. 商标; 品牌sous-marque n. f. 次商标article n. m. démarqué 去掉商标的商品label n. m. de qualité 商品的质量标签mercuriale n. f. 一周市场价目表, 一周市场行情faire l' article 宣传自己的商品faire la place 向各商号兜售商品faire le porte-à-porte 挨家挨户推销商品représentation n. f. 代理représentant, en. 代理人occasion n. f. 廉价品; 旧货solde n. m. 减价商品publicité n. f. 广告promotion n. f. 促销catalogue n. m. 商品样册prospectus n. m. 说明书, 广告vendre au comptant 现款出售vendre à crédit 除销vendre à terme 期货出售vendre à tempérament 以分期付款方式出售consignation n. f. 寄售commettant n. m. 委托人consignataire n. m. 受托人, 寄售商mandataire n .受委托人, 代理人commerce n. m. intemational 国际贸易libre-échange n. m. 自由贸易protectionnisme n. m. 贸易保护主义prohibition n. f. 对进出口或制造销售的禁令dtoits protecteurs 保护税prime n. f. à l' exportation 出口津贴dumping n. m. 倾销débouché n. m. 销售市场importation n. f. 进口exportation n. f. 出口échanges intemationaux 国际贸易fréter v. t. 出租船舶、飞机affréter v. t. 租船、飞机transit n. m. 过境embargo n. m. 禁运barrières n. f. pi. douanières 关税壁垒union n. f. douanière 关税同盟balance n. f. commerciale 进出口贸易差额balance des paiements 国际收支表zonen. f. franc 法郎区zone franche 自由区, 免税区contrle des changes 外汇管制, 汇兑管理expédition n. f. 发货livraison n .f. 交货embarquement 凡 . m. 装运, 装船manutention n. f. 搬运, 装卸expéditeur , trice n. 发货人chargeur n. m. 装货人destinataire n .收货人compagnie de transport aerien 航空运输公司compagnie de transport automobile 汽车运输公司compagnie de transport maritime 海运公司bulletin n. m. de livraison 交货单declaration n. f. d' expédition 发货报单connaissement n. m. 提单海运收据colisage n. m. 装包清单LTA = lettre de trafic aérien 航空运单contrat n. m. de transport运输合同contrat de louage 租借合同charte-partie n. f. 租船契约port n. m. d 运费未付port payé 运费已付CAF = cot, assurance, fret 成本加保险费及运费价格, 到岸价格= CIF 英= cost, insurance and freigtF AB = franco à bord 船上交货价格, 离岸价格= FOB 英= free on boardFAS 英= free along side ship 船边交货价格FOR 英= free on rail 火车上交货价格droits de douane 关税droits de timbre 印花税droits de mouillage 港口费droits de quai 码头费droits d' amarrage 停泊费droits d'e exportation 出口税droits d' importation 进口税droits de rnagasinage 仓储费droits de transit 过境费droits de visite 检查费franchise n. f. 免税exemption n. f. 豁免, 免除frais de douane 海关费用frais d' assurance 保险费frais d' arrirnage 理舱费frais d' embarquement 装货费frais de débarquement 卸货费frais de gérance 管理费frais portuaires 港口费frais de dépt 仓储费frais de gardiennage 保管费navire n. m. affrété 租船navire régulier 班轮cargo n. m. 货轮navire à passagers et à marchandises 客货轮pétrolier n. m. 油轮remorqueur n. m. 拖轮s /s = steamship 英轮船amateur n. m. 船主, 船东cargaison n. f. 货载, 货物port en lourd utile 载货能力, 最大载货量cale n. f. 货舱citerne n. f. 油舱container n. m. 集装箱FCL 英J = full container loading 整箱货LCL 英J = less container loading . 拼箱货marchandise en vrac 散装货marchandise emballée .包装货marchandise encombrante 大件货barème n. m. des frais de transport运价表, 运费表prix de transport à la tonne 每吨运价assurance n. f. 保险réassurance n. f. 再保险, 分险assuré , e n. 被保险人, 投保人assureur n. m. 保险人, 承保人compagnie d' assurance 保险公司contrat d'assurance 保险合同police n. f. d' assurance 保险单police flottante 总保单police à terme 定期保单prime n. f. d' assurance 保险费assurance maritime 海上保险, 海事险assurance aérienne 航空保险assurance contre l'incendie 火灾保险, 火险assurance contre les accidents 伤害保险assurance contre le vol 盗窃险assurance contre les risques de guerre 战争险assurance avec avarie particulière AP 水渍险, 单独海损赔偿险assurance franc d' avarie particuliére FAP 平安险, 单独海损不赔险assurance sur facultés船货险assurance sur crédit d' exportation 出口信用保险risque n. m. 险项risque d' allège 驳船险risque d' escales 停泊险risque d' explosion 爆炸险risque de pontée 舱面险risque de quarantaine 检疫险risque de transbordement 转船险avarie n. f. commune 共同海损avarie apparente 显著海损avarie occulte 隐藏海损avarie dommage 实物海损avarie-frais 费用海损avarie du fond 船底破损avarie d' une chaudiére 锅炉损坏sinistre n, m. maritime 海难calamité n. f. naturelle 自然灾害orage n. m. 暴风雨foudre n. f. 雷击raz n. m, de marée 海啸force majeure 不可抗力échouement n. m. 船搁浅coulage n. m. 漏损collision n. f. 碰撞crochet n. m. 钩损rouille n. f. 生锈contamination n. f. 污染sécuritén. f.sociale 社会保险Caissen. f. primaire de Sécurité sociale 社会保险地区管理处convention n. f.collective劳资协议conseil n. m.des prud'hommes 劳资调解委员会arbitrage n. m. 仲裁d2cision de justice 司法裁定juridiction n. f. 司法权, 裁判权arbitre n. m. 仲裁人partie n. f. plaignante 起诉方, 原告partie gagnante 胜诉方partie perdante 败诉方rémunération n. f. 报酬, 酬金S . M . I. G. n. m. = salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti 法国各行业最低保证工资S. M. I. C . n. m. = salaire minimum interprofessionnel de crois-sance 法国各行业应达到的最低工资carte de travail 在法国的外国人的劳工许可证; 工卡carte de séjour 在法国的外国人的居留证réclamation n. f. 索赔certificat n. m. de perte 损失证明certificat d' expertise 鉴定证书livraison incomplète 交货不齐colis n. m. en souffrance 无人提领的包裹objets cassés 货物损坏perte égarement de marchandises 货物遗失dédommagementremboursement 赔偿indemnité n. f. 赔款récépissé n. m. 收据original n. m. 原本, 正本copie n. f. 抄本, 副本double n. m. 副本duplicata n. m. 副本capie certifiée 证明与原件相符的抄件复印件à ses risques et perils 自担一切风险faux n. m. en écritures 伪造文书plainte n. f. 控告, 起诉poursuite n. f. 起诉, 诉讼lettre de crédit 信用证lettre d' introduction 介绍信lettre de crédit circulaire 循环信用证lettre de credit documentaire 跟单信用证crédit n . m. inrévocable 不可撤消信用证crédit révocable 可撤消信用证credit confirmé 保兑信用证crédit indivisible 不可分割信用证credit divisible 可分割信用证crédit intransférable 不可转让信用证crédit transférable 可转让信用证crédit payable à vue 即期付款信用证crédit sans documents 光票信用证accrédité, e n. 信用证受益人porteur , se n. 信用证持有人ouvrir un crédit 开出信用证accréditer qn auprès d' une banque 请银行给某人开信用证endosser v. t. 背书支票等traite n. f. = lettre de change 汇票traite documentaire 跟单汇票traite à vue 即期汇票traite à 60 jours de vue 见票60天后付款的汇票traite payable à l' arrivée des marchandises 到货后付款的汇票traite en l' air 空头汇票tirer une traite sur qn 开发汇票请某人兑付escompter une traite 将汇票贴现paiement n. m. 支付modalité n. f. de paiement 支付方式paiement comptant 现款支付paiement arriéré 延期支付versement n. m. échelonné 分期有息付款remboursement n. m. à tempérament 分期有息付款paiement d' avance 预付款solvabilité n. f. 支付能力, 清偿能力ducroire n. m. 支付能力保证; 支付能力保证费; 支付能力保证人。

airservices australia - notam web service user 说明书

airservices australia - notam web service user 说明书

OFFICIALOFFICIALEnsure document is current before use © Airservices Australia 20221 of 25NOTAM Web Service User GuideC-GUIDE0820Version 4Effective 09 September 2022Prepared: AIS QA Safety & Service Improvement Manager Endorsed: AIS Business Manager - Jan-Paul Davison-Lamilla Approved: Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) - Alistair John HookeNOTAM Web Service User GuideChange summaryTable of contentsPurpose (3)Part one – NOTAM Web Service overview (3)1.1Logging on (3)1.2NOTAM menu (4)Part two - submission of NOTAM via NWS (16)2.1NOTAMN – New (16)2.2NOTAMR – Replacement (21)2.3NOTAMC – Cancel (22)2.4Templates (23)2.5NOTAM and Template limitations (24)3Definitions (25)2 of 25Version 4: Effective 09 September 2022 C-GUIDE0820NOTAM Web Service User GuideC-GUIDE0820Version 4: Effective 09 September 20223 of 25PurposeThe purpose of this document is to provide a detailed overview for using the NOTAM Web Service (NWS), available through the NAIPS Internet Service (NIS). This document is split into two parts: • Part One outlines the function of the NOTAM menu items•Part Two provides instructions for submitting NOTAMN, NOTAMR and NOTAMC, as well as the creation of templates.This document should be used in conjunction with the relevant NOTAM Data Quality Requirements, available on the NOTAM Originator Portal.Part one – NOTAM Web Service overview1.1Logging onFrom the Airservices Australia homepage, select ‘NAIPS Internet Service’ from the‘Portals’ drop down menu on the right hand side.Enter your User Name and password and select ‘Submit’.NOTAM Web Service User Guide1.2 NOTAM menuOnce you are logged into NIS, select the ‘NOTAM’ tab from the left-hand side of theHome page.Note: If the NOTAM tab is not visible, your User Name has not been linked to a NIS NOTAM Group that has NWS privileges. Contact the Group Manager of therequired NOTAM Group to arrange for your user name to be added to thegroup. If the NIS NOTAM Group Manager is unknown, contact the NOTAMOffice on 02 6268 5063.When selected, the ‘NOTAM’ menu will show the following options:•New NOTAM•Active NOTAM Directory•Pending NOTAM Directory•Template Directory•Pending Template Directory•NOTAM Briefing.4 of 25Version 4: Effective 09 September 2022 C-GUIDE0820NOTAM Web Service User Guide1.2.1 New NOTAMSelect ‘New NOTAM’ from the NOTAM menu to retrieve the NOTAM – New form.Refer to 2.1 NOTAMN – New for more information.C-GUIDE0820Version 4: Effective 09 September 2022 5 of 25NOTAM Web Service User Guide6 of 25Version 4: Effective 09 September 2022 C-GUIDE08201.2.2 Active NOTAM DirectoryThe Active NOTAM Directory is used to search for active/published NOTAM, assigned to your NOTAM Group, in order to view, review or cancel them.To retrieve all active/published NOTAM assigned to your NOTAM Group, select ‘Active NOTAM Directory’ from the NOTAM menu.Select your group name from the drop-down menu and insert the Y-Code for the required location, then select ‘Retrieve Directory’.This will then provide a list of current NOTAM for the requested group and location.• To review a NOTAM, select the required NOTAM from the list, then select ‘Review NOTAM’. See 2.2 NOTAMR - Replacement for more information.• To cancel a NOTAM, select the required NOTAM from the list, then select ‘Cancel NOTAM’. See 2.3 NOTAMC – Cancel for more information.•To view a NOTAM history, select ‘NOTAM History’. This will show a full history ofthe NOTAM, from creation and any reviews or cancellations that have occurred.NOTAM Web Service User Guide1.2.2.1 Active NOTAM Directory filtering optionsMultiple filtering options are available in the Active NOTAM Directory to improve searchcapabilities. Users can sort the following criteria (by clicking on the relevant heading) tosearch for active NOTAM for their group issued on a specific location:•NOTAM Id – ascending or descending•Type – alphabetical• B Field (UTC) – earliest to latest or latest to earliest• C Field (UTC) – earliest to latest or latest to earliest•Summary – alphabeticalUsers can also utilise a filter on the Summary which allows the user to search forspecific words or phrases.C-GUIDE0820Version 4: Effective 09 September 2022 7 of 25NOTAM Web Service User Guide8 of 25Version 4: Effective 09 September 2022 C-GUIDE08201.2.3 Pending NOTAM DirectoryWhen a NOTAM has been submitted via the NWS, it will appear in the ‘Pending NOTAM Directory’ until the NOTAM Office begins processing the request. To retrieve a NOTAM before it is published, select your group name from the drop-down menu and select ‘Retrieve Directory’.This will present a list of all pending NOTAM for the selected group.To view the details of the NOTAM, select the required NOTAM and then ‘View’. This will show the details of the NOTAM. Withdrawing NOTAM requestsTo withdraw a NOTAM before it is published, select the appropriate NOTAM from thelist and then ‘Withdraw’.NOTAM Web Service User GuideC-GUIDE0820Version 4: Effective 09 September 2022 9 of 25This will open a Command Box, prompting the operator to confirm the withdrawal. If the NOTAM is not to be published, select ‘OK’, otherwise select ‘Cancel’.If the withdrawal is successful, the following confirmation message will appear:A pending NOTAM can only be withdrawn before the NOTAM Office begins processing the request. If the withdrawal is unsuccessful, the following error message will appear.Note: If the NOTAM is not to be published contact the NOTAM Office immediately. Pending NOTAM Directory filtering optionsMultiple filtering options are available in the Pending NOTAM Directory to improvesearch capabilities. Users can sort the following criteria (by clicking on the relevantheading) to search for pending NOTAM for their group:•Location - alphabetical•Type – alphabetical•Previous NOTAM (if applicable) ascending or descending• B Field (UTC) – earliest to latest or latest to earliest• C Field (UTC) – earliest to latest or latest to earliest•Summary – alphabeticalUsers can also utilise a filter on the Summary which allows the user to search forspecific words or phrases.1.2.4 Template DirectoryTo view NOTAM templates that have been stored, select the ‘Template Directory’ fromthe NOTAM menu.Select your group name from the drop-down menu and insert the Y-Code for yourlocation, then select ‘Retrieve Directory’.This will open a list of all templates for the specified Group and location.Note: The Approved column on the right-hand side refers to NOTAM templates that have been submitted to, and approved, by the NOTAM Office. At the time ofpublication, and until further notice, no NOTAM templates will be approved and consequently will be listed as ‘false’ (refer 1.2.5 Pending Template Directory). •To view the template details, select the required NOTAM and then ‘View’.•To submit a template as a NOTAM, select the required NOTAM and then ‘Retrieve’. This will open the template in the NOTAM – New form. See 2.4.2Submission of NOTAM via Template for more information.•To delete a template, select the required template and then ‘Delete’. This will opena Command Box, prompting the operator to confirm the deletion. If the template isto be deleted, select ‘OK’, otherwise, select ‘Cancel’.When the template is successfully deleted, the following confirmation message will appear, and the template will disappear from the directory. Template Directory filtering optionsMultiple filtering options are available in the Template Directory to improve searchcapabilities. Users can sort the following criteria (by clicking on the relevant heading) tosearch for NOTAM templates for their group or on a specific location:•Location - alphabetical•Template Number – ascending or descending•Summary – alphabetical•Approved – alphabeticalUsers can also utilise a filter on the Summary or Template Number which allows theuser to search for specific words or phrases (refer Active NOTAM Directoryfiltering options and Pending NOTAM Directory filtering options)1.2.5 Pending Template DirectoryThe Pending Template Directory displays all templates that have been submitted to theNOTAM Office for approval. When a template is approved, any NOTAM submittedusing the approved template, without any changes to the content (Item E), the NOTAMwill be automatically published without interaction from the NOTAM Office.At the time of publication, and until further notice, this feature is not to be used, and anytemplates submitted to the NOTAM Office will be rejected. Pending Template Directory filtering optionsMultiple filtering options are available in the Pending Template Directory to improvesearch capabilities. Users can sort the following criteria (by clicking on the relevantheading) to search for NOTAM templates for their group or on a specific location:•Submitted (UTC) – earliest to latest or latest to earliest•Location – alphabetical•Template Number – ascending or descending•Summary – alphabeticalUsers can also utilise a filter on the Summary or Template Number which allows theuser to search for specific words or phrases (refer Template Directory filteringoptions)Note: As per 1.2.5 Pending Template Directory, templates submitted to the NOTAM Office will not be approved until further notice.1.2.6 NOTAM BriefingTo view all current NOTAM for a location, within a specified validity period, select‘NOTAM Briefing’ from the NOTAM menu.Note: NOTAM will only appear in a NOTAM Briefing 14 days in advance of thecommencement time. If searching for a NOTAM with a start time outside ofthis, contact the NOTAM Office on 02 6268 5063.The NOTAM Briefing provides two options for obtaining current NOTAM, via ‘Summary’or ‘History’.To view all current NOTAM for a particular location, select ‘Summary’, insert therequired location and validity period (maximum 336 hours) and then ‘Submit’.This will show all current NOTAM within the specified validity period.To search for a specific NOTAM, select ‘History’. This will populate additional fields to search for a single NOTAM. Insert the NOTAM number by providing the Series ID (B or C), the Series Number and the Year and select ‘Submit’.This will provide the requested NOTAM.Part two - submission of NOTAM via NWS2.1 NOTAMN – NewTo submit a new NOTAM via the NWS, open the NOTAM – New form as per 1.2.1 NewNOTAM.Complete the request form using the appropriate NOTAM Data Quality Requirements(available from the NOTAM Originator Portal) for assistance.2.1.1 Originator DetailsSelect the appropriate group from the drop-down menu and supply the contact nameand phone number of the originating NOTAM authorised person.The phone number must be a full 10-digit mobile number or landline, complete with thearea code e.g., 0412345678 or 0262685063.2.1.2 Summary LineInsert a concise summary of the NOTAM subject and status (maximum 50 characters).The summary line can be copy and pasted directly from the Subject and Status fieldsor created from the additional NOTAM text (see Subject and Status and NOTAM Text).2.1.3 Item A) – LocationInsert the required location code.NOTAM can be issued on the following locations:•Aerodromes (Y***)•FIR (YMMM or YBBB)•Restricted/Danger Area or Airspace Group (R625, AMX).Refer to the appropriate NOTAM Data Quality Requirements (available from theNOTAM Originator Portal) for assistance.2.1.4 Item B) – Start Period (UTC)Manually insert the start period as a 10-digit DTG (YYMMDDHHMM) or use thecalendar to select the appropriate DTG. Alternatively, for NOTAM that are requiredimmediately, select the ‘WIE’ box.Note: The calendar will default to 0000z on the selected date and will require the originator to manually amend 0000 to the appropriate time in UTC.Note: Selecting a start period in the past is not possible.Note: UTC is the only time convention available in the NWS. To convert Local time to UTC, use the Time Zone Converter, available next to the ‘EST’ tick box.2.1.5 Item C) – End Period (UTC)Manually insert the end period of the NOTAM as a 10-digit DTG (YYMMDDHHMM) oruse the calendar to select the appropriate DTG. If the end period is an estimated figureonly, ensure the ‘EST’ box is ticked. If the NOTAM is to permanently amend theIntegrated Aeronautical Information Package (IAIP), leave Item C) blank and ensurethat the ‘PERM’ box is ticked.Note: The calendar will default to 0000z on the selected date and will require the originator to manually amend 0000 to the appropriate time in UTC.Note: UTC is the only time convention available in the NWS. To convert Local time to UTC, use the Time Zone Converter, available next to the ‘EST’ tick box.2.1.6 Item D) – Hours of ActivationIf a NOTAM has specific times where it will be active between the start and endperiods, individual periods of activity can be added into Item D).There are three different formats for which Hours of Activation can be formatted.For activities that have specific periods of activities, select the ‘Period(s) of Activation(DTG)’ box.The first period of activity must match the time specified in Item B) and the last periodmust have a finish time that matches Item C).Note: The maximum time period between two consecutive activity periods is 7 days.If a NOTAM has a period of more than 7 days between two activity periods, asecond NOTAM is required.If a NOTAM will be active between the same hours every day, between the start and finish times, Times of Activation can be added into Item D) by selecting the ‘Time(s) of Activation’ box.These daily periods must match the time specified in Item B) and Item C).Note: When daily times are provided, the word ‘DAILY’ will automatically populate when the NOTAM is published.There can be more than one period as long as the start of one period matches Item B) and the end of another period match the time specified in Item C). If a NOTAM has different timings for each day, or is active for different days of the week, free text can be added into the ‘Other’ tab in Item D).Example: 0800-1800 MON-SAT, 0000-0500 MON, WED, FRINote: For both Period(s) of Activation and Time(s) of Activation, Item C) cannot be an estimated (EST) end time.The ‘Other’ tab can also be selected in addition to periods of activation or daily times of activation for information using standard abbreviations such as daylight hours (HJ), hours of night (HN).2.1.7 Item E) – NOTAM content2.1.7.1 Subject and StatusThese fields are compulsory and should reflect the subject (what facility/service etc. isthe NOTAM about) and the status of that subject (NOT AVBL, closed, work in progress,subject to interruption etc.). Additional NOTAM TextEnter any additional text that is required in the NOTAM Text field.Refer to the formatting examples in the appropriate NOTAM Data QualityRequirements (available from the NOTAM Originator Portal).Note: Airservices and CASA use only: Asterisks can be used in Item E) to alert the NOTAM Office to any actions that may be required to be undertaken by theNOTAM Office e.g., **INCLUDE AREAS 7410 AND 7400**2.1.8 Item F) – Lower LimitInsert the lower limit of the airspace or activity. Heights can be expressed as SFC,AGL, AMSL or FL.2.1.9 Item G) – Upper LimitInsert the upper limit of the airspace or activity. Heights can be expressed as AGL,AMSL, FL or UNL.2.1.10 Submitting NOTAM – NewSubmit the completed request to the NOTAM Office by selecting ‘Submit NOTAM’.Upon successful transmission to the NOTAM Office, the following confirmationmessage will appear:To store the completed NOTAM as a template, refer to 2.4.1 Template creation.2.2 NOTAMR – ReplacementTo replace (also referred to as ‘review’) a NOTAM, select the NOTAM from the ActiveNOTAM Directory (refer 1.2.2 Active NOTAM Directory).Once the required amendments have been made, select ‘Submit Review’.Note: If the only amendments are to Item B), Item C) and/or Item D, the NOTAM will be published automatically and immediately without parsing through theNOTAM Office due to pre-established NOTAM business rules. As such, theresponsibility sits with the data originator to ensure correctness of information,including cross checking of data to avoid duplication prior to publishing.Any changes to Item E) will result in the NOTAM proposal requiring NOTAMOffice inspection before publication.2.3 NOTAMC – CancelTo cancel a NOTAM, select the NOTAM from the Active NOTAM Directory (refer 1.2.2Active NOTAM Directory). The selected NOTAM will then appear in the ‘NOTAM –Cancel’ form.Amend the originators contact name and phone number, replace Item E) with the text“CANCEL NOTAM”, then select ‘Submit Cancellation’.Note: A NOTAM can only be cancelled with immediate effect. If a NOTAM is toremain in effect until a different time specified in Item C), then a NOTAMR isrequired to amend the finish time.2.4 Templates2.4.1 Template creationTo make the submission of NOTAM via the NWS easier, templates can be created forNOTAM that will be submitted on a regular basis.To create a new template, open a new NOTAM form and complete as per 2.1NOTAMN – New.Once the NOTAM is completed, select ‘Store As Template’.Note: If a saved template is opened, the required fields completed and ‘Store as Template’ selected, the new details will overwrite the existing template.Templates can only be allocated to one single NOTAM Group. If the same NOTAM isrequired for multiple groups, it will need to be created separately for each group.If the template is saved successfully, the following confirmation message will appear.“Successful NOTAM Submission. The NOTAM Template (number) for (location) hasbeen saved successfully”.Note: Do not submit templates to the NOTAM Office for approval. Refer to 1.2.4 Template Directory and 1.2.5 Pending Template Directory for moreinformation.2.4.2 Submission of NOTAM via templateTo submit a NOTAM to the NOTAM Office using a stored template, select the requiredtemplate from the Template Directory (see 1.2.4 Template Directory).The template will open in the NOTAM – New form with the saved informationprepopulated.Complete the required fields as per 2.1 NOTAMN - New and then select ‘SubmitNOTAM’.Upon successful transmission to the NOTAM Office, the following confirmationmessage will appear:2.5 NOTAM and Template limitationsAs per ICAO Annex 10, all NOTAM are transmitted over the Aeronautical FixedTelecommunications Network (AFTN) which is configured to accept certaintypographical characters and symbols. These limitations affect what can be transmittedover the AFTN, including stored templates.Please use the following tables when creating NOTAM requests or templates to ensurethat the data is correctly transmitted and saved.Permitted charactersLetters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZNumbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Punctuation ? - : ( ) . , ' = / +Note: Issues can occur when copying/pasting from Microsoft Word into the NOTAM form, especially in regard to smart quotes. Instead, it is advised to copy textfrom a text editor (Notepad etc.) that doesn’t change single quotes (' ') to smartquotes (‘ ’).3 DefinitionsWithin this document, the following abbreviations will be used:。

FUJITSU Software Systemwalker软件配置管理器V15说明书

FUJITSU Software Systemwalker软件配置管理器V15说明书
FUJITSU Software Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager V15 Introduction
April 2013 Fujitsu Limited
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU
Table of Contents
Product Overview Product Information
Reduced system construction time and human error
Automatic setting of software according to
pre-designed information
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED
Functions (2)
Tenant user
Tenant administrator
Infrastructure administrator
Patch and configuration information management
Configuration management of software in data centers relevant to system operation
management, reducing the burden on system administrators
Discovery/Software Configuration Management
automatically, such as physical server information or rack information



NIS域配置详解⼀、前期准备1.1 NIS 简介NIS,英⽂的全称是network information service,也叫yellow pages。

在Linux中,NIS是⼀个基于RPC的client/server系统,需要使⽤ RPC 服务。

RPC即Remote Procedure Call Protocol(远程过程调⽤协议),RPCBIND⽤于取代旧版本中的portmap组件。


---------------------------1.2 术语NIS域名: NIS 主服务器和所有其客户机 (包括从服务器) 会使⽤同⼀NIS 域名。

和 Windows NT 域名类似,NIS 域名与 DNS ⽆关。

ypserv: NIS 的服务器进程,只在server端运⾏。

如果 ypserv 死掉的话,则服务器将不再具有响应 NIS 请求的能⼒。

yppasswdd:另⼀个只应在 NIS 主服务器上运⾏的进程;这是⼀个服务程序,其作⽤是允许 NIS 客户机改变它们的 NIS ⼝令。

如果没有运⾏这个服务,⽤户将必须登录到 NIS 主服务器上,并在那⾥修改⼝令。

ypbind: “绑定(bind)” NIS 客户机到它的 NIS 服务器上。

它将从系统中获取 NIS 域名,并使⽤ RPC 连接到服务器上。

ypbind 是 NIS 环境中客户机-服务器通讯的核⼼;如果客户端的 ypbind 死掉的话,将⽆法访问 NIS 服务器。

---------------------------1.3 必须条件a) 服务器端和客户端要安装运⾏⽀持服务rpcbindb) c/s两端要分别安装nis软件包,并配置正确c) 服务端要输出NFS共享⽬录,客户端要挂载SERVER端的共享⽬录d) 客户端须修改⽤户帐号信息查询⽅式为NISe) 服务端本地信息更改,须重建NIS数据库---------------------------1.4 需要安装的packagesyp-tools :提供 NIS 相关的查询命令ypbind :NIS Client 端ypserv :NIS Server 端rpcbind :NIS 需要的 RPC 服务---------------------------1.5 package 详细组成a) yp-tools: yp的⼯具包,主要包含如下⼯具:/usr/bin/ypcat/usr/bin/ypchfn/usr/bin/ypchsh/usr/bin/ypmatch/usr/bin/yppasswd * 修改NIS USER的密码/usr/bin/ypwhich/usr/sbin/yppoll/usr/sbin/ypset/usr/sbin/yptest/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ * yb服务器端所包含的MAP信息,若将该⽂件移处,则yp-tools中的命令将不可⽤b) ypserv: yp的服务器端软件包,包含了三个服务:* ypserv yp主服务进程;* yppasswd yp服务器⽀持客户端修改⽤户密码的服务;* ypxfrd yp主服务器与从服务器之间数据更新同步的控制服务。

NI 9202 Getting Started Guide

NI 9202 Getting Started Guide

GETTING STARTED GUIDENI 920216 AI, ±10 V, 24 bit, 10 kS/s/ch SimultaneousThis document explains how to connect to the NI 9202. In this document, the NI 9202 with spring terminal and the NI 9202 with DSUB are referred to inclusively as the NI 9202.Note Before you begin, complete the software andhardware installation procedures in your chassisdocumentation.Note The guidelines in this document are specific tothe NI 9202. The other components in the system mightnot meet the same safety ratings. Refer to thedocumentation for each component in the system todetermine the safety and EMC ratings for the entiresystem.Safety GuidelinesOperate the NI 9202 only as described in this document.Caution This icon denotes a caution, which advisesyou to consult documentation where this symbol ismarked.2| | NI 9202 Getting Started GuideCaution Do not operate the NI 9202 in a manner notspecified in this document. Product misuse can result ina hazard. You can compromise the safety protectionbuilt into the product if the product is damaged in anyway. If the product is damaged, return it to NI forrepair.Hazardous Voltage This icon denotes a warningadvising you to take precautions to avoid electricalshock with the NI 9202 with spring terminal. Safety VoltagesConnect only voltages that are within the following limits:Maximum voltage1Channel-to-COM±30 V DC maximum, up to 6channels at a time1The maximum voltage that can be applied or output between AI and COM without creating a safety hazard.NI 9202 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 3NI 9202 with Spring Terminal Isolation Voltages Channel-to-channel NoneChannel-to-earth groundContinuous250 V RMS, MeasurementCategory IIWithstandup to 5,000 m3,000 V RMS, verified by a 5 sdielectric withstand test Measurement Category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly connected to the electrical distribution system. This category refers to local-level electrical distribution, such as that provided by a standard wall outlet, for example, 115 V for U.S. or 230 V for Europe.Caution Do not connect the NI 9202 with springterminal to signals or use for measurements withinMeasurement Categories III or IV.4| | NI 9202 Getting Started GuideNI 9202 with DSUB Isolation VoltagesChannel-to-channel NoneChannel-to-earth groundContinuous60 V DC, MeasurementCategory IWithstandup to 2,000 m1,000 V RMS, verified by a 5 sdielectric withstand testup to 5,000 m500 V RMSMeasurement Category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution system referred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous live electrical supply system that powers equipment. This category is for measurements of voltages from specially protected secondary circuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, special equipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits powered by regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.NI 9202 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 5Caution Do not connect the NI 9202 with DSUB tosignals or use for measurements within MeasurementCategories II, III, or IV.Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O areequivalent. These test and measurement circuits are forother circuits not intended for direct connection to theMAINS building installations of MeasurementCategories CAT II, CAT III, or CAT IV.Safety Guidelines for Hazardous VoltagesYou can connect hazardous voltages only to the NI 9202 with spring terminal. Do not connect hazardous voltages to theNI 9202 with DSUB.If hazardous voltages are connected to the device, take the following precautions. A hazardous voltage is a voltage greater than 42.4 V pk voltage or 60 V DC to earth ground.Caution Ensure that hazardous voltage wiring isperformed only by qualified personnel adhering to localelectrical standards.Caution Do not mix hazardous voltage circuits andhuman-accessible circuits on the same module.6| | NI 9202 Getting Started GuideCaution Ensure that devices and circuits connected tothe module are properly insulated from human contact.Note When module terminals are hazardous voltageLIVE (>42.4 V pk/60 V DC), you must ensure thatdevices and circuits connected to the module areproperly insulated from human contact. You must usethe NI 9940 connector backshell kit with the NI 9202with spring terminal to ensure that the terminals are notaccessible.Safety Guidelines for Hazardous LocationsThe NI 9202 is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, T4 hazardous locations; Class I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4 Gc and Ex nA IIC T4 Gc hazardous locations; and nonhazardous locations only. Follow these guidelines if you are installing the NI 9202 in a potentially explosive environment. Not following these guidelines may result in serious injury or death.Caution Do not disconnect I/O-side wires orconnectors unless power has been switched off or thearea is known to be nonhazardous.NI 9202 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 7Caution Do not remove modules unless power hasbeen switched off or the area is known to benonhazardous.Caution Substitution of components may impairsuitability for Class I, Division 2, or Zone 2.Caution The system must be installed in an enclosurecertified for the intended hazardous (classified)location, having a tool secured cover/door, where aminimum protection of at least IP54 is provided.Electromagnetic Compatibility Guidelines This product was tested and complies with the regulatory requirements and limits for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) stated in the product specifications. These requirements and limits provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in the intended operational electromagnetic environment.This product is intended for use in industrial locations. However, harmful interference may occur in some installations, when the product is connected to a peripheral device or test object, or if the 8| | NI 9202 Getting Started Guideproduct is used in residential or commercial areas. To minimize interference with radio and television reception and prevent unacceptable performance degradation, install and use this product in strict accordance with the instructions in the product documentation.Furthermore, any changes or modifications to the product not expressly approved by National Instruments could void your authority to operate it under your local regulatory rules.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance ofthe NI 9202 with DSUB, the length of all I/O cablesmust be no longer than 30 m (100 ft).Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance,operate the NI 9202 with DSUB only with shieldedcables and accessories. Do not use unshielded cables oraccessories unless they are installed in a shieldedenclosure with properly designed and shielded input/output ports and connected to the product using ashielded cable. If unshielded cables or accessories arenot properly installed and shielded, the EMCspecifications for the product are no longer guaranteed.NI 9202 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 9Special Conditions for Marine ApplicationsSome products are Lloyd’s Register (LR) Type Approved for marine (shipboard) applications. To verify Lloyd’s Register certification for a product, visit /certification and search for the LR certificate, or look for the Lloyd’s Register mark on the product.Caution In order to meet the EMC requirements formarine applications, install the product in a shieldedenclosure with shielded and/or filtered power andinput/output ports. In addition, take precautions whendesigning, selecting, and installing measurement probesand cables to ensure that the desired EMC performanceis attained.10| | NI 9202 Getting Started GuideEnvironmentalRefer to the manual for the chassis you are using for more information about meeting these specifications. Operating temperature(IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2)-40 °C to 70 °CStorage temperature(IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2)-40 °C to 85 °C Ingress protection IP40Operating humidity (IEC 60068-2-78)10% RH to 90% RH, noncondensingStorage humidity (IEC 60068-2-78)5% RH to 95% RH, noncondensingPollution Degree2Maximum altitude5,000 mIndoor use only.NI 9202 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 11NI 9202 Pinout12| | NI 9202 Getting Started GuideGrounded Differential ConnectionsNI 9202 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 13Floating Differential ConnectionsConnect the negative lead to COM through a 1 MΩ resistor to keep the signal source within the common-mode voltage range. The NI 9202 does not read data accurately if the signal source is outside of the common-mode voltage range.14| | NI 9202 Getting Started GuideSingle-Ended ConnectionsConnect the ground signal to COM to keep the signal source within the common-mode voltage range.NI 9202 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 15Differential Connections with Common Mode VoltageNI 9202 Connection Guidelines•Make sure that devices you connect to the NI 9202 are compatible with the module specifications.•You must use 2-wire ferrules to create a secure connection when connecting more than one wire to a single terminal on the NI 9202 with spring terminal.16| | NI 9202 Getting Started Guide•For the NI 9202 with spring terminal, push the wire into the terminal when using a solid wire or a stranded wire with aferrule.•For the NI 9202 with spring terminal, open the terminal by pressing the push button when using stranded wire without a ferrule.High-Vibration Application ConnectionsIf your application is subject to high vibration, NI recommends that you use the NI 9940 backshell kit to protect connections to the NI 9202 with spring terminal.Overvoltage ProtectionThe NI 9202 provides overvoltage protection for each channel.Note Refer to the device datasheet on /manualsfor more information about overvoltage protection.NI 9202 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 17Where to Go NextLocated at /manuals18 | | NI 9202 Getting Started GuideWorldwide Support and ServicesThe NI website is your complete resource for technical support. At /support, you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application development self-help resources to email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers. Visit /services for NI Factory Installation Services, repairs, extended warranty, and other services.Visit /register to register your NI product. Product registration facilitates technical support and ensures that you receive important information updates from NI.A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is our claim of compliance with the Council of the European Communities using the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This system affords the user protection for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety. You can obtain the DoC for your product by visiting /certification. If your product supports calibration, you can obtain the calibration certificate for your product at /calibration.NI 9202 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 19NI corporate headquarters is located at11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. NI also has offices located around the world. For telephone support in the United States, create your service request at /support or dial 1 866 ASK MYNI (275 6964). For telephone support outside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of /niglobal to access the branch office websites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email addresses, and current events.Information is subject to change without notice. Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelinesat /trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at / patents. Y ou can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at/legal/export-compliance for the NI global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS. U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at private expense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR 52.227-14, DFAR 252.227-7014, and DFAR 252.227-7015.© 2017 National Instruments. All rights reserved.378030B-01August 10, 2017。



• 为用户提供在本地计算机上完成远程主机工作的能 力。在终端使用者的电脑上使用telnet程序,用它连 接到服务器。终端使用者可以在telnet程序中输入命 令,这些命令会在服务器上运行,就像直接在服务 器的控制台上输入一样。可以在本地就能控制服务 器 • 现在主要用于Internet会话。它的基本功能是,允许 用户登录进入远程主机系统。起初,它只是让用户 的本地计算机与远程计算机连接,从而成为远程主 机的一个终端。它的一些较新的版本在本地执行更 多的处理,于是可以提供更好的响应,并且减少了 通过链路发送到远程主机的信息数量。
• Usenet是世界范围的新闻组网络系统,由成千上万 个新闻组组成,囊括了整个互联网上几乎所有的电 子论坛信息。通过Usenet,人们可以张贴个人信息, 回答其他人的问题等等。由于参加Usenet新闻组讨 论的用户人数众多,而且每个新闻组都按照其内容 划分成科技,娱乐,新闻,体育等等不同的类别, 所以如果用户有什么问题的或是希望了解什么信息 的话,通过Usenet新闻组一定可以找到最全面,最 满意的答案。与即时通讯软件不同,Usenet上的新 闻组讨论并不要求通过实时方式实现,因而用户可 以在任何自己方便的时间内浏览或答复其他用户发 布的信息,从而使用起来更加方便,更加自如。
• 数据库服务。 • 包括联机数据库服务和IN-TERNET数据库服 务。Internet数据库是指由网站的建立者提 供的在线数据库,可以WWW方式访问并提供 检索。这些数据库一般具有针对性强、用 户界面友好的特点,但是在专业性和更新率 上较差。
• 搜索引擎服务。搜索引擎专为用户提供网络信 息资源的检索服务,分为目录型搜索引擎和检 索型搜索引擎,前者如Yahoo和Magellan,此类搜 索引擎由于有人工的参与,查准率较高,但查全 率较低;后者如Alta Vista、HotBot、Infoseek等, 这类搜索引擎由Robot或Spider进行网络信息的 采集,查准率较低,但信息实时更新和查全率 比前者好。有些搜索引擎结合两者的优点,既 提供目录式浏览又提供关键词检索,实现了很 好的检索结果。



确保NIS客户端的配置正确,包括NIS 域名和服务器的IP地址。检查客户端 的网络连接和防火墙设置。
使用ping命令或其他网络工具测试服务器与 客户端之间的网络连通性。
根据实际需求配置NIS软件的各项参数,如域名、IP地址 、用户权限等,确保NIS服务器的正常运行和安全防护。
开启NIS服务器的日志记录功能,收集和分析运行过程中 的各类日志信息,以便及时发现和解决潜在问题。同时, 对NIS服务器进行实时监控,掌服务器的运行状态和性 能指标。
1 2
NIS服务器可以集中存储和管理用户账户信息, 包括用户名、密码、用户ID和组ID等。
NIS服务器提供身份验证服务,允许用户通过 NIS服务器进行身份验证,以访问网络中的资源。
NIS服务器可以与网络中的其他服务配合,根据 用户的账户信息来控制用户对网络资源的访问权 限。
总结词:提升性能 总结词:扩展性 总结词:可靠性
详细描述:根据NIS服务器的负载情况,合理配置硬件 资源,包括CPU、内存、存储和网络设备,以提高NIS 服务器的处理能力和响应速度。
详细描述:在硬件配置上考虑未来的扩展需求,预留一 定的硬件资源,以便在需要时能够快速地升级和扩展 NIS服务器的规模。



Physical Channel Reconfiguration Complete(via new cell) 主叫信令 rrcConnectionRequest(UL_CCCH) rrcConnectionSetup(DL_CCCH) rrcConnectionSetupComplete(UL_DCCH) CM Service Request Authentication Request Authentication Response securityModeCommand(DL_DCCH) securityModeCommand(UL_DCCH) Setup Identity Request Identity Response Call Proceeding radioBearerSetup(DL_DCCH) radioBearerSetupComplete(UL_DCCH) measurementControl(DL_DCCH) Alerting Connect Connect Acknowledge Disconnect Release Release Complete rrcConnectionRelease(DL_DCCH) rrcConnectionReleaseComplete(UL_DCCH)
PLMN标识及SB(schedule block)/SIB(system infoblock)的调度信息 SIB的调度信息 NAS层的系统信息和UE定时器/计数器 URA的信息 用于小区选择和重选的参数 连接模式下用于小区选择和重选的参数 用于小区公共物理信道配置的参数 连接模式下用于小区公共物理信道配置的参数 上行链路干扰和动态持续电平等信息 用于WCDMA系统 测量控制信息,即邻区列表 连接模式下的测量控制信息,即邻区列表 用于WCDMA系统 用于定位业务的信息 GSM——TD-SCDMA系统间切换所需要的预配置信息 连接模式下共享物理信道的配置信息(TDD) 邻近小区PLMN信息,用于运营商网络共享 RRC连接请求 RRC连接建立 RRC连接建立完成 RRC连接释放 RRC连接释放完成 位置更新请求 位置更新确认 临时移动台标识符重配置完成 位置更新请求 位置更新确认 临时移动台标识符重配置完成 位置更新请求 位置更新确认 临时移动台标识符重配置完成 业务请求 鉴权请求 鉴权应答 加密 加密 呼叫建立 呼叫 振铃 连接 连接确认 断开 释放 释放完成 寻呼 寻呼应答 鉴权请求


SuperStack II 3300
SuperStack II 3300
SuperStack II 3300
SuperStack II 3300
SuperStack II 3300
SuperStack II 3300
SuperStack II 3300
SuperStack II 3300
3COM Corebuilder 9000/16 3COM Corebuilder 9000/7 3COM Corebuilder 3500 3COM Super Stack 3300 中国科大校园网络 使用的主要网络设备
DNS — Internet的域名管理系统
采用分层命名和管理的方法 计算机名.组织机构名.网络名.顶级域名
神奇的 .COM
通过局域网接入Internet 运行Windows 9x/2000的PC机一台 网卡一块(使用双绞线连到交换机) 配置IP地址和网关等 运行TCP/IP网络软件和其他应用软件
网络协议 网络层协议
TCP/IP-传输控制/网际互联协议,最重要的协议 低层网络协议

SPARC S7-2L服务器初学者指南说明书

SPARC S7-2L服务器初学者指南说明书

SPARC S7-2L Server Getting Started GuideThis guide describes how to install and power on Oracle's SPARC S7-2L server for the first time using the preinstalled Oracle Solaris OS.Before performing the procedures in this guide, review the following documents at the Oracle documentation web site:/goto/s7-2l/docs■SP ARC S7-2 and S7-2L Servers Product Notes - For any late-breaking issues that impact installation requirements.■SP ARC S7-2L Server Installation Guide - For more detailed installation information.■SP ARC S7-2L Server Safety and Compliance Manual - For safety and regulatory compliance information. For additional safety information, refer to the Important Safety Information for Oracle's Sun Hardware Systems, which is in the shipping kit.Shipping Kit1Server3Printed documents2Rackmounting kit4AC power cords (quantity 2)Install the ServerFor quick installation and configuration, follow these steps. For more detailed information, refer to thecomplete online product documentation set.Caution - Do not apply power until instructed to do so. This server includes a service processor (SP) that is used to configure and boot the host server. To properly configure the host server and view SP messages, do not apply AC power to the server until you make the SP and host networking connections, as described in this guide.1.Place the server in its intended location.For rackmounting and CMA instructions, refer to the SP ARC S7-2L Server Installation Guide.2.Before installing the server into the rack, install any optional components you plan to usewith the server that were not factory installed.For instructions on installing optional components, refer to the documentation for each component and to the SP ARC S7-2L Server Service Manual.3.Connect a serial cable between the server's SER MGT port and a terminal device.This connection provides the initial communication with the SP. Set up the server to communicate using 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit. For DTE-to-DTE communication, use an RJ-45 cable that is set up fora null modem configuration, in which the transmit and receive signals are crossed over.4.(Optional) Connect an Ethernet cable between the server's NET MGT port and the networkto which future connections to the SP and host will be made.Configure the server for the first time through the SER MGT port. After the initial configuration, you can set up communication between the SP and host through this Ethernet interface.5.Connect an Ethernet cable between one of the server's NET ports and the network to whichthe server will communicate.6.Connect the power cords to the power supplies and to separate power sources.The server is equipped with two power supplies. Connect them to separate power sources (200 to 240 V AC) to provide power redundancy. The server can operate with one power connection, but having only one power source reduces the redundancy.When the power cords are connected, the SP initializes and the power supply LEDs light. After a fewminutes, the SP login prompt displays on the terminal device. At this time, the host is not initialized orpowered on.Power On the Server1.At the terminal device, log in to the SP as root with a password of changeme.After a brief delay, the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (Oracle ILOM) prompt (->) is displayed.For optimal security, change the root password. For more information about administration tasks such as changing passwords, adding accounts, and setting account privileges, refer to the SP ARC S7-2, SP ARC S7-2L, and Netra SP ARC S7-2 Servers Administration Guide. Also refer to the Oracle ILOM documentation at: /goto/ilom/docsBy default, the SP is configured to use DHCP to obtain an IP address. If you plan to assign a static IP address to the SP, refer to the SP ARC S7-2L Server Installation Guide for instructions.2.Power on the server and redirect the host output to display on the serial terminal device.-> start /SystemAre you sure you want to start /System (y/n)? y-> start /HOST/consoleAre you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? ySerial console started.. . .Server initialization takes several minutes to complete.To cancel the server initialization, press the #. (Hash+Dot) keys to return to the Oracle ILOM prompt. Then type: stop /System3.(Optional) Execute other Oracle ILOM commands while the server initialization continues inthe background.a. To display the Oracle ILOM prompt, press the #. (Hash+Dot) keys.b. To see information about available Oracle ILOM commands, type: helpTo see information about a specific command, type: help command-namec. To return to displaying host output from the server initialization, type: start /HOST/console4.When prompted, follow the onscreen instructions and type the configuration information foryour server.If you are not sure how to respond, accept the default and make changes later when the Oracle Solaris OS is running. After you confirm the configuration information, the server reboots and displays the Oracle Solaris login prompt.5.Log in to the server.You now can type Oracle Solaris OS commands at the prompt. For more details, refer to the Oracle Solaris11 OS man pages and documentation at:/goto/solaris11/docs6.Consider using Oracle virtualization and data center management software.■Oracle VM Server for SPARC is a preinstalled system virtualization feature that provides a discrete logical grouping with its own operating system, resources, and identity within a single computer system.You can run a variety of applications in different logical domains and keep them independent forperformance and security purposes. Refer to:https:///en/virtualization/■Oracle Enterprise Manager is a data center management tool that provides many features, includinga comprehensive configuration solution for software provisioning, hardware fault analysis, andperformance management. Refer to:/en/enterprise-managerCheck for the Latest OS Updates, Patches, and FirmwareSome server features are enabled only when certain versions of patches or firmware are installed. Install the latest available versions for the best performance, security, and stability.1.Review the product notes for your server.This document describes important product dependencies and late-breaking information.See “Product Documentation Library” on page 6.2.Download the latest available versions from My Oracle Support at:https://Product Documentation LibraryDocumentation and resources for this product and related products are available at /goto/ s7-2l/docs.FeedbackProvide feedback on this document at /goto/docfeedback. Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program web site at http: ///pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Copyright © 2016, Oracle et/ou ses affiliés. Tous droits réservés.Part No: E72362-01Mfg. No: 7330740June 2016。




)1-1-1 1、1965年,贝尔电话实验室和通用电器公司及麻省理工学院的MAC课题组合作研发Multics 操作系统,其中,不属于...它的设计目标的是()A. 向大的用户团体提供对计算机的同时访问B. 实现新系统的自我支持C. 在需要时,用户能够容易地共享他们的数据D. 支持强大的计算能力与数据存储答案:B1-1-2 2、下列UNIX产品中,不属于...A TT系列的是( )A. Solaris2.xB. IRIXC.Sco UNIXD. SunOS-Solaris1.x答案:D1-1-3 3、关于UNIX发展史的描述中,不正确...的是()A. UNIX系统最初是由A T&T贝尔实验室开发的B.最初的UNIX系统是用C语言编写的C.UNIX的两个主要版本是System V (SVR4)和BSDD. Linux最初是Linus Torvalds于1992年在芬兰的赫尔辛基大学开发的答案:B1-4-1 4、UNIX系统中,命令pwd的功能是()A. 打印当前用户名B. 打印当前目录名C. 打印当前用户口令D. 设置用户口令答案:B2-1-1 5、UNIX系统中,命令od可以以可视的形式打印文件的所有字节。

把字节解释成字符的参数项是()A. -bB. -cC. -dD. -x答案:B2-1-2 6、UNIX系统中,命令od可以以可视的形式打印文件的所有字节。

按八进制数显示字节的参数项是()A. -bB. -cC. -dD. -x答案:A2-1-3 7、UNIX系统中,命令od可以以可视的形式打印文件的所有字节。



Java之JNDI注⼊的实现⽬录About JNDI0x01 简介0x02 JNDI的⽤途0x03 ⽇常使⽤0x04 JNDI命名和⽬录服务前置知识InitialContext类Reference类JNDI DemoJNDI+RMI攻击⼿法JNDI+LDAP攻击⼿法ReferenceAbout JNDI0x01 简介JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface)是SUN公司提供的⼀种标准的Java命名系统接⼝,JNDI提供统⼀的客户端API,通过不同的访问提供者接⼝JNDI服务供应接⼝(SPI)的实现,由管理者将JNDI API映射为特定的命名服务和⽬录系统,使得Java应⽤程序可以和这些命名服务和⽬录服务之间进⾏交互。



JNDI是Java EE的重要部分,需要注意的是它并不只是包含了DataSource(JDBC 数据源),JNDI可访问的现有的⽬录及服务有:DNS、XNam 、Novell⽬录服务、LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 轻型⽬录访问协议)、 CORBA对象服务、⽂件系统、Windows XP/2000/NT/Me/9x的注册表、RMI、DSML v1&v2、NIS。

0x02 JNDI的⽤途JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface)是⼀个应⽤程序设计的API,为开发⼈员提供了查找和访问各种命名和⽬录服务的通⽤、统⼀的接⼝,类似JDBC都是构建在抽象层上。


0x03 ⽇常使⽤其实简单看简介会有点感觉JNDI类似于RMI中的Registry,将其中某⼀命名服务和相应对象进⾏绑定,当需要调⽤这个对象中的⽅法时,通过将指定的名称作为参数带⼊lookup去寻找相应对象。

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NIS服务建NIS数据库 数据库 构建 ypinit命令构建 命令构建NIS服务器的数据库文件 命令构建 服务器的数据库文件 ypinit命令按照 命令按照”/var/yp”目录中的 命令按照 ”目录中的Makefile文件的配置内容构建数据库 文件的配置内容构建数据库 文件 # /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m
NIS服务器的基本设置步骤 服务器的基本设置步骤
• 1.安装 安装NIS服务器软件包 安装 服务器软件包 • 2.设置 设置time和time-udp服务的启动状态 设置 和 服务的启动状态 • 3.建立服务器中的 建立服务器中的NIS域名 建立服务器中的 域名 • 4.设置 设置ypserv服务的配置文件 设置 服务的配置文件 • 5.启动 启动NIS服务器 启动 服务器 • 6.构建 构建NIS数据库 数据库 构建
NIS客户机配置过程 客户机配置过程3 客户机配置过程 启动ypbind服务程序 启动 服务程序 NIS客户机需要启动 客户机需要启动ypbind服务程序 客户机需要启动 服务程序 ypbind服务程序需要 服务程序需要portmap服务的支持 服务程序需要 服务的支持 # service portmap status # service ypbind start
NIS服务器配置过程 服务器配置过程-2 服务器配置过程
• 在NIS服务器主机中建立 服务器主机中建立NIS域名 服务器主机中建立 域名 • # nisdomainname • # echo ‘/bin/nisdomainname ’ >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local • # echo ‘NISDOMAIN=’ >>/etc/sysconfig/network • ypserv.conf文件的配置 文件的配置 • NIS服务器的主配置文件 服务器的主配置文件ypserv.conf 服务器的主配置文件 • 配置文件中可设置对认证数据库的访问控制 • • • * : * : * : none : * : * : none : * : * : deny
NIS客户机的配置和使用步骤 客户机的配置和使用步骤 安装NIS客户机软件包 客户机软件包 安装 设置hosts文件中的 文件中的NIS服务器主机记录 设置 文件中的 服务器主机记录 建立NIS域名 建立 域名 设置yp.conf配置文件 设置 配置文件 设置nsswitch.conf文件 设置 文件 启动ypbind服务程序 启动 服务程序 测试NIS客户机与 客户机与NIS服务器的连接 测试 客户机与 服务器的连接 NIS客户端用户登录 客户端用户登录
NIS客户机配置过程 客户机配置过程1 客户机配置过程
NIS客户机需要的软件 客户机需要的软件 NIS客户机需要安装 客户机需要安装ypbind和yp-tools两个包 客户机需要安装 和 两个包 ypbind和yp-tools软件包在 软件包在RHEL4中默认安装 和 软件包在 中默认安装 设置hosts文件中的 文件中的NIS服务器主机记录 设置 文件中的 服务器主机记录 NIS客户机需要通过主机名访问 客户机需要通过主机名访问NIS服务器 客户机需要通过主机名访问 服务器 echo ‘ ramblersky’ >> /etc/hosts 建立NIS域名 建立 域名 NIS客户机中建立 客户机中建立NIS域名的操作与 域名的操作与NIS服务器中相同 客户机中建立 域名的操作与 服务器中相同 # nisdomainname # echo ‘/bin/nisdomainname ’ >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo ‘NISDOMAIN=’ >>/etc/sysconfig/network
NIS的基本概念 的基本概念
NIS服务的应用结构中分为 服务的应用结构中分为NIS服务器和 服务器和NIS客户机两种角色 服务的应用结构中分为 服务器和 客户机两种角色 NIS服务器集中维护账号信息 数据库 供NIS客户机进行查询 服务器集中维护账号信息(数据库 服务器集中维护账号信息 数据库)供 客户机进行查询 用户登录任何一台NIS客户机都会从 客户机都会从NIS服务器进行登录认证, 服务器进行登录认证, 用户登录任何一台 客户机都会从 服务器进行登录认证 可实现用户账号的集中管理
NIS服务器配置过程 服务器配置过程-3 服务器配置过程
securenets安全配置文件 安全配置文件 securenets文件用于对 文件用于对NIS客户端主机进行访问控制 文件用于对 客户端主机进行访问控制 securenets文件需要手工建立 文件需要手工建立 #cat /var/yp/securenets host 启动NIS服务器 服务器 启动 NIS服务器需要 服务器需要portmap服务的支持,并且需要启动 服务的支持, 服务器需要 服务的支持 ypserv和yppasswdd两个服务 和 两个服务 #service portmap status #service ypserv start #service yppasswdd start
测试NIS客户机与 客户机与NIS服务器的连接 测试 客户机与 服务器的连接
Yp-tools软件包中提供了三个测试命令 软件包中提供了三个测试命令 yptest命令可以对 命令可以对NIS服务器进行自动测试 命令可以对 服务器进行自动测试 # yptest ypwhich命令可以显示 命令可以显示NIS客户机所使用的 客户机所使用的NIS服务器 命令可以显示 客户机所使用的 服务器 的主机名称和数据库文件列表 #ypwhich #ypwhich –x ypcat命令显示数据库文件列表和指定数据库的内容 命令显示数据库文件列表和指定数据库的内容 #ypcat –x #ypcat passwd
NIS客户机配置过程 客户机配置过程2 客户机配置过程
设置yp.conf配置文件 配置文件 设置 NIS客户机的配置文件时 客户机的配置文件时yp.conf 客户机的配置文件时 yp.conf文件中需要设置 文件中需要设置NIS服务器和服务器主机名称 文件中需要设置 服务器和服务器主机名称 #echo ‘domain server ramblersky’ >> /etc/yp.conf 设置nsswitch.conf文件 文件 设置 文件中需要添加使用NIS作为主机信息的查询方式 文件中需要添加使用 作为主机信息的查询方式 passwd : files nis shadow : files nis group : files nis hosts : files nis dns
NIS服务器配置过程 服务器配置过程-1 服务器配置过程
NIS服务器的安装: 服务器的安装: 服务器的安装 RHEL4的第一张安装关盘中包括 的第一张安装关盘中包括NIS服务器的安装包 的第一张安装关盘中包括 服务器的安装包 # rpm –ivh ypserv-2.13-5.i386.rpm 设置time和time-udp服务的启动状态 设置time和time-udp服务的启动状态 NIS服务器的运行需要 NIS服务器的运行需要time和time-udp服务的支持 服务器的运行需要time和time-udp服务的支持 #chkconfig time on #chkconfig time-udp on #service xinetd restart