




1. 定义。




2. 分类。

- 天然宝石:由自然界产出,具有美观、耐久、稀少性,可加工成装饰品的矿物单晶体(如钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石等)和少数非晶质体(如欧泊)。

- 天然玉石:由自然界产出,具有美观、耐久、稀少性和工艺价值的矿物集合体或岩石(如翡翠、和田玉等)。

- 有机宝石:由生物作用形成的宝石,部分或全部由有机物质组成(如珍珠、珊瑚、琥珀等)。


1. 钻石。

- 硬度:钻石是自然界中硬度最高的物质,摩氏硬度为10。


- 光泽:具有典型的金刚光泽,是一种非常明亮、锐利的光泽。

- 折射率:2.417,这使得钻石具有很强的火彩(将白光分解为多种颜色的现象)。

- 内部特征:在放大镜或显微镜下,可能会看到天然钻石的内部瑕疵,如包裹体(矿物晶体、云状物等)。


2. 红宝石。

- 颜色:红宝石的颜色以红色为主,最好的红宝石颜色为鸽血红,颜色浓郁、鲜艳且均匀。

- 硬度:摩氏硬度为9,仅次于钻石。

- 光泽:玻璃光泽至亚金刚光泽。

- 内部特征:内部常含有金红石针状包裹体,呈三组定向排列,在合适的光线下会呈现出星光效应(在宝石表面看到六条星线)。

- 多色性:从不同方向观察红宝石,会看到颜色略有变化,通常为紫红色和橙红色。

3. 蓝宝石。

- 颜色:除红色以外的刚玉宝石都称为蓝宝石,颜色丰富多样,如蓝色、黄色、绿色、粉色等。


- 硬度、光泽:与红宝石相同,摩氏硬度为9,玻璃光泽至亚金刚光泽。

- 内部特征:也可能含有金红石包裹体,有些蓝宝石内部有指纹状包裹体。



目 录第1课 电子作文好帮手 (1)第2课 修改电子作文 (7)第3课 美化文字 (15)第4课 插入艺术字和图片 (22)第5课 云存储和分享 (29)我的收获 (36)第6课 规划电子小报 (37)第7课 设计刊头 (44)第8课 美化标题 (50)第9课 编辑文字、美化小报 (56)我的收获 (62)第10课 走进智慧城堡 (63)第11课 城堡自由行 (68)第12课 探秘智慧城堡 (72)我的收获 (76)学期评价 (78)这学期我们将通过制作电子作文和电子小报来学习文字信息的编辑和分享,还将进一步学习Scratch,从而了解编程和人工智能的相关知识。


你想试试吗?你在生活中都用什么方式记录和查阅文字信息?比较纸质作文和电子作文的异同,你有什么发现?好,我们一起来学习电子作文的编辑吧!本文作者为重庆市人民小学四年级二班彭杨涵同学2xiao xue xin xi ji shu小学信息技术Word 是微软公司开发的一款文字处理软件,今天我们就用Word 来编辑电子作文。

1 打开Word②单击Word 图标,打开“Word2013”。

3SI NIAN JI 2 选择文档模版同学们可以根据需要尝试选择其他模版。

4 输入文字单击选择新建文档的模版,如“空白文档”模版。


4xiao xue xin xi ji shu小学信息技术5 保存文档在输入作文的过程中或输入结束后,都可对作文文档进行保存。

5SI NIAN JI 练一练在Word 中输入自己喜欢的一篇作文,然后保存在自己的文件夹里。




小学信息技术xiao xue xin xi ji shu探一探录入完一篇作文,请同学们观察状态栏,看看可以了解到哪些信息?WPS在智能手机中的应用6我把作文录入Word里了,可是发现有很多错误,怎么办?在作文本上写作文时,你会出现书写错误吗?如果出现错误,你是怎样处理的?1 打开电子作文②双击“计算机”选项。


MQL5有订单分时的数组,而MQL4没有这个功能,所以也是没有意义的。尽管这样,MQL4 在此是一个限制因素,所以代码在这里 要根据 MQL4 的标准以确保跨平台的兼容性, 把实现部分分开是更加严谨的选择(在这个例子中就是这样)。
CSignal 类 在检查任何交易信号之前,首先要刷新计算所需的数据。这是通过 CSignal 类的 Refresh 方法来完成的, 在那里指标 (以及时间序 列数据) 会刷新至最新的数值。以下代码段就显示了 CSignal 的 Refresh 方法:
使用这种方法,我们可以假设,m_direction 的数值越正,越多的信号就估计价格会上涨(增加超过阈值的机会). 类似地, m_direction 的数值越负,越多的信号就预测价格将会下跌。阈值的数值永远是正的,所以我们在检查用于卖出的信号时,会使用 m_direction 的绝对值。
本文中展示的信号对象可以被认为是 CExpertSignal 的简化版本,但是,它并不是使用数学方法集中估算信号和它的过滤器的,而 是按照每个信号单独评估的。这里使用了简单的方法,但是给了交易者或者开发者更多的控制权来扩展每个独立信号可以对最终 信号输出所做的影响。
数值 1 2
进场 进行买入 进行卖出
出场 退出卖出交易 退出买入交易
信号的类型 CMD_LONG 和 CMD_SHORT 是很容易使用自身来做解释的,所以我们更注重另外两种信号类型。
CMD_VOID 是一个数值为 -1 的整数, 代表的是强烈不建议的一个信号。对于进场信号,在输出中给出这样一个信号会取消所有其 他入场信号的输出。这表示这个信号的输出是强制的,通过这个信号提出不交易的条件,会使所有其它信号也给出不交易的信 号,而不论它们的实际输出以及其他信号是否给出的方向相同。比如,看下面的三个进场信号:



1寸2寸电子版照片标准尺寸1寸打印尺寸25×35(mm)像素295×413(px)2寸打印尺寸35×49(mm)像素413×626(px)一英寸=72pt(点)=96px(像素)身份证(驾照)照片:22*32 mm (小1寸)小1寸: 27*38 mm1寸:25*38 mm普通护照照片:33*48mm(大1寸)大1寸:40*55mm600×800 = 48万像素=3寸照片700×1000=约80万像素=5寸照片(3.5×5英寸,毫米规格89×127);800×1200=约100万像素=6寸照片(4×6英寸,毫米规格102×152);1000×1400=约150万像素=7寸照片(5×7英寸,毫米规格,127×178);1200×1600=约200万像素=8寸照片(6×8英寸,毫米规格152×203);1600×2000=约310万像素=10寸照片(8×10英寸,毫米规格203×258);1600×2400=约400万像素=标准照片(8×12英寸,毫米规格203×304);1600×2800=约400万像素=宽幅照片(8×14英寸,毫米规格203×356)。

照片规格(英寸)(厘米)(像素)数码相机类型2.5*3.5cm 413*295身份证大头照 3.3*2.2 390*2602寸3.5*5.3cm 626*413小2寸(护照)4.8*3.3cm 567*3905 寸5×3.5 12.7*8.9 1200×840以上100万像素6 寸6×4 15.2*10.2 1440×960以上130万像素7 寸7×5 17.8*12.7 1680×1200以上200万像素8 寸8×6 20.3*15.2 1920×1440以上300万像素10寸10×8 25.4*20.3 2400×1920以上400万像素12寸12×10 30.5*20.3 2500×2000以上500万像素15寸15×10 38.1*25.4 3000×2000 600万像素冲洗照片尺寸对照表:规格(英寸)分辩率PX(文件的长、宽)/像素厘米3.5*5(3R/4寸)1050*1500/300dpi 8.89*12.74*6(4R/6寸)1800*1200/300dpi 10.16*15.245*7(5R/7寸)1500*2100/300dpi 12.7*17.786*8(6R/8寸)1800*2400/300dpi 15.24*20.328*10(8R/10寸)2400*3000/300dpi 20.32*25.410*12(12寸)3000*3600/350dpi 25.4*30.4812*16(16寸)3600*4800/350dpi 30.48*40.645英寸:3*56英寸:4*67英寸:5*78英寸:6*812英寸:10*1218英寸:12*18护照照片要求细则护照照片必须满足以下要求:-照片包括被照者的全部头部和全部肩膀的正面照,且面部都在照片的正中心;-照片的底色必须是纯白色;-所有照片必须是未经任何修正的同一底片冲洗出来的或通过一次曝光呈现多个影像或多个镜头的相机拍摄的完全一样的照片(黑白照或彩照);-照片必须使用绒面纸。



j)行程------------------------------------------------------------------------220 mm
b)总宽----------------------------------------------------------------------2393 mm
该装置主要组成结构(见图 1~图 10)。 该装置可完成自行推移、皮带跑偏调整及校直等功能,其操作规程如 下: 3.1 机架自行推移操作 随着采煤机割煤的推进,转载机沿着本机导轨逐渐前移,当转载机前 进到极限位置时,操纵操作阀将调平油缸收缩使滑撬离地、如果底板局部 不平,部分调平油缸可以不完全收缩,以保证整机水平,然后将推移缸活 塞杆缩回,这样本机以转载机为支点前进一个行程。同时安装在机架上的 皮带机机尾滚筒随之前移,胶带松弛,此时带式输送机应随着张紧胶带。 在推移机架前先将皮带机靠近本机头架的中间架拆掉一架,以便于空 出本机的行走空间(不小于 3m 的距离) 3.2 调整皮带跑偏的操作 当胶带向一侧跑偏时,可操作相应的调平缸,必要时尚需操作侧移缸, 把机架相应一侧提高或校正,直至胶带恢复到正常位置为止。 3.3 校正皮带机尾及顺槽转载机机头的操作 当顺槽转载机机头与工作面前进方向偏斜时或胶带输送机机尾与胶带 输送机偏斜时,可通过该装置进行校正,操作程序为: a) 操纵调平缸使机架升起,离开顺槽底板 ; b) 操纵侧移缸向所要求方向移动机架,调平缸与机架通过滑块便可以 沿着滑撬的导轨向预定方向移动,侧移缸设计行程为 175mm,故机架每次 移动最大为 175mm,此时滑撬偏向机架一方; c) 操作调平缸将机架落到顺槽底板上,并使滑撬离开底板,再操作侧 移缸使滑撬恢复到中位; d) 重复进行上述的侧移机架的动作,直至达到所要求的移动距离;



















二、工作内容和工作地点1. 乙方同意根据甲方工作需要,在____岗位(工种)工作。


2. 甲方可以根据工作需要及乙方的工作表现和能力,调整乙方的工作岗位和工作地点。

三、工作时间和休息休假1. 甲方执行标准工时制度,乙方每天工作时间不超过八小时,每周不超过四十小时。



2. 乙方依法享有国家法定的节假日和婚丧假、带薪年休假等假期权利。


四、劳动报酬1. 甲方按照国家的有关规定和甲方的薪酬制度,确定乙方的工资标准和福利待遇。




2. 甲方对乙方实行基本生活费制度。




















2017现代教育志愿填报指南电子版示例文章篇一:《我的未来我做主——2017 现代教育志愿填报指南》嘿,小伙伴们!你们有没有想过,未来的我们会变成什么样?就好像在一片茫茫大海中航行,志愿填报就像是我们手中的指南针,指引着我们前进的方向。

























Employee Access Quick Reference Guide (DV)Logging into EA can usually be done directly from the district website.In the Login area, select Employee Access. Enter Login name & password, then click Sign In button.Note:If a user has access to other areas, then “All Areas” could be selected, which displays areas the user has security access to (such as Educator Access, Student Management, etc).If a user does not currently have access, they will be prompted to change their password after the initial log in. Enter a new password if prompted, and then clickSubmit. Click OK on Password changed successfully messageThe main Employee Access screen displays. Users can select Employee Information or Time Off from this screen.Employee InformationGeneral Information: District News, Personnel Info, Change Password and Report Options.Calendar: Displays a calendar and includes any District News items in lower portion of screen.Payroll: Displays a sub-menu which includes Check History, Check Estimator, Calendar YTD, Fiscal YTD, Direct Deposit Information (bank name & routing # only, account code is masked & will not display), W2 and W4 information.Personal Information: Various types of information available including phone & address, personnel information, professional development, assignments, pay history, time off status.Employee Information, General Information, Report OptionsSelections are available to create reports on Calendar and Fiscal Year to Date information, as well as Check History information. Click the checkbox on right side of report information desired. Click Print to display report.Tip: Use the Back button in the upper right to return to a previous screen.Employee Information, Payroll, Check HistoryCheck History displays paychecks processed to date in WESPaC.1. Highlight a check2. Click Show CheckEmployee Information, Payroll, Check EstimatorCheck Estimator can be used to estimate net pay based on changes to federal tax withholding status, misc. deductions, pay changes, etc.Click Continue Check Estimator ProcessAfter clicking Calculate Check, a print queue screen will display. When Request is complete, click View ReportEmployee Information, Payroll, Calendar YTDCalendar YTD displays calendar (January – December) year to date pay, deduction, and benefit information totals, sorted by year with most recent at top of list. Highlight the desired calendar year and click Show Calendar YTD.Year to date information can be printed by clicking the Print button in upper right of screen.Emerald SDP.O. Box 000Emerald City, OZ 012345Employee Information, Payroll, Fiscal YTDFiscal YTD displays fiscal year to date pay, deduction & benefit information totals (September – August). Highlight the desired fiscal year and click Show Fiscal YTD.Fiscal to date information can be printed by clicking the Print button in upper right of screen.Employee Information, Payroll, Direct Deposit InformationDirect Deposit Information displays bank name and routing number for net pay and/or any deductions set-up via for electronic deposit.**Important note: Bank Account information is masked.Employee Information, Payroll, W2 InformationW2 Information contains W2 data, by year. Highlight the desired fiscal year and click Show W2 Info.W2 information can be printed by clicking the Print button in upper right of screen.To view a W2 formatted report that looks like the official W2 click View W2View current W4 data on file in payroll via the W4 Information button (the W-4 relates to federal tax withholding status). Highlight the line displayed and click Show W4 Info.A small display window will appear with the information currently on file. The information can be printed by clicking Print in upper right.Employee Information, Personal Information includes Employee name, hire date and demographic information, such as address, mailing address (if applicable), phone number(s), e-mail address, etc.Note: There is also a menu tree on the left side of screen where additional selections can be made.Time OffClick the Time Off button in order to display leave information. There are currently two (2) options that display: Previous Version of Time Off and My Time Off Status.Click on My StatusTime off information displays for any time off groups the employee has available. In the example below, the employee has two (2) types of leave – Personal Leave and Sick Leave. There are columns for each time off code indicating allocated, used, remaining and available hours.Click the arrow next to the time off code to see detail information for that leave type.In the example following, the employee has a current sick leave balance of 83.21 hours. History shows 7 hours of sick leave taken on 10/26/2011.To Exit EA click Exit at the top right of screen.TERMS OF USE: The information contained herein is licensed, trade-secret and proprietary and may not be used, disclosed or reproduced without permission of the licensing authorities, WSIPC and/or Skyward, Inc. As a condition of use, the User agrees to protect and keep the information from disclosure or falling into the public domain. The failure to comply with this agreement may result in the immediate termination of the User’s right to access the information.Published byNorthwest Regional Data Center2121 W. Casino RoadEverett, WA 98204All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual, in any medium without written permission of Northwest RegionalData Center is prohibited.This edition is printed in the United States of America and the contents are subject to change without notice.Skyward ® is the registered trademark for Skyward, Inc. located in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.。



eim初一英语教材电子版1、We _______ swim every day in summer when we were young. [单选题] *A. use toB. are used toC. were used toD. used to(正确答案)2、When you have trouble, you can _______ the police. They will help you. [单选题] *A. turn offB. turn to(正确答案)C. turn onD. turn over3、78.According to a report on Daily Mail, it’s on Wednesday()people start feeling really unhappy. [单选题] *A. whenB. whichC. whatD. that(正确答案)4、( ) --------Please take my seat here.-------- __________________________. [单选题]*A. That is nice of you(正确答案)B. I think it is my seatC. No, you sit hereD. I don’t think it’s a good seat.5、I arrived _____ the city _____ 9:00 am _______ April [单选题] *A. at, in, atB. to, on, atC. in, or, atD. in, at, on(正确答案)6、He was very excited to read the news _____ Mo Yan had won the Nobel Prize for literature [单选题] *A. whichB. whatC. howD. that(正确答案)7、Be careful with the knife. You may hurt _______. [单选题] *A. himselfB. ourselvesC. myselfD. yourself(正确答案)8、Can you tell me how the accident _______? [单选题] *A. came about(正确答案)B. came backC. came downD. came from9、39.__________ he was very tired, he didn’t stop working. [单选题] *A.Although (正确答案)B.WhenC.AfterD.Because10、10.Mum, let me help you with your housework, so you ________ do it yourself. [单选题] * A.don’t need to(正确答案)B.need toC.don’t needD.need11、While I _____ the morning paper, a headline caught my eye.. [单选题] *A. have readB. was reading(正确答案)C. had readD. am reading12、Sichuan used to have more people than ______ province in China. [单选题] *A. otherB. any other(正确答案)C. anotherD. any others13、Our teacher suggested that each of us _____ a study plan for the tong summer vacation. [单选题] *A. make(正确答案)B. madeC. will makeD. would make14、—Are these your sheep? [单选题] *A)on grass at the foot of the hill.(正确答案)B. feedC.is fedD. is feeding15、Reading()the lines, I dare say that the government are more worried than they admitted. [单选题] *A. behindB. between(正确答案)C. alongD. among16、Online shopping _______ very popular now. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. wasD. were17、We haven't heard from him so far. [单选题] *A. 到目前为止(正确答案)B. 一直C. 这么远D. 这么久18、No writer will be considered()of the name until he writes a work. [单选题] *A. worthlessB. worthy(正确答案)C. worthwhileD. worth19、We ______ to set up a food bank to help hungry people next week.()[单选题] *A. hadB. are going(正确答案)C. were goingD. went20、27.Will it ______ warm in the room? [单选题] *A.areB.be(正确答案)C.isD.going to be21、Which is _______ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu? [单选题] *A. largeB. largerC. largestD. the largest(正确答案)22、He made ______ for an old person on the bus. [单选题] *A. room(正确答案)B. roomsC. a roomD. some rooms23、It' s a pity that we have to stay at home when we are having()weather. [单选题] *A. so fineB. so fine aC. such fine(正确答案)D. such a fine24、He used to get up at six in the morning,()? [单选题] *A. used heB. did heC. didnt he (正确答案)D. should he25、—What ______ your sister ______ this Saturday?—Something special, because it’s her birthday. ()[单选题] *A. are; going to doB. is; going to do(正确答案)C. does; doD. did do26、—What were you doing when the rainstorm came?—I ______ in the library with Jane. ()[单选题] *A. readB. am readingC. will readD. was reading(正确答案)27、--What’s the weather like today?--It’s _______. [单选题] *B. windy(正确答案)C. sunD. wind28、I usually read English _______ six o’clock _______ six thirty in the morning. [单选题] *A. from;?atB. from; to(正确答案)C. at; atD. at; to29、The managing director took the()for the accident, although it was not his fault. [单选题] *A. GuiltB. charge(正确答案)C. blameD. accusation30、Alice is fond of playing ____ piano while Henry is interested in listening to ___ music. [单选题] *A. the, /(正确答案)B. the, theD. /, the。



















扩展资料功能特点1. 密指定程序生成的文档强制加密指定程序编辑的文档。




2. 泄密控制对打开加密文档的应用程序进行如下控制:打印、内存窃取、拖拽和剪贴板等,用户不能主动或被动地泄漏机密数据。

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All rights reserved.1.IntroductionLithium-ion batteries are the power sources of choice for future energy storage device,since they are characterized by high energy density,high working voltage,high efficiency,long life and memory-effect-free [1].In recent years,many approaches have been employed to develop lithium-ion polymer batteries with gel polymer electrolytes (GPE),which have little security problems caused by liquid electrolyte leakage as well as flexible process-ability.Many polymer matrixes have been frequently used in gel polymer electrolytes,such as poly(ethylene oxide)(PEO)[2,3],poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA)[4,5],poly(acrylonitrile)(PAN)[6,7],and poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoro propylene)(PVDF-HFP)[8,9].These types of electrolytes are generally prepared by dissolving the polymer matrixes in the liquid electrolyte directly,and then solvent-casting the gelled solutions into electrolyte films.Even if the GPEs can achieve high ionic conductivities of around 10−3S cm −1at room temperature [10],their poor dimensional stabilities and cumbersome preparation processes are usually inad-equate for practical application.Recently,in situ synthesis process has been increasingly attracted extensive attention in the preparation of GPEs.In this process,liquid electrolytes,initiators and monomers with low molecular weight,such as acrylic esters [11–14],ethylene oxide∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+861062334311;fax:+861062334311.E-mail address:fanlizhen@ (L.-Z.Fan).[15],are injected into the battery package.Cross-linked GPEs are prepared by free radical polymerization of monomers triggered by methods such as thermal initiation [16–18],UV [19],␥-ray irradia-tion [20]in the presence of liquid electrolyte solvent,and polymer Li-ion batteries are directly formed at the same time.The resulting products are consisted of the polymer network and the liquid elec-trolyte that is the main Li +ion conductor.This synthesis process can provide a simple solution to the preparation and performance optimization of the GPEs.Here,we report a GPE that was prepared by radical polymer-ization using trimethylolpropane trimethylacrylate (TMPTMA)as a new monomer,lauroyl peroxide (LPO)as a thermal initiator in a liquid electrolyte solvent.TMPTMA has three vinyl bonds at the end of the chain and their cross-linked networks are expected to be of high mechanical strength as well as good compatibility with liquid electrolytes.Electrochemical performance of the resulted GPEs prepared by thermal polymerization is investigated with LiCoO 2|GPE |graphite cells.Especially,this study discusses the influ-encing factors of the ionic conductivity and gelation time,which is rarely reported.2.ExperimentalGPE films were prepared by thermal polymerization of a precur-sor solution in a sealed transparent glass container.All the reagents were of battery grade and used without further purification.The precursor was composed of a monomer,an initiator and a liq-uid electrolyte.The TMPTMA (C 18H 26O 6,M w :338)was used as a0013-4686/$–see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.electacta.2012.11.090D.Zhou et al./Electrochimica Acta 89 (2013) 334–338335OOO O OO +O OO OOO R 2CH 3(CH 2)10C OO2+CO 2C 11H 23C 11H 23R 1H 23C 11C H 23C 11C 11H 23Fig.1.The polymerization mechanism of TMPTMA.R 1and R 2represent molecular chains.monomer and the LPO (C 24H 46O 4,M w :398)was used as a ther-mal initiator.The liquid electrolyte was consisted of 1M LiPF 6in a non-aqueous solution of ethylene carbonate (EC)/ethylmethyl carbonate (EMC)/dimethyl carbonate (DMC)with a volume ratio of 1:1:1.In order to characterize the gelation time and electro-chemical performance of the electrolyte material,contents of the initiator and liquid electrolyte was changed 0.1–0.9wt%(the mass of monomer)and 80–97wt%(the total mass of gel),respectively.The precursors were polymerized at a temperature of 50–80◦C to obtain translucent GPE films.Gelation time was recorded when the precursor solution formed translucent gels in the transparent glass container,and the gels did not further transform with extended heating time.All procedures for preparing the GPE films were car-ried out in an Ar-filled glove box.The ionic conductivities of the GPEs were measured by an AC impedance method.The test cell was a small piece of GPE film sandwiched between two stainless steel blocking electrodes,kept at each test temperature for at least half an hour before AC impedance measurements in order to reach thermal equilibrium.The AC impedance measurements were carried out from 100kHz to 1Hz with ac amplitude of 5mV on a CHI660C Electrochemical Workstation (Shanghai Chenhua).The electrochemical stabilities of the GPE films were studied with cyclic voltammetry (CV)in a three-electrode system.Stainless steel blocking electrode and aluminum foil were used as the working electrode respectively while a lithium foil was used as the counter and the reference electrode in this sys-tem.The CV curves were recorded from −0.5to 5V versus Li/Li +at a scanning rate of 1mV s −1using a CHI660C Electrochemical Work-station (Shanghai Chenhua).The cross section morphologies of GPE films rinsed with acetone were observed with a scanning electron microscopy (SEM,EVO 18).The electrochemical properties of the polymer cells were mea-sured by two-electrode coin cells.The cells were assembled in an Ar-filled glove box with the concentrations of moisture and oxy-gen below 1ppm.The TMPTMA-based polymer coin cells were fabricated by the in situ thermal polymerization method directly.The two-electrode coin cells were consisted of positive electrode (90wt%LiCoO 2,5wt%acetylene black and 5wt%PVDF),a Celgard 2400separator,and negative electrode (95wt%graphite and 5wt%PVDF).The precursor solution,with 1wt%initiator and 97wt%1M LiPF 6/EC:EMC:DEC (1:1:1)electrolyte,was filled into the cells.After that,the assembled cells were aged for 2h to ensure the precur-sor solution well wetted into the electrodes.Then the cells were polymerized at 80◦C for half an hour in an oven.Galvanostatic charge–discharge test was carried out at various current densities,x C (x =0.1,0.2,0.5,1),using a LAND-CT2001A cell test instrument with voltage window of 3.0–4.2V at 25◦C.The x value in the x C current density was equivalent to the time for removal of 1M Li +in LiCoO 2in 1/x number of hours,that is,1C =274mAh g −1.3.Results and discussionThe possible mechanism of radical polymerization of TMPMMA,initiated by LPO with a thermal radiation is illustrated in Fig.1.The attack of primary radicals derived by thermal decomposition of LPO initiates a chain free radical and the polymerization proceeds by the chain reaction adding TMPTMA monomer molecules to the free radical ends of growing chain molecules.Finally,a high degree of cross-linking gives rise to three-dimensional network polymers in the liquid electrolyte and forms translucent GPEs,which are tough and flexible.Although a Celgard 2400is used as the separator,the excellent mechanical properties of GPEs still matter because they could give a great improvement to the shock resistance of polymer lithium ion batteries.To visualize the structure of the polymer matrix in GPEs,SEM investigations were carried out for this objective.A typical SEM image shows that an obviously porous network polymer was obtained (Fig.2a),and the pore sizeis about 20␮m (Fig.2b).The polymer matrix acting as internal scaffolding is well cross-linked to establish a three-dimensional framework with high porosity.Liq-uid electrolyte is trapped in such pores and highly dispersed in theFig.2.SEM image of TMPTMA-based gel polymer electrolyte.336D.Zhou et al./Electrochimica Acta 89 (2013) 334–338(a)t / m i nT /o Cσ / m S c m-1σ / m S c m-1σ / m S c m-1(b)Liquid electrolyte content / wt%t / m i n(c)Initiator content / wt%t / m i nFig.3.Room temperature (25◦C)conductivity and gelation time of the GPEs as a function of polymerization temperature (a),liquid electrolyte content (b)and initiator content (c).polymer framework.This structure can be expected to have high mechanical strength and strong ability to absorb liquid electrolyte.The ionic conductivity is the key factor in polymer electrolytes,while the gelation time determines the productivity of polymer lithium ion batteries prepared by in situ thermal polymerization.The gelation time and ionic conductivities of GPEs at 25◦C as a function of polymerization temperatures,electrolyte content,and initiator content are shown in Fig.3.GPEs in Fig.3a are prepared with the same ratio of initiator (0.5wt%)and liquid electrolyte (90wt%)at various polymerization temperatures.The gelation time drops rapidly with an increase in polymerization temperature,from 35min at 50◦C to 4min at 80◦C,corresponding to the improvement of initiator activity and acceleration of the radical polymerization reaction rate.Effects of polymerization temperature on gelation time are unapparent.In Fig.3b,GPEs with the same content of initiator (0.5wt%)and different contents of liquid electrolytes ran-ging from 80to 97wt%are polymerized at 70◦C.As expected,the increased content of liquid electrolyte leads to the decreased contents of reactants (the monomer and initiator),which prolongs the gelation time appreciably.Meanwhile,the ionic conductivity of GPEs continuously increases with the increased liquid electrolyte-2.2-2.1-2.0-1.9-1.8-1.7T /ºCl o g / S c m -11000 T -1/ k -1Fig.4.Ionic conductivities for the TMPTMA-based GPE prepared by 97wt%liquidelectrolyte,1wt%initiator and polymerized at 80◦C and 1M LiFP 6/EC:DMC:EMC liquid electrolyte at various temperatures.content.The ionic conductivity of GPE contained 97wt%liquid elec-trolyte reaches a value of 8.2×10−3S cm −1,approaching the value of corresponding pure liquid electrolyte (8.9×10−3S cm −1).How-ever,lower polymer content leads to a lower mechanical strength of the GPE film [21].The conductivities of the GPEs all reached >10−3S cm −1in the present liquid electrolyte content range,which are sufficient for practical application in Li-ion batteries,indicating that TMPTMA-based GPE has higher ionic conductivity than most of frequently-used GPEs such as PMMA-based [22]and PAN-based [23].The gelation time and ionic conductivities of GPEs polyme-rized at 70◦C with the same content of liquid electrolyte (70wt%)but different initiator contents ranging from 0.1to 0.9wt%are pre-sented in Fig.3c.The results show that the ionic conductivity is not affected by variation in the initiator concentration significantly,while the gelation time is reduced with the increased initiator con-tent,which indicates the slower polymerization rate.To evaluate the dependence of ionic conductivity ( )on tem-perature,ionic conductivities of the GPE films are measured at wide test temperature range from 20to 90◦C.Fig.4shows the changes in the conductivity of a GPE prepared by 97wt%liquid electrolyte,1wt%initiator and polymerized at 80◦C.Apparently,the ionic conductivity increases with increasing test temperature,from 7.4×10−3S cm −1at 20◦C to 1.7×10−2S cm −1at 90◦C.The conductivities for pure liquid electrolyte are also illustrated for comparison.It can be seen that in either GPE or liquid electrolyte,the plots of log versus T −1exhibit a linear relationship in line with the Arrhenius equation [24]:= o exp −E akT(1)where E a the activation energy, o the pre-exponential factor and R the Boltzmann constant.E a can be calculated according to the Eq.(1)from the slopes of the lines.The Arrhenius plot of GPE parallels to those of liquid electrolyte,which means they have similar acti-vation energies.The activation energy is considered to be related to the mobility of ionic carriers [25],indicating that the ionic con-duction in the GPE follows the same mechanism as in pure liquid electrolytes,that is,mainly due to the diffusion of low molecular weight solvents in polymers (low activation energy)instead of the motion of polymer segments (high activation energy).Even though the immobilization of the liquid electrolyte and enhanced viscos-ity ultimately result in a reduction in the conductivity of GPEs,it is required for the settlement of security problems caused by liquid electrolyte leakage.D.Zhou et al./Electrochimica Acta89 (2013) 334–338337Fig.5.Cyclic voltammogram of TMPTMA-based GPE using stainless steel and alu-minum foil as the working electrode respectively,Li as the counter and the reference electrode,at a scan rate of1mV s−1.The electrochemical stability of the GPE was performed by cyclic voltammetry(CV).Fig.5indicates the CV curves of the GPEfilm (following the same preparation route as in Fig.4)tested between −0.5and1.5V vs.Li/Li+.On the stainless steel working electrode, a strong current is observed from about−0.20V in the negative scan,corresponding to the plating of lithium on the stainless steel electrode.In the following reverse scan,the stripping of lithium appears at about0.35V.No peak or noticeable oxidation current was observed up to5.0V except at potential range of−0.5to0.5V, which means the GPE is relatively stable up to5.0V vs.Li/Li+.The excellent electrochemical stability may be attributed to the high oxidation potential of TMPTMA and interactions between the poly-mer chain and lithium salt[26].The phenomenon that the peak currents remain fairly constant with repeated cycle in the CV curve indicates the plating/stripping of lithium are highly reversible.CV curves of the GPEfilm are also tested on the aluminum foil,which is used as the current collector for lithium-ion batteries.As shown in Fig.5,the GPE keeps electrochemically stable up to5.0V,which would be enough to meet the requirements for lithium-ion battery with LiCoO2as a positive material whose charging voltage is about 4.2V.LiCoO2|GPE|graphite cells were fabricated in order to evalu-ate the electrochemical performance of TMPTMA-based polymer lithium ion battery.The component of the GPE prepared by in situ thermal polymerization was identified as1wt%LPO initiator and 97wt%1M LiPF6/EC:EMC:DEC(1:1:1)electrolyte polymerized at 80◦C.The cells were charged and discharged at various current densities after a preprocessing cycle at0.1C between3.0and4.2V. Thefirst charge–discharge curves of LiCoO2|GPE|graphite cells at a rate of0.1C,0.2C,0.5C and1C are plotted in Fig.6.The charge and discharge curves show clear potential plateaus which indicat-ing a reversible cycling process.The cell shows an initial discharge capacity of129mAh g−1at a current density of0.2C and the coulom-bic efficiency approaches94%,almost the same as the lithium ion batteries using1M LiFP6/EC:DMC:EMC liquid electrolyte.The dis-charge capacity of TMPTMA-based cells slightly decreases with increasing current densities.An acceptable discharge capacity of 110mAh g−1was achieved at1.0C,which was81.5%of the capac-ity at0.1C(135mAh g−1)and85.3%of the capacity at0.2C.The reduced high rate capability could be explained primarily by the lower diffusion rate of Li+in the GPEs[27].Cycling stability of TMPTMA-based polymer lithium ion bat-tery concluded from charge-discharge curves is presented in Fig.7. After100cycles at0.2C,the capacity retention ratio for TMPTMA-based polymer lithium ion battery is83%,that is,the discharge capacity is about107mAh g−1.The superior cycling stability of the2004060801001201401603. / mAh g-1Voltage/Vvs.Li/Li)(+0.1C0.2C0.5C1 CFig.6.The initial charge–discharge profiles of LiCoO2|GPE|graphite full cell at vari-ous current densities.Capacity/mAhg-1Cycle numberFig.7.The cycling stability of LiCoO2|GPE|graphite full cell at a rate of0.2C.TMPTMA-based polymer lithium ion batteries may be attributed to the interface between electrode and GPE keeping steady during charge–discharge cycles.4.ConclusionsTrimethylolpropane trimethylacrylate-based gel polymer elec-trolytes with a well cross-linked three-dimensional framework and excellent electrochemical properties were successfully prepared by radical polymerization.The ionic conductions in the GPEs were proved to follow the same mechanism as in pure liquid electrolytes. The gel polymer electrolytes exhibited remarkable electrochemical property including high ionic conductivity(>10−3S cm−1at25◦C), wide electrochemical window(>5.0V),highly reversible capacity, superior rate capability and good cycling stability,while the in situ thermal polymerization greatly simplified the assembly process of the polymer lithium ion batteries.These properties potentially made such new gel polymer electrolyte particularly attractive for high-performance lithium ion batteries.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the973project(2013CB934001), NSF of China(51172024),Fundamental Research Funds for the Cen-tral Universities of China and State Key Laboratory of New Ceramic and Fine Processing(Tsinghua University).338 D.Zhou et al./Electrochimica Acta89 (2013) 334–338References[1]B.Scrosati,J.Garche,Lithium batteries:status,prospects and future,Journal ofPower Sources195(2010)2419.[2]C.W.Nan,L.Z.Fan,Y.H.Lin,Q.Cai,Enhanced ionic conductivity of polymerelectrolytes 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