

VMWare Workspace ONE产品概述

VMWare Workspace ONE产品概述

基于证书/设备的 身份验证 (唯一设备) SSO (域密码)
多因素身份验证 (Radius、 SecureID、 Smartcard)
条件访问: 应用、身份和 网络
全面的设备配置 和管理
无设备管理 公共设备 自带设备 自选设备 企业配发
Workspace ONE 可让您灵活处理不同用例
应用管理 (完成设备注册)
Web + Horizon + XenApp + 原生应用
应用管理 + 端点管理
Web + Horizon + XenApp + 原生应用

策略实施 (IT)
身份验证: 我是否能强制启动设备 PIN 码或 类似于 TouchID 的生物特征识别功能? 强身份验证: 我是否能够针对敏感应用加强 身份验证? 我能否限制应用仅访问纳管设备? 设备安全性: 我是否能选择性擦除设备? 我是否能强制实施 PIN 码强度和超时限制? DLP: 我是否能强制实施本地或专有容器化 策略,以进行 DLP? 合规性: 我是否能基于设备合规性策略限制 应用访问? 是 是,通过 Identity Manager 选择任何 支持的 MFA 否 否 不适用 否 是 是,选择 Identity Manager 支持的 任何 MFA 是 是 是 否 是 是,通过 Identity Manager 选择任何 支持的 MFA 是 是 是 是
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—vSphere DRS—跨多个集群聚合计算资源,并基于业务优先级将资源动态分配给虚拟机,从而通过自动化降低管理复杂性。

—vSphere 存储 DRS—利用基于存储特征的自动负载平衡为动态虚拟机数据确定最佳驻留位置。


—自动部署—允许您实时部署更多运行 ESXi 虚拟化管理程序体系结构的 vSphere 主机。

—VMware 存储 I/O 控制—根据既定的业务规则定义对存储资源的优先访问权限。

—VMware Storage VMFS—一个高性能的集群文件系统,可以通过抽象化处理使存储硬件的复杂性对于应用程序不复存在。

—VMware Storage Thin Provisioning —允许将购买存储产品的时间推迟到真正需要更多存储的时候,从而最多可以将存储开支削减达 50%。

—用于阵列集成的 VMware 存储 API (VAAI)—为受支持的第三方磁盘阵列提供了新的 API 结构,以改进虚拟机调配等常见vSphere 活动的性能。

—VMware 网络 I/O 控制—根据既定的业务规则定义对网络资源的优先访问权限。

—VMware Network 分布式交换机—简化并增强 VMware vSphere 环境中虚拟机网络的调配、管理和控制。

—Cisco Nexus l000v—支持第三方交换机,以简化跨虚拟资产和物理资产的网络管理。

—VMware vMotion—支持在不中断用户使用和不丢失服务的情况下在服务器间实时迁移虚拟机,从而无需为计划内的服务器维护安排应用程序停机。

vmware 标准版 企业版

vmware 标准版 企业版

vmware 标准版企业版VMware虚拟化技术是当前企业IT基础设施中的重要组成部分,它可以帮助企业实现资源的灵活配置和管理,提高IT基础设施的利用率,降低成本,增强安全性和灵活性。


















VirtualCenter - 关键功能
虚拟机和服务器 管理
6 3
5 系统监控
4 资源管理
虚拟中心VirtualCenter: 集中的单点管理所有的VMware服 务器和虚拟机 完整的资源映射和拓扑图,实现 拖放控制企业基础架构 通过你的服务器环境部署、启动 和迁移虚拟机 监控 系统利用率和性能 自动 通知和email报警
在不同的主机上同步运行相同 的虚拟机 出现硬件故障时,所有虚拟机 均可实现零宕机时间、零数据 损失故障切换
应用程序 操作系统 应用程序 操作系统 应用程序 操作系统
零宕机时间、零数据损失 无需复杂的集群或专用硬件
VMware vSphere™
所有应用程序和操作系统通用 的单一机制
可以在其他服务器上不加修改的 运行虚拟机
应用程序 应用程序 应用程序 应用程序 应用程序 操作系统 操作系统 操作系统 操作系统 操作系统
每个虚拟机拥有 8 路 vSMP 和 255 GB RAM
64 个核心和 1TB 物理 RAM
可扩展虚拟机 热添加 应用程序 操作系统
64 GB 255 GB
热添加和删除 存储设备



服务器虚拟化技术对比VMwareVSVirtualBox 服务器虚拟化技术对比VMware与VirtualBox在当今信息技术高速发展的时代,服务器虚拟化技术已经成为企业IT基础设施中不可或缺的一部分。





在服务器虚拟化领域,VMware的产品主要有VMware vSphere和VMware ESXi。

VMware vSphere是一套完整的虚拟化解决方案,包括了虚拟化管理、存储虚拟化、网络虚拟化等功能,适用于大中型企业的生产环境。

而VMware ESXi是一款裸机虚拟化软件,可以直接安装在物理服务器上,提供高性能的虚拟化服务。








VirtualBox支持在Windows、Linux、Mac OS X和Solaris等多个操作系统上运行,可以虚拟化多种操作系统,包括Windows、Linux、BSD 等。



2.1 vSphere 产品介绍VMware vSphere. 是业界首款云计算操作系统,它利用虚拟化的强大能力将数据中心转换为显著简化的云计算基础架构,使IT 组织能够利用内部和外部资源,安全和低风险地提供新一代灵活可靠的IT 服务。

以130,000 多家客户使用的经过验证的VMware. Infrastructure 平台功能为基础,VMware vSphere. 显著降低了资本和运营成本,在加强IT 服务交付控制的同时,还保留了在任何类型的操作系统、应用程序和硬件、使用内部托管或外部资源之间选择的灵活性。

有了为内部和外部云计算提供基础的VMware vSphere. ,并使用联邦和标准来连接内部和外部云计算基础架构,各种规模的组织都能实现云计算的全部优势。

主要优势VMware vSphere. 为应用程序和信息隐藏了底层基础架构的复杂性,并创建内部云计算基础架构以便IT 能够集中精力从事支持和实现业务价值。

VMware vSphere. 的优势包括:. 降低成本和最大限度提高IT 效益:VMware vSphere. 消除了不必要的投资并降低IT 基础架构的管理及维护成本和复杂性,从而帮助组织更高效地提供IT 服务。

通过采用VMware vSphere. ,客户可以将资金成本降低50% ,每个应用程序的操作成本降低60% 以上,从而显著降低企业应用程序的总体拥有和操作成本。

使用VMware vSphere. 的组织可以轻松实现15:1 以上的整合率,并实现自动化管理以及跨内部和外部云计算基础架构的动态应用程序资源分配。

因此,与绑定到特定系统和体系结构的昂贵的应用程序和信息交付模型截然不同,组织将无缝迁移到自我管理、显著优化的IT 环境以实现最高效的业务服务交付。

. 通过自动管理服务级别加强IT 控制:随着业务日益依赖于IT 服务,有效的应用程序交付可能将决定业务是增长还是衰退、是成功还是失败。

VMware Virtual SAN 产品介绍说明书

VMware Virtual SAN 产品介绍说明书

d a t a s he e t / 1What Is Virtual SAN?VMware Virtual SAN is a new software-defined storage tier for VMware vSphere, bringing the benefits of the software-defined data center to storage. By clustering server hard disk and solid state drives (HDDs and SSDs), Virtual SAN creates a flash-optimized, highly resilient shared datastore designed for virtual environments.Based on a hypervisor-converged distributed architecture embedded in the vSphere kernel, Virtual SAN can make optimal data placement and I/O optimizations. Because it sits directly in the I/O data path, the product is able to deliver the highest levels of performance, scalability, and resilience without taxing the CPU with additional overhead.Virtual SAN also differs from other storage products in its policy-based approach to storage management. This management architecture enables administrators to specify storage attributes—such as capacity, performance, and availability—in the form of simple policies on a per-VM basis. These policies, governed by service-level agreements (SLAs), dynamically self-tune and load-balance the system so that each virtual machine has the right level of resources. The system can adapt to ongoing changes in workload conditions to ensure that each virtual machine has the storage resources it needs.Virtual SAN distributed architecture leverages enterprise-grade SSDs for high-performance read/write caching and HDDs for cost-effective data persistence. Using server-side storage, Virtual SAN delivers unmatched price/performance compared to other Virtual Storage Appliances (VSA) or midrange hybrid arrays in themarket today. The Virtual SAN datastore granularly scales up by adding more disks or scales out by adding more hosts, allowing users to configure the system to meet their needs flexibly.Virtual SAN is simple and automates time-consuming manual storage tasks. Not only is Virtual SAN managed through the VMware vSphere® Web Client, but it also integrates with other VMware products such as VMware® vCenter™ Site Recovery Manager™ and VMware vCloud® Automation Center™. This integration makes provisioning and management of storage in virtual environments easy and seamless.Key Features and CapabilitiesHypervisor-converged storage software – Virtual SAN is embedded in the vSphere kernel. This unique characteristic of Virtual SAN makes integration with vSphere seamless and enables best performance and scalability.VMware® Virtual SAN™ is a new software-defined storage tier for VMware vSphere® environments. Virtual SAN clusters server disks and flash to create radically simple, high performance, resilient shared storage designed for virtual machines.• Radically simple storage designed for virtual machines• Hypervisor-converged storage software that creates a high-performance, persistent storage tier • Significantly reduced TCO by up to 50 percent • Integrated with VMware stack• Flash-optimized architecture for compelling price/performance• Low upfront investment; grow as you go with granular linear scaling of performance, capacity, and cost• Rapid storage provisioning and automated, self-tuning ongoing management• Single pane of glass management with vSphere •Backed by VMware support and all major server OEMsVMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto CA 94304 USA Tel 877-486-9273 Fax 650-427-5001 Copyright © 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. VMware products are covered by one or more patents listed at /go/patents. VMware is a registered trademark or trademark of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Item No: VMW5139-DS-VIRTUAL-SAN-USLET-111 03/14Lower TCO – Virtual SAN lowers TCO by up to 50 percent. Because it uses enterprise-grade HDDs and SSDs to create a converged and resilient SAN-like storage tier within the hypervisor, the price/performance value of Virtual SAN is unmatched by any other VSA or midrange hybrid array.System RequirementsHardware Host• 1GB NIC; 10GB NIC recommended • SATA/SAS HBA or RAID controller• At least one SSD and one HDD for each capacity-contributing node Cluster• Minimum cluster size: three hostsHardware Compatibility List/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=vsanSoftware• One of the following: vSphere 5.5 U1 (VMware vSphere® any edition or above), VMware vSphere® with OperationsManagement™ 5.5 U1 (any edition), or VMware vCloud® Suite 5.5 U1 (any edition)• VMware® vCenter Server™ 5.5 U1Learn MoreFor more information or to purchase VMware products, call 877- 4 -VMWARE (outside North America, +1-650 -427-5000), visit /products , or search online for an authorized reseller. For detailed product specifications and system requirements, refer to the vSphere documentation.VM-centric policy-based management – Storage requirements are associated with individual virtual machines or virtual disks in the form of policy statements. Virtual SAN automatically translates these policy statements into system configurations to instantly provision storage with the right SLAs.Server-side read/write caching – Virtual SAN minimizes storage latency by accelerating read/write disk I/O traffic with built-in caching on enterprise-grade server-side flash technology.Built-in failure tolerance – Virtual SAN leverages distributed RAID and cache mirroring to ensure that data is never lost if a disk, host, or network fails.Single pane of glass management with vSphere – Virtual SAN removes the need for training on specialized storage interfaces or the overhead of operating them. Provisioning is now as easy as two clicks.Granular nondisruptive scale-up or scale-out – You can easily and nondisruptively expand the capacity of the Virtual SAN datastore by adding hosts to a cluster or disks to a host.Hardware independence – Virtual SAN can be deployed on hardware from any server manufacturer. This gives you the flexibility to build out customized storage systems in heterogeneous hardware environments.Interoperability with VMware stack – Virtual SAN leverages vSphere snapshots, vSphere clones, VMware vSphere® Data Protection™, and vSphere Replication for data protection, backup, rapid cloning, and disaster-recovery (DR) purposes. Virtual SAN interoperates with vCloud Automation Center and vCenter™ Operations Management Suite™ and can be deployed in conjunction with VMware® Horizon View™ in VDI environments and vCenter Site Recovery Manager in DR environments.BenefitsSimple – Virtual SAN is the first policy-driven storage product that simplifies how storage is provisioned and managed. It gives you a new way to manage storage by automating many of today’s manual tasks. The new model doesn’t involve LUNs or RAID configurations and removes the need for manual adjustments. High performance – By using server-side flash technology, Virtual SAN enables true server-side read/write caching. The solution optimizes the I/O data path to maximize throughput and minimize latency, and because it is embedded in the VMware® ESXi™ kernel, it is a truly unique solution that delivers better performance than a virtual appliance or an external device.。

VMware Virtual SAN 6.1 产品说明书

VMware Virtual SAN 6.1 产品说明书

VMware Virtual SAN 6.1Server disks as central storage for VMware environmentsVirtual SAN (VSAN) is hypervisor-converged storage and clusters server disks and flash to create radically simple, high performance, resilient shared storage designed for virtual machines.At a GlanceVMware® Virtual SAN™ is VMware’s software defined storage solution for Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI).Seamlessly embedded in the hypervisor, Virtual SAN delivers enterprise-ready, high-performance shared storage for VMware vSphere® Virtual Machines. It leverages commodity x86 components that easily scale to drastically lower TCO by up to 50%. Seamless integration with vSphere and the entire VMware stack makes it the simplest storage platform for virtual machines — whether running business-critical applications, virtual desktops or remote server room apps.Key Benefits■ Radically Simple – Deploy with 2-clicks through the standard vSphere Web Client and automate management using storage policies.■ High Performance – Flash accelerated for high IOthroughput and low latency. Deliver up to 7M IOPS with predictable sub-millisecond response time from a single, all-flash cluster.■ Elastic Scalability – Elastically grow storage performance and capacity by adding new nodes or drives withoutdisruption. Linearly scale capacity and performance from 2 to 64 hosts per cluster.■ Lower TCO – Lower storage TCO by up to 50% by deploying standard x86 hardware components for low upfront investment and by reducing operational overhead. ■ Enterprise High Availability – Enable maximum levels of data protection and availability with asynchronous long distance replication and stretched clusters. ■ Advanced Management – Single pane of glass management from vSphere with advanced storage performance monitoring, troubleshooting and capacityTopicsWhat is VMware Virtual SAN?VMware Virtual SAN is VMware’s software-defined storage solution for hyper-converged infrastructures, a software-driven architecture that delivers tightly integrated compute, networking and shared storage from a single, virtualized PRIMERGY server. Virtual SAN delivers high performance, highly resilient shared storage by clusteringserver-attached flash devices and/or hard disks (HDDs). Virtual SAN delivers enterprise-class storage services for virtualized production environments along with predictable scalability and all-flash performance — all at a fraction of the price of traditional, purpose-built storage arrays. Just like vSphere, Virtual SAN provides users the flexibility and control to choose from a wide range of hardware options and easily deploy and manage it for a variety of IT workloads and use cases. Virtual SAN can be configured as all-flash or hybrid storage. Architecture and Performance: Uniquely embedded within the hypervisor kernel, Virtual SAN sits directly in the I/O data path. As a result, Virtual SAN is able to deliver the highest levels of performance without taxing the CPU with overhead or consuming high amounts of memory resources, as compared to other storage virtual appliances that run separately on top of the hypervisor. Virtual SAN can deliver up to 7M IOPS with an all-flash storage architecture or 2.5M IOPS with a hybrid storage architecture.Scalability: Virtual SAN has a distributed architecture that allows for elastic, non-disruptive scaling from 2 to 64 hosts per cluster. Both capacity and performance can be scaled at the same time by adding a new host to the cluster (scale-out); or capacity and performance can be scaled independently by merely adding new drives to existing hosts (scale-up). This “Grow-as-you-Go” model provides linear and granular scaling with affordable investments spread out over time. Management and Integration: Virtual SAN does not require any additional software to be installed—it can be enabled in a few, simple clicks. It is managed from the vSphere Web Client and integrates with the VMware stack including features like vMotion®, HA, Distributed Resource Scheduler™ (DRS) and Fault Tolerance (FT) as well as other VMware products such as VMware Site Recovery Manager™, VMware vRealize™ Automation™ and vRealize Operations™.Automation: VM storage provisioning and storage service levels (e.g. capacity, performance, availability) are automated and controlled through VM-centric policies that can be set or modified on-the-fly. Virtual SAN dynamically self-tunes, adjusting to ongoing changes in Key Features and CapabilitiesKernel embedded– Virtual SAN is built into the vSphere kernel, optimizing the data I/O path to provide the highest levels of performance with minimal impact on CPU and memory resources.All-Flash or hybrid architecture– Virtual SAN can be used in all-flash architecture for extremely high and consistent levels of performance or in a hybrid configuration to balance performance and cost.Expanded enterprise-readiness– support for vSphere Fault Tolerance, asynchronously replicating VMs across sites based on configurable schedules of up to 5 minutes, continuous availability with stretched clusters and major clustering technologies including Oracle RAC and Microsoft MSCS.Granular non-disruptive scale-up or scale-out– Non-disruptively expand the capacity of the Virtual SAN data-store by adding hosts to a cluster (scale-out) to expand capacity and performance or disks to a host (scale-up) to add capacity or performance.Single pane of glass management with vSphere– Virtual SAN removes the need for training on specialized storage interfaces or the overhead of operating them. Provisioning is now as easy as two clicks.VM-centric policy-based management– Virtual SAN uses storage policies, applied on a per-VM basis, to automate provisioning and balancing of storage resources to ensure that each virtual machine gets the specified storage resources and services.Virtual SAN Stretched Cluster– Create a stretched cluster between two geographically separate sites, synchronously replicating data between sites and enabling enterprise-level availability where an entire site failure can be tolerated, with no data loss and near zero downtime. Advanced management– Virtual SAN Management Pack for vRealize Operations delivers a comprehensive set of features to help manage Virtual SAN, including global visibility across multiple clusters, health monitoring with proactive notifications, performance monitoring and capacity monitoring and planning. The Health Check Plug-in complements the management pack for additional monitoring including HCL compatibility check and real-time diagnostics.Server-side read/write caching– Virtual SAN minimizes storage latency by accelerating read/write disk I/O traffic with built-in caching on server-side flash devices.Built-in failure tolerance– Virtual SAN leverages distributed RAID and cache mirroring to ensure that data is never lost if a disk, host, network or rack fails.Deployment OptionsCertified Hardware: Control your hardware infrastructure by choosing from certified components on the hardware compatibility list, see /resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCat egory=vsanPRIMEFLEX for VMware VSAN: Select a pre-configured hardware solution that is certified to run Virtual SAN. More information under:/global/products/computing/integrated-systems/ vmware-vsan.htmlVMware System RequirementsVirtual SAN certified:■1GB NIC; 10GB NIC recommended■SATA/SAS HBA or RAID controller■At least one flash caching device and one persistent storage disk (flash or HDD) for each capacity-contributing nodeClusterMinimum cluster size: two hostsSoftware■One of the following: VMware vSphere 6.0 U1 (any edition), VMware vSphere with Operations Management™ 6.1 (any edition), or VMware vCloud Suite® 6.0 (any edition updated with vSphere 6.0U1)■VMware vCenter Server™ 6.0 U1Additional hintWhen the Fujitsu 2GB UFM Flash Device is used as a boot device for VMware ESXi (vSphere) an additional local HDD is mandatory to store trace files and core dumps generated by VSAN. Such small HDD has to be connected to the onboard SAS/SATA controller and is not part of the VSAN storage.PRIMERGYFollowing PRIMERGY Servers are released for VMware software: VMware Systems Compatibility HCL:/go/hclFujitsu Manageability with ServerView SuiteServerView is able to manage PRIMERGY servers by means of the CIM provider that Fujitsu has integrated for VMware vSphere▪Management of the physical machine under the host operating system ESXi▪ServerView RAID for configuration and management of the RAID controllers in the physical machine▪Management of the virtual machines under the guest operating systems Windows and Linux▪Remote access via onboard Integrated Remote Management▪SupportMandatory Support and Subscription (SNS)SNS (Support and Subscription) is mandatory for at least 1 year for all VMware software products. Fujitsu offers its own support for VMware OEM software products. This support is available for different retention periods and different support levels. The Fujitsu support levels are: Platinum Support (7x24h) or Gold Support (5x9h). Both service levels can be ordered either for 1, 3 or 5 year support terms. Please choose the appropriate Support for your project.Your support agreement is with Fujitsu and VMware exclusively through Fujitsu (not with VMware directly). SNS is only for Fujitsu servers like PRIMERGY and PRIMEQUEST. Of course, SNS for VMware (OEM) software products can be renewed at Fujitsu prior to the end of the SNS term. SNS for VMware (OEM) software products cannot be renewed at VMware directly.Support Terms and ConditionsFujitsu Terms and Conditions can be found under:FUJITSU ServiceContract SoftwareFUJITSU Support Pack SoftwareTechnical Appendix VMware SoftwareFujitsu Professional ServiceInstallation, configuration or optimization services for VMware software are optional service offerings. Additionally operations services from Fujitsu are available. Any additional and optional service can be requested from Fujitsu Professional Services.Product Activation Code RegistrationPlease register your activation code at/code/fsc.Registration will generate the license key. Help can be found at: /support/licensing.html.If you have any problems, you can send an email to*********************.WarrantyClass: CConditionsThis software product is supplied to the customer under the VMware conditions as set forth in the EULA of the VMware software at/download/eula/.More informationIn addition to VMware software, Fujitsu provides a range of platform solutions. They combine reliable Fujitsu products with the best in services, know-how and worldwide partnerships. Fujitsu PortfolioBuilt on industry standards, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of IT hardware and software products, services, solutions and cloud offering, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions and includes the broad stack of Business Solutions, as well as the full stack of Cloud offerings. This allows customers to select from alternative sourcing and delivery models to increase their business agility and to improve their IT operation’s reliability. Computing Products/global/products/computing /Software/software/To learn more about VMware vSphere please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website. /ftsFujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment.Using our global know-how, we aim to contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment for future generations through IT.Please find further information at/global/about/environ mentAll rights reserved, including intellectual property rights. Changes to technical data reserved. Delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.For further information see/fts/resources/navigati on/terms-of-use.html©2015 Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbHTechnical data is subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.Phone: +49 5251/525-2182 Fax : +49 5251/525-322182E-mail:*************************.com Website: /fts 2015-11-30 EN。



目录VMware是什么 (2)认识VMware (2)VMware产品: (2)VMware工作站(VMware Workstation) (2)VMware Player (3)VMware服务器(VMware Server,旧称为VMware GSX Server) (3)VMware ESX服务器 (3)VMware ESXi 服务器 (4)VMware vSphere(Former VMware Infrastructure) (4)数据中心 (4)其它产品 (4)描述 (4)实现 (5)特点 (6)VMware虚拟机入门知识 (6)一、VMware 的特点 (6)二、VMware的运行原理 (7)三、vmware的系统要求: (8)四、主机的系统要求: (8)VMware是什么VMware是一家来自美国的虚拟软件提供商,也是全球最为著名的虚拟机软件公司,目前为EMC公司的全资子公司,成立于1998年,公司总部位于美国加州帕罗奥多Hillview大道3401号。

VMware所拥有的产品包括:VMware Workstation(VMware工作站)、VMware Player、VMware服务器、VMware ESX服务器、VMware ESXi 服务器、VMware vSphere、、虚拟中心(VirtualCenter)等等。

我们最为熟悉和了解的即VMware Workstation,或称VMware虚拟机,目前最新版本为VMware 7.0。

认识VMware相信不少网友已经使用VMware虚拟机不短的时间了,尤其是VMware Workstation,这款易用且强大的软件给我们在软件测试以及病毒测试等方面带来了很多的方便。



HCI vmware-vsan 产品说明书

HCI vmware-vsan 产品说明书

1借助 HCI 打造面向未来的数据中心在当今技术驱动的环境下,数字化商品和服务推动着现代业务的发展。

各行各业的企业都依靠 IT 提供自身所需的基础架构来打造这些数字化体验、满足不断变化的需求以及保持竞争优势。

随着对缩短销售就绪时间的预期增强以及越来越多的关键任务应用移出核心数据中心,IT 必须转向云运维模式,以期实现业务领导者所期望的速度、敏捷性和成本优势。


HCI 可以提高敏捷性、打造面向未来的基础架构,并降低存储成本。

行业领先的 HCI 软件体系HCI 概览超融合基础架构 (HCI) 通过统一管理软件将计算、存储和存储网络连接资源整合于业界标准的 x86 服务器中,并使用软件对集群资源进行抽象化和池化。

有了 HCI ,您可以充分利用自动化功能来提高业务敏捷性,减少常见任务所需的手动干预,同时消除孤立小环境并加快决策速度。

此外,HCI 还支持最新的存储技术,因而可提高关键业务应用的性能水平。

HCI 让您的基础架构投资充分顺应未来发展。


全面的功能使HCI 成为可同时管理传统虚拟机 (VM) 和新一代应用部署的理想平台。

HCI 利用行业标准的 x86 服务器来处理计算和存储,无需再以高昂的投资构建专门的存储以及存储之间的网络连接,进而有效降低成本。

HCI 采用线性扩展方式,所以您的企业不需要大笔提前采购,只在需要额外资源时以增量方式进行扩展即可。

VMware vSAN 市场领先的超融合基础架构软件1,也是您迈向混合云的第一步1. IDC ,Worldwide Quarterly Converged Systems Tracker ,2019 年 12 月 12 日。




VMware提供了多种不同的产品和服务,其中包括VMware Workstation、VMware Fusion、VMware vSphere等,这些产品和服务都有不同的收费标准。

首先,我们来看一下VMware Workstation的收费标准。

VMware Workstation是一款功能强大的桌面虚拟化软件,可以让用户在一台物理计算机上同时运行多个操作系统。

VMware Workstation的收费标准主要分为两个版本,分别是个人版和专业版。



其次,我们来看一下VMware Fusion的收费标准。

VMware Fusion是一款专为Mac用户设计的虚拟化软件,可以让用户在Mac上运行Windows和其他操作系统。

VMware Fusion的收费标准也分为个人版和专业版,个人版适用于个人用户,专业版适用于商业用户。

与VMware Workstation类似,用户可以根据自己的需求和预算来选择合适的版本进行购买。

最后,我们来看一下VMware vSphere的收费标准。

VMware vSphere是一款企业级虚拟化平台,可以帮助企业实现服务器虚拟化、存储虚拟化和网络虚拟化。

VMware vSphere的收费标准主要包括许可证和订阅两种方式。





vmware 产品线介绍

vmware 产品线介绍

vmware 产品线介绍Vmware 产品:VMware Workstation是一款帮助开发者和系统管理员进行软件开发,测试以及配置的强大虚拟机软件。

软件开发者借助它可以在同一台电脑上开发和测试适用于Microsoft Windows, Linux或者NetWare的复杂网络服务器应用程序。

一款入门级的 VMware Server,面向 x86 与 x86-64 服务器。

作为商业版VMware GSX Server的继任者,VMware Server for Linux/Windows允许用户同时运行多个操作系统。

VMware GSX Server是一套为关键商业环境所打造的企业级的虚拟服务器软件。

VMware GSX Server是市面上最具弹性且最容易部署的虚拟服务器软件。

VMware ESX Server是一个适用于任何系统环境的企业级的虚拟计算机软件。



VMware Player最大的不同之处就是省去了制作虚拟机的功能,就像其名字一样,它只是一个系统“播放器”,而不能用于创建虚拟系统。

VMware Converter是一款能将物理机系统转化为一个虚拟机映像文件的工具,而且生成的映像可以在VMware虚拟机软件中使用。

本软件融合了之前两个独立的工具:VMware P2V Assistant和Virtual Machine Importer。





VMware-GSX-Server这个版本就要安装在一个操作系统下了,这个操作系统叫做HOST OS.这个HOST OS可以是Windows 2000 Server以上的Windows系统或者是Linux(官方支持列表中只有RH,SUSE,Mandrake很少的几种),和VMware-ESX-Server一样带有远程web管理和客户端管理功能。

vmware 虚拟化解决方案

vmware 虚拟化解决方案

VMware 虚拟化解决方案1. 简介虚拟化技术是一种将硬件资源抽象化并将其划分为多个虚拟环境的技术。


VMware 是一家领先的虚拟化解决方案供应商,他们提供了一系列的产品和技术来帮助企业构建强大、灵活且高效的虚拟化环境。

2. VMware 虚拟化产品2.1 VMware vSphereVMware vSphere 是一个完整的虚拟化平台,它包含了一系列的产品和技术,包括 ESXi 虚拟化技术、vCenter Server 管理平台、vSphere Web Client 等。


此外,vSphere 还提供了高可用性、动态负载均衡、快照、数据保护等功能,以提高虚拟环境的稳定性和可靠性。

2.2 VMware WorkstationVMware Workstation 是一款桌面虚拟化软件,它可以在一台物理计算机上同时运行多个操作系统。

通过 VMware Workstation,用户可以创建、配置和管理虚拟机,并在虚拟机内安装不同的操作系统,如 Windows、Linux、MacOS 等。


2.3 VMware FusionVMware Fusion 是 VMware 公司为 Mac 用户开发的虚拟化解决方案。

它允许用户在 Mac 计算机上运行多个操作系统,如 Windows、Linux 等。

VMware Fusion 提供了一系列方便的功能,如拖放文件、智能快照、共享文件夹等,以方便用户在不同操作系统之间的无缝切换。

2.4 VMware HorizonVMware Horizon 是一款虚拟桌面解决方案,它提供了远程桌面和应用程序虚拟化服务。

通过 VMware Horizon,用户可以从任何设备上访问他们的桌面、应用程序和数据,实现真正的移动办公。



目录VMware是什么 (2)认识VMware (2)VMware产品: (2)VMware工作站(VMware Workstation) (2)VMware Player (3)VMware服务器(VMware Server,旧称为VMware GSX Server) (3)VMware ESX服务器 (3)VMware ESXi服务器 (4)VMware vSphere(Former VMware Infrastructure) (4)数据中心 (4)其它产品 (4)描述 (4)实现 (5)特点 (6)VMware虚拟机入门知识 (6)一、VMware的特点 (6)二、VMware的运行原理 (7)三、vmware的系统要求: (8)四、主机的系统要求: (8)VOI桌面虚拟化应用环境浅析 (9)VMware是什么VMware是一家来自美国的虚拟软件提供商,也是全球最为著名的虚拟机软件公司,目前为EMC公司的全资子公司,成立于1998年,公司总部位于美国加州帕罗奥多Hillview大道3401号。

VMware所拥有的产品包括:VMware Workstation(VMware工作站)、VMware Player、VMware服务器、VMware ESX服务器、VMware ESXi服务器、VMware vSphere、、虚拟中心(VirtualCenter)等等。

我们最为熟悉和了解的即VMware Workstation,或称VMware虚拟机,目前最新版本为VMware7.0。

认识VMware相信不少网友已经使用VMware虚拟机不短的时间了,尤其是VMware Workstation,这款易用且强大的软件给我们在软件测试以及病毒测试等方面带来了很多的方便。








VMware最著名的产品是其虚拟机软件VMware Workstation和VMware Fusion。




VMware的虚拟基础设施产品主要包括vSphere、vCenter Server和ESXi。


vCenter Server是一个集中管理工具,可以管理和监控整个虚拟化环境。



其中最重要的是vCloud Suite,这是一个集成的云基础设施平台,可以在私有云、公有云和混合云环境下运行。

vCloud Suite提供了一套完整的云计算功能,包括自动化、灵活性、安全性和可扩展性等。

此外,VMware还提供了一些其他的产品和解决方案,包括VMware Horizon、VMware NSX和VMware Workspace ONE。

VMware Horizon是一种虚拟桌面基础设施(VDI)解决方案,可以将用户的桌面环境虚拟化,并提供统一的访问和管理。

VMware NSX是一种软件定义网络(SDN)解决方案,可以提供网络和安全的虚拟化。

VMware Workspace ONE是一种数字工作空间解决方案,可以集成应用程序、数据和设备管理,提供统一的用户体验。

产品介绍-VMware vCloud Suite Standard、Advanced 和 Enterprise 版本-WEB-PDF-简体中文版

产品介绍-VMware vCloud Suite Standard、Advanced 和 Enterprise 版本-WEB-PDF-简体中文版

VMware vCloud Suite 是什么?vCloud Suite 提供了一整套组件,可根据利用软件定义的数据中心体系结构的 VMware vSphere 来构建和运行私有云基础架构。


vCloud Suite 5.5 集成了以下产品:• VMware vSphere®:具备基于策略的自动化功能的计算虚拟化平台• VMware vCenter™ Site Recovery Manager™:自动规划、测试和执行灾难恢复• VMware vCloud Networking and Security™:借助体系集成确保虚拟化计算环境的网络连接和安全性。

• VMware vCloud® Automation Center™:支持策略的自助式云计算服务调配。

• VMware vCenter™ Operations Management Suite™:对动态云计算环境的性能、容量和配置进行集成式的主动管理。

• VMware vCloud Director®:具备多租户和公有云可延展性的虚拟化数据中心下列附加产品进一步扩展了 vCloud Suite 的功能:• VMware Virtual SAN™:此软件定义的存储平台采用突破性技术,可自动将本地存储池化并转变为共享存储。

• VMware NSX™:与硬件完全分离的全面安全和网络虚拟化• VMware vCloud® Hybrid Service™:VMware 的公有云服务,基于软件定义的数据中心体系结构,可帮助客户创建混合云• VMware vCenter™ Log Insight™:针对虚拟环境的横向扩展日志聚合和分析工具• VMware IT Business Management™:对云环境中交付的应用和服务进行 IT 财务管理和成本基准分析VMware vCloud® Suite™ 是一款基于 VMware vSphere®的私有云基础架构解决方案。








VMware的虚拟化产品VMware提供了一系列的虚拟化产品,包括:1.VMware ESXi:这是一种基于hypervisor的裸机虚拟化技术,可以直接运行在物理服务器硬件上,将物理服务器划分为多个虚拟机,并让它们共享物理资源。

2.VMware Workstation:这是一种桌面虚拟化软件,可以在一台物理电脑上同时运行多个虚拟操作系统实例,实现多操作系统的同时运行和测试。

3.VMware Fusion:这是一种专门为Mac用户设计的虚拟化软件,可以在Mac电脑上运行多个虚拟操作系统。

4.VMware Player:这是一种免费的桌面虚拟化软件,可以让用户在其个人电脑上运行虚拟机。

5.VMware vSphere:这是一种集成的虚拟化和云计算平台,提供了虚拟化、存储、网络和管理的综合解决方案,能够帮助企业构建自己的私有云环境。





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境, 保存开发、测试环境) 8. 虚拟桌面VDI的应用 9. 老操作系统在新款服务器或台式机上的使用
Vmware 分区
SAP 备份
金碟 备份
OA 备份
营销 中烟 备份
物资 生产
VMWARE x3850M2/x3950M2
1U, 2U PC Servers
物理 SMP服务器
物理 SMP服务器
物理 SMP服务器
物理 SMP服务器
x3850M2/x3950M2 x3850M2/x3950M2 x3850M2/x3950M2 x3850应用场景3:虚拟化PC
当你发现客户有200台PC需求时, 可以和客户推荐 虚拟化PC, 即用BladeCenter S + 终端 客户好处:安全, 管理方便,
寄居架构(Hosted Architecture)
高级架构 (“Bare Metal” Architecture)
例如:VM Server, Workstation, Player 安装和运行应用程序
依赖于主机操作系统对设备的支持和物 力资源的管理
例如:ESX Server 依赖虚拟层内核 代理和帮助应用的服务控制台
BI 备份
营销 备份 中烟
物资 备份 生产 备份
9 版权所有 © 2008 VMware, Inc. 保留所有权利。
负载A 负载B 负载C 负载D 负载E 负载F 负载G 负载H 负载I A B C D E F G H
1. 提高服务器利用率 2. 降低服务器管理成本(机房外的控制台,在办公桌上操作) 3. 降低服务器部署时间(提高工作效率,避免重复劳动) 4. 系统级隔离和安全(高枕无忧地运行具体应用程序) 5. 降低TOC, 提高ROI (充分利用各种硬件资源,资源池的利用) 6. 虚拟提供全面的可扩展性, 时刻提供高可用性( Vmotion,DRS, HA) 7. 提高开发人员的工作效率, 为其带来诸多便利 (搭建开发、测试环
Vmware 虚拟化技术介绍
© 2009 VMware Inc. All rights reserved
1. 2010年,虚拟化是CIO的第 1 需求。(来自Gartner CIO study) 2. IDC 服务器虚拟化预测,2011年有20%的新发货的服务器使用虚拟化。 3. Gartner统计,截止 2009年底,84%的虚拟化应用运行在VMware上。 4. 财富 100 强中,100%使用VMware 5. 财富 1000 强中,96%使用VMware
服务器整合与控制 - 利用虚拟化技术在更少的服务器上运行多种工作负 载,同时降低企业未来对物理服务器的需求,从而使服务器数量剧增现象 得到控制。 开发和测试优化 - 利用虚拟化技术降低开发和测试的成本,提高工作效 率和质量,从而改变软件的生命周期。
业务连续性 - 使高可用性和灾难恢复解决方案更加经济高效、更简单、 更可靠,从而减少停机。
虚拟机可以在物理机直接迁移而业务不中断。 4. DRS分布式资源调配
虚拟机的迁移过程是自动的,根据资源的使用情况和事先指定好 的策略进行。 5. 虚拟资源的热添加 (CPU, 内存,IO设备) 6. SRM 站点恢复管理,VMware提供的虚拟化环境的远程容灾产品。
DRS 确保按需调整资源配置
使用 VMware 之前 使用 VMware 之后
相同的人数完成更多的工作 = 节省 运营成本 工作效率提高的促进因素:
即时部署 动态补丁应用 零停机维护 内置高可用性 自动灾难恢复
来源:IDC 和 VMware TAM 计划
在最安全、最可靠的虚拟化平台上提供最高的整合率 安全地提高利用率 降低 80% 的能耗
动态迁移服务器和存储 实时关闭不需要的服务器 动态迁移存储 降低 25% 的能耗
在数据中心托管桌面 PC 使用瘦客户端,可使刷新周期加倍 避免存储相似的桌面映像 降低 70% 的能耗
工作效率、灵活性与 3 响应度
利用虚拟化技术把桌 面系统放在服务器上
XP Pro 1 XP Pro 2 XP Pro 3 XP Pro N
VM 2
VM 3
用户1 用户2 用户3
1. ESX/ESXi 虚拟化层,所有虚拟机都运行在这个软件平台上。 2. vCenter Server 整个虚拟化环境的管理中心。 3. vMotion 实时的虚拟机迁移
桌面可管理性和安全性 - 减少从员工的远程或客户端 PC 访问企业资源 时存在的风险,并增强安全性。
版权所有 © 2006 -2009 VMware, Inc. 保留所有权利。
1 降低物理基础架构的成本
降低数据中心的运营成本 (例如:能耗和散热)
3 提高工作效率、运营灵活性和响应度
使用 VMware 之前
服务器 利用率 存储 网络
50 8% 直连式 150 网线/端口 10 个机架 20 个电源插座
使用 VMware 之后
利用率 存储 网络 设备
4 80% NAS 12 网线/端口 1 个机架 2 个电源插座
版权所有 © 2005 VMware, Inc. 保留所有权利。
XESX Server 物理服务器
ESX Server 物理服务器
Vmotion的意义: ✓通过VMotion可以实现在业务不中断的前提下,动态迁移虚拟机
✓零宕机时间: 进行有计划的服务器维护和升级时,通过动态迁移虚拟机,保证零宕机 ✓保障服务器的业务连续性 ✓支持Fibre Channel、iSCSI SAN环境以及NAS等中央存储