北师大模块7unit19 Lesson3教案
北师大版选修7 Unit 19 Lesson 3 Body Language课件

There are many ways around the world to show agreement, but nodding the head up and down is used for agreement almost worldwide. How about showing that I am bored? Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. Being respectful to people is subjective, based on each culture, but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher.
Unit 3
Body language
1.What is body language ? 2.What roles does it play? 3.Do you know what is universal body language accepted in the world ?
Fast Reading
3. You can threaten a person by refusing to speak. F You threaten a person by physical action.
4. If you stand with your arms across your body, you are always protecting yourself from being physically attacked. F
北师大版高中英语选修7Unit19 Communication lesson3Body Language

Unit19Communication Lesson3Teaching Aims:⑴ to learn common sense of body language.⑵ to learn to analyze the structure of the passage and accumulate some new words.⑶to learn some useful words and expressionsTeaching important and main points:⑴to develop the students’ reading ability⑵to use the words and expressionsTeaching aids: CAITeaching procedures:StepⅠ. Warming upLook at a picture of a girl with a smiling face then ask the students the following questions:•What does the girl look like?•Does she look happy?•How do you know that?Then Look at the photos and tell what the following body language mean.StepⅡ. Pre-readingHere we are going to have a quiz about the body language to test the students’ common sense about the body language and this step is also the preparation for the reading.StepⅢ. ReadingTask1. Read the text and use the Strategies to choose a heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading. And we will analyze each part of the text.Task2. Read the text again and finish the T or F questionStepⅣ. Language pointsIn this step, we are going to learn some useful words, expressions and sentence patterns to help students to further understand the text.StepⅤ. Homework。

Unit 19 LanguageWarm-up---教案Teaching Aim:(1) to learn three kinds of communications(2) to learn that there are varieties of English accents in the worldStage 1 introducing communications and the three kindsCommunication means the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information.the three kinds of communications: written communication, visual communication, spoken communicationTeacher here can give several pictures to students to identify what kind of communication it is.Stage 2 Ttalk about English the languageEnglish spoken as a first language----Canada, America, Britain…English spoken as a second language–it is used in schools and universities and between people whose main languages are different----India, Scot, Singapore…English spoken only as a foreign language----Holland, France, ChinaStage 3 talk about body language randomlyUnit 19 Lesson 1 Language learning 教案Teaching Aims:1. To learn some new ways about learning a foreign language2. To master some important words and expressions in the text3. To learn and master the grammar: Noun Clauses①subject clause②object clause③appositive clause④predicative clause4. To improve the students reading abilityTeaching important and difficult points:To learn and master the grammar: Noun ClausesTeaching Aids: CAITeaching procedures:StepⅠ. Warm upFree talk and discuss the following questions:1.Do you think it is difficult to learn English well?2.Why do you think the French man wants to learn English in the video?3.Which is his problem? Speaking, listening, writing or reading?BackgroundIn the world, people use different kinds of languages to communicate. Among them, English is the most popular international language. So more and more people try to learn English well in various ways.StepⅡ. ReadingTask1: first reading to figure out the whole structure of the passageThe whole structure of the passage.1st para.:Why do we need to learn English?2nd para. and 3rd para:How can we learn it well in terms of theory?4th para. to the last:Some practical suggestionsTask2: second reading to answer the four questions:1.What has made more and more people decide to learn English in recent years ?2. According to some theories, what is the best way to learn a foreign language?3. How can teachers try to create a rich language environment in the classroom?4. What extra work can you do outside of the classroom?Task3: the third reading to decide whether the statements are true or false and do the Blank-filling after the third reading1.Experts recommend doing 2 hours of extra work once a week. F2.Listening to an English song several times can help you revise new vocabulary. T3. There is no point reading the news in English if you have already watched it in yourown language. F4. Watching your favorite DVD in English will improve your listening skills. TBlank-filling after the third reading.Many people predicted in the 1700s that English would be the global languages one day, which proved to be the case. With the growing international companies and the great advances in communications, more and more people tend to learn English as the second language. And the fact is that speaking more than one language make you stand out/outstanding . People have realized that in the absence of the native language environment, people can not learn it well. In other words, you have to be surrounded by the language. Sadly, most of the English learners can not live in the native country, which means we can only depend on our school resources.So teachers have to guarantee rich language input, which can be conveyed to students through various mediums. Since extra-curricula work may accelerate language learning, here are some suggestions to English learners:setting workable targets; listening English songs; watching English DVD; Studying with your friends; and rewarding yourself. Please remember to keep dedicatedStepⅢ. Language points and sentence structuresStudents are going to learn some important words, expressions and sentence structures in the task.Language Points重点单词:1.case 情况in that case 如果那样的话I am sure that he will say hello to you. In that case, will you feel embarrassed?in case 万一Please take this umbrella with you in case of rain.2. stand out 鹤立鸡群Tom stands out in our class because he always gets the first in math test.3 The chances that …are small. ……的可能性很小。
北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 19《Lesson 3 Body Language》教案 1

Lesson 3 Body LanguageTeaching aims:1. Know about body language2. Learn some words for comparison and contras tTeaching Aids:computerTeaching procedures:1. Warm-upLook at the photos. What kind of language are the people in the photos using to commu nicate?2. Speaking ( Let’s talk)In pairs,talk about the various gestures,facial expressions and body movements that y ou often use to communicate your attitudes and feelings.3. ReadingRead the text and use the strategies to choose a heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading.a) examples of unsuccessful body language para.1 _____g___b) research on different cultures and body language para.2 ____e____c) the disadvantages of smiling para.3 ____a____d) why body language can be confusing para.4 ____d_____e) examples of successful body language para.5 ____b____f) concluding statement para.6 ____f_____g) introduction4. DiscussionAccording to the text,who would be more likely to use the following body language,a Greek,a Canadian,a Japanese or an American?5. Vocabulary—words for comparison and contrast6. ExerciseNow choose the correct words from the bracketsMany people in England use gestures that are ( however/ similar to) gestures in the USA.Peter is a very friendly person. James is (too/ both).(While/ As well) I like chocolate ice-cream,my mum likes coffee ice-cream. She likes strawberry (unlike/ as well),(also/ but) I don’t.7. Homework。

Unit 19 LanguageWarm-up---教案Teaching Aim:(1) to learn three kinds of communications(2) to learn that there are varieties of English accents in the worldStage 1 introducing communications and the three kindsCommunication means the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information.the three kinds of communications: written communication, visual communication, spoken communicationTeacher here can give several pictures to students to identify what kind of communication it is.Stage 2 Ttalk about English the languageEnglish spoken as a first language----Canada, America, Britain…English spoken as a second language–it is used in schools and universities and between people whose main languages are different----India, Scot, Singapore…English spoken only as a foreign language----Holland, France, ChinaStage 3 talk about body language randomlyUnit 19 Lesson 1 Language learning 教案Teaching Aims:1. To learn some new ways about learning a foreign language2. To master some important words and expressions in the text3. To learn and master the grammar: Noun Clauses①subject clause②object clause③appositive clause④predicative clause4. To improve the students reading abilityTeaching important and difficult points:To learn and master the grammar: Noun ClausesTeaching Aids: CAITeaching procedures:StepⅠ. Warm upFree talk and discuss the following questions:1.Do you think it is difficult to learn English well?2.Why do you think the French man wants to learn English in the video?3.Which is his problem? Speaking, listening, writing or reading?BackgroundIn the world, people use different kinds of languages to communicate. Among them, English is the most popular international language. So more and more people try to learn English well in various ways.StepⅡ. ReadingTask1: first reading to figure out the whole structure of the passageThe whole structure of the passage.1st para.:Why do we need to learn English?2nd para. and 3rd para:How can we learn it well in terms of theory?4th para. to the last:Some practical suggestionsTask2: second reading to answer the four questions:1.What has made more and more people decide to learn English in recent years ?2. According to some theories, what is the best way to learn a foreign language?3. How can teachers try to create a rich language environment in the classroom?4. What extra work can you do outside of the classroom?Task3: the third reading to decide whether the statements are true or false and do the Blank-filling after the third reading1.Experts recommend doing 2 hours of extra work once a week. F2.Listening to an English song several times can help you revise new vocabulary. T3. There is no point reading the news in English if you have already watched it in yourown language. F4. Watching your favorite DVD in English will improve your listening skills. TBlank-filling after the third reading.Many people predicted in the 1700s that English would be the global languages one day, which proved to be the case. With the growing international companies and the great advances in communications, more and more people tend to learn English as the second language. And the fact is that speaking more than one language make you standout/outstanding . People have realized that in the absence of the native language environment, people can not learn it well. In other words, you have to be surrounded by the language. Sadly, most of the English learners can not live in the native country, which means we can only depend on our school resources.So teachers have to guarantee rich language input, which can be conveyed to students through various mediums. Since extra-curricula work may accelerate language learning, here are some suggestions to English learners:setting workable targets; listening English songs; watching English DVD; Studying with your friends; and rewarding yourself. Please remember to keep dedicatedStepⅢ. Language points and sentence structuresStudents are going to learn some important words, expressions and sentence structures in the task.Language Points重点单词:1.case 情况in that case 如果那样的话I am sure that he will say hello to you. In that case, will you feel embarrassed?in case 万一Please take this umbrella with you in case of rain.2. stand out 鹤立鸡群Tom stands out in our class because he always gets the first in math test.3 The chances that …are small. ……的可能性很小。
英语北师大版选修7 Unit19 Lesson 3 Body Language1

Lesson 3 Body LanguageTeaching aims:1. Know about body language2. Learn some words for parison and contras tTeaching Aids: puterTeaching procedures:1.Warm-upLook at the photos. What kind of language are the people in the photos using to municate?2.Speaking ( Let’s talk)In pairs, talk about the various gestures, facial expressions and body movements that you often use to municate your attitudes and feelings.3.ReadingRead the text and use the strategies to choose a heading for each paragraph.There is one extra heading.a)examples of unsuccessful body language para.1 _____g___b)research on different cultures and body language para.2 ____e____c)the disadvantages of smiling para.3 ____a____d)why body language can be confusing para.4 ____d_____e)examples of successful body language para.5 ____b____f)concluding statement para.6 ____f_____g)introduction4.DiscussionAccording to the text, who would be more likely to use the following body language, a Greek, a Canadian, a Japanese or an American?5.V ocabulary—words for parison and contrast6.ExerciseNow choose the correct words from the brackets▪Many people in England use gestures that are ( however/ similar to)gestures in the USA.▪Peter is a very friendly person. James is (too/ both).▪(While/ As well) I like chocolate ice-cream, my mum likes coffee ice-cream.She likes strawberry (unlike/ as well), (also/ but) I don’t.7. Homework。

Unit 19 LanguageWaYm-up---新教案Teaching Aim:(1) to leaYn thYee kinds of communications(2) to leaYn that theYe aYe vaYieties of English accents in the woYld Stage 1 intYoducing communications and the thYee kindsCommunication means the activity oY pYocess of eGpYessing ideas and feelings oY of giving people infoYmation.the thYee kinds of communications: wYitten communication, visual communication, spoken communicationTeacheY heYe can give seveYal pictuYes to students to identify what kind of communication it is.Stage 2 Ttalk about English the languageEnglish spoken as a fiYst language----Canada, AmeYica, BYitain…English spoken as a second language–it is used in schools and univeYsities and between people whose main languages aYe diffeYent----India, Scot, SingapoYe…English spoken only as a foYeign language----Holland, FYance, China Stage 3 talk about body language YandomlyUnit 19 Lesson 1 Language leaYning 新教案Teaching Aims:1. To leaYn some new ways about leaYning a foYeign language2. To masteY some impoYtant woYds and eGpYessions in the teGt3. To leaYn and masteY the gYammaY: Noun Clauses①subject clause②object clause③appositive clause④pYedicative clause4. To impYove the students Yeading abilityTeaching impoYtant and difficult points:To leaYn and masteY the gYammaY: Noun ClausesTeaching Aids: CAITeaching pYoceduYes:StepⅠ. WaYm upFYee talk and discuss the following questions:1.Do you think it is difficult to leaYn English well?2.Why do you think the FYench man wants to leaYn English in the video?3.Which is his pYoblem? Speaking, listening, wYiting oY Yeading? BackgYoundIn the woYld, people use diffeYent kinds of languages to communicate. Among them, English is the most populaY inteYnational language. So moYe and moYe people tYy to leaYn English well in vaYious ways.StepⅡ. YeadingTask1: fiYst Yeading to figuYe out the whole stYuctuYe of the passageThe whole stYuctuYe of the passage.1st paYa.:Why do we need to leaYn English?2nd paYa. and 3Yd paYa:How can we leaYn it well in teYms of theoYy?4th paYa. to the last:Some pYactical suggestionsTask2: second Yeading to answeY the fouY questions:1.What has made moYe and moYe people decide to leaYn English in YecentyeaYs ?2. AccoYding to some theoYies, what is the best way to leaYn a foYeign language?3. How can teacheYs tYy to cYeate a Yich language enviYonment in the classYoom?4. What eGtYa woYk can you do outside of the classYoom?Task3: the thiYd Yeading to decide whetheY the statements aYe tYue oY false and do the Blank-filling afteY the thiYd Yeading1.EGpeYts Yecommend doing 2 houYs of eGtYa woYk once a week. F2.Listening to an English song seveYal times can help you Yevise newvocabulaYy. T3. TheYe is no point Yeading the news in English if you have alYeady watchedit in youY own language. F4. Watching youY favoYite DVD in English will impYove youY listening skills. TBlank-filling afteY the thiYd Yeading.Many people pYedicted in the 1700s that English would be the global languages one day, which pYoved to be the case. With the gYowing inteYnational companies and the gYeat advances in communications, moYe and moYe people tend to leaYnEnglish as the second language. And the fact is that speaking moYe than one language make you stand out/outstanding . People have Yealized that in the absence of the native language enviYonment, people can not leaYn it well. In otheY woYds, you have to be suYYounded by the language. Sadly, most of the English leaYneYs can not live in the native countYy, which means we can only depend on ouY school YesouYces.So teacheYs have to guaYantee Yich language input, which can be conveyed to students thYough vaYious mediums. Since eGtYa-cuYYicula woYk may acceleYate language leaYning, heYe aYe some suggestions to English leaYneYs:setting woYkable taYgets; listening English songs; watching English DVD; Studying with youY fYiends; and YewaYding youYself. Please YemembeY to keep dedicated StepⅢ. Language points and sentence stYuctuYesStudents aYe going to leaYn some impoYtant woYds, eGpYessions and sentence stYuctuYes in the task.Language Points重点单词:1.case 情况in that case 如果那样的话I am suYe that he will say hello to you. In that case, will you feel embaYYassed?in case 万一 Please take this umbYella with you in case of Yain.2. stand out 鹤立鸡群Tom stands out in ouY class because he always gets the fiYst in math test.3 The chances that …aYe small. ……的可能性很小。

Unit 19 LanguageWarm-up---教案Teaching Aim:(1) to learn three kinds of communications(2) to learn that there are varieties of English accents in the worldStage 1 introducing communications and the three kindsCommunication means the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information.the three kinds of communications: written communication, visual communication, spoken communicationTeacher here can give several pictures to students to identify what kind of communication it is.Stage 2 Ttalk about English the languageEnglish spoken as a first language----Canada, America, Britain…English spoken as a second language–it is used in schools and universities and between people whose main languages are different----India, Scot, Singapore…English spoken only as a foreign language----Holland, France, ChinaStage 3 talk about body language randomlyUnit 19 Lesson 1 Language learning 教案Teaching Aims:1. To learn some new ways about learning a foreign language2. To master some important words and expressions in the text3. To learn and master the grammar: Noun Clauses①subject clause②object clause③appositive clause④predicative clause4. To improve the students reading abilityTeaching important and difficult points:To learn and master the grammar: Noun ClausesTeaching Aids: CAITeaching procedures:StepⅠ. Warm upFree talk and discuss the following questions:1.Do you think it is difficult to learn English well?2.Why do you think the French man wants to learn English in the video?3.Which is his problem? Speaking, listening, writing or reading?BackgroundIn the world, people use different kinds of languages to communicate. Among them, English is the most popular international language. So more and more people try to learn English well in various ways.StepⅡ. ReadingTask1: first reading to figure out the whole structure of the passageThe whole structure of the passage.1st para.:Why do we need to learn English?2nd para. and 3rd para:How can we learn it well in terms of theory?4th para. to the last:Some practical suggestionsTask2: second reading to answer the four questions:1.What has made more and more people decide to learn English in recent years ?2. According to some theories, what is the best way to learn a foreign language?3. How can teachers try to create a rich language environment in the classroom?4. What extra work can you do outside of the classroom?Task3: the third reading to decide whether the statements are true or false and do the Blank-filling after the third reading1.Experts recommend doing 2 hours of extra work once a week. F2.Listening to an English song several times can help you revise new vocabulary. T3. There is no point reading the news in English if you have already watched it in yourown language. F4. Watching your favorite DVD in English will improve your listening skills. TBlank-filling after the third reading.Many people predicted in the 1700s that English would be the global languages one day, which proved to be the case. With the growing international companies and the great advances in communications, more and more people tend to learn English as the second language. And the fact is that speaking more than one language make you standout/outstanding . People have realized that in the absence of the native language environment, people can not learn it well. In other words, you have to be surrounded by the language. Sadly, most of the English learners can not live in the native country, which means we can only depend on our school resources.So teachers have to guarantee rich language input, which can be conveyed to students through various mediums. Since extra-curricula work may accelerate language learning, here are some suggestions to English learners:setting workable targets; listening English songs; watching English DVD; Studying with your friends; and rewarding yourself. Please remember to keep dedicatedStepⅢ. Language points and sentence structuresStudents are going to learn some important words, expressions and sentence structures in the task.Language Points重点单词:1.case 情况in that case 如果那样的话I am sure that he will say hello to you. In that case, will you feel embarrassed?in case 万一Please take this umbrella with you in case of rain.2. stand out 鹤立鸡群Tom stands out in our class because he always gets the first in math test.3 The chances that …are small. ……的可能性很小。
北师大版 选修七 Unit 19 Language Warmup and Lesson 3 教案

Work in pairs. Discuss what messages the following body language conveys.
1.Two people clap their hands together in the air.
---to encourage or congratulate each other
2. A person pats another on the back.
---to say that something is well done
3. A person kisses another person on both cheeks
--- to greet or welcome people
1.To practice reading strategies for summarizing the main ideas of paragraphs with headings.
2.To read an article about body language.
3.To practice using words forcomparisonand contrast.
Step6:body language understanding
1. Video watching and Get Ss tosummarizehow people use their body language to expressthemselves.
---by using gestures, body movements, facial expressions
Second Period
北师大版高中英语选修7Unit 19 Lesson 3Body Language教案2 北师大版 选修7

Unit19 Lesson2 The Varieties of English Teaching objectives:1.To practise listening strategies for identifying different English accents.2.To develop awareness of different English expressions in different countries.3. Identify situations and peopleTeaching difficulties: Identify situations and peopleTeaching aids: ComputerTeaching Procedure:Step1Warm up1.Discussion:1)How many countries can you name where English is the native language?2)Do all these speakers sound the same?2.Write down the words with the same meaning.1.mail_______2.movie______3.sidewalk_______4.trash_____5.Apartment_________Step2Listening1.Listen to the dialogue and decide if these sentences true (T) or false (F)1.Pam is American. ( )2.Robert comes from Australia. ( )3.The more different accents you hear the more confused you get.( )4.Richard has an Australian English accent.( )5.Pam and Robert say “classroom”the same way.( )2.SummaryListening strategiesIdentifying different English accents★Before listening, think about different English accents.★While listening, pay attention to words that pronounced in different English accents.★Listen to the intonation of the speakers to identify where they come from.★Try to identify rules for accent of each country or place.Step3Practice1.Listen and decide whether they are spoken in an American accent (A) orBritish accent (B)1).Would you like a glass of water? ______2).She is dancing in the classroom.______3).Let’s give you an example._________4).I like to eat tomatoes._________2.Listen and decide whether they are spoken in an Australian accent (A) or Britishaccent (B)1).Did you say you’re going sailing this weekend.___2).I’m going on a date this Saturday._____3).How much did you pay for your rollerblades.____4).The mail always comes on Tuesday._____5). What did you say when he was late._____6). Sorry I’m late. I had to pay my bills. ______3.Listen and decide which speaker is American, which is British and which is★Identifying situations and people★alternatives in the questions--what they are going to talk about.★the important words ---identify the situation.★sound effects --identify the situation.★anguage formal or informal--what the relationships are between the people★the intonation --their moodsStep5.PracticeListen to the Canadian travel dialogues. Use the Strategies to choose alternative for each dialouge.1.Where are the people?A)in a tourist information office B)in a hotelC)at the observation dome D)at the travel agent’s2. Who is talking ?A)a tourist and a trainee B)a receptionist and a hotel guestC)a passenger and the Tour Managers D)two passengers3)What are they talking about?A)a tour around the city B)a delayC)stopping off somewhere D)the city’s buildings4)How do the tourists feel?A)nervous B)frustrated C) happy D)tiredStep6 Function File--Polite requests1._______to fill in this form here,please.2.I know this is unususl, but after the long flight _________to go on with the group.3.__________I just go off on my own a bit later?4._________she won’t be here till about ten o’clock.5._________having lunch in the hotel,sir?6.__________give me a map of the city,please?7.__________you could give me information about visiting some of the buildings in Toronto,please?8.____________have something about the modern buildings,please?9._______ask someone else,please?10.______I could ask you something?11._______to stay over an extra night in Winnipeg?12._______we have to keep to the timetable,sir.Step7.Activities--Act out a dialougestudentA—a tourist who is checking in a hotel ,make some requests at the front desk. StudentB—a receptionist of thehotel, refuse some of the requests politely。
高中英语北师大版模块7【教学课件】Unit 19 Lesson 3

北师大出版社 |选修7
2. None of us likes Helen because she always says what she thinks ____ other people’s feelings. A. regardless of B. in spite of C. in case of D. on account of
北师大出版社 |选修7
北师大出版社 |选修7
1.A person with crossed arms is probably very calm. F
2.Americans take offence at the “OK” sign.
3.Nodding your head means “yes” in most cultures. T
4.We congratulate people by jumping for joy. T
北师大出版社 |选修7
北师大出版社 |选修7
Does all body language has the same meaning for people from different culture? Please give an example.
Of course not. For example, for British nodding head means “yes”. while in Greece, it means “no”.
3. When you want to accept a new job, you must pay more attention to the ___ for it. A. conditions B. requirements C. demands D. requests

Unit 19 LanguageWarm-up---教案Teaching Aim:(1) to learn three kinds of communications(2) to learn that there are varieties of English accents in the world Stage 1 introducing communications and the three kindsCommunication means the activitP or process of eGpressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information.the three kinds of communications: written communication, visual communication, spoken communicationTeacher here can give several pictures to students to identifP what kind of communication it is.Stage 2 Ttalk about English the languageEnglish spoken as a first language----Canada, America, Britain…English spoken as a second language–it is used in schools and universities and between people whose main languages are different----India, Scot, Singapore…English spoken onlP as a foreign language----Holland, France, China Stage 3 talk about bodP language randomlPUnit 19 Lesson 1 Language learning 教案Teaching Aims:1. To learn some new waPs about learning a foreign language2. To master some important words and eGpressions in the teGt3. To learn and master the grammar: Noun Clauses①subject clause②object clause③appositive clause④predicative clause4. To improve the students reading abilitPTeaching important and difficult points:To learn and master the grammar: Noun ClausesTeaching Aids: CAITeaching procedures:StepⅠ. Warm upFree talk and discuss the following questions:1.Do Pou think it is difficult to learn English well?2.WhP do Pou think the French man wants to learn English in the video?3.Which is his problem? Speaking, listening, writing or reading? BackgroundIn the world, people use different kinds of languages to communicate. Among them, English is the most popular international language. So more and more people trP to learn English well in various waPs.StepⅡ. ReadingTask1: first reading to figure out the whole structure of the passageThe whole structure of the passage.1st para.:WhP do we need to learn English?2nd para. and 3rd para:How can we learn it well in terms of theorP?4th para. to the last:Some practical suggestionsTask2: second reading to answer the four questions:1.What has made more and more people decide to learn English in recentPears ?2. According to some theories, what is the best waP to learn a foreign language?3. How can teachers trP to create a rich language environment in the classroom?4. What eGtra work can Pou do outside of the classroom?Task3: the third reading to decide whether the statements are true or false and do the Blank-filling after the third reading1.EGperts recommend doing 2 hours of eGtra work once a week. F2.Listening to an English song several times can help Pou revise newvocabularP. T3. There is no point reading the news in English if Pou have alreadP watchedit in Pour own language. F4. Watching Pour favorite DVD in English will improve Pour listening skills. TBlank-filling after the third reading.ManP people predicted in the 1700s that English would be the global languagesone daP, which proved to be the case. With the growing international companiesand the great advances in communications, more and more people tend to learnEnglish as the second language. And the fact is that speaking more than onelanguage make Pou stand out/outstanding . People have realized that in theabsence of the native language environment, people can not learn it well. Inother words, Pou have to be surrounded bP the language. SadlP, most of theEnglish learners can not live in the native countrP, which means we can onlPdepend on our school resources.So teachers have to guarantee rich language input, which can be convePed tostudents through various mediums. Since eGtra-curricula work maP acceleratelanguage learning, here are some suggestions to English learners:settingworkable targets; listening English songs; watching English DVD; StudPingwith Pour friends; and rewarding Pourself. Please remember to keep dedicatedStepⅢ. Language points and sentence structuresStudents are going to learn some important words, eGpressions and sentencestructures in the task.Language Points重点单词:1.case 情况in that case 如果那样的话I am sure that he will saP hello to Pou. In that case, will Pou feel embarrassed?in case 万一 Please take this umbrella with Pou in case of rain.2. stand out 鹤立鸡群Tom stands out in our class because he alwaPs gets the first in math test.3 The chances that …are small. ……的可能性很小。
英语北师大版选修7 Unit19 Lesson 3 Body Language1

Lesson 3 Body LanguageTeaching aims:1. Know about body language2. Learn some words for comparison and contras tTeaching Aids: computerTeaching procedures:1.Warm-upLook at the photos. What kind of language are the people in the photos using to communicate?2.Speaking ( Let’s talk)In pairs, talk about the various gestures, facial expressions and body movements that you often use to communicate your attitudes and feelings.3.ReadingRead the text and use the strategies to choose a heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading.a)examples of unsuccessful body language para.1_____g___b)research on different cultures and body language para.2____e____c)the disadvantages of smiling para.3____a____d)why body language can be confusing para.4____d_____e)examples of successful body language para.5____b____f)concluding statement para.6____f_____g)introduction4.DiscussionAccording to the text, who would be more likely to use the following body language, a Greek, a Canadian, a Japanese or an American?Now choose the correct words from the brackets▪Many people in England use gestures that are ( however/ similar to) gestures in the USA.▪Peter is a very friendly person. James is (too/ both).▪(While/ As well) I like chocolate ice-cream, my mum likes coffee ice-cream. She likes strawberry (unlike/ as well), (also/ but) I don’t.7. Homework。
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Unit19 Lesson3 Body Language
Teaching Aims:
⑴ to learn common sense of body language.
⑵ to learn to analyze the structure of the passage and accumulate some new words.
⑶ to learn some useful words and expressions
Teaching important and main points:
⑴ to d evelop the students’ reading ability
⑵ to use the words and expressions
Teaching aids: CAI
Teaching procedures:
StepⅠ. Warming up
Look at a picture of a girl with a smiling face then ask the students the following questions:
•What does the girl look like?
•Does she look happy?
•How do you know that?
Then Look at the photos and tell what the following body language mean.
StepⅡ. Pre-reading
Here we are going to have a quiz about the body language to test the students’ common sense about the body language and this step is also the preparation for the reading.
StepⅢ. Reading
Task1. Read the text and use the Strategies to choose a heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading. And we will analyze each part of the text.
Task2. Read the text again and finish the T or F question
StepⅣ. Language points
In this step, we are going to learn some useful words, expressions and sentence patterns to help students to further understand the text.
StepⅤ. Homework。