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(电子信息工程方向)年级班别 2006级(4)班
学号 3206003186
指导教师 ______ 田妮莉 _ __
熟悉微软SQL Server (1)
1Section A 引言 (1)
2Section B 再谈数据库可伸缩性 (4)
3Section C 数据库开发的特点 (7)
Get Your Arms around Microsoft SQL Server (9)
1Section A Introduction to SQL Server 2005 (9)
2Section B Database Scalability Revisited (13)
3Section C Features for Database Development (17)
熟悉微软SQL Server
1 Section A 引言
SQL Server 2005 是微软SQL生产线上最值得期待的产品。


微软承诺SQL Server 2005 是最新的基于Windows数据库应用的数据库开发平台。

这节的内容将指出SQL Server 2005产品的一些的重要特征。

SQL Server 2005几乎覆盖OLTP及OLAP技术的所又内容。




当人们去寻求其想要的一些功能和技术时,可以从中提取出重要的和最感新区的内容,包括SQL Server Engine 的一些蜕变的历史,以及各种各样的SQL Server 2005的版本,可伸缩性,有效性,大型数据库的维护以及商业智能等如下:●数据库引擎增强技术。

SQL Server 2005 对数据库引擎进行了许多改进,并引入了



SQL Server 2005 引入了一套集成的管理工具和APIs管理技术,


对SQL Server 2005中的DTS技术进行了全新的设计,提供了广

它甚至将SQL Server 改名为综合化服务。


SQL Server 2005 对复制服务进行了许多的改进和提高,能够简化





SQL Server 2005分析服务对可伸缩性、易管理性、有效性及


SQL Server 2005 报表服务是一个全新的报表服务系统和工具,它能够



SQL Server的通告服务是一个用于开发集中式通告应用以及大范围地


SQL Server 2005对于数据库核心的体系结构进行了重要的改进。







SQL Server 2005形成了许多风格。


微软的SQL Server Express已经替代MSDE引擎。

设计Express版,的目的是为了和其他免费的数据库产品,如MySQL 进行竞争。




一个最基本的问题之一就是,你到底需要SQL Server以前的什么版本。

这一节将会回答这个问题,即到底是标准版的还是企业版的呢?在SQL Server以前的版本,标准版只是在高性能上通企业版有所不同。








标准版只支持四个CPU,尽管企业版本身没有限制,但是Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition以及后来的版本支持64个处理器。

这样,SQL Server 2005被限制在64个处理器范围内。



怎样描述SQL Server工作组版呢?它介于标准版和快递版之间,具有更多CPU 处理能力。












2 Section B 再谈数据库可伸缩性














这是SQL Server 2000的做法。



从SQL Server 2005的DPVs的变化上就可以看出这一点。



SQL Server诞生在商业硬件“无共享”的并行处理时期。







就物理上划分数据而言,微软的SQL Server 2005对于一个表中的数据的水平划分引入了一个新的划分模式。




例如,查看微软SQL Server 2000从2001到2005的非聚类的查询结果后会发现SQL Server 2000使用的64位技术每分钟可处理100万的基准数据。


这对SQL Server是一个重大的事情,因为那意味这每小时六亿的交易量。
















把所有的小片段放到一个容器里是一个很好的主意,尤其是当要求达到所谓的ACID 的交易质量时,这点显得非常重要。








3 Section C 数据库开发的特点


SQL Server的发行可以被描述成是为应用开发的新类库重新定义体系结构的框架。

在SQL Server 2005中,整个数据库平台的可扩展性已经得到很大的提高。

不要只看到SQL Server的主机的通用语言运行环境,还有比这更多的。

托管代码引入到SQL Server意味着对于应用和定制应用开发能提供更多的集成机会。

基本上,SQL Server有3层:
●第一层是核心功能,例如SQL Server引擎及SQL Server.exe。



●第三层,程序在SQL Server 2005对象中集成了微软提供的应用表单。

Server 2005装备有包括分析服务和复制功能的一些功能以及在SQL服务器中

作为一名开发者,不用连接一个用户的接口就可以在第三层上工作,这将意味着你能使用一些功能,例如,SQL Server集成服务以及通过编程移动数据。

你能构建一个服务,用来管理在没有实际使用SQL Management Studio的情况下完成对整个数据库的备份。


如果你是一个数据库管理员或者数据库开发者,Visual Studio .NET 2005代表了一个巨大的数据库应用的飞跃。

微软一直都在支持它的数据库的SQL Server,这点要比IBM DB2好。

随着SQL Server 2005、.NET Framework 2.0、 2.0以及开发工具的同时发行,微软有


在SQL Server先前的版本中,必须开发数据传送服务包、分析服务立方体、面向该技术工具的交互式SQL模块。

而对于SQL Server 2005,可以用可视化集成环境完成这些工作,通过鼠标单机即可。




Visual Studio现在支持直接对存储过程及托管代码以相同的调



新的SQL Server管理集成环境和商业智能开发集成环境设计了用

帮助功能被集成,一个开发者能够既访问SQL Server 又可以查阅一个应用Visual Studio在线帮助书籍。

Get Your Arms around Microsoft SQL Server
1 Section A Introduction to SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2005 was the most-awaited release of Microsoft’s SQL Server product line. After million of e-mails, hundreds of specifications, and dozen of builds, SQL Server 2005 promises to be the most dramatic new database platform for Windows-based database applications. This section is a guided tour of the essential new features of the entire SQL Server 2005 product. SQL Server 2005 covers the Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) technologies as well as the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technologies, and almost everything in between. Microsoft left no part of its flagship database product untouched. More than five years in the making, SQL Server 2005 is a completely different technology than its predecessors. This section covers the major features across the entire product. It’ll try to distill the best and most interesting features while providing some insight into how the feature or technology was intended to be used. Topics include a bit of history about the evolution of the SQL Server Engine, the various editions of SQL Server 2005, scalability, availability, maintaining large databases, and business intelligence (BI). SQL Server 2005 provides the following:
●Database engine enhancements. SQL Server 2005 introduces many improvements and
new features to the database engine. These improvements and features include integrating with the Microsoft .NET Framework, new XML technologies, Transact-SQL enhancements, new data types, and improvements to the scalability and availability of relational database.
●Management tools. SQL Server 2005 introduces an integrated suite of management
tools and management APIs to provide ease of use, manageability, and support for operations of large-scale SQL Server deployments.
●Date Transformation Services (DTS) enhancements. DTS for SQL Server 2005
introduces a complete redesign, providing a comprehensive enterprise extraction,
transformation, and loading (ETL) platform. It’s even been renamed SQL Server Integration Services.
●Replication enhancements. SQL Server 2005 introduces several improvements and
enhancements to replication services that simplify the setup, configuration, and monitoring of replication topologies.
●Data access interfaces. Improvements to have been made. A new SQL
Native client is introduced.
●Analysis Services enhancements. SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services introduces
extensions to the scalability, manageability, reliability, availability, and programmability of data warehousing, business intelligence, and line of business solutions.
●Reporting Services. SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services is a new report server and
tool set for building, managing, and deploying enterprise reports. Reporting Services allows businesses to easily integrate business data from heterogeneous data sources and data warehouses into rich, interactive, managed reports that can be browsed and navigated over Intranets, Extranets, and the Internet.
●Notification Services. SQL Server Notification Services is a platform that helps you
develop centralized notification application and deploy these applications on a large scale. Notification Services lets businesses build rich notification applications that deliver personalized and timely information, such as stock marked alerts, news subscriptions, package-delivery alerts, and airline ticket prices, to any device and to millions of subscribers.
SQL Server 2005 ships with significant enhancements to the core database engine architecture. These changes reflect increased needs by customers for greater performance scalability as well as support for decision support systems in both relational and data warehousing Models. One topic that is always brought up at database application architecture meetings is scale-up versus scale-out. Scale-up is defined as a single computer with its maximum capacity for hardware: RAM, hard drives, processors, and more. Scale-out id defined as breaking a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces and
dividing the workload between multiple servers. In practice, most Microsoft customers prefer scale-up. It makes it easier to add CPUs to servers and requires less operator intervention and fewer physical resources to manage. From a theoretical standpoint, scale-up should deliver appropriate performance for applications, depending on the quality of code in the application.
SQL Server 2005 comes in several flavors. Microsoft has pushed most of the new high-availability features into Enterprise Edition (EE) while keeping the price of Standard Edition competitive. The Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE) engine has been replaced with SQL Server Express. Express is designed to be competitive with other free databases, such as MySQL. Microsoft has introduced a low-end pay-for-database edition called Workgroup. Designed for small businesses, it removes Express Edition’s limitation on database size and adds some better administration technologies. All the version use the same database and query formats so that upgrading from Express to Workgroup to Standard to Enterprise Edition happens seamlessly.
One of the most basic questions is which version of SQL Server you need. This section answers this question. The issue comes down to Standard Edition (SE) versus Enterprise Edition. In previous version of SQL Server, Standard Edition was different form Enterprise Edition only in the level of high-availability features. Some would say that you paid a “high-availability” tax. Well, that has changed. SQL Server Standard Edition includes all the key high-availability features, and some new features such as database mirroring with some exceptions. Microsoft draws the line between Standard and Enterprise in the completeness of coverage around specific highly sought-after features. For instance, only Enterprise Edition’s database mirroring includes the automatic redirect technology. Good programmers should be able to work around that issue. The real difference between Standard and Enterprise Edition is visible in scalability. Standard Edition supports only for CPUs. Although Enterprise Edition isn’t limited per se, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition and later support 64 processors. Thus, SQL Server 2005 is constrained to 64 processors. Of course, the reality of finances means that the selection of core CPU technology is limited to budget. Microsoft has always been good about one thing: The
migration path from the entry-level products to Enterprise Edition is a straight one. The same on-disk formats and programming features are available across the produce editions.
How to explain SQL Server Workgroup Edition? It fits somewhere between standard Edition and Express Edition. It has more CPU capability It supports two CPUs and up to
3GB of RAM. Workgroup Edition also has no database size limit. But who are the customers for Workgroup Edition? If your company is big enough that it can afford a database, but it can’t afford Standard Edition, Workgroup Edition is for you. From a feature point of view, Workgroup aligns more closely with Standard Edition. If you’re a hobbyist or a beginning database programmer, SQL Server Express may be your choice.
Microsoft has introduced a replacement for MSDE called SQL Server Express. SQL Server Express has all the best features of a free database. It’s small, easy to install, and has decent management tools. It is throttled is capacity and concurrent workload scalability. SQL Server Express uses the same reliable and high-performance database engine as the other version of SQL Server 2005. It also users the same data-access APIs, such as
, SQL Native Client, and Transact-SQL.
2 Section B Database Scalability Revisited
Scalability is one of the main decision factors for choosing an enterprise database system. It refers to the capability to process higher volumes of transactions. Larger volumes of data, more complex queries, and more complex application requirements. Scalability is factored into hardware and software components, with each being dependent on the other. A truly scalable system is balanced in its interaction between hardware and software. In the world of transaction processing (OLTP), scalability primarily describes a system’s capability to handle higher volumes of transactions. Secondarily, it describes the capability to handle more complex application. In the world of data warehousing (OLAP), the term is typically used to describe a system’s capability to handle larger volumes of data (VLDB) and more complex queries against that data.
As an industry, manufactures of database and application software spend much of their time either trying to figure out how to exploit new developments in hardware or trying to figure out how to deliver capabilities that go beyond those available from the hardware .In the area of scalability, this has resulted in two basic approaches: scale-up and scale-out. With scale-up, hardware designers: provide bigger and faster computer systems, and software designers have to figure out how to take advantage of those systems. With scale-out, software designers connect multiple computer systems to create a larger network of systems that can handle transaction volumes far in excess of a single computer system. Scale-up and scale-out each have advantages and disadvantages, and each basic approach has several variations. In reality, customers like yourself tend to do a hybrid of both approaches. So what did Microsoft ever do with scale-out?
First, Microsoft renamed scale-out federated databases and used Distributed Partition View (DPV) to link the database and data. This was done for SQL Server 2000.This solution for Microsoft customers at the time was unwieldy. Microsoft didn’t have significant success with DPVs. SQL Server 2005 reflects this, with changes made to DPVs. Frankly, scale-up is looking better than ever, with the new 64-bit editions. With the capability to process more than one million transactions per minute, scale-up has plenty of
headroom. The original idea of scale-out was to weave together smaller tables across several servers of provide less of a single point of workload for processing systems.
SQL Server was borne from “shared nothing” parallel processing on “commodity hardware”. The original design calls for automatic parallelism in processing of requests, and the relational database model and SQL query language are suited to parallel processing. At the same time, parallelism can be increased by partitioning data.
By partitioning the data inline with processor and RAM resources, increased parallelism provides greater performance. Scale-up/shared nothing unfortunately doesn’t provide unlimited scalability, and the challenge of federating servers increases the administrative workload. Although in theory scale out can provide unlimited performance, in reality the performance of these systems has always has always been questionable. And, as usual, it’s cumbersome to manage these systems, because it’s difficult to vet problems and keep the systems working harmoniously.
In terms of physically partitioning data, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 does introduce a new partition scheme for the horizontal partitioning of data in a table. Table partitions provide a means for dividing very large tables across file groups, which are the basic file structures for storing table data.
The last five years have seen a 20-fold increase in the peak volume of transactions a database system can support. This improvement, from approximately 50000 transactions per minute to one million transactions per minute, is the result of hardware, operating system, and database management system improvements. For example, if we look at the non clustered results for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 from 2001 to 2005, you’ll see that SQL Server 2000 using 64-bit technology crossed the one million transactions per minute benchmark. At the same time, looking into the benchmark results, you’ll see that SQL Server 2000 was used to generate terabytes(TB) of data .This is a watershed event for SQL Server, because that is 60 million transactions per hour! At the same time, modern application coding practices followed and guided by the realities of commerce, these practices evolved how applications are written. Consider a simple e-commerce application. It has a catalog database that is largely static, except for product changes. It has an order-
placing functionality that is placed behind Secure Socket Layer (SSL).It also has back-end processing capabilities such as real-time credit card authorization and shipping/inventory management. Ideally, all these processes would happen sequentially and with only one database .The reality, though, is that for many applications, maybe only credit card authorization and order capture are done in real time, and the rest are done in batches. In this new architecture where the database and software provide a service to a customer the e-commerce application is the salesperson. Database applications today look much different than they did only 10 years ago.
Over the last decade, the proliferation of wed-enabled applications has brought up the issue of inter application communication. The loosely connected application model has created a means for applications and servers to act as service providers. By loosely coupling one part of an application with another, greater scalability is achieved by creating specialist database applications that respond to only certain requests. Modern database systems are becoming containers for more and more business logic. The self-service nature of modern applications has driven the business logic and data closer together. In reality, the smallest unit of parallel processing one request by the database. At the heart of this communication model is the reality that complex application systems are hard to manage. It’s a good idea to place all the pieces in one container, especially when you want the basic transactional qualities defined by ACID:
●Atomicity states that database modifications must follow an “all or nothing” rule. Each
transaction is said to be “atomic”. If one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails.
●Consistency states that only valid data is written to the database. If a transaction is
executed that violates the database’s consistency rules, the entire transaction is rolled back, and the database is restored to a state consistent with those rules. On the other hand, if a transaction executes successfully, it takes the database from one state that is consistent with the rules to another state that is also consistent with the rules.
●Isolation requires that multiple transactions occurring at the same time not affect each
other’s execution.
Durability ensures that any transaction committed to the database is not lost. Durability is ensured through the use of database backups and transaction logs that facilitate the restoration of committed transactions in spite of any subsequent software or hardware failure.
3 Section C Features for Database Development
This section discusses the feature sets with which database application developers are typically familiar. Database administrators might be inclined to skip this section, but I wouldn’t. What has happened in this release of SQL Server can simply be described as a re-architecture of the frameworks for developing new classes of applications. In SQL Server 2005, the extensibility of the overall database platform has been greatly increased. Don’t be distracted by SQL Server’s capability to “host” the Common Language Runtime (CLR). It’s must more than that. The introduction of managed code into SQL Server means greater integration opportunities for packaged and custom application development. Basically, SQL Server has three custom application development. Basically, SQL Server has three layers:
●The first layer is core functionality, such as the SQL Server Engine SQL
●The second layer is the framework from which all the interfaces into the
components are accessed. This layer is private to Microsoft.
●In the third layer, you find the program assemblies Microsoft provides to hook up
application forms to the objects found in SQL Server. SQL Server 2005 ships with
a new range of functionality that includes Analysis Services and Replication, as
well as cope functionality found in SQL Server.
As a developer, you can work with the third layer without coupling to a user interface. This means that you can use functionality such as SQL Server Integration Service to move data around programmatically. You can create a service that manages the backup of an entire database server without actually using SQL Management Studio. In fact, one of the best ways to develop SQL applications is to use the user interfaces to build the basic skeleton and then script the entire thing.
If you’re a database administrator or database developer, Visual Studio .NET 2005 represents a monumental leap forward in working with databases.
Microsoft has always supported “its” database, SQL Server, better than, say, IBM DB2. With the simultaneous release of SQL Server 2005, .NET Framework 2.0, 2.0,。
