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I. 1 ________ (go) to school by bus everyday.

2 .He ___________ (go) for a walk on Sun days.

3. Su Yang _________ (go) to a farm with her pare nts last weeke nd.

4. Let ' s ___________ (go) and _________ (see).

5. What are you ____________ (go) to do tomorrow? I ' m _______________ (go)

to __________ (have) a pic nic.

6 .You __________ (have) a stove and she ___________ (have) a tin-ope ner.

7. What time do you ________ (have) breakfast? I _________ (have) breakfast at a

quarter past seve n.

8 .What do you _________ (have)? They _________ (have) a bla nket.

9. What are you doing? I ' m ______________ (have) an En glish less on.

10. I _________ (have) a good time yesterday.

II. What are you going to do tomorrow? I ' m going to __________ (have) a picnic.

12. What do you __________ (like)? I (like) _________ (duck).

13. What does she __________ (like)? She ___________ (like) _________ (take) photos.

14. Does he like __________ (pla nt) flowers?

15. I _________ (watch) TV at home last Sun day.

16. My father __________ (read) a n ewspaper now.

17. It ________ (be) the Natio nal Day holiday last week.

18」usually _________ (do) my homework at seven o ' clock.


1. He ________________ (listen) to music now.

2. ___________________ My parents _______________________ (be) at home now, but they__________________ (be) in the park

just now.

3. I ___________ ( not like) cats, but my mother ____________ (like) cats.

4. _______________________ Public sig ns (mea n) differe nt thin gs.

5. Would you like _______________ (go) shopping with me?

6. Where _________ (be) you yesterday morning? I ________ (be) ill in the bed.

7. They ________________ (not play) football now.

8. __________ Miss Li ____________ (come) from Nanjing? No, she ________ (be)

from Sha nghai. 9. There is an _______ (excite) running race this after noon. All the stude nts are very

_____ (excite).

10. What _____ you usually ________ (do) on Sun days? I usually __________ (do)

my homework.

11. There ________ (n ot be) any milk in the glass, but there ___________ (be) some a mome nt ago.

12. David ' grandpa likes _____________ (grow) flowers. Look, he _____________ (water) flowers.

13. The camera _________ (not be) on the table no w. It ______ there just now.

14. Tuesday is the _______ day of a week. __________ is the fifth mon th of a year.

15. I can ' t find my glasses. Where _________ they? They ______ (be) on the table

just now.

16. I ______ (be) ten years old. My frie nd Jim ________ (be) eleve n years old.

We _________ (study) at the same school.

17. Su Hai ________ (want) to take some photos. I __________ (watch) a running

race now.

18. Ben is doing ___________ (he) homework. He usually ___________ (do) it in the

eve ning.

19. Where _________ (be) he just now? I don ' t know.

20. Today is the _________ (four) of Janu ary.


1. What you


last week? I

now? I

(visit) a farm.

(clea n) the house.

2. What

3. What they usually do on Sun days? They football .

4. Mike (like) collect ing coins, but Nancy (not like) collect


coi ns,

5. ________ (be) you at home yesterday? No, I ___________ .

6. _________ your brother go shopping last night? No, he _____________ (do) his

homework at home.

7. Look! They ______________ ( have) an En glish less on in the classroom.

8. Mike and his father ____________ ( taste) some oranges a moment ago.

9. Would you like _____________ (watch) cartoons now?

10. My mother can ' t __________ (find) her glasses. They ________ (be) in her bag just

