1010 x 510 x 180
亚光面盆体 大小槽带翼 深度180mm 有溢水口
1010 x 510 x 180
亚光面盆体 子母槽带翼 深度180mm 有溢水口
860 x 500 x 180
双槽 深度180mm 有溢水口
860 x 500 x 180
双槽 深度180mm 有溢水口
开孔尺寸:800 × 435mm
尺寸 (mm)
ZRX 620B/20F 840 x 470 x 200
丝光面盆体 等大双槽 深度200mm 有溢水口
ZRX 620F
735 x 430 x 180
丝光面盆体 大小双槽 深度180mm 有溢水口
GEX 620B
尺寸 (mm)
815 x 450 x 180
丝光面盆体 大小槽 深度180mm 有溢水口
815 x 450 x 180
丝光面盆体 大小槽 深度180mm 有溢水口
780 x 500 x 145
亚光面盆体 双槽 深度145mm 有溢水口
1160 x 500 x 145
亚光面盆体 双槽带翼 深度145mm 有溢水口
815 x 450 x 180
丝光面盆体 等双槽 深度180mm 有溢水口
GEX 610
550 x 450 x 180
丝光面盆体 单槽 深度180mm 有溢水口
GEX 611C
815 x 450 x 180
丝光面盆体 单槽带翼 深度180mm 有溢水口
苏黎士系列特点 特有丝光表面,方便清 洗,直边设计,显现代气 息
德谦 435CHEMICAL ADDITIVESLevaslip 硅酮流平剂概述为适用于溶剂型涂料的流平剂.性质组成聚二甲基聚硅氧烷复合物外观透明液体比重 0.950-0.978不挥发份:100%适用范围各种溶剂型涂料、油墨特性与用途当底材被硅油或油脂污染时,会生产面漆涂装困扰(如附着差、针孔、火山口等)时,能有效解决涂装问题.具优异的流平、平滑及离型特性、可使用于耐热不沾厨具涂料配方、耐热温度可达280℃.织物加工应用时、具有柔软、拔水及平滑效果、增加耐水洗持久性。
储存产品储存应置于阴凉通风处、容器保持紧密远离热及火源、产品置于0至50℃之间德谦 407CHEMICAL ADDITIVESLevaslip 硅酮流平剂概述为优良的聚硅氧烷产品,具有优异的热安定性和斥水性,低表面张力,高介电强度,可适用于各种工业用途中,效果相当卓越。
性质组成聚二甲基聚硅氧烷复合物外观透明液体比重 0.970-0.978粘度 320-367cps表面张力约21.1dynes/cm不挥发份:100%适用范围各种溶剂型涂料、油墨特性与用途极低表面张力,添加在涂料中能消除底材油脂,离型剂污染所导至的涂面凹坑,油点等缺陷。
LD50:555 mg/kg(大鼠经口);1122 mg/kg(小鼠经口)
化学危险物品安全管理条例(1987年2月17日国务院发布),化学危险物品安全管理条例实施细则(化劳发[1992] 677号),工作场所安全使用化学品规定([1996]劳部发423号)等法规,针对化学危险品的安全使用、生产、储存、运输、装卸等方面均作了相应规定。
1.橡胶防老剂 4010 的概述
2.橡胶防老剂 4010 的质量指标
3.橡胶防老剂 4010 的应用范围
4.橡胶防老剂 4010 的包装与储存方式
5.橡胶防老剂 4010 的环保性和安全性
一、橡胶防老剂 4010 的概述
橡胶防老剂 4010 是一种用于橡胶制品的防老化剂,可以有效延缓橡胶制品在氧化、紫外线、高温等环境下的老化。
二、橡胶防老剂 4010 的质量指标
橡胶防老剂 4010 的质量指标主要包括外观、颜色、气味、比重、熔点、溶解性等方面。
比重为 1.42,熔点为 285,可溶于乙醇、丙酮、乙酸乙酯,难溶于二氯甲烷,不溶于四氯化碳、苯、和水。
三、橡胶防老剂 4010 的应用范围
橡胶防老剂 4010 广泛应用于各种橡胶制品,如轮胎、胶鞋、胶管、胶带等,以提高橡胶制品的抗老化性能,延长其使用寿命。
四、橡胶防老剂 4010 的包装与储存方式
橡胶防老剂 4010 应采用密封包装,存放在通风、干燥、避光的环境中,避免与酸、碱、氧化剂等有害物质接触,以免影响其防老化效果。
五、橡胶防老剂 4010 的环保性和安全性
橡胶防老剂 4010 在正常使用范围内,对人体和环境无明显危害。
然而,长期接触高浓度的橡胶防老剂 4010 可能对皮肤、眼睛和呼吸道产生刺激作用,因此在使用过程中应佩戴相应的防护设备,避免直接接触。
INTERNET P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661Distribution Centers NORTH AMERICA 800-654-7949 • 417-335-5935 • Fax 417-335-5945 • E UROPE 44-1252-832600 • Fax 44-1252-837010Mini-Circuits®Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Certified132050114L = low range [f L to 10 f L ]M = mid range [10 f L to f U /2]U = upper range [f U /2 to f U ]NOTES:u Aqueous washable.o Non-hermeticn Denotes 75 Ohm modelJ When only specification for M range given, specification applies to entire frequency range.<At low range frequency band (f L to 10f L ), linearly derate maximum power by 13 dB.;Maximum VSWR: input 1.5:1, output 1.3:1†Adjacent ports, 25°C*BLUE CELL™ power splitters protected by U.S patents 5,534,830 and 5,640,132,SBD-4-25 additional patent 6,819,202.G 18 dB min. above 900 MHz for BP4C and above 1900 MHz for BP4PA.General Quality Control Procedures, Environmental Specifications, Hi-Rel and MIL description are given in section 0, see “Mini-Circuits Guarantees Quality” article.B.Connector types and case mounted options, case finishes are given in section 0,see “Case styles & Outline Drawings”.C.Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.1.Absolute maximum power, voltage and current ratings:1a.Matched power rating,Model JS4PS-1W-75.........................................0.250 Watt Models PSC-4-5, PSC-4-1W, SCP-4-1W-75......0.5 Watt JS4PS-9-75, AD4PS-1, JS4PS-1W, SCA-4-10.....0.5 Watt Models BP4C, BP4P..........................................1.5 Watt Model SCA-4-20...............................................5 Watt Model SBD-4-25................................................10 Watt All other models...............................................1 Watt1b.Internal load dissipation,Model JS4PS-1, JS4PS-9-75..............................0.5 Watt Models SCP-4-1W-75, SCP-4-4-75,.................0.375 Watt BP4C, BP4P, SBD-4-25, JS4PS-1W, SCA-4-10...0.375 Watt All other models...............................................0.250 WattPSC-4PSC-4An NSN GUIDEMCL NO.NSNMIL-P-23971/15*PSC-4-15895-01-065-0106-10PSC-4-25825-01-044-8945PSC-4-35895-01-105-6189-11PSC-4-55985-01-423-7929PSC-4-65985-01-332-3086PSC-4A-45895-01-347-0205* units are not QPL listed50&75Ω Plug-InP OWER S PLITTERS /C OMBINERS 4 W AY -0° 10 kHz to 1000 MHz。
IMPA编码:110101中文名称:室内健身自行车,16"英文名称:STATIONARY BICYCLES, INDOOR USEIMPA编码:110105中文名称:单轮自行车小丑式英文名称:MONOCYCLEIMPA编码:110110中文名称:室内健身划船练习器英文名称:ROWING EXERCISER, INDOOR USEIMPA编码:110120中文名称:杠铃组,100千克英文名称:BARBELL SET, WEIGHT 100KGIMPA编码:110122中文名称:哑铃组,10千克英文名称:DUMBBELL SET, WEIGHT 10KGIMPA编码:110124中文名称:卧举杠铃床架英文名称:SPINE PRESS BENCHIMPA编码:110126中文名称:杠铃支架组英文名称:BARBELL STANDIMPA编码:110135中文名称:单杠英文名称:WELL EXERCISER (HANGING EXERCISER)IMPA编码:110140中文名称:乒乓球台英文名称:TABLE FOR TABLE TENNISIMPA编码:110141中文名称:乒乓球网英文名称:NET FOR TABLE TENNIS单位:PCSIMPA编码:110142中文名称:乒乓球网支座英文名称:SUPPORTERS FOR TABLE TENNIS NETIMPA编码:110143中文名称:胶面乒乓球横拍英文名称:TABLE TENNIS BAT, RUBBER-FACE, SHAKE-HANDIMPA编码:110144中文名称:胶面乒乓球直拍英文名称:TABLE TENNIS BAT, RUBBER-FACE, PENHOLDER 单位:PCSIMPA编码:110145中文名称:乒乓球英文名称:TABLE TENNIS BALLIMPA编码:110150中文名称:跑鞋,25CM英文名称:JOGGING SHOES 25.0CMIMPA编码:110151中文名称:跑鞋,25.5CM英文名称:JOGGING SHOES 25.5CM 单位:PRSIMPA编码:110152中文名称:跑鞋,26CM英文名称:JOGGING SHOES 26.0CMIMPA编码:110153中文名称:跑鞋,26.5CM英文名称:JOGGING SHOES 26.5CMIMPA编码:110154中文名称:跑鞋,27CM英文名称:JOGGING SHOES 27.0CMIMPA编码:110155中文名称:跑鞋,27.5CM英文名称:JOGGING SHOES 27.5CM单位:PRSIMPA编码:110156中文名称:跑鞋,28CM英文名称:JOGGING SHOES 28.0CM 单位:PRSIMPA编码:110160中文名称:运动鞋,25CM英文名称:EXERCISE SHOES 25.0CMIMPA编码:110161中文名称:运动鞋,25.5CM英文名称:EXERCISE SHOES 25.5CMIMPA编码:110162中文名称:运动鞋,26CM英文名称:EXERCISE SHOES 26.0CM 单位:PRSIMPA编码:110163中文名称:运动鞋,26.5CM英文名称:EXERCISE SHOES 26.5CMIMPA编码:110164中文名称:运动鞋,27CM英文名称:EXERCISE SHOES 27.0CM 单位:PRSIMPA编码:110165中文名称:运动鞋,27.5CM英文名称:EXERCISE SHOES 27.5CMIMPA编码:110166中文名称:运动鞋,28CM英文名称:EXERCISE SHOES 28.0CMIMPA编码:110180中文名称:排球,橡胶英文名称:VOLLEY BALL, RUBBER 单位:PCSIMPA编码:110181中文名称:排球,皮质英文名称:VOLLEY BALL, LEATHER 单位:PCSIMPA编码:110182中文名称:足球,橡胶英文名称:SOCCER BALL, RUBBERIMPA编码:110183中文名称:足球,皮质英文名称:SOCCER BALL, LEATHERIMPA编码:110184中文名称:篮球,橡胶英文名称:BASKET BALL, RUBBERIMPA编码:110185中文名称:篮球,皮质英文名称:BASKET BALL, LEATHERIMPA编码:110201中文名称:运动汗衫连帽,灰色,M英文名称:COTTON SWEAT SUITS WITH HOOD, GRAY, MIMPA编码:110202中文名称:运动汗衫连帽,灰色,L英文名称:COTTON SWEAT SUITS WITH HOOD, GRAY, LIMPA编码:110203中文名称:运动汗衫连帽,灰色,LL英文名称:COTTON SWEAT SUITS WITH HOOD, GRAY, LLIMPA编码:110206中文名称:运动汗衫不带帽,灰色,M英文名称:COTTON SWEAT SUITS WITHOUT HOOD, GRAY, MIMPA编码:110207中文名称:运动汗衫不带帽,灰色,L英文名称:COTTON SWEAT SUITS WITHOUT HOOD, GRAY, LIMPA编码:110208中文名称:运动汗衫不带帽,灰色,LL英文名称:COTTON SWEAT SUITS WITHOUT HOOD, GRAY, LL 单位:PRSIMPA编码:110211中文名称:彩色慢跑长裤,M英文名称:JOGGING PANTS COLORED, SIZE MIMPA编码:110212中文名称:彩色慢跑长裤,L,英文名称:JOGGING PANTS COLORED, SIZE LIMPA编码:110213中文名称:彩色慢跑长裤,LL,英文名称:JOGGING PANTS COLORED, SIZE LLIMPA编码:110230中文名称:白色棉质运动袜英文名称:COTTON SOCKS, WHITE单位:PRSIMPA编码:110231中文名称:彩色棉质运动袜英文名称:COTTON SOCKS, COLOREDIMPA编码:110240中文名称:平脚游泳裤,M英文名称:SWIMMING TRUNKS, SIZE MIMPA编码:110241中文名称:平脚游泳裤,L英文名称:SWIMMING TRUNKS, SIZE LIMPA编码:110242中文名称:平脚游泳裤,LL英文名称:SWIMMING TRUNKS, SIZE LLIMPA编码:110270中文名称:健康秤,指针式,0-100千克英文名称:BATHROOM SCALES 0-100 KGS, ANALOGIMPA编码:110271中文名称:健康秤,指针式,0-130千克英文名称:BATHROOM SCALES 0-130 KGS, ANALOG 单位:PCSIMPA编码:110275中文名称:健康秤,数显式,0-100千克英文名称:BATHROOM SCALES 0-100 KGS, DIGITALIMPA编码:110276中文名称:健康秤,数显式,0-130千克英文名称:BATHROOM SCALES 0-130 KGS, DIGITAL 单位:PCSIMPA编码:110401中文名称:塑料扑克牌英文名称:CARD, PLASTICIMPA编码:110402中文名称:克里比奇纸牌英文名称:CRIBBAGE AND CARDSIMPA编码:110405中文名称:国际象棋英文名称:CHESS & CHECKER GAME单位:SETIMPA编码:110406中文名称:国际象棋盘英文名称:CHESS BOARDIMPA编码:110407中文名称:国际象棋棋子英文名称:CHESSMENIMPA编码:110408中文名称:国际象棋(含棋盘,棋子)英文名称:CHESS SET (CHESS BOARD+CHESSMEN)IMPA编码:110410中文名称:六镖飞镖盘英文名称:DARTBOARD WITH ARROW 6'SIMPA编码:110411中文名称:三镖飞镖英文名称:DARTS 3'S单位:SETIMPA编码:110415中文名称:多MTRS诺骨牌英文名称:DOMINO GAMEIMPA编码:110416中文名称:西洋双陆棋英文名称:BACKGAMMON GAMEIMPA编码:110417中文名称:麻将英文名称:MAHJONG SET单位:SETIMPA编码:110420中文名称:大富翁棋英文名称:MONOPOLY GAMEIMPA编码:110425中文名称:拼字游戏英文名称:SCRABBLE GAME单位:SETIMPA编码:110430中文名称:骰子带皮质杯英文名称:DICE WITH LEATHER CUPIMPA编码:110431中文名称:宾戈游戏英文名称:BINGO BOOKS ASSORTEDIMPA编码:110440中文名称:游戏软件英文名称:GAME SOFT单位:PCSIMPA编码:110501中文名称:直式烟斗,欧石南根制英文名称:SMOKING PIPE, BRIER, STRAIGHTIMPA编码:110502中文名称:弯式烟斗,欧石南根制英文名称:SMOKING PIPE, BRIER, CURVED 单位:PCSIMPA编码:110503中文名称:双向烟斗,欧石南根制英文名称:SMOKING PIPE, BRIER, TWO-WAYIMPA编码:110504中文名称:玉MTRS杆烟嘴,欧石南根制英文名称:SMOKING PIPE, BRIER, CORNIMPA编码:110506中文名称:烟斗通条,50'S英文名称:SMOKING PIPE CLEANER 50'SIMPA编码:110510中文名称:一次性打火机英文名称:CIGARETTE LIGHTER, ONEWAY USEIMPA编码:110511中文名称:防风打火机英文名称:CIGARETTE LIGHTER, WINDPROOFIMPA编码:110515中文名称:打火机用丁烷气体,78克英文名称:BUTANE GAS FOR CIGARETTE LIGHTER 78GRMIMPA编码:110516中文名称:朗生牌打火机用丁烷气体,30克英文名称:BUTANE GAS RONSON'S 30GRMIMPA编码:110520中文名称:打火机油,130毫升英文名称:FUEL FOR CIGARETTE LIGHTER 130MLIMPA编码:110522中文名称:打火机火石,5'S/PKT英文名称:FLINT FOR CIGARETTE LIGHTER 5'S/PKTIMPA编码:110550中文名称:塑料框太阳镜英文名称:SUNGLASSES, PLASTIC FRAME(WITH FURTHER DETAILS) 单位:PRSIMPA编码:110551中文名称:金属框太阳镜英文名称:SUNGLASSES, METAL FRAME(WITH FURTHER DETAILS) 单位:PRSIMPA编码:110601中文名称:洗发香波,220毫升英文名称:HAIR SHAMPOO 220MLIMPA编码:110603中文名称:沐浴露,200毫升英文名称:SHAMPOO FOR HAIR & SHOULDER 200MLIMPA编码:110604中文名称:沐浴露,300毫升英文名称:SHAMPOO FOR HAIR & SHOULDER 300MLIMPA编码:110605中文名称:沐浴露,400毫升英文名称:SHAMPOO FOR HAIR & SHOULDER 400ML单位:BTLIMPA编码:110610中文名称:护发素,150毫升英文名称:HAIR TONIC 150MLIMPA编码:110620中文名称:发乳,75克英文名称:HAIR CREAM 75GRMIMPA编码:110630中文名称:液体发乳,150毫升英文名称:HAIR LIQUID 150ML单位:BTLIMPA编码:110635中文名称:润发油,85克英文名称:POMADE BRILLIANTINE BRAVAS 85GRMIMPA编码:110640中文名称:摩丝,150毫升英文名称:HAIR SPRAY 150ML单位:BTLIMPA编码:110650中文名称:MENNEN牌剃须膏,4-3/4盎司英文名称:SHAVING CREAM MENNEN 4-3/4 OZIMPA编码:110651中文名称:剃须膏,90克英文名称:SHAVING CREAM 90GRMIMPA编码:110660中文名称:MENNEN牌剃须泡沫,177克英文名称:SHAVING FOAM MENNEN 177GRMIMPA编码:110670中文名称:美容水,125毫升英文名称:AFTER SHAVE LOTION 125MLIMPA编码:110680中文名称:滚搽式除臭剂,30毫升英文名称:DEODORANT ROLL-ON 30MLIMPA编码:110681中文名称:喷雾式除臭剂,70毫升英文名称:DEODORANT SPRAY 70MLIMPA编码:110682中文名称:滚式除臭剂,50毫升英文名称:DEODORANT ROLL-ON 50MLIMPA编码:110683中文名称:香水喷式,150毫升英文名称:DEODORANT SPRAY 150GRMIMPA编码:110684中文名称:香水喷式,200毫升英文名称:DEODORANT SPRAY 200GRMIMPA编码:110685中文名称:润肤霜,250毫升英文名称:BODY LOTION 250ML单位:PCIMPA编码:110686中文名称:润肤霜,400毫升英文名称:BODY LOTION 400MLIMPA编码:110701中文名称:皮肤保护药品类,12'S/BTL英文名称:ALKA SELTZER 12'S单位:BTLIMPA编码:110705中文名称:皮肤保护药品类,果子盐,4盎司英文名称:ENO FRUIT SALT 4 OZIMPA编码:110706中文名称:皮肤保护药品类,果子盐,8盎司英文名称:ENO FRUIT SALT 8 OZIMPA编码:110710中文名称:护肤霜,56克英文名称:SKIN CREAM 56GRMIMPA编码:110711中文名称:护肤霜,150毫升英文名称:SKIN CREAM 150MLIMPA编码:110712中文名称:护肤霜,250毫升英文名称:SKIN CREAM 250MLIMPA编码:110720中文名称:防晒霜,100毫升英文名称:SUN LOTION SUNBURN TYPE 100MLIMPA编码:110721中文名称:防晒霜,100毫升英文名称:SUN LOTION SUNBURNLESS TYPE 100MLIMPA编码:110901中文名称:理发工具套装英文名称:BARBER HAIR CLIPPER SET。
实际完成 时间
1 COA4001 策略目标执行计划表
2 HRA4001 文本封页
3 HRA4002 文本内页
4 HRA4003 特定工作人员资格审查申请表
5 HRA4004 资格证书 6 HRA4005 文件修订一览表 7 HRA4006 文件修订、废止申请单
8 HRA4007 文件复制申请单 9 HRA4008 文件收文登录表
27 HRA3023 重大事故处理作业办法
28 HRA3024 安全卫生守则
29 HRA3025 提案改善作业办法
30 MEA3001 夹治量具图及作业标准管理办法
31 MEA3002 制造能力评估办法
32 MEA3003 刀具、夹具、治具管理办法
33 MEA3004 夹、治、量具图面编号办法
34 MEA3005 工序及工程名称标准
60 PEA3009 耐久性测试指导书
61 PEA31NN 测试设备操作标准
62 QCA3001 产品开发品保制度实施办法
增加 新增
63 QCA3002 控制计划表制作说明 64 QCA3003 供应商初期样品(ISIR)作业办法 65 QCA3004 供应商交货品质管理办法 66 QCA3005 供应商免检实施办法 67 QCA3006 打刻及总成件记号说明 68 QCA3007 量测仪器验收标准 69 QCA3008 量测仪器建档分类标准 70 QCA3009 量测仪器校验频率标准 71 QCA3010 量测仪器分发、领用办法 72 QCA3011 量测仪器不堪用处理办法 73 QCA3012 量具 R&R 评估办法 74 QCA3013 量测仪器校正失效对策办法 75 QCA3014 烧伤作业指导书 76 QCA3015 高周波淬火回火金相组织判定标准 77 QCA3016 金相检验硝酸、酒精溶液调配指导书 78 QCA3017 硬化深检验硝酸 20% 溶液调配指导书 79 QCA3018 高周波淬火液浓度管制办法 80 QCA3019 磁探机测试作业指导书 81 QCA3020 涂装酸碱滴定作业指导书 82 QCA3021 夹、治具及量规检验办法 83 QCA3022 直接料进料检验办法 84 QCA3023 首件检查实施办法 85 QCA3024 自主检查实施办法 86 QCA3025 巡回检查实施办法 87 QCA3026 入库检查实施办法 88 QCA3027 出货检查实施办法 89 QCA3028 检验指导书制作与使用说明 90 QCA3029 工程偏差允许作业办法 91 QCA3030 重修及特殊规格加工作业办法 92 QCA3031 不良品管理办法 93 QCA3032 抽样检验办法 94 QCA3033 制程能力分析办法 95 QCA3034 统计制程管制实施办法 96 QCA3035 品质问题分析及处理办法 97 QCA3036 盐雾试验指导书 98 QCA3037 涂装检验指导书 99 QCA3038 量测仪器保养办法 100 QCA31NN 制程检验指导书 101 QCA32NN 进料检验指导书 102 QCA33NN 量测仪器操作标准。 103 QCA34NN 量测仪器校正办法 104 QCA35NN 金相检验切片指导书 105 SLA3001 杂项标售办法 106 SLA3002 "每月交货排程表"及"13个月销售预测" 107 SLA3003 客户售后服务技术支持及零件管理办法 108 SLA3004 客户之模夹治量具管理办法 109 SLA3005 客户满意度实施办法 110 SPA3001 承揽商厂内施工管理办法 111 SPA3002 间接料请购单填写说明 112 SPA3003 进出口报关规定 113 SPA3004 间接料采购总价1000元以下及紧急物料采购作业办法 114 SPA3005 供应商模具管理办法 115 SPA3006 直接料请购单填写说明 116 SPA3007 供应商退货办法 117 SPA3008 制造工令作业规定 118 SPA3009 搬运设备使用规定 119 SPA3010 直接料生产转移及入库作业规定 120 SPA3011 先进先出规定
卡博特炭黑德固赛炭黑:普通色素槽法炭黑:特黑4, 特黑4a, printex u, printex v, printex 140u, printex 140vprintex u 和ppintex v 、140v中等黑度的主色和调色碳黑,用于涂料和油墨,印刷和复印油墨、复写纸、打印色带、塑料和合成纤维。
德固赛炭黑:普通色素槽法炭黑:特黑4, 特黑4a, printex u, printex v, printex 140u, printex 140v,50L,900Lprintex u 和ppintex v 、140v中等黑度的主色和调色碳黑,用于涂料和油墨,印刷和复印油墨、复写纸、打印色带、塑料和合成纤维。
卡博特炭黑M1400 BP1400 M1300 BP1300 M1000 BP1000 M900 BP900 M880 BP880 M800 BP800 XC-72 XC-72R M-L BP-L R660R R660 R400R R400M-H R330R R330 E-415 M430 BP430 D430R250R R250 R99R R99 M280 BP280 M120 BP120 M1100 M700 R300 R N115 E-12 E-8 ES90B M1500 XC-68 XC-200XC-305 N330 N774 N110 N375 N220 N347 N326 N762 N134 N66 0 N550 N717 N650 N234 N683 N772 SP5000SP6000 N339 N375 SP5000A N121 N539 SP6400 V1463BP2000 M570 BP470橡胶用炭黑N115,N220,N234,N330,N550,N660,N774,SP5000等涂料用炭黑M1300,M1100,M900,M-L,R660R,R400R等油墨用炭黑DL-430-,M-E,M-H,R400R,R99R,VXC72,VXC72R等塑料用炭黑DL-8,DL-3,DL430,V9A32,M717,BP800,BP900,BP2,BP7,BP280等导电炭黑 VXC305,VXC605,VXC72,VXC500,BP2000等原包装,高浓度,易分散韩国KCB 进口:HI BLACK 50L\HI BLACK 900L 高黑度 蓝色相 分散性好通用于塑料行业包括:LDPE 、HDPE 、PP 、EC 、PS 、SAN 、PMMA 、PU 及软\硬质PVC 塑料着色用色素炭黑色母粒吹膜母粒推荐使用 HIBLACK 30L 易分散的中色素碳黑,用于水性柔版印刷油墨,塑料和色母生产。
埃夫卡 PU 4010 AN 分散剂 安全技术说明书
![埃夫卡 PU 4010 AN 分散剂 安全技术说明书](
安全技术说明书页: 1/12 巴斯夫安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483编制日期 / 本次修订: 23.02.2022版本: 9.2日期/上次修订: 18.12.2021上次版本: 9.1日期 / 首次编制: 19.07.2010产品: 埃夫卡 PU 4010 AN 分散剂Product: Efka® PU 4010 AN(30605039/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 01.11.20231. 化学品及企业标识埃夫卡 PU 4010 AN 分散剂Efka® PU 4010 AN推荐用途和限制用途: 涂料工业用原料或专职人使用, 墨水,清漆或涂料用添加剂, 分散剂公司:巴斯夫(中国)有限公司中国上海浦东江心沙路300号邮政编码 200137电话: +86 21 20391000传真号: +86 21 20394800E-mail地址: **********************紧急联络信息:巴斯夫紧急热线中心(中国)+86 21 5861-1199巴斯夫紧急热线中心(国际):电话: +49 180 2273-112Company:BASF (China) Co., Ltd.300 Jiang Xin Sha RoadPu Dong Shanghai 200137, CHINA Telephone: +86 21 20391000Telefax number: +86 21 20394800E-mail address: ********************** Emergency information:Emergency Call Center (China):+86 21 5861-1199International emergency number: Telephone: +49 180 2273-1122. 危险性概述纯物质和混合物的分类:吸入危害: 分类1巴斯夫安全技术说明书日期 / 本次修订: 23.02.2022版本: 9.2产品: 埃夫卡 PU 4010 AN 分散剂Product: Efka® PU 4010 AN(30605039/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 01.11.2023易燃液体: 分类3特异性靶器官毒性-一次接触: 分类3 (蒸汽可能会导致嗜睡及眩晕.)特异性靶器官毒性-一次接触: 分类3 (对呼吸道系统有刺激性)对水环境的急性危害: 分类3对水环境的慢性危害: 分类3标签要素和警示性说明:图形符号:警示词:危险危险性说明:H226易燃液体和蒸气。
SLATE Low Torque Actuator Series 商品说明书
![SLATE Low Torque Actuator Series 商品说明书](
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS32M-06009-05SLATE™ Low Torque Actuator SeriesFOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL MODELS R8001M1050/U, R8001M1150/U, R8001M4050/U, R8001M4150/UAPPLICATIONSLATE brings configurable safety and programmable logic together into one single platform. The SLATE program can easily be customized for almost any application—offering virtually limitless development opportunities with far less complexity.The SLATE Low Torque Actuator series includescommercial- and industrial-grade 1/4-turn actuators available in 50 and 150 in/lb models with highlyrepeatable position accuracy designed specifically to integrate with the SLATE system. This series is well suited for the precise control of air and gas flow and can operate in a wide range of temperatures and environmental conditions.SLATE™ Low Torque Actuator can be easily mounted to the following valves using the mounting kits noted below. These kits can be ordered via .•Maxon CV Valve Series (1/2"–2")mounting kit #50123928-001•Honeywell V51E Valve Series (1-1/2"–2")mounting kit #50124386-001 and mounting kit #32003396-001•Honeywell V51E Valve Series (2-1/2"–4")mounting kit #50124386-001 and mounting kit #32003396-002•Honeywell V5197A Valve Series (3/4"–3")mounting kit #50124386-001FEATURES AND BENEFITS•Offered in two different configuration options:—NEMA 1 rated, operating in a temperaturerange of -18 to 158°F (-28 to 70°C) with 450 positions over a 90° span—NEMA 4 rated, operating in a temperaturerange of -40 to 158°F (-40 to 70°C) with 900 positions over a 90° span •Field-reversible clockwise and counterclockwise rotation operation.•Internal temperature, valve status, health diagnostics, and error codes reporting.•Robust, heavy-duty construction, continuous duty cycle-rated.•Closed loop position control via Modbus RS-485 communications as an input to the SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module, part R8001C6001.•Dual 1/2-in knockout conduit connections.•1/2-in keyed output shaft with a 1/8-in square key.•Die-cast aluminum base with high-impact resistant, reinforced plastic cover.•Meets UL353 Safety for Limit Controls.•Meets UL1998 when used with R8001C6001 SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module.APPROVALSSLATE Commercial ModelUnderwriters LaboratoriesMeets UL353 Safety for Limit Controls.Meets UL1998 when used with R8001C6001 SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module.CE2009/142/EC: Gas Appliance Directive(EN 12067-2:2004, EN298-2012)SLATE™ LOW TORQUE ACTUATOR SERIES32M-06009—052SPECIFICATIONSSupply Voltage (Peak Current):DC model: 24VDC +10/-20%Power:50 in/lb: 10 Watts maximum 150 in/lb: 25 Watts maximum Rotation: Max span: 90° usableResolution:Commercial: 450 positions (0.2° resolution)Industrial: 900 positions (0.1° resolution)Control Deadband:Commercial: ±0.2 degrees Industrial ±0.1 degreesDimensions in in (mm): 6-11/16 x 5-29/64 x 5-29/64(170 x 138 x 138); See Fig. 1Weight: 3 Lbs. (1.4 Kg)Operating Temperature:-28 to +70°C (-18 to +158°F) for commercial mod-els; -40to +70°C (-40 to +158°F) for industrial models Storage Temperature: -40 to +80°C (-40°F to +176°F) Relative Humidity:0 to 99% non condensing (for commercial models)Vibration: Honeywell V2 test specification; 3 axes tested as follows:2-Hour Performance/Resonant Detection Sweep:Vibration sinusoidal: 5 Hz - 30 Hz;Amplitude: 0.012mil pk/pk75 mmVibration sinusoidal: 30 Hz – 300 Hz at 0.6GEndurance: 1.1G for 2 hours at resonant frequen-cies EMC: EN61000-6-1/2/3 (See Safety and Agency Approval Requirements), FCC Part 15, Level A EN55022, Level A Enclosure:NEMA1 (commercial models)NEMA 4 (industrial models)Models:Model Number DescriptionCommercialR8001M105050 in/lb Actuator NEMA 1 Enclosure R8001M1150150 in/lb Actuator NEMA 1Enclosure IndustrialR8001M405050 in/lb Actuator NEMA 4 Enclosure R8001M4150150 in/lb Actuator NEMA 4EnclosureTable 1. Model Specifications.Actuator Options/Specs Commercial ModelIndustrial Model50 in-lb R8001M1050150 in-lb R8001M115050 in-lb R8001M4050150 in-lb R8001M4150Communication RS-485 non-isolated RS-485 non-isolated RS-485 Isolated RS-485 Isolated Fault Annunciation Generic Alarm Generic Alarm Yes Yes Enhanced Data Logging None None Yes Yes Resolution .2 Degree .2 Degree .1 Degree .1 Degree Repeatability.2 Degree .2 Degree .1 Degree .1 Degree Duty Cycle (Act Availability)100%100%100%100%Opening Span 90 Degrees 90 Degrees 90 Degrees 90 Degrees 90 Degree Travel Time 30 sec 30 sec 15 sec max 15 sec max Minimum Operating Temperature-28°C (-18°F)-28°C (-18°F)-40°C (-40°F)-40°C (-40°F)Maximum Operating Temperature 70°C (158°F)70°C (158°F)70°C (158°F)70°C (158°F)Temp Sensor Yes; Alarm Only Yes; Alarm Only Yes; Alarm and Real Time Data Yes; Alarm and Real Time Data Output1/2-in Keyed Output Shaft 1/2-in Keyed Output Shaft 1/2-in Keyed Output Shaft 1/2-in Keyed Output Shaft Keyed Connection 1/8-in Square Key 1/8-in Square Key 1/8-in Square Key 1/8-in Square KeyConduit Connections1/2-in Conduit Knockouts (2) (Shipped Closed)1/2-in Conduit Knockouts (2) (Shipped Closed)1/2-in Conduit Knockouts (2) (Shipped Closed)1/2-in Conduit Knockouts (2) (Shipped Closed)SLATE™ LOW TORQUE ACTUATOR SERIES332M-06009—05Fig. 1. Dimensions in in (mm).INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGRead CarefullyPlease read the operating and mounting instructions before using the equipment. Install the equipment in compliance with the prevailing regulations.Bedrijfs- en montagehandleiding voor gebruik goed lezen! Apparaat moet volgens degeldende voorschriften worden geïnstalleerd.Lire les instructions de montage et de service avant utilisation! L ’appareil doitimperativement être installé selon les règlementations en vigueur.Betriebs- und Montageanleitung vor Gebrauch lesen! Gerät muß nach den geltenden Vorschriften installiert werden.NOTICELanguage translations for this document are available at .Safety requirementsWARNINGSafety NoticeThe SLATE Actuator has been independently evaluated by Underwriters Laboratories toprovide position feedback to the SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module. The safety of the overall system is ultimately the responsibility of: 1) Theupstream safety control that commands and monitors the SLATE Actuator, and 2) the trained commissioning engineer that configures the unit for system operation.WARNINGSafety HazardBefore operating this product, check all specifications and safety requirements toensure the product is suitable and safe for the intended application. In addition, read all installation, commissioning, and operating instructions. The SLATE Actuator must be set up and maintained in the field by qualified personnel. If the equipment is used in amanner not specified, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.SLATE™ LOW TORQUE ACTUATOR SERIES32M-06009—054MountingThe actuator assembly may be installed in any orientation.WARNINGKeep Free of Dust and Water•Maintain the integrity of the enclosure by using NEMA 4X rated dust- and water-tight electrical connectors.•Use cable-sealing grips and strain-relief loops for any cord or cable.•Plug unused conduit holes. Use internal sealing materials on all conduit connections. Moisture can have a harmful effect on device internals if permitted to enter through wiring connectors.•Ensure that the device connection is not at a low point of the conduit to avoidcondensation run-off into the housing; install a drip loop if necessary.•All cover screws should be tightened to the specified torque. See Fig. 4.•Cover screws should be checked periodically to ensure adequate sealing protection.If you are mounting the SLATE™ Low Torque Actuator using third party valves, it is important to follow the following assembly instructions:1.Ensure that the SLATE™ Low Torque actuatorhas sufficient torque for the valve's required break-away torque. Also consider the line pressure when making this calculation.2.Turn off the fuel supply upstream from theapplicable valve.3.Remove all external hardware from the thirdparty valve.4.The SLATE actuator's shaft is ½-in. diameterwith a 1/8-in. square key. For a smaller 3/8-in. valve shaft you must insert an adapter so that the two shafts are concentrically aligned, ensure that the set screws solidly contact both shafts.5.If the bracket assembly permits, attach thecoupling to the valve and the actuator first, ensuring exact alignment. After the coupling is tightened, assemble and tighten the mounting brackets. Do not tighten the mounting brackets first.6.Observe the actuator while it travels over itsentire range and ensure smooth operation. If sticking/binding is observed, or if Slate reports actuator error codes, the actuator shaft is not properly aligned and must be re-adjusted.Ensure the media temperature cannot exceed the valve or actuator ratings. Use a coupling with thermal breaks if required. If the possibility exists for radiant heating (such as a furnace application), install a thermal barrier.Ensure that pipe and ductwork are free of debris that could impair valve function.See Fig. 2 for the locations of the mounting holes. The mounting holes are threaded for M6 x 1 x 1/2-in (12mm) fasteners.Fig. 2. Mounting holes.Note the quadrant of the keyway and rotation direction. See Fig. 3.Fig. 3. Actuator rotation direction.NOTE:The SLATE Actuator ships CCW as default.Electrical installationWARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard.Can cause severe injury, death or equipment damage.Disconnect the power supply before beginning installation to prevent electrical shock and equipment damage. More than one power supply disconnect can be involved.Wiring terminalsFig. 4 indicates each wiring terminal and Table 2 identifies each terminal’s signal type and function.SLATE™ LOW TORQUE ACTUATOR SERIES532M-06009—05Fig. 4. Wiring terminals.To access the field wiring compartment for power and signal connections:1.Remove the 2 screws and cover from the top ofthe actuator housing.2.Pass all customer-supplied wires into the enclo-sure through the 2 conduit hubs.WARNINGEquipment DamageTo ensure physical protection as well aselectromagnetic immunity, the use of flexible, sunlight-resistant, jacketed, metallic, water-tight conduit is required. The conduit should be connected to earth ground on both ends.3.One or both conduit holes may be used when wiring an actuator.4.In addition to a grounded conduit, the use of shielded, twisted-pair cable is strongly recom-mended for DC power and signal wires. The shield drain wires should be landed to chas-sis/earth on both ends of the cable, but ONLY if a conduit is also grounded on both ends. In other cases, earth the shields at actuator end only.Input powerIMPORTANTUse DC power only.Use cable rated for the temperatures and voltages required by the application. Use a gauge of wire to minimize voltage loss (droop) over long cable runs, especially at full current load. Ensure that voltage specifications are met under all conditions. See Table 2.A fuse or breaker should be installed at the power source. If the power supply is not factory-supplied, a SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) rated supply with regulated output must be provided.Communication (Modbus over RS-485)Use appropriate communication cable. A network will consist of a customer’s Modbus master (withtermination) and one or more actuator slaves. See SLATE documentation for wiring specifics.NOTE:On commercial models only:Do not wire the non-isolated common terminal to the Slate system; leave itunconnected. Instead, wire the 24V- of the actuator supply to Pin 2 of the SlateSub-Base. If all actuators share the same supply, only one connection is work layouts should be arranged so thatbranch/homerun length does not exceed 300 feet for commercial actuators, or 2000 feet for industrial actuators.SLATE™ LOW TORQUE ACTUATOR SERIES32M-06009—0561 Do not wire the non-isolated common terminal to the Slate system; leave it unconnected. Instead, wire the24V- of the actuator supply to Pin 2 of the Slate Sub-Base. If all actuators share the same supply, only one con-nection is needed.Table 2. Wiring Terminal Identification.TypeTerminalDescriptionWiringPE (Protective Earth)Chassis ground screw Chassis connection for mains power and shield/drain wiresFollow local codes for safety earth installation. See Electrical installation section for shield drain installation instructions.DC power terminals 24V+24VDC positive terminal Shielded twisted pair cable isrecommended. A replaceable 2A fuse is provided on all actuators. Use a slow blow fuse if additional external fusing is desired. Required gauges are:Up to 80 ft: 24 AWG Up to 120 ft: 22 AWG Up to 500 ft: 16 AWG Up to 800 ft: 14 AWG Up to 1200 ft: 12 AWG24V-24VDC negative terminalLow voltage communication (Modbus over RS-485)Industrial models only: R8001M4050, R8001M4150RS485 In+Isolated RS-485: positive Shielded twisted pair cable with a separate common wire is recommended. See Electrical installation section for length limitations. Use 12–24 AWG wire.NOTE:Shield should be tied to chas-sis at Actuator side; do not connect at SLATE (control-ler) side.RS485 In-Isolated RS-485: negative RS485COM Isolated RS-485: commonNOTE:Must be connected forreliable performance.Low voltage communication (Modbus over RS-485)Commercial modelsonly:R8001M1050, R8001M1150RS485 In+Non-isolated RS-485: positiveRS485 In-Non-isolated RS-485: negative RS485COM Non-isolated RS-485: common See note 1SLATE™ LOW TORQUE ACTUATOR SERIES732M-06009—05OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The SLATE Actuator is designed specifically for the SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module. For actuator operation and programming information, see the SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module document 32-00006 and other SLATE system documentation (Base Module document 32-00005, and System Checkout guide 32-00016).Read the instruction manual carefully before initiating the start-up and adjustment procedure. Verify that all of the equipment associated with and necessary to the safe operation of the system has been installed correctly, that all pre-commissioning checks have been carried out successfully and that all safety-related aspects of the installation are properly addressed.OverviewSLATE Actuator provides multiple methods foractuator commissioning, precise closed-loop valve or damper position control, and health monitoring.•Position can be commanded via Modbus using the SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module.•Commissioning is accomplished through the SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module.TROUBLESHOOTINGIf the two shafts are not perfectly and concentrically aligned, additional binding and torque will beintroduced into the assembly causing error codes to be sent from the SLATE actuator to the SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module resulting in an inability to properly commission the system. If you are receiving actuator error codes either on the SLATE main module or in the error code register, check the mounting brackets and coupling's alignment and make necessary adjustments.Alarm and lockout event reportingSLATE alarm and lockout codes are accessed through the SLATE Fuel Air Ratio Module or using the SLATE touchscreen display. See documents 32-00013 and 32-00006 for more information.The Low-Torque Actuators also display statusmessages through LED blinks. The LED is on the PCB inside the unit. These can be used for troubleshooting purposes.The cover of the Low-Torque Actuators must be removed to see the two LEDs:•G reen LED: displays status, including alarm codes •Yellow LED: displays communication activity (on RS-485, bus is working and actuator is communicating with SLATE system)The normal and error codes are shown in Table 3.Table 3. Alarm LED Codes.LED code Error CharacteristicActionContinuous Blinking Normal State – Ready to operate None.1Out of range – Actuator is out of normal operating quadrant Command actuator to normal operational range.2Not calibrated – Actuator not (Factory) calibrated Factory calibration data lost; replace actuator.3Low Voltage Check actuator input voltage.4High TemperatureReduce ambient temperature; shield actuator from heat sources.5Mechanical binding, electrical shorts, or internal electronics fault.Check all cables and electrical connections; check for debris or water on electronics; check for mechanical binding or slipping; if persistent, replace actuator.5 or Dark Plus Continuous ResetLockoutCheck power; replace actuator.For More InformationThe Honeywell Thermal Solutions family of products includes Honeywell Combustion Safety, Eclipse, Exothermics, Hauck, Kromschröder and Maxon. To learn more about our products, visit or contact your Honeywell Sales Engineer.Honeywell Process SolutionsHoneywell Thermal Solutions (HTS) 1250 West Sam Houston Parkway South Houston, TX 77042ThermalSolutions.honeywellSLATE™ LOW TORQUE ACTUATOR SERIES® U.S. Registered Trademark© 2017 Honeywell International Inc. 32M-06009—05 M.S. Rev. 07-17 Printed in United StatesTable 4 shows information about Lockout conditions.Table 4. Lockout Conditions.Lockout Code Lockout CharacteristicComments1RAM Test of internal memory failed 2RAM DMA Test of internal memory failed 3Flash Memory Program corruption4Watchdog Startup Internal watchdog unit failure 5Safety Variables Safety data corruption 6Stack Overflow Program execution error 7System Tick Program execution error 8Main Loop Program execution error 9Processor FaultInstruction test failure 10Processor Fault – MemoryRAM/ROM failure。
SI4010-C2数据手册-中文特点⏹ 可配置不使用外部晶振➢ 晶振源可配置 ⏹ 高速8051UC 内核 ➢管道指令架构 ➢ 70%的指令执行需要1个或2个时钟周期 ➢ 高达24 MIPs(使用24M 时钟时) ➢ 4k RAM/8k NVM(一次性非易失性存储器) ➢128 bit EEPROM ➢256字节的内部数据RAM ➢ 12 kB API 函数(嵌入在ROM 中) ⏹ 大量的数字外设 ➢ 128位AES 加速器 ➢5/9个具有唤醒功能GPIO ➢LED 驱动器 ➢数据串行器 ➢高速频率计数器 ➢在线调试接口:C2 ➢唯一的4字节序列号 ➢ 超低功耗睡眠定时器 ⏹ 一枚纽扣电池➢ 供给电压:1.8到3.6V ➢ 待机电流 < 10nA ⏹ 高性能射频发射机 ➢ 频率范围:27-960 MHz ➢ +10 dBm 输出功率(可调的) ➢ 天线自动调整 ➢ 符号速率高达100kbps ➢ FSK/OOK 调制方式 ➢ Manchester, NRZ, 4/5编码 ⏹ 模拟外设 ➢带POR 电路的LDO 调节器 ➢ 电池电压监测 ⏹ 温度范围-40至+85℃ ⏹ 可选汽车质量标准AEC-Q100(等待最后的资格测试) ⏹ 10-pin MSOP / 14-pinSOIC说明Si4010是一个全集成无晶体CMOS SoC射频发射机,内置CIP-518051单片机。
Si4010包括Silicon Laboratories的2线C2调试和编程接口,允许客户在开发阶段将其代码下载到芯片RAM中,以便在对NVM编程之前进行测试和调试。
CAS No.:
参考文献:新编危险物品安全手册:[GB 13690-92常用危险化学品的分类及标志]等。
法规信息:法规信息化学危险物品安全管理条例(1987年2月17日国务院发布),化学危险物品安全管理条例实施细则(化劳发[1992] 677号),工作场所安全使用化学品规定([1996]劳部发423号)等法规,针对化学危险品的安全使用、生产、储存、运输、装卸等方面均作了相应规定。
熔点:橡胶防老剂4010的熔点通常在大约45°C至50°C 之间。
SLA成形系统的组成 及各部分的作用
• 1.激光器 • 作用:产生激光 • SLA成形系统的激光器大多以紫外线为光
SLA成形系统的组成 及各部分的作用
• SLA用激光器有两种类型: • 氦-镉(He-Cd)激光器,输出功率15~50mW
(毫瓦),属于低能量激光,输出波长325nm, 激光器寿命2000h。
1. 使CAD模型转化成适合于立体印刷成形的文 件格式,即STL格式,然后对模型进行平面 分层,得到每一个截面的形状。
2. 控制激光器、激光束扫描装置、升降台、刮 刀的运动。
• 1.模型设计
在CAD造型软件中完成原型件的几何建 模,并将其转化成STL格式。
• SLA快速原型技术适合于制作中小形工
件,能直接得到塑料产品。主要用于概念 模型的原型制作,或用来做装配检验和工 艺规划。它还能代替蜡模制作浇铸模具, 以及作为金属喷涂模、环氧树脂模和其他 软模的母模,是目前较为成熟的快速原型 工艺。主要用在汽车,电子,医学等领域.
• 5.可选择的材料种类有限,必须是光敏树
脂。由这类树脂制成的工件在大多数情况 下都不能进行耐久性和热性能试验,且光 敏树脂对环境有污染,使皮肤过敏。
• 6.需要设计工件的支撑结构,以便确保在
成型过程中制作的每一个结构部位都能可 靠定位。 支撑结构需在未完全固化时手工 去除,容易破坏成型件。
• 氩(Ar)激光器,输出功率100~500mW(毫
瓦),属于高能量激光,输出波长351~365nm, 激光器寿命约5000h。
SLA成形系统的组成 及各部分的作用
Silico n Laboratories Si4010 Keyfob AES DEMO 用户指南说
![Silico n Laboratories Si4010 Keyfob AES DEMO 用户指南说](
Rev 0.2 6/12Copyright © 2012 by Silicon Laboratories Si4010 Keyfob AES DEMOEY OB EMO IT WITH ADIO B ASE B OARD U SER ’S G UIDE1. PurposeThis user’s guide describes the use of the Demo Kit and gives the user a brief introduction to the AES encryption/decryption algorithm. The current version of the firmware does not support remote mode, so it can only be used in standalone mode without the Wireless Development Suite (WDS).2. Kit ContentsThe kit contains the following items:Figure 1.LCD Base BoardQty Part NumberDescription14010-KFOB-xxx Si4010 universal key fob for 316.66/433.92/868.3/917 MHz 1MSC-LCDBB930-AES LCD Base Board with C8051F930 MCU14355-PRXBxxxB RF Pico Board with EZRadio chip for 316.66/433.92/868.3/917 MHz 1MSC-AT50-xxx Antenna for 316.66/433.92/868.3/917 MHz 1MSC-PLPB_1/2/3Key fob plastic case 1CR2032CR2032 Coin Cell battery 3AA 1.5V AA battery 1USBUSB mini-B cableSi4010 Keyfob AES DEMOFigure2.RF Pico BoardFigure3.Si4010 Key FobSi4010 Keyfob AES DEMO 3. RequirementsThe following items are required to use the demo in standalone mode:⏹ LCD Base Board⏹ RF Pico Board with EZRadio Next Generation chip⏹ 3xAA batteries or USB Mini-B cable⏹ Si4010 key fob on 316.66/433.9/868.30/917.00MHz4. Si4010 Key Fob Demo DescriptionThe AES demo utilizes the capabilities of the Si4010 key fob transmitter and the Si4355 EZRadio receiver in order to demonstrate a one-way secure link application.The Si4010 key fob as the transmitter sends radio packets with partially encoded content. At the receiver side an EZRadio receiver, the Si4355 chip receives the packet, then evaluates and decodes it.The receiver can handle OOK or 2FSK modulated RF packets as well as the transmitter can set up to transmit OOK or 2FSK modulated RF packets.4.1. RF ParametersThe Si4010 AES Demo transmitter and receiver uses the following RF configuration:⏹ Center frequencies: 316.66/433.92/868.3/917MHz depending on RF Pico board and key fob⏹ OOK/2FSK modulation (selectable)⏹ 9.6kBaud⏹ Manchester coding in OOK mode (results in 4.8kbps data rate).4.2. Selection of Si4010 Key Fob ModulationThe Si4010 key fob can modulate RF packets in OOK/2FSK. In order to select the appropriate modulation type, follow the steps below:1. Open the plastic case of the key fob.2. Remove the battery and wait for 30 seconds to discharge capacitors.3. For 2FSK modulation, place the battery back and make sure that no buttons are pressed during batteryinsertion.4. For OOK modulation, press and hold the center button on the key fob during the battery insertion process.5. Fit the plastic case of the key fob.4.3. RF Packet FormatsThe packet format sent by the Si4010 is as follows:Table 1. RF Packet FormatPreamble Sync Chip ID Status Counter CRC AES part CRC13 byte 2 byte 4 byte 1 byte 2 byte 2 byte16 byte 2 byteSi4010 Keyfob AES DEMOThe fields other than AES part are not encoded. The AES encoded part of the RF packet contains the following encoded fields:Table 2. AES Encoded FieldsTemperature Battery Status Rolling Counter Button State PACap value Chip ID Reserved (0x00)2 byte 1 byte 4 byte 1 byte 2 byte 4 byte 2 byte Since the plain part and the AES encrypted part both contains the Chip ID, the decoding process is verified by comparing the Chip ID field between the two parts of the RF packet. If the decryption fails, a notification screen appears describing the AES decryption failure.4.4. AES EncodingThe AES encryption/decryption algorithm is a symmetric algorithm because the same key is used for encryption and decryption. The AES128 encoding/decoding process has been done using the SiLabs AES128 library. A session key for each packet is generated based on the sender Chip ID field and the constant key for the given packet type. There are two kinds of RF packets the key fob can send: an Association packet or a Message packet. There are different keys stored in the flash for each kind of packet. The receiver determines which key should be used by the Association flag in the plain Status byte.Figure4.AES EncodingDecoding of AES encrypted data basically consists of the same steps as encoding except that the final AES cipher is replaced with inverse-ciphering. The receiver generates the same session key from the constant key and the sender Chip ID, and, since the AES is a symmetric algorithm, it can decrypt the data if the session key is valid.Si4010 Keyfob AES DEMO5. Demo UsageConnect an appropriate RF Pico board to the LCD Base Board; then, set the SW1 switch on the LCD Base Board according to the power source (battery or USB).During startup, the RF parameters are automatically detected by the demo software based on the EBID information. In this way, only the modulation type (OOK/FSK) should be selected manually.Figure 5 shows the modulation selection screen.Figure5.Modulation Type SelectionTo select the modulation type on the Si4010 key fob, refer to "4.2. Selection of Si4010 Key Fob Modulation" onpage 3. After the modulation has been chosen, the AES Demo main screen will display as shown in Figure 6.Figure 6.Main ScreenNotification screens discussed below can pop up in the Main screen view and are caused by various events. The notification screens disappear after a time-out of several seconds; they can also be eliminated by pressing any of the push buttons.After startup, no associated clients are registered. In order to associate a client, press the push-button under the Asc menu option. During association, there is a limited amount of time available to associate a client. The remaining time is written to the screen as shown in Figure 7.Figure 7.Association TimeoutThe radio packets sent by the key fob are not like the association packets sent during normal use. To get an association packet out from the key fob, press Button 1 and Button 3 at the same time. This causes the key fob to generate an association plain text packet and then encrypt it with a different (association) AES key. Button 1 (right)and Button 3 (left) on the key fob are identified by arrows in Figure 8.Si4010 Keyfob AES DEMOFigure 8.Key Fob AssociationIf the association timeout has not elapsed and an association request packet is received by the radio chip, the encoded part of the packet will be decrypted using an Association Session Key based on an Association Key and the sender ID. If decryption was successful, the client rolling counter is synchronized and registered to the clients list. Figure 9 shows the case when a successful association process completed.Figure 9.Association SuccessWhen at least one client is associated, the Main screen displays the space used on the list as shown in Figure10.Figure 10.Main Screen with Associated ClientsIf an AES encoded radio packet is received by the RF Pico board from an associated client (other than an association request), the payload data is decrypted and displayed on the screen. The associated clients can also send unencrypted packets, which do not need to be decrypted. The notification screen will be the same in both cases, except the title, which shows if the packet was AES encrypted or is a Plain text packet.The encrypted data contains the index from the list and the ID of the sender, the button number pressed on the key fob, the rolling counter value, the key fob battery voltage, and, finally, the PACap value as shown in Figure 11.Figure 11.AES Encoded Packet ReceivedSi4010 Keyfob AES DEMOIf an incoming packet rolling counter is greater than the last given rolling client counter value stored in the base Board RAM by the predefined limit, the client will be removed from the registered list, and a notification screen will be displayed as shown in Figure 12.Figure12.Rolling Counter Out of LimitThe list containing the associated clients can be erased by pressing the button under the Del menu option on the Main screen. Deleting clients also resets their rolling counters. After a client is removed from the list, its packet isneither received by the Base Board nor decrypted unless it is associated again. The Delete screen is shown in Figure 13.Figure 13.Delete ClientsThe associated client list can be viewed by pressing the button under the List menu option on the Main screen. The list view contains the indices and chip IDs of each associated client from the list. The list view is shown in Figure 14.Figure 14.List View of ClientsSi4010 Keyfob AES DEMO6. SchematicsThis section contains schematics of the RFPico, LCD Base Board, and Si4010 key fob boards included in the kit. High-definition schematics and a complete manufacturing pack with CAD/CAM files and BOMs can be found at .Si4010 Keyfob AES DEMOSi4010 Keyfob AES DEMOSi4010 Keyfob AES DEMOSi4010 Keyfob AES DEMO D OCUMENT C HANGE L ISTRevision 0.1 to Revision 0.2⏹ Added schematic diagrams.⏹ Modified the purpose description.Si4010 Keyfob AES DEMO N OTES:DisclaimerSilicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products must not be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are generally not intended for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc., Silicon Laboratories, Silicon Labs, SiLabs and the Silicon Labs logo, CMEMS®, EFM, EFM32, EFR, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZMac®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, DSPLL®, ISOmodem ®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, SiPHY®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASimp li city StudioOne-click access to MCU tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux!/simplicityMCU Portfolio /mcuSW/HW/simplicityQuality /qualitySupport and Community。
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派力肯安全防护箱派力肯任何一款防护箱都坚固、防水、抗撞击、防尘、耐腐蚀、耐高低温1. #1010 微型箱∙内尺寸:11.1x 7.3 x 4.3 cm∙外尺寸:13.8 x 10.3 x 5.4 cm∙盖子/箱子深度:1.8cm/2.4cm∙重量:含海绵垫0.19kg,不含海绵垫0.18kg∙认证:IP672. #1020 微型箱∙内尺寸:13.5x 9 x 4.3 cm∙外尺寸:16.2 x 12.1 x 5.4 cm∙盖子/箱子深度:1.8cm/2.4cm∙重量:含海绵垫0.25kg,不含海绵垫0.25kg∙认证:IP673. #1030 微型箱∙内尺寸:16.2x 6.7 x 5.2 cm∙外尺寸:19 x 9.8 x 6.2 cm∙盖子/箱子深度:1.8cm/3.2cm∙重量:含海绵垫0.28kg,不含海绵垫0.27kg ∙认证:IP674. #1040 微型箱∙内尺寸:16.5 x 9.8 x 4.4 cm∙外尺寸:19 x 12.8 x 5.4 cm∙盖子/箱子深度:1.8cm/2.4cm∙重量:含海绵垫0.32kg,不含海绵垫0.32kg ∙认证:IP675. #1050 微型箱∙内尺寸:16 x 9.3 x 7 cm∙外尺寸:19 x 12.8 x 5.4 cm∙盖子/箱子深度:1.8cm/4.9cm∙重量:含海绵垫0.38kg,不含海绵垫0.37kg ∙认证:IP676. #1060 微型箱∙内尺寸:20.9 x 10.8 x5.7 cm∙外尺寸:23.8 x 14.1 x 6.7 cm∙盖子/箱子深度:1.8cm/3.7cm∙重量:含海绵垫0.47kg,不含海绵垫0.45kg ∙认证:IP677. i1010 MP3/iPOD专用盒∙内尺寸:11.1 x 7.3 x 4.3 cm∙外尺寸:13.8 x 10.3 x 5.4 cm∙盖子/箱子深度:1.8cm/2.4cm∙重量:0.19kg∙认证:IP67∙此款产品特别适合于存放iPod 和MP38. i1030 MP3/iPOD专用盒∙内尺寸:16.2 x6.7 x5.2 cm∙外尺寸:19 x 9.8x 6.2 cm∙盖子/箱子深度:1.8cm/3.2cm∙重量:0.32kg∙认证:IP67∙此款产品特别适合于存放iPod 和MP39. #1200 小型箱●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 27 x 24.6x12.4cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 23.5x 18.1 x10.5 cm●盖子/箱子深度:3cm/7.4cm●重量:含海绵垫1.3kg,不含海绵垫1.2kg●最大浮力:5.45公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个可折叠把手●3件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,UL-94 HB,STANAG 428010. #1400 小型箱●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 33.9 x 29.5x15.2cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 30x 22. 5x13.2 cm●盖子/箱子深度:3cm/710.2cm●重量:含海绵垫2kg,不含海绵垫1.8kg●最大浮力:9.1公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手●3件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,UL-94 HB,STANAG 4280,MIL C-4150J,A TA 30011. #1450 小型箱●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 40.6 x 33 x 17.4cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 37.1x 25.8x15.2 cm●盖子/箱子深度:4.4cm/10.8cm●重量:含海绵垫2.9kg,不含海绵垫2.5kg●最大浮力:13.61公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手●3件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,UL-94 HB,STANAG 4280,MIL C-4150J12. #1490CC#1 电脑箱●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 50.4 x 35.4 x 11.9cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 45.1 x 28.9 x 10.5cm●盖子/箱子深度:3.8cm/6.7cm●重量:含海绵垫2.95kg, 不含海绵垫2.48kg●最大浮力:18.6公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手13. #1500 中型箱●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 47 x 35.7 x 17.6cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 42.5x 28.4 x 15.5 cm●盖子/箱子深度:4.6cm/10.9cm●重量:含海绵垫3.2kg,不含海绵垫2.9kg●最大浮力:22.68公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手●3件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,UL-94 HB,STANAG 4280,MIL C-4150J14. #1510 中型箱(拉杆箱)●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 55.9 x 35.1x22.9cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 50.1x 27.9x19.3 cm●盖子/箱子深度:4.5cm/14.7cm●重量:含海绵垫6.21kg,不含海绵垫5.44kg●最大浮力:29.1公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手;侧部1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手●4件套海绵垫●箱底2只以不锈钢为轴的尼龙聚氨酯滑轮,侧部配有可伸缩的拉杆,用单手即可拖动箱子●认证:UL-94 HB,ST ANAG 428015. #1520 中型箱●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 48.5 x 39.2x19.2cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 45.4x 32.4x17.1 cm●盖子/箱子深度:4.6cm/12.5cm●重量:含海绵垫4.24kg,不含海绵垫3.76kg●最大浮力:18.1公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手●3件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,UL-94 HB,STANAG 4280,MIL C-4150J16. #1550 中型箱●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 52.4 x 42.8x20.6cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 46.8 x 35. 5x19.3 cm●盖子/箱子深度:4.4cm/14.9cm●重量:含海绵垫5.4kg,不含海绵垫4.8kg●最大浮力:31.7公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手●4件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,UL-94 HB,STANAG 4280,MIL C-4150J,A TA 30017. #1560 中型箱(拉杆箱)●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 56x 45.5x26.5cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 51.7x 39.2x22.9 cm●盖子/箱子深度:5.1cm/17.8cm●重量:含海绵垫9.07kg,不含海绵垫7.71kg●最大浮力:47.17公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手;侧部1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手●4件套海绵垫●箱底2只以不锈钢为轴的尼龙聚氨酯滑轮,侧部配有可伸缩的拉杆,用单手即可拖动箱子●认证:STANAG 428018. #1600 大型箱●最大浮力:34公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手;两侧各1个锁扣●4件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,UL-94 HB,STANAG 4280,MIL C-4150J,A TA 30019. #1610 大型箱(拉杆箱)●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 62.4 x 49x30.3cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 55x 42.2x26.8 cm●盖子/箱子深度:5.2cm/21.6cm●重量:含海绵垫10.2kg, 不含海绵垫9.07kg●最大浮力:54.4公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手;两侧各1个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手●5件套海绵垫●箱底2只以不锈钢为轴的尼龙聚氨酯滑轮,侧部配有可伸缩的拉杆,用单手即可拖动箱子●认证:IP66,UL-94 HB,STANAG 428020. #1620 大型箱(拉杆箱)●最大浮力:68公斤●前部2个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手;两侧各1个锁扣,和1个带防滑抓垫的可折叠把手●6件套海绵垫●箱底2只以不锈钢为轴的尼龙聚氨酯滑轮,侧部配有可伸缩的拉杆,用单手即可拖动箱子●认证:IP66,UL-94 HB,STANAG 4280,MIL C-4150J21. #1650 大型箱(拉杆箱)●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 72.4 x 44.1 x 26.7 cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 78.1 x 52 x 29.5 cm●盖子/箱子深度:4.7cm/21.9cm●重量:含海绵垫16.1kg,不含海绵垫13.2kg●最大浮力:82.1公斤●前部3个锁扣和1个可折叠把手,两侧各2个锁扣和1个可折叠把手●箱底4只以不锈钢为轴的尼龙聚氨酯滑轮,侧部配有可伸缩的拉杆,用单手即可拖动箱子●4件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,MIL C-4150J,ST ANAG 4280,AT A 30022. #1660 大型箱(拉杆箱)●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 80 x 58.1 x 48.2 cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 71.5 x 50.1 x 44.7 cm●盖子/箱子深度:8.9cm/35.9cm●重量:含海绵垫19.1kg, 不含海绵垫15.5kg●最大浮力:158.8公斤●前部3个锁扣,两侧各2个锁扣和1个可折叠把手●箱底4只以不锈钢为轴的尼龙聚氨酯滑轮,侧部配有可伸缩的拉杆,用单手即可拖动箱子●5件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,STANAG 428023. #1690 大型箱(拉杆箱)●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 84.7 x 72.2 x 46.3 cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 76.2 x 63.5 x 40.6 cm●盖子/箱子深度:7.3cm/30.8cm●重量:含海绵垫19.5kg, 不含海绵垫15.42kg●最大浮力:185.97公斤●前部3个锁扣,两侧各2个锁扣和1个可折叠把手●箱底4只以不锈钢为轴的尼龙聚氨酯滑轮,侧部配有可伸缩的拉杆,用单手即可拖动箱子●5件套海绵垫●认证:IP6724. #0340 大型方箱●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 52 x 52 x 48.9 cm●内部尺寸(长x宽x高) 45.7 x 45.7 x 45.7 cm●盖子/箱子深度:10.2cm/31.7cm●重量:含海绵垫13.5kg, 不含海绵垫10.89kg●最大浮力:100公斤●前部2个锁扣,两侧各2个锁扣和1个可折叠把手●预设好的轮盘槽可方便装卸转轮●7件套海绵垫●认证:IP67,STANAG 428025. #1780 大型运输箱●外部尺寸(长x宽x高) 114 x 64.3 x 41.9cm●内尺寸:106.6 x 55.9 x 38.3 cm●盖子/箱子深度:19.2cm/18.5cm●重量:含海绵垫22.23kg,不含海绵垫17.42kg●最大浮力:226.8公斤●前部4个锁扣,后部4个锁扣,侧部各1个可折叠把手●箱盖可完全卸下,易于装运货物●箱底4只以不锈钢为轴的尼龙聚氨酯滑轮,侧部配有可折叠的宽型把手,用单手即可拖动箱子●6件套海绵垫●认证:STANAG 4280●世界上目前最大的密封运输箱(包装箱),Pelican2007年新品。