高一上海新世纪英语M1U1 tralling around China备课课件(共21张PPT)
![高一上海新世纪英语M1U1 tralling around China备课课件(共21张PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/890d21e4192e45361066f5f4.png)
In which city or province is each of the following located?
• The Great Wall Beijing
• The Three Gorges
• Jinmao Building
• The Lijiang River
• West Lake
Notes to the text
• 1 Here is some information about how it can be done. 带有宾语从句的复合句
• how it can be donห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 作介词about 的宾语 • 2 efficient 经济的,效率高的 • 反 inefficient
• Most parts of China can now be reached by rail. Generally speaking, the train service is efficient. However, the trains are sometimes overcrowded, especially on national holidays. The kind of ticket you need depends on the distance of your journey. A hard or soft seat is fine for a short journey. For long journeys, a sleeper ticket is a better choice.
• Because it has a lot of steep streets.
3、桌子 老年人用的桌子,既不宜过高,也不能太低。过高的桌子容易导致老年人的肌肉疲劳,脊柱侧弯,视力下降等弊病。长期伏案的老年人,还会因为颈椎骨唇样增生,而患颈椎肥大等疾病。过低的 使老年人感到书写不适,肩部疲劳、胸闷、起坐吃力等。 。
In 2002
honoured as a peace
fighter by the UN
Fast reading
Read each paragraph and answer each question. 1.What did our group do in Gombe National Park? (para1)
如何老人适合的家具呢?让他们更加健康快乐地生活呢?不同年龄段的人,对居室环境的要求是不同的,对家具的要求更不相同。其中尤其以儿童和老年人最为明显。老人的家具配置讲究简单、实 要尽量靠墙摆放,不要经常更换位置。老年人的腿脚多有不便,一些有棱角的家具尽可能不用,以免碰伤老人。老年人不宜爬高或躬身,所以那些高过头的顶柜或带有低于膝盖的抽屉的家具最好
4、床具 老人的床不宜过高,以免上下床不方便。弹簧床等软床对老人不合适,对于患有腰肌劳损、骨质增生的老人尤其不利,这常常会使他们的症状加剧。不少老年人喜欢席梦思、钢丝床、棕绷床,认 柔软舒适,可减少疲劳。其实不然。这些床透气性差,长期睡卧,还会使人脊柱呈弧形,劳损症状加重,腰部发生疼痛。为了预防和治疗腰部疼痛,最好选择木板床。床以硬床垫或硬床板加厚褥 使用时,可在铺板上加一层厚一些的棉垫,使之松软,这样不仅可使老人躺得更加舒服,而且可使脊柱保持正直的状态。床上用品要选择保暖性好的,床单、被罩应选择全棉等天然材料制作的 消防排烟风机 / 消防排烟风机
高一英语下册Unit 1课件1(PPT)2-1
![高一英语下册Unit 1课件1(PPT)2-1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c6e714157e21af45b207a818.png)
Outline of the text
1.A day in
Gombe National Hard ,tiring , time-consuming
Park by our group
3.Her attitude and contributions
;/特许加盟网 特许加盟展 加盟展会 上海加盟展会 连锁加盟展览会
辨识难度一般。这个奇特外形,本来应该很容易。但是2010年出现了一个名为奸笑(Jaws Smiley)的捕蝇草,和它几乎一模一样,普及率比异形好得多。 贝壳捕蝇草(学名:Dionaea muscipulaCoquillage),贝壳捕蝇草,和异形(Alien)一样,都是法国人Guillaume Bily在荷兰的Carniflora苗圃2008年5月举办的开放日活动中发现的。 贝壳的齿短而唇厚,夹子一般在3cm以下。夹子合上之后,圆圆的样子特别像贝壳。贝壳因此而得名(Coquillage在法文里面是贝壳)。 近年有涌现一些新的像绿巫师(Green Wizard)的捕蝇草,外形和贝壳很接近。旋律鲨鱼捕蝇草(学名:Dionaea muscipula KoreanMelodyShark),KMS(英文简称)是在韩国食虫植物研究所的Gi-Won Jang博士和他的实习生Max Yoon培育出来的。他们用一批来 自英国的,标记为鲨鱼齿(Shark Tooth)的捕蝇草,进行播种繁殖。研究所的目的不在培育新园艺种,而是为了普及和保育捕蝇草。他们在无菌的组培环境,从100棵播种的实生苗里面,发现了这棵植株。 KMS的特征非常明显,永远细长的叶柄,齿的形态也非常不规则。是怪异捕蝇草爱好者必备藏品。根据ICPS的资料,KMS花朵的雌蕊和雄蕊都不会发育成熟,所以本身是不育的。 融齿捕蝇草(学名:Dionaea muscipula Fused Tooth),融齿是在组培中发生变异导致的,由德国人Thomas Garow从组培种挑选出来。Thomas本人也是锯齿(Sawtooth)和怪异男爵(Wacky Traps)的培育者。融齿和锯齿在1995年已经有少量个体在市场上流通, 但具体发现时间已经不可考,因为在1980年代末Henning Von Schmeling(著名的B52捕蝇草的培育者)已经收到这2棵捕了。
高一英语 下学期unit 1课件
![高一英语 下学期unit 1课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a976486276eeaeaad0f33039.png)
Film Dubbing
Read the play again and again after class.
Finish Exercise 1 and 2 on Page 56.
_____ ________. When Henry opened the letter, he found it was a ___ ______ _____. He was _____ but the owner and the waiter were _____. The own was not sure if it was ______ or _____. They couldn’t believe Henry who was ___ ____ could be so rich. At last, the note was proved to be real. After knowing that the
With thee_n_v_e_l_o_p_e___ in hand, Henry decided rteosetanutrearnta _________ for a meal. He hoarmdered seogmges _____ and ____s_teaankd a nice big _______ togbeeetrher with a tall glass of _____. The waiter toaldthiniym tbhiet meal would cost him __ _____ ____. After etahteing hsiasmfeirst order, Henry asked for more of ______ ________.
refused to take any money , extremely polite to Henry
高一英语下册Unit 1课件1(PPT)5-2
![高一英语下册Unit 1课件1(PPT)5-2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/56127c494a7302768f99392c.png)
Outline of the text
1.A day in
Gombe National Hard ,tiring , time-consuming
Park by our group
3.Her attitude and contributions
Determined, devoted, brave, with great love,
Lead-in 1.Introduction of different kinds of wildlife 2. A video clip of chimps
能之~。③(~儿)名辈子:后半~儿。 【辈出】动(人才)一批一批地连续出现:英雄~|新人~。 【辈分】?名指家族、亲友之间的世系次第:论~, 我是他叔叔|他年纪比我小,可~比我大。 【辈行】名辈分。 【辈数儿】名辈分:他虽然年纪轻,~小,但在村里很有威信。 【辈子】?名一生:这~| 半~|他当了一~教师。 【惫】(憊)(旧读)极; 教育加盟 教育加盟 ;端疲乏:疲~。 【焙】动用微火烘(材、食品、烟叶、茶叶 等):~干研碎|~一点儿花椒。 【焙粉】名发面用的白色粉末,是碳酸氢钠、酒石酸和淀粉的混合物。也叫发粉,有的地区叫起子。 【焙烧】动把物料 (如矿石)加热而又不使熔化,以改变其化学组成或物理性质。 【蓓】[蓓蕾]()名没开的花;花骨朵儿:桃树~满枝◇美术园地中的~。 【碚】地名用 字:北~(在重庆)。 【鞁】①〈书〉鞍辔的统称。②同“鞴”。 【骳】见页〖骫骳〗。 【褙】动把布或纸一层一层地粘在一起:裱~|袼~|后面又~ 了一层布。 【褙子】?〈方〉名袼褙:打~。 【糒】〈书〉干饭。 【鞴】动把鞍辔等套在马上:~马。 【鞴】见页[鞲鞴]。 【鐾】动把刀的刃部在布、 皮、石头等上面反复摩擦几下,使锋利:~刀|~刀布。 ? 【呗】(唄)?助①表示事实或道理明显,很容易了解:不懂,就好好学~。②表示勉强同意或勉 强让步的语气:去就去~。 【臂】?见页〖胳臂〗。 【奔】①奔走;急跑:狂~|~驰。②紧赶;赶忙或赶急事:~命|~丧。③逃Байду номын сангаас:~逃|东~西窜。 ④()名姓。 【奔波】动忙忙碌碌地往来奔走:四处~|不辞劳苦,为集体~。 【奔驰】动(车、马等)很快地跑:骏马~|列车在广阔的原野上~。 【奔窜】动走投无路地乱跑;狼狈逃跑:敌军被打得四处~。 【奔放】形(思想、感情、文章气势等)尽情流露,不受拘束:热情~|笔意~。 【奔赴】动 奔向(一定目的地):~战场|~边疆|他们即将~新的工作岗位。 【奔劳】动奔波劳碌:日夜~。 【奔流】动(水)急速地流;淌得很快:大河~|铁 水~。 【奔忙】动奔走操劳:他为料理这件事,~了好几天。 【奔命】动奉命奔走。参看页〖疲于奔命〗。 【奔跑】动很快地跑;奔走:往来~|~如飞。 【奔丧】∥动从外地急忙赶回去料理长辈亲属的丧事。 【奔驶】动(车辆等)很快地跑。 【奔逝】〈书〉动(时间、水流等)飞快地过去:岁月~|~的河 水。 【奔逃】动逃走(到别的地方);逃跑:~他乡|四散~。 【奔腾】动(许多马)跳跃着奔跑:一马当先,万马~◇思绪~|黄河~
Period 1 1 Unit 4 Period
How Life Began on the Earth
ObjectiBiblioteka es1.知识与能力:To grasp the main idea of the passage by making use of some reading skills 2.过程与方法:To grasp the main idea by self-directed learning ,discussion ,cooperation 3.情感态度价值观: To know the importance of protecting the earth and environment
depend____whether on millions of years to come will ____ this
problem can be solved.
Suppose you are a reporter, (studentA2)interview your friends about the topic: As a student, what little things can you do for the earth?
Task2.Paragraph 2: Answer the following questions to understand the formation of the earth and the appearance of water: Q1: Time What is the earth like?
several billion years after A cloud of dust the Big Bang between 4.5 and 3.8 A solid globe billion years ago Q2:Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one? It is more important that when the earth cooled down, water started to appear. ___________________________________________ What’s even more important is as that the earth cooled down, water began to appear on it’s surface . ________
高一英语下学期unit 1PPT教学课件
![高一英语下学期unit 1PPT教学课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/abed8f9e783e0912a3162abb.png)
5. --Need I hand in my
exercise book at once?
--Yes, you_____.
A. must B. need
C. can
D. will
PP91 ------ 94 (watch flash)
Modal verbs(1)
Ex.2 Find out and write different
sentences with modal verbs from the reading passage in the space below.
1.Other celebrations were held when hunters could catch animals.
B: Yes, I would like to go with you on Saturday.
2. A: Could Xiao Feng find the origin of Easter from that book?
B: No, he couldn’t find it. 3. A: May I go with my friends to the harvest festival?
• 同学们是否喜欢看漫画?
• 你们都看过什么样的漫 画呢?
漫画作品欣赏: 欣赏角度:
1、造型 2、主题 3、创意 4、意义含义,表现手法
独幅、多幅、连环、政治漫画、新闻 漫画、科学漫画、哲理漫画、幽默漫 画、肖像漫画、故事漫画、动画
上海新世纪版高一年级第二学期-Unit 1 Travelling Around China- 学案设
![上海新世纪版高一年级第二学期-Unit 1 Travelling Around China- 学案设](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8df58b6e7375a417876f8f03.png)
Unit 1 Travelling Around ChinaPeriod 1Learning Aims1.To know the location of some big Chinese cities and places of interest.2.To get more information of some famous places.3.To get a general idea of the text.4.To learn the important language points.5.To get a general idea of the noun clause.Learning Important and Difficult Points1.To get a general idea of the text.2.To learn the important language points.3.To get a general idea of the noun clause.Learning ProcedureI. Preparing for reading:1.Do Ex. A1 (Mark the following places on the map.)2.Please introduce one of the cities to your classmates. You may write down some key words._____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________3.Do Ex A2 (Where are the following places located?)4.Please tell your desk mates why they are so famous? (No more than 100 words)_____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________II. Skimming and Scanning1.Do Ex A3 and try to tell why it’s True or False and where you can find the answer? Pleasewrite down the reason or underline the relevant sentences in the text.1) ____________________________________2) ______________________________3) ____________________________________4) ______________________________5)____________________________________2.Do Ex A4 (Scan the text and answer the following questions.)3.Getting on to readRead the text and complete the table.III. Learn the new words by yourself.*accessible adj.(to, by) easy to get into/to 易接近的,可进入的e.g.1.The island is accessible only by boat. 这座岛只有乘小艇才能去。
上海新世纪版高一年级第二学期-Unit 1 Travelling Around China 课件 (
![上海新世纪版高一年级第二学期-Unit 1 Travelling Around China 课件 (](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0ba0507d0912a21615792902.png)
Extra word bank
• Bus • Ship • Plane • Helicopter • Bike/bicycle • Underground/subway/
tube/Metro • Jet
• Lightrail • Ferry • Van • Jeep • Truck • Motorcycle • Boat
temple--monk—Kongfu-- The Hulunbei’er
Henan Province
Shaolin Temple
the biggest grassland --Inner Mongolia
Do you know the Chinese name and the location of these famous scenic spots in CMogao Caves The Leshan Buddha The Ming Tombs
There are so many interesting places around China.
Travelling around China is really fun.
Then how will you go there?
Read the text and complete the following table about the
advantages and disadvantages of different forms of
transportation in China.
By train 1.___________________ 2.___________________ 3.Fairly comfortable
Test 1 (Unit1-Unit2)第I卷I Listening Comprehension (20%)Part A Short ConversationsDirections:In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.( ) 1. A. $300. B. $350. C. $400. D. $450. ( ) 2. A. 12:45. B. 1:45. C. 1:00. D. 4:00. ( ) 3. A. Her suitcase. B. Some rocks. C. Bags. D. The leaves. ( ) 4. A. By train. B. By air. C. By bus. D. By ship. ( ) 5. A. At home. B. In a restaurant.C. At a railway station.D. In a park.( ) 6. A. Catch a cold. B. Hurry to get the bus.C. Fix his torn sleeve.D. Sit next to the bus stop. ( ) 7. A. Boss and secretary. B. Doctor and patient.C. Teacher and student,D. Manager and customer. ( ) 8. A. She is asking whether the man will come along.B. She is asking what the weather will be like.C. She is asking how much a tennis ball will cost.D. She is asking if the man has ever played tennis before.( ) 9. A. She's surprised.B. She agrees with the man.C. The man speaks too fast.D. He didn't enjoy himself very much.( ) 10. A. They're going to be in Beijing at eleven.B. She doesn't know how long they'll have to wait.C. They cannot arrive in Beijing on time.D. The train will not arrive in Beijing.Part B PassagesDirections: In Part B, you will hear two short passages and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.() 11. A. 18. B. 14. C. 13. D. 11. () 12. A. Rainy. B. Snowy. C. Cloudy. D. Sunny. () 13. A. A pilot. B. A flight attendant. C. A ground officer. D. A ticket agent.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.( ) 14. A. The sun in the sky.B. The sunshine in bad weather.C. The name in the passport.D.The appearance of the student. ) 15. A. A rude person.B. A wise person.C. An amusing person.D. A humorous person. ) 16. A. There was something wrong with his passport and visa. B. He was going to be arrested.C. He brought sunshine to England.D. His name was pronounced just like the English word "sun".Part C Longer ConversationsDirections: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice, after yon hear the conversations, you are asked to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write One Word for each answer.( (II Grammar and Vocabulary (10%)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B , C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.( ) 21. The plane can not take off as_____ because of the heavy fog.A. delayedB. determinedC. scheduledD. managed ( ) 22. What ___of transport will be used depends on the geographical and weather conditions of the place where you are to travel.A. kindB. meansC. routineD. destination ( ) 23. Traveling around China by train is now faster, ____sometimes thetrains are overcrowded, especially during public holidays.A. howeverB. furthermoreC. as a resultD. although ( ) 24. Drivers usually fasten their___ belt before starting a car.A. safeB. safelyC. safetyD. save ( ) 25. Beijing, which has many places of____, is a world famous tourist destination.A. historical interest.B. historic interestsC. historical sitesD. scenic spots( ) 26.A___committee was formed to study various bridge designs.A. exceptionalB. particularC. specialD.unusual ( ) 27. I’ll have to ask the bank to ___ the repayment time on my loan.A. extremeB. extentC. extendD.expand ( ) 28. Whether your travel will be a success or a failure___ how you travel.A. determinesB. depends onC. decidesD. departed ( ) 29. A number of sea routes ____can take you from one seaport to another along the coast.A. are existedB. is existed C that exist D. exist that ( ) 30. Travelling around the world can be___ but expensive as well.A. tiredB. tiringC. not only tiringD. not tired ( ) 31. According to the school rules, the restroom____ to teachers alone.A. is availableB. is passed throughC. usedD. is served ( ) 32. The___ newspaper has won a lot of readers for it is always reporting the truth.A. nativeB. localC. individualD. private ( ) 33. Not having the key on him, Peter had no___ but to wait for his classmates to come to open the door.A. choiceB. wayC. meansD. route( ) 34.The witness said that the person in charge was not on the____ when the accidenthappened.A. signB. siteC. sceneD. state( ) 35. Your shirt needs___. You'd better have it done today.A. ironB. to ironC. ironingD.being ironed ( ) 36. ___is mentioned in the text, plane tickets are more expensive than those for trains.A. WhatB. ThatC. AsD. It( ) 37. I was about to leave the office___ the door bell rang.A. asB. whileC. whenD. after ( ) 38. It was___late to catch a bus after the party, so we called a taxi.A. too veryB. much tooC. too muchD. far( ) 39. Tom was said___the driving test through great efforts after several failures.A. that he passedB. to passC. to have passedD. to be passing( ) 40 . Please let me know___you arrive in London.A. the instantB. in an instantC. at an instantD. for the instantIII Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.Lv, = leaveAr. = arriveEx. =exceptHoi. = Holiday( ) 41. How many times a week does the 9:00 am train arrive in New York from Boston?A. 6 times.B. 5 times.C. 7times.D. 2 times. ( ) 42. What is the shortest time between Boston and New York by train?A. 5 hours 35 minutes.B. 5 hours 5 minutes.C. 4 hours 30 minutes.D. 4 hours 35 minutes.( ) 43. You have a lunch date at Midway on Sunday. What time must you leave Boston in order not to be late?A. 5: 10 am.B. 7:00 am.C. 9:00 am.D. 10:00 am.(B)When you are planning for an independent travel, you might need to work out a budget. The ideal (理想的) vacation will give the most fun for the least spending. The following tips might help you save money in travels.In general, the expenses on transportation command a big part of the budget. Travel by train if you have enough time. You can save a lot in this way. An example is, from Chongqing Municipality to Beijing, a round-trip flight costs about 2,800 yuan (US $337), while a round-trip train ticket costs only 800 yuan. The difference reaches 2,000 yuan.It is also important to choose the most economic (经济的) vehicles afteryou have arrived at the travel site. Choose from city buses, taxis or shuttle buses for special routes to scenic spots. A good suggestion is to buy a map and design the most suitable transport route in advance.Hotel expenses can also cost a lot if you do not have good choices. It isimportant to bargain for the rate at each hotel. A good way is to book your room through a travel agent or an Internet travel service provider before you start traveling.( ) 44. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Planning for Trips.B. Saving Money on Traveling.C. Traveling around China.D. Traveling Expenses.( ) 45. According to the passage, a budget is_____.A. a detailed plan for doing somethingB. the list of things that you are going to buyC. a solution to a problem that you have met withD. the amount of money you have available to spend( ) 46. The main idea of the third paragraph is .A. what to take on a tripB. how to get to your destinationC.where to go at your scenic siteD. transportation at your scenic site ( ) 47. According to the passage, one ___ to save money when traveling.A. can sell mapsB. can avoid taking trainsC. should not stay in hotelsD. should book hotels in advance(C)The year was 1932. Amelia Earhart was flying alone from North America to England in a small single-engined aeroplane. At midnight, several hours after she had left Newfoundland, she ran into bad weather. To make things worse, her altimeter (高度表) failed and she didn't know how high she was flying. At night, and in a storm, a pilot is in great difficulty without an altimeter. At times, her plane nearly plunged into the sea.Just before dawn, there was further trouble. Amelia noticed flames coming from the engine. Would she be able to reach land? There was nothing to do except to keep going and to hope.In the end, Amelia Earhart did reach Ireland, and for the courage she had shown, she was warmly welcomed in England and Europe. When she returned to the United States, she was honored by President Hoover at a special dinner in the White House. From that time on, Amelia Earhart was famous.What was so important about her flight? Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean alone, and she had set a record of fourteen hours and fifty-six minutes.In the years that followed, Amelia Earhart made several flights across the United States, and on each occasion (时刻) she set a new record for flying time. Amelia Earhart made these flights to show that women had a place in aviation(航空) and that air travel was useful.( ) 48. Which of the following statements is NOT the difficulty which Amelia Earhart met in her flight from North America to England?A. She was caught in a storm.B. She lost her direction.C. There was something wrong with her engine.D. The altimeter went out of control.( ) 49. What did Amelia Earhart do when she saw flames coming from the engine?A. She did nothing but pray for herself.B. She changed her direction and landed in Ireland.C. She continued flying.D. She lost hope of reaching land.( ) 50. According to the passage, what was Amelia Earhart's reason for making her flights?A. To set a new record for flying time.B. To be the first woman to fly around the world.C. To finish the task of the army.D. To show that aviation was not just for men.( ) 51. Which of the following statements was NOT mentioned?A. She was the first woman who succeeded in flying across the Atlantic Oceanalone.B. She showed great courage in overcoming the difficulties during the flight.C. She was warmly welcomed in England, Europe and the United States.D. She made plans to fly around the world.(D)Driving a car at high speed along a highway seems to be fun. You need only to follow the bright traffic signs beside the highways and it will take you to where you wish.But to a London taxi driver, driving is not an easy job. A taxi driver has to have not only good driving skills but also a good knowledge of the city of London, from the smallest lane(小巷)to the most popular bar around. He has to be at the service of all kinds of passengers at all times.A certain London taxi driver told of his job as follows.During the night it is quite usual for him to stop two or three times for some refreshments (点心). He said, "I never drink when I'm working-I would lose my licence.”He normally goes home between 2 and 3 o'clock in the night. There are times he has to stay longer and try to make more runs. He said, "That's the worst thing about working for yourself. If you don't make the money, no one is going to give it to you. "London taxi drivers not only " take" but also " give". Every summer hundreds of children from London will go for a day at the sea—by taxi! Their rides are paid by the taxi drivers, and these fares all go to the " London Taxi Fund for Underprivileged Children. " At the sea, they are met by the mayor, and a lunch party is also held in honour of the taxi drivers and the children. After a happy day running around the sea beaches and visiting the market, the children go home again—by taxi, and free of charge, of course!( ) 52. To be a London driver is not easy because____.A. he has to follow the bright traffic signsB. he has to have good driving skills and know all the places in the cityC. he has to serve all kinds of passengers at all timesD. both B and C( ) 53. The London taxi drivers____.A. work hard because no one would give them money for doing nothing.B. never stop driving in the city.C. only work between 2 and 3 o'clock in the night.D. are very rich.( ) 54. Which of the following statements describing the London taxi driver is correct?A. They take money because they have to pay for the children's ride.B. They go to the sea for a day in the summer.C. They pay the fares for the poor children to the sea for a day once every year.D. They give the poor children a free ride for a day at the sea once every year. ( ) 55. The underlined words "Underprivileged Children" mean children____.A. from LondonB. of low income familiesC. who wish to go to sea but have no moneyD. who like to travel in taxi(E)Directions: Read the text and then choose the most suitable heading from the list for each paragraph of the text. Note that there is one extra heading:56._____Why do people in all countries ride in buses to school, to work and to far places? Buses can go where trains and airplanes cannot. They do not cost as much to travel on. Even though they may not move as fast as airplanes and trains, they sometimes take people between two places faster. This is because they travel on a more direct way, or may leave more often, or at better times.57._____Buses come in different sizes. A small bus can carry only eight or ten people. A large one might have seats for fifty to seventy people and have standing room for more.58._____Thousands of yellow school buses carry millions of children to school every year. Most of these buses have seats placed quite close together to fit in as many children as possible. Some schools buy their own buses. Others pay to use buses that belong to bus companies.59._____City and town buses carry people for short distances. The seats of these are close together, and there is standing room as well. Most city buses have two doors so that people can get on and off quickly.60._____Long distance buses go from state to state or country to country. They give people the chance to travel across huge stretches of land. These buses have comfortable seats that can be moved to different positions. They have places to store suitcases. Many have washrooms. All these things are quite important on a long trip.第II卷I Verb Filling: (30%)Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words or phrases given in the box.1.On the top of the Jinmao Building, you can enjoy ________ of the city of Shanghai.2.You should ________ your achievements that you have made.rmation network extends_________.4.More and more beautiful scenery gradually _____when we were on the bus.5.He is being questioned by the police, for he ________a traffic accident yesterday.II Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms:1.When______( combine) with practice, theory becomes easier to learn.2.Peter sold the house two years ago and now it_____(belong) to Mr. Turner.3.I was surprised to find him______(seat) under the tree.4.After driving all night, we got to Amy's place, only____(discover) that she was away5.My schoolbag______(hang) behind the door just now.6.With everything______(go) , he had nothing to support his life.7.Being very weak, she won't be able to take part in the______(come) sports meet.8.Is this the first time you______(come) to this part of the country?9.The wounded man died while______(take) to hospital.10._______(not find) his bike, he had to walk two miles to attend the evening school.III Translation:1.我们提前完成了任务。
高一英语下学期unit 1(PPT)3-1
![高一英语下学期unit 1(PPT)3-1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/da866c29af1ffc4fff47ac05.png)
Ex.1 Read and understand the meanings of the sentences on P5 according to PP91---94
PP91 ------ 94 (watch flash)
Modal verbs(1)
千米处拍下张高分辨率的照片。照片上土卫六展现出美丽的桔红色的星体,像一个熟透了的桔子。更重要的是收到的数据资料,改写了土卫六原 来8千米的直径,实际直径应为千米,迫不得已地把“卫星之王”的桂冠转让给了木星的卫星木卫三,屈居第二。这并没有影响它的地位,科学 家们一直对土卫六很感兴趣,原因在于它是卫星中唯一有大气存在的天体。大气的主要成分是氮,约占98%,甲烷占%,其余的碳氢化合物在大 气中所占比例非常小,大气层厚度约为7千米。土卫六的表面温度很低,在-9℃~-℃之间,使之形成了美丽的液氮海洋。虽然我们看不到土卫六 的表面,但旅行者号探测器为我们提供的资料显示:土卫六是太阳系中的又一个奇异世界,黑暗寒冷的表面,液氮的海洋,暗红的天空,偶尔洒 下几点夹杂着碳氢化合物的氮雨等。这些是; 云股票 ;人类了解生命起源和各种化学反应的理想之处。从惠更斯发现土 卫六以来,至今已有多年的历史,土卫六仍是一个待解之谜。要想对土卫六有更深刻的认识,还需要人类不断地进行探索。天文学家们为什么特 别看重土卫六呢?因为土卫六“天资”出众,所以受到天文学家们的青睐和器重。土卫六与众不同的“天资”表现在如下方面:首先,土卫六的 直径约为公里,在卫星世界中居第二位,比冥王星大许多,跟水星的个头儿差不多。它的质量是月球质量的.8倍,平均密度为每立方厘米.9克, 约为地球密度的/,引力则为地球的%。土卫六与土星的平均距离为万公里,沿着近乎正圆形的轨道绕土星运动。它像月球一样,总以同一面向 着自己的行星——土星。也就是说,如果在土星上看土卫六的话,永远只能看到土卫六的同一个半面。它的轨道基本上在土星赤道面内。你可以 想一想,土卫六这么大的天体,沿着大约万公里的半径,居然运动在近乎正圆的轨道上,这真是有点难以想象的事。如果让我们专门画这样一个 圆,恐怕也是不容易办到的。足见天体演化中的自然奇观。第二,9年,美籍荷兰天文学家柯伊伯对土卫六进行了系统的分光观测研究,发现土 卫六上有甲烷气体,从而确认土卫六上有浓密的大气层。至今土卫六仍是太阳系内已知的多颗卫星中唯一有大气的卫星,这怎能不受到天文学家 们的特别偏爱呢?第三,根据土卫六的运动特征、物理状况和化学成分,天文学家们判定土卫六是和土星一起演化形成的,属于稳定卫星,不可 能是土星后来捕获的小天体。一些天文学家曾一度将土卫六的质量、体积、表面重力、表面温土星土星度、大气成分、水和冰的含量、自转和公 转等天体特征和天体环境与地球进行比较,目的是想从中获取
上海新世纪版高一年级第二学期Unit 1 Travelling Around China 学案设计(
![上海新世纪版高一年级第二学期Unit 1 Travelling Around China 学案设计(](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b499fb726c85ec3a86c2c52d.png)
Unit 1 Travelling Around ChinaPeriod 1【学习内容】Reading【学习目标】1.通过阅读课文了解旅游的多种方式以及它们各自的利弊,并能够筛选相关信息完成所要求的任务。
【学习过程】Pre-reading Task:1.How many ways of travelling do you know?___________________________________________________________________2.Among the different means of transportation, which of them do you prefer? Why or Why not? Give your reasons (At least 50 words)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________While- reading Task:1.Read the text again and finish A, B in the text book2.Understanding of the difficulties in the text通过上下文你能理解以下句子或划线部分吗?1)The kind of ticket you need depends on the distance of your journey.___________________________________________________________________2)But, of course, this time-saving advantage has to be paid for.3)Air tickets are available through CITS, at hotel travel desks or in ani ticket offices.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4)There are both inner and inter-city bus service.5)State-owned long distance bus service operate on schedule.___________________________________________________________________3.Word study:1). determine(v.) 决定determine to do sth. / that … _____________________be determined to do sth. _____________________( )We are ______ to make ourselves invaluable to our motherland.A.decided B.determined C.scheduled D.hurried我们决定立刻去火车站。
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Additional reading
Here are some items of Hong Kong Ocean Park.
Panda Habitat
Shark Aquarium
Ocean Theatre
You can see many more items like these in a travel brochure. It’s convenient to take a travel brochure with you when you visit the Park.
feature 观察下面句子,注意feature的意义和用法。 1) Passengers may stay behind to explore more features in the Ocean Park. [ n. ] ( 特色 ) 2) Lots of people are fascinated by her beautiful features. [ n. ] ( 相貌, 面貌 ) 3) Western people feature high noses and white skin. [ v. ] ( 以……为特色 )
练习 (1) Can you _a_r_r_a_n_g_e__fo_r__u_s_t_o_v_i_si_t__( 安排我
们参观)your school tomorrow? (2) Have you _m_a_d__e_a_r_r_a_n_g_e_m_e_n_t_s_f_o_r( 做准备)
the coming exam? • I __a_r_r_a_n_g_e_d_t_h_e_b_o_o__k_s_( 整理书籍)on the
in sight 看得见 e.g Victory was not yet in sight. 胜利尚不可预料。 Stay in sight when you play downstairs. 在楼下玩时, 呆在我能看见你的地方。
out of sight 在看不见的地方 e.g. Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不想。
The question discussed yesterday is whether income tax should be increased
改成完整的定语从句: which/that was discussed
within one’s arm’s reach 伸手可及
3. surround vt. 围绕,环绕 短语:be surrounded by/with... 由……环绕
• arrange for sb./ sth. to do sth.
• make arrangements for sth. • 5. permanent temporary (反义词.) 短暂的 • 6. explore exploration (n.) 探索 • explorer (n.人) 探索者
eg. He glared at the people who surrounded the car. A house in the High Street was surrounded by the armed police.
4. arrange v. 安排;排列;整理 n. arrangement 常用短语: arrange for sb./ sth. to do sth.安排…做某事 make arrangements for sth. 为…做好安排
your father.
练习: 1.Not only he but also all his family ___a_r_e__
( be ) keen on football.
2. Not only__d_i_d_h__e_r_e_a_d___(读过这本书), but also he remembered what he had read.
eg. Let my secretary arrange an appointment. The company will arrange for a taxi to
meet you at the airport.
arrange vt./vi. arrange sb/sth. 安排, 准备 arrange for sb/sth. to do sth. 安排某人/物做某 事 我们将安排一位有经验的教师。
It offers the best family outing place to observe marine life
It is a place to experience a fun ride on a roller coaster.
2. Why are pandas loved? Because they have their unusually cute look.
At any rate the task must be fulfilled. 无论如何,任务 总得完成
2. sight n. 视力, 视觉; 眼界, 视域; 观看; 瞥见; 奇观; [常用复]名胜;
e.g. have long [far]sight 远视; 有远见 short [near] sight 近视, 缺乏远见
3. How do tourists enter the mysterious deep ocean?
Through the underwater viewing tunnel.
4. Who are the actors and actresses in the Ocean Theatre?
Small and great marine animals.
2. Through the underwater viewing tunnel, …deep ocean, surrounded by countless sharks and rays of over 30 species, all swimming within arm’s reach. 通过水下观光通道,游人仿佛进入了被30多类 不同品种的无数鲨鱼和鳐鱼所保卫的神秘深海 底,他们都在你伸手可及的地方游动。
coach 观察下面句子,注意coach的意义和用法。 In summer in 2009, Mr. Zhang went to Suzhou from Shanghai with her friends by coach. [n. ] ( 长途车) I don’t know whether John is the football coach now. [ n.] ( 教练 ) Her father coached her for the Olympics. [ v. ] ( 训练,指导 )
• I. Words • 1. mysterious mystery (n.) 神秘 • 2. surround surroundings (n.) 围绕 • surrounding (adj.) 周围的 • 3. entertaining entertainment (n.) 娱乐 • entertain (v.) 使人娱乐 • 4. arrange arrangement (n.) 安排
shelves yesterday afternoon.
Vocabulary II 1. sort out v. 挑选出, 解决 e.g. He sorted out the papers to be thrown away. 他把要处理掉的文件挑了出來。
Have you sorted out how to get there yet? 你解决了怎么到达那里的问题了吗?
n. 比率; (运动、变化等的)速度; 进度费用, 价格; e.g. We drove at a steady rate. 我们以平稳的速度开车。 We have to offer higher rates. 我们不得不付更高的价钱。 at any rate 无论如何:无论情况是什么
e.g. At any rate, orders must be obeyed. 无论如何,命 令是要服从的。
We will arrange an experienced teacher.
我已安排好了一辆计程车。 I have arranged a taxi.
I have arranged for Mary to pick you up at the airport. arrangement n. make arrangements for sth./ to do sth.
He had his sight tested by a doctor. 他让医生给他检 查了视力。
Their first sight of land came after three days at sea. 他们在海上三天之后才首次见到陆地。 The sunset was a very beautiful sight. 那落日真是一 幅美景。
surrounded by…是过去分词短语作定语修饰名词。 改写成完整的非限定性地语从句: ,which is surrounded by…
eg. Mike failed to win in the maths contest held in New York yesterday.
改成完整的定语从句: which/that was held…
a spectacular oceanarium
The Roller Coaster
1.For what reason do people visit Ocean Park? It is the largest in Asia. It’s rated as one of the most spectacular oceanariums in the world.