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现代医药卫生 2018 年 7 月第 34 卷第 14 期 J Mod Med Health,July 2018,Vol.34,No.14
萧 鲲 1,余春红 2,林 虹 1,许浦生 2△(1. 广州市惠爱医院/广州医科大学附属脑科医院,广东 510370; 2. 广州医科大学附属第二医院,广东 广州 510260)
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the application of smoking cessation behavior of male smokers in Guangzhou to explore the potential information. Methods A questionnaire survey of 380 male current smokers in guangzhou was conducted, and association rules data mining was conducted after the establishment of the database. Results There was a significant dif⁃ ference in smoking cessation among smokers with different characteristic. In the first reason of smoking cessation,the reason of "poor physical condition" was more chosen by people in the prime of life and middle age than those young people. The reason of "considering smoking is harmful to health" was more chosen by young people and people in the prime of life than those in mid⁃ dle age. And the reason of "worried about affecting family members' health"was more chosen by young people and people in the prime of life than those in middle age. The main reasons for the failure of smoking cessation include "lack of willpower","addic⁃ tion" and "the influence of the surrounding environment",which was mainly focused on people in the prime of life and young people. The factor of surrounding environment’s influence was obviously more chosen by people in the prime of life than young people and the middle age. People who started smoking because of curiosity and tried to give up smoking because they felt it harmful to the body tend to be relapsed because of their addiction. People with a university or higher degree who were affected by family and friends and those with a high school diploma who were trying to quit smoking due to worry about the health of their family often relapse because of a lack of willpower. Conclusion When using "5A" and "5R"for smoking cessation inter⁃ vention,we need to individualize in persuasion of smoking cessation and relapse prevention according to smokers of different ages and educational levels.
性病方面:中年组慢性病比例明显高于青年组和壮年组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在运用“5A”和“5R”进
【关键词】 关联规则; 男性吸烟者; 戒烟行为; 广州市
Analysis on smoking cessation behavior of male smokers in Guangzhou based on association rules data* XIAO Kun1, YU Chunhong2,LIN Hong1,XU Pusheng2△(1.GuangZhou Huiai Hospital/Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical Univer⁃ sity,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510370,China;2.The Second Affiliated of GuangZhou Medical University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510260,China)
【摘 要】 目的 对广州市男性吸烟者的戒烟行为进行应用性调查,挖掘潜在信息。方法 对 380 名广州市男性
现在吸烟者和曾经吸烟者进行了问卷调查,建立数据库后进行关联规则数据挖掘。结果 不同特征的吸烟者在戒烟行