ASTM E11-04.3423-1
Designation:E11–04Standard Specification forWire Cloth and Sieves for Testing Purposes1This standard is issued under thefixed designation E11;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope1.1This specification covers the requirements for design and construction of testing sieves using a medium of woven wire cloth mounted in a frame for use in testing for the classification of materials according to designated particle size (See Note1and Note2),and wire cloth,meeting the specifications of Table1,to be designated test grade wire cloth. All subsequent references to wire cloth shall mean test grade wire cloth.Methods for checking testing sieves and wire cloth for conformance to this specification are included in the annex. N OTE1—Complete instructions and procedures on the use and calibra-tion of testing sieves are contained in Manual32.2Note that sieve analysis results from two testing sieves of the same sieve designation may not be the same because of the variances in sieve opening permitted by this specification.To minimize the differences in sieve analysis results,the use of testing sieves matched on a performance basis is suggested.Manual322 also contains a list of all published ASTM standards on sieve analysis procedures for specific materials or industries.This list may be referenced to obtain statements of precision and bias for sieve analysis of specific materials.N OTE2—For other types of sieves,see Specification E323and Specification E161.1.2The values stated in SI units shall be considered standard for the dimensions of the wire cloth openings and the diameter of the wires used in the wire cloth.The values stated in inch-pound units shall be considered standard with regard to the sieve frames.1.3The following precautionary statement refers only to the test method portion,Annex A1,of this specification:This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-tions prior to use.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:3C430Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the45-µm No.325SieveE161Specification for Precision Electroformed SievesE323Specification for Perforated-Plate Sieves for Testing PurposesE437Specifications for Industrial Wire Cloth and Screens (Square Opening Series)2.2Federal Standard:Fed.Std.No.123Marking for Shipment(Civil Agencies)4 2.3Military Standard:MIL-STD-129Marking for Shipment and Storage43.Ordering Information3.1Orders for items under this specification include the following information as necessary:3.1.1Name of material(U.S.A.Standard Testing Sieves or U.S.A.Standard sieve cloth),3.1.2ASTM designation and year of issue(ASTM E11–01),3.1.3Quantity of each item,3.1.4Standard sieve designation(see Table1,Column1), 3.1.5Alternative sieve designation if needed(see Table1, Column2),3.1.6For testing sieves in standard circular frames: sieve frame diameter(see5.2and5.3), sieve frame height(see Table2),3.1.7For sieve cloth not in frames or in nonstandard frames: dimensions of sieve cloth, of nonstandard frame,3.1.8For ernment purchases,if supplementary requirements apply,3.1.9Compatible sieve pans and covers,and1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E29on Particleand Spray Characterization and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E29.01 on Sieves,Sieving Methods,and Screening Media.Current edition approved May1,2004.Published May2004.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2001as E11–01.2Manual on Testing Sieving Methods,ASTM Manual32,ISBN0-8-31-2495-3. Available from ASTM Headquarters.3For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.4Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk,Bldg.4Section D,700 Robbins Ave.,Philadelphia,PA19111-5094,Attn:NPODS.Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.TABLE 1Nominal Dimensions,Permissible Variations for Wire Cloth of Standard Test Sieves (U.S.A.)Standard SeriesSieve Designation Nominal Sieve Opening,in.A Permissible Variation of Average Opening from the Standard Sieve Designation Opening Dimension Exceeded By Not More Than 5%of theOpenings Maximum IndividualOpening Nominal Wire Diameter,mm B Standard CAlternative (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)125mm 5in.563.70mm 130.0mm 130.9mm 8.00106mm 4.24in. 4.2463.20mm 110.2mm 111.1mm 6.30100mm D 4in.D 463.00mm 104.0mm 104.8mm 6.3090mm 31⁄2in. 3.562.70mm 93.6mm 94.4mm 6.3075mm 3in.362.20mm 78.1mm 78.7mm 6.3063mm 21⁄2in. 2.561.90mm 65.6mm 66.2mm 5.6053mm 2.12in. 2.1261.60mm 55.2mm 55.7mm 5.0050mm D 2in.D 261.50mm 52.1mm 52.6mm 5.0045mm 13⁄4in. 1.7561.40mm 46.9mm 47.4mm 4.5037.5mm 11⁄2in. 1.561.10mm 39.1mm 39.5mm 4.5031.5mm 11⁄4in. 1.2561.00mm 32.9mm 33.2mm 4.0026.5mm 1.06in. 1.066.800mm 27.7mm 28.0mm 3.5525.0mm D 1.00in.D 16.800mm 26.1mm 26.4mm 3.5522.4mm 7⁄8in.0.8756.700mm 23.4mm 23.7mm 3.5519.0mm 3⁄4in.0.7506.600mm 19.9mm 20.1mm 3.1516.0mm 5⁄8in.0.6256.500mm 16.7mm 17.0mm 3.1513.2mm 0.530in.0.5306.410mm 13.83mm 14.05mm 2.8012.5mm D 1⁄2in.D 0.5006.390mm 13.10mm 13.31mm 2.5011.2mm 7⁄16in.0.4386.350mm 11.75mm 11.94mm 2.509.5mm 3⁄8in.0.3756.300mm 9.97mm 10.16mm 2.248.0mm 5⁄16in.0.3126.250mm 8.41mm 8.58mm 2.006.7mm 0.265in.0.2656.210mm 7.05mm 7.20mm 1.806.3mm D 1⁄4in.D0.2506.200mm 6.64mm 6.78mm 1.805.6mm No.31⁄2E 0.2236.180mm 5.90mm 6.04mm 1.604.75mm No.40.1876.150mm 5.02mm 5.14mm 1.604.00mm No.50.1576.130mm 4.23mm 4.35mm 1.403.35mm No.60.1326.110mm 3.55mm 3.66mm 1.252.80mm No.70.1106.095mm 2.975mm 3.070mm 1.122.36mm No.80.09376.080mm 2.515mm 2.600mm 1.002.00mm No.100.07876.070mm 2.135mm 2.215mm 0.9001.7mm No.120.06616.060mm 1.820mm 1.890mm 0.8001.4mm No.140.05556.050mm 1.505mm 1.565mm 0.7101.18mm No.160.04696.045mm 1.270mm 1.330mm 0.6301.00mm No.180.03946.040mm 1.080mm 1.135mm 0.560850µm F No.200.0331635µm 925µm 970µm 0.500710µm No.250.0278630µm 775µm 815µm 0.450600µm No.300.0234625µm 660µm 695µm 0.400500µm No.350.0197620µm 550µm 585µm 0.315425µm No.400.0165619µm 471µm 502µm 0.280355µm No.450.0139616µm 396µm 426µm 0.224300µm No.500.0117614µm 337µm 363µm 0.200250µm No.600.0098612µm 283µm 306µm 0.160212µm No.700.0083610µm 242µm 263µm 0.140180µm No.800.007069µm 207µm 227µm 0.125150µm No.1000.005968µm 174µm 192µm 0.100125µm No.1200.004967µm 147µm 163µm 0.090106µm No.1400.004166µm 126µm 141µm 0.07190µm No.1700.003565µm 108µm 122µm 0.06375µm No.2000.002965µm 91µm 103µm 0.05063µm No.2300.002564µm 77µm 89µm 0.04553µm No.2700.002164µm 66µm 76µm 0.03645µm No.3250.001763µm 57µm 66µm 0.03238µm No.4000.001563µm 48µm 57µm 0.03032µm No.4500.001263µm 42µm 50µm 0.02825µm D No.5000.001063µm 34µm 41µm 0.02520µm DNo.6350.000863µm29µm35µm0.020A Only approximately equivalent to the metric values in Column 1.BThe average diameter of the wires in the x and y direction,measured separately,of any wire cloth shall not deviate from the nominal values by more than 615%.CThese standard designations correspond to the values for test sieve openings recommended by the International Standards Organization,Geneva,Switzerland,except where noted.DThese sieves are not in the standard series but they have been included because they are in common usage.EThese numbers (31⁄2to 635)are the approximate number of openings per linear in.but it is preferred that the sieve be identified by the standard designation in millimetres or micrometres.F1000µm—1mm.3.1.10Special requirements (specific type of metal for sieve cloth and frames,matched sieves,for example).4.Sieve Cloth Requirements4.1Wire cloth used in U.S.A.standard testing sieves meet-ing the specifications shown in Table 1shall be designated “test grade”.Test grade sieve cloth shall be woven from stainless steel,brass,bronze,or other suitable wire with a plain weave,except that cloth with openings of 63µm (No.230)and finer may be woven with a twill weave.For definitions of “plain”and “twill”weave,refer to Specification E 437.The wire shall not be coated or plated.4.2The openings of the sieve cloth of successive sieves progress from a base of 1mm in the ratio of approximately 4=2:1.4.3All measurements of openings and wire diameters shall be made along the midpoints of the opening as shown in Fig.1.4.4Sieve cloth shall conform to the dimensional require-ments of Table 1.The average opening (distance between parallel wires measured at the center of the opening),in the x (horizontal)and y (vertical)directions measured separately,shall conform to the values in Column 1,within the permissible variation in average opening size shown in Column 4.Not more than 5%of the openings shall exceed the value shown in Column5.The maximum individual opening size shall not exceed the value shown in Column6.4.4.1The average diameter of the x (horizontal)and y (vertical)wires,measured separately,shall conform to the diameter in Column 7within the tolerances in Footnote A of Table 1.4.5Wires shall be crimped in such a manner that they will be rigid when in use.4.6There shall be no punctures or obvious defects in the cloth.5.Test Sieve Frames5.1General Requirements —Frames for wire cloth sieves shall be constructed in such a manner as to be rigid.The wire cloth shall be mounted on the frame without distortion,looseness,or waviness.To prevent the material being sieved from catching in the joint between the wire cloth and the frame,the joint shall be filled smoothly or constructed so that the material will not be trapped.5.2Standard Frames —Sieve frames shall be circular with nominal diameters of 3,6,8,10,or 12in.(76,152,203,254,or 305mm)as may be specified.The dimensions shall conform to the requirements in Table 2.Frames shall be made from noncorrosive material such as brass or stainless steel and be of seamless construction.5.2.1The bottom of the frame shall be constructed so as to provide an easy sliding fit with any sieve frame of the same nominal diameter conforming to the specified dimensions.5.2.2The joint or fillet at the connection of the sieve cloth to the frame will provide a minimum clear sieving surface with a diameter equal to the nominal diameter less 0.5in.(13mm).N OTE 3—Attention is called to Test Method C 430,which contains requirements for 2in.(51mm)diameter sieves used in the mineral industry,especially the cement group.5.3Nonstandard Frames —Other sieve frames may be ei-ther square,rectangular,or circular.The frame may have the sieve cloth permanently installed,or may be designed to permit replacement.The provisions of 5.1apply.N OTE 4—While there are no requirements for nesting of nonstandard sieve frames,care should be applied in use to prevent loss of material during analysis.5.4Pans and Covers —Pans and covers for use with sieves shall be made so as to nest with the sieves.Pans with extended rims (“stacking skirts”)shall be furnished when specified.The pans and covers shall conform to the dimensions in Table 2.6.Product Marking6.1Each test sieve shall bear a label marked with the following information:6.1.1U.S.A.standard testing sieve,6.1.2This designation (ASTM E 11),6.1.3Standard sieve designation (from Table 1,Column 1),6.1.4Name of manufacturer or distributor,and6.1.5Alternative sieve designation (from Table 1,Column 2)(optional).6.1.6Each test sieve shall bear a unique serial number permanently engraved or etched onto the sieve frame,skirt or nameplate.TABLE 2Dimensions of Standard FramesNominal Diameter Mean Diameter,in.(mm)Typical FrameAin.Inside at Top B Outside on Skirt Nominal Height Cin.(mm)3 3.000+0.030/−0.000 3.000+0.000/−0.03011⁄4(32)FH D (76+0.76/−0.00)(76+0.00/−0.76)5⁄8(16)HH 6 6.000+0.030/−0.000 6.000+0.000/−0.03013⁄4(45)FH (152+0.76/−0.00)(152+0.00/−0.76)1(25)HH 88.000+0.030/−0.000(203+0.76/−0.008.000+0.000/−0.030)(203+0.00/−0.76)2(50)FH 1(25)HH 1010.000+0.030/−0.00010.000+0.000/−0.0303(76)FH (254+0.76/−0.00)(254+0.00/−0.76)11⁄2(38)HH 1212.000+0.030/−0.00012.000+0.000/−0.03031⁄4(83)FH (305+0.76/−0.00)(305+0.00/−0.76)2(50)IH 15⁄8(41)HHA Other frame heights are not precluded.BMeasured 0.2in.(5mm)below the top of the frame.CDistance from the top of the frame to the sieve cloth surface.DFH =full height;HH =half height;IH =intermediateheight.FIG.1Proper Dimensioning of Wire ClothMesh7.Keywords7.1opening;particle size;sieve;sieve analysis;sieve cloth;sieve designation;test grade wire cloth;test sieveSUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSThe following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in thecontract or order.S1.Responsibility for InspectionS1.1Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order,the producer is responsible for the performance of all inspection and test requirements specified herein.Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order,the producer may use his own or any other suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection and test requirements specified herein,unless disapproved by the purchaser.The purchaser shall have the right to perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that materials meet the specifiernment ProcurementS2.1Unless otherwise specified in the contract,the materi-als shall be packaged in accordance with the suppliers’standard practice that will be acceptable to the carrier at lowest rates.Containers and packing shall comply with the Uniform Freight Classification rules or National Motor Freight Classi-fication rules.Marking for shipment of such materials shall be in accordance with Fed.Std.No.123for civil agencies,and MIL-STD-129for military agencies.ANNEX(Mandatory Information)A1.TEST METHODS FOR CHECKING WIRE CLOTH AND TESTING SIEVES TO DETERMINE WHETHER THEY CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONA1.1Every opening in the metal wire cloth in a test sieve shall be eligible for inspection for compliance with the requirements listed in Table1.A1.1.1When a sieve has30openings or less,measure all openings.In other cases the examination shall proceed in stages from a survey of general condition,to a methodical scrutiny of individual openings,andfinally to measurement of opening size for compliance with the tolerances.A1.1.2Measure opening size,as described in Test Methods Two,Three,and Four,on equipment with a precision of at least 2.5µm or10%of the value in Column4for the specific mesh designation,whichever is greater.A1.2Test Method One—Examination of General Condition of the Wire Cloth—For this purpose,view the sieve cloth against a uniformly illuminated background.If obvious devia-tions,for example,weaving defects,creases,wrinkles,foreign matter in the cloth,are found,the wire cloth is unacceptable. A1.3Test Method Two—Examination for Maximum Indi-vidual Opening—The observer shall carefully and methodi-cally examine the appearance of all the openings,in order to detect oversize openings.Openings whose width deviates by about10%of the average value are apparent to the unaided eye of a skilled observer.By this test method,known as the “handicap method”,it is probable that all oversize openings exceeding the average value by about10%or more will be detected.At the same time it is easily possible to detect sequences of large openings,and local irregularities in the weaving,appearing as distortions in the openings.If an opening is found to be larger than that permissible in accor-dance with Column6of Table1,the wire cloth is unacceptable. A1.4Test Method Three—Determination of the Size Dis-tribution of Wire Cloth Openings—To establish the size distri-bution of sieve openings,determine the frequency of opening size measurements using the following procedures:A1.4.1For samples(testing sieves or wire cloth)with30or less openings,measure all full openings.For samples with over 30openings,measure a minimum of30full openings.A1.4.2Select openings in a line or lines diagonal to the direction of the wires according to Fig.A1.1,and measure ten adjacent openings along each line.When greater numbers of openings are available,choose thefields in such a manner that none of the openings being measured overlap.A1.4.3Measurement of the Average Opening Size Measure the average opening as the distance between parallel wires(measured at the center of the opening—see Fig.1)in both directions,being sure to keep the x and y measure-ments separate.Once the opening data is tabulated,check the data versus the prescribed limits in Table1.A1.5Test Method Four—Measurement of the Average Wire Diameter—Obtain the average diameter of the wiresbymeasuring 30different wires selected at random in each direction.Once the opening data is tabulated,check the data versus the prescribed limits in Table 1.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.Individual reprints (single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@ (e-mail);or through the ASTM website().FIG.A1.1Orientation of Openings to be Measured in EachField。
1200 ± 150 牛米 (880 ± 110 磅英尺)
注: 下表列出了珀金斯发动机所用的公制锥套螺栓的建议标准扭矩值。
螺纹尺寸 毫米
表4 扭矩
5 牛米 (44 磅/英寸)
11 牛米 (97 磅/英寸)
https:///sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/content.jsp?calledpage=/sisweb/sisweb/m... 3/1/2011
35 ± 5 牛米 (26 ± 4 磅英尺)
65 ± 10 牛米 (48 ± 7 磅英尺)
110 ± 20 牛米 (80 ± 15 磅英尺)
170 ± 30 牛米 (125 ± 22 磅英尺)
400 ± 60 牛米 (300 ± 44 磅英尺)
750 ± 80 牛米 (550 ± 60 磅英尺)
Page 2 of 6
240 ± 40 牛米 (175 ± 30 磅英尺)
460 ± 60 牛米 (340 ± 44 磅英尺)
800 ± 100 牛米 (590 ± 75 磅英尺)
1600 ± 200 牛米 (1180 ± 150 磅英尺)
2800 ± 350 牛米 (2060 ± 260 磅英尺)
0.35 ± 0.05 牛米 (3.1 ± 0.4 磅英寸)
0.50 ± 0.05 牛米 (4.4 ± 0.4 磅英寸)
1.70 ± 0.25 牛米 (15.0 ± 2.2 磅英寸)
2.25 ± 0.25 牛米 (19.9 ± 2.2 磅英寸)
工件最大 回转直径
工件最大加 工件最大加 主轴/工作台 最大刀具重 刀具容量 工直径 工长(高)度 最高负重(t) 量 1把/kg
8 15 2.6 60 60 60 60 12 12 30 2.5 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 60 7 7 7 15 15 20 24 24 24 24 24 30 4 4 4
主轴转速(r/min) 长度
100 125 325 325
工作范围(行程) X/Y/Z(mm)
560/560/630 1000/800/800 1000/800/1000 1250/1000/1000 1610/0/600 1788/0/704
200 205 250 250
额定功率/kw (30min/连续)
1-32 1-63 2-250
-50~3400/0/2000 横梁最大行程:3500 -20~1840/0/1250 横梁最大行程:2200 -20~1250/0/1000 横梁最大行程:1200
螺纹孔中心距 T槽:槽数×上槽宽×间距
M16 M16 M16 M16
630×630 800×800
A2-8 A2-11 A2-11
车削主轴:30 铣削主轴:22 车削主轴:30 铣削主轴:37 车削主轴:45 铣削主轴:37
4000 3300 1600 第一主轴: 1000 第二主轴:600 5000 4000 4000 38-5000
12000 10000 10000 10000 12000 12000 12000 6000 50-20000
15-1500 20-4000 35-12000
注 :对应电线为 1.25mm2,但构造上也可连接 2mm2 的电线。
CSA 标准
额定绝缘电压 通电电流
EN 标准 额定绝缘电压 对应电线
通电电流 (mm2)
接线 螺丝
2 (22-14AWG)
BN1U 型 BN/BNH 系列 BA 系列
分类 系列名称
BN1U 型
具有螺丝弹升及暂时固定功能,且 UL、CSA 认证产品(600V 额定值)
可对应 FW 的端子台
符合 JIS 标准工业用端子台
符合 EN 规格(TÜV)
• 请务必在额定值范围内,或遵守规格使用,以免引起触电或火 灾发生。
• 接线螺丝的尺寸以及推荐扭矩如下表所示。
M3 M3.5 M4 M5
扭矩 (N · m)
0.6 ~ 1.0 1.0 ~ 1.3 1.4 ~ 2.0 2.6 ~ 3.7
M6 M8 M10 M12 M16
扭矩 (N · m)
② 使 用 螺 丝 刀 垂 直 下 压 螺 丝 , ③ 延续第二步骤,用螺丝刀拧
无 需 暂 时 固 定
④ 松开螺丝时,螺丝会笔直弹 升。
②’把螺丝端子压往导电体之后, ③’拧紧螺丝时,请将接线螺丝 接线螺丝会往箭头方向倾斜。 恢复到垂直状态。
一.螺釘定義:由頭部和螺杆兩部分構成的一類緊固件.本手冊中包括的螺釘主要有機械螺釘,自攻螺釘,塑膠螺釘和浮動螺釘等.機械螺釘由頭部和螺杆兩部分構成的一類金屬緊固件,主要用於一個帶有內螺紋孔的零件與帶有通孔的零件之間的緊固連接,不需要螺母配合;也用於帶有通孔的零件之間的緊固連接,但要與螺母配合, 屬可拆卸連接。
塑膠螺釘由頭部和螺杆兩部分構成的一類金屬緊固件,但螺杆上的螺紋為專用的塑膠螺釘用螺紋,可直旋入塑膠件中,用於把一個帶通孔的金屬(或非金屬)零件與一個塑膠件緊固連接在一起..吋牙數1.1.1米制細牙螺紋;H=0.866025P d2=d-0。
649519P D=dH1=0.541266P d1=d—1.082532P D2=d2 D1=d1單位:MM1.1.2米制粗牙螺紋;H=0。
866025P d2=d-0。
649519P D=dH1=0。
541266P d1=d—1。
082532P D2=d2 D1=d1單位:MM1.1.3英制細牙螺紋P=n/25.4 H=0。
866025P d=(d)*25.4 D=d H1=0。
541266P d2=(d-0。
649519/n )*25。
4 D2=d2 D1=(d —1。
4 D1=d1 單位:MM1。
3英制粗牙螺紋P=n/25.4 H=0。
866025P d=(d)*25.4 D=dH1=0.541266P d2=(d—0.649519/n)*25。
4 D2=d2D1=(d-1。
082532/n*25.4 D1=d1單位:MM1。
2 通孔孔徑1。
全国1997年公路客、货运量分别占总运量的90 6%和75 6%,而且产值也有较大幅度的增长。
在 八五 和 九五 计划期间,广西公路建设的步伐大大加快。
1997年, 广西第一路 桂柳高速公路通车。
1995年,在铁、公、水、民航综合运输中,公路客货运量年占比重分别达到88 2%和74 8%。
人便于行、货畅其流 ,随着高等级公路的通车和高档车辆的投入而赋予新的涵义,使客运服务质量和运输生产效率产生了新的飞跃。
dBm/mW/dBmV/mV(RMS)/mVp/mVpp/uV(RMS)/dBuV常用单位换算表(50欧阻抗下)POWER CONVERSION TABLESystem: 50OhmdBm mW dBmV mV(RMS) mVp mVpp uV(RMS) dBuV -130 1.00E-13 -83.01 7.07E-05 1.00E-04 2.00E-04 7.07E-02 -23.01 -100 1.00E-10 -53.01 2.24E-03 3.16E-03 6.32E-03 2.24E+00 6.99 -50 1.00E-05 -3.01 7.07E-01 1.00E+00 2.00E+00 7.07E+02 56.99 -45 3.16E-05 1.99 1.26 1.78 3.56 1.26E+03 61.99 -40 1.00E-04 6.99 2.24 3.16 6.32 2.24E+03 66.99 -35 3.16E-04 11.99 3.98 5.62 11.25 3.98E+03 71.99 -30 1.00E-03 16.99 7.07 10.00 20.00 7.07E+03 76.99 -25 3.16E-03 21.99 12.57 17.78 35.57 1.26E+04 81.99 -20 0.01 26.99 22.36 31.62 63.25 2.24E+04 86.99 -15 0.03 31.99 39.76 56.23 112.47 3.98E+04 91.99 -10 0.10 36.99 70.71 100.00 200.00 7.07E+04 96.99 -5 0.32 41.99 125.74 177.83 355.66 1.26E+05 101.990 1.00 46.99 223.61 316.23 632.46 2.24E+05 106.991 1.26 47.99 250.89 354.81 709.63 2.51E+05 107.992 1.58 48.99 281.50 398.11 796.21 2.82E+05 108.993 2.00 49.99 315.85 446.68 893.37 3.16E+05 109.994 2.51 50.99 354.39 501.19 1002.37 3.54E+05 110.995 3.16 51.99 397.64 562.34 1124.68 3.98E+05 111.996 3.98 52.99 446.15 630.96 1261.91 4.46E+05 112.997 5.01 53.99 500.59 707.95 1415.89 5.01E+05 113.998 6.31 54.99 561.67 794.33 1588.66 5.62E+05 114.999 7.94 55.99 630.21 891.25 1782.50 6.30E+05 115.9910 10.00 56.99 707.11 1000.00 2000.00 7.07E+05 116.9911 12.59 57.99 793.39 1122.02 2244.04 7.93E+05 117.9912 15.85 58.99 890.19 1258.93 2517.85 8.90E+05 118.9913 19.95 59.99 998.81 1412.54 2825.08 9.99E+05 119.9914 25.12 60.99 1120.69 1584.89 3169.79 1.12E+06 120.9915 31.62 61.99 1257.43 1778.28 3556.56 1.26E+06 121.9916 39.81 62.99 1410.86 1995.26 3990.52 1.41E+06 122.9917 50.12 63.99 1583.01 2238.72 4477.44 1.58E+06 123.9918 63.10 64.99 1776.17 2511.89 5023.77 1.78E+06 124.9919 79.43 65.99 1992.90 2818.38 5636.77 1.99E+06 125.9920 100.00 66.99 2236.07 3162.28 6324.56 2.24E+06 126.9921 125.89 67.99 2508.91 3548.13 7096.27 2.51E+06 127.9922 158.49 68.99 2815.04 3981.07 7962.14 2.82E+06 128.9923 199.53 69.99 3158.53 4466.84 8933.67 3.16E+06 129.9924 251.19 70.99 3543.93 5011.87 10023.74 3.54E+06 130.9925 316.23 71.99 3976.35 5623.41 11246.83 3.98E+06 131.9926 398.11 72.99 4461.54 6309.57 12619.15 4.46E+06 132.9927 501.19 73.99 5005.93 7079.46 14158.92 5.01E+06 133.9928 630.96 74.99 5616.75 7943.28 15886.56 5.62E+06 134.9929 794.33 75.99 6302.10 8912.51 17825.02 6.30E+06 135.9930 1000.00 76.99 7071.07 10000.00 20000.00 7.07E+06 136.9931 1258.93 77.99 7933.87 11220.18 22440.37 7.93E+06 137.9932 1584.89 78.99 8901.95 12589.25 25178.51 8.90E+06 138.9933 1995.26 79.99 9988.15 14125.38 28250.75 9.99E+06 139.9934 2511.89 80.99 11206.89 15848.93 31697.86 1.12E+07 140.9935 3162.28 81.99 12574.33 17782.79 35565.59 1.26E+07 141.9936 3981.07 82.99 14108.64 19952.62 39905.25 1.41E+07 142.9937 5011.87 83.99 15830.15 22387.21 44774.42 1.58E+07 143.9938 6309.57 84.99 17761.72 25118.86 50237.73 1.78E+07 144.9939 7943.28 85.99 19928.98 28183.83 56367.66 1.99E+07 145.9940 10000.00 86.99 22360.68 31622.78 63245.55 2.24E+07 146.99功率计算方法:5v供电就是最大输出电压是5Vpp,换算下来,就是1.77Vrms,Pout=4*1.77*1.77/Rload=12.53/RL如果负载使用4ohm喇叭,那输出功率是3.13W电压峰-峰值:指的是交流电、纹波、脉冲电等等波形中,波形最高点和最低点的电压差---叫电压峰-峰值。
mazak M 代码一览表4-1 辅助功能(M 代码)M代码功能规格备注M00 程序停止!M01 任选停止!M02 结束程序!M03 第1主轴正转指令!M04 第1主轴反转指令!M05 第1主轴停止!M06 更换刀具!M07M08 溢流切削液ON !M09 切削液OFF !M1 0M1 5M1 6 第1主轴0°定向指令(对应AJC) .M1 7 第1主轴120°定向指令(对应AJC) .M1 8 第1主轴240°定向指令(对应AJC) .M1 9 第1主轴定向指令(插入机器人工件) "M2 0 要求机器人工件服务"M2 1 要求机器人工件服务"M2 2 要求机器人工件服务"M2 3 要求机器人工件服务"M2 4 要求机器人工件服务"M2 5 要求机器人工件服务"M2 6 要求机器人工件服务"M2 7 要求机器人工件服务"M2 8 要求机器人工件服务"M2 9 要求机器人工件服务"M3 0 重置、倒带!M3 1 尾座前进! INTEGREX 300/400-IV/IV T规格M3 2 尾座后退! INTEGREX 300/400-IV/IV T规格M3 3 第1主轴卡盘夹紧压力“选择低压”.M3 4 第1主轴卡盘夹紧压力“选择高压”.M3 5M4 4M4 5 空气切削液起动(停止为M09) "M4 6M4 7M4 8 零件(工件)抓取器前进"M4 9 零件(工件)抓取器后退"M5 0M5 1 错误检测OFF !M5 2 错误检测ON !M5 3 倒角OFF !M5 4 倒角ON !M5 5 零件(工件)数量计数(+1) .M5 6 前作业门打开指令"M5 7 前作业门关闭指令"M5 8 第1主轴卡盘气洗"M6 8 循环棒料进给器服务要求1 .M6 9 循环棒料进给器服务要求2 .M7 2 选择第1 主轴卡盘内夹紧模式.M7 3 选择第1 主轴卡盘外夹紧模式.M7 6 AJC卸载指令.M7 7 AJC装载指令.M8 1 开始工件测量"M8 2 结束工件测量"M8 3 开始刀具测量"M8 4 结束刀具测量"M8 6 中心架 1 松开"M8 7 中心架 1 夹紧"M8 8 中心架 2 松开.M8 9 中心架 2 夹紧.M9 6 用户宏插入有效.M9 7 用户宏插入无效.M9 8 调用EIA→EIA 子程序!M9 9 结束EIA→EIA 子程序!M1 21 形状补偿功能有效"M1 22 形状补偿功能无效"M1 50 要求向机器人卸料.M1 51 铣削主轴贯通空气ON ! 仅车削刀具有效M1 52 铣削主轴贯通空气OFF ! 仅车削刀具有效M1 53 铣削主轴贯通切削液ON !M1 54 铣削主轴贯通切削液OFF !M1 55 第1主轴卡盘切削液ON(复合动作) "M1 56 第1主轴卡盘切削液OFF(复合动作) "M1 57 第1主轴贯通切削液喷出ON(OFF为M159) "M1 58 第1主轴贯通空气ON(OFF为M159) "M1 59 M157、M158 OFF "M1 60 切削液喷出ON "M1 61 切削液喷出OFF "M1 62 第1工件重新夹紧(机器人搬进工件后) "M1 65 尾座顶尖气洗ON .M1 66 尾座顶尖气洗OFF .M1 69 35K、70K 高压切削液ON (OFF为M9、M154) " M1 72 分度0° (KOYO) .M1 73 分度90° (KOYO) .M1 74 分度180° (KOYO) .M1 75 分度270° (KOYO) .M1 76 分度270° (KOYO) .M1 77 分度270° (KOYO) .M1 78 分度270° (KOYO) .M1 79 分度270° (KOYO) .M1 80M1 81 AJC卡爪No.1交换指令.M1 82 AJC卡爪No.2交换指令.M1 83 AJC卡爪No.3交换指令.M1 84 AJC卡爪No.4交换指令.M1 85 AJC卡爪No.5交换指令.M1 86 AJC卡爪No.6交换指令.M1 87 AJC卡爪No.7交换指令.M1 88 AJC卡爪No.8交换指令.M1 89 AJC卡爪No.9交换指令.M1 90 AJC卡爪No.10交换指令.M1 91 AJC卡爪No.11交换指令.M1 92 AJC卡爪NO.12交换指令.M1 93 AJC卡爪No.13交换指令.M1 94 AJC卡爪No.14交换指令.M1 95 AJC卡爪No.15交换指令.M2 00 C1轴切换选择!M2 01M2 02 车削第1 主轴切换选择!M2 03 铣削主轴刀具正转指令!M2 04 铣削主轴刀具反转指令!M2 05 停止铣削主轴刀具指令!M2 06 ↓第1主轴卡盘开启"M2 07 第1主轴卡盘关闭"M2 10 C1轴夹紧(铣削加工用) !M2 11 C1轴制动(铣削加工用) !M2 12 C1轴松开(铣削加工用) !M2 13 仅C1 轴制动(以M211进行制动处理) !M2 14 仅C1 轴松开(以M212进行松开处理) !M2 15 M213、M214、M216模式解除!M2 16 C1轴松开忽视模式(解除为M215) !M2 19 铣削主轴刀具定向! 对于下刀塔铣削主轴无效M2 48 主轴转速到达确认(切削开始互锁) !M2 49 铣削主轴箱选择准备!M2 50 铣削主轴/B 轴松开!M2 51 B 轴夹紧!M2 52 铣削主轴松开!M2 53 铣削主轴夹紧!M2 58 铣削主轴气洗!M2 70 ATC时切削液停止气洗有效.M2 71 ATC时切削液停止气洗无效.M2 74 中心架切削液ON .M2 75 中心架切削液OFF .M2 80 工件清洗切削液ON "M2 81 工件清洗切削液OFF "M2 85 切屑除去模式开始!M3 31 主轴高速线圈固定!M3 32 主轴切换线圈有效!M3 48 选择Yt 轴!M3 49 选择Y轴!M3 50M3 51 取消M352 !M3 52 主轴速度到达信号确认有效!M3 68 油雾收集器ON "M3 69 油雾收集器OFF "M3 70 轴负荷检测无效"M3 71 轴负荷检测有效"M3 72 轴负荷检测暂时无效"M3 73 _轴负荷检测重起动"M3 74 选择过载处理(NC保持进给) "M3 75 选择过载处理(NC保持进给和主轴停止) " M3 76 设定过载检测电平% "M3 77 设定过载检测时间(0.1 sec 单位) "M3 78 设定过载检测峰值%/检测次数"M3 79 注册过载检测数据表号码"。
科尔摩根AKM 同步伺服电机 选型指南说明书
K O L L M O R G E N | A K o l l m o r g e n C O M PA N Y欢迎来到科尔摩根官方微信科尔摩根3目录u AKM ™ 同步伺服电机4u AKD ™ 伺服驱动器8u AKM ™ 各种选件12u AKM ™ 防水型和食品级防水型电机13u AKM ™ 系统综述14u AKM ™ 图纸和性能数据AKM1x 16AKM2x 20AKM3x24AKM4x 28AKM5x 34AKM6x 40AKM7x 44AKM8x48u L 10 轴承疲劳寿命和轴负载53u 反馈选件56u 抱闸选件60u 伺服电机连接器选件61u 型号命名67u MOTIONEERING ® Online71科尔摩根A K M 同步伺服电机选型指南克服设计、采购和时间障碍科尔摩根明白:帮助原始设备制造商的工程师克服障碍,可以显著提高其工作成效。
财务和运营稳定性科尔摩根隶属于Fortive 公司。
Fortive 业务系统是推动Fortive 各部门发展的一个关键力量。
该系统采用“不断改善”(Kaizen )原理。
PZM16NB3 DTC144VUA FMMT5179 PZM18NB1 PZM18NB2 PZM18NB3 BC846A BC846AT BC846A BC846A BC846AW BC846AW FMMT3904 MMBT3904 IRLML2402 PMMT3904 PXT3904 PMMT3904 PMST3904 PMST3904 MMBT3904L BC846B BC846BT BC846B BC846B BC846BW BC846BW FMMT2222 MMBT2222 IRLML2803 PMBT2222 PMBT2222 PMST2222 PMST2222 BC817UPN BAP50-05 FMMT-A20 MMBTA20L IRLML6302 BC847S BC846 BC846 BC846W BC846W MMBTA42
封装 UCSP-4 SC70-3 SC70-3 SC70-3 UCSP-4 SC70-3 UCSP-4 UCSP-4 SOD323 SOT23 SC70-3 UCSP-4 SOT23 SC70-3 UCSP-4 SC70-3 UCSP-4 UCSP-4 SC70-3 UCSP-4 SC70-3 UCSP-4 SC70-3 UCSP-4 UCSP-4 SC70-3 UCSP-4 SC70-3 UCSP-4 SC70-3 UCSP-4 SOT346 SOT89 SOT143 SOT363 SOT416 SOT23 SOT23 SOT346 SOT23 SOT346 SOT89 SOT363
OUT M131
LD M131
OR M560
ANI M600
OUT Y101
LDP M121
AND M1100
SET M132
LDP M201
SET M1100
RST M1100
LD M132
OR M202
OR M317
OUT M117
LD M4005
LD X10
OUT M4006
LD M316
OR M4007
OR M317
ANI M600
ANI M600
LD M4006
LDP M307
ALT M303
OR M441
ORP M122
OUT T65 D4007
OUT M441
OR M313
OR M314
ANI M320
OUT M314
LD M314
OR M420
轿车车型分类车型类别参数(发动机排量L)基本车型微型L<1云雀GHK7060、7070,奥拓SC7080、JNJ7080,夏利TJ7100、TJ7100U 普通型1<L<1.5神龙富康,三菱莱瑟(LANCER)1500GLX,马自达323中级1.5<L<2.0桑塔纳,一汽捷达,一汽高尔夫,广州标致504、505,北京切诺基(4缸),大众帕萨特B4,奥迪100(4缸),A6 1.82.0<L<2.5一汽红旗CA7220,风度(CEFIRO)2.0,蓝鸟(BLUEBIRD)YU11、U12、U13,大宇贵族(ESPERO),现代索纳塔(SONATA)2.0iGS,2.4iGS,奔驰C200、C220,E200,E230,福特天霸(TEMPO),沃尔沃(VOLVO)940、850,丰田佳美(CAMARY)2.2,奥迪C3V6 2.2,A6 2.4中高级 2.5<L<4上海通用别克(新世纪、GLX、GL),奥迪C3V6 2.6、A6 2.4、A6 2.8,皇冠(CROWN)3.0、佳美(CAMARY)3.0,丰田大霸王,本田朗程,日产风度(CEFIRO)3.0,日产(QUEST),福特水星(MERCURY),马自达MPV,雪佛莱罗米娜APV,公爵SY31,马自达929,凌志GS300,凌志ES300,奔驰C250、C280、E280、E290、E300、E320、S280、S300、S320,宝马(BMW)325TDS、525i,735iL,福特金牛座(TAURUS)LX,三菱帕杰罗(PAJERO)V32W2.6、V33W 3.0,丰田吉普PRADO 2700,PRADO 3400,林肯大陆(CONTINENTAL)3.8,凌志LS400高级L>4一汽红旗CA7460,宝马(BMW)540i、740i、750i,凯迪拉克赛威(SEVILLE)STS 4.9,凯迪拉克元首(FLEETWOOD)5.7,林肯城市(TOWN)4.6,奔驰E420、S420、S500、S600,尼桑无限(INFINITI)Q45客车车型分类车型类别参数(单车总长m)基本车型微型m≤3.5江西昌河,重庆长安,柳州五菱轻型汽油3.5<m<7扬子YZ6602B,YZ6602C,YZ6602AC,YZ6602ACB,YZ6700,YZ6700C,江苏牡丹MD6600,MD6601C,三星SXZ6620,SXZ6441,金杯SY6474,SY6475,SY6480,天津三峰TJ6481,北京BJ6700,BJ6590,BJ6440,解放CA6440,常客CJ6690TCKS,CJ6600TKS,CJ6600LN,浙江NE6601,茶花KL6690,广州GZK6300,福建FJ6700,航天CHT6470,三江雷诺,厦门金龙XMQ6700,东南得利卡DN6470,沈阳金杯SY6480系列,SY6490,SY6448,丰田海狮RZH系列,三菱L300,马自达E1800,E200,江铃全顺系列TRANSIT,以及同类改装车柴油3.5<m<7亚星JS6701C13-02,JS6701C19,JS6760C,扬子YZK6650C,YZK6620C,YZK6600C,福建FJK6620C,FJK6700CW,FJK6700C,华新HM6700,跃进NJ6600C,NJ6600DC,福州FK6600C,FK6640ND,常客CJ6690TCKS,郑州ZK6700W,华夏AC6700,江苏牡丹MD6600D,MD6601D1,南京依维柯30.10,40.10,飞碟FD2415,飞碟FD2815,飞碟FD1608中型汽油7<m<10扬客JS6960,广州GZ6442,上海SK644A,SK6942A3,太湖XQ-6960S,XQ-6960T,XQ-6960T1,XQ-6961T,衡阳HYK6970,云客YK6950,常客CJ6921,CJ6921T,黄海DD6990,苏州SK6960,萍乡PK6970,北方BF6830,哈尔滨HC6978,之江ZJK6960,骊江,三菱4G54,丰田柯斯达RZB40L,RZB50L柴油7<m<10亚星JS6970W,JS6980,JS6982W,JS6972C23,厦门金龙XMQ6890,XMQ6891,东风DHZ6971PD2,DHZ6971P2,太湖XQ6941TH3,常客福莱西宝CI型,CII型,CJ6921T,CJ6922,CJ6922T1C1H,桂林GL6970,GL6970CW,GL6910C,GL6980CHK,郑州ZK6980W,ZK6980WK,ZK6920,江西上饶,轩富YCK6991,YCK6992,骏马STK6970,STK6980H,上海SK6872HZ3,福建FJ6970CW,丰田柯斯达RZB50L,BB42L,尼桑碧莲,南京依维柯49.12大型m>10扬客亚星JS6120,太湖XQ6122Y,黄河JT6120,济南JK6120FHL,上海飞翼SF6125,大连JT6120,京华BK6120,北方BFC6120,桂林大宇GL6120,GL6110(BV113),大宇BH115GL6110,黄海DD6120,DD6125,DD6112H1W,DD6112H2W,DD6111CTW,沈飞SFQ6122,郑州ZL6120,日野RC241P,BC3F,常客福莱西宝B型,CJ6120TCHX,CJ6120TCHKX,CJ6120GCHX,合肥凯斯鲍尔HFF6120GD,依卡露斯256,沃尔沃(VOLVO),奔驰,大三菱MK115,以及采用同车型底盘改装的客车铰接车及双层车汽油常客CJ6151,解放,东风类底盘铰接车柴油淝河HFF6120KS,黄河、依卡露斯、罗曼类底盘改装的铰接车吉普铁壳式黎明YQC6451,YQC6460,三星SXZ6470,捷安,雅安监理车等同类铁壳车蓬布式八闽BM2021,江西富奇,庐山LS2020,金马JMC2030,大桥,罗马及同类吉普蓬布车货车车型分类车型类别参数(载质量t)基本车型微型车1及以下吉林JL1010,柳州五菱LZW1010系列,昌河CH1011,CH1012,CH1018,天津大发TJ1010,TJ1010A,TJ1010B,松花江SFJ1010,重庆长安SC1010,SC1011,SC1012,SC1014,飞碟FD1608,飞碟FD2310汽油车3.5及以下解放CA1020,CA1026,CA1040,CA1046,沈阳金杯SY1040,1030,江淮HFC1041,跃进NJ1041,NJ1061,东风EQ1030,航天GHT1032,福达FZ1022,北京BJ1041系列4<t<5解放CA1090,CA1092,东风EQ1090,EQ10926及以上EQ1130F,等柴油车3.5及以下解放CA1046K2L2,东风EQ1050,EQ1060,EQ1061,跃进NJ1043,NJ1062,北京BJ1041,BJ1061,江西五十铃NHR系列,NKR系列,TFR系列,重庆五十铃NHR系列,NKR系列,TFR系列,南京依维柯S系列(35.10S),三星SXZ1032,江淮HFC1061,飞碟FD2415,飞碟FD2815,FL2815,FY25154<t<5解放CA1092,CA1110,CA1111,东风EQ1108,日野,三菱6<t<8解放CA1111,东风EQ1141,EQ1118,江淮HFC1150,日野LK418,五十铃TDJ50ALQD,斯太尔991,罗曼QR10,三菱T8509<t<12斯太尔1291,260/N56.046,1491-320,1491-280,太脱拉148S1,扶桑FP418H,五十铃CVR142,红岩CQ1190,罗曼QR1213<t<15红岩CQ1920,登攀,扶桑FV413JDL,T815VF26,克拉斯25615以上斯太尔1491,280/043.038,罗曼QR19,T815-2型,扶桑NVIBKDL,拉巴自卸车、罐车、起重举升汽车车型分类车型类别参数(载质量t)基本车型自卸车汽油车3.5及以下四川CZ330,石家庄SQ130ZX34<t<5黄海DD341,东风EQ3090E,柳州LZ340,华东HD340,武汉WH340,WH341C,山西SX341B,SX343,SX320柴油车5及以下柳州LZ341,湘江HD341,青海湖QH3426<t<8黄海DD3150,东风EQ3141G,青岛CA3120,PK2,EQ3118G系列9<t<12交通SH360,汉阳HY360,HY361,延安QD360,登攀SX360,罗曼QR12,斯太尔K3813<t<15交通SH361D,罗曼QR19,太脱拉T148,T815S3,卡玛斯,克拉斯,拉巴,道依茨F8L413F15以上汉阳HY371,大力牌35D,本溪LN392,上海SH380,斯太尔K29,T815-型罐车汽油车3.5及以下三力牌YY64,JG140RY,东风DD401RY,F18,解放车底盘改装的各种罐车4<t<5柴油车5及以下6<t<8黄河车底盘改制的各种罐车9<t<12罗曼R12.215,斯太尔149,280/310底盘改制的各种罐车起重举升汽车4.5及以下杭州东风HYL5093GK,武汉WQQ5092LGK155<t<7徐州LTM1050专用8<t<19徐州XZS5340JQZ32C20<t<45北京BCW5252LQZQY25B45以上徐州XZJ5400JQZ50挂车、叉车、装载机车型分类车型类别参数(载质量t)基本车型牵引车10<t<20柳州LZT4091K821<t<40JN4261/053B40以上红岩/CQ4300Q32WD挂车全挂4<t<56<t<2021<t<5050以上半挂10 (汽油车)10 (柴油车)丽水LSY9140XGD141叉车2及以下3及以上4<t<56<t<89<t<1213及以上装载机10及以下11<t<2021<t<3031<t<4041及以上汽车总成及其零部件划分表(一)序号总成名称(系或装置)总成包括范围(系或装置)基础件主要零部件其他零件(系或装置)1发动机总成(附离合器)发动机气缸体气缸盖、曲轴、凸轮轴、连杆、飞轮、喷油泵、化油器、机油泵总成气缸内部零件,配气机构零件,进排气歧管,正时齿轮,燃油系(不含油箱),冷却系(不含散热器),润滑系,点火系等零件离合器离合器壳离合器片及压盘分离轴承及操纵机构等2变速器总成(附传动轴)变速器变速器壳变速器盖、一轴总成、二轴总成、中间轴总成同步器、轴承、操纵机构分动器分动器壳分动器盖、主动波动轴总成轴承、换挡操纵机构传动轴前后传动轴总成传动轴花键、万向节突缘,十字轴3前桥总成(附转向器及前悬挂)前桥前横梁前驱动桥壳转向节总成、前轮制动鼓盘、前驱动半轴等前轮制动底板、蹄片及其转动调整装置,转向节,转向节臂及横直拉杆,球头,主销,前驱动锥齿轮等转向器转向器壳蜗轮、蜗杆总成、转向助力器总成转向器轴及管柱,转向盘,转向垂臂及轴,助力器等零件前悬挂普通悬挂弹簧总成、减震器减震器零件,弹簧销及套,吊耳等空气悬挂悬挂总成,气动减震器,空气压缩机减震器零件,扭力杆及销,空气阀,传感器4后桥总成(附后悬挂)后桥后桥主减速器、差速器、半轴、半轴套管、后轮制动鼓差速器和减速器内零件,轴承、油封、后轮制动底动、蹄片及转动调整装置等部件中桥中桥壳后悬挂普通悬挂弹簧总成、减震器减震器零件,弹簧销及套,吊耳等空气悬挂悬挂总成、气动减震器,空气压缩机减震器零件,扭力杆及销,空气阀,传感器汽车总成及其零部件划分表(二)序号总成名称(系或装置)总成包括范围(系或装置)基础件主要零部件其他零件(系或装置)5制动系(不含前后轮)气压制动空压机空压机缸体缸盖、曲轴及连杆空滤器、皮带轮、活塞、活塞环等储气筒及控制机构储气筒、制动阀、各制动气室油水分离器、继动阀、快放阀、防冻器,气压感载比例阀,多回路压力保护阀液压制动制动总泵泵体活塞、顶杆皮碗、止回阀、弹簧等制动分泵泵体活塞皮碗、弹簧及连接管路等真空(空气)增压助力器缸体安全缸、真空泵液压感载比例阀,皮碗,回位弹簧等辅助制动发动机排气制动排气制动阀门连接叉、曲杆、杠杆等电涡流制动器排气制动阀离合开关、加速开关等液力下坡缓行器盖、转子轴转子、密封座等车轮防抱装置电磁传感器电子控制防抱装置电子控制装置压力调节阀、连接装置零件等驻车制动器机械式驻车制动器制动鼓、盘制动蹄、摩擦片,制动拉杆及支架操纵控制机构6车架总成车架车架纵梁、横梁、牵引装置保险杠、备胎架、油箱和架、蓄电池架、踏板架、翼子板支架等汽车总成及其零部件划分表(三)序号总成名称(系或装置)总成包括范围(系或装置)基础件主要零部件其他零件(系或装置)7车身总成货车车身驾驶室驾驶室骨架车门及外蒙皮、窗框、仪表台座椅、靠背、玻璃、椅架、摇窗机构、雨刮器车头翼子板、发动机罩、散热器总成散热器罩、百叶窗等车厢纵、横梁底板、边板、前板边板、边柱、后板、挡泥板、篷杆、挂钩等轿车客车车身轿车车棚仪表台、车门门玻璃及升降器、车门控制装置、发动机等翼子板、雨刮器等客车横梁、车身骨架散热器总成、底板、内外蒙皮、车门总成座椅、翼子板、仪表板架、货架、发动机罩、散热器罩、玻璃及升降器,雨刮器等8电系起动电源发电机、起动机、电瓶、调节器开关、电磁阀电子控制控制装置各种传感器等照明及灯光各种灯具、电器仪表、接线盒、连接线路等空调装置冷气系统发动机缸体缸盖、曲轴、连杆、飞轮等气缸内部零件、配气机构零件等压缩机缸体活塞、斜盘活塞环、空调开关、吹风机及管路等其他电器喇叭、收音机连接线路等9车轮(附轮胎总成)车轮轮辋轮盘、凸缘、轮辐挡圈、锁圈、衬块、螺栓等轮胎外胎、内胎垫带气门嘴、气门芯等1 0牵引装置转盘转盘座滚轮、滚轮轴、回转轴、轴承、锁止装置等汽车总成及其零部件划分表(四)序号总成名称(系或装置)总成包括范围(系或装置)基础件主要零部件其他零件(系或装置)1起吊装置与座起重臂吊臂吊钩、滑轮安全装置、滑轮轴、滑轮架、轴承、支座等卷扬机构取力器壳体轴、齿轮、轴承、锁止装置等减速器壳体轴、齿轮、轴承、锁止装置等卷扬筒钢丝绳等操纵室门窗玻璃、座椅及内部装饰12工作装置装载工作装置铲斗、铲臂轴、销、套、斗牙、支座、支撑杆等叉运工作装置门架滑架总成、起重链货叉、链条、链轮、轴承、滚轮、滚轮轴等13液压系统(倾斜装置)油泵、油马达泵体油缸缸筒活塞杆活塞、皮碗、导向圈、密封件、盖、接头等变矩器变矩器壳体蜗轮总成蜗轮、导轮、齿轮、密封件、连接件等操纵、分配、安全、传递系统等阀体分配阀、操纵阀总成阀杆、阀套、输油管、溢流阀、安全阀等摩托车总成及零件划分序号总成名称总成包括范围基础件主要零件1发动机总成发动机离合器变速器气缸体离合器盖变速器壳气缸、气缸盖、曲轴箱、曲轴、活塞、连杆、化油器、摩擦片、压板、变速器盖、主轴、付轴、齿轮组(电喷)2前悬挂总成前叉联板、前轮方向把,前减震器、方向轴前制动鼓、轮辋、轮胎3后悬挂总成后叉后轮后减震器,后制动鼓、后轮辋、轮胎4车身车架车架、传动尾架、传动辆,传动齿轮组,链轮、链条等,前后挡泥板、油箱、座垫、(水冷布:散热器)5电器设备电源照明及仪表磁电机、发电机、蓄电池、起动机各种灯光、仪表装置、喇叭等,点火系统:继电器、火花塞事故车辆施救收费标准事故车辆施救服务收费标准由市地物价部门在不超过以下标准范围内确定,报省备案后执行。
七种主流的视音频流媒体格式ASFASF是Advanced Streaming format的缩写,由字面(高级流格式)意思就应该看出这个格式的用处了吧.说穿了ASF.就是MICROSOFT为了和现在的Real player竞争而发展出来的一种可以直接在网上观看视频节目的文件压缩格式,由于它使用了MPEG4的压缩算法,所以压缩率和图像的质量都很不错。
因为ASF是以一个可以在网上即时观赏的视频“流”格式存在的,所以它的图象质量比VCD差一点点并不出奇,但比同是视频“流”格式的RAM格式要好.不过如果你不考虑在网上传播,选最好的质量来压缩文件的话,其生成的视频文件比VCD(MPEG1)好是一点也不奇怪的,但这样的话,就失去了ASF本来的发展初衷,还不如干脆用N A VI或者DIVX 但微软的“子第”就是有它特有的优势,最明显的是各类软件对它的支持方面就无人能敌。
n A VIn A VI是newA VI的缩写,是一个名为ShadowReal。
的地下组织发展起来的一种新视频格式.它是由Microsoft ASF压缩算法的修改而来的(并不是想象中的A VI ),视频格式追求的无非是压缩率和图象质量,所以NA VI为了追求这个目标,改善了原始的ASF格式的一些不足,让NAVI可以拥有更高的帧率(frame rate)。
当然,这是牺牲ASF的视频流特性作为代价的.概括来说,NA VI就是一种去掉视频流特性的改良型ASF格式.再简单点就是一一非网络版本的ASF!A VIA VI是Audio Vide。
DRF KDU797-F 16插1输入24V58-2/1.1 一 15 电压 212111.5_4 2通讯797R R+K2.4---L+K2.2 222411.6_3 3通讯797R R-K2.5---L-K2.3 222511.6_3 4通讯795 L+K1.13---R+K2.4 051211.6_3 5通讯795 L-K1.12---R-K2.5 051311.6_3 67输入冗余790-1power2 K11.9 左冗余电压 051711.6_3 8输入冗余790-1power2 K11.8 右冗余电压 051811.6_3 9输入24V58-2/1.1----15电压 212911.5_1 10输入24V58-2/1.2---15电压 2121011.5_1 11数字输入24V58-3/2.1---15E 紧停电压 2121111.5_4 12负极X37-20013输出刹车油温度传感器B762 ---负极 21213 4.0_1 14负极X37-2001516DRF KDU797-F 42插1 输出24V E402L 远光灯---X37-201 21119.6_62 输出24V伺服Y6005升高电磁阀--16 21127.2_13 输出24V伺服Y6004下降电磁阀--17 21137.2_14 输出24V伺服Y6006吊臂伸出电磁阀--18 21147.3_15 输出24V伺服Y6007吊臂缩进电磁阀--19 21157.3_1 60V输出768- 21168.2_27 输出24V驻车Y642电磁阀--38 2117 4.0_28 输出5V768- 21188.2_29 输出24V左前转向灯H422---37-201 21199.7_310 输出24V右前转向灯H423---37-201 211109.7_3 11输出2742Y6052 左快速阀 ---34 ? 2111112输出2741Y6051 右快速阀 ---35 ? 2111213模拟输入0-5V刹车灯压力开关S216--39 ? 211139.6_614 输出24V刹车油冷却风扇M674--37-201 21114 4.0_215 输出24V E402R 远光灯---X37-201 21115A9.6_6 16输入PWM伺服Y6005升高电磁阀--2 211167.2_1 17输入PWM伺服Y6004升高电磁阀--3 211177.2_1 18输入PWM伺服Y6006吊臂伸出电磁阀--4 211187.3_1 19输入PWM伺服Y6007吊臂缩进电磁阀--5 211197.3_1 20模拟输入0-5V储能低压报警S204---39 21120 4.0_1 21模拟输入0-5V768-12 C 压力传感器 211218.2_2 22模拟输入0-5V768-13 C 压力传感器 211228.2_2 23模拟输入0-5V768-10 C 压力传感器 211238.2_2 24模拟输入0-5V768-11 C 压力传感器 211248.2_2 25 输出24V右前位置灯H416-1---X37-201 211259.6_6 26输出274321126 ?27输入0-5/24V驻车压力开关S200---39 21127 4.0_128输出24V集中润滑M693--A43058.0100/1C2 211289.14 29 输出24V左前位置灯H417-1---X37-201 211299.6_630输出24V左阻断阀Y6002--34 211307.2_131输出24V右阻断阀Y6001--35 211317.2_132输出24V右快速阀Y6051--35 211327.2_133输出24V左快速阀Y6052--34 211337.2_134输出0V Y6002.6052--30.3335输出0V Y6001.6051--31.3236空37空38输出0V驻车Y642电磁阀--7 21138 4.0_239 输出24V刹车灯压开关S216--13 21139 9.6_640输出27442114041输入0-5/24V刹车灯压开关S220-2 21141 2.1_142输出24V左右E400L/R前近光灯--X37-201 211429.6_6DRF KDU791-1 16插1输入24V58-3/1.1 3009-2 40012通讯790-1 R+13.7---L+2.2 4002/4013/41223通讯790-1 L-13.8---L-2.3 4003/4014/41234通讯797R L+K2.2---R+K2.4 4004/4011/41245通讯797R L-K2.3---R-K2.5 4005/4012/4125640067输入冗余790-1power1 K11.7 + 左冗余电压 4007/4015/41278输入冗余790-1power1 K11.8 + 右冗余电压 4008/4016/41289输入24V58-3/1.1 3009-2 400910输入24V58-3/1.1 3009-2 401011输入24V58-3/1.1 3009-2 401112负极X400-21314负极1516DRF KDU791-1 42插1 输出24V右集工作灯H406-2R--X400-2 41119.6_12 输出24V吊具顺转Y6008---16 41127.6_13 输出24V吊具逆转Y6009---17 41137.6_!4 输出24V展开20/40Y6018--18 41147.5_15 输出24V收进40/20Y6019--19 41157.5_160V输出红562。
Light A
90% Dimmer 1
Shutter 2
Light B
30% Dimmer 2 OFF
User 2
Room Temperature
Shutter 1
U.motion 10寸触摸屏
Previous Floor Plan Living Room Bathroom Bedroom Nursery 1 Nursery 2
Light A
90% Dimmer 1
Shutter 2
Light B
30% Dimmer 2 OFF
User 2
Room Temperature
Shutter 1
U.motion 15寸触摸屏
在离开房间的时候,您是否希望 通过按下某个按键来确保所有的灯和 电器都已经关闭?您是否希望在早晨 按下某个按键放下百叶窗从而营造出 良好的光线氛围?
款式 黄色/奶白
干线连接端子由两个互相啮合的端子部件(黄色和 白色)租车组成,每个部件带4个插接式端口。适合 直径在0.6到0.8mm的实心导线。 用于为总线电缆的黄/白芯线布线。
Surface-Mount And Through-Hole Power MOSFETR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V)VGS@ 2.5V VGS@ 4.5V VGS@ 10VCiss(Typ.)(pF)Qg(Typ.) (nc) R θJC ℃/W VGS(th)Max (V)I D(A)P D (W)N-ChannelP45N02LSG 30( @ 7V)28 600 25 2.6 2.5 4560P45N03LTG 30( @ 7V)28 600 25 3 2.5 4565P75N02LSG 8( @ 7V) 7 5000 140 2.3 3 7565P75N02LTG 8( @ 7V) 7 5000 140 2.3 3 7560P0903BSG 16 9.5 1200 25 2.5 3 5050P0903BTG 16 9.5 1200 25 3 3 5065P3055LSG 120( @ 5V)90 450 15 2.6 2.5 1243P3055LTG 25 120( @ 5V)90 450 15 2.6 2.5 1243P50N03LSG 27 18 12 1200 25 2.5 3 5050P5506BSG 60 75 55 650 12.5 2.6 2.5 1237P0808ATG 8 4645 195 0.65 4 80192P1308ATG 75 13 3820 160 0.65 4 80192P1510ATG 15 3850 120 0.97 4 80128P2610ATG 100 26 2100 75 0.97 4 50128P2615ATG 150 26 3200 80 0.97 4 50128P-ChannelP9006ESG -60 135 90 760 15 2.6 -3 -1848Surface-Mount And Through-Hole Power MOSFETR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V)VGS@ 2.5VVGS@ 4.5V VGS@ 10VCiss(Typ.)(pF) Qg(Typ.) (nc) R θJC ℃/W VGS(th)Max (V)I D(A)P D (W)N-ChannelP5002CDG 85 50( @ 5V) 195 7.5 4.8 1 2026P1402CDG 20 26 14( @ 5V) 500 17 2.6 1.25 4548P45N02LDG 30( @ 7V)28 600 25 3 2.5 4555P60N03LDG 17.8( @ 7V)13.8 600 30 3 2.5 6060P60N03LRG 17.8( @ 7V)13.8 600 30 3 2.5 6060P70N02LDG 15 8.5 1200 25 2.5 3 6550P70N02LR 15 8.5 1200 25 2.5 3 6060P75N02LDG 10 7 2700 19 2.3 3 7560P75N02LR 10 7 5000 140 2.3 3 7560P75N02LI 10 7 5000 140 2.3 3 7560P0403BDG 6 4 4018 42 1.3 3 7596P0603BDG 9.5( @ 5V) 6.5 2679 28 2.3 3 7560P0903BDG 16 9.5 1200 25 2.5 3 5050P0903BI 16 9.5 1200 25 2.5 3 5050P1703BDG 25( @ 7V)17 600 25 3 2.5 4655P2003BDG 31 20 530 8.4 2.5 2.5 3550P2703BDG 41 27 710 14.4 2.5 3 1050P3055LDG 100( @ 5V)50 450 15 3 2.5 1248P3057LDG 25 120( @ 5V)90 450 15 3 2.5 1248P50N03LDG 27 18 12 1200 25 2.5 3 5050P2503BDG 30 37 25 790 16 3 2.5 1232P2504BDG 45 25 760 16 3 3 1241P2804BDG 40 42 28 790 16 3 2.5 1032P5506BDG 60 75 55 650 12.5 3 2.5 1032P-ChannelPA102FDG -20 180 115 430 7.6 5 -1.2 -1025P06P03LDG 75 45 530 10 3 -3 -1248P3003EDG -30 52 30 970 28 2.5 -3 -1850P2504EDG 40( @ 7V)25.8 1570 29 3 -3 -1842P4404EDG 68 44 660 14 4.1 -3 -1030P5504EDG -4094 55 690 14 3 -2.5 -8 28P9006EDG -60 135 90 760 15 3 -3 -7 28Surface-MountComplementary N-P ChannelR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V) ***********@4.5V VGS@10V VGS(th)Max (V)I D (A) P D (W) ConfigurationP2103ND5G 30-3032 60 21352.5 -2.5 8.5 -7 3 N-Ch P-Ch P2503ND5G 30-3037 80 25452.5 -2.5 8 -6 3 N-Ch P-Ch P2804ND5G 40-4049( @ 5V)85( @ 5V)28483.0 -3.0 7 -5.5 3 N-Ch P-Ch P3004ND5G 40-4050( @ 5V)99( @ 5V)30553.0 -3.0 12 -8.8 3 N-Ch P-Ch P4804QD5G 40-4049( @ 5V)85( @ 5V)28483.0 -3.0 7 -5.5 3 N-Ch P-Ch P5806ND5G 60-6085 135 58902.5 -2.55 -43N-Ch P-ChSurface-MountR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V)VGS@ 2.5V VGS@ 4.5V VGS@ 10VCiss(Typ.e)(pF) Qg(Typ.) (nc) R θJA ℃/W VGS(th)Max (V)I D(A)P D (W)N-ChannelP3055LLG 120( @ 5V)90 450 15 42 2.5 6 3P1503BLG2532( @ 5V)21 600 30 83 3 8 1.5Surface-MountR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)PartNumberBV DSS (V) VGS@ 2.5V VGS@ 4.5V VGS@ 10VCiss(Typ.)(pF)Qg(Typ.) (nc) R θJA ℃/W VGS(th)Max (V)I D(A)P D (W)N-ChannelP3057LCG 25 11585 450 15 160 2.5 6 3P-ChannelP06P03LCG -3075 45 530 10 160 -3 -4 0.78Surface-MountR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V)VGS@ 2.5V VGS@ 4.5V VGS@ 10VCiss(Typ.)(pF)Qg(Typ.) (nc) R θJA ℃/W VGS(th)Max (V)I D(A)P D (W)N-ChannelP3202CMG 50 32 740 8 100 1.2 5 1.25P5002CMG 100 50.8 450 12 230 1.2 3 0.6 P7502CMG 20105 75 450 15 230 1.2 3 0.6 P6002CYG 20 85 60 418 5.4 425 1.2 1.80.35P01N02LMAG 500( @ 7V)400 120 11 230 2.5 1.20.6P01N02LMBG 25 250( @ 7V)220 120 11 230 2.5 1.20.6P8503BMG 115 85 450 15 230 2.5 3 0.6P3203CMG 52 32 28 740 8 100 1.2 6 1.25P8003CYG 125 80 65 380 4.5 425 1.2 1.80.35P7503BYG 30 115 75 390 5 425 2.2 1.70.35P-ChannelPA002FMG 140 100 540 6.2 166 -1.2 -3 1.25PA102FMG 215 118 85 430 7.6 166 -1.2 -3 1.25PA502FMG 250 150 410 5.8 166 -1.2 -3 1.25P6402FMG 79 64 950 9.4 100 -1.2 -4 1.25PA102FYG -20215 115 476 5.63 425 -1.2 -1.40.35P5103EMG 85 51 700 12.5 90 -3.0 -4.5 1.25P6403FMG 80 64 950 9.4 100 -1.2 -4 1.25PA503EMG 250 150 410 5.8 166 -2.5 -2 1.25PA503EYG -30 250 150 410 5.8 425 -2.5 -1.40.35Surface-MountComplementary N-P ChannelR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V) ***********@4.5V VGS@10VVGS(th)Max (V)I D (A)P D (W)ConfigurationP6503NJG 30 -30120250 65 150 2.5 -2.5 4 -3 2 N-ChP-ChSurface-MountR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V)VGS@ 2.5V VGS@ 4.5V VGS@ 10VCiss(Typ.)(pF)Qg(Typ.) (nc) R θJA /W VGS(th)Max (V)I D(A)P D (W)N-Channe lP2402CAG 20 35 24 1125 10.5 78 1.2 6.5 1.6 P2703BAG 30 40 27 680 10 78 3 7 1.6 P-ChannelP4402FAG -20 70 44 1100 12.5 62.5 -1.2 -5 2PA102FAG 215 118 85 430 7.6 166 -1.2 -3 1.25P5103EAG -30 85 51 700 12.5 62.5 -3 -5 2Surface-MountComplementary N-P ChannelR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V) ***********@4.5V VGS@10VVGS(th)Max (V)I D (A)P D (W)ConfigurationP6002OAG 20 -2085180 60115 1.2 -1.2 3.6 -3.1 1.15 N-ChP-ChP5803NAG30-30 88 185 58 115 2.5 -2.5 3.5 -2.3 1.15 N-ChP-ChP6803NAG 30-30 98 245 68 145 2.5 -2.5 3.5 -2.3 1.15 N-ChP-ChSurface-Mount And Through-Hole Power MOSFET Complementary N-P ChannelR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V) ***********@4.5V VGS@10VVGS(th)Max (V)I D (A)P D (W)ConfigurationP2103NPG30 -30 32 60 21352.5 -2.5 7 -6 2.5 N-ChP-ChP2103NVG30 -30 32 60 21352.5 -2.5 7 -6 2 N-ChP-ChP2503NPG30 -30 37 80 25452.5 -2.5 7 -5 2.5 N-ChP-ChP2503NVG30 -30 37 80 25452.5 -2.5 7 -5 2 N-ChP-ChP2803NVG30 -30 40 56 27.5342.5 -2.5 7 -6 2 N-ChP-ChP3503QVG30 -30 37 60 25352.5 -2.5 7 -6 2 N-ChP-ChP4532VG30 -30 95 80 60452.5 -2.5 4 -5 2 N-ChP-ChP5003QVG30 -30 40 80 27.5452.5 -2.5 7 -5 2 N-ChP-ChP5503NVG30 -30 95 80 55452.5 -2.5 5 -5 2 N-ChP-ChP2804NPG40 -40 42 85 28552.5 -2.5 7 -6 2.5 N-ChP-ChP2804NVG40 -40 42 105 28652.5 -2.5 7 -5 2 N-ChP-ChP5504QVG40 -40 60 90 40553.0 -3.0 5.5 -4.5 2 N-ChP-ChP5806NVG60 -6085 135 5890 2.5 -2.54.5 -3.52 N-ChP-ChSurface-MountR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V) ***********@4.5V VGS@10V VGS(th)Max (V)I D (A) P D (W) ConfigurationN-ChannelP2002IVG 20 35 21 1.2 7 2 DualP0603BVG 9 6 3 17 2.5 SingleP0803BVG 12 8 3 15 2.5 Single P1103BVG 16.5 11 2.5 11 2.5 Single P1303BVG 20 12.5 2.5 10 2.5 Single P1403BVG 22 14 3 12 2.5 Single P1503BVG 24 15 3 11 2.5 Single P1803BVG 30 18 2.5 8 2.5 Single P2003BVG 32 20 2.5 8 2.5 Single P07D03LVG 30 23 3 7 2 Dual P2103HVG 35 21 3 7 2 Dual P2503HVG 37 25 2.5 7 2 Dual P2803HVG 40 27.5 2.5 7 2 Dual P6803HVG 30 98( @ 5V)68 3 4.5 2 Dual P2804BVG 42 28 2.5 7.5 2.5 Single P2804HVG 40 42 28 3 7 2 Dual PA606HVG 55 210 160 3 3 2 Dual P5506BVG 75 55 2.5 5.5 2.5 Single P5506HVG 60 75 55 2.5 4.5 2 Dual P-ChannelP06B03LVG 80 50 -3 -6 2.5 Dual P06P03LVG 75 45 -3 -6 2.5 Single P0703EVG 13 7.5 -3 -17 2.5 Single P1003EVG 16 10.5 -3 -13 2.5 Single P1203EVG 19 12 -3 -12 2.5 Single P1403EVG 22 14 -3 -12 2.5 Single P2003EVG 35 20 -3 -9 2.5 Single P3203EVG 55 32 -2.5 -8 2.5 Single P3503EVG -3060 35 -2.5 -8 2.5 Single P5504EVG -40 94 55 -2.5 -5.5 2.5 SingleSurface-MountComplementary N-P ChannelR DS(ON) Max (m Ω)Part NumberBV DSS (V) ***********@4.5V VGS@10VVGS(th)Max (V)I D (A)P D (W)ConfigurationN-Channel P2502IZG 20 40 25 1.2 6 1.5 Dual。
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杯中)、烧杯(250 ml )、蒸馏水(盛于细口瓶中)、氯化钠固体3g(备好,并用纸包装)、洁净纸、盛装废弃物的烧杯、抹布,细口试剂瓶(盛放配制后的6%的氯化钠溶液)。
二、实验用品:量筒(50ml)、白纸2张(10cm×10cm)、药匙、滴管和玻璃棒(盛于烧杯中)、烧杯(250 ml )、蒸馏水(盛于细口瓶中)、3g氯化钠(纸包装好)、洁净纸、盛装废弃物的烧杯、抹布,细口试剂瓶(盛放配制后的6%的氯化钠溶液)。