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第20卷第4期上海电力学院学报V ol.20,N o.4 2004年12月Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power Dec. 2004 文章编号:1006-4729(2004)04-0075-05
郑 岭
(郑州工程学院外语系,河南郑州 450052)
摘 要:介绍了“礼貌原则”及其6大准则,分析了6大准则在商务英语写作中的具体应用,以提高商务英语写作水平,促成商务活动的顺利进行.
中图分类号:H315 文献标识码:A
Potiteness Principle and Business E nglish Writing
(English Department,Engineering Institute o f Zhengzhou,Zhengzhou 450052,China)
Abstract: P oliteness Principle and its six rules are introduced.The application of the six rules in business English writing is analysed in order to im prove the writing skills in business English with the result of sucess ful com pletion of business deals.
K ey w ords: politeness principle;business correspondence;business English writing
加入W T O之后的中国与世界各国的经贸往来激增,商务英语作为异军突起的文体,愈来愈受到广泛的重视.不少语言研究者从商务英语的用词、句型、文体特点等方面进行了有益的探索,为有效地学习商务英语写作提供了一定的理论指导,并构画出了较清晰的商务英语框架.商务英语写作是一门技能课,旨在培养国际商务、国际贸易等方向高年级学生用英语书面语进行商务沟通,以达到各种商务目的.它是商务活动的重要沟通途径.得体的经贸书信、严谨的经贸合同、准确无误的经贸法律文书,会促成经贸活动的顺利进行,因此,有必要探讨经贸英语写作的新途径.
Leech的“礼貌原则”(the P oliteness Principle)是语用学早期的主要研究成果和发现之一.介绍与运用这一原则进行有效交际的论文发表颇多,但如何运用“礼貌原则”来指导商务英语写作,是
1 礼貌原则
“礼貌原则”是对人们交际现实的假设或解释.Leech认为,人们在言语交际中,都在自觉或不自觉地遵守着语言的某些“原则”(Principles).经过不断地推断和验证,在吸收G rice(1975)关于“会话含义”(conversational im plicative)以及“合作原则”(the C ooperative Principle)的基础上,1983年在《语用学原则》(Principles of Pragmatics)一书里, Leech系统地提出了“礼貌原则”理论.
按照Leech的设计,“礼貌原则”框架下应该有策略(tact)、大方(generosity)、赞誉(appre2 ciation)、谦虚(m odesty)、一致(agreement)和同情(sym pathy)6条“准则”(maxim).
以达到自己在言语交际中的目的.Leech认为这条准则是头等重要的,是指导人们成功会话的一条普遍准则.“策略”的具体表现是“减少对别人的损失”(minimize cost to other),或者说“多给别人利益”(maximize benefit to other).
“大方”是指对别人要慷慨些,具体做法是:说话人要恪守“自己少争利益”(minimize benefit to self)和“多给自己添麻烦”(maximize cost to self)的次准则(sub2maxim).Leech认为这是“礼貌原则”的第二种准则表现.
当别人陈述或主张某件事或某一观点时,不说反对对方的话,这就是“赞誉”,也是人们在会话中努力恪守的一条准则.Leech列举了这条准则的基本表现,即“少说不赞誉别人的话”(minimize dispraise of other),也就是“尽量多赞誉别人”(maximize praise of other).
跟别人说话时,保持“谦虚”,是又一条成功对话的准则.其做法往往是“少说自己的好话”(minimize praise of self),“多说自己的不是”(maximize dispraise of self).
“一致”性准则的意思是“少说一些和别人不一致的话”(minimize disagreement between self and other),或“多说一些跟别人一致的话”(maximize agreement between self and other),这样,会话就能够持续.
最后,成功交际的背后应遵守一条“同情”准则.听话人“尽力减少对对话人的漠然”(minimize antipathy between self and other),或者说,应“尽量多地‘同情’说话人说的话”(maximize sym pathy between self and other),使得双方对话达到默契.
2 礼貌原则在商务英语写作中的具体运用
商务信函是商务沟通中最常用的格式之一,随着网上交易的发展,越来越多的信息以电子邮件形式传送,下面就商务沟通中使用频率很高的国际贸易信函的写作为例,阐明如何运用“礼貌原则”指导商务英语写作.2.1 策略准则的运用
报价是国际贸易中重要环节之一,措词是否得体,用什么语言策略使对方易于接受所报价格,都对交易的继续和成功起一定作用.下面的E2 mail报盘很好地遵守了“策略准则”.
Jan.10,2001 Dear…:
Thank y ou for y our inquiry of December23rd, 2000.Enclosed is our price list.A catalog has been airmailed to y ou under separate cover.
This com pany has exported carpets for years to y our country,Canada,England and other European countries.Y ou may be sure that y our order will be profitable.
Als o,because our yearly production is about 30000pieces the largest of all the carpet manu facturers in China our prices are always lower than others.
W e look forward to receiving y our reply.
John Smith Encl:a copy of price list
该电子信函的目的是向买方(听话人)传达信息:回复询价,更重要是报出价格,希望对方能接受价格.为了达到目的,说话人(发信人)采取了得体的策略,结合“少给听话人损失”的原则,在信中除了提供与询价直接相关的价格表、目录表外,还向对方提供了其他有用信息,如介绍本公司出口历史、出口的国家、生产能力等,并明确地让对方相信其订单会带来丰厚的利润.“Y ou may be sure that y our order will be profitable”.这样,既让买方相信说话人是专业出口商,又考虑到了买方(听说人)的利益.
2.2 大方准则的运用
67上 海 电 力 学 院 学 报 2004年
April3,2001 Dear…:
In reply to y our fax dated April2,we are enclosing this order,No.SX/0014
W e accept US$15.40for M odel A and US$19.60for M odel B,but must bid US$35.50for M odel C.The market is flooded with cheaper m odels s o even this price is too high.
Payment will be made by irrev ocable L/C at sight.Please advise us when the g oods are ready for shipment.
Y our early reply is appreciated
Sincerely,W ils on 首先,说话人(买方)肯定了一种型号中的前两种价格,使听者(卖方)的利益得到了保证,然后才提出第3种型号C的价格偏高,只能接受US $35.50,并进一步解释市场上还有更便宜的型号,而且即使这一价格也偏高.言外之意,说话人利益已损失.运用这种策略,既达到了要求降价的目的,又做出了“自己少争利益”的姿态,从而使听话人容易接受.
与大方原则相关的商务套语还有:“F or y our in formation(reference),at y our convenient time…”等.
2.3 赞誉原则的运用
由于共同利益的驱动,国际贸易中买卖双方都非常注意建立融洽的关系,双方的沟通是“横向沟通”(horizontal communication),而不是上下级沟通,因此,能促进沟通的“赞誉准则”往往贯穿于商务信函中.即使有争议、拒绝或索赔等令人失望的事情发生,也应本着“少说不赞誉别人”的话的原则去交际.如果一方不能或部分不能履约而造成另一方损失,一般应友好协商,找到方法弥补损失是解决问题的最佳途径,因此,商业信函中很少出现指责的词句.但在写表示拒绝或失望的信函时,
Dear Sirs,
Thank y ou for letting us know about y our concern that our quotation for the1000F olded Chairs y ou enquired about last week is higher than the average market level.
As we understand y our letter y ou feel y ou could have g otten essentially the same quality chairs as y ou purchased from us last year for about the same price as our last year’s.As a result,y ou w ould like either to ask for the same price as last year’s or receive a5% discount.
W ith the present market trend,we have to say that our price is really the best we can quote, notwithstanding we w ould do everything possible to make y ou satis fied with y our purchase.
I hope this explanation answers y our question concerning our price structure,and look forward to y our order.
Y ours faith fully,
W ils on 本信函的目的是拒绝对方降价要求,但是信的开头,以感谢的口吻起笔并提到对方的要求.然后,委婉间接地指出对方错误估价的原因,没有生硬地用“Y ou can not buy them at the same price as last year’s…”,而是通过用虚拟语气的句型“As we understand y our letter y ou feel y ou could have g otten essentially…,As a result,y ou w ould like…”,来实现“少说不赞誉别人”的准则.接着,进一步解释自己已尽力使对方满意,因为此报价已是最低价(the best price),并表达了得到对方订单的希望.该信函巧妙地运用了“赞誉准则”,拒绝了对方降阶要求.
2.4 谦虚准则的运用
Re:Y our L/C No.5757covering y our Order No.
郑 岭:礼貌原则及其在商务英语写作中的应用
Thank y ou for y our extension of y our L/C No. 5757.T oday we shipped the above consignment on board S.S.“Nellore”which sails for y our port tom orrow.
Enclosed please find one set of the shipping documents covering this consignment,as follows:
(1)One nonneg otiable copy of B/L;
(2)Inv oice in duplicate;
(3)Packing list in triplicate;
(4)One copy of Manu facturer’s Certificate of Quality;
(5)One copy of Insurance P olicy.
W e are glad to have filled y our order after long delay and trust that the g oods will reach y ou in time to meet y our urgent need and that they will turn out to y our com plete satis faction.
W e will fill y our future orders prom ptly and m ore carefully.
Sincerely,Smith 卖方在信中,首先,感谢对方合作将信用证展期,以便卖方于今日装“Nellore”轮发货.然后,通知对方所有装船资料.最后,表达出将来一定要迅速并认真执行订单“W e will fill y our future order”的意思.虽然迟交货物也许有客观原因,但卖方表示出的“谦虚”可以给对方留下比较“认真”的印象,能起到维护良好贸易关系的作用.
与谦虚准则相关的套语有:S orry for the inconvenience this damage brings to y ou;This mistakes will never occur again…
2.5 一致准则的遵守
Dear Sir:
Thank y ou for y our quotation of20August and for the sam ples of shoes y ou send us.
W e appreciate the g ood quality of y our shoes,but un fortunately y our prices appear to be on the high side even for shoes of this quality.W e regret that at these prices we cannot place an order.
W e,however,like the quality of y our g oods and w ould welcome the opportunity to do business with y ou. May we suggest that y ou make s ome allowance on y our quoted prices s o as to introduce y our g oods to our customers?
Y ours faith fully,
Joseph Black 这是一封买方对报盘的回复函,目的是要求卖方给予价格折让.虽然对价格有异议,但是该函首先提及对方认同的看法,肯定了鞋的质量高,然后才提出分歧“…y our prices appear to be on the high side even for shoes of this quality”,这样能使卖方易于接受不同点.接着再次赞美鞋的质量,提及共同点,同时,自然地提出了折让请求,大大提高了继续对话和交易的可能性.
2.6 同情准则的遵守
Dear Sir,
W e have received y our letter of15th July, in forming us that the sewing machines we shipped to y ou arrived damaged on account of im perfectness of our packing.
Upon receipt of y our letter,we have given this matter our immediate attention.W e have studied y our survey or’s report very carefully.
W e are convinced that the present damage was due to extraordinary circumstances under which they were transported to y ou.W e are therefore not responsible for the damage;but as we do not think that it w ould be fair to have y ou bear the loss alone,we suggest that the loss be divided between both of us,to which we hope y ou will agree
Sincerely y ours,
M ortimer Adler 这是一封对买方提出货物受损的回复函.货物受损对买方本身是利益损失,卖方自然要小心翼翼.在信件一开始就引用对方信函的原句,表明自己的客观和理解,接着表达了对此关注之迅速,调查之仔细,减少了对方的反感.然后,基于此调查才“相信”货物受损的原因是运输而不是买方所
87上 海 电 力 学 院 学 报 2004年
言的卖方包装不当,同时,提出损失平分的建议,体现必要的同情.“…but as we do not think that it w ould be fair to have y ou bear the loss alone,we suggest that the loss be divided between both of us,to which we hope y ou will agree.”这样,从感情上拉近了双方的距离,增进了相互的理解,并以此建立良好的贸易关系.
3 结束语
郑 岭:礼貌原则及其在商务英语写作中的应用。
