



越狱前情提要previously on prison break- 那人不是我杀的 Michael- 有证据的- I didn't kill that man,Michael. - The evidence says you did.我是被陷害的I was set up.放下武器!Put down your weapon!我必须依法对你判刑I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.我在找人他叫Lincoln BurrowsI'm looking for someone,guy named Lincoln Burrows.杀总统兄弟的那个人Man killedthe Vice President's brother.你为什么那么急着见Burrows?Why you want to see Burrowsso bad,anyhow?因为他是我弟弟'Cause he's my brother.- 我要把你带出去- 不可能- I'm getting you out of here.- It's impossible.除非这地方是自己设计的Not if you designedthe place,it isn't.- 你见过蓝图了- 不止如此- You've seen the blueprints.- Better than that.在我身上I've got them on me.有个律师在多管闲事There's a lawyer poking around. Donovan小姐Miss donovan.我无意吓唬你I-I didn't mean to scare you.不见了It's gone!- 还有其他人有这里的钥匙吗?- 当时你也在记得吗?- Does anyone else have a key to this place?- You were here,remember?我过来把那个放进柜子里...I walked over tothe cabinet,and I...跟新来的小朋友之间有些不愉快?got an issue with our little friend over there?是时间给那小子点颜色看看了Maybe it's time i lit up that leather once and for all.- 发生什么了?- 别逼我骗你- What happened?- Don't make me lie to you.你也听说了对吧?You heard the news,didn't you?- 没有啊什么?- 他们是兄弟- No,what?- They're brothers.- 谁?- Burrows和scofield- Who?- Burrows and scofield.Michael scofield?Michael scofield?我晚上钻进去看看能不能上屋顶I'm going to the wall tonight.See if I can access the roof.让burrows一无所有Take the only thing burrows has left.死刑不一定得通过电椅来执行的The chair isn't the only way to take a man's life in prison.- 就再多玩几次吧- 噢太棒了!- just a few more rides.- Oh,great! Great!玩好了就该走了Then you have to wrap it up.噢 adam看上去长大了点Oh,adam's getting bigger,huh?- 十岁嗯?- 别在这里说- Ten. Hmm?- Not here.我们要你帮忙了We need a favor.我已经好久不干这事了你知道的Been out of the life for years.You know that.我知道问题在于 DiamondI know.Problem is,diamond,我已经把毒品放在了你停在那边的那辆价值不菲的小货车的工具箱里了no one's gonna believe that after I take the heroin I have in my pocket谁会相信你呢and put it in the glove box of the reasonably priced minivan you have parked over there.我会当场逮捕你I will cuff you.当着那么多人的面把你拖走I will drag you out of here in front of everyone.你要我做什么?What do you need?美国当前需要的是What america needs一种环保的is an environmentally friendly,具可行性的logistically feasible,且经济上能负担的全新的替代燃料and economically responsiblealternative fuel source.尽管有人坚持认为...and despite the contentionsof some...请留言我会尽快回电谢谢配合leave a message,I'll call you back. Thanks.嗨是wendyHi,it's wendy.我知道你在专心工作I know you wanted to work with no distractions,所以不用接起来so don't pick up.我只是要告诉你nick savrinn今天给你留言了次I just wanted to let you know that nick savrinn left six messages for you today. 你跟他说什么了?What'd you tell him?嗯...就按照你说的说你在开会Oh,uh,what you said to saythat you were in a meeting.好要是他明天来办公室找我Look,if he comes by the office tomorrow,- 跟他说我不在知道么?- 好的晚安 veronica- tell him I'm not there,okay?- Okay. Good night,veronica.多谢 wendyThanks,wendy.查床了Bed check.你是不是该跟我解释一下为什么我的电话一个都没回?do you want to tell me why you haven't returned any of my phone calls?好吧我真的很感谢你为此所做的一切Look,I really appreciate everything you've done,okay?但我不再需要你的帮助了But I-I don't want your help anymore.不再需要帮助...My help anymore...你真的认定带子的失踪跟我有关?do you really think I had something to do with that missing tape?没有我要去喝杯咖啡No,look,I'm just gonna go grab a cup of coffee,然后回来继续工作我现在真的没空跟你谈这个and get back to work,okay?I don't have time for this right now.VeronicaVeronica.请等一下Just wait a second.你能听我说两句吗?Will you hold on a second?- 你为什么要...?- 别碰我行吗?- Listen,why do you avoid...?- Don't touch me,all right?需要帮助吗 donovan小姐?Everything okay,miss donovan?Lucas 你能陪我进去吗?Lucas,do you mind walking me back inside?去散个步吧伙计Take a walk,pal.你在胡思乱想You're being paranoid.- 你在胡思乱想- 走吧- You're being paranoid.- Go away.露个头出来 scofieldShow some skin,scofield.嗨 scofieldHey,scofield.我正失眠呢老大I'm trying to sleep,boss.我无法通过那墙 sucreI can't get through the wall,sucre.你什么意思你无法通过那墙?What do you mean,you can't get through the wall? 我虽然有办法I know how to do it.但却没有足够的时间I just don't have the time to do it.我们被囚禁着时间可多的是We're locked up.All we got is time.你不明白You don't understand.我本来计划周密I planned this break on a schedule.但这里一直要点名Constantly coming up here for count won't let me do我根本没时间做事what I need to do to get through that wall.我要是不能按照计划行事If I'm not back on schedule,我们就永远通不过那道墙which means we're through that wall by the end of the day manana, 这样我们就甭指望出去了we're not getting out of here.唉有三件事是无法逃避的Look,there are three things for certain in life--死亡税收...还有点名death,taxes and count.避免点名的唯一方法就是...Only way to stop count is...- 什么?- 算了还是不说了不是个好主意- what?- Never mind.It's a bad idea.比失去maricruz还糟糕?Worse than the idea of losing maricruz?戒严A lockdown.我们得想法搞出一天戒严来We get gen pop locked down for a day,那你就有充足的时间了you'll have all the time you need.- 不点名?- 谁也不会来打扰- And no count?- Bulls don't even come by.问题在于Only one problem.怎样才能搞出戒严?How do we get a lockdown?你能到监狱的电源控制单元吗?Can you get to the prison ac unit?也许Maybe.要戒严就得让这帮人惹点事You want a lockdown,you got to get the inmates riled up.这就好像加热冷藏箱里的肉And if you want to piss off the meat in concrete,把温度调高点吧turn up the heat.越狱第一季第六集-=/bbs=-Proudly Presents<font color=#FDC>-=伊甸园论坛 =- 荣誉出品本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径</font> Sync:YTET-fisherchen-=/bbs=-<font color=#FDC>翻译: ethan & yinger 校对: ethan 时间轴: fisherchen</font>-=Prison Break=-- 我还以为你已经金盆洗手了- 别管我了- I thought you were retired.- Never mind me.上头交待这样我也只好照办Some heavy hitters want this done,so that means I want it done.不许失败No screw ups.既然你开口了 diamond肯定能搞定For you,diamond,it's not a problem,放心吧 burrows死定了burrows is as good as dead.- 这真是最热的一个四月- 全球性气候变暖- hottest april on record.- Global warming.也许吧你有时间吗?Probably.You got a minute?有大约有年的时间About five years worth.不好意思嗯...Sure,right,um...你没告诉过我lincoln burrows是你哥哥you never told me lincoln burrows is your brother. - 只是没想到提这事- 好吧- It never came up.- Right.我很好奇是不是跟我父亲有关I'm curious if that isn't because of my father.他可能不是起决定作用的He may not be the one pulling the switch,但是你我都知道他可以手下留情but you and I both know he has the power to grant clemency, 但他却不选择这样做他从不宽大为怀and he won't,and he never does.我那老兄酗酒成性抛弃了家庭My old man was an abusive drunk who abandoned his family. 我不会根据一个人父亲的所作所为I don't judge anyone by their father's actions.或不作不为来影响我对那个人的看法Or inactions.你放心了If that was your concern.只是想让你知道我对他政治上那套做法不能认同Just so you know,I don't agree with his politics.对你哥哥的事我深表遗憾I'm sorry about your brother.谢谢I appreciate that.嗨这虽然不算什么Hey,this isn't much.不过我现在每周都要给lincoln做检查I have to give lincoln a weekly checkup now.要是你希望的话我可以安排一下时间If you want,I could schedule those visits to end把检查安排在你来注射之前right before you come in for your shots.这样嗯...That way,uh,你们至少能互相见个面就算在走廊里也好you could at least see each other,even if it's just in passing.谢谢你Thank you.厨房用品伙计块Greetings from the kitchen,fish.Theodore bagwell由病房转送回来Theodore bagwell,transferred back from the infirmary. 我们给你准备了一件小小的"康复"礼物we got you a little "get well" gift.大小正好it's just the right size.多谢你们thank you,boys.晚点再来找你们I'll catch up with you later.- 你叫什么名字?- Seth- What's you name?- Seth.新来的 seth?You new,seth?害怕么?看着我小子Scared?Look at me,boy.你大概已经听说过关于我的事情You probably heard stories about me.但真实性却不尽然They're not all true.我们去散散步怎么样?What do you say we go for a walk?- 你的合作辩护律师已经来了- 什么?- your co-counsel's already here.- Excuse me?- 你来这里到底要做什么?- 我在跟我的委托人谈话- What the hell are you doing here?- I'm talking to my client.- 别跟他说话- Veronica...- Don't talk to him.- Veronica...我们对这个家伙的情况一无所知we don't know anything about this guys.但他找到了一些线索也许会有帮助He found something that can help us out.给你一分钟You have one minute.我又看了案发当晚的事件记录报告I've been going over the incident report from the night of the murder,当时是有人匿名打点话给了警局and somebody made an anonymous phone call to the local cops声称看见lincoln从停车场跑了出来还穿着染上鲜血的裤子claiming to see lincoln running away from the garage with bloody pants.这个我们早已研究过了We've been through this.而且你都不知道这个证人的身份怎么对他进行盘问Look,you can't cross-examine a witness if you don't know who it is.他是谁并不重要因为我们知道了他的位置We don't need to know who he is;we know where he is.- 什么意思?- 嗯...虽然花了些功夫- What do you mean?- Well,it took some doing,但我一个做私家侦探的朋友帮我查了那个电话的来源but a P.I. Friend of mine tracked that phone call back to the police department. 不管打电话的是谁都不可能看见lincoln从停车场跑出来Whoever made that call couldn't have seenlincoln running from the garage that night.你怎么知道?How do you know?因为电话的来源是华盛顿特区Because the phone call came from washington,D.C.只是让你关了电源You were supposed to turn off the a/c,你是不是连暖气也打开了not turn on the furnace.- 这里块热死了- 我允许你讲话了小样?- It's getting so hot in here.- I say you could talk,cherry?我让你说的时候你才能说You'll know when I want you to open your mouth.geary!geary!你得想想办法热死了You got to do something about the heat.- 我们已经尽力了- 尽力了? 简直在放屁- Doing the best we can.- Your best is garbage.这里已经快超过度了(华氏)It's a hundred degrees in here.觉得我有办法让你凉快点?Look like I got frostbite to you?列队!Line up!你怎么还不把我们送到凉快点的地方去呢...why don't you transfer us all someplace cooler...例如非洲?like africa?他妈的给我排好get your ass on the line,convict.你们都给我排好!all of you,hit that line!等气温的问题解决了我们就服从安排We'll move when the temperature situation is rectified,all right? 嗨 bellick我是Mack 在囚室区Hey,bellick,this is mack in cell block.有几个家伙要惹事We got some cons popping off.扁他们一顿把他们丢回去再把名单记下来Give 'em a smack,throw 'em on the line and write 'em up.你要是搞不定你这礼拜就别想拿钱了If you can't handle it,don't cash your paycheck this week.这真不是时候医生This is not a good time,doc.噢我刚收到电话一个囚犯中暑了Oh,I just got a call a prisonerwas suffering from heat exhaustion.- 他装的- 这是你的诊断么?- He's faking it.- Is that your medical opinion?我们在A翼有一大堆头脑发热的家伙We got a bunch of overheated cons getting loud in the a-wing.这不能怪他们那里就像个烤箱I don't blame them.It's an oven in there.我们能控制Everything's under control,但你还是先回医务室吧but you should go back to the infirmary building.等事情处理好了When things calm down,我会把你的病人从病区转到你那的I'll have your patients transferred from sick bay.我这是为你着想I'm just looking out for your best interests.我深表感谢嗯...And I appreciate that,um...但是...bellick长官but,officer bellick,你我都知道对囚犯医疗呼救置之不理是违法的you and I both know that it's illegal to deny a prisoner medical care, 你可能因此丢了饭碗and you could lose your job over it.我也是在为你着想And I'm just looking out for your best interests.那就进来吧Go right on in.谢长官Thank you,sir.别像小孩一样 t-bagdon't being a baby,t-bag.也不是很热It's ain't that hot.还不热?!Not that hot?!这个家伙今天早上起来的时候When this guy woke up this morning,还是白种人!he was white!你想要凉快?You want to cool off?等这里有风了我们就回去we'll step back when we get some wind blowing in here.好吧没办法了!戒严!All right,that's it!Lockdown!所有人都回房间!Everyone back to your cells!我说你们所有人都给我回房间去!I said,everyone back to your cells now,convicts!戒严!Lockdown!你要的戒严开始了伙计You got your lockdown,bro.- 你也一起来- 什么?- You're coming with me.- What?我是放风的伙计我得放风I'm the lookout,man,that's it.我需要你一起下来I need you down there.得两个人来做这事It's a two-man job.- 挂块布吧- 不行伙计- Let's hang a sheet.- N-n-no way,man.只有在和室友卿卿我我的时候才有需要挂窗帘You only hang a sheet when you and your cellie want to get friendly,you know? 你觉得在这里的名誉重要You want to protect your prison rep,还是逃出去重要?or you want to get out of here?这里到底出什么事了?What the hell's going on in here?这些犯人们来劲了不肯回去Well,these inmates became belligerent and they refused to rack in.他们没回房间你就锁门了?You locked it down with inmates still out of their cells?我们处理个失控的犯人总比处理个人要好We can handle out-of-control inmates easier than .听着伙计听着Bellick 这是关于你的Listen up,bros,listen up.Bellick,I got one for you.我们是怎么称呼一只连警察资格考试都通不过What do you call a piece of white trash who couldn't pass the cops' exam 赚得钱还不如邮递员多的白种猪的呢?and now makes less than a mailman?狱警A C.O.- 把你们的手拿开- 滚你的猪!- get your hands of the fence.- Suck it,pig!跟你说 teddy你真的很令我失望you know,teddy,you really let me down,虽然那对你是难了点...and that's hard to do,because I don't expect much...因为你天生智障from the inbred child of a retard.是这样的 teddyThat's right,teddy.我看你了的档案...I read your psych records...上面记载了你父亲强奸了他那白痴姐姐about how your daddy raped his mongoloid sister,然后过了九个月and then nine months later,小teddy就蹦出来了little teddy pops out.我他妈的要宰了你!I'm going to kill you!这里真是比地狱还热It's hotter than hell.他们这样早晚先把自己给热死They'll wear themselves out eventually.那个电话是假的The call was a fake.是不是能凭此申请缓刑或者...?What about a stay of execution or-or...?- 不行法律依据还不充足- 这到底是...什么意思?- No,no,it's legally insufficient.- What the hell does that...mean?到底什么意思?What the hell does that mean?意思就是检控方提出了你的犯罪证据It means the prosecution could point out the evidence from your criminal trial. 懂吗?血迹录影带还有枪Okay? The blood,the video,the gun.那个有疑问的电话并不能否定那些证据A questionable phone call is not going to stack up to that.- 但至少能说明些问题对么?- 当然- But it's something,right?- Absolutely.我们有了地区代码We got an area code,然后我的朋友能根据这个查到更加确切的位置and my contact is going to track that number to someplace more specific--一幢楼...一个街区...或是某个单元a building,a neighborhood,a block--直到找到这个打电话的人为止to the person who made this phone call.- 接下来呢?- 我们得赶上下一班去华盛顿的班机- What happens next?- We need to catch the next flight to D.C.当然前提是你必须相信我That is,of course,if you trust me now.机会来了!It's coming!机会来了! 机会来了!It's coming! It's coming!抓住时机!Get on the train!来呀!come on!来呀!Come on!抓住时机!Get on the train!抓住时机!Get on the train!去我办公室Let's get to my office.哦和我想的一样oh,just what I thought.小猪害怕大灰狼The piglets are scared of the big bad wolf.大灰狼!Big bad wolf!抓住时机!Get on the train!快点come on.marilyn 别出去!marilyn,no!那是谁的钥匙?whose keys are those?我估计是在暴动的时候...I guess in the commotion...你觉得在他们手底下how many rounds do you think you're going to get off 你能过几招?before they get their hands on you?bellick呼叫This is bellick.我们这一侧发生暴动Our wing has been breached.我需要关闭A翼全体撤退I want a-wing evacuated and shut down.现在关闭所有通向B翼的通道All access to b-wing cut off now.我们会给你补充一些水份你就什么事儿都没有了好吧?We'll get some fluids into you,you'll be good as new,okay?相信我的话就点点头Nod your head if you believe me.好孩子Good man.TheoTheo.今天怎么了?What can we do for you today?就是这儿受伤了?This where it hurts?有一点靠上和靠左a little higher and to the left.你刚做完手术三周You're three weeks post-op.你的膝盖是被一个杆和三个螺丝铆在一起的Your knee is being held together by a rod and three screws. 所以敏感是正常的不用再用药了I'm saying tenderness is normal,no more meds.好...你为什么回来?Okay... why are you back?囚区的犯人已经被戒严inmates in cell block have compromised犯人们攻陷了A翼的看守站lockdown and breached a-wing through the guard station.A翼正在关闭A-wing is shutting down.囚区出乱子了!It's popping off up in gen pop!我说的就是那个宝贝儿that's what I'm talking about,baby.这面墙背面的某个地方Somewhere on the other side of this wall就是通向监狱原有下水系统的主排水管道is the main drainage pipe to the prison's old sewer system. 如果我们能通过这面墙我们就能到管道里去We can get through this wall,we can get into the pipe.如果我们能到管道里去我们就能进到医务室里We can get into the pipe,we can get into the infirmary.如果我们能进到医务室If we can get to the infirmary,那我们就能逃出去then we can get out of here.抱歉所有来探视的人都必须离开Sorry,all visitors have to leave the facility.你必须得离开you have to leave.在囚区出现在小规模的骚乱There's a minor disturbance in cell block.安全起见 A翼正在被封闭A-wing is being shut down for safety purposes.A翼? Veronica Micheal在那边A-wing?Varonica,Micheal is there- 他会没事儿吗?- 你现在就得离开Will you be okay?- you have to leave now去华盛顿 -- 我们全押在那上了Go to D.C.-- It's all we got.- 我会照顾好 Micheal 的好吧?- 好的- i'll take care of micheal,All right?- Okay.有劳了Please.不好意思减少你会面时间了Sorry about cutting you short.Bob 我跟你说了多少次了不用道歉Bob,how many times have i told you not to apologize.那样会让你显得弱势It makes you look weak.- 出什么事儿了?- 就像我说的小规模骚乱- Now what's going on?- Like I said,it's a minor disturbance.小规模骚乱? 我弟弟在囚区跟我说实话Minor disturbance?My brother's in gen pop,give it to me straight. 几个混蛋突破了囚区Some clowns breached cell block.但是他们哪儿也去不了But they won't get anywhere.我们把两边的门都已经锁住了We always have locked doors on either end.没什么好担心的There's nothing to worry about.混球Son of a bitch.A翼又有一个区被占领additional sections of a-wing have been compromised.上帝会惩罚我的I'll be damned.一个菜鸟狱警还没到圣诞呢A rookie C.O.,And it ain't even christmas.把手铐去掉把钥匙给我get the cuffs off.give me the key滚出去 t-bagget out of here,t-bag.哦我明白了...你先找到他的先到先得?Oh,I see--you found him first,finder's keepers?你知道我非常同意我真的同意You know,I respect that. I do.但是嗯...But,uh...我想我们能搞出点什么I think we can work something out.你有什么?What you got?哦我可以让你活着的最后几周非常非常开心Oh,I can make your last few weeks on earth,quite,quite enjoyable. 给你点儿麻醉剂一些...Get you some demerol,some X...你知道能让你忘掉那个大电椅you know,make you forget about that big,bad chair.没商量No deal.你得学学谈判的艺术You've got to learn the art of negotiating.课程一:Lesson one:谈判地位Bargaining position.你的地位刚好变了yours just changed.扁他!Make him pay!你要干嘛?what are you doing?嘿! 听着你出不去的hey! Listen or you're not gonna make it.不用流血的小子no blood needs to spill,sink.那就走开Then walk away.我们都明白那是不可能的We both know that ain't gonna happen.那是一大块的混凝土That's one big pile of concrete.你怎么知道那管道在哪儿?How do you know where the pipe is?我找了个人告诉我们在哪儿I got someone to show us where it is.哦真的? 是谁?Oh,really?Who?感染不是很严重Infection's not so bad,但是为了保险我会给你打一针青霉素好吧?but I'm going to give you a shot of penicillin just to make sure,okay? 谢谢医生Thanks,doc.这里是 rizzoThis is rizzo.需不需要撤退?Does anyone need back up,over?不需要 A翼正在关闭撤离Negative,a-wing is evacuating and locked down.留在B翼Remain in b-wing.怎么了医生?what's up,doc?婊子bitch.来呀医生come on,doc.你不该这么做you don't want to do this.抱歉we're sorry.这条线出现技术故障This line is experiencing technical difficulties.你有没有看过狩猎节目You ever see one of them safari shows,一群的猎豹扑向一只羚羊?where a bunch of cheetahs just jump all up on an antelope?猜猜你是哪一边儿?Guess which one you are?是个硬汉是吧?tough little gorilla,ain't he?我从小就相信恶魔有些可怕的力量I was raised to believe he devil's got some crazy power,但是我可不认为把它照到墙上就会把墙放倒but I don't think shining him on this wall is gonna bring it down.除非他再有个大锤Not unless he's got a sledgehammer with him.我们不需要大锤We don't need a sledgehammer.我到底要用这东西干什么?What the hell am I supposed to do with this?病区回复?Sick bay,report?- 病区请回复- 快!- Sick bay,please report.- Come on!一切正常?Everything okay?你知道该怎么说you know what to say病区一切正常通话结束All clear in sick bay. Over.收到Roger that.让那些狱警去管暴乱吧let the bulls worry about the noise.你来想想怎么才能钻透一个英寸的水泥墙You worry about how you're gonna drill through a six-inch concrete wall就用个打蛋器with what used to be an eggbeater.我们只需要钻几个小洞We just need a few small holes.我们怎么从几个小洞里钻过去?How are we going to fit through a few small holes?听说过"抗张强度"吗?Ever hear of tensile strength?胡克弹性定律?Hooke's law of elasticity?你在想什么?What do you think?如果我们在几个重点位置钻孔If we drill holes in strategic locations,我们就能破坏掉这个墙的承重能力we compromise the load-carrying capacity of the wall.说英语好不好?How about speaking english?我们就能够突破掩住管道入口的墙We'll be able to break through the part of the wall that covers the pipe opening. 把那个给我Give me that.我们钻进每个角的尖We go in through the tip of each horn,眼睛鼻子的末端the eyes,the end of the nose,牙和辫子的下端the bottom of the fangs and the braids.这就形成了一个"X"形It makes a kind of "X."开始吧Let's get to it.如果我能用政府下发的新的武器抓到里面的那些人渣...If I can get dirt in there with some of the newer firepower the state's issued... 哦是的那我们就能结束今天的暴乱开始明天的葬礼?oh,yeah,so we can end the riots today and start the funeral tomorrow?我能控制住的先生I can contain this,sir.- 有你的电话- 现在不接- I've got a call for you.- Not now.你想你得接老大I think you should take this,boss.是市长打来的It's the governor.市长Governor.- 我女儿在哪儿?- 别担心先生她很好- Where's my daughter?- Not to worry,sir,she's fine.她在B翼的病区She's in sick bay in b-wing.那和暴乱是在完全不同的区域It's a completely different part of the facility.那里嗯已经完全与骚乱所在区域隔开了It's,uh,totally locked off from the disturbance.骚乱?这就是你们现在对暴乱的叫法?Disturbance? That's what you're calling a riot nowadays?那些畜牲们能接触到她吗?Can any of these animals get to her?先生没人能从A翼进入到病区的Sir,it's impossible for anyone from a-wing to get into sick bay.那里面的警卫报告了那里一切都好The guard there assures us that everything is fine.我们都能处理的市长We have everything under control,governor.为你们好你最好都能处理For your sake,you better hope you do.我要和你跳舞医生!I'm going to dance with you,doc!我们要和你跳到太阳升起!We're going to dance till the sun come up!开开门open the door到你了It's your turn.我不能动恶魔伙计I ain't messing with no diablo,man.我们不能停下来我们必须得轮班钻We can't afford downtime.We have to switch off drilling.那是个坏兆头傻大胆儿开玩笑吗?It's bad mojo,bro.Are you kidding me?我打扰他你钻过他他被激怒然后怎样嗯?I mess with him,you drill into him,he gets pissed,and then what,huh? 我们已经有足够多的对手了I got enough enemies already.- 你信上帝对吧?- 你知道我信的- You believe in god,right?- You know I do.那么你就是被保护的So you're protected.他会保护你不受恶魔的伤害He'll protect you from him.我向你们保证I assure you,一旦bob和我达到共识...once bob and I are done getting acquainted......每个人都会轮到的...everyone else will get their turn.别担心don't worry.I don't got the blickey.我是干净的My pipes are clean.你要去哪儿菜鸟?Now,where you going,rookie?不不不No,no,no,不不不不no,no,no,no.他们总以为他们跑得掉They always think they can run away.如果我们在这做了而管道在那边英尺的地方怎么办?what if we do all this work,and the pipe is ten feet that way? - 不会的- 你会透视?- It won't be.- You got x-ray vision?我计算过钻孔点的坐标记在我的纹身里了I calculated the drill point coordinates,hid them in my tattoo, 再投影到墙上and then projected them back onto the wall.一切都计算好了投影就在所需要的点上Everything's been worked out so the image hits the right spot. - 只不过是数学- 你的数学要是错的怎么办?- It's just math.- What if your math is wrong?那你就会钻通墙里的某一根煤气管道You'll drill into one of a dozen gas lines behind the wall.然后就会爆炸我们都被活活烧死There'll be an explosion,and we'll be burned alive.不过你数学很好是不是?But you're good at math,right?他们在越狱They're breaking out.- 他们在越...- 嘘- They're breaking...- shh.你水手你胳膊比我长伙计yo,stroke,you got longer arms than me,man.Son of A...那个婊子扎我that bitch stuck me.他们觉得已经够热了?我要把所有的水源切断they think it's hot now?I want all the water shut off.- 我去办- Mack 你去做- I'll call it in.- Mack,you take care of it.是的先生Yes,sir.对我们-我们有个麻烦Yeah,we-we have a problem.哦没错是的Bob 看见这个洞了Oh,that's right. Yeah.Bob here seen the hole.得干掉他He's got to go away.- 谁也不会被干掉- 他看见洞口了- No one's going anywhere.- He's seen the hole.你也看见了So have you.看起来你的戒严的主意不够好呀嗯?Looks like your lockup idea didn't work out too good,huh? 我还有个女儿求求你I have a daughter. Please.- 我们得杀了他- 警察就在外面- We gotta kill him.- The cops are right outside.他们会留在外面的They'll stay outside,只要他们知道Bob还活着as long as they know we're keeping him alive.但他是警卫他会告密的But he's a guard.He's gonna squeal.这一切和你到底又有什么关系呢?What the hell does this have to do with you anyway?。

















00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,991
00:00:25,000 --> 00:00:26,752
That's it.
00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:31,992
Can I just, you know,
look at it for a minute?
Sir, you have half a million dollars cash
in your bag. Don't you think it'd be better if...?
00:02:20,400 --> 00:02:22,391
00:02:29,600 --> 00:02:33,275
- I'm sure, Your Honour.
00:02:52,320 --> 00:02:56,518
Your Honour, we'd like to recess if we could.
My client's a bit confused.
00:02:56,600 --> 00:02:58,636
00:03:03,880 --> 00:03:06,952
I've already done that, Your Honour.
00:03:11,280 --> 00:03:17,116

越狱(Prison Break)分集剧名

越狱(Prison Break)分集剧名

越狱(Prison Break)分集剧名第一季:E01.越獄第一季-Prison Break Season 1E02.阿伦-AllenE03.牢房试验-Cell TestE04.可爱的毒药-Cute PoisonE05.别无选择-English, Fitz or PercyE06.暴乱1-Riots, Drills and the Devil Part 1E07.暴乱2-Riots, Drills and the Devil Part 2E08.老当益壮-The Old HeadE09.夹缝生存-TweenerE10.花招-Sleight of HandE11.七个人-And Then There Were 7E12.一人出局-Odd Man OutE13.隧道尽头-End of the TunnelE14.老鼠-The RatE15.行刑-By the Skin and the TeethE16.狱外往事-Brother's KeeperE17.绝望与转机-J-CatE18.作茧自缚-BluffE19.钥匙-The KeyE20.就在今晚-TonightE21.越狱-GoE22.插翅难飞-Flight第二季:E01.追缉-ManhuntE02.奥蒂斯-OtisE03.撒网-ScanE04.第一人出局- First DownE05.第1213号地图-Map 1213 E06.节外生枝-SubdivisionE07.埋葬-BuriedE08.威胁-Dead FallE09.败露-UnearthedE10.集合点-RendezvousE11.欲盖拟彰-Bolshoi BoozeE12.断绝-DisconnectE13.赶尽杀绝-The Killing Box E14.无名氏-John DoeE15.讯息-The MessageE16.芝加哥-ChicagoE17.仇恨-Bad BloodE18.脱罪-WashE19.香甜凯若琳-Sweet Caroline E20.巴拿马-PanamaE21.路的末端-Fin Del Camino E22.SONA-sona第三季:E01.方向-OrientaciónE02.水火之中-Fire/WaterE03.来电等待-Call WaitingE04.牢不可破-Good FencesE05.干扰-InterferenceE06.指证-Photo FinishE07.我们走吧-VamonosE08.爆炸和燃烧-Bang and BurnE09.阻挡-Boxed InE10.淤泥-Dirt NapE11.在逃中-Under and OutE12.赴汤蹈火-Hell or High WaterE13.交易的艺术-The Art of the Deal第四季:E01.SCYLLA-ScyllaE02.破门而入-Breaking & EnteringE03.关闭-Shut DownE04.天使还是恶魔-Eagles & AngelsE05.安然无恙-Safe & SoundE06.熄灭-Blow OutE07.五条险路-Five the Hard WayE08.代价-The PriceE09.任务完成-Greatness AchievedE10.传奇-The LegendE11.悄声暴动-Quiet RiotE12.无私-SelflessE13.成交与否-Deal or No DealE14.公事-Just BusinessE15.重装上阵-Going UnderE16.阳光之州-The Sunshine StateE17.妈妈的秘密-The Mother LodeE18.对决-VS.E19.疯狂-S.O.BE20.牛仔和印第安人-Cowboys & Indians E21.变化率- Rate of ExchangeE22.大结局- Killing Your Number第五季:E01.奥杰吉厄-OgygiaE02.卡尼尔奥蒂斯-Kaniel Outis E03.说谎者-The LiarE04.窘境-The Prisoner's Dilemma E05.偶发事件-ContingencyE06.亡命天涯-PhaeciaE07.暗之海-Wine Dark SeaE08.后代-ProgenyE09.偷天换日-Behind the Eyes。



Previously on Prison Break:把这个地方当作美国地图吧SCOFlELD: Think of this place like a map of the US. 我们的监仓, 代表纽约(东岸)Our cellover there, that's New York City.我们的出口--医务室Infirmary, our exit,则是加州(西岸)that's California.我们脚下, 连接两者的管道...The pipes beneath our feet that connect the two...号公路-Route .我们离开的车票-Our ticket out of here.号公路Route正好经过那座建筑物runs directly beneath that building.它是唯一的一座坐落在It's the only building sitting那些管道上方的建筑物on top of those tunnels.只需要借囚犯劳动团的机会All we gotta do is get in there on Pland在里头造一个出口dig ourselves an on-ramp.- 哪边? - 就这里-Which one? -Right there.这里下去英尺会连接到下面管道This goes down four feet.It connects to the main line below.我们只要把口子凿大一点Allwe've gotta do is widen it,就有了一个入口and we've got ourselves an on-ramp直通号公路to Route .总有一天我会知道I'm gonna find out, you know,你在上面干吗what it is you're doing up there.但是你告诉我You told me that囚犯劳动团被指派去清洁天花you had been up in the crawlspace for Pl, 但囚犯劳动团从没有and PI was never被指派去那里assigned to go there.我们给你准备了一件康复礼物We got you a little get-wellgift.你叫什么?What's your name?发生了一起爆炸事故There was an explosion.煤气管Gas line.里面的人全部遇难Everyone inside was killed.我们面对的这伙人不把我们干掉是不会罢休的These people we're dealing withwon't stop until we're dead.我们不能永远躲下去We can't hide forever.那个孩子呢?How about that kid?那个被认为杀害自己父母的孩子?The one they say killed his parents.- 噢,他们抓住他 - 真的吗?-Oh, they got him.-They did?他被捕了He's in custody.我看过你们的样子I know what you look like,你们这帮杂种!you son of a bitch!Philly FalzonePhilly Falzone现在,你要去搞定Word is there's someone in herethat knows where Fibonacci is,那件事,对吧?and you're not doing anything about it. 帮帮我Help me.求你Please.请原谅我这孩子You'll have to forgive my boy.他,呃,最近有点He has the propensity to be a bit gregarious有点行为怪异when he shouldn't be.似乎迷上了监狱的浴室Fraternizing in the prison shower.来吧Come on.也许你该让那孩子歇一会儿Maybe you ought to cut the kid a break.你不会是觉得自己有权干预You wouldn't be meddling in我的私事吧? Scofieldmy affairs now, would you, Scofield?你不是那么笨的人You can't be that stupid.尤其当我投资了那么多,在你的私事里的时候Not when I'm so fully invested in your affairs. 你跟他的事情...What's between you and him是你跟他的事is between you and him.我以为你正是此意That's what I thought you said.你一定要帮我You've gotta help me.你一定要帮我You gotta help me.我无能为力You're talking to the wrong man.这是警方的权限This is a matter for the police.这是我儿子This is my son we're talking about.上帝啊,他现在失踪了For God's sake, he's missing.帮我一下!Do something!你必须要理解You have got to understand.我是监狱的长官I am the warden of a prison.从法律上来说,这件事里头When it comes to the law, there is我什么都干不了absolutely nothing I can do.外面发生的事在我职权之外Whatever happens out there is out of my jurisdiction除非事情进了这铁门untilit comes through those gates.已经进了.放我出去It just did. Let me out.什么?-What?让我去找他-Let me find him.我知道他在想什么我知道他会逃去哪里I know how he thinks. I know where he'd run. Burrows,我想你应该能理解Burrows, I would've thought that by now,以现在的形势under the circumstances,你是一个死囚you'd understand your position as a death row inmate.我不可能答应这样的要求There is no way I can honor that request.不对,你有这个权力That ain't true. You got the power.在家庭危机发生时In case of a family emergency,你可以授权犯人离开you can grant an inmate supervised leave.你儿子是杀了两个人的通缉犯Your son is the prime suspectin a double homicide.嘿!Hey.你觉得这是什么,午休?What do you think this is, siesta?你看到了吗?我的照片在上面See that? See my face up there?你以为它是怎样上去的?Any idea how it got there?努力工作Work ethic.这个词组在你的国家没有任何意义?Those two words mean anything in your country? 我是说别再慢手慢脚了You're on PI, so quit slow-walking me.最后一次警告I'm not gonna warn you again.你在看什么?What are you looking at?Bulls发现这勾当的话会知道我们在挖掘The bulls find this stuff,they'llknow we're digging.所以我们要偷偷地That's why we gotta get rid of it.一点一点倒掉垃圾One piece at a time.CO: Attention in the yard,All prisoners remain feet away from Gate A, New prisoners arriving in five minutes,I repeat, Attention in the yard,All prisoners stay feet away from Gate A, New prisoners arriving in five minutes, Attention in the yard,All prisoners maintain a -foot perimeter around Gate A,-New prisoners arriving,新人-Freshmen.装出一副老油条的样子,BGBest put on a jailface, BG.这些杂种看见你害怕的话These crabs see you puckering,会第一时间拥上来吃了你they gonna bitchify you in a heartbeat.看来我要另找一个名字Looks like I gotta find something else来招呼你了to callyou now.为什么?-Why's that?因为你不再是菜鸟-Cause you ain't a fish no more.已经不是监狱里最新的人了You ain't the newest con in the tank... Oh, man!Yo, get the... Somebody get this dude, man! 越狱第九集I ain't touching him.我完全可以帮一把的I could have done something.不. T-bag吃定了这小子No.T-Bag had his hooks in that kid.你什么也帮不上There was nothing you could have done.我本可以向狱长举报I could have told the Pope.狱长会把他转去保护性监狱He could have transferred the kid to Ad Seg. 他就不会出事He would've been safe.放轻松,Michael 你甚至不认识他Go easy, Michael. You didn't even know him. 那就可以视而不见?And that makes it okay?我不去帮助他lturned my back on him是不想乱上添乱because I didn't wanna make waves.这样来想....It was just easier这个问题的话...to look the other way.保证计划的安全Keep the plan safe.你做到了And you did.但代价是什么?But at what price?母亲不是这样教导我们的That's not how she raised us.有人跌倒,我们应该伸出手A man's down, you give him your hand.如果知道我现在这个样子她会从坟墓里跳起来的She'd rollover in her graveif she knew what I've become.不,她不会She wouldn't.你已经向我伸出手,MichaelYou've given me your hand, Michael.我儿子正在外面受到追捕My son's out there with abull's-eye on his back.你一定要把我们俩带出这个监狱Do whatever you gotta do to getus out of here. Please.你在干吗?What are you doing?我想找些咖啡lwas just looking for some coffee.对,喝光了Oh, there isn't any.这是我父亲的, 如果你在想这个问题They belonged to my father,if you were wondering.它们在这多久了?How long have they been in there?不知道,也许五年ldon't know, five years.听着,Veronica 我们一齐经历了那么多You know, Veronica, we've been through a lot. 而且,呃,我现在跟你一样很害怕And I'm freaking out here as much as you are. 但你的眼神里总有那么一种...But you get this look in your eye sometimes, like...觉得我不怀好意的眼神Like I'm the bad guy.我不知道你是谁,NickI don't know who you are, Nick.你像个金甲武士那样莫名其妙地出场You just magically show up like some knight in shining armor,不容分说来打救我ready to save the day.我...我想你可能忘记了You know,I think you seem to be forgetting某些事情something here.现在我跟你一样成为目标了I'm in the crosshairs the same way you are.就是因为你的前男友All for your ex-boyfriend,他不像我父亲,他是个真正的罪犯who, unlike my father,is a scumbag criminal 只是现在偶然被冤枉入狱了who just happens to be in prisonforthe one crime he didn't commit.你知道吗?You know something?我自己就已经一堆麻烦I got enough of my own crap要去处理to dealwith.你想走的话,走吧You wanna go, you go.可以交个朋友吗,伙计?-Mind if llamp with you, Cuzzo?走开,白鬼-Roll, snowflake.嘿,伙计,我只是... 我是新人,你知道吧Hey, man, I'm just...I'm just new, you know.我只是想找个靠山I'm looking for some homies.我说走开I said, roll.什么?我只是问问What? I'm just launching.是吗?去别处问吧,小白Yeah? Well, launch somewhere else, white boy. 好吧,没问题Allright, y'all.我习惯被拒绝了I'm fitting to bounce.PeacePeace.这小男孩好像Boy's a bit confused看错了自己的肤色about his pigmentation.但他确实勇气可嘉,不是吗?But he sure does have spunk, doesn't he? Abruzzi!Abruzzi!怎么?-Yeah?你在干吗?-What are you doing?什么意思,"你在干吗?"What do you mean, what am I doing?现在是月头了,JohnFirst of the month's coming up, John.没错,然后?-Yeah? So?月钱还没到-I haven't got my monthly.什么?-What?我在网上查了帐户-I checked my balance online.数目看起来不对It's looking seriously deficient.可能中间出了差错It's gotta be some kind of a mistake,比如帐目算错了like an accounting error...好吧I can tell.告诉Falzone我不接受"帐目算错"Yeah. Tell Falzone I don't stand for accounting errors.今天下班前I'm going back into my office我会回去办公室at the end of the day.到时我再查一次帐户Gonna check my balance again.如果还不是说好的那个数目lf it's not up to where it's supposed to be, 你拥有的这些特权all these privileges you've got,比如带领囚犯劳动团like running PI,就会取消they're gone.搞定它,JohnGet it done, John.Falzone公司Falzone Enterprises,叫下PhillyGet Philly.Falzone先生暂时没空I'm sorry, Mr, Falzone is not available,你告诉他,是John Abruzzi找他You tellhim it's John Abruzzi calling.很抱歉,刚才没听出来I'm sorry, I didn't realize,现在听出来了.稍等,-But now you do.-Just a minute,很抱歉,他要晚些才可以给你回电I'm sorry, he's gonna have to call you back, 什么?What? Hey...非常抱歉I'm sorry我说的那些about before.我们被压力扭曲了,就这么简单Pressure's getting to us, that's all.好消息是Good news is没有人能找到我们这里nobody can reach us out here.老人家已经验证过My old man made sure of that.连电话线都没有Never even hooked up the telephone.井和发电机Same with the welland the generator.我以前对此不屑一顾You know, I used to think he was他信奉的国家阴谋主义some kind of conspiracy theory wacko.现在看来他才是对的Turns out maybe he was right.我不能留下,Nicklcan't stay, Nick.我必须回去I gotta get back.他只剩不到两周可活He's got less than two weeks.老人家以前管这叫"正式领带"The old man used to callthis his serious tie. 他只有在最正式的场合Only wore it when he really,才会用到它really meant business.我们再出去露面会很危险Be dangerous, you know, showing our faces again.除非他们已经没有在找我们Not if they're not looking for us.他们以为我们死了,不是吗?-They think we're dead, right?我知道.但还会以为多久?-I know, but how long is that gonna last?我们动作快一点就行Gotta be quick. Be smart about it.以我看来Way I see it,如果继续寻找客观的证据we're just gonna be running in circles我们只会原地绕圈下去if we think we're gonna find exculpatory evidence无法在他行刑前翻案before the execution.Proof he didn't do it. 我几乎跟所有I've gone up against pretty muchCook县的每一位原告打过交道every prosecutor in Cook County.如果一个男人被谋杀Man gets murdered, the first person他们第一想要见的they wanna talk to就是他真正的敌人--to see who his realenemies were,他老婆the wife.你真的要去见他老婆?You wanna go after the queen bee herself? Leslie SteadmanLeslie Steadman城里每个人都知道这老家伙Everyone in town knows the old bird每天中午都在Lexinton用餐lunches at the Lexington every day 和那些社会名流with the society set.嘿慢点Hey, hey, slow down.慢点Slow down!放轻松伙计Man, your brother's你会把我们暴露的gonna give us away.管事的来了Bull's coming.全都给我出去Let's move. Hurry up, guys. Move it! 什么?-What?我说了都给我出去.-I said, everybody out. Now.马上Right now别愣着啊Move it.我们要去哪里?-Where are we going?那边-Down there,就那边的角落around the corner.站在原地别动And don't move a damn muscle直到我来叫你们为止till I come get you.走Go.怎么回事?What the hell's going on?我们真是坏到家了,不是吗?-We're so bad, aren't we?绝对是-You're damn skippy.这边来Let's go.你下次要早点提醒我们You gotta give us more of a warning next time. 抱歉I'm sorry.他突然出现的He just showed up.我们会被发现的Oh, we're gonna get caught.谁来发现? 狱长-By who? -By the Warden.宝贝现在在这个屋里Baby, right now, in this room,这个时候at this moment我就是狱长I am the Warden.跟我说Then say it.不不说No, I'm not gonna say it.说吧Come on, Becky, say it.你就是狱长 Louis-You're the Warden, Louis!这个狗娘养的The sneaky son of a bitch.你认为他发现那个坑了吗?You think he found the hole?差一点就被发现了Another inch and he'd have found it.我们得尽快找点东西来盖住它We need to find something to cover this hole ASAP.破产?Broke?这是什么意思?What do you mean, broke?那家C-Corp公司The C-Corp.投资账目The investment accounts.甚至连离岸公司开曼群岛,百慕大群岛Even the off-shore stuff. Caymans, Bermuda. Philly Falzone卷走了一切Philly Falzone liquidated everything.嘿我一开始就告诉你了Hey, I told you from the beginning要是搞砸的话会发生什么事what would happen if he screwed me.我也是我很留意的And I heeded it.所以我刚开始就警告过你That's why lwarned you from the get-go别给Pilly代理权not to give Philly power of attorney.我们谈过的记得吗?-We had that conversation, remember?-Yeah.你还剩下的唯一资产Look, the only realfunds you have left are the $,是你老婆账户上的块in your wife's pocket account.现在我可以I can...别-Don't...别碰这些Don't touch that.除了她谁都不能动这些Nobody touches that but her.那我要怎么跟她说?What do I tellher? You know,关于这一切about all this?什么都别告诉她Don't tellher anything,成吗?okay?时候总会到的The statements are going to come.她总会知道的-She's going to know.嘿我跟你说了-Hey, I told you.别告诉她Don't tell her.记住了?All right?有问题吗?You got a problem with that?好的 JohnOkay, John.你知道怎么联系我的You know where to contact me如果你还需要什么的话if you need anything else.你也知道怎么联系我The same goes for you.Hey!Hey!Philly-Philly.你还好吧-Yo.So good to see you.FlORELLO: For you the answer's always yes, Philly.坐Sit down.坐Sit down.走吧 JohnCome on, John.这里的表单上没有记录任何福克斯河监狱的囚犯Looks like there's no record ofa Fox River medical practice参与我们的健康计划或养老计划on our list of participating HMOs or PBOs, 因为我们这里是州监狱Okay, that's because we're a state penitentiary.而且这里情况特殊And we're actually in kind of a unique situation here.Scofield先生以前雇主的保险Mr. Scofield's insurance policy from his previous employer还是有效的hasn't lapsed yet.因此州政府要求For that reason the state's demanding由你们而不是纳税人来支付他的医疗费用that you pay for his treatment,好的and not the taxpayers.这里有写明他的扣除条款已经...Okay, Well, it says here he already met his deductible,好的Okay.不等等这是用于心理咨询不是药物Oh, no, wait.That's his psych deductible, not his medical. “心理咨询”? 就像"心理治疗"那样的Sorry. Psych as in psychiatric?我让你打电话给Philly了吗?lgive you permission to call Philly?我问你问题呢伙计!Hey, I asked you a question, man.听着...Listen, there...现在在作调整There's been a restructuring.是Philly亲口说的This comes from Philly himself.你不能搞定Fibonacci...You couldn't deliver Fibonacci,所以现在这里由我话事so I'm the man in here now.嘿狗东西Hey, tell you what.去给我搞定那期保护费Run to the commissary and get me a bag of chips.我们就当什么都没发生过对吧?We'llpretend this never happened, right?我跟你说了 JohnNow, I'm telling you, John,你还是尽快接受事实the sooner you face these facts,这样我们大家都好过the better off we will all be.我可以一下子就干掉你I can kill you in a heartbeat.你这个...你行不行啊Somehow I doubt that.接受事实吧The sooner you face facts,这对谁都好the better off we will all be.你已经是昨日黄花了You're yesterday's news, John.怎么了兄弟?What's the word, brother man?踩到屎了还是怎么的?You all cooking brownies or what?注意点娘娘腔Act your race, milk chicken.你能怎么样啊?Yo, what's the deal, yo?来硬的吗?You got tough buckets or something?你活得不耐烦了You're a disgrace to your skin,是吧?you know that?他刚才滑倒了The boy just slipped.他只是滑倒了而已The boy just slipped.对吧?Ain't that right?来站起来Come on, stand up.好了回你们的牢房去All right,let's get back to your cells. Go! 没什么好看的fellas继续向前走你叫什么名字伙计?What's your name, boy?谁啊?Who's that? Stolte.Shearing 你听说我的孩子了对吧?Stolte, you heard about my kid, right?接着盘子 LincTake the tray, Linc.我...I...我就想给他打个电话i just need to call him.就... 接住盘子Just take the tray,否则我就直接搁这里了or I'm gonna shove it in there你就在地上吃好了and you can eat it off the ground.你有个儿子You have a son.JoshJosh别干什么傻事 LincDon't do anything stupid, Linc.我不会我...I'm not.我只是想问你个问题I just wanna ask you a question,之后我就会放手then I'm gonna let go.Josh 如果What if it were Josh?如果是你的儿子你会怎么样?What if it were your son?求你了Please?爸?Dad?LJLJ谢天谢地你还好吧thank God. Are you all right?不No.现在可说不上好Nowhere near it.你什么意思?What do you mean?你在哪里?Where are you?他们说的关于我的事不是真的What they're saying about me, it's not true.我知道不是真的-I know it's not true.是他们杀了她-They killed her,他们杀了她他们...They killed her, They...就在我的跟前在我眼皮底下Right in front of me,-Right in front of my eyes, Dad,你应该赶快走赶快走-You gotta...你为什么要这么做-Why are they doing this?听着听着你现在要振作-Listen, Listen,You gotta step up,要像个男人的样子You gotta be the man now.你明白吗?You understand me?明不明白 LJ?-You understand me, LJ?是的-Yeah.我要你打电话给VeronicaOkay, I want you to call Veronica.她的号码打不通我已经试过了Her number is disconnected. I already tried. Nick SavrinnNick Savrinn那就打给Nick SavrinnYou call Nick Savrinn, Works for Project Justice,我们通话一结束你就给他打电话You call him once we're done.明白了吗?You got it?Nick SavrinnNick Savrinn好的好的我会打的Okay,Okay, I'll call.我会的-I'll call好的-All right, man.Hang in there, man, It's gonna be all right, Okay?他们来了-They're here.谁来了?-Who's here?LJ? LJ!Move. Move!你听到了吗?You hear that?听到了吗?Did you hear it?你知道这意味着什么吗?You know what that means?你为什么不问问你妈妈这意味着什么?Why don't you ask your mom what it means?哦抱歉你现在Oh, I'm sorry.You might要从她那里得到答案可能有些困难have trouble getting an answer out ofher right about now, huh?LJ?LJ?我看到了-I saw that.证实一下就这些-Just getting connected, that's all.她在那There she is.Steadman夫人? 我是Dick SislerNlCK: Mrs. Steadman?I'm Dick Sisler.这位是我的同事 Francette KellyThis is my associate, Francette Kelly.我们是国家犯罪受害人协会的We're with the NationalVictim's Rights Association.我们为暴力犯罪的受害人提供帮助We provide assistance for victims of violent crimes,同时为对犯罪采取强硬态度的政客寻求支持gather support for tough-on-crimepolitical candidates.好啊Bravo.听着如果你们是在搜寻什么报料的话Look, if your organization's looking fora handout,年轻人你最好先和我的经纪人谈young man,you can go through my business manager.女士我们来不是为了这个Ma'am, that's not why we're here, actually.我们可以坐下谈吗?May we sit down?我们希望你能在一个大案上帮忙We were hoping you could help us with one of our more public cases.也就是Lincoln Burrows的案子The Lincoln Burrows case.你也知道As you know,他是声称自己是无辜的被指控以莫须有的罪名he's making unfounded claims that he's innocent.另有其人有谋杀你丈夫的动机That others had motive to murder your husband. 我实在没时间跟你们长谈I really don't have time for a long conversation.Steadman夫人这次谈话会非常简短Mrs. Steadman, it doesn't have to be a long conversation.如果我们是要谈谁有杀Terrence的动机lf we talked about who had motive to kill Terrence,那就一天也说不完了we'd be here allday.什么?-I'm sorry?看看四周吧这里有半数的人-Look around.Half the people曾经是他公司的股东in this place were share holders in his company.他们每个人都出席了我丈夫的追悼会Every one of them sat at my husband's memorial 而这么多人and every one of them想法都只有一个was thinking the same thing.感谢上帝他终于死了''Thank God he's gone.''他们为什么会这样想?-Why would they think that?钱呗-Money.即将被指控的谣言出现后As soon as rumors of the indictment started他们就争先恐后的撤资you should have seen them run for the exits.我还真不知道有被指控这事I wasn't aware of any indictment.一直没透露出来lt never came down.还没来得及被起诉他就死了He died before it could.和EcoField公司有关系吗?-Did it have anything to do with Ecofield?想想吧-Do the math.公司的CEO因欺诈遭起诉CEO of a corporation gets indicted for fraud, 投资人开始亏钱investors start losing money.一大笔钱Lots of money.如果我不是肯定是Borrows开的枪,If I didn't know for sure Burrows pulled that trigger,我会说这餐馆里的人都有可能I'd say it was any one of these people in this restaurant.我们说的是几亿美元We're talking half a billion dollars,Sisler先生Mr. Sisler.这笔钱的几百分之一就足够买凶杀人People have killed for a lot less.Hey, what's up? What's up?发现自己来的地方不怎么样吧, 是不是?Not a good position you find yourself in, is白人不喜欢你, 黑人也讨厌你Whites don't want you, blacks don't want you. 你进退两难, 对吧?You're just caught in the middle, aren't you? 又是一个典型的“夹心汉堡”A regular tweener.我们不一样,我和你,有很多不同点We're different, you and me, lot of ways.但是, 你要知道,可笑的是But, you know, the funny thing is,我们也有很多相同点we're also a lot alike.两条流着鼻涕的狗没人喜欢A couple of dogs with runny noses that nobody loves.顺便问一句膝盖怎么样了?How's that knee, by the way?-你想搞什么鬼? -别-What the hellyou doing? -No,别,别,别不要误解我的意思no, no. Don't get me wrong.我只是个朋友-I'm just a friend.是吗, 一个怪癖的朋友我不需要那样的朋友-Yeah, a fruity friend.-I don't need none of that.-冷静点 -不,不,不-Easy now.No,你想来套近乎, 别幻想了you think you're getting up in this, you got another thing coming.你这令人恶心的同性恋You homo.你嘴巴不太干净, 知道吗?-You got a foulmouth, you know that?是的,我就这样!-Yeah, I do.你要是再敢靠近我,And you come near me again,我就杀了你I'm gonna kill you.那样的话, 你就必须那么做了, 小家伙Well, then you're just gonna have to, little你最好睁着一只眼睡觉, 娘娘腔You'd best sleep with one eye open, girlie.来啊, 婊子-Bring it on, bitch.噢?我会来的我要用铁锹来教训你-Oh, I'm gonna bring it on in spades.你是不是应该离那孩子远点Maybe you ought to I eave that kid alone.也许我的事And maybe you're in no position你管不着吧, 嗯?to be telling me my business.我是这么想的That's what I thought.我相信你理解为什么我不愿提起I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to以前的病人discuss past patients.当然Absolutely.我认为根据 HlPA(医疗保险义务条例)My understanding is that under HlPAA,我们应当有权了解病人的情况we're allowed to share information只要这是为病人着想as long as it furthers the care of the patient. 我不是经常以这样的方式I'm not accustomed to这样提出请求, 但是, 我, 嗯...making inquiries like this, but I...我觉得I feel like我能了解更多他的情况I can get through to him.我就能帮他I can help him.我想也许他需要那方面的帮助I imagine he needs it in there.你为他提供什么治疗?What did you treat him for?恩, Michael有几个问题Well, Michaelsuffered from a couple of things. 一种被称为低危抑郁症One was a condition called low latent inhibition.不好意思我不太了解你说的I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the term.那些有低危抑郁症的人Well, people who suffer from low latent inhibition see每天和你我一样正常everyday things just like you or I do,就像这盏灯, 打个比方.like this lamp, for instance.但当我们提到But where we just process“灯”, 他们会联想到很多...the image of a lamp,they process everything.灯杆, 灯泡, 开关甚至里面的垫圈The stem, the bulb, the bolts, even the washers inside.他们的大脑对外来环境的刺激BRlGHTON: Their brains are more open to incoming stimuli能产生更广阔的思维in the surrounding environment,其他人的大脑-- 你和我的,会停止接受Other people's brains, yours and mine, shut out 重复的信息this same information.这样做是为了保证我们的心理正常We have to do it in order to keep our sanity.如果一个低智商的人得了低危抑郁症If someone with a low IQ has low latent inhibition,会引起精神疾病it almost always results in mental illness.但对于一个高智商的人But if someone has a high IQ就会产生一个有创造力的天才it almost always results in creative genius.您认为Michael是天才?Do you think Michael's a genius?我认为天才这个词Well, I think that word's在今天的媒体里被贬低了,been derogated in the media these days.但如果是按照传统的那个意思, 是的, 我想他是的But in the classic sense of the word,yes, I do.你说还有其他的症状You said there was something else你为他治疗的you treated him for.他来找我的时候He came to me with absolutely没有任何自负no sense of self-worth.双亲的过世通常会对他们的孩子产生这样的影响The loss of both parents very oftendoes that to a child.但在低危抑郁症的情况下,But with the low latent inhibition,Michael身上发生了有趣的一幕.something interesting happened to Michael. 他对周围发生的灾难和不幸非常敏感He became very attuned to all the suffering around him.他不能放任不管He couldn't shut it out.他成了“救世主”,He became a rescuer.一个考虑别人幸福One of those people who are more concerned 甚至超过他们自己的人with other people's welfare than their own. 我不知道他的这些情况I didn't know all this about him.那也许你并不真正了解Michael Scofield.Then maybe you don't know Michael Scofield. 是啊Yeah.* I... I'm a-comin' ** I'm a-comin' ** Oh, my Tweener ** Oh, Tweener, I'm a-comin' for you ** I'm a-comin', comin' for you ** Is you ready? ** Are you ready? ** However you want to say, I don't care ** I'm comin' for you ** I'm comin', comin', I'm comin' ** I'm comin' for you. *正在查我的语音信箱I checked my voicemailat work.Lincoln的儿子LJ 留给我一条信息Lincoln's son LJ just left me a message. 他有麻烦了He's in trouble.喂?Hello?LJ, 我是Veronica.LJ, it's Veronica.你在哪?Where are you?哦, Veronica, 我不知道Oh, Veronica, I don't know.你们要过来接我You gotta come get me.我们不能, 好吗? 我们不在芝加哥We can't, okay? We're not in Chicago.你必须来找我们You have to come to us.好吧All right.那是哪儿?Where's that?他们怎么知道我在哪儿?How the hell do they know where I am?发生什么事了?What's going on?他们怎么知道我在哪儿?How the hell do they know where I am? God, LJ...-LJ...LJ, 我要你LJ,I want you听我说to listen to me.你不明白不管我去哪儿, 他们都会跟来-No, you don't understand,Everywhere I go, they're there.听我说, 好吗?I want you to listen to me, okay?我要你过来找我们我们在Lake Mercer.I need you to come to us. We're in Lake Mercer.在哪儿?-Where's that?一个小镇-It's a small town,在爱荷华州边境It's on the lowa border.那有一个巴士站There's a bus station.买张票, 我们去那儿接你I want you to buy a ticket, We'll meet you there,好的Okay他们还活着They're still alive.看来笼中鸟变成三只了Looks like a bird in the hand just becamethree.出发-Make sure you keep your cell phone on, -Let's go. 但那孩子是对的... 我们出发-But the kid's right... -Let's go.I need to be able to stay in contact with you, LJ: Okay,Okay what?Okay, I'll keep it on,他们走了,他们走了They're leaving. They're leaving.LJ, 你要确认你听见我的话了, 好吗?LJ, lneed to know that you hear me, okay?Lake Mercer-Lake Mercer.Lake Mercer, 好的-Lake Mercer, Okay,好的, 拜All right, bye.- 你想干什么? - 照我跟你说的去做What the hell are you doing?Delivering yesterday's news.你的车从六号口出发Your bus leaves from Depot就在几分钟后in just a few minutes.。



前情提要previously on prison break那人不是我杀的 Michaeli didn't kill that man,micheal有证据的the evidence says you did我是被陷害的i was set up放下武器put down your weapon我必须判你牢狱之刑 Scofield先生I find it incumbent that you seethe inside of a prison cell,Mr. Scofield 我在找人他叫Lincoln Burrowsi'm looking for someonea guy named Licon Burrows杀总统兄弟的那个人the man killed the president's brother 你为什么这么急着见Burrowswhy you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow 因为他是我弟弟becouse he is my brother我要把你带出去i'm getting you out of here不可能it's impossible除非这地方是自己设计的not if you design the place that isn't. - 你见过蓝图了- 不止如此- You've seen the blueprints.- Better than that.我纹到身上了I've got them on me.你得查出是谁在陷害他You find out who's trying to bury him. 没人陷害他Nobody's trying to bury him.证据是伪造的The evidence was cooked.有个律师在多管闲事There's a lawyer poking around.对这种人不要心慈手软Anyone that's a threatis expendable.ScofieldScofield给你找了个新室友Found you a new cellie有人找到了Fibanacci Someone found Fibanacci这个人是谁?Who was this someone?他在哪 Fibonacciwhere is it, Fibonacci我告诉了你我就死定了I give you that information, I'm a dead man.CloeCloe给我起来!On your feet!现在几点?What time is it?起来!Get up!怎么了?What's going on?Bellick!Bellick!Bellick!Bellick!不要!No!Bellick!Bellick!你要带我去哪?!Where are you taking me?! Bellick!Bellick!不要!No!Bellick 不要!Bellick,don't!Bellick 不! 我还有一个月!Bellick,no! I got a month left! 求你了!Please!不! Bellick!No! Bellick!Bellick 不!Bellick,no!Bellick 求你了!Bellick,please!不不我还有一个月No! No! I got a month left!求你了!Please!不! Bellick!No! Bellick!BellickBellick.安息吧 LincolnMake your peace,Lincoln.动手吧Let's get on with it.号开门!Open !号关门Close .HaywireHaywire.想过要逃出去吗?You ever thoughtof breaking out?我出去能干吗?What the hell wouldI do out there?至少可以离开这Not be here.精神隔离所看精神医生Halfway houses,psych visits,吃药定期向监督缓刑犯官员汇报meds,checkingin with a P.O.,尿检反反复复urine tests,keeping a job...没兴趣No.问这个干吗?Why you ask?昨天有个人在操场上谈论这个This guy was talking about it in the yard yesterday.我不知道该怎么回答I didn't know what to say.跟Bellick长官去说Tell officer Bellick.他会给你方便的要是...He'll make life easyfor you,if,uh...要是什么?If what?你的纹身Your tattoos.有什么问题?What about them?这是什么?What are they of?什么图案?像是一种...What are they?Like,some kind of a...只是一般纹身而已They're just tattoos.吃药时间 HaywireIt's candy time,Haywire.他们以为我精神紊乱They think I haveschizo-affective disorder有分裂症with bipolartendencies.你自己觉得呢?Think you got it?随便吧Whatever.我吃了药这帮白痴就不来烦我了I take the pills,keep the quacks off my back. 再见Bye,now.让开Get out of the way.他们给你吃药总归有理由的You know,maybe they give you those things for a reason.确实Yeah.为了让我像白痴To keep me dull.可以无形地囚禁我To keep me in their invisible freakin' handcuffs.说真的那些纹身真是太漂亮了Seriously,though,those tattoos,they're beautiful.你介意吗You mind if I,you know,给我完整地看一下look at the whole thing?非常介意I do,actually.为什么?Why?站好!Yo! Stand clear!需要理由吗?Does there needto be a reason?别跟我说话I ain't eventalking to you,man.神奇毒素cute poison出问题了?What's the problem?没什么我不能解决的Nothing I can't handle.我就知道有问题Well,I knewthere was a problem.老远我就看出你有麻烦了I could tell by looking at you from across the yard.嗨伙计们我说有问题了吗? Hey,guys,didn't I saythere was a problem?到底什么问题?So what's the problem?如你所见You're looking at it.- 什么? Haywire?- 恩- What? Haywire?- Yep.我的新牢友That's my new cellmate.- 确实有问题了- 他不睡觉- That's a problem.- He doesn't sleep.- 那你什么时候挖呢?- 我没有- So,when do you dig?- I don't.嗨现在我们同在一条船上Hey,you and Iare in bed now.你跟我保证了You made me promise.你说我们会离开这里You said that we were goingto get out of here.你现在要是敢食言我就把你剁烂了You renege now,and I'm going to gut you.你最好能做好自己的事情So,you bettertake care of your business,否则我就做了你or I will take care of you.好自为之Have a nice day.越狱第一季第四集Prison Break<font color=#FDC>-=伊甸园论坛 =- 荣誉出品本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径</font> Sync:YTET-fisherchen-=/bbs=-<font color=#FDC>翻译: Ethan Fu 校对: 少数派时间轴: fisherchen</font>看上去快大功告成了It's really coming together,isn't it?是的Yep.能及时完工吗?You think it'll bedone in time?恩我想我们还有内壁Well,I figure,we still have the interior alcoves 以及支柱要处理这些都得花时间and pilasters to do,which is no small task.但我想还是能赶上时间的But,yes,I think so.呃我必须得说Listen,I have to say,I...我真的很感谢你为此付出的一切I really appreciate all the effortthat you put into this.我真希望有办法I wish there was some wayI could,you know,能回报你什么pay you or something.你倒是能帮我做一件事There is one thingyou could do for me.我的牢友My cellmate.啊独一无二的Charles PatoshickAh,the inimitableCharles Patoshick.Haywire?Haywire?原来你知道Then you know.忍忍吧Hold it right there.Bellick长官是管囚犯分配的Officer Bellick is in chargeof cell transfers.这个你得跟他谈You're gonna have to talkto him about that.我试过可他似乎觉得我们很般配I tried,but he seems to thinkwe're a good match.- 他威胁你了?- 你说谁 Haywire还是Bellick?- Has he threatened you?- Who,Haywire or Bellick?可惜除非有囚室暴力迹象Unfortunately,unless there'ssome evidence of violence或是性侵犯or sexual predationbetween cellmates,一般我们对这种要求都不予处理those kinds of requestsfall on deaf ears around here.监狱里可没人有空来管Prison system's a littletoo crowded for requests什么性格不和这类的琐事based on personality.这里可不是Sandals(Sandals是加勒比地区著名的度假胜地)It's not exactly Sandalsout there.狱长?Warden?不好意思Sorry.你妻子来了Your wife is here.什么?What?她应该四点以后才来的She's not supposed to be here till :.Becky 不管怎么样都不能让她进来Becky,do not let her come in here under any circumstances. 不能让她在纪念日前发现这个She's not supposed to seethis until our anniversary.我马上出来I'll be right out.嗨亲爱的Hi,sweetheart.你来早了You're early.呃我们去吃饭吧Uh... let's go eat.- 你有些奇怪- 有吗?- You're acting funny- I am?你在里面干吗?What's going on in there? 呃...只是在看一些文件Um... just goingover some files.Becky说你在开会Becky saidyou were in a meeting.这不会是Toledo的重演吧This isn't Toledoall over again,is it? Toledo?Toledo?你怎么能那么说?How can you say that?那你不介意我看一下吧Then,you won't mind if I look. Judy...Judy...狱长恐怕我不能听你的Warden,I'm not going tobe able to cooperate.我要是这样会被杀掉的I'd get killedif I did.Johnson还在考虑Johnson'sstill deciding.那么你我之间没什么好说的了Then,you and I are done.你刚才应该告诉我的You should havejust told me.你也知道每次你来这里接近犯人Well,you knowhow anxious I get都弄得我很紧张when you comearound the inmates.Becky 让警卫把Johnson送回去Becky,have a guardescort Johnson back to his cell.我晚点再跟他谈I'll deal with him later.好了我们去吃饭吧Come on,let's go eat.你来干吗?What you doing here?我是你的律师I'm your attorney.你的代表律师I'm representing you now.要是你不介意的话If that's all right with you.我记得上次你还说我撒谎Last time I saw you,you called me a liar.今时不同往日Things have changed.现在我相信你I believe you now.我跟Crab Simmons的前女友Leticia接触过了I got in touch with CrabSimmons's ex-girlfriend Leticia.她证明了你说的是实话She corroboratedyour story.她会作证吗?Will she testify?她失踪了我不知道She's missing.I don't know.我想特勤人员已经找上她了I think the SecretService got to her.特勤?Secret Service?到处都有他们耳目They've beenpoking around.他们一出现她就消失了Soon as they show up,she disappears.你怎么看?What do youthink happened?呃...我没想到这事已经涉及到高层了Um... I didn't realizeit was that high up,you know.你说我们现在是在跟谁作对?Do you knowwhat we're up against?不管跟谁都不是我们两个I know it's a lot more所能独自应付的than either of uscan handle on our own.去找"终极正义"Project Justice.我好像听说过Why have I heard of them?他们只处理死刑案例All they handleis death penalty cases.那边有个叫Ben Forsik的There's a guy there,Ben Forsik,我把所有资料都给他寄过I sent him copiesof everything I had.你可以去那把你发现的提供给他You can go there,tell him what you found.或许他会管这事Maybe we'll get enoughto bring him on board.好Okay.呃...Sebastian怎么样?So,uh... how's Sebastian?你指什么?What do you mean?你到这里来Well,you being here.他不介意吗?I mean... is he cool with it?我没告诉他I haven't talked to him.那个...The,um...我们的订婚取消了The engagement's off.噢Oh.很遗憾I'm sorry.你应该装得更象一点才行You could atleast say thatlike you mean it.我真的很遗憾I do.你还是不会撒谎God,you alwayswere a lousy liar.我得去找"终极正义"了I better get to Project Justice. Veronica?Veronica?多谢Thank you.我已经不抱太大的希望了I didn't have a whole lot left. 等你出去了再谢我吧You can thank mewhen I get you out of here.亲爱的是我你在吗?Baby,it's me.Are you there?喂?在吗?Hello?Are you there?嗨要是她在Hey,if she is,那她显然不想跟你说话she obviously don'twant to talk to you.今天是周三亲爱的It's Wednesday,babe.你今天会来对吗?You're gonna come around today, right?好了我得挂了Okay,I got to hang up now.我得回去了I got to go back in the block, 你会来的对吗?but you're gonna be here today, right?记着我亲爱的我爱你I'm your man,baby,and I love you.真的I do.是图案模式It's a pattern.你说什么What did you say?你的纹身是个图案模式Your-Your tattoo--it's a pattern.你想象力太丰富了You're seeing things.让Haywire和他关一起是你故意整他Putting him in with Haywireis a low blow,Deputy.什么?医生说他已经没问题了What? The shrinks cleared Haywire for reentry into gen pop.而且他已经吃药吃得神志恍惚Besides,he's sodoped up on meds,最近乖得简直像只小猫he's like a kittenthese days.小猫可不会杀了自己父母A kittenwho murdered both his parents.我无意冒犯Well,all duerespect,sir.但你要是给Scofield私人恩惠If you give Scofieldpreferential treatment,这对你的威信可是非常不利的it'll undermineyour credibility.我知道你被他抓住了软肋Look,I know you got asoft spot for the guy他有脑子because he's gotbrains in his head,能帮你弄那个东西and he's helping you withthat contraption in there,但别忘了这家伙是个罪犯but the guy's aviolent criminal.罪有应得He deservespunishment关这里的人都是罪有应得just as muchas the rest of these guys.你跟我也很久了You have been herelong enough to know你应该明白比起处罚他们that I'm less interestedin punishment我宁愿感化他们than I am in rehabilitation.把他和Haywire弄一起And sticking himin with Haywire可不是我感化的方式is not rehabilitationin my book.是你让我负责囚犯的分配的You-You delegated authorityover gen pop to me,boss.我知道I know I did.那么你要么让我处理我自己的工作Well,then,you eithergot to let me do my job,要么你找其他人来做这事or pass it onto somebody else.Brian 别小题大做Now,Brian,go easy.我逐渐地放大你的权利是有用意的There's a reason I'm giving you more and more responsibility.我退休的时候When I retire,会推荐你继任我的职位的I'm recommending youto take my place.别逼我改变主意Don't make me regret it.我说那么多All I'm saying is,只是想请你再考虑一下Scofield的情况take another lookat the Scofield situation. 相信你会处理好的I trust your judgment.是长官Yes,sir.喔等等等Whoa,whoa,wait,wait,hold up. 这应该是非隔离探访This is supposedto be an open visitation.我们还在里面干吗Why are wedoing it in here?问探访你的人吧Ask your visitor.你来干吗?Maricruz呢?What are you doing here? Where's Maricruz?她不会再来了She's not goingto be coming around here anymore.- 她受伤了?- 不是- Is she hurt?- No,no.她很好她很好She's fine,she's fine.只是她...She's just,uh...现在跟我了She's with me now.她跟你了?She's with you now?别开玩笑了It's a joke,right?不是她决定了No,she made a decision,man. 她决定选择稳定的生活She decidedshe needed stability.你能给她稳定的生活?Is she going to get thatfrom you?好吧随你怎么想我Look,look,you can think whatever you want about me.但是呃...But,uh...我至少没在坐牢I'm not the one who's in prison. 明白吗See,至少我能满足她I actually can do somethingfor her.她要我先来看你And she wanted meto stop by here跟你谈一下免得你失去理智and talk to you first,you know, in case you got mad...(西班牙语)(Spanish)看来她说得没错You just proved my point.你是个囚犯You're a con,一辈子都是and that's all you'll ever be. 手脚快点Make it quick.是的他在里面Yeah. He's,uh,right in here.你出去转转吧 ChoppyTake a walk,Choppy.ScofieldScofield.这可是禁区You're in a restricted area.我在干活I'm doing yardwork for P.I.我们需要一些肥料We need somefertilizer.那你在工料区干吗?Why are youin the masonry section?哦想起来了脚伤怎么样了?Oh,by the way,how's the foot?不要再越过我直接找狱长Don't ever go around meto The Pope again.走吧Now,move.知道吗 Haywire?You know what,Haywire?我觉得我们没法相处I don't thinkwe're gonna work out.我先来的所以你应该走And,since I was here first, I think you should go.我初中的时候有一次大便在了自己身上I crapped myselfonce in junior high.那是在...上体育课的时候It was during...during P.E.我们本来在打羽毛球We were... We wereplaying badminton,我要回更衣室and I knew Iwas gonna have得从一大帮同学to walk past a bunchof the other students的身边走过to,you know,get backto the locker room.于是And so...我走了过去I just startedwalking.想找点什么乐子And I tried tomake fun of it,做点人家没做过的事情you know,before anyone else did. 我转过身So,I turned aroundbehind me,and...说道"看呐我长尾巴了"and I said,"Look,I have a tail!"我刚刚告诉你了一个秘密I just shareda secret with you.现在轮到你了Now,it's your turn.想知道那纹身有什么含义吗? Want to know whatthe tattoos mean?- 是的- 没有含义- Yeah.- Nothing.有进展吗?Making any progress?你指和那个睡美人的进展With SleepingBeauty back there,还是挖掘工作的进展?or with the digging?- 随便- 都没进展- Either.- No.但我有办法了But I know what to do.噢是吗?Oh,yeah?现在问题在于Problem is,you don'tgot the stugots你有这个心却没这个胆to do it.Abruzzi 走吧Abruzzi,let's go.回见See you.是吗?真的?Yeah?Really?替我问候那个狗娘养的Well,tell the crazy sonof a bitch I said hi.Ruth阿姨还好吗?How about Aunt Ruth?出院了吗?She out of thehospital yet?- 快挂了- 等等Wrap it up.Hold on,Ma.你能怎么样!Bite me!看来你有麻烦了Okay,we got aproblem now,man.来吧Let's handle it,then.这样最好That's what I thought.- 喂?- Maricruz 是我- Hello?- Maricruz,it's me.亲爱的到底怎么回事?Baby,what the hell is going on? 你答应Hector什么了?What's the dealwith you and Hector?- 你打算几时告诉我?- 告诉你什么?- When were you gonna tell me? - Tell you what?Rita Saldana来看过你了That Rita Saldana'sbeen visiting you?- 什么?!- 是的 Hector跟我说的- What?!- Yeah. Hector told me.Hector跟你说的Hector跟你说的Hector told you.Hector told you.当然他会这么说Of course he told you.亲爱的那家伙是个骗子Baby,that guy's a snake.He's a liar.- 他干吗要骗我?- 问得好他干吗要骗你?- Why would he lie?- Well,why would he lie?因为他一直想上你Because he's been tryingto get into your pants从我们开始约会那会他就一直想上你since the minutewe started dating,that's why. 知道吗?You know what?我都不知道该相信谁I don't know what to believe. 我 Mami 相信我Me,Mami,believe me.我一周得两次守在电话机前Yeah,well I wait by the phone twice a week.亲爱的你到底怎么了?Baby,where is this coming from? 我不知道I don't know.发生了很多事Look,there's justso many things.昨天我去了Teresa家Yesterday,I wentto Teresa's house,看到了她的孩子and I saw her baby.就这些吗?Is that what this is about?你觉得等不及了吗?You think your clock is ticking? 再过两年我就岁了!Well,I am goingto be in a few years!亲爱的你才岁Baby,you're .你想要孩子?好吧我们这就要一个You want to get pregnant?Let's get pregnant right now.你知道我不能未婚先孕的Baby,you know I can't get pregnant till I'm married.我们会完婚的We're gonna get married...个月后in months.但是 Hector说了Yeah,well,Hector says要是里面出了任何状况that if something goes wrongin there,你就得全额服刑that you could serveyour full sentence.我不能再等十年了I can't wait ten years.我不能再等上十年亲爱的I can't wait ten years,baby.我个月后就出来了I'm going to be outin months.(西班牙语)( speaking Spanish )要是真的有事发生了?Okay,well,what if somethingdoes happen,huh?亲爱的我不能等那么久了Baby,I can't wait that long.我不能I can't.抱歉我得走了I'm sorry,I got to go.喂?亲...等等喂?Hello?Ba... Wait. Hello?即使Leticia Barris再次出现Even if Leticia Barristurned up again,她的证词也于事无补了her testimony wouldbe worthless.一般来说By and large,most junkies有前科的瘾君子登上了证人台也没用with criminal recordsdon't shine on the stand.也许但最近几天里Maybe,but I just foundall this out我发现了这些in the past couple of days.我有信心还能查出更多的I'm confident thatI can find out a whole lot more 现在我所有的精力都花在这个案子上了now that I'm devotingall my time to the case.特勤探员The SecretService agent在Leticia来你办公室的同时拜访了你who came to visit you whenLeticia was in your office--- 他想干吗?- Nick 别说了- what did he want?- Nick,please.你得明白 Donovan女士You've got to understand,Ms. Donovan.除非你有新的信息提供给我们Unless there's newinformation you canprovide for us,我们已经对Burrow先生的案子作了彻底的审查了we've already reviewed Mr.Burrows's case thoroughly.你有新证据吗?Do you have anynew evidence?- 没有但是...- 但是...- No,but I...- But...你只需回答有还是没有that is effectivelywhat you're telling us,right?我只需要这个答案I need to clarify here.是的我没有Yes,that iswhat I'm telling you.但是 Forsik先生But look,Mr. Forsik,这点不需要你提醒you don't need to point outwhat I don't have.我自己很清楚I'm well aware of that.我来此寻求帮助I'm here askingfor your help because因为我觉得一个无辜的人I don't thinkan innocent man should be killed不该为他没做过的事而被处死for something he didn't do.我没记错的话你们机构的宗旨就是这个And I believethat's what it says就写在你们的大厅里on your mission statementin the lobby.我们收到成千上万个委托请求We get thousands of requestsfor representation.- 这点我不怀疑- 我得决定- I'm sure you do.- And I haveto decide那些是值得我们跟进的which caseswe're going to devote我们的资源十分有限our very limited resources to.所有跑腿的工作都由我来吧 Forsik先生I will do allof the legwork,Mr. Forsik.但由于我对死刑案子没有任何经验But since I don't have any experience in death penalty cases, 我需要你们的指引I'm just asking you to pointme in the right direction.求你了Please.很抱歉I'm sorry.我们实在人手不够We just don'thave the manpower.谢谢你抽空Thank you for your time.她刚离开She's just leaving now.我想现在交通这么繁忙Figure it'll take herat least a half hour她回家至少得半小时to get across townin this traffic.我不需要那么久I'm not going to neednearly that much time.我已经有发现了I've turned upquite a bit already.嗨见过我的牙膏吗?Hey,have you seenmy toothpaste?本来就在这里!It was right here!没见过Haven't seen it.我一直把它放这I always put itin the same place.我肯定你会找到的I'm sure it'll turn up.那个纹身是个迷宫The tattoos,there's a maze. 离我远点Get away from me.我要看一看I need to see them.你得让我看一看Just... you got to show them to me.我对它着迷了It's pulling me in.我警告你离我远点I said... get away from me. 好吧Okay.他身上有幅迷宫图He's got a maze on his skin. 恩他身上有幅迷宫图Yeah,he's got a mazeon his skin.为什么?Why?他为什么要这样? 为什么?Why would he do that? Why?他干吗在身上刺一幅迷宫图? Why has he puta maze on his skin?呃...Um...我想不出...I don't... Ow!能找你那个化工品朋友帮个忙吗? How are your contactsin Chemical Lockup?看是谁了Depends who's asking.我要一瓶下水道除草根剂I need a bottle ofdrain line root control,越快越好sooner than later.号子里长草了?Got weeds growingin your cell?一瓶就好Just one.是你找我?You the onewho was looking for me?恩想问你几个问题Yeah,I wanted toask you some questions关于Lincoln Burrows的案子about theLincoln Burrows case.- 哦?- 我是Veronica Donovan- Yeah?- I'm Veronica Donovan.我是Lincoln上诉的代表律师I'm representingLincoln on his appeal.想问什么?What about it?你是凶案当晚You were the firstone to respond第一个进Lincoln的公寓的对吗?to Lincoln's apartment thenight of the murder,right?是这样That's right.要是你能确切地告诉我你当时所见Look,I'd really appreciateif you could just我会感激不尽tell me exactlywhat you saw.我们接到线报Dispatch called inwith a tip有人看见Burrows从车库里跑出来that Burrows was seenrunning from the garage那是他们发现Terrence Steadman的地方where they foundTerrence Steadman.因此我们去了Burrows的住所So,we went overto Burrows's place.我们分头行动We spread out.在卫生间里我看见你的委托人The bathroom,that's where I saw your client正在清洗血迹斑斑的裤子washing out the bloody pants.警察! 把手举起来!Police! Hands up!我想你也知道那是Steadman的血吧I don't need to tell youit was Steadman's blood,do I?按照当晚的报告In the report thatyou typed up that night,你只是说看见Lincolnyou saidthat you saw Lincoln站在卫生间里仅此而已standing in thebathroom,that's all.后来你又作证他在清洗血衣Later,you testified that yousaw him washing the pants--到底哪个是真的?which one is it?有区别吗?Does it matter?你到底有没有亲眼看见他在清洗血衣? Did you actually see himwashing the pants,or not?看见了Yes.他站起来转过身He stood up,turned around,手上全湿的一看就知道是他干的his hands were all wet,looking guilty as hell.你的证词让他定罪了Your testimonyfactored into his conviction.你明白吗?You know that,right?小姐You know,lady,如果你还有其他问题直接找相关部门吧if you got any other questions, just go through the department. Donovan小姐Miss Donovan.我没想吓你I-I didn't mean to scare you.你来干吗?What are you doing here?Nick Savrinn"终极正义"的Nick Savrinnwith Project Justice.我知道你是谁有何贵干?I know who you are,but what are you doing here?这样的虽然我的老板认为Look,my boss may not think Lincoln的案子没什么好查了但我可不这样想Lincoln's case is worthlooking into,but I do.处理问题有更直接的方式There's a quicker wayto take care of your problem. 也有比较聪明的方式There's smarter ways,too.就我所知大部分死刑案子What stood out forme was that mostdeath penalty cases往往有十年左右的上诉过程take ten years toexhaust all appeals.Lincoln却只有三年Lincoln gotthere in three.所以这一切显得那么流畅So,for it to be expedited, there had to have been肯定掺合了政治因素对吗?some sort of political influence,right?恩...Terrence SteadmanWell... given thatTerrence Steadman is是副总统的兄弟这不难理解the vice president'sbrother,that's nottoo hard to believe.然而怎么做到的呢?How,though? Theygot to every judge他们搞定了所有法官?that rejected Lincoln's appeal? 跟法官无关Doesn't take a judge.只要对他手下的某个人All it takes is alittle special attention做点小手脚就行了from one of his clerks.但我对如何快速把Lincoln置于死地的过程没有兴趣But how Lincoln got fast-tracked doesn't interest me.我关心的是原因It's why.如果说他是被陷害的那为什么呢?If he was setup,then why?我想这个问题只有受害者知道I think the answer to thatmight lie in the victim.我们知道什么呢?What do we know?他是EcoField的CEO对吗?He was the CEOof EcoField,right?他在推行替代能源He was pushingalternative energy.成功地推行替代能源Successfully pushingalternative energy.因此原油公司那些沙特人So,oil companies,the Saudis,甚至我们的政府even our own government...都觉得如果Steadman消失的话a lot of peoplestood to benefit他们将有利可图with Steadman outof the picture.你干吗到现在才开始接手这个案子?Why'd you wait till nowto take up this case?我以为是他干的就像其他人以为的I thought he did it,like everybody else.我只希望现在还不是太晚I just hope it's not too late.很有可能已经晚了Very well may be.你得有心理准备You need to prepare yourselffor that.你呢?What about you?干吗做这行?Why death penalty work?我父亲为他没做过的事情背了年的黑锅My father did yearsfor a crime he didn't commit.我深知一点I know first-hand that一旦你被政府盯上when the government gets youin their crosshairs,你翻身的机会就微乎其微了you stand very little chance.就是这原因That's why.你还需要我的帮助吗?Now... do you want my help?- 我想加入- 太晚了- I want back in.- Too late.你要我做什么都行I'll do anything you need.看见这双手了吗?简直就是挖掘机You see these hands?They're digging machines.你想挖到中国我就给你挖到中国You want to go to China?I'll get you to China.我会像一个疯狂的啮齿动物一样帮你挖洞I'll dig like a psychoticrodent if I have to.伙计Fish...我必须得加入I gotta be back in.就目前而言已经没法"加入"了As of right now,there is no "in."那边的“梵高”是我的新牢友Van Gogh over thereis my new cellmate.但我知道你不会坐以待毙的对吗? But you're going to do something about it,right?你会想办法摆脱他的You're gonna get rid of him. 我别无选择I'll do what's necessary.我爱死你了!You're my boy!你准备怎么做?So how you gonnado that?好吧我就这么说吧Well,let's justput it this way--有人得受伤someone's goingto get hurt.我们怎么会没注意到这个?How'd we miss this,guys? Scofield的父亲在他出生时Scofield's fatherwas out of the picture已经不在了by the timehe was born.所以跟了他母亲的姓Took his mother'smaiden name.好吧Scofield没有前科All right,Scofield had no priors- 而且有份工程师的全职工作- 是这样- and a full-time job as an engineer. - Correct.然后他突然去抢银行了Then he goes and robs a bank,中途还弃械投降discharging a gunin the process.判决的时候他还设法去那家监狱服刑At sentencing,he maneuvershis way to Fox River而他哥哥在那边还有一个月不到的日子where his brother's scheduledto die in less than a month.显然这是有预谋的Obviously,something is up.不过全国各地All due respect,brothersare incarcerated together很多监狱都把兄弟关在一起all over the country.可能只是巧合It may justbe a coincidence.把他弟弟弄走Move on the younger brother.早做打算Do it preemptivelybefore anything rises up,免得出任何差错bites any of us in the ass.这是地图It's a pathway...出口在哪里?where does it lead?这到底是通向哪里?Where are you taking me?你疯了吗?What,are you nuts?长官!Officer!我要见长官!I need an officer!这里什么事?What the hell'sthe problem down here?什么...该死!What... son of a bitch!号开门!Open up on !他身上有地图He's got the pathwayon his body.上面有出口It leads somewhere.退后 Haywire!Back off,Haywire!不看呀No,look...看呀...看他的纹身这是个地图Look... look at his tattoos. It's a pathway.Haywire 我说"退后"你不是想来一下吧Haywire,I said "back off." You want a hot shot?我跟你说看这个...I'm telling you,look at his... 退后!Back off,man!快进来帮忙!带他走!Get in over here!Let's go!这是通向地狱!这是通向地狱!It leads to hell!It leads to hell!这是去地狱的地图!It's a pathway to hell!他要把我们都带向地狱!He's taking us allto hell!看来老伙计又团聚了。



00:01:17,91 --> 00:01:20,41
with 60 years Ieft on my ticket.
00:01:20,51 --> 00:01:21,61
-What do you think?
00:01:21,61 --> 00:01:23,41
-I'm thinking about going,ED
00:01:23,41 --> 00:01:26,61
有这种离开(释放) 也有那种“离开”(越狱)
Now, there's going and there's going.
00:01:26,71 --> 00:01:27,91
You're a hell of a strategist, Fish.
00:01:12,41 --> 00:01:14,21
-You ever think about Boston?
00:01:14,31 --> 00:01:15,51
00:00:34,21 --> 00:00:35,71
your enemies closer.
00:00:35,71 --> 00:00:37,01
They come at me, John,



Season 1,Episode 4: Cute Poison-Burrows: I didn't kill that man, Michael那人不是我杀的Michael-Michael: the evidence says you did evidence: 证据证明有证据的-Burrows: I was set up我是被陷害的-police: Put down your weapon weapon: 武器凶器放下武器-Judge: I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofieldincumbent: 富有义务的cell: 牢房我必须判你牢狱之刑Scofield 先生-Michael: I'm looking for someone a guy named Lincoln Burrows我在找人他叫Lincoln Burrows-Fernando: The man killed the president's brotherpresident: 总统杀总统兄弟的那个人Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhowwanna=want to: 想要你为什么这么急着见Burrows -Michael: Because he is my brother 因为他是我弟弟I'm getting you out of here我要把你带出去-Burrows: It's impossible impossible: 不可能的不可能-Michael: not if you design the place that isn't.除非这地方是自己设计的-Burrows: You've seen the blueprints. blueprints: 蓝图你已经看了那个蓝图了.-Michael: Better than that.比那个更好I've got them on me.我纹身上了-Michael: You find out who'strying to bury him.bury: 埋葬你得查出是谁在陷害他-Veronica: Nobody's trying tobury him. 没人陷害他-Michael: The evidence wascookedcook: [英国口语]篡改;伪造(账目等)证据是伪造的-Kellerman: There's a lawyerpoking around. poke: 探索有个律师在多管闲事-Caroline: Anyone that's a threatis expendable.threat: 威胁expendable: 可消费的这里的意思是凡是有威胁的人对付他们不用考虑代价对这种人不要心慈手软-Berwick: ScofieldScofieldFound you a new celliecellie=cellmate: 狱友给你找了个新室友-Maggio: Someone foundFibanacci 有人找到了Fibanacci-John: Who was this someone?这个人是谁?Where is it, Fibonacci?他在哪Fibonacci-Michael: I give you thatinformation, I'm a dead man.information: 信息dead: [口语]注定灭亡(或失败、垮台)的;注定要遭殃的我告诉了你我就死定了-John: Cloe-Berwick: On your feet!给我起来!-Burrows: What time is it?现在几点?-Berwick: Get up! 起来!-Burrows: What's going on?怎么了?Bellick! Bellick! No! Bellick!Bellick! Bellick! 不要!Bellick!Where are you taking me?!你要带我去哪?!Bellick! No!Bellick, no! I got a month left!leave: 剩下Bellick 不! 我还有一个月!Please! 求你了!No! Bellick!No! No! I got a month left!不不我还有一个月-Berwick: Make your peace,Lincoln.安息吧LincolnLet's get on with it.动手吧-CO: Open 40! 40号开门!Close 40. 40号关门-Michael: HaywireHaywireYou ever thought of breaking out?想过要逃出去吗?-Patoshik: What the hell would Ido out there? 我出去能干吗?-Michael: Not be here.至少可以离开这Halfway houses, psych visits,meds, checking in with a P.O.,halfway: 中途的,半路上的psych: 精神的,心理的meds=Medication: 药物治疗check in: 报到,记录精神隔离所看精神医生,吃药定期向监督缓刑犯官员汇报urine tests, keeping a job...urine: 尿test: 测试,检验尿检反反复复No.没兴趣Why you ask? 问这个干吗?-Michael: This guy was talking about it in the yard yesterday.昨天有个人在操场上谈论这个I didn't know what to say.我不知道该怎么回答-Patoshik: Tell officer Bellick. officer: 官员跟Bellick 长官去说He'll make life easy for you, if, uh...他会给你方便的要是...-Michael: If what? 要是什么?-Patoshik: Your tattoos.tattoo: 纹身,刺青你的纹身-Michael: What about them?有什么问题?-Patoshik: What are they of?这是什么?What are they? Like, some kind of a... 什么图案? 像是一种... -Michael: They're just tattoos.只是一般纹身而已-doctor: It's candy time, Haywire. candy: 糖果吃药时间Haywire-Patoshik: They think I have schizoaffective disorder schizo: 精神分裂症affective: 有影响的disorder: 杂乱混乱他们以为我精神紊乱with bipolar tendencies. bipolar: 两极的tendency: 趋势有分裂症-doctor: Think you got it你自己觉得呢?-Patoshik: Whatever. whatever: 不管怎样随便吧I take the pills, keep the quacksoff my back.pill: 药片,药丸quack: 庸医傻子我吃了药这帮白痴就不来烦我了Bye, now. 再见Get out of the way. 让开-Michael: You know, maybe theygive you those things for a reason.他们给你吃药总归有理由的-Patoshik: Yeah.确实To keep me dulldull: 呆滞的笨的为了让我像白痴To keep me in their invisiblefreakin' handcuffsInvisible: 看不见的无形的freak: 激怒,使躁动不安handcuff: 手铐可以无形地囚禁我Seriously, though, those tattoos,they're beautiful.seriously: 认真地though: 虽然,尽管说真的那些纹身真是太漂亮了You mind if I, you know,你介意吗look at the whole thing?给我完整地看一下-Michael: I do, actually.actually: 实际上,确实非常介意-Patoshik: Why? 为什么?-CO: Yo! Stand clear!站好!-Michael: Does there need to be areason?需要理由吗?-Fernando: I ain't even talking toyou, man. 别跟我说话[Cute Poison]cute: 非常好的poison: 毒药毒素神奇毒素-John: What's the problem?出问题了?-Michael: Nothing I can't handle.handle: 解决,处理没什么我不能解决的-John: Well, I knew there was aproblem.我就知道有问题I could tell by looking at youfrom across the yard.老远我就看出你有麻烦了Hey, guys, didn't I say there was aproblem?嗨伙计们我说有问题了吗?So what's the problem?到底什么问题?-Michael: You're looking at it.如你所见-John: Haywire?-Michael: That's my newcellmate.cellmate: 室友我的新牢友-John: That's a problem这是个问题-Michael: He doesn't sleep.他没睡觉。



越狱前情提要你的队伍里都是一群狐狸You know you got a couple of foxes in your henhouse, right? 他们都想出去They both want out of here.出去前都会安分的They'll behave until then.这么说吧Look, this is it, man.不能有失误了Ain't no do-overs this time.今晚越狱We break out tonight,不然就出不去了or we ain't never getting out.你是首脑, scofield? Brains of the outfit,huh, scofield?他要推你们下悬崖He's leading you off a cliff, boys.现在你不是老大了And you acting like you still in charge.当我不存在Pretend I ain't here.你还有你的无线电Yeah, you and the radio.我不明白的是The thing I can't quite figure is,事情越来越糟with a crap storm this thing's become,他们为什么不杀了你why they haven't killed you.我们有员工,她不能完成工作We have an employee who's not working out.那就炒了她We fire her.就这么简单It needs to be that simple.她可是美国的副总统啊She's the vice president of the united states.她也只能坐到这个位子了, jim That's all she'll ever be, jim.怎么了?What's going on?去blackfoot,你去找steadman Get to blackfoot,you find steadman.给我一次机会吧Just-just give me a chance.不要! no!律师在哪? Where's the lawyer?路通了We're through.嗨嗨hey, hey, hey, hey.你没事吧? You okay, old head?不行了No.天哪Oh, god...拉警报sound the alarm.快michael! Come on, michael!拉警报! Sound the alarm!快! Come on!快! Come on!Michael, 快过来Michael, come on, move it!抓住我的手! grab my hand!抓住我的手... Grab my hand...不要开枪! Don't shoot!不要开枪! Don't shoot!10-98状况! We got a 10-98!犯人越墙! Inmates over the wall!谁和你一伙的?! Who was with you?!没人! Nobody!- 没人? - 没- Nobody, huh? - No.不说的话Talk or I swear to god,现在就杀了你I will snap your neck right here!我不知道! I don't know!就要你说名字names,i want to namesscofield... scofield...burrows, sucre burrows, sucre.还有那个小偷And that vanilla ice kid.还有谁?! Who else?!bagwell bagwell, man.C-note C-note.Abruzzi Abruzzi.还有那个疯子And that bug-eyed j-cat.其他人呢? Was there anybody else?其他人?! Was there anybody else?!Westmoreland Westmoreland.犯人越墙! We got inmates over the wall!几个? How many?八个Eight.狱长? Warden?他们找到bellick了They just found bellick.去拿我的枪Get my shotgun.狱长下令所有狱警... Pope's already given orders for all the co'S...不明白吗? did I stutter?给我枪! Get me my shotgun!这些废物的所作所为Those piles of crap, doing what they just did,已经可以格杀勿论they just signed their death warrant.罪有应得Every last one of them.他们逃跑时When those men went over the wall,就已经做了选择they made a choice.他们再次选择了危害社会That choice makes them a threat to society once again.你们知道Now as many of you know,其中的某些人是杀人犯some of those men are convicted killers.我们的任务Now, our job is to protect是确保公众的安全and ensure the safety of the general population.我们一定要缉拿他们That means if we have to bring them down to ensure that safety, 我们发誓做到! by god we will do it!先生们,这一次需要一丝不苟This time we're playing for keeps, gentlemen.他们越狱已有12分钟Now it's been at least 12 minutes since they went over that wall. 这段时间,步行最多一英里That's one mile on foot at best.如果他们有车If they got their hands on a vehicle,可能已经走了10英里they could be ten miles from here.所以现在就要行动! So let's get moving!要快Yo, come on, man,我们要走we got to roll.什么都不做,就在这里等We don't got to do anything but wait right here.让他们追到我们前头Let them get ahead of us.不知道我们有没机会I don't know if we're gonna get a chance, papi.狗妈的Dogs. Son of a bitch.它们是来找我们的They're coming right for us.都不准动Nobody move.它们闻不到They can't smell us.但能看到我们but they can see us.-=伊甸园美剧=- 荣誉出品本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径captioning sponsored by 20th century fox television fox broadcasting company and volkswagen. -------------------------- /bbs Proudly Presents ---------------------------=YTET-伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译: dene,少数派,nev 校对: 少数派时间轴:Vicky8800,Xjeff0,Wangyq0680 Sync: YTET-Vicky8800&YTET-Xjeff0&YTET-Wangyq0680 -==/bbs==-越狱第1季第22集Prison Break Season 01 Episode 22现在我不在hey..... Can't get to the phone.请在"滴"一声后留言Leave a message after the beep.嗨nick, 是我Hey, nick, it's me.我已经到蒙大拿了Look, I just landed in montana.到blackfoot还有一小时车程I'm about an hour outside of blackfoot.这房子And this house,肯定和terrence steadman的谋杀有关it's got something to do with terrence steadman's murder, 我相信I know it.如果能帮lincoln If whatever's here can help free lincoln,我真的很感谢你then I wanted to say thank you.有钱能使鬼推磨soft money makes the world go around.大家都清楚You know it, and I know it.你减少资金You cut my funding我就无法竞选and I can't run a proper campaign without it.现在内部争论不断There was a lot of internal debate, trust me.凭你的竞选理念你也能获胜And there's every chance you can still win with your message,- 但会是我们的损失- 少废话- and it would certainly be our loss... - oh, cut the crap.你到底是来和我说话的Is there anything else you want to tell me,还是要落井下石or did you just come here to twist the knife you stuck in my back?事实上Well, actually,我来对你这些年I came here to express our gratitude为我们做的贡献表示感谢for all that you've done for us over the years.这不是私人恩怨And to let you know that this isn't personal.- 你在从政多年也应该清楚- 你看- Surely you've been in politics long enough to know that. - Look,是和能源提案有关吗? is this about the energy bill?与能源提案无关The energy bill has nothing to do with it.为什么我觉得理由很勉强? Why am I finding that so tough to believe?我是大人I'm a grown woman.所以有话请直说How about you give it to me straight?好的All right.好的All right.副总统女士,底线是The bottom line, madam vice president,你不能给白宫带来改变is that you can't affect change in the oval office.我们所需要的就是And that is what we need the most:政策的确定Certitude.简单的来说Simply put...你搞不定you can't get things done.可能你不了解我Well, maybe you don't know me so well.我强烈建议以后几周I highly suggest that in the coming weeks,在竞选激烈的时候as the race narrows and the candidates start falling out...你退出that you walk away,悄悄的quietly,自愿退出of your own volition.不然就会是Otherwise,maybe it'll be...公司的意愿of the company's volition.啊! Ah!把衣服脱了Hey, hey, take the suit off.你在夜里很显眼You're practically glowing in the dark.- 我里面就剩内衣了- 把衣服脱掉! - I only got my skivvies on underneath. - Take the suit off! 我会冻死的! I'll freeze to death!- 嗨嗨- 快- Hey! Hey, hey! - Hurry up.- 一定要管管那个疯子- 知道了- We got to do something about that freak. - You got it.- 快走- 快,快走- Now, come on. - Come on, hurry up.车在哪? Where the hell is the van?车到底在哪里? Eye-tie, where in the hell is the van?你要有信心Ye of little faith.走,快走Come on, come on.小心,告诉你的Watch out.There, I told you.你来开车,原始人Behind the wheel,cro-magnon.嗨嗨Hey. Hey, hey, hey.你在干什么? what the hell you doing?让大家“隐形”I'm getting us invisible.john, 钥匙在哪? john, where are the keys?- 什么? - 钥匙在哪? - What? - The keys,where are they?在树旁垃圾桶里的塑料带里I told you, in the garbage can by the trees in a plastic bag.那等什么? What are you waiting for?快去拿Come on, come on.不,不要! no, no, no, no!不! No!通往55和80大道的路口全部监控了We got the on-ramps to 55 and 80 being monitored.171、6和53大道进行交通盘查We've got traffic checks on 171, 6 and 53.o'hare和midway的乘客名单也有了Special services has secured a watch on passenger lists at o'hare and midway.窃听进展如何? How are we doing with the wiretaps?正在逃犯亲人家里安装They're being set up on all the family members of the escapees as we speak.并有监视人员在家外监视Surveillance teams are being established outside the residences as well.谢谢Thank you.有什么线索? What do you got?不是强行进入Door wasn't forced.锁没有被撬Lock wasn't picked.我认为As far as I can tell,他们是走进去的they basically just walked right in.我想不可能I don't see how that's possible.每天走前我们都锁门These doors are locked down every night when we leave.这是首要任务It's priority number one.除非是Only thing I can think is...是什么? what?有人为他们打开了Someone left it open for them.john,我想问你Hey, john,I've got to ask you你为什么让lincoln开车why you were so intent on lincoln driving而你坐那个位子? and you taking that particular seat?你在下面藏了什么? What is it exactly you got up underneath there, huh?你在干什么? What the hell are you doing?你以为能阻止我? You think that's gonna stop me, huh?三思,小子Think twice,johnny boy, hmm.你开枪You shoot me,帅哥要带着个死人到处跑pretty here will be dragging around 170 pounds of dead alabama flesh with him.另外And considering你要找fibonacci复仇how much you need him to complete this little fibonacci vendetta of yours...所以你不会开枪so I just don't think you're gonna be pulling that trigger.不No.你要把钥匙给我you ?????give me the key,???狗娘养的you son of a bitch.去拿去拿Get it, get it.Get it.在找这个? You looking for this?快Come on.- 吐出来! - 吐出来! - Spit it out! - Spit it out!吐Come on.他们喝下去They drink this,就需要几分钟而已it's only a matter of minutes.配糖蛤蚌毒素复合体能迅速在血液里奏效This glycoside saxitoxin hybrid goes to work in the blood stream instantly.5分钟是最强壮心肌能连续工作的极限Five minutes is the outside limit even the strongest cardiac muscles can continue to function.之后After that--就是致命的大面积心肌收缩massive cardiac arrest with no chance of survival.那毒物学检测呢? What about toxicology tests?不会查出什么Well, they'll reveal nothing.表面死因会是自然死亡Death will appear to be from natural causes.这是叛国This is high treason,你知道吗? you know that don't you?血迹没干,老大It's fresh, boss.今晚的? From tonight?不超过一个小时Can't be more than an hour old.狗嗅过味了吗? Dogs get the scent?是的Already have.老大,看下Hey, boss, check this out.队长Captain...他住在路边this guy lives up the road.白天看房子Works on the property during the day.你见到有车停在这吗? You see a vehicle parked here?是的I think so, yeah.什么样? What did it look like?货车Uh, like a van.蓝色货车A blue van.你没有向当局报告? You didn't think to report it to the authorities?一辆停靠的车? A parked car?如果你认为我不敢剖你腹拿钥匙If you think I won't gut you myself to get that key,你可就大错特错了you're in for a big surprise.你难道不记得上次你想拿刀对付我是什么下场吗?I encourage you to remember the last time you came at me with a knife.闭嘴!Shut up!闭嘴!Shut up!你们俩都闭嘴!Both of you!到了墨西哥你们再解决You can settle this in mexico.机场还有多远?How far to the airstrip?大约5英里Five miles, maybe.你的飞机最好到了your jet better be there, mr. Mafia.你明白不?You feel me?最好到了It better be there.警犬已经部署通话完毕Canine unit being deployed.Over.明白Roger that.继续扩大搜索范围通话完毕Push past the search perimeter before we can pick up track. Over. 到处都是警察They're everywhere out there.还用你说嘛!Tell me something I don't know.你是说你毫不知情?You're saying you don't know anything about this?是的我不知道Honestly, I don'T.门没锁katie The door was left open, katie.不是我It wasn't me.那是谁啊?Then who was it?只有你和Tancredi医生深夜才离开Only you and dr. Tancredi were left at the end of the night. 清洁工证实了这一说法The orderly confirmed that.不是我It wasn't me.那就是Tancredi医生了?Then you're telling me it was dr. Tancredi?也不是No.我知道你有所隐瞒katie I know you know something, katie.你如果知道一些情况And anything you know,最好现在就告诉我you have got to tell me.如果你不告诉我If you don't,你失去的不仅仅是工作you are going to lose a lot more than your job.实情不报可是从犯罪Withholding information makes you an accessory.你要是再不开口我可就不客气了And I will press that button if you don't start talking!Sara Sara.Sara怎么了?What about sara?Sara喜欢scofield Sara had a thing for scofield.谢谢katie Thank you, katie.我想做的就是抚摸她的肚子All I want to do is touch her belly,感觉肚子里的孩子feel that he's in there.只要能这样After that,不管我该怎么做whatever I got to do,我自己会应付的I'll figure it out.我只想抚摸她的肚子I just want to touch her belly.我就来了儿子We're close, papi.有麻烦了We got trouble.天啊太疯狂了Yo, dawg, man, this is bananas.我们得离开这条路We got to get off this road.找一条其他路去飞机场Any other way to the airstrip?这条是必经之路This is the only road.我们干脆闯关好了!Let's just run this bitch.给我闭嘴Somebody shut him up,不然我可要动手了or I will.能回头吗?Can we go back?回头也没用That won't do us any good.只会越走越远It'll only get us farther from where we need to be.也就是说我们必须闯过关卡Which means we got to bust that roadblock.也许没这个必要Maybe not.我们可以试试绕开We've got to try and go around.开吧Come on.我们会从你身上拿到钥匙的We're gonna get that key from you.你就是拉屎也给我拉出来!I don't care if you got to crap it out.小伙子有时候你这张嘴很不干净哦You got a foul mouth sometimes, pretty.怎么了?What?该死的车陷住了Son of a bitch, we're stuck!所有人都下车Everybody out.今晚要听演讲吗?Listen to the speech tonight?你的身份?Need some id.特勤局Secret service.好的Have at it.使劲!Come on!这死车纹丝不动!this thing ain't going nowhere!机场还有多远?How far is the air strip?步行?On foot?大概2英里吧Maybe two miles.那我们还在等什么What the hell are we waiting for?快走啊Let's move.这对拷在一起怎么走啊Three-legged race over here ain't going to make it ten feet.这个我们自己能解决是吧?We'll manage, won't we?是啊小伙子Sure, pretty.我们是搭档嘛We're teammates.永远的搭档Teammates till the end.快走吧!Let's get out of here!快走吧!Let's go!出发go出发Let's go.你只能走到这里了我的朋友This is as far as you go, my friend.什么?What?不行啊你可不能就这么把我一人落下No, man, you can't leave me out here, not like this.我们可是说好了的记得吗?We had a deal, remember?可是兄弟... but come on, bro.你和我You and I,我们不是兄弟we're not bros.我想你也不希望我把一些事情告诉他们吧I don't think you want me telling the guys what I know.你自己走吧Now walk.有麻烦了we got trouble, pretty.何止麻烦!******快点! Go! Go!快点! Come on!天啊****天啊******现在怎么办?****我们现在该怎么办Michael ***我觉得我们... ****现在怎么办?***一切正常未发现目标****又飞回来了又飞回来了*****大家都藏好了Make yourself small.象这样跑2英里是绝对不可能的There's no way we are gonna make two miles like this. 上头有直升机盘查啊Especially with that bird up there.我有办法了We are if I got something to do with it.打扰一下excuse me.你有什么事吗?What can I do for you?我也正想问你这个问题呢Sort of was going to ask you the same question.我白天负责控制塔I run the tower during the day.傍晚下班后这里不允许飞机起降There's no traffic allowed here after sundown.飞机出了点机械故障Had some mechanical problems.要我帮你们看看吗?Need me to take a look at anything?不不不用了我们自己能行No, no, we got it.不麻烦你了Don't trouble yourself.我们很快就起飞We'll be on our way in no time.你肯定?You sure?非常肯定Positive.好吧Okay.晚上愉快Have a good night,hey, buddy?你也是you, too.他们最好快点赶来Those guys better hurry up.是我it's me.我这有驾身份不明的飞机I've got an unidentified aircraft here at goose park.你帮我查一下Think you better have a look at it.尾翼号码是986-delta. Tail number's 986-delta.快点Hurry it up.link linkie,让我安心工作好不?just let papi work a little bit of his magic, okay?你真的会弄?You know what you're doing?你开什么玩笑!Are you kidding me?热启动汽车就跟开烤箱一样简单Hot-wiring this thing is like hot-wiring a toaster.如果这要是本田阿库拉Now, if it were to be an acura,或者中国的汽车or one of those chinese cars,情况就大不相同了that's a whole different story.电子启动Electronic ignition,电脑芯片基本上没法computer chips,forget about it.但是对付这辆车没问题But no, we're good.直升机快回来了快点!that chopper's gonna be coming back again,so hurry up.墨西哥究竟有什么?What they got in mexico, anyhow?你以前从没去过?You never been there?我只去过伊拉克Ain't never been nowhere except for iraq,中国城和fox river chi-town and fox river.你看什么看?What you looking at?听着... Look, man...那边能有家属吗?is it a place where you can have a family?那边也有家庭啊Lots of families down there,大家都知道的so I hear.你知道我在说什么Man, you know what I'm talking about.我是说黑人For a black man,一个带家室的美国黑人an american man with a family.这么说你早就计划好了So that's the plan,?让他们去墨西哥等你?They're going to meet you down in mexico?看不到他们实在太难受了it's worse to not see them.我不能再这样下去And I can't do that no more.那边日子可不好过啊Not much of a life for them.但总归能过日子But it'll be a life.要比我们过去两年过的日子好多了More than what me and them have been having for the last two years, man.他们是我的家人They're family, snowflake.我无论如何也不能丢下他们不管Ain't no way in hell I'm leaving them behind.可以了We're good.我都干过数千次了I must have done this a thousand times.你不是因为持枪抢劫被抓的吗?Man, I thought you got busted for armed robbery.那只是碰巧被他们抓到而已that's what they caught me for.红线是电源线Red's the juice,白线是接地线white is the ground.扭在一起Strike them together我们就成功了and we blow this town.怎么了?What?怎么了?What?我也不知道I don't get it.这下好了****这下好了******没事Okay.对不起Sorry.引擎还热乎乎的engine's still warm,我也没看到车轮印and I don't see any other tire tracks out here.看来他们是步行的They're on foot,引擎还热乎乎的and judging by how hot this engine is,说明他们没走远they haven't gone far.最多比我们先走5到10分钟Five, ten minutes ahead of us, at the most.你在哪?Where are you?Renwick路?Renwick road?renwick路weber往西1/4英里A quarter mile west of weber on renwick.renwick在南边Okay, we've got renwick on the south,weber在东边weber on the east,143大道在北边143rd street on the north55大道在西边and 55 on the west.各小组都已经部署在各个路口了Units are in place along all those roads.支援小组也陆续赶来And I've got a dozen more coming.Brad 这事也许要比预期的更早结束Brad, this could be over quicker than we thought.他们现在被团团包围了We've got 'em boxed in.长官Tancredi医生有新情况了Sir, we've got an update on dr. Tancredi.快说Tell me.大家都没怎么留意她None of the staff had any interaction with her.她下午突然提早下班离开了She left work suddenly in the early afternoon.然后又回来待了一个小时Returned for maybe an hour,最后又走了then left again.非常反常All of it's very erratic.联系到她了吗?Has anyone been able to reach her?家里没电话Doesn't have a home line,手机也关机了cell phone seems to be shut off.芝加哥警方在她家门口发现了她的车Chicago pd identified her car outside her residence.他们正在申请紧急搜查令准备进屋They're getting an emergency warrant to go in.长官我也知道这与我无关Sir, it's none of my business,不过你为什么不打电话给州长呢?but are you going to call the governor?我们要找的可是他女儿啊!This is his daughter we're talking about.长官警犬发现踪迹了Captain, the dogs picked up a trail.哪个方向Which way?那个方向和这个方向That way and that way.他们分开了?They split up?应该是的Looks like it.那我们还在等什么呢?What the hell we waiting for?很明显我们的政策起作用了I think it's pretty clear that our policies have been effective.连续14个季度我们GDP增长率维持在3%以上We've had 14 consecutive quarters of gtp growth above three percent.减税的政策奏效了Tax cuts are working.副总统阁下!Madame vice president!Peter Peter.副总统阁下Ma鷄me vice president,很多人质疑向石油公司提供减税优惠政策的做法 a lot of people question the wisdom of granting tax cuts to the oil industry,因为这些公司本身的利润就十分巨大in light of the fact that they're seeing record profits.您是怎么看待这个问题的?Do you have thoughts on that?我们现在是市场经济peter We're a market-driven economy,peter.人家业务模式良好就要去惩罚他们Punishing companies for being a good business model对我们来说可不是明智之举doesn't make a whole lot of sense to this administration.副总统阁下Madame vice president!rebecca rebecca.谢谢Thank you.副总统阁下Madame vice president,你是说... are you saying......如果你当选上了总统?...if you're elected president?如果这些减税政策能带来增长没错If those tax breaks result in growth, yes.什么事?Excuse me?什么事?你有什么事?Excuse me? Sir? Yes?这位先生我能不能... Sir, can I...他们在哪? where are they?他们正回那里They were way the hell back there.这样下去不行This ain't going to work like this.我们要做些什么We've got to do something.从这儿走This way.快come on.怎么回事? What's going on?What's going on?你要干什么?! what the hell you doing?!What the hell you doing?!我向天发誓I swear to god!你发什么誓? You swear what?看来我们命中注定该在一起啊I guess it was just meant to be,hey, now, fellas?他很幸运,我没砍到脑袋he's lucky I didn't take this to his head.你砍了他的... You cut his...你砍了他的... you cut his...你砍了他的... You... you cut his...Sucre,闭嘴Sucre, shut up.谁在那? Hello?谁在那? Hello?谁在那?! Hello?!快,我们走come on, let's go.不能把他就这样留下... We can't leave him just like...你想留下的话,请随意you want to stay here?Be my guest.这里是Fox River监狱的Henry Pope狱长yes, this is warden henry pope at fox river penitentiary.我要和州长讲话I need to speak with the governor.你好? Yes?州长,抱歉打扰您,但是... Governor, I'm sorry to bother you,but, uh,- 发生了... - 你看这个了么?there's been an...--are you watching this?看什么?Watching what?我建议你打开电视,狱长I suggest you turn on your tv, warden.华盛顿医疗中心的医生已经确认Doctors at washington medical center have corroborated Mills总统45分钟前被送入急救室that president mills was admitted into emergency care here a little more than 45 minutes ago.援引主治医生的话Mills总统长时间心跳停止In the chief surgeon's words,president mills suffered massive cardiac arrest医生无法使他苏醒and doctors were unable to revive him.华盛顿医疗中心传出的消息现在已经过官方证实The news out of washington medical center is official now.美利坚合众国总统Richard Mills去世The president of the united states,richard mills, is dead. 根据规定,副总统Reynolds And keeping with protocol,vice president reynolds is in正在秘密场所宣誓就任美国第46届总统an undisclosed location being sworn in as the 46th president of the united states.我将忠诚履行美利坚合众国总统的职责...Will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states,愿尽我力保持、保护and will to the best of my ability,preserve, protect捍卫美国宪法and defend the constitution of the united states.我据此承认你为美利坚合众国第46任总统I hereby recognize you as the 46th president of this country.不好意思,我今晚有很多事务And now if you'll excuse me,I have a lot to attend to tonight.谢谢大家Thank you all.你曾说我不会搞定And you said I couldn't get things done.副总统女士也许我们可以一起讨论怎样... Madam vice president,perhaps we could get together and discuss how to move forward...现在是"总统" it is "president" now, madam.并且你必须和我的组织者谈我的日程突然变得很紧And you're going to have to talk to my organizers.My schedule is suddenly quite full.我相信你会理解的I'm sure you'll understand.Sara Tancredi! Sara tancredi!警察,我们有搜查令It's the police.We have a warrant to come in.你最好开门不然我们只好破门而入It's easier if you just open the door.Otherwise we're going to come on in.跑道在这片地的另一头The airstrip's on the other side of that field.再有500码就都结束了Just 500 yards and this whole thing's over.他们不走了He's not moving.在这儿多呆一秒钟他们都有机会发现飞机,我们得走了Every second we stay here is another chance for them to find the plane.We got to go now.等等Wait, wait.好,走all right, let's go.Let's go.Michael Michael.如果不成功,我想让你知道... If this doesn't work out,I just want you to know, I...我知道I know.我知道I know.站住! 别动! Freeze! Don't move!我会告诉你什么时候走I'll tell you when we got to go.不,我们要马上走no Man, we got to go.发动飞机fire her up.我们宣布被告谋杀Terrence Steadman的罪名成立We find the defendant charged of murdering terrence steadman, guilty.Lincoln的辩护律师所作的狡辩This stunt... by lincoln burrows' defense counsel是对我弟弟灵魂的侮辱is an affront to the memory of my brother.我们做了死者的齿模We made an imprint of the deceased's teeth与T.Steadman的牙科医疗纪录作比较and compared them to the dental records of terrence steadman.它们完全吻合They were a perfect match.谁杀了Terrence Steadman? Who killed terrence steadman?没人Nobody.你好,Terrence. Hello, terrence.我看到了I can see it.快走,他们就在后面keep it moving, come e on, they're close behind us.快走Let's go. Hurry.嘿!嘿!Hey! Hey!不!不!不!No!No!No!我们现在怎么办?What do we do now?我们跑We run.走这里This way.-------------------------- -------------------------- 本论坛字幕仅翻译交流学习之用禁止任何商业用途否则后果自负-=YTET-伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译: dene,少数派,nev 校对: 少数派时间轴:Vicky8800,Xjeff0,Wangyq0680越狱第1季完。



We got two commandments and two only.commandment: 训诫,戒律我们这只有两诫。

The first commandment is you got nothing coming.第一诫是你在这就是暗无天日。

-Michael:What's the second commandment?那第二诫呢?-Berwick: See commandment number one.参考第一诫。

-Michael:Gotcha.Gotcha =(I have) got you了解。

-Berwick: You talking out the side of your neckneck: 脖子你说话绕弯吗?-Michael: Come again?什么?-Berwick: I said, are you being a smartass?我问你是不是喜欢讽刺人?-Michael:Just trying to fly low, avoid the radar, boss.try to: 设法 fly low: 低飞 avoid: 避免 radar: 雷达 boss: 老板,上司只不过想保持低调,不想引起注意,长官。

Do my time... and get out.服完刑,就走人。

-Berwick:There isn't any flying under my radar.我管辖内什么调也没有!-Michael:Good to know.那更好。

-Black Prisoner: Hey, can a brother get some air conditioning up here, coach?brother: 兄弟嘿,哪位兄弟上来装个空调?It's hotter than a crack ho's mouth, man.hot: 热 crack: [美国俚语](强效纯可卡因浓缩的)可卡因药丸 ho: [美国俚语]妓女比吸毒妓女的热吻还要热。



前情提要Previously on Prison Break:那人不是我杀的, Micheal-I didn't kill that man, Michael.证据说是你-The evidence says you did.我是被陷害的I was set up.放下你的武器!OFFlCER: Put down your weapon,我必须依法对你判刑I find it incumbent that you see the inside ofa prison cell.我在找人I'm looking for someone.他的名字叫 Lincoln BurrowsA guy named Lincoln Burrows.那个杀了总统弟弟的人SUCRE: Man killed the Vice President's brother.你为什么急着要见BurrowsWhy you want to see Burrows so bad anyhow因为他是我兄弟SCOFlELD: Because he's my brother,我要把你救出去I'm getting you out of here.不可能的-It's impossible.除非这地方是自己设计的-Not if you designed the place, it isn't.你看过蓝图了-You've seen the blueprints.不止如此-Better than that.我把它带进来了I've got them on me.我跟你母亲谈过了JENAE: I took some time to speak to your mother...如果你指的是那个关在福克斯河监狱的人Hey, if you're talking about that guy at Fox River...他拒绝认那个人作父亲He refuses to call him his father.夺走Burrows仅剩的一点时间Take the only thing Burrows has left.一个坐牢的人不是非得要到死刑那天才会死的The chair isn't the only way to take a man's life in prison,<上周提要>FEMALE NARRATOR: And now scenes from last week's episode,经常会巡逻上来点名But constantly coming up here for count这样我就没有机会won't let me do what I need to do到管道里去挖掘了to get through that wall,唯一不用点名的可能...SUCRE: Only way to stop count是戒严is a lockdown.你得让囚犯们愤怒起来You gotta get the inmates riled up.到此为止!All right, that's it!戒严!Lockdown!有人打了个匿名报警电话Somebody made an anonymous phone call.无论这是谁,他肯定没有亲眼看到Lincoln Whoever made that call couldn't have seen Lincoln.你怎么知道How do you know因为电话是从华盛顿拨出的Because the phone call came from Washington .我是BellickThis is Bellick.这一侧已经被突破Our wing has been breaked.虎克的弹性定律 <虎克, 罗伯特: (-) 英国物理学家>Hooke's law of elasticity如果我们在特定的点上钻孔If we drill holes in strategic locations,墙体的受压能力就遭到破坏we compromise the load-carrying capacity of the wall.把手铐打开Take the cuffs off.一个菜鸟狱警A rookie CO.滚远点, 你个变态LlNCOLN: Get out of here, T-Bag.我们来点刺激的I think we can work something out.门都没有No deal.我的女儿在哪TANCREDl: Where's my daughter别担心长官, 她很安全POPE: Not to worry, sir, She's fine,那边的警卫刚刚联络过我们A guard there assures us一切无恙that everything is fine.我们控制住局势了, 州长大人We have everything under control, Governor.最好真的是这样You better hope you do.他们想越狱They're breaking out.他们想越...They're breaking...嘘(SHUSHlNG)帮个忙We need a favor.某些大人物想要这样...Some heavy hitters want this done.Burrows死定了TURK: Burrows is as good as dead.- 你在找Scofield - 对TURK: You looking for Scofield-Yeah.来吧-Come on.嘿, 大力水手快要抓住医生了Hey, yo, Stroker's about to get the Doc. Sucre, 你回去继续干活Sucre, I need you to finish what we started.谁也别碰这个狱警No one touches the CO.谁也别碰No one.POLlCEMAN: (ON LOUDSPEAKER) Attention all personnel,Attention all personnel,Secure the perimeter,on all areas,Attention, The area is on secure lockdown,州长还有打电话来吗-Any word from the Governor没有, 长官-Not yet, boss.Bellick!Bellick!叫伙计们列队!get those guys in line.让他们站好阵型Get them into formation.- 我们现在进去 - 不-We going back in -Not yet.水闸一小时前已经关掉We cut the water off about an hour ago.里面臭气轰天他们很快会顶不住The stink alone should drive them out of there.你觉得那样有效-You think that's gonna work不, 但那是标准程序-No, but it's protocol.我们必须按标准程序做And we're all gonna do this by the book.这是把他们赶出来的同时lt's the best chance we have of everybody getting out of there能避免伤亡的最佳方案POPE: without getting hurt.嘿!FlORELLO: Hey!我是监狱长This is the Warden,你们在干吗What's happening in there嘿, 我们有几个要求We got some demands!告诉他们把空调打开Tell them we need the air back on.我们要空调!We need the AC.我们有人质: 那个狱警We got a hostage. A guard.我们手上有个人质!We got a hostage,那个菜鸟!the new guard.查一下谁在里面Find out who's in there.他们抓了BobThey got Bob.那个女医生告诉他我们抓了她And that girl doctor. Tell them we got her.你干吗不来喊Why don't you do it我不想挨枪子儿I don't want to get shot.我们还抓了那个女医生!And we got the girl doctor!医生-The doctor只能是那个-There's only one.这他妈的怎么可能How the hell did that happen他们怎么可能抓到她How did they get their hands on her我以为她很安全I thought she was safe.她当时在医务室She was in Sick Bay.我们得把她救出来We got to get her out of there.必须派人进去, 马上Somebody has got to go in there now.我们不能, 长官-We can't do it, sir.为什么-Why not这不是标准程序lt's not by the book.长官, 我们有点新消息Sir, I've got some updates for you.救命!Help!救命!Help!Scofield在这里LlNCOLN: Scofield's in here你确定他在这儿You sure he's in hereTurkTurk TurkTurk!越狱第七集你不能用那个You ain't gonna use that.现在轮到你定规矩吗You making up the rules now这是我的房间It's my house.你有问题You got a problem对啊我有问题Yeah, I got a problem.我们都有问题We all do.没问题I'm not a problem.我向上帝发誓I swear to God.我不会说出去的I'm not gonna say anything.我什么都没看见-I didn't see anything.这就对了, 警官-That's right, badge.你什么都没看见You didn't see nothing.慢着Wait.别走Don't leave.抱歉Sorry.我很快回来I'll be back.没事Don't worry.我给你掩护I'll cover for you.少担心好吧, 警官Don't worry, CO, all right我不会伤害任何人I'm not gonna hurt nobody.我们是一条船了I'm part of the team now.帮他一把Help a brother out.把它挪过去Drag that over.野猫出洞了...That's the way.女士们先生们, 请回到原位Ladies and gentlemen,please return to your seats把安全带扣紧and fasten your seatbelts.我们即将降落在华盛顿机场We're making our final approach into Washington, D.C.我们要集中到关键问题上We need to focus on the real question.是谁要杀害SteadmanWho wanted Terrence Steadman dead华盛顿打出的电话The call came from .这意味着什么What does that tell you你不能只想到政府You got to think past the government.也可能是其他任何人Anybody could be here.呃, 比如生意上的对手A business partner, a rival.Steadman被害前,Before Steadman was killed,Ecofield公司刚刚推出一款电动引擎的原型机Ecofield introduced a prototype electric engine 根据资料演示at the techno conference.如果那东西成为主流$ barrels of oil would be obsolete美元一桶石油将成为历史if that thing ever hit the mainstream.有可能是石油公司...Could be oil, oil companies.产油国, 炼油厂, 任何一个中间环节Suppliers, consumers, everything in between.或者一个石油经济支撑的政府Or the government of an oil-based economy.比如美国Like the United States.可以收走你的汽水吗-Can I take your soda噢当然-Sure.谢谢-Thank you.无论如何降落后我们去见我的朋友At any rate, we land, we meet my guy.就算找不到那个报警的人And even if we don't find the person who tipped off the cops,我们也能找到那个电话we find his phone.就有了申诉的机会The paper trail begins.STROKER: Only a matter of time, Doc. Only a matter of time.Help!州长来了That's the Governor.无论如何, 什么也别说Whatever happens, don't say anything.州长, 感谢您的到来Governor, appreciate your coming.我想您应该明白自从通电话之后Now, you should know,since our conversation,出现了新的状况the situation has escalated.但请不用担心But not to worry.我们正在展开进一步行动We're making good progress with our contacts. - 废话少说, 监狱长Just cut the crap, Warden,告诉我, 我女儿在哪and tell me where my daughter is.救命!Help!救命!Help!今天的嘉宾是... "Tyler Robert Hudson."T-BAG: What have we got here ''Tyler Robert Hudson.''这比较有趣That is fancy, CO.看这地址: 橡树公园号...Look at that address, '' Oak Park...''什么样的What's this小楼房Terrace.小楼房Terrace.怎样搞到的, 警官How do you swing that, CO你看起来正像那种住...Sounds like you're about something,小楼房的living on a terrace.我真想有一套小楼房I can't wait to kick it on a terrace.什么...What这一定是你的女儿-This here must be your daughter.放回去-Put it back.毕业舞会Prom你知道毕业舞会的裙子代表什么的, 对吧You know what they say about a prom dress, don't you她那天晚上没回家, 对吧She ain't come home that night, did she她一整晚都穿着那条裙子No, she wore that all night long.第二天早上她从汽车旅馆出来得扔掉那条裙子Next morning,she had to throw that dress in the trash can behind the motel免得她母亲看到上面的...T-BAG: so her mama didn't see the... ABRUZZl: Hey, hey, hey!你到底在干吗What the hell are you doing我只是在跟警官大人闲聊谈谈女人什么的I'm just kicking it with Deputy Dawg. You know, talking women.由于你明显是个低等动物I'll be very clear here我给你清楚明白的说一次because you and I face an evolutionary gap.你不要动他一根毫毛You ain't gonna hurt this,man.我们现在是一条船了, 听懂没有We're locked into this thing now. Understand他是我们唯一的筹码And he's the only leverage we have.谢谢-Thank you.别客气-You're welcome.现在, 我们有共识了没Now, do we have an understanding我跟你是一伙了I'm on your side now.明白吗You understand me我晓得该怎么做I'm just going with the flow.你可以跟他慢慢谈, 我们的“筹码”You let me know when you're done with your leverage.救我出去!Let me out!给那婊子来点催泪弹!Let's smoke the bitch out!SARA: Help!What are you gonna do now, Doc不会很疼的lt ain't gonna hurt real bad只要你顺从点if you make it easy.如果你想反抗的话...If you make it hard, though...把门打开!Open the door!过来吧把门打开Come here!I said, open the door! Open the door!把门打开!I said, open the door! Open the door!过来Come on.抓住我的手Grab my hand.Come on!STROKER: Come here. Open the door. Come here. Open this door. Come here.抓稳I've got you.你没事吧You all right别担心lt's okay.我不会伤害你的I'm not gonna hurt you.看到这些水管See these pipes沿着它们一直走We're gonna stay on them.水管会穿过那堵墙和走廊They go through the wall and over the hallway,带领我们逃出去and they're gonna get us out of here.你只需要跟着我All you have to do is follow me.明白-Okay明白-Yeah.好的Okay.出发Let's go.她在哪Where'd she go我们去哪里见他VERONlCA: Where are we meeting himGeorgetown的一个停车场Georgetown, in a parking garage.他是个私家侦探He's a private investigator.刚进杜克大学时我们是室友He used to be my roommate, freshman year at Duke.电视新闻: 芝加哥一所监狱发生暴乱MALE REPORTER: The disturbance has escalated,,,噢天啊, Nick, 看Oh, my God, Nick, look.在这场集体暴动中At least two hostages have been confirmed证实至少有两名人质被困in what is now being called a full-scale riot以下是狐狸河监狱,here at the Fox River State Penitentiary,我们应该回去还是继续Should we go back, or keep going继续吧We should keep going.你觉得回去那里旁观You want to go back and stand there with the rest of the people会有任何作用吗who aren't helping走吧Come on.电视新闻: 国民警卫队已经出发MALE REPORTER: The National Guard responded伊利诺斯州长Frank Tancredi 刚刚宣布进入紧急状态after Illinois Governor Frank Tancredideclared a state of emergency,走吧, 宝贝-Come on, honey,到时间了it's time to go.等一会儿-Hold on.那不会是狐狸河吧That's not Fox River, is itCorrections say tensions often run high at this facility,Fox River is a level-five institution你干什么-What are you doing我们必须出发了, 来吧-We have to go. Come on.不, 老爸可能有麻烦No. Dad might be in trouble.听着, 你父亲本来就有麻烦Your father's already in trouble.我们改变不了这个现实There's nothing we can do about it.别让我难做, 好吗Just don't make a scene, okay你会让继父感到尴尬的He gets very uncomfortable with this thing. Just...来...我们走吧-Let's just go, okay Please.噢, 老天看着呢-Oh, God forbid, man!这事关我爸的生死性命We're just talking about my old man here, and his life.如果你不在乎的话-If that's all right with you.这事跟我没关系-Leave me out of this.这确实跟你没关系I am leaving you out of it.我从来没跟你有任何关系-I left you out of it the day I met you. -Okay.因为我和她的生活里Because nothing in her life or mine没有任何事情跟你有关has anything to do with you.你最好别再说下去-I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.噢是吗否则-Oh, yeah Or what这就是我一直在说的You see This is what I'm talking about.我一直在忍受这种废话This is the kind of crap I have to deal with.让我来处理!-Just let me handle it! -这种废话你一直在忍受The kind of crap you have to deal withLJ, 你想谈的话...-LJ, you want to talk to me, you talk...噢!你还很有理了, 是吧-Oh, you got no clue, do you宝贝...-Honey...离我远点!-Leave me alone!放开我!你他妈的想干吗-Get off me! -What the hell are you doing不许你这样对她说话-You don't talk to your mother like that.住手!-Stop it!住手!-Take that, boy. -Stop.上楼去, LJ, 马上!Go upstairs, LJ, now!上去!Go!你喜欢这种男人-You love that man上去-Just go.你喜欢这种男人-You love that man照我说的做-Do what I say.Turk, 为什么要这样做谁指使你的Turk,why are you doing this -I was sent to.为什么为什么Why Why你为什么要杀我Why'd you do this什么理由谁指使你的What's it all about Who sent you伙计, 你要帮帮我Man, you got to help me.你要帮帮我You've got to.求你了Please.说话!Talk!你在跟谁说话-Who's your friend我快要被你给吓死了-Scared the hell out of me.你在跟谁说话-Who you talking to这是新来的的主意-It's the Fish's idea.魔鬼可以显示该在那些位置打孔The devil marks the wall so you know where to drill the holes.用打蛋器来钻孔-You're making holes with an eggbeater我知道.很疯狂, huh-I know. Crazy, huh这叫虎克弹性定律It's called the Hooker law.一个厚重结实的东西It says that if you poke the exact right holes 如果你在正确的位置钻孔它就会变弱in something big and strong,it gets very weak.确实是That's true.当墙身变弱, 我们就能推倒它When the wall is weak, we can take it down.至少计划是这样At least, that's the plan.是啊Yeah,只是计划而已that's always the plan.永远别低估一堵墙You should never underestimate a wall.你明白吗You see,有些时候无论你怎么努力sometimes no matter how hard you try,就是行不通it just won't give in.你还好吧-Are you all right没事, 我很好-I'm okay. I'm fine.别让他们逃了Come look this way!Open up!慢着, 我想休息一会儿You know what I need a minute. I'm sorry.前面没多远了-It's not much further.只一会儿-Just a sec.好吧我们休息, 透透气You know, we can stop if you want. Catch your breath.对, 透透气Okay. Yeah, I could use a minute.过来,姑娘,过来。























越狱第一季 第02集 中英对照剧本

越狱第一季 第02集 中英对照剧本

第2集- Previously on Prison Break.越狱前情提要- I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield. 我觉得我有责任让你了解监狱里的真实情Scofield先生- Why do you want to see Burrows so bad, anyhow? 为什么你那么想见 Burrows- Because he's my brother. 因为他是我的哥哥- So you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him? 所以为了和他一起,你就把自己送进福克斯河州立监狱?- To what... save him? 为了什么…救他?- ...and whoever it was that set me up, 不管是谁陷害我- wants me in the ground as quickly was possible. 都想让我尽早下地狱- Look, the closer it gets, 听着,他们走得越近- the more I'm worried that the bottom is gonna fall out of this whole thing. 我就越担心整件事会被人揭个底朝天- That's the son of a bitch that fingered Abruzzi. 就是这个狗娘养的告发Abruzzi - Someone found Fibanacci. 有人找到Fibanacci了- Who was this someone? 你说的“有人”是指谁?- Why'd you hire him? 你为什么要雇他?- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 亲近你的朋友,更要亲近你的敌人- Hey, come at me, John. 嗨,过来,John- I'm coming after you. 我要跟你- I doubt it. 我不信- I'm getting you out of here. 我会带你从这儿出去- It's impossible. -毫无可能- Not if you designed the place, it isn't. -如果是你设计了这地方,那就有可能- You've seen the blueprints. 你看过设计图- Better than that. 不只如此- I've got them on me. 我已经纹在身上了- You're anticipating every one of my moves, three moves in advance. 你预见到我走的每一步棋,预先三步- You're a hell of a strategist, Fish. 你真他妈是个战略家,Fish- You ever think about Boston? 你还在想波士顿?- Sure. -Sure.当然- Think you'll ever see it again? -想你永远也看不到了?- I'm a 60-year-old man with 60 years left on my ticket. 我已经六十岁了,还有年刑期- What do you think? 你在想什么?- I'm thinking about going. 我在想离开,Ed- Well, there's goin' and there's goin'. 有这种离开(释放),也有那种“离开”(越狱)- Which one you mean? 你说的是哪一种?- The one you think I mean. 你想的那种- Three days inside, and he's already thinking about turning rabbit. 在里面待了三天,他已经在考虑怎么变成兔子了- It'll pass. 这种想法会过去的- It always does. 总是如此- There's bigger things to worry about at the moment. 目前更应该担心的是其他事- I've been in here long enough to know it when I see it. 我待在这里已经久到一看就知道会发生什么- The calm before the storm. 暴风雨前的宁静- Whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here. 这里的白人和黑人很快就有一场火拼- Everybody chooses sides, and a lot of guys bleed. 每个人都会选一派加入,很多人会受伤- There a reason? 有原因吗?- Same reason you don't put cats and dogs in the same cage. 原因就是你不能把猫和狗关在同一个笼子里- They don't get along. 他们无法相处- Hmm. 嗯- What? -怎么了?- Toilet won't flush. -抽水马桶不能冲水了- So? 那又怎么样?- Means only one thing-- 只意味着一件事- The DIRT shuts off the water, so you can't flush your contraband. 所有的违禁品都将会被充公,有污物塞住了下水道,因此你就不能冲掉违禁品- We got nothing to worry about. -我们没什么可担心的- Says you! 去你的!- Under the table... 在桌子下面- What the hell is this? 这究竟是什么?- Insurance, white boy. Now dump it! 安全的保障,小白脸,马上扔了!- Open it. 开门- So... 这么说- tooling up for the race riot, are we? 你们都装备好准备种族暴乱了?- Hand it over. 交出来- Rugheads and the billies. Rugheads帮和Billies帮- Now, which side are you on anyhow, Fish? 你帮哪一派, Fish?- That would be neither, boss. 一派都不帮,头儿- Maybe you're gonna go extracurricular with it then. 那或许你是想在课外活动时带着它- Stick a C.O., maybe. 用来刺狱警- Is there a problem here, Deputy? 有问题吗,副警长?- Got a shank in here. 在这儿找到一把带柄小刀- Is this yours? 是你的?- You're not a good liar. 你不是个擅于说谎的人- Come on, Sucre, you're going to the SHU. 出来,Sucre,到隔离室去- Move along, Deputy. 走吧,副警长- I'm not done shaking this cell down yet. 我还没搜完这间- I said move along. 我说走吧- In the old man's back pocket, are you? 你是这个老男人罩着的?- Well, I got news for you, Fish. 有件事我要提醒你,Fish- He may run this place during the day, 白天或许是他掌管这里- but I run it during the night. 但晚上就是我掌管了越狱第二集- The hell were you thinking, Michael? 告诉我你是怎么想的, Michael- How are we doing it? 我们该怎么做?- The infirmary. 医务室- Infirmary? 医务室?- It's the weakest link in the security chain. 那是安全监管链中最薄弱的一环- As long as I get that PUGNAc, 只要我能弄到PUGNAc- I'll get all the access I need. 我就能进任何我想进的地方- What the hell's a PUGNAc? 到底什么是PUGNAc?- It lowers my insulin levels to the point that I'm hyperglycemic. 它可以将我体内的胰岛素含量降低到一定程度让我患上高血糖- As long as the good doctor thinks I'm diabetic, 只要医生认为我是糖尿病人- I'll have plenty of time in there to do what I need to do. 我就有足够的时间待在那儿做我想做的事- Which is? 哪些事?- A little work. 一点工作- A little prep for your arrival. 为你的到来做一点准备工作- That's the idea, anyway. 总之,这就是整个计划- The idea? 计划?- There's a little hitch in getting the PUGNAc, that's all. 要弄到PUGNAc会有些困难,但仅此而已- They don't exactly stock it at the commissary. 他们并不总是把它存放在仓库里- You're telling me this whole thing's riding on a bunch of pills. 你是在告诉我整个计划就依赖于几片药- Someone's working on it as we speak. 有人已经按我们所说付诸于行动了- Now's not the time to be trusting a black inmate, Michael. 现在不是相信一个黑人的时候,Michael- Our relationship transcends race. 我们的关系超越种族- Nothing transcends race in here. 在这里没有任何事能超越种族- I can't let you do it. 我不能让你这么干- Good behavior, you're out of here in three years. 表现好点,你三年内就能离开这里- Gonna be a whole lot sooner than that. 越狱的话比那可快多了- Can't be done... 不能这么干- Can't be done, Michael. 不能这么干,Michael- No one's ever broken out of Fox River. 从没有人能在Fox River监狱越狱成功- Every single step's already been mapped out. 每一个步骤都已经详细的制订出来- Every contingency. 包括每件可能发生的事- Every contingency? 每件可能发生的事?- You may have the blueprints of this place, 你或许已有这地方的设计图- but there's one thing those plans can't show you-- people, 但有一件事是难以计划的——人- guys like Abruzzi-- 像Abruzzi这样的人- you so much as look at these cats the wrong way, they'll cut you up. 你要是太小看他们,他们就会毫不留情的剁碎你- As far as the rest of these guys are concerned 要把这些人的因素都考虑进去- I'm just another con doing his time. 我就只是个乖乖服刑的囚犯- Staying out of trouble. -置身事外就行了- Your don't go looking for trouble in here, it just finds you. -在这里不是你找麻烦,而是麻烦找你- And when it does, we'll be long gone. 而只要麻烦找上你了,我们就都完了- This is madness. [叹气]太疯狂了- You can't even get out of your cell. 你甚至连你自己待的牢房都出不去- Not true. 此言差矣- What, you got a key? 什么,你弄到钥匙了?- Something like that. 类似的东西- Wrong piece of real estate, Fish. 这块地方的任何一样东西,Fish- Belongs to T-Bag. 都属于T-Bag- Who? 谁?- You best speak with respect, Fish. 你说话最好放尊重点,Fish- Man kidnapped half a dozen boys and girls down in 'Bama, 这个人在阿尔巴马州绑架了六个少男少女- raped 'em and killed 'em. 强奸并杀害了他们- Wasn't always in that order, either. 当然也不并都按这个顺序(先杀后奸)- Does T-Bag have a real name? T-Bag真名是什么?- That is my real name. 这就是我的真名- No, no, no. Please... sit. 不,不,不,请……坐- So you're the new one I been hearin' all the rave reviews about. 你就是那个新来的,我已经听到很多关于你的好话- Scofield. Scofield- One thing's for sure, you're just as pretty as advertised. 有一点是肯定的,你就如传闻所言那么漂亮- Prettier, even. 甚至更漂亮- Rugheads got you scared, do they? Rugheads那帮人让你很害怕吧?- Sorry? -什么?- Assume that's why you're over here. -我想这也是为什么你一个人在这儿的原因- Few days on the inside, 在里面待过一些日子- any God-fearing white man realizes the correctional system's 任何虔诚的白人都知道- got a serious lean toward the African-American persuasion. 劳改制度对黑人一方有严重的偏袒- I hadn't noticed. 我没注意到- They got the numbers all right, so they think they do as they please. 他们在数量上占据优势,他们以为这样就能为所欲为- We got one thing they don't-- 但我们有一样他们没有的- surprise. 那就是出奇制胜- We gonna take the ball game to them real soon. 很快我们之间就会有一场竞赛- It's gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you, 像你这样的新手- but we'll protect you. I'll protect you. 这或许会有些令人厌恶,但我们会保护你 ,我很保护你- All you got to do is... 你所要做的就是- take this pocket right here, 抓住这个口袋- and your life'll be all peaches and cream. 你的生活从此将完美无缺- I walk, you walk with me. 我走到哪里,你就跟我到哪里- Keep you real close, so no one up in here can hurt you. 和你保持亲密,这里就没人会伤害你- Looks to me you already got a girlfriend. 照我看来你已经有个女朋友了- I got a whole 'nother pocket over here. 我这里还有另一个口袋- I'll pass. 我放弃- I don't protect you, 我不保护你- them rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black-eyed peas. 他们 Rugheads 帮就会像吃一盘黑眼豌豆一样把你生吞活剥了- I said no. 我说不- Then you best move, then. 那你最好赶快滚- Now. 现在- You come around these bleachers again, 你再到露天看台来- it's gonna be more than just words we're exchanging. 我们交流的就不仅仅是语言了- Know what I'm saying? 明白我的意思吗?- Excuse me. 打扰一下- Are you the Tim Giles that represented Lincoln Burrows? 你就是Lincoln Burrows 的代理律师Tim Giles吗?- Okay, if you're a reporter... 好吧,如果你是个记者…- I'm not a reporter. I know the defendant personally. 我不是记者,就我个人而言,我认识被告- Huh. You family? 哦,你的家人?- Not exactly. 并不完全是- We were in a relationship a few years back. 我们交往过几年- Well, look, ma'am, I, uh... 听着,夫人,我,呃……- I-I don't know what to tell you. I mean, the man was guilty. 我不知道该怎么跟你说,我是说,这个人确实有罪- The prosecution's case was a slam dunk. 控方起诉的这个案子证据确凿- Because the victim was the Vice President's brother. 因为受害人是副总统的弟弟- If you're suggesting that the federal government rammed this thing through, 如果你是在暗示,是联邦政府强行促成整件事的- okay, I take offense to that, 'cause I fought for that guy. 好吧,我对你的这种说法很生气,因为是我在努力为这个人辩护- That's not what I meant. 我不是这个意思- The evidence was there. 证据明摆着- Lincoln worked for Steadman's company. Lincoln在Steadman的公司工作- He gets into a public altercation with the guy, so, he gets fired. 他和此人发生过公开的争吵,因此他被解雇了- Two weeks later, Steadman's shot dead. 两周后,Steadman头部遭枪击死亡- The murder weapon is found in Lincoln's house, 在 Lincoln的住所找到了凶器- and the victim's blood found on his clothes. 他的衣服上又留有受害人的血迹- Trust me, there are cases you lose sleep over, but 相信我,是有些案子会让你担心到睡不着觉- this isn't one of 'em. 但不会是这个案子- What about Crab Simmons? 那 Crab Simmons呢?- Lincoln said he could exonerate him. Lincoln说他能够证明他是无罪的- Why didn't you put him on the stand? 为什么你不让他出庭作证?- The man's a five-time felon, all right? 这个人是曾五次坐牢的重犯- He-He... He had no credibility. 他…他,[轻笑] 他的证词不具有可信性- So, you wouldn't mind if I paid him a visit. 那你应该不会介意我去拜访一下他吧- Be my guest, but I don't think it'd do you any good. 请便,但我不认为这么做会给你带来什么好处- Strange feeling. I don't know how to explain it. 不寻常的感觉,我不知道该怎么解释这种感觉- Now, um... 现在,嗯……- usually, my whole life, it's always been crazy, 通常,我整个生活我的脑子里一直都充满着- noisy, 疯狂、- maddening, you know, in my head, but... 喧闹、狂躁,你知道,但是- right now, it's quiet. 现在,它却很平静- It's perfect. 感觉太美好了- Glad you came back. 非常高兴你又回到我身边- I thought about you the whole time. 我一直在想你- You know, I, uh, made a lot of mistakes in my life. 你知道,我,我这一生犯过很多错- I know that. 我知道这点- I'm gonna make it right. 我要纠正这些错误- I know you will. 我知道你会的- What are you doing? 哦……,你要干嘛?- I want to remember this. 我想记住这一刻- No. -不要,哦,来吧- Oh, come on. Oh, come on, V, please, just one. 哦,来吧,V,求你了,就一张- Okay. -好吧- Easy, man. 放松- How we doin' on the PUGNAc? 弄PUGNAc的事进展的怎么样了?- Hey, I'm workin' on it. 嗨,我正在努力- Well, work faster. I need that stuff tonight. 再加把力,今晚我就要那东西- What's up there in that infirmary that you need so bad? 医务室里有什么你那么想要的?- You get me that PUGNAc, and maybe I'll tell you. 你给我弄到PUGNAc,或许我会告诉你- Uh-uh... uh! 啊,啊,啊!- Thought we had an understanding. 还以为我们已达成共识- This here's for the family. 这里是我们这一帮聚集的地方- You made it pretty clear you ain't blood. 你很清楚的表示你不想流血- How 'bout you hand that over? 交给我怎么样?- Nice-looking piece of steel; bit of work. 很好看的钢制品,有点艺术品的味道- You could do some serious damage with it. 用这个你可以搞大破坏啊- Question is, who was it you was plannin' on damaging? 问题是,你打算用这个伤害哪一派的人?- I seen you with the Negroes, you know. 我看到你和那帮黑鬼在一起,你知道- Well, maybe you're one of them milk chickens. 或许你是他们这群胆小鬼中的一员- All confused-like. 都像跟白痴一样- White on the outside, black as tar on the inside. 皮肤是白的,里面却像柏油一样黑- Maybe we ought to take a look at them insides and find out, hmm? 或许我们该看看里面好好研究研究,嗯?- Girl Scouts! 女童军们!- Is there a problem over there? 那儿发生了什么事?- Think we'll just hang onto this, if that's okay with you. 如果这样东西对你很重要,我们就决不会还给你- Hey, I'm not gonna ask you again. Let's break up the party, ladies. 嗨,我不会再问你们第二遍,立刻给我解散,女士们- You heard the man, little dogie. 你听到那人说的话了,小牛犊- Get along. 还不照做- What's it take to shake down another inmate, 有什么事需要搜其他犯人的身- get something he's taken from you? 为了夺回他从你这里拿走的东西?- It would take Fibonacci. 为了找到Fibonacci- I'll give you Fibonacci-- 我会告诉你 Fibonacci的去向- I promise you that-- 我向你保证- when the time is right. 只要时候一到- Time is right now. 现在就是时候- No, the time is right when you and I are both standing outside those walls. 不是现在,当你和我都站在高墙之外得那一刻才是时候- You're sitting on life without parole. 你关在这里没有假释- You're never gonna stand outside those walls again. 你决不可能再站在高墙之外- Not unless you knew someone. 除非你认识什么人- Someone who knew a way out. 而这人知道出去的路- What do you say, John? 你怎么说,John?- I say I've heard nothing but blabber. 我说我只听到一堆废话- Philly Falzone. Philly Falzone- It's an honor. 三生有幸啊- What are you doing here? 你到这里来干什么?- Well, I, um... 我,嗯……- I just thought we'd, you know, fraternize. 我只是在想我们,你知道,亲如兄弟- He looks like it, doesn't he? 他看起来确实像,不是吗?- Looks what? 像什么?- Like everybody's been saying. 就像大家说的一样- You got no sack. 你连阴囊都没了- You've been neutered. 你已经被阉了- You shouldn't talk to me like that. 你不该这么跟我说话- You used to pick up my laundry. 你过去只配给我去洗衣房拿衣服- Not anymore, John. 不再是了,John- John, word is that someone in here knows where Fibonacci is, John,有消息说这里有人知道Fibonacci在哪儿- and you're not doing anything about it. 你不能袖手旁观- I'm working on it. 我正在努力查- Well, you're not working on it fast enough. 你动作还不够快- Apparently, Fibonacci's coming up for air again. 显然,Fibonacci很快又要卷土重来了- Next month, a Congressional hearing. 下个月,国会的听证会上- Now, if he testifies at that hearing, 如果他在此次听证会上作证- a lot of people are going down, 很多人都会垮台,- including me. 包括我- Now, I've known you a long time. 我认识你很久了- Our wives are friends, 我们的妻子也是朋友- our kids go to the same Catholic school. 我们的孩子在相同的天主教学校上学- Now, it would be a shame 如果你的孩子出了什么事- if anything were to happen to your kids. 那就太遗憾了- I know my kids would miss them. 我知道我的孩子会想念他们的- You don't need to do this. 你大可不必这么做- I do. 我要这么做- I'll get this guy. 我会找到这个人- We'll get Fibonacci. 我们会找到Fibonacci- Well, for everyone's sake, I hope you're right. 为了大家好,我希望你是对的- I am. 我是对的- Be well, John. 保重,John- Thank you. 谢谢- Yo, Badge, I gotta use the phone! 嗨,长官,我要用电话!- Sure, no problem. You want a pizza and a pedicure, too? 当然,没问题你又要匹萨和修脚师?- No. It's-It's Monday, man. 不是,今天…今天是周一- I got to call my girl. She's expecting my call... 我要打电话给我女儿,她一直在等我电话- Put a sock in it. You got nothin' comin'. 闭上你的鸟嘴,不会允许你的- No, no, no... 不,不,不…- Hey, pull up the manifest. 嘿,帮我查下名单- There an Allen Schweitzer in GenPop? GenPop里有个叫Allen Schweitzer的吗?- Nope. 没有- You about the SHU? 那禁闭室呢?- Nope. 没有- Why are you asking? 你干嘛这么问?- Curious, that's all. 好奇而已- You hear the trumpets, Fish? 你听到号角声没, Fish?- I know you hear 'em. 我知道你听到了- That's Judgment Day. 今天是清算日- It's comin'... real soon. 这天来得…还真快- What are you doing in my cell? 你在我房里干什么?- I want in. 我想加入- I'm not quite sure I heard that, Fish. 我不太确定我听到的, Fish- Did you just say you're in? 你刚才是说你想加入?- That's right. 没错- You know the old saying, don't you? 你知道那句老话吧?- In for an inch, in for a mile. 得之一尺,失其一丈- Whatever it takes. 无论要付出什么代价- You want me to fight, I'll fight. 你想让我战斗,我就会战斗- The bolt from the bleachers-- that's what it was for. 露天看台那里弄来的螺钉,就是为了这个目的- Well, you want to fight, you gonna get your chance. 你想战斗,就给你这个机会- Next count. 下一次报数的时候- - Tonight? 今晚?- Problem with that? 有问题?- 'Cause we goin' straight at 'em. 因为我们这次要跟他们正面交锋- Better catch a square, Fish. 最好能打个平手,Fish- We undermanned in a big way. 我们人手不够,极其不够- All I need's a weapon. 我只要一件武器- You want a weapon, bitch? 你要武器,婊子?- There you go. [信号响起]你该走了- All prisoners return to cells. 所有的犯人都回到牢房- You gonna have to prove yourself 'fore we trust you with the heavy artillery. 你要让我们信任你,你就得先证明自己- Know what I'm sayin'? 明白我说的吗?- Gates closing! 关门!- I wanted to apologize for being so short with you before. 我要为之前只和你说了那么几句话而道歉- No problem. 没关系- Closer it gets to an execution, 日子越接近行刑,- the harder it becomes, so that's why I wanted to give you this. 事情(越狱)越难办这也是为何我想把这个给你的原因- It's the, uh, surveillance tape of the garage that night. 这是,嗯,那天晚上车库里的监控录像- It was a closed trial, so no one outside of the courtroom saw it. 这个案子已经审结,因此只有参加庭审的人才看过- I thought it could help you out. 但我想这对你或许会有所帮助- - Closure. 帮助什么?让你死心- Allen Schweitzer. Allen Schweitzer- That name mean anything to you? 这个名字对你有没有什么特别含义?- Should it? 应该有吗?- I don't know. You tell me. 我不知道,你来告诉我- Never heard of the guy. 从未听说过这个人- Are you sure? 你确定?- Positive. 千真万确- Uh, what's up, Snowflake? [远处说话声,水的流动声]怎么了,小雪花?- Do you think I'm a fool? 你以为我是傻瓜?- What are you talking about? 你在说些什么?- I see you up there with the Hitler Youth. 我看到你和那帮希特勒青年团在一起- You know, I got a good mind to slash you open right now. 我有个马上让你开口的好主意- It's not what you think. 不是你想的那样- They've got something I need. 他们有我要的东西- Now, see, that's funny. 瞧,太可笑了- Because I got something you need, too. 因为我也有你要的东西- You want your PUGNAc, Fish, huh? 你想要PUGNAc,Fish,对吧?- Right here, baby. It's all you. 就在这儿,宝贝儿,都是你的了- Listen, white boy, your luck just ran out. 听着,小白脸,你的运气到头了- You chose the wrong side. 你选错了一方- Man... it's great to see your face. 能看到你真是太好了- I think it's time you quit the charade, don't you? 我想你该停止跟我玩猜谜游戏了吧?- What? 什么?- It's starting to ruin people's lives. 你毁了别人的生活- Michael's in here because he thinks you're innocent. Michael进监狱,就是因为他以为你是无辜的- He told you. 他跟你说的?- He hasn't told me anything, but I know, Lincoln. 他什么都没跟我说但我就是知道,Lincoln- I know what he's planning. 我知道他在计划什么- Call him off. 让他放弃- If you love him, call him off. 如果你还爱他,就让他放弃- I saw the tape. 我看过录像带了- What's on the tape's not how it went down. 录像带里的并不是事实- I know what I saw. 我清楚我看到了什么- I know what I saw. 我也清楚我看到了什么- I was there, remember? 我当时在那儿,记得吗?- I got high that night. 那个晚上我吸了毒- I had to. 我不得不这么做- It was the only way I could go through with it. 这是我唯一可以完成任务的办法- I never pulled the trigger. 我绝对没有扣动扳机- The guy was already dead. 那个人早已经死了- Yeah, I know. You've told me a thousand... 是的,我知道,你跟我说过无数次了- Then listen! I was set up! 那么听着!我是被陷害的!- I went there that night to clear a debt. 那天晚上我到那里是去还债- Crab Simmons was on my ass for the 90 grand I owed him. 我欠了Crab Simmons万美金- He told me the mark was some scumbag drug dealer 他跟我说目标是什么卑鄙的毒贩子- and if I took it, we'd be clean. 如果我干掉他,我们就两清了- I never pulled the trigger. 我绝对没有扣动扳机- All I know is that somebody wanted me in the same garage as Terrence Steadman that night. 我所知道的是那天晚上有人想让我跟Terrence Steadman待在同一个车库里- Why would somebody want to set you up? 为什么有人要陷害你?- It wasn't about me. It was about him. 不是针对我,是针对他- Steadman? Steadman?- Yes! 是的!- The guy was like a saint. 这个人就如圣人一般- All the charity work, 他的公司所做的慈善工作- the environmental progress his company was making... 以及所取得的环保成就- About the only person in this entire country who had motive to kill him was you. 整个国家里唯一有动机杀他的就只有你- You came all the way down here to tell me how guilty I am? 你费劲周折找到我就是为了告诉我我有罪?- I don't know why I came here. 我也不知道我为什么要到这里来- You have your life now-- 如今你有你的生活- I know that-- 我可以理解- but if what we had before meant anything to you, 但如果我们之前的感情对你还有点意义- you'd find out the truth. 你会查明真相的- Maybe all this is the truth. 或许现在这些就是真相- Maybe they got it right. 或许他们是对的- Badge! 哦!- Open up, Badge! 你们在干什么,小子?- You talking again? 你再说一遍?- It's my girl's birthday. 今天是我女儿的生日- Happy birthday to her, then. 那祝她生日快乐- You gotta let me call her! Please! 你一定得让我给她打个电话!求你了!- I'll give you a million dollars, if you let me use the phone. 如果你让我用电话的话,我可以给你一百万- I seen your kicks, Sucre. 我见识过你的花招,Sucre- You got something like 40 cents to your name. 你的保证不值钱- Please! 求你了!- God, no! 上帝啊,不要!- All right. Maricruz. What are you doing? Come on. 好啦,Maricruz,你在干什么?,来吧- Yeah, it's okay, Hector. You go ahead. 我很好,Hector,你管你自己吧- What are you talking about? 你在说些什么啊?- I think I'm just going to take a cab. 我只是想叫辆车- What do you mean, like, go home? I mean, you just got here. 什么意思,你要回家?我是说,你才刚到这儿- He didn't call you, did he? 他没有打电话给你,是吗?- Look... I love Fernando to death, but the guy's a deadbeat. 听着,我爱Fernando 至深,但这家伙游手好闲- You got to move on with your life. 你应该过你自己的生活- Mr. Giles, Giles先生,可以的话- we'd like to have a word with you, if we could. -我们有些话要问你- I really don't have time. -我真的没时间- I'm afraid we're going to have to insist. 恐怕我们得坚持- It's come to our attention that you made a FOIL request 几天前,你提交的一份关于 Burrows案- a couple of days ago, on the Burrows case. 信息法自由权的申请,引起了我们的注意- Yeah. So? 是的,那又怎么了?- Records show that you made a dupe of the surveillance tape. 你拷贝了一份监控录像- That's right. 没错- Mind us asking why? 介意我们问原因吗?- It's for one of Burrows' old girlfriends, man. 是给Burrows的一个老情人- She was under the impression that the guy was innocent. 她原本以为他是无辜的- I figured it'd, you know, help her with closure. 我想这盘录像带,你知道,或许能让她死心- She's in possession of the tape now, then? 那盘录像带现在在她手上?- Don't pull that card on me. 别跟我来这一套- It's the Freedom of Information Act. 这是根据信息法案所享有的权利- She's entitled to that tape as much as you or I are. 她有资格获取那盘录像,就像你和我一样- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, by all means, by all means. 哦,不,不,不,不,不 ,那是肯定的- - May I go now? 我可以走了吗?- Just one more thing. 最后一个问题- This old girlfriend of his... 他的这个老情人- what's her name? 叫什么名字?- Excuse me. 打扰一下- Is this the Simmons residence? 请问Simmons一家住在这里吗?- I'm Ms. Simmons. 我就是Simmons太太- I'm sorry, um... 抱歉,嗯……- I'm Veronica Donovan. 我是Veronica Donovan.- I'm looking for Crab Simmons. Are you related? 我想找Crab Simmons,他是你什么人?- He's my son. 他是我儿子- Is he around? 他在吗?- No. 不在- Could you tell me where I could find him? -请问我到哪里可以找到他?- Lady, go away. I can't help you. Can't you understand that? -小姐,快走,我帮不了你,你难道还不明白?- I'm sorry. It's just... -抱歉- a man's life is at stake, and maybe your son can help him. 只是……有个男人危在旦夕- Crab can't help nobody, lady. Crab不可能帮任何人了,小姐- He's dead. 他死了- I'm sorry. 我很遗憾- Heads up! 7-up, cons, stand your gate! 注意了!犯人们,都站到自己的门口!- 'Bout to jump off, Fish. 比赛开始了, Fish- Ballard, get back on your number. Ballard,回到你的位置上- I need backup. 我要掩护- I said back on your number! 我说了回到你的位置上- Help me... 救救我- Scofield! Scofield!- You're a dead man, Scofield! 你死定了,Scofield!- You hear me?! 你听到我说的吗?!- You're a dead man! 你死定了!- I really don't know what to say to you gentlemen. 真的不知道该说什么,先生们- I try to give you the benefit of the doubt, 我试图把你们往好处想- I try to treat you with respect. 我试图尊重你们- You can't even respect yourselves. 你们甚至连你们自己都不尊重- So, there's going to be a 48-hour lockdown. 现在将是小时的一级禁闭- No mess. No showers. 没有食物,不能洗澡,- No visitation. 不允许探望- And I strongly suggest that you all learn to get along. 我强烈建议你们都好好学学- Otherwise, the next time, it's going to be a week, 如何相处,不然下次,就是一个星期- and the time after that, it's going to be a month. 再下一次,就是一个月- Think about it. 好好想想吧- Got a Leticia Barres on the line. 有个Leticia Barres打电话找你- I don't know who that is. Take a message. 不认识,让她留言- She says she used to date Crab Simmons. 她说她曾和Crab Simmons交往过- Leticia, thank you for calling. Leticia,谢谢你打电话来- You want to hear what I have to say, 你想听我说的话- we meet in a public place, where they can't get to us. 我们在公共场所见面,在那儿他们不敢对我们怎么样。

越狱 第一季 第一集 中英字幕

越狱 第一季 第一集 中英字幕

第一季第一集完成了That's it.能让我欣赏下吗?Can I just,you know,look at it for a minute?你真是个艺术家SidYou're an artist,Sid.你打算就这么走出门You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here我就再也看不到这个杰作了?and I'm never going to see it again.是的There's a good chance of that,yes.大部分人刚开始纹身的时候Most guys,you know,for the first one,都会先画些小的东西they start with something small.“妈妈”、女朋友名字缩写什么的"Mom",girlfriend's initials,something like that.而你不是Not you.才几个月的工夫就做了整个一套You get a full set of sleeves,all in a couple of months.换了别人要做好几年呢Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got.我没有好几年的工夫I don't have a few years. 我巴不得有Wish to hell I did.把保险柜打开The vault. Open it.不行,分行长不在We can't. The branch manager's not here.他在哪里?Where is he?现在是午饭时间,他在白色城堡It's lunchtime.He's at White Castle.白色城堡?White Castle?是个快餐厅It's a fast food restaurant.供应那些方形的汉堡those little squ我知道那是什么I know what it is.我不是在玩游戏I'm not playing games.打开Open it.先生,你袋子里已经有万美元的现金Sir,you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.你是不是可以再重新考虑一下Don't you think it would be better...?我们是警察This is the police.你已被完全包围You are completely surrounded.放下武器Put down your weapon.马上放下武器Put down your weapon now.我们几乎没见过武装抢劫案件中辩方完全不抗辩Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest.Scofield先生,你肯定吗?Are you sure about this,Mr. Scofield?我肯定,法官大人I'm sure,Your Honor.法官大人我们想请求休庭Your Honor,we'd like to recess if we could.我的委托人头脑有点不清楚My client's a bit confused at the moment.我没有,法官大人I'm not,Your Honor.他有,法官大人He is, Your Honor.也许你该听从你律师的意见Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice,再好好考虑考虑take some additional time to consider your response. 我已经考虑好了法官大人I've already done that,Your Honor.我会在办公室里研究究竟该怎么判I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing.现在休庭下午点半继续开庭Court's recessed until : .我们走Come on,Let's go.Mike叔叔?Uncle Mike?我没让你来I didn't want you to come.LJ 回家去Go home,LJ.我不想让你看到我这样I didn't want you to see this.他一时会接受不了的na take this well.你能怪他吗?他是你侄子Can you blame him? He's your nephew.他现在以为谁和他亲He's beginet that anybody he attaches himself to谁最后就得坐牢...is gonna end up in prison...说实话不止他一人这么想Michaeland he's not the only one who's starting to feel that way,Michael.让我们说会儿话可以吗?Will you give us a minute?就一分钟One minute.你难道不明白吗?你刚才算是把生杀大权交到了那女的手上Don't you understand?她会象扔手榴弹似的还击你and she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade.审判和惩罚对她来说是一回事的Justice and punishment are the same thing to her.我知道I know.那么请你告诉我你脑子里究竟怎么想的?Then will you please tell me what's going through your head?我们说好了不谈这个We've been over this.我从小就认识你I've known you my entire life.我知道你天性善良You don't have a violent bone in your body,我也知道你不需要钱and I know you didn't need the money.VeronicaVeronica.干吗不让我帮你?Why won't you let me help you?你一直对我很好You've been good to me. 从小到大你...My whole life,you have...但是这次你得放手让我做好吗?but you've gotta let me deal with this.Okay?鉴于你没有案底Given your lack of prior criminal conduct,我很想给你缓刑I am inclined toward probation.但是你在犯罪过程中However,the fact that you discharged a deadly weapon开枪射击了这说明你有恶意动机during the commission of the crime suggests malice to me.鉴于此For that reason,我必须判你牢狱之刑Scofield先生I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell,Mr. Scofield.你提出要在芝加哥It says here that you've requested to be incarcerated你家附近监狱服刑somewhere near your home here in Chicago.我尊重你的意见I'm willing to honor that.离那最近的一级监狱...The closest level one facility to...一级?Level one?那可是监管最严密的监狱法官大人That's maximum security,Your Honor.我说话时律师请不要打断I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me.我刚才说了As I was saying,离那最近的一级监狱是狐狸河州立监狱the closest level one facility would be Fox River State Penitentiary.至于刑期As for the term of your sentence,我判年I'm setting it at five years.刑期年半后可以假释You'll be eligible for parole in half that time.本宣判即刻生效Sentence to be carried out immediately.好了一个个的都进来检查是否携带窃听器All right,people,step inside the door and check yourself for bugs.听见敲门声就出来下一个继续When you hear the knock,step out.Keep the line moving.我们可没一天时间和你们耗We ain't got all day to get this done.快点进去不要讲话Let's go. Move it. No more talking in line.快点五分钟之内冲个凉Move it. You got less than five minutes to take a shower.都动起来快点Keep the line moving. Keep it moving.往前走快点往前走Move it. Right now. Let's go. Move,move. Next!然后去储存室换衣服快点Next down in the banks,dress.Let's go.姓名号码Name and back number.Scofield MichaelScofield,Michael. .信教吗Scofield?Are you a religious man,Scofield?从来没想过Never really thought about it.很好因为十诫在这狗屁不值Good,'cause the Ten Commandments don't mean a box of piss in here.我们这只有两诫We got two commandments and two only.第一诫是你在这就是暗无天日The first commandment is you got nothing coming.那第二诫呢?What's the second commandment?参考第一诫See commandment number one.了解Gotcha.你说话绕弯吗?You talking out the side of your neck?什么?Come again?我问你是不是喜欢讽刺人?I said,are you being a smartass?只不过想保持低调不想引起注意长官Just trying to fly low,avoid the radar,boss.服完刑就走人Do my time... and get out.我管辖内什么调也没有!There isn't any flying under my radar.那更好Good to know.嘿哪位兄弟上来装个空调?Hey,can a brother get some air conditioning up here,coach?比吸毒妓女的热吻还要热It's hotter than a crack ho's mouth,man.空调就不管啦来个妓女也行啊To hell with the A.C.,man.Give me the crack ho.快点Come on!喂新来的你看什么看啊?Yo,Fish!What you looking at?小白脸跑这来干吗了?You look kind of pretty to be up in here,man.新来的!Fish!你最好还是坐下来新来的I suggest you take a seat,Fish.在这就是来服刑的Ain't nothing to d也没人会替你服刑Ain't nobody gonna serve it for you.欢迎来到监狱乐园新来的Welcome to Prisneyland,Fish.你想谈谈吗?You wanna talk about it?不没什么好谈的No,it's not worth talking about.如果让你睡不着就非谈谈不可了If it's keeping you up,it is.哦其实...Oh,it's just...其实也没什么it's nothing,you know.Michael的案子Michael's case.你已经尽力了You did the best you could.我是的,但是他没有Yeah,but he didn't.他就当睡觉翻个身似的没任何反抗He just sort of rolled over.He didn't put up a fight. 这不象他的作风It's not like him.对不起,我不该跟你谈他的事I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about him.你怎么想是你的自由对吗?Hey,if it's on your mind,it's on your mind,right?晚安Good night.所有狱警戒备All wings,guard coming out.所有狱警戒备All wings,guard coming out.Trey Street Deuces霸占着篮球场Trey Street Deuces got the hoops.Nortenos霸占着看台Nortenos got the bleachers.Woods霸占着举重场Woods got the weight pile.The C.O.就霸占着其他地方The C.O.s got the rest.告诉你吧这的狱警和我们一样坏I'm telling you,the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place.唯一的区别是他们戴着警徽The only difference between us and them is the badge.抱宠物的是谁?Who's the pet lover?他自己不承认不过他就是D.B. Cooper(D.B. Cooper是著名劫机大盗携带巨款跳伞而逃)He'll deny it,but he's D.B. Cooper.年前从飞机上跳伞下来Parachuted out of a plane years ago还带着万现金with a million and a half in cash.可他看上去不象坏人啊Doesn't look like the type.谁看上去就象啊?Who does?嘿好啊“大把商”Hey! What up,Wholesale?你怎么样啊?You okay?好毙了Gonna be greater later.耶Yeah.你跟这新来的混在一起干吗?What you doing with this fish,man?他是我新来的狱友He's my new cellie.“大把商”跟贩卖部的有关系Wholesale's got it wired up out of commissary.你要什么他能给你弄什么Anything you want,he can get it for you.你再一天到晚和别人说这事You keep handing out my jacket,我发誓打爆你的头(这里“头”和“葡萄”是同一个单词grape)I swear I'm gonna bust your grape.你在Napa县就算给你副防滑钉你也搞不动葡萄(Napa县是世界著名葡萄酒产地)Man,you couldn't bust a grape in Napa with a set of cleats on.你说什么?!找打啊!What are you talking about?Man,you want to bump your gums.不不不这么说才像样嘛...Oh,no,no. Now you're talking,talking,talking...我在找人I'm looking for someone.叫Lincoln BurrowsGuy named Lincoln Burrows.Linc“水槽”?Linc the Sink?他们现在叫他这个?That what they're calling him now?是呀Yeah.他要是找你麻烦就差拿厨房砸你了...As in,he'll come at you with everything but the kitchen...白鬼佬Snowflake.在哪能找到他?Where can I find him?这个家伙杀了副总统的兄弟Man killed the vice-president's brother.再有一个月他就坐电椅啦and in a month,he's getting the chair,也就是说整个监狱没有哪个比他还危险which means no one up this river is more dangerous than him,因为他没什么好损失的了'cause he's got nothing' to lose now.他们能把他怎么着?再杀一次?What are they gonna do? Kill him twice?我有办法接近他吗?There a way I can get to him?不行他们出来的唯一时间是做礼拜和P.I.Oh,no. The only time those boys get out is for chapel and P.I.P.I.是什么?P.I.What's that?监狱工厂Prison Industry.这帮人都得干活The guys that get along,get to work.刷刷漆拣拣废料做做床垫什么的You know,painting,scrapping,making mattresses,you name it.新来的我要是你可不会太激动I wouldn't get excited,though,if I were you,Fish.监狱工厂你是没指望了You sniffing' none of P.I.为什么?Why's that?因为是John Abruzzi在经营'Cause John Abruzzi runs it.John Abruzzi John Abruzzi?John Abruzzi John Abruzzi?John Abruzzi John AbruzziJohn Abruzzi John Abruzzi.你为什么这么急着要见Burrows?Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow?因为他是我哥哥Because he's my brother.-他们驳回上诉了-那就继续上诉They denied the motion.Then do it again.不行了没办法了I can't. That's it.月日就是...May . That's the date,man.就是That's the date they,uh... you know...执行死刑的日子execute me.我知道I know.我没杀那个人MichaelI didn't kill that man,Michael.可证据表明是你杀了The evidence says you did. 我才不管证据怎么说我知道我没有杀人I don't care what the evidence says.I didn't kill him.向我发誓Swear to me.我发誓MichaelI swear to you,Michael.可他们怎么会弄错了呢?But how did they get it wrong then?法庭上诉...The courts,the appeals...我不知道我不知道Don't know. Don't know.我现在仔细想来...All I keep thinking,looking back on it is,uh...我是被陷害的I was set up.不管是谁想陷害我他巴不得我早点入土And,whoever it was that set me up wants me in the ground as quickly as possible.“爱”的近义词是什么?What's another word for "love"?什么语境?What's the context?哦你也知道的Oh,you know.“我爱你呀”“我再也不The "I love you so much "I ain't never knocking在酒店醉酒闹事了”的语境over "a liquor store again" context.不要太花哨的Except,you know,classy.其实我是向我女朋友求婚I'm proposing to my girl,if you gotta know.写信求婚?In a letter?你还有别的好办法?You got a better way?面对面很有效呀Face-to-face works pretty good.这种地方可不是什么浪漫之都This place ain't exactly the romantic spot.让她去史坦顿岛渡轮I'm gonna have her go get on the Staten Island Ferry.一旦可以看见帝国大厦Then,once she can see the Empire State Building,她就打开信she opens我就好像和她在一起了Ex that I won't be there.当然我不是真和她在一起ikng there用“激情”一词吧(激情:passion)Try "passion."哦哦“激情”“激情”这个酷Ooh! Ooh! "Passion. Passion" That's dope. 激情?Passion.怎么写啊?How do you spell that?是“pash...”?Is it "pash..."? Uh-uh.没有“h”?No "h"?LJ 等等LJ,hold up.等等Hold up.我可能撑不下来I don't think I can go through with this.一切都没事的Everything's going to be fine.相信我Trust me.都听明白了吧?We understand each other,then?是的周五Yeah. Friday.不是周六不是周日是周五Not Saturday. Not Sunday. Friday.完全明白Totally understood.我不要块块和块面额的I don't want hundreds,I don't want fives,I don'twant ones.我知道我知道I know,I know.只要块和块面额的Tens and s only.开始行动It's on.警察!Police!Abruzzi 我要你雇我进监狱工厂Abruzzi,I need you to hire me a P.I.滚Beat it.也许你可以听听我要说的Maybe you ought to hear what I got to say.你那我没什么想要的You got nothing I need.我可不这么想Wouldn't be too sure of that.看来我还真错了My mistake.还真是我需要的...一只鸭子Just what I need... a duck.监狱工厂AbruzziA P.I.,Abruzzi.你说不定会发现我能帮的忙大着呢You might find I can be of more assistance than you think. 你好好想想吧Mull it over.想好了就找我谈谈Come find me when you're ready to talk.好了各位抓紧点All right,guys,pick it up!我今晚还要回家呢I want to get home tonight!MaggioMaggio.什么事?Yeah? So?就是这个混蛋告发的AbruzziThat's the son of a bitch that fingered Abruzzi.是Fibanacci?That's Fibanacci?我以为这家伙死了I thought the punk was gone forever.很明显有人找到他了Evidently,somebody found him.有人故意耍我们?Somebody messing with us?你看看这个你不会相信的This you're not going to believe.这是什么?What is it?纹身看上去挺新的按住Tattoo looks fresh. Hold that.看来糖尿病患者还真是不怕针呢I guess,being a diabetic,you don't mind needles.我叫MichaelI'm Michael,by the way.姓Scofield 我看了你的档案Scofield. I read your report.那你是...?And you are?Tancredi医生Dr. Tancredi will do.Tancredi 跟州长一个姓?Tancredi like the governor?你们不会是亲戚吧?You're not related,are you?只是没想到Wouldn't think you'd find the daughter州长的女儿会在监狱里工作of Frontier Justice Frank working in a prison.还是个医生呢As a doctor,no less.我愿意做解决问题的途径之一而不是问题本身I believe in being part of the solution,not the problem.欲变世界先变其身Be the change you want to see in the world.什么?What?没什么碰巧是我四年级时的座右铭Nothing. That was just my senior quote. 原来是你说的啊?That was you?我一直以为是甘地说的This whole time,I was thinking it was Gandhi.你可真逗You're very funny.坐好了手压着别松我就回来Sit tight. Put direct pressure on that.I'll be back in a sec.那么我们怎么安排?So,how do we play this?你一下子给我开几个星期的药?You hook me up with a few weeks' supply?你想得美这里可不允许瘾君子Nice try. No hypos on the floor.我是绝对不会吸毒得相信我I'm the farthest thing from a junkie. Trust me.实话和你说了吧MichaelI got news for you,Michael.“相信我”这话在高墙内没任何分量"Trust me" means absolutely zero inside these walls.你得到胰岛素得唯一途径就是我来注射The only way you're getting that insulin is if I'm administering it.看来我们以后会常见面了是吗?Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other,then,huh?是呀I guess so.Burrows的死刑一切准备就绪We're all clear on the Burrows execution.-很好-不过还有件事Good. Except for one thing.McMorrow主教还不知情Bishop McMorrow is not in the fold.他在州长那很有影响力He's got a lot of influence with the governor.他们以前好像念的同一所公立学校They went to prep school together,apparently.日子越接近Look,the closer it gets,我越担心最后会出纰漏the more I'm worried that the bottom is going to fall out of this whole thing.也许你可以安排一下去见见我们的主教大人Well,maybe it's time you arranged a visit with the good bishop then.一个月后Look,in one month,这事就过去了it'll all be over.上帝之子将交给罪人The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men在十字架上处死三天后又复活and be crucified and,the third day,rise again.他们记住了他留下的箴言你们也应该记住And they remembered his words,and so should you.各位好愿上帝与你们同在Good day,gentlemen.May God be with you.MichaelMichael.你来干什么?Why?我要救你出去I'm getting you out of here.Burrows 快点走欢乐时光结束了Burrows,roll it up. Happy hour's over.那不可能It's impossible.除非这个监狱并不是那么完美Not if you design the place that isn't.太正式了Too formal.象问候贺卡Too greeting card.我们迟早得定下来make a decision sooner or later,you know.我们有的是时间呀,in time其实我们没有actually.到了某个时候I mean,at some point,该做的总得要做呀we got to pull the trigger on this thing.我可不想那么急I don't want to rush this.我们可就做一次We're only going to do it once.怎么也得做好了We have to get it right.亲爱的我能问个问题吗?Honey,can I ask you something?当然可以Of course.你是不是想推迟?Are you putting this off?什么意思?What do you mean?我...我是说你是不是后悔了?I... I mean,are you having second thoughts?没有亲爱的没有No. Honey,no.我没有I'm not.我也不知道怎么了I don't know.可我老认为这个和...不I just can't help thinking this is about... Not.我爱你...I love you... 我想成为你的妻子and I want to be your wife.激情?Passion?你是怎么想的?What were you thinking?嘿你自己也同意了Hey,you went for it.她说不定认为我在这变得女人气了She probably thinks I went sissy up in here.“激情”超过一个音节了"Passion." Got more than one syllable,废话太多too much talkin'.现在我改规矩了That's me from now on.以后只写单音节的词One-syllable Sucre.是不爱恨爱Yes. No. Love. Hate. Love.要点时间的嘛Give it time.你开什么玩笑?Are you kidding?我这是在求婚!I proposed to her.可不能等That doesn't take time.是还是不Si or no.单音节One syllable,man.她应该周二就来探监了She's supposed to come around for a conjugal on Tuesday.她以前总是提前打电话She's always calling me beforehand,告诉我她要过来letting me know she's coming.这次什么消息也没有This time,man,I ain't heard a peep.你把她吓着了You spooked her.Scofield...Scofield...起来吧get it together.监狱长要见你Pope wants to see you.不是好事啊新来的No good,Fish.没人去见监狱长No one gets an audience with the Pope.除非他对你做的事感兴趣Not unless he's real interested in what you got going on.Loyola的尖子生Top of your class at Loyola.获优等成绩Magna cum laude,in fact.我就纳闷了象你这么优秀的人才I can't help wondering what someone跑到这种鬼地方干什么with your credentials is doing in a place like this.也许是几个月前拐错弯了Took a wrong turn a few months back,I guess.你说的好像是交通违规似的You make it sound like a traffic infraction.就像在单行道上开错方向Like all you did was turn the wrong way up a one-way street.人人迟早都会发生点意外Everyone turns up one sooner or later.我叫你过来是因为...The reason I called you here...我发现你在你档案的“职业”一栏I noticed in your I-file,under occupation,写的是“无业”you put down 'unemployed.'这不是真的吧?That's not true,now,is it?我知道你其实是名结构工程师ScofieldI know you're a structural engineer,Scofield.沙迦汗造了泰姬陵Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a monument为了表达他对妻子永恒的爱to his undying love for his wife.我妻子很喜欢这个故事My wife is quite fond of the story.这唤起了她内心的浪漫情怀It appeals to the romantic in her.嫁给一位在监狱工作的人Being married to someone in Corrections... terrible job.谁愿意呢Wouldn't wish it on anyone.但是结婚年来我妻子从来没抱怨过And yet,in years my wife has never complained.可让我更愧疚的是我从来没感谢过她And the worst part about it is,I've never thanked her.因为我说不出口So,because I couldn't say it,但我觉得我可以造出来I thought,you know,I could build it.月份就是我们结婚年纪念日Come June,it's our th anniversary.但是你看这...But here,look...问题是...you see,the problem is...我要是再造下去I build anymore, 就要塌掉it's all gonna come down like a house of cards.希望你能帮上忙That's where I was hoping you could be of assistance.作为回报For the favor,我可以让你在这一周工作三天I can offer you three days of work a week in here.你也不用去操场And it'll keep you off the yard.不行I can't do it.孩子在这个地方我欠你个人情Son,it's better for me to owe you one in here绝对比你欠我个人情要好than it is for you to owe me one,I can promise you that.我倒愿意试试I'll take my chances.那么我们就没什么好说的了Then we're through here.警卫!Guard!两磅的大麻?Two pounds of pot?你想干什么?留下案底吗?What were you trying to do,set a record?这不是闹着玩的LJIt's not funny,LJ.你会坐牢的You could be going to jail.很明显你需要人给你做做思想工作It's pretty obvious to me you need some guidance.嘿Hey.谢谢Thanks.听谁的说教?Warbucks老爹?<Daddy Warbucks是连载漫画《孤女安妮》里的亿万富翁>From who,old Daddy Warbucks?别这么说他是个好人Give him a chance. He's a good man.我们没有共同点We got nothing in common.你究竟是怎么了LJ?Where is this coming from,LJ?上学期你还全是“优”可现在...Last semester you were getting almost all A's and now...是你父亲的缘故是吧?It's your father,isn't it?我没有爸爸I don't have a father.你不是圣灵怀胎出来的亲爱的It wasn't an immaculate conception,honey.也许我们应该去看看他Maybe it's time we went and saw him.妈...Mom...妈...Ma...别Don't.我和你对未来都充满了希望I'm about as excited by the prospect as you are,但是需要代价的but something's gotta give.你是个有潜力的孩子你不能就这么自毁前程You have got too much potential to be screwing up your life like this.万一他们把你关到Taylorville或Marion而不是这你怎么办?What if they'd sent you to Taylorville or Marion and not here?应该和现在一样吧I think I'd be doing the same thing I'm doing here.吃吃果冻喝喝葡萄味苦艾...Eating Jell-O,drinking Kool-Aid...我知道你想干嘛I know what you're doing.你和Lincoln关在一起绝非巧合It's not luck of the draw that you're in here with Lincoln.你忘了我了解你你们俩You forget I know you.Both of you.你们的兄弟之情恐怕是我见过的最古怪的了You two have the most dysfunctional idea of love I've ever seen.他不让你在街头混What,he beats you up to keep you off the streets,你就跑到这个监狱来好跟他关在一起?so you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him?干什么呢?To what?救他??我应该知道因为和你一样我曾经爱过他I deserve to know.I loved him as much as you did.你的爱是过去时Past tense for you,maybe.可我的不是Not me.我大学毕业后曾给他机会I gave him a shot when I got back from college.我给过>就在那种情况下我还是努力想搞好关系I did everything I could to make it work.但他自己把机会扔掉And he threw it away.你有没有想过也许是因为你当初先离开了他You ever think maybe he was hurt that you left in the first place?你别这么做Don't do this.不管你想干什么别干Whatever it is you're doing,don't do it.还有更好的办法There's a better way.我已经提起上诉了I'm already appealing your case.我说过让你别...I told you to leave...我联系了Lincoln所在的主教教区主教他...I've gotten in touch with the diocese about Lincoln. The bishop...没用的That won't stop it.只是权宜之计It'll only delay it.你要是真想帮忙You want to do something?就去查出究竟是谁要至他于死地You find out who's trying to bury him.没人要至他于死地Nobody's trying to bury him.证据充足The evidence was there.证据是伪造的The evidence was cooked.探监时间结束Visiting hours are now over.你多保重Take care of yourself.有人要至他于死地VeronicaSomeone wants him dead,Veronica.这背后有阴谋Something more is going on here.你是在孤注一掷MichaelThis is desperation,Michael.想抓救命稻草You're grabbing at straws.-你是在拒绝承认痛苦的现实-也许吧You're in denial. Maybe.但我不能眼睁睁地看着哥哥死去But I can't watch him die.我不会这么做的I won't do that.先生们...Gentlemen...Burrows的这个案子我能帮上什么忙吗?What is it about the Burrows situation that I can help you with?据我们所知It's our understanding我在州长那有很大的影响力that you have great influence with the governor. 我可不敢说什么“很大”或是“影响力”I wouldn't say it's great or influence.我们只是朋友We're friends.我们也知道您反对死刑It's also our understanding that you oppose thnalty.我是信仰上帝的人当然要反对了I'm a man of God.How could I not?这个案子我们希望您能保留您的立场In this case,we're hoping you'll suspend that position.至少是暂时的At least temporarily.如果囚犯需要我的干预If the inmate appeals to me for intervention,我又怎么能袖手旁观呢?how can I turn my back on him?你很喜欢拿问题去回答别人的问题You have a habit of answering a question with a question.你也很喜欢问那种越追究问题越多的问题And you have a way of asking questions that beg more questions.你是说您不打算那么做了?Are you saying you won't do it?我不是模棱两可的人I'm not a man to equivocate.您...有岁了吧主教大人You're what... years old now,Your Excellency.没错That's right.那么I would assume,then,你应该很清楚我们政府的税收制度是怎么运作的吧that you'd be well-versed in how our government's tax system works.把自己的个人所得算到教会名下Taking personal capital gains under the church's tax shelter应该算是欺诈行为吧主教大人well,that would be fraud,wouldn't it,Y our Excellency?我不会因为被恐吓而去放弃我的信仰I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs.你休想谁也不可能Not by you or anyone else.敬佩啊Admirable.祝一切都好主教大人Good day,Excellency.Kellerman先生Mr. Kellerman特勤处的人为什么对这个案子如此感兴趣?What is it about this case that the Secret Service is so interested in?那人杀了副总统的兄弟The man killed the vice-president's brother. 他说什么?What'd he say?你听见了呀You heard me.有人找到Fibanacci了Someone found Fibanacci.我正看着他的照片呢I'm looking at the photos right now.这个混蛋留了胡子还戴着太阳镜Son of a bitch has a beard,sunglasses一看就知道是证人保护计划Witness Protection,if I ever saw.是谁发的信?Who was this someone?信封上没有写信人地址Oh,there's no return address on the envelope.就是Just.纸折的鸟This folded-up bird made of paper象折纸手工?Like origami?是呀就象那个Yeah,like that.象折纸手工Like origami.你是Charles Westmoreland吗?You're Charles Westmoreland,right?我认识你吗?Do I know you?我认识你妻子没过世前I knew your wife before she passed.你认识Marla?You knew Marla?你是说Anne?You mean Anne?你怎么认识她的?How'd you know her?我们在波士顿谈过话We talked together in Boston.东FarmingtonEast Farmington.是西Wilmington?You mean West Wilmington?不会再故意试探你了No more tests.我保证I promise.看来你知道我的一切Seems you know everything about me.你究竟是什么人?Who are you?Michael ScofieldMichael Scofield.你怎么把它带到牢里?How'd you get it in here? 首先不是“它”是“她”First off,she's not an it.她叫Marilyn自从监狱里允许犯人携带宠物She's Marilyn and she's grandfathered back from the days她就被获准进来了when prisoners were allowed a creature comfort or two.听说你外号叫D.B. CooperI heard you were D.B. Cooper.凡是新人进来Every new fish comes in here,头一个听到的first thing they hear,便是Charles Westmoreland是D.B. Cooperis that Charles Westmoreland is D.B. Cooper.和他们一样我实话告诉你吧I'll tell you like I tell them.你想听关于Cooper的故事?You want the Cooper story?我没法告诉你因为我不是他I can't give it to you,'cause I'm not him.真可惜倒希望你是It's too bad.Sort of wish it was true.那人是个传奇人物The man's a legend.朋友我比你还希望我是呢Nowhere near as much as I wish it was true,friend.。



-Tattoo Artist: That's it.tatoo: 纹身artist: 艺术家完成了。

Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute?minute: 分钟能让我欣赏下吗?You're an artist, Sid.artist: 艺术家你真是个艺术家,Sid。

You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here gonna=going to: 将要你打算就这么走出门?And I'm never going to see it again.be going to: 将要,打算我就再也看不到这个杰作了?-Michael: There's a good chance of that, yes.chance: 机会很有可能,没错。

-Tattoo Artist: Most guys, you know, for the first one, guy: (男)人,家伙大部分人刚开始纹身的时候,they start with something small.都会先画些小的东西。

Mom, girlfriend's initials, something like that.initial: 词首大写字母“妈妈”、女朋友名字缩写什么的。

Not you.而你不是。

You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months. set: 一套 sleeves: 袖子 couple: 对,数个才几个月的工夫就做了整个一套。

Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got.ink: 墨水换了那些家伙得用上几年才能用完你身上的纹身用的墨水。

-Michael:I don't have a few years.我没有好几年的工夫。



Season 1, Episode 6: Riots, Drills and the Devil: Part 1 Diamond: Just a few more rides. 就再多玩几次吧Oh, great! Great!噢太棒了!Then you have to wrap it up. wrap: 包,裹玩好了就该走了-Kellerman: Oh, Adam's getting bigger, huh?噢Adam 看上去长大了点Ten. Hmm十岁嗯?-Diamond: Not here别在这里说-Kellerman: We need a favor. favor: 好意,帮助,喜好我们要你帮忙了-man: Been out of the life for years You know that.我已经好久不干这事了你知道的-Kellerman: I know. Problem is Diamond,我知道问题在于Diamondno one's gonna believe that after I take the heroin I have in my pocketgonna=going to: 将要heroin: 海洛因pocket: 口袋我已经把毒品放在了你停在那边的and put it in the glove box of the reasonably priced minivan you have parked over there. reasonably: 相当地minivan: 小型货车mini:小的微型van: 货车park: 停车那辆价值不菲的小货车的工具箱里了谁会相信你呢I will cuff you.cuff=handcuff: 逮捕我会当场逮捕你I will drag you out of here in frontof everyone.drag: 拖当着那么多人的面把你拖走-Diamond: What do you need?你要我做什么?-President: What America needs美国当前需要的是is an environmentally friendly,environmentally: 在环境方面一种环保的logistically feasible,logistically: 后勤地,逻辑地feasible: 可行的,可能的具可行性的and economically responsiblealternative fuel source.economically: 在经济上responsible: 负责任的alternative: 替换物fuel: 燃料source: 来源,能源且经济上能负担的全新的替代燃料and despite the contentions ofsome...despite: 尽管contention: 所持的论点尽管有人坚持认为...-Veronica: Leave a message, I'llcall you back. Thanks.请留言我会尽快回电谢谢配合-Wendy: Hi, it’s Wendy.嗨是WendyI know you wanted to work withno distractions,distraction: 分心我知道你在专心工作so don't pick up.所以不用接起来I just wanted to let you know thatNick Savrinn left six messages foryou today.我只是要告诉你Nick Savrinn今天给你留言了 6 次-Veronica: What did you tell him?你跟他说什么了?-Wendy: Oh, uh, what you said tosay that you were in a meeting.嗯...就按照你说的说你在开会-Veronica: Look, if he comes bythe office tomorrow,好要是他明天来办公室找我tell him I'm not there, okay?跟他说我不在知道么?-Wendy: Okay. Good night,Veronica.好的晚安Veronica-Veronica: Thanks, Wendy.多谢Wendy-Berwick: Bed check查床了-Nike: Do you want to tell mewhy you haven't returned any ofmy phone calls?你是不是该跟我解释一下为什么我的电话一个都没回?-Veronica: Look, I reallyappreciate everything you've done,okay?appreciate: 感激好吧我真的很感谢你为此所做的一切But II don't want your helpanymore.anymore: 不在但我不再需要你的帮助了-Nike: My help anymore...不再需要帮助...do you really think I hadsomething to do with that missingtape?你真的认定带子的失踪跟我有关?-Veronica: No, look, I'm justgonna go grab a cup of coffee,grab: 抓去美国人喝咖啡喜欢用grab这个词没有我要去喝杯咖啡and get back to work, okay? I don't have time for this right now. 然后回来继续工作我现在真的没空跟你谈这个-Nike: VeronicaVeronicaJust wait a second.请等一下Will you hold on a second?你能听我说两句吗?Listen, why do you avoid...? avoid: 逃避你为什么要...?-Veronica: Don't touch me, all right?别碰我行吗?-Lucas: Everything okay, Miss Donovan需要帮助吗Donovan 小姐?-Veronica: Lucas, do you mind walking me back inside?Lucas 你能陪我进去吗?-Lucas: Take a walk, pal.pal: 伙计去散个步吧伙计You're being paranoid. paranoid: 像患妄想狂的你在胡思乱想-CO: Show some skin, Scofield. skin: 皮肤露个头出来ScofieldHey Scofield.嗨Scofield-Michael: I'm trying to sleep, boss.boss: 老大,头儿我正失眠呢老大I can't get through the wall, Sucre. 我无法通过那墙Sucre-Fernando: What do you mean, you can't get through the wall?你什么意思你无法通过那墙? -Michael: I know how to do it.我虽然有办法I just don't have the time to do it.但却没有足够的时间-Fernando: We're locked up. Allwe got is time我们被囚禁着时间可多的是-Michael: You don't understand.你不明白I planned this break on aschedule.plan: 计划break: 休息,中断schedule: 时间表我本来计划周密Constantly coming up here forcount won't let me doconstantly: 经常地但这里一直要点名what I need to do to get throughthat wall.get through: 穿过我根本没时间做事If I'm not back on schedule,我要是不能按照计划行事which means we're through thatwall by the end of the day manna,manna: 明天,不久以后我们就永远通不过那道墙we're not getting out of here.这样我们就甭指望出去了-Fernando: Look, there are threethings for certain in life-唉有三件事是无法逃避的death, taxes and count.tax: 税收count: 点名,数数死亡税收...还有点名Only way to stop count is...避免点名的唯一方法就是...-Michael: What?什么?-Fernando: Never mind. It’s a badidea.算了还是不说了不是个好主意-Michael: Worse than the idea oflosing Maricruz比失去Maricruz 还糟糕?-Fernando: A lockdown.lockdown: [美国英语](对犯人的)一级防范禁闭(期);单独关押戒严We get gen pop locked down for aday,我们得想法搞出一天戒严来you'll have all the time you need.那你就有充足的时间了-Michael: And no count不点名?-Fernando: Bulls don't even comeby.谁也不会来打扰Only one problem问题在于-Michael: How do we get alockdown?怎样才能搞出戒严?-Fernando: Can you get to theprison ac unit?ac= alternating current: 交流电unit: 单位,单元你能到监狱的电源控制单元吗?-Michael: Maybe.也许-Fernando: You want a lockdown,you got to get the inmates riledup.inmates: 囚犯rile: 使浑浊使焦急要戒严就得让这帮人惹点事And if you want to piss off themeat in concrete,concrete: 凝结物;混凝土这就好像加热冷藏箱里的肉turn up the heat.heat: 热,热度把温度调高点吧-John: I thought you were retired.retire: 退休我还以为你已经金盆洗手了-Diamond: Never mind me.别管我了Some heavy hitters want this done, so that means I want it done.上头交待这样我也只好照办No screw ups.不许失败-John: For you, Diamond, it's not a problem,既然你开口了Diamond 肯定能搞定Burrows is as good as dead放心吧Burrows 死定了-Sarah: Hottest April on record global: 全球性的这真是最热的一个四月-Michael: Global warming全球性气候变暖-Sarah: Probably. You got a minute?也许吧你有时间吗?-Michael: About five years worth. 有大约有5年的时间-Sarah: Sure, right, um... you never told me Lincoln Burrows is your brother.不好意思嗯...你没告诉过我Lincoln Burrows 是你哥哥-Michael: It never came up.只是没想到提这事-Sarah: Right.好吧I'm curious if that isn't because of my father.curious: 好奇的我很好奇是不是跟我父亲有关He may not be the one pulling the switch,switch: 开关他可能不是起决定作用的but you and I both know he has the power to grant clemency,power: 权力,力量grant: 批准clemency: 开恩但是你我都知道他可以手下留情and he won't, and he never does.但他却不选择这样做他从不宽大为怀-Michael: My old man was anabusive drunk who abandoned hisfamily.abusive: 滥用(或妄用、误用)的drunk: 喝醉了的abandon:遗弃我那老兄酗酒成性抛弃了家庭I don't judge anyone by theirfather's actions,judge: 裁决,判定action: 行为我不会根据一个人父亲的所作所为Or inactionsinaction: 不作为或不作不为来影响我对那个人的看法If that was your concernconcern: 担心你放心了-Sarah: Just so you know, I don'tagree with his politics.politics: 政治只是想让你知道我对他政治上那套做法不能认同I'm sorry about your brother.对你哥哥的事我深表遗憾-Michael: I appreciate that.appreciate: 感激谢谢-Sarah: Hey, this isn't much.嗨这虽然不算什么I have to give Lincoln a weeklycheckup now.weekly: 每周的,一周一次的checkup: 健康检查不过我现在每周都要给Lincoln做检查If you want, I could schedulethose visits to end right beforeyou come in for your shots.schedule: 时间安排shots: 这里指打针要是你希望的话我可以安排一下时间,把检查安排在你来注射之前That way, uh, you could at leastsee each other, even if it's just inpassing.这样嗯...你们至少能互相见个面就算在走廊里也好-Michael: Thank you.谢谢你-Trumpets: Greetings from thekitchen, fish.greetings: 问候,招呼kitchen:厨房厨房用品伙计-Geary: Theodore Bagwelltransferred back from theinfirmary.transfer: 转移infirmary: 医务室Theodore Bagwell 由病房转送回来-Prisoner: We got you a little "getwell" gift.我们给你准备了一件小小的"康复"礼物-T-Bag: It's just the right size.大小正好Thank you, boys多谢你们I'll catch up with you later.晚点再来找你们What's your name?你叫什么名字?-Seth: Seth.Seth-T-Bag: You new, Seth新来的Seth?Scared? Look at me, boy. scared: 害怕的害怕么? 看着我小子You probably heard stories about me.probably: 可能你大概已经听说过关于我的事情They're not all true.但真实性却不尽然What do you say we go for a walk?我们去散散步怎么样?-CO: Your cocounsel's already here.cocounsel: 协理律师你的合作辩护律师已经来了-Veronica: Excuse me? 什么? What the hell are you doing here? client: 委托人你来这里到底要做什么?-Nike: I'm talking to my client.我在跟我的委托人谈话-Veronica: Don't talk to him.别跟他说话-Burrows: Veronica... Veronica...-Veronica: we don't know anything about this guy.我们对这个家伙的情况一无所知-Burrows: He found something that can help us out.但他找到了一些线索也许会有帮助-Veronica: You have one minute. 给你一分钟-Nike: I've been going over the incident report from the night of the murder,incident: 事件murder: 谋杀我又看了案发当晚的事件记录报告and somebody made an anonymous phone call to the localcopsanonymous: local: 地方的,当地的cop: 警察当时是有人匿名打点话给了警局claiming to see Lincoln runningaway from the garage with bloodypants.claim: 声称garage: 停车场bloody: 血迹的pants: 裤子声称看见Lincoln 从停车场跑了出来还穿着染上鲜血的裤子-Veronica: We've been throughthis.这个我们早已研究过了Look, you can't crossexamine awitness if you don't know who itis.crossexamine: 盘问witness:证人而且你都不知道这个证人的身份怎么对他进行盘问-Nike: We don't need to knowwho he is, we know where he is.他是谁并不重要因为我们知道了他的位置-Veronica: What do you mean?什么意思?-Nike: Well, it took some doing,嗯...虽然花了些功夫but a P.I. Friend of mine trackedthat phone call back to the policedepartment.P.I =private investigator: 私家侦探track: 追踪但我一个做私家侦探的朋友帮我查了那个电话的来源Whoever made that call couldn'thave seen Lincoln running fromthe garage that night.不管打电话的是谁都不可能看见Lincoln 从停车场跑出来-Veronica: How do you know?你怎么知道?-Nike: Because the phone callcame from Washington, D.C.D.C=District of Columbia: 哥伦比亚特区因为电话的来源是华盛顿特区-Fernando: You were supposed toturn off the a/c,只是让你关了电源not turn on the furnace.furnace: 暖气你是不是连暖气也打开了-Seth: It's getting so hot in here.这里块热死了-T-Bag: I say you could talk,cherry?cherry: [美国俚语]初学者;无经验者我允许你讲话了小样?You'll know when I want you toopen your mouth.我让你说的时候你才能说Geary!Geary!You got to do something about theheat.你得想想办法热死了-Geary: doing the best we can.我们已经尽力了-T-Bag: Your best is garbage.garbage: 垃圾尽力了? 简直在放屁It's a hundred degrees in here.degree: 度这里已经快超过100度了(华氏)-Geary: Look like I got frostbiteto you?frostbite: 冻伤觉得我有办法让你凉快点?Line up! 列队!-T-Bag: Why don't you transfer usall someplace cooler...?transfer: 转移someplace: 某处你怎么还不把我们送到凉快点的地方去呢...like Africa? 例如非洲?-Geary: Get your ass on the line, convict.ass: 屁股convict: 囚犯他妈的给我排好All of you, hit that line!你们都给我排好!-T-Bag: We'll move when the temperature situation is rectified, all right?temperature: 气温situation: 情况rectify: 改正,整顿等气温的问题解决了我们就服从安排-Mack: Hey, Bellick, this is Mack in cell block.cell: 牢房block: 街区,地区嗨Bellick 我是Mack 在囚室区We got some cons popping off. con=convict: 囚犯有几个家伙要惹事-Berwick: Give 'em a smack, throw 'em on the line and write 'em up.smack: 拍打击打扁他们一顿把他们丢回去再把名单记下来If you can't handle it, don't cash your paycheck this week. handle: 处理paycheck: 工资你要是搞不定你这礼拜就别想拿钱了This is not a good time, Doc. Doc=doctor这真不是时候医生-Sarah: Oh, I just got a call a prisoner was suffering from heat exhaustion.suffer: 遭受exhaustion: 疲惫噢我刚收到电话一个囚犯中暑了-Berwick: He's faking it.fake: 假装他装的-Sarah: Is that your medicalopinion? opinion: 意见这是你的诊断么?-Berwick: We got a bunch ofoverheated cons getting loud inthe AWing.overheat: 过热我们在 A 翼有一大堆头脑发热的家伙-Sarah: I don't blame them. It's anoven in there.blame: 责怪oven: 烤箱这不能怪他们那里就像个烤箱-Berwick: Everything's undercontrol,我们能控制but you should go back to theinfirmary building.infirmary: 医务室但你还是先回医务室吧When things calm down,等事情处理好了I'll have your patients transferredfrom sick bay.patient: 病人transfer: 转移我会把你的病人从病区转到你那的I'm just looking out for your bestinterests. interests: 利益我这是为你着想-Sarah: And I appreciate that,um...appreciate: 感激我深表感谢嗯...but, officer Bellick,officer: 官员但是...Bellick 长官you and I both know that it'sillegal to deny a prisoner medicalcare,illegal: 不合法的deny: 拒绝给予prisoner: 囚犯你我都知道对囚犯医疗呼救置之不理是违法的and you could lose your job overit.你可能因此丢了饭碗And I'm just looking out for yourbest interests.我也是在为你着想-Berwick: Go right on in.那就进来吧-Sarah: Thank you, sir. 谢谢长官-Geary: Don't being a baby, TBag.别像小孩一样TBagIt's ain't that hot. 也不是很热-T-Bag: Not that hot?!还不热?!When this guy woke up thismorning,这个家伙今天早上起来的时候he was white! 还是白种人!-Geary: You want to cool off?你想要凉快?-T-Bag: We'll step back when weget some wind blowing in here.blowing: 吹风等这里有风了我们就回去-Geary: All right, that's it!Lockdown!lockdown: 一级防范禁闭好吧没办法了! 戒严!Everyone back to your cells!所有人都回房间!I said everyone back to your cellsnow, convicts!我说你们所有人都给我回房间去!Lockdown! 戒严!-Fernando: You got yourlockdown, bro.bro=brother: 兄弟,伙计你要的戒严开始了伙计-Michael: You're coming with me.你也一起来-Fernando: What? 什么?I'm the lookout, man, that's it. lookout: 监视者我是放风的伙计我得放风-Michael: I need you down there. 我需要你一起下来It's a twoman job.得两个人来做这事Let's hang a sheet.sheet: 床单,布挂块布吧-Fernando: Nnno way, man.不行伙计You only hang a sheet when you and your cellie want to get friendly, you know?cellie=cellmate: 狱友只有在和室友卿卿我我的时候才有需要挂窗帘-Michael: You want to protect your prison rep,protect: 保护rep=reputation: 名誉你觉得在这里的名誉重要or you want to get out of here?还是逃出去重要?-Berwick: What the hell's going on in here?这里到底出什么事了?-Geary: Well, these inmates became belligerent and they refused to back in.inmate: 囚犯belligerent: 好战的refuse: 拒绝这些犯人们来劲了不肯回去-Berwick: You locked it down with inmates still out of their cells?inmate: 同狱犯人cell: 牢房他们没回房间你就锁门了?-Geary: We can handle 20 outofcontrol inmates easier than 300.handle: 处理outofcontrol:失去控制我们处理20个失控的犯人总比处理300个人要好-T-Bag: Listen up, bros, listen up.Bellick, I got one for you.听着伙计听着Bellick 这是关于你的What do you call a piece of whitetrash who couldn't pass the cops'examtrash: 废物,垃圾cop: 警察我们是怎么称呼一只连警察资格考试都通不过and now makes less than amailman? mailman: 邮递员赚得钱还不如邮递员多的白种猪的呢?A.C.O 狱警-Berwick: Get your hands of thefence. fence: 围栏把你们的手拿开-T-Bag: Suck it, pig!suck: 吮吸,使耗竭滚你的猪!-Berwick: You know, Teddy, youreally let me down,跟你说Teddy 你真的很令我失望and that's hard to do, because Idon't expect much..expect: 期望虽然那对你是难了点...from the inbred child of a retard.inbred: 天生的retard: [美国俚语]弱智者,智力迟钝者因为你天生智障That's right, Teddy.是这样的TeddyI read your psych records...psych: 心理我看你了的档案...about how your daddy raped hismongoloid sister,rape: 强奸mongoloid: 先天愚型(样)的上面记载了你父亲强奸了他那白痴姐姐and then nine months later,然后过了九个月little Teddy pops out.小Teddy就蹦出来了-T-Bag: I'm going to kill you!我他妈的要宰了你!-Berwick: It's hotter than hell.hell: 地狱这里真是比地狱还热They'll wear themselves outeventually.wear:耗损eventually:终于,最后他们这样早晚先把自己给热死-Burrows: The call was a fake.fake: 伪造物,假货那个电话是假的What about a stay of executionoror...stay: 停止execution: 死刑是不是能凭此申请缓刑或者...?-Nike: No, no, it's legallyinsufficient.legally: 在法律地,合法地insufficient: 不充足不行法律依据还不充足-Burrows: What the hell doesthat...mean?这到底是...什么意思?What the hell does that mean?到底什么意思?-Veronica: It means theprosecution could point out theevidence from your criminal trial.prosecution: 起诉evidence:证据意思就是检控方提出了你的犯罪证据Okay? The blood, the video, thegunvideo: 视频,录影带懂吗? 血迹录影带还有枪A questionable phone call is not going to stack up to that. questionable: 可疑的那个有疑问的电话并不能否定那些证据-Burrows: But it's something, right?absolutely: 完全地但至少能说明些问题对么?-Nike: Absolutely 当然We got an area code,code: 代码我们有了地区代码and my contact is going to track that number to someplace more specific-contact: 熟人track: 追踪specific: 具体然后我的朋友能根据这个查到更加确切的位置a building, a neighborhood, a blockneighborhood: 附近,临近一幢楼...一个街区... 或是某个单元to the person who made this phone call.直到找到这个打电话的人为止-Burrows: What happens next? flight: 航班接下来呢?-Nike: We need to catch the next flight to D.Ccatch: 赶上我们得赶上下一班去华盛顿的班机That is, of course, if you trust me now.trust: 相信当然前提是你必须相信我-T-Bag: It's coming! 机会来了! It's coming! It's coming!机会来了! 机会来了!Get on the train! 抓住时机! Come on! 来呀!Get on the train! 抓住时机!Get on the train! 抓住时机!-Berwick: Let's get to my office.去我办公室T-Bag: Oh, just what I thought.哦和我想的一样The piglets are scared of the bigbad wolf.piglet: 小猪小猪害怕大灰狼Big bad wolf! 大灰狼!Get on the train! 抓住时机!-Michael: Come on. 快点-Westmoreland: Marilyn, no!Marilyn 别出去!-Berwick: Whose keys are those?那是谁的钥匙?-Mack: I guess in thecommotion...commotion: 暴乱我估计是在暴动的时候...-Geary: How many rounds do youthink you're going to get off?round: 回合你觉得在他们手底下before they get their hands onyou?你能过几招?-Berwick: This is Bellick.Bellick 呼叫Our wing has been breached.wing: (建筑物)侧翼breach:突破,攻破我们这一侧发生暴动I want AWing evacuated and shutdown.evacuate: 疏散我需要关闭 A 翼全体撤退All access to BWing cut off now.access: 通道现在关闭所有通向 B 翼的通道-Sarah: We'll get some fluids intoyou, you'll be good as new, okay?fluids: 液体我们会给你补充一些水份你就什么事儿都没有了好吧?Nod your head if you believe me.nod: 点头相信我的话就点点头Good man. 好孩子What can we do for you today?今天怎么了?This where it hurts?就是这儿受伤了?-Theo: A little higher and to theleft 有一点靠上和靠左-Sarah: You're three weekspostop.postop=post operation: 手术后你刚做完手术三周Your knee is being held togetherby a rod and three screws.knee: 膝盖screw: 螺丝rod:杆你的膝盖是被一个杆和三个螺丝铆在一起的I'm saying tenderness is normal,no more meds.tenderness: 敏感的normal:正常meds: medication药物所以敏感是正常的不用再用药了Okay... why are you back?好...你为什么回来?-CO: Inmates in cell block havecompromisedinmate: 同狱犯人block: 街区compromised: 妥协囚区的犯人已经被戒严lockdown and breached AWingthrough the guard station.犯人们攻陷了 A 翼的看守站AWing is shutting down.A 翼正在关闭-Black Prisoner: It's popping offup in gen pop!gen pop: 大牢房囚区出乱子了!That's what I'm talking about, baby.我说的就是那个宝贝儿-Michael: Somewhere on the other side of this wall这面墙背面的某个地方is the main drainage pipe to the prison's old sewer system. drainage: 排水系统pipe: 管道sewer: 下水道system: 系统就是通向监狱原有下水系统的主排水管道We can get through this wall, we can get into the pipe.如果我们能通过这面墙我们就能到管道里去We can get into the pipe, we can get into the infirmary. infirmary: 医务室如果我们能到管道里去我们就能进到医务室里If we can get to the infirmary,如果我们能进到医务室then we can get out of here.那我们就能逃出去-Bob: Sorry, all visitors have to leave the facilityvisitor: 访问者facility: 设施抱歉所有来探视的人都必须离开You have to leave.你必须得离开There's a minor disturbance in cell block.minor: 较小的disturbance: 骚乱在囚区出现在小规模的骚乱AWing is being shut down for safety purposes.safety: 安全purposes: 意图,目的安全起见A翼正在被封闭-Burrows: AWing? Veronica,Michael is thereA 翼? Veronica Michael在那边-Veronica: Will you be okay?他会没事儿吗?-Bob: You have to leave now你现在就得离开-Burrows: Go to D.C. It's all wegot.去华盛顿我们全押在那上了I'll take care of Michael, Allright?我会照顾好Michael 的好吧?-Veronica: Okay. 好的-Burrows: Please. 有劳了-Bob: Sorry about cutting youshort.不好意思减少你会面时间了-Burrows: Bob, how many timeshave I told you not to apologize?apologize: 道歉Bob 我跟你说了多少次了不用道歉It makes you look weak.weak: 弱的那样会让你显得弱势Now what's going on?minor: 较小的出什么事儿了?-Bob: Like I said, it's a minordisturbance.就像我说的小规模骚乱-Burrows: Minor disturbance? Mybrother's in gen pop, give it to mestraight.小规模骚乱? 我弟弟在囚区跟我说实话-Bob: Some clowns breached cellblock.clown: 小丑,粗鲁的人breach: 突破,攻破几个混蛋突破了囚区But they won't get anywhere.但是他们哪儿也去不了We always have locked doors oneither end.either: 两方的我们把两边的门都已经锁住了There's nothing to worry about.没什么好担心的-Burrows: Son of a bitch.bitch: 母狗,泼妇,婊子混球-CO: Additional sections ofAWing have been compromised.additional: 另外的section:地区compromise: 退让;妥协A 翼又有一个区被占领-T-Bag: I'll be damned.damn: [神学](上帝)降罚,罚…入地狱上帝会惩罚我的A rookie C.O., and it ain't evenChristmas. rookie: 新手一个菜鸟狱警还没到圣诞呢-Burrows: Get the cuffs off. Giveme the keycuff: 手铐把手铐去掉把钥匙给我Get out of here, T-Bag.滚出去T-Bag-T-Bag: Oh, I seeyou found himfirst, finder's keepers?哦我明白了...你先找到他的先到先得?You know, I respect that. I do.respect: 尊敬你知道我非常同意我真的同意But, uh 但是嗯...I think we can work somethingout.我想我们能搞出点什么-Burrows: What you got?你有什么?-T-Bag: Oh, I can make your lastfew weeks on earth, quite, quiteenjoyable.enjoyable: 愉快的哦我可以让你活着的最后几周非常非常开心Get you some Demerol, some... demerol: 杜冷丁,止痛剂给你点儿麻醉剂一些...you know, make you forget about that big, bad chair.forget: 忘记你知道能让你忘掉那个大电椅-Burrows: No deal. deal: 交易没商量-T-Bag: You've got to learn the art of negotiating.art: 艺术negotiate: 谈判你得学学谈判的艺术Lesson one 课程一Bargaining positionbargain:讲价;谈判position:立场谈判地位Yours just changed.change: 改变你的地位刚好变了-All: Make him pay! 扁他!-Burrows: What are you doing?你要干嘛?Hey! Listen or you're not gonna make it.gonna= going to: 将会嘿! 听着你出不去的-T-Bag: No blood needs to spill, sink.spill: 溢出sink: 水槽,藏污纳垢的地方不用流血的小子-Burrows: Then walk away.那就走开-T-Bag: We both know that ain't gonna happen.我们都明白那是不可能的-Fernando: That's one big pile of concrete.concrete: 混凝土那是一大块的混凝土How do you know where the pipe is?你怎么知道那管道在哪儿?-Michael: I got someone to showus where it is.我找了个人告诉我们在哪儿-Fernando: Oh, really? Who?哦真的? 是谁?-Sarah: Infection's not so bad,infection: 感染,传染病感染不是很严重but I'm going to give you a shot ofpenicillin just to make sure, okay?shot: [美国英语](疫苗等的)注射penicillin: 青霉素但是为了保险我会给你打一针青霉素好吧?-Prisoner: Thanks, Doc.谢谢医生-Rizzo: This is Rizzo.这里是RizzoDoes anyone need back up, over?需不需要撤退?-CO: Negative, AWing isevacuating and locked down.negative: 否定的evacuate: 撤退不需要 A 翼正在关闭撤离Remain in BWing.remain: 逗留,留下留在 B 翼-Black Prisoner: What's up, Doc.?怎么了医生?Bitch. 婊子Come on, Doc. 来呀医生-Sarah: You don't want to do this.你不该这么做-Prisoner: We're sorry. 抱歉This line is experiencing technicaldifficulties.experience: 经历technical:技术性的difficulty: 困难这条线出现技术故障-T-Bag: You ever see one of themsafari shows,safari: 狩猎show: 演出,节目你有没有看过狩猎节目where a bunch of cheetahs justjump all up on an antelope?cheetahs: 印度豹antelope:羚羊一群的猎豹扑向一只羚羊?Guess which one you are?猜猜你是哪一边儿?Tough little gorilla, ain't he?tough: 强健的,健壮的gorilla:大猩猩;[美国俚语]暴徒,有权有势的要人是个硬汉是吧?-Fernando: I was raised to believehe devil's got some crazy power,raise: 抚养长大devil: 魔鬼,恶魔crazy: 疯狂的power:力量我从小就相信恶魔有些可怕的力量but I don't think shining him onthis wall is gonna bring it down.shine: 发光,照耀但是我可不认为把它照到墙上就会把墙放倒Not unless he's got asledgehammer with him.unless: 除非sledgehammer:大锤除非他再有个大锤-Michael: We don't need asledgehammer.我们不需要大锤Fernando: What the hell am Isupposed to do with this?我到底要用这东西干什么?-CO: Sick bay, reportreport: 报告病区回复?Sick bay, please report. Comeon!病区请回复快!Everything okay一切正常?You know what to say你知道该怎么说-Rizzo: All clear in sick bay. Over.病区一切正常通话结束-CO: Roger that.roger: 收到了收到-Fernando: Let the bulls worry about the noise.bull: [美国俚语]警察,监狱看守noise: 噪声让那些狱警去管暴乱吧You worry about how you're gonna drill through a sixinch concrete walldrill: 在…钻孔inch: 英寸concrete: 水泥,混凝土你来想想怎么才能钻透一个6英寸的水泥墙with what used to be an eggbeater.eggbeater: 打蛋机就用个打蛋器-Michael: We just need a few small holes.我们只需要钻几个小洞-Fernando: How are we going to fit through a few small holes? fit: 被容纳,大小适合我们怎么从几个小洞里钻过去? -Michael: Ever hear of tensile strength? tensile: 夸张力听说过"抗张强度"吗?Hooke's law of elasticity elasticity: 弹性胡克弹性定律?-Fernando: What do you think?你在想什么?-Michael: If we drill holes in strategic locations,strategic: 关键的location: 位置如果我们在几个重点位置钻孔we compromise the loadcarryingcapacity of the wall.loadcarrying: 载重的,负荷的capacity: 承受力,容量我们就能破坏掉这个墙的承重能力Fernando: How about speakingEnglish? 说英语好不好?-Michael: We'll be able to breakthrough the part of the wall thatcovers the pipe opening.cover: 掩盖opening: 口,入口我们就能够突破掩住管道入口的墙Give me that. 把那个给我We go in through the tip of eachhorn, horn: 角tip: 头,尖我们钻进每个角的尖the eyes, the end of the nose,眼睛鼻子的末端the bottom of the fangs and thebraids.bottom: 底部fang: 尖牙braid: 辫子牙和辫子的下端It makes a kind of "X."这就形成了一个"X"形Let's get to it. 开始吧-Pope: If I can get dirt in therewith some of the newer firepowerthe state's issued...如果我能用政府下发的新的武器抓到里面的那些人渣...-Berwick: Oh, yeah, so we canend the riots today and start thefuneral tomorrow?riot: 暴乱funeral: 葬礼哦是的那我们就能结束今天的暴乱开始明天的葬礼?I can contain this, sir.contain: 牵制,遏制,制止我能控制住的先生-CO: I've got a call for you.有你的电话-Pope: Not now. 现在不接-CO: I think you should take this,boss. 我想你得接老大It's the governor.governor: 州长是市长打来的-Pope: Governor 市长-Sarah’s father: Where's mydaughter? 我女儿在哪儿?-Pope: Not to worry, sir, she'sfine.别担心先生她很好She's in sick bay in BWing.她在 B 翼的病区It's a completely different part ofthe facility.completely:彻底地facility:设施那和暴乱是在完全不同的区域It's, uh, totally locked off from thedisturbance.totally: 完全地locked: 紧闭的disturbance: 骚乱那里嗯已经完全与骚乱所在区域隔开了-Sarah’s father: Disturbance?That's what you're calling a riotnowadays?nowadays: 现在骚乱? 这就是你们现在对暴乱的叫法?Can any of these animals get toher?那些畜牲们能接触到她吗?-Pope: Sir, it's impossible foranyone from AWing to get intosick bay. impossible: 不可能德先生没人能从 A 翼进入到病区的The guard there assures us thateverything is fine. assure: 保证那里面的警卫报告了那里一切都好We have everything under control,governor. 我们都能处理的市。







1.西班牙语电视连续剧在高级视听说课程中的应用——以《天命抉择》第一季第一集为例 [J], 熊茹
2."越狱"的真相——评美剧《越狱》 [J], 郭松廷
3.精神的越狱——浅析美剧《越狱》成功的原因 [J], 董昊雷
4.美剧《越狱》完美收官小说《越狱》震撼上市 [J], 朱瑜
5.美剧《越狱》的中国本土化——《越狱》系列小说出版小记 [J], 赵平

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incumbent: 必须履行的;有义务的 inside: 内部 prison: 监狱 cell: 牢房
It says here that you've requested to be incarcerated somewhere near your home here inChicago.
discharge: 携带 deadly: 致命的
during the commission of the crime suggests malice to me.
during: 在…期间 commission: 犯(罪、错误),做(不法之事等) crime: 犯罪 suggest: 提示暗示
-Tattoo Artist: Most guys, you know, for the first one,
guy: (男)人,家伙
they start with something small.
Mom, girlfriend's initials, something like that.
Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute?
minute: 分钟
You're an artist, Sid.
artist: 艺术家
You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here
whole: 全部
but you've gotta let me deal with this. Okay?
gotta: [美俚] (=have got to) 必须
-Judge:Given your lack of prior criminal conduct,
Are you sure about this, Mr. Scofield?
-Michael:I'm sure, Your Honor.
honor =honour: [常作H](前与his, your等连用)阁下;大人
Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
the pilot: 美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集,试播
-Tattoo Artist: That's it.
tatoo: 纹身 artist: 艺术家
-Clerk: It's lunch time. He's at White Castle.
Castle: 城堡
-Michael: White Castle
-Clerk: It's a fast food restaurant,
restaurant: 餐厅
malice: [法律]蓄意犯罪(或害人),预谋
For that reason,
reason: 原因
I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield.
-Veronica: Can you blame him? He's your nephew.
blame: 责怪 nephew: 侄子;外甥
He's beginning to get the idea that anybody he attaches himself to is gonna end up inprison...
-Michael: I know.
-Veronica: Then will you please tell me what's going through your head?
-Michael: We've been over this.
-Michael: Veronica
-Veronica: Why won't you let me help you?
-Michael: You've been good to me.
My whole life, you have...
attach: 联系 prison: 监狱
and he's not the only one who's starting to feel that way, Michael.
说实话,不止他一人这么想 Michael。
Will you give us a minute?
-Michael: I've already done that, Your Honor.
done: 做完了
-Judge: I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing.
chamber: 房间 deteቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱmine: 决定 sentence: 审判
-Veronica: I've known you my entire life.
entire: 全部的
You don't have a violent bone in your body
violent: 暴力 bone: 骨头
and I know you didn't need the money.
Put down your weapon now.
-Judge: Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest.
rarely: 几乎不 arm: 武装 robbery: 抢劫 plea: 请求 contest: 辩护
-Michael: I'm not, Your Honor.
-Veronica: He is, Your Honor.
-Judge: Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice,
lob: 以高弧线抛投(石块等) grenade: 手榴弹
Justice and punishment are the same thing to her.
justice: 公正 punishment: 惩罚
Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got.
ink: 墨水
-Michael:I don't have a few years.
Wish to hell I did.
hell: 地狱
-Police Officer:One minute.
-Veronica: Don't you understand?
You just put the book in that woman's hand and she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade.
given: 鉴于 prior: 之前的 criminal: 刑事的 conduct: 行为
I am inclined toward probation.
incline: 倾向probation: 缓刑
However, the fact that you discharged a deadly weapon
-Michael: The vault. Open it.
vault: 保险柜
-Clerk:We can't. The branch manager's not here.
branch: 分枝 manager: 经理
我们打不开, 分行经理不在。
Where is he?
Court's recessed until 130.
court: 法院 recess: 休息