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For each RPS constraint, at least one axis must be frozen.
In a point - point constraint, you can freeze one, two or three axes of the point on the reference.பைடு நூலகம்
在RPS法对齐中,最少需要3个RPS约束,最多可 定义6个RPS约束。
Align with RPS RPS法对齐
Digitized Shape Editor
黄色灯:表示欠约束或过约 束。
Align with constraints 约束法对齐
Digitized Shape Editor
This task shows you how to align a cloud of points with a reference by defining constraints (made of pairs of constraint elements) based on canonic shapes (points, lines, planes, spheres, cylinders, circles and their inverted elements) and applying a priority order on those constraints.
绿色灯:表示约束完全定义, 且结果为“isostatic”。
红色灯:表示约束完全定义, 但结果不是“isostatic”
约束状态,“not frozen”表示该轴未被冻 结。
按照事先设计好的 对齐策略,选择相 应的坐标轴
每一对RPS点都显示为相同颜色,只是移动件上的 点显示为实心圆点,参考件上的点显示为十字线
Ionf约tahep束opi的notin优-t po先onint级ht ec,ornesf共etrrae分innct6e, 级aalrlethaeuttohmreaetiacxaellsy
(X, Y and frozen.
Definition of a RPS Alignment Since a RPS alignment is isostatic, the following conditions must be satisfied: ➢In a first axis, three RPS constraints must be frozen to define a plane. ➢In a second axis, two RPS constraints must be frozen to define a line. ➢In a third axis, one RPS constraint must be frozen to define the locating point.
Aligning using the Compass 罗盘法对齐
Digitized Shape Editor
点显示的百 分比数
➢References can be either a set of clouds of points and/or surfaces, or a set of points (no mix allowed), ➢Selecting References starts the computation of a transformation based on the inertia axes.
Digitized Shape Editor
point line plane
point 3 translations 2 translations
1 translation
2 translations
2 translations and 2 rotations
•创建约束时,所选取的几何元素,要保证该约束的一致性,如: 1,不要将3个点与2个平面进行约束; 2,2个法向与平面约束时,要保证方向的一致性; 3,选择圆和圆柱时,它们的轴线被用来进行约束; 4,选择球时,它的球心被用来约束; 5,有些情况下,可以允许存在过约束。
Align with constraints 约束法对齐
约束法对齐模式,通过定义多组约束关系来进行点云的对齐,这些约束关系可以由点,直线,圆,平面,球, 圆柱等初等几何体之间的对应关系进行创建,同时这些约束关系在对齐时还具有优先级。此对齐法多适用于 较为规则的机械零件。
Be careful to have consistent constraints, regarding the geometry. For example: •do not match three points with two different planes, •if you match two normals to planes, be careful that they have the same orientation, •when you select a cylinder or a circle, the constraint element taken into account is their center axis, i.e. a line. •when you select a sphere, the constraint element taken into account is its center point. •even if overconstraints are accepted, in some cases it might be necessary that the constraints form an isostatic system: A 3D object has 6 degrees of freedom, i.e. 3 translations and 3 rotations. Creating an isostatic system means that the 3 translations and the 3 rotations are locked.
Constraints are defined only by points, circles and arcs.
When a circle or an arc is input, its center position, i.e. a point, is taken into account
Only translations can be frozen.
A constraint with a Strict priority is not fully respected when the distance is greater than 0.001 or the angle is greater than 0.5. This may happen when a constraint with a Strict priority is applied simultaneously to other constraints. A message warns you that the constraint could not be fully respected.
Align with Constraints
Non-isostatic system is accepted.
Constraints can also be defined by planes, cylinders and spheres. When a circle or an arc is input, its center axis, i.e. a line, is taken into account Translations and rotations can be frozen.
Defining a RPS alignment requires a minimum of 3 RPS constraints and a maximum of 6 RPS constraints.
关于RPS法对齐。由于RPS法对齐采用的是一种 静态均衡的对齐模式,即X轴,Y轴,Z轴三轴无 优先级差异,但必须满足下述条件:
1 translation and 1 rotation
1 translation
1 translation and 1 rotation
1 translation and 2 rotations
当参考对象不为空时, 变亮,通过点击它可以对参考对象进行4 个位置的变换,若进行了该变换,接下来再点击罗盘移动的话,进行移 动的是参考对象(这一点有点奇怪!!!)。
默认罗盘的原点是对象的质心,但可以通过按住“shift” 拽动罗盘,从而改变罗盘的原点。
Align with best fit 最佳拟合法对齐
Digitized Shape Editor
点云或网格或曲面,数量可多选,但类型必须一 致,若第一个选中曲面第二个选中点云,则默认 曲面作为实际参考对象参与运算。 ➢由于对齐时是使用双方的所有的点,任何较大的 局部差异都会影响对齐结果,故需要想办法切除 不相同的区域再进行对齐。
注意:对齐的时候可以随时点击“Apply”观察偏差值,若发现大 偏差的时候,可以及时调整约束,删除或替换。
Align with RPS RPS法对齐
Digitized Shape Editor
Align with RPS
A well-defined RPS alignment must always be isostatic, to insure the repeatability of alignment conditions.
考元素的 方向不能更改。
Align with constraints 约束法对齐
Digitized Shape Editor
The Statistics are given for the constraint elements, they do not refer to the real gaps between the Cloud to Align and the reference. Those gaps are given by the Distance Analysis.
对话框下方显示的统计结果是约束所用的几何元素之间的偏差, 而不是点云之间的偏差。其中的距离偏差值是由“Distance Analysis”作出的结果。
当某个“strict”级的约束没有得到严格的保证,即其距离偏差大 于0.001,角度偏差大于0.5度。发生这种情况很可能是另一个约 束也是“strict”级的,两者只能保其一。