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Safety:tool box meeting 早会
Safety 安全员
Foreman[f??rm?n]班长PPE personal protection equipment 个⼈安全⽤品Helmet['helm?t]安全帽Watch man 监护⼈Fire fighting 救⽕Goggle ['g?gl]护⽬镜
Lane yard 安全带上的钩和带
Ear plug ⽿塞Interviewee[??nt?(r)vju?'??]
Uniform ⼯装
Harness 安全带
Fire blanket 防⽕毯Safety shoes 防砸鞋Hook 安全带上的钩Warning tape 警戒带Extinguisher[ik?sti?gwi??]
Soft(hard)barricade 软护栏
Sign board 警⽰牌
Mask ⼝罩
Induction training 安全教育
Face shield ⾯罩
Strap 下颚带
Rigging jacket 安全马甲Tag line 溜绳
First aid box 紧急救助箱Life line ⽣命线
Manyla rope ⿇绳
Cotton gloves ⼿套Safety first 安全第⼀Sleeve 套袖Slogan['sl??g?n]⼝号
In case of emergence
TIG weldding 氩弧焊
Cover 盖⾯
Groove 焊道
Fit-up 组对
Root pass 根部焊道
Aligning 找正
Level ⽔平out of level不
Squareness 见⽅out of squareness 勾头(两个弯头组对时不成90度直⾓)Dog leg硬弯
High-low 错边Mismatch 不常⽤的错边
未焊透incomplete penetration
Crack 裂纹
Lack of fusion[?fjun]未融合
Slag [sl?g] inclusion夹渣Porosity ⽓孔
Under cut 咬边
over lap 焊瘤
spatter 飞溅insufficient reinforcement 焊⾁不够⾼one more pass 再来⼀遍build up Excess reinforcement 焊⾁过⾼
Re-welding 重焊
Weld joint 焊⼝
Arc-weld 电焊
RT-reject RT不合格Accept 合格
Repair 返修焊⼝Tracing paper 返修条Weld rod/wire 焊条/丝Weld machine 焊机Dryer 烘⼲员
Tungsten['t??st?n]rod 鎢
Pit 弧坑
Jt No 焊⼝号
Welding wire / filler wire
Concave 凹陷
Tack welding 定位焊
Spot welding 点焊
TIG holder氩弧把
Arc holder 电焊把
Earthing clamp接地钳
Cable tray 电缆槽
Argon['ɑ?g?n] bottle氩⽓瓶
NPG bottle ⼄炔瓶
Oxygen bottle 氧⽓瓶
Cage 笼⼦
Gas welding ⽓焊
Plasma cutting 等离⼦切

Grinder 砂轮
Grinding disk 砂轮⽚
Baby grinder 棒砂轮
Drill 转
Hand drill ⼿电转
Drill bit 转头
Plug 插头
Socket 插座
Movable scaffolding 可移动脚⼿架Electrical hammer bit 电锤头Transformer 变压器
冲突block 冲突
NO panel broken down
Distribution 配电箱
Generator 发电机
Nitrogen 氮⽓
Quick connector 快速接头
Engineering project⼯程项⽬
Planning and scheduling[?sked?jul]计划
Technical documents and drawings 技术资料与图纸Utility [ju?'t?l?t?]公⽤⼯程job site现场Inspection[?n'spek?n]of equipment 设备检验
Civil['s?vl]engineering ⼟建⼯程
Construction machinery[ m ?'n?r?]施⼯机械Common tools 常⽤⼯具
Engineering materials⼯程材料
erection of the equipment 设备安装
process piping⼯艺管道quality control 质量管理test run and start-up 试车和开⼯
At the banquet[ 'b??kw?t]
Greeting and introductions 问候和介绍
Colleague['k?li?g]同事project manager 项⽬经理
resident construction
manager 驻⼯地总代表
controller 管理员
staff member 职员
economist 经济员
foreman ⼯长
worker ⼯⼈
Chemical Engineering
Construction Company 化
Inspection[?n'spek?n] Section检查科mechanical equipment 机
electrical电⽓instrumentation 仪表
piping 管道
furnace building筑炉corrosion[k??r?u??n] prevention防腐
thermal-insulation['?ns?'le? n]保温

electrician[??lek'tr??n]电⼯Pipelayer 管⼯
Welder 焊⼯
Erector 安装⼯⼈
Iron worker/riveter 铆⼯Rigger 起重⼯
driver 司机
repair worker 修理⼯
Which department do you belong to
你属于那个部门?Document ⽂件,资料Pronunciation[pr??n?ns?'e?? n]发⾳
on time 准时
outdoor work 室外⼯作
be compelled[k?m'pel]to
stop 被迫停⽌⼯作
have a nap 睡⼀觉
twenty one degrees ⼆⼗
Telephone Booth[bu?e]电
Custom House 海关
pipe rack 管廊
steel structure 钢结构hydraulic[hai?dr?lik]test ⽔
pneumatic test ⽓压试验views 观点
opinion 意见
settle 解决
according to the contract 按合同办事
figure out 考虑弄明⽩
I do not see any point in doing sth
with some reservations 有所保留
Shall we have a break
We have not get fully determined
我们尚未完全决定Beyond our comprehension
[?k?mpri?hen??n]不能理解We hold the opinion of our own
Let us decide on this point 让我们决定这⼀点
This problem must be reported to the higher level 这个问题应该呈报上级they have the final say to make decisions 由他们作最后决定
Your side will be held responsible [ris?p?ns?bl] 负责的
for all the consequences
Please sign your name to the minutes of the meeting.请在会议记录上签字。

Let us put this matter aside for some time, Good-bye.这事过些时候再说,再见Your cooperation means much to us.
Engineering ⼯程设计Procurement 采购
field construction 现场施⼯
contract number 合同号Domestic 国内的contracts for 承包contract to do 签合约⼲什么
turn-key plant 全部包建的区域
single items of projects ⼯程的⼀部分subcontractor 分包商labor ['leib?] services 劳务the know-how 专利技术Representative n代表General Representative.(GR) 总代表
Inquiry[?n'kwa??r?]of the project 询价书
technical proposal商务和技术报价书
Approval 批准书Protocol['pr??t?kɑl]会议记录
Annex[?'neks]附加条件technical appendix技术附件
process flow ⼯艺流程process description ⼯艺
capacity of the plant ⽣产能⼒
performance of the product 产品特性
Hydro test package⽔压试验包
Pneumatic test package
Visual test 放空线等⽬视
检测service test 预试车中看有⽆泄漏
Air blowing 空⽓吹扫Reinstatement[?ri:in'steitm? nt]阀门回装Commissioning 预试车Commissioning team
Discharge line 出⼝Suction line 进⼝
Main lifting crane 主吊Tailer crane 辅吊
309 ⽩钢和碳钢焊接Teflon plate 活动⽀架上的
Sliding plate 活动⽀架聚四
Bracket ⽜腿

Bracing 钢结构中的斜拉筋
Branch line ⽀线
Main header line 主线Reinforcement pad 补强板Saddle 马鞍形⽀架Trunnion support ⽿轴⽀架Ladder beam Pig test 通球实验
Receiver 接收端
Holiday test pin hole test 电⽕花试验
Gravity test 试漏
NDE ⽆损检测
PT ⽩钢做的渗透试验Fillet weld ⾓焊接
Butt weld 对焊
MT 碳钢⽤的磁粉探伤Ultrosonic test 超声波探伤PWHT 热处理
Post welding 已完成的焊接sand blasting 打砂
Primer 打第⼀遍砂Coating ⾯漆
Spool 管段
Spool store yard 管段存放处
Preheating 预热
Torch 烤把
Cutting torch ⽓割把
Flash light ⼿电筒
Lighter 打⽕机
Lighting 照明
Large bone 两⼨以上⼤管Small bone 两⼨以下
One-half inch ⼀⼨半Three-quarters 3/4⼨
Half inch 半⼨
Golden joint 碰头
TGX wire 药芯焊丝
Slant[slɑ?nt]line 坡度管Client['kla??nt]业主Vendor supply 联络单Dia-inch 按当量算
Tone age 按吨算
Sponge/purging dam 海绵堵
Purging box ⼤管充氩⽤的仪器
Hos 软管
Argon masking tape 充氩⽤胶带
RTR 玻璃钢管
LTCS 低温钢
Thread line 丝扣线⽤来装氧⽓等仪表风
Thread machine 套丝机Dies 板⽛
Thinner 稀释剂
WD-40 松动剂
Moli-coat ⼆硫化钼等润滑剂
Helt 电锤
Lock-tie 丝扣⽤的密封胶Pad lock 锁
Sparkle 焊接时产⽣的电⽕花
Stand-by 不⼲活偷懒Process area ⼯艺管线区Utility area 公⽤管线区Jetty 码头
Banch march 基准点Banch march 台式砂轮Engineering 设计Elevation 标⾼
Site query 联络单
High Lighter 荧光笔Voucher ['va?t??]领料单Issue['isju:]发⾏slip 发料
Signature 签名
Original [?'rid??n?l]原件Prepared by 由某某准备Checked by 由某某检查Approved by 由某某批准QAFCO-5 项⽬名称
发⾳:QAFCO dish five Shim [?im] plate 垫铁Anchor bolt 地脚螺栓膨胀
Coupling 对轮
Non-shrink cement ⽆收缩⽔泥
Jack 千⽄顶
Filler guage 塞尺
Stress 应⼒
Release [ri'li:s]释放
jack Harmmer 风镐(铲⽑⽤电锤)
Pipe shoe 管⼦⽀撑Nouched 打个V形⼝防⽌
Seam to seam 缝对缝(不允许)
Wood shoe 垫⽊
Cold shoe 保冷托
Spring support 弹簧⽀架Vent hole 管上的通风⼝Weep hole 管⽀架底部的预留⼩孔弧板上的⼩孔
Reinforcement ring 加强圈
Plus[pl?s]30 degrees 零上
Minus 30 degrees 零下30

Clearance ['kli?r?ns]间隙,
Plus/minus['main?s]0.003 of an inch
Tolarence['t?l?r?ns]公差Channel bar 槽钢
Angle['??gl]bar ⾓钢Screw bar 螺纹钢Maximize['m?ksmaiz]最⼤限度Condensate[k?n'denseit]冷凝液
Orifice['?rifis]plange 孔法

Eye shower 洗眼机Thermal['θ?:m?l]well 保护
Load test 承重试验goalpost Gantry龙门架Union 镀锌线上的丝扣接头Random pipe 管廊上的直管段
Seal welding 密封焊Sealant['si:l?nt]密封胶堵⼩
Excess waving 过度摆动Beading 由于成形不好形成的串状物
root pass根部焊道Beul face 焊道的斜边
Root face 钝边
Hot pass 第⼀遍电焊
Filling pass 填充焊道
Capping 成形盖⾯
Jack bolt 顶丝
Over head crane 天车
Over bridge 跨道钢结构⾏

Alternating Current 交流电
Babbitt['b?b?t]Metal 巴⽒
Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承
Between Centers 中⼼距、轴间距
Blow down 放空、放料Bevel [ 'bevl]斜⾓、坡⼝Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)
Blind 盲板
Bill of Material 材料表
cubic centimeter ⽴⽅厘⽶Centrifugal[sen'tr?fj?gl] Force 离⼼⼒
Center of Gravity 重⼼
Cast Iron 铸铁
Center Line 中⼼线Coupling 管箍(和联轴节⼀样)
Center Section 中⼼截⾯Cooling Water 冷却⽔Cylinder[ 's?l?nd?]⽓缸、圆筒
Deviation[?di?v?'e??n]偏差Diameter[da?'?m?t?]直径Dimension 尺⼨Expansion joint 膨胀节Elbow 弯头
Equivalent[i'kwiv?l?nt]当量Flat Bar 扁钢
Field Fabricated 现场制造Full Load 满载
Field Weld 现场焊接
Fillet[ 'f?l?t] Weld ⾓焊缝Grade 等级
Head 压头
Gross weight 总重、⽑重
High Pressure Steam ⾼压
High Pressure Condensate
Inside Diameter 内径
Level Glass 液位计
Lap [l?p] joint 搭接
Female Face 凹⾯
Male Face 凸⾯
Lining 衬⾥bushing 套管
Lubrication [?lu?br?'ke??n] oil
Leak[li:k]Testing ⽓密试验
Welded Seam 纵向焊缝
Manhole ['m?nh??l]⼈孔
Particle Examination 磁粉
NDT Nondestructive Testing
Outside Diameter 外径
Outside Radius['reidj?s]外半径
Parallel[ 'p?r?lel]平⾏
Process Flow Diagram ⼯艺流程图
Portable 便携式、轻便Sequence 次序、顺序Seamless ⽆缝的Slip on 平焊(法兰)Spare parts 备件
Static pressure 静压⼒Safety Working Pressure 安全⼯作压⼒Thickness 厚度Undersize 尺⼨过⼩Eccentric 偏⼼
Bill of Loading 载荷数据表Back fill ⼟⽅回填
Snake mirror 内视镜Heavy wall 厚壁
Thin wall 薄壁
Wall 管壁
Thickness 壁厚
Plan drawing 平⾯图
Pipe wrench 管钳
Torque wrench ⼒矩扳⼿Tightening 把紧螺栓
Iso drawing 单线图
Base plate ⽀架中和地⾯接触的板
End plate ⽀架中管下的板Embedded plate 基础中的预埋板Category['k?t?g?r?]分项
B punch 试压后的尾项
A punch 试压前尾项Horizontal[?h?ri'z?ntl]⽔平Punch list 尾项trench 挖完的沟
Grader 刮道机
Bulldozer 推⼟机
Pad loader 铲车
Back hoe 沟机
Hand rail 护栏
Toe[t??]board 跳板旁的防
Modification[ ' m?d?f?'ke??n]
Scaffolder 架⼦⼯
Beam clamp 架⼦中斜拉梁
Swiveling['sw?vl]clamp 活
Fixed clamp 固定卡⼦
Scaffolding tube 脚⼿杆
Scaffolding board 跳板Adjustable[??d??st?b?l] Wrenches[rent?]活动扳⼿Six Point Sockets 六⾓套筒Twelve Point Sockets 梅花
Universal[?ju?ni?v??s?l]Sock ets 万向套筒
Millimeter 毫⽶
Cs carbon steel 碳钢
Cs stainless steel ⽩钢
As alloy steel 合⾦钢Galvanized['g?lv?na?z] steel 镀锌管
GRP glass reinforcement plastic['pl?st?k]pipe 玻璃
Fittings 管件
Tee 三通
Cap 管帽
Plug 堵头
Reducing (tee,elbow) 异径
Nipple 短接
Straight tee 等径三通Lateral tee 45度三通
Cross 四通
Reducer 异径管Concentric reducer 同⼼⼤
Eccentric reducer 偏⼼⼤⼩

Threadolet 螺纹⽀管台Weldolet 焊接⽀管台Sockolet 承插⽀管台
Nipolet 短管⽀管台
Bushing 轴衬,套管
Bend ⼤于90度⾮常规的
Welding flange 焊接法兰
Socket welding flange
Welding neck flange 对焊法

Orifice flange 孔板法兰
Slip-on flange 滑套法兰
Lap joint flange 松套法兰
Blind flange 盲法兰
Male 凸⾯
Female 凹⾯
Washer 垫圈
Vavle 阀门
Gate valve 闸阀
Globle valve 截⽌阀
Check valve ⽌回阀
Ball valve 球阀
Butterfly valve 蝶阀Control valve 调节阀
Relief valve 减压阀(安全阀的⼀种)
Strainer 过滤器(粗过滤器)Filter 精滤器
Sight glass 视镜
Flame arrester 阻⽕器Silencer 消⾳器
austenitic stainless steel pipe 奥⽒体不锈钢管Seamless steel pipe ⽆缝钢管Welded steel pipe 焊接钢管Plastic pipe 塑料管
Rubber tube 橡胶管Straight pipe 直管
Base elbow 带⽀座弯头Long radius elbow 长半径
Short radius elbow 短半径
Long radius return 长半径
Short radius return 短半径
Side outlet elbow 带侧向⼝的弯头
Double branch elbow 双⽀管弯头
Side outlet tee(right hand or left hand) 带侧向⼝的三通(右向或左向)Reducing tee(reducing on outlet) 异径三通(分⽀⼝为异径)
Reducing tee(reducing on one run) 异径三通(⼀个直通⼝为异径)
Base tee 带⽀座三通Reducing tee (reducing on one run and on outlet) 异径三通(⼀个直通⼝及分⽀⼝为异径)Reducing tee (reducing on
both run ,bull head)
45°lateral 45度三通
45°lateral (reducing on
branch) 45°斜三通(⽀管
45°lateral (reducing on
one run)45°斜三通(⼀个直
True “Y”Y型三通(俗称
Cross 四通
Straight cross 等径四通
Reducing cross 异径四通
Reducer 异径管
Concentric reducer 同⼼
Eccentric reducer 偏⼼异
El bolet 弯头⽀管台
Latr olet 斜插⽀管台
Sweep olet 镶⼊式⽀管嘴
Nip olet ⽀管⽀管台
Boss ⽀管台,插⼊式⽀管

Coupling 管接头
Half coupling 半管接头Reducing coupling 异径管接头
Union 活接头
Bushing 内外螺纹缩接Nipple 短节
Reducing nipple 异径短节Fabricated pipe bend 预
Cross-over bend 跨越弯管Offset bend 偏置弯管Quarter bend 90°弯管Holding 暂时没有准确答

Superintendent 主管⼈Coordinator 协调⼈abrasion;wear;scratchin
g [skr?t?ing]磨损abrasive[?'breisiv]disc
砂轮盘,砂轮⽚abrasive finishing 抛光sand paper 砂纸absorber 减振器,阻尼器,缓冲器
I-beam ⼯字钢
question mark 问号square meter 平⽅⽶cubic meter ⽴⽅⽶fabricated 预制好的preassembling
polished plate 抛光板load test 重⼒实验
ribbon 带⼦
jig beam 飞杆
equipment list 设备表process diagram(图表) 流程图
layout 布置图
plot plan 平⾯布置图general plot plan 总图critical equipment 关键
itemized equipment 有位号设备
non-itemized equipment
instrument 仪表coordinate [k?u'?:dinit]坐标
column['k?l?m] number 柱号
position dimension 定位
grade 地坪
ground elevation 地⾯标

pipe stanchion[?stɑ?n??n]管架
battery limit 界区
field weld 现场焊接ladder 直爬梯
insulation [?insju?lei??n]保温层
stair 斜爬梯
plant north 装置北向equipment item number 设备位号
drawing identification [ai?dentifi?kei??n]管段所在
spool number 管段顺序号
compressor shelter 压缩
dike [da?k]围堰
center line 中⼼线
bypass 旁通管
symbol of equipment 设备
fluid['flu??d]symbol 流体
line number 线号
dimension of diameter 管
drawing number 图号
access road 通道
descriptive North 制图北

yard piping 装置内配管
cat walk 检修⾛道
yard piping support 装置
line spacing 管线净空
pipe sleeper 管墩
yard span 管架跨距cantilever['k?nt?li?v?]悬臂⽀架
valve [v?lv]spacing 阀门净空
clearance 净空
structure 框架
operator 操作⼯
platform 操作平台spacing between yard support bents 管架间距trench cover 沟盖板headroom ⾼度⽅向上的净空bottom yard bank 管架下梁
top yard bank 管架上梁yard column 管架⽴柱yard bank 单个管架
end cover 端盖
plug 堵头
end cover bolt 端盖螺栓intake end gasket['g?sk?t]进⽓端检查孔盖垫⽚intake inspection cover 进⽓端检查孔盖applicability[??pl?k?'b?l ?t?]适⽤范围
order of priority 优先顺序
shaft [?ɑ?ft] seal 轴封
oil system 油系统carbonate
[?kɑ?b?neit]solution pump 碳酸盐溶解泵
booster pump 增压泵
seal flushing console 密封冲洗控制台
be liable ['la??bl] for 对—负责任
copper 铜
requisition[?rekw?'z??n] specification 采购说明distributed control system 分布式控制系统automation[t?'me??n] system ⾃动化系统centrifugal pump 离⼼泵general refinery[r?'fa?n?r ?] service⼀般炼油⼚rotary pump 回转泵
boiler 锅炉
pressure vessel 压⼒容器high speed helical gear 斜齿轮
latest edition 最新版本discrepancy[d?'skrep?ns?]差异
vendor[ 'vend?(r)]卖主tender document 投标⽂件deviated['di?v?e?t]
document 变更⽂件
discrepancy 差异
onerous[ '?n?r?s]巨⼤的
bidder 投标⼈

junction box 接线盒
nameplate 铭牌
combined[k?m'ba?nd] unit
arrangement 布置
stiffness 刚度
starting torque 启动扭矩
current pulse(有节奏的
speed torque curve 速度
axial['?ks??l]thrust 轴向
dynamic[da?'n?m?k] load 动态负载
function diagram 机能图
package unit 整套装置vibration[ va?'bre??n] and axial displacement probes
震动和轴向位移探针RTDs 实时数据系统Auxiliary[??g'z?lj?r?] electic motor driver 辅
Master agreement 主协定SP 服务提供商
Process space heater 过程系统空间加热器
Rated size 额定尺⼨Dedicated junction box
Cable gland(压盖)电缆密封套
Earth system 接地系统Equipotential
[?i?kwip?u?ten??l]等位的Copper conductor 铜导线skid mounted pump 装在滑撬座上的泵Overdesign 保险设计Duplex[' dju?pleks]双重的Changeover 转换Upstream 上游
Fouling factor 污垢系数Tube sheet 管板Coupling 联轴器
Coupling guard 联轴器罩Metallic diaphragm ⾦属膜⽚
Non-sparking 防爆的Spacer 取间隔的装置Drain pan 泄油槽Longitudinal 纵向的Transverse['tr?nz v??s]
Surface finish 表⾯抛光ESD 电⽕花检测器Temperature transmitter 温度传感器
JB 分线盒
Submit[s?b'm?t] sth to sb 把--提交给某⼈
Local guage 现场仪表Segregate['segr?ge?t]使隔离
Phase reference 相位基准Radial['re?d??l]bearing 向⼼轴承
Rotor['r??t?(r)]转⼦Bently nevada 本特利内华达
Radial vibration 径向震

Configured with 配置Individual[??nd?'v?dj??l]单独的
DCS 集散控制系统
ESD 紧急停车系统Seismic['sa?zm?k] accelerometer
[?k?sel??r?mit?]地震⽤加速规-测量震动⽤得Gearbox casing 齿轮箱体RTD 电阻温度检测器Thermocouple
Journal['dnl] bearing
Rittal 威图
Cabinet['k?b?n?t]机柜Slot 插槽
Logic 逻辑电路
Be as per 按照Neteorlogical ⽓象的Preliminary 初步的Hazard[ 'h?z?(r)d]危险;冒—危险
Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.
Represent表现; 表⽰; 象

Maintenance [?meintin?ns]维持
Containment measure 防范措施
HAZOP 危险及可操作性分析
As needed 根据需要
Set point 设定值名词词组
Noise hood 消⾳罩
Responsibility 负责
Delegate[ 'del?g?t]to 委派
Pre job talk 班前喊话Banks-men 监护⼈Potential 潜在的Congested[k?n'd?est]拥挤的ear muff ⽿罩
vicinity[v?'s?n?t?]范围Crowds gathered in the vicinity of Trafalgar Square.
height/footing 正弦
ITP质量检查计划Atmospheric[??tm?s'fer?k]drain 放空
vent line排风管
flexure [?flek??]弯曲
pallet['p?l?t]货盘Servants slept on straw [str ??]稻草pallets thrown on the floor. timber block⽊块ingress 进⼊名词
Flange raise face 法兰凸⾯
sling belt 悬吊带
pipe routing 管路布置As-Built drawings 施⼯图

loose[lu?s] scale [ske?l]疏松的氧化⽪
grit 沙砾
rupture['r?pt??(r)] discs 防爆膜
permanent['p??rm?n?t] pressure gauge[ge?d?]固定式压⼒表
resultant[ r?'z?lt?nt] force 合⼒contamination[k?n?t?m ?'ne??n]污染
religion 信仰(菲律宾⼈表⽰信仰)
sawing 电锯
finished cut end 磨光的切除端perpendicularly 垂直

taper 使成锥形
ream 削掉
burr ⽑刺
sample connection 取样⼝
Threaded needle valve 针形阀
Cloakroom ⾐帽存放处Make 产品的牌号Peugeot 标致Mercedes 梅塞德斯
Toyota 丰⽥
Air hostess 空中⼩姐
Hairdresser 理发师
Well ⾝体好
Smart 时髦的
Carpet 地毯
Sale reps 推销员
Blunt 钝的
Tin 罐头
Stereo ⽴体⾳响
Kitchen 厨房
Refrigerator 电冰箱
Dressing table 化妆台
Cupboard ⾷厨
Living room 客厅
Wardrobe ⼤⾐柜
Dust 掸掉灰尘
Empty 倒空
Grass 草地
Tap ⽔龙头
Hill ⼩⼭
Bookcase 书架
Vase 花瓶
Kettle ⽔壶
Ripe 果实成熟的
Butcher 卖⾁的
Lamb ⽺羔⾁
Steak ⽜排
Mince ⾁馅
Lettuce 莴苣
Grape 葡萄
Peach 桃⼦
Pleasant 宜⼈的
Brazil 巴西
Russia 俄罗斯Sweden瑞典
Austria 奥地利Austrian 奥地利⼈Turkey ⼟⽿其⼈
Thai 泰国⼈
Thailand 泰国Change 零钱
Glue 胶⽔
Envelope 信封Aspirin 阿司匹林Earache ⽿痛
Dentist ⽛医
Flu 流⾏性感冒
Rich 油腻的
Lean out of ⾝⼦探出Spend 度过
Absent 缺席的Greengrocer 蔬菜零售商Baker ⾯包师
Country 乡村
Dairy 乳品店
Crowd ⼈群
Awful 让⼈讨厌的Pleasantly 愉快的Pocket ⾐袋
Phrase 短语
Greet 打招呼
Thirstily ⼝渴的Fashion 流⾏样式Urgent 紧急的
List 单⼦
Stationary ⽂具
Newsagent 报刊零售⼈Bath 洗澡Restaurant 饭馆Roast 烤的
Suitcase ⼿提箱Breakfast 早饭Attendant 接待员Garage 车库
Lamp-post 灯杆Cinema 电影院Retire 退休
Seoul 汉城
Platform 站台Handle 提⼿
Zip 拉链
Hostel 旅馆
Stale 变馊的
Cheer 振作
Sour 酸的Intelligent 聪明的Teaspoonful ⼀满茶勺Afford 付得起钱Deposit 预付定⾦Instalment 分期付款Millionaire 百万富翁Conductor 售票员Fare 车票
Tramp 流浪汉Lemonade 柠檬⽔Dining room 饭店Parrot 鹦鹉
Counter 柜台
Trip 旅⾏
Kitten ⼩猫
Terribly ⾮常
Nuisance 讨厌的东西
Track 跑道
Overtake 超车
Charge 罚款
Sensational 爆炸性的
Mink coat 貂⽪⼤⾐
Hotel 饭店
Pool 赌注
Extra 额外的
Get on 登上
Opposite 在对⾯
Curiously 好奇的
Amused 有趣的
Embarrassed 尴尬的
Beauty spot 风景点
Litter 杂乱的东西
Litter basket 废物筐
Tyre 轮胎
Rusty ⽣锈的
Prosecute 依法处罚
Private 私⼈的
Conversation 谈话
Rudely 粗鲁的
Spoil 索然⽆味的
Firm 公司
Pigeon 鸽⼦
Spare part 备件Distance 距离Detective 侦探
Parcel 包裹
Airfield 飞机起落场地Precious 珍贵的Helicopter 直升飞机Scene 现场Survivor 幸存者Process 加⼯
Bulletin 新闻简报Macaroni 空⼼⾯条Splendid 极好的
Stalk 梗
Thresh 打庄稼
Studio 播⾳室Mummy ⽊乃伊
Mark 斑点
Plate 照相底⽚
Prove 显⽰出
Resin 树脂
Skin ⽪肤
Section 切⽚
Entitle 以—命名Calm 使镇定
Nerve 神经Concentration 专⼼Suffer 受苦
Appetite 胃⼝
Temper 脾⽓
Produce 拿出
Urge 怂恿
Delighted 欣喜的Plant 安放
Profit 利润
Prisoner 囚犯
Bush 灌⽊丛
Rifle 来福枪
March ⾏进
Blaze 闪耀
Salute ⾏礼
Sharp 猛烈的
Blow 打击
Monster 怪物
Sight 见到
Creature 动物Peculiar 奇怪的Defeat 打败
Fanatical 狂热的Radical 激进的Suspicious 怀疑的Strike 罢⼯State 正式提出Relieve 减轻
Extent 程度
Volunteer 资源Gratitude 感激
Object 不赞成
Speed boat 快艇Swing 转向
Devote 致⼒于Coincidence 巧合Farewell 告别Album 相册Contribute 捐献
Desperately 绝望的
Water ski 滑⽔Buoy 浮标
Drift 漂动
Alibi不在犯罪现场Confirm 确认Inspector 探长Employer 雇主Suggest 提醒Explosive 炸药Collapse 坍塌Capsule 容器Lower 放下
Stip ⼩错误Queue 排队
Giant 巨⼤的
Oil-rig ⽯油钻塔Diver 潜⽔员
Wit 理智
Royal 皇家Binoculars 望远镜Shed 棚⼦Sarcastic 讽刺的Noble 壮丽的⾼尚的Monument 纪念碑Statue 雕像Liberty ⾃由Sculptor 雕刻家Framework 框架Pedestal 底座Reluctant 不情愿的Tricycle 三轮车Gasp喘⽓
Shot ⼦弹
Post 派任
Drily 冷淡的
Embassy ⼤使馆Definitely 肯定的Lantern 灯笼
Spot 发现
Corner 使⾛投⽆路Print 印痕Torchlight 电筒光Aegean 爱琴海Promontory 海⾓Prosperous 繁荣的Sacred 宗教的神圣的Overalls ⼯作服Corporation 公司Privilege 好处Collar ⾐领Manual 体⼒的Sacifice 牺牲Identity ⾝份
Full-length 拖地长的Hip 屁股Reconstruct 修复Classical 古⽂化的Remains 遗物Impatient 不耐烦的Originally 原先Grab 抢
Mutilate 使残缺不全Scramble 爬⾏Raid 偷袭
Blare 发嘟嘟声Velvet 天鹅绒Jewellery 珠宝Arcade 有拱廊的街道Oven 炉灶Monastery 寺院
Rashly 莽撞的Enclosure 围场
Monk 和尚
Privacy 清净
Easter 复活节Fasinate 迷住Affectionate 充满深情的Submissive 服从Feline 猫的
High-rise ⾼层的Squirrel 松⿏Paratrooper 伞兵Windowsill 窗槛Colossal 庞⼤的Watertight 不漏⽔的Compartment 密封舱Plunge 投⼊
Horror 恐惧
Tremble 震颤Collision 碰撞Iceberg 冰⼭
Voyage 航⾏
Tragic 悲惨的
Duty 税
Exempt 被免除的Faint 微弱的Sarcastically 讽刺的Perfume ⾹⽔Pounce 猛抓Dreadful 可怕的Officious 爱管闲事的Smuggler ⾛私者Hardened 有经验的Declare 申报
Gel 凝胶
Nostril ⿐孔
Paradise 天堂
Wretched 可怜的
Coral 珊瑚
Dinghy 救⽣筏
Spear gun 捕鱼枪
Lobster 龙虾
Genuinely 由衷的
Costume 化妆服
Sheet 被单
Effective 有作⽤的
Storeroom 储藏室
Metre 电表
Pace ⼀步
Flee 逃⾛
Slam 砰的关上
Memory 纪念
Dedicate 奉献
Funeral 葬礼
Prince 君主
Hire 租出
Band 帮团伙
Remarkable 不同寻常的Promptly 准时的Gangster ⽍徒强盗
Sheft 盗窃⾏为
Prize 珍贵的
Grease 润滑油
Pavement ⼈⾏道
Neat 整齐的
Path ⼩路
Pool ⽔池
Instrument 乐器Clavichord 古钢琴Captain 船长Salary ⼯资
Harbour 港⼝
Amusing 好笑的
Secretary 秘书
Fail ⽆法忘记
Nervous 紧张的
Interrupt 打断
Appear 登台扮演
Diet 节⾷
Performance test 特性试验
NPSHR 汽蚀余量
Witness 证明
Versus 与—相对Geometrical[d'metr?k]⼏何学的
Duly 正好;及时;适当Certified 证明, 证实Voltage 电压Effort 努⼒
Implement ⼯具;器具;实⾏;执⾏。

In compliance with 遵守Document 记录动词Attendance 维护Ge sth back 取回
One set of ⼀套
What make is it?它是什么牌⼦。

What`s your
What·s your job?Barber 理发师
Mechanic 机械⼯
Customs officer 海关⼈员Dutch 荷兰⼈
Office assistant
Make the bed 整理床铺
Air the room 给室内通风Turn off the tap 关掉⽔龙头
Dust the cupboard 掸掉橱窗的灰尘
Turn sth on turn sth off What is the tin of tobacco for?
A bar of soap a bar of chocolate Make tea 泡茶
Kettle 罐
Biscuit 饼⼲
I donot like sth either
Pear 梨
Windy 有风的Overflow 溢出
The sun sets late 太阳很晚才落下
Give up = quit
Hump 驼峰
Manlift truck 云车Mobile crane 移动式吊车Boom truck ⾃卸车Forklift truck 叉车Crawler ['kr??l?(r)] crane 履带吊
Excavator 挖掘机Bulldozer 推⼟机Concrete tank 混凝⼟罐车Concrete pump trunk 混凝⼟倾泻车
Skid wheel loader 轮式铲车
Roller 轧道机
Back hoe loader 带反向沟机的铲车
Shovel 铲车
Storage trunk 货车Small dump trunk ⼩型⾃动倾斜卡车
Dump trunk trailer ⾃动
Water tank trunk ⽔箱卡车
Diesel trunk 柴油卡车Acetylene ⼄炔Miscellaneous storage [?m?s?'le?n??s] 杂物库
Nail clipper 指甲⼑
Bite [ba?t]
Stapler['ste?pl?(r)]订书机Towel ['ta??l] ⽑⼱
A good breakfast will fority you for the day`s work
After an early awakening ,we had a big breakfast

Make off 离开
Cereal ⽟⽶⽚Breakfast at our home is
a light repast。

A cooked breakfast 热⾷
A clear fast is better
than a dirty breakfast 宁
A hearty breakfast ⼀顿
丰盛的早餐Warehousing 仓库
Prism 棱镜
Survey engineer 勘察⼯
Theodolite [θd?la?t] 经纬仪
Tripod['tra?p?d] 三脚架What·s the capacity of the generator。

Morning exercise 早操Lunch 午饭
Fork [p??k] 猪⾁Embarrass 是尴尬Snatch 抓住
Pastry ⾯糊Register 挂号邮寄Doorknob 门把⼿Annoying 恼⼈的Persude 说服
Mess 乱七⼋糟Trunk ⾏李箱Thoroughly 彻底的Worthless 毫⽆价值Pirate 海盗Detector 探测器Course ⾏程;跑道Rival 对⼿
Jeans ⽜仔裤Scornfully 轻蔑的Fur 裘⽪
Disguise 伪装Stage 舞台
Pub ⼩酒店Landlord 店主Ticket office 售票处Exclaim ⼤声说
Boot 靴⼦
Sum 量
Channel 海峡Modern 新式的Porter 搬运⼯Wicked 很坏的Upset 不安
Wonder 感到奇怪
Curtain 窗帘
Appreciate 鉴赏
Tent 帐篷
Effect 效果
Rare 罕见的
Wind 蜿蜒
Camp fire 营⽕
Creep 爬⾏
Cursed 可恨的
Evil 坏的
Reputation 名声
Claim 以…为其后果
Victim 受害者
Vicar 牧师
Trunk 树⼲
Paw ⽖印
Latch 门闩
Fair 集市
Crystal ⽔晶
Telescope 望远镜
Astronaut 宇航员
Shuttle 宇航飞机Transient[ 'tr??nt ]短暂的
Inject 注射
Tie 绑
Cheerless 阴森的
Damp 潮湿的
A bad smell
To Urinate ⼩便
Foul 肮脏的Vt my dog foul the grass Cheer 欢欢喜喜
Tobot ['r??bɑt ] -arm 机械⼿
Grab 抓
Distant 遥远的
Galaxy[ 'g?l?ks?]星系eagle eye 鹰眼
desolate ['des?l?t]荒凉的threaten 威胁
leap 跳跃
roof 屋顶
block ⼀座⼤楼
flat 公寓房
desert [de·z?t]废弃
polo ['p??l??]⽔球
cut 穿过I usually cut across the park on my way home. row [r??]划
retire 退休
temptation 诱惑fascinate['f?s?ne?t] 使⼈
China has always fascinated me.
article 物品
wrap 包裹
arrest 逮捕
cliff 峭壁
regret 后悔
battered 撞坏的
shortly 很快的
anxiously 焦急的
intend 打算
immense 巨⼤的
stadium 露天体育馆fantastic 巨⼤的
nut 螺母
crawler crane 履带吊seed 种⼦
spray 喷撒
patch ⽚
admire 赞美
reception 招待会
versus 对
officially 正式的invasion ⼊侵
ventilate 通风
port 港⼝
tunnel 隧道
approach ⾛近
accompany 陪伴remote 偏僻的pacific 太平洋
wreck 残骸
aerial 航空的
bitterly 刺⾻的
Inquire 询问
Hostess ⼥主⼈
Despair 绝望的
Snake charmer 玩蛇者
Tune 曲调
Glimpse ⼀瞥
Pole 极
Explorer 探险家
Crash 坠毁
Sack 袋⼦
Get over 克服
Possession 拥有conscience 良⼼
Plaim 平原
Risk 冒险
Strap 带;⽪带
Content 内有的物品
Wallet ⽪夹
Admit 承认
Confine 限制
Temporarily 暂时的Occasionaly 偶尔的
guilty 内疚的
hot 带电的
haunt ⿁;闹⿁
furniture 家具
cotton wool 药棉
occasionally 偶然的remains ⼫体
tired 厌烦的
volt 伏特
mattress 床垫
gust ⼀阵风mystery 谜
smash 碰碎miraculously 奇迹般的promptly 迅速的excursion 远⾜conductor 售票员reward 报偿
virtue 美德
survey 调查
rescue 营救package 打包enthusiast 热⼼⼈restore 修复packing case 包装箱colony 群
hive 蜂房
preserve 保护
bees wax 蜂蜡volcano ⽕⼭
erupt 喷发
violently 剧烈的brilliant 精彩的persistent 坚持的
tap 轻敲
brake 刹车
pedal 踏板mournful 悲哀的bullfight ⽃⽜wander 溜达
matador ⽃⽜⼠apparetly 明显的criticism 批评charge 冲上去clumsily 笨拙的
bow 鞠躬parliament 国会official 官员obervatory 天⽂台microphone 麦克风burst 爆裂的
truant 逃学的孩⼦hitchhike 搭便车旅⾏lorry 卡车
borer 边界
evade 逃避limelight 舞台灯光precaution 预防措施shady 遮阴的
sheriff 司法长官sneer 冷笑cloakroom ⾐帽存放间make (产品)牌号peugeot 标致mercedes梅赛德斯toyota 丰⽥airhostess 空中⼩姐hairdresser 理发师well ⾝体好
smart 时髦的
carpet 地毯nephew 侄⼦
thrifty 节俭的
rattle 格格作响pocket money 零⽤钱
suspend 悬挂adore 崇拜popularity 名望technically 技术上的marquis 侯爵
crude 粗野的
bare ⾚裸的overland 陆上的lord 对贵族的尊称pioneer 先锋
fame 名声eminent 杰出的gaoler 监狱长imprison 关押aristocrat 贵族falter ⽀吾;蹒跚的⾛octopus 章鱼delicacy 美味佳肴skeleton 骷髅impulse 冲动
stoll 溜达
appeal 引起兴趣bitterly 厉害的academy 专业学校immortal 流芳百世astound 使吃惊despise 鄙视situation 地点
dye 染
accuse 指控punctually 准时的luxury 奢侈品
snail 蜗⽜extravagant 奢侈的。
