Performance study of Byzantine Agreement Protocol with artificial neural network


Harvard Format

Harvard Format

IntroductionPurpose:To help you understand citing references, why you should reference your sources correctly and how to reference according to Department of Landscape's standard method of citation.Learning Outcomes:By taking this tutorial, you will:∙Know how to quote, paraphrase and summarise other people's work correctly.∙Know how to cite references in the text according to the Harvard style.∙Know how to reference printed information sources.∙Know how to reference electronic information sources.Why reference correctly?In academic writing it is important to read around the subject to gather ideas, theories and facts about your assignment topic. It is not about making statements, which are not backed up by evidence.Referencing correctly is important for a number of reasons:∙It is evidence of the reading you have done when preparing for yourassignment.∙It provides support for your own arguments.∙It allows you to show your understanding of the issues involved in your subject and your ability to critically apply that understanding.∙You avoid plagiarism by acknowledging the ideas, opinions and quotations that you have used in your own work.∙It provides sufficient information for someone to follow up your reference and trace the item.Referencing is also known as citing, the two words are used interchangeably.How to referenceReferencing is a two-part process:∙Citation in the text: this is the brief indication of the source within the textimmediately following the use of the material whether quoted or paraphrased.∙Reference list: a complete list of all the cited references used in theassignment or paper with full bibliographic details.Some definitions:∙ A reference list includes all works that have been referred to in the assignment.It is sometimes referred to as 'works cited'.∙ A bibliography includes all the material consulted in writing your assignment even if you have not cited them within it.It is important to be consistent and accurate when citing references. The same set of rules should be followed every time you cite a reference, including the layout and punctuation! Punctuation should be used to clearly separate each element of a reference.Different styles of citationThere is no one agreed method to citing and referencing sources covering all subject areas. This tutorial will outline the Harvard Style (also known as the Author/Date method).Within the Harvard style sources are cited in the body of the text by giving the name of the author(s) followed by the date of publication. All other details about the work are given in the list of references or bibliography at the end.Even within the same style different formats may be adopted. For example, there are variations in whether to include the names of all the authors who collaborated on an article, or whether to put the place of publication before or after the publisher's name.To recap:∙In order to credit someone else's work you need to cite the originalsource of any quotation or any materials summarised or paraphrased.∙This is a two-part process - citation in the text and a list of references at the end of your assignment.∙You should use the referencing style required by your Department.∙This tutorial explains the Harvard method of citation only.Harvard method of citation in the textIn the body of the assignment, you must cite the author of the original work and the date of publication. The page number is essential for a direct quote. The citation should be given wherever it is most convenient to make sense of the text.Single author:Wheater(1999)investigated the potential uses of urban wasteland and suggested ecological measures to enhance the range of habitats and species.Ecological measures to enhance the range of habitats and species in urban habitats include the retention of litter material, the avoidance of pesticides and applying additional organic material (Wheater, 1999).When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year these are distinguished by adding lower case letters after the year within the brackets:Davis(1982a, p.75) wrote about the active growing season in London compared with the suburbs and "leafy Surrey".Two authors:Examples using different materials, unusual plants and alternative sculptures are provided in the design of gardens, backyards and outdoor space (Amidon and Gustafson, 2003).More than 2 authors:Bentley et al.(1992) discuss the need to plan both public and private spaces.If more than one citation is referred to within a sentence, list them all in the following form, by date and then alphabetically:Various innovative approaches have been suggested to promote biodiversity within the built environment (Dunnett & Kingsbury, 2004; Hough, 2004; Dunnett and Hitchmough, 2003; Gilbert, 1998).Different authors with the same surname:For items by authors with the same surname published in the same year, use their initials to distinguish between them:(Burns, S.2000) or (Burns, C.2000).Quoting and paraphrasingQuotingA quotation is where you use the exact phrase or words of the original author. Indicate quotations by typing quotation marks around the exact words, phrase or sentence followed by the author's name, year of publication and the page number of the quote in brackets.Short quotations, up to 2 lines in length, can be included in the body of the text:Turner(1998) states, "a development of profound importance, the computer-basedGeographical Information System (GIS), is set fair to be the revolutions handmaiden"(p.3). The importance of...Longer quotations should be indented in a separate paragraph:Bell(1999) , in discussing the impact of landscape architects on everyday life, statesthat:"Landscape preference research consistently finds that the quasi-natural landscape style is still preferred by many people. It is also the greatest contribution so far made by professional people, now called landscape architects. The park can be regarded as an object of design with a defined and significant purpose; this enables people to obtain an aesthetic experience of great value and importance for their everyday lives, in the case of the urban park, and to protect nature and provide aesthetic, moral and spiritual experiences in wilder parks" (p.100).This can be taken to mean that...If part of the quotation is omitted then this can be indicated using three dots. It is not necessary to use this at the beginning or end of a quotation, as almost all quotes are taken from a larger context, and this fact will be presumed::Bell(1999) argues that the landscape architects role in urban developments is often,"the realm of achieving the minor form of mitigation of negative effectsand occasionally achieving the major form by creative design"(p.100). Thisargument...ParaphrasingParaphrasing means putting someone else's ideas into your own words. It does not mean just changing a word here or there, or even a sentence or two if the phrasing of the original is still evident. The paraphrase should clearly be a restatement of the meaning of the original text in your own words.When you are paraphrasing, or referring indirectly to a secondary source without making a direct quotation, the statements still need to be referenced, and page numbers should still be given:The development and growth in the use of GIS systems will undoubtedly have a bigeffect on revolutionising landscape planning (Turner, 1998, p.3). The use of thistechnology...Secondary referencingSecondary referencing is when one author is referring to the work of another and the primary source is not available.Secondary referencing should be avoided if at all possible.If you have only read the later publication you are accepting someone else's opinion and interpretation of the original author's intention. You cannot have formed your own view or critically appraised whether the second author has adequately presented the original material. You must make it clear to your reader which author you have read whilst giving details of the original:"our innocent citizen may conclude that landscape architects will make things appearto fit together...screening out the undesirable while preserving and framing the scenicmoment" (Corner, 1996, cited in Bell, 1999, p.98).In the bibliography or reference list you need to give the full reference for both sources, the one you have read and the one you have read about, indicating which is which in the following manner:Corner, J. (1996) The obscene (American) landscape. In: M. Spens (ed). Landscapetransformed. Academy Editions, London. pp. 10-13. Cited in:Bell, S.(1999)Landscape: pattern, perception, and process. London, Taylor and Francis.Try not to over-rely on quotations, as this may show a lack of understanding of the information yourself. You should summarise the key points you wish to make in your assignment in your own words.Important pointsRevise the following important points:∙Author and date go in the text and the full reference in the list of references at the end of the assignment.∙References should be listed in alphabetical order by author's surname and then by date (most recent first), and then if more than one item has been publishedduring a specific year by letter (1995a, 1995b etc).∙Author and date appear in the text each time a reference is made. The Harvard system does not use 'ibid' (in the same place) or 'op cit' (in the work previouslycited).∙Whenever possible details should be taken from the title page of a publication and not from the front cover, which may be different.∙Punctuation and layout are important elements to referencing. Be consistent.∙Be accurate. Double check that all works cited in the text are also included in the list of references!Citing a bookExample:Narboni, Roger. (2004) Lighting the landscape : art, design, technologies.Basel, Birkhaüser.Elements of the reference:∙Author or Editor's name and initial(s): For an edited book, place the editor's names in the author position and put Ed. or Eds. in brackets after the last editor'sname. The author may be a corporate body or organisation. Spell out the fullname of a corporate author.∙The year of publication: Put the date of publication in brackets. Use the date of copyright rather than a reprint date. If no date is given then state that it has nodate by typing (n.d.). If the date can only be estimated it can be added with asmall 'c' to indicate it was published about that date. (c1995)∙The title of the publication: This should be in italics, with the first wordcapitalised.∙Edition statement: This only needs to be included if the work is a later edition.∙Series statement: This only needs to be included if the work is part of a series.∙Place of publication: This should be the town of publication rather than a country. If the book has been published in more than one place at a time, the firstonly should be given.∙Name of the publisher.Citing different types of authorsA work by a single author:Blake, B. (1999) An introduction to landscape design and construction. Aldershot,Gower.A work by two authors:Fortlage, C. A. and Phillips, E.T. (1992) Landscape construction. Vol.1, Walls, fencesand railings. Aldershot, Gower.A work by more than two authors:Glasson, J. et al (2005) Introduction to environmental impact assessment. 3rd ed.London, Routledge.A work by a corporate author:Countryside Agency. (2006) Agricultural landscapes: 33 years of change. CA. 220.Cheltenham, The Countryside Agency.An edited work:Bayliss-Smith, Tim and Owens, Susan (eds) (1990) Britain's changing environmentfrom the air. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.A translation:Sørensen, C.Th. (2001) C. Th. Sørensen : landscape modernist. Trans. bySven-Ingvar Andersson and Steen Høyer. Copenhagen, Danish Architectural Press. Citing a book chapterExample:Bunce, R. G. H. (2001) An environmental classification of Europeanlandscapes. In: B. Green and W. Vos (eds) Threatened landscapes: conservingcultural environments. London, Spon Press. pp.31-40.Elements of the reference:∙Chapter Author's name and initial(s).∙Date of publication: Put the date of publication in brackets.∙Title of the chapter: The first word should be capitalised. The chapter title should be followed by In:.∙Editor's initials and surname: Note the initial comes first before the surname.Use Ed. or Eds. in brackets after the name to denote editor or editors.∙Title of book: This should be in italics, with the first word capitalised.∙Edition statement if required: This only needs to be included if the work is a later edition, e.g. 2nd ed.∙Place of publication: This should be the town of publication rather than a country. If the book has been published in more than one place at a time, the firstonly should be given.∙Name of the publisher.∙Page numbers: First and last page numbers of the individual article.Citing a print journal articleExample:Wood, R. and Handley, J. (2001) Landscape dynamics and the management ofchange. Landscape Research, 13(1), pp.43-5.Citing a newspaper articleAn initial 'The' is normally omitted from the title of newspapers, with the exception of The Times. Dates for newspaper articles should be given as 'Day Month Date, Year'. Page numbers should be preceeded with 'pp.'Example:Thomson, Alice (2007) The countryside is waiting in vain. Daily Telegraph,Thursday July 12, 2007, p.24.Elements of the reference:∙Author's name and initials.∙Year of publication: The year of publication should be enclosed in parentheses.∙The full title of the article: Only the first word should be capitalised.∙Title of the journal: This should be given in full in italics. Only use anabbreviation for the title of the journal if your Department recommend you to do so.Then standard abbreviations should be used. Capitalise each significant word.∙Volume number: The part number may be omitted if the volume has acontinuous paging sequence.∙Page numbers: You must include the first and last page numbers of the full span of the article, preceeded by 'pp.'Citing electronic journalsExample of an article from a journal available in print and electronic form:Jorgensen, A. et al. (2007) Woodland as a setting for housing-appreciation andfear and the contribution to residential satisfaction and place identity inWarrington New Town, UK. Landscape and Urban Planning [online] 79(3-4), pp.273-287. Available from: doi:10.1016/ndurbplan.2006.02.015 [Accessed19th July 2007].Example of an article from a journal only available online:Kõhler, M. (2006) Long-term vegetation research on two extensive green roofsin Berlin. Urban Habitats [online] 4(1), pp. 3-26. Available from:/v04n01/urbanhabitats_v04n01_pdf.pdf[Accessed 19th July 2007].∙Author's name and initials.∙Year of publication: The year of publication should be enclosed in parentheses.∙The full title of the article: Only the first word should be capitalised.∙Title of the journal: This should be given in full in italics. Capitalise eachsignificant word.∙Online: The statement 'online' should be given inside square brackets, to show that the article was an online source.∙Volume number: The volume number of the journal must be included.∙Location within host: The "location within host" is the equivalent of pagenumbering used with printed sources. If the document does not includepagination an alternative may be used e.g. date, labelled part, or the total numberof lines, paragraphs or screens, e.g. (para. 3 of 17).∙URL: The URL should be given exactly as it appears in the address bar of your internet browser (you can highlight the address and press Ctrl+C to copy it, andthen Ctrl+V to paste it into your reference.∙Accessed date: The date on which the article was accessed must be given, as this will ensure that the accuracy of your reference will not be undermined by anysubsequent changes to the resource, as electronic material can change ordisappear, unlike print materials. The date should be given inside squarebrackets.Citing web pagesExample of a web page with a single author:Pearman, Hugh (2007) Gabion: retained writing on architecture. [online].Available from: [Accessed 19th July 2007].Example of a web page by corporate author:University of Sheffield Library. (2007) Architecture, planning and landscape inthe library and on the internet. [online]. Sheffield, University of Sheffield.Available from: /library/subjects/subarch.html [Accessed19th July 2007].Elements of the reference:∙Author/editor surname, Initial: Often information is put on the Internet by organisations without citing a specific author. In such cases, ascribe authorship tothe smallest identifiable organisational unit (this is similar to the standard methodciting works produced by a corporate body) or start with the title. If you cannotdiscover who 'owns' the site ask yourself whether the information you are using isdependable enough to be included in your assignment.∙Year: Include the year of publication in brackets. Most Web pages are updated ona regular basis. Date of publication is the date the pages were last updated.There is often a copyright statement at the bottom of the Web page. If nopublication date is given write (No date). If you cannot discover how up-to-datethe information is, ask yourself whether the information you are using isdependable enough to be included in your assignment.∙Title: The title should be given in italics, with the first word capitalised. Use the title of the specific page you are citing.∙Online: This is a statement about the medium the information is published in such as CD-ROM, Film or Audiocassette. It goes in a square bracket. Use [online]for electronic information available via the Internet or Web pages.∙Edition: Only mention an edition statement if the document clearly states that the pages have been rewritten rather than just updated.∙Place of publication, publisher: The term publisher is used here to cover both the traditional idea of publisher of printed sources, as well as organisationsresponsible for maintaining sites on the Internet, such as the University ofSheffield. If the place of publication is not stated and cannot be ascertained thenleave blank.∙Available from: The URL should be given exactly as it appears in the address bar of your internet browser (you can highlight the address and press Ctrl+C tocopy it, and then Ctrl+V to paste it into your reference).∙Accessed date: Give the date when you viewed, downloaded or printed the Web page. This statement is necessary to allow for any subsequent changes whichmay be made to the page or if the page is no longer available. Rememberinformation on the Web is transient - there one day and gone the next and Webpage addresses may change. The date should be given inside square brackets. Example of citing a web page in the textAn electronic source of information is referenced in the text in exactly the same way as a printed source, using a location rather than page numbers for a citation:In 1742, Lord Cobham was responsible for kick starting Capability Brown'scareer as a major force in landscape design, by drafting him in to help himredesign the gardens at Stowe. Aware that taste in garden design was now fora more natural look than his own style, "he [Lord Cobham] brought in Lancelot'Capability' Brown, the twenty six year-old for whom Stowe was his first majorcommission." (The National Trust, 2007, para. 4 of 5). The impact of this onBrown...List of ReferencesNational Trust, The. (2007), Stowe and 'Capability' Brown. [online]. London, The National Trust. Available from:/main/w-vh/w-visits/w-findaplace/w-stowegardens/w-stowegardens-history/w-stowegardens-history-capability_brown.htm [Accessed 30th July 2007].Citing specialist materialsTheses and dissertationsAs theses and dissertations are unpublished works, they need to be referenced differently from published works such as books:Example in the bibliography:Smith, Alan (2005) Green homes : a study of their residential landscape sustainability.PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.∙Author's name.∙Year: Year of award. This should be given in parentheses.∙Title: This should be given in italics, with the first word capitalised.∙Award level: The level of the award the theses/dissertation was submitted for, e.g. PhD;MSc.∙Awarding body: The name of the awarding body, e.g. University of Sheffield.Audio Visual mediaExamples:Meirelles, F. (2005) The constant gardener [DVD]. Los Angeles, Universal Pictures.Titchmarsh, Alan (2005) Trowel and error [Audiocassette]. London, Hodder &Stoughton.∙Presenter/Director: The name of the person who has overall responsibility for the production, such as the director of a film; narrator of an audio file; conductor of music etc. If the work is a collaboration between many individuals and no one clear person can beattributed, then start the reference with the title of the work.∙Year: Year that the film was released, broadcast was shown, etc.∙Title: This should be given in italics, with the first word capitalised.∙Format: The format the audio visual work takes, such as CD, DVD, Audiocassette, TV etc.∙Place and publisher/distributor: Place of recording and the name of thebroadcaster/distributor should be given if appropriate.Other materialsLaying out the reference listThe reference list must list all of the sources you have cited in your assignment.The references in the reference list give the full citation for those works referenced briefly in your text. For journal articles and book chapters, you must provide the page numbers for the full page range.All of the references must be listed in alphabetical order by author's surname and then by date (most recent first).Example:Blake, B. (1999) An introduction to landscape design and construction. Aldershot, Gower.Bunce, R. G. H. (2001) An environmental classification of European landscapes. In: B. Green and W. Vos (eds) Threatened landscapes: conserving cultural environments. London, Spon Press. pp.31-40.Glasson, J. et al (2005) Introduction to environmental impact assessment. 3rd ed. London, Routledge.Kõhler, M. (2006) Long-term vegetation research on two extensive green roofs in Berlin. Urban Habitats [online] 4(1), pp.3-26. Available from:/v04n01/urbanhabitats_v04n01_pdf.pdf [Accessed 19th July 2007].National Trust, The. (2007), Stowe and 'Capability' Brown. [online]. London, The National Trust. Available from:/main/w-vh/w-visits/w-findaplace/w-stowegardens/w-stowegardens-history/w-stowegardens-history-capability_brown.htm [Accessed 30th July 2007].Smith, Alan (2005) Green homes : a study of their residential landscape sustainability. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.Sørensen, C.Th. (2001) C. Th. Sørensen : landscape modernist. Trans. by Sven-Ingvar Andersson and Steen Høyer. Copenhagen, Danish Architectural Press.Wood, R. and Handley, J. (2001) Landscape dynamics and the management of change. Landscape Research, 13(1), pp.43-5.Find the errors: quizThere are 10 errors in the following extract and bibliography. See if you can find them all. Write your answers on a sheet of paper to check against the answers when you have finished.Action Research"The first hurdle for any researcher is to find a focus which is manageable" (Lacey, 1996).This process of revealing increasingly complex problems is given as one of the basic characteristics of action research (Winter, 1989, p.3). As McNiff, Lomax and Whitehead (1996) have stated, "the main purpose of action research is to bring about an improvement in practice" (p.37). Kemmis and McTaggart also emphasise addressing concerns within one's own practice.Research data is generally gathered from focus groups and and personal interviews:"In-depth interview is often chosen as the primary method by which to study the subjective view participants hold of a particular situation or event" (Mellon, 1990, p.47).The critical elements to action research, according to Dick, are its flexibility, its responsiveness and the inclusion of critical reflection at each stage of its cycle (Dick, 2000).Academic libraries clearly need senior managers with not only a deep understanding of Communications and Information Technology, but also with "clear vision and a high level of leadership skills" to implement the 'hybrid' library of the future(/services/elib/papers/supporting/pdf/ukals.pdf).Reference ListBrophy, P. et al (1998) The development of UK academic library services in the context of lifelong learning : final report. [online]. London, JISC. Available from:/services/elib/papers/supporting/pdf/ukals.pdf.Lacey, P. (1996) Improving practice through reflective enquiry: confessions of a first-time action researcher. Education Action Research, 4(3).Dick, B. (2000) A beginner's guide to action research. [online]. Lismore, Australia, University of Southern Cross. Available from: .au/schools/gcm/ar/arp/guide.html [Accessed 31st July 2007].Kemmis, S. and McTaggart, R. (1982) The action research planner. Deakin University Press.McNiff, J. et al (1996) You and your action research project. London, Routledge.Mellon, C.A. (1990) Naturalistic inquiry for library science: methods and applications for research, evaluation and teaching. Westport, Greenwood Press.Find the errors: answersThere were 10 errors in the extract and list of references. Did you find them all? Hold your mouse over the underlined sections to see what the error was...Action Research"The first hurdle for any researcher is to find a focus which is manageable" (Lacey, 1996, p.352).This process of revealing increasingly complex problems is given as one of the basic characteristics of action research (Winter, 1989, p.3). As McNiff et al (1996) have stated, "the main purpose of action research is to bring about an improvement in practice" (p.37). Kemmis and McTaggart also emphasise addressing concerns within one's own practice (1982).Research data is generally gathered from focus groups and and personal interviews:"In-depth interview is often chosen as the primary method by which to study the subjective view participants hold of a particular situation or event" (Mellon, 1990, p.47).The critical elements to action research, according to Dick, are its flexibility, its responsiveness and the inclusion of critical reflection at each stage of its cycle (Dick, 2000).Academic libraries clearly need senior managers with not only a deep understanding of Communications and Information Technology, but also with "clear vision and a high level of leadership skills" to implement the 'hybrid' library of the future (Brophy et al, 1998, p.91,).。



Examinations are a crucial part of the educational system and offer a multitude of benefits to students,educators,and the society at large.Here are some of the key advantages of exams:1.Assessment of Knowledge:Exams provide a systematic way to evaluate a students understanding of a subject.They help measure the depth and breadth of knowledge acquired during a course.2.Motivation for Study:The prospect of exams often serves as a motivation for students to study and prepare thoroughly.It encourages them to delve deeper into the subject matter.3.Identification of Weak Areas:Through exams,students can identify areas where they need to improve.This selfawareness is vital for personal growth and academic development.4.Standardization:Exams help in setting a standard for academic performance.They ensure that all students are evaluated on the same criteria,promoting fairness in the educational system.5.Encouragement of Discipline:Preparing for exams instills discipline in students.They learn to manage their time effectively,prioritize tasks,and develop a strong work ethic.6.Development of Analytical Skills:Exams,especially those involving problemsolving and critical thinking,help students develop analytical skills that are essential for their future careers.7.Preparation for Competitive Environment:In a globalized world,exams prepare students for the competitive environment they will face in their professional lives.8.Enhancement of Memory:The process of studying for exams can strengthen memory retention.Repeated revision and practice help in remembering information for a longer period.9.Feedback Mechanism:Exams serve as a feedback tool for educators.They can assess the effectiveness of their teaching methods and make necessary adjustments to improve learning outcomes.10.Career Advancement:For many professions,passing exams is a prerequisite for obtaining licenses or certifications.These qualifications are often essential for careerprogression.11.Benchmarking:Exams allow educational institutions to benchmark their performance against others,which can lead to improvements in teaching standards and curriculum development.12.Recognition of Achievement:High scores in exams can lead to scholarships,awards, and other forms of recognition,which can boost a students confidence and selfesteem.13.Facilitation of Learning:The process of preparing for exams can facilitate learning by encouraging students to engage more deeply with the material.14.Adaptability:Exams can test a students ability to adapt to different types of questions and scenarios,which is a valuable skill in a rapidly changing world.15.Cultural and Social Integration:In some countries,exams are a rite of passage that helps integrate students into the cultural and social fabric of society.While exams have their benefits,its also important to recognize that they can sometimes lead to stress and anxiety.A balanced approach to education,which includes a variety of assessment methods,can help mitigate these negative effects while still reaping the benefits of exams.。





学生追求名牌英语作文1Should Class Attendance be Required?Nowadays required class attendance is very common at colleges and universities. Most people accept ti as a necessary policy t ensure the normal teaching order and create a good study atmosphere. Besieds, they think it is a good urge for those students who lack self-discipline.However, still some others do not agree this argument. In their opinion, rigid attendance policies do not benefit students studies. A student may have to give up a lecture which he finds bital to his studies simply because he dare not run the risk of being penalized for his absence of his course. Besides, they say there is no proven correlation between attendance and performance.As for me, I am in favor of the latter opinion. Required class attendance may secure one hundred percent attendance for a course, but it does not make much sense. A student may never be absent in a course, but who knows whether or not he is just sistting there daydreaming all the time. Therefore, a student should allowed to decide for himself whether an in-class wxperience is worthwhile.学生追求名牌英语作文2University Students’ Pursuit of Famous Brands“What perfumes are you wearing?” “Aren’t your shoesNike’s latest release?” “I like the Mickey bag you bought yesterday.” “I hear the Jack & Jones store is on sale this week. Do you wanna come along?” Don’t feel surprised if you hear them coming out of the mouth of college students. It’s quite common to hear and see college students swapping information about the brands they like and the products they use. In fact, discussions about brand names have become one of the college students’ favourite pastimes. They learn about the latest fashion from each other, exchange tips about when and where to get the item, and buy it at their earliest convenience. “Keeping up with the Joneses” is their conviction —“If the J oneses have it, how could I have not?” About this current mindset of the college students, many people may hasten to show their disapproval. They’ll probably take it to be a reflection of the students’ vanity and superficiality. And they may lecture them on the virtue of being thrifty.However, I beg to differ. For one thing, name-brand products are usually quality products. They are something beautiful, endurable, and reliable. “The love of beauty is common to all,” goes the proverb; therefore, there’s not hing to blame about the pursuit of famous brands. For the other, college students are old enough to make their own decisions. Likewise, they must abide by the consequences if they make an ill-advised one. If they let their pursuit of brands eat into their budget for other more important issues, they should be able to correct their mistakes and keep everything in moderation. So this becomes no other than a good chance to learn management, isn’t it?。

学业自我效能 英文

学业自我效能 英文

学业自我效能英文Academic Self-Efficacy: An Essential Factor for Educational SuccessIntroductionAcademic self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their ability to perform well and succeed in academic-related tasks. It plays a crucial role in influencing educational outcomes, including academic achievement, motivation, persistence, and overall well-being. This article explores the concept of academic self-efficacy and its significance in unlocking the full potential of individuals in the pursuit of educational goals.Definition and ComponentsAcademic self-efficacy originated from Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory, which emphasizes the importance of self-beliefs in determining behavior and performance. According to Bandura, self-efficacy involves an individual's judgment of their capabilities to organize and execute actions required to achieve desired outcomes. Within the context of education, academic self-efficacy refers to the perception students have of their ability to successfully complete academic tasks, such as studying for exams, writing papers, solving problems, or participating in class discussions.There are multiple components that contribute to academic self-efficacy. Firstly, mastery experiences or performance accomplishments play a crucial role in developing self-efficacybeliefs. When students experience success and accomplish tasks, it enhances their belief in their abilities to perform similar tasks in the future. Conversely, failure or consistent struggle can undermine academic self-efficacy. Therefore, it is essential for educators to provide opportunities for students to experience small, achievable successes to build their confidence gradually.Secondly, vicarious experiences or role models can influence academic self-efficacy. Observing others who are successful in academic pursuits can inspire individuals to believe in their own abilities. Teachers, parents, or peers can serve as positive role models and encourage students to strive for excellence.Furthermore, verbal persuasion and social support from significant others are influential factors in shaping academic self-efficacy. Encouragement, constructive feedback, and positive reinforcement can boost student confidence and motivate them to persist in the face of challenges. Conversely, criticism or lack of support can negatively impact self-efficacy beliefs.Lastly, individual physiological and emotional states, such as anxiety or stress, can influence academic self-efficacy. Managing these emotional states through techniques like relaxation strategies or mindfulness can enhance self-belief and academic performance. Significance of Academic Self-Efficacy1. Academic Achievement: Academic self-efficacy has a significant positive association with academic performance. Students with higher self-efficacy are more likely to setchallenging goals, exhibit greater effort, persevere in the face of difficulties, and use effective learning strategies. They are also more resilient and better equipped to manage setbacks and failures.2. Motivation and Engagement: Academic self-efficacy is closely related to motivation and engagement in learning. When students believe they have the capability to succeed, they are more likely to be intrinsically motivated, take initiative, and actively engage in their academic pursuits.3. Goal Setting and Planning: Individuals with high academic self-efficacy are more likely to set specific, challenging, and achievable goals. They are also better at planning and organizing their time and resources effectively, which aids in the achievement of educational objectives.4. Emotional Well-being: Academic self-efficacy has a significant impact on individuals' emotional well-being and resilience. Believing in one's capabilities reduces anxiety, stress, and the fear of failure, leading to improved mental health.5. Career and Life Outcomes: Academic self-efficacy is associated with positive career and life outcomes. Individuals with high self-efficacy are more likely to pursue higher education, enter esteemed professions, and achieve professional success.ConclusionAcademic self-efficacy is a powerful determinant of educational success and overall well-being. It influences academicachievement, motivation, engagement, goal setting, emotional well-being, and career outcomes. Educators and parents play a vital role in nurturing and enhancing students' academic self-efficacy through providing mastery experiences, being positive role models, offering support, and creating an encouraging learning environment. By fostering academic self-efficacy, individuals are more likely to unleash their full potential and thrive in their educational journey.。



Procrastination,a common phenomenon in modern society,is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions to a later time.It is a behavior that can have significant impacts on ones personal and professional life.Here are some key points to consider when discussing procrastination in an English essay:1.Definition of Procrastination:Begin by defining what procrastination is.It is the practice of delaying or postponing tasks or actions to a later time,often due to laziness or fear of failure.2.Causes of Procrastination:Discuss the various reasons why people procrastinate. Common causes include fear of failure,perfectionism,lack of motivation,poor time management skills,and feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand.3.Effects on Personal Life:Explain how procrastination can negatively affect an individuals personal life.It can lead to stress,anxiety,and feelings of guilt and shame.It can also harm relationships and personal growth.4.Effects on Professional Life:Describe the impact of procrastination on ones career.It can result in missed deadlines,poor performance,and a damaged reputation among colleagues and supervisors.5.Strategies to Overcome Procrastination:Offer practical advice on how to combat procrastination.This may include setting realistic goals,breaking tasks into smaller parts, using time management tools,seeking support from others,and practicing selfmotivation techniques.6.Importance of Time Management:Emphasize the role of effective time management in overcoming procrastination.Good time management skills can help individuals prioritize tasks,allocate time efficiently,and reduce the likelihood of procrastination.7.Cultural Perspectives:You might also explore how procrastination is viewed in different cultures.Some cultures may be more accepting of a slower pace of work,while others may place a high value on punctuality and efficiency.8.Technological Influence:Discuss the role of technology in exacerbating procrastination.The availability of social media,online distractions,and the ease of accessing entertainment can make it more difficult for individuals to focus on their tasks.9.Case Studies:Provide examples or case studies of individuals who have successfully overcome procrastination,illustrating the positive outcomes of doing so.10.Conclusion:Conclude by summarizing the main points and reiterating the importance of addressing procrastination.Encourage readers to reflect on their own habits and consider implementing strategies to improve their productivity and overall wellbeing. Remember to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to make your essay engaging and wellrounded.Additionally,providing reallife examples or personal anecdotes can make your essay more relatable and persuasive.。



Napping during school hours is a topic that has sparked much debate among educators,parents,and students alike.Here are some perspectives on this issue,presented in an essay format:Title:The Merits and Demerits of Napping at SchoolIntroduction:Napping at school,a practice that has been adopted by some educational institutions,is a subject of considerable discussion.While some argue that it enhances productivity and learning,others believe it disrupts the school day.This essay will explore both sides of the argument.Body Paragraph1:The Benefits of Napping at School1.Improved Cognitive Function:Studies have shown that a short nap can improve memory retention and cognitive performance.This can be particularly beneficial for students who have difficulty concentrating in the afternoon.2.Enhanced Mood and Alertness:A brief period of rest can help students feel more refreshed and alert,which can lead to a more positive attitude towards learning.3.Health Benefits:Napping can also have physical health benefits,such as reducing stress levels and boosting the immune system.Body Paragraph2:The Drawbacks of Napping at School1.Disruption of the School Schedule:Incorporating naps into the school day can be challenging from a logistical standpoint.It may require adjustments to the timetable, which could affect the delivery of the curriculum.2.Potential for Misuse:There is a risk that some students might use the opportunity to nap as a way to avoid classes or homework,rather than as a means to improve their academic performance.3.Cultural and Societal Norms:In some cultures,napping during the day is not a common practice,and its introduction in schools might be met with resistance from parents or the community.Body Paragraph3:Balancing the Pros and Cons1.Strategic Implementation:Schools could consider implementing nap times strategically, such as after lunch when students are naturally more tired,to maximize the benefits.2.ResearchBased Approach:Further research is needed to determine the optimal nap duration and timing to ensure that the benefits outweigh any potential drawbacks.3.Flexibility:Allowing for flexibility in nap times could cater to individual student needs, ensuring that those who benefit most from napping have the opportunity to do so.Conclusion:The practice of napping at school is not without its merits,but it also presents challenges that must be carefully considered.A balanced approach,informed by research and tailored to the needs of individual students,could help to maximize the benefits of napping while minimizing any potential negative impacts on the educational process. Recommendations:1.Pilot Programs:Schools could start with pilot programs to assess the impact of napping on student performance and engagement.2.Student and Parent Feedback:Gathering feedback from students and parents can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of napping policies.3.Professional Development:Educators should be informed about the benefits and best practices for implementing napping policies to ensure they are used effectively.In conclusion,while napping at school has its advantages,it is essential to approach the practice with a thoughtful and wellresearched strategy to ensure that it contributes positively to the educational experience.。



BEC高级精讲班第10讲讲义HomeworkreviewI. Homework reviewDear SirsI took your Computer Intermediate Level Course on 22 March at your company's premises. I am writing to complain about the course you provided.I chose your company because of your high reputation in teaching computer courses. Besides, your advertisement really lured me since you emphasised that you had some advantages over rivals. For example, you had an array of highly experienced teachers and a large number of up to date computers at the premises. You could teach students on how to become an expert in using some software, for instance, the word processor, spreadsheet, database and electronic mails. In addition, you promised to arrange satisfied buffet lunch.Unfortunately, the course did not match with what you promised. Only one teacher taught us how to the word processor. The teacher was not an experienced one since he taught us for the whole morning and left us to do nothing in the afternoon. Besides, we had to share one computer because there were six students in one group. Even worse, I had no enough food and felt hungry in the afternoon.Your company charged me a lot on the course and promised to provide a quality course. On the contrary, I did not learn anything from it. Therefore, I would insist on refunding my fee in full. I hope you can put my complaints into prompt attention.I look forward to receiving your reply soon.Yours faithfullyTracy HuV ocabularystudyII. V ocabulary StudyLearning words from the contextear lobehelixesChildhood is represented by formative earsIn face reading, the ears represent our childhood. Some practitioners believe the fortunes of boys and girls, from birth to age seven, are determined by the left ear. The right ear defines their lives from age eight to 14.Another school of thought, however, believes that boys’ lives start from the left ear and girls from the right. But both schools agree that the positions of the ear – from top to ear lobe – correspond to a person’s age.People with “good” ears usually hail from an affluent family, are intelligent and enjoy a lot of love and attention from their parents. Large ears are better than small ones. Their owners tend to be more energetic and enjoy good health. Ears that are higher than or as high as the eyebrows indicate outstanding academic ability and early fame. Good ears should also be well developed, with proportionate inner and outer helixes.Those with inner helixes that are bigger than the outer ones can be stubborn, hard to convince and usually loners. Well-formed and fleshy helixes are also preferred. Thin and poorly shaped outer helixes often reveal poor health at a young stage.Another factor is whether the ears lie flat against the head. Children with such ears are usually quiet and obedient, but more dependent and not keen on experimenting with new things. Those with ears that overly protrude from the head are usually “naughty”.Although non-conformist, they tend to be more creative and curious.Ears that are paler than the face colour are a good sign. They represent fame and career success. Pink and reddish ears symbolize romantic involvement. But dull and dark ears indicate problems with the kidneys, according to Chinese medical theory.People with long, large earlobes generally live long. Fleshy earlobes are also associated with wealth. Avoid piercing your ears if you have bulging earlobes. It diminishes your wealth factor. However, if you have small earlobes, ear piercing can enlarge the flesh and improve wealth.ear lobe noun [countable]the soft piece of flesh at the bottom of your earhelix noun[countable]plural helicestechnical a line that curves and rises around a central line 螺线线ᅳsynonym spiralhail from something phrasal verbto have been born in a particular placeAnd where do you hail from?pierce verb[transitive] to make a small hole in or through something, using an object with a sharp pointSteam the corn until it can easily be pierced with a fork.Rose underwent emergency surgery after a bullet pierced her lung.pierce a hole in/through somethingPierce small holes in the base of the pot with a hot needle.bulge noun [countable]1 a curved mass on the surface of something, usually caused by something under or inside it 膨胀,凸起The gun made a bulge under his jacket.2 a sudden temporary increase in the amount or level of something 突然短暂的上升a bulge in the birthrateRecruitmentmethodsIII. Recruitment methods1. Speaking.Internal recruitmentAdvantages:The candidates already know the job and the company.Disadvantages:No new impetus, the same mindset;An internal candidate is not necessarily the best person on the market.Job AdvertisementAdvantages:Wide audience; can potentially reach the best on the market; fresh attitudes. Disadvantages:High processing costs: a large number of applicants need to be processed.Recruitment AgenciesAdvantages:Can be selective. Can potentially get the best person for the job quickly.Disadvantages:Expensive.HeadhuntingAdvantages:Can select high quality candidates.Headhunters know the market and the best people.Can access people not actively on the job market.Disadvantages:Very expensive in the short term.impetus noun [uncountable]1 an influence that makes something happen or makes it happen more quickly刺激,推动力impetus forThe report may provide further impetus for reform.这份报告为改革提供了进一步的推动力。



如何提高学术成绩英文作文英文:As a student, improving academic performance is always a top priority. Here are some tips that have helped me improve my grades:1. Attend all classes: This may seem obvious, but attending all classes is crucial for academic success. Even if you think you can catch up on your own, attending classes helps you understand the material better, ask questions, and interact with your peers.2. Take notes: Taking notes during class helps you retain information and review it later. It also helps you stay focused during class.3. Review notes regularly: Reviewing your notes regularly, preferably within 24 hours of taking them, helps you remember the information better.4. Participate in class: Participating in class not only helps you stay engaged, but it also helps you understand the material better. Asking questions and answering questions from your peers can help you clarify your understanding of the material.5. Seek help when needed: If you are struggling with a particular subject, don't be afraid to seek help from your teacher or tutor. They are there to help you and want to see you succeed.中文:作为一名学生,提高学术成绩始终是最重要的。

Academic Performance and Mindfulness

Academic Performance and Mindfulness

Academic Performance and Mindfulness Academic Performance and Mindfulness Academic performance is a crucial aspect of a student's life, as it determines their future prospects and opportunities. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the role of mindfulness in enhancing academic performance. Mindfulness refers to the practice of being fully present and aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. This essay will explore the impact of mindfulness on academic performance from multiple perspectives. Firstly, from a psychological perspective, mindfulness has been shown to improve attention and focus, which are essential for academic success. When students are mindful, they are better able to concentrate on their studies and absorb information effectively. Research has demonstrated that mindfulness training can lead to improvements in working memory, cognitive flexibility, and executive functioning, all of which are crucial for academic performance. By training their minds to be present in the moment, students can reduce distractions and enhance their ability to retain and recall information. Secondly, from a physiological perspective, mindfulness has been found to reduce stress levels, which can have a significant impact on academic performance. High levels of stress can impair cognitive functioning and hinder learning and memory processes. Mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing and meditation, activate the body's relaxation response, reducing the production of stress hormones like cortisol. By managing stress effectively, students can create a conducive environment for learning and improve their overall academic performance. Moreover, from a social perspective, mindfulness can enhance interpersonal relationships, which can indirectly contribute to academic success. Mindfulness training promotes empathy, compassion, and emotional regulation, all of which are essential for building positive relationships with peers and teachers. When students are able to connect with others on a deeper level and effectively manage conflicts, they are more likely to receive support and guidance, leading to improved academic outcomes. Additionally, mindfulness can also enhance communication skills, which are crucial for effective collaboration and teamwork, both inside and outside the classroom. On the other hand, it is important to consider potential limitations and challenges associated with incorporating mindfulness into academic settings.Firstly, there may be resistance from students and teachers who are unfamiliar with mindfulness practices or skeptical about their effectiveness. It may take time and effort to educate and convince individuals about the benefits of mindfulness and its potential impact on academic performance. Additionally, implementing mindfulness programs may require additional resources and trainingfor teachers, which can be a barrier in some educational settings. Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that mindfulness is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different individuals may respond differently to mindfulness practices, and its effectiveness may vary depending on various factors such as age, personality, and cultural background. It is crucial to consider the unique needs and preferences of students and provide a variety of mindfulness techniques and approaches to cater to diverse learners. In conclusion, mindfulness has the potential to positively impact academic performance from psychological, physiological, and social perspectives. By improving attention and focus, reducing stress levels, and enhancing interpersonal relationships, mindfulness can create a conducive environment for learning and academic success. However, it is important to consider potential challenges and limitations in implementing mindfulness programs and to tailor approaches to meet the needs of individual students. With proper education and support, mindfulness can be a valuable tool in enhancing academic performance and overall well-being.。



My new classmate has just joined our school and has already made a significant impact on our class community.Heres a detailed account of this new addition to our group.Introduction to the New Classmate:Her name is Emily,and she has recently moved here from another city.She has a friendly demeanor and a bright smile that instantly makes one feel at ease.Emily is a transfer student who has joined our class in the middle of the academic year,but she has quickly adapted to the new environment.Academic Performance:Emily is a diligent student who excels in her studies.She has a particular interest in mathematics and science,often engaging in deep discussions with our teachers during and after class.Her analytical skills are impressive,and she is not afraid to ask questions or challenge ideas,which has sparked many thoughtprovoking conversations in our classroom.Social Interaction:Despite being new,Emily has integrated well with the rest of the students.She is approachable and has a knack for making friends quickly.She actively participates in group activities and has shown a willingness to help others with their schoolwork.Her positive attitude and openmindedness have made her a popular figure among peers. Extracurricular Activities:Emily is not just academically inclined she is also involved in various extracurricular activities.She is part of the schools debate team,where her eloquence and quick thinking have been an asset.Additionally,she has joined the environmental club,showing her commitment to social causes and her passion for protecting the environment. Cultural Exchange:Being from a different city,Emily brings a fresh perspective to our class.She shares interesting stories about her hometown and its culture,enriching our understanding of the diversity within our country.This cultural exchange has been a valuable learning experience for all of us.Challenges Faced:Of course,adjusting to a new school can be challenging.Emily has had to navigate a new curriculum,make new friends,and adapt to different teaching styles.However,she has shown resilience and a positive attitude in overcoming these challenges.Conclusion:In conclusion,Emilys arrival has been a breath of fresh air for our class.Her academic prowess,social skills,and involvement in extracurricular activities have made her an integral part of our school community.We are excited to see how she continues to grow and contribute to our class in the coming months.。

s and Meditation in Enhancing Academic Performance

s and Meditation in Enhancing Academic Performance

s and Meditation in Enhancing Academic PerformanceStress and anxiety are common factors that affect academic performance. Students often struggle with the pressure of meeting deadlines, studying for exams, and maintaining a balance between academics and personal life. However, there are ways to alleviate stress and enhance academic performance, such as incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation into daily routines. This essay will explore the benefits of meditation on academic performance from various perspectives.Firstly, meditation can improve focus and concentration. When students practice meditation, they learn to focus their attention on the present moment and let go of distracting thoughts. This skill can be applied to academic work, allowing students to stay focused on the task at hand and avoid procrastination. Research has shown that regular meditation can increase gray matter in the brain, which is associated with improved cognitive function and attention span.Secondly, meditation can reduce stress and anxiety. Students who experience high levels of stress and anxiety may struggle to perform academically. Meditation has been shown to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, reducing feelings of anxiety and promoting a sense of calm. This can lead to improved academic performance as students are better able to manage their emotions and stay focused on their studies.Thirdly, meditation can improve memory retention. When students meditate, they activate the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for working memory. This can lead to improved retention of information, allowing students to better recall information during exams and assignments. Additionally, meditation can improve overall brain function, leading to improved cognitive abilities and better academic performance.Fourthly, meditation can improve sleep quality. Students who struggle with sleep may experience decreased academic performance due to fatigue and lack of focus. Meditation has been shown to improve sleep quality, allowing students to feel more rested and alert during the day. This can lead to improved academic performance as students are better able to concentrate and retain information.Fifthly, meditation can improve overall well-being. Students who practice meditation may experience improved mental and physical health, leading to a better overall sense of well-being. This can lead to increased motivation and a positive attitude towards academic work, leading to improved academic performance.In conclusion, incorporating meditation into daily routines can have numerous benefits on academic performance. From improving focus and concentration, reducing stress and anxiety, improving memory retention, improving sleep quality, and improving overall well-being, meditation can be a powerful tool for students to enhance their academic performance. By taking the time to practice mindfulness, students can improve their cognitive abilities and manage stress levels, leading to better academic outcomes.。

a better me英语作文原题初三

a better me英语作文原题初三

A Better MeAs a junior high school student, I am constantly striving to become a better version of myself. This journey of self-improvement is filled with challenges and opportunities, shaping me into a more resilient and well-rounded individual.One significant aspect of my growth has been the development of my academic skills. I have learned to approach my studies with a more focused and disciplined mindset. Instead of cramming for exams or procrastinating on assignments, I now plan my study sessions meticulously, breaking down complex topics into manageable chunks. This approach has not only improved my grades but also helped me develop a deeper understanding of the subjects I am studying.Moreover, I have also made efforts to enhance my interpersonal skills. I have learned the importance of effective communication and the value of building strong relationships with my peers and teachers. I am now more open to feedback and willing to listen to others' opinions,which has helped me become a better team player and collaborator.In addition to academic and interpersonal growth, I have also focused on developing my physical well-being. I have incorporated regular exercise into my daily routine, which has improved my overall fitness and energy levels. This, in turn, has had a positive impact on my academic performance and my ability to handle stress.However, the journey to becoming a better me is not without its challenges. There are times when I feel overwhelmed by the demands of schoolwork or when I struggle with a particular subject. But these moments of adversity have taught me resilience and perseverance. I have learned to stay positive and motivated, even when faced with difficulties.Looking ahead, I am excited about the opportunitiesthat lie ahead for me to continue growing and improving. I am committed to exploring new interests and hobbies that will further enrich my life experiences. Whether it's participating in extracurricular activities, volunteeringin my community, or traveling to new places, I am eager to embrace these opportunities and learn from them.In conclusion, my journey to becoming a better me is an ongoing process that involves continuous learning, growth, and improvement. By developing my academic skills, enhancing my interpersonal abilities, and nurturing my physical well-being, I am confident that I will emerge as a more balanced and accomplished individual in the future.**一个更好的我**作为一名初中生,我始终在努力成为一个更好的自己。



关于是否允许兴奋剂的英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen:Good afternoon!It is a great honor for me to stand here today and make a speech about whether to allow the use of doping.Doping, almost all the words will become the focus of attention in every world sports event. This year's Olympic Games is no exception. An old man named Chen Zhang hao once interviewed the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia.The old man was the chief doctor of the Chinese Olympic Games, while the Indian medical team led by him was the report on doping and growth hormone Hao has worked for many top athletes in China. They tried to use various stimulants, including blood stimulants and steroids. Even Yao Ming and Liu Xiang were at the most critical point of his consultation.Here, we can't help but think of the Chinese athletes who were found doping in the Hiroshima Asian Games, as well as Ma Ying, Wang and other Chinese athletes The track and field legend stage has been exposed to doping scandals. At the same time, people's detection of doping is more and more strict, and doping athletes dare to use less and less.But it cannot be denied that in the last century, for several years, anti-doping technology has not developed for a few years, or even for a longer time, doping is a default existence in the history of the Olympic Games, or it is a potential Rules according to historical records, Olympic athletes taking doping first appeared in the St.Louis Olympic Games, that is, American marathon runner Thomas Hicks. Because he mixed a large amount of eggs in the competition, first fell to the finish line, and then the emergency medical staff came to rescue him. Subsequently, with the development of doping related technology, athletes began to borrow frequently Similar “strength” to improve their performance, amphetamine, blood transfusion and various drugs and methods can enhance athletes' ability to attack the Tokyo Olympic Games at the Olympic Games.Even the terrible scenes of Olympic athletes' bathrooms are full of discarded ampoules and syringes. As early as the International Olympic Committee for Anti-Doping, the medical Commission has been in Athens, Greece However, this did not prevent the rapid development and spread of doping in the past decades, or even more advanced alternative drugtesting methods. This“rand” was gradually controlled until the s, but the“agonist” has become an indelible stain in the history of the Olympic Games.。



夹叙夹议英语作文The Power of Perseverance: A Personal NarrativeIn the heart of a bustling city, amidst the cacophony of honking cars and the chatter of busy pedestrians, I found myself standing at a crossroads, metaphorically speaking. It was the final week of my English language course, and I was preparing for the final exam that would determine my future academic trajectory. The pressure was immense, and the stakes were high.The previous months had been a rollercoaster of emotions. I had started the course with a shaky foundation in English, struggling to grasp the nuances of the language. The firstfew weeks were a blur of confusion and frustration. My vocabulary was limited, and my grammar was far from perfect. But there was something within me that refused to give up, a spark of determination that ignited a fire in my heart.I began to dedicate hours to studying, immersing myself inthe language. I read books, watched movies, and engaged in conversations with native speakers. Each day, I set goals for myself, and each night, I reflected on my progress. It was a journey of self-discovery, as much as it was a linguistic adventure.As the final exam approached, I could feel a change within me. The once daunting words now flowed effortlessly from mytongue, and the complex grammar rules that once perplexed me were now second nature. The transformation was not just in my language skills but also in my confidence. I was no longerthe timid student who hesitated to speak; I had become a confident communicator.On the day of the exam, I walked into the examination hallwith a calm demeanor, a stark contrast to the anxiousindividual who had started this journey. The test was challenging, but I tackled each question with the knowledge and experience I had gained over the months. When the final bell rang, signaling the end of the exam, I felt a sense of accomplishment that was indescribable.Reflecting on my journey, I realized that the power of perseverance is not just about achieving a goal; it's aboutthe personal growth that comes with it. It's about overcoming one's fears, pushing through obstacles, and emerging stronger. My English language course was not just about learning a new language; it was about learning to believe in myself and my abilities.In conclusion, perseverance is the key to unlocking one's potential. It is the force that propels us forward when the going gets tough. It is the silent partner in our success, often unnoticed but always present. My experience has taught me that with determination and hard work, there is no challenge too great to overcome.。



s焦虑演讲比赛,老师提方法,英语作文Anxiety has always been a challenge for many individuals, especially when it comes to public speaking. The prospect of standing in front of an audience and delivering a speech can be daunting, leaving even the most confident individuals feeling overwhelmed and self-conscious. However, with the right strategies and guidance, it is possible to overcome this obstacle and excel in a speech competition.In my case, I recently had the opportunity to participate in a speech competition at my school. The topic was one that I was passionate about, but the thought of standing in front of my peers and delivering a well-crafted speech filled me with anxiety. Fortunately, my English teacher recognized my struggle and offered to provide me with some methods to help manage my nerves and improve my performance.One of the first things my teacher recommended was to practice the speech repeatedly. She emphasized that the more familiar I became with the content and flow of the presentation, the more confident I would feel when it came time to deliver it. She encouraged me topractice in front of a mirror, recording myself, and even rehearsing in front of family members or friends. This not only helped me to refine my delivery but also allowed me to identify and address any areas where I felt particularly anxious or unsure.Another strategy my teacher suggested was to focus on my breathing. She explained that when we are anxious, our breathing tends to become shallow and rapid, which can further exacerbate our feelings of stress and discomfort. By practicing deep, controlled breathing exercises, she said, I could help to calm my mind and body, allowing me to approach the speech with a greater sense of composure and clarity.In addition to these practical tips, my teacher also emphasized the importance of positive self-talk. She encouraged me to reframe my negative thoughts and replace them with more constructive, encouraging ones. Instead of dwelling on the potential for failure, she urged me to focus on my strengths and the progress I had made in preparing for the competition. This shift in mindset, she explained, could have a significant impact on my overall performance and confidence.As the day of the competition drew closer, my teacher also provided me with some valuable advice on stage presence and delivery. She suggested that I make eye contact with the audience, use naturalgestures to emphasize key points, and speak with a clear, confident tone. She also encouraged me to embrace any feelings of nervousness, as they could actually help to energize my performance and make it more engaging for the audience.On the day of the competition, I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation as I took the stage. However, thanks to the strategies and guidance provided by my teacher, I was able to deliver my speech with a level of poise and confidence that I had never before experienced. I spoke clearly, maintained eye contact, and used natural gestures to convey my message effectively. Most importantly, I was able to manage my anxiety and focus on the content and delivery of my speech, rather than being consumed by my nerves.To my surprise and delight, my performance was well-received by the judges, and I was ultimately awarded first place in the competition. This achievement was not only a testament to the hard work and dedication I had put into preparing for the event but also a reflection of the invaluable support and guidance provided by my English teacher.Looking back on this experience, I realize that overcoming anxiety in public speaking is not an easy task, but it is one that can be accomplished with the right mindset and strategies. The methods my teacher shared with me – practicing extensively, focusing onbreathing, engaging in positive self-talk, and honing my stage presence – proved to be instrumental in helping me overcome my fears and deliver a successful speech.Moreover, this experience has taught me that the support and guidance of a caring and knowledgeable teacher can make all the difference in helping students navigate challenging situations. My teacher's willingness to invest time and effort into helping me prepare for the speech competition not only boosted my confidence but also instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the role that educators can play in shaping the lives of their students.In conclusion, the anxiety speech competition I participated in was a transformative experience that has left a lasting impact on me. Thanks to the invaluable methods and support provided by my English teacher, I was able to overcome my fears, deliver a compelling speech, and ultimately emerge victorious. This experience has not only strengthened my public speaking skills but has also reinforced the importance of seeking guidance and support from trusted mentors when faced with daunting challenges.。



Validation Questionnaire
1. Did you obtain what you hoped for from this programme?
Please ring the relevant answer
More than expected Less than expected No
Validation Questionnaire
4. What was/were the most significant event(s) for you on the programme. And why?
5. What have you learned from the programme which you intend to put into practise on your return to work?
If you have given a rating or 4 or 5 please state how you intend to use this
Validation Questionnaire
d. End of course feedback
•1 2 3 4 5
If you gave a rating 1, 2 or 3 please state why you have given this rating.
Open Questionnaire
Please make any comments which you feel are important or significant on any aspects of this programme. You may wish to add your name



The Journey of Transformation: From a Chrysalis to a ButterflyIn the quiet of my small room, amidst the clutter of books and the faint scent of ink, I found myself in a cocoon of my own making. It was not a cocoon of silk spun by a caterpillar, but one woven from the threads of selfdoubt, fear, and the relentless pressure to conform. This is the story of my metamorphosis, a journey from a chrysalis bound by insecurities to a butterfly ready to embrace the world.Growing up, I was always the quiet one, the observer rather than the participant. My school days were a blur of silent lunches and solitary walks home. I was content with the safety of my shell, until one day, I realized that I was missing out on life. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the path I needed to take.The first step was to confront my fears. I remember the day I mustered the courage to join the school debate team. My knees shook as I stood to speak, my voice quivered, and my heart pounded in my chest. But with each meeting, each argument, I grew stronger. The words that once stumbled on my tongue now flowed with ease. I was learning to fly.Academically, I was no stranger to hard work, but it was the extracurricular activities that truly tested my limits. I joined the schools drama club, a decision that seemed as daunting as it was exciting. The stage, once a place of terror, became my sanctuary. I immersed myself in the characters I portrayed, each one teaching me a new facet of courage and resilience.One particular performance stands out in my memory. It was the role of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice. The complexity of her character, her wit, and her strength resonated with me. As I recited her lines, I felt a transformation within me. It was as if Elizabeths spirit was guiding me to shed my old skin and embrace a new identity.The journey was not without its challenges. There were moments of selfdoubt, days when the weight of expectations felt like a mountain on my shoulders. But I had come too far to turn back. I drew strength from the support of my friends, my family, and most importantly, from within myself.As I look back, I see a tapestry of experiences, each thread contributing to the vibrant pattern of my life. The shy girl who once hid behind her books has evolved into a confident young woman, ready to take on the world. I have learned that growth is not a linear path, but a series of twists and turns, each leading to a new discovery about myself. The metaphor of a butterfly is not just a poetic expression it is a testament to the power ofchange. Just as a caterpillar undergoes a radical transformation to become a butterfly, so too have I emerged from my cocoon, ready to spread my wings and soar.In conclusion, the journey from a chrysalis to a butterfly is a metaphor for personal growth and transformation. It is a reminder that we all have the potential to overcome our fears, embrace our strengths, and fly towards our dreams. As I stand on the threshold of adulthood, I carry with me the lessons of my past and the promise of my future, a butterfly ready to take flight.。

在大学如何成功 英语作文

在大学如何成功 英语作文

To succeed in university,there are several key strategies and habits that students can adopt to ensure they thrive academically and personally.Here are some essential tips:1.Time Management:Effective time management is crucial.Create a schedule that balances study time,extracurricular activities,and relaxation.Prioritize tasks and allocate sufficient time for each.2.Active Participation:Engage actively in class discussions and ask questions.This not only enhances understanding but also demonstrates interest and can lead to better grades.3.Develop Good Study Habits:Find a study routine that works for you.This may include setting aside specific times for studying,finding a quiet place to focus,and using effective study techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique or spaced repetition.4.Seek Help When Needed:Dont hesitate to ask for help from professors,teaching assistants,or tutors.Universities often have resources like academic support centers and writing labs to assist students.5.Join Study Groups:Collaborating with peers can provide different perspectives and insights.Study groups can also help keep you accountable and motivated.6.Take Care of Your Health:Maintain a balanced diet,exercise regularly,and get enough sleep.Physical health significantly impacts mental wellbeing and academic performance.7.Manage Stress:University can be stressful.Learn stress management techniques such as meditation,yoga,or deep breathing exercises.Its also important to take breaks and engage in activities you enjoy.8.Set Goals:Set both shortterm and longterm academic and personal goals.Having clear objectives can provide direction and motivation.9.Utilize Campus Resources:Familiarize yourself with the resources available on campus,such as libraries,career services,and clubs.These can provide valuable support and relationships with classmates,professors,and professionals in your working can lead to internships,job opportunities,and lifelong connections.11.Stay Organized:Keep track of assignments,exams,and other important dates using aplanner or digital calendar.Staying organized helps prevent lastminute stress and missed deadlines.12.Be Open to New Experiences:University is a time for exploration and growth.Be open to trying new things,whether its a new subject,a club,or a social event.13.Maintain a Positive Attitude:A positive mindset can help you overcome challenges and setbacks.Stay optimistic and believe in your ability to succeed.14.Reflect on Your Progress:Regularly assess your progress towards your goals and adjust your strategies as needed.Selfreflection can provide insights into what works and what doesnt.15.Prepare for Exams:Start studying for exams well in advance.Create a study plan, review notes regularly,and practice with past papers or sample questions.By incorporating these strategies into your university life,you can set yourself up for success and make the most of your educational experience.。



Focusing on achieving new standards is an essential aspect of personal and professional development.It involves setting high goals,continuously learning,and adapting to new challenges.Here are some key points to consider when striving for excellence and reaching new standards:1.Set Clear Goals:Define what you want to achieve and set specific,measurable, achievable,relevant,and timebound SMART goals.This clarity will guide your efforts and help you measure progress.2.Continuous Learning:Stay updated with the latest trends and knowledge in your field. Engage in lifelong learning through courses,workshops,seminars,and selfstudy to enhance your skills and understanding.3.Adaptability:Be open to change and willing to adapt your strategies and methods as needed.The ability to pivot and adjust to new information or circumstances is crucial for growth.4.Innovation:Embrace creativity and innovation.Look for new ways to approach problems,improve processes,and create value.Dont be afraid to think outside the box.5.Quality Assurance:Strive for excellence in everything you do.Pay attention to detail and ensure that your work meets or exceeds the highest quality standards.6.Feedback and Evaluation:Regularly seek feedback from peers,mentors,and e this input to evaluate your performance and identify areas for improvement.7.Time Management:Prioritize tasks effectively and manage your time wisely to ensure that you can focus on the most important aspects of your work that contribute to achieving new standards.working:Build relationships with others in your working can provide opportunities for collaboration,mentorship,and learning from the experiences of others.9.Resilience:Develop resilience to overcome setbacks and failures.Learn from your mistakes and use them as stepping stones towards your goals.10.Mental and Physical Wellbeing:Maintain a healthy worklife balance.Take care of your mental and physical health,as this is foundational to your ability to perform at your best.11.Technology Integration:Utilize technology to streamline processes,enhance productivity,and stay connected with the latest tools and platforms relevant to your field.12.Ethical Considerations:Uphold ethical standards in all your endeavors.Integrity and trustworthiness are key to longterm success and the respect of your peers.By focusing on these aspects,you can push the boundaries of what is possible and achieve new standards in your personal and professional life.Remember,the journey towards excellence is ongoing,and the pursuit of new standards is a continuous process of improvement and growth.。

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Performance study of Byzantine Agreement Protocolwith artificial neural networkKok-Wah Leea,*,Hong-Tat Ewe b a Faculty of Engineering &Technology,Multimedia University,Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama,75450Bukit Beruang,Melaka,Malaysiab Faculty of Information Technology,Multimedia University,Jalan Multimedia,63100Cyberjaya,Selangor,MalaysiaReceived 23December 2005;received in revised form 10April 2007;accepted 16April 2007AbstractSince 1982,numerous Byzantine Agreement Protocols (BAPs)have been developed to solve arbitrary faults in the Byz-antine Generals Problem (BGP).A novel BAP,using an artificial neural network (ANN),was proposed by Wang and Kao.It requires message exchange rounds similar to the traditional BAP and its suitability,in the context of network size,has not been investigated.In the present study,we propose to adopt Nguyen–Widrow initialization in ANN training,which modifies message communication and limits the message exchange rounds to three rounds.This modified approach is referred to as BAP-ANN.The BAP-ANN performs better than the traditional BAP,when the network size n is greater than nine.We also evaluate the message exchange matrix (MEM)constructed during the message exchange stage.For a fixed number of faulty nodes and remainder cases of (n mod 3),the study shows that the mean epoch for ANN training decreases as the network size increases,which indicates better fault tolerance.Ó2007Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:Byzantine Agreement;Communication protocol;Artificial neural networks;Cryptology;Fault tolerance1.IntroductionWith the emergence of the Internet,the consensus issue or Byzantine Generals Problem (BGP)of the dis-tributed system has become more significant in achieving fault tolerance.The essential fault tolerance [3,4,22]necessary to reach common agreement enables the importance of earlier investigations [14,16,20,32].Since the study of Lamport et al.[21],various Byzantine Agreement Protocols (BAPs)for fault tolerance have been developed [10,17,27,31,39].In their studies,numerous assumptions were made to construct variations of the traditional BAP by Lamport et al.[21].Wang and Kao [43]used a feedforward neural network (FFNN)with a backpropagation learning algorithm (BPLA)to construct a BAP.The message communication mode of Wang and Kao’s BAP is similar to the traditional BAP and its suitability,in the context of the network size,has not been investigated.0020-0255/$-see front matter Ó2007Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ins.2007.04.011*Corresponding author.Tel.:+6062523320;fax:+6062316552.E-mail (K.-W.Lee), (H.-T.Ewe).Information Sciences 177(2007)4785–47984786K.-W.Lee,H.-T.Ewe/Information Sciences177(2007)4785–4798The BAP approach[43]improved with artificial neural network(ANN)by Lee and Ewe[24]has been termed,ANN-based BAP[23,25].Here,ANN-based BAP has been renamed BAP with ANN(BAP-ANN). In BAP-ANN,we demonstrate a modified message communication mode and Nguyen–Widrow initialization. Then,we evaluate the message exchange matrix(MEM)constructed during the message exchange stage to investigate the relationship between the network size and fault tolerance.From these studies,we infer that the larger the network size,the better the fault tolerance.The rest of the paper is organized as follows.Sections2and3discuss the issues of BGP and BAP-ANN, respectively.In Sections4and5,the MEM and its analysis are explained,respectively.Conclusions are pro-vided in Section6.2.Byzantine Generals Problem(BGP)Internet activities have become very important and popular among users throughout the world.This is due to the emergence of electronic data interchange(EDI),email,mobile phone and electronic commerce.These Byzantine communications are subject to the increasing trend of threat risks such as software errors and mali-cious human and computing machine attacks.These failures are related to the fault tolerance and reliability issues of distributed systems[3,4,22].When a processor within a distributed network is infected with virus,worm or spyware,it becomes a faulty processor and tries to confuse and attack the other processors by sending out arbitrary messages.The distrib-uted network is then said to become malicious and suffers from Byzantine fault or universal fault.An ordered fault classification scheme is shown in Fig.1[34,38].When a distributed network problem is caused by arbitrary message communication in a malicious net-work,it is called Byzantine Generals Problem(BGP)[21].The historical basis of the term BGP is named after a martial situation in an ancient war[14,20,21],where a group of Byzantine army generals surrounded an enemy city.The Byzantine generals had to achieve a consensus on a common battle plan via the communi-cation of messengers only.The risk existed that one or more of the Byzantine generals might be traitors and would try to confuse the other loyal Byzantine generals.The loyal Byzantine generals had tofind an algo-rithm to ensure that all the loyal Byzantine generals would obtain the same agreement after the communi-cation of the messengers among each other.The success of solving BGP ensures a secure and trustable communication among the loyal processors within a network.Due to the advancement in cryptology [13,36,42],the BGP solution becomes possible and is commonly called Byzantine Agreement Protocol (BAP)[6,9,15,33,37].In analogy,this situation is the same as the security scenario we encounter in the distributed systems and Internet nowadays.Both the loyal and faulty processors coexist within a malicious network.It has been shown that for BGP of an unsigned message,the Byzantine Agreement(BA)can be reached if,and only if,more than two-thirds of the Byzantine generals are loyal[21].In the context of a distributed computer network,an analogy between malicious attack,software errors, and the situation of the Byzantine generals exists.For a distributed network in a malicious environment,both the loyal and faulty processors exist.In this Byzantine environment,the faulty processors can transmit arbi-trary information to other processors.Such arbitrary information is called Byzantine fault,and it is a fault class that can be considered a universal fault set[12,34,38].In a system model,the class of Byzantine fault consists of every possible arbitrary or malicious fault such as timing fault,omission fault and crash fault.A faulty processor can then confuse other loyal processors within a distributed system.A distributed system can be imagined as a set of interconnected processors through a data communication network[21,43].A processor can be treated as a node,while a link between any two processors can be treated as a path.The combination of these processors and paths will collectively form a graph that symbolizes the distributed system.Therefore,in the context of graphs,both loyal and faulty nodes exist.The malicious attacks and software errors can cause the faulty node to behave in an arbitrary manner.In turn,the faulty node can send a totally opposite message to all other nodes in the network.For the loyal node to tolerate this Byzantine fault,all the loyal nodes have to arrive at a common value for the BGP.When applying BAP to get a common value,two interactive consistency conditions(ICCs)must be fulfilled. They include:ICC1:All loyal nodes obey the same order.ICC2:If the commanding general is loyal,then every loyal lieutenant obeys the order sent by the command-ing general;or adopts the DEFAULT value if no order is received or achieved.These ICCs consider all types of malicious situations.‘‘No order is received or achieved’’means no com-mon agreement(BA)can be made from the commanding general’s messages due to failed reception or due to lack of simple majority at any lieutenant node.For this case,the DEFAULT value will be adopted.The worst case scenario happens when the n-node communication network possesses a maximum number of tolerable faulty nodes,m,as in Eq.(1).The number of exchanged messages to achieve the BA for traditional BAP,Msg Trad,is in(2).Meanwhile,the number of rounds for message exchange is(m+1)[2,16]: m¼bðnÀ1Þ=3cð1ÞMsgTrad ¼X mk¼0ðnÀ1Þ!ð2Þ3.BAP-ANNSince1982[21],various BAPs have been proposed based on different assumptions[20,28,37]that include considerations of network topology[28,29,35,51],processor fault,link fault[39,40,48,49],node mobility [11,44,46,47]and faulty node detection[5,26,37,45,50].The main purpose of these BAPs is to reduce the com-putational load by specializing in the generalized model of traditional BAP[21].Wang and Kao[43]proposed an innovative BAP by using the artificial neural network[8,19,41].This concept has been further developed [23–25].ANN is applied to every processor to speed the process of BA achievement.The application of ANN shown in manyfields[1,7]has three significant advantages over currently available BAPs.These advan-tages include parallel processing capability of each node,reduction of memory space requirement and the dynamic learning ability of the neural network.The block diagram of BAP-ANN is depicted in Fig.2.The operations of this BAP and its implementations were described in detail in[24,43].From the information of[2,16,51],its performance is improved by intro-ducing a new scheme of message communication mode as shown below.The formation of message exchange matrix(MEM)[25]will be discussed in Section4:K.-W.Lee,H.-T.Ewe/Information Sciences177(2007)4785–479847874788K.-W.Lee,H.-T.Ewe/Information Sciences177(2007)4785–4798Message communication mode{Round1:One message is sent from the commander node to each lieutenant node.Round2:Each lieutenant node sends its received message to other lieutenant nodes.Round3:Each lieutenant node sends its(nÀ1)messages to other lieutenant nodes.}This step reduces the round of message exchange to three rounds.Due to fewer exchanged messages,the computation time and memory storage requirements are reduced.Consequently,the time for fault tolerance and fault detection is decreased.The efficiency of BAP-ANN is increased for the network size larger than nine (n P10).The illustration of this improvement is depicted in Fig.3.Thefive stages of BAP-ANN includes:(i)initialization stage,(ii)message exchange stage,(iii)training stage,(iv)application stage and(v)compromise stage.In the initialization stage,a commander node deter-mines which source message is delivered.Then,this node broadcasts the source message to all the lieutenant nodes to start the message exchange stage.At the end of the message exchange stage,MEM becomes the train-ing data set for the designed ANN.After training the neural network,the ANN model can be applied for any BGP as long as the condition in (1)is fulfilled.In this paper,we adopt an ANN model with the architecture of two-layer feedforward neural network(FFNN)using a backpropagation learning algorithm(BPLA).For the approach in[43],conventional BPLA was adopted.Here,the modified BPLA applies the additional parameters of momentum,learning rate and slope parameter.The advanced technique of initialization called Nguyen–Widrow initialization[30]is also applied in our BPLA to help reduce early stage oscillation problems and gain faster convergence in ANN training time.The ranges of these parameters are listed in Table1.The settings as explained in Table1include momentum=(0.2,0.5,0.9),learning rate=(0.5,1.0)and slope parameter=(2.0).For Nguyen–Widrow initialization,the settings are as follows:K.-W.Lee,H.-T.Ewe/Information Sciences177(2007)4785–47984789 Table1Ranges of parameters for the BPLABPLA parameter Standard BPLA Modified BPLAWeight&bias initialization Random Random/Nguyen–Widrow Bias Optional Compulsory Momentum,l0.0]0,1[or0<l<1 Adaptive learning rate,a 1.0]0,1]or0<a61Slope parameter 1.0P1Convergence speed Slower FasterLet:p=number of input neurons X i,where i=1,2,3,...,p,q=number of hidden neurons Y j,where j=1,2,3,...,q,r=number of output neurons Z k,where k=1,2,3,...,r,b=scale factor,where b=0.7(q)1/p.For each hidden neuron Y j:Initialize the weights w ij from input neuron X i to hidden neuron Y j:w ij(old)=random number fromÀ0.5to+0.5.k w ij(old)k=[w1j(old)2+w2j(old)2+ÁÁÁ+w ij(old)2+ÁÁÁ+w nj(old)2]1/2.Re-initialize weights w ij between input layer and hidden layer:w ij(new)=b·w ij(old)/k w ij(old)k.Set bias b j on hidden neurons Y j for j=1,2,...,q:b j=random number betweenÀb and+b.For each output neuron Z k:Initialize the w jk from hidden neuron Y j to output neuron Z k:w jk=random number betweenÀ0.5and+0.5.Set bias b k on output neurons Z k for k=1,2,...,r:b k=random number betweenÀ0.5and+0.5.For an n-processor distributed system,the number of input neurons,p,at the input layer of ANN will be (nÀ1).There are three output neurons at the output layer indicating the value of bit‘0’,bit‘1’and the ‘DEFAULT’value.In the hidden layer,the number of hidden nodes,q,is initialized to be the ceiling of (p+r)/2=(n+2)/2.Genetic algorithm can be used to optimize the value of q.This method is called evolu-tionary neural networks.The weights between any two layers of FFNN map every node to a node across the layers.Hence,location of the faulty node is independent of its connected input neurons in the ANN model of BAP-ANN.The crucial factor is the number of faulty processors or the number of faulty nodes,m,within the distributed network system.In the application stage,the weight matrix from the training stage is used for new BAP application to reach the ICCs.This application stage is the same with the feed forward process in the training stage.Received mes-sages are fed to the input layer and the outputs are collected from the output layer.These outputs are then used in thefinal stage,known as the compromise stage,where the majority function is applied to achieve BA among all the loyal nodes within the network.4.Message exchange matrix(MEM)To train the neural network,a set of training data is needed.This training data is obtained from the mes-sage exchange stage.It is then specially arranged into a form of(nÀ1)·(nÀ1)matrix,which is called the message exchange matrix(MEM).In this section,we discuss how MEM is constructed using the example4790K.-W.Lee,H.-T.Ewe/Information Sciences177(2007)4785–4798of a4-processor distributed system.Figs.4and6show two kinds of faulty situations:faulty commander node and faulty lieutenant node.From the loyal bit density data depicted in Figs.5and7,we show that the situ-ation of faulty lieutenant node is worse than the situation of faulty commander node.Hence the worse case of fault tolerance will occur when the tolerable faulty node is at its maximum and the faulty node belongs to the lieutenant node.We performed a mathematical analysis of MEM to explain the experimental phenomena of a reduction in mean epoch for ANN training.These phenomena take place when the network size increases with afixed num-ber of faulty nodes and(n mod3),which is the remainder of n/3.From the analysis,we can observe the suit-ability of BAP-ANN for different sized networks.This is important for efficient BAP implementation so as to be able to choose between the traditional BAP and BAP-ANN for different scenarios.An n-processor distributed computer network is simulated as a graph of n-node of fully connected network (FCN).In thefirst round,the commander node sends its order or value to all the other(nÀ1)lieutenant nodes.At this point,each lieutenant node has one bit of the message.In the second round,each lieutenant node sends its one bit of message to the other(nÀ2)lieutenant nodes.Now,we have(nÀ1)bits of messages at every lieutenant node.In the third round,which is also thefinal round,each lieutenant node delivers its(n À1)bits of message to all the other (n À2)lieutenant stly,we have the total bits of message (Msg ANN )at all the (n À1)lieutenant nodes as in the following equation:Msg ANN ¼ðn À1Þ½1þðn À2Þþðn À1Þðn À2Þ ¼ðn À1Þ3ð3ÞComparatively,the complexities of traditional BAP and BAP-ANN are O(n m +1)and O(n 3),respectively.As m is equal to or more than three,the efficiency of the BAP-ANN will surpass the traditional BAP [25].This phe-nomenon is shown in Fig.3.The message exchange phase of faulty commander node is shown in Figs.4and 5.Since the worst case of FCN-4is one faulty lieutenant node,we have the message exchange phase of this example explained in detail in Figs.6and 7.Here,there are one commander node C and three lieutenant nodes L 1,L 2and L 3.In the worst case,one of the three lieutenant nodes is faulty.Hence,we have three faulty situations here,i.e.either L 1,L 2or L 3is a malicious node.Due to the symmetrical property of the ANN model,these three faulty situations are equivalent to each other.For example,let the lieutenant node L 3be the faulty node,sending out arbitrary messages to confuse other loyal lieutenant nodes.Fig.6a shows the first round of message exchange stage,where the commander node delivers its order bit ‘1’to the other three lieutenant nodes.In Fig.7a,it depicts the received message bit ‘1’from the commander node that is saved in the MEM of each lieutenant node.In the second round,the loyal lieutenant nodes L 1and L 2send their saved value in the first round to the other lieutenant nodes.On the other hand,the faulty node L 3will send bit ‘0’to other lieutenant nodes to confuse the agreement.The message flow in the second round is shown in Fig.6b.Meanwhile Fig.7b depicts the update of the MEM of each lieutenant node after the second round of message exchange.Fig.6c shows the delivery of message string with a length of three bits from a lieutenant node to the other lieutenant nodes.The exchange of message strings allows the complete formation of MEM at each lieutenant node.Fig.7c shows the final update of MEM.MEM is now ready to be used as the training data set for the designed ANN at every node.Among the MEM at each lieutenant node,it is only necessary to consider the MEM of the loyal lieutenant node.In fact,we can neglect the MEM of the faulty lieutenant node.As long as condition (1)is satisfied,consideration of MEM at the loyal nodes is sufficient to solve the BGP.All the loyal lieutenant nodes will use the MEM formed to train the weight matrix and the bias matrix of the designed ANN model.Once the ANN model is trained,it can be used for future incoming BGP to achieve BA among all loyal nodes.As in this example,the MEMs at the loyal lieutenant nodes,L 1and L 2,are already sufficient to guarantee the achievement of the BA.MEM is a (n À1)·(n À1)matrix formed after the message exchange stage.This MEM is used as the train-ing data set during the training stage of BAP-ANN.After training the neural network,the MEM is used as the testing data set in the application stage.For an n -processor distributed network,a maximum of m faulty pro-cessors can be tolerated as in (1).Assume the commander processor to be loyal,then there are m faulty lieu-tenant processors.Hence as we take the distributed network as a graph of n nodes,we then have one Fig.5.MEM at each lieutenant node during the FCN-4message exchange stage with a faulty commander node C.L 11L 2 1 L 3 0(a)After first round of message exchange.L 1 1 1 0 L 2 1 1 0 L 3 1 1 0(b)After second round of message exchange.L 11 1 11 1 10 0 0 L 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 L 3 1 1 11 1 10 0 0(c)After third round of message exchange.K.-W.Lee,H.-T.Ewe /Information Sciences 177(2007)4785–47984791commander node and (n À1)lieutenant nodes.Among the (n À1)lieutenant nodes,m are faulty nodes.These (n À1)lieutenant nodes are represented by (n À1)columns of the MEM with m columns representing the faulty nodes.Fig.7.MEM at each lieutenant node during the FCN-4message exchange stage with a faulty lieutenant node L 3.L 11L 2 1 L 3 1(a)After first round of message exchange.L 1 1 1 0 L 2 1 1 0 L 3 1 1 1(b)After second round of message exchange.L 11 1 01 1 00 0 0 L 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 L 3 1 1 11 1 10 0 1(c)After third round of message exchange.4792K.-W.Lee,H.-T.Ewe /Information Sciences 177(2007)4785–4798The column of MEM represents the receiver nodes and the row of MEM represents the sender node.Hence we have m rows of faulty message senders and m columns of faulty message receivers.Due to the matrix prop-erty and the symmetrical property of ANN architecture,the sequences of the numbers of faulty rows and faulty columns are independent of BA achievement.As long as the number of faulty nodes is at a maximum of m nodes,the BGP of the unsigned message can be solved with the BAP-ANN.As the sequence of rows sent by the lieutenant nodes is independent from the neural network training,we can gather the rows sent by the faulty nodes together.For example,let us take the worst case of n =4.For n =4,the maximum value of m is 1.Therefore,either C,L 1,L 2or L 3is faulty.We consider the faulty L situation instead of faulty C situation since faulty L is worse than faulty C.However,these three faulty cases (L 1,L 2or L 3)are equivalent to each other.Hence,we can always assume that L 1is the faulty node.To make the analysis easier,we arrange the MEM so that the rows with faulty mes-sages are always at the top of the MEM.In other words,the first m rows of the MEM are rows of messages sent by the faulty lieutenant nodes.In addition,the first m columns from the left side of the MEM are arranged to be columns with faulty messages.Therefore,we have an MEM as in Fig.8for analysis.5.Analysis of message exchange matrixIn Fig.8,we observe that MEM contains both loyal and faulty bits.Out of the ðn À1ÞÂðn À1Þbits,a total of ðn Àm À1ÞÂðn Àm À1Þare loyal bits.To help analyze the MEM,we have some denotations as follows:n =number of nodes in the network,m =number of faulty nodes in the network,npr =total number of bits in the MEM =(n À1)2,nloy =number of bits of the loyal lieutenant nodes,nfau =number of bits of the faulty lieutenant nodes,v loy =number of row vectors sent by loyal lieutenant nodes,v fau =number of row vectors sent by faulty lieutenant nodes,v npr =total number of row vectors.m * m m * (n -m -1) (n -m -1) * m (n -m -1) * (n -m -1) m bits(n -m -1) bits(n -1) bits(n -1) bitsFig.8.Message exchange matrix for an n -processor distributed system.K.-W.Lee,H.-T.Ewe /Information Sciences 177(2007)4785–47984793Assuming the commander node is loyal,we have m =number of faulty lieutenant nodes.In addition,we can have some parameter relationships as in the following equations:n ¼f 4;5;6;7; ¼f m P 0&m 6floor ððn À1Þ=3Þgfloor ðx Þ¼a function to round the x value to nearest integer smaller than xnpr ¼ðn À1Þ2nloy ¼ðn Àm À1ÞÂðn Àm À1Þ¼ðn Àm À1Þ2nfau ¼m Âm þm Âðn Àm À1Þþðn Àm À1ÞÂm ¼2mn À2m Àm 2npr ¼nloy þnfauv npr ¼v loy þv fau ð4ÞFor an n -node distributed network,tolerance in the number of faulty nodes,m ,ranges from 0to floor((n À1)/3).To analyze the effect of m on the MEM,we set the value of m to the worst situation,where m =floor((n À1)/3).For every critical value of m ,there exist three corresponding values of n where m ={1,2,3,4,...},we can have three cases of n as follows in (5):Case 1:n ¼3m þ1ðC1ÞCase 2:n ¼3m þ2ðC2ÞCase 3:n ¼3m þ3ðC3Þð5ÞFor the three above cases,we calculate some ratios to help the MEM analysis.These ratios are (nloy/npr),(nfau/npr),(v loy /v npr )and (v fau /v npr ).The computation results of the ratio for every case are listed in Table2.From the table,we notice the trend of the loyal bit composition of a MEM as the size of the network increases.As we compute cases 1–3,we have the conclusions as in the following inequalities:nloy npr C1<nloy npr C2<nloy npr C3v loy v npr C1<v loy v npr C2<v loy v npr C3nfau npr C1>nfau npr C2>nfau npr C3v fau v npr C1>v fau v npr C2>v fau v npr C3ð6ÞTable 2Various ratios for MEM analysis on the worst case of mCaseC1:n =3m +1C2:n =3m +2C3:n =3m +3nloynpr492m þ122m þ22nfaunpr55m 2þ2m 9m 2þ6m þ15m 2þ4m 9m 2þ12m þ4v loyv npr22m þ12m þ2v faunpr 1m m 4794K.-W.Lee,H.-T.Ewe /Information Sciences 177(2007)4785–4798From cases1–3,the ratios of(nloy/npr)andðv loy=v nprÞincrease,while the ratios of(nfau/npr)andðv fau=v nprÞdecrease.Consequently,as the network size,n,grows,cases2and3will converge to case1.For a larger net-work,the loyal bit density in a MEM is about4/9or44.4%and the density of row vectors with loyal messages is about2/3or66.7%.In this paper,the BAP-ANN is studied by using an FCN model of an n-processor distributed system for cases of n=4,7,10,and n=10,11,12.The performance evaluation gives an analysis on the MEM formed after the message exchange stage and the required mean epoch for neural network training.The MEM is used as both training and testing data sets.The analysis implies that as the network size grows larger,a smaller number of epochs will be required to train the neural network.For the case offixed number of faulty node, this is illustrated in Fig.9for n=10,11,12.Meanwhile for the case of(n mod3),it is shown in Fig.10.In what follows include the explanations of these phenomena.As the number of node n increases,the number of bits in the MEM,which isðnÀ1ÞÂðnÀ1Þ,increases in the order of n2.The pattern of bits in the MEM is classified into its corresponding classes by using the ANN.A trained ANN performs its pattern classification task by feeding the row vectors of the MEM into its input layer row by row.In an MEM,all the loyal bit positions will share a common value.Therefore,there are always a minimum ofðnÀmÀ1Þ2bits out of a total ofðnÀ1Þ2sharing the same bit value.Meanwhile,for faulty bit positions,all have randomly generated arguments.If the loyal bit locations are all bit‘1’,then the faulty bit locations can be either bit‘0’or bit‘1’.As the distributed network size,n,increases,the bit‘0’and bit‘1’in the faulty bit position will be evenly distributed with a probability of occurrence at0.5for each.At the same time,the loyal bit positions always carry the same bit value of either bit‘0’or bit‘1’.Hence,as n increases,the number of bit value with a loyal bit value will tend to be more.In other words,the sample moves away from the worst case scenario,where all the faulty bit positions carry a value different from the loyal bit value at the loyal bit positions.If n is big enough and nloybit represents the number of bits carrying the loyal bit value,we have a ratio as in the following equation:ðnloybit=nprÞ¼½nloyþfloorð0:5ÂnfauÞ =nprð7ÞAs n is sufficiently large,cases2and3will converge to case1.Hence the consideration of case1where ðn¼3mþ1Þwill be sufficient to see the effect of increasing the size of the distributed network on the bit com-position of MEM.We will then generate a simpler form for(7)as in(8)below:ðnloybit=nprÞC1¼ðnloy=nprÞC1þfloorð0:5ÂnfauÞ=npr¼4=9þfloorð0:5ÂnfauÞ=nprð8ÞTherefore,it becomes easier to recognize a pattern of bit composition for the message exchange matrix as the value of n increases.Indirectly,it means that it is easier to train the neural network for faster detection of any Byzantine fault.Hence,we canfinally deduce that the mean epoch required to train the neural network re-duces,as the distributed network grows larger.This performance analysis has the implication to ease the com-putational workload for fault tolerance within a malicious distributed computer network.6.ConclusionsOur MEM analysis proves that the loyal bit density of MEM increases with the size of the distributed net-work.The increment of loyal bit density allows less mean epoch to train the neural network.Hence,the BAP-ANN has an advantage over the traditional BAP as the network size becomes bigger since BA can be achieved at a faster rate.This implies that the secure communication within the distributed network can be improved by replacing traditional BAP with BAP-ANN.Due to lesser-exchanged messages,our improved BAP-ANN achieves BA faster than the traditional BAP when n P10as shown in Fig.3.The network size can thus be used as a criterion to determine appropriate BAP to be used for different cases of BGP application.The evaluation study indicates that for afixed number of faulty nodes and(n mod3),which is the cases of n/3remainder,the required mean epoch for neural network training decreases as the network size n increases. These phenomena imply that larger networks are safer and more tolerable to Byzantine fault.In the future, BAP-ANN may be used for multipartite protocol or distributed cryptography[18]in view of the advancement of distributed artificial intelligence(DAI).AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by Telekom Internal Research Funding,Malaysia under the Financial Grants of EUCG02/2000/RF19and PR/2001/0025.The authors would like to thank anonymous reviewers,proof-readers and language editing service providers for helping improve the readability of this article.References[1]A.G.Adami,D.A.C.Barone,A speaker identification system using a model of artificial neural networks for an elevator application,Information Sciences138(1–4)(2001)1–5.[2]M.K.Aguilera,S.Toueg,A simple bivalency proof that t-resilient consensus requires t+1rounds,Information Processing Letters71(3-4)(1999)155–158.[3]T.Anderson,P.A.Lee,Fault Tolerance Principles and Practice,Prentice Hall,Englewood Cliffs,NJ,USA,1981.[4]A.Avizienis,Fault-tolerance systems,IEEE Transactions on Computers C-25(12)(1976)1304–1312.[5]B.Ayeb,A.Farhat,Aflexible formal framework for masking/demasking faults,Information Sciences159(1–2)(2004)29–52.[6]O.Babaoglu,R.Drummond,Streets of Byzantium:network architectures for fast reliable broadcasts,IEEE Transactions onSoftware Engineering11(6)(1985)546–554.[7]Z.Boger,Experience in industrial plant model development using large-scale artificial neural networks,Information Sciences101(3–4)。
