

二年级英语下册 Unit 8(8)教案

二年级英语下册 Unit 8(8)教案

〔北师大〕二年级英语下册教案Unit8 Are these tomatoes?一、教学目标:1.知识目标学习有关蔬菜的单词,初步理解故事。

并学习询问物体复数的句子:What are these/those? They are---.以及句型Are these (tomatoes)? 的肯定与否认的答复。



二、教学重点:灵活运用询问物体复数的句子做事情三、教学难点:these 和those 的区别四、教学过程:〔一〕歌曲导入1. T: Let’s sing a song together?2.呈现图片dress, shoes. T: It’s a dress. They are shoes. Can you say these pictures?〔二〕揭示课题1.教师呈现图片引出:It’s a banana. They are bananas.It’s a lemon. They are lemons.It’s a pear. They are pears.T: bananas, lemons, pears are fruit. 2.教师呈现图片引出:They are tomatoes.They are potatoes.They are carrots.-T: Carrots, tomatoes, potatoes are vegetables.Do you want to know how to say some vegetables in English? Let’s look at the story “Unit8 Are these tomatoes?〞〔三〕学习故事.1.完整呈现故事一遍,看后答复:Who are in the story? Where are they?2.理解故事情节〔1〕What vegetables can you see ?〔2〕Let’s look at the text again. Try to read the name of the vegetables.3. How does Mocky know these vegetables? What does Mocky ask? What does Ann answer? Let’s look. Picture 2 Look and read. Blackboard: What are these? They are tomatoes.Picture3: What are those? They are beans.Explain: these thosePicture4: Are these mushrooms? Yes, they are.Picture5: Are these cabbages? No, they aren’t.Read the sentences.4. Let’s look at the story again and think:Why does Ann say “No, Mocky! NO!〞 ?Why does Ken Say “Mocky, no! Mocky , no!〞?Is he right?小结:我们不要向Mocky那样随便拿别人的东西。

二下Unit 8 Are these tomatoes

二下Unit 8  Are these tomatoes

Unit 8 Are these tomatoes ?教学目标:1. 知识与技能:能听懂并运用名词的复数形式;熟练掌握4个蔬菜类单词:pepper, eggplant, cucumber, cauliflower;并能在情境对话中运用句型:What are these? They are …和Are these …进行交际。

2. 过程与方法: 通过颜色和形状的联想引入新知,在”Super basket”和”Secret rings”的游戏中进行深化,以改编的儿歌为第二切入点完成歌曲的学习.3. 情感态度价值观:运用多媒体课件激发学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的观察力和注意力; 在多种活动的辅助下为学生提供机会,培养学生运用语言的能力,促进学生善于听说、乐于听说等良好学习习惯的形成,发散学生思维,激发创造力。

教学重点:单词:蔬菜单词pepper, eggplant, cucumber,cauliflower。

2. 句型:能在情境对话中较流利地用What arethese? They are …和Are these(tomatoes)?句型进行交际。

教学难点:What are these?与Are these tomatoes?在具体情景中进行真实有效的应用。

教材分析:北师大版小学英语教材二年级下册《Unit8 Are these tomatoes?》第二课时。

本单元主要内容:1、有关蔬菜类的单词,2、句型What are these? They are …/Are these …?在第一课时的故事情境中,学生对这些句型的应用已经有了初步的感受和认识。





新广东版先锋二年级《unit 8 are these tomatoes》教学设计(精品).doc

新广东版先锋二年级《unit 8 are these tomatoes》教学设计(精品).doc

Unit8 Are these tomatoes? 说课Unit8 Are these tomatoes? 说课北京小学宋紫燕各位老师,上午好。



一、教材分析我所任教的课题是一年级起点北师大版的二年级下册Unit8 Are these tomatoes?的第三课时。

在本单元中,学生要熟练的掌握蔬菜的英文单词,并能够运用What are these? What are those? Are these …? Are those …?对复数的物品进行交流。

















三、教学目标下面我从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观三方面想大家介绍本课的教学目标:1.知识与技能目标词汇:熟练运用蔬菜词汇,认识CD和toy句型:能够区分What are these? 和What are those?的区别,扩展句型Are thos e …?能够理解come to….的意思语音:能够体会t和d首字母在单词中的清、浊发音有选择适当句式交流信息的意识2.过程与方法目标通过创编韵律儿歌,区分句型What are these? 和What are those?通过创设到同学和老师家做客的情节引入,发散学生思维,让学生在适当情境中进行what are these? what are those? Are those … ?的语言操练。



Lesson 2⑴教学目标①知识目标:What are these/those? They are …. vegetables②能力目标:Listen, say and sing.③情感目标:在歌曲中激发学生学习的兴趣,寓学于乐。

⑵教学重难点:Asking and answering question about plural objects.⑶教学过程:1. Warm-upChoose two children to come to the front of the class. Have one child hold up a flashcard and ask, “What are these?” and the other child answer, “They’re …” After they have presented three cards, choose two more children and repeat the procedure.Pin up one of the six flashcards. Move away and point to the flash card. Say, “What are those?” Elicit the correct answer.2. PluralsHold up the beans flashcard. Ask, “What are these?” Make sure the children say the final /s/ in They’re beans.Explain to the children that, when we talk about more than one thing, we usually add an s at the end of the word.Draw one tomato and one mushroom on the board. Point to the tomato and have the children say tomato. Then hold up the flashcard and have them say tomatoes, emphasizing the final /s/ sound.Repeat the procedure for mushroom/s/.3. Words to learnDisplay your copy of the page. Play the tape once. Point to the picture of each vegetable as it is named.Play the tape again. Have the children touch the correct picture as they hear each vegetable’s name.Without the tape , read the words together. Encourage the children to touch each word as they say it.Read the names again, and this time have the children repeat the words.4. Listen to thisTalk about the pictures first.Play the tape, pausing after each pair of sentences. Have them repeat Ken’s question, then point to the correct vegetables.5. Teach the songUse the flashcards of the vocabulary being reviewed.Practice the structures “Are these …? Yes, they are. / No, it isn’t.” with the flashcards.These new structures will prepare the children for the song.Tell the children they are going to learn another song. Read the words aloud to the children , pointing to each word as you do so.Play the song. Encourage the children to sing along and to clap in time.6. Set homeworkTell the children you want them to sing the song to their families.Read the new words by themselves。

二年级下册英语说课稿 Unit8 Are there tomatoes?

二年级下册英语说课稿 Unit8 Are there tomatoes?

二年级下册英语说课稿Unit8 Are there tomatoes?





二年级英语下册 Unit 8 Are these tomatoes Lesson 3(3-9)教案

二年级英语下册 Unit 8 Are these tomatoes Lesson 3(3-9)教案

Lesson 3(3-9)⑴教学目标②知识目标:Are these/those…? Yes, they are。

No, they aren't。

(Phonics)/t/ /d/②能力目标:Listen,talk and read。


⑵教学重难点:Have the children practice the sounds and letters。


Warm-upLanguage drillAre these …?Yes,they are. / No,they aren’t。

2. Talk togetherHave the children open their books at page 18. draw their attention to the pictures at the top of the page. Say,“Now we can read what we said。

”Display the copy of the page and then read aloud the words in the speech bubbles, pointing to each word as you say it.Read the words again, and have the children repeat them after you。

Encourage the children to touch the words in their books as they say them。

If time allows, the children could substitute other vegetable names for onions。

First time:listen to the tape。

Second time:listen and repeat.Read by themselves。

2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit8 Are these tomatoes(1)教案 北

2019-2020年二年级英语下册  Unit8 Are these tomatoes(1)教案 北

2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit8 Are these tomatoes(1)教案北师大版eaching contents :Vocabulary:Are, these, they’re, tomatoes, those, beans, mushrooms, they, cabbages, aren’t, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, peppers, eggplantsStructure:What are these\those?They’re (beans).Are these\those beans?Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.Period 1一、 Greetings.二、 Presentation.Step 1 Model the dialog.Take out the pictures of apple, pear, banana and the others.Hold up the picture of pear and ask, “What’s this?”Have the children answer. Repeat this for apple and banana.Repeat several times, and have the Ss say the names.Hold up the apples and ask, “What are these?”Have the children answer. Repeat this for the bananas and pears.Repeat several times, and have the Ss say the names.Hold up other things and ask, “What are these?” Have the Ss repeat the sentences after me.Then, repeat the procedure for all the other things.Read the sentences together.Step 2 Talk about the story.T:Open your books.Show them what to do.Repeat the things and have the Ss open their books at page 14 and 15.Step 3 Ask these questions about the pictures :Picture 1: Who can you see in the picture?Picture 1: What are they doing ?Picture 3: What is Mocky holding?Picture 9 : How does Mocky feel?T: Now we are going to hear what the characters said.Play the tape. Have the Ss look at the pictures, as the tape is play.Have the Ss roleplay the dialog using the masks.Step 4 Homework.Tell your family the English names for the vegetables.教学后记:以活动形式复习,激发学生兴趣,学生在活动过程中复习、巩固旧知识,效果较好。

二年级英语下册 Unit8Are these tomatos(2)课件 北师大版

二年级英语下册 Unit8Are these tomatos(2)课件 北师大版

Step 2:
温故而知新。在复习第一课时的蔬菜单词的同时, 通过电脑课件,建立颜色与蔬菜的联系,引导孩子 们开动脑筋发散思维,通过联想引出四个新单词: eggplants / cauliflowers / cucumbers / peppers。把新 旧单词融合在一起,以趣味活动如: “Magic hand”、 “Pass and say competition”为载体,对句型进行机 械操练,亲身参与,感受句型功能。
2. 过程与方法: 通过颜色和形状的联想引入新知,在”Super basket”和”Secret rings”的游戏中进行深化,以改编的儿 歌为第二切入点完成歌曲的学习.
3. 情感态度价值观:运用多媒体课件激发学生的学习兴趣,培 养他们的观察力和注意力; 在多种活动的辅助下为学生提供 机会,培养学生运用语言的能力,促进学生善于听说、乐于 听说等良好学习习惯的形成,发散学生思维,激发创造力。
二年级的学生好奇心强、活泼好动,善于模仿。同时, 他们对于简单的日常用语有所掌握,对熟悉的英语知 识有所感悟,具备语言的学习和交流的欲望。但是受 到词汇量与语法知识的限制,容易产生“交际失败” 的现象,挫伤其英语学习的积极性。
针对这一特点,在平日的教学中,我注重营造愉悦、 欢快的学习氛围,运用多种活动增强学生参与的广度 和深度,使他们在亲身体验中进行有效的学习,保持 他们学习的欲望和兴趣,从而提高学习效果。
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 1:



Unit 8 Are these tomatoes?Lesson 1⑴教学目标②知识目标:What are these/those? They’re/ They are ….Are these…? Plural nouns (regular)②能力目标:Listen and talk.③情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,培养学生的自信心。

⑵教学重难点:Asking and answering question about plural objects⑶教学过程:1. ReviewUse this activity to review structures introduced in Unit 7, and the vocabulary introduced in Unit 2 and Unit 5.What’s this? It’s a … Is it a …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.2. Model the dialogBorrow three pens, pencils, and rulers from the children.Hold up one pen and ask, “What’s this?” Elicit the answer, “It’s a pen.” Repeat the procedure for pencil and ruler.Hold up a pen and repeat the question, “What’s this?”Now hold up two or three pens and say, “What are these?”Repeat the procedure using the pencils and rulers.Now have the children repeat each sentence as you hold up first one object, and then more than one. Explain that we use these when we are referring to more than one object. Practice the structure “What are these/those? They’re …” with some objects.3. Talk about the storyHave the children open their books at the story. Display your copy of the page and ask these questions about the pictures.Where are Ann, Ken, and Mocky?What is Mocky looking at?What is Mocky holding?What other vegetables does Mocky find?Who chases Mocky?4. StoryPlay the tape, pausing at each new picture. Have the children repeat the words before you move on to the next picture.Play the tape again, this time without stopping.Divide the class into three groups. One group will be Mocky, the second group will be Ken, and the third group will be Ann.Teacher read the vendor’s line.Play one sentence at a time and point to the matching story picture. Have each group repeat its character’s sentence.Read after the teacher。













二、呈现操练:1.Modelthedialog(1)向学生出示一支钢笔,问:What’thi引导学生回答:It’a(pen).(2)举起两支钢笔,问:Whatarethee 估计:学生听不懂话我问的话?对策:1)师重复多遍,并指着多个单词问。








二下Unit8 Are these tomatoes教案

二下Unit8 Are these tomatoes教案
Step5 Let’s sing
T plays the tape, Ss listen and follow.
Ss sing together.

Unit 8 Are these tomatoes
What are these/ those They’re beans.
Are these ( )
in pairs.
Step2 Talk together
1 Show the picture on page18.
T: What can you see Ss look and answer.
T: What do you want to know
T plays the tape, Ss listen and answer

Unit 8 Are these tomatoes
What are these/ those They’re books.
P 3: What is Mocky holding
P 4 /5/6: What other vegetables does Mocky find
P 7: What does Mocky do with the vegetables
P 8: Which vegetables are these
P 9: What does Mocky want to do Is Ken pleased with Mocky
T reads, Ss listen and find the pictures.
Ss do group work. (1 page14, 2 page15)



Lesson 4(3-11)⑴教学目标①知识目标:Are these …? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.(Phonics and writing)tomatoes, onions, potatoes and beans.②能力目标:Listen, read and write.③情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。

⑵教学重难点:the correct writing of each word⑶教学过程:1. Trace the wordsHold up the flashcard for tomatoes. Ask “What are these?” Elicit from the children “They are tomatoes.”Have the children open their books at page 20. Show your copy of the page. Draw their attention to the first sentence. Say, “We are going to write what we said just now.” Have the children trace the word tomatoes.Repeat the procedure for the other sentences.2. Read and matchDraw the children’s attention to the pictures and words at the bottom of the page. Point to the first word eggplants. Say, “Eggplants.” Have the children repeat after you as they touch the word in their books.Now point to the picture of eggplants. Ask, “What are these?” Elicit from the children, “They’re / They are eggplants.”Have the children draw a line from the word to the picture and repeat the word eggplants.Repeat the procedure for the other words and pictures.3. Uncle Booky’s BlackboardAttach a flashcard to the wall at the other end of the room. Stand away from the card and point to it. Ask, “What are those?”Elicit, “They’re…” Repeat the procedure, using the other flashcards.Read the question aloud, pointing to each word as you do so. Have the children repeat the question.Attach the beans flashcard to the board and help children to model the different structures using the drillcards, for example, Are these beans? Yes, they are. Are these tomatoes? No, they aren’t.Model the structures on Uncle Booky’s Blackboard by reading them aloud to the children.Have the children repeat the questions and answers after you in a class drill, using all possible combinations.4. Guess and sayAsk the children to take out their small vegetable flashcards of this unit:Put the children in pairs. Then two children mix their cards with the picture facing down.Student A puts his/her hand on one card and asks student B to guess.Student B says, “Are the se…?” Student A flips over the card and says Yes or No.Then he/she puts his/her hand on another card and asks, “Are these …?” Student B answers, “Yes, they are.” Or “No, they aren’t.”Continue until all the cards are flipped over. Then the two students change their roles.5. Set homework.For homework they can finish the tracing and copying tasks.6. 教学后记:对于基本语句学生们大部分能阅读下来,难点还是在单词朗读和记忆上。



Lesson 5(3-13)⑴教学目标①知识目标:Be able to chant and check the correct answer.②能力目标:Listen, read and write.③情感目标:有学习英语的愿望,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。

⑵教学重难点:use the structures in communication⑶教学过程:1. Warm-upThis activity reviews the stucture Is this a …? Introduced in Unit 7.Hold up the flashcard for lemon. Ask, “Is this a lemon?” Elicit “Yes, it is.” Now ask, “Is this a …?” Have the children say, “No, it isn’t.”Choose four children to come to the front of the class and repeat the questions and answers.Repeat the procedure with other children and different fruit.2. Check (√) the correct answerTalk about the pictures.Who is this? Are these …?Have the children repeat the words the speech bubbles.Now ask the children to check the correct answer. Make sure they have done this. Repeat all the procedures for the other two pictures.3. Let’s chantRead the rhyme to the children, pointing to each word.Play the tape for the whole rhyme. Have children listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page.Play the tape again and have children join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhyme.Have children point to the picture in their books as they listen to the tape again. They can also add some actions and act the rhyme out.4. Game: Find the vegetables out in the classroom5. Set homeworkAsk the children to color the pictures on page 22.6. 教学后记:check这一部分同学们做的很快,而且正确率很高;chant这部分少数同学能够跟读下来。

2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit8 Are these tomatoes教案 北师大版

2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit8 Are these tomatoes教案 北师大版

2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit8 Are these tomatoes教案北师大版教学背景分析本节课是北师大版小学英语二年级下册第八单元Are these tomatoes? 第三课时。

本单元主要内容:1、有关蔬菜类的单词2、句型What are these? They are … /Are these …?教学背景分析在前两课时的学习中,学生已经初步掌握了有关蔬菜的单词,也能初步运用What are these? Are these …?功能句进行简单表达。

在本节课的教学中,一方面要让学生能够听懂,会说,认读有关蔬菜的词汇,更突出对功能句的深入和细化,利用Talk together的学习以及借助更多的名词进行操练,要求学生能够在实际情景中会运用和交流。





教学方式和手段▪用歌曲,表演和游戏的形式帮助学生复习巩固故事的内容和蔬菜的词汇;▪从听入手,进行Talk together的学习,并以此为平台,借助更多不同类别的词汇对功能句型进行操练。


▪评价方式采取为学生画简笔画鼓励学生猜谜游戏作的好,lucky gifts鼓励学生课文表演的出色,以及师生之间,生生之间激励性语言的相互评价贯穿于每个活动中。

教学技术手段▪教学资源:教材,Talk together课件,幻灯片,游戏材料,词汇卡片教学目标知识与能力目标:▪词汇:能听懂,会说,认读有关蔬菜的单词;了解CDs, toys的意思▪句型:在对话学习中对What are these? Are these …? 有更进一步的理解,并能将其运用到真实的语言环境中,并培养学生有选择适当句式交流信息的意识。

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Lesson 3(3-9)
②知识目标:Are these/those…? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
(Phonics)/t/ /d/
②能力目标:Listen, talk and read.

⑵教学重难点:Have the children practice the sounds and letters.
1. Warm-up
Language drill
Are these …? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
2. Talk together
Have the children open their books at page 18. draw their attention to the pictures at the top of the page. Say, “Now we can read what we said.”
Display the copy of the page and then read aloud the words in the speech bubbles, pointing to each word as you say it.
Read the words again, and have the children repeat them after you.
Encourage the children to touch the words in their books as they say them.
If time allows, the children could substitute other vegetable names for onions. First time:listen to the tape.
Second time:listen and repeat.
Read by themselves. Then elicit some students to read it.
3. Listen and number
Talk about the pictures first.
Play the tape, have the children number the pictures in the correct order. Check the answer.
4. Sounds and letters
Draw the children’s attention to the pictures on top of the page.
Play the tape for taxi and tomatoes. Ask, “Do these words have the sound /t/?”Play the tape again and have the children say the words aloud.
Repeat the procedure for the /d/ words.
5. Match the sounds.
Read all the words in the circle and have the children touch the words that have all the same beginning sound with taxi.
Read the words again and have the children repeat. This time have the children match the words that have the same beginning sound with taxi to its picture by lines. Repeat the procedure with the /d/ sound. Tell them that there might be pictures that do not match either sounds.
6. Set homework
Ask children to color the pictures on pages 18 and 19.
7. 教学后记:对话部分黑体字掌握比较熟练,首尾阅读稍有些困难,听力做的不错,单词发音也能基本掌握。
