Chapter 2 国际商务沟通与谈判



Effective preparation for a negotiation encompasses three general abilities:
• Self-assessment • Assessment of the counterparty • Assessment of the situation
Part One The Essentials of Negotiation
— Chapter 2 — Preparation:
What to Do Before Negotiation
The Fixed-Pie Perception
Most negotiators believe whatever is good for one party must be bad for the counterparty.
People with this fixed-pie perception take one of three mindsets when preparing for a negotiation:
• Resign themselves to capitulating to the counterparty
Self-Assessment: Endowment Effects
Differences in negotiators’ reference points may lead buyers and sellers to have different valuations for the same object
• Brainstorm your alternatives. • Evaluate and order each alternative’s value. • Attempt to improve your BATNA. • Determine your reservation price based on facts. • See Exhibit 2-1.

国际商务谈判 Chapter 2

国际商务谈判 Chapter 2
International Business Negotiations
Chapter 2
Preparation for Negotiation
Preparation Every negotiation requires preparation. The preparation work functions, in a sense, as lubrication on either regular or an ad hoc basis.
1. The desirable target
is what negotiators wish to attain but in reality rarely reach. It serves two purposes in negotiations: A. setting a potential goal for negotiators to strive for; B. leaving room for bargaining in negotiations.
1. lack of sensitivity to differences in culture, consumer tastes, and market demands. 2. limited appreciation for the different environment abroad. Due to pressure to satisfy short-term financial goal, they are unwilling to spend money to find out about the differences.
3. The bottom target


第一节 商务谈判的类型 第二节 商务谈判的内容
重点 商务谈判的内容
难点 商务谈判的内容的内涵
第一节 商务谈判的类型
按谈判地域划 分
国际商务 谈判
国内商务 谈判
按谈判规模划 分
中型谈判 大型谈判
思考: 1.在奥迪汽车诞生的过程中,反映了中、美、 德三方怎样的合作态度? 2.中美双方谈判冲突的原因何在? 3.为何当克莱斯勒公司只收象征性的一美元 技术转让费时,一汽反而不选择它?如果你是 主谈人,你将如何做出选择呢?
本章主要介绍商务谈判的内容和商务谈 判的类型。重点的要求掌握商务谈判的内 容,在商务谈判过程在,要认真的将谈判 的内容,特别是商务谈判内容中的品质的 具体要求掌握好,应为品质与价格有一定 的关系,其次就是关于价格的谈判也是很 重要的问题。商务谈判的类型,是同学应 该了解的。
艾柯卡感到了这一信息的压力和内涵,立刻通知有关人士把和好的 手又伸了过来:“如果一汽和我们合作,将只象征性地收一美元技 术转让费……”此时,一汽已由山穷水尽的处境变成了货比两家的 主动位置,经过反复论证和比较,一汽终于选定大众为合作伙伴。
1998年10月,美国汽车工业巨子艾柯卡飞到北京。在北京人民大 会堂,艾柯卡作了一场题为《世界经济形势下的企业家精神》的报 告。在这个报告中,他有一段话使人惊诧:“我们的教训是进一步 了解世界市场。以前,我们只想与通用、福特公司竞争,没想到和 日本、韩国人竞争,我错了;以前,我认为最优秀的汽车设计总是 底特律的,我错了;以前,我认为落后美国几代人的国家是不可能 追上来的,我错了;以前,我认为企业家精神只是美国人的精神, 我错了......,,



如何才能保证房屋坚固?业主可以用一些有关的安全标准来进行讨价还价。业主 可以这样讲:“哦,也许我是错的,4米的地基就可以了,但我所坚持的是地基要坚 实牢圈,深度要足以使房子能安全。政府对此类土地的地基有没有安全标准?这一地 区的其他建筑物的地基深度如何?这一地区的地震风险有多大?”遵循这些客观的标 准来解决地基深度问题,很可能就是谈判的出路。
对待各方利益: 着眼于利益而
对待利益获取: 制定双赢方案
对待谈判对手: 对事不对人
合作原则 谈判法
对待评判标准: 引入客观评判
对着待眼非各于“立方利跟场利益你益而这: 种人对制没待定利法双益谈赢获话方取案" :
对待谈判对手: 对事不对人
Chapter 2
目 录C
1 需求理论与谈判 2 博弈论与谈判 3 公平理论与谈判 4 双赢理论与谈判 5 其他谈判理论
尼尔伦伯格,美国著名律师,谈判学的奠基人,他运用行 为科学及各流派的心理学理论,对谈判动因、形式、方法、谈 判控制等进行了全面研究,他提出谈判是一门艺术,并进而提 出了谈判学的概念。

谈 判 的 控 制 力 量
谈判者不顾对方和自己的需求 谈判者不顾对方的需求 谈判者违背自己的需求 谈到者同时服从对方和自己的需求 谈判者使对方服从自身的需求
强轻重ຫໍສະໝຸດ 谈判桌上的危机(四)需求层次理论在商务谈判中的应用

国际商务函电Chapter two

国际商务函电Chapter two

You may find them through the following channels 1.Overseas Chamber of Commerce 海外商会 2.The Economic and Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy of People’s Republic of China in Foreign Countries
3. We are a government-owned corporation, handling both the import and export of garments. • 我们是国营公司,从事服装的进出口业务。 我们是国营公司,从事服装的进出口业务。 1) a government-owned corporation (enterprise) :国有企业 ) 国有企业 • a state-operated corporation / a public-owned corporation • a private corporation 私有公司 企业 私有公司/ 2) handle v. 经营 • to deal in , to trade in , be in line , fall within one’s business activities • line n. business, profession, trade行业 职业 行业, 行业 • in the line of cotton piece goods 经营棉布业
Our line is porcelain.我们经营瓷器。 我们经营瓷器。 我们经营瓷器 Tea is in our line .我们是经营茶叶的。 我们是经营茶叶的。 我们是经营茶叶的 Tea falls within our business activities. We are a state-operated company, handling exclusively the import and export of Cotton Piece Goods.我们是国营公司,专门经营棉布的 我们是国营公司, 我们是国营公司 进出口业务。 进出口业务。 • We trade in all kinds of cotton piece goods.我 我 们经营各种各样的棉布。 们经营各种各样的棉布。 • They are mainly dealing in fertilizers.他们主要 他们主要 经营化肥。 经营化肥。 • We have been for many years in the chemical line.我们从事化工产品这一行业已有多年。 我们从事化工产品这一行业已有多年。 我们从事化工产品这一行业已有多年 • • • •

国际商务谈判 chapter 2

国际商务谈判 chapter 2

Chapter 2Choosing your teamBig guns, little gunsHow big should the team be?There are several reasons to keep your negotiation team (NT) as small as possible. The first few deal with the expense and difficulties that arise when your NT must operate overseas. Flights, ground transport, meals, hotels, communication, conference centers, taxes, and cargo can make trip for even a small team extremely expensive. Arranging for passports, visas, inoculations, and potential medical care for a large group can easily become unmanageable. Problems and additional expenses may also arise when attempting to deal with various family and business schedules. Finally, for NT’s operating overseas, keeping track of large groups in a foreign country is nightmarish at best-ask any tour guide.The rest of reasons for keeping the NT compact apply to both domestic and overseas assignments. Primarily, communication is a source of strength within any organization and never more so than within the NT. Premeetings, recaps and midmeeting breaks demand that communication be both precise, as major decisions are made in a matter of seconds. The CN must be able to seek the input of the team quickly, and large group are cumbersome.Secondly, as mentioned earlier, presenting a unified front is key. The CN must be able to redirect tactics as counterparts bring new issues to the table. Agreement on tactics become more difficult in direct proportion to group size, even when there’s agreement on strategy. Keeping the NT small enables the CN to make timely adjustments to the negotiating plan and to disseminate that information quickly. Additionally, small teams are more easily able to withstand the “wedges” that counterparts may attempt to drive between members of large teams.Thirdly, the members of the NT have other job duties unrelated to the negotiations. The fewer you pull away from their regular assignments the better. There’s no sense disrupting the company’s core business. As exciting as the international arena is, keep in mind that someone must oversee the old business while others look for new opportunities.Don’t use the assignment as a rewardA very common mistake that executives or CNs make is assigning membership to the NT as a reward for other success unrelated to the task at hand. This is especially true when the team is headed for exotic locales. Many employees see the trip as a minivacation and a way for them to broaden their personal horizons. Even when the NT will be receiving foreign counterparts at the company offices, being a member if the NT is perceived as adding to internal prestige. Some employees even see it as their right by seniority to be a part of the negotiations. Unfortunately, what (and who) succeeds in the domestic market doesn’t always play well internationally. Wise CNs must keep in mind that the blustering Vice President of sales and marketing isn’t going to impress the reserved Japanese; nor will the brilliant, but reticent, chief engineer be able to withstand the verbal onslaught of the impatient Americans.There can be a great deal of “fallout” when a staff member fails to be selected for the NT. The best way to avoid it is to make it clear that only talents very specific to the success of the NT are being considered. Technical, cultural, linguistic, social, and travel skills should be compiled in checklist form (not dissimilar to that for the CN) and circulated among potential team members. Inclusion on the NT should be based on this profile alone, and CNs will find they have much better grounds for defending their personnel choices when approached by determined, but unsuitable, staffmembers. This is especially true when other executives and managers assume they’re going to be part of the NT. As a way of preserving morale among those left off of the NT roster, some CNs make the deferrees part of the prenegotiation strategy planning process.A balance of skills and strengthsIt’s unlikely that any single team member will embody all of the talents necessary to achieve the company’s strategy. The CN must choose a cross-section of technical skills and personal attributes that will create a compact and efficient team. One team member’s weakness must be offset by another’s strength. Technical prowess must be a accompanied by the ability to communicate and apply that prowess. Putting a team together is similar to assembling a jigsaw puzzle: there’s no success unless all of the pieces fit.A common practice among experienced travelers when packing for trips is to never put anything in the suitcase that has “only one use”; the same applies to choosing NT members. A specialist candidate is eschewed in favor of the generalist unless the technical expertise is absolutely crucial to the effort. If the CN must include these “one trick ponies,” every attempt should be made to make them a part of the wider strategy and tactics discussions. If that’s unsuccessful, these specialist members should be cautioned to advise in private during negotiations and to avoid direct involvement.Painting the “big picture”Although many technical types will disagree, it’s much easier to impart technical knowledge to a good communicator than it is to do the reverse. Members of the NT must be chosen for their ability to effectively execute the company’s strategy and to quickly respond to the tactics of counterparts. This is accomplished only through good communications skills. Scientific and financial technical skills will take a back seat, especially during initial negotiations, as the “big picture” is discussed. Details will be left until much later in the process. Many business cultures prefer to have the details tended to after the contract is signed.Bringing massive technical data to the negotiating table may only slow down the deal-making process.NOTE: Much “expertise can be carried in file or laptop form, in case it should be needed during discussions.Tasks Both Large and smallMajor decisions are made every day during negotiations, but not all of the work is momentous. Some companies and consultant CNs make the mistake of including only “big guns” on the team. This causes problems, as no one relishes doing the necessary but tedious (and decidedly unglamorous ) work that keeps negotiations running smoothly—getting copies, typing policy changes, taking notes, arranging dinners, and so on .Including a few junior managers or administrators in the ranks of the NT for the sole purpose of controlling logistics is a wise move. This is particularly helpful if these members have experience working or traveling in the target market. Should the finances or domestic needs of the company preclude this option, these administrative duties should be assigned to specific members of the team, and it should be made clear that these duties are as important as any of the ,more “spot light”tasks. As is true in other areas of business, what happens behind the scenes determines success on the stage.Home Team Versus VisitorsThe respective sizes of the NT is usually determined by the group that’s visiting.This is particularly true if the visiting team is in the position of . “buying” from the home team or receiving group. The visiting group should forward a list of its members, stipulating the job title and responsibility of each. The receiving group should assemble their NT to correspond to the visiting team.It’s true that the receiving team has the psychological advantage of operating from their home turf, but they should resist the urge to overwhelm their visitors with an imposingly large NT. Since these resources can be called upon at any time, it’s best to see if they, re needed before arraying them. The ability to successfully exploit the discomfort of counterparts is very much related to one’s culture and requirements for a “success”. Some visitors may be in awe of your facilities and staff while others may consider it a visitors may be in awe of your is generally better when making initial contact.“Observer” TrainingCompanies that regularly pursue international trade and investment like to use negotiation as an ongoing training tool by purposely including less experienced members on the team. This allows them to gain experience that can be put to use in future international negotiations. It’s best to make it clear to these junior team members exactly why they’re being included in the NT so that they’re keen to gain as much experience as possible, get “bloodied” by their own mistakes, and learn from those of other team members .It’s also an ideal way for the company to see how their future CNs handle new and difficult situations. Many executives will attest to the fact that the “rising stars from the home office often become confused and ill-at-ease when put into the crucible of international negotiations and travel. Conversely, the mediocre manager may flourish in the new international environment.Those Who Can’“CUT IT”A common question in business when determining whether someone will be a success is , “Can they cut the muster?” (Sorry, folks, it isn’t mustard.) During the Middle Ages, the muster in question was the final pattern cut from cloth by journeymen to be used by the master tailor. Cut improperly, the pattern will never work, and valuable cloth will be ruined. International negotiations have a similar one-chance-is-all-you-get sense of finality. The NT acts as the journeymen and the CN is the master tailor preparing to stitch together a successful negotiation. Below are some types of people to avoid because they won’t be able “to cut it.”WHINERSEmployees who constantly complain, even under good conditions, are going to find travel and the stress of negotiations intolerable. These types love to bring up problems but never offer solutions. Every company has them, but successful negotiating teams don’t.CONNIVERSUnity is paramount for negotiations and people who like to work their own agenda or jockey for position will only undermine the team’s effort. These types are generally keen strategies and they may be useful in planning. However, under no circumstances should they ever take an active role in negotiations.HOTHOUSE FLOWERSMore competent than whiners, these “high maintenance”types can only excel under ideal circumstances. They never complain but are easily set back by the slightest deviation form the norm. Unfortunately, negotiations and overseas travel are rarely conducive to ideal anything. Sometimes, the NT must operate when materials and equipment are lost, or work in environmentsin which electricity is some trials reserved for special occasions. Technically astute or not, these “flowers” won’t travel well. If they must be used, do so only when negotiations are on home turf. An overseas team needs those that can adapt to any environment.BIGOTSNegotiations are a zero-sun game based on finding common ground amid very real and distinct differences. Adding racial, cultural, or class bigotry will only obscure an already complex state of affairs. Bigots (of any ilk) tend to communicate their prejudices more than they realize, and it’s not the kind of communication that leads to a successful deal.The frailRegardless of where the team originated, the world outside of the domestic market is filled with sights, sounds, smells, and tastes that pummel the visitor. Part of the success of the NT will be in its ability to assimilate as quickly as possible into the environment of their target market. The hygienic and culinary habits of counterparts and their culture may not meet the standards of the NT’s domestic scene. Members who can’t quickly and adequately adjust to new environments will only be a burden to the whole team, thus disrupting strategies and assignments. Like the CN, the team must be robust.Overseas? Domestic? One core team?Optimally, once a team is assembled, it should be used for both overseas and domestic negotiations related to international business. (Specialists may be added for individual negotiations.) This is especially true for smaller companies with limited resources. But large companies should not make the mistake of having two separate teams-one for overseas and one for domestic discussions-simply because they can afford the expense. Teams that have operated overseas will understand the stresses and strains being exerted on foreign teams when they come for business visits. This information, used sympathetically or otherwise, can be a key part of the overall strategy and daily tactics. Lastly, using the team for all negotiations will add to its ability to operate as a unit as team members become expert at all aspects of negotiating. They must be able to visit as well as host a negotiation and understand the responsibilities of being on either side of the table.。


# 商务谈判II PPT课件大纲
商务谈判是商业领域中非常重要的技能,本节将介绍商务谈判的重要性以及 商务谈判的目的和原则。
1 商务谈判的局限性和发展趋势
2 商务谈判的成功实践
1 解答相关问题
回答听众提出的问题,帮助他们更好地理解 商务谈判。
2 与听众互动交流
与听众进行互动,分享经验和观点,促进学 习和讨论。



倾听和提问是商务谈判中非常重要的语言技巧,能够帮助谈判者更好地理解对方的观点和需求,同时也能展示自 己的专业素养和合作意愿。
在谈判过程中,谈判者应认真倾听对方的发言,并从中获取关键信息。同时,通过提问的方式进一步了解对方的 需求和关注点,以便更好地调整自己的策略和表达方式。提问时应注意语气和方式,避免过于直接或冒犯对方。

肢体语言在谈判中起着非常重要的作用,它可以传达出很多 信息。例如,挺直的背部和开放的肢体语言通常表示自信和 友好,而交叉的臂膀则可能表示防御或紧张。
注意对方的姿势和动作,比如对方是否频繁地变换姿势,这 可能表示他们感到紧张或不安。同时,注意对方的坐姿和站 姿,这可以反映出他们的态度和情绪。
在谈判前了解对方的文化背景、价值观和商业习 惯,有助于更好地理解和应对文化差异。
根据对方文化观念调整自己的时间安排和决策方 式,以促进谈判进程。
尊重对方的沟通方式和习惯,采用对方更易于接 受的沟通方式进行交流。
在合同条款中明确双方的权利和义务,并确保合 同履行符合双方的文化观念和商业习惯。
在谈判前做好充分的准备工作,了解 对方的需求和利益,收集相关信息, 制定谈判策略。
提前制定好谈判议程,掌握谈判的节 奏和方向,引导对方按照自己的思路 进行谈判。



发送者发送信息目的 不明确或表达模糊时 可能导致信息失真, 形成沟通上的障碍。
由于不同人有着不同的 生活习惯、文化习俗和 心理需求。
心理调节不好也会 给沟通造成障碍。
2.3.2 接收者的障碍分析
的态度不同或信息的理解偏差。 2
1 兴趣障碍 :体现在无论接收者对
2.1.2 内部沟通环境的分析
企业内部的组织结构越来越复杂,员工之间利益越来越呈现出多元化的特征, 要在瞬息万变的市场环境和激烈的竞争中生存和发展,内部沟通具有非常重要的 意义。
内部沟通环 境的分析
组织结构对内部沟通的影响 企业文化对内部沟通的影响 技术环境对内部沟通的影响
更多样书申请和资源下载需求,请登录人邮教育社区 ()
海量图书方便查询 囊括各大品类,您想要的应有 尽有
免费申请样书 教师免费申请样书, 我们将安排快递迅速送达
下载配套资源 教学视频、PPT课件、教学案例、 习题答案、模拟试卷等丰富资源 免费下载
即最后且可能最重要的可以影响整个沟通结果的人或团体,如存在,则要依据他们的 判断标准调整信息内容

国际商务谈判 第2版 第10章 有效谈判的沟通技巧

国际商务谈判 第2版 第10章 有效谈判的沟通技巧
• 10.1.2 信息处理错误
• 承诺的非理性升级。 • 凭空认为双方能从谈判中争取到的利益是有限的。 • 决策过程中的锚定和调整。 • 议题和问题的提出方式。 • 信息的可获得性。
10.1 与跨文化沟通有关的问题
• 10.1.2 信息处理错误
• 赢家的诅咒。 • 谈判人员过分自信。 • 小数法则。 • 自利偏差。 • 忽视他人认知的倾向。 • 反应性贬值过程。
• 重述对方的观点有助于双方进行清晰的沟通。 • 通过重新措辞以不同的方式重复主要议题对谈判也大有帮助。 • 重构也是可以使谈判回归到主要议题上的一个有用工具。 • 总结被认为是结束谈判的一个有用工具。
10.1 与跨文化沟通有关的问题 10.2 改善谈判中的沟通 10.3 非语言沟通
10.1 与跨文化沟通有关的问题 10.2 改善谈判中的沟通 10.3 非语言沟通
10.2 改善谈判中的沟通
• 10.2.1 倾听
• 消极倾听(passive listening)是指仅仅接收信息而不提供任何反馈。 • 回应(acknowledgment)意味着对所接收的信息有一定的兴趣。 • 积极倾听(active listening)是指聚精会神地接收信息,并仔细分析和理解信息的含义。 • 经验丰富的谈判人员都会积极地倾听。
10.2 改善谈判中的沟通
• 10.2.2 提问
• 图表10-1 谈判中的常用问题举例
进口商或买方的问题 ● 你方可否向我方提供必要的额外信息,以便我们重新考虑你方的发盘? ● 您能告诉我更多关于贵公司制造过程的信息吗? ● 如果我方为你方提供技术方面的协助,那么你方可否同意…… ● 如果我方调整我们的规格要求,那么你方可否考虑…… ● 你方的确切产能是多少? ● 你方采用的是什么质量保证程序? ● 如果我方同意签订长期合同,那么你方可否…… ● 如果我方大批量订购,那么你方的价格是多少?



商务沟通是关于商业事务上的沟通, 具体是指两个或两个以上的从事商务 活动的组织或个人,为了满足自身经 济利益的需要,借助于共同的符号系 统(包括语言和非语言符号),获得、 传递和交流信息、思想和情感的个人 和社会互动行为。
★商务沟通行为有明确的目的(目的性) ★商务沟通有语言商务沟通和非语言商务沟通之分。(形式)
我有个主意,去找小江,他有这方面的经验,他肯定能帮助你 我们现在应该从提高产品质量着手开展工作
如果我没有理解错误的话,你是要我帮你完成工作 你所说的计划我觉得还不够完善
你为什么没有按时完成工作? 我的电脑昨晚坏了,没有办法工作了 我这件大衣可是世界名牌,全国限量销售2件,其中另一件被某影星买走了 我宿舍的那个同学经常在背后说我的坏话,这实在令我无法忍受 你说你同学在背后经常搬弄是非? 我宿舍的那个同学经常在背后说我的坏话,这实在令我无法忍受 你似乎对他很生气 你刚才从国家和企业两个角度阐述了加入该组织的好处 你是如何综合你所收集的资料的?
★商务沟通的内容是信息、思想和情感(内容) ★商务沟通中的个人行为主要是指自我沟通(范围) ★社会互动主要是指人与人之间或者群体之间的交流 (范围)
沟通目的类型 传递信息 提出请求 回答问题 鼓励/激励
发起行动 做决定/决策/指导
解释 评论 辩解 自夸 释义
释情 总结 了解/寻求/询问信息 表达情感
第二节 商务沟通与商务谈判的关系
★相互了解,借助沟通 ★排除障碍,赢得胜利 ★长期合作,沟通伴行
商务谈判是在多次商务沟通基础 上朝共识方向努力的说服活动
★说服的方向是寻找共识 ★说服的目的是影响对方行为 ★说服策略要采取“客方定向”



主场谈判、 第三节 主场谈判、客场谈判与 中立地点的谈判 三、中立地点的谈判
1.概念 概念
也叫做在第三方所在地的谈判, 也叫做在第三方所在地的谈判, 第三方所在地的谈判 是指在谈判各方所在地之外的地 方组织的谈判。 方组织的谈判。
一位厂长说起到美国去谈判的经历: 一位厂长说起到美国去谈判的经历:他们一行在早 到美国去谈判的经历 晨到达美国芝加哥,而那时在国内正是晚上。 晨到达美国芝加哥,而那时在国内正是晚上。这位 厂长和他的谈判小组成员坐了很长时间的飞机, 厂长和他的谈判小组成员坐了很长时间的飞机,头 脑昏昏沉沉的。到了宾馆, 脑昏昏沉沉的。到了宾馆,马上与当地公司的人接 参加公司安排的欢迎仪式,一天也没有休息。 触,参加公司安排的欢迎仪式,一天也没有休息。 到了晚上躺在床上却怎么也睡不着, 到了晚上躺在床上却怎么也睡不着,因为在国内这 正是上班的时间。好不容易睡着了,天又亮了, 正是上班的时间。好不容易睡着了,天又亮了,又 要安排下午的正式谈判。厂长在谈判桌前强打精神, 要安排下午的正式谈判。厂长在谈判桌前强打精神, 拼命喝咖啡,可就是没法让脑子清醒。 拼命喝咖啡,可就是没法让脑子清醒。结果在谈判 对方说了些什么,很少能记住。 中,对方说了些什么,很少能记住。在这种无可奈 何的情况下, 何的情况下,对于美国公司方面他们只好不做任何 表示和承诺,以免出现疏漏, 表示和承诺,以免出现疏漏,使得美国方面很不满 几天之后,当他们逐渐适应了时差,可是谈判 意。几天之后,当他们逐渐适应了时差,可是谈判 就要结束了 其结果当然也可想而知。 就要结束了,其结果当然也可想而知。
主场谈判是指谈判一方以东道主 主场谈判是指谈判一方以东道主 身行的谈判。
主场谈判、 第三节 主场谈判、客场谈判与 中立地点的谈判 一、主场谈判






























(三)韦斯特利—麦克莱恩“守门 人”模式
N1 N1
N3 N3 N4
f BA f CA


受 B
f BC
• (四)控制论沟通过程模式评价 • 控制论沟通过程模式有如下优劣: • 1.优点:控制论沟通过程模式引入反馈机制
本质深入研究,揭示信息传播中信息的双向回流 和受控状态,利于调节信息传播路径和方法。 • 2.不足:现实沟通活动的反馈,并不容易形 成循环,尤其大众沟通,信息反馈是不对等的, 不可能回到原有出发点;控制论沟通过程模式解 释的沟通过程是独立的本体。事实上沟通过程并 不是一个独立的本体流动的系统过程,它要受社 会环境影响甚至受社会控制、社会压力的影响。
• 1948年美国著名政治学家、传播学奠基者哈罗 德•拉斯维尔(Harold sswell)在他的论文 《传播在社会中的结构与功能》中,开篇即提出 一个著名的传播模式:“描述沟通行为的一个简 便方法就是回答下面五个问题:谁?说了什么? 通过什么渠道?对谁?产生什么效果?”后来被 称为“五W”模式,如图拉斯维尔模式。因为这 五个环节的英文表述中各有一个W开头的单词 (Who What which Whom Whateffect)。
• 1963年,传播学奠基者之一施拉姆的学生朱谦博士到台 湾政治大学新闻研究所任教,他主持了“电视与儿童”的 研究、电视效果研究和传播与个人现代性的研究。同时, 杨孝荣出版了《传播统计学》,这是对传播效果的量化研 究。
• 20世纪70年代后,台湾传播学研究向纵深和多样化发展, 涉及政治传播、教育传播、健康传播、受众研究等领域。 出版的著作有徐佳上教授的《大众传播理论》,阎沁恒教 授的《大众传播研究方法》等。









也不要用易引起对方反感的词句,如:“to tell you the truth”,“I’ll be honest with you…”,“I will domy best .”“It’s none of my business but …”。






直到他要求签合同时才震惊地发现日本人说的“yes”是表示礼貌的“I hear you”的“yes”,不是“I agree with you ”的“yes”。

实际上,“yes”这个词的意思是非常丰富的,除了以上两种以外,还有“I understand the question ”的“yes”和“I’ll considerate”的“yes”。

项目二 学会商务沟通 《商务沟通与谈判》PPT课件

项目二  学会商务沟通  《商务沟通与谈判》PPT课件
(3)重音。这指的是句子中要强调的一个词或一组词。强 调句中不同部分,意思可以相差很多。
①不要让你的声调将你定型; ②低沉的声音比较有权威 感和让人信赖;③适时放慢说话速度;④ 适时加快说话的速 度;⑤声音要大小适中。
任务三 熟悉商务沟通的语言艺术
任务描述 要收到良好的商务沟通效果,就必须注意语言艺术,本
开放式和自信的动作是受欢迎的,而保护性的和紧张的 动作则不受欢迎的。当然,通过形体语言的解读,虽然可以 初步判断信息传播者的个人喜好、权力地位,但是若需要获 得确切的信息,还要综合其他语言和非语言的沟通。
在沟通中,不同的沟通方式表达了不同的含义。通过控 制交际双方的空间距离进行沟通,称为空间沟通。人们交谈 中掌握距离的方式表达了他们的信仰、价值观以及他们的文 化内涵。
总之,眼睛可以正确反应一个人是在表达肯定还是否定 的情感,这与“喜形于色”的说法是一致的,即人们常把自己 的情感表露于面色上,把情感的温度显现在目光中。因此,希 望了解别人心情和情感的人,可以依靠对方面部和眼睛所提 供的信息进行判断。
手势和形体姿态在个人沟通中非常重要。我们可将眼睛 比作心灵的窗口。同样,我们也毫不夸张地说形体暗示(即手 势和形体姿态)是我们心理活动的晴雨表,内心活动的变化会 在手势和形体语言中有意无意地表露出来。
(3)听清全部内容。注意力难以集中,在你接听电话时可 以证明。在电话交谈期间,你可以发现你自己在同时从事五种 不同活动:看电视,想起以前的电话,担心即将到来的约会, 在本上记下自己的一些差事,注意力转移到不同方面。
(4)捕捉要点。听话时是否能捕捉到有用的信息,是非 常重要的,这也是听话的基本目的之一。我们在听话过程中, 要善于从说话的人的言语层次中捕捉要点、捕捉信息。还有, 说话人在强调某些重点语句时,常采用故意放慢语速、突然 停顿、提高声调或故意降低声调以及手势等加以提示,这样 我们可以从说话人的语气、手势变化来捕捉信息。



1.Types of Business Negotiation
• (3) Technology Transfer • 1. commercial technology transfer is highly monopolistic(垄
断专利的) 2. a single technology can be traded multiple times, as the transfer does not involve ownership but only the right to use. 3. technology transfer does not simply follow the basic market rule of exchange.
• You-attitude approach
Principles of Business Negotiation
• Principle of Collaborative Negotiation
• Principle of Interest Distribution • Principle of Trust in Negotiation • Principle of Distributive & Complex
• People – separate the people from the problem
• Interests– focus on inters – invent potions for mutual gains
• Criteria— introduce objective criteria
Separate the People from the Problem
• The negotiators’ prejudice • Poor impression • Misled interpretation • The focus of negotiation is shifted from


2、要寻找关键问题,找出主要矛盾,并做出明确陈述和 界定。
3、确定策略目标,即策略实施所要达到的功能目标。这 关系到策略的制订,以及将来整个谈判的方向、价值和行 动。这一目标是整个策略活动的归宿,具体的策略要服务 与策略目标。
4、形成假设性解决方法,这是制定策略的一个核心与关键步骤。 对假设性解决方法的 要求是必须满足策略目标,又能利于己方 解决问题,降低交易风险。谈判策略是针对谈判的具体形势而 制定的,但具体情势实际如何往往难以确定,所以在制定谈判 策略之前要对具体情势作出相应假设,当然这些假设应尽可能 的合理。该步要掌握三个原则:即注意目标性、可行性和多样 性.
例如:某跨国公司内部的一次谈判。有一次,他的经理班子就某一 决策产生了两种对立的意见,大多数人反对,少数人支持,关键是少数 人的意见是正确的。主席按照常例主持会议,不久由于意见尖锐冲突, 会议出现僵局,主席不得不宣布中止会议。经过一番深思熟虑,支持少 数人意见的主席再开会时,宣布一种“特别的程序”:在得到特别允许 之前,必须尊重别人的发言,不得打断和插入反对的意见,不得展开不 同意见的争论。但允许反对方提出旨在“澄清事实”的问题,诸如“你 提出的方案好在哪里?”“你说的是这个意思吗?”等等。接着,主席 请少数派的人发言。由于主席制定的策略顺应了人们趋利避害的心理, 所以,人们执行了这种特别的程序,少数派可以从容地从各个方面详细 阐述了自己的立场,而不至于尚未把道理讲清楚就被压了下去。事实上, 只要让多数人清楚地了解了少数人的意见,并且通过提问进一步理解了 少数人的观点,就为打破僵局、消除分歧、统一思想打下了基础。这一 特别程序的成效主要是因为顺应了人们趋利避害的心理,致使经理班子 统一了思想,取得了一致意见,内部谈判获得了成功。
第五章 国际商务谈判策略
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

• 1.Deterrence-based trust: People trust or expect that they will be published if they do or do not do something based on consistency with past behavior.
• Courtesy means using social skills to show your respect for the reader. • It helps to build a good images of your company and deepen the business relationship.
Principle of Collaborative Negotiation
• Harvard Principled Negotiation • The core of the principle is to reach a solution beneficial to both parties by way of stressing interests and value not by way of bargaining. • The goal of collaboration negotiation is to minimize the dispute so that the outcome is more constructive than destructive.
• Correctness means the writer should not be distracted by mistakes in grammar, punctuation or spelling. All of the information in the message is accurate. • Formal writing: scholarly writing, legal documents, top-level government agreements • Informal writing: business communication, short, well-known and conversational. • Errors of fact should be paid attention too.
• Conciseness refers to say things in the fewest possible word. • Try to keep your sentences short, avoid unnecessary repetition and eliminate excessive details. • You should make sure to include the relevant information only, stick to the purpose of the message.
Hale Waihona Puke Clarity• Clarity means to make the information clear so that the reader can understand what you are trying to convey. • First you should be clear-headed about what your are trying to say. • Second, choose precise, concrete and familiar words. • Third, organize effective sentences and paragraphs. The suggested average sentence length should be about 17 or 20words.
• In addition, some visual aids can be applied, including: headings(标题), tabulations(表格), itemizations(逐 条记载), graphs(图表,曲线图), pie charts(饼状图), underlining(下划 线), italics(斜体), indentations(缩 进), colored capitals.
Chapter 2
Principles of Business Negotiation
Wang Dan
• 美国布朗戴斯大学心理学教授阿伯拉罕· H· 马洛斯 (A. H.Maslow)把决定人类行为的需要分为七 个层次。既: • 1. 生理的需要 • 2. 安全的需要 • 3. 情感的需要 • 4. 获得尊重的需要 • 5. 自我实现的需要 • 6. 认识和理解的需要 • 7. 美得需要
1.Types of Business Negotiation
• Contents: • (1) Sales of Goods/Services
• The goal of the negotiators is to provide/get the right product in the right place at the right time at the right price.
1.Types of Business Negotiation
• 四. 按谈判地点分 • (1). 主场谈判 • (2). 客场谈判 • 3. 中立地点谈判 • 五. 按谈判的交流方式划分 • (1). 口头谈判 • (2). 书面谈判
6Cs Principles of Business Communication
transfer does not involve ownership but only the right to
use. 3. technology transfer does not simply follow the basic
market rule of exchange.
1.Types of Business Negotiation
• (4) 服务贸易谈判
• (5) 原有合同的重新谈判
• (6) 索赔谈判
1.Types of Business Negotiation
• 二. 按谈判规模划分 • (1) 一对一谈判 • (2) 小组谈判 • (3) 大型谈判 • 三. 按谈判对象所在国家 • (1)国内商务谈判 • (2) 涉外商务谈判
• Consideration means that you prepare every message with the reader in mind and try to put yourself in reader’s place. • You-attitude approach
6.谈判者同时损害对方和自己的需要 5.谈判者损害对方的需要 4.谈判者违背自身的需要 3.谈判者同时服从对方和自身的需要 2.谈判者顺从对方的需要 1.谈判者使对方服从自身的需要 安 全 和 寻 求 保 障 国家间
生 理
爱 与 归 属
获 得 尊 重
自 我 实 现
1.Types of Business Negotiation
• (3) Technology Transfer
• 1. commercial technology transfer is highly monopolistic(垄
断专利的) 2. a single technology can be traded multiple times, as the
• product quality quantity packing price
shipping quotation offer and counter offer insurance payment claim and arbitration etc.
1.Types of Business Negotiation
Separate the People from the Problem
• • • • The negotiators’ prejudice Poor impression Misled interpretation The focus of negotiation is shifted from interests and issues of both parties to personal dignity and self-respect. • For situation as such, collaborative negotiation develops three steps for both parties to follow.
• (2) Investment Negotiation • Joint venture • Preliminary investigation, pre-negotiation, negotiation and implementation • The rights and obligations of each party, the respective contribution of capital, technology, expertise and other sources. • Management of the joint venture,: decision-making structure, its policy fore personnel management and the conditions for its termination(终端) • The domestic and export pricing of the future products for