
六年级四会词汇建议颜色颜色colour (color) 红red 黄yellow蓝blue 绿green 黑black紫purple 白white 橙色orange粉红pink 棕色brown水果水果fruit 苹果apple 梨子pear桔子orange 香蕉banana 柠檬lemon西瓜watermelon 葡萄grape 菠萝pineapple 桃子peach 草莓strawberry食物食物food 饮料drink 水water茶tea 橙汁orange 可乐cola牛奶milk 汤soup 蛋糕cake冰激凌ice-cream 米饭rice 面条noodles 面包bread 饼干cookies 糖果candy棒棒糖lollipop 巧克力chocolate汉堡hamburger 三明治sandwich 比萨pizza 热狗hot dog 沙拉salad 鸡蛋egg 爆米花pop-corn 炸薯条French fries 猪肉pork 鱼肉fish牛肉beef 鸡肉chicken 奶酪cheese奶油cream 黄油butter 蔬菜vegetable 土豆potato 西红柿tomato交通工具飞机plane 火车train 公共汽车bus 自行车bicycle (bike) 轿车car 轮船ship小船boat 出租车taxi动物动物animal 熊bear 老虎tiger猴子monkey 大熊猫panda 斑马zebra长颈鹿giraffe 鹿deer 蛇snake狮子lion 狐狸fox 青蛙frog 兔子rabbit 马horse 绵羊sheep 山羊goat奶牛cow 鸭子duck 母鸡hen 公鸡rooster鸟bird 猫cat 狗dog 猪pig老鼠rat (mouse/mice) 大象elephant 狼wolf蜜蜂bee 蝴蝶butterfly运动运动sport 篮球basketball 足球football排球volleyball 羽毛球badminton 网球tennis乒乓球table tennis 棒球baseball 滑雪skiing滑冰ice skating 登山climbing 游泳swim跳水diving 跑步running 跳高high jump天气天气weather 晴天sunny 阴天cloudy雨天rainy 刮风天windy 下雪天snowy季节季节season (in)春季spring 夏季summer秋季autumn 冬季winter文具书包schoolbag (bag) 文具盒pencil-box 蜡笔crayon文具袋pencil case 尺子rule 钢笔pen铅笔pencil 报纸newspaper 纸paper书book 橡皮擦eraser 胶水glue water形状形状shape 大big 小small 高tall矮short 胖fat 瘦thin 厚thick薄thin 长long 短short 圆形circle星形star 心形heart学科语文Chinese 数学math 英语English 美术art音乐music 体育P.E. 计算机computer 艺术art职业教师teacher 医生doctor 护士nurse警察policeman 司机driver 工人worker农民farmer 飞行员pilot 宇航员astronaut舞蹈家dancer 歌唱家singer 学生student老板boss 兽医vet 工程师engineer家庭成员男人man 女人woman 孩子child (children)婴儿baby 男孩boy 女孩girl爷爷grandfather (grandpa)奶奶grandmother (grandma)爸爸father (dad/daddy妈妈mother (mum/mom/mummy)姨妈/姑妈aunt 叔叔/舅舅uncle 兄弟brother姐妹sister 儿子son 女儿daughter星期星期week (on)星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursday 星期五Friday星期六Saturday 星期日Sunday 周末weekend国家国家country 中国China 美国America英国Britain (England) 日本Japan加拿大Canada身体部位身体body 头head 头发hair 脸face鼻子nose 耳ear 嘴mouth 牙tooth眼eye 手hand 手臂arm 肩shoulder腿leg 脚foot衣物外套coat 衬衣shirt 领带tie 帽子hat(cap)毛衣sweater 夹克jacket 连衣裙dress 短裙skirt牛仔裤jeans 短裤shorts 长裤trousers (pants)袜子socks 鞋shoes 运动鞋sport shoes手套gloves建筑房子house 房间room 客厅living room卫生间bathroom 卧室bedroom 厨房kitchen花园garden 公园park 餐厅dining room地点家home 学校school 操场playground教室classroom 医院hospital 动物园zoo书店book store 超市supermarket电影院movie theater (cinema) 剧场theater 银行bank图书馆library 博物馆museum 公共汽车站bus stop 饭店restaurant 厕所toilet 办公室office家具桌子table 课桌desk 椅子chair 黑板backboard 窗户window 门door 床bed 地板floor沙发sofa 书架book case(shelf)日常用品电视television 灯light 台灯lamp 收音机radio 录音机tape recorder 电话telephone 照相机camera 图片picture 钟clock 相片photo雨伞umbrella 杯子cup 玻璃杯glasses刀knife 盘子plate (dish) 碗bowl 地图map 信letter 盒子box 手表watch情绪高兴的happy 悲哀的sad 生气的angry疲劳的tired 害怕的scared 害羞的shy动词跑run 跳jump 走walk 爬climb游泳swim 听listen 说say (talk)读read 写write 看look(watch/see)唱sing 跳舞dance 睡sleep 去go来come 画draw(paint) 玩play 洗wash吃eat 喝drink 站stand 坐sit骑ride 学习study 喜欢like 爱love请please 想要want 教teach 帮助help停止stop 放置put 买buy 问ask工作work自然树tree 草grass 花flower 太阳sun月亮moon 海sea 云cloud 风wind山hill (mountain) 星星star 天空sky湖lake河流river数字1——20one two three four five six seven eight nineten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteensixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty时间时间time昨天yesterday 今天today 明天tomorrow上午morning 下午afternoon白天day 晚上evening深夜night代词我I 你you 他he 她she 它it 我们we你们you 他们(她们、它们)they我的my 你的your 他的his 她的her 它的its我们的our 你们的your 他们的their方位介词在… 里面in 在… 上面on 在… 下面under在… 旁边beside (next to) 在… 附近near在... 后面behind 在... 之间between.. and..在… 前面in front of 在… at其它好的good 坏的bad 左left 右right钱money 聚会party 礼物gift (present)饿hungry 渴thirsty 一些some 甜sweet新的new 旧的old 早early 迟到late快fast 慢slow 赶快hurry 高兴happiness (joy)故事story 家庭family作业homework 游戏game来自…be from…六年级四会短语建议吃早餐eat(have) breakfast 吃午餐eat lunch吃晚餐eat dinner 上学go to school 回家go home做作业do one’s homework 看电视watch TV踢足球play football 作游戏play games散步go our for a walk 乘公交车by bus骑自行车by bike 步行on foot在左/右边on the left/right 在…前面in the front在周末in the weekend 睡觉go to sleep起床get up 看电影see a movie去电影院go to a movie 看病see a doctor在家at home 读书read a book 写信write a letter听音乐listen to music 在上午in the morning在夜里at night 每周一次once a week每周两次twice a week 出去go out六年级四会句子建议1. Wh at’s your name? My name is …2. What’s his/ her name? His/ Her name is…3. What’s your father’s/ mother’s/ teacher’s name…His/ Her name is …4. How old are you? I’m … years old.5. How old is he/ she? He/ She is …6. How are you? I’m fine. Thank you.7. What class are you in? I’m in Class One, Grade Six.8. What color is it? It’s red. (…)9. Wha t’s this? It’s a (an)…10. Wh at’s that? It’s a (an) …11. What are these\those? They are shoes.12. What do you want? I want a …13. What’s your favorite colo r? My favorite color is…14. Wha t’s your favorite food? My favorite food is …15. What’s your favorite subject?My favorite subje ct is…16. What can you see? I can see a…17. How much is it? It’s … yuan.18. How much are they? They are … yuan.19. What’s your father/ mother? He/ She is a …20. What are you doing? I’m reading a book.21. Wha t’s he/ she doing? He / She is watching TV.22. Who is this? This is Mr./ Mr. Green.23. Who is that? That’s Ken.24. Who are you? I’m Amy.25. Where are you? I’m here.26. Who are they? They are …27. Where is Ann? She is in the room.28. Where is my pen? It’s in the desk.29. Where are my socks? They are on the chair.30. Where are they? They are in the classroom.31. Where are my shoes? They’re under the chair.32. Are you Ann? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.33. What’s the weather like? It’s fine.34. What time is it? It’s one o’clock.34. What time do you go to school?I go to school at eight o’clock.35. What can you do? I can swim.36. What can a bird do? It can fly.37. Let’s go. (…)38. That’s OK.39. This /That /It is a (an) …40. These/ Those/ They are …41. Stand up. 42. Sit down. 43. Here you are.44. Thank you. 45. You are welcome. 46. Come here.47. I like …48. I don’t like …49. Good morning. (afternoon/ evening/ night)50. Goodbye!六年级句型转换建议将句子转换为否定句和一般疑问句1. I am …2. You are …3. He is …4. She is …5. It is …6. We are …7. The y are … 8. This i s a (an) …9. That is a (an) … 10. These are …11. Thos e are … 12. There is a (an) …13. Ther e are … 14. I can …15. You can … 16. He can …17. She can … 18. We can …19. The y can … 20. I’m going to …21. I want … 22. They want …23. He wants … 24. She wants …25. I li ke … 26. We like …27. He l ikes … 28. She likes …29. I go to school by bus.30. He / She goes to school on foot.。

小升初英语常考知识点汇总复习一、词汇1.介词:- in 在(大、小)、在(年、月、星期)、在(户外活动)- on 在(地图上)、在(表面)、在(大、小)、在(星期和日期)、在(具体场所)- at 在(时刻)、在(大、小)、去(地)- for 为了、给予- with 和谁在一起- to 给予、换- from 来自- of 属于、..的一部分、in the mornig/afternoon/evening- about 关于- on foot 步行2.数词:-数词一般不会单独出现,常与名词搭配使用- 用于询问人数的疑问句: How many + 可数名词复数 + do you have?- 多少用many;几个用a few(可数名词)、a little(不可数名词)- 序数:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th...(以th结尾)3.动词:- be动词的三种形式- have的三种形式- 动词的ing形式-祈使句的用法4.名词:- 单数名词变复数的规则:+s, +es, y变i+es-名词所有格的用法5.形容词:- 原级(er)的用法- 比较级(more)的用法- 最高级(most)的用法二、语法1.一般现在时-肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句的构成及回答方式2.一般过去时-肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的构成及回答方式- 常用时间状语:yesterday, last week/month/year, ago3.现在进行时-肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句的构成及回答方式- 常用时间状语:now, at the moment, this week/month/year 4.一般将来时-肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的构成及回答方式- 常用时间状语:tomorrow, next week/month/year5.祈使句-动词原形开头的句子-含义:请求、命令、建议6.特殊疑问句- 特殊疑问词who, what, when, where, why, how的用法-对特殊疑问句的回答7.情态动词- can / can’t- may / may not- must / mustn’t- should / shouldn’t8.语态-被动语态的构成及用法三、阅读理解1.找关键词-定位关键词帮助理解文章-注意定位词的重要性2.标题理解-根据文章内容进行判断-注意段落开始部分的作用四、写作1.简单句的写作-主语+谓语动词+宾语-根据提供的信息进行写作2.描写人物-描述外貌特征、爱好、性格等-句子要表达清楚五、口语1.问候及介绍-问候语及回答-个人信息介绍2.日常用语-表达需求、意愿-赞扬、感谢、道歉-表达喜怒哀乐等情绪。

400个小升初英语必备短语整理2、 a few一些;少量;几个3、a little一些;少量4、a group of一群5、 a kind of一种;一类6、 a lot of〔lots of〕=a number of很多7、 a number of一些;很多8、 a pair of一双;一副9、a piece of "一〔块,张,片,件〕"10、 according to根据;依据11、after class课后after all "终究,究竟"12、 after school放学后13、 agree with sb/ to+V、同意某人的/某事14、 again and again反复地;在三地15、 all over处处;普及;结束16、 all right行了;好吧;〔病〕好了17、 all the best一切顺当;all the same还是,仍旧18、 all the time始终19、 all the way一路上20、 and so on等等21、 apologize to sb、 for sth、为某事向某人抱歉22、 arrive at / in a place到达某地23、 as well也;又24、 ask for恳求;寻求25、at breakfast /lunch /supper早/午/晚餐时26、 at first / last起先;开头的时候/最终;最终27、 at home在家〔里〕28、 at least / most至少/至多29、 at once立即;立刻at present "如今,目前"30、 at school在学校;在上课31、 at the moment "此刻,目前;那时,当时32、 at the same time同时33、 at work在工作34、 at the / on weekends在周末35、 be able to能够〔有力量〕36、 be afraid of可怕37、 be angry with sb、生某人的气38、 be bad for有害于39、 be born诞生于40、 be busy with / doing sth忙于做某事41、 be careful with当心42、 be covered with被……掩盖43、 be different from与……不同44、 be familiar to对……熟识45、 be famous for以……而有名46、 be fond of47、 be full of布满48、 be good / poor at善长于/对……比较差49、 be interested in对……感50、 be keen on宠爱51、be late for …迟到52、 be located〔in/on/at〕位于53、 be made of由……制成54、 be made up of由……组成55、 be on "上演,上映"56、 be pleased with对……满足57、 be proud of为……而感到骄傲58、 be/get ready for为……作预备59、 be surprised at对…、感到诧异60、 be thankful to sb、对某人很感谢61、 be/get used to+v—ing习惯于62、 be worried/serious about为……而担忧63、 because of=thanks to由于64、 belong to属于65、 break out爆发66、 break into "闯入,破门而入"67、 by air mail寄航空邮件68、 by bus乘公共69、 by oneself亲自70、 by phone打电话71、 by the way顺便说;顺便问一下72、 call on73、 care for照看;喜爱74、 carry out执行75、 catch〔a〕cold着凉;伤风76、 catch up with赶上〔或超过〕77、 change one's mind转变想法78、 check in办理登机79、 come across被理解;遇见80、 come back回来;想起来81、 come from诞生于;来自82、 come on快;走吧;跟我来83、 come out出来;〔书等〕出版,发行84、 come to an end结束85、 come to know知道86、 come to life显得逼真;清醒87、 come true实现88、 come up with追上;赶上;想出〔想法〕;找出〔答案〕89、 communicate with与……沟通90、 compare with与……比较91 、congratulate …on… ……92、 cover an area of占地面积93、 cut down砍倒94、 deal with处理95、 depend on "依靠,依靠"96、 die of因……病而死97、 different from与……不同98、 do one's best尽最大努力99、 do sb、 a favour帮某人忙100、 do some shopping买东西〔cleaning〕101、 do with处置,处理102、 dream of梦见103、 dress up穿着装扮104、 each other相互105、 eat up吃光,吞噬106、earn one’s life谋生107、either… or…或者……或者……108、 enjoy oneself过得开心109、 enter for报名参与110、 even if / thought即使;尽管111、 fall off从…、、、跌落112、 far away〔from〕〔离〕遥远113、far from远离114、feel like doing想要……;感觉要……115、 fill in "填充,填写"116、fill … with …用……填充117、 find out找出;查明;了解118、 finish off吃完;喝完119、 first of all首先120、 for ever永久121、 for example例如122、 for the first time第一次123、 for the time being "临时,眼下"124、from … to…从……到……125、 from door to door挨家挨户126、 from now on从今以后;今后127、 from time to time不时;有时128、 get along / on〔with〕进展;与……相处 129、 go away逃离130、 get back返回131、 get in进入;132、 get in the way挡道133、 get off下车134、 get on上车135、 get on with与……相处136、 get ready for为……作预备137、 get rid of摆脱138、 get tired of对……感到厌倦139、 get to到达140、get together相聚;联欢141、 get up起床142、 give back归还;送回143、 give out分发144、 give sb、 a hand助某人一臂之力 145、 give up放弃146、 go ahead先走;向前走;去吧;干吧 147、go away走开;离去148、 go shopping / bowling去/打保龄球 149、go for a swim去150、go for a walk漫步151、 go home回家152、 go in for参与;从事于;酷爱153、 go on连续154、 go on a diet实行节食155、 go on a picnic去野餐156、 go on with / doing sth、连续做某事157、 go out熄灭158、 go over;认真地再读一遍159、 go sightseeing去观光160、 go to〔the〕hospital去医院〔看病〕161、 go to bed就寝162、 go to college上高校163、 go to school上学164、 go to sleep入睡165、 go to the cinema / movie〔s〕去看电影 166、 go up走上前去146、 go wrong出错167、 grow up成年;长大168、 had better最好还是;还是……好169、 hand in上交170、hand out分发171、 happen to do碰巧做172、 happen to sb、发生到某人身上173、have fun with玩得兴奋174、have fun doing…玩得兴奋175、 have〔got〕to不得不176、 have a class / lesson上课177、 have a good time玩得很开心;过得很开心 178、 have breakfast吃早餐179、 have no idea不清晰180、 have pity on sb、怜悯某人181、 have sports进行活动182、 hear from收到……来信183、 hear of听说184、 help sb、 with sth、关心某人做某事185、help oneself to …请任凭吃点……186、 here and there处处187、 hold a meeting进行会议188、 hold on等一等〔别挂电话〕189、 hold one's breath屏住190、 hold up举起191、 huge amounts of大量的192、 hundreds of几百;成百上千193、 hurry off匆忙离开194、 hurry up赶快;快点195、 in a hurry匆忙;很快地196、 in a minute一会儿197、in a word简言之;总之198、 in addition另外199、 in all总共200、 in charge of "主管,负责"201、in danger处于危急状态202、 in English用英语203、 in fact事实上;事实上204、 in front of在……前面205、 in hospital住院206、 in line成一排;成始终线207、 in no time立即208、 in one's fifties在某人五十多岁时 209、 in one's opinion依据某人看法210、 in order按挨次211、in order to为了212、in other words换句话说213、 in return作为回报214、 in surprise诧异地215、in public当众;公开216、in surprise惊讶;惊异217、 in the end最终;最终218、 in the future在将来219、 in the middle of在……中间220、 in the years to come在即将来临的.几年里 221、 in this way这样222、 in time准时223、instead of代替;而不是224、 in trouble处于逆境中225、 instead of代替;而不是226、 join in参与;加入227、 just a minute等一下228、 just now如今;刚刚229、 keep doing sth、连续做某事230、 keep fit保持231、keep one’s word守信232、 keep from使……不做233、 keep in touch〔with〕〔与……〕保持联系 234、 keep off阻挡;不让……接近235、 keep quiet保持清静236、 keep sb、 busy让某人忙个不停237、 knock over撞倒;撞翻238、 later on过后;后来239、 laugh at嘲讽240、 lay the table〔饭前〕摆好餐具241、learn…from向……学习242、 leave〔secondary〕school〔中学〕 243、 leave a message留个口信244、 leave for动身去245、 less / more than少于/多于246、 let out放出247、 line up整队;排成行248、 listen to听……〔讲话〕249、 live on靠……为生250、 look after照料;照看251、 look down upon看不起;轻视252、 look at看;观看253、 look for查找254 、look forward to+V—ing期盼着255、 look like看上去象;显得256、 look out of从……朝外看257、 look up查寻;抬头看258、 lose one's way迷路259、 lose weight260、 make a face做鬼脸;做苦脸261、make a film拍电影262、 make a fire生火263、 make a living谋生264、 make a mistake出过失;犯错误265、 make a noise弄出声266、 make friends with与……交伴侣267、 make fun of拿…开玩笑268、 make money挣钱;赚钱269、 make the/one's bed 整理床铺270、 make out分辨出271、 make progress取得进步272、 make up one's mind下决心273、 meet the needs of迎合……的需要274、 meet with遭受275、 more or less或多或少276、neither… nor…既不……也不……277、next to紧挨着;紧靠着278、no longer / not …any more/longer不再279、not…at all "〔用来加强语气〕一点也不,根本不" 280、not only …but also…不仅……而且……281、not so…as不像……;不如……282、not till / until …直到……才……283、 now and then /again时而;偶而284、 of course当然285、 of one's own属于某人自己的286、 on business "有事,出差"287、 on duty值日;值班288、 on foot步行;走路289、 on holiday在休假290、 on one's side在某人一边291、 on show在展出292、 on the other hand另一方面293、 on the phone在听电话294、 on the right在右边295、 on the/one's way〔to〕在去……的路上296、 on time准时297、 on weekdays在工作日298、 once a day每天一次299、once again在一次300、 once every four years每四年一次301、 once more再次302、 once upon a time从前;很久以前303、one after another "一个接一个,连续地" 304、 one another相互305、 operate on sb、为某人动手术306、 out of从……里出来;缺乏307、 out of work失业308、 out of date过时309、 over and over一再;一遍又一遍310、 over there在那边311、 of one's own属于某人自己的312、 on business "有事,出差"313、 on duty值日;值班314、on foot步行;走路315、 on holiday在休假316、 on one's side在某人一边317、 on show在展出318、 on the other hand另一方面319、 on the phone在听电话320、 on the right在右边321、 on the/one's way〔to〕在去……的路上322、 on time准时323、 on weekdays在工作日324、 once a day每天一次325 、once again在一次326、 once every four years每四年一次327、 once more再次328、 once upon a time从前;很久以前329、one after another "一个接一个,连续地"330、 one another相互331、 operate on sb、为某人动手术332、 out of从……里出来;缺乏333、 out of work失业334、 out of date过时335、 over and over一再;一遍又一遍336、 over there在那边337、 pass by经过338、 pay for付…钱;买339、 pick out选择出340、 pick up捡起341、 play a trick on戏弄342、 play with玩弄343、 plenty of很多344、 point at指向;指着345、 point out指出346、 praise sb for sth为某事表扬某人 347、prefer…to〔比起……来〕更喜爱 348、 prepare for预备349、protect…from爱护……免受350、prevent …from…阻碍;防止;预防 351、 pull down推倒352、 put down登记353、put off延期;推延354、 put on穿;戴上;上演355、 put out伸出;扑灭356、 put up举起;挂起357、 rely on依靠358、 right now "立即,立刻"359、 ring up打电话给……360、run after追捕;追踪361、 run away逃跑362、run out of用完363、 save one's life挽救某人生命 364、 search for搜寻;搜查365、see…off为……送行366、 sell out售完367、 send for派人去叫……368、separate … from分开369、 set free释放;解放370、 set off动身;启程;使爆发 371、 set out动身;开头372、 show off炫耀372、 so far到目前为止373、so…that太……以至于……374、 sooner or later迟早;早晚375、 speed up加快速度376、spend …on在……花钱377、 stand for代表378、 stop doing sth、停止做某事〔不再做……〕 379、 stop to do sth、停下来做某事〔开头做……〕 380、 such as例如381、 take away拿走382、 take it easy别焦急;别紧急383、 take off脱下;起飞384、take one’s tim e沉着;别紧急385、 take out取出386、 take place发生387、 talk about谈论;谈论388、 the day after tomorrow后天389、 the day before yesterday前天390、the more… the more越……就越……391、 the other day前几天;某日392、 think about考虑〔是否去做〕393、 think of想起;考虑;认为;看法394、 thousands of成千上万;几千395、 throw away扔掉396、too…to…太……以至于不……397、 try on试穿;试试看398、 try out试验399、 turn down关小;调低400、 turn off关掉〔水、电视、收音机等〕 401、 turn on打开〔水、电视、收音机等〕 402、 turn over翻动;梨翻〔土地〕403、 turn up到达;来到;开大〔声音等〕 404、 up and down上下,来回405、 used to do sth、过去经常406、 wait for等候,等待407、 wake up醒来408、 work out算出,解决409、 worry about担忧,苦恼410、 write down写下,登记411、 write to写信给……。

小升初必考英语知识点总结一、基本句型1. 主语+谓语She is singing.2. 主语+谓语+宾语They are playing basketball.3. 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语He gave me a present.4. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补She made me happy.5. 祈使句Open the door.6. There be 句型There is a book on the desk.7. 主系表结构She looks happy.8. 被动语态The book was read by me.9. 疑问句Do you like English?10. 倒装句Not only does he play basketball, but also he plays football.二、名词1. 可数名词和不可数名词a cup of tea, two bags of rice2. 名词的所有格my father's car3. 名词的单复数a book, two books4. 特殊名词的复数形式child-children, woman-women5. 特殊名词的不可数名词形式news, information6. 特殊名词的复合名词形式forget-me-not, passer-by三、冠词1. 定冠词和不定冠词a book, the book2. 不加冠词的情况He is a student.3. 特殊用法once upon a time四、代词1. 人称代词I, you, he, she, it, we, they2. 物主代词my, your, his, her, its, our, their3. 反身代词myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves 4. 特殊用法one another, each other五、动词1. 一般现在时He plays basketball every day.2. 一般过去时I played computer games yesterday.3. 一般将来时I will go to the park tomorrow.4. 现在进行时She is reading a book now.5. 过去进行时He was playing basketball at this time yesterday.6. 情态动词can, may, must, should, need7. 动词的不定式to do, to be8. 动词的-ing形式reading, playing9. 动词的完成时I have read that book.10. 动词的被动语态The book was read by me.11. 及物动词和不及物动词I like singing.六、形容词和副词1. 形容词的比较级和最高级big-bigger-biggest2. 副词的用法She sings well.3. 物主形容词my, your, his, her, its, our, their4. 特殊形容词和副词good-better-best, well-better-best七、介词1. in, on, at的用法in the classroom, on the desk, at home2. 特殊介词的用法under, over, between, among3. 介词短语in front of, next to, to the left of4. 介词词组on time, in time八、连词1. and, but, or的用法She likes playing basketball and football.2. because, so的用法He is tired because he works hard.3. 特殊连词的用法either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also...九、数词1. 基数词和序数词one, first2. 特殊数词的用法the first of October, one and a half 3. 特殊用法three times a week, two hours' time十、时间1. 日常时间的表达at seven o'clock, in the morning2. 一般现在时表示的未来情况I leave for Beijing tomorrow.3. 特殊时间状语的用法last Sunday, next Tuesday十一、情态动词1. can, may, must, shouldI can swim.2. 特殊情态动词的用法would like, need3. 特殊用法had better, have to十二、虚拟语气1. if引导的虚拟条件句If I were you, I would go now.2. wish引导的虚拟句I wish I were a bird.3. 特殊用法It's high time, If only十三、疑问句和感叹句1. 一般疑问句Do you like English?2. 特殊疑问句What's your name?3.感叹句What a nice day it is!四、定语和被定语1. 定语的位置和形式the red book, the book on the desk2. 被定语的位置和形式a city of the world, a boy with big eyes3. 特殊用法a cup of tea, the mother of all rivers 十五、主谓一致1. 就近原则Neither she nor I am good at singing.2. 特殊用法There be 句型十六、宾语从句1. 特殊宾语从句的引导词I know who the man is.2. 特殊宾语从句的时态I think he will come soon.十七、主语从句1. 特殊主语从句的引导词What you have said is true.2. 特殊主语从句的时态It's clear that they have won the game. 十八、定语从句1. 特殊定语从句的引导词The boy who is swimming is my friend.2. 特殊定语从句的时态I have lost the pen that you gave me.十九、状语从句1. 时间状语从句When the bell rang, we stopped working.2. 地点状语从句Where there is a will, there is a way.3. 原因状语从句Because he was ill, he didn't go to work.4. 条件状语从句If I were you, I would go now.5. 结果状语从句It's so late that we can't go out.六、语音1. 单词中元音的发音cake, team2. 单词中辅音的发音break, cream3. 单词重读音节的规律beautiful, comfortable4. 特殊音标的发音ai, ee, th七、词汇1. 同义词happy-glad, big-large2. 反义词happy-sad, big-small3. 同音词see-sea, for-four4. 词根act, behave5. 词缀happy-unhappy, Sunday-weekend 8、语法1. 句子成分的转换He doesn't like playing basketball. Playing basketball is not liked by him.2. 句子类型的转换She can swim. - Can she swim?十九、阅读1. 阅读理解阅读短文,回答问题。

小升初复习固定搭配及常用短语一、动词短语1. set off 出发,动身2. come up with 想出,提出3. catch up with 赶上,追上4. take advantage of 利用5. give up 放弃6. look forward to 期待7. make up 编造,组成8. figure out 弄清楚,理解9. bring up 养育,提起10. fill in 填写二、名词短语1. a piece of cake 小菜一碟2. a waste of time 浪费时间3. a lot of 许多4. a little 意味着5. as a matter of fact 事实上6. at once 立刻7. at the same time 同时8. at no time 决不9. by accident 偶然地10. by the way 顺便说一下三、形容词短语1. in a hurry 匆忙地2. in a bad mood 心情不好3. in the end 最后4. on purpose 故意地5. out of control 失去控制6. under the weather 身体不适7. with pleasure 非常乐意8. up to date 最新的9. off and on 断断续续地10. by no means 绝不四、介词短语1. in front of 在...前面2. at the end of 在...末尾3. on the other hand 另一方面4. by means of 通过...方法5. in the middle of 在...中间6. with the help of 在...的帮助下7. at the top of 在...顶部8. in the same way 以同样的方式9. for the sake of 为了...的缘故10. according to 根据五、副词短语1. all of a sudden 突然2. by the way 顺便说一下3. just in case 以防万一4. little by little 逐渐地5. on purpose 故意地6. as a result 结果7. at all 一点也不8. at once 立刻9. in general 一般来说10. on the contrary 相反地六、连词短语1. as soon as 一...就...2. as long as 只要3. so that 以便4. in case 假如5. even if 即使6. as if 好像7. rather than 而不是8. in order to 为了9. if only 要是...就好了10. whether or not 是否。

英语小升初知识点词组总结一、名词词组:1. a cup of tea 一杯茶2. a loaf of bread 一条面包3. a piece of paper 一张纸4. a pair of shoes 一双鞋5. a set of keys 一串钥匙6. a group of people 一群人7. a number of books 一些书8. a lot of money 许多钱9. a bit of advice 一点建议10. a bottle of water 一瓶水11. a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力12. a packet of crisps 一包薯片13. a slice of cake 一片蛋糕14. a bunch of flowers 一束花15. a pile of books 一堆书16. a flock of birds 一群鸟17. a herd of cattle 一群牛18. a crowd of people 一群人群19. a fleet of ships 一队船只20. a troop of soldiers 一群士兵二、动词词组:1. take a shower 洗澡2. have a rest 休息3. make a decision 做决定4. take a photo 拍照5. have a try 试一试6. give a hand 帮忙7. make a mistake 犯错误8. get a job 找到工作9. make a noise 制造噪音10. take a walk 散步11. have a party 开派对12. make a wish 许愿13. take a break 休息片刻14. have a talk 谈话15. make a plan 制定计划16. take a look 看一看17. have a laugh 开怀大笑18. make a speech 发表演讲19. take a seat 坐下20. have a try 尝试一下三、形容词词组:1. be good at 擅长于2. be fond of 喜欢3. be afraid of 害怕4. be proud of 为...感到自豪5. be sick of 厌倦6. be interested in 对...有兴趣7. be tired of 对...感到厌倦8. be amazed at 对...感到惊讶9. be surprised at 对...感到惊讶10. be angry with 生某人的气11. be happy with 对...感到满意12. be satisfied with 对...感到满意13. be disappointed with 对...感到失望14. be pleased with 对...感到高兴15. be impressed with 对...感到印象深刻16. be bored with 对...感到厌烦17. be excited about 对...感到兴奋18. be worried about 对...感到担忧19. be confident of 对...有信心20. be nervous about 对...感到紧张以上是小升初英语常见的名词、动词和形容词词组总结,希望能对学生们的学习有所帮助。

小升初英语词组归纳小升初英语词组1.putdown放下shutdown把关上cutdown砍掉comedown下来、落下slowdown减缓、放慢sitdown坐下writedown写下getdown下来,降落2.afterall毕竟.终究afterthat于是.然后dayafterday日复一日地oneafteranother相继.挨次soonafter不久以后thedayaftertomorrow后天eupwith找到、提出catchupwith赶上wakeup弄醒、醒来小升初英语词组归纳:sendup发射openup开设、开办growup 长大pickup拾起、捡起handsup举手eatup吃光cleanup打扫干净giveupdoingsth.=stopdoingsth.放弃做某事4.arriveat/in+n.到达getto+n.到达reach+n.到达arrive/get+adv.到达5.getback退还,送回去.取回giveback归还comeback回来atthebackof在的后面ontheway(back)home在回家路上6.atleast至少atbreakfast早餐时atdesk在桌前atonce立刻,马上atschool在上学atthesametime同时atwork在工作begoodat=dowellin善长laughat嘲笑notatall一点也不atfirst起初atnight在晚上atnoon中午attheageof//whensb.wasyearsold在岁时atlast/intheend/finally最后、终于atthebeginningofthetwenty-firstcentury在21世纪初attheendof在终点、结尾atthemoment/now现在atthefootof在脚下atChristmas在圣诞节atanymoment任何时候attimes(sometimes)有时,偶尔atthedoctor;;s在医务室bebadat不善长7.forexample例如forever永远begoodfor对有益bebadfor对有害forlong=foralongtime长期forshort简称beshortfor是的简称TVisshortfortelevisionetrue实现comedown下来comefrom=befrom来自,出生于comein/into进入,进来comeon赶快comeover过来comealong走吧,过来,快点comeandgo来来去去comeup上来comeout出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来9.eventhough=evenif即使、虽然、尽管10.bepleasedwith对感到满意becoveredwith被覆盖beexpectedtodosth.被期望做某事beproudof以自豪speakhighlyof称赞beafraidof害怕hearof听说(hearfromsb.收到某人的来信)ofcause=certainly当然可以plentyof=alotof许多11.bytheway顺便说byoneself单独,独自bytheendof到为至bythetime(引起时间状语从句)到的时候onebyone依次byair/plane乘飞机bybus/train/car乘公共汽车/火车/轿车(catchabus赶公交车geton/offthebus上/下车takeabusto=gotobybus乘车去)12.do/tryone;;sbest尽力doone;;shomework做家庭作业do(the/some)shopping购物dothecooking烹饪dosomecleaning打扫dothe/somewashing洗衣服dosport做运动dowithsb/sth.处理welldone干得好。

1. then and now过去和现在2. six years ago六年前3. do many things做很多事4. write letters to his friends = write to his friends写信给他的朋友5. in the office在办公室里6. use the telephone使用电话7. call people打电话给人们8. a mobile phone一部手机9. call people anywhere随处打电话给人们10. write/send an email写/发一封电子邮件11. listen to the radio听收音机12. watch news on the Internet在网上看新闻13. read e-books看电子书14. make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友15. e-friends from all over the world来自世界各地的网友16. do shopping = do the shopping = do some shopping = go shopping 购物17. work hard努力工作18. invent the aeroplane发明飞机19. an American man一位美国男士20. a British girl一个英国女孩21. have an English lesson上一节英语课22. look out of the window朝窗外看23. listen to me听我说24. go on继续25. spell the new words拼写新单词26. get angry = be angry生气的27. make a sentence with …用…来造句28. wait for the answer等待答案29. a photo of yourself一张你自己的照片30. just now刚才31. a moment ago一会儿以前32. read newspapers for news看报纸上的新闻33. buy things from shops从商店买东西34. use …to… 用…做…and draw 读和画shopping on the Internet 在网上购物the Internet 网上冲浪me a mobile phone/buy a mobile for me 给我买手机the phone to call you 用电话打给你making friends 喜欢交朋友。

PEP英语小升初知识点归纳(一)短语和词组line up 排列 a long tail 一条长尾巴than you taller 比你高how heavy 多重how long多长how big 多大have a fever 发烧have the flu 患流感a big nose 一个大鼻子have a headache 头痛go to the park 去公园watch TV看电视at night 在夜晚play the piano 弹钢琴play football 踢足球listen to music听音乐go swimming 去游泳wash clothes 洗衣服feel tired 感觉劳累take some medicine 吃药worry about 焦急,担心have a sore throat 喉咙疼have a toothache 牙痛laugh at 因…而发笑eat good food 品尝美食buy present 买礼物take pictures 照相learn Chinese 学汉语folk dance 民族舞folk clothes 民族服装this weekend 这个周末by plane (by air)乘飞机 a taxi driver 出租车司机go skiing去滑雪far from 离….远farewell party欢送会last day of the holiday 假期的最后一天good luck 好运at the museum/airport 在博物馆/飞机场in the future 在将来the end of the school 学年末carrot juice 胡萝卜汁 a book of stamps 一本邮册just a minute 等一会Stone forest 石林Spring city 春城on the moon 在月球funny tongue twisters 有趣的绕口令a few days 几天the deep cold water 在寒冷的深水a pair of 一双theme park 主题公园read a magazine 阅读杂志comic book 漫画书fruit stand 水果摊shoe store鞋店pet shop 宠物商店go to the cinema 去看电影go away 离开go back to school 返回学校go hiking 远足go on a big trip 进行一次长途旅行answer the door 开门answer the phone 接电话answer----answering(现在分词)take off 脱下take a trip 去旅行take---took (过去式) taking(现在分词) takes(单三)do the dishes洗碗碟do morning exercises 晨练do an experiment 做实验did(过去式)do housework 做家务do homework 做作业do—does (单三) doing (现在分词)write a report 写报告write a letter 写信write an e-mail 写电子邮件write a poem 写诗write (writes 单三)(writing现在分词)(wrote 过去式)make a snowman 堆雪人make a kite(make kites) 制作风筝make the bed 整理床铺collect insects 收集昆虫collect stamps 收集邮票collect leaves 收集树叶make sure 确认cook the meals 做饭cook noodles 煮面条catch the ball 接球catch butterflies 捉蝴蝶catch—caught(过去式) catches(单三)交通用语stop at a red light 红灯停wait a yellow light 黄灯等go at a green light 绿灯行by bike 骑自行车on foot 步行by car(take the car)/by subway/ by ship crosswalk人行穿越道No entry禁止通行No bikes自行车禁行One way单行道Turn right 右转No turn left 禁止左转告别语write soon尽快给我回信take care保重have a trip 旅途愉快keep up touch 保持联系see you later 一会见(二)词的用法A.名词复数例:book---books watch—watches baby---babies knife---knives roof--roofs foot---feet man—men goose—geese ox--oxen child—children mouse---mice tomato—tomatoes fish—fish deer—deer Chinese –Chinese Japanese—Japanese woman doctor-----women doctorsB.冠词例:a worker a pen an hour an apple an orange the pictureC.代词例:I(主格)---me(宾格)my(形容词物主代词)-----mine(名词性物主代词) You ----you your ---- yoursHe -----him his ------ hisShe ----her her ------hersWe ---us our ------oursYou ---you your ------yoursThey -- them their -------theirs(注:This is my jacket.(同义句) This jacket is mine.D.数词.基数词one two three four …..序数词first second third fourth fifth eighth ninth twentieth thirty—first(第三十一)F.形容词比较级和最高级例:tall—taller big---bigger heavy—heavier late—later beautiful—more beautiful good/well---better---best(最高级) many/much---more---most(最高级)ill/bad----worse-----worst(最高级) little-------less---------least(最高级)old---older/elder—oldest/eldest(最高级) far—farther/further—farthest/furthest(最高级) 例句:I am taller than your brother. He is shorter than me.(三)英语时态的简单用法A..一般现在时(当主语是单数第三人称时,谓语动词要发生相应的变化,即单三形式)(always usually often sometimes never every day …..这些词出现体现一般现在时)例1.)He always helps others. 他总是帮助别人。

小升初英语重要短语大集合1、after a while过一会儿2、all kinds of各种各样的3、at once立刻;马上4、be free有空,闲着5、a moment ago一会儿之前6、in a moment过一会儿;立刻7、every four years每四年8、from now on从现在起9、from then on从那时起10、in the future将来11、in the past在过去12、in the morning在上午13、in the afternoon在下午14、in the evening在晚上15、in the night在夜里16、in the daytime在白天17、next year明年18、the day before yesterday前天19、the day after tomorrow后天20、this afternoon今天下午21、this evening今天晚上22、this morning今天早上23、tomorrow明天24、today今天25、this week这个星期26、next week下个星期27、last week上个星期小升初英语短语汇总1、a bit (of)有一点儿2、a few一些;几个3、a little有点儿4、a lot许多5、a type of一种类型的6、a/one pair of一双7、above all上文8、according to根据9、agree with同意某人意见10、agree to同意某事11、alive活着的12、all kinds of各种各样的13、all over到处14、all right行了;好吧;(病)好了15、all sorts of各种各样的16、all the best万事如意17、all the same仍然18、answer to对……的答案19、arrive at(in)到达某地20、as a matter of fact事实上江苏省名校小升初英语试卷及答案一、选择题1、What color is the letter "A" in the English alphabet?A. It is red.B. It is black.C. It is blue.D. It is yellow.正确答案是:A. It is red.在英文字母表中,字母"A"通常被认为代表红色。

小升初英语必会的英语短语汇总1.add up to 合计达2.answer the question 回答问题3.as a matter of fact 事实上4.as a rule 通常5.as far as possible 尽可能6.as soon as possible 尽快7.as well 也;又8.at home 在家9.at last 最后,终于10.at least 至少11.at once 立即,马上12.at present 目前13.at the corner 在拐角处14.be able to 能、会15.be afraid of 害怕16.be based on 以 ... 为基础17.be busy doing 忙于做事18.be careful of 小心19.be close to 靠近20.be for 用于21.be fond of 喜爱、喜欢22.be full of 充满23.be good at 擅长24.be interested in 对 ... 有兴趣25.be made of 由 ... 制成26.be made up of 由 ... 组成27.be popular with 受欢迎28.be sure of 确信29.be used to 习惯于30.be used for 用来做事31.begin with 以 ... 开始32.belong to 属于33.besides 除 ... 之外34.both ... and 两者都(... 和 ...)35.by air 乘飞机36.by means of 用37.by mistake 错误地38.by oneself 独自,单独39.by the way 顺便说40.care for 关心/照顾41.change ... into 把 ... 变成44.count on 依靠/指望45.cut down on 减少46.each other 彼此47.either ... or 两者中任何一个48.enjoy oneself 玩得愉快49.expect sb. to do sth. 期望人做事50.fall asleep 睡着51.far away from 离 ... 远52.feel like 想要;觉得53.fill in 填写54.for example 例如55.for free 免费56.forget to do 忘记要做事57.from now on 从现在起58.get along with 与 ... 相处59.get on with 继续60.get up 起床61.give out 分发62.go after 追逐63.go away 离开64.go by 过去65.go on 继续66.go shopping 买东西67.go skating 去滑冰68.go straight 直走69.go to bed 上床睡觉70.go to school 上学71.grow up 长大72.hand in 上交73.hardly ever 几乎从不74.have a cold 感冒。

一、常见词汇1. Analyze(分析)- examine in detail for a purpose(为了某一目的详细研究)例句:In order to solve this problem, we need to analyze the data carefully.(为了解决这个问题,我们需要仔细分析数据)2. Calculate(计算)- determine the value or amount by using mathematical methods(通过使用数学方法确定数值或金额)例句:She calculated the total cost of the groceries in her shopping cart.(她计算了购物车中的杂货的总费用)3. Evaluate(评估)- assess or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of something(评估某物的性质、能力或质量)例句:The teacher will evaluate the students' performances based on their presentations.(老师将根据学生们的演讲来评估他们的表现)4. Infer(推断)- derive as a conclusion from facts or premises(从事实或前提中得出结论)例句:Based on the evidence, we can infer that he is the main suspect.(根据证据,我们可以推断他是主要嫌疑犯)5. Observe(观察)- watch or perceive attentively over a period of time (在一段时间内仔细观察或感知)例句:Scientists observe the behavior of animals in their natural habitats.(科学家们观察动物在它们的自然栖息地中的行为)二、常见短语1. Break the ice(打破僵局)- overcome initial social awkwardness or tension(克服最初的社交尴尬或紧张)例句:At the party, they played some games to break the ice and help everyone relax.(在聚会上,他们玩了一些游戏来打破僵局,帮助每个人放松)2. Keep up with(跟上)- stay at the same level or pace as someone or something(与某人或某物保持相同的水平或速度)例句:She had to study hard to keep up with her classmates' progress.(她不得不努力学习,跟上同学们的进度)3. Give up(放弃)- cease making an effort; surrender(停止努力;投降)例句:Although faced with challenges, she never gave up on her dreams.(尽管面临挑战,她从未放弃过自己的梦想)4. Work out(解决;锻炼)- solve a problem or find a solution; engage in physical exercise(解决问题;进行体育锻炼)例句:We need to work out a plan to tackle this issue.(我们需要制定一个计划来解决这个问题)例句:He goes to the gym every day to work out and stay fit.(他每天去健身房锻炼身体,保持健康)5. Set a goal(设定目标)- establish an objective or target to achieve (制定目标或目标)例句:It's important to set goals for yourself in order to stay motivated.(设定目标对于保持积极性很重要)以上是关于小升初复习常见词汇及短语的整理,希望对大家的备考有所帮助。

最新小升初必背英语单词词组1. go to school 上学2. study hard 努力学习3. be smart 聪明4. be polite 有礼貌5. be brave 勇敢6. be honest 诚实7. be kind 友善8. be generous 慷慨9. be patient 耐心10. be responsible 负责任11. be curious 好奇12. be organized 有条理13. be independent 独立14. be confident 自信15. be respectful 尊重16. be punctual 准时17. be helpful 乐于助人18. be understanding 体谅19. be cooperative 合作20. be energetic 精力充沛21. be creative 有创造力22. be enthusiastic 热情23. be determined 决心24. be perseverant 坚持不懈25. be disciplined 自律26. be optimistic 乐观27. be empathetic 同情心28. be humble 谦虚29. be humble 谦虚30. study English 学习英语31. speak English 说英语32. read books 阅读书籍33. write essays 写文章34. listen to teachers 听老师讲课35. do homework 做作业36. take tests 参加考试37. make friends 交朋友38. play sports 运动39. join clubs 参加俱乐部40. have a healthy lifestyle 保持健康生活方式41. eat balanced meals 饮食均衡42. exercise regularly 经常锻炼43. get enough sleep 足够的睡眠45. set goals 设定目标46. solve problems 解决问题47. improve skills 提高技能49. make progress 取得进步。

小升初词组短语大集第一章动词篇第一组 made, “除了“, put1、和made相关的短语be made in +某地:表示产自哪里The watch was made in China.be made of +某种材料:表示用某种材料制成(通常看的出来原材料)The tea pot is made of silver.be made from +某些材料:表示用某些材料制成(通常看不出来原材料)Wine is made from grapes.be made by +某人:表示由某人制成This cake was made by my sister.2、表示“除了”的短语except:除了,表示整体中除掉。
例句:I invited everyone except John.(我没有邀请John)besides:除了…还有…例句:Besides his right arm, he broke his two legs.(除了他的右胳膊,他还弄断了双腿)except for:除了,常放于句首且除去一些微不足道的东西。
例句:Except for this, everything is ready.(除此之外,一切已准备好)apart from:(=except for 或besides)例句:Apart from/Except for the nose, he is quite good-looking.3、和put相关的短语put up: 提起,举起;为……提供食宿例句: The boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. (搭起)You can stay here tonight. We can put you up in the spare room.(为某人安排食宿)put on:穿上,戴上例句:Put on your coat and let’s go!put out: 扑灭;出版,生产例句:Father put out the fire and crept into his tent.put down: 记下,抄下例句:Put down all the sentences that are on the blackboard.put off: 推迟例句:I have put off my trip to London until next week.put away: 放好,收好例句:She told her children to put their toys away and go to bed.put up with (+sb): 忍受某人例句:I can’t put up with him any longer.第二组 look, call, pick1、和look相关的常考短语look for: 寻找(强调过程)例句:I’m looking for my pen, but I don’t find it.look after: 照顾(=take care of)例句:Would you please look after my pet when I’m in London?look out: 当心,注意(=Be careful)例句:Look out! A bus is coming!look up: 1) 查阅 2) 拜访(某人)例句:I shall look up this word in the dictionary.Don’t forget to look me up when you return.look forward to: 期待(+doing sth)例句:I’m looking forward to seeing you this summer holiday.look back: 回顾,回头看例句:They like to look back on those unforgettable years in the army.2、和call相关的常考短语call out:大声喊例句:He called out to me but I didn’t hear him.call at : 拜访(后面往往加地点)例句:Does the ship call at Liverpool?call on: 拜访(后面往往加人)例句:I called on Frank yesterday.call sb up: 打电话;召集例句:She will call you up tomorrow.call off: 取消(=cancel)例句:It began to rain so we called off the match.call for: 需求,要求例句:Your plan will call for a lot of money.3、和pick相关的短语pick up: 1) 捡起 2)接(某人) 3)学习例句:He picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins.(捡起)I’ll pick you up in the car th is evening.(接)I picked up a lot of English when I was in England.(学习)pick out: 挑出; 分辨出例句:I can’t pick out the card I like best.第三组knock, “话费”, give1、和knock相关的短语knock at:敲,击例句:A beggar knocked at my door.knock off: 1)碰掉 2)下班 3)打折例句:I knocked the vase off the table and broke it. (碰掉)He always knocks off at six o’clock. (下班)The shop assistant knocked 10% off the bill.(打折)Knock over:撞倒例句:A car knocked the boy over.2、表示“花费”的动词短语(1)spend:sb spend + 时间/钱 + on sthsb spend + 时间/钱 + (in) doing sth例句:I spent two days on this book.= I spent two days (in) reading this book. 须注意:spend后面既可是花费多少时间,也可以是多少金钱;spend通常是人作主语。

22)除掉,去除 23)进入,收集 24)/上/下车 25)到达 26)到达那里 27)给……打电话 28)作报告 29)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会) 30)归还,送回 31)……给……一些忠告 32)给……上课 33)屈服 34)放弃 35)给……一次机会 36)给……一个口信 37)先走,向前走,去吧,干吧 38)看电影 39)睡觉(整理床铺) 40)上学(上大学) 41)去医院看病 42)过一遍,复习/朝……走去 43)去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东西 44)回家去(去那儿) 45)顺便去,绕道走 46)上去 47)外出散步 48)继续(做……) 49)'继续某人的工作 50)/上/下楼
51)(the lights) go out 52)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting / 53)have a football match (basketball match) 54)have dictation 55)have a try 56)have a good/wonderful time 57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 58)have a report (talk) on 59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 60)have breakfast/lunch/supper 61)have a meal (three meals) 62)have a dinner 63)have bread and milk for breakfast 64)have (have got) a headache 65)have a fever 66)have a cough (a cold) 67)have a look (at) 68)have a rest (a break) 69)have a talk 70)have a swim/walk / 71)have sports 72)have a sports meet (meeting) 73)have something done 74)have a test/an exam / 75)have an idea 76)sth.) 77)have a word with 78)help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth.

小升初英语词汇专项复习一、动词词组1. get up:起床2. wake up:醒来3. have breakfast/lunch/dinner:吃早餐/午餐/晚餐4. go to school:去学校5. go home:回家6. go to bed:上床睡觉7. do homework:做作业8. watch TV:看电视9. listen to music:听音乐10. play sports/games:做运动/玩游戏二、常用名词1. school:学校2. teacher:老师3. student:学生4. book:书5. pen:笔6. pencil:铅笔7. bag:书包8. desk:桌子9. chair:椅子10. blackboard:黑板三、常用形容词1. good:好的2. bad:坏的3. happy:快乐的4. sad:伤心的5. big:大的6. small:小的7. tall:高的8. short:矮的9. long:长的10. short:短的四、常用副词1. well:好地2. badly:糟糕地3. happily:快乐地4. sadly:伤心地5. quickly:快速地6. slowly:慢慢地7. loudly:大声地8. softly:轻声地9. often:经常地10. never:从未五、数字1. one:一2. two:二3. three:三4. four:四5. five:五6. six:六7. seven:七8. eight:八9. nine:九10. ten:十以上是小升初英语常用词汇的复习,希望能够对你的英语学习有所帮助!。

1. a bit (of) 有一点儿2. a few 一些;少量;几个3.a little一些; 少量4.a group of 一群5. a kind of 一种; 一类6. a lot of (lots of)=a number of 许多7. a number of 一些;许多8. a pair of 一双; 一副9.a piece of "一(块,张,片,件)"10. according to 按照;根据11.after class 课后 after all "终究, 毕竟"12. after school 放学后13. agree with sb/ to+V. 同意某人的意见/某事14. again and again 反复地;在三地15. all over 到处;遍及;结束16. all right 行了;好吧;(病)好了17. all the best 一切顺利;all the same 还是, 仍然18. all the time 一直19. all the way 一路上20. and so on 等等21. apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉22. arrive at / in a place 到达某地23. as well 也;又24. ask for 请求; 寻求25.at breakfast /lunch /supper 早/午/晚餐时26. at first / last 起先;开始的时候/ 最后;终于27. at home 在家(里)28. at least / most 至少/ 至多29. at once 立刻;马上28. at present "现在, 目前"30. at school 在学校;在上课31. at the moment "此刻,目前; 那时,当时32. at the same time 同时33. at work 在工作34. at the / on weekends 在周末35. be able to 能够(有能力)36. be afraid of 害怕37. be angry with sb. 生某人的气38. be bad for 有害于39. be born 出生于40. be busy with / doing sth. 忙于做某事41. be careful with 小心42. be covered with 被……覆盖43. be different from 与……不同44. be familiar to 对……熟悉45. be famous for 以……而著名46. be fond of 爱好47. be full of 充满48. be good / poor at 善长于 / 对……比较差49. be interested in 对……感兴趣50. be keen on 喜爱51. be late for …...迟到52. be located (in/on/at) 位于53. be made of 由……制成54. be made up of 由……组成55. be on "上演, 上映"56. be pleased with 对……满意57. be proud of 为……而感到自豪58. be/get ready for 为……作准备59. be surprised at 对…...感到惊奇60. be thankful to sb. 对某人很感激61. be/get used to+v-ing 习惯于62. be worried/serious about 为……而担心63. because of=thanks to 由于64. belong to 属于65. break out 爆发66. break into "闯入, 破门而入"67. by air mail 寄航空邮件68. by bus 乘公共汽车69. by oneself 亲自70. by phone 打电话71. by the way 顺便说;顺便问一下72. call on 拜访73. care for 照顾; 喜欢74. carry out 执行75. catch (a) cold 着凉;伤风76. catch up with 赶上(或超过)77. change one's mind 改变主意78. check in 办理登机79. come across 被理解; 遇见80. come back 回来;想起来81. come from 出生于;来自82. come on 快;走吧;跟我来83. come out 出来;(书等)出版,发行84. come to an end 结束85. come to know 知道86. come to life 显得逼真; 苏醒87. come true 实现88. come up with追上;赶上;想出(主意);找出(答案)89. communicate with 与……交流90. compare with 与……比较91 .congratulate …on… 祝贺……92. cover an area of 占地面积93. cut down 砍倒94. deal with 处理95. depend on "依靠,依赖"96. die of 因……病而死97. different from 与……不同98. do one's best 尽最大努力99. do sb. a favour 帮某人忙100. do some shopping 买东西 (cleaning) 101. do with 处置, 处理102. dream of 梦见103. dress up 穿着打扮104. each other 互相105. eat up 吃光, 吞噬106. earn one’s life 谋生107. either… or… 或者……或者……108.. enjoy oneself 过得愉快109. enter for 报名参加110. even if / thought 即使;尽管111. fall off 从…...跌落112. far away (from) (离)遥远113.far from远离114.feel like doing 想要……;感觉要……115. fill in "填充, 填写"116.fill … with … 用……填充117. find out 找出;查明;了解118. finish off 吃完; 喝完119. first of all 首先120. for ever 永远121. for example 例如122. for the first time 第一次123. for the time being "暂时,眼下" 124. from … to… 从……到……125. from door to door 挨家挨户126. from now on 从此以后; 今后127. from time to time 不时;有时128. get along / on (with) 进展;与…….相处129. go away 逃离130.. get back 返回131. get in 进入;收集132. get in the way 挡道133. get off 下车134. get on 上车135. get on with与…….相处136. get ready for 为……作准备137. get rid of 摆脱138. get tired of 对……感到厌倦139. get to 到达140.get together 相聚;联欢141. get up 起床142. give back 归还;送回143. give out 分发144. give sb. a hand 助某人一臂之力145. give up 放弃146. go ahead 先走;向前走;去吧;干吧147.go away 走开;离去148. go shopping / bowling 去购物 / 打保龄球149.go for a swim 去游泳150.go for a walk 散步151. go home 回家152. go in for 参加;从事于;酷爱153. go on 继续154. go on a diet 实行节食155. go on a picnic 去野餐156. go on with / doing sth. 继续做某事157. go out 熄灭158. go over 复习;仔细地再读一遍159. go sightseeing 去观光160. go to (the) hospital 去医院(看病)161. go to bed 1\ 輀 / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 5 9 " > 0 0 1 6 2 .g o t o c o l l e g e N 'Y f[ / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 6 0 " > 0 0 1 63 . g o t o s c h o o l N f[ / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 6 1 " > 0 0 1 64 .g o t o s l e e p eQ aw / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 6 2 " > 0 0 1 6 5 . g o t o t h e c i n e m a / m o v i e ( s ) 籗 w 5u q_ / p >。

小升初英语复习指南--英语词汇一、小升初英语固定搭配短语汇总小升初英语复习中,有许多的重点,包括单词,时态,语法,短语等等!今天,本教师就收集了一些小升初英语的固定短语,汇总在一起供大家查看,希望对大家有所帮助!1.allow sb to do sth允许某人去做某事(后接动词不定式)My father allowed me to go out for a walk after finishing my homework.2. asked sb (not) to do sth叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事)My father asked me to study hard.He asked me not to swim alone.3.be asked to do sth被叫去做某事/被邀请去做某事I was asked to have a dinner with them yesterday.4. be afraid to do sth害怕做某事She is afraid to ask me questions.5. be afaid of doing sth害怕做某事I am afraid of going out at night.6. be afaid of sth害怕某物He is afraid of snakes.7. be amazed to do sth对做某事感到惊讶He was amazed to meet the girl there.8.be amazed at sth对某事感到惊讶they were amazed at the news.9. be busy doing/with sth忙于做某事(常考)I was busy washing my car at that time. 那时候我正忙于清洗我的车I am busy with my work.8. be coming/going/leaving/fiying/moving/dying(某些位移动词用进行时态时表将来)the bus is coming/the dog is dying.9. be excited to do sth对做……感到兴奋Jacky was excited to travel there by plane.be excited at sthLily was excited at his words.be excited about doing sthhe was excited about passing the exam without going overing books.10. be frightened to do sth害怕去做某事Sam is frightened to ride a horse.11. be glad/happy to do sth高兴去做某事she is happy to clean the blackboard with me.be pleased to do sth高兴做某事she was pleased to help the old man yesterday.be pleased with sth对某事感到高兴/满意the teacher was pleased with my answer.12.be interested in sth/doing sth对某事感兴趣/对做某事感兴趣she is interested in swimming in the river.My btother is interested in Chinese.13.be/get ready for/to do sthBe ready for sth为某事做好了准备We are ready for the exam.Be ready to do sth为做某事做好了准备We are ready to have a birthday party for her.get ready for sth为某事在做准备We are getting ready for the exam.get ready for sth为做某事而做准备13. be sorry to do sth对做某事感到抱歉14.be surprised to do sth对做某事感到惊奇be surprised at sth 对某事感到惊奇15. be worth doing sth值得做某事(worth 后接动词-ing形式,常考)16. 开始去做某事begin to do sthbegin/start to do/doing sth17. can/be able to afford (to buy) sth 有能力购买(供)……18. can/may/must do sth could/would/should/might do sth19. can’t wait to do sth 迫不急待地去做某事20. decide to do sth 决定去做某事make up one’s mind to do sth 下决心去做某事(常考)make a decision to do sth 对做某事作出决定21. deserve to do sth 值得/应该做……22. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人去做某事23. enjoy doing sth 乐意去做某事24. expect (sb) to do sth 期望去做某事25. fail to do sth 做某事失败succeed doing sth 成功做了某事26. finish doing sth 做完某事(后接动词-ing形式)(常考)27. follow sb to do sth 跟随某人去做某事28. 让某人做某事(后接动词原形)get sb to do sthmake sb do sthlet sb do sth29. get/have a chance to do sth 得到一个做某事的机会30. give/pass/show/lend/sell sb sth/sth to sbbuy/get/bring sb sth/sth for sb31. go on to do sth 继续做事(常考)go on doing sth 继续做事(常考)32. hate to do/doing sth 讨厌/不喜欢做某事33. have fun doing sth34. have problems doing sth 做某事遇到困难35. 让某人做某事(后接动词原形)have sb do sthhave sth donehave sth to do 工有事要做36. hear sb do sth 听到某人做某事(后接动词原形,常考)hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事(常见)37. help to do sth 帮忙做某事help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事38. hope/wish to do sth 希望做某事wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事39. I t seems that 这像是……(后接从句)seem to do sthseem +adj40. It’s + adj+(for sb) to do sth .It’s+adj +(of sb) to do sthIt’s glad for him to hear the news.41. It takes sb some time/money to do sth . 花费某人多长时间做某事42. pay …for… cost spend…on….. it take …to do sth43. It’s best for sb to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是最好的had better do sth 最好做某事(注意had没有时态和人称的变化,better后接动词原形)44. It’s time for sb to do sth 是某人做某事的时候了45. keep (on)doing sth 坚持做某事(常考)keep sb doing sth 让某人做某事(常考)keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事(常考)keep sb/sth +adjkeep the book for 2 days 借这本书两天(不要用borrow或lend)46. learn to do sth 学做某事learn sth from sb 向某人学习47. like to do/doing sth 喜欢做某事like sb to do sth 喜欢某人做某事48. need to do sth 需要做某事need doing sth/to be doneneed sth needn’t do sth49. prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿……而不愿……(常考)prefer doing sth to doing sth 喜欢做……胜过做……I prefer reading books to going shopping. 比起购物来,我更爱读书。

1. 不及物动词短语不及物动词不需要宾语来完成句子的意义,它们通常以自身作为动作的承受者。
1.1. sleep in 默许例句:It’s a weekend, so I can sleep in.1.2. wake up 醒来例句:I usually wake up at 6 am.1.3. get up 起床例句:I have to get up early for school.1.4. give in 让步例句:After a long argument, he finally gave in.2. 及物动词短语及物动词需要宾语来完成句子的意义,它们通常表示一个动作作用于宾语上。
2.1. take care of 照顾例句:She takes care of her younger brother.2.2. look for 寻找例句:I can't find my book. Can you help me look for it?2.3. get along with 与...相处例句:I get along well with my classmates.2.4. put away 收起,放好例句:After using the toys, remember to put them away.3. 动词词组动词词组是由一个动词和一个或多个副词或介词组成的短语,这些副词或介词的加入改变了动词的原有意义。
3.1. pick up 捡起例句:The child picked up the fallen apple.3.2. look forward to 期待例句:I am looking forward to the summer vacation.3.3. give up 放弃例句:Don't give up when you encounter difficulties.3.4. take off 脱下例句:You need to take off your shoes before you enter the house.4. 常见动词短语与动词词组运用了解常见动词短语和动词词组的意义和用法非常重要,将其应用到写作和口语表达中,能够提高语言的丰富度和流利度。
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小升初英语复习--英语词组归纳get dressed 穿好衣服get on very well with 与...相处很好/进展顺利get on/off a bus./get on with sb. 上/下公共汽车get out of/into (a car/lift) 上/下小汽车/电梯get ready for... /lost/warm... 为...作好准备, 迷路,变暖get sb. some tea 为...备好茶get sth. back 讨回give a talk on 作...报告give one's best wishes to ... 向某人表示最良好的祝福give sb. a ring/=call 给某人打电话give sb. the message 给某人口信give sth. back 归还Glad to see/meet you(again)! (很)高兴见到你go on doing sth. 接着做...go skating/shopping 去滑冰/购物go to hospital/sleepgo to see a doctor 去看病/入睡grow rice 种稻米Hands up / down! 举起/放下手来Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快乐! 也祝你新年快乐Happy Teachers' Day! 教师节快乐hate travelling = hate travelling 讨厌旅行have a big smile/a baby 开怀大笑, 生小孩have a drink of orange 喝一些橙汁have a party/pinic/swim/test/wash 举办晚会/野餐/游泳/测试/洗澡have an accident 出事故have beautiful sunshine every day 每天阳光灿烂have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner/a meal 吃早餐/午饭/晚饭/一顿饭have our big family get-together 我们一家子大团圆Have you ever been to ...? 你去过....?Have you got a moment? I'd like to... 你有空吗? 我想...hear from sb. 收到...的信help oneself to 请吃...help sb. with the apple-picking /the washing 帮...采摘苹果/洗涮Help! 救命Here it is! / Here you are! 给你Here, (Let's) have a go. (让我们)试一下He's out at the moment. 此刻他外出. hold a sport meeting 举办运动会hold on (the line) (for a moment), please 请稍等(别挂电话)home town 家乡How can I get there? 我该怎么去哪儿How do you spell it? 它怎么拼写How do you usually come to school? 你通常是怎么来学校的How far is it? 它(离这)有多远How many floors does the building have? 这座建筑物有几层How time flies! 时间过得多快hundreds of 几百个hurry off 急着赶车hurry up 快点I am feeling thirsty 我感到渴I don't feel very well/terrible. 我身体不舒服I don't think I will take it(= have it) 我想我不会买I feel the same 我也有同感I had a quick breakfast 我很快吃完早饭I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切顺利I like to keep busy. 我喜欢忙碌I told him the whole story 我告诉他事情的始末I'd like you to meet... 我想你认识一下...if you wish. 如果你愿意ill in bed/hospital 生病卧床/住院I'm coming now. 我马上就要来了I'm so glad 我非常高兴I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这我很抱歉I'm sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉打扰你in a few year's time 过了一年时间in front of / in the front of 在...前面/部in line/queue (排成)一列/队in red hat (戴)着红帽子in surprise 惊讶地in the back/front row 在后/前排in the centre of the town 在市中心in the day-time 在白天in the end 最终in the middle of the day = at noon 在中午in the open air / the old days 在户外/在过去in the picture 在画上in the tree (a kite...) 在树上in time ( for...) 正赶上in/around/all over the world 在世界上/在全世界Is everyone here today? 每个人都来了吗It comes and goes very quickly 它来得急也去得快It feels strange to have a twin sister. 有个孪生妹妹感觉怪怪的it is harvest time 这是收获季节It was a draw (=close game) 这是场拉据战It was only a joke. 这只是个玩笑It's ... meters long / wide /deep /high. 它是....米长/宽/深/高It's a bad line. =I can't hear you clearly. 这(电话)线路不好It's a fine day for a walk. 这是个散步的好日子It's a pleasure. 这是我乐意做的事(不用谢)It's about ... minutes by bike / on foot. 去...骑车/步行...分钟It's about 30 meters along on the left. 它在前头30米靠左的地方It's better to give than to receive 奉献比索取好It's getting late. 时候不早了It's going to be warmer later on 晚些时候天气将会暖和些It's like new again!(=in perfect condition) 它又象新的了It's nothing serious. 没什么大不了的事It's really nice of you! 你真好心(太感谢你了)It's time to go home 该回家了It's your turn now. 轮到你了I've lived here all my life. 我在此住了一辈了I've never heard of that before! 我从未听到这件事I've no idea. 我不知道Jesus of Christ 耶稣基督jump into 跳入jump the queue 插队Just a moment, please./Just then 请稍等/就在那时Just right.(= just suitable) 正好,正合适keep healthy / fit 保持身体健康keep everything clean and tidy 保持一切干净整洁keep on doing... 坚持做...keep one's eyes open / closed 保持眼睛睁开/闭着keep one's eyes safe 保持眼睛安全kick a goal 踢进一个球knock at/...into... /down 敲门/撞上/撞倒laugh at one's mistake 嘲笑某人的错误League member/match 共青团员learn by oneself 自学leave a message 留个口信a bit expensive 有点贵a bottle/glass of 一瓶/杯a farm worker (=farmer) 农民a line of mountains 一条山脉a moment later 过了片刻a piece of bread 一块面包a quarter to/past six 六点差/过一刻a red-letter day 喜庆日子a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话above zero 零度以上agree with 同意某人all by oneself 全靠自己......a bit expensive 有点贵a bottle/glass of 一瓶/杯a farm worker (=farmer) 农民a line of mountains 一条山脉a moment later 过了片刻a piece of bread 一块面包a quarter to/past six 六点差/过一刻a red-letter day 喜庆日子a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话above zero 零度以上agree with 同意某人all by oneself 全靠自己all day 一整天all over the world 全世界all the afternoon 整个下午all the same 同样地,都一样all the time 一直almost the whole day 几乎一整天answer the telephone 接电话Are we all here? 我们都到齐了吗as quickly as you can (你要)尽可能快as soon as I can/as possible (我)尽可早as usual 与往常一样at a bad time of year 在年景不好时at first 起先at last 最后at noon 在中午at once 立即at one's workplace 在工地at school 在学校at the (third) crossing 在第三个路口at the back/front of the classroom 在教室的前/后头at the beginning of 在...伊始at the cinema 在电影院at the end of 在...结束时at the foot of 在...(山)脚下at the head of the queue(the first of queue) 在队伍的前头at the moment 在此刻at the same time 与时同时at the side of road 在路旁at this time of year 在一年中的这时候at times 不时at work 在上班Bad Luck! 倒霉be (a little) weak in ... 在...差/弱be angry with 对...生气be badly hurt 受重伤be covered by /with 由...覆盖be good at boating 擅长划船be good or bad for (one's health) 对...有利/害be in trouble 处在困境,有麻烦be late for ...迟到be made of 由...制作be neck and neck 与...齐头并进be open/closed at this time of day 一天中的这时候开/关着be terribly ill 生重病be the right size 尺寸合适be used for = used as 被用来做be widely used 得到广泛运用be worn out 被穿破, 累坏了be/feel worried about 对...担心become/be/feel interested in 对...感兴趣before the sun rose = before it was light 在日出前Best wishes (for...)! 谨祝...Better late than never. 亡羊补牢(犹未迟)break down (机器/车...)出故障business hours 营业时间by the end of 到...结束时by the way 顺便说说by then 到那时call me Jim for short 简称我为JimCan I take a message 我可以捎个话吗Can you describe it? 你能描绘一下吗Can you spell it? 你能拼写它吗Can you tell me the way to...? 你能告诉我去....怎么走吗can't wait to do... 迫不及待去做...catch a bus 赶公车catch a cough /headache 患感冒/头痛catch up with 赶上change one's mind 改变主意Chinese take-aways 中餐/国外卖Christmas Day 圣诞日Classes are over at 5 课5点结束clothing shop 成衣店come / get back 回来Come along = come on. 快点come and meet sb. 来见某人come down/up the ladder 顺着楼梯下/上come round the corner 从(街)角拐了过来come round to dinner 过来(我家)吃饭come straight to ... 径直...到跟前come with me = follow me 跟我来Congratulations! (to sb. on sth.) 祝贺(某人某事) copy one's example 模仿某人(样子)cry harder and harder 哭得越来越凶cut down 砍倒Did you have a good journey? 你旅途愉快吗different kinds of 不同种类的do housework/homework 做家务do one's best 尽某人所能do the washing/shopping 洗洗涮涮do well in ...做得好Do you know the English for ...? 你知道...英语怎么说?Do you want a go? 你想试一试吗Don't crowd around sb. 别围观某人Don't worry. 别担心draw some pictures 画些图画dress up (in a red coat) 打扮好drop maths 数学没学好(drop)early in the morning 大清早ever since 自从every five minutes 每隔五分钟every time sb. ... 每当某人...eye exercises (c.f. Exercise is good for ...) 眼保健操fail (in) an exam 考试不及格fall asleep 入睡fall behind 落后fall off 从...掉下fall over / down. 倒下family name / full name given name=first name 姓/ 全名/名family photo 全家福(照片) far away/furthest from... 远离/离...更远Father Christmas 圣诞老人fell a little afraid of / tired 感觉有点害怕/ 累fight about 为...而战fill ... with... 用... 装...find one's way to 找到....的去路find out 查明fish and chips 鱼条(店)follow sb. to see sth. 跟着某人去做...for example 例如for long (持续)很长时间from now on 从今以后gate keeper 门房get down (from a tree) 从... (树上)下来Hands up / down! 举起/放下手来Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快乐! 也祝你新年快乐Happy Teachers' Day! 教师节快乐hate travelling = hate travelling 讨厌旅行have a big smile/a baby 开怀大笑, 生小孩have a drink of orange 喝一些橙汁have a party/pinic/swim/test/wash 举办晚会/野餐/游泳/测试/洗澡have an accident 出事故have beautiful sunshine every day 每天阳光灿烂have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner/a meal 吃早餐/午饭/晚饭/一顿饭have our big family get-together 我们一家子大团圆Have you ever been to ...? 你去过....?Have you got a moment? I'd like to... 你有空吗? 我想...hear from sb. 收到...的信help oneself to 请吃...help sb. with the apple-picking /the washing 帮...采摘苹果/洗涮Help! 救命Here it is! / Here you are! 给你Here, (Let's) have a go. (让我们)试一下He's out at the moment. 此刻他外出. hold a sport meeting 举办运动会hold on (the line) (for a moment), please 请稍等(别挂电话)home town 家乡How can I get there? 我该怎么去哪儿How do you spell it? 它怎么拼写How do you usually come to school? 你通常是怎么来学校的How far is it? 它(离这)有多远How many floors does the building have? 这座建筑物有几层How time flies! 时间过得多快hundreds of 几百个hurry off 急着赶车hurry up 快点I am feeling thirsty 我感到渴I don't feel very well/terrible. 我身体不舒服I don't think I will take it(= have it) 我想我不会买I feel the same 我也有同感I had a quick breakfast 我很快吃完早饭I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切顺利I like to keep busy. 我喜欢忙碌I told him the whole story 我告诉他事情的始末I'd like you to meet... 我想你认识一下...if you wish. 如果你愿意ill in bed/hospital 生病卧床/住院I'm coming now. 我马上就要来了I'm so glad 我非常高兴I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这我很抱歉I'm sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉打扰你in a few year's time 过了一年时间in front of / in the front of 在...前面/部in line/queue (排成)一列/队in red hat (戴)着红帽子in surprise 惊讶地in the back/front row 在后/前排in the centre of the town 在市中心in the day-time 在白天in the end 最终in the middle of the day = at noon 在中午in the open air / the old days 在户外/在过去in the picture 在画上in the tree (a kite...) 在树上in time ( for...) 正赶上in/around/all over the world 在世界上/在全世界Is everyone here today? 每个人都来了吗It comes and goes very quickly 它来得急也去得快It feels strange to have a twin sister. 有个孪生妹妹感觉怪怪的it is harvest time 这是收获季节It was a draw (=close game) 这是场拉据战It was only a joke. 这只是个玩笑It's ... meters long / wide /deep /high. 它是....米长/宽/深/高It's a bad line. =I can't hear you clearly. 这(电话)线路不好It's a fine day for a walk. 这是个散步的好日子It's a pleasure. 这是我乐意做的事(不用谢)It's about ... minutes by bike / on foot. 去...骑车/步行...分钟It's about 30 meters along on the left. 它在前头30米靠左的地方It's better to give than to receive 奉献比索取好It's getting late. 时候不早了It's going to be warmer later on 晚些时候天气将会暖和些It's like new again!(=in perfect condition) 它又象新的了It's nothing serious. 没什么大不了的事It's really nice of you! 你真好心(太感谢你了)It's time to go home 该回家了It's your turn now. 轮到你了I've lived here all my life. 我在此住了一辈了I've never heard of that before! 我从未听到这件事I've no idea. 我不知道Jesus of Christ 耶稣基督jump into 跳入jump the queue 插队Just a moment, please./Just then 请稍等/就在那时Just right.(= just suitable) 正好,正合适keep healthy / fit 保持身体健康keep everything clean and tidy 保持一切干净整洁keep on doing... 坚持做...keep one's eyes open / closed 保持眼睛睁开/闭着keep one's eyes safe 保持眼睛安全kick a goal 踢进一个球knock at/...into... /down 敲门/撞上/撞倒laugh at one's mistake 嘲笑某人的错误League member/match 共青团员learn by oneself 自学leave a message 留个口信a bit expensive 有点贵a bottle/glass of 一瓶/杯a farm worker (=farmer) 农民a line of mountains 一条山脉a moment later 过了片刻a piece of bread 一块面包a quarter to/past six 六点差/过一刻a red-letter day 喜庆日子a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话above zero 零度以上agree with 同意某人all by oneself 全靠自己......a bit expensive 有点贵a bottle/glass of 一瓶/杯a farm worker (=farmer) 农民a line of mountains 一条山脉a moment later 过了片刻a piece of bread 一块面包a quarter to/past six 六点差/过一刻a red-letter day 喜庆日子a telephone call for sb. 某人的电话above zero 零度以上agree with 同意某人all by oneself 全靠自己all day 一整天all over the world 全世界all the afternoon 整个下午all the same 同样地,都一样all the time 一直almost the whole day 几乎一整天answer the telephone 接电话Are we all here? 我们都到齐了吗as quickly as you can (你要)尽可能快as soon as I can/as possible (我)尽可早as usual 与往常一样at a bad time of year 在年景不好时at first 起先at last 最后at noon 在中午at once 立即at one's workplace 在工地at school 在学校at the (third) crossing 在第三个路口at the back/front of the classroom 在教室的前/后头at the beginning of 在...伊始at the cinema 在电影院at the end of 在...结束时at the foot of 在...(山)脚下at the head of the queue(the first of queue) 在队伍的前头at the moment 在此刻at the same time 与时同时at the side of road 在路旁at this time of year 在一年中的这时候at times 不时at work 在上班Bad Luck! 倒霉be (a little) weak in ... 在...差/弱be angry with 对...生气be badly hurt 受重伤be covered by /with 由...覆盖be good at boating 擅长划船be good or bad for (one's health) 对...有利/害be in trouble 处在困境,有麻烦be late for ...迟到be made of 由...制作be neck and neck 与...齐头并进be open/closed at this time of day 一天中的这时候开/关着be terribly ill 生重病be the right size 尺寸合适be used for = used as 被用来做be widely used 得到广泛运用be worn out 被穿破, 累坏了be/feel worried about 对...担心become/be/feel interested in 对...感兴趣before the sun rose = before it was light 在日出前Best wishes (for...)! 谨祝...Better late than never. 亡羊补牢(犹未迟)break down (机器/车...)出故障business hours 营业时间by the end of 到...结束时by the way 顺便说说by then 到那时call me Jim for short 简称我为JimCan I take a message 我可以捎个话吗Can you describe it? 你能描绘一下吗Can you spell it? 你能拼写它吗Can you tell me the way to...? 你能告诉我去....怎么走吗can't wait to do... 迫不及待去做...catch a bus 赶公车catch a cough /headache 患感冒/头痛catch up with 赶上change one's mind 改变主意Chinese take-aways 中餐/国外卖Christmas Day 圣诞日Classes are over at 5 课5点结束clothing shop 成衣店come / get back 回来Come along = come on. 快点come and meet sb. 来见某人come down/up the ladder 顺着楼梯下/上come round the corner 从(街)角拐了过来come round to dinner 过来(我家)吃饭come straight to ... 径直...到跟前come with me = follow me 跟我来Congratulations! (to sb. on sth.) 祝贺(某人某事) copy one's example 模仿某人(样子)cry harder and harder 哭得越来越凶cut down 砍倒Did you have a good journey? 你旅途愉快吗different kinds of 不同种类的do housework/homework 做家务do one's best 尽某人所能do the washing/shopping 洗洗涮涮do well in ...做得好Do you know the English for ...? 你知道...英语怎么说?Do you want a go? 你想试一试吗Don't crowd around sb. 别围观某人Don't worry. 别担心draw some pictures 画些图画dress up (in a red coat) 打扮好drop maths 数学没学好(drop)early in the morning 大清早ever since 自从every five minutes 每隔五分钟every time sb. ... 每当某人...eye exercises (c.f. Exercise is good for ...) 眼保健操fail (in) an exam 考试不及格fall asleep 入睡fall behind 落后fall off 从...掉下fall over / down. 倒下family name / full name given name=first name 姓/ 全名/名family photo 全家福(照片) far away/furthest from... 远离/离...更远Father Christmas 圣诞老人fell a little afraid of / tired 感觉有点害怕/ 累fight about 为...而战fill ... with... 用... 装...find one's way to 找到....的去路find out 查明fish and chips 鱼条(店)follow sb. to see sth. 跟着某人去做...for example 例如for long (持续)很长时间from now on 从今以后gate keeper 门房get down (from a tree) 从... (树上)下来leave sb. by himself 让某人独处,不理会某人leave school (c.f. school-leavers) 毕业Let me call your names. 让我来点名Let me have a look? 让我来看看Let me see. 让我想想country 住在乡下look after / for /out 照顾/ 寻找/小心look around = round 环顾左右look at oneself in a mirror 照镜子look into the river 往河里看look like 看起来象look over (=inspect or examine) 仔细查看look the same 看起来一样的make a mistake 犯错误make faces 做鬼脸make friends with 与...交友make problems. 制造困难make sb. stop crying 使...不再哭make sure that you ... 确信你make tea 泡茶make telephone calls 打电话man-made satellite 人造卫星map of China 中国地图May I see your ticket? 请出示你的(车)票好吗mend one's bike 修自行车Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐more or less /=or so 差不多move ... away /on 搬走/继续搬迁Mr know-all 无所不知先生National Day 国庆节neither... nor 既不...也不Never mind. 不要紧Nice talking to you = Nice to meet you. 高兴见到你No hurry! Please take your time! 不急,慢慢来no longer 不再No news is good news. 没有新闻就是好消息No photos / No smoking /Exit /Entrance 禁止拍照/吸烟/外出/进入No problem! 没问题not ... until it was too late 直到太迟了才要... nothing (much/seriously) wrong with ... 没什么大的毛病Oh, dear! 天哪on (the) earth 究竟on a Tuesday morning 在一个星期二的早上on a visit to 在访问...当中on and on = continuously 连续不断on Christmas Eve 在圣诞夜on foot/duty/time 步行/值日/准时on one's way to 在去...的途中on show/=on exibition 在展览中On the first lap 在第一棍(棒)时on the Mid-Autumn Day 在中秋节on the playground 在操场上on the team 在...队中,是...队的成员on the/one's right/left (hand side) 在左/右边on top of 在...的顶上one by one /step by step 一个接一个One player does not make a team. 一个好的选手不等于一支好的(球队).one's work starts/finishes at 6 o'clock 工作在6点时开始/结束open your book at page 2 打开书第二页operate on sb. 给某人动手术P.E. (physical education) 体育课pass sth. on to sb. 把...继续传递给...pay for sth. 为...付款people in the boat 在小船中的人pick ...up 拾起pick apples 摘苹果place(s) of interest 名胜play games/a trick on 玩游戏/捉弄人play with 玩弄Please be careful. 请小心point at / to 指着(向)police station 警察局population problem 人口问题post office 邮局prefer... to... 喜欢...胜过...pull...out of (up from)... 把...拉/ 抽出put on clothes 穿上衣服put sth. away 把...收好put sth. in the right place 把...放在该放在地方queue jumper 插队的人rain heavily 下大雨right away 立即right now 就在现在ring sb. up 打电话给某人Say the numbers(count) 数数School ended a little ealier. 放学(比往常)早些. See you next term. 下学期再见sell out 售光了send sb. away 把某人送走sent up in space 把..送上太空Shake hands. 握手Shall I bring food for a picnic? 野餐我要不要带食物shopping list 采购清单shout to 对...大声喊道Sitting room / waiting room 会客厅/ 候...室so far 到现在为止So it goes on, hour after hour. 就这样一个个小时地进行着speak loudly 大声说话speak to 找某人讲话stand in line/queue 排成一队start one's homework 开始做作业stay in bed 呆在床上stop ... from (doing sth.) 阻止...做...summer holidays 暑假Summer lasts from May to July. 夏天是从五月到七月sweep the floor 扫地T(Please come)this way. Don't rush! 请往这边走.别乱跑take (enough) exercise 做足够的运动take (good) care of 认真照顾take a look at it 看一看take off 脱下take one's arm 抓住某人的手take one's temperature 量体温take sb. to hospital/ a doctor 带某人上医院/ 看病take the first place 获第一名take the fourth turning (on the right)= turn right at the fourth turning 第四个路口(向右拐)Take the medicine twice a day. 一天吃这种药二次take turns to do sth. 轮流做什么take-away food 外卖食物talk on and on 谈个不停tea with sugar 加糖的茶teach /enjoy / hurt oneself 自学/玩得开心/伤害自己teach sb. to read and write 教某人读书识字telephone number 电话号码Thank goodness! 谢天谢地Thank you all the same 同样地感谢你thanks to 多亏, 由于That would be fine. 这很好That's a good idea! Why not? Let's... 这是个好主意.为何不去呢.the 100-metre race 百米赛跑the apples on the tree 树上的苹果the city of London 伦敦市the day after tomorrow 后天the day before yesterday 前天the following week 下一周the high (long) jump 跳高(远)the largest number of 大多数的The more, the better. 多多益善the next day 第二天the relay race 接力赛the starting /finishing line 起跳线/终点线the sun will come out later 太阳不久就会出来The temperature will stay above zero 气温将会保持在零度以上the United Nations (U.N.) 联合国the way you speak 你说话的方式/样子There is a knock at the door. 有人敲门There is no time to do... 没时间/来不及做什么There was a big smile on her face. 她笑得很开心think about 考虑this year alone 单就这一年throw... on the floor 把...摔倒在地traffic lights 交通灯Tree Planting Day 植树节try sth. on / out 试穿/ 试车(运行)try this medicine 试用这种药turn (the radio) down / up 把(收音机)音量关小/开大turn green 变/泛绿turn off/on 打开/关掉turn to 转向use a lift to go up and down 利用电梯上下(楼)wait for (one's turn) 等待轮到他wake up 醒来We would be top of the League 我们是联赛的最佳队伍wear cool/warm clothes 穿薄/厚的衣服weather report 天气预报Welcome back to school 欢迎回到学校Welcome to our factory! 欢迎来我厂(参观)Well done!=you are doing fine/well. 做得好What a pity! 太可惜了What about sth. to drink?=Would youlike sth. to drink? 来点喝的怎么样What are the opposites of the words? 这些词的反义词是什么What can I do for you? 你想买什么What color is...? ...是什么颜色What day is today? / What's the date today? 今天星期几/今天几号What did you have for breakfast? 你早餐吃什么What do you have to do around the house? 你在家中要做什么(家务)What do you mean by ...? 你这是什么意思What do you speak? 你说什么语言What have you done with ...? 你把...怎么处理What part of England do you come from? 你来自英国的什么地方What row/class are they in? 她们在哪一排(班) What size do you want? 你要几号的尺寸What time did you have a meeting? 你们是什么时候开会的What's one and ten? 1加10等多少What's the English for...?What's this in English? ...英语怎么说What's the population of ...? ...人口有多少What's the time? 几点了What's the trouble /matter /wrong? 出了什么事What's the weather like? 天气如何When is your birthday?=When were you born? 你的生日是什么时候Where are you from? 你是哪里人Which is your favourite month? 你最喜欢哪个月Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日Whose is the sweater?=Whose sweater is this? 这是谁的毛衣With pleasure. 乐意(去)with the help of 借助于Work must come first. 工作为重work on a farm 在农场工作worry about 为...担心write sth. down on the list 把..在单子上写下You are welcome. 不用谢You can't miss it 你不可能错过(看不到)You mustn't look. 你不可以看You'd better not go to bed late. 你最好不要晚睡Young Pioneers 少先队员You're never too old to ... 你做...永不为迟。