Annex 15Qualification and Validation(附件15确认与验证)正式版中英文对照




ANNEX 15附件15QUALIFICATION AND V ALIDATION确认及验证PRINCIPLE 原则1. This Annex describes the principles of qualification and validation which are applicable to the manufacture of medicinal products. It is a requirement of GMP that manufacturers identify what validation work is needed to prove control of the critical aspects of their particular operations. Significant changes to the facilities, the equipment and the processes, which may affect the quality of the product, should be validated. A risk assessment approach should be used to determine the scope and extent of validation.1. 本附则是说明适用于药品制造之确认与验证的原则。




PLANNING FOR VALIDATION验证之规化2. All validation activities should be planned. The key elements of a validation programme should be clearly defined and documented in a validation master plan (VMP) or equivalent documents.2. 一切验证活动均应加以规划。



对比中国和欧盟清洁验证的要求最近就在整清洁验证,正逢欧盟GMPAnnex15Qualification and Validation正式版发布及中国CFDA发布正式的《确认与验证》,也仔细的阅读了两份文件,从文字的理解上看,其中的清洁验证章节两份文件基本一致,均强调风险和科学评估,只是在某些细节上略有不同,现将其总结如下:最近就在整清洁验证,正逢欧盟GMPAnnex15Qualification and Validation正式版发布及中国CFDA发布正式的《确认与验证》,也仔细的阅读了两份文件,从文字的理解上看,其中的清洁验证章节两份文件基本一致,均强调风险和科学评估,只是在某些细节上略有不同,现将其总结如下:从以上对比可以看出,中国GMP《确认与验证》附录与欧盟GMPAnnex15基本一致,相比欧盟GMP更详细一点,但基本原理是一样的。



一、首先应理解清洁验证和清洁确认的区别:欧盟GMP Annex15对清洁验证和清洁确认定义如下:Cleaning Validation:cleaning validation is documented evidence that an approved cleaning procedure will reproducibly remove the previous product or cleaning agents used in the equipment below the scientifically set maximum allowable carryover level.翻译成中文:清洁验证是用书面证据证明一个已批准的清洁规程能在所使用设备上重复清除前次生产产品或所使用的清洁剂低于经科学评估设定的可接受标准。



附件1Annex 1确认与验证Qualification and Validation(征求意见稿)(Draft for Comments)第一章范围Chapter One Scope第一条本附录适用于《药品生产质量管理规范》中涉及的所有确认与验证活动。

Article 1 This appendix applies to all qualification and validation activities involved in Good Manufacturing Practice.第二章原则Chapter Two Principles第二条企业应当确定需要进行的确认或验证工作,以证明有关操作的关键要素能够得到有效控制。



Article 2 A manufacturer should determine the required qualification or validation activities to prove that the critical aspects of relevant operations can be effectively controlled. The scope and extent of qualification and validation should be determined based on risk assessment results. Qualification and validation activities should be throughout the entire life cycle of a product.第三章验证计划Chapter Three Validation Plan第三条所有的确认与验证活动都应当事先计划。


EU GMP--中英对照ppt课件

EU GMP--中英对照ppt课件
EU Guidelines to GMP 欧洲GMP指南
• Annex 11 Computerised Systems 附录十一 计算机系统 • Annex 12 Use of Ionising Radiation in the Manufacture of Medicinal Products 附录十二 药品生产过程中电离辐射的使用 • Annex 13 Manufacture of Investigational Medicinal Products 附录十三 研究用药品的生产 • Annex 14 Manufacture of Medicinal Products derived from Human Blood or Plasma 附录十四 来源于人体血液或血浆药品的生产

annex 15 验证 201504 中英文 完

annex 15 验证 201504 中英文 完

EUROPEAN COMMISSIONENTERPRISE DIRECTORATE-GENERALSingle market, regulatory environment, industries under vertical legislationPharmaceuticals and cosmeticsBrussels, 30 March 2015EudraLexVolume 4EU Guidelines forGood Manufacturing Practice forMedicinal Products for Human and Veterinary UseAnnex 15: Qualification and ValidationEU GMP附录15:确认和验证Legal basis for publishing the detailed guidelines: Article 47 of Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products. This document provides guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products as laid down in Directive 2003/94/EC for medicinal products for human use and Directive91/412/EEC for veterinary use.公布详细指南的法律依据:指令2001/83/EC第47款关于人药共同体代码,和2001/82/EC第51款关于兽药共同体代码的要求。

PICS 对无菌药品生产重大变化的解释(032-2)

PICS 对无菌药品生产重大变化的解释(032-2)

2. Basics 基础知识
2.1 Legal requirements (binding) 法律规定(约束)
Refer to national legislation 参照国家立法
2.2 Regulatory guidance (to be justified if not applied) 监管指南(如果不适用要合理)
3. Definitions and abbreviations 定义和缩写
Room Classification 房间分级
Room classification is part of the initial qualification of a facility and is also normally performed during routine re-qualification. Both, classification activities and the final / to be achieved classification status for clean rooms / clean air devices are meant. This Annex directly links to clean room / clean air device classification according to ISO 14644. For qualification and validation and re-qualification see also PIC/S GMP Guide Annex 15. 房间分级是设施预确认的一部分,通常也和常规的再确认同时进行。 这两种分级活动,都意味着最终将实现对洁净室/空气洁净设备的分 级。本附件与按照 ISO 14644 进行的洁净室/空气洁净设备分级直接 相关。对于确认和验证,以及再确认参见 PIC / SGMP 指南的附件 15。



EUGMP附录1无菌产品生产-2020版(中英文对照)Annex 1 : Manufacture of Sterile ProductsEU GMP 附录1 无菌产品生产-2020版1 Scope范围The manufacture of sterile products covers a wide range of sterile product types (active substance, sterile excipient, primary packaging material and finished dosage form), packed sizes (single unit to multiple units), processes (from highly automated systems to manual processes) and technologies (e.g. biotechnology, classical small molecule manufacturing and closed systems). This Annex provides general guidance that should be used for the manufacture of all sterile products using the principles of Quality Risk Management (QRM), to ensure that microbial, particulate and pyrogen contamination is prevented in the final product.无菌产品的生产涵盖了广泛的无菌药品类型(活性成分,无菌辅料,内包材和制剂),包装量(从单个单位到多个单位),工艺(从高度自动化系统到人工操作)和技术(例如生物技术,常规小分子生产以及密闭系统)。

《ISPE 调试和确认(第二版)》全文解读

《ISPE 调试和确认(第二版)》全文解读
Part Two
0 针对调试和确认活动指定单独的计划,这部分不再详 细介绍,可参照VMP的制定过程。
Part Two
Part Two
产品和工艺开发阶 段
产品和工艺需求 GMP法规要求 公司质量要求
国际、当地和 工厂要求
商务/EHS/使 用者/SME要

工程和工业标 准
公共系统/设 施URS
消防系统 URS
0 适用于人用及兽用药,包括生物制品等制造商所用的 系统。
0 不适用于医疗器械。 0 不包括:工艺及产品开发、计算机化系统软件开发及
测试(可参考ISPE GAMP 5)、工艺验证、清洁验证、 消毒和灭菌验证、分析方法验证、退市活动(可参考 ISPE 制药设备和设施退市指南)
Part Two
设计审核定义(ISPE引用ASTM E2500)
0 设计审核―在整个生产系统的生命周期中,有 计划、系统地对规范、设计、设计开发和持 续改进情况进行适当的回顾审查。设计审核 可根据标准和要求,交付评价,找出问题, 并提出必要的纠正措施。


Annex 15: Qualification and Validation
Legal basis for publishing the detailed guidelines:Article 47 of Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products. This document provides guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products as laid down in Directive 2003/94/EC for medicinal products for human use and Directive 91/412/EEC for veterinary use.
Reasons for changes:Since Annex 15 was published in 2001 the manufacturing and regulatory environment has changed significantly and an update is required to this Annex to reflect this changed environment. This revision to Annex 15 takes into account changes to other sections of the EudraLex, Volume 4, Part I, relationship to Part II, Annex 11, ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 and Q11, QWP guidance on process validation, and changes in manufacturing technology.


文件编号和版本号: ***
制定人: 验证主管审核: 设备工程部经理审核: 部门负责人审核:
QA 审核: QA 经理审核: 质量管理负责人批准:
文件编号和版本号:*** 页号:第 1页 共 11页
1. 概述............................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1. 简介..........................................................................................................................................3 1.2. 验证对象..................................................................................................................................3 2. 目的............................................................................................................................................. 3 3. 职责............................................................................................................................................. 3 4. 参考文件..................................................................................................................................... 3 5. 系统风险评估............................................................................................................................. 4 6. 验证内容..................................................................................................................................... 4 7. 培训............................................................................................................................................. 4 8. 安装确认..................................................................................................................................... 4 8.1. IQ 前置条件确认.....................................................................................................................4 8.2. 文件资料确认..........................................................................................................................5 8.3. 仪表安装确认..........................................................................................................................5 8.4. IQ 检测仪器确认.....................................................................................................................5 8.5. 关键部件确认..........................................................................................................................5 8.6. 安装确认结论..........................................................................................................................5 9. 运行确认..................................................................................................................................... 6 9.1. OQ 前置条件确认.....................................................................................................................6 9.2. OQ 检测仪器确认.....................................................................................................................6 9.3. 基本功能确认..........................................................................................................................6

关于Qualification 和Validation 的区别

关于Qualification 和Validation 的区别

关于Qualification 和Validation 的区别Hongyang摘要-Qualification和Validation是有区别的。








而验证(Validation)的目标体总是工艺、方法或规程,它们不是具体的目标物,人们无法触摸一个工艺,而且它们的结果通常不能被verify 。




但是Qualification和Validation的界限越来越模糊了,尤其是美国FDA提出了"Process Qualification工艺确认"的概念以后,使得多年 "设备确认"、"工艺验证"的说法被推翻了。

但笔者认为FDA所谓的"Process Qualification"其实就是工艺的初始验证罢了。




附件1Annex 1确认与验证Qualification and Validation(征求意见稿)(Draft for Comments)第一章范围Chapter One Scope第一条本附录适用于《药品生产质量管理规范》中涉及的所有确认与验证活动。

Article 1 This appendix applies to all qualification and validation activities involved in Good Manufacturing Practice.第二章原则Chapter Two Principles第二条企业应当确定需要进行的确认或验证工作,以证明有关操作的关键要素能够得到有效控制。



Article 2 A manufacturer should determine the required qualification or validation activities to prove that the critical aspects of relevant operations can be effectively controlled. The scope and extent of qualification and validation should be determined based on risk assessment results. Qualification and validation activities should be throughout the entire life cycle of a product.第三章验证计划Chapter Three Validation Plan第三条所有的确认与验证活动都应当事先计划。


欧盟GMP附录15 确认和验证培训

欧盟GMP附录15 确认和验证培训

• NOEL=LD50*70/2000 • ADI=NOEL/SF=LD50*70*0.0005/SF • 安全量(不产生生物学影响的最高给药剂量) 小标题 1 • 半数致死量 毒性数据 小标题 2 • 70 成人平均体重 • 2000 安全因子 • 可接受日摄入量
@ With the regard to cleaning validation the “visibly clean” criterion as the only acceptance criterion is no more acceptable. Repeated cleaning “until clean” is also not considered an acceptable approach. @ Acceptance criteria for a cleaning validation depend on toxicological data (permitted 小标题1daily exposure, PDE).
小标题1 小标题2
小标题1 小标题2
@ ISTA international 小标题1 safe transit association
1 系列 A---H 完全不模拟 2 系列 A---E 部分模拟 3 系列 A---H 综合模拟
@ 第三阶段 持续工艺核实 Ongoing



Brussels, 6 February 2014SANCO/TSE/The received contributions together with the identity of contributors will be made publicly available, unless the contributor objects to publication of his or her personal data on the grounds that such publication would harm his or her legitimate interests. In this case the contribution may be published in anonymous form. Otherwise the contribution will not be published nor will, in principle, its content be taken into account. For more information on the processing of your personal data in the context of this consultation, read the specific Privacy Statement available at: link to Privacy StatementEudraLexThe Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European UnionVolume 4EU Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practicefor Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary UseAnnex 15: Qualification and Validation欧盟人用及兽用药品GMP指导原则附件15:确认和验证Legal basis for publishing the detailed guidelines: Article 47 of Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products. This document provides guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products as laid down in Directive 2003/94/EC for medicinal products for human use and Directive 91/412/EEC for veterinary use.Status of the document: Revision 1 文件状态:修订Proposed document time table:Reasons for changes: Update as per concept paper on revision of Annex 15.Summary of changes: This change to annex 15 takes into account changes to other sections of the EU-GMP Guide Part I, Annex 11, ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 and Q11, QWP guidance on process validation and changes in manufacturing technology.变更概述:附件15的变更综合考虑了EU GMP 第一部分附件11,ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 andQ11, QWP指南中关于工艺验证的变更内容以及生产技术的变化。



Verification department (department):验证科室(部门):Verify completion date:验证完成日期:Validity:有效期:Index 目录1.Purpose目的 (5)2.Scope范围 (5)3.Responsibility职责 (5)3.1 AAA responsibilities AAA的职责 (5)3.2 XXX responsibilities XXX的职责 (5)4.Regulation and Guidance 法规和指南 (7)5.Abbreviations缩略语 (8)6.Protocol Description方案说明 (10)7.Product And Process Description产品和工艺描述 (12)7.1 Product specification (12)7.2 Drug approval No. (12)7.3 Standard Followed: (12)7.4 Raw Materials and Adjuvants原辅料情况 (12)7.5 Process description: (14)7.6 Process Recipe工艺处方: (18)7.7 List of Production Plants生产车间一览 (23)7.8 List of Production Equipment 生产设备一览 (25)7.9 Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图 (28)7.10 CPP Identification CPP确认 (28)7.11 Validation Plan验证计划 (42)8.Validation prerequisite验证先决条件 (44)8.1 Personal Identification人员确认 (44)8.2 Process Documentation Verification 生产文件确认 (44)8.3 Training Verification 培训确认 (45)8.4 System and Equipment Instruments Calibration Verification 系统和设备仪表校验确认.. 458.5 System and Equipment Instruments Calibration Verification 生产相关验证状态确认 (46)8.6 Test Instruments Calibration Verification 测试仪器和仪表校验确认 (46)8.7 Testing Method Validation Verification检验方法验证的确认 (46)8.8 Raw Material and Excipient Verification原辅料确认 (47)9.Sampling Plan and Evaluation Criteria取样计划及评估标准 (49)10.Sample Coding Method样品编码原则 (62)11.Process Validation Test Execution 工艺验证执行 (64)11.1 Liquid Preparation 液体配制 (64)11.2 Cell Resurrection and Passage细胞复苏及传代 (66)11.3 Harvest liquid test 收获液检测 (72)11.4 Clarification Filtration Efficacy Test 澄清过滤效果检测 (73)11.5 UF Concentration 1 Efficacy Test超滤浓缩1效果检测 (74)11.6 Ammonium sulfate precipitation efficacy test 硫酸铵沉淀效果检测 (75)11.7 Potassium bromide extraction efficacy test 溴化钾提取效果检测 (76)11.8 First density gradient centrifugation efficacy test 一次密度梯度离心效果检测 (77)11.9 Second density gradient centrifugation efficacy test 二次密度梯度离心效果检测 (78)11.10 UF Concentration 2 Efficacy Test 超滤浓缩2效果检测 (79)11.11 Chromatography purification product test 层析纯化产物检测 (80)12.Bulk Determination原液检验 (82)13.Process Validation Summarization工艺验证总结 (83)14.PV Report工艺验证报告 (83)14.1 Process Validation Report 工艺验证报告 (83)14.2 Process Validation Analysis and Evaluation 工艺验证分析与评价 (84)15.Requirements on Execution Records 执行记录要求 (84)16.Deviation Handling 偏差处理 (84)17.Change Handling 变更处理 (85)18.Test Form测试表 (86)表格1 缩略语 (8)表格2原辅料质量标准表 (10)表格3物料消耗表1 (18)表格4物料消耗表2 (18)表格5所用液体配料表 (19)表格6生产车间一览表 (23)表格7主要生产设备一览表 (25)表格8工艺风险分析表 (33)表格9工艺时间表 (42)表格10取样计划表 (49)表格11样品编码原则 (62)表格12配液取样检测信息表 (64)表格13复苏和传代取样表 (66)表格14复苏和传代样品编码 (72)表格15收获液标准 (73)表格16澄清过滤标准 (74)表格17超滤浓缩1标准 (74)表格18硫酸铵沉淀标准 (75)表格19溴化钾提取标准 (76)表格20一次密度梯度离心标准 (77)表格21二次密度梯度离心标准 (78)表格22超滤浓缩2标准 (79)表格23纯化产物标准 (80)表格24原液标准 (82)表格25测试表列表 (86)1. Purpose目的This purpose of this process validation is to provide documented evidence to show that the combination of the personnel, materials, equipment, methods, environmental conditions and the other related utilities XXX Co., LTD (XXX) can ensure the consistent production of products conforming to the enterprise internal standards and the national standards, and the processes are reliable and conforming to the GMP requirements. The process validation and the test results are to be documented based on this validation protocol.本工艺验证用于提供文件化的证据,证明XXX疫苗一室生产XXX原液的人员、材料、设备、方法、环境条件以及其它有关公用设施的组合可以始终如一的生产出符合企业内控标准及国家法定标准的产品,工艺稳定可靠,符合GMP要求,工艺验证的过程和检查的结果将按照该验证方案进行记录。



PIC/S验证指南1. Document History2. INTRODUCTIONThe basic principles and application of qualification and validation are described in Annex 15 to the PIC/S and EU Guide to GMP.This document comprises individual Recommendations on four topics relating to Equipment Qualification and Process Validation in pharmaceutical manufacture, as follows:Ø Validation Master Plan.Ø Installation and Operational Qualification.Ø Non-Sterile Process Validation.Ø Cleaning Validation.The four Recommendations comprising this document define general principles pertaining to each of the topics.2. 导言PIC/S 和E U GMP 指导原则的附录15 中对确认(Qualification)和验证(Validation)的基本原则及应用进行了阐述。


2.1 Purpose of the document2.1.1 The topics of these Recommendation documents reflect some of the areas inpharmaceutical manufacture identified by both Inspectorates and the Pharmaceutical Industry as requiring guidance additional to that given in the current PIC/S GMP Guide.2.1.2 The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for GMP inspectors inreviewing the issues covered to use for training purposes and in preparation for inspections.2.1 本文件的目的2.1.1 这些建议性文件的主题涉及的是那些审计人员和制药企业都认为需要对现行 PIC/SGMP 指导原则进行补充的领域。



欧盟GMP附录15确认和验证欧盟GMP附录15确认和验证ANNEX 15 附件15Qualification and Validation确认和验证Table of Contents 目录1. Qualification and Validation 确认和验证2. Planning for Validation 验证计划3. Documentation 文件4. Qualification 确认5. Process Validation 工艺验证6. Cleaning Validation 清洁验证7. Change Control 变更控制8. Revalidation 再验证9. Glossary 术语表Qualification and Validation 确认和验证Principle 原理1.This Annex describes the principles of qualification and validation which are applicable to the manufacture of medicinal products. It is a requirement of GMP that manufacturers identify what validation work is needed to prove control of the critical aspects of their particular operations. Significant changes to the facilities, the equipment and the processes, which may affect the quality of the product, should be validated. A risk assessment approach should be used to determine the scope and extent of validation.1.本附件描述了确认和验证的原理,适用于医药产品的生产者。


ii. scientific data from the toxicological evaluation does not support a controllable risk (e.g. allergenic potential from highly sensitising materials such as beta lactams) or 毒理学评估的科学数据不能支持风险是 可控的(例如:致敏性物质如ß-内酰胺类物质引发的潜在过敏反应)
EMA 2005: Compulsory dedicated facilities for additional product groups!?
对于某类产品必须采用隔离的厂房生产的应该形成一个专家共识。同时,应该给出可以在同一 厂房中采用阶段性方式生产的“例外的产品”的定义
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上海万逸医药科技有限公司刘伟强译Ref. Ares(2015)1380025 - 30/03/2015EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETYMedicinal Products – Quality, Safety and EfficacyBrussels, 30 March 2015EudraLexVolume 4EU Guidelines forGood Manufacturing Practice forMedicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use欧盟人用及兽用药品GMP指导原则Annex 15: Qualification and Validation附件15:确认与验证Legal basis for publishing the detailed guidelines: Article 47 of Directive 2001/83/ECon the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products.This document provides guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelinesof good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products as laid down in Directive2003/94/EC for medicinal products for human use and Directive 91/412/EEC for veterinary use.Status of the document: Revision文件状态:修订Reasons for changes: Since Annex 15 was published in 2001 the manufacturing and regulatory environment has changed significantly and an update is required to this Annexto reflect this changed environment. This revision to Annex 15 takes into account changesto other sections of the EudraLex, Volume 4, Part I, relationship to Part II, Annex11, ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 and Q11, QWP guidance on process validation, and changes in manufacturing technology.变更原因:附录15至2001年颁布以来,制造业和法规环境发生了显著变化,因此需要更新附录以反应这些环境的变化,附录15的修订还考虑到了欧盟药品监管法规(Eudralex)第四卷第一部分、第二部分有关内容、附录11、ICH Q8、Q9、Q19和Q11、欧盟药品质量工作组(QWP)工艺验证指南的变更以及制造技术变化等因素。

Deadline for coming into operation: 1 October 2015实施日期:2015年10月1日Principle原则This Annex describes the principles of qualification and validation which are applicable to the facilities, equipment, utilities and processes used for the manufacture of medicinal products and may also be used as supplementary optional guidance for active substances without introduction of additional requirements to EudraLex, Volume 4, Part II. It is a GMP requirement that manufacturers control the critical aspects of their particular operations through qualification and validation over the life cycle of the product and process. Any planned changes to the facilities, equipment, utilities and processes, which may affect the quality of the product, should be formally documented and the impact on the validated status or control strategy assessed. Computerised systems used for the manufacture of medicinal products should also be validated according to the requirements of Annex 11. The relevant concepts and guidance presented in ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 and Q11 should also be taken into account.本附件描述的相关原则,既适用于用于生产医药产品的厂房、设施,设备以及工艺的确认与验证活动,也可用于在欧盟药品监管法规(Eudralex)第四卷第二部分没有导入附加要求的活性物质的补充可选指南。




本文件也考虑了ICH Q8、Q9、Q10和Q11的相关的概念和指导。

General通用要求A quality risk management approach should be applied throughout the lifecycle of a medicinal product. As part of a quality risk management system, decisions on the scope and extent of qualification and validation should be based on a justified and documented risk assessment of the facilities, equipment, utilities and processes. Retrospective validation is no longer considered an acceptable approach. Data supporting qualification and/or validation studies which were obtained from sources outside of the manufacturers own programmes may be used provided that this approach has been justified and that there is adequate assurance that controls were in place throughout the acquisition of such data.质量风险管理方法应当贯穿于整个医药产品生命周期。




ANISING AND PLANNING FOR QUALIFICATION ANDVALIDATION确认与研制的组织和计划1.1.All qualification and validation activities should be planned and take the lifecycle of facilities, equipment, utilities, process and product into consideration.所有确认与验证活动应在设备、工艺、产品的生命周期中有计划地实施1.2.Qualification and validation activities should only be performed by suitably trainedpersonnel who follow approved procedures.确认与验证活动应由被进行适当培训的人员按照批准的程序实施1.3.Qualification/validation personnel should report as defined in the pharmaceuticalquality system although this may not necessarily be to a quality management or a quality assurance function. However, there should be appropriate quality oversight over the whole validation life cycle.药品质量管理体系规定确认/验证人员应进行报告,不过在质量管理和质量保证的职责中可能不是必须的,但需要在整个验证生命周期中进行适当的质量监控。
