同里面的首领 KEEPER 说话,他会让你把头盔放 到 SUNDERMOUNT 的山顶祭坛,同时会派 MERRIL
攻击不是很强,但是会使用蛛网来束缚住你的人 物。旁边的拐角箱子可以捡到开启任务的物品。
LONGWAYHOME 这个就是游戏刚开始接到的
LONGWAYHOME 这个任务。首先去城外的精灵营地。
同里面的首领 KEEPER 说话,他会让你把头盔放 到 SUNDERMOUNT 的山顶祭坛,同时会派 MERRIL
来帮助你沿着地图东部的路一直往上,来到通往 山顶的过道。这里的敌人主要.. LONGWAYHOME 这个就是游戏刚开始接到的 LONGWAYHOME 这个任务。首先去城外的精灵营地。
SHADE 攻击你,小心应付 过道拐角的物品可以自动开启任务
你捡到的东西送到指定的 NPC 赚钱。景里面捡到 的物品送到指定的 NPC 来到山顶之上, MERRIL 会
ANDERS 的好感度(如果他此时在队伍中的话)
1c06f9ca1 热血江湖sf
过程:如果你在主线释放了 Jowan,你会在世界地图随机相遇他。当你遇到了他,杀死他周围的 darkspawn,然后你选择决定 Jowan 死活。 A Last Keepsake 起始:完成"Bandits Bandits Everywhere" 后,Lothering 教堂公告板
过程:在 L 城北面 Sarha 尸体附近,杀死尸体周围的 13 头狼,拿信物回 Devons。 Loghain's Push 起始:Denerim 市场区教堂公告板 过程:接受任务后在大地图进入"Civil War"地图,干掉 Loghain 的走狗。 Missing in Action 起始:Denerim 市场区教堂公告板 过程:在启动 Landsmeet 前,在"Rescue the Queen" 其间,在 D 城地牢干掉 Arl Howe 拿出钥匙放走 Rexel。 Skin Deep 起始:Denerim 市场区教堂公告板 过程:收集 9 个尸体在教堂的井处理丢掉,搞到 18 个的话有特别奖励。 Unintended Consequences 起始:完成"Summoning Sciences Lesson 2"任务后,法师塔 过程:世界地图随机遇到 Trickster Whim,杀掉后到最近的教堂拿奖。 When Bears Attack 起始:完成 "Bandits Bandits Everywhere" Lothering 教堂公告板
点燃 Spirit Hog。 【2】检查传召字体来点燃火焰,检查 Rodercoms Uncommon Calling book,检查房间的第一部分的 Gorvish 的巫师雕像, 检查 "Summoning the Second" 点燃 the Trickster 。 【3】 检查传召字体来点燃火焰, 检查房间第三部分的 Elvor's Grande Bestiary , 检查第一部分的桌子, 检查 Spiritorum Eterialis (房间第三部分),检查 Gorvish 的巫师雕像,检查 Novice Phylactery(房间第一部分),检查"Summoning the Third" 点 燃 Fade Rifter,杀掉之。 【4】重复前三个步骤(跳过召唤火焰),检查 Novice Phylactery 后,检查"Summoning the Fourth" 后面的圆形桌子,偷取 Arl Foreshadow 的 codex。 Watchguard of the Reaching 起始:得到下面的 codex 之一 过程:必须收集全部掉落的 codex 才能完成这个任务,收集好后,到 3 楼的 Common Room 按以下顺序激活石像:1Vessel in hand 2 Sword raised 3 Sword lowered 然后到 1 楼打开金属门,Shah Wyrd 会出现,杀掉可得奖励。 Companions
12下一页返回列表quantum发短消息加为好友quantum 当前在线VIP精华8帖子2442威望13 点积分5172 点注册时间2006-9-26最后登录2011-3-8 1楼 发表于 2009-11-24 05:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印 本帖最后由 quantum 于 2011-2-10 07:12 编辑 此攻略为原创,by A9vg 会员 quantum 等,转载请注明 创作过程中参考了1up 的攻略,这里,以及官方攻略本,这里,文中所有地图皆来自于官方攻略本。
City Elf 城市精灵 城市精灵……一个听上去很美但事实上可能比下层矮人跟悲惨的出生。
一切从我们的主角大婚的那天开始…… 被表妹Shianni 从美梦中喊醒,主角意识到今天是自己的婚礼,但可惜的是对于城市精灵来说,自由恋爱是不行的,父母之命,媒妁之言,反倒是当时的主流。
不急,见对象之前先去找自己的表弟Soris ,他也是今天结婚。
找到Soris 之后正准备去见各自的对象,来了人类领主Vaughan ,他正想对主角们动手的时候,被主角的表妹从后面放倒了…… 很强的表妹,也是个人觉得最漂亮的角色之一…… 在守卫们抬走Vaughan 之后,主角和表弟一起见了各自的结婚的对象,免不了一番寒暄。
此时,眼尖的表弟发现村口又来了一个人类…… 还好那只是Grey Warden 的头头Duncan ,他来这里想要找合适的战士来加入Grey Warden 。
然而村长说,我们这里战士没有,婚礼倒是有一个……婚礼开始了,但还没等牧师mm 说上两句,之前的Vaughan 又带着士兵们闯了进来,将主角打倒在地,和其他女精灵们一起如果主角是女性,那便会和其他所有精灵关在一起。
但建议把Shadows of the Blackmarsh放在最后,因为如果先完成该任务会导致之后招入的队友无法加入Grey Warden。其实没啥大不了的,玩家自行选择。
建议在城堡里多转转,首先去地牢见一个被抓的盗贼Nathaniel Howe,玩家可以选择是否让他加入;矮人Voldrik Glavonak会抱怨城墙太薄,给80g之后他还会让玩家在路上留意granite,此任务成就相关,不要错过;和老熟人铁匠Wade及其助手Herren对话,接到任务Elemental Requirements,此任务也是成就相关的。
这最后一层很简单,首先碰上会说话的darkspawn之一the lost及其同伴火石像,后者掉落的Inferno Golem Shell可以去找铁匠wade做成重甲Golem Shell Armor。再深入就该处理掉那些broodmother了,无视地上的触须,打掉两根铁链即可。任务完成,解开成就Savior of Kal'Hirol。
城堡门口有个Private,她会给主角一些小任务,第一次和她对话的时候,她就会跟主角说Seneschal Varel召集了附近的贵族正等着主角去开会。进城堡主厅和Seneschal Varel对话就有开会的情景,需要主角做一些决定,譬如是否给农场增派士兵之类的。玩家在这里也可以接到几个支线任务。
Dragon Age : OriginsConversation GuideAlistair (1)Morrigan (3)Leliana (6)Sten (9)Wynne (10)Zevran (12)Shale (13)Oghren (15)Loghain (16)AlistairMALE - 66LOCATION: OstagarEVENT: After recruiting him, Talk to Alistair4. I have a few questions for you.4. Tell me about Duncan.2. He seems like a kind man, if firm.1. I've no more questions.Alistair approves +2 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: After lighting up the beacon in Tower of Ishal, When going outside the HutNOTES: Choose whatever line you want. Then, when Morrigan comes into picture...3. Thank you, but if Morrigan doesn't wish to join us...1. Very well, we'll take her with us.3. She won't come to harm with us.2. No, I prefer you speak your mind.1. We need all the help we can get.1. I think we should just get underway.Morrigan approves +8Alistair approves +4 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. Do you want to talk about Duncan?3. He was like a father to you. I understand.2. There's no need to apologize.2. He had you.1. No, I understand completely.1. I've lost enough to know what you're going through.3. He was a friend of mine, too.Alistair approves +6 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I'd like to ask you something.1. What can a templar do, exactly?1. So couldn't other learn these talents?2. That's horrible! I can't believe they would do that!Alistair approves +1 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to AlistairNOTES: Alistair approval rating should be neutralThis will comeout after asking him What can atemplar do...1. I'd like to ask you something.1. Can you teach others to be a templar?1. Very well. I'll respect your word.Alistair approves +1 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I'd like to ask you something.3. So how did you become a Grey Warden?2. Ha ha. Very funny.3. What skills might those be?3. Why did the grand cleric want to keep you?4. He was a good man.Alistair approves +1 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I'd like to ask you something.3. So you said this Arl Eamon raised you?2. That would explain the smell.3. I'm going to hit you. Very soon, now.3. Only ones where we're making mad love in my tent.2. He wasn't your father? So you know who is?3. What an awful thing to do to a child.3. You were young.Alistair approves +5 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I'd like to ask you something.3. Why have you remained a templar if you hate the Chantry?2. Oh? I don't think I've ever seen you wearing it.2. So you stay a templar out of sentiment?2. Then make up something more exciting.3. I think I understand.2. My home was taken over by Arl Howe.2. They can be rebuit.Alistair approves +3 LOCATION: LotheringRECOMMENDATION: Give Alistair the "Small Carved Statuette"Alistair approves +10 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I have some questions.3. If you were raised in the Chantry, have you never...?1. Sex?11. Tell you what? Of course I have.2. Oh, I see. You lack the proper parts.1. At least you'll get some decent rest.Alistair approves +2 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I have some questions.3. What changes about you after the Joining?1. You've been a Grey Warden longer than I have.1. He wouldn't tell you?2. I haven't felt anything like that.3. Yes, well... (belches)1. I've had some strange dreams.1. What are you talking about?2. Why Orzammar?2. I never wondered that. I understand.3. He will be remembered, Alistair. As will the others.Alistair approves +5 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I have some questions.3. What was it like to be a Grey Warden, with all the others?1. No, I'd like to hear about them.1. Sounds like you had a lot of fun.2. I'm sorry. This must be hard for you.2. Not at all.Alistair approves +3 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Alistair will talk to you about your opinion on other teammatesNOTES: Just agree with him and give your opinion about everyone4. Time for the juicy gossip, I take it?3. Very cute. So you know, I'm laughing at you, not with you.4. Sounds like fun. Ask away!Alistair approves +4 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: After Leaving Lothering, You dreamed of the archdemon1. It seemed so real...1. The archdemon? Is that the dragon?4. Thank you, Alistair. I appreciate it.Alistair approves +1 LOCATION: Wilhelm's Cellar/HonnleathEVENT: When you come close to Amalia and KittyNOTES: This is part of "The Stone Prisoner" DLCThis is Option will betray KittyRemove Morrigan in your partyMorrigan will disapproves by -3Add Wynne in your partyAdd Zevran or Leliana in your party2. Good. You're safe. Your father was worried.1. The cat... finds me distracting?1. The cat... talks?3. Amalia, you need to return to your father.4. A stranger who finds you very interesting.2. Don't you think he'll notice something out of place?2. (Persuade) (Lie) I'll free you, and you can have the girl.1. I said I'd free you. I didn't say I'd let you live.Alistair approves +2Wynne approves +4Zevran/Leliana approves +4 LOCATION: OstagarEVENT: After recovering Cailan Arms and armor questNOTES: This is part of "Return to Ostagar" DLCRemove Morrigan in your partyRemove Zevran in your partyMorrigan will disapproves by -3Zevran will disapproves by -3Add Wynne in your partyAdd Sten in your party1. He is of royal blood and deserves a pyre.Alistair approves +7Wynne approves +4Sten approves +2 LOCATION: Camp/World MapRECOMMENDATION: Give Alistair the "White Runestone"Alistair approves +9FEMALE - 77LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I'd like to ask you something.3. So you said this Arl Eamon raised you?2. That would explain the smell.4. That would explain the breath as well, then.3. Only ones where we're making mad love in my tent.2. He wasn't your father? So you know who is?3. What an awful thing to do to a child.3. You were young.Alistair approves +6 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I'd like to ask you something.3. Why have you remained a templar if you hate the Chantry?2. In that case, you should have become a mage.2. Seems like that might happen anyway.2. Then make up something more exciting.3. I think I understand.3. I guess my home is with the Grey Wardens now. With you.2. They can be rebuit.Alistair approves +5 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to AlistairNOTES: His approval should be atleast warmThis conversation will make him interested to your character.1. Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?4. And if it is? What then?Alistair approves +32LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to AlistairNOTES: His approval should be atleast interested2. I'd like to discuss something private.1. I need to tell you how much I enjoy your company.2. I feel the same way.Alistair approves +4 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I have some questions.3. If you were raised in the Chantry, have you never...?1. Sex?4. Oh, that's so cute. You're a virgin.1. You think I'm beautiful?2. I would never hurt you.Alistair approves +4 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to Alistair1. I have some questions.3. What changes about you after the Joining?1. You've been a Grey Warden longer than I have.1. He wouldn't tell you?2. I haven't felt anything like that.3. What can I say? I'm a growing girl.1. I've had some strange dreams.1. What are you talking about?2. Why Orzammar?2. I never wondered that. I understand.3. He will be remembered, Alistair. As will the others.Alistair approves +5 LOCATION: Deep in the Wilds/Flemeth's HutEVENT: Talk to AlistairNOTES: While his approval is interested2. I'd like to discuss something private.1. So how would you like to join me in my tent?2. Oh, I think it's cute.Alistair approves +2 LOCATION: Apprentice Quarters/Circle TowerEVENT: Talk to AlistairNOTES: His approval must be atleast Care.3. Your new weapon of choice?3. Sentiment can be a pretty potent weapon.3. That's a nice sentiment.4. Feeling a little thorny, are we?3. Thank you, Alistair. That's a lovely thought.3. So... are we married now?1. No, it wasn't. Thank you, Alistair.3. And you were doing so well, too.Alistair approves +10 LOCATION: Apprentice Quarters/Circle TowerEVENT: Talk to Alistair2. I'd like to discuss something private.1. (Kiss him.)Alistair approves +2LOCATION: Apprentice Quarters/Circle TowerEVENT: Talk to Alistair4. It makes me tear up just thinking about it.3. I think I already do.1. No, not really. I liked it.Alistair approves +5 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: Talk to AlistairNOTES: His approval must be atleast adore.2. I'd like to discuss something private.1. So how would you like to join me in my tent?1. If you don't want to...1. You need to relax, Alistair.1. Just follow my lead, Alistair.3. Not for that performance.3. First smart comment and I feed them to the darkspawn.4. We stay together, no matter what happens.3. I feel the same way.Alistair approves +8GIFTAlistair's Mother's Amulet Castle Redcliffe; Main FloorBlack Runestone Aeducan ThaigDuncan's Shield Denerim; Market WarehouseOnyx Demon Statuette East Brecilian ForestSmall Carved Statuette LotheringStone Dragon Statuette Castle Redcliffe; Upper FloorStone Warrior Statuette HavenWhite Runestone Circle Tower; Third FloorPERSONAL QUESTTalk to Alistair at camp and he will talk about going to Denerim soon. Probe him on who he wants to see to find out that hehas a sister that lives there. Tell him you'll help to gain thequest [ALISTAIR'S FAMILY]. Head to Denerim and with Alistair in your party and go to Goldanna's House next to Wade'sEmporium. Regardless of what you say she will resent him and the quest is complete. He will talk to you outside afterwards, you can either calm him down or choose the option "Everyone is out for themselves. You should learn that." to harden him. MorriganMALE - 93LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan1. I'd like to ask you something.1. How did you become a shapechanger?2. That does sound like something you'd do.4. I've never heard of magic like that before.4. That's good. Such traditions need to be preserved.4. That's all I wanted to ask.1. I think your abilities sound quite useful.3Morrigan approves +7 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to MorriganNOTES: This conversation will make Morrigan interested to you1. I'd like to ask you something.2. Did you grow up in the Korcari Wilds?1. You can probe me anytime.1. And you remained unnoticed?2. Very daring. That sounds like you.1. That was quick thinking.2. Touching? Like a handshake?4. Well, I'm glad it worked out this way, at least.Morrigan approves +8 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan1. I'd like to ask you something.2. Have you ever been hunted by the Chantry?2. And you are cute when you're evasive.2. You really had no trouble with them?3. Surely more would have followed.4. They got what they deserved.4. I agree completely.Morrigan approves +6 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan1. I'd like to ask you something.2. Is Flemeth really what she seems to be?3. A nutty old bat.1. I didn't even know there was such a thing.1. That sounds interesting.1. Just how long ago is this?3. Seems like a fair deal.1. She spoke to spirits? Or demons?2. Which? She never invaded? Or he never defeated her?5. An interesting story. Thank you.1. My mother died. Recently, in fact.Morrigan approves +7 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan1. I'd like to ask you something.2. Tell me... are you really Flemeth's daughter?1. She was not always as old as she is now, was she?2. Does that mean you love her?3. Now I see where you get it from.2. Of course.2. You're right. Love is unnecessary.Morrigan approves +12 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to MorriganNOTES: Her approval should be atleast warm, for this to appear2. So life in the Wilds must have been very lonely.4. That sounds wonderful.3. What happended then?1. But you were just a child.3. They made you stronger, didn't they?Morrigan approves +9 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan2. I'd like to discuss something personal.1. (Kiss her)2. Do you object?Morrigan approves +4 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan2. I'd like to discuss something personal.2. So what do I have to do to get on your good side?1. I don't know. Maybe I do.1. I am brilliant and amazing.Morrigan approves +2 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: When you approach merchant surrounded by crowd NOTES: Remove Leliana and Alistair in your partyThis conversation will make Leliana disapprove by -10This conversation will make Alistair disapprove by -6You will gain 1 sovereign as a rewardThis has a conflict with Leliana's guide2. Why would I want to help you?4. You don't think you're being unscrupulous?2. Fair enough. Time to go, priest.2. Don't worry about it. I hate the self-righteous.2. Yes, well... carry on.Morrigan approves +4 LOCATION: Chantry/LotheringEVENT: When you talk to Revered MotherNOTES: Remove Alistair in your partyThis conversation will make Alistair disapprove by -13It is recommended to do donation first (Leliana'sGuide) before proceeding with this conversation2. I want to talk about Sten, the qunari you imprisoned.4. I want him freed. I might have a use for him.3. (Intimidate) I think you should reconsider that stance. Now.Morrigan approves +4 LOCATION: Chantry/LotheringEVENT: Talk to MorriganNOTES: Morrigan's approval must be atleast Care3. What do you mean?3. It's a sweet gift. Thank you.1. DOes it do anything else?1. So I could find you, if need be?3. I'm glad to see you care.4. Thank you for the gift.Morrigan approves +12 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: Talk to MorriganNOTES: This is a romance scene3. Well, we can't have that.3. I'm sure I'll think of something.3. Do you really need to talk?42. That sounds like fun.4. I can live with that.Morrigan approves +14 LOCATION: Apprentice Quarters/Circle TowerEVENT: Talk to Morrigan2. Oh? What's on your mind?5. Very well. I'll keep an eye out for it.Morrigan approves +4FEMALE - 69LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan1. I'd like to ask you something.1. How did you become a shapechanger?2. That does sound like something you'd do.4. I've never heard of magic like that before.4. That's good. Such traditions need to be preserved.2. Yes, very much so.4. That's all I wanted to ask.1. I think your abilities sound quite useful.Morrigan approves +8 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan1. I'd like to ask you something.2. Did you grow up in the Korcari Wilds?1. You could if you wanted to.1. And you remained unnoticed?2. Very daring. That sounds like you.1. That was quick thinking.2. Touching? Like a handshake?4. Well, I'm glad it worked out this way, at least.Morrigan approves +7 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan1. I'd like to ask you something.2. Have you ever been hunted by the Chantry?2. You really had no trouble with them?3. Surely more would have followed.5. They got what they deserved.4. I agree completely.Morrigan approves +4 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan1. I'd like to ask you something.2. Is Flemeth really what she seems to be?3. A nutty old bat.1. I didn't even know there was such a thing.1. That sounds interesting.1. Just how long ago is this?3. Seems like a fair deal.1. She spoke to spirits? Or demons?2. Which? She never invaded? Or he never defeated her?5. An interesting story. Thank you.2. I love her. What else do you want to know?Morrigan approves +7LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: Talk to Morrigan1. I'd like to ask you something.2. Tell me... are you really Flemeth's daughter?1. She was not always as old as she is now, was she?2. Does that mean you love her?3. Now I see where you get it from.2. Of course.2. No, you're quite right.Morrigan approves +9 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: Random conversation when going back to camp, after you give Morrigan the Black Grimoire3. What did you find?3. Disappointed, then?1. A spell of immortality?6. And you had no idea? I'm so sorry.6. Very well. I'll help you, if I can.4. I'll see what I can do.Morrigan approves +9 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: Talk to Morrigan right after the random theconversation1. I'd like to ask you something.2. Do you really want your mother dead?3. And what would you do if I didn't help you?1. No, I don't want that.4. I agree with you. This is necessary.Morrigan approves +5 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: Talk to Morrigan after killing Flemeth1. I'd like to ask you something.2. So Flemeth is dead. What now?1. You know you can always rely on me, right?Morrigan approves +7GIFTBlack Grimoire Circle TowerFlemeth's Grimoire Flemeth's HutGold Amulet Orzammar; GarinGolden Demon Pendant Urn of Sacred Ashes roomGolden Mirror Orzammar; GarinGolden Rope Necklace Lothering; Dane's RefugeLocket Haven; StoreSilver Brooch Dalish Camp; VarathornSilver Chain Circle Tower; Second FloorSilver Medallion Elven Ruins; Upper LevelTribal Necklace Tower of Ishal; Top FloorPERSONAL QUESTMorrigan's personal quest involves obtaining the BlackGrimoire from the Circle Tower. Give it to her to start the quest [FLEMETH'S GRIMOIRE].Speak with Flemeth to start a dialogue, the ultimate choice is to deny her any right to live and engage in battle.5Flemeth the ShapeshifterDrops: Flemeth's KeyIf you have a mage immediately cast Cone of Cold to freeze her up. Keep everyone at range except for the tank who should flip Flemeth around. Make sure the others are far back enough to not take tail swipes. Your tank will want some fire resistance on and use any warmth balms you have to reduce the damage he is taking. Paralyze and petrify work and Wynne should have at least one of those. Keep the tank up and nip away from range to take out your first dragon.Enter her hut and loot the [CHEST] containing the [ROBES OF POSSESSION] and [FLEMETH'S GRIMOIRE]. Return to camp and give the Grimoire to Morrigan to finish the quest. The other side quests can be completed in Redcliffe, some others will be done as you progress through the main story. Head to Redcliffe to continue the story.LelianaMALE - 112LOCATION: Dane's Refuge/LotheringEVENT: Talk to Leliana2. I'd like to talk.1. This vision of yours...1. What then?2. And this made you want to help me?1. The Chantry says the Maker has left us.2. Believe what feels right to you, Leliana.Leliana approves +4 LOCATION: Dane's Refuge/LotheringEVENT: Talk to Leliana2. I'd like to talk.1. What was life like in the Chantry cloister?1. Condescending? How so?3. I prefer your ideas to the ideas of the Chantry.Leliana approves +2 LOCATION: Dane's Refuge/LotheringEVENT: Talk to LelianaNOTES: This conversation will make Leliana interested to you 2. I'd like to talk.1. What would someone like you be doing in Lothering's chantry?2. You know, a beautiful charming woman like yourself.1. Those initiates can't have been more lovely than you.1. What did you do before that?Leliana approves +6 LOCATION: Dane's Refuge/LotheringEVENT: Talk to Leliana2. I'd like to talk to you about something.1. Why did you decide to come to Ferelden?2. Why did she leave Ferelden then?2. You were young, it's understandable.Leliana approves +1LOCATION: Dane's Refuge/LotheringEVENT: Talk to Leliana2. I'd like to talk to you about something.1. Do you miss anything about Orlais?4. I've never been to Orlais.3. Do you not have fine things now?3. Oh, I love shoes!2. Oh, that sounds so lovely.1. You don't need fancy shoes to make you beautiful.Leliana approves +1 LOCATION: Dane's Refuge/LotheringEVENT: Talk to Leliana2. I'd like to talk to you about something.1. You were a traveling minstrel. Do you have tales to share?2. Know any stories from Orlais?2. That sounds interesting.2. I saw that coming.2. Did she win the tourney?2. That's terrible.2. Do you know any Fereldan legends?1. Yes, I have heard of Flemeth.1. Tell me the whole story.1. What happened then?3. There was another story I wanted to hear.1. Do you know anything about the Dalish?1. It didn't last.1. What do you know about Andraste?2. How did Andraste die?2. Why did the Maker not save Her with His power?3. Let's just move on.Leliana approves +5 LOCATION: Dane's Refuge/LotheringEVENT: Talk to Leliana2. I'd like to talk to you about something.2. I heard that in Orlais, minstrels are often spies.2. I don't remember.2. What's the difference?2. Do they spy on Ferelden?2. You seem to know quite a bit about these bards.3. I'd never leave that. It sounds too exciting.Leliana approves +2 LOCATION: LotheringEVENT: When you approach merchant surrounded by crowd NOTES: Remove Morrigan in your partyThis conversation will make Morrigan disapprove by -3This has a conflict with Morrigan's guide2. Why would I want to help you?4. You don't think you're being unscrupulous?4. (Intimidate) Lower your prices, or lose your goods.Leliana approves +2 LOCATION: LotheringRECOMMENDATION: Give Leliana the "Bronze Symbol ofAndraste"Leliana approves +106LOCATION: Chantry/LotheringEVENT: When you talk to Revered MotherNOTES: This is optionalDonating will lose you gold but improve Leliana'sapprovalDonate 5 sovereings, Leliana approves +4Donate 30 silvers, Leliana approves +2Donate 10 silvers, Leliana approves +1Revered Mother will agree to release Sten evenwithout Leliana's presence by persuading3. What tithe is acceptable?4. I can offer five sovereigns.or3. Very well. Thirty silver it is.or2. I am sorry, but I only have ten silver.1. Nothing of importance.Leliana approves +4/+2/+1 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: Random conversation when you go back to camp2. I knew you weren't telling me something.2. You're a criminal?2. So Marjolaine was a bard too?2. Important documents?2. Isn't that what bards do?2. Most countries don't appreciate treason.2. What happened then?2. How unpleasant.2. I don't think you would have.2. Thank you for trusting me with this.Leliana approves +3 LOCATION: Forest Stream/World MapEVENT: Random map encounter when travelling3. You had better have a good reason for this.3. He probably means you, yes.3. Don't just stop there. Tell us.2. I think we should just kill him, just to be safe.3. Sorry, time to die. (Kill him.)3. Or maybe the Orlesians.3. Don't worry. I won't let anyone harm you.1. We'll go as soon as possible.Leliana approves +4 LOCATION: Templar Quarters/Circle TowerEVENT: When meeting the Bewitched Templar and Desire DemonNOTES: This is optional2. What in Andraste's name is going on here?2. You have this templar ensorcelled, don't you?5. No, I suppose there isn't.3. So you think you're doing a good thing?4. I will leave you alone, if you do the same for me.Leliana approves +1 LOCATION: Orzammar Commons/OrzammarEVENT: Talk to DagnaNOTES: This is optional when you decide to help DagnaAdd Wynne in your party1. Can I help you?3. My companion here is a senior enchanter of the Cirle.1. We'd be happy to answer any questions.2. Why wouldn't they?1. So what do you want with the Circle?2. And what would the messenger get?1. I'll talk to the first enchanter next time I see him.Wynne approves +2Leliana approves +1 LOCATION: Orzammar Commons/OrzammarEVENT: Talk to Brother BurkelNOTES: This is optional when you decide to help BrotherBurkelRemove Sten in your partySten will disapprove by -5 unless Persuaded (nodisapproval)2. May his divine spirit always light your way.1. Whose permission do you need to open a chantry?1. Do you want me to talk to him for you?Leliana approves +2 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: After killing Marjolaine, Talk to LelianaNOTES: This has two option, Either Leliana will end up good or evilThis is OPTION 1This conversation will make Leliana end up good3. No, i thought you looked like you wanted to talk, though.3. You're less talkative than usual.3. Is there anything I can do?1. But you said the Maker wanted you to leave.1. You're not alone, Leliana.2. It's only human. Don't punish yourself.3. You are a good person. You always will be.3. You strike to be good and that's what's important.Leliana approves +9 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: After killing Marjolaine, Talk to LelianaNOTES: This has two option, Either Leliana will end up good or evilThis is OPTION 2This conversation will make Leliana end up evil3. No, i thought you looked like you wanted to talk, though.3. You're less talkative than usual.3. Is there anything I can do?1. But you said the Maker wanted you to leave.1. You're not alone, Leliana.2. It's only human. Don't punish yourself.2. You're not slipping. This is who you are.2. All you were doing in the Chantry was running away.2. Then stop running scared from it.Leliana approves +9 LOCATION: Camp/World MapEVENT: After choosing OPTION 2, Talk to LelianaNOTES: This is only available if Leliana end up evil1. Yes, of course.7。
《龙腾世纪:起源》⼀周⽬攻略流程今天终于完成了⼀周⽬了(洒花跟⼤家分享⼀下我的攻略流程n p c名字部分我⽆法⼀⼀记得可能有误或是以开头字母代替故请⼤家见谅请注意以下有超级⼤雷怕爆炸的请⾃⾏绕道我的主⾓是⼈类⼥战⼠(贵族路线)从离开F l e m e t h的⼩屋开始~最后打a r c h d e m o n的流程:1.从F l e m e t h带⾛辣妹M o r r i g a n,在L o t h e r i n g带⾛S t e n与L e l i a n a2.到C i r c l e To w e r去求援→解决T h e F a d e迷宫,杀死中央的d e m o n,并解救所有同伴→在最后打U时阻⽌I r v i n g被转化→要求I r v i n g履⾏契约出兵帮助攻打d a r k s p a w n→Wy n n e加⼊队伍后续影响:在到达R e d c l i f f时需要解救C o n n o r,如果I r v i n g已被转化,C i r c l e To w e r将⽆法协助你去除C o n n o r的梦魔,你必须采取其他路线,⽽可能导致Wy n n e的离去3.到O r z a m m e r去求援→选择⽀持H a r r o w m o n t当国王,并完成他的三个任务→在最后找到A n v i l时摧毁A n v i l→打败B r a n k a→回到议会拿出远古g o l e m所打造的国王的王冠并封H a r r o w m o n t为王→打败并杀死三王⼦→要求H a r r o w m o n t履⾏契约出兵帮助攻打d a r k s p a w n→O g h r e n加⼊队伍后续影响:⽆法得到第五⽀援军-g o l e m,也必须与三王⼦对打并杀死他,⽽造成后来矮⼈族内部派系的纷扰。
4.在看过L o g h a i n派出刺客的动画以后,随机发⽣刺杀事件→Z e v r a n加⼊队伍5.到B r e c i l i a n F o r e s t去求援→接受光头⽼阿Z(!)的要求到森林⾥找狼⼈拿解药→找到狼⼈巢⽳并见到正妹Wi n t e r f a n g→答应正妹把光头⽼带来→选择两边都不帮(光头⽼要求帮忙,正妹要求要Wa r d e n评理时都选择中⽴不偏袒的选项,或是选择说理、说教的部份)→光头⽼败阵后悔悟,破解魔咒并死亡→狼⼈变回⼈类,正妹消失,⼤徒弟L妹继承C l a n的领导者位置后续影响:狼⼈与精灵只能择⼀。
《龙腾世纪:起源》全成就解法难度⽆关成就想轻松玩或是⾃虐的⾃⼰斟酌吧=====================L a s t o f Yo u r L i n e10GC o m p l e t e d t h e H u m a n N o b l e o r i g i n s t o r yC o r r u p t e d10GC o m p l e t e d t h eD a l i s hE l f o r i g i n s t o r yC o n s c r i p t e d10GC o m p l e t e d t h e C i t y E l f o r i g i n s t o r yH a r r o w e d10GC o m p l e t e d t h e M a g i o r i g i n s t o r yC a s t e l e s s10GC o m p l e t e d t h eD w a r f C o m m o n e r o r i g i n s t o r yK i n s l a y e r10GC o m p l e t e d t h eD w a r f N o b l e o r i g i n s t o r yB l o o d i e d10GC o m p l e t e d a n o r i g i n s t o r y w i t h o u t t h e m a i n c h a r a c t e r e v e r f a l l i n g i n b a t t l e零死亡完成任何⼀个⾓⾊的初始剧情以上是各种族&势⼒个⼈故事过完取得=====================L a s t o f t h e Wa r d e n s20GC o m p l e t e d O s t a g a rH e r o o f R e d c l i f f e20GC o m p l e t e d"T h e A r l o f R e d c l i f f e"法师塔主线M a g i c S y m p a t h i z e r20GS i d e d w i t h t h e m a g e s i n"B r o k e n C i r c l e""B r o k e n C i r c l e"任务最后第4层完成幻境任务后取得N i a l l⼫体上的L i t a n y o f A n d r a l l a,上第五层打B O S S的时候要⽤来防⽌B O S S将所有魔法师变成怪物(倒地的⼀个都不能,已经变了怪物的那两个除外)A n n u l m e n t I n v o k e r20GS i d e d w i t h t h e t e m p l a r s i n"B r o k e n C i r c l e""B r o k e n C i r c l e"任务倒在地上的法师全被B O S S变成怪物后,将B O S S杀死想要同时解的话,记得在第五层前(过完梦境)先存档精灵主线S l a y e r20GS i d e d w i t h t h e w e r e w o l v e s i n"N a t u r e o f t h e B e a s t""N a t u r e o f t h e B e a s t"任务遇到t h e L a d y o f t h e F o r e s t说服她杀光全部精灵P o a c h e r20GS i d e d w i t h t h e e l v e s i n"N a t u r e o f t h e B e a s t""N a t u r e o f t h e B e a s t"任务中除了上⾯那种做法不论怎么发展都会解开这个..要到L a d y的房间前会⾃动存档,有碰到的话⾃⼰先⼿动存档⼀次⼈类主线S a c r i l e g i o u s20GS i d e d w i t h t h e C u l t o f A n d r a s t e i n"T h e U r n O f S a c r e d A s h e s""T h e U r n O f S a c r e d A s h e s"任务在Wy r m l i n g L a i r遇到K o l g r i m,选择帮助他,最后把龙⾎弄到⾻灰中C e r e m o n i a l i s t20GD efie d t h e C u l t o f A n d r a s t e i n"T h e U r n o f S a c r e d A s h e s"同上,选则拿取U r n后及可在神殿过到全⾝脱光光时记得先存档矮⼈主线L i b e r a t o r20GD e s t r o y e d t h e A n v i l o f t h e Vo i d"A P a r a g o n o f H e r K i n d"任务中选择帮助那堆⽯头⼈L i b e r a t o r20GD e s t r o y e d t h e A n v i l o f t h e Vo i d"A P a r a g o n o f H e r K i n d"任务中选择帮助B r a n k a矮⼈最后的主线,过到⼀个机关B O S S要敲铁砧的,打爆后顺着路⾛会碰到三个宝箱记得在这先存档B h e l e n's A l l y20GS i d e d w i t h B h e l e n i n"A P a r a g o n o f H e r K i n d"在A n v i l o f t h e Vo i d打造好王冠后回去选择B h e l e n做国王H a r r o w m o n t's A l l y20GS i d e d w i t h H a r r o w m o n t i n"A P a r a g o n o f H e r K i n d"在A n v i l o f t h e Vo i d打造好王冠后回去选择H a r r o w m o n t做国王接上⾯的成就,不管帮那⼀边,拿到王冠后先存档,然后回O r z a m m a r,选边站吧R a b b l e-R o u s e r20GC o m p l e t e d"T h e L a n d s m e e t"S t a n d a r d-B e a r e r20GU s e d t h e G r e y Wa r d e n t r e a t i e s t o r e c r u i t a l l p o s s i b l e a l l i e sP e r f e c t i o n i s t50GA c r o s s a l l p l a y t h r o u g h s,d i s c o v e r e d a l l p o s s i b l e e n d i n g s完成所有结局,主要根据屠龙后的对话决定有四种1.主⾓牺牲、2.A l i s t a r牺牲、3.L o g h a i n牺牲、4.没有⼈牺牲注:4.的结局是最后⼀战前答应M o r r i g a n的要求(又是○X.....)以上是主线相关=====================M e r c e n a r y20GC o m p l e t e15j o b-b o a r d q u e s t s完成15个看板任务(L o t h e r i n g建议解完,只要过其中⼀个主线就会被灭村)P i l g r i m10GC o m p l e t e d a C h a n t e r's B o a r d q u e s t这个应该是在第⼀个村庄L o t h e r i n g解以上是⽀线看板任务=====================R e c r u i t e r25GA c r o s s a l l p l a y t h r o u g h s,r e c r u i t e d a l l p a r t y m e m b e r s游戏中能加⼊的同伴都加⼊A l i s t a r(战⼠/圣骑⼠):在O s t a g a r主线剧情加⼊M o r r i g a n(法师/变形师):过完O s t a g a r主线剧情后加⼊D o g(战⼠):⼈类贵族⼀开始加⼊,其他种族需要在O s t a g a r完成「M a b a r i h o u n d」这个任务,有⼏个狗闸门的地⽅,有个N P C头上有!,没解的话,O s t a g a r主线过完就拿不到这只狗...(可以⾃⼰取名字))L e l i a n a(盗贼):在L o t h e r i n g酒馆,⼀进去直接触发剧情后对话选择邀请加⼊S t e n(战⼠):在L o t h e r i n g的笼⼦⾥,说服教堂的t h e R e v e r e d M o t h e r就能释放他或是⽤L e l i a n a直接开锁后对话选择邀请加⼊O g h r e n(战⼠):在O r z a m m a r主线剧情加⼊Wy n n e(法师/治疗师):在C i r c l e To w e r B r o k e n C i r c l e任务完成就可以邀请她加⼊,但是⾓⾊不能是进阶职业b l o o d m a g e(加⼊后再学b l o o d m a g e及可)Z e v r a n(盗贼):完成⼀个主线任务后在⼤地图会随机遭遇,打败他后选择让他加⼊L o g h a i n(战⼠):T h e L a n d s m e e t任务单挑中打败他后可以选择让他加⼊(不要选择 A l i s t a r和他单挑)注1:L o g h a i n加⼊后,A l i s t a r会不爽强制退出队伍,想⽤A l i s t a r的请先存档再让L o g h a i n加⼊,拿完成就后读档注2:D L C的暴⼒同伴⽯囚不包括在内以上是同伴相关成就 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。
=======Vigil's Keep (26)=======A Medical Necessity第一次来到Vigil’s Kee p,进throne room之前,小巷子里有一个受伤的士兵,他需要bandages,在地图的另一边,找到给他即可。
The Survivors of Vigil's Keep在Vigil's Keep里救下所有幸存者。
The Assault on Vigil's Keep一路把Vigil's Keep里的所有darkspawn消灭掉即可,最后在城堡顶上消灭会说话的darkspawn头领the Withered。
Oaths of Fealty领地里的所有贵族来向主角效忠,Seneschal Varel会建议主角和他们谈谈,有三个人可以对话:Ser Tamra会告诉玩家有人想造反,这里需要口才足够她才会说,然后开启任务A Brewing Conspiracy。
不过口才不够没有关系,队友Anders也会说他听到有人想要造反,从而开启该任务;Lord Eddelbrek希望主角能多派士兵来保护农场,开启任务Defending the Land;Bann Esmerelle则希望主角多派兵守城,顺便说一句其实她是造反者之一。
Defending the Land玩家需要决定是否增加兵力守城或是保护农民还是保护商队,如果让Captain Garevel决定的话,他会决定守城;保护商队的话,商人Yuriah处会多出一些东西卖;保护农民会在最后多出一段结局;当然可以选择保护所有的人。
Adria's PlightVigil's Keep的地下室里,一只濒死的mabari带着一个给Adria 的信。
奥斯特加 Ostagar马巴利战犬起始:狗窝旁的驯狗师流程:在寇卡里荒野找到野花,用 TAB 可轻松找到。
奖励:20 银,嘴砲一下可以变 50 银。
(不过还是要等他走开才能拿 )精灵信使起始:精灵信使。
流程:跟他对话,他会要你转交东西,不过其实就是被我们 A 走了拉 XD奖励:盖伦骑士的剑。
寇卡里荒野 Korcari Wilds路上的伤兵起始:一个半死不活在地上爬的士兵。
流程:去遗嘱上的地点 (地图左边),在营地火堆上拿小铁盒,这时候你可以选要不要打开,不打开就拿去赤巖给他老婆杰塔吧 !回报:杰塔奖励:打开会拿到心上人的项鍊,不过是任务道具不能装所以没用。
流程:找地图上打叉叉的地方,会有卡辛德土著的路标,找完一个有会生一个出来,记得用TAB 找,不然眼睛脱窗还不知到路标在哪。
《龙腾世纪:起源》图⽂⼼得好久没再玩到B i o w a r e的作品了说,这款经同好推荐的⾓⾊伴演游戏,到底怎么个好玩⼩弟就先玩再评论R P G嘛就是先⾃创⼈物不过只有男⼥、⼈类/精灵/矮⼈可选职业也只有战⼠法师⼩偷,根据该公司⼀贯作风,⼩弟猜测有可能是资料⽚出来会有新的职业和种族值得注意的是!这游戏竟说不同⼈物不同种族及职业共有六⼤不同故事线!真是创举阿,基本上3个种族*3个职业和背景是贵族或平名应该会有3*3*2 18种组合还好游戏有限定某些种族不⼀定所有职业都能做,故最后剩6种不然会让玩家玩到爆肝那根据知名玩家测试结果,如果只⾛剧情任务全破也要花上50⼩时如果连同⽀线全解可能要80-100⼩时,我们保守估计要100⼩时的话,六种不同剧情值得玩六次要花上600⼩时。
再来这个就神奇啦没想到创个⼈物还搞这么细,弄个⿐⼦也可以调整长短⼤⼩、左右宽度、型状等更别说其他嘴啦、眼睛、⽪肤、头发造型等⾮常有趣,好像在玩什么整型软体的我想这是为了满⾜玩家完全⾃创⼼中喜爱⾓⾊的感觉因为玩R P G有个很重要的因素,就是⼈物的造型和种族职业等特性要不是玩家想伴演的,整个游戏会玩的很不投⼊很没感觉。
视⾓⾮常弹性,不像之前旧作那种固定镜头的,暗龙纪元是可以随时调整视野的放⼤缩⼩,左观右看,上望下探都⾮常灵活弹性还可以边跑边调整⽬前初玩的移动速度就很快了,不像绝冬城系列那种不开加速术会⾛很慢的情形⾄于⼩弟喜欢的跳跃功能b i o w a r e仍维持⼀贯作风,⼈物是⽆法跳跃的-_-这点只好从其他动作类r p g来弥补了。
2010-4-1本攻略目录:1 队员LOVE攻略:2 队友好感度和礼物3 队员召唤详解4 职业专精解锁地点英文版5 战术设定详解1 队员LOVE攻略:M姐认同50以上L妹完成个人任务,恋爱关系,认同90以上M姐:在沼泽深处她加入队伍后就开始和她对话,选择正确的话可以得到几个认同度在Lorthing继续对话,选择正确的话认同度应能达到30以上Lorthing两个商人那里可以买到2条金项链,赠送认同度上升19此时认同度就已经50多了还不够的话,对话选择亲吻,第一次亲吻也能得到几个认同度所以,基本上出了Lorthing以后,M姐的指标就达成了扎营的时候去和她说话,她会主动要求,答应的话就会LOVEL妹:在Lorthing加入后就开始和她对话,再赠送教堂发现的“青铜护身符”出了Lorthing扎营后继续对话,她会告诉你自己以前是游吟诗人认同度超过25后,再扎营的时候她会告诉你——自己曾经被信任的人背叛、追杀之后带她上路,会遇到刺客,制服刺客后交代——有人要他们杀L妹,主使者在D城去D城做一了解,然后2次扎营的时候L妹会找你谈话,结开心结,个人任务完成个人任务完成后,认同90以上就可以LOVE这期间会有一次关键对话,以确定情侣还是朋友关系,注意把握L妹迅速LOVE可能需要大量礼物:Andraste的恩赐之花,神器,认同度最低13,共3朵,红崖风车旁的大树边、西Brecilian森林、D城精灵区大树边认同度10-6礼物青铜护身符,Lothering教堂小教堂护身符,法师塔高级法师区一具圣殿尸体上蚀刻银符号,深渊之路Ortan Thaig,拉克卖黄金符号,Orzammar商人银剑护身符,随机遇矮人供应商钢符号,D城修士家Approval Rating(下称AR)代表同伴对你的认同度,从-100到100,你们的交谈和你在游戏中做出的选择都会影响这个值,不同的伙伴观点经常完全不同,想讨好所有人是不可能的AR是分段的,-25到25什么用处都没有,25到75都算Warm,75以上算Friendly,很多事件都需要你和伙伴之间至少是Warm;-25以下就是敌对(Hostile)了,到-100称为Crisis,一般不到那时候就会走人了如果成功建立Romance关系,那么AR的正数部分会细分为:Interested(26-50)、Care(51-70)、Adore(71-90)、Love(91-100)几个级别大部分同伴有专属任务,都非常重要,下面会详述,一旦完成专属任务,你和该同伴AR自动会达到75(Friendly)可以用标记了Gift的物品赠予同伴来提升AR,但是要注意,每个同伴喜欢的物品是不一样的,同样的Gift给不同的人效果不一样,最高是加10点,最低加1点,具体计算如下:1.基础加值为+5;2.如果是对象喜欢的礼物+5;3.赠予的第二件礼物开始-1,第三件-2,依此类推,所以同一个对象赠予多了价值很低;4.如果赠予时AR为负,效果减半;5.无论如何,最少+1。
矮人城(O 城)
精灵村(DALISH 村) 人类魔法师塔 开始了~
3 个种族可以选,这里我就不说了,继续~~ 其实 3 个种族的开始都不一样~~,我玩的是人类, 所以开始的故事就是在一个黑夜被满门抄斩了~ 邓肯带走了~就从这开始攻略吧他会把我带到 O
城,和那里的国王和国王的叔叔见面就是后来的 LOGHAIM
和他对话得到任务:完成 GreyWarden 的仪 式出地图:其实这里很简单,一路杀就 OK 了~路
上有狼和兽人有 2 个要素二个不懂英 语的人不会做,那就是要取得 3 个 TAINTEDBLOOD (从你杀的兽人小头目上拿到)看图完成后就去
1c06f9ca1 热血江湖sf
跟邓肯交任务,完成仪式交完任务往提示的方向 走进行对话:然后开战:开战了~~这时你的任务 就是上到高塔,点亮烽火台,让 LOG 德军队进攻: 战况非常紧急:这时会有个法师临时加入你的队
伍:上塔开杀~~第一层:没什么难度小心这里的 陷阱:从这里上第二层:第二层:杀到第三层: 第三层:这里上顶层:剧情,BOSS 来了
龙腾世纪:起源终极版——the gauntlet⿁桥通过⽅式 = 1.简单提⽰:要通过必须要让桥上的⽯头变成实⼼的,先让⼀个⼈把第⼀块踩出虚线轮廓,然后操作第⼆个⼈去踩该对应的开关,就会让桥出现实⼼,踩出来后操作⼈到桥上站⽴,接下来依序把第⼆个到四解出来。
2.详细开关⽅式:(在t h e g a u n t l e t内,这是第三个试炼,最后⼀个请脱光装备后通过⽕焰) S t e p1:R i g h t o n e,r i g h t t w o,l e f t t h r e e (右1,右2,左3) S t e p2:P C s t e p s o nfir s t s e c t i o n o f g h o s t b r i d g e. (操作⼀个⼈到桥上第⼀块....g h o s t b r i d g e果然是⿁桥) S t e p3:R i g h t t w o,l e f t t h r e e,l e f t s i x. (右2,左3,左6) S t e p4:P C s t e p s o n s e c o n d s e c t i o n o f g h o s t b r i d g e. (操作⼀个⼈到桥上第⼆块) S t e p5:R i g h t t w o,r i g h t f o u r,l e f t s i x. (右2,右4,左6) S t e p6:R i g h t f o u r,l e f t o n e,l e f t s i x. (右4,左1,左6) S t e p7:P C s t e p s o n t h i r d s e c t i o n o f g h o s t b r i d g e. (操作⼀个⼈到桥上第三块) S t e p8:R i g h t f o u r,r i g h tfiv e,l e f t o n e. (右4,右5,左1) S t e p9:R i g h tfiv e,l e f t o n e,l e f tfiv e. (右5,左1,左5) S t e p10:P C c r o s s e s s u c c e s s f u l l y. 操作⼀个⾓⾊通过第四块,O K,通过⿁桥....=.= 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。
己决定;下面我按照创建新人物吧;不同的地方 说明一下;首先创建人物界面还是和起源一样;
择 GREYWARDEN 本资料片创建的新建人物,会有 2
点的副职业的选择;不过只开放三个副职业;剩 余的要到后面游戏进行才能解锁同样后面的人
你选择的主职业和副职业来定义;譬如我主职业 是法师,副职业是秘法斗士和治疗者我把主要的
然 1.03 以后各方面大幅度的削弱;但是法师魔
法攻击输出还是相当不错的;所以魔法师开档建 议加点主要用于火,冰,雷系攻击魔法副职业专
1ch0f2c7b 热血江湖sf
职业比较顺手机壳这里我开档的是法师;由于 1.03 版本以后的法师各方面都有削弱,而且为了
《龙腾世纪:起源-觉醒》图文攻略第一章 攻略申明本攻略谢绝隔壁和游民转载,谢谢合作
腾世纪:起源原版内容升级到 1.03 版本 3.点击
以Hale Waihona Puke 看到大图
==============================进 入游 戏 界
来说,很好出,先出一个 GlyphofRepulsion,之 后你就可以看见地上有个小圆了,跟着的在圆上 放 GlyphofParalysis 就 OK 了!
B)对 StormoftheCentury 来说,不要被官方 攻略给骗了,这个魔法和 Inferno 一点关系都没 有!!!!!别看你最后加了个 Inferno 进去,没有ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ用处的,看起来更加漂亮罢了!希望以上资料对 有需要的朋友能有帮助!不足之处请多多包涵
《龙腾世纪:起源》全组合魔法施展方法和 些许心得看见有朋友在论坛里问到这个,就发上 来了,多的不说,开始吧!全游戏一共有 10 个组 合魔法,分别对应了 SpellbinationsCodex 中的 10 个文件,以下请看详细内容:1)GreaseFire 施展方法: (先出)Grease+任何火系魔法就 OK 了!
以上就是所有 10 个组合魔法的发出方法了。 见到还有朋友发不出来,以下再说点个人的心 得 : 1 ) 诸 如 像 Shattering , Shockwave , ImprovedDrain 等针对单体的组合魔法应该很好 出!注意一下顺序,应该是只要满足条件就可以
看袁慕野打篮球了吧。袁慕野身高 187cm,很瘦却有着打篮球所必需的爆发力。当
心得:施法类型和上面的 Nightmare 很像, AOE+单体魔法!不过是由两个 4 级魔法(并不是 同一分支)组合而成的,威力更大,但相对使用
看袁慕野打篮球了吧。袁慕野身高 187cm,很瘦却有着打篮球所必需的爆发力。当
的条件更加苛刻一些!要练满两条 CHAIN,至少 7 级呀。法术效果是这么说的:
看袁慕野打篮球了吧。袁慕野身高 187cm,很瘦却有着打篮球所必需的爆发力。当
Ceremonialist 20G “The Urn Of Sacred Ashest”中玷污 the Cult of Andraste 当在试炼开始前遇到 Kolgrim 后,同意帮助他会掉圣灰会的到一管血液。 (别担心,到了装圣灰的 瓮前你还是可以反悔的)。然后你得选择带走一些或是把血液倒进去,随后会解开相应的成就。
Bloodied 完成起始剧情且主角在战斗中一次不死
Traveler 35G 在游戏内的每一处地方写下“哥到此一游” 去过所有地方,论坛里貌似没资料,原文给了另一篇指导贴:看这里
Master of Arms 主角为战士并到达等级 20
Poacher 20G “Nature of the Beast”任务中支持精灵 在和 Swiftrunner 谈论关于面见之前存档。然后选择是杀掉精灵还是狼人来获取各自的成就。
*注意,要是选择屠杀的话,你必须,必须杀掉精灵,不管只是那个老头。你必须杀掉所有的精灵 才能获得狼人成就 。
Sacrilegious 20G “The Urn Of Sacred Ashest”中支持 the Cult of Andraste 参考“Ceremonialist” 成就
1. 给他们心仪的礼物(看这里) 2. 在营地可他们谈心,选择合适的选项提升你们的感情(以防两人谈崩,事前先存档) 3. 在外面带着他们一起,并尽量根据他们性格喜好选择对话。
50G *严重剧透*
Perfectionist 完成所有剧情,解开所有结局
一共 4 种结局: 1) 同意 Morrigan 的提议 2) 决定牺牲自己 3) 决定牺牲 Allistar 4) 决定牺牲 Logain
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起始:在 West Brecilian Forest 进入营地。 过程:在西 Brecilian 森林南端有一个营地空无一人。检查它,你的队员察觉 shade 的魔力。 willpower 低的会死亡只有最高的 willpower 队员生还并打斗。 Wounded in the Forest 起始:和 Deygan 对话(West Brecilian Forest ) 过程:在西方 Brecilian 森林中部地区你会发现 Deygan 受伤。如果你能使用治疗术,你可以治愈他,或者送他回营。您也可以掠 夺 Deygan 的装备,但会扣同伴 AP,回到营地,就可以得到奖励。 (也可以干掉他,那样会很惨烈) Chanter‘s Board
过程:地图东北角找到的被 Blight 感染三次黑熊,奖励为 1G 和 Oathkeepe。 Circle of Magi
Five Pages
Four Mages
起始:在法师塔 3 楼找到在卷轴撕下来的 5 页页面,就可以接受任务。 过程:在大地图行程遇到 Beyha Joam,杀掉得到奖励。 Summoning Sciences 起始:在塔的第一个房间,你遇到憎恶的时候,检查书籍旁边桌上找到“Summoning Sciences”。 过程: 【1】检查传召字体来点燃火焰,检查 Tome of Spirit Personages(房间第一个火焰所在地),检查“Summoning the First”
点燃 Spirit Hog。 【2】检查传召字体来点燃火焰,检查 Rodercoms Uncommon Calling book,检查房间的第一部分的 Gorvish 的巫师雕像, 检查 "Summoning the Second" 点燃 the Trickster 。 【3】 检查传召字体来点燃火焰, 检查房间第三部分的 Elvor's Grande Bestiary , 检查第一部分的桌子, 检查 Spiritorum Eterialis (房间第三部分),检查 Gorvish 的巫师雕像,检查 Novice Phylactery(房间第一部分),检查"Summoning the Third" 点 燃 Fade Rifter,杀掉之。 【4】重复前三个步骤(跳过召唤火焰),检查 Novice Phylactery 后,检查"Summoning the Fourth" 后面的圆形桌子,偷取 Arl Foreshadow 的 codex。 Watchguard of the Reaching 起始:得到下面的 codex 之一 过程:必须收集全部掉落的 codex 才能完成这个任务,收集好后,到 3 楼的 Common Room 按以下顺序激活石像:1Vessel in hand 2 Sword raised 3 Sword lowered 然后到 1 楼打开金属门,Shah Wyrd 会出现,杀掉可得奖励。 Companions
Back Alley Justice
起始:Denerim 市场区教堂公告板 过程:打败三个团伙,在 Dark Alley,Dirty Back Alley,Run-Down Back Street。 Bandits Bandits Everywhere 起始:Lothering 教堂公告板 过程:Lothering 有 3 个土匪团伙让你去干掉。首先是藏匿在围栏外地在小镇东侧(河的北面)。第二组在第一组的背面。最后一 组是在该镇的地图最北面。返回可以接到后续"When Bears Attack" 和 "A Last Keepsake.". Brothers and Sisters 起始:Redcliffe Village 教堂公告板 过程:接受任务后,在世界地图进入战场,在尸体拿起进阶过程的东西。狼群会一波一波出来 OX 你,把其干掉,直到您安全地脱 离战场。 Caravan Down 起始:Redcliffe Village 教堂公告板 过程:接受任务后在世界地图进入 Caravan,然后干掉所有 darkspawn,然后回 Redcliffe Village。 Desperate Haven 起始:Denerim 市场区教堂公告板 过程:接受任务后进入大图的 refugees,杀死 darkspawn 保护难民。 Fazzil's Request 起始:Denerim 市场区教堂公告板 过程:开始了 landmeet 和完成"Rescue the Queen" 任务后,到 Elven Alienage 拿走 sextant 归还给教堂。 Jowan's Intentions 起始:完成"Arl of Redcliffe" 和 "Urn of Sacred Ashes"后
龙腾世纪:起源 全分支攻略
A9VG 原创 By. Stanhjd
Blackstone Irregulars Blackstone Irregulars 是一队跨越整个 Ferelden 的雇佣军。你可以在一个不同的支线中完成的最重要的主体。你可以在具体地 区接受很多的支线任务。
A Change in Leadership 起始:任何 Blackstone Irregulars box(完成全部其他 Blackstone Irregulars 任务) 过程:你必须在 Denerim 市场区杀死 Raelnor 或 Taoran。然后你将会在地图行走的时候遇到 Taoran 营地的随机事件,然后干 掉 Taoran。 Dereliction of Duty 起始:任何 Blackstone Irregulars boxes 获取 过程:你的任务是“处理”掉三个逃兵,拿回军需品。追查这三个家伙,然后干掉他们及其保镖。一定要找回尸体的每个军需品。你 收集了这 3 个军需品,回去就会有奖励。Sammael 在 Lake Calenhad Docks ,Layson 在 Denerim 内部的 Run-down Back Street , Tornas 在 Frostback Mountains 。 Grease the Wheels 起始:Redcliffe Village 的 Blackstone Irregulars box 过程:提供通知 5 个在 Denerim 信使,位置: Market District (东面) Dark Alley (北端) Alienage The Pearl (大厅) Rundown Back Street (东面) Notices of Death 起始:Denerim 市场区 Gnawed Noble Tavern 的 Blackstone Irregulars box 过程:你带出 4 个死亡通知给下面 4 位仁兄。 Irenia 是在 Redcliffe 教堂 Larana 是在 Lake Calenhad Docks 的 Spoiled Princess
过程:如果你在主线释放了 Jowan,你会在世界地图随机相遇他。当你遇到了他,杀死他周围的 darkspawn,然后你选择决定 Jowan 死活。 A Last Keepsake 起始:完成"Bandits Bandits Everywhere" 后,Lothering 教堂公告板
过程:在 L 城北面 Sarha 尸体附近,杀死尸体周围的 13 头狼,拿信物回 Devons。 Loghain's Push 起始:Denerim 市场区教堂公告板 过程:接受任务后在大地图进பைடு நூலகம்"Civil War"地图,干掉 Loghain 的走狗。 Missing in Action 起始:Denerim 市场区教堂公告板 过程:在启动 Landsmeet 前,在"Rescue the Queen" 其间,在 D 城地牢干掉 Arl Howe 拿出钥匙放走 Rexel。 Skin Deep 起始:Denerim 市场区教堂公告板 过程:收集 9 个尸体在教堂的井处理丢掉,搞到 18 个的话有特别奖励。 Unintended Consequences 起始:完成"Summoning Sciences Lesson 2"任务后,法师塔 过程:世界地图随机遇到 Trickster Whim,杀掉后到最近的教堂拿奖。 When Bears Attack 起始:完成 "Bandits Bandits Everywhere" Lothering 教堂公告板
败了,或者只是说谎假装研究 Halla,就没 XP 了。然后,她杀死了 Halla,给你的鹿角,可以把它给 Varathorn 的物资箱。 Elven Ritual 起始:检查的精灵遗址的石棺 过程:在遗址发现石棺,在你遇到的幽灵男孩发现的地方。下一步,找到精灵祭坛,这是在走廊向东,通过门后,北方下了台阶。 按照这个顺序仪式的指示:1 检查喷泉开始对话 2 采取水罐 3 装水 4 离开水池 5 检查祭坛开始对话 6 放置水壶在祭坛上 7 跪在祭坛前祷告 8 检查祭坛 9 喝水 10 取走土罐 11 离开祭坛 12 检查喷泉 13 把壶的水倒进水池。步骤正确的话会打开房间里的大门,然后找到找到 shade guarding 拿奖励。 Lost to the Curse 起始:和 Athras(Dalish Camp )对话 过程:Athras 在找他的妻子 Danyla。到 Brecilian 东部会发现变了浪人的 Danyla。杀死周围的狼人,然后她说话。她希望你杀 死她,但如果你拒绝她会攻击你,所以你必须要杀死她不管。她会给你一条围巾送给 Athras,回去告诉他,她已经死了。 Mages Treasure 起始:East Brecilian Forest 北面尽头 过程:在 Brecilian 森林北部清怪,在杀死食人魔那,检查墓碑。杀死亡灵和骷髅的和他们守卫的 Juggernaut 盔甲。如果您返回 Brecilian 森林西部,你会发现在东部另一个 Juggernaut 在墓碑附近,有个新出口通往到 east Brecilian 森林。返回到 EAst Brecilian 森林。如果过了雾,到达南面,附近的一堆骨头还有一个 Juggernaut 的盔甲。其余 Juggernaut 是在精灵遗址的石棺。 您必须完成上面说的仪式得到 Juggernaut。 Panowen 起始:和 elven hunter Panowen 对话(完成"Nature of the Beast" 主线后) 过程:你在 Brecilian 森林西部发现 Panowen。和她说话,如果你说明你的行动,得到魔戒。如果你讨厌她,她和她的猎人会攻 击你,你就别无选择,只能把她杀死。 Rare Ironbark