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1 Routing:路由错误,在查找被叫的过程中出现的错误

1.1 ARQ/Setup Routing: The Callee, Called Part Not Found.. 默认的错误,被叫没有找到

1.2 ARQ Routing: ARQ路由错误,注册呼叫时.

1.2.1 The Callee [%s] is TG&Static encrypt but hasn't auto get theencrypt parameter.. 被叫是IP 类型是落地或者静态时,而且加密的情况下,需要获取加密参数,但是还没有获取到..出现这种情况时,查看配置信息下的IP 地址和注册端口配置是否正确,这种情况一般是平台对接引起的.

1.2.2 The Callee [%s] is Not Registered.. 被叫没有注册,查看被叫节点的颜色是否是绿色或者IP 类型是否是落地与静态.

1.2.3 The Callee [%s] Total Line is Limit.. 被叫呼叫容量限制,呼叫路数已经达到了用户设置的最大路数. 查看最大路数与网关的当前通话情况

1.2.4 The Callee [%s] is Forbid accept a call.. 呼叫类型中,设置了拒绝呼入. 查看网关信息中的呼叫类型设置

1.2.5 The Callee[%s] Call Signal Address[%s] is Invalid.被叫信令地址出错. 如果是落地和静态,查看ip配置是否正确.如果不是,查看网关是否注册

1.3 SETUP Routing: Setup路由错误,未注册呼叫时.

1.3.1 The Callee [%s] is TG&Static encrypt but hasn't auto get theencrypt parameter..

1.3.2 The Callee [%s] is Not Registered..

1.3.3 The Callee [%s] Total Line is Limit..

1.3.4 The Callee [%s] is Forbid accept a call..

1.3.5 The Callee [%s] Call Signal Address [%s] is Invalid.


2 CMC check : 本地检测.

2.1 CMC ARQ Check 注册呼叫时,检查主叫号码、h323id等设置.

2.1.1 The Caller is Forbid Originate..主叫禁止呼出,呼叫类型设置中主叫禁止呼出或者禁止呼入呼出

2.1.2 The Caller is Unactive. 主叫没有注册, IP类型为动态或验证H323ID时,节点需要注册,但是却没有注册.

2.1.3 The Caller Signal Address Error.主叫信令地址错误,RRQ 消息中的信令地址与RAS消息中的信令地址不一样.

2.1.4 The Caller Check Calling Number Fail.. 检查主叫号码出错.检查ARQ 消息中的digit 号码与GK 配置的主叫号码没有匹配到.可以选择不检查主叫号码或者重新设置

2.1.5 The Caller Total Line limit..主叫呼叫容量限制.呼叫已经达到最大路数.

2.1.6 The Caller Valid H323ID (Alias) Fail.. 主叫H323Id检查失败

2.2 CMC Setup Check

2.2.1 Caller Signal Address Fail.. 主叫信令地址错误.检查IP地址设置是否正确

2.2.2 Calling Number Fail. 检查主叫号码错误

2.2.3 H323ID (Alias) Fail.. 检查别名出错

2.2.4 Caller is forbid out OR Total Line Limit. 主叫被禁止呼出或者容量限制

3 Setup ARJ: 由于setup拒绝时,没有对于的消息,所以统一使用ARJ消息来存放拒绝原因,但不是真正的ARJ消息.

3.1 SETUP Warning

3.1.1 Socket already attached for a callid 收到重复的TCP连接,也就是收到了2个Setup消息

3.1.2 a registered call from my Parent GK 来自上级GK 的注册呼叫.注册呼叫只能来自自己的网关.上级GK 发起呼叫不需要向自己发送RAS消息

3.2 SETUP reject

3.2.1 Dropping Call due to accounting failure 记账失败

3.2.2 Unregistered call, but caller not found. 未注册呼叫时,无法查找到主叫

3.2.3 Unregistered call From a Active Endpoint. 注册节点发起的未注册呼叫

3.2.4 Gatekeeper can't accept unregistered call. 接收未注册呼叫的开关没有打开, 系统配置把允许未注册呼叫打开

3.2.5 The Called Part Not register. 被叫没有注册

3.2.6 The Called is Forbid In. Can't not accept a Call. 被叫的呼叫类型设置为禁止呼入

3.2.7 The Called Total Line Limit.. 被叫容量限制

3.2.8 Got ARJ from parent. 呼叫到上级GK时,上级GK返回ARJ消息

3.2.9 Reject unregistered call from[ ] 拒绝丛某个端点来的呼叫.


4 . Local Auth :发送到Radius 验证之前与之后的检测

4.1 ARQ auth

4.1.1 ARQ auth failed : Radius验证前, 检查Radius必须的属性出错. requesting endpoint not registered主叫没有注册 could not calling Ip Address[Framed-IP-Address] 未找到主叫IP no suitable alias for Calling-Station-Id has been found未找到主叫号码 Could not receive or decode response from RADIUS.等待radius 返回响应超时,可能radius 处理不过来或者没有启动.

4.1.2 Reject By Radius : Radius验证错误ARQ Reject By Radius:+[ Reply Message ] ,ARQ Radius验证失败, Reply Message 是Radius返回的失败原因.

4.1.3 ARQ check failed: Radius验证后, Radius 返回的是验证成功,检查返回包时,出现的错误. return code [number] 无法识别的属性代码 invalid h323-return-code attribute [] 无法识别的h323 属性代码 invalid h323-credit-time attribute []无法识别的信贷时间 Call Duration Limit is Zero.返回的通话时长是0 invalid h323-billing-model attribute []返回无法识别的计费模式 invalid h323-credit-amount attribute [] 返回无法识别的信贷数量

4.2 Setup auth

4.2.1 Setup auth failed: Radius验证前 Calling is Not Found.. 主叫没有找到 not found the calling Ip Address主叫IP 没有找到 no called station id found. 被叫号码没有找到 could not receive or decode response from RADIUS等待Radius响应超时

4.2.2 Setup Reject By Radius: Radius 验证错误Setup Reject ByRadius:+[ReplyMesage],ReplyMesage包含了Radius的拒绝原因.

4.2.3 Setup check failed: Radius验证后 return code [number] invalid h323-return-code attribute [] CallDuration Limit is Zero. invalid h323-credit-time attribute []

5 .Radius拒绝原因:radius拒绝呼叫的具体原因

5.1 Server or Database error 系统或数据库错误

5.2 Queryerror 数据库错误

5.3 No matching user information for user [ ] 找不到相应的终端信息,或者没有配置账号

5.4 The balance of agent is not sufficient for user [ ] 代理商账号余额不足

5.5 The balance of account is not sufficient for user [ ] 用户账号余额不足

5.6 user [ ] is not active 终端或者账号没有开通

5.7 No user Rate Group for user [ ] 用户账号没有配置费率组

5.8 No agent Rate Plan for user [ ] 代理商账号没有配置费率组

5.9 No matching Rate Group from user [%s] 用户账号所用费率组没有找到

5.10 No matching rate plan or called prefix for user [ ] called : [ ] 找不到相应的费率

5.11 No matching sp called prefix for user [ ] called [ ] 找不到相应的接入商费率

5.12 user [ ] has no right called [ ] (Agent) 代理商账号呼叫限制

5.13 user [ ] has no right called [ ] (user) 用户账号呼叫限制
