



Lesson 1 Careers in Civil EngineeringMany civil engineers, among them the top people in the field work in design. As we have seen ,civil engineers work on many diferent kinds of structures , so it is normal practice for an engineer to specialize in just one kind . In designing buildings ,engineers often work as consultants to architectural or construction firm.Dams, bridges, water supply systems and other large project ordinarily employ several engineers whose work is coordinated by a system enginneer who is in charge of the entire project . In many cases engineers from other disciplines are involved .In dam project , for example , electrical and mechanical engineers work on the design of the powerhouse and its equipment. In other cases , civil engineers are assigned to work on a project in another field ; in the space program , for instance ,civil engineers were necessary in the design and construction of such structures as launching pads and rocket storage facilities .Construction is a complicated process on almost all engineering projects. It involves scheduling the work and utilizing the equipment and the materials so that costs are kept as low as possible . Safty factors must also be taken into account , since construction can be very dangerous . Many civil engineers therefore specialize in the construction phase.11许多土木工程师在设计领域工作,他们中的许多人是这个行业的佼佼者。



道路与桥梁专业外文翻译中英对照Jenny was compiled in January 2021本科毕业设计(论文)专业名称:土木工程专业(道路与桥梁)年级班级:道桥08-5班学生姓名:指导教师:二○一二年五月十八日专业外文翻译Geometric Design of HighwaysThe road is one kind of linear construction used for travel. It is made of the roadbed, the road surface, the bridge, the culvert and the tunnel. In addition, it also has the crossingof lines, the protective project and the traffic engineeringand the route facility.The roadbed is the base of road surface, road shoulder,side slope, side ditch foundations. It is stone material structure, which is designed according to route's planeposition .The roadbed, as the base of travel, must guaranteethat it has the enough intensity and the stability that can prevent the water and other natural disaster from corroding.The road surface is the surface of road. It is single or complex structure built with mixture. The road surface require being smooth, having enough intensity, good stability and anti-slippery function. The quality of road surface directly affects the safe, comfort and the traffic.Highway geometry designs to consider Highway Horizontal Alignment, Vertical Alignment two kinds of linear and cross-sectional composition of coordination, but also pay attentionto the smooth flow of the line of sight, etc. Determine theroad geometry, consider the topography, surface features,rational use of land and environmental protection factors, to make full use of the highway geometric components of reasonable size and the linear combination.DesignThe alignment of a road is shown on the plane view and is a series of straight lines called tangents connected by circular. In modern practice it is common to interpose transition orspiral curves between tangents and circular curves.Alignment must be consistent. Sudden changes from flat to sharp curves and long tangents followed by sharp curves must be avoided; otherwise, accident hazards will be created. Likewise, placing circular curves of different radii end to end (compound curves) or having a short tangent between two curves is poor practice unless suitable transitions between them are provided. Long, flat curves are preferable at all times, as they are pleasing in appearance and decrease possibility of future obsolescence. However, alignment without tangents is undesirable on two-lane roads because some drivers hesitate to pass on curves. Long, flat curves should be used for small changes in dir ection, as short curves appear as “kink”. Also horizontal and vertical alignment must be considered together, not separately. For example, a sharp horizontal curve beginning near a crest can create a serious accident hazard.A vehicle traveling in a curved path is subject to centrifugal force. This is balanced by an equal and opposite force developed through cannot exceed certain maximums, and these controls place limits on the sharpness of curves that can be used with a design speed. Usually the sharpness of a given circular curve is indicated by its radius. However, for alignment design, sharpness is commonly expressed in terms of degree of curve, which is the central angle subtended by a 100-ft length of curve. Degree of curve is inversely proportional to the radius.Tangent sections of highways carry normal cross slope; curved sections are super elevated. Provision must be made for gradual change from one to the other. This usually involves maintaining the center line of each individual roadway at profile grade while raising the outer edge and lowering theinner edge to produce the desired super elevation is attained some distance beyond the point of curve.If a vehicle travels at high speed on a carefullyrestricted path made up of tangents connected by sharp circular curve, riding is extremely uncomfortable. As the car approaches a curve, super elevation begins and the vehicle is tilted inward, but the passenger must remain vertical since there is on centrifugal force requiring compensation. When the vehicle reaches the curve, full centrifugal force develops at once, and pulls the rider outward from his vertical position. To achieve a position of equilibrium he must force his body far inward. As the remaining super elevation takes effect, further adjustment in position is required. This process is repeated in reverse order as the vehicle leaves the curve. When easement curves are introduced, the change in radius from infinity on the tangent to that of the circular curve is effected gradually so that centrifugal force also develops gradually. By careful application of super elevation along the spiral, a smooth and gradual application of centrifugal force can be had and the roughness avoided.Easement curves have been used by the railroads for many years, but their adoption by highway agencies has come only recently. This is understandable. Railroad trains must follow the precise alignment of the tracks, and the discomfort described here can be avoided only by adopting easement curves. On the other hand, the motor-vehicle operator is free to alter his lateral position on the road and can provide his own easement curves by steering into circular curves gradually. However, this weaving within a traffic lane (but sometimes into other lanes) is dangerous. Properly designed easement curves make weaving unnecessary. It is largely for safety reasons,then, that easement curves have been widely adopted by highway agencies.For the same radius circular curve, the addition ofeasement curves at the ends changes the location of the curve with relation to its tangents; hence the decision regardingtheir use should be made before the final location survey. They point of beginning of an ordinary circular curve is usually labeled the PC (point of curve) or BC (beginning of curve). Its end is marked the PT (point of tangent) or EC (end of curve).For curves that include easements, the common notation is, as stationing increases: TS (tangent to spiral), SC (spiral to circular curve), CS (circular curve to spiral), and ST (spiralgo tangent).On two-lane pavements provision of a wilder roadway is advisable on sharp curves. This will allow for such factors as(1) the tendency for drivers to shy away from the pavement edge,(2) increased effective transverse vehicle width because thefront and rear wheels do not track, and (3) added width because of the slanted position of the front of the vehicle to the roadway centerline. For 24-ft roadways, the added width is so small that it can be neglected. Only for 30mph design speedsand curves sharper than 22°does the added width reach 2 ft.For narrower pavements, however, widening assumes importance even on fairly flat curves. Recommended amounts of and procedures for curve widening are given in Geometric Design for Highways.2. GradesThe vertical alignment of the roadway and its effect on the safe and economical operation of the motor vehicle constituteone of the most important features of road design. The vertical alignment, which consists of a series of straight linesconnected by vertical parabolic or circular curves, is known as the “grade line.” When the grade line is increasing from the horizontal it is known as a “plus grade,” and when it is decreasing from the horizontal it is known as a “minusgrade.” In analyzing grade and grade controls, the designer usually studies the effect of change in grade on the centerline profile.In the establishment of a grade, an ideal situation is onein which the cut is balanced against the fill without a great deal of borrow or an excess of cut to be wasted. All haulsshould be downhill if possible and not too long. The gradeshould follow the general terrain and rise and fall in the direction of the existing drainage. In mountainous country the grade may be set to balance excavation against embankment as a clue toward least overall cost. In flat or prairie country itwill be approximately parallel to the ground surface but sufficiently above it to allow surface drainage and, where necessary, to permit the wind to clear drifting snow. Where the road approaches or follows along streams, the height of thegrade line may be dictated by the expected level of flood water. Under all conditions, smooth, flowing grade lines arepreferable to choppy ones of many short straight sections connected with short vertical curves.Changes of grade from plus to minus should be placed in cuts, and changes from a minus grade to a plus grade should be placed in fills. This will generally give a good design, and many times it will avoid the appearance of building hills and producing depressions contrary to the general existing contours of the land. Other considerations for determining the gradeline may be of more importance than the balancing of cuts and fills.Urban projects usually require a more detailed study of the controls and finer adjustment of elevations than do rural projects. It is often best to adjust the grade to meet existing conditions because of the additional expense of doing otherwise.In the analysis of grade and grade control, one of the most important considerations is the effect of grades on the operating costs of the motor vehicle. An increase in gasoline consumption and a reduction in speed are apparent when grades are increase in gasoline consumption and a reduction in speedis apparent when grades are increased. An economical approach would be to balance the added annual cost of grade reduction against the added annual cost of vehicle operation withoutgrade reduction. An accurate solution to the problem depends on the knowledge of traffic volume and type, which can be obtained only by means of a traffic survey.While maximum grades vary a great deal in various states, AASHTO recommendations make maximum grades dependent on design speed and topography. Present practice limits grades to 5 percent of a design speed of 70 mph. For a design speed of 30 mph, maximum grades typically range from 7 to 12 percent, depending on topography. Wherever long sustained grades are used, the designer should not substantially exceed the critical length of grade without the provision of climbing lanes forslow-moving vehicles. Critical grade lengths vary from 1700 ft for a 3 percent grade to 500 ft for an 8 percent grade.Long sustained grades should be less than the maximum grade on any particular section of a highway. It is often preferredto break the long sustained uniform grade by placing steeper grades at the bottom and lightening the grade near the top of the ascent. Dips in the profile grade in which vehicles may be hidden from view should also be avoided. Maximum grade forhighway is 9 percent. Standards setting minimum grades are of importance only when surface drainage is a problem as when water must be carried away in a gutter or roadside ditch. In such instances the AASHTO suggests a minimum of %.3. Sight DistanceFor safe vehicle operation, highway must be designed to give drivers a sufficient distance or clear version ahead so that they can avoid unexpected obstacles and can pass slowervehicles without danger. Sight distance is the length of highway visible ahead to the driver of a vehicle. The conceptof safe sight distance has two facets: “stopping” (or “no passing”) and “passing”.At times large objects may drop into a roadway and will do serious damage to a motor vehicle that strikes them. Again a car or truck may be forced to stop in the traffic lane in the path of following vehicles. In dither instance, proper design requires that such hazards become visible at distances great enough that drivers can stop before hitting them. Further more, it is unsafe to assume that one oncoming vehicle may avoid trouble by leaving the lane in which it is traveling, for this might result in loss of control or collision with another vehicle.Stopping sight distance is made up of two elements. Thefirst is the distance traveled after the obstruction comes into view but before the driver applies his brakes. During this period of perception and reaction, the vehicle travels at its initial velocity. The second distance is consumed while the driver brakes the vehicle to a stop. The first of these two distances is dependent on the speed of the vehicle and the perception time and brake-reaction time of the operator. The second distance depends on the speed of the vehicle; thecondition of brakes, times, and roadway surface; and the alignment and grade of the highway.On two-lane highways, opportunity to pass slow-moving vehicles must be provided at intervals. Otherwise capacity decreases and accidents increase as impatient drivers risk head-on collisions by passing when it is unsafe to do so. The minimum distance ahead that must be clear to permit safe passing is called the passing sight distance. In deciding whether or not to pass another vehicle, the driver must weigh the clear distance available to him against the distance required to carry out the sequence of events that make up the passing maneuver. Among the factors that will influence his decision are the degree of caution that he exercises and the accelerating ability of his vehicle. Because humans differ markedly, passing practices, which depend largely on human judgment and behavior rather than on the laws of mechanics, vary considerably among drivers.The geometric design is to ensure highway traffic safety foundation, the highway construction projects around the other highway on geometric design, therefore, in the geometry of the highway design process, if appear any unsafe potential factors, or low levels of combination of design, will affect the whole highway geometric design quality, and the safety of the traffic to bring adverse impact. So, on the geometry of the highway design must be focus on.公路几何设计公路是供汽车或其他车辆行驶的一种线形带状结构体。



●一Unit 1 Highway Introduction● 1. HistoryThe first road builders of any significance in western Europe were the Romans, to whom the ability to move quickly from one part of the Europe to another was important for military and civil reasons. Roman roads are characterized by their linearity and, in popular perception, by their durability. A good alignment was sought since this provides the most direct route and since the risk of ambush in hostile territory is reduced. It was for this reason that the surface of the road was often elevated a meter or more above the local ground level – to provide a clear view of the surrounding country; hence the modern term “highway”. The durability of such pavement is less absolute but nevertheless well exceeds anything achieved for many centuries after the fall of the Empire.During the Dark Ages – and indeed well after that – no serious attempt was made in the UK to either maintain or replace the Roman road network, which consequently deteriorated. By the end of the Middle Ages there was in practice no road system in the country. Such routes as existed were unpaved tracks, swampy and impassable for most of the year and dusty and impassable for the remainder. Diversions around particularly poor lengths of road, private land or difficult topography had resulted in sinuous alignments. The general lawlessness combined with these characteristics to discourage all but the most determined travelers.The first small change in this state of affairs was brought about by an Act of 1555 which imposed a duty on each parish to maintain its roads and to provide a Surveyor of Highways. As this post was unpaid and under-resourced, and as the technical skills did not exist to match the task in hand, the obvious expectation that the post of Surveyor was unpopular and ineffective is generally correct.● 2. Aim of highway engineeringRoads provide a key element of the infrastructure whoes function is to promote economic activity and improve the standard of living of the population. Highway engineering is concerned with the best use of resources to ensure that a suitable network is provided to satisfy this need of an economically sophisticated society.Originally roads were little more than tracks across the countryside and were hard, dry and dusty in summer and sodden and impassable in winter. The practice arose, initially in towns, of paving the surface of the road with resilient naturally occurring materials such as stone flags, and such a surface became known as a pavement. Today this term is applied to any surface intended for traffic and where the native soil has been protected from the harmful effects of that traffic by providing an overlay of imported or treated material. The purpose of providing this protection is to enable traffic to move more easily – and therefore more cheaply or quickly – along the road.● 3. Highway typesA freeway, as defined by statute, is a highway in respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right or easement of access to or from their abutting lands or in respect to which such owners have only limited or restricted right or easement of access. This statutory definition also includes expressway. The engineering definitions for use in thismanual are:Unit 4 Asphalt and Mix Asphalt● 1. Asphalt definedAlthough there are natural deposits of asphalt, or rock asphalt, most used today is produced during the refining of crude oil. Asphalt is a constituent of most petroleums and is isolated through the refining processOne of the characteristics and advantages of asphalt as an engineering construction and maintenance material is its versatility. Although a semi-solid at ordinary temperatures, asphalt may be liquefied by applying heat, dissolving it in solvents, or emulsifying it. …….The largest use of asphalt binder is for HMA. After compacting and cooling to air temperature, HMA is a very strong paving material with the ability to sustain heavy traffic loads while remaining flexible enough to withstand ambient environmental conditions and stress. Over 96 percent of the hard-surfaced roads in the United States are paved using HMA.● 1.2 Emulsified AsphaltEmulsified asphalts (also known as emulsions) are low-viscosity mixtures of tiny asphalt binder droplets, water and emulsifying agents. The emulsifying agent coats the surfaces of the asphalt droplets and keeps them suspended in the water prior to application. …● 1.2 Emulsified Asphalt… After application, the asphalt emulsion breaks and the water separates and evaporates. Emulsions are brownish in color during application, but after breaking, the asphalt binder returns to its original black color. Emulsions are used for a Tack Coat between subsequent layers of HMA to aid in binding the layers together.● 3. Hot-mix asphaltThe paving or finishing machine places the HMA at temperatures between approximately 225 and 300 degree of Fahrenheit, depending on the mixture characteristics, layer thickness and ambient conditions. ……● 4. The activity to modify asphalt propertiesPitch, when added to asphalt, has the effect of increasing the rate at which the binder oxidizes on exposure to the atmosphere. One of the effects of oxidation is that the binder loses flexibility and therefore becomes harder and more susceptible to the abrasive effects of traffic; an oxidized binder is thus likely to wear away in preference to particles of coarse aggregate set in the surface, allowing the chipping to protrude from the surface and improve the skidding resistance. …Unit 5 Cement and Concrete● 1. CementThe main property of cement is that it is capable of acting as a binder forming a rigid matrix in which particles of aggregate may be set. …● 1. Cement… Cement is produced from calciferous material, such as chalk or limestone, andmaterials such as clay which are rich in silica and alumina. These are reduced to powder form by milling, mixed in the appropriate proportions and heated to such a temperature that the material sinters, forming a coarse clinker which when cooled and ground is the basic ingredient of ordinary Portland cement (OPC).This material is a mixture of calcium aluminate and calcium silicate, both of which react with water to form the familiar stone-like mass. It was the resemblance of this hydrated material to Portland stone, a high-quality limestone, which gave the material its generic name. Since the cement reacts with water, it is important to ensure that sufficient water is present at the required time to enable the reaction to continue to completion, and that this water remains present whil e it is needed. …If the mix is allowed to dry out while curing is taking place, weakness will result. If on the other hand too much water is allowed into the mix then the strength of the hydrated cement mass will again be impaired because the excess water will not be used up in the reaction and will remain to form voids in the hardened material – thus reducing its strength.● 3. Reinforced concreteIt is generally known that concrete is weak in tension, with a tensile strength averages only about 1/10 of the compressive strength. Therefore steel reinforcing bars are embedded in concrete structures where tensile stress may occur to take up the tension after the concrete has cracked. …● 3. Reinforced concrete… Without this reinforcement, the good compress ive strength of concrete cannot be fully put into action. Generally speaking, reinforced concrete structures possess the following features: …Unit 6 Measuring Technology and Equipment1. Distance measurementOne of the fundamentals of surveying is the need to measure distance. Distances are not necessarily linear, especially if they occur on the spherical earth. In this subject we will deal with distances in Euclidean space, which we can consider a straight line from one point or feature to another. Distance between two points can be horizontal, slope, or vertical. …1. Distance measurement… Horizontal and slope distances can be measured with lots of techniques of measurement depending on the desired quality of the result. In plane surveying, the distance between two points means the horizontal distance. If the points are at different elevations, then the distance is the horizontal length between plumb lines at the points. Here gives a brief summary of relevant techniques and their respective accuracies.2. Angle and direction measurementHorizontal and vertical angles are fundamental measurements in surveying. It is necessary to be familiar with the meanings of certain basic terms before describing angle and direction measurement. The terms discussed here have reference to the actual figure of the earth.Unit 8 The Subgrade Design and Construction TechnologyThe subgrade is comprised of the uppermost materials placed in the road bed embankment or the soil remaining at the base of a cut. The subgrade soil is often referred toas the foundation or road bed soil. This foundation component is usually constructed of native inorganic soil often in combination with imported soils from select borrow sources, and would be compacted to a specified density and moisture content.● 1. Soil classificationThe basic components of soils are differentiated on the basis of grain size as follows:● 2. Subgrade strength evaluationThe characteristic material property of subgrade soils used for pavement design is the resillient modulus (MR). The resillient modulus is defined as being a measure of the elastic property of a soil recognizing selected non-linear characteristics. …● 2. Subgrade strength evaluation… Methods for the determination of MR are des cribed in AASHTO T294.92 test method. For many years, standard California Bearing Ratio tests were utilized to measure the subgrade strength parameter as a design input.3. Seasonal variationsOne of the most critical conditions that developes in a seasonal frost area such as Alberta is the weakening of the subgrade during the spring thaw period. This weakening results from the melting of ice segregation within the subgrade soils and, to a lesser extent, due to higher moisture contents during this period associated with reduced drainage.● 4. Swelling soil potentialExcessively expansive soils such as highly plastic clays or bentonitic shales require special attention particularly when in close proximity to the surface of the road embankment. These materials contain minerals which result in volume changes (swelling and shrinking) with changes in moisture content.● 5. Frost susceptibilityAlthough some volumetric expansion occurs due to the freezing, a more significant issue relates to the spring melt period. The thaw will release excess water which causes a loss of subgrade strength and potential damage to the roadway pavement structure if the structure has not been designed to account for weakened subgrade support.Unit 9 Pavement Design and Construction Technology● 1. Nature of a pavementThe highway engineer is concerned with the provision of a safe, stable and durable surface over which traffic may move. A modern pavement consists of a number of elements. These have various functions which contribute to the ability of the pavement to remain safe, stable and durable for a period of time and under the action of weather and of large numbers of vehicles.● 2. Mode of failureTaking a very broad view, there are two types of pavement failure. Failure of the surfacing may take the form of loss of surface texture, loss of surface regularity or loss of impermeability. In the assurance that such failure is not deep-seated, remedial measures will consist of repairs to or replacement of the surfacing only. Such failure can often be prevented or greatly postponed by a careful choice of surfacing materials.● 3. Cause of failureOnly in the most extraordinary circumstances is it the case that a new pavement is caused to fail by the application of a single wheel load, of whatever magnitude. The general experience is that repeated applications of loads result in the repeated development of stresses tending to cause failure, and that the ability to withstand strain progressively diminishes with the increasing number of load applications. When failure occurs, it is as a result of material fatigue. This concept is the basis of current design practice.● 4. Pavement lifeIn a few cases the required life of a pavement is determined by external circumstances; for example, a temporary road to serve a major construction site might be designed to last for the duration of the construction works and no more. Generally however the matter is less clear-cut.Unit 10 Highway Alignment DesignA facility’s horizontal and ve rtical alignments establish the general character of a roadway, perhaps more than any other design consideration. The configuration of line and grades affects safe operating speeds, sight distances, opportunities for passing, and highway capacity. Decisions on alignment have a significant impact on construction costs, and social and environmental issues. …Alignment is defined by several factors, including: the length of tangent sections, the transition into horizontal curves, the degree of curvature (radii) for horizontal curves, the transition out of the curves, the rate of superelevation applied to the horizontal curves, and the rate of grade change for any vertical curves.● 1. Horizontal alignmentHorizontal alignment of a roadway is defined graphically using a series of straight-line tangents with transition sections into and out of horizontal curves. Many factors, including terrain conditions, physical features and right-of-way considerations, affect the design of tangent and curve sections.● 2 General criteriaDesign speed is the principal factor controlling horizontal alignment design. Several geometric standards related to design speed are very specific. Other criteria cannot be defined as specifically and require that judgements be made in consideration of local conditions. The following guidelines outline some of these decisions.● 3. Sight distance on horizontal curvesAn important element in ensuring driver safety and maintaining a roadway’s operational efficiency is providing adequate sight distance - the length of roadway ahead visible to the driver. Sight distance applies to four conditions that arise when setting a project’s horizontal alignment: …Unit 14 Bridge IntroductionA bridge is a structure providing passage over an obstacle such as a valley, road, railway, canal, river, without closing the way beneath. The required passage may be for road, railway, canal, pipeline, cycle track or pedestrians.● 1. Components of a bridgeFigure 14-1a) shows the elevation while Fig. 14-1b) presents the plan of a bridge. Broadly, a bridge can be divided into two major parts, superstructure and substructure. The superstructure of a bridge is analogous to a single storey building roof and substructure tothat of the walls, columns and foundations supporting it.● 2. Types of bridges● 2.1 Arch bridgeArch bridges are often used because of their pleasing appearances. These are more graceful and suited for deep gorge with rocky abutments. Arch bridges can be economically adopted up to a span of 250m. In this type of bridge, the roadway is constructed on an arch which rests on piers and abutments. An example of an arch bridge is the rainbow bridge across Niagara river over a span of 290m.Unit 15 Bridge Superstructure1. Steel superstructure typesSteel superstructures should be considered for any span length from 20 to 650FT or more. Generally, the following table (Table 15-1) can be used as a guideline for selecting steel superstructure types.● 2. Concrete superstructure types…Concrete compressive strengths for commonly used precast beams shall be no more than 6000 PSI at release with a final compressive strength of 8000 PSI. High strength concrete (HSC) should also be considered when determining possible concrete superstructure alternatives.…Precast beams may be designed using high strength concrete with a final compressive strength of up to 10000 PSI and a release strength of up to 9000 PSI with approval of the Director of the Engineering Division. HSC allows engineers to: design structures with smaller beams when clearance criteria needs to be met, reduce dead loads for more cost efficient substructures, and increase span lengths over conventional concrete.Unit 16 Bridge Substructure● 1 Piers● 1.1 Pier typesPiers are intermediate supports in a multi-span bridge system. All feasible pier types must be considered in the preliminary phases of the project.● 1.1.1 Cap-and-column type piersCap-and-column type piers have two or more circular or rectangular columns connected on top with a cap (a reinforced concrete beam that supports the superstructure). Generally, the pier cap ends will be cantilevered. For columns greater than 100 to 150 FT, the use of a compression strut at mid-height, similar to the pier cap, shall be investigated. The individual columns will be supported on an appropriate foundation.● 2. Abutments● 2.1 Abutment typesAbutments are structures positioned at the beginning and end of a bridge, which support the superstructure and approach roadway and retains the earth embankment. Abutments can be classified into the following five types:wall abutment, pedestals, stub abutment, integral abutment, semi-integral abutment Unit 20 Construction Management and Cost Estimate● 1. The planning processPlanning is the process of considering alternatives and methods to complete a task.Planning creates an orderly sequence of events, defines the principles to be followed in carrying forth the plan, and describes the ultimate disposition of the results. It serves the manager by pointing out the things to be done, their sequence, how long each task should take, and who is responsible for which tasks or actions.2. ActivitiesA common technique used to understand and organize complex undertakings is to break the p roject into smaller pieces (divided into subparts), Taylor’s concept. In construction this technique is applied in both planning and estimating. To create a construction plan all of the work tasks necessary to accomplish the project are first identified. …● 3. Bar chartIn 1917, Henry L. Gantt invented a chart scheduling method. A Gantt chart (see Fig. 20.1) presented planned activities as stacked horizontal bands against a background of dates (along the horizontal axis). This Gantt or bar chart is the most commonly used project planning and control tool. …● 4. Critical path methodThe CPM focuses management’s attention on the relationships between critical activities. It is an activity relationship representation of the project. The evaluation of critical tasks, those that control project duration, allows for the determination of project duration. …● 5. Activity logic networkThe activity logic network benefits the manager by providing a graphical picture of the sequence of construction tasks. Before the diagram can be developed, the project must first be constructed mentally to determine activity relationships.● 6. Critical path and critical activityThe critical path through a schedule network is the longest time duration path through the network. It establishes the minimum overall project time duration. All activities on the critical path are by definition critical. A critical activity can be determined from the logic network by applying either of these rules:… …Unit 21 Tendering and ContractEveryone involved in construction must understand contracts – the sections of the contract itself, such as the agreement and the specifications and other required contract documents such as bonds and insurance – and the processes involved in con tract administration. …● 1. Description of a contractThe makeup of a contract, whether the owner is a public agency or a private corporation, is essentially the same. The form of the document may change, but the elements of the contracts are the same.● 2. Essential contract documentThere are many documents that make up a construction contract. The four essential documents are:2.1 Agreement2.2 General condition2.3 Supplementary condition2.4 Specifications● 3. The bit process3.1 Inviting to bidGovernment projects must be advertised, and are normally awarded to the low responsive bidder. Private projects do not need to be advertised and are usually negotiated, with only a limited number of selected contractors involved in the negotiation. …3.2 BiddingBids must be submitted on time, at the location specified, on the correct forms, with acknowledgement of all addenda, and with a valid bid bond. Otherwise the bids are considered nonresponsive and are returned unopened. …秋风词三五七言秋风清,秋月明,落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊。



Lesson One Triangular SurveyIn chain surveying, stations may be located by building up a network of triangles measuring the lengths of the lines, but if this technique were extended to cover more than relatively small areas the errors inherent in the making of the linear measurement would become so great as seriously to reduce the accuracy of the plan.在测链测量时代,测站是通过建立边长的三角网进行定位的,但这一技术如果应用到覆盖超过某一相对较小的区域时,直线丈量所固有的误差就会大大降低平面图的精度。

Thus, when a large area is to be surveyed, a more rigorous approach is necessary and recourse is made to triangulation surveys.因此,当要测量一个较大区域时,就需要更高的精度,因而就需要求助于三角测量。

This is the name given to surveys in which the area is divided into geometrical figures, the corners of which form a series of accurately located control stations from which more detailed survey or location are carried out by the methods already described. The distinguishing features of triangulation surveying are shown in Fig.1-6-1.这是将该区域分成若干个几何图形来测量的名称,这些图形的角点形成一系列精确的定位控制测站,再从这些测站用已介绍的方法来进行更精密的测量或定位。



桥梁bridge公路干道highway工程工程学engineering公路工程highway engineering路基roadbase路面pavement构造物建造构成制造construct施工(名)construction试验室laboratory现场检测field test(名)试验检验(不)进行试验experiment 试验检测测量test质量上流社会的quality合格,取得资格qualify材料material沥青柏油以沥青铺(一般指沥青路)asphalt 沥青(指原材料)bitumen沥青的bituminous沥青混合料bituminous mixture混凝土concrete钢筋混凝土RC (reinforced concrete)信誉信用贷款credit进度快慢tempo计划plan评定evaluation检查(名)检验inspection标准水准规格标准的合格的standard技术性的工业的technical技术技巧技术的工艺的专门的technic水泥cement碎石路碎石路macadam砂砾碎石砂砾层gravel钢筋reinforcing steel bar或reinfored steel石石头石场石的石制的stone检查员inspector测量(名)measuring测量(及)检测(及)勘测测绘(名)survey 设备仪器装置device申请application铺路工人paver经理manager加强reinforce(被加强的reinforced )sign 签字署名通知list 表名册目录列举tabulation 制表列表表格mapping 绘图制图camera 照相机photo 照片给。

拍照拍照lime 石灰petrol 汽油diesel-oil 柴油planer 计划者planed 有计划的根据计划的pile 柱桩把桩打入用桩支撑weld 焊接焊牢焊接点welder 焊接者焊工laborer 劳动者劳工辅助工manpower 人力劳动力人力资源雇佣使用利用employ职业租用受雇employment项目条款item关税税款税impostresign 放弃辞去辞职document 公文文件证件time limit from project 工期weighbridge 地磅台秤transbit 经纬仪mention 提到说起表扬career 职业经历skill 技术技能trade 行业商业owe 欠债organization 组织机构团体traffic 交通交往通行交易买卖spend 预算花钱浪费interest 股息股份兴趣cost 费用成本花费wage 薪水报酬earning 工资收入利润cash 现金现款把...兑现tax 税负担向...纳税deficit 赤字不足额业主owner(北美用)、employer(英语国用)发展商(房屋等业主)client 或developer承包商contractor总承包商prime contractor或general contractor 分承包商nominated contractor专业承包商specialist contractor咨询公司consulting firm 或consultants咨询工程师consulting engineer建筑师architect建筑工程经理constraction manager项目经理program manager材料供应商supplier建筑经济学contraction economics亚洲开发银行asian development bank世界银行集团world bank group学会institute协会association组织结构organizational styucture基础设施infrastructure环境environment质量管理体系qulity management system 质量方针quality policy质量目标quality objective职能,函数,职务function计量的metrological鉴定qualification评审review效率efficiency验证verification顾客,消费者customer过程process产品product项目,预计的,计划的project程序procedure特性characteristic记录record检验inspection文件document信息information能力capabitily 满意satisfaction投标邀请书invitation for bids公开招标unlimited competitive open biding 投标者须知instruction to bidders银行保函bank guarantee担保公司security company支付保函payment guarantee资质说明statement of qualification单位成本cost per unit成本计划cost plan成本价price cost业主要求client´s requirements投标书tender 或bid 或proposal 合同条件condition of contract合同协议书agreement图纸drawings工程量表bill of quantities投标保证bid security保价offer开标tender 或bid评标bid evaluation施工项目work items总价合同lump sum contract专题报告subjective report审核audit 审核员auditor测量控制measurement control测量设备measureing equipment技术专家technical expert习惯,惯例custom选择selection确定,决定definition合格conformity不合格nonconformity缺陷defect预防措施preventive action纠正措施corrective action返工rework降级regrade返修repair报废serap让步concession放行release。



一:汉译英短语1专业英语English for special purpose2 土木工程civil engineering3屈服准则yield criterion4主应力principal stress5固体排水原理the principle of displacement of water by solid body6地球自转the rotation of the earth on its own axis7使用钢筋混凝土the employment of reinforced concrete8 变形deformation9刚塑性材料rigid-plastic material10减低车速reduce speed11粉碎educe to power12降低温度reduce the temperature13缩短时间reduce the time14削减工程开支reduce construction expenses15缩小工程规模reduce the scales of construction16减少交通事故Reduce the numbers of traffic accidents17钢铁工业The iron and steel industry18机器运转正常。

The machine works properly.19可以问老师一些问题The teacher may be asked questions.。

20分解Decompose/break down/dissociate21吸附过程的原理The principle of absorption22这些书每十本一捆These books are packed in tens.23这些商品数以百计。

The commercial products are counted by hundreds.24削减工程开支Reduce construction expenses25缩小工程规模Reduce the scales of construction26 分子结构molecular structure27通过X射线衍射的方法by means of the X-ray diffraction28太阳能solar energy29 混合物与化合物mixtures and compounds30.大型结构large structure31. 变形缝expansion joints32值得赞扬be most commendable33忽视公路安全ignorant of the safety on highways34.新发现的材料the newly discovered material35. 力学性能mechanical property36 史前时代in prehistoric time37. 全世界throughhout the world38.不带铰链的连续梁桥a continuous girder bridge with no hinges39 从事教学活动的土木工程师teaching civil engineers engage40 基础研究和应用研究basic research41 初期数据preeliminary data42. 完全不同的支撑和荷载条件the totally different conditions of support andloading43. 临时结构和永久结构temporary structure and permanent structure44. 在挖掘过程中during the process of excavation45 侧向土压力lateral earth pressure46海拔、高度elevation47(正)垂直视图elevation view / vertical48view水平投影horizontal view49 侧视图lateral plan50耐久性durability51充分使用considerable use52工程技术与工程管理engineering technology and management53脆性材料和柔性材料brittle and ductile materials54不同材料具有不同的力学性质Different materials differ in their mechanical behavior.55所有材料都热胀冷缩All substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.56素混凝土梁plain concrete beam57一切就绪All preparations were done.58施工现场construction site59静荷载和活荷载dead load and live load60附加承载力additional capability61梁的水平轴线(中性面)horizontal axis of the beam(neutral plane)62旋转力矩或扭转力矩rotating or turning motion63现代最引人注目的工程事故之一One of the most spectacular engineering failures of modern times64上表面向下凹或向内弯曲The top surface is concave or bend inward.句子1路面根据表面传递荷载形式分为刚性路面和柔性路面。



Unit 1 Highway Introduction公路简介(1) Road classification道路分类Road路,道路,公路, highway公路;干道, freeway高速公路;高速干道, expressway高速公路, street街,街道,(2) Road concept道路概念Road layout道路布局,planning 城市规划,土地规划, spacing 间隔, network网状物;网状系统, location位置;场所,所在地, terrain 地形;地势, drainage排水系统,排水设备;下水道, survey 测量,勘测,测绘(3) Road structure道路结构Alignment线型surface面,表面, subgrade路基,地基curvature弯曲, (几何)曲率, gradient 坡度,倾斜度, ditch沟;壕沟,水道,渠道, turnout产量,产额,4) Materials材料Gravel 砂砾,碎石,石子dirt污物;烂泥;灰尘,泥土, soil土,泥土,土壤, asphalt沥青;柏油, cement水泥, concrete 混凝土的, 具体的Rubble毛石,块石, flag薄层,薄层砂岩, stone石,石头,石块, slab石板,厚板,平板;厚片, grout薄泥浆;水泥浆,石灰浆lime石灰, cement水泥,胶结材料Bottom layer底层/intermediate layer中间层/upper layer上层/top layer顶层The Empire帝国/ the Dark Ages黑暗时代/ the Middle Ages中世纪Topograph地形图/topography地形;地形学;地形测量学/topographic地形(学)上的Turnpike收费公路/toll system收费系统/ETC –Electronic Toll Collection电子收费3. Highway types公路类型Freeway高速公路;高速干道: freeway/expressway高速公路Controlled access highway控制进入高速公路Conventional highway传统的公路Highway公路;干道: arterial highway干线公路/bypass旁道,旁路/divided highway双向分隔行驶的公路;双向之间有分车带的公路/through street通过街/through highway通过公路Parkway停车道Scenic highway风景公路Street街,街道: Cul-de-Sac street小路尽头的街道/dead end street尽头街道/frontage street正街/local street地方街道Road路,道路,公路: frontage road街面道路/local road地方道路/toll road 收费道路(bridge桥,桥梁, tunnel隧道,地道)1. Technical termsCross section横断面/ Profile 纵断面(图),剖面(图)/Plan view平面视图Longitudinal section/ Transverse section 纵/横截面Lane/ Multilane/ Multiple lanes行车/多通道/多车道Roadway巷道Through traffic/ Local traffic/ Traffic island通过交通/交通/交通岛MedianRoadbed/ curb/ shoulder路基/ 路边,(人行道旁的)镶边石,边栏/肩Right-of-way 公路用地Surface course表面过程/ Wearing course磨损过程/ Basecourse基层/Flexible pavement柔性路面/ Rigid pavement刚性路面Cohesion凝聚力/ cohesive有粘着力的;凝聚性的;有结合力的Roadbase基层/ Subbase基层Crack/ Break/ Stress/ Distress裂纹/打破/压力/痛苦,窘迫的Modulus of elasticity弹性模量2. Main points1 Geometric Cross Section on Highway几何截面的公路上1.1 Lane巷1.2 Median位数1.3 Outer separation外部分离1.4 Roadbed路基1.5 Roadside路边1.6 Roadway巷1.7 Shoulder肩1.8 Travel way旅行方式Unit 4 Asphalt and Mix Asphalt沥青和沥青混合Technical termsMix/ mixture/ compound混合/混合物/复合Petroleum石油/ crude oil原油/ gasoline汽油/ diesel柴油/ gas可燃气;煤气;沼气/ petrol汽油Bitumen沥青/ bituminous 沥青的;含沥青的/ pitch搭(帐篷);扎(营)/asphalt沥青/ asphaltum沥青/ tar焦油;柏油,沥青Hydrocarbon碳氢化合物/ hydrau液Destructive distillation破坏性蒸馏Disulfate硫酸盐Emulsify乳化/ emulsion乳胶;乳状液/Dilute稀释/ diluents稀释剂/solvent有溶解力的/ cutter stock刀具的库存Oxygen氧,氧气/ oxidize使氧化/ oxidation 氧化(作用)/ oxidization 氧化/ dioxide二氧化物/ hydrogen氢/ sulphur硫磺Waterproof不透水的,防水的Acid/ alkalis/ salt/ alcohol酸/碱/盐/酒精Liquid/ fluid/ liquor/ liquefy液/液/液/液化Semi-solid半固态/ hard-brittle solid硬脆性固体/ water-thin liquidBinder粘结剂,捆缚(或包扎)用具;绳索,带子/ sticky粘的;涂有粘胶物质的;泥泞的/ viscous粘的/ adhesive粘的;粘着的;有粘性的/ viscosity粘质;粘性Hard-surface硬地/ hard-face硬面/ hard-surfaced road坚硬的路Tack coat粘结层Cut-back asphalt稀释沥青Penetration. 针入度Versatility多样化的/ flexibility易曲性;适应性,灵活性;弹性/ durability耐久性/ ability能力;能耐/ capacity 容量, 能力,才能,接受能力,理解力/ compactability紧/Rigidity 坚硬;严格;刚直;死板/ strength强度;(酒等的)浓度/ hardness硬性;硬度/ elastic 有弹性的,有弹力的/ rigid坚硬的;坚固的;不易弯曲的/ modules of elasticity弹性模数/Cold temperature cracking低温开裂/ warm temperature rutting高温车辙Performance 履行;实行;完成,演出/ grade等级;级别;阶段/ Performance Grading性能分级(PG)Aggregate使聚集Bin (贮藏谷物等的)箱子,容器,仓/ dryer干燥剂,催干剂/ pug mill练泥机/ drum鼓状物;圆桶/ tank (贮水,油,气等的)柜,罐,箱,槽latex乳汁;乳胶sulphur extended asphalt硫磺沥青混合料sulphur dioxide二氧化硫hydrogen sulphide硫化氢1. Technical termsStability 稳定,稳定性/ stabilize 使稳定,使稳固/availability有效;有益;可利用性/ available 可利用的,可得到的/Sense 感觉;意识;观念/ sensitivity敏感性;感受性Solubility 可溶性, 溶解度/ soluble 可溶解的/ solution溶解,解答;解决(办法); /Rutting车辙/ rust锈,铁锈;(脑子等的)迟钝;(能力等的)荒废/ tar焦油;柏油,沥青Roadstone石马路By-product副产品/ coke 焦,焦炭,焦煤/ coal gas 煤气/ kerosene煤油,火油Residue 残余,剩余,滤渣,残余物/ residual残留的;剩余的/ remain剩下,余留strengthen 加强;增强;巩固/ strength 力,力量, 强度/ deformation 毁坏;变形/ deform 使变形/ reform 改革,革新,改良elastic有弹性的,有弹力的/elasticity 弹性;弹力/plastic可塑的,塑性的/plasticity 可塑性;适应性;柔软性/chipping碎屑permanent永久的,永恒的;永远的, 固定性的;常在的/ temporary 临时的;暂时的,一时的poise使平衡;使平稳/ Dyne达因/ Newton 牛顿stiffness劲度/ stiff 硬的,僵直的,僵硬的/ stress压力;紧张;应力/ strain拉紧;拖紧;伸张/ fatigue疲劳,劳累Deduce演绎,推论/ deduction 扣除,减除,推论;演绎(法/ composition 构成;构图;成分penetration test渗透测试/ softening point test软化点试验/ ring and ball test环和球试验internal diameter 内部直径/ external diameter外部直径sample样品,样本;例子,实例/ water bath水浴arbitrary反复无常的,任性多变的;独断的,专制的/ pragmatic 实际的;实干的/ pragmatism 实用主义/fluidity 流动性;流状;易变(性)/ segregate分离/ susceptibility敏感性/ susceptible 敏感的, rheology流变学/ rheological 流变rolled asphalt碾压沥青synthetic polymer 合成聚合物/ additive附加的epoxy resin环氧树脂impart to传授/ deter威慑住,吓住;使断念/ deterrent 威慑的;遏制的container terminal集装箱码头/ airfield apron机场停机坪Unit 5 Cement and Concrete水泥和混凝土A. Technical termsCement水泥,胶结材料/ chalk粉笔/ matrix矩阵Cementitious 水泥Calcium钙/ calciferous钙/Lime石灰/ limestone石灰石Silica 硅土,二氧化硅/ silicate硅酸盐Aluminium铝/ alumina氧化铝/ aluminate铝sinter烧结coarse clinker粗水泥熟料calcium aluminate 铝酸钙/ calcium silicate硅酸钙hydrate水合物/ cure治疗/Work工作/ workable 可使用的,可运转的/ workability可使用性Shrinkage收缩/ swell膨胀/ swellable膨胀/ swellability溶胀strain拉紧;拖紧;伸张grout薄泥浆;水泥浆constituent组织/ ingredient成分/ component组成Thermal热的;热量的/ thermal coefficient of expansion热膨胀热系数Compressive strength抗压强度/ tensile strength拉伸强度Compressive压缩/ tensile 拉伸Reinforce加固/ reinforcing bar钢筋/ reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土Stiffness劲度Vulnerable脆弱的Efflorescence 风化/ weather天气/ weathering气候Column 柱/ volume体积/Pressure vessel压力容器1. Technical termsPrestress预应力Crew船员Contract 合同/ contractor承包商Resident engineer驻地工程师Inspector检查员Structural member结构构件Steel strand钢绞线Bridge girder桥主梁Pier cap墩帽Deck slab甲板Pretensioning先张法/ post-tensioning后张法Precast预制/ cast -in-place就地浇Box girder箱梁Predetermined stress预定压力Stretch拉伸/ relax 放松/ shorten 缩短/ induce诱导Duct 输送管;导管/ conduit导水管,导管/ pipe管,导管,输送管/ tube 管;筒/ canal管,道/ vessel 容器Anchor 锚/ Anchorage锚具corrosion腐蚀;侵入rebar钢筋/ reel卷轴tarpaulin 防水油布condense压缩/ condensation冷凝require要求/ requisite必要/ prerequisite不可缺的;事先需要的uniform 制服/ uniformity统一vary使多样化/ various不同的;各种各样的,形形色色的/ variable / variationcamber deflection 上弯翘起挠度creep蠕变Standard Specification 标准规范/ Sampling Guide取样指南Couple一双(对)/ coupler联结器Stir搅拌/ stirrup镫筋,箍筋/Web网络/ flange凸缘/ rib肋,肋骨/ side form形式Flimsy脆弱的Galvanize strip steel 镀锌带钢/ sheet steel钢片Weld焊接;熔接;锻接,使结合/ seam 缝;接缝,缝合处,接合口;裂缝Helical螺旋/helically螺旋形的/ helicopter直升飞机Contra-flexure反向弯曲/ parabolic curve抛物曲线Uplift隆起的Wobble摆动/ twist扭转;扭弯;旋转/ spall破碎Case事实,实例,案件/ Encase装箱Increment增加;增加量;增额Slack松弛的,不紧的;不严的Pressure gauge压力表/ load cell负载单元/ stretcher担架/ dynamometer动力计;力量计;握力计Dead end 尽头;困境/ stressing end强调结束Elongation measurement伸长测量法Spliced strand拼接链Tendon筋腱、预应力钢索、钢筋束Inject注射/ eject 逐出,轰出;喷射,吐出/ injection /ejectionVent通风孔,排气孔/ slut邋遢女子/ inlet valve入口阀Unit 6 Measuring Technology and Equipment测量技术及设备A. Technical termsSurvey测量/ surveyor测量员Horizontal/vertical/plumb/slope/ plan/plane垂直/水平/垂直/倾斜/计划/飞机Elevation高程Odometer 测距仪Circumference 圆周;周长/ circle圆/ circulate流通;传播/ circular 圆Tape带子,线带Tacheometry 视距测量Stadia 视距Theodolite /transit 经纬仪Rod 测杆、标尺Telescope望远镜Topographic survey地形测量Topographic mapping地形测绘Hydrographic mapping水文图Electronic distance measurement(EDM)电子距离测量Terrain地形;地势Electromagnetic电磁(体)的Velocity/speed速度/速度Band传送带;带,细绳Infrared/ ultraviolet 红外/紫外Module/ modulate模块/调节Passive/ active/ positive/ negative 被动/主动/积极/消极Perpendicular/ parallel 垂直/平行Clinometer / abney 测斜仪/水准仪Sextant六分仪/ sexagesimal 六十分数Compass界线;周围,圆规Protractor 量角器Unit 8 The Subgrade Design and Construction Technology路基设计与施工技术A. Technical termsUppermost / top soil 最上面/土壤Embankment / excavation路堤/挖掘Fill / cut填充/切割Foundation建立,创办;基础;基本原则Organic / inorganic / organ / organization有机/无机/机关/组织Imported soil / borrow sources进口/借用来源Dense / density / condense密/密度/凝结Moisture content含水量Classification分类;分级Differ / different / difference / differentiate不同的/不同/不同/分化Cobble / gravel / sand / silt / clay卵石/砾/砂/泥/粘土Fine grained soil细粒土Dry mass / dry matter干质量/干物质Semi-weathered半风化In-situ在原处;在原位置Infer推断Resilient modulus 回弹模量Manual 手的;手工的;用手操作的;体力的Backcalculate 反演计算Overlay覆盖;铺在...上面;镀;压倒Prototype原型;标准;模范Frost冰冻/ thaw融化,融解/ heave举起,拉起, /Guide / guidance / guideline指导/指南/指导方针Expansive soil 膨胀土Bentonitic shale 膨胀土页岩Soil modifier土壤改良剂Culvert阴沟;地下电缆管道;涵洞桥Form / formulate / formulation / formula形式/制定/公式化;规划;构想/公式Title——Highway Subgrade Construction公路路基施工1. Technical termsExcavation挖掘;开凿Borrow pit借土坑Sidestep回避Borrow ditch借沟Dispose / disposal处理/处置Surplus material剩余材料Approach接近,靠近Conforming / nonconforming material合格/不合格材料Top soil / superficial coatTurf 草皮土壤/表层stake mark危险标记subgrade edge路基边缘top of slope / foot of slope顶坡/坡脚berm 便道peg 桩facility 设施silt 泥沙,淤泥/ scour 冲刷permeable有渗透性的;可穿过的/ torrent 急流earthwork 土方量over-excavation挖blast 爆炸,爆破/ fetch soil 取土transverse 横向的;横断的;横切的/ longitudinal excavation纵向开挖hauling牵引backfill 回填self-dumper 自卸车segment / segmental部分;线段side wall侧壁rock filling填石/ borrow filling 借方填筑compaction machine压实机/ rolling passes碾压cut off切断;中断provided 以...为条件;假如(that)bench长凳;长椅;法官席;法官;法庭tamp / tamper 夯具Unit 9 Pavement Design and Construction Technology 路面设计与施工技术A. Technical termsSkid / skidding 打滑/集材/拖曳Free-draining自由排水Standing water站在水Imported/treated material进口/处理材料Platform平台,台Bound/unbound material绑定/绑定材料Bitumen-based material沥青基材料Unbound granular material松散颗粒材料Ingress入口Regular / Regularity /regulate定期/规律/调节Permeable / impermeable / permeability 渗透/渗透/渗透impermeability不渗透性Texture组织,结构,质地Tolerance忍耐,忍耐力;宽容,宽大Deep-seated 根深蒂固/由来已久/顽固的Remedy / remedial / diagnose药物/治疗/诊断Propagate / Propagation / propaganda路床面宣传/传播/宣传Formation 形态,结构Deem 认为Clear-cut 轮廓鲜明的/ 清晰的/ 皆伐Onset 开始Design life设计寿命Roadwork道路工程Discount折扣;打折扣1. Technical termsMacadam碎石Impetus 动力/推动Rubble瓦砾Avenue / street / road 路/街/路Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) 沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料Sprayer喷雾器Gritting machine 铺砂机Mixing plant搅拌设备Spreader散布者;(涂奶油用的)奶油刀Paver摊铺机Roller 滚动物;滚柱;滚筒;滚轴Road binder道路粘合剂Guss asphalt/concrete 摊铺地沥青/混凝土Stone quarry 采石场Wear and tear磨损Unit 10 Highway Alignment Design 公路线形设计A. Technical termsHorizontal/vertical alignment水平/垂直对齐Configuration. 结构;表面配置Safe operating speed安全操作速度Sight distance视距Highway capacity / traffic volume公路容量/交通量tangent正切;切线Superelevation 超高Rate of grade change速度等级变化Horizontal/vertical curve 水平/垂直曲线criteria(判断、批评的)标准,准则,尺度simple circular curve简单的圆曲线spiral transition curve 螺旋缓和曲线compound curve 复合曲线sharp curve锐曲线sharp/slight curvature 急剧的;锋利的;尖的/轻微弯曲swept path扫路centerline. 中线runoff决赛;终投票outline外形;轮廓minimum curve radii最小曲线半径long / length / lengthen长/长度/延长reverse curve 反向曲线superelevation transition超高过渡providing / provided (that) 假如…urban / suburban / rural城市/郊区/农村stopping/passing sight distance停止/超车视距multiple decision point多个决策点sight line瞄准线middle ordinate 中距/正矢no-passing zone禁区1. Technical termsGrade line分数线Crest/sag vertical curve嵴/凹形竖曲线Auxiliary lane辅助车道Maximum/minimum grade最高/最低等级Detrimental有害的warp使变形;使弯曲;Standpoint观点Climbing lane爬坡车道Offset补偿;抵消Ramp exit gore匝道出口高尔Headlight beam前照灯光束Encroach侵犯Ponding water积水Water table地下水位Pavement box路面盒Prism棱柱(体),角柱(体)Balance point平衡点Unit 14 Bridge Introduction 桥梁简介A. Technical termsPipeline / cycle track / pedestrian管道/周期轨道/行人Superstructure / substructure上层建筑/结构Single storey building单层建筑物Handrail扶手/ guardstone守护石Bearing 关系,关联;举止,风度;体态Plan view平面视图Pier墩,墩/abutment桥墩;桥基;桥台;毗邻;接界处/wingwall翼墙/approach接近,靠近/apron 裙板Rivetment 固结Masonry石造工程;石造建筑Retaining wall挡土墙Subsoil / Earthfill地基/填土Well foundation 井筒基础Footpath小径,(乡间)小路Parapet wall 栏杆、女儿墙Topple 倾覆Buckle 受弯屈服Arch bridge 拱桥/Three Gorge三峡/ span墩距;跨度slab bridge / 板桥T-beam T梁bow string girder bridge 弓弦梁桥suspension bridge吊桥Cable-stayed bridge斜拉桥steel bridge桥梁钢rainbow bridge彩虹桥Niagara river 尼亚加拉河Shutter百叶窗;活动遮板Head room头部空间Tie beam系梁Thrust用力推;刺;插;塞;挤出(路)Arch rib 拱肋Suspender / stay吊带/保持Tower塔;塔楼;高楼Orthotropic deck正交异性桥面Continuous girder连续梁Three-dimensional三维Stiffening girder加劲梁Transverse/longitudinal/radial bracing横向/纵向/径向支撑Moment of inertia转动惯量Truss bridge桁架桥Rigid frame bridge刚构桥Axial force轴向力Portal frame门架Clearance清除,清扫;出空;空地;空隙Spandrel braced arch 腹拱、肩拱Trussed arch桁架拱桥1. Technical termsInclement恶劣的Investigation / FBI调查/调查局Reconnaissance侦察;勘察;事先考查Feasibility可行性;可能性Right angle直角Erosion侵蚀;腐蚀Whirl / cross current / scour旋转/交叉电流/冲刷render给予,提供;使得,使成为inerodable strata地层High Flood Level(HFL)高水位Discharge排出(液体,气体等);允许...离开;释放;解雇Waterway航道Pier thickness桥墩厚度High flood大洪水Current meter电流表Velocity rod流速杆Free board自由板Catchment area汇水盆地,汇水区域Watershed转折点;关键时刻;流域Boring 钻孔、钻探Rainfall降雨,下雨;降雨量Span墩距;跨度Culvert涵洞桥Ordinary Flood Level(OFL)普通洪水水位Low Water Level(LWL)低水位Afflux 雍水Head room头部空间Viaduct 高架桥Trestled bent栈桥弯曲Causeway 漫水桥Submersible潜水Cross-drainage横向排水Temporary/ permanent bridge临时/永久性桥Deck/through/semi-through bridge上/下/中承式桥Formation 建造、路床面Pony小马;小型的东西Headway进展Vertical lift bridge 垂直升降桥Bascule bridge开合式桥Swing bridge 旋开式桥Box/pipe/arch culvert盒/管/拱涵Cast iron铸铁;生铁Bearing capacity承载能力Earth cushion地垫Unit 15 Bridge Superstructure桥梁上部结构A. Technical termsWeight limit重量限制supplier供应者Span Arrangement跨径布置Bridge Project Manager大桥项目经理Redundant多余的,过剩的specification 规格;明细单;详细计划书Fracture critical骨折的关键Collapse倒塌;崩溃,瓦解Ability / Inability能力/能力Bolt螺栓stringer纵梁;纵桁span / single-span / multi-span跨度/单跨/连栋continuous spans连续跨越steel/concrete superstructure bridge钢筋混凝土桥梁rolled beam 辊压梁cover plate盖板welded plate girder焊接板梁box girder 箱梁truss扎,捆,缚,绑;用构架支撑cable stayed斜拉tied arch 系杆拱桥vertical/inclined web垂直/斜腹板top/bottom flange plate顶部/底部法兰盘hollow rectangular/trapezoidal section空心的矩形/梯形截面aesthetics美学torsional resistance扭阻力curved bridge曲线桥stringer / floor beam斯特林格/地板梁top/bottom chord顶部/底部和弦vertical/diagonal member垂直/斜成员lateral/sway bracing侧/斜撑axial load/force轴向载荷/力量concrete deck / steel girder混凝土桥面/钢大梁Box beam箱梁Strongback定位板Fabricate / fabrication / fabricator制造/生产/制造Balanced cantilever平衡悬臂Strain gage应变计Homogeneity / non-homogeneity 均匀/非均匀性Erratic 不定、无规律的Deflection偏斜;偏向;挠曲;偏度;挠度Mid-span / middle span / side span跨中/ 中跨/ 边跨Yield出产;结出(果实);产生(效果,收益等)Non-linearity非线性的Prescribe规定,指定Limiting strain极限应变flexure弯曲;弯曲部分,曲率neutral axis中性轴centroid距心lever arm杠杆臂resultant compression/tension/force/load由此产生的压缩/拉伸/ /载荷equivalent stress block等效应力块investigation / FBI调查/调查局under-reinforced / over-reinforced少筋/ 超筋stress intensity应力强度product产品,产物;产量;出产nomenclature学术用语;术语表Unit 16 Bridge Substructure桥梁下部结构A. Technical termsCap-and column type pier柱式墩帽Strut 支撑、加固T-type pierT型Hammerhead pier锤头码头Taper逐渐减少;逐渐变弱Rectangular/oval column矩形或椭圆柱Wall type pier墙式墩Strut and tie model拉压杆模型footing(稳固的)地位;基础single column/multi-column单/多列concentrated load集中荷载wall abutment墙台caisson 沉箱gutter 槽stepped/terraced wall configuration加强/梯田壁配置stub abutment直式桥台integral abutment整体式桥台wingwall 翼墙bridge seat 桥座backwall 背墙stem柄,把,杆approach slab 搭板contour轮廓;轮廓线;外形;结构1. Technical termsSpread footing扩展基础Cofferdam 围堰Negative skin friction / downdrag force负摩/下拉荷载力Friction pile摩擦桩End bearing pile端承桩Drilled caisson钻孔灌注Constructibility可构成性Embedment嵌入Casing箱;盒Confinement curbing约束控制Wire mesh basket 网笼Gabion 枝条筐streambed河床Unit 20 ——Construction Management and Cost Estimate 施工组织与概预算A. Technical termsSchedule 进度表Event / task / action /activity活动/任务/行动/活动Ultimate disposition 最后安排Expense / expenditure / cost费用/费用/成本Recast重铸Uncertainty不确定;不确信;易变;不可靠Production rate / productivity生产效率/生产力Gantt chart / bar chart甘特图表/图表Superimpose叠加Critical Path Method (CPM)关键路径法Critical task关键任务Logic diagram逻辑图Superintendent监督人,监管者Activity-on-the-arrow (AOA)活动箭Activity-on-the-node (AON)节点活动Dummy activity 虚拟工序Early start time / late start time开始时间早/晚开始时间Early finish time / late finish time最早完成时间/最晚完成时间Double line / bold line / color highlighted line / dash line双行线/颜色/大胆突出线/虚线Float / total float / free float 浮动/总时差/自由浮动interfering float 时差Preceding activity / succeeding activity前面的活动/后继活动Title——Construction Cost Estimate 建筑成本预算1. Technical termsBreakdown故障,损坏,崩溃;破裂Parameter / parametric参数/参数Direct/indirect cost直接/间接成本Finance / budget财务/预算Craftman钱包Scheme / schematic计划/方案Unit cost/price单位成本/价格Lump sum总金额Site visit网站访问Checklist核对用的清单Take-off脱下;移去;起飞;休假Overhead / profit / bond费用/利润/债券Escalation / contingence升级/偶然Shift 转移;替换,推卸Craft行业,职业Ownership and operating cost所有权和经营成本Dozer / bulldozer推土机/推土机Vendor 卖主Tax税;税金Markup 售价Similarity / dissimilarity相似/相异Unit 21 Tendering and Contract 投标与合同A. Technical termsTender敏感的,嫩的;柔软的;温柔的,体贴的Bid / bidder招标投标Agreement同意,一致;协定,协议Bond结合力;联结,联系Insurance保险;保险契约Makeup补足;编造;组成Owner / architect / designer / supplier / party业主/建筑师/设计师/供应商/派对Public agency / private company公共部门/私营公司Responsibility职责,任务;义务,负担General/special/technical provision一般/特殊/技术discretion判断力;辨别力;谨慎,考虑周到addenda补遗;追加;附加物Title——Types of construction contracts and bonds建筑合同和担保的类型1. Technical termsNegotiation / renegotiation协商/谈判Arctic / Antarctic北极/南极Cost plus a fixed fee成本加固定费用Cost plus a percentage成本加百分比Incentive刺激;鼓励;动机Thrifty 节约Innovation革新,改革,创新Compensate补偿,赔偿;酬报Procure 获得、实施Popular / popularity / population流行/流行/人口Recoup 收回surety / obligee担保/债权人forfeiture 没收、罚金penal / penalty刑法/处罚underwrite / constraint认购/约束default 违约option选择;选择权;选择自由lien 扣留权、留置权。



13.4交织区域‎的分析Weavi‎n g areas‎have been the subje‎c t of a great‎deal of resea‎r ch since‎the late 1960s‎,yet many featu‎r es o f curre‎n t proce‎d ures‎rely heavi‎l y on judgm‎e nt. This is prima‎r i l y due to the great‎diffi‎c ulty‎in and cost of colle‎c ting‎compr‎e hens‎i ve data on weavi‎n g opera‎t ions‎. Weavi‎n g areas‎cover‎signi‎f ican‎t lengt‎h s and gener‎a lly requi‎r e video‎t apin‎g from eleva‎t ed vanta‎g e point‎s or time-linke‎d separ‎a te obser‎v atio‎n of entry‎a n d e x i t termi‎n als and visua‎l match‎i ng of vehic‎l es. Furth‎e r, there‎are a large‎numbe‎r of varia‎b les affec‎t ing weavi‎n g opera‎t ions‎,and,there‎f ore, a large‎numbe‎r of sites‎refle‎c ting‎these‎varia‎b les would‎need to be obser‎v ed.自20世纪‎60年代后‎期就对交织‎区域问题进‎行了大量的‎研究,然而,许多现行规‎程的特点主‎要还是依赖‎于判断。




公路工程建设中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Asphalt Mixtures-Applications, Theory andPrinciples1 . ApplicationsAsphalt materials find wide usage in the construction industry. The use of asphalt as a cementing agent in pavements is the most common of its applications, however, and the one that will be considered here.Asphalt products are used to produce flexible pavements for highways and airports. The term “flexible” is used to distinguish these pavements from those made with Portland cement, which are classified as rigid pavements, that is, having beam strength. This distinction is important because it provides they key to the design approach which must be used for successful flexible pavement structures.The flexible pavement classification may be further broken down into high and low types, the type usually depending on whether a solid or liquid asphalt product isused. The low types of pavement are made with the cutback, or emulsion, liquid products and are very widely used throughout this country. Descriptive terminology has been developed in various sections of the country to the extent that one pavement type may have several names. However, the general process followed in construction is similar for most low-type pavements and can be described as one in which the aggregate and the asphalt product are usually applied to the roadbed separately and there mixed or allowed to mix, forming the pavement.The high type of asphalt pavements is made with asphalt cements of some selected penetration grade.Fig. ·1 A modern asphalt concrete highway. Shoulder striping is used as a safely feature.Fig. ·2 Asphalt concrete at the San Francisco International Airport.They are used when high wheel loads and high volumes of traffic occur and are, therefore, often designed for a particular installation.2 . Theory of asphalt concrete mix designHigh types of flexible pavement are constructed by combining an asphalt cement, often in the penetration grade of 85 to 100, with aggregates that are usually divided into three groups, based on size. The three groups are coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and mineral filler. These will be discussed in detail in later chapter.Each of the constituent parts mentioned has a particular function in the asphalt mixture, and mix proportioning or design is the process of ensuring that no function is neglected. Before these individual functions are examined, however, the criteria for pavement success and failure should be considered so that design objectives can be established.A successful flexible pavement must have several particular properties. First, it must be stable, that is to resistant to permanent displacement under load. Deformation of an asphalt pavement can occur in three ways, two unsatisfactory and one desirable. Plastic deformation of a pavement failure and which is to be avoided if possible. Compressive deformation of the pavement results in a dimensional change in the pavement, and with this change come a loss of resiliency and usually a degree of roughness. This deformation is less serious than the one just described, but it, too, leads to pavement failure. The desirable type of deformation is an elastic one, which actually is beneficial to flexible pavements and is necessary to their long life.The pavement should be durable and should offer protection to the subgrade. Asphalt cement is not impervious to the effects of weathering, and so the design must minimize weather susceptibility. A durable pavement that does not crack or ravel will probably also protect the roadbed. It must be remembered that flexible pavements transmit loads to the subgrade without significant bridging action, and so a dry firm base is absolutely essential.Rapidly moving vehicles depend on the tire-pavement friction factor for control and safety. The texture of the pavement surfaces must be such that an adequate skid resistance is developed or unsafe conditions result. The design procedure should be used to select the asphalt material and aggregates combination which provides a skid resistant roadway.Design procedures which yield paving mixtures embodying all these properties are not available. Sound pavements are constructed where materials and methods are selected by using time-tested tests and specifications and engineering judgments along with a so-called design method.The final requirement for any pavement is one of economy. Economy, again, cannot be measured directly, since true economy only begins with construction cost and is not fully determinable until the full useful life of the pavement has been recorded. If, however, the requirements for a stable, durable, and safe pavement are met with a reasonable safety factor, then the best interests of economy have probably been served as well.With these requirements in mind, the functions of the constituent parts can be examined with consideration give to how each part contributes to now-established objectives or requirements. The functions of the aggregates is to carry the load imposed on the pavement, and this is accomplished by frictional resistance and interlocking between the individual pieces of aggregates. The carrying capacity of the asphalt pavement is, then, related to the surface texture (particularly that of the fine aggregate) and the density, or “compactness,”, of the aggregates. Surfac e texture varies with different aggregates, and while a rough surface texture is desired, this may not be available in some localities. Dense mixtures are obtained by using aggregates that are either naturally or artificially “well graded”. This means that the fine aggregate serves to fill the voids in the coarser aggregates. In addition to affecting density and therefore strength characteristics, the grading also influences workability. When an excess of coarse aggregate is used, the mix becomes harsh and hard to work. When an excess of mineral filler is used, the mixes become gummy and difficult to manage.The asphalt cement in the flexible pavement is used to bind the aggregate particles together and to waterproof the pavements. Obtaining the proper asphalt content is extremely important and bears a significant influence on all the items marking a successful pavement. A chief objective of all the design methods which have been developed is to arrive at the best asphalt content for a particular combination of aggregates.3 . Mix design principlesCertain fundamental principles underlie the design procedures that have been developed. Before these procedures can be properly studied or applied, some consideration of these principles is necessary.Asphalt pavements are composed of aggregates, asphalt cement, and voids. Considering the aggregate alone, all the space between particles is void space. The volume of aggregate voids depends on grading and can vary widely. When the asphalt cement is added, a portion of these aggregate voids is filled and a final air-void volume is retained. The retention of this air-void volume is very important to thecharacteristics of the mixture. The term air-void volume is used, since these voids are weightless and are usually expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the compacted mixture.An asphalt pavement carries the applied load by particle friction and interlock. If the particles are pushed apart for any reason , then the pavement stability is destroyed. This factor indicates that certainly no more asphalt should be added than the aggregate voids can readily hold. However ,asphalt cement is susceptible to volume change and the pavement is subject to further compaction under use. If the pavement has no air voids when placed, or if it loses them under traffic, then the expanding asphalt will overflow in a condition known as bleeding. The loss of asphalt cement through bleeding weakens the pavement and also reduces surface friction, making the roadway hazardous.Fig. ·3 Cross section of an asphalt concrete pavement showing the aggregate frameworkbound together by asphalt cement.The need for a minimum air-void volume (usually 2 or 3 per cent ) has been established. In addition, a maximum air-void volume of 5 to 7 per cent should not be exceed. An excess of air voids promotes raveling of the pavement and also permits water to enter and speed up the deteriorating processes. Also, in the presence of excess air the asphalt cement hardens and ages with an accompanying loss of durability and resiliency.The air-void volume of the mix is determined by the degree of compaction as well as by the asphalt content. For a given asphalt content, a lightly compacted mixwill have a large voids volume and a lower density and a greater strength will result. In the laboratory, the compaction is controlled by using a specified hammer and regulating the number of blows and the energy per blow. In the field, the compaction and the air voids are more difficult to control and tests must be made no specimens taken from the compacted pavement to cheek on the degree of compaction being obtained. Traffic further compact the pavement, and allowance must be made for this in the design. A systematic checking of the pavement over an extended period is needed to given factual information for a particular mix. A change in density of several per cent is not unusual, however.Asphalt content has been discussed in connection with various facets of the ix design problem. It is a very important factor in the mix design and has a bearing an all the characteristics ld a successful pavement: stability, skid resistance, durability, and economy. As has been mentioned, the various design procedures are intended to provide a means for selecting the asphalt content . These tests will be considered in detail in a future chapter ,but the relationship between asphalt content and the measurable properties of stability, unit weight, and air voids will be discussed here.Fig.4 Variations in stability, unit weight, and air-void content with asphalt cement content.If the gradation and type of aggregate, the degree of compaction, and the type of asphalt cement are controlled, then the strength varies in a predictable manner. The strength will increase up to some optimum asphalt content and then decrease with further additions. The pattern of strength variation will be different when the other mix factors are changed, and so only a typical pattern can be predicted prior to actualtesting.Unit weight varies in the same manner as strength when all other variable are controlled. It will reach some peak value at an asphalt content near that determined from the strength curve and then fall off with further additions.As already mentioned, the air-void volume will vary with asphalt content. However, the manner of variation is different in that increased asphalt content will decrease air-void volume to some minimum value which is approached asymptotically. With still greater additions of asphalt material the particles of aggregate are only pushed apart and no change occurs in air-void volume.In summary, certain principles involving aggregate gradation, air-void volume, asphalt content, and compaction mist be understood before proceeding to actual mix design. The proper design based on these principles will result in sound pavements. If these principles are overlooked, the pavement may fail by one or more of the recognized modes of failure: shoving, rutting, corrugating, becoming slick when the max is too ‘rich’; raveling, cracking,having low durability when the mix is too‘lean’.It should be again emphasized that the strength of flexible is, more accurately, a stability and does not indicate any ability to bridge weak points in the subgrade by beam strength. No asphalt mixture can be successful unless it rests on top of a properly designed and constructed base structure. This fact, that the surface is no better than the base, must be continually in the minds of those concerned with any aspect of flexible pavement work.[1] International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2014, V ol.7 (2), pp.83-92[2] Neville Adam .Concrete Technology-An Essential Element of Structural Design[M].Concrete International,1998.[3] Hewlett Peter C,et al. Lea,s Chemistry of Cement and Concrete[M]. 4thed.Butter-worth-Heinemann,London,1998.[4] M Karasahin . Anisotropic Characteristics of Granular Material . Proceedings of the Fifith Inter-national Symposium on Unbound Aggregates in Roads,2000:139-142 .[5]Sean Davit .Irish Experience in the Use of Unbound Aggregates in Roads1970-2000 .Un-bound Aggregates in Roads Construction,2000.[6]Moore W M,Milberger L J .Evaluation of the TTI Gyratory Compactor .Texas Transportation Institute Report No .99-3 .译文:沥青混合料的应用、理论和原则1、应用沥青材料如今在建筑行业广泛使用。



法汉公路工程分类词汇-04马丁商务法语四、构造物立 面 vue de face支座中心线 l’axe de support桥墩中心线 l’axe de pile半顶板平面 le plan de semi-plaque de toit半底板平面 le plan de semi-semelle通气、排水孔 le trou de ventilation et drainage本图尺寸均以厘米计。

la dimension en cm de ce plan.箱梁一般构造(一)nérale de poutre en cadre(1)la structure gé箱梁一般构造(二)nérale de poutre en cadre(2)la structure gé本图用于1号桥墩。

1ce plan est applicable au pile n°nérale de pile桥墩一般构造la structure gée桥台一般构造,la structure générale de culé施工流程示意图le schéma de circulation constructif步骤一:施工桥梁下部结构phase 1: infrastructure de poutre constructif步骤二:满堂支架现浇箱梁phase 2: support complet de poutre de coulage constructif 步骤三:施工护栏及桥面铺装phase 3: montage de barrage et tablier constructif预制梁平面布置示意图fabriquéele schéma en plan de poutre pré预制梁大样图fabriquéetaille de poutre préle plan dé本图用于0号桥台。



11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111南昌大学教材:《路桥工程专业英语》主编:赵永平;副主编:盛可鉴;人民交通出版社,2007年学分:0.5学时:16 周学时:2 上课周数:8上课内容:第一课:Highway Introduction公路概论第二课:Asphait & Mix Asphalt沥青及沥青混合料第三课:The Subgrade Design and Construction Technology路基设计与施工技术第四课:Freeway and it’s Accessory Facilities高速公路及附属设施第五课:Traffic Engineering Introduction交通工程学概论第六课:Bridge Introduction桥梁概论第七课:Prestressed Concrete Beam Construction Technology预应力混凝土梁桥施工技术第八课:The Bridge T esting Technology桥梁测试技术上课方法:课堂讲解、翻译课后训练:背单词;阅读教材并口译;考核方法:笔试与口试结合(待定)第一课:Highway Concept公路概论A.Text The Highway Concept 公路概论B.Reading Material Highway Cross Section and Pavement 道路横断面和铺装层1.A historical note 历史回顾The first road builders of any significance in western Europe were the Romans, to whom the ability to move quickly from one part of the Empire to another was important for military and civil reasons.罗马人是西欧任何意义上的第一条道路的建设者,他们具有的从帝国的一个地方迅速移动到另一个地方的能力对政治军事而言都是非常重要的。



C h a p t e r1.S t r u c t u r a l M e c h a n i c s结构力学1.1ClassificationandBehaviorofStructuralSystemsandElements系统结构和元素的分类和作用1.2DeterminateandIndeterminateStructures静定和超静定结构1.3 StructuralDynamics结构动力学Chapter2.StructuralMaterial土木工程材料2.1MaterialsforConcreteandMixProportion砼材料及配比2.2PropertiesofConcrete砼的性能2.3SteelMaterials钢材料2.4StructuralSteelShapes型钢Chapter3.StructuralDesignconcepts结构设计3.1LoadconditionsandLoadPaths负载条件和加载路径3.2LimitStateDesign极限状态设计Chapter4.ConcreteStructure钢筋混凝土结构4.1FlexuralBehaviorofReinforcedConcreteBeam钢筋混凝土梁的弯曲性能4.2ShearandDiagonalTensioninReinforcedConcreteBeam钢筋混凝土梁的剪切和斜拉4.3 Bond,Anchorage,andDevelopmentLength连接,锚固,基本锚固长度Chapter1.StructuralMechanics结构力学1.1.ClassificationandBehaviorofStructuralSystemsandElements系统结构和元素的分类和作用Commonrigidelementsincludebeams,columnsorstruts,arches,flatplates,singlycurv edplates,andshellshavingavarietyofdifferentcurvatures.Flexibleelementsincludecable s(straightanddraped)andmembranes(planar,singlycurved,anddoublycurved).Inaddition,t hereareanumberofothertypesofstructuresthatarederivedfromtheseelements(e.g,frames,t rsses,geodesicdomes,nets,etc.)(figure1.1)常见的刚性元件包括梁,柱,支撑,圆拱,平板,单向板弯曲面,具有不同的曲率的翘体。



路桥专业英语课程教学大纲课程名称:专业英语(路桥)英文名称:Specialized English(Road and Bridge)课程编码:x2071631学时数:32其中实践学时数:0 课外学时数:0学分数:2.0适用专业:道路桥梁与渡河工程一、课程简介《专业英语(路桥)》是道桥与渡河工程专业的专业基础课。




二、课程目标与毕业要求关系表三、课程教学内容、基本要求、重点和难点(一)Lesson 1 Highway Introduction1. 教学内容The Highway Concept。

2. 基本要求(1)了解部分:Highway Cross Section and Pavement;(2)理解部分:A Historical Note;(3)掌握部分:The Aims of Highway Engineering;(4)熟练掌握:Highway Types。

3. 重点和难点(1)重点:The Aims of Highway Engineering;(2)难点:Highway Types。

(二)Lesson 2 Asphalt & Mix Asphalt1. 教学内容Asphalt & Asphalt Paving Materials。

2. 基本要求(1)了解部分:Bitumen and its Properties;(2)理解部分:Asphalt Defined;The Activity To Modify Asphalt Properties; (3)掌握部分:Asphalt Binder Grading;(4)熟练掌握:Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA)。



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)英文:1.1Approach for analyzing the ultimate strength of concrete filled steel tubular arch bridges with stiffening girderAbstract:A convenient approach is proposed for analyzing the ultimate load carrying capacity of concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) arch bridge with stiffening girders. A fiber model beam element is specially used to simulate the stiffening girder and CFST arch rib. The geometric nonlinearity, material nonlinearity。

influenceoftheconstruction process and the contribution of prestressing reinforcement are all taken into consideration. The accuracy of this method is validated by comparing its results with experimental results. Finally, the ultimate strength of an abnormal CFST arch bridge withstiffening girders is investigated and the effect of construction method is discussed. It is concluded that the construction process has little effect on the ultimate strength of the bridge.Key words: Ultimate strength, Concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) arch bridge, Stiffening girder, Fiber model beam element, Construction processdoi:10.1631/jzus.2007.A0682NTRODUCTIONWith the increasing applications of concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) structures in civil engi-neering in China, arch bridges have become one of the competitive styles in moderate span or long span bridges. Taking the Fuxing Bridge in Hangzhou (Zhao et al., 2004), and Wushan Bridge in Chongqing (Zhang et al., 2003), China, as representatives, the structural configuration, the span and construction scale of such bridges have surpassed those of existing CFST arch bridges in the world. Therefore, it is of great importance to enhance the theoretical level in the design of CFST arch bridges for safety and economy.he calculation of ultimate bearing capacity is a significant issue in design of CFST arch bridges. As an arch structure is primarily subjected to compres-sive forces, the ultimate strength of CFST arch bridge is determined by the stability requirement. A numberof theoretical studies were conducted in the past to investigate the stability and load-carrying capacity of CFST arch bridges. Zeng et al.(2003) studied the load capacity of CFST arch bridge using a composite beam element, involving geometric and material nonlin-earity. Zhang et al.(2006) derived a tangent stiffness matrix for spatial CFSTpole element to consider the geometric and material nonlinearities under largedisplacement by co-rotational coordinate method. Xie et al.(2005) proposed a numerical method to determine the ultimate strength of CFST arch bridges and revealed that the effect of the constitutive relation of confined concrete is not significant. Hu et al.(2006) investigated the effect of Poisson’s ratio of core concrete on the ultimate bearing capacity of a long span CFST arch bridge and found that the bearing capacity is enhanced by 10% if the Poisson’s ratio is variable. On the other hand, many experimental studies on the ultimate strength of naked CFST arch rib or CFST arch bridge model hadbeenconducted. Experimental studies on CFST arch rib under in-plane andout-of-plane loads were carried out by Chen and Chen 2000) and Chen et almetrical nonlinearity was significant for the out-of-plane strength and less significant for the in-plane strength. Cui et al.(2004) introduced a global model test of a CFST arch bridge with span of 308 m, and suggested that the influence of initial stress should be considered.The above papers mainly focused on the ultimate strength of CFST naked arch ribs or CFST arch bridges with floating deck. No attempt was made to study the ultimate strength of CFST arch bridges with stiffening girders whose nonlinear behavior and CFST arch should be simulated due to the redistribution of inner forces between arch ribs and stiffening girders. In general, stiffening girders can be classified into steel girder, PC (prestressing concrete) girder and teel-concrete combination girder. It is most difficult to simulate the nonlinear behavior of PC girder, due to the influence of prestressing reinforcement. In contrast to steel or steel-concrete combination beam, the prestressing reinforcements in PC girders not only offer strength and stiffnessdirectly, but their tension greatly affects the stiffness and distribution of the initial forces in the structure. The aims of this paper are (1) to present an elas-tic-plastic analysis of the ultimate strength of CFST arch bridge with arbitrary stiffening girders;(2) to study the ultimate load-carrying capacity of a complicated CFST arch bridge with abnormal arch ribs and PC stiffening girders; and (3) to investigate the effect of construction methods on the ultimate strength of the structure. ANALYTICAL THEORYElasto-plastic large deformation of PC girder element The elasto-plasic large deformation analysis of PC beam elements is based on the following fundamental assumptions:(1) A plane section originally normal to the neutral axis always remains a plane and normal to the neutral axis during deformation;(2) The shear deformation due to shear stress isneglected;(3)The Saint-Venant torsional principle holds in(4) The effect of shear stress on the stress-strain relationship is ignored. The cross-section of a PC box girder with onesymmetric axis is depicted in Fig.1, where, G and s denote the geometry center and the shear center re-spectively. According to the first and the third as-sumptions listed above, the displacement increments of point A(x,y) in the section can be expressed in terms of the displacement increments at the geometry center and the shear center aswhere Ktoris the coefficient factor which is related to the geometry shape of the girder cross-section.Similar to 3D elastic beam theory, the displacement increment of the girder can be expressed in terms of the nodal displacement increments asin which L denotes the element length, and z is the axial coordinate of the local coordinate system of an element. Then, the displacement vector of any section of the element can be written aswhere ∆u is the displacement vector of any section of the beam element, N is the shape function matrix and ∆ue is the displacement vector of the element node. They are respectively expressed asAccording to Eq.(2), the linear strain can be ex-pressed asin which BL is the linear strain matrix of the element Correspondingly, the nonlinear strain may be expressed aswhere BNL is the nonlinear strain matrix of the ele-mentThe stress increment ∆σ can be approximatedusing the linear strain increment aswhere D is the material property matrix. Neglecting the influence of the shear strain, D can be expressedwhere E(ε) is the tangent modulus of the material which is dependent on the strain state, and G is the elastic shearing modulus regarded as a constant. According to the principle of virtual work, we have in which σ and ∆σ are the stress vector and stress increment of the current state, q and P are the dis-tributed load and concentrated load vector, ∆q and ∆P are the increments of distributed load and concen-trated load, δ∆u and δ∆ε are the virtual displacement and virtual strain, and V isthe volume of the element. Substitute Eqs.(9), (11) and (14) into Eq.(16) and ignore the infinitesimal variable ∆σ∆εN, we have where ∆Fe is the increment of element load vectorcorresponding to ∆ue, the element displacement vec-tor. Kepand Kσare the elasto-plastic and geometric stiffness matrixes of the beam element respectively as followsThe distribution of elastic and plastic zones is non-uniform in the element, and varies during de-formation. It is very difficult to present an explicit expression of the property matrix D for the whole section. Hence, the section is divided into many subareas, as shown in Fig.2, and the fiber model is adopted to calculate the element’s stiffness matrix, i.e.Obviously, if the number of subareas is suffi-ciently large, the result of Eq.(19) will approach the exact solution. The value of Kep is calculated using numerical integration, with Di being regarded as i. To compute the geometric stiffness matrix Kσ, the normal stress should be expressed in terms of axial force and bending moment, which actually has very little contribution to the geometric stiffness, so where N is the axial force, and A is the sectional area. Prestressing reinforcement element The reinforced bars parallel to the beam axis may be regarded as fibers, whose contributions to the stiffness could be readily accounted for in Eq.(19). The contributions to the stiffness from those not par-allel to the beam and the prestressing reinforcement (PR), will however be calculated in the following section. The displacement increment of two ends of the prestressing reinforcement in Fig.3 can be expressed by Eq.(21):n which kep and kσare respectively the elasto-plastic and the geometric stiffness matrixes, ∆δis the nodal displacement vector, and ∆f is the nodal force vector of the prestressingreinforcementelement in the local coordinate system. According to Fig.4, ∆δand ∆f can be written in the form Then the stiffness matrix ep( k + k)σof the rein-accordingly. CFST arch rib, steel girder or steel-concrete girder element The fiber model mentioned above can also be used to simulate the CFST arch rib, steel stiffening girder or steel-concrete composite stiffening girder, with similar elasto-plastic stiffness matrix and stiff-ness equation. The detailed description of the deduction can be found in (Xie et al., 2005). However, for the CFST arch rib, the stress-strain relation of structure is very complex due to the com-bined influence of the confined concrete and outer steel tube. In this paper, the following stress-strain relation considering the confinement effect of the steel tube ring (Han, 2000) is adopted: where σytand σycare the yield strengths of the tension and compression sides of the steel tube respectively, βt and βc are the corresponding coefficients. Fig.5b depicted the bilinear stress-strain relationship con-The secondary modulus of the steel tube tendency of local buckling of the steel tube, is assumed to be 1% of the initial elastic modulus. Hanger element The mechanical behavior of cables such as that of hangers and tie bars, is similar to that of truss ele-ments, except that cables cannot bear compressive elasto-plastic computation theory of flexible cable considering the effect of sag was presented by (Xie eal., 1998). In most bridges, however, sag has little fect on the mechanical behavior of hangers. Hence, hangers of arch bridges are treated as elasto-plastic trusses with no compression strength, and the stiff-ness equation is expressed by Eq.(22). PROGRAM SCHEME FOR ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY CALCULATIOerection without brackets, and consists of many construction stages. Thus, the func-tion of simulating the construction process mustbe taken into account in the developed program for cal-culating ultimate bearing capacity, including the gradual action of load, the step-by-step formation of the structure, the influence of initial displacement and initial stress. The scheme for the program is indicated in Fig.6. The modified arc-length increment tecnique is adopted to solve the resulting nonlinear equation (Crisfield, 1981). VALIDATION OF THE METHOD FOR A PC GIRDER The accuracy of computation of the ultimate strength for CFST element has been confirmed in (Xie et al., 2005). In this paper, the precision of the present theory is checked for a PC girder by comparison with the experimental result. Fig.7 shows the cross-section and reinforcements of the girder, which spans 13 m, with 9 bundles of prestressing reinforcements and 11 branches of nonprestressing reinforced bars. The design strength of the concrete is 22.4 MPa, and those of nonprestressing reinforced bars A and B depicted in Fig.7a are 195 MPa and 280 MPa respectively of which the diameters are 12 mm and 8 mm. The prestressing reinforcement is high-strength low-rela- xation steel strand with design strength of 1860 MPa and the control force of each bundle is Nk=195 kN. More detailed information about the experiment on this PC girder is available in (Chen, 2005). Comparison of the deflection at the midspan is depicted in Fig.8, showing good consistency between he numerical simulation and experimental result. Fig.5 Stress-strain curves of steel tube (a) Yield condition; (b) Stress-strain relationship APPLICATION IN BRIDGE DESIGNThe ultimate strength of Fenghuajiang Bridge in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China is studied involving the effect of construction process to demonstrate the applicability of the present approach in bridge design. Fig.9 shows the design scheme of Fenghuajiang Bridgewhich is a girder and arch combination bridgewith central span of 138 m. The central span of the stiffening girder is made up of steel and PC composite box. The side span of the stiffening girder is made up of PC box. The abnormal CFST arch in the central span is composed of three arches, with one main archrib in the center and two secondary arch ribs. The diameter of the main arch rib is 1.8 m, and those of the other two are 1.5 m. The design strength of the concrete used in the bridge is 22.4 MPa. The arch ribs are linked with steel pipes and I-steel bearing members, forming a truss arch bridge. The main arch and the deck are connected with vertical hangers. The secondary arches and the deck are connected with inclined hangers. To take into account the effect of the construction method on the ultimate bearing capacity, it is assumed that the bridge is constructed by two kinds of methods. In Case I, there is only a construction process, the supporting frames for construction falling once after the completion of the whole bridge. In Case II, there are two construction processes, as shown in Fig.10. The first process is construction ofthe PC girder on the supporting frames. The second process is to fix the steel girder, assemble the arch rib, and tension the tie-bar and hangers to separate the steel girder from the frame. Prestressing reinforcements in the girder are properly simulated in construction stages, but the reinforced bars are not modelled due to their large number. The elasto-plastic mechanical behaviors of CFST arch ribs, hanger, bearing member, steel pipe, tie-bar, etc. are analyzed.The ultimate strength analysis process is shown in Fig.11. First,the initial stress of the established bridge is calculated under dead load and prestressing force including initial tension of the hangers, the tie and prestressing reinforcements. Then the stress and isplacement under live load are computed. At last,The out-of-plane deformation curves at the quarter points of the main arch rib are shown in Fig.14. The vertical axis denotes the load coefficient µ which does not contain the original dead load and live load exerted in Figs.11a and 11b. When 3.1≤µ≤3.2, the nonlinear behavior of the arch rib becomes obvious in the lateral direction. As shown in the figure, the buckling modes in both cases are antisymmetric out-of-plane, and the buckling load factor of the arch rib is about 4.1 considering the initial dead and live load.A comparison of the lateral and vertical deforMations at the quarter point of the main arch between two cases is shown in Fig.15, showing that the deviation of the load-displacement curves of the two cases is very small, indicating that the influence of the construction method on the stability strength is very slight. Besides, when out-of-plane buckling occurs, the bridge still has certain vertical stiffness.CONCLUSIONIn analyzing the ultimate strength of the CFST arch bridges with stiffening girders, simulating the nonlinear behavior of stiffening girders is as impor-tant as that of the CFST arch rib due to the redistribution of inner force between arch ribs and stiffening girders. In this paper, an analytical approach for estimating the ultimate bearing capacity of CFST arch bridge with stiffening girder is proposed, which takes account of the effects of material and geometric nonlinearity and the contribution of prestressing reinforcement. Based on the fiber beam element theory,the degrees of freedom of the whole structure can be reduced, making it very feasible to predict the ultimate strength of the complex structure. The accuracy of the present method was examined by comparison with the experimental results for a PC girder.To demonstrate the applicability of the present approach in bridge design, the ultimate strength of an abnormal CFST arch bridge with stiffening girder is studied considering the effect of construction process. The result shows that the construction process influences the initial internal force of the bridge significantly. But it has little effect on the ultimate strength of the bridge. Therefore, the relatively accurate stability strength can be obtained by ignoring the influence of the construction process.ReferencesChen, H.Z., 2005. Research of Calculation and Analysis of PCBox Girder Structure with Long Span. Ph.D Thesis,Zhejiang University (in Chinese).Chen, B.C., Chen, Y.J., 2000. Experimental study on me-chanic behaviors of concrete-filled steel tubular rib archunder in-plane loads. Engineering Mechanics,17(2):44-50 (in Chinese).Chen, B.C., Wei, J.G., Lin, J.Y., 2006. Experimental study on concrete filled steel tubular (single tube) arch with onerib under spatial loads. Engineering Mechanics,23(5):99-106 (in Chinese).Crisfield, M.A., 1981. A fast incremental iterative solution procedure that handles “snap through”. Computer and Structures, 13(1-3):55-62. [doi:10.1016/0045-7949(81) 90108-5]Cui, J., Sun, B.N., Lou, W.J., Yang, L.X., 2004. Model test study on concrete-filled steel tube truss arch bridge.Engineering Mechanics, 21(5):83-86 (in Chinese).e, X., Chen, H.Z., Li, H., Song, S.R., 2005. Numerical analysis of ultimate strength of concrete filled steel tu- bular arch bridges. Journal of Zhejiang University SCI-ENCE, 6A(8):859-868. [doi:10.1631/jzus.2005.A0859]Zeng, G.F., Fan, L.C., Zhang, G.Y., 2003. Load capacity analysis of concrete filled steel tube arch bridge with the composite beam element. Journal of the China RailwaySociety, 25(5):97-102 (in Chinese).Zhang, Z.A., Sun, Y., Wang, M.Q., 2003. Key technique in theerection process of the rib steel pipe truss segments forWushan Yangze River bridge. Highway, 12:26-32 (in Chinese).Zhang, Y., Shao, X.D., Cai, S.B., Hu, J.H., 2006. Spatial nonlinear finite element analysis for long-span trussedCFST arch bridge. China Journal of Highway andTransport, 19(4):65-70 (in Chinese).Zhao, L.Q., Xu, R.H., Zheng, X.Z., 2004. Overall design of thefourth Qiantangjiang River Bridge in Hangzhou. BridgeConstruction, 1:27-30 (in Chinese).翻译:分析钢管混凝土拱桥与加劲梁的极限强度的方法摘要:提出的方法是分析和研究负载承载能力的终极钢管混凝土钢管混凝土(加劲梁与钢管混凝土拱桥)。



英文翻译LIMIT ANALYSIS OF SOIL SLOPES SUBJECTED TOPORE-WATER PRESSURESBy J.Kim R.salgado, assoicite member, ASCE ,and H.S., member,ASCEABSTRACT: The limit-equilibrium method is commonly, used for slope stability analysis. However, it is well known that the solution obtained from the limit-equilibrium method is not rigorous, because neither static nor kinematic admissibility conditions are satisfied. Limit analysis takes advantage of the lower-and upper-bound theorem of plasticity to provide relatively simple but rigorous bounds on the true solution. In this paper, three nodded linear triangular finite elements are used to construct both statically admissible stress fields for lower-bound analysis and kinematically admissible velocity fields for upper-bound analysis. By assuming linear variation of nodal and elemental variables the determination of the best lower-and upper-bound solution maybe set up as a linear programming problem with constraints based on the satisfaction of static and kinematic admissibility. The effects of pro-water pressure are considered and incorporated into the finite-element formulations so that effective stress analysis of saturated slope may be done. Results obtained from limit analysis of simple slopes with different ground-water patterns are compared with those obtained from the limit-equilibrium method.Key words: Soil Slop;Stability;The Pore-Water Pressure;The Limit-Equilibrium Method INTRODUCTIONStability and deformation problem in geotechnical engineering are boundary-value problem; differential equations must be solved for given boundary conditions. Solutions are found by solving differential equations derived from condition of equilibrium, compatibility, and the constitutive relation of the soil, subjected to boundary condition. Traditionally, in soil mechanics, the theory of elasticity is used to set up the differential equations for deformation problems, while the theory of plasticity is used for stability problems. To obtain solution for loadings ranging from small to sufficiently large to cause collapse of a portion of the soil mass,a complete elastoplastic analysis considering the mechanical behavior of the soil until failure may be thought of as a possible method. However, such an elastoplastic analysis is rarely used in practice due to the complexity of the computations. From a practical standpoint, the primary focus of a stability problem is on the failure condition of the soil mass. Thus, practical solutions can be found in a simpler manner by focusing on conditions at impending collapse.Stability problem of natural slopes, or cut slopes are commonly encountered in civil engineering projects. Solutions may be based on the slip-line method, the limit-equilibrium method, or limit analysis. The limit-equilibrium method has gained wide acceptance in practice due to its simplicity. Most limit-equilibrium method are based on the method of slices, in which a failure surface is assumed and the soil mass above the failure surface is divided into vertical slices. Global static-equilibrium conditions for assumed failure surface are examined, and a critical slip surface is searched, for which the factor of safety is minimized. In the development of the limit-equilibrium method, efforts have focused on how to reduce the indeterminacy of the problem mainly by making assumptions on inter-slice forces. However, no solution based on the limit-equilibrium method, not even the so called “rigorous”solutions can be regarded as rigorous in a strict mechanical sense. In limit-equilibrium, the equilibrium equations are not satisfied for every point in the soil mass. Additionally, the flow rule is not satisfied in typical assumed slip surface, nor are the compatibility condition and pre-failure constitutive relationship.Limit analysis takes advantage of the upper-and lower-bound theorems of plasticity theory to bound the rigorous solution to a stability problem from below and above. Limit analysis solutions are rigorous in the sense that the stress field associated with a lower-bound solution is in equilibrium with imposed loads at every point in the soil mass, while the velocity field associated with an upper-bound solution is compatible with imposed displacements. In simple terms, under lower-bound loadings, collapse is not in progress, but it may be imminent if the lower bound coincides with the true solution lies can be narrowed down by finding the highest possible lower-bound solution and the lowest possible upper-bound solution. For slope stability analysis, the solution is in terms of either a critical slope height or a collapse loading applied on some portion of the slope boundary, for given soil properties and/or givenslope geometry. In the past, for slope stability applications, most research concentrated on the upper-bound method. This is due to the fact that the construction of proper statically admissible stress fields for finding lower-bound solutions is a difficult task. Most previous work was based on total stresses. For effective stress analysis, it is necessary to calculate pore-water pressures. In the limit-equilibrium method, pore-water pressures are estimated from ground-water conditions simulated by defining a phreatic surface, and possibly a flow net, or by a pore-water pressure ratio. Similar methods can be used to specify pore-water pressure for limit analysis.The effects of pore-water pressure have been considered in some studies focusing on calculation of upper-bound solutions to the slope stability problem. Miller and Hamilton examined two types of failure mechanism: (1) rigid body rotation; and (2) a combination of rigid rotation and continuous deformation. Pore-water pressure was assumed to be hydrostatic beneath a parabolic free water surface. Although their calculations led to correct answers, the physical interpretation of their calculation of energy dissipation, where the pore-water pressures were considered as internal forces and had the effect of reducing internal energy dissipation for a given collapse mechanism, has been disputed. Pore-water pressures may also be regarded as external force. In a study by Michalowski, rigid body rotation along a log-spiral failure surface was assumed, and pore-water pressure was calculated using the pore-water pressure ratio ru=u/ǐz, where u=pore-water pressure, ǐ=total unit weight of soil, and z=depth of the point below the soil surface. It was showed that the pore-water pressure has no influence on the analysis when the internal friction angle is equal to zero, which validates the use of total stress analysis with Φ=0. In another study, Michalowski followed the same approach, except for the use of failure surface with different shapes to incorporate the effect of pore-water pressure on upper-bound analysis of slopes, the writers are not aware of any lower-bound limit analysis done in term of effective stresses. This is probably due to the increased in constructing statically admissible stress fields accounting also for the pore-water pressures.The objectives of this paper are (1) present a finite-element formulation in terms of effective stresses for limit analysis of soil slopes subjected to pore-water pressures; and (2) to check the accuracy of Bishop’s simplified method for slope stability analysis by comparingBishop ’s solution with lower-and upper-bound solution. The present study is an extension of previous research, where Bishop ’s simplified limit-equilibrium solutions are compared with lower-and upper-bund solutions for simple slopes without considering the effect of pore-water pressure. In the present paper, the effect of pore-water pressure is considered in both lower-and upper-bound limit analysis under plane-strain conditions. Pore-water pressures are accounted for by making modifications to the numerical algorithm for lower-and upper-bound calculations using linear three-noded triangles developed by Sloan and Sloan and Kleeman. To model the stress field criterion, flow of linear equations in terms of nodal stresses and pore-water pressures, or velocities, the problem of finding optimum lower- and upper-bound solutions can be set up as a linear programming problem. Lower- and upper-bound collapse loadings are calculated for several simple slope configurations and groundwater patterns, and the solutions are presented in the form of chart.LIMIT ANALYSIS WITH PORE-WATER PRESSUREAssumptions and Their implementation Limit analysis uses an idealized yield criterion and stress-strain relation: soil is assumed to follow perfect plasticity with an associated flow rule. The assumption of perfect plasticity expresses the possible states of stress in the formF('ij σ) = 0 (1)Where F('ij σ) = yield function; and 'ij σ = effective stress tensor.Associated flow rule defines the plastic strain rate by assuming the yield function F to coincide with the plastic potential function G , from which the plastic strain rate p ij ε can be obtained though''p ij ij ijG F ελλσσ∂∂==∂∂ (2)where λ= nonnegative plastic multiplier rate that is positive only when plastic deformations occur.Eq. (2) is often referred to as the normality condition, which states that the direction of plastic strain rate is perpendicular to the yield surface. Perfect plasticity with an associated with very large displacements are of concern. In addition, theoretical studies show that the collapse loads for earth slopes, where soils are not heavily constrained, are quite insensitive towhether the flow rule is associated or non-associated.Principle of Virtual WorkBoth the lower-and upper –bound theorems are based on the principle of virtual work. The virtual work equation is applicable, given the assumption of small deformations before collapse, and can be expressed as either'()A B A B A B i i i i ij ij s V V A B ij ij ij V T v dS X v dV dV p dV σεσδε-+==+⎰⎰⎰⎰ (3)Or 'A B A B B i i i i ij ij S V VT v dS X v dV dV σε+=⎰⎰⎰ (4) Where A i T = boundary loadings; A ij X -= body forces not including seepage and buoyancy forces; A ij X = body forces including seepage and buoyancy forces;A ij σ= total stress tensor inequilibrium with A i T and A ij X -; 'A ij σ= effective stress tensor in equilibrium with A i T and A ij X ; ij δ= Kronecker delta; p = pore-water pressure; and B ij ε = strain rate tensorcompatible with the velocity field B i v .There is no need for A ij σ, A i T , and A ij X -to be related to B ij ε and B i v in any particular way for (3) or (4) represent the rate of the external work, while the right-hand sides represent the rate of the internal power dissipation done by the assumed stress field and external loads on the assumed strain and velocity fields. The difference between (3) and (4) is the way to incorporate the effect of pore-water pressure: the pore-water pressures are considered as internal force, reducing the internal power dissipation, in (3), while they are considered external force in (4). By taking advantage of the normality condition , it can be easily shown that elastic stress and strain have no influence on the collapse load; that is, only plasticdeformation occurs during plastic flow, and ij ε= P ij ε.This makes limit analysis a simplemethod to solve stability problems, without loss of rigor, assuming rigid perfect plasticity. Lower-bound TheoremIf the stress field within the soil mass is stable and statically admissible, then collapse doesnot occur; that is, the true collapse load is definitely greater than the applied load. This can be written in the form of the virtual work equation, using (3), as'()L L L L i i i i ij ij ij ij ij S V V V T v dS X v dV dV p dV σεσδε-+==+⎰⎰⎰⎰ ()ij ij ij V VD dV dV εσε≤=⎰⎰ (5) Where L ij σ= statically admissible stress field in equilibrium with the traction L i T and bodyforce A ij X -not including the seepage and buoyancy force; ij σ = actual stress; ij ε = actual stain rate; and i v = velocity fields.In (5), the inequality is due to the principle of maximum plastic dissipation, according to which the actual strain rate field is always larger than the rate of work done on the actual strain rate field by a stress field not causing collapse. In (5), only the equilibrium condition and the stress boundary conditions not taken into account. The best lower bound to the true collapse load can be found by analyzing various trial statically admissible stress fields.中文翻译:孔隙水压力作用下土坡的极限分析摘要:极限平衡法一般用于土坡的稳定性分析。



专业英语一选择puter are B useless unless they are given clear and accurare instrucctions and informationputer programming is now including in almost all engineeing B curricula.7.Acrive B recruiting for engineers often begins before the studen t’s last year in the university.8.Many different A corporations and government agencies have comperend for the services of engineers in recent years.9.They may prefer to work with one of the government agencies that B deals with wather resources.11.The civil engineer may work in research ,design,construction,Bsupervision,maintenance,o reven in sales.12.Civil engineers work on many different kinds of C structures .13.It is normal practice for an engineer to specialize in just one kind.14.In designing buildings,engineers often work as B consultants to architertural or construction firms.puter can’t solve complicated problems unless they are given D a good program.17.Electrical and mechanical engineers work on the A design of the power-house and its equipment.18.Construction is aB complicated process on almost all engineering projects.21.Much of the work of civil engineers is carried on C ourdoors .22.For example,B dams are often built in wild river valleys or gorges.25.Thrust is the pressure exered by each part of a structure on A its other parts .27.Today,scientific data permit the engineer to make careful calculations D in advance .28.The weighe of all the people,cars,furniture,machines and so on that the structure will support when it is in use is B live load .29.The force at which the live load will be exerted on the structure isC impact.32.When a saw cuts easily through a piece of wood,the wood is A in tension.33.We definde D shear as the tendency of a material to fracture along the lines of stress.34.B horizontal force acts up or down.36.The Romans also uaed a natural cement called pozzolana,made from B volcanic ash ,that became as hard as stone under water. 38.Modern cement is a mixture ofB limestone and clay .40.Different proportions of the ingredients produceconcrete with different streingth and weight.43.Steel rods are bent into the shapes to give them thenecessary degree of tensile strength.44.Prestressed concrete has made it possible to developbuildings with unusual shapes.46.Many great buildings built in earlier ages are massivestructures withB thick stone walls .47.The modern engineer must also understand the Cdifferent stresses to which the materials in a structure aresubject.49.A simple contract consists of an agreement enterd intoby D two or more parties.51.Some contracts muat be made in a particular D form tobe enforceable.52.Once a person has signed a document he is assumed tohave B approved its contents.55.The contractor is not entitled to any payment if heabandons the work prior to completion.56.The retention money serves to insure D the employeragainst any defects that may arise in the work .60.That civil engineering works must be completed to thesatisfaction of the employer,or his D representative.62.The employer or C promoter of civil engineeringworks normally determines the conditions the conditionsof contract.63.In most cases the tender may be B withdrawn at anytime until it has been accepted.66.The employer is entitled to know the reasoningunderlying theC engineer’s choice of contract.68.A contract has been defined as an agreement whichdirectly creates and contemplates C an obligation.71.If there is no written agreement and C a dispute arisesin respect of the contract.73.Roadbeds B underlie highway pavement structures andthe ballast and track on which trains move.74.In recent years rippers have been used successfully toC break up loose or fractured rock .75.Where material is moved less than about 60m orsteeply downhill, drifting with a track or wheel typebulldozer is A cheapest.78.In 1923,the most used tool was a A scraper of 1/2yd3ually there areC no easy answers on equipmentselection.82.Material forB embankment commonly comes fromroadway cuts or designated borrow areas.84.Construction of pavement over high fills often was Bdeferred for a year or more after completion of the fill toallow this settement to occur.87.In this case, layer thickness,moisture control, and thenumber of passes by a roller of specified type and weightare A predeterminde.88.Field control is largely a matter of conducting thespecified procedure.89.Nearly all vegetable matter should be removed fromthe original ground and fill material.yered construction also produced greater uniformityin the material D itself and in its density and moisturecontent.92.A tuack or wheel type bulldozer is D not suitable toearthmoving considerably long hauls.95.Terminology concerned B with highway preservationvaries considerably from country to country.98.Public agencies typically dictate the major constraintswithin which these design decisions are to be made.101.Safe highways are C expensive and it appears that thedriving public does not want safe highways.104.TheB defective vehicle is a creator of accident.105.Past experience shows that of the vehicles involvedin all crashes.110.Another improvement in drivervisibility is theintroduction of the remote-controlled B outside rearviewmirror.111.The safe performance of the brake system C underhigh temperatures has been ensured.113.The highway can require mental and A physicalresponses.116.The use of uniform traffic control device will reducedriver reaction time A as well as confusion.118.A main source of accidents,the problem of B drunkendriving is the most serious of all.119.To avoid the driving after drinking,one of themethods is B breath test .二、填空121.Areas of research connected with civil engineeringinclude soil mechanics and [soil stabilization] techniques.122.thus [on-the-jod] training can be accquired totranslate theory into practice to the supervisors.123.Engineers oftten work as [consultants] toarchitectural or construction firms.rge projects ordinarly employ severl engineerswhose work is coordinated by a [systems engineer ]125.An important aspect of statistcal mathematics is[probabibity]126.Young engineers may choose to go into[environmental] or sanitary engineering.127.The weight of structure itself is known as [dead load]128.Modern cement,called [Portland cement] wasinvented in 1842.129.[Prestressed] concrete is an improved form ofreinforcement.130.As a structural material,the enormous asvantage of steel is its [tensile strrngth]131.When planning a stucture,an engineer must take into account four factors:deadload [live load] impact and safety factor.132.The three forces that can act on a structure are [vertical fore]horizontal force,and those that act upon it whit a rotating or turning motion.133.A simple contract consists of an [agreement] entered into by two or more parties.134.Theword contract is derived from the latin contractum,meaning [drawn] togther.135.This surn is known as [retention] money and serves to insure the employer against any [defects]that may arise in the work.136.One party to the contract is [liable]for beach of contrac if he fails to perform hs part of the agreement. 137.It is suffcient in order to create a legally [binding contract] if the parties express their agreement and intention to enter into such a contract.138.The contractor is not entitled to any [payment] if he abandons the woek prior to completion,and will be liable in [damages] for breach of contract.139.Excavation is the process of loosning and removing earth or rock and transporting it to a fill or to a [waste deposit].140.[Clearing] the site precedds all grading and most other construction operations.141.Rock nearly always must be drilled and blasted,then loaded with a front-end loader or [power shovel] mtotrucks or other hauling units.142.Mateerial for embankment commonly comds from roadway cuts or designated [borrow areas].143.No attempt was made to control [moiture]content or to secuew compaction.144.Loose rock includes materils such as [weathered or rotten ] rock ,or earth mixed with boulders.145.Causes of automobile accident can be categorizd into four major groups:the vehile,the,the driver,the [pedestrian].146.The redesign of windschield wipers,fresh air [ventilating] systems,had resulted in greater vehicle safety.147.Another improvement in diver visibility is the introduction of the remote-controlled outside [rearview ] mirror.148.The safe performance of the brake system has been ensured by the use of [heavy-duty] brake fluid.149.Relocation and reduction in height of the brake [pedul] has meant that the driver’s total reaction time has been reduced. 150The new design standards require [guard]rails andother structures to lessen a vehicle’s impact.三、英译中。



AbstractThe construction process of continuous large span prestressed concrete rigid frame bridges with curve and high piers is very complex. The linear and internal forces are changing during the construction process. The linear and internal forces of the bridges are closely linked with the construction methodology. In order to ensure the stability and safety of this kind of bridge and guarantee its linear and internal forces to meet the design requirements, the structure analysis and construction monitoring are all required.The Liziping Bridge locates in Luoyang-Luanchuan highway, it is a three-span continuous rigid frame bridge, and its span is 95m + 170 m + 95 m. Its plane is gentle curve and circular curve. The girder is three direction prestressed Single Box and Single Room, the construction method is cradle cantilever casting construct. The height of thin-walled high piers is 68m and 62m, the construction method is turning mould. This paper is based on the engineering background of Liziping Bridge. Combining the construction method, the structure analysis and construction monitoring are performed. The main research of this paper is:1. The Liziping Bridge is analyzed using the finite element software Midas / Civil. Considering the construction process, the mechanical properites of this bridge are analyzed, yielding its section stress and strain during different construction period. This sets a good data foundation for the construction monitoring of this bridge.2. Formulate the construction monitoring schemes for Liziping Bridge. it monitor and control the thin-walled high pier of The Liziping Bridge in the whole construction process. According to the in situ data of the material and construction load, the numerical model is modified accordingly. Based on the feedback of the calculation, construction of the high pier is forecast; it analyzed the influence of upper structure on the thin-walled high piers and by compairing the numerical result with the measured data, adjust offset value of the thin-walled high piers which was used to guide and predict of the thin-walled high piers in the next construction paragraph.3. It analyzed the stability of naked piers and the biggest cantilever in the different load combinations. Finally it obtained the most unfavorable load combinations and the most unstable state and ensure the safety of the bridge construction摘要施工过程中的大跨度预应力混凝土连续刚构梁曲线和高墩是非常复杂的。









3条城市道路city road;urban road在城市范围内,供车辆及行人通行的具备一定技术条件和设施的道路。


4条厂矿道路factories and mines road主要供工厂、矿山运输车辆通行的道路.第2。


5条林区道路forest road建在林区,主要供各种林业运输工具通行的道路。


6条乡村道路country road建在乡村、农场,主要供行人及各种农业运输工具通行的道路.第2。


7条道路工程road engineering以道路为对象而进行的规划、勘测、设计、施工等技术活动的全过程及其所从事的工程实体.第2。

1.8条道路网road metwork在一定区域内,由各种道路组成的相互联络、交织成网状分布的道路系统。



第2.1.9条道路(网)密度density of road network在一定区域内,道路网的总里程与该区域面积的比值。

第2.1.10条道路技术标准technical standard of road根据道路的性质、交通量及其所处地点的自然条件,确定道路应达到的各项技术指标和规定.第2。


11条设计车辆design vehicle道路设计所采用的汽车车型,以其外廓尺寸、重量、运转特性等特征作为道路设计的依据。

第2.1.12条特种车辆special vehicle外廓尺寸、重量等方面超过设计车辆限界的及特殊用途的车辆。


1.13条计算行车速度(设计车速)design speed道路几何设计(包括平曲线半径、纵坡、视距等)所采用的行车速度。

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南昌大学第五课Traffic Engineering Introduction交通工程学概论A.Text: Traffic Engineering BasicsB.Reading Material: Highway CapacityTextTraffic Engineering Basics1 Prediction of Traffic V olume Growth交通量增长预测Traffic volume growth may be predicted using a number of methods but the two primary ones are the use of the ARTS long-range plan and manual methods. The ARTS plan may be used to establish average daily traffic volumes for streets within a study area for a future year as predicted by the ARTS model. This data can be used to develop a factor to apply to existing traffic counts to predict future-year traffic volumes.使用了一些方法,可以预测交通量的增长,但两个主要的是远距离的艺术计划和手动的方法使用。



Manual extrapolation of existing data using growth factors may be available from the City, or the consultant may need to develop them. Growth factors may be and can be representative of a number of algebraic trends. Among these are the straight-line, exponential, and decaying-rate exponential trends. For a good discussion of these trend methods, see the Trip Forecasting Manual published by the Florida Department of Transportation. Generally, manual extrapolation of turning movement counts will not be accepted for periods of time exceeding five years.手动现有数据推算,使用生长因子可能是从化市或顾问可能需要开发它们。





2 Trip Generation Estimation2出行生成估计Trip generation may be estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation. An accompanying publication, the Trip Generation Handbook provides additional information on how to use Trip Generation and how to apply adjustments such as pass-by trips.使用交通工程师协会(ITE)出行生成,出行产生可估计。


Generally, the City of Aiken accepts the methodology provided in Trip Generation and the Trip Generation Handbook. In some cases, trip generation data may not be available from ITE for certain land uses. In these cases the applicant’s consultant will be required to develop estimated trip generation data for use in the study after consultation with the City of Aiken staff.一般来说,市艾肯接受出行生成,出行生成手册中提供的方法。



The Trip Generation provides estimated trip generation data for various land use categories, known as land use codes in the Manual. Average rates for weekdays, weekends, and morning and afternoon peak hours are given for most land use codes. In addition, many of the land use codes provide equations that may be used to determine estimated traffic generation. An example of the data for a land use, Code 210, single-family residential, is given on the following page. As seen in this example, there are average rates as well as an equation given for this particular land use. The Trip Generation Handbook gives information that recommends when to use the average rate data and when to use the equations. A summary decision chart from the Handbook takes into account the size of the development and the statistics indicating the reliability of the data in Trip Generation. For example, for a single-family residential development, the average daily trip generation rate given is 9.57 trips per dwelling unit. The equation given is Ln(T) = 0.92×Ln(X) + 2.71. If a proposed single-family residential project has 300 dwelling units, then the equation would give the following estimate of daily trips:Ln(T) = 0.92×Ln(300) + 2.71Solving for T gives 2857 trips. Using the average rate of 9.57 trips per dwelling unit would give 300×9.57 = 2671. So, there is a discrepancy between the two methods and a decision must be made as to which method to use.For a second example consider a proposed mini-warehouse facility with 125 units, land use code 151. In this case there is an equation given, but the formula is based upon only 14 studies. As per Figure 4, we see that the number of data points is less than 20, so we check the standard deviation and see that it is 1.78 versus the average of 2.50 for a percentage of 72%. Since the R2 value is 0.73, which is less than 0.75, we would use the average of 2.50 per unit. This would result in 2.50×125 = 313 trips. The equation would have given:Ln(T) = 1.01×Ln(125) + 0.82Solving for T gives 298 trips. Again, this is a different result than we would get with the average rate, but in this case the ITE Trip Generation Handbook recommends use of the average rate.As seen above, care must be used when developing trip generation estimates from the ITE Trip Generation and the guidelines of the ITE Trip Generation Handbook must be used to make the correct selection between the use of average rates and equations provided.估计出行生成提供各种土地使用类别的出行生成的数据手册中,被称为土地使用代码。
