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1. get full marks _______________________

2. at the market _______________________

3. at the moment _______________________

4. I’m missing you. _______________________

5. a learning method _______________________

6. building materials _______________________

7. meet the needs of sb _______________________

8.Iron is one of metals. _______________________


9. It’s ten ________ walk. (minute) _______________________

10. I have a meeting ________. (attend) _______________________

11. Jenny’s a ________ student. (medicine) _______________________

12. I have a good ________. (memorize) _______________________

13. The story is ________ about love. (main) _______________________

14. There are only a few ________ teachers. (man) _______________________

15. Do you mind me ________ the door? (open) _______________________

16. I made Bob ________ for me outside. (wait) _______________________

17. She managed ________ the final test. (pass) _______________________


18. I love listening ________ music. _______________________

19. An island is ________ the middle of the lake. _______________________

20. Match the Chinese ________ the right English. _______________________


21.m________ 或许;大概

22.a m________ 一英里

23.A m________ city 现代化都市

24.A club m________ 俱乐部会员

25.A m________ student 男生

26.I m________ Nancy last Sunday. 我上周日遇见了Nancy。

27.Salad is a m________ of raw vegetables. 色拉是凉拌生菜。

28.David’s m________ is England. David的专业是英语。

29.It’s good m________ to stand in line. 排队是文明礼貌的。

30.The lady wouldn’t m________ her age. 哪位女士不愿提及年龄。


I.1.得满分 2.在市场 3.此刻 4.我想你 5.一种学习方法 6.建筑材料7.满足某人的需求8.钢铁是一种金属。

II.9.minutes' 分钟的10.to attend 要参加11.medical 医药的12.memory 记忆13.mainly 主要地14.men 男士15.opening 打开16.wait 等候17.to pass 通过

III.18.to 我喜欢听音乐。19.in 岛处在湖中央。20.with 中英文连线。

IV.21.maybe e 23.modern 24.member 25.male 26.meet 27.mixture

28.major 29.manners 30.mention
