
美国J签证95问问去美国的目的:1、what’s your purpose to America?2、What’s your purpose for the VISA?3、Why do you want to go there?4、Why do you want to apply for the VISA?5、What will you do in the USA?6、What are you doing there?7、What do you do in the USA ?8、What are you going to America for ?问签证类型:1、Which kind of VISA do you want to apply?2、What kind of VISA do you want to apply?问出发时间:1、When are you planning to go there?2、When are you planning to go to America?3、When are you planning to go to the US?4、When are you travelling there?5、On which date do you plan to travel to the US?6、When are you going to there?7、When are you planning to depart?8、When are you going to the USA ?问计划停留时间:1、How long will you stay there?2、How long will you stay in America?3、For how long will you study in America?4、How are you planning to stay in the US?5、How long are you planning to stay in the USA ?6、How long will be staying in the USA?问停留地点:1、Where will you be staying in the USA?2、Where will you living there?3、Where will you stay in the USA?问是否去过美国:1、Have you been to the US before?2、Did you ever travel internationally before?3、Have you ever been abroad?4、Have you ever been in the US?5、Have you ever been to US or other country?问此次前往的项目:What is this program you are going on?问资助方:1、Who is sponsoring you?2、What are your resources to pay for your expenses while in theUS?3、How are you going to the university fees?4、How is going to pay for you the university fees?5、Who will cover your university fees?6、Who’s paying for you?7、How will you support yourself in the USA ?问研究方向(about research proposal ):1、What’s your research proposal/research plan/study plan?2、Can you introduce your research content/research proposal?3、What is your research interest?4、What’s your research plan?问婚姻情况:1、Are you married?2、Have you got married?问美国是否有家属:1、Do you have any relatives living in the US?2、Do you have any relative or family in the USA?3、Do you have family ,friends or siblings in the USA?问住宿:1、Who will arrange to come there accommodation for you?2、Will you be provided a house to live in ?3、Tell me about your housing?问专业:What is your major?关于拒签史:1、Have you ever been refused to a visa?2、Have you denied to a visa earlier?3、Have you been going there before applying for visa?4、Have you been there before applying for visa?关于回国计划:1、What’s your plan after graduation ?2、What will you do after returning to your country ?3、What will you do when you finish your program?如何确保自己会回国:1、How do you assure me that you will come back?2、Can you give me a reason which we not make you stay here?3、How you assure me you’ll return?4、How can I trust you that you will come back?问在国内的工作:1、What’s your job in China?2、What‘s your job now?3、What do you do for a living ?4、What do you do in China?问是否出过国或是否去过美国:1、Have you been to the USA before?2、Did you ever travel internationally before?3、Have you ever been aboard?4、Have you ever been the USA?5、Have you ever been to the USA or other country?问导师:Who is your mentor?问导师研究兴趣:What’s your Mentor’ research interest ?问邀请函:Do you have a paper or prove which shows that the university accepted your application?问父母工作及收入:What’s your father/mother/parents income and what does he/she/they do?问是否预定机票:Have you booked your flight?问行程单:Do you have any itinerary ?问学校注册:Which University are you enrolled at?问成绩单:Can I see your transcripts/mark sheet?问奖学金:Did you get any scholarship for your study?问是否有人同行:1、Will your relatives accompany with you?visit you?2、Are there any persons traveling with you?问中国的工作:1、What’s your job in China?2、What’s your job now?3、What do you do for living?4、What do you do in China?问回国后的计划:1、What’s your plan after graduation?2、What do you do after returning to your country?3、What will you do when you finish your program?4、What’s your plan after return from USA?问出国项目:1、What’s this program you are going on?2、What program are you applying for?问简历:Can I have your /your mentor’s resume/CV?问工资:How much do you earn ?。

美国面签常见问题总结(附中英文简历)(推荐5篇)第一篇:美国面签常见问题总结(附中英文简历)美国面签问题总结1、赴美目的?你这次去美国做什么?What are you going to do in USA? What will you do in USA? What kinds of activities you will take part in during your stay in USA? 你这次去美国有什么目的?What’s your purpose of traveling(visiting or going)to USA? What’s your purpose of this winter camp? Why you want to attend this winter camp? 参考答案:熟练口语;I would like to practise(exercise)my oral English.参加冬令营;I’m very interested in all(different)kinds of activities of this winter camp.学习美式英语;I want to study American English 参观美国名校、感受名校氛围;I am very happy to visit American famous colleges and experience the studying atmosphere.游览美国名胜风景;I would like to enjoy wonderful sightseeing of America.体验美国教育环境;To experience American educational environment 与美国同龄人交流;(文化、音乐、娱乐、生活、学习etc)To communicate with American peers in many aspects such as culture, music, entertainment, life style and studying as well.让美国朋友进一步认识、了解中国。

英国面签问题集锦Hi, I’m Nikki from British Embassy; I am responsible for your visa interview today. During the interview, I will ask you a few questions, please feel relax and you are welcome to stop me whenever you need.·出国前的学习经历1.你现在就读哪个学校?或你是从哪个学校毕业的?Which school did you graduate from?2.你现在就读的专业是什么?或你毕业的专业是什么?What was your major?3.你读的课程级别是什么?What’s the academic level of your course?4.你在这个学校学制是怎样的?从何时到何时?Please tell me the start and end dates for your course of study.5.请列举至少三门你学过的课程。
List at least three courses you' ve learned.6.你认为你学过的课程里面哪门课程最有意思?Among the courses you have learned, which is the most interesting one?7.你有特殊的学习经历么?比如长时间的空档期?Do you have any special learning experience? Like a gap year?8.你有出国学习经历么?Do you have experience studying abroad?9.你学校的地点在哪里?Where is your University located in the UK.10.你总共学了多少门课?How many courses have you learned?11.你的雅思成绩如何?What is your IELTS score?12.雅思成绩的单项呢?How is the score in each part of your IELTS.13.你认为自己对这个专业感兴趣么?Are you interested in your major?14.你认为自己的雅思成绩反映了你的英语能力么?Do you think your IELTS score reflects your English language ability?15.你的成绩单是真实的么?Is your transcript original?·到英国后的学习计划16.你将去哪个英国学校读书?Give me the full name of your University in the UK.17.你要读的专业是什么?请告诉我准确的专业名称。

一.面试开始:1.What’s your name and how old are you?2.How long have you prepared for your interview?3.Is your transcript original/a copy one?4.how long have you prepared you visa interview?5.what type of visa do you want?二.签证目的:1.What is your purpose for the visa?2.What will you do in the USA?3.Are you going to study in the USA?4.what will you study in the United States?5.why do you choose to study in the US in the summer semester?6.is this your first trip to the embassy?三.个人问题1.Where are you from? Where is your hometown?2.Are you a worker or student?3.What’s your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?4.What’s your favorite American film/movie? Why?5.Have you ever been abroad?6.Do you have any relatives in America? Who do you know there?7.What is your favorite food?8.What is your favorite pet?9.What thing do you like best around America or what thing do you like best in China?10.which is your favorite subject?11.what is the difficult class do you have?12.what is your ultimate academic goal?13.when are you going to enter the US?14.are you a top student in your school? What about your ranking in your school?15.will you return to China on holidays?16.Do you have sisters or brothers?17.have you any scholarship?18.where will you live in the USA?19.what is your dream?20.what is your best or worst quality? What is your weakness and strength?21.Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever been abroad?四.学习背景1.What is your academic background/ study background?2.Are you a top student / a priority student?3.What was/ is your ranking in your class?4.What is your best/ favorite subject in secondary school/ senior high school?5.Have you graduated yet?6.Have you taken part in the college entrance examination?/GAOKAO?7.Why don’t you continue with your study in China?8.Why do you want to go to the United States for further study?9.what grade are you going to start in USA?10.How is your score in school?五.申请的大学情况(一)关于大学1.What university are you going to study in the US?2.How do you know this university?3.Why do you choose this university?4.What do you know about this university?5.How do you know this information?6.What rank is this university?7.What is the date of the school opening day? When does the school start?8.What is your study plan?9.How many universities have you applied? Why don’t you choose other universities, like xxxxx?Why?10.Is xxxxx the first university to give you the offer?11.What do you know about (the city of……)?12.how much do you know about the school?13.what is the location of the school? Where is the school located in?14.what is the difference between domestic schools and the schools in USA?15.what is the website address of this school?16.when was the school founded?17.there are a lot of schools in China. They are also offered the first-rate programs in this area.Why do you want to go to the USA for study?18.how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admit you?19.who is the president/headmaster of the school?(二)关于专业1. What will be your major?2. Why do you choose/ like this major?3. Give me a brief introduction about your major.4. Do you know which school is the best for your major?5. What will you study in this major? What courses?/Can you tell me something about the courses in XX?6. In what aspect of your major will you study?7. Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else?8. What do you think will be the most difficult class?(三)关于学位1. What degree will you get/ study?2. Why do you want to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the US?六.资金问题1. Have you got any scholarship?2. How much will you approximately spend for your study?3. Who will offer you the money?4. What do your parents do/ What are your parents doing?and how much are their annual salary/ income?5. How can they be able to support you?6. How can you make sure that you will graduate from the university?7. Do you have a bank deposit certificate?8. How do you (intend to) support yourself during your students in the United States?/ How will you find your study? Will you plan to work while you study in the US?七.毕业后的计划1. What will you do after graduation? Would you come back?2. What’s your dream?3. Tell me your future career plan after your returning to China.4. If you couldn’t find such an opportunity, what will you do?5. Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed/ finished your studies?6. What if there’s a job offer after your graduation in America?7. In the US, you will learn/make much more money than in China, then why do you say you will come back to China?8. Will you want to immigrate/ settle in the US?9. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China after your graduation/10. Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn’t come back?11. Can you tell me why most Chinese students never come back when they finish their study in the USA?12. How can your Bachelor’s Degree benefit you in the future?13. what will you do after you get your degree?14. why are you so sure you will come back to China?15. what kind of job can you find in the future?16. why not stay in USA?八.其他问题1. Did you have a TOEFL or IELTS score?2. Did you apply the universities all by yourself?3. Have you ever been refused for your visa?4. How long will you stay in the USA?5. Where will you live in America?6. Do you have any problems?/ Do you have anything else to say?7. When are you going to enter the USA?8. Who is your advisor?9. Do you have anything to prove it?。

计划模版1. (1) What’s type of you r visa? / 你申请什么类型的签证? F1(2) Is this the first time you apply for US visa?(3) Have you been to other countries before? /Have you ever been outside of China? /Have you ever been abroad?2. (1) what are you going to do in the USA? / What will you do in the US?What’s the purpose for the visa? / What will you study in the United States?Do you want to study in the US? / What do you want to study in the United States?去美国的目的是什么?(2)How many years/how long will you study in America? Why will it take so long?3. Why did you choose this university? 为什么选择这个学校?4. (1)Where is this university? It is in city state. The capital of the state is .(2)Where is the State?(3)What rank is this university?(4)Why didn’t you pick a higher ranked university?(5)Who is your advisor?(6)What’s your ultimate academic goal?5. (1) what courses will you study in this program?(2)What do you think will be the most difficult course?6. From where did you know this school? / How did you find this university?从哪里知道的这个学校?7. About the major you intend to study:(1)What’s your major?(2)What aspect of major will you study?(3)Why did you pick this major?(4)What will you study in this major?(5)What’s the difference between your current major and the major in the United States?(6)Do you know which university is the best for your major?8. (1)How many institutions have you applied to and which ones? / Tell me the other universities you applied to./ Did any other universities admit you? / How many offers did you receive 共申请了几所学校?(2) Give me some basic information about these universities, such as the location, your intended major, etc.(3) Why not choose to study in the other universities?9. (1) how much is your tuition fee?(2) How much should you pay for your each year study? / How much do you expect to spend each year in the US?(3) When will your class begin?10. (1) what’s you academic/education background? / Where did you graduate in China? / Where/when did you get your bachelor’s degree?/high school diploma? /What institute did you attend and what was your major? 你在中国什么学校毕业?/ 你从学术(教育)背景是什么?(2) Why do you like this major?(3) What’s the topic of your graduation thesis?(4) Why don’t you study for bachelor’s/master’s degree in China? / Why are you going to study in the US? / Why do you want to study in the US? / Why do you want to go to the US for further study? / There are a lot of universities in China that offer the first rate graduate(undergraduate) program in this area. Why do you want to go to US to study it?(5) Do you have your transcript with you?(6) Are your transcripts original?(7) Please give me your diploma.(8) What is your favorite subject?(9) Why did you change your major?(10) What’s the difference between your current major and the major in the United States?11. (1) what do you do since your graduation from college? / Where are you working right now? / What are you doing now? / Are you now a worker or a student? (该问题只针对有工作经历的人)(2) What is your daily work?(3) What kind of business does this company do?(4) Tell me the name of your boss.(5)Tell me the address and phone number of your company.(6) Tell me some clients of your company.(7) Why not continue to work in this company?/why have you quit this job?(8) What’s your current salary? /how much do you earn now?(9) Do you have a bank account?12. (1) do you have any scholarship? /why were you offered financial aid from this university?(2) How do you intend to support yourself during your studies in the US?/Do you intend to seek financial support in the US?/Do you have a bank deposit certification? Who will support you financially? / Who will pay for you? /who will be your sponsor? 谁给你经济资助?谁帮你付学费?(3)What does your mother do, and her annual income?(4) What about your father, and his annual income?. (5) If the bank saving history is shorter than half a year, please explain why the money has very short history.13. (1) What about your future plan? / What will you do after graduation? / Why do you want to pursue a bachelor’s/ master’s degree? / What will you do with your master’s/bachelor’s degree? / What kind of job do you expect to find and why? / Where will you go when you come back? / Do you plan to seek employment in the United States after you have completed the studies? ( Please tell where you want to work, and what position you want to get. )回国之后的计划? 毕业之后做什么?(2) How can you convince me your will come back? / Why not try to work in USA? 怎么让我确信你会回来?(3) how much will you earn if you come back? / What salary do you think you can get when you come back?(4) Why do you think you can find a job like that? /If you can’t find a job like that, what will you do?14. If I don’t give you visa, what are you going to do? 我不给你签证你怎么办?15. Do you have any friends or relatives in America?16. (1) Do you have any language proficiency score, like TOFEL or IELTS? / Show me your TOFEL and GRE scores.(2)When and where did you take the TOFEL and GRE tests?(3)How long did you prepare for this exam?17. Do you have any sisters or brothers? / Are you the only child in the family?18. How old are you?19. Where is your home? Where are you from?20. Do you have any hobbies? / What do you do in your spare time?21. What thing do you like most about America?22. What did you have for breakfast/ lunch?23. Will you live in or off the campus? In the campus.24. Did you apply for this university by yourself or through the agent?I did it almost by myself. My English teacher also gave me some help. It’s not so difficult. Only need to read the admission requirements to see whether I am qualified. Then fill out the application forms online and mailed some documents to the university directly.What documents? Financial affidavit forms, resumes, PS, reference letters and high school certificate and transcript.关于相关材料的英文翻译如下:存款证明:Bank statement存折:bankbook 存单:Deposit receipt房产证:housing certificate车本:driving license股票交割单:stock transaction record银行对账单:bank record营业执照副本:business license税单:tax certification股东证明:shareholder certification毕业证:graduation certificate/certification学位证:degree certificate/certification在读证明:study certificate成绩单:transcript荣誉证书: honor certificate工作/收入证明:work/job/employment/income certification名片:business card大学录取通知书:offer奖学金信:scholarship letter家庭照片:family picture。

国内公司——1.Q:Where are you working now?A: I am working in CNAF. China National Aviation Fuel.2.Q:你们公司是哪年成立的?When did your company start?A: My Company was founded in______.3.Q:你们公司主要经营哪些业务?What is the main business of your company?A:My company is the largest aviation fuel supplier and it integrates the purchase, transport, storage, quality control, sales and injection of aviation fuel in China.4.Q:你们公司有多少人?How many employees in your company?A: About _____ employees.5.Q: 你在哪个部门任职?你们部门有多少员工?What department are you in and how many employees in your department?A: I’m in the operation department. We have___ people.6.Q: 你具体的职责是什么?What is your specific duty?A: I am now the Deputy Manager, mainly responsible for the overseas purchase module./ I am responsible for the arrangement and management of aviation oil import & export business.7.Q: 你的工资是多少?What is your salary?/What is your monthly or yearly income?A: About 20000 per month.8.Q: 你在该公司从事过哪些工作?What other works did you do?A: I have worded in HR department, responsible for training and employee’s insurance.美国公司——9.Q:美国公司是哪年成立的?When did the US company start?A: The US Company was founded in______.10.Q:美国公司主要经营哪些业务?What is the main business of the US company?A:11.Q:美国公司目前都有哪些部门?有多少员工?What department does the US company have? And how many employees?A:12.Q:你将来去了之后做什么工作,具体职责是什么?What jobs will you do in US Company? / What is your duty in US Company? / Whatare you going to do in U.S?A:13.Q:美国公司和中国公司是什么关系?What is the relationship between the Chinese company to the US company?A:14.Q:你的最高学历是什么?毕业于哪所学校?What is your highest degree? Which school you graduated from?A: I am a PHD of the University of Science and Technology Beijing.15.Q:美国公司在哪里、有多少人、几个中国人?Where the company in USA? How many employees and how many Chinese employees in the US Company?A: In California, Torrance. There are ___ people, all of them are Chinese.16.Q: 公司最大的股东是谁?股权有多少?Who is the largest shareholder of the company? How much equity?A:。

赴美商务面签问题1,请出示你的护照和邀请函Please show me your passport and invitation letterHere you go / Here you are/ Here it is2,你去美国干什么What’s your purpose for this tripFor business meeting and visiting clients.以邀请函描述内容为主3,你之前有出过国吗Have you ever went to other foreign countriesYes,Poland,Russia,and Germany.4,你会讲英语吗Can you speak EnglishYes, I can speak a little English.6,你在公司担任什么职位What are you in charge of in your companyI am an In House Counsel, Company Attorney.5,你们公司为什么要派你去Why does your company send you there for this tripI am in charge of this business, it’s my job to deal with thismatter.7,你们公司是做什么的What kind of business is your companyOur company is a wholly state-owned enterprise, mainlymanufacturing auto components and special purpose vehicle. 8,你大概在美国呆多长时间How long you may stay in AmericaTwo weeks at most.。

签证面试必答的英语问题【世贸人才网:国际贸易人才门户更新时间: 2008-12-17 】【来源:世贸人才网】参与学校和社区的活动,深入了解美国文化,增进与美国人民的友谊。
4) Are you going to study in USA5) When/where did you get your BS/MS(Bachelor/Master Degree)1998 河南师范大学2007 华东师范大学6) What/where are you studying now密执安州,密歇根大学7) How long will you study in USAHalf a year8) Have you any scholarshipYes, China scholarship c will sponsor me 1thousand dollar every month.9) What do you want to study in USA运动、营养、激素对2型糖尿病性骨质疏松的影响Different sports and nourishmentMechanical, dietary, and hormonal parameters to prevent diabetic osteoporosis in type 2 diabetic women10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD艺术体操运动人体科学,不同运动方式对大鼠骨生化指标的影响运动人体科学,机械、饮食和激素等变量在预防2型糖尿病女性骨质疏松中的作用Mechanical, dietary, and hormonal parameters to prevent diabetic osteoporosis in type 2 diabetic women11) What is your purpose for the visaStudy,通过联合培养项目完成博士论文,12) What is your academic background运动员经历,对运动对身心的影响有直接的体会,从而提出有实践意义的研究课题;在运动对骨代谢指标的影响方面,有一定的研究积累,发表了相关论文。

盘点:史上最全的英国面签问题大汇总(英文版)从2013年6月1日起,所有申请Tier 4签证的学生都必须要求进行面试(Interview),具体的形式是进行面对面测试,还是电话面试目前还没有正式下达相关的具体通知。
基本情况篇:1. Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?Yes,please2. Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it ?Yes this is my application form, I sign it by myself.3. And how long ? What is the maximum time you wish to stay there?4. Are you traveling along or with someone else?5. Do you know anyone at all in the UK.6. Is any of your family outside China now/? If so, who are they and where?7. Do you know anyone who intends to study in the UK.Yes, many students in China want to study in the UK.8. Do you know anyone you know refused a visa to go to the U k.9. Are you one of any political parties in China?10. Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country?11. Is this your first tine applying for a visa?Yes, it is the first time .12. Is this the first time going out of the China?13. Why do you want to go to the UK.?Because of it’s excellence in higher education. and warm welcome to international students.14. What will you do in the UK?I want to improve my English, and get my academic degree.15. Why do you intend to study in the UK rather than China?In my speciality, UK has more advanced technology than China.16. What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?17. Do you think UK has some more advantage than other countries?18. When you have the idea to go abroad to study ?19. Do you know about UK?20. When will you arrive in UK?出国目的篇:1. What is your future plan? What will you do after graduation?I will come back to China, and devoted myself to developing food industries of China.2. Wold you come back after graduation?Yes indeed.3. What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?Master of Science.4. Will you want to settle in the UK?No, I will not.5. After graduation, will you plan to find a job in the UK?No, I will not. Although China is a developing country, it is more potential and challenging than other countries. China will give me more chances to succeed.. So to come back to China is advisable choice for me .6. In the UK, you will earn much money than in China. Then why do you say you will come back to China?Money is important, In China the emotion to parents is more important than money. My parents are in China. I will definitely come back and am responsible for looking after them when they get old.7. If a company wants to hire you after graduation, would you come?No, if a company in UK wants to hire me ,a better company in China also will hire me .So,it is the same.8. What do you think your future position after your study?I want to be the administrator of a food company. In the UK, I will learn how to combine the food knowledge with the management skills.9. And what do you think your future salary?学习计划篇:1. Where will you study ?2. How did you know this University?3. How much do you know this University?I know this university is welcome to Chinese students and has high reputation in teaching and research. What is more ,it rates the first place in Food Sciences in UK.4. Which subject will you study /?what is your proposed course?5. Which course will you study? what is the course arrangement? How much do you know about your course?The course combines the Food Sciences with the management operations. Therefore, I will study some knowledge about Food Sciences such as Food Factory operation, Food flavor ,Food Commodities, And some knowledge about management such as, management quality, marketing& logistics, managing Operations& Change. And in the autumn semester, after industrial placement a dissertation will be submitted.6. How many hours will you study per hour?7. When is the opeing date of school term?8. Where are you going to live in UK?I was allocated a room at Sutton bonington campus, at Nottingham.9. Do you need use English in your study?Yes, Indeed,.It is necessary for me to use English in my work.10. Do you have to take the English Course?Yes, If I meet some difficulties in communication ,I will turn to the English course learn Center.11. Have you ever considered other school while applying ? What are they?Yes, they are leeds ,reading ,Oxford brooks,Birmingham.12. Then why do you choose this University?It rates the first place in my speciality.And it’s welcome to Chinese students.13. Why do you choose Food Production Management? Why do you want to study Food Production Management?I am very interested in Food Sciences. And Some management skills will be benefit for me.14. What is your last degree obtained?15. When did you graduate?16. What do you do now? what have you studied?I learn English and some knowledge about Food Sciences.资金证明和来源篇:1. What are your tuition fees?2. What about the living expenses? In addition to tuition?3. Do you know how much money does it cost for the entire period of your study?4. Is the found available ? how much?5. Does it include the stocks?6. Where does the money come from? Who will pay for the money ?Who will pay your courses?7. What is their annual income? What is your parents salary?My father’s annual salary is RMB51,300,00My mother’s annual income is RMB29,153,008. What do your parents do? How can they supported you?How does the money come from?They have the ability to support me.9. Can you give some description of your father’s company? Can you give some description of your mother’s company?10. Can I look at your bankbook?11. Can I look at your bank certification?小编提醒:在你面签之后,无论签是否拿到签证,都建议你立刻拿起笔,把你签证过程中的所有问题及你如何回答的都记下来,如果你拿到签证,就一切OK!如果你被拒签或撤签,这些问题就更重要了,因为你每说的一句话和你所有的材料在使馆都有记录的,我可以根据你面试的问题为你分析是否能再签及如何再签。

1,Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed? 你已经准备好面签了么Yes,please 是的请开始吧2,Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it ? 这是你得签证申请表么你都懂了并且签字了么Yes this is my application form, I sign it by myself. 是的这是我的申请表格我自己签字的3,And how long ? What is the maximum time you wish to stay there? 你希望在那待多长时间最多About one year. 大概一年4,Are you traveling along or with someone else? 还有其他人和你一起去么No 没有5,Do you know anyone at all in the UK. 你在A国有认识人么Yes, my sister and her hu**and study in the UK. 是的我姐姐和姐夫在 A国6,Is any of your family outside China now/? If so, who are they and where?你家庭的其他成员现在有不再中国的么如果有现在在哪Yes,my sister and her hu**and study in the UK, 是的我姐姐和姐夫在A7,Do you know anyone who intends to study in the UK. 你知道都谁想去A国读书吗Yes, many students in China want to study in the UK. 是的许多中国学生都想去8,Do you know anyone you know refused a visa to go to the U k. 你知道谁想去A国的被拒签了么No 没有9,Are you one of any political parties in China> 你是中国共产党员吗No , I am not. 不我不是10,Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country? 你是否之前申请过其他国家的签证呢No I have not. 不没有11,Is this your first tine applying for a visa? 这是你的第一次申请签证吗Yes, it is the first time .是的第一次12,Is this the first time going out of the China / 这是你第一次离开中国么Yes, It is the first time.是的13,Why do you want to go to the UK.? 为什么选择ABecause of it’s excellence in higher education. and warm welcome to international students 因为他们很好的很高的教育水平并且欢迎国际的留学生。

PRC是中华人民共和国(People’s Republic of China)的意思1.What's your name?你是谁?2.How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in New Oriental? 你准备签证面试多长时间了?有你在准备面试新东方吗?3。
Where are you from?Where is your hometown? 你来自哪里?你的家乡在哪里呢?4. Have you ever been to nations aside of China?Have you ever gone abroad?你有没有到过中国以外的国家?你去过国外吗?5。
What's your favorite food?What's your favorite food?6。
How old are you?你多大了?7。
How long have you been in Shanghai?你在上海多久了?8。
What's your hobby?你爱好什么?9.What do you do in your spare time? 空闲时间你干什么?10。
Where is your HUKOU(户口)?哪里是你的湖口(户口)?11.Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)? 哪个是你最喜欢的餐馆(咖啡)?12。
Where do you live?Where will you live? 你住哪里?你会住在哪里?13.Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?你每天早上都喝一杯咖啡吗?14。
what kind of computer do you have? 你的电脑是什么样的?15.what is your favorite color? 你最喜欢什么颜色?16。

面试评估以及使馆签证问题问答准备中英法第一部分个人情况 - Part one Personal Information (female case)1. Informations personnelles (féminin)问:您能做一下自我介绍吗?您可以和我说一下您的个人情况吗?法:Pouvez-vous vous présenter ? Pouvez-vous me parler un peu de vous ?英:Would you please introduce yourself ?答:我叫xxx,我今年xx 岁,我是xxx 人,我是单身。
法:Je m’appelle xxx, je viens de xxx, je suis célibataire, Je suis employée dans une entreprise, nous somme trois dans ma famille : mes parents et moi.英:My name is xxx. I am xx. I come from xx x. I’m single. I’m an employee in a company. There’re three members in my family, my parents and I.答:我叫杨红。
法:Je m’appelle Yang Dan, mon nom est Yang, mon prénom est Dan.英: My name is Yang Dan. My family name is Yang. My given name is Dan.问:您是哪年出生的?您是哪天出生的?您今年几岁?法:Quelle année êtes-vous née ? Quelle est votre date de naissance ? Quel age avez-vous ? Quel est votre age ?英:In which year were you born? When were you born? What’s your birth date? How old are you?答:我是1977年出生的。

签证问题20问1. What will you study in the United States?你在美国学什么?2. What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?What is your favorite subject?你的专业是什么?研究方向是什么?你最喜欢的学科是什么?3. What will you do in USA?你去美国干什么?4. When/Where did you get your BS/MS?你何时、何地获得学士(或硕士)学位?5. How long will you study in USA?你在美国学多久?6. What is your purpose for the visa?你签证的目的是什么?7. What is your academic background?你的学历如何?8. What is your plan? What will you do after graduation? Why? What kind of job can you find in the future?你的计划如何?毕业后做什么?为什么?你将来会找到什么样的工作?9. Give me the reasons that you will come back to China.告诉我你为什么要回中国。
10. Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?你能解释为什么有90%的中国学生没回国吗?11. Why do you choose this university?你为什么选择这所大学?12. Why do you like your major?你为什么喜欢自己的专业?13. Why do you want to pursue a master's/doctoral degree?你为什么要攻读硕士(或博士)学位?14. How do you receive financial aid from this university?你怎样得到这所学校的奖学金的?15. What institution did you attend and what was your major?你上过哪所学校?专业是什么?16. What have you done after you graduated from university?大学毕业后你做过什么?17. Why do you want go to the United States for further study?你为什么想到美国深造?18. Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master^/ doctoral degree now?你为什么认为现在该去攻读硕士(或博士〉学位?19. Why do you want to study …in the US?你为什么想在美国学习…?20. Many universities in China offer first-rate graduate programs in…. but why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?中国很多大学都有一流的…研究生课程,那你为什么还想去美国读研究生呢?。

美国留学面签问题(巨详细版)1. Talk about yourself. /Introduce yourself.说一说你自己.My name is _______. I am _______ years old. I am from ________.In my free time, I like _______________ ,_____________ and __________ .2. What's the purpose of your visit? 你来访的目的?I want to have further study there.3. What do you do now? /What did you do after graduation? /What have you been doing lately? 你现在在干什么?I am a student. I graduate from ________________________________.I am learning English in a training center lately.4. When and where did you graduate? 你什么时候,在哪里毕业的?I graduated from __________________________________________5. What did you study in college? / What is it about? 你以前学习的什么专业?I studied ___________________________ before.6. What will you do in USA? /What is your purpose for the visa? /What’s your study plan in the states /Tell me your education plan.你的学习计划.I will learn ESL (English as a Second Language) there. I will have undergraduate studies: Level 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then I will major in Business Administration and Management.7. Why do you want to study in USA? /Why do you intend to study in USA rather than in China? 为什么想去美国学习?Because I want to improve myself and learn more English.8. 1).What degree will you pursue in USA?2).What is your ultimate academic goal?3).What level of education are you pursuing in America?4).What was the last degree you obtained?5).What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation? 你在美国将要获得什么学位?/你最终的学习目标?/你准备在美国继续什么层次的教育?My goal is to have Master's degree or even Doctor's degree there.9. What school will you go? 你将要去哪个学校?I will go to North Seattle Community College.10. How do you know this university? 怎么知道的这所学校?I know this university/ college from the agent and from the internet.11. Why did you choose that university? 为什么选择这所学校?Because I heard that it is a good school and I like the city there.12. How much do you know about the university? /Tell me about something about this university. 对这所学校了解多少?13. What's your intended major? /What will you study? 选择的专业是什么?I will learn ESL (English as a Second Language) there. I will have undergraduate studies: Level 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then I will major in Business Administration and Management.14. Why do you want to study this major in the USA? /Why did you choose this major? 为什么选择这个专业?Because I think it is useful for my future and for my family business.15. How did you get interested in your major? 你是怎么样喜欢上你的专业的?I think it is useful and challenging.16. Who will be your sponsor? /Who's going to pay for yourstudies in the States? 谁支助你上学?17. Who will be your sponsor? /Who's going to pay for your studies in the States? 谁支助你上学?My father and mother pay for my studies.18. Did your parents borrow any of the money? 你父母为你上学借钱了吗?No. they didn't. They can afford it.19. What do your parents do? / Where does your father or mother get the funds from? 你父母的工作是什么?/ 你父母的钱是从哪里来的?My father and mother have a factory.They sell ____________________ for money.20. What are your father's/mother's responsibilities at work? /Describe your father's/mother's job to me. 你父母的主要工作是?They sell ______________________.21. How long have they worked there? 他们在那里工作多久了?They have worked there for ________ years.22. Do you have a bank deposit certification (Bankbooks)?May I see your bankbooks/bank statements/C.D./certificate deposit? 你有存款证明吗?我能看一下吗Sure, here you are!23. How much money have your parents saved for your education? /How much money have you been set aside? /How much money do you have been fund? 存了多少钱?Yes. ____________________ (pointing out)24. Do you have the enough fund for your study? 你有足够的钱学习吗?Yes, I do.25. How long have you been saving money? 钱存了多久?For more than ________ years.26. What is your plan? /What will you do after graduation? /What kind of job can you find in the future? 你毕业以后的计划?I will get my MBA degree in America. Then I will go back to China and work in my parents' factory.27. Will you come back after graduation? /Do you plan to return to china after graduation? 毕业后打算回国吗?Sure! I will go back to China and help with my family business.28. 1).In USA you can earn much more money than in China .So, why do you say you will return to China?2).You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why don’t you want to earn more?3).Why won't you stay in the US?4).Why will you come back to China instead of finding a job in America? 5).Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? 为什么要回国?Because my family and the factory need me. If I can get MBA degree, I am able to help my family factory in the future.29. 1).Do you plan to seek financial support in the US?2).Do you plan to find a job while you are studying?3).Will you look for a part time job while going to school? 你在学习期间会做兼职吗?30. 1).Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed your studies?2).Do you looking for employment in USA?3).After graduation do you plan to find a job in USA? 你毕业后打算在美国找工作吗?I don't think so. I want to go back to China and help with my parent’s factory.31. What is the TOEFL requirement of your school? 你学校要求的托福成绩是多少?32. When is the opening date of your university? /When does your university start? 你学校什么时候开学?33. When are you going to enter USA? 你打算什么时候去美国?34. Where are going to live? 你打算住在哪里?35. Does your university require you to take ESL? 你的学校要求参加ESL课程吗?36. What does the ESL mean? ESL是什么意思?37. Is this your first trip to the embassy? 这是你第一次来大使馆吗?38. When did you arrive to the US consulate? 你什么时候到达美国大使馆?39. Are you confused? 你感到很困惑吗?40. Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed? /Are you fit enough to be interviewed? 你准备好面试了吗?41. Is this your application form? /Is this you non-immigrate visa application form? 这是你的(非移民)申请表吗?42. What is another name for your non-immigrate visa application from? 非移民签证申请表的另一个名字是?43. Is this your D-S form? 这是你的D-S表?44. Did you read the form? 你已经读了这份表格了吗?45. Did you fill in/complete your D-S form? 你填完D-S表了吗?46. Is this your I-20 form? 这是你的I-20表?47. Did you fill out your I-20 form? 你填完I-20表了吗?48. Have you signed your I-20 form yet? 在I-20表上签名了吗?49. How long do you want to stay in USA? /What is the maximum time you want to stay in USA? /How long do you needa visa for? /How long will you study in USA? 你打算在美国待多久?50. What type of visa do you need? 你需要那种签证?51. Do you know anyone who has been refused a visa to America or any other country? 你认识被美国或其他国家拒签过的人吗?52. Have you ever been refused a visa? 你曾经被拒签过吗?53. Are you a member of any political parties? 你是政党的成员吗?54. Have you ever applied for a visa to another country? 你向其他国家申请过签证吗?55. Is this your first time applying for a visa? 这是你第一次申请签证吗?56. Are you traveling alone? 你是自己一个人去吗?57. Are you traveling with someone else? 你和其他人一起去吗?58. Are any of your relatives in USA? /Do you have any relatives in the United States? Is anybody in your family outside of China now? 你在美国有亲戚吗?59. Is anyone of your family in the other country? 你的家人有在其他国家的吗?60. 1).Have you ever been to nations aside of china? 你出国过吗?2).Have you ever traveled outside of China?3).Have you ever gone abroad?4).Have you ever traveled other nations?61. Do you know anyone who intends to travel to USA? 你认识其他想去美国的人吗?62. Is this your first time going out of china? 这是你第一次出国吗?63. Have you got any scholarship? /Did your school offer you scholarship? 你的学校提供奖学金给你吗?64. May I see your transcript? /Can I look at your transcript? /I need to see your transcript? 我能看看你的成绩单吗?65. How many hours per-week will you study? /How much do you plan to study? /How long will you study every week? 你每周学习几个小时?66. How did you prepare the interview? /Have you prepared the interview? 你是怎么准备签证的?67. How long have you prepared your visa interview? 你为了签证准备了多长时间?68. Do you want American Citizenship? 你想要美国公民资格吗?69. Will you immigrate? 你想要移民吗?70. Will your return to China on holidays? 你假期回中国吗?71. On your holidays do you plan to see any sites in American? 在假期中你打算在美国去看一些城市吗?72. If I can't give you a visa today / If I refuse your visa /If I don’t believe you are student /If I say I think you want immigrate /If I don't believe your paper work is real, what will you do? 如果我拒签你,你将怎么做?73. Who do you think has been the best president in American history? 你认为美国历史上最伟大的领导人是谁?74. Who do you think has been greatest leader in the world? 你认为世界上最伟大的领导人是谁?75. Do you think you can graduate from this university? 你觉得你会毕业嘛?76. How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?77. What's your hobby? / What do you usually do in your spare time? 你的兴趣爱好是什么?78. Tell about your favorite movie/book/star....79. Tell me about your hometown.。

英文面试面签常见问题11.Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?Yes,please2. Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it ?Yes this is my application form, I sign it by myself.3. And how long? What is the maximum time you wish to stay there?4. Are you traveling along or with someone else?5. Do you know anyone at all in the UK.6. Is any of your family outside China now/? If so, who are they and where?7. Do you know anyone who intends to study in the UK.Yes, many students in China want to study in the UK.8. Do you know anyone you know refused a visa to go to the U k.9.Are you one of any political parties in China?10. Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country?11. Is this your first tine applying for a visa?Yes, it is the first time.12. Is this the first time going out of the China?13. Why do you want to go to the UK?Because of it’s excellence in higher education. and warmwelcome to international students.14. What will you do in the UK?I want to improve my English, and get my academic degree.15. Why do you intend to study in the UK rather than China?In my speciality, UK has more advanced technology than China.16. What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?17. Do you think UK has some more advantage than other countries?18. When you have the idea to go abroad to study ?19. Do you know about UK?20. When will you arrive in UK?英文面试面签常见问题21. What is your future plan? What will you do after graduation?I will come back to China, and devoted myself to developing food industries of China.2. Wold you come back after graduation?Yes indeed.3. What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?Science.4. Will you want to settle in the UK?No, I will not.5. After graduation, will you plan to find a job in the UK?No, I will not. Although China is a developing country, it is more potential and challenging than other countries. China will give me more chances to succeed.. So to come back to China is advisable choice for me .6. In the UK, you will earn much money than in China. Then why do you say you will come back to China?Money is important, In China the emotion to parents is more important than money. My parents are in China. I will definitely come back and am responsible for looking after them when they get old.7. If a company wants to hire you after graduation, would you come?No, if a company in UK wants to hire me ,a better company in China also will hire me .So,it is the same.8. What do you think your future position after your study?I want to be the administrator of a food company. In the UK, I will learn how to combine the food knowledge with the management skills.9. And what do you think your future salary?英文面试面签常见问题31. Where will you study ?2. How did you know this University?3. How much do you know this University?I know this university is welcome to Chinese students and has high reputation in teaching and research. What is more ,it rates the first place in Food Sciences in UK.4. Which subject will you study /?what is your proposed course?5. Which course will you study? what is the course arrangement? How much do you know about your course?The course combines the Food Sciences with the management operations. Therefore, I will study some knowledge about Food Sciences such as Food Factory operation, Food flavor ,Food Commodities, And some knowledge about management such as, management quality, marketing& logistics, managing Operations& Change. And in the autumn semester,after industrial placement a dissertation will be submitted.6. How many hours will you study per hour?7. When is the opeing date of school term?8. Where are you going to live in UK?I was allocated a room at Sutton bonington campus, at Nottingham.9. Do you need use English in your study?Yes, Indeed,.It is necessary for me to use English in my work.10. Do you have to take the English Course?Yes, If I meet some difficulties in communication ,I will turn to the English course learn Center.11. Have you ever considered other school while applying ? What are they?Yes, they are leeds ,reading ,Oxford brooks,Birmingham.12. Then why do you choose this University?It rates the first place in my speciality.And it’s welcome to Chinese students.13. Why do you choose Food Production Management? Why do you want to study Food Production Management?I am very interested in Food Sciences. And Some management skills will be benefit for me.14. What is your last degree obtained?15. When did you graduate?16. What do you do now? what have you studied?I learn English and some knowledge about Food Sciences.。

1.What will you study in the U.S.?(同5.6.)My major in USA will be ……The course includes accounting, finance,marketing and practical skills.1)I am always interested in this major, so I want to accomplish more inthis territory in the future.2) in China as a developing country, the major has a great prosperity ofcourse.3) Because I study this major in China, Im quiet familiar with it and I’vehad some basic knowledge about it, so it will be easier for me tocontinue studying it.4) I would like t o be a … when I come back to China, so studying themajor abroad will be a great help for my career.2.Why do you want to study in USA?For a college student of design arts concerned,a lot of the leadingschools are in the US, especially in the west coast.1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially thecourse of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’ courses are of course in line with themodern financial trends and practices.2) Moreover, the RMB appreciates day by day, so study in USA ischeaper than ever before.3) It’s said that the USA authority welcome the Chinese students. Thatreleases the local economic crisis.3.Why do you choose this university?I choose this University because of several reasons.A. FIU has been ranked among the top 100 public universities in the U.S.And its hospitality and tourism program is ranked sixth.B. FIU offers internship that utilizes the hotels, resorts, restaurants, clubsand so on as practice labs for students.C. FIU has excellent professors, such as Gregory Bohan who graduatedfrom Cornell University and Sandro Formica who has published over fifty articles in international academic journals.D. FIU’s average costs are reasonable, and it’s located in a city that hasa pleasant climate similar to my hometown. This will better help meadjust to my school life abroad.4.How do you know this school?At first, I searched the ranking list on the internet and located a range,then I went to the official websites of these universities to look for more detailed information such as reputation, location, curriculum, internship, and so on, then I chose the universities that fit me most.5.What is your major? Why do you choose it?I choose this major because of my interest and career prospect.To be specific, I have always loved living in a nice hotel and enjoyed that graceful and cozy environment. My cousin is also an executive general manager in a resort, when I was a Junior I spent some of my vacations in the resort where she was working, since then I developed moreinterest in hotels and I made up my mind to deal with hotel work in thefuture. I also found out that China is very short of talented people in star hotels, especially those with good foreign language skills and foreigneducational backgrounds. I can speak 2 foreign languages, so with theadvanced education in the US and my knowledge in Chinese culture, Iwill gain the upper hand in the Chinese hotel market.6.In what aspect will you study? Why do you like your major? 7.How long will you study in USA?8 . How many universities did you apply, how about the result?I applied to 2 universities. One is FIU and the other is University of South Carolina. They both have accepted me. But USC just informed me of my acceptance a few days ago, so I haven’t received its paper admissions. But since FIU is my priority, I decide to choose this one instead of waiting for the other one.In August I began my application process. At first I filled out an application form online and paid 30 dollars for the application fee, and then mailed my package containing my Official University Transcripts, recommendation letters, back letter etc.I got the paper admission at the end of October.(Why only two universities?)Because they are enough for me, I am interested in these two schools most and my scores met their requirements.9. Have you received any scholarship?I did apply for scholarship but I don’t know the result yet. Since my advisor told me scholarships will not be processed until after the start of the semester. But even if I didn’t get the scholarship, my parents have prepared enough money for my studies in America.10, what is the difference between the education of China and USA?(同题2)America has the best quality of education around the world. I heard that Ameri can professors focus more on students’ creativity and they are more open-minded.The US has the best educational resourses and models in the world, and the American education combines practical experience with classroom theory while the Chinese education focuses more on theory.11. Why does your program start so early?12. Why in us not other countries?(同2)As far as I know, many European countries like UK and Switzerland have a short period of education for Master’s Degree, one year or one year and a half at most. This kind of educational system is not very good for me to digest the knowledge, considered that I have no educational background in Hospitality Management before.Moreover, they are smaller countries compared to the US, so their markets are smaller. There won’t be many internship opportunities for me.13. what is the duty for the RA/TA/GA?Teaching Assistantship (TA)TAs usually help out the instructor for anything related to course anywhere from grading the home works to teaching a particular topic in class. Research Assistantship (RA)Research Assistantships are very common in research oriented Universities. The funds for RAs come from the research projects under a professor. Theyprofessors usually get grants to do research and professor seeks students to help them with the research.Graduate Assistantship (GA)GA is similar to RA, but the duties are a bit different. The GA is a departmental position and they are available in various departments. In some places there is no difference between GA and RA.14.Do you have any hobbies?Yes, I play basketball a lot, I am a big fan of NBA.15. What do you do in your spare time?I play basketball with my friend, sometimes I hang out with them, go toKTV or go shopping.16. Where are you studying now? How about your academic background?I graduated from Xi’an International Studies University this year in July. My Major was German.17. did you take any English test?Yes, I took TOEFL test, my score was ….Yes, I took TOEFL test, but my score is not qualified enough for me to go to the university, So I will do ESL course first.18. How will you celebrate your graduation from university.Well , I think I will probably go travelling.19. What is your favorite course? What did you learn from it?My favorite course is …., and this is also the course I applied for further study abroad. I like it because21.Why not continue your study in China.22. What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?Because my career goals are to become a senior executive in a 5-star hotel within 5 years and set up my own hotel within 10 years. In order to achieve these goals, I need advanced and professional knowledge in Hospitality Management. The US can provide the best opportunity for me to get what I need.You know, there is still a gap between Chinese educational level and the American’s. The US has the best educational re sourses and models in theworld, and the American education combines practical experience with classroom theory while the Chinese education focuses more on theory. Moreover, hospitality industry is highly developed in America. So I can learnthe latest information about hospitality management to enrich my knowledge. 23. If you want to set up your own company. What kind of help can your parents give you?/I think your plan is hard to fulfill, I don’t believe your plan. How can you prove that to me?I know my ambitions are high, but I have confidence and determination to fulfill them. They are feasible!Basically speaking, China is the most suitable place for me to achieve my goals. On one hand, I can get the strongest relationship and money support in China since my parents and most of my friends live here. On the other hand, China is more suitable to start business because of its huge labor market, lower investment costs and the government support.As far as I know, starting a business needs abundant knowledge, experiences, capital and social network. I can get such knowledge from my studies in the US. Then I will gather practical experiences by working in China’s hotel industry for years, at the same time I will enlarge my social network here. When I have collected sufficient money and the time is right, I will be able toset up my own hotel.24.Will you pursue your PHD degree in USA?I don’t think so. After I graduate, I want to go back to China and find a job to accumulate as much working experience as I can. Hospitality Management emphasizes more on practical experience than on theories. So when I get the master’s degree, I would like to start my work as soon as possible.If I need to further my study later in my work, I will consider.25. What is the difference between your major now and the major in USA? Why do you change your major?Before I entered the University, I didn’t have a very clear and detailed career plan. When I was a Junior, I spent some of my vacations in the resort wheremy cousin was working as an executive general manager. Since then I developed more interests in hotels and I made up my mind to deal with hotel work in the future. My cousin also told me that China is very short of talented people in star hotels, especially those with good foreign language skills and foreign educational backgrounds. I can speak 2 foreign languages, so with the advanced education in the US and my knowledge in Chinese culture, I willgain the upper hand in the Chinese hotel market.26. Who will support your study?My parents will support the costs of my studies. They have fixed income, stock earnings and bank savings for many years.My mother works as (母亲职位) and her annual income this year is about (今年年收入). My father works as (父亲职位)and his annual income this year is about (今年年收入). Here are their Certificates of Employment and Income and my family asset.27. How much money will you spend for your study?28. What do your parents do?(同26)29. How about your parents income?(同上)30.Can you introduce your father’s company?31. When your parents will retire?32. How many children are there in your family? What do they do?33. If you didn’t get the visa, what can you do?I will be back again, because I cherish this opportunity very much. I hope you can help me. I will do more works on it.34. Do you have girl/boy friend? If not, will you find one in US?35 Have you been abroad? Where, what’s your purpose?No, thay why Im want to go abroad this time, to learn more advanced knowledges and broaden my horizon.36. Who is the person in the DS158, what do they do?37. What is the chanllenge when you study in the US?Well, It would be the culture shock, I have to spend some time to adapt myself to the new cultural and new enviroment. Learn as fast as I can about how to communicate with the teachers and students.38. Your parents are doctors, why fo you want to study business?My parents are both open-minded people, they don’t give me too much pressue or cram their thought in me, they let me choose my own future. I m interested in business and I think im good at it.39. What do you do for the half a year?I studied English at home, prepared for the English test/40. How do you like the Beijing Olympics?Being a Chinese, I m very proud of it.By holding Olympic game, Beijing for the first time showed the development of China to the whole world. It gave an great opportunity for people from other countries to know more about China and China since then became more international. At the mean time, Olympics brought China more challenge and opportunity as well, it helped with the growth of China’s economy.。

美国面签问题总结1、赴美目的?你这次去美国做什么?What are you going to do in USA?What will you do in USA?What kinds of activities you will take part in during your stay in USA?你这次去美国有什么目的?What’s your purpose of traveling (visiting or going) to USA?What’s your purpose of this winter camp?Why you want to attend this winter camp?参考答案:熟练口语;I would like to practise (exercise) my oral English.参加冬令营;I’m very interested in all (diff erent) kinds of activities of this winter camp.学习美式英语;I want to study American English参观美国名校、感受名校氛围;I am very happy to visit American famous colleges and experience the studying atmosphere.游览美国名胜风景;I would like to enjoy wonderful sightseeing of America.体验美国教育环境;To experience American educational environment与美国同龄人交流;(文化、音乐、娱乐、生活、学习etc)To communicate with American peers in many aspects such as culture, music, entertainment, life style and studying as well.让美国朋友进一步认识、了解中国。

1)W hat’s your name? (你叫什么名字?)My name is ***. (我的名字叫***)2)When and where did you get your high school diploma? (什么时候哪里你取得高中学位?)I got my high school diploma on June 2011 in Tianjin. (我2011年6月在天津获得高中学位)3)What will you study in the United States (你在美国准备学什么?)I am going to take ESL at first. Then after that I will plan to study xxx major. (我准备先去美国读语言学校,然后学习某某专业)4)What institution are you going to attend? (你准备去什么学校?)ESL in ** College. (**学院的语言学校)5)What do your parents do? (你的父母做什么的?)My father runs his own small business of xxx and my mother is a xxx. (我的父亲自己做xxx生意,我的妈妈是XXX.)6) How do you support yourself during your study in the United States? (你如何支付你在美国的学习生活开销?)My parents will pay for all my expense. Here is my assets certification. (我父母将会支付我在美国的所有费用。
)6)Do you plan to seek financial support in US? (你准备在美国寻求经济援助吗?) No. My parents have enough money to support my study in US (不会的。

1. 为什么去美国?Why are you going to America (USA/United Stated/US)?/ What’s your purpose of visiting America?/ What will you do in America?参加CTIA展Attend CTIA Exhibition.2. 这个展会是关于什么的?What’s the exhibition for/about?无线电通信Wireless broadband and telecom industries.3. 在美国有没有亲戚?Do you have any relatives in America?没有No4. 你的最高学位是什么?What’s your highest degree?学士/大专Bachelor/associate degree5. 你所学的专业是什么?What’s your major?6. 你们公司是做什么的?What does your company do?/ What are your company’s products?/ What products do your company make/produce/manufacture?Power adapters, POE injectors and splitters, power inverters and jump starters and so on7. 展会在那里?展位号是多少?Where is this exhibition? What’s your booth number?拉斯维加斯,内华达。
2246Sands Expo & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. 22468. 在美国待多久?展会是什么时候?行程计划是什么?How long will you stay in America? When is the exhibition?/ What is the date of the exhibition?/ How long will the exhibition last?/ How long is the exhibition? What is your9天,九月5-13号9 days, from September 5th to 13th. The exhibition will be from September 7th to 9th.9. 这是第几次参加这个展会?How many times have you attended/been to this expo?第一次First time10. 为什么参加这个展会?Why will you attend/go to this expo?11. 你们公司有多少人?How many employees/workers/people do you have in your company?12. 之前有美国的客户吗?Do you have any American clients/customers before?Yes. Ubiquiti and Ruckus in Silicon Valley13. 来公司多久了?How long have you been (worked) in this company?14. 什么职位?What’s your job?/ What are you?/ What do you do in the company?营销总监Marketing director.15. 请简述一下你的工作内容。
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PRC是中华人民共和国(People's Republic of China)的意思1.What's your name? 你是谁?2.How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in New Oriental? 你准备签证面试多长时间了?有你在准备面试新东方吗?3. Where are you from? Where is your hometown? 你来自哪里?你的家乡在哪里呢?4. Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever gone abroad? 你有没有到过中国以外的国家?你去过国外吗?5. What's your favorite food? What's your favorite food?6. How old are you?你多大了?7. How long have you been in Shanghai?你在上海多久了?8. What's your hobby?你爱好什么?9.What do you do in your spare time? 空闲时间你干什么?10.Where is your HUKOU(户口)? 哪里是你的湖口(户口)?11.Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)? 哪个是你最喜欢的餐馆(咖啡)?12.Where do you live? Where will you live? 你住哪里?你会住在哪里?13.Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?你每天早上都喝一杯咖啡吗?14.what kind of computer do you have? 你的电脑是什么样的?15.what is your favorite color? 你最喜欢什么颜色?16.What do you think of the *** (a question VO is interested to know concerning your major) in China? 你觉得***(问题是想知道关于你的专业)在中国?17. What is your favorite pet? Why?你最喜欢的宠物是什么?为什么呢?18.What's your best/worst quality. 你最好/坏的品质是什么。
19.Why did you live in Shanghai? 你为什么住在上海?2O.Who do you think is the best president of the US? 你认为谁是美国最好的总统?21.Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why? 你认为谁是世界上最伟大的领袖?为什么呢?22. Do you want your wife to go with you? 你想让你的妻子和你一起去吗?23.Do you have any relatives in the United States? 你在美国有亲戚吗?24.What do your parents do? 你父母亲是做什么的?25.Have you any relatives in US? 你在美国有亲戚吗?26.Do you have sisters or brothers? 你有兄弟或姐妹吗?27What is your favorite American movie? 你最喜欢的美国电影是什么?28.Do you have a girlfriend? Where is she? Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you during your graduate study? 你有女朋友吗?她在哪里你确定你的女友将继续与你在你的研究生学习?29.What will you do in USA? 在美国你会做什么?30. What is your purpose for the visa? 你签证的目的是什么?31.Are you going to study in USA? 您是去美国学习吗?32. How long will you study in USA? 在美国要学习多长时间?33.Why do you want to study in USA? 你为什么想去美国学习?34.Why do you want go to the United States for further study? (if the accent is on "United States")你为什么要到美国深造?(如果重音在“美国”)35.30) Many universities in the China offer first--rate graduate programs in ***. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?许多中国的大学提供研究生课程——率*。
你为什么想去美国读研究生?36. When are you going to enter US? 你打算什么时候去美国的?37.How do you know this Univ.? 你怎么知道这所大学?38. Why do you choose this Univ.? 你为什么选择这所大学?39.To how many institutions (机构)have you applied(应用), and who are they? Any other school admits (承认)you?有多少机构你申请,并且他们是谁?任何其他学校承认吗?40.Why did you choose ****** University? How much do you know about the university?你为什么选择******大学?你对这所学校了解多少?41.Do you know which school is the best in your major(主要的)? What else? 你知道哪所学校是最好的专业?还有什么?42. Is ******x the first university to give you the offer? 是****** x可给你提供的第一所大学?43.What will you study in the United States?您将在美国学习什么?’/’’44.What do you want to study in USA? 你想在美国学习什么?45. Why do you want to study *** in the US? 为什么要学习***在美国?46. What is your ultimate (最终的)academic goal? 你的最终目标是什么?47.What will you study in this major? What courses? 在这个专业中,你将学习什么?什么课程?48.What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?你现在的专业和在美国学习的专业有什么不同?49Why do you change your major? 你为什么要改变自己的专业?50Why do you want to pursue a master's/doctoral degree?你为什么想攻读硕士/博士学位?51.Why do you think it is time for you to pursuemaster's/doctoral degree now?你认为现在是时候让你攻读硕士/博士学位吗?52.If you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?如果你说你在未来将是一位老师,你会教些什么?53.What kind of works you will do for this assistantship(助教奖学金)? What's your duty as a TA/RA?这个助学金需要你做什么样的工作?你做助教/助理研究员的主要职责是什么?54.What will you teach?你教什么?55.Who is your advisor(顾问;指导教师;)?谁是你的导师?56. What will you do if you can not find a position in the big companies/ *** university? 你会怎么做,如果你不能找到在大公司/ ***大学的位置?’57. What is your major? In what aspect (方面)of your major will you study? What is your favorite subject? Can it be used tomilitary(军事的) utilities(公用事业)?你学什么专业?在你专业的哪些方面你将学习吗?你最喜欢那一科?它可以用于军事设施?58.When/where did you get your BS(Bachelor of Arts)/MS(master of science)? 当/你从哪里得到你的学士/硕士?59.What is your academic(学术) background?的学术背景是什么?60.Why do you like your major?你为什么喜欢你的专业吗?61.What institution(机钩)did you attend(参加)and what was your major?你参加了什么机构,你主修什么?62.What does your major mean?什么是你的专业是什么意思?63.Can you give an example of your topic (主题)that is applied in our living?你能举一个例子,你的话题,在我们的生活的呢?63. Is your transcript (成绩单)original? 是你的成绩单原件?64.Can you talk something about the course (课程)XX? 你能谈谈课程XX吗?65. What is your dissertation (论文)about? what is yourspecific(具体的) research (研究)of yourundergraduate (本科专科specialty )paper? 你的毕业论文是关于什么的?您的本科论文的具体研究是什么?70.What have you done in your research(研究)? 在你的研究中你做了什么71.Are you a top student in your school? What about yourranking (排名)in your class?你在学校是尖子生吗?你在班级排名?72.What/where are you working now? 你现在在哪里工作?做什么工作?73.What do you do with your work for MS/phd(哲学博士Doctor of Philosophy, 简称Ph.D. 或D.Phil.)?你如何应付或完成MS/PhD的学习任务?74.What have you done after you graduated (毕业)from university?你大学毕业后做了什么?75.How long does it take to commute(上下班)to your work place?上下班路上要花多长时间到你工作的地方?76.Are you a worker or a student now?你现在是个劳动者还是一个学生?77.How much do you earn now? How much will you earn when you come back? 您现在的薪水是多少?你会赚多少,你什么时候回来?78.What is your current project in your company? What are youresponsible(负责)for in your present post?你在公司目前的项目是什么?您的工作岗位的职责是什么?79.How many years have your worked?你工作多少年了?80.Why did you choose your present(目前的)job?您为什么选择现在的工作?81.Where is your company located in? 你的公司在哪儿呢?82. So what development/programming tools do you use?(CS)那么你用什么开发/编程工具?(CS)83.Have you business card? Do you have a name card? 你的名片?你有名片吗?84.Why have you quit()your job? 你为什么要辞去你的工作呢?85. How long have you prepared for GRE(Graduate Record Examination{考试; 询问,审问;}美国研究生入学考试)? Did you cheat?你准备GRE多久了?你作弊了吗?86.How did you take the GRE(Graduate Record Examination 美国研究生入学考试资格考试)? 你是怎么参加GRE考试?87.When and where did you graduate from and what was your major? When did you take the TOEFL(The Test of English as a Foreign Language 检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试简称托福)/GRE(Graduate Record Examination 美国研究生入学考试资格考试)/GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test 经企管理研究生入学考试)test? How was your score?你在哪里毕业的,你的专业是什么?你什么时候参加托福考试和GRE或GMAT考试?你的成绩如何?88.When did you join the T/G(托福/GMAT) test?你是什么时候加入的T / G(托福/GMAT)测试?89.What kind of works you will do for this assistantship((大学)研究生助教奖学金)? What's your duty as a TA(助教teachingassistantship)/RA(research assistantship )?这个助学金需要你做什么样的工作?你做助教/助理研究员的主要职责是什么?90.Tell me about yourself.请介绍你自己。