An Analysis on the Characterization of Shylock from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice 中英文对照
中学英语词汇教学的几种方法A Probe into Three Phases for Effective Business Negotiations功能对等理论视角下的商务合同翻译研究鼓励性教学方法在中学英语教学中的应用广告英语中委婉语的语用研究目的论下进口汽车说明书的翻译研究中英文数字文化对比及其翻译《飘》两中译本的比较研究跨文化广告传播中的语用失误研究《等待野蛮人》中的寓言式写作手法从《篡夺》中看辛西娅奥兹克作品中的反偶像崇拜精神浅析《远大前程》中主人公皮普性格发展的形成因素接受美学视角下的英汉音译研究《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中圣克莱尔一家的人物分析An Analysis on Feminism from the Perspective of Music in Little Women苔丝悲剧形成原因研究不一样的颤栗—东西方恐怖片的比较浅谈中国英语与中式英语之差异A Comparison of the English Color Terms论本杰明•富兰克林《自传》中的美国精神论《家》和《儿女一箩筐》中的中美家庭文化差异师生关系与学生英语学习积极性之关联性探析从《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧看女性的社会地位《红字》的人文主义色彩模因论指导下的英语习语汉译英汉习语中价值观的差异The Painful Growth of Scarlett O’Hara in Her Three Marriages从约翰邓恩的“奇思妙喻”中透视他矛盾的情感观一首平凡女性成长的赞歌—用“成长小说”理论来解读《简爱》浅析“苹果”广告中的文化因素福克纳《我弥留之际》女主人公艾迪的形象探析从新历史主义视角解读杰罗姆•大卫•塞林格《麦田里的守望者》《纯真年代》中的女性主义广告翻译中的功能对等On Nabokov’s “Lolita” and Its Adaptation into the Movie by Stanley Kubrick 美式英语与英式英语的比较从精神分析学的角度论劳伦斯小说《查泰莱夫人的情人》《还乡》中哈代的自然观《基督山伯爵》与《肖申克的救赎》中男主人公的形象比较解读海尔奥运营销战略礼貌原则在国际商务信函中的运用《老人与海》中马洛林形象的不可或缺性对文化差异引起的误译的研究交替传译中笔记的作用Feminism in To the Lighthouse英语新词汉译原则研究国际商务谈判及其谈判风格《论语》中“孝”的英译——基于《论语》两个英译本的对比研究英汉化妆品说明书对比及汉译策略《远大前程》中的“远大”可以是“错误”的关于初中英语课堂教学中的游戏设计和组织梭罗《瓦尔登湖》中的佛家思想《白鲸》的象征意义和悲剧内涵分析英汉句子状语的对比与翻译中美家庭价值观差异浅析论《梅丽迪安》中主人公梅丽迪安的觉醒浅析歇后语翻译中直译的可行性Analysis of Conrad’s Ambivalence In Heart of Da rknessFrom Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin’s A wakening 礼貌原则在口译中的应用On Critical Realism in Oliver TwistA Linguistic Analysis of Barack Obama’s Inauguration SpeechOn Feminism in Persuasion《觉醒》与《欢乐之家》中的女性形象和女权思想之比较陶渊明和华兹华斯的共同追求——自然浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥丰富的精神世界试析翻译中的“假朋友”论希斯克利夫出走的必然性英语中天气隐喻的认知解读意译在广告英语翻译中的重要性探析马尔克斯《霍乱时期的爱情》主人公弗洛伦蒂诺心理分析Teleology, Religion and Contexts《阿甘正传》和《了不起的盖茨比》中人物婚姻观比较《威尼斯商人》中夏洛克形象的解构与重建全身运动反应法在小学英语教学中的运用The Alternation of Language: A Study of Microblogging V ocabulary图式理论与英语听力教学论海明威的反战思想从跨文化角度谈中美婚姻观的差异——以《喜宴》为例简奥斯汀《傲慢与偏见》婚姻观交际法在中学英语词汇教学的应用中英姓名的文化内涵浅析如何通过英语原版电影学习英语简爱性格魅力分析浅析英汉词汇中的性别歧视现象及其成因商标名的英译汉目的论研究——以洗护用品为例从叔本华的哲学思想角度简析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝的悲剧浅析英文新闻标题的翻译解析《麦田里的守望者》中帽子和鸭子的象征意义国际商务谈判中的非语言交际Culture Teaching in College English Listening Classrooms从心理学角度看哈克贝利.费恩的性格简析《雾都孤儿》中善与恶在人物塑造上的体现基于杰克•凯鲁亚克《在路上》分析“垮掉的一代”的思想渊源浅论简•奥斯汀在《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观及其女性主义意识《红色英勇勋章》主人公亨利•弗莱明心路历程探析论《财神和爱神》中十九世纪末美国社会的阶级冲突及解决立法语言模糊现象研究——以刑法为视角从文化角度分析英汉数字习语的不同从依恋理论看《呼啸山庄》主人公希斯克利夫悲剧性格的形成论性别歧视一个典型的拜伦式英雄——论《呼啸山庄》中的希斯克利夫A Study of Fu Donghua’s Translation of Gone with the Wind from the Perspective of Rewriting流行美剧《生活大爆炸》字幕翻译研究浅析《儿子与情人》的人物刻画的技巧《乞力马扎罗的雪》中概念隐喻分析论伍尔夫《到灯塔去》女权主义主题思想及对中国女性文学之影响A Comparison of the English Color Terms从跨文化的视角看中国旅游景点介绍的翻译非语言行为在小学外教英语教学中的运用英语新闻标题的汉译方法——以英国《金融时报》中文网为例读者在文学文本多元解读中扮演的角色翻译“忠实”新解——兼评《傲慢与偏见》译本论《法国中尉的女人》中萨拉的女性主义的显现大学英语电影教学现状及对策分析英汉广告翻译中的文化差异中美面子观比较及其对商务谈判策略的启示从劳伦斯及其作品《儿子与情人》看恋母情结从英汉习语视角看中英文化差异关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究公示语翻译失当分析——以电影票等的顾客分析为例( )模糊语在商务英语谈判中的语用研究The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter英文歌曲名称翻译浅析提高中学英语口语教学的有效方法An Analysis of the Cultural Identity in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck ClubDifference in Chinese and Western modes of Thinking and Its Influence on College English Writing浅析合作原则和礼貌原则在商务信函中的运用从弗洛伊德精神分析原理分析《教父》中的教父形象从模糊性看古典诗词英译英语词汇的记忆方法Personality that Matters: A Psychological Analysis of the Misunderstanding between Elizabeth and Darcy美国黑人说唱乐的语言特色及其社会影响对《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白性格的分析“省力原则”在口译过程中的应用《倾城之恋》和《飘》的女性主义解读中美婚礼文化的差异从许渊冲“三美论”看中国古典诗歌翻译的不可译和创造性再现中美拒绝策略研究论译语本土化的可行性与局限性海明威笔下的另类反英雄——评《艾略特夫妇》和《雨中的猫》中的男性形象汉语被动句的英译从英汉广告语言特点分析中西方文化价值观Characteristics of English Slang and Their Social FunctionsAn American Nightmare: A Naturalistic Approach To Clyde in An American Tragedy形名组合Deep+Noun之认知研究On Transcendentalism in Thoreau’s Walden从广交会现场洽谈角度论英语委婉语在国际商务谈判中的功能与应用商务英语中的缩略词研究高中英语写作作业的反馈及实施效果浅析电影《我是山姆》中的反智主义社会变化对马克•吐温文学风格的贡献论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质语境与商务英语信函写作《好人难寻》的冷漠主题分析从创伤的角度解读《最蓝的眼睛》忠实与变通策略在科技翻译中的运用《白噪音》的后现代特色英语专业学生课外网络自主学习问题研究从中美文化差异看中国人创新能力的缺失与培养Text Cohesion in English Business Contracts女性意识在《红字》中的表现浅析欧内斯特•海明威《太阳照常升起》中勃莱特的形象An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and Sensibility英语新词汉译原则研究合作原则视角下中美情景喜剧中言语幽默的对比研究英文商业广告中的常用修辞格--以《商业周刊》为例商务英语中含蓄否定句的研究《本杰明•富兰克林自传》和《嘉莉妹妹》美国梦的对比研究A Study of Maggie’s Tragedy in The Mill on the Floss英汉动物词汇文化内涵对比象征主义手法在《白鲸》中的运用爱与正义:《杀死一只知更鸟》主人公阿提克斯•芬奇形象解读女性哥特视角下的《蝴蝶梦》研究初中英语词汇教学中对策研究从象征主义手法的运用浅析弗图纳多之死从功能翻译理论看科技英语与科普英语的汉译顺应论视角中电影字幕汉英翻译研究——以李安电影作品字幕翻译为例英文商务信函中的礼貌策略研究狄更斯小说《远大前程》中的批判现实主义特点解读中式英语与标准英语的差别通过会话原则分析手机短信语言话语风格的性别差异Communicative Functions of Silence in Conversations《劝导》中安妮•艾略特的道德判断礼貌原则之于商务信函的翻译初中英语词汇教学法研究综述中西方语言和文化间的相互影响论中国古典诗词英译中三美原则的再现透过《傲慢与偏见》看现代社会爱情观英美国家政治委婉语的文化解读广告翻译策略初探从美狄亚和伊阿宋的故事探究希腊悲剧的复仇情节从语境视角浅析《生活大爆炸》中反语的幽默属性Domestication and Foreignization in the English-Chinese Translation--A Case Study of Two Chinese V ersions of OHenry’s The Cop and the Anthem从语境角度谈文学作品翻译中人物描写的语用对等问题英语阅读现状分析及对策An Analysis of Grotesque Features in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio英汉颜色词语象征意义的对比跨文化视角下中西方礼貌用语的差异。
Ⅰ 文学类1. Love, Equality and Tolerance—On the Nature of Love of Jane and Tess2. On the Endings and Features of O · Henry's Short Stories3. Paradise Lost—The War in the Heaven4. Jane Austen's Marriage Conception in Pride and Prejudice5. A Brief Approach to the Influence of the Religion on Literature6. A Study on the Characterization of Great Expectations7. Catherine Earnshaw: An Irreproachable Woman8. Individual Has Integrated into the Society —An Analysis of Hester in The Scarlet Letter9. The Stream-of-Consciousness Techniques Used in Ulysses10. The Attractions of The Waste Land11. Moral Lessons in Vanity Fair12. On the Religious Color of Characterization in Uncle Tom's Cabin13. An Unfortunate but Strong Woman —An Analysis of Tess in Tess of D'uberville14. A Gentleman or a Rural Man?—The Analysis of the Characteristics of Mr. Bennet in Pride and Prejudice15. Thoreau's Walden: A Book of Inward Exploration16. The Death of Martin Eden17. Beautiful Women—Analysis of Female Characters in The Merchant of Venice18. The Conflicts between the Reality and Ideals in Jude the Obscure19. The Pursuit of Beauty in Keats's Poetry20. The Great Gatsby and the Collapse of the American Dream21. The Significance of the Scarlet Letter A22. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: A Comparison23. The Influence of Edgar Allan Poe's Life on his Writing24. Comment on the Causes of Tess's Tragedy25. Characters Features and Social Satire in Vanity Fair26. Money and Marriage—An Analysis of Women's Social Status in Pride and Prejudice27. Appreciation of Ironic Art in Pride and Prejudice28. Hemingway's Philosophy as Lost Generation Seen From A Fare Well to Arms29. Three Female Characters in Sons and Lovers—An analysis of Feminism in Sons and Lovers30. Robinson Crusoe's Philosophy of Life31. The Study of Interpersonal Relationships in Sons and Lovers32. An Approach to the Contradictory Characters of Angel Clave in Tess of D'uberville33. Egdon Heath in The Return of Native34. The Theme of Money in Sense and Sensibility35. The Biblical Allusions and Symbols in The Grapes of Wrath36. A Journey of Outward and Inward Exploration—A Brief Analysis of Walden37. Humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities38. The Return of the Lion39. The Tragedy of Love in Wuthering Heights40. The Social Significance of Oliver Twist41. The Image of a New Woman—Comments on Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter42. Resurrection in A Tale of Two Cities43. The Duality in Robinson Crusoe's Character44. A Book that Rocked the World—Comments on the Successful Elements of Uncle Tom's Cabin45. On the Racial and Cultural Conflicts in Leatherstocking Tales。
1. Mass range(质量范围):The range of masses that can be detected and measured by the mass spectrometer.(质谱仪可以检测和测量的质量范围。
)2. Mass resolution(质量分辨率):The ability of a mass spectrometer to distinguish between two peaks with similar masses. It is defined as the ratio of the difference in mass between two ions to the width of the peak at a defined fraction (usually 10%) of the maximum height.(质谱仪区分两个质量相似的峰的能力。
它定义为两个离子之间质量差与峰半高宽度的比值(通常为最大高度的10%))3. Sensitivity(灵敏度):The ability of a mass spectrometer to detect and quantify trace amounts of analytes in a sample.(质谱仪检测和定量样品中微量分析物的能力。
)4. Scan speed(扫描速度):The speed at which a mass spectrometer can acquire a spectrum. It is usually expressed in scans per second.(质谱仪获取光谱的速度,通常以每秒扫描次数计算。
)5. Dynamic range(动态范围):The ratio between the largest and smallest signals a mass spectrometer can measure. Itreflects the ability of the instrument to measure both low andhigh abundance ions.(质谱仪能够测量的最大和最小信号之间的比值。
gone with the wind
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文理学院英本0805 杨薇An analysis of Scarlett’s charactersAbstractThis paper concentrates on analysis of the characters of heroine: Scarlett in the novel Gone with the wind. The paper is divided into four parts. The first part gives a brief introduction to the heroine Scarlett. The second part makes an analysis of characters of Scarlett .the third part gives the reasons for the formation of Scarlett’s characters. The last part is the conclusion restating the thesis of the paper.Body1. IntroductionGone with the wind, written by Margaret Mitchell, is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 28 million copies. The story revolves around a dark-haired, green-eyed Georgia belle girl who struggles through the hardships of the Civil War and Reconstruction- Scarlett O’Hara. She is a daughter of Irish landowner Gerald, and who has made the plantation Tara into one of Georgia’s finest. Scarlett exhibits more of her father’s hard-headedness than her mother’s refined Southern manners.I like the story very much. I have read this novel many times. Every time I have new feelings about the heroine Scarlett. She stands out because she is strong and saves her family but is incredibly selfish and petty at the same time.2. An analysis of Scarlett’s characters2.1. Scarlett’s integrity to promiseScarlett’s integrity to promise is evidenced by what she does during the war; she tries her best to look after Melanie, only because she has promised Ashley .before Ashley leaves to fight for the south, he asked Scarlett to take care of his wife- Melanie. Scarlett agreedand carried her promise till the end of this story. Even though she is in love with Ashley, and jealous on Melanie, she always looks after her and her baby. After Ashley left, the Yankees finally begin their siege of Atlanta, the city evacuates. Melanie and Scarlett remain behind to leave the dangerous place as Melanie is pregnant and about to give birth .after attempts to get help, Scarlett delivers Melanie’s baby herself .when they return back to Tara, Scarlett still constantly offers helps to Melanie and her child, even after Ashley returned back to Tara, Scarlett still offers help to his and her family. It is not only because she loves Ashley, but also because she wants to keep her promise, which she made long time ago.2.2. Scarlett’s courageScarlett’s courage can be seen from what she does to protect her family and her second marriage to frank. When Scarlett return Tara ,the Tara’s former overseer ,Yankee Jonas Wilkerson ,newly scallywags ,raised the taxes on Tara to force the O’Hara out so that he and his wife can live there .in order to save Tara, Scarlett goes to Atlanta and gets Rhett to give her the money to pay the taxes .she soon finds out Rhett is in jail and unable to help her .she then runs into frank Kennedy, who is a successful storeowner .Frank ,is unable to resist Scarlett’s charms, married him and gives her the tax money. In all, her courage makes her to marry her second husband .Frank, in order to protect Tara where her family is.I think her love to Ashley also can reveal her courage. Had known that Ashley loved Melanie very much and he cannot marry her, but she still aimed to win him .Though she knew Rhett was always waiting for her, she won’t change her mind.2.3. Scarlett’s strong willScarlett’s strong will is reflected when she return back to Tara. At that time, Scarlett finds the house in Tara in ruins, the crops burned, most of the slaves run off, her mother dead, her father demented, and her two sisters sick with typhoid. Some of her pillaging of the Yankees and they share with her all that is possible. Therefore, Scarlett forces her family and the slaves to tend field and pick cotton. During that reconstruction period, a long Yankee soldiers arrives looking to loot and assault Scarlett, she shoot him .in all, the Scarlett’s strong will makes her to do anything to protect Tara and herself .Scarletthas a practical nature and willingness to step on anyone who doesn’t have her family’s best interests at heart, including her own sister. For example, in her mind, and the circumstances appear to support her thinking, there simply was no choice if there were to keep Tara, she had to steal and marry frank Kennedy herself .In fact ,what people hate most about her literally enabled her to save the family.2.4. Scarlett’s strong sense of responsibilityScarlett has a strong sense of responsibility. During the war, she volunteers to take care of the wounded in Atlanta .she has a strong sense of social responsibility, similar as many white woman; she takes an active and educated part in the movement to separate the South from the North .To Scarlett;, protecting south means protect her family and plantation .Atlanta is completely lost from South after Sherman’s campaign. Many people in Atlanta desert their lands and families and escape to other places .Scarlett’s sense of responsibility could be seen from her loves to family and the whole of Tara. Tara is her land and her backbone; she stays and tries her best to preserve Tara no matter what it costs .Morever, her responsibility can be seen from how she keeps with her promise .although she agrees to take care of Melanie because she is in love with Ashley and does not want to upset him, but she eventually does all her best to keep this promise.2.5. Scarlett’s selfish and coldnessScarlett’s selfish and coldness could reflected from her attempts to get Ashley in any mean .against the background of war, Scarlett stays in Atlanta and enjoys the company of Rhett; on the other hand, she continues to carry a torch for Ashley. She does not really care about how Melanie feels about her relationship with Ashley, and she is willing to destroy Melanie’s marriage .the day Ashley leaves Scarlett once again reveals her feelings to him ,hoping Ashley will also break down and allow he to tell Scarlett that he loves her too .Ashley makes Scarlett promise that she will look after Melanie and see his family through the upcoming crisis in his absence .Scarlett blindly agrees to his promise .as Ashley intends to leave ,Scarlet t clings to him desperately and share a passionate ,forbidden embrace .from an ethical point of view ,it is not right to destroy anybody else’s family ,particularlyMelanie is her relative .however ,she still does it because she is selfish ,she does not care the consequence, she just want to get love from Ashley .3. The rea son for the formation of Scarlett’s characters3.1. Her father and Melanie’s affectionScarlett learnt about the importance of the land and strong from her florid Irish father,” it’s the only thing that lasts …the only thing worth fighting for.”(Margaret Mitchell Gone with the wind 2000 P26) So she can save her family almost by herself .Scarlett is in some ways the least stereotypically feminine of women (in other ways the most), and the more traditional Wilkes Melanie is in many ways her foil. But Scarlett survives the war, several marriages, the birth of child, and even a miscarriage .without Melanie Wilkes, Scarlett might simply be seen as harsh and over the top, but beside Melanie, Scarlett presents a fresher, deeper female characterization; she leaves a complicated life during a difficult period of history.3.2. The civil war’s affectionAs the civil war begins, Scarlett bears the responsibility to protect her family and the pregnant Melanie by her own .During the time she stays in Atlanta with relatives, she faces Sherman’s army and delivers Melanie’s baby as the city was in danger. When she return back to Tara, she rebuild her hometown almost by herself .During the after-war reconstruction period, Scarlett practically does business with the Yankees and so prospers and restores the fortunes of Tara. The Civil War is an important turning point in her life, shapes h er unique personality. If had not the civil war, we couldn’t see a Scarlett like that. 4. ConclusionScarlett is not a perfect woman. She is selfish, cold, ruthless, clever, unscrupulous, strong, and has no shortage of good, beautiful, fragile who is head over heels for a woman whom a woman can; she is a goddess of sky high, so many women have dreamed of as she has done. A set of wealth, beauty, capable, strong in her, so that men like Rhett can for her and dumping. But her spirits of being face the reality bravely and never giving up shakemy mentality maximally. In that troubled and changeable society, she can receive after all kinds of difficulties and is not nostalgic about the luxurious and elegant life .she has disappointed many times, but never despair.Bibliography[1] Margaret Mitchell Gone with the wind China International Business and Economics Press2000[2] World famous comment Inner Mongolia press[3]《飘》人民文学出版社评论:我给自己88分吧,这篇论文花了好长时间,又重新回顾了大二所学的论文的写作方法,巩固了不少。
黑色的坚毅——小说《飘》主人公的性格分析Black Determination——An Analysis of the Personalities of the Main Character in Gone with the Wind从浪漫走向世俗的新型女性——《理智与情感》中玛丽安的性格分析人性的扭曲信任的危机--重读《奥》剧杂感Random Thoughts on Othello爱情叙写与人性魅力--论《红与黑》中两位女主角Love Account and Human Fascination-- On the Two Heroines in "The Red and the Black"风暴之女--艾米莉·勃朗特--评析作家经历和性格对作品的影响《荒野的呼唤》中"巴克"的多重性格分析Analysis of the Complicated Nature of Buck in ″The Call of the Wild″《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫扭曲性格分析《裸者与死者》中的受虐性格分析Analysis of the Masochistic Character Portrayed in The Naked and the Dead压抑与扭曲的灵魂——霍桑《红字》主人公人物性格分析The Constrained and Distorted Soul ——the Analysis of the Protagonists Disposition of "The Scarlet Letter"财经类院校英语专业"体验英美文学"教学模式探究On the Teaching Strategy of Experiencing British and American Literature英美文学虚拟教学课堂的架构设计The Architecture Designing of Virtual Classroom of British and American Literature高校英语专业英美文学课程的现代教学思路增强英美文学意识促进英语语言教学当代英美文学的存在主义解读Interpreting Contemporary British and American Literature From the Angle of Existentialism奈保尔的旁观者写作视角与象征写作手法Onlooker's Perspective and Symbolism ofV.S .Naipaul's Writing福克纳小说中象征隐喻手法微探On the Skill of Symbolic Metaphor in Faulkner' Novels詹姆斯·乔伊斯作品中象征主义手法的运用有组织的混乱,制度化了的疯狂——透视《第二十二条军规》的写作手法Organized disorder and the systemized chaotic society试析《这里的黎明静悄悄》小说的写作手法中国象征派诗歌与西方象征主义之关系浅探Relation between Chinese Symbolic Poetry and the Western Symbolism战争的棋子——茨威格笔下受战争戕害的人物分析The Chess of the War——The Analysis of the Victim in the War from Zweig沉重的背叛——《生命中不能承受之轻》主人公萨宾娜人物分析The oppressive betrayal——The character analysis of the heroine, Sabina, in The Unbearable Lightness of Being Hester and Dimmesdale’s Attitudes towards Love and life in The Scarlet Letter论《红字》中海斯特和丁梅斯代尔对爱情、罪恶、生活的态度On Sister Carrie’s Criticism upon American SocietyOn Scarlett’s Attitude towards Life关于斯佳丽的生活观On the Characterization of Picaresque Huck论哈克的流浪汉形象On the Moral Spirit in the Great Gatsby.论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观Thomas Hardy’s Pessimism in Tess of the D’urbervellesA Study of Tom Joad in the Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》的中汤姆•约德研究Mark Twain’s Linguistic Style in The Adventures of Tom SawyerOn the Characteristics of Uncle Tom汤姆叔叔的性格分析A Study of the Themes in a Farewell to ArmsThe Tragic Fate of “a Pure Woman”in the Conflict of the Individual and the Society“一个纯洁女人”在人与社会发展冲突中的悲剧命运On the Language Style of a Midsummer-Night's Dream论《仲夏夜之梦》的语言风格The Social Significance of Swift's Gulliver's TravelsThe Psychological Analysis in Macbeth论莎士比亚《麦克白》的心理刻画Inflexible Ada in Cold Mountain《冷山》中执著的艾达On the Romanticism and Realism of Alice in Wonderland论爱丽丝梦游仙境的童话性与现实性On the Tragicomedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair论《名利场》中利蓓加的悲喜一生On the Humour of Oliver Twist论《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术Tom Jones, a Dissipated but Kindhearted Man放荡而又善良的汤姆琼斯The Free Will and Rebellious Spirit in Paradise Lost《失乐园》中的自由意志和反叛精神On the Development of Shylock’s Character论夏洛克的性格发展Morality and Criticism in Tom Jones评《汤姆•琼斯》中的道德观与批评观On Imogen,the New Feminine Image in Cymbeline论《辛白林》中伊慕琴的新女性形象Burns’View on Love and Friendship论彭斯的爱情友谊观The Reflection of Art and Life in Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode on a Nightingale《希腊古瓮颂》与《夜莺颂》中艺术与生活的对照The Womanism in "The Color Purple"On the Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Non-language Communication谈中国人和英美人非语言交际的差异On the Contribution of the American Blacks during American Civil War美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献On American Black English浅谈美国黑人英语On the Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western CountriesOn the Ideological Content in Bacon’s Essays论培根散文的思想性Women's Movement in 1960s in American美国六十年代的妇女运动Analysis the negative effects of violent television and movie on children浅析影视暴力对青少年儿童的负面影响The Influence of Chinese Cultural Circumstances on English Learning汉语环境对英语学习的影响A Comprehension of Male Centrad Literature through A Doll’s House"Application of the communicative Approach to Reading Comprehension","英语教学法""The Use of Body Language in Middle School English Teaching ","英语教学法""Teaching Vocabulary Within a Communicative Frame Work用交际法教词汇","英语教学法" "Develop Students' Reading Skills in English Teaching","英语教学法""A Brief Analysis of Improving Senior Middle School Students' Reading Ability浅谈高中生英语阅读能力的提高","英语教学法""The Characteristics of Athletic English and Its Translation 体育英语的特点及翻译","翻译""The Semantic Contrast of Color Words between English and Chinese and their Translation 中英颜色词的语义对比及翻译","翻译""Chinese Reduplicated Words and their Translation into English 汉语叠词及其英译","翻译""Brand Translation 商标翻译","翻译""On Translating Methods of Numerals between Chinese and English中英数字的翻译方法","翻译" "Literal and Free Translation in the Translation of Advertisement Headlines and Slogans 广告用语的直译和意译","翻译""On the Translation of Chinese Trade Mark into English 中文商标的英译","翻译""The Analysis of the Chinese Topic Structure and Its Translation 汉语话题结构的分析及其翻译","语言学""English Euphemism: Classification and Application","语言学""Differences Between Chinese And English Culture Reflected in Connotation of Dragon 从龙一词的文化内涵看汉英文化的差异","文化"" English Vocabulary Teaching Tactics in Junior Middle School初中英语词汇教学策略","英语教学法" "A Brief Presentation of Body Language in Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际身势语简述","文化" "English Euphemism: Classification and Application 英语委婉语的分类及其应用","语言学""A General Study of Women's Culture对女性文化的初步探索","文化""Criticism on American Southern Womanhood in the Sound and the Fury 浅谈《喧哗与骚动》中对于美国南方妇道观的批判","文化""Reproduction of African Myth--on Colonialism in \"Heart of Darkness\" 非洲神话的再现-"黑暗之心"中的殖民主义","文学""The Unification of T.S.Elict's Artistic Theory and Practice As Seen in the Waste Land 论"荒原"中T.S.艾略特的艺术理论与实践的统一","文学""The Application of Gothic Theme"呼啸山庄"中哥特主题的应用","文学""The Family Tragedy and Behavior Analysis of Teresa Degarge对特丽莎家庭悲剧和行为表现的研究","文学""HAMLET APPRECIATION --SHAKESPEAKE'SSUCCESS IN CHARACTERS'S DEPIET"哈姆雷特"赏析--莎士比亚成功的人物描写","文学""An Analsis of the Artistic Features of Lord of the Flies对小说《蝇王》的艺术特色的研究","文学""A Exploration of Fagin Characters and His Function in Oliver Twist 对费金这个角色在《雾都孤儿》中作用的研究","文学""THE ANALYSIS OF LISTENING APPROACH IN ENGLISH TEACHING 英语教学中关于听力教学方法的分析","英语教学法"" and Absurd Theatre《第二十二条军规》与荒诞戏剧","文学""Brief Analysis of Chinese students Errors in English Reading简要分析中国学生在英语阅读中的错误","英语教学法""The Causes of Sophy's Tragedy造成苏菲悲剧的原因","文学""Culture Differences and Translation文化差异和翻译","翻译""Charactecistics and Translation of Adventisement广告英语的特征及其翻译","翻译""Principles and Methods on Brand-Translation商标翻译的原则和方法","翻译""The Study on Features of Advertising and its Translation 广告语的点及其翻译","翻译""Non-Correspondence in English-Chinese Translation of Color Words中英文翻译中颜色词的非对应","翻译""A Study on the Translation of Movie Titles电影片名的翻译","翻译""On the Cultural Signification of Animal Idioms and Translation动物俚语文化含义与翻译","翻译""The Translation of Color Terms试论颜色词的翻译","翻译""A comparative Study of the Old Man and the Sea---Concerning the Perfection in Literary Translation《老人与海》译文比较-谈影响文学翻译完美性的因素","翻译""On the Translation of Advertisement ――From the Perspective Of Functionalist Theory从功能派理论角度看广告翻译","翻译""Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation of Idioms文化差异与习语翻译","翻译""Foreignizing and Domesticating Translations in Cross-cultural Vision跨文化视野中的异化和归化翻译","翻译""The Subject and Topic in Chinese-English Translation Shift汉译英中的主位与话题","翻译""The Loss of Affective M eaning in Translation ―from the Perspective of Cultural Differences从文化差异的角度看翻译中情感意义的丢失","翻译""Scarlett's Courage斯佳丽的勇气","文学""Views on Marriage in Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice简奥斯汀《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观","文学" "The Images of Ice and Fire in Jane Eyre 《简爱》中冰与火的意象","文学""The Narrative Techniques in The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》中的叙述技巧","文学""William Faulkner's View on Women in His "The Sound and The Fury"福克纳在小说<>中的女性形象","文学""Discussion on the Causes of Tess's Tragedy苔丝悲剧的原因分析","文学""Multiple Themes on The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》中的多重主题","文学""Educational Fascination and Essential Designs of Film Course 电影资源的教育魅力及其教学应用的关键设计","英语教学法""The Difficult Factors for Senior Middle School Students Dealing with the Syntax of Reading 高中生在处理阅读句法时的困难因素","英语教学法""How to Improve Class Teaching Art 如何改进课堂教学艺术","英语教学法""The Practice of Innovative Spoken English Teaching in Rural School浅议英语口语创新教学在农村中学的实施","英语教学法""A Brief Comment on the Importance of Setting Situational Context in Teaching 简述情景语境在教学中的重要性","英语教学法""Combination of Games and Teaching in Junior Middle School English 游戏与初中英语教学的结合","英语教学法""How to Improve English Listening Skills怎样提高英语听力能力","英语教学法""Inquiry Learning of English in Senior High Schools 高中的英语研究性学习","英语教学法""Semi-autonomous Learning in Classroom Teaching 课堂教学中的半自主学习","英语教学法" "Vocabulary Teaching Strategies at Intermediate Level 中级词汇教学策略","英语教学法""Problems of and Solutions to Junior Middle School English Language Testing 初中英语测试问题及其对策","英语教学法""Enlightenments from 11 Professors' Foreign Language Study Experiences 11位教授们外语学习的启示","英语教学法""Considerations on English Culture Teaching in Junior Middle Schools in China 初中英语文化教学的思考","英语教学法""Task-bases Approach to Teaching English Reading in Senior Middle School 高中英语阅读的"任务式教学" ","英语教学法""Analysis of Characters in the Scarlet Letter红字中的人物分析","文学""The Application of Irony in Pride and Prejudice 反讽艺术在《傲慢与偏见》中的运用","文学""The Disillusionment of the American Dream in the Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的幻灭","文学""Ernest Hemingway and His Code Hero in The Old Man and the Sea 厄尼斯特·海明威和他《老人与海》中的准则英雄","文学""An Analysisi on Hamlet's Characters 浅析哈姆雷特的性格","文学""Virginia Woolf's Feminism in A Room of One's Own 《一间自己的房间》一书中伍尔夫的女权思想","文学""On the Explicitness and Implicitness of Conjunctions in English-Chinese Translation Process论连词再英汉翻译中的显性和隐性存在","翻译""On The Application And Connotation Of Color Words 颜色词的运用及其含义","语言学" "Approaching Domestication and Foreignization in Translation from a Functional Perspective从功能翻译角度看归化与异化","翻译""On Translation of Idioms 论习语的翻译","翻译""On Wordsworth and His Conception of Nature 论华兹华斯和他的自然主义情结","文学""On Marriage Reflecting wrence's View on Sex and Love Brief in Women in Love论《恋爱中的女人》婚姻反映D.H劳伦斯的性爱观","文学""On Catherine's Contradicition in ''Love'' And In ''Wuthering'' Heights呼啸山庄中凯瑟琳"爱"的矛盾","文学" "The Destruction of the Nature of Daughter--The Root of Tess's Tragedy大自然之女的摧毁-苔丝悲剧的根源","文学""The Causes of Tess's Tragedy苔丝悲剧成因","文学""Views On Marriage In Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice简评《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻","文学" "Dickens's Humanitarianism In A Tale of Two Cities双城记中狄更斯的人道主义","文学""Comparison between English and Chinese Taboos英汉禁忌语比较","语言学""Culture Teaching in the Language Acquisition of Middle School-Train students' Intercultural Communication Competence中学英语学习中的文化教学——培养学生的跨文化交际能力","英语教学法" "An Analysis of English and Chinese Proverbs in Intercultural Communication跨文化交际中英汉谚语浅析","语言学""Analysis of Body Language in Nonverbal Communication非言语交际中的体语分析","语言学" "Translation of Chinese Receipts and the Differences of Cookery Culture between Chinese and English-speaking Countries中餐菜谱的英译及中西饮食文化差异","翻译""Words Cultural Connotation in Translation词语文化内涵在翻译中的体现","语言学""A Comparative Study of the Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Kinship Terms英汉亲属称谓差异比较研究","语言学""On Cultural Differences and Translation of Color Words汉英色彩词的文化差异及其翻译","语言学" "Cultural Differences and Translation文化差异及其翻译","文化""On the Untranslatability due to Cultural Differences不可译现象在中英文化差异中的体现","翻译" "Extra-linguistic Context and Translation非语言语境与翻译","翻译""Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms汉英习语对比与翻译","翻译""On Translation of Chinese and English Idioms from Cultural Perceptives从文化的角度谈英汉习语的翻译","翻译""Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Idioms And Translation中英文习语翻译中的文化差异比较","翻译""Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Writing","语言学"" Politeness in Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation","商务英语""A Cross-culture Comparison of Euphemism in Chinese and English英汉委婉语的跨文化比较","语言学" " On Comparisons Between Chinese and Western Food Cultures 浅谈中西饮食文化的比较","文化" "Cultural Comparison Between English and Chinese Animal Expressions 动物词语的中英文化比较","语言学""On Difference of Cultural Connotation Between Chinese and English Color Words 浅析英汉颜色词文化内涵的差异","语言学""Impact of Culture Differences on Brand Translation of Trademarks 文化差异对商标翻译的影响","翻译" "Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Writing母语负迁移对写作的影响","语言学"" Politeness in Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation跨文化商务谈判中的礼貌用语","商务英语"" On Comparisons Between Chinese and Western Food Cultures 浅谈中西饮食文化的比较","文化" "Cultural Comparison Between English and Chinese Animal Expressions 动物词语的中英文化比较","语言学""On Difference of Cultural Connotation Between Chinese and English Color Words 浅析英汉颜色词文化内涵的差异","语言学""On Culture and Addressing Terms in Chinese and English 汉英语言之文化及其称谓语","语言学" "Rhetorical Devices in English Poems and their Stylistic Effects 英语诗歌中的修辞手段及其文体学效果","语言学""Reflection on the English Taboo Words论英语禁忌语","语言学""On Sexism in The English Language论英语语言中的性别歧视","语言学""Cultural Context and The Translation of Metaphors文化语境和隐喻的翻译","翻译""A Pragmatic Analysis of the Relations Between the Politeness Principle and the Cooperative Principle","语言学""A Pragmatic Analysis of the Relations between the Politeness Principle and the Cooperative Principle礼貌原则与会话合作原则关系的语用分析","语言学""Communicative Approaches and its Application to Grammar Teaching交际教学法及其在语法教学中的运用","英语教学法""Understanding and Translation of Polysemous Words 多义词的理解和翻译","语言学""Conversion of Part of Speech in English-Chinese Translation 英译汉中词类的转换","翻译" "Foreignizing and Domesticating strategies in Cross-cultural Translation 跨文化翻译中的异化与归化策略","翻译""Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation 英汉习语的文化差异及翻译","语言学""The Phenomena of the Nominal Ellipsis in EST 科技英语的名词性省略现象","语言学""Cultural Differences and Brand Translation 文化差异与商标翻译","商务英语""A Study of the Chinese-English Translation of Trademarks 浅谈商标的汉英翻译","翻译""Irony in Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》中的反讽手法","文学""The" Tragicomic" Nature of far from Madding Crowd远离尘嚣的悲喜性","文学""Tragic Consciousness in Hemingway's Work悲剧意识在海明威作品中的体现","文学""Submersion and Survival of Gatsby's Greatness盖茨比伟大精神的泯灭和残存","文学""The Opinion of Emme's Happiness爱玛的幸福观","文学""How To deal with culture-loaded words in idioms translation习语翻译中文化词的处理","翻译" "Cultural Connotation and Translation for Color Words颜色词的文化内涵与翻译","翻译""The Translation of English Loanwords into Chinese英语外来词汉化的基本途径","翻译""When in Rome do as the Romans do——On translation of Chinese trademarks into English 入乡随俗——论中文商标的英译","翻译""Cultural differences and Translation between Chinese and English Idioms汉英习语的文化差异与翻译","翻译""Foreignization In Translation in the 21st in China21世纪中国的异化翻译","翻译""The Transfer of Culture Image and of English and Chinese Idioms in Translating论英汉习语翻译中的文化意象的转化","翻译""From Realism to Idealism ━Views on Jane Austen's Attitude towards Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 从现实到理想━论简·奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观","文学""Techniques employed to create mystery and suspense in Jane Eyre浅析《简·爱》中运用的神秘和悬念技巧","文学""On the Development of Jane Eyre's Rebellious and Indomitable Character简析简·爱的反抗和不屈服性格的发展过程","文学""On Jane Eyre's Contradictory Characteristics 对简·爱矛盾性格的剖析","文学""Prynne's Final Return 白兰的最后回归","文学""Tess: A Pure Woman —An Analysis of Tess'Tragic Fate 苔丝:一个纯洁的女人—对苔丝悲剧命运的分析","文学""Scarlet's Characters—American traits 思嘉的性格—美国性格","文学""on Situational English Teaching in Middle School中学英语情景教学","英语教学法""on the Application of Nonverbal Communication in English Teaching浅谈非语言交际在英语教学中的运用","英语教学法""on Strengthening Mutual Promotion between Study and Research in English Teaching关于英语教学中加强学习与研究的相互促进","英语教学法""On Body Language in English Teaching 中学英语教学中的肢体语言","英语教学法""On English PHB Idioms and Their Culture 论英语人体器官习语与其文化","语言学""Found the Teaching Situation to Create Students'Individual Character创设教学情景,培养创新能力","英语教学法""How to Promote the Effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching in Senior English Teaching如何促进交际语言教学在高中英语教学中的有效性","英语教学法""How to Activate Students' Motivation in Middle School English Class 如何在中学英语课堂上发挥学生的能动性","英语教学法""The innovation of Junior English Assignment初中英语作业布置的改革","英语教学法""The Signification of Nonverbal Communication in English Teaching非语言交际在英语教学中的重要性","英语教学法""Application of Playing Games to Middle- school English Grammar Teaching and its Effects中学英语语法教学中游戏的运用及其效果","英语教学法""English teaching from Presentation -Practice -Production to Task-Based Learning","英语教学法" "Basic Strategy for Advertisement Translation-Target-language Oriented Strategy 广告翻译的基本策略--以目的语言为取向的翻译策略","翻译""Cultural Discrepancies in E/C Idioms and Their Translation 英汉习语的文化差异及其翻译","文化" "Lexical Rhetorical Devices in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的词义修辞格","翻译""The Criteria of the Translation of Computer English计算机英语的翻译标准","翻译" "Comprehension: A Very Important Part of Translation理解:翻译中不可或缺的一部分","翻译""The Translation of the Brand Name 商标名称的翻译","翻译""Strategies for Translationg English Slang into Chinese英语俚语汉译的技巧","翻译""Interpretation of Becky and Amelia in Vanity Fair《名利场》中蓓基和爱米丽娅的形象分析","文学" "Struggle in Nothingness——A Study of Hemingway's theme in A Farewell to Arms 虚无的抗争——《永别了武器》主题研究","文学""An Analysis of Charlotte Bronte' Character 夏洛蒂勃朗特的性格分析","文学""A Sad Melody of Female Characters in The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》的一曲女性悲歌","文学" "Dickens's Characerization in The Pickwick Papers 狄更斯在《匹克威克外传》中的人物塑造","文学""The Manifestation of Naturalism In Sister Carrie 自然主义在《嘉莉妹妹》中的体现","文学""Reality and Dream——a Comarisom of Charlotte Bronte's and Jane Eyre's worlds 现实和梦想——夏洛蒂勃朗特和简爱世界对比","文学""On the Tragedy of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights 论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克里夫的悲剧性","文学""A Brief Analysis of the Similarities between Madame Bovary and Tess of The D'urbervilles 浅析《包法利夫人》与《德伯家的苔丝》之相似点","文学""An Analysis of Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter 《红字》中齐灵窝斯之人物分析","文学" "Emotionality and Rationality----An Analysis of Jane Austen's Romanticism and Realism in Terms of Elizabeth's Marriage 感性与理性——从伊丽沙白看简.奥斯汀浪漫主义与现实主义并存的婚姻观","文学" "An Analysis of the Defects in Jane Eyre's Character 试析简.爱的性格缺陷","文学""The Analysis of the Characteristics of Oliver Twist 奥列佛.特威斯特之个性分析The Analysis of the Characteristics of Oliver Twist ","文学""An Analysis of the Multiple Images of Buck in The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》中巴克多重形象之分析","文学""Cultural Factors in the Translation of Poems诗歌翻译中的文化因素","翻译""Cultural Differences and the Translation of Brand Names文化差异与商标翻译","翻译""Cultural Differences and Untranslatability文化差异和不可译性","翻译""Cultural Differences and Vocabulary Translation文化差异及词汇翻译","翻译""The Application of Fuzziness in the Translation翻译中的模糊语现象","翻译""Translator as Artist -Translator's Individuality in Literary Translation译者作为一位艺术家--论文学翻译中的译者个性","翻译""The Translation of Movie Titles电影名的翻译","翻译""Analysis of the Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English Address Forms 中英称谓语文化差异分析","文化""A Contrastive Study of Address in Chinese and English 中英称谓对比研究","文化""A Pragmatic Analysis of English Euphemism 英语委婉语语用分析","语言学""On the Features of Advertising English 试论广告英语的特征","商务英语""On the Cultural Differences of Color Words Between Chinese and English 论中英色彩词的文化差异","语言学""Cultural Differences and Similarities in Personal Space Between Chinese and Americans 中美交际空间的文化差异","文化""A Study of Allusions from the Perspective of ICC Competence 从跨文化交际能力角度看典故","文化" "Translating the English Verbs into Chinese 英语动词的汉译","翻译""Colour Words and the Translation 颜色词及其翻译","翻译""Domestication and Foreignization in The Book of Songs 诗经翻译的归化和异化","翻译""Cultural Comparison and Idioms Translation 文化对比与习语的翻译","翻译""Social-cultural Context and the Translator's Choice of Words ——A Comparison of Two Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre 社会文化背景和译者的选词——对简爱两种译本的比较","翻译""The Effect That Non-linguistic Context Has on Translation 非语言语境在翻译中的作用","翻译" "Cultural Gaps between English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation 英汉习语的文化差异及其翻译","翻译""A Tentative Exploration of Second Culture in FLT 外语教学中第二文化初探","英语教学法""Words Translation between Different Cultures 不同文化中词汇的翻译","翻译""Body Language on International Communication","文化""Cultural Connotation of Animal Words and Translation 动物词汇的文化内涵与翻译","语言学""On Cultural Differences and Idiom Translation 文化差异与习语翻译","翻译""Gender Differences Reflected in Advertisement 性别差异在广告中的反映","文化""Cultural Barriers in Reading of English 英语阅读中的文化障碍","文化""The Reflection of Lawrence's Thoughts in Three Aspects On Lady Chatterly 劳伦斯三方面思想在查特莱夫人身上的反映","文学""A Brief Talk on Gothic Novel:Jane Eyre 浅谈哥特体小说《简爱》","文学""Analysis of the Characters of the Code Hero from Hemingway's Point of View of Death 从海明威的生死观的角度论述准则英雄的性格特点","文学""Symbols in The Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》中的象征涵义","文学""Naturalism In D H Lawrence' Works劳伦斯作品中的自然主义","文学"" Analysis of the Tragic Image-Mary and her Characteristic in The Long Days' Journey into Night浅析《长日入夜行》中的悲剧人物玛丽和她的性格","文学""A Good ,Perfect Tutor and Companion of Frederic Henry-An Analysis of Catherine Barkley 《永别了,武器》中的凯瑟琳巴克莱—亨利的爱情导师和人生伴侣","文学""The Influence of the Black on the American Music 黑人对美国音乐的影响","文化""Comparing the Symbolic Meanings of Color Words in Chinese and English 英汉颜色词象征意义的比较","语言学""Afro-American Athletes Dominate Some Sports 关于美国黑人在某些体育运动上优势成因的探讨","文化""A Contrastive Study of the Connotations of Flowers in English and Chinese 英汉花卉的文化内涵比较","文化""Social and Cultural causes of Sexism in English and Chinese英汉语中性别歧视现象的文化和社会成因分析","文化""Some Women Character In David Copperfield","文学""THE SUN ALSO RISES ANG THE LOST GENERATION","文学""An Ethic Conflict between Extreme Individualism and Morality in Jack London's The Sea Wolf 杰克伦敦的《海狼》中极端个人主义与道义的冲突","文学""Hardy's Narrative Skill in Tess of the D'Urbervilles","文学""The Blood of Jesus Christ","文学""An Analysis of Scarlett's marriage分析思佳丽的婚姻","文学""The International Theme in Henry James' Works 亨利.詹姆斯作品中的国际题材","文学""On the View of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice论《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观","文学""On Hemingway Code Hero","文学""Non-correspondence in Word Meanings Due to Cultural Differences 由文化差异引起的汉英词义的非对应性","语言学""The Analysis of Bodylanguage in Inter Cultural Communication 浅析跨文化交际中的体态语","文化" "The Study of Sexism in English and Chines Language 英汉语言中性别歧视的研究","语言学" "Chiese and Westren-style Diet Cultural Differences 中西方饮食文化差异","文化""Address and Cultural Difference 称呼语言与文化差异","语言学""Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Metaphorical Expressions in Translation 英汉比喻性表达的文化差异与翻译","语言学""Discussion about the Differences of Color Words Between English and Chinese 中西方语言中有关颜色词的差异","语言学""On Translation of English Trademarks Into Chinese----On Beauty In Sense Sound And Form浅谈英文商标的汉译--意美,音美,形美","翻译""Some of the Ways to Idiom Translation 习语翻译法","翻译""Paralanguage and Literature Translation -With Reflections on the Version of Dream of Red Mansions 副语言与文学翻译--对《红楼梦》译本的思考","翻译""Methods of Translating Color Words Based on Cultural Differences between Chinese and English","翻译""Culture-gap Words and the Translation文化空缺词及其翻译","翻译""Understanding-the Key to Translation理解是翻译的关键","翻译""A Brief Talk about Two Approaches to the Translation of Metaphor浅谈隐喻翻译的两种方法","翻译" "A Glimpse of English Film Title Translation 英语电影名翻译一瞥","翻译"" THE SYMBOLISM IN WOMEN IN LOVE论恋爱中的女人》中的象征手法","文学""Humanity in Great Expectations《远大前程》中的"仁爱" ","文学""The Tragic Colour of Tess of the D'Urbervills 论《德伯家的苔丝》的悲剧色彩","文学""The Similarities between Jane Austen and Elizabeth in Her Novel Pride and Prejudice 简.奥斯丁和其小说《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的相似点","文学""To Development of Jane Eyre's Characters 论简爱性格的形成","文学""The Revenge in Wuthering Heights 论《呼啸山庄》中的复仇","文学""Study on the Pursuit of Harmonious Male-female Relationship in Sons and Lovers 《儿子和情人》中追求和谐的两性关系的研究","文学""Symbolism in Faulkner's A Rose for Emily《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中象征手法的运用","文学" "Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻面面观","文学""Writing Techniques in Martin Eden 论《马丁.伊登》的写作手法","文学""Love Hatred and Revenge in Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》中的爱,恨与复仇","文学"" Analysis of the Protagonist's Character of Emma《爱玛》中女主角性格分析","文学""Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter《红字》中的象征意义","文学""Humanistic Spirit in Dickens's Works人文主义思想再狄更斯作品中的体现","文学""Social-cultural Differences and the Translator's Choice of Words社会文化差异与译者的选词","翻译" "The Application of Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of Culture 文化翻译中归化与异化的应用","翻译""Cultural Differences and Untranslatability文化差异与不可译性","翻译""The Context in Relation to Translation语境与翻译","翻译"。
英语大学《飘》中瑞德·巴特勒的人物性格特点分析 学位论文
![英语大学《飘》中瑞德·巴特勒的人物性格特点分析 学位论文](
河北师范大学高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文题目:《飘》中瑞德·巴特勒的人物性格特点分析On the Characterization of Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind 摘要:《飘》是世界文学经典名著之一,是由美国文学作家玛格丽特·米切尔所著。
关键词:英俊 ; 玩世不恭 ; 睿智 ; 精明Abstract:Gone with the wind, which was written by Margaret Mitchell, is one of the most popular masterpieces in the world. Rhett Butler is the leading man-role in this novel. He is handsome, and he spent money freely. He wears clothes which are always the height of style and tailoring. He is happy to present himself in the worst possible light with an amused, contempt smile, an unanswerable remarks and a graceful bow. These show his cynicism and sagaciousness. He says he would never uphold the South that cast him, but he joins the army at the eleventh-hour of the war. He was born as a gentleman but a renegade. He is called a rascal and a traitor, but he does a lot of good deeds for the South and the people. He succeeds in business but fails in love. He loves Scarlett as much as a man can love a woman, but he can’t tell her because he knows her. It is a tragic love.Key words:handsome;cynical; sagacious; shrewdContent Abstract (3)Abstract in Chinese (4)I. Introduction (5)1. Brief introduction of the A uthor (6)2. Brief introduction of the novel’s content (7)3. The social background of Gone with the winda. The Civil War in the U.S.A (8)b. The Reconstruction after the Civil War (10)II. Analysis of the character of Rhett Butler in seven aspects1. He is handsome and charming (11)2. He is a renegade………………………………………………………...14.3. He is cynical and sagacious (16)4. He has a clear understanding of the society and war, and has the courageto say the truth (18)5. He is shrewd, farsighted (20)6. He is kind, helpful and he loves the South in his own way.....................22.7. Rhett Butler loves Scarlett O’Hara as much as a man can love awoman (23)Conclusion (28)Notes (29)Bibliography (30)Introduction1. Brief introduction of the AuthorMargaret Mitchell (November 8, 1900-August 16, 1949) was a famous American writer, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind。
An Analysis of the Feminism in Jane Eyre[J]. 读与写(教育教学刊),2014,11(07):6.[2]王琳,卢芳,李思萌。
Strict Social Hierarchy in Victorian Age--The background of Jane Eyre[J]. 科技展望,2014,(17):237.[3]赵艳梅。
An Interpretation of Jane Eyre's Feeling of Inferiority at Gateshead in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2015,(04):237-239+250.[4]刘佳,JU Jing. The Reflection of Modern Females' Prominent Qualities in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2015,(06):173-174.[5]吴娟娟。
“There is Always The Other Side”: Deconstruction of English Identity and Masculinity--Intertextuality between Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2015,(09):187-189.[6]吴学进,符章琼。
A Unity of Contradictions-An Analysis of Jane Eyre's Character[J]. 海外英语,2012,(03):214-215+222.[7]张哲。
Canterbury tales 中 Prioress形象分析
![Canterbury tales 中 Prioress形象分析](
An Analysis about the Characterization of the PrioressI assume that most of people in the world are familiar with Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), the most important and influential poet in medieval. So, undoubtedly, you are certainly having no strange to his greatest achievement —The Canterbury Tales.This essay is going to discuss a character from one of excerpts. This excerpt named The Prioress portrays a nun who I will describe later with 3 adjectives based on the evidence.The characterization of the nun, firstly, I am inclined to say she is secular in spite of her nun identity. Traditionally, nun should take an oath with the name of the God; however, this nun should say “By St.Loy”, and this person is a popular saint at this time. According to it, we can acquire that she is fashionable enough to know what is prevalent, which deviates from the standard of a nun—to be fairyism. What’s more, the way she intones in the sentence is described like this “intoning through her nose the words divine”, and she sings in a becoming way, all of these indicate she wants to show her sex appeal .In addition, her vulgar nickname “Madame Eglantine”also proves her secularity.Secondly, I think she is ridiculous. The sentence “She spoke good French, as taught at Stratford-Bow” is an irony. Because this school is near the London, so her so-called French has strong London accent, actually she is not good at French. The next sentence “For the Parisian French she did not know” approve s it further .Though she is not adept at it she still stick to saying, and it makes her ridiculous. She is not a noble person, but from the sentence “To imitate court ways, and had her pride, both amiable and gracious in her dealings”, we can see she is pretending to be noble. What a ridiculous and funny behavior! From this sentence we can feel her vain leads she to ridiculous and her ridicule exist in this kind of vain.Her vain is also embedded in the creature she shows sympathy for. She gives little dogs roasted meat or milk or good wheat bread to show her kind and mercy. Yes, she is kind, gentle and full of guilelessness to some degrees, if we refer to the excerpt “shehad, but how she wept to find one dead or yelping from a blow that made it smart”. She is warm-hearted enough to care for animals, but how about true poor guys? She ought to give such good food to starved poor people who really need them. I think she puts the emphasis on the wrong side, or actually she just pretends to be kind?We all know “There are a thousand Haml ets in a thousand people's eyes”. From some details, I think this nun is secular,ridiculous and vain. However I also think maybe the occurrences of all these behaviors are because this maid is naivete. From this different aspect we may find the cuteness of this nun. And we may be encouraged by her freedom. Anyway,it is a funny verse,we all can get some acknowledge from it.。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 英语幽默语言的会话含义分析—以《老友记》为例2 新兴资产阶级代表—鲁滨逊克鲁索3 论奥斯卡王尔德唯美主义童话中的批判精神4 《晚安,妈妈》中公共汽车和洗衣机的象征寓意5 口语语篇中责任情态的人际意义研究6 从弗洛伊德的精神分析法分析《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿•考尔菲德的成长7 《弗兰肯斯坦》的悲剧性8 用批评性语篇分析解读人际功能与话语权力的结合9 目的论视角下的儿童文学翻译:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》译本对比10 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
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Tragedy15.浅析《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义The Brief Analysis of Naturalism in The Call of the Wild16.从《老人与海》看海明威作品中的硬汉形象—桑提亚哥On the Image of a Tough Guy in The Old Man and the Sea—Santiago17.试析《S.》中厄普代克对女权运动的态度On Updike’s Attitude towards Feminism in S.18.《飘》中女主角斯嘉丽的性格分析An Analysis of the Characters of Scarlett in Gone with the wind19.从变态心理学的视角分析电影《沉默的羔羊》An Analysis of the Silence of the Lambs—From the Perspective of Abnormal Psychology 20.《紫颜色》中艾伯特人物分析An Character Analysis of Albert in The Color Purpl21.浅析弗罗斯特的诗歌特色On the Features of Robert Frost’s Poetry22.论海明威作品《太阳照样升起》中的女性形象On the Images of Women in Hemingway`s The Sun Also Rises23.美国自然文学在斯蒂芬•克莱恩的作品中体现American Naturalism Reflected in Stephen Crane’s Works24.浅谈海明威的作品《太阳照常升起》中“迷惘的一代”‘The Lost Generation’ in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises25.《小妇人》中四姐妹的人物塑造On the Characterization of the Four Sisters in Little Woman26.美国黑人文化身份的困境:评托妮•莫里森的《柏油娃》The Dilemma of Black American Cultural Identity: on Toni Morrison’s Tar Boy27.《看不见的人》的爵士乐风格Jazz Style in Invisible Man28.论《一个干净明亮的地方》的写作技巧On the Techniques of A Clean,Well-Lighted Place29.托妮•莫里森笔下的微笑意象The Smile Image in Toni Morison’s Writing30.成长的艰辛—《麦田里的守望者》的主题分析Difficulties in Growing Up: A Thematic Analysis of The Catcher in the Rye31.《小镇畸人》中的怪人形象The Image of Grotesques in Winesburg, Ohio32.《赫索格》的艺术表现手法Techniques of Artistic Expression in Herzog33.浅谈纳博科夫的《洛丽塔》中的病态心理On Insanity in Lolita by Nabokov34.《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中女性意识力量The Female Consciousness in Uncle Tom's Cabin35.论《愤怒的葡萄》中体现的《圣经》元素On the Elements of the Bible in the Grapes of Wrath36.书信体叙述模式在《紫色》中的运用The Epistolary Narration in The Color Purple37.托尼莫里森作品中人物名字的意义The Meaning of Names in Toni Morisson's Novels38.论小说《在路上》中垮掉的一代A Survey on the Beat Generation from On the Road39.论《永别了,武器》中的悲剧策略Analysis on the Tragic Strategy of A Farewell to Arms The Tragic Spirit in Death of a Salesman40.孤独与失落的守望—析《麦田里的守望者》Waiting in Perplexity and Degradation ——Analysis of The Catcher in The Rye41.论海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》中的虚无主义The Analysis on Nihilism in Hemingway’s Short Story A Clean, Well-lighted Place42.试析《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》中的人性刻画On the Humanity Reflected in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn43.唐人街文化分析——以水仙花与朱路易作品为例Analysis of Chinatown Culture—Taking the Works of Sui Sin Far and Louis Chu as the Example44.意象派诗歌中东方审美因素的分析On the Analysis of Oriental Aesthetic Elements in the Imagist Poetry45.《这个杀手不太冷》的主人公性格分析Character Analysis of “LEON”46.论马丁•伊登和杰伊•盖茨比的比较研究A Comparative Study between Martin Eden and Jay Gatesby47.浅析《鸡蛋的胜利》中运用象征手法表现美国梦On the American Dream Expressed by Symbolism by The Triumph of the Egg48.从《教父》看两代人不同的家庭观The Discrepancy of Family Values between Two Generations in The Godfather49.《推销员之死》中的矛盾与冲突Conflict and Contradiction— On Death of a Salesman50.论霍桑作品中的象征手法----以《年轻人古德曼•布朗》为例On the Symbolism in Hawthorne's Works---taking Young Goodman Brown as a example 51.浅谈《厄舍古屋的倒塌》的叙事视角On the Narrative Point of View in The Fall of the House of Usher52.论《厄舍古屋倒塌》中的哥特元素On Gothic Elements in “The Fall of the House of Usher”53.解析《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默On the Black Humor in Catch-2254.论《所罗门之歌》的主题55.论《推销员之死》的悲剧观56.从休斯到莫里森浅析美国黑人文学的嬗变57.浅析爱伦•坡的侦探小说58.浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》主人公性格59.《嚎叫》——垮掉的一代的预言60.从愤怒的葡萄中看美国大萧条61.杰克伦敦的自然主义——通过作品《野性的呼唤》和《白牙》分析其自然主义倾向62.《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的写作特点分析63.《愤怒的葡萄》中《圣经》的象征意义64.海勒斯与卡米拉的爱情对比分析65.浅析王熙凤与斯嘉丽的异同66.从生态女权主义角度来解读托妮•莫里森的《宠儿》67.《最蓝的眼睛》中非裔美国人的自我憎恨68.“心之罪”与“魂之恶”——比较研究《红字》与《厄榭尔府的倒塌》69.杰克•伦敦的《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义元素70.论简爱中的女性意识71.汤姆.索亚,哈克.贝丽芬和马克吐温的时代观72.海明威的女性意识73.论嘉莉妹妹成功的原因74.从《喧哗与骚动》中凯莉的悲剧看女性的社会地位75.透视《宠儿》中美国黑人女性的悲剧与成长76.浅析《心是孤独的猎手》中人物异化的生存状态77.论小男孩在《老人与海》中的作用78.浅析《论自助》中人生自主的源泉79.浅析马克•吐温小说的地方色彩主义特点On the Characteristics of Dickinson’s Poems80.哈克贝利•费恩的性格分析An Analysis of the Characteristics of Huckleberry Finn81.浅析《欲望号街车》的主题An Analysis of the Theme of A Streetcar Named Desire82.狄金森诗歌的特点之浅析On the Characteristics of Dickinson’s Poems83.浅析狄金森诗歌中的死亡主题On the Death Theme of Dickinson’s Poems84.从凯蒂的悲剧中看20世纪初女性的社会地位From Caddy’s Tragedy to View Women’s Social Status in the Early 20th Century 85.《乱世佳人》对21世纪女性的启示An Analysis of the Inspiration of Gone with the Wind to the 21st Century Women 86.解读《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰》中的悲剧元素On Tragic Elements in A Rose for Emily87.浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍顿的性格特点An Analysis of Holden’s Characteristics in The Catcher in the Rye88.斯嘉丽:“旧”时代的“新”女性Scarlett O’Hara, A “New” Woman In “Old” Period89.“无形”困境——对《看不见的人》的主题分析“Invisible Plight” ---- An Analysis of the theme of Invisible Man90.情感与理智——浅析《飘》中的婚姻观Emotion and Intellect---- An Analysis of View of Marriage in Gone with the Wind 91.浅析《欲望号街车》中布兰奇的悲剧根源On the Origin of Blanche’s Tragedy in A Stre etcar Named Desire92.论对《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的种族主义误读On Racist Misperception of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn93.从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合On the Cultural Conflicts and Blending Embodied in The Joy Luck Club94.浅析惠特曼的写作技巧A Brief Analysis of the Writing Techniques of Whitman95.对《宠儿》中叙事方法的分析An Analysis of the Narrative Tactics in Beloved96.浅析《赫索格》中的犹太情结A Brief Analysis of the Jewish Complex in Herzog97.抗争与守望:论《小镇畸人》中的畸形人物Struggle and Watch: A Study of the Grotesques in Winesburg, Ohio98.浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义特征A Brief Analysis of Naturalistic Features in Sister Carrie99.浅析《看不见的人》中黑人的被漠视境遇An Analysis of Blacks’ Invisible Situation in Invisible Man100.浅析欧•亨利短篇小说的结尾艺术与人文关怀A Brief Analysis of the Twist Ending and the Humanity Cares in O. Henry’s Short Stories 101.浅析《看不见的人》中的布鲁斯神韵An Analysis on the Spirit of the Blues in Invisible Man102.哈克贝利•费恩的性格分析An Analysis of the Characteristics of Huckleberry Finn103.伊迪斯•华顿《纯真年代》中的女性意识Feminine Consciousness in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence104.《嘉莉妹妹》中的早期自然主义Dreiser’s Early Naturalism in Sister Carrie105.论《夜色温柔》中美国梦的破灭On the Collapse of American Dream in Tender is the Night106.艾米莉•狄更森诗歌之主题研究On the Themes of Emily Dickinson’s Poems107.对《推销员之死》对话的语用分析A Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues in Death of a Salesman108.《红字》中的象征意义The Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter109.浅析《美国悲剧》中罗贝塔的悲剧性On the Tragedy of Roberta in An American Tragedy110.论《洛丽塔》中的彼岸世界On the “Otherworld” of Lolita111.通过《飘》看女人的觉醒Gone with the Wind and the Awakening of Women112.浅析托尼•莫里森《宠儿》中的魔幻现实主义的应用Magic Realism in Tony Morrison’s Beloved113.《看不见的人》中的社会问题分析Analysis of Social Problems in Invisible Man114.论《秀拉》中女性的自我寻找Self-realization of the Females in Sula115.浅析《了不起的盖茨比》比中颜色的象征意义The Symbolic Meaning of Color Words in The Great Gatsby116.从《嘉莉妹妹》看女性价值观变迁Changes of Female’s Values in Sister Carrie117.浅析多斯• 帕索斯在“美国”三部曲中的写作手法Techniques Employed in U.S.A by John Dos Passos118.爱伦•坡小说中的恐怖因素Horror Elements in Edgar Allen Poe’s Fiction119.浅析《我有一个梦想》的修辞手法与主题表现An Analysis of Rhetoric Method and Theme of I Have a Dream120.浅析《芒果街上的小屋》中的女性形象Analysis on the Female Images in The House on Mango Street121.浅析欧•亨利的黑色幽默O n O. Henry’s Black Humor122.欧•亨利短篇小说中的反衬艺术The Art of Making Contrasts in O• Henry's Short Stories123.论《了不起的盖茨比》中的美国梦On the American Dream in The Great Gatsby124.圣经对美国小说的影响The Influence of Bible in American Novel125.《白鲸》的生态解读Ecological Analysis of Moby-Dick126.论《汤姆•索亚历险记》的魅力所在The Charms of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer127.《老人与海》的象征主义Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea128.《汤姆叔叔的小屋》主要人物性格分析Analysis of the Protagonists’ Character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin129.基督教在《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的体现Christianity in Uncle Tom's Cabin130.论T.S.艾略特《荒原》中的宗教思想A Discussion of the Religious Ideas in The Waste Land of T. S. Eliot131.论《推销员之死》的悲剧精神The Tragic Spirit in Death of a Salesman132.《秘密花园》现代主义主题分析On the Modernist Themes in The Secret Garden133.简析艾伦•金斯堡《嚎叫》中的“垮掉的一代”Brief Analysis of the Beat Generation in Allen Ginsber g’s Howl134.“嘉莉妹妹”—西方女性的缩影Sister Carrie—the Miniature of Western Women135.伊迪丝•华顿的《纯真年代》中的女性意识Feminine Consciousness in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence136.解析《红字》中A的象征意义On the Symbolic Meaning of A in The Scarlet Letter137.《小妇人》—一曲新女性的赞歌Little Women, a Celebration of New Women138.梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》中蕴含的深层生态学思想Deep Ecological Thoughts Contained in Thoreau’s Walden139.从《喧哗与骚动》中浅析20世纪初女性的社会地位Analysis of Women’s Social Position in Early 20th Century from The Sound and the Fury 140.浅析海明威的《一个干净明亮的地方》A Brief Discussion of Hemingway’s A Clean and Well-lighted Place141.论《美国悲剧》中萝贝塔的悲剧性The Tragedy of Roberta in American Tragedy142.马克•吐温短篇小说的幽默与讽刺Humor and Irony in Mark Twain’s Short Story143.论马克•吐温小说的讽刺144.浅析马克吐温的《败坏了哈得莱堡的人》中的讽刺艺术145.论《觉醒》的主题和特点146.透过《嘉莉妹妹》看世纪之交的美国消费文化147.从女性主义视角解读《紫色》148.论《麦田里的守望者》中读者对艺术真实的认同与重建149.《宠儿》中黑人女性的社会地位150.浅析艾米莉•狄金森的爱情诗151.《白鲸》所反映出的生活态度152.浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中的新女性形象153.论《土生子》中的种族主义154.《喜福会》中母爱主题的阐释155.从庞德的作品品读意象派风格156.从超验主义重新解读《小妇人》157.评莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》的艺术特色158.论《老人与海》的悲剧色彩159.小男孩在《老人与海》中的作用160.浅谈尼采思想对杰克•伦敦及其小说《马丁• 伊登》的影响161.论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格162.对海明威短篇小说艺术特色的研究163.从《嘉莉妹妹》看美国梦的幻灭。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 从“绝望的主妇”看现代女性主义的困惑2 浅谈电影名称的英汉互译3 《红楼梦》中的女性主义及其英译4 探析英语新闻报道中的委婉语5 从会话含义理论看《家有儿女》6 探析《劝导》中安妮的成熟形象7 A Humanistic Study on Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities8 论《麦田里的守望者》中的佛教禅宗因素9 《老人与海》中圣地亚哥人物形象的特点探析10 浅谈中式菜名英译方法11 浅谈《红楼梦》诗词的文化意象翻译12 《麦田守望者》成长主题解析13 中西礼貌用语的语用对比研究14 英汉化妆品说明书对比及汉译策略15 不同国家的商务谈判风格及其对策16 说谎的语用顺应性分析17 英汉天气词汇的隐喻用法18 传统美德与反传统个性的结合——《小妇人》中乔的形象分析19 功能对等视角下汉语广告的英译策略20 高级英语课堂中教师角色研究21 从弗洛伊德精神分析视角解读爱伦•坡的《黑猫》22 从目的论角度分析中国商品说明书的英译23 中西方礼貌用语对比分析24 论性别歧视25 《理智与情感》的现实主义特征26 合作学习在中学英语口语教学中的应用27 少儿英语学习中的情感因素分析28 从功能对等和文化语境差异角度看商务英语翻译技巧29 《论自然》—浅析爱默生的超验主义自然观30 从冲突到和解—解析《接骨师之女》中的母女关系31 英汉“去除”类运动事件表达异同的对比研究32 A Contrastive Study on the Religious Constituents of Chinese and Western Christians33 中美大学毕业典礼演讲之叙事结构的比较研究34 Analysis of the Subtitle of White Collar under Skopostheorie35 Roberta’s Role in An American Tragedy36 关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究37 英文电影片名翻译策略研究38 经贸英语中的缩略语现象及其应用39 惠特曼的人文主义思想对美国现代诗歌创作和中国诗歌创作的影响——以《自我之歌》为例40 跨文化沟通:管理跨国员工队伍的战略途径41 从文化语境角度分析英汉禁忌语的异同42 从中西方文化差异的角度浅谈吉祥语的翻译43 中美饮食文化差异及其相互影响44 反思女性主义作家对莎士比亚作品的研究45 透析《洛丽塔》中的性46 星巴克在中国取得的成功及启示47 莎士比亚的悲剧对当代女性的影响48 对《喧哗与骚动》中象征主义的分析49 从狼人电影解析狼文学50 男女生英语学习差异比较研究51 从文本类型角度看旅游宣传资料的汉英翻译52 中美文化视阈中的商务谈判风格53 试析美国女性政治家希拉里•克林顿的成功因素54 软文中的隐喻研究55 游戏在小学英语词汇学习中的运用56 The Narrative Strategies of O. 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从英汉习语视角看中英文化差异41 对比分析英式英语和美式英语的区别42 中西方节日文化差异研究43 从《简爱》看电影对名著的改编44 论《麦田里的守望者》的“非乐观性”45 英语教学中的文化意识46 英语听力理解障碍及应对策略47 从安利(中国)的成功看直销模式在我国的发展48 The Religious Thoughts in The Pilgrim’s Progress49 Analysis on the Withdrawal of Feminism in The Great Gatsby50 海明威文学作品中青年和老年人物关系对比探究51 《魔术与童年》翻译中英汉词汇衔接对比研究52 浅谈非语言交际中的手势语53 《缅湖重游》之语义分析54 从《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》看维多利亚时期的新女性主义观55 人性的扭曲,堕落与回归——希刺克厉夫的人性简析56 On Contradiction Between Comprehension and Expression in Translation57 歇斯底里的舞台自语者——《寻找格林先生》主题解读58 英语系动词语义属性及句法行为研究59 从养老模式看中美文化异同60 《永别了,武器》主题的分析61 《乱世佳人》女主人公斯嘉丽的性格分析62 英汉谚语互译中的归化与异化策略分析63 《推销员之死》中的反英雄主义64 关联理论视角下《诗经》中爱情隐喻的英译研究65 中西节日的对比研究66 凯特•肖邦作品中女性自我意识觉醒的主题研究67 从社会语用学角度分析《雷雨》中的称谓语68 The Conflict between Desire and Surroundings:an Analysis of Clyde in An American Tragedy69 网络语言特色分析70 Analysis on the Picaresque Elements in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn71 汉语中英语外来词的翻译72 从《热爱生命》和《马丁•伊登》中透视杰克•伦敦心中对生命的执爱73 On the Absurdity in Waiting for Godot74 中西饮食文化中的差异75 《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝之死的必然性76 概念隐喻在英语汽车广告中的应用77 世界经济危机影响下东莞企业的现状78 英语多义词习得的实证研究79 大卫王:在希伯来世界中的社会地位80 动物成语的英译81 逆成构词的分类及其认知机制和规律82 分析《宠儿》中塞丝的创伤与愈合83 从《尼克亚当斯故事》中探析父亲情结对海明威人生观的影响84 中西方酒类广告的文化互文性研究85 Influences of Encouraging Words on Students In High School Classes86 英汉恭维语及其应答对比研究87 《那个读伏尔泰的人》英译汉中定语从句的翻译策略88 王尔德童话中的死亡意象解析89 汉英姓氏文化差异90 The Inconsistencies between Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind and Alexandra Ripley’s Scarlett91 浅析《觉醒》中艾德娜自杀的必然性92 《威尼斯商人》中夏洛克形象的解构与重建93 抱怨类外贸信函的语篇分析94 论商业广告中的翻译对等原则95 关联理论在《老友记》幽默言语翻译中的运用96 从目的论角度分析中国商品说明书的英译97 英语新闻标题的特点及其翻译方法的探讨98 英汉绿色词对比研究99 论《爱玛》中简•奥斯丁的女性主义观100 Color Words in Chinese and Western Literature101 论英汉数字习语的差异及翻译102 《奥罗拉•李》中的女性形象解读103 Humanism in A Tale of Two Cities104 英语基本味觉词“甜/苦”的隐喻机制105 母语在小学英语学习中的正迁移106 高级英语课堂中教师角色研究107 The Comparison of Table Manners between China and Western Countries108 商务英语函电的语言和文体特征及其翻译109 汉语对英语语法学习的负迁移110 论女同性恋成长小说--简析珍妮特.温特森《橘子不是唯一的水果》111 E- C Translation of Film Titles from Cultural Perspective112 从释意学理论看中英口译113 《夜访吸血鬼》中的模糊性别观114 浅析《看不见的人》中的第一人称叙述策略115 浅论《黑天鹅》电影的象征手法运用116 《恋爱中的女人》人物及其人物关系的象征分析117 宗教禁欲下的爱情-论霍桑的宗教观与道德观在《红字》中的体现118 从叔本华的哲学思想角度简析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝的悲剧119 浅谈中学英语教学中交际任务型教学活动的设计120 论王尔德在《道林格雷的画像》中的美学思想121 A Research on the Translation of the Chinese Dish Names122 英汉情感隐喻认知对比分析123 英语歌曲在英语教学中的应用124 An Analysis of Humor in Friend from the Point of View of the Violation of the Cooperative Principle125 论罗伯特•佩恩•沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求126 跨文化商务谈判中的语用原则分析127 身势语在国际商务谈判中的应用128 浅析合作原则在外贸英文电函中的应用129 适者生存—解读《野性的呼唤》中的“生命的法则”130 《飘》两中译本的比较研究131 仿拟在商业广告中的应用132 中西酒文化比较133 The Application of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching134 浅论创造性叛逆—以《一朵红红的玫瑰》三个译本为例135 浅谈古希腊罗马神话对《哈利•波特》系列小说(前四部)的影响136 试论任务型教学法在英语阅读教学中的应用137 浅析简•奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的女性主义138 The Differences of Nonverbal Languages between China and the West139 论《红字》中的象征140 An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English in China141 女性主义翻译理论在《傲慢与偏见》翻译中的体现142 论英语电影片名的误译143 从麦田里的守望者到中国的青少年144 反讽艺术在《傲慢与偏见》中的应用145 美国个人主义对民众生活信念的影响--以电影《当幸福来敲门》为例146 浅析翻译中的文化缺省及其补偿策略147 文化视阈下英汉数字“九”的对比研究148 浅析美国高等教育的创新149 中英植物词语隐喻的文化对比150 从关联理论角度看英语广告语的修辞151 解析《喜福会》中的母女关系152 分析埃里森《隐形人》中美国的种族歧视153 浅析《紫色》中书信体的运用154 从文化差异的角度看习语的翻译155 通过阅读提高大学生的英语写作能力156 基于马斯诺需求层次理论的《老人与海》主人公人物分析157 中英植物词语隐喻的文化对比158 《人性的污点》中主要人物的悲剧命运与社会原因的分析159 浅析莱辛在《屋顶丽人》中的女权主义思想160 《月下独酌》两种英文译本之对比研究161 中英数字习语的翻译162 The Influences of RMB Appreciation on China’s Foreign Trade163 浅析卡夫卡《变形记》中的异化现象164 The Great Gatsby and the American Dream165 论《海浪》中体现的死亡意识和生命意识166 Pursuit and Disillusionment of American Dream—On Sister Carrie’s Tragedy167 浅议《女勇士》中的个人英雄主义168 An Analysis of Translation Strategies on Chinese Catchwords169 Racism in Heart of Darkness170 新闻英语标题的特点和翻译171 《白鲸》主人公亚哈的悲剧性格分析172 对《瑞普凡温克尔》两个汉译本的语言美的比较评论173 毛泽东诗词中典故翻译的对比研究174 观音与圣母之比较175 英语国家姓氏文化研究176 An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and Sensibility177 Pragmatic Consciousness in College English Teaching178 歇斯底里的舞台自语者——《寻找格林先生》主题解读179 《收藏家》中空间与人物心理关系的解读180 从礼貌原则看英语委婉语的构成和社会功能181 浅析苔丝悲剧命运的形成原因182 《隐形人》(混战)中的象征手法分析183 论中西婚姻观的差异184185 试论合作学习在初中英语教学中的应用186 《哈利波特》系列里恐怖美的研究187 浅析英文电影在高中英语教学应用188 空间介词在英汉时间表达中的隐喻性用法对比研究189 The Same Experience, Different Life—The Comparison between Jane Eyre and Lin Daiyu 190 论《紫色》中西莉的精神意识的创建191 从生态主义观解读《愤怒的葡萄》192 从魔幻现实主义角度解读《百年孤独》中的象征色彩193 从曼诺林角度研究圣地亚哥形象194 商务英语书面语语言特色的语用分析195 商务谈判口译的语用失误的成因及负面影响对学习的启示196 对《名利场》中女主人公的性格特征分析197 意象创造的对比研究——文化视觉下的中英文诗歌198 The Application of TBLT in English Reading Classes of Junior High School199 从唯美主义角度解读王尔德的《快乐王子》200 女性主义视角下的《了不起的盖茨比》。
外语学院往届本科毕业论文选题汇总表2000级毕业论文选题(169题)1.Cultural Connotation of Words and Their Translation2.On Translation of Tourist Material3.Domestication and Foreignization on Literary Translation4.Translation as a Language Teaching Technique5.On the Translation of Kinship Terms in A Dream of Red Mansion in the Cultural Perspective6.Translation of Proverbs That Have Cultural Connotation7.The Rhetoric Characteristic of English Advertisement and its Translation Methods 8.On Application of Presentation of Lesson Plan in English Teaching and Its Significance9.The Application of the Body Language inForeign Language Teaching10.The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English11.On the Combination of the Theory and Practice in Presentation of Teaching Plan 12. A Talk on Social and Cultural Connotation between Chinese and English V ocabulary13.An Effective Way of Rapid Command of Journalistic English in Listening14.Characteristics of Newspaper English15.Improvement in Listening Ability for English Majors16.Improvement in Speaking Ability for English Majors17.Structural and Lexical Characteristics of News18.Lexical of Journalistic English19.Improvement in Listening Ability for English Majors20.Improvement in Speaking Ability for English Majors21.Improvement in Listening Ability for English Majors22.Improvement in Speaking Ability for English Majorsparison of Vocabulary, Morphology and Usage Between British English and American English24.The Theories and Methods of the Translation of Movie Names25.Pragmatics and Translation26.An Analysis of the Implying Feminism in Jane Eyre27.The Characteristics of EMMA28. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs29.Advanced Modern Woman ---Ursula –Character Analysis of the Rainbow30.The Characteristic of Jane Eyre31.An Analysis of the theme of Vanity Fair32.Narrative Feature in Dickens’ Works33.EA T OR BE EA TEN --an Analysis of the Significance of THE CALL OF THE WILD34.The Women’s Consciousness in Pride and Prejudice35.Translation of Idiom with Numbers Through Culture Difference36.On English Structural Ambiguity37.The Application of Group Learning in English Teaching38.How to Present New English Vocabulary in Classroom39.Attention—the Main Factor Affecting English Classroom Teaching40.The Function of Teachers’Feedback in English Composition41.On the Comprehensive Quality of Foreign Language Teachers42.Teachers ---the Main Factor Affecting English Classroom Teaching43.On the Cultural Connotation of English Proverbs44.The Learning Strategies of Good Language Learner45.The Task-based Approach in EnglishV ocabulary Teaching46.Affective Factor Affecting English Classroom Teaching47.The Study on the Combination of Modern Educational Technology and Task-based Foreign Language Learning48.The Misconceptions of Communicative English Teaching in Middle School49.Making Students Learning on Their Own Initiative50.On the Subtlety and Restraint that Mark Emily Dickinson’s Poem51.Analysis the Characters of Elizabeth Bennet52.On the Poetic Features of Leaves of Grass53.Henry’s Realist Writing and His Ending Art54.On O.Henry’s Ending Art55.An Analysis on the Characters of Great Expectationsparison Between Poems by Dickinson and Those by Li Qingzhaoplexity and Profundity of Humanity--On the Characterization in Wuthering Heights58.Tomorrow is Another Day —Analysis on the Character of Protagonist of ―Gone with the Wind‖ by Margaret Mitchell59.Tess, a Victim of False and Confused Concepts of the Time60.An Initial Probe into the Tragic Meaning of Hamlet61.Introduction to Cultural Connotation in English Vocabulary Teaching62.Song of Myself—Embodiment of American Spirit63.Translation of Names and Cross-cultural Communication64.On Surname of English and Chinese65.The Conversion of Chinese and English Cultural Values in Dating Advertisements 66.Preliminary Study on the Culture of English and Chinese Names67.Across-cultural Contrastive Study ofEnglish and Chinese Metaphor68.Politeness in Stores69.How to Use EFL Resources70.The Principles and Skills of Translations of Business Advertisement71.Stylistic Features and Translation of Advertisement72.Promoting Learner Autonomy in the EFL Classroom73.Application of Multimedia in English Teaching74.Task-based Learning in English Language Teaching75.The Characteristics and Translation of Advertising Language76.The Internet and English Teaching77.The Features of News’ Headlines Subtitle: The Distinctive Features of Headlines in Journalistic English78.Application of Multimedia Computer in English Language Teaching79.The Teaching Strategy in English Reading80.Pragmatic Failures in Daily Conversation of Interculture81.The Differences between Chinese and English Body Language82.Cultural and Pragmatic Differences between Chinese and English in Intercultural Communication83.How to Shift Student from Passive to Initiative in English Class84.Application of Decode Theory in Listening Comprehension85. A Study of the Theory of Second Language Acquisition Applied in Bilingual Education in China86.Individualism in USA and China87.On Improving English Communicative Ability88.English Reading and Culture89.Influences of Cultural Differences on Oral English Learning90.The Necessity of the English Testing Reform91.Cultural Connotations of Color Words in English and Chinese92.On Improving Student’s Oral English93.Discussing the Study of English Phonetics94.Oral English Learning Environment95.Paul and Miriam’s Love Tragedy96.Analyses on Heathcliff’s and Catherine’s Character Images from the Stylistic Angle97.Morality in ―Lady Chatterley’s Lover‖98.Polarized Love and Man-Woman Relationship Probe into Lawrence’s Viewpoint on Love99.Regulated Hatred in the Work of Jane Austen100.Morality in Lawrence’s Novels101.The Comment on Tess’ Character and Her Tragic Life102.An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Personality 103.Greece Mythology Was Used in Keats’Poems104.Cultural Differences of Words for Color in English/Chinese105.Differences in Exchanging Language between English and Chinese Culture 106.Friendship in an Intercultural Communication107.Analysis of the Communicative Usage of the Color Words in View of the Sino-British Cultural Differences108.Meaning of Words, Vocabulary and Cross-Cultural Communication109.The Skills at Translating English into Chinese110.Cultural Differences in Time Values —the Influences in Intercultural Communication 111.The English Onomatopoeia and Its Rhetorical Effects112.A Study of Middle School Listening Teaching by Multimedia113.A Study of Prediction in Listening Comprehension114.On Metaphor of Emotions115.Metaphor of Love116.A study In Metaphor of ―Anger‖117.A Contrastive Study of the Use of Color Words in English and Chinese118.Brand-name Translation from English to Chinese and Consumer’s Psychology 119.How to Improve Quality of Interpreting 120.On Translation of Packing for Commodity121.Cultural Influence on the Translation of Trademarks122.Contrastive Study Between the Cultural Connotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese123.On the Translating Strategies of Film Titles124.The Comparative Study on the Translation of English Movie Titles in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainlandment on the Translation of English Film126.Theories and Methods on the Movie Title Translation127.Talking about the Methods andTechniques of the English-Chinese Film Title Translation128.The Study on Taboo and Euphemism 129.The Moniker of Euphemism130.On the Influence of Language Testing on Language Teaching131.On Testing Suitable for Task-based Language Teaching Method132.An Analysis of the Failure of Language Teaching and the Countermeasures133.On Testing Suitable for Task-based Language Teaching Method134.On Testing Suitable for Task-Based Language Teaching Method135.On the Influence of Examination-oriented Education to the Development of Student’s Language Performance136.The Modes of ET (Educational Technologies) --Based Foreign Language Teaching137.Misuse & Misconceive of the Conformity of Modern Information Technology intoEnglish Teaching138.Something about the Application of the Chat Room in English Teaching139.Teacher s’Roles in Web-Based Foreign Language Teaching140.Primary School English Education with Internet Technology141.Teacher’s Role in Web-based Foreign Language Teaching142.The Modes of ET (Educational Technologies) –Based Foreign Language Teaching143.On the Information Literacy of English Learners in Web based Learning Environments144.The Application of Chatting Room in English Learning145.Strategies of English Language Learning on Internet146.The Application of Cyber Culture to College English Teaching147.Internet English Resources Information &Retrieval148.Conformity of Modern Information Technologies into English Teaching149.The Bottleneck Factors in English Pronunciation150.On Color Culture and Chinese—English Color Words151.The Differences between English & Chinese Idioms in Senses152.On the Similarities of Rhetorical figures Between English and Chinese153.The Cultural Differences and the Obtrusion of Translation154.On Cultivating the Compound Talents of English Majors155.On Mark Twain's Novels (theme)156.Saint, Snob or Somewhere In Between----Holden in The Catcher In The Rye157.Understanding Mark Twain’s Realism Through The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn158.The Striving and Affection of Julien in ―The Red and the Black‖159.Analysis of Personalities of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn160.Strategies to Solve the Vocabulary Teaching Problems161.Chinese Sense in Teaching of English Tense162.How to Broaden One’s Vocabulary 163.On Ways of Improving Students’ Abilities to Remember Vocabulary164.Teaching of English Grammar165.How to Broaden University Students’V ocabulary166.Teaching of English Text167.How to Identify Metonymy and Synecdoche168.The Application of Communicative Approach for English Teaching169.How to Improve English Listening Comprehension with Predication2001级毕业论文选题(197题)1.任务型教学模式下的评价体系2.中英学术性个人主页标题语言研究3.论基于网络的大学英语学习环境4.教师用语的基本要求5.学习策略与学习者策略6.信息时代高校英语学习者信息素养研究7.基于E-mail和E-file 的大学英语写作模式研究8.关于归化与异化的思考9.中西文化差异与广告资料翻译10.文学翻译中的文化因素11.翻译学的建设:传统的定位与选择12.文化研究语境下的翻译研究13.E-Learning与高校大学英语教学改革14.广告翻译的特点与方法15.哲学领域:解构主义对翻译研究的影响16.网络英语广告语言的语用策略研究17.高校校园网络文化建设之我见18.论网络英语广告的文体特征19.自主学习中的学习策略20.公益性中英文网络广告语言对比研究21.中西方译论比较22.基于Blog的虚拟学习环境与大学教学改革23.英语口语教学的语言环境24.形成性评估在中学英语任务型教学中的运用25.英语口语如何学26.网络英语广告语言的修饰策略研究27.基于E-file的英语写长法教学研究28.写长法作文教学与二语习得理论在实践中的应用29.主观试题和客观试题的互补30.E-Learning与高校大学英语教学改革31.英汉姓名对比32.听力障碍及对策33.培根“Of Love”的修辞特色34.英语口语教学方法研究35.信息时代英语教师的角色与地位36.基于体裁教学法的中学英语写作教学37.英汉数字禁忌比较38.英汉商业广告词修辞手法对比39.计算机辅助外语教学的理论与实践40.《还乡》中火的象征意义41.英语语音与英语口语的关系42.英语教学资源的开发与利用43.体裁分析在专业英语阅读教学中的应用44.体裁教学法与高校英语专业学习45.英汉谚语蕴涵的思想道德观46.关于英语听力课堂教学设计47.中西方饮食文化比较48.外语教学中的跨文化交际意识的培养49.影响听力理解的因素50.认知主义与计算机辅助外语教学51.商务英语翻译与文体研究52.简.奥斯丁小说中的灰姑娘主题53.微型小说结构技巧分析54.英语单词的特殊用法55.网络辅助英语教学56.体裁教学法与大学英语写作教学改革57.体裁教学法与专四英语写作58.多媒体在英语教学中的运用59.英语单词教学探析60.英语广告中双关语的种类及翻译61.英语语音教学研究62.美国英语与英国英语歧义谈63.在语境中培养学生的听力预测能力64.从《苔丝》看哈代的创作思想65.惠特曼诗作风格分析66.英汉语颜色词的文化异同67.民族文化心理因素对英汉语词汇感情色彩的影响68.翻译中的文化差异69.谈英语书名的汉译70.词语的文化内涵与翻译71.如何提高八级阅读理解能力72.英语的艺术性教学73.简爱,19世纪崭新的理想女性形象74.良好英语学习习惯及其培养75.《草叶集》与美国精神76.狄金森诗作的魅力因素探讨77.任务型教学模式在英语课堂中的有效运用78.英汉同义词对比研究79.文化交流与翻译80.论交际教学法与教师角色的转变81.活跃英语课堂教学的有效方法82.现代汉语中英语外来词译名翻译83.速学英语的理论与方法84.英语委婉语的语用功能和文化内涵85.词义与文化86.狄金森诗作主题与意象研究87.论专业英语四八级听力88.论翻译中的文化差异及习惯表达法89.非母语课堂的英语学习动机90.初中英语教学的课堂设计与实施91.姓名的翻译与跨文化交际92.关于有效改进英语口语的系统方法的见解93.课程改革与观念转变的关系94.谈外部因素对课程改革实施的影响95.图式理论与听力理解96.交际法在英语语法教学中的应用97.论《呼啸山庄》的艺术魅力98.英美现当代文学中的女性主义思潮99.英语新闻报道中的流行语100.论英美文学课程的功能与策略101.影响听力理解的非语言因素102.课标改革与考核体系的关系103.互动式学习与讲授法教学的比较104.中西戏剧舞台艺术比较105.常用英语新闻术语分析106.论《蝇王》中的人性观107.从图式理论看听力理解与背景知识的关系108.现时英语新闻的结构特点109.大学生如何通过网络学习英语110.英语新闻标题的理解与翻译111.英语歌曲与英语教学112.语言实验室的情感学习113.论《查特莱夫人的情人》中的情爱观114.谈动机因素爱英语教学中的作用115.新课标对教学理念的影响116.英美现当代文学中的后代主义思潮117.文化差异对听力理解的影响118.怎样指导中学生写英语作文119.新课标实施中教师的角色120.外语专业学生科研意识与能力之培养121.伊丽莎白时期的英国戏剧主题分析122.从图式理论看听力理解与社会文化的关系123.晚清小说的社会影响124.林语堂翻译思想研究125.钱仲书翻译思想研究126.口译与跨文化意识127.语言与广告128.严复翻译理论研究129.语言能力与交际能力的关系与转化130.商务英语翻译在商务洽谈中的应用131.谈英语阅读多项选择题的编写技巧132.商标翻译与文化差异探讨133.口译特点与口译教学134.英汉动物习语比喻形象的文化差异135.从心理学角度探讨少儿英语教学136.英语教学中的英汉文化对比137.成功兴趣原理在英语教学中的运用138.习语翻译与文化差异探讨139.异化还是归化140.如何提高中学生的英语写作水平141.如何在英语阅读中扩大学生词汇量142.如何提高中学生的听力水平143.英语委婉语的交际功能144.中学生英语学习主动性的培养145.翻译法在外语教学中的地位146.英语歧义现象的归类与探析147.英语课堂中不同的课文解释148.如何在英语教学中扩大学生知识面149.本族语对学生学习英语的负面影响及其对策150.英汉基本颜色词文化寓意对比151.交际教学法的利弊谈152.翻译与性别153.中学生英语学习主动性的培养154.中西文学作品的译文比较155.英汉语言文化内涵对比浅析156.英汉语言文化内涵对比浅析--禁忌语,身势语157.海明威作品塑造的硬汉精神158.合同翻译(国际航运方向159.体育新闻术语分析160.活动教学法在小学英语教学中的应用实践161.当代西方电影的文化特征162.浅谈《理智与情感》163.提高英语阅读能力的方法164.试论英语专业四级写作技巧165.论文化背景与英语阅读理解的关系166.物理学翻译特点167.广告英语的特点及其翻译168.浅谈英语教师素质169.文化因素对英语翻译的影响170.小议英汉习语翻译中的文化差异171.浅谈利用新课标教材激发学生英语学习兴趣172.如何转换英语学习中的差生173.英语测试改革的必要性174.从英语词汇中看中英文化的差异175.英语人名的意义176.如何撰写商务计划书177.如何提高初中生的英语兴趣178.体态语在英语教学中的运用179.宗教文化对中英语言差异的影响180.翻译中的归化与异化现象181.文化与英语教学的关系182.英语情趣教学183.初中生英语学习心理训练的研究184.情景法在英语教学中的运用185.商业广告186.如何提高口译能力187.英语新闻的特点188.浅谈跨文化交际能力的培养189.海明威与菲茨杰拉德——两位“迷惘的一代”作家对比研究190.中学课堂交际法运用191.网络辅助英语教学192.英语词汇学习策略193.电影片名翻译194.口译翻译初探195.中国重点高校主页英文版建设现状调查196.语言水平与听力理解的关系197.应试教育对英语教学的影响2002级毕业论文选题(134题)1.基于多媒体技术的英语听力教学2.《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象研究3.海明威式的英雄与拜伦式英雄4.广告语汉译的跨文化意识5.中国迪士尼,传统,新潮?6.英文电影在文化传播中的功用7.在英语教学中开发学生的非智力因素8.英语教学中处理英汉文化差异的对策9.中学英语教学中的阅读教学模式探讨10.计算机辅助英语教学环境下二语习得研究11.《自我之歌》的内涵浅析12.《苔丝》女主角自身悲剧研究13.从《老人与海》看海明威的人生哲学14.影响英语学习自主性的主要因素15.试论跨文化交际和教学策略中的问题16.Towards Portfolio: A New Approach for Assessment17.任务型教学模式的利弊18.手势语认知与跨文化交际19.行为举止认知与跨文化交际20.根据跨文化交际礼貌原则调节我们的行为举止21.从文化差异看英汉颜色词22.商标翻译的文化因素23.商务英语写作的文体风格24.商标名称的美学特征及其翻译25.中学情感教学26.英语委婉语的语言特点与跨文化交际27.中学英语课堂中的教学互动28.文化差异与翻译29.预测能力与听力理解30.图式理论与英语新闻听力理解31.怎样提高中学生阅读技能32.称赞语的中西文化对比研究33.汉英动物词语的文化内涵34.英汉动物习语比喻形象的文化差异35.英汉语基本颜色词的文化意义对比36.英语习语的特点及其翻译37.论法律英语的模糊性38.英语影视片名的翻译技巧39.论英文影片片名翻译原则40.美国俚语的语义与语境分析41.交际中的身体语言与文化42.中学新教材呈现环节研究43.科技英语新闻句子用法及其翻译44.外交文书的用法和外交翻译45.网络辅助教学在中学英语课堂中的合理应用46.英语教学资源的开发与利用47.中西自然神话比较48.惠特曼诗作风格分析49.华兹华斯与陶渊明田园诗的对比研究50.从《老人与海》看海明威的人生哲学51.教师在当代大学生心目中的地位52.英语教学无定法---各种教学法的优势互补53.中学英语教学法论54.文化差异对听力理解的影响55.有关动物的中国成语英译56.希思克厉夫的复仇之路57.从哈姆雷特的犹豫看人性的弱点58.哈姆雷特人物形象的分析59.服饰搭配与跨文化交际60.广告忠实问题带来的危机61.谈商贸英语翻译的原则62.文化研究语境下的译学研究取向63.新闻英语中模糊语研究64.英语词汇中一词多义的隐喻现象及其逻辑模式65.英语阅读中的内涵与外量问题研究66.论网络虚拟环境下外语学习者的语言输入67.互联网资源在任务型高中英语教学中的应用68.多媒体英语教学的利与弊69.英语专业教学技能训练研究70.误解形成的社会心理根源71.英语开始语的模式及应用策略72.英汉语颜色词的文化异同73.交际教学法的利弊74.非语言表达和英语课堂教学75.英语教学测试与学生自主学习76.英语课堂中的教学互动77.从狭义的角度看影响英语学习的非智力因素78.中英文化中“请求”言语的比较79.迪士尼卡通电影与外语教学80.初中英语教学中的口语教学模式探讨81.任务型教学应用于农村英语教育的适应性82.多媒体在中学英语教学中的运用83.《简爱》中的女性形象研究84.从性别观看苔丝的悲剧85.The influence of cultural differences on listening comprehension86.图式理论在词汇习得中的应用87.New Textbooks, Old Teaching Strategies?---- A Glance at the FLT in High Schools88.Reflections on the Practice of TBLT89.浅析哈代《还乡》中对荒原的背景描写90.长腿叔叔的人物形象分析91.运用―预测‖方法提高英语听力92.影响英语听力理解的因素分析93.英语听力课中的文化导入94.非语言因素对听力理解的影响95.圣地亚哥精神上的胜利—对《老人与海》中不同角色的解析96.<飘>中女主人公性格特点及其时代背景分析97.论海明威笔下的硬汉形象98.互评作用在外语教学中的作用99.学生喜欢何种评改方法调查报告100.如何提高初中生英语学习动机101.论中国大学生在会话中的语码混用现象研究102.排比手法在罗斯福总统和杜鲁门总统就职演说中的应用103.禽流感给人类带来的思考104.谈英语书名汉译105.中国菜谱英译方法与技巧106.从跨文化的角度研究广告翻译107.中学英语教学中的写作教学模式探讨108.信息转化活动在英语阅读教学中的应用109.中学英语教学中的听力教学模式探讨110.英语灾难类新闻惯用短语及其翻译111.封建制度下的男权主义及其渐结构112.从《老人与海》看海明威对生命意义的探索113.新课标下初中英语教法分析114.英语委婉语的语言特点及文化内涵115.关于交际策略和跨文化交际能力的研究116.互动式教学在培养学生自主学习能力的作用117.老师评改学生作文的可信度调查报告118.论英语教学中的讲授型教学与合作学习型教学119.委婉语中的隐喻机制120.Thoughts on the Practice of TBL T121.Essential Elements in Designing a Communicative Task in EFL Classroom 122.从莎士比亚到哈姆雷特到哈姆雷特的复仇123.商务领域中的跨文化交际124.狄更斯语言模糊性及其艺术效果125.跨文化交际中礼貌原则126.文化差异在商务谈判中的反映127.从狗的中英习语看文化习性128.英语学习中的俚语现象探索129.《20年后》文体分析130.文化研究语境下的译学研究取向131.英语习语的文化差异及其翻译132.文化差异与跨文化交际133.中国大学生英语运用错误调查研究134.跨文化在身体语言体现2003级毕业论文选题(97题)1. 浅谈旅游广告宣传品的英译2.网络机辅助英语教学环境下学生情感因素的培养3.英语听力中的语音障碍问题.4.论网络资源在英语国家国情课程教学中的作用5.流行文化对英语语言的影响6.中西文化中非语言交际的差异7.论英汉社交文化对比8.乐昌市中学英语教学师生关系的调查报告9.英汉语篇差异与翻译10.认知、词义与翻译11.跨文化视野中的异化与归化翻译12.狄更斯作品中的女性角色研究13.华兹华斯与陶渊明的自然观之比较14.《罗米欧与朱丽叶》与《柳荫记》中的人物形象比较研究15.杰克·伦敦作品中超人理念的变迁研究16.英语书名汉译基本技巧17.谈<<水浒传>>中骂的翻译18.含有数字“一”的汉英习语的隐含意义比较19.英汉广告双关语的修辞功能20.中学生在汉语环境下学习外语的心态调查21.从《傲慢与偏见》看简。
美国文学毕业论文选题:1.从《最后的莫西干人》看殖民者对印第安人的压迫The Oppression of the Indians by the Colonists in The Last of the Mohicans2.浅析《智血》中的女性哥特色彩On Female Gothic Flavor of Wise Blood3.论《竞选州长》的写作技巧The Writing Skills of Running for Governor4.浅析《心是孤独的猎手》的孤独主题The Theme of Loneliness in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter5.论《奥吉∙马奇历险记》的反传统风格On the Unconventional Style of The Adventures of Augie March6.浅析《螺丝在拧紧》中的哥特成分An Analysis of the Gothic Elements in The Turn of the Screw7.季诺碧亚和普里西拉的原型分析Archetypes of Zenobia and Priscilla8.《推销员之死》中的“美国梦”分析American Dreams in Death of a Salesman9.论《榆树下的欲望》中《圣经》场景的投影和颠覆A Projection and Overturn of Biblical Scene in Desire Under the Elms10.浅析《夜访吸血鬼》中的吸血鬼形象Analysis of the Vampire in Interview with the Vampire11.《冷山》的主题思想分析The Themes of Cold Mountain12.浅析《野性的呼唤》中个人英雄主义On the Individualism of The Call of the Wild13.两个关于幽灵的故事——对《厄舍古屋的倒塌》和《蝴蝶梦》的比较研究Two Stories Of Specter:The Contrast Analysis of the Fall of the House of Ursher and Rebecca14.霍尔顿悲剧成因分析Analysis on the Causes of Holden’s Tragedy15.浅析《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义The Brief Analysis of Naturalism in The Call of the Wild16.从《老人与海》看海明威作品中的硬汉形象—桑提亚哥On the Image of a Tough Guy in The Old Man and the Sea—Santiago17.试析《S.》中厄普代克对女权运动的态度On Updike’s Attitude towards Feminism in S.18.《飘》中女主角斯嘉丽的性格分析An Analysis of the Characters of Scarlett in Gone with the wind19.从变态心理学的视角分析电影《沉默的羔羊》An Analysis of the Silence of the Lambs—From the Perspective of Abnormal Psychology 20.《紫颜色》中艾伯特人物分析An Character Analysis of Albert in The Color Purpl21.浅析弗罗斯特的诗歌特色On the Features of Robert Frost’s Poetry22.论海明威作品《太阳照样升起》中的女性形象On the Images of Women in Hemingway`s The Sun Also Rises23.美国自然文学在斯蒂芬•克莱恩的作品中体现American Naturalism Reflected in Stephen Crane’s Works24.浅谈海明威的作品《太阳照常升起》中“迷惘的一代”‘The Lost Generation’ in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises25.《小妇人》中四姐妹的人物塑造On the Characterization of the Four Sisters in Little Woman26.美国黑人文化身份的困境:评托妮•莫里森的《柏油娃》The Dilemma of Black American Cultural Identity: on Toni Morrison’s Tar Boy27.《看不见的人》的爵士乐风格Jazz Style in Invisible Man28.论《一个干净明亮的地方》的写作技巧On the Techniques of A Clean,Well-Lighted Place29.托妮•莫里森笔下的微笑意象The Smile Image in Toni Morison’s Writing30.成长的艰辛—《麦田里的守望者》的主题分析Difficulties in Growing Up: A Thematic Analysis of The Catcher in the Rye31.《小镇畸人》中的怪人形象The Image of Grotesques in Winesburg, Ohio32.《赫索格》的艺术表现手法Techniques of Artistic Expression in Herzog33.浅谈纳博科夫的《洛丽塔》中的病态心理On Insanity in Lolita by Nabokov34.《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中女性意识力量The Female Consciousness in Uncle Tom's Cabin35.论《愤怒的葡萄》中体现的《圣经》元素On the Elements of the Bible in the Grapes of Wrath36.书信体叙述模式在《紫色》中的运用The Epistolary Narration in The Color Purple37.托尼莫里森作品中人物名字的意义The Meaning of Names in Toni Morisson's Novels38.论小说《在路上》中垮掉的一代A Survey on the Beat Generation from On the Road39.论《永别了,武器》中的悲剧策略Analysis on the Tragic Strategy of A Farewell to Arms The Tragic Spirit in Death of a Salesman40.孤独与失落的守望—析《麦田里的守望者》Waiting in Perplexity and Degradation ——Analysis of The Catcher in The Rye41.论海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》中的虚无主义The Analysis on Nihilism in Hemingway’s Short Story A Clean, Well-lighted Place42.试析《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》中的人性刻画On the Humanity Reflected in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn43.唐人街文化分析——以水仙花与朱路易作品为例Analysis of Chinatown Culture—Taking the Works of Sui Sin Far and Louis Chu as the Example44.意象派诗歌中东方审美因素的分析On the Analysis of Oriental Aesthetic Elements in the Imagist Poetry45.《这个杀手不太冷》的主人公性格分析Character Analysis of “LEON”46.论马丁•伊登和杰伊•盖茨比的比较研究A Comparative Study between Martin Eden and Jay Gatesby47.浅析《鸡蛋的胜利》中运用象征手法表现美国梦On the American Dream Expressed by Symbolism by The Triumph of the Egg48.从《教父》看两代人不同的家庭观The Discrepancy of Family Values between Two Generations in The Godfather49.《推销员之死》中的矛盾与冲突Conflict and Contradiction— On Death of a Salesman50.论霍桑作品中的象征手法----以《年轻人古德曼•布朗》为例On the Symbolism in Hawthorne's Works---taking Young Goodman Brown as a example 51.浅谈《厄舍古屋的倒塌》的叙事视角On the Narrative Point of View in The Fall of the House of Usher52.论《厄舍古屋倒塌》中的哥特元素On Gothic Elements in “The Fall of the House of Usher”53.解析《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默On the Black Humor in Catch-2254.论《所罗门之歌》的主题55.论《推销员之死》的悲剧观56.从休斯到莫里森浅析美国黑人文学的嬗变57.浅析爱伦•坡的侦探小说58.浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》主人公性格59.《嚎叫》——垮掉的一代的预言60.从愤怒的葡萄中看美国大萧条61.杰克伦敦的自然主义——通过作品《野性的呼唤》和《白牙》分析其自然主义倾向62.《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的写作特点分析63.《愤怒的葡萄》中《圣经》的象征意义64.海勒斯与卡米拉的爱情对比分析65.浅析王熙凤与斯嘉丽的异同66.从生态女权主义角度来解读托妮•莫里森的《宠儿》67.《最蓝的眼睛》中非裔美国人的自我憎恨68.“心之罪”与“魂之恶”——比较研究《红字》与《厄榭尔府的倒塌》69.杰克•伦敦的《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义元素70.论简爱中的女性意识71.汤姆.索亚,哈克.贝丽芬和马克吐温的时代观72.海明威的女性意识73.论嘉莉妹妹成功的原因74.从《喧哗与骚动》中凯莉的悲剧看女性的社会地位75.透视《宠儿》中美国黑人女性的悲剧与成长76.浅析《心是孤独的猎手》中人物异化的生存状态77.论小男孩在《老人与海》中的作用78.浅析《论自助》中人生自主的源泉79.浅析马克•吐温小说的地方色彩主义特点On the Characteristics of Dickinson’s Poems80.哈克贝利•费恩的性格分析An Analysis of the Characteristics of Huckleberry Finn81.浅析《欲望号街车》的主题An Analysis of the Theme of A Streetcar Named Desire82.狄金森诗歌的特点之浅析On the Characteristics of Dickinson’s Poems83.浅析狄金森诗歌中的死亡主题On the Death Theme of Dickinson’s Poems84.从凯蒂的悲剧中看20世纪初女性的社会地位From Caddy’s Tragedy to View Women’s Social Status in the Early 20th Century 85.《乱世佳人》对21世纪女性的启示An Analysis of the Inspiration of Gone with the Wind to the 21st Century Women 86.解读《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰》中的悲剧元素On Tragic Elements in A Rose for Emily87.浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍顿的性格特点An Analysis of Holden’s Characteristics in The Catcher in the Rye88.斯嘉丽:“旧”时代的“新”女性Scarlett O’Hara, A “New” Woman In “Old” Period89.“无形”困境——对《看不见的人》的主题分析“Invisible Plight” ---- An Analysis of the theme of Invisible Man90.情感与理智——浅析《飘》中的婚姻观Emotion and Intellect---- An Analysis of View of Marriage in Gone with the Wind 91.浅析《欲望号街车》中布兰奇的悲剧根源On the Origin of Blanche’s Tragedy in A Streetcar Named Desire92.论对《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的种族主义误读On Racist Misperception of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn93.从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合On the Cultural Conflicts and Blending Embodied in The Joy Luck Club94.浅析惠特曼的写作技巧A Brief Analysis of the Writing Techniques of Whitman95.对《宠儿》中叙事方法的分析An Analysis of the Narrative Tactics in Beloved96.浅析《赫索格》中的犹太情结A Brief Analysis of the Jewish Complex in Herzog97.抗争与守望:论《小镇畸人》中的畸形人物Struggle and Watch: A Study of the Grotesques in Winesburg, Ohio98.浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义特征A Brief Analysis of Naturalistic Features in Sister Carrie99.浅析《看不见的人》中黑人的被漠视境遇An Analysis of Blacks’ Invisible Situation in Invisible Man100.浅析欧•亨利短篇小说的结尾艺术与人文关怀A Brief Analysis of the Twist Ending and the Humanity Cares in O. Henry’s Short Stories 101.浅析《看不见的人》中的布鲁斯神韵An Analysis on the Spirit of the Blues in Invisible Man102.哈克贝利•费恩的性格分析An Analysis of the Characteristics of Huckleberry Finn103.伊迪斯•华顿《纯真年代》中的女性意识Feminine Consciousness in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence104.《嘉莉妹妹》中的早期自然主义Dreiser’s Early Naturalism in Sister Carrie105.论《夜色温柔》中美国梦的破灭On the Collapse of American Dream in Tender is the Night106.艾米莉•狄更森诗歌之主题研究On the Themes of Emily Dickinson’s Poems107.对《推销员之死》对话的语用分析A Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues in Death of a Salesman108.《红字》中的象征意义The Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter109.浅析《美国悲剧》中罗贝塔的悲剧性On the Tragedy of Roberta in An American Tragedy110.论《洛丽塔》中的彼岸世界On the “Otherworld” of Lolita111.通过《飘》看女人的觉醒Gone with the Wind and the Awakening of Women112.浅析托尼•莫里森《宠儿》中的魔幻现实主义的应用Magic Realism in Tony Morrison’s Beloved113.《看不见的人》中的社会问题分析Analysis of Social Problems in Invisible Man114.论《秀拉》中女性的自我寻找Self-realization of the Females in Sula115.浅析《了不起的盖茨比》比中颜色的象征意义The Symbolic Meaning of Color Words in The Great Gatsby116.从《嘉莉妹妹》看女性价值观变迁Changes of Female’s Values in Sister Carrie117.浅析多斯• 帕索斯在“美国”三部曲中的写作手法Techniques Employed in U.S.A by John Dos Passos118.爱伦•坡小说中的恐怖因素Horror Elements in Edgar Allen Poe’s Fiction119.浅析《我有一个梦想》的修辞手法与主题表现An Analysis of Rhetoric Method and Theme of I Have a Dream120.浅析《芒果街上的小屋》中的女性形象Analysis on the Female Images in The House on Mango Street121.浅析欧•亨利的黑色幽默On O. Henry’s Black Humor122.欧•亨利短篇小说中的反衬艺术The Art of Making Contrasts in O• Henry's Short Stories123.论《了不起的盖茨比》中的美国梦On the American Dream in The Great Gatsby124.圣经对美国小说的影响The Influence of Bible in American Novel125.《白鲸》的生态解读Ecological Analysis of Moby-Dick126.论《汤姆•索亚历险记》的魅力所在The Charms of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer127.《老人与海》的象征主义Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea128.《汤姆叔叔的小屋》主要人物性格分析Analysis of the Protagonists’ Character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin129.基督教在《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的体现Christianity in Uncle Tom's Cabin130.论T.S.艾略特《荒原》中的宗教思想A Discussion of the Religious Ideas in The Waste Land of T. S. Eliot131.论《推销员之死》的悲剧精神The Tragic Spirit in Death of a Salesman132.《秘密花园》现代主义主题分析On the Modernist Themes in The Secret Garden133.简析艾伦•金斯堡《嚎叫》中的“垮掉的一代”Brief Analysis of the Beat Generation in Allen Ginsberg’s Howl134.“嘉莉妹妹”—西方女性的缩影Sister Carrie—the Miniature of Western Women135.伊迪丝•华顿的《纯真年代》中的女性意识Feminine Consciousness in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence136.解析《红字》中A的象征意义On the Symbolic Meaning of A in The Scarlet Letter137.《小妇人》—一曲新女性的赞歌Little Women, a Celebration of New Women138.梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》中蕴含的深层生态学思想Deep Ecological Thoughts Contained in Thoreau’s Walden139.从《喧哗与骚动》中浅析20世纪初女性的社会地位Analysis of Women’s Social Position in Early 20th Century from The Sound and the Fury 140.浅析海明威的《一个干净明亮的地方》A Brief Discussion of Hemingway’s A Clean and Well-lighted Place141.论《美国悲剧》中萝贝塔的悲剧性The Tragedy of Roberta in American Tragedy142.马克•吐温短篇小说的幽默与讽刺Humor and Irony in Mark Twain’s Short Story143.论马克•吐温小说的讽刺144.浅析马克吐温的《败坏了哈得莱堡的人》中的讽刺艺术145.论《觉醒》的主题和特点146.透过《嘉莉妹妹》看世纪之交的美国消费文化147.从女性主义视角解读《紫色》148.论《麦田里的守望者》中读者对艺术真实的认同与重建149.《宠儿》中黑人女性的社会地位150.浅析艾米莉•狄金森的爱情诗151.《白鲸》所反映出的生活态度152.浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中的新女性形象153.论《土生子》中的种族主义154.《喜福会》中母爱主题的阐释155.从庞德的作品品读意象派风格156.从超验主义重新解读《小妇人》157.评莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》的艺术特色158.论《老人与海》的悲剧色彩159.小男孩在《老人与海》中的作用160.浅谈尼采思想对杰克•伦敦及其小说《马丁• 伊登》的影响161.论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格162.对海明威短篇小说艺术特色的研究163.从《嘉莉妹妹》看美国梦的幻灭。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 《洛丽塔》悲剧结局因素探析2 英语毕业论文)从利益最大化的角度分析商务谈判中的报价策略3 从奥运菜单看中式菜肴英译名规范化程度4 中西文化心理差异分析-以饮食习俗为视角5 从模糊性看古典诗词英译6 双语环境对第二语言习得的影响7 Harmony is Everything: an Ecological Analysis of The Grapes of Wrath8 Analysis of Tony's Tragedy in A Handful of Dust9 论《佛罗斯河上的磨坊》中的象征意象以及悲剧结局10 Doomed Tragedy out of Desire-Driven Morbid Personalities in Nabokov’s Lolita11 浅析《黛西米勒》中男女主人公矛盾情感背后的文化冲突12 珀西•雪莱抒情诗意象研究13 从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识14 英国贵族精神和绅士教育研究15 英汉亲属称谓的差异与翻译技巧16 Principles in the Translation of Legal English17 初中英语教学中课堂气氛与教学效果浅谈18 浅谈企业形象广告设计19 广告语中预设触发语的语用分析20 顺应论视角中电影字幕汉英翻译研究——以李安电影作品字幕翻译为例21 反复在格特鲁德斯泰因的作品《三个女人》中的运用22 清明节与万圣节的比较23 荒原背景下《还乡》和《呼啸山庄》女主人公爱情悲剧的比较分析24 个人主义与集体主义——中美文化碰撞背后的价值观差异25 从语言角度分析面子理论在英语商务谈判中的作用26 On Cultural Default and Translation Compensation27 A Study of the Personality of Emily from A Rose for Emily28 肯尼迪演讲的语音衔接分析29 由《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利写作特色30 从《哈利波特与火焰杯》看文学翻译中的文化冲突31 The Application of TBLT to Reading-teaching in Junior Middle School32 论莱辛作品《又来了,爱情》中妇女失爱的原因33 非语言交际中体语的文化分析34 浅谈《竞选州长》中的幽默与讽刺35 从《纯真年代》中的女性角色看伊迪斯华顿的女性意识36 从《透明的东西》探讨纳博科夫的时间意识37 从餐桌礼仪看中美文化的差异38 浅析儿童自然英语教学法的心理学优势39 Analyzing Rhett’s Character in Gone With The Wind----the Mixture of Fire and Ice40 通过小说《紫色》分析沃克的妇女主义思想41 浴火凤凰——美国黑人作家眼中的黑人生活42 论《格列佛游记》中的讽刺43 合作性学习在高中英语写作教学中的应用44 浅析Grice的会话合作原则在求职面试中的应用45 从女权主义视角解读《简爱》46 分析文化差异在国际商务谈判中的影响47 英汉颜色词隐喻的认知比较与研究48 性格、学习策略和英语学习成绩的关系研究49 中式菜名的英译50 浅析张培基的散文翻译风格51 《觉醒》中的爱与死亡52 浅谈《圣经》故事与英语学习53 基督教文化对《哈姆莱特》创作的影响54 《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》三个中文译本的对比赏析55 On the Conceptual Blending of Business English Word Chunks and Their Translation56 对小说《野草在歌唱》的功能文体分析57 从文化差异看英文电影片名的汉译58 On Metaphor Translation Strategies from Cultural Perspective59 从文化差异角度研究英文新闻标题翻译的策略60 An Analysis of Huckleberry Finn’s Personality61 美国电影作品中英雄主义所隐含的美国社会文化62 消极商务信函写作策略63 从许渊冲“三美论"评析《声声慢》三个译本64 简论颜色词的文化内涵和翻译65 英语经济新闻标题翻译在模因传播中的分析66 On Pragmatic Failure and Its Implications for Middle School English Teaching67 《理智与情感》中的婚姻68 An Archetypal Study of J.D.Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye69 An Analysis of Jane Eyre's Contradictory Character70 从王尔德喜剧中的花花公子形象解读王尔德信奉的纨绔主义71 An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and Sensibility72 萨拉的性格魅力73 从十字军东征看中世纪宗教冲突74 法律英语翻译中的动态对等理论分析75 论接受理论对儿童文学作品的影响——以《快乐王子》中译本为例76 从电影《这个杀手不太冷》中看中西方文化差异77 英汉标点符号比较78 On Contradiction Between Comprehension and Expression in Translation79 卡特福德的等值翻译理论与名词化翻译——以《入乡随俗》英译汉为例80 《时时刻刻》中女性自我构建的研究81 《傲慢与偏见》中的灰姑娘情节82 浅析我国中小企业电子商务现状与对策83 论《弗兰肯斯坦》中贾斯汀的悲剧84 英语新闻标题的前景化85 鲁迅对翻译理论的重大贡献86 An Analysis of Ecological Ideas in Walden87 跨文化交际中的障碍浅析及其解决方法88 解读《喜福会》中吴夙愿与吴精美母女之间被误解的爱89 法律英语中的情态动词shall的翻译90 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《哈姆雷特》中的双关鉴赏91 英汉文化中颜色词语象征意义的对比研究92 An Analysis of Conflict Images in Invisible Man93 An Analysis of Feminism in Little Women94 希腊罗马神话典故成语英汉翻译评析95 浅谈涉外谈判礼仪的重要性96 xx大学英语专业学生课外视听学习调查97 《黑暗之心》的人性探究98 从归化和异化的角度看英语人名的翻译99 《白象似的群山》中话语权利争夺探究100 从象征手法浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中爵士时代的特征101 On the Feminist Consciousness in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter102 从《傲慢与偏见》的婚姻看妇女的社会地位103 To Obey or Rebel –A Study of Female Characters in Moment in Peking104 从中西文化差异看文化负载词的翻译105 从目的论看《长腿叔叔》的中译106 中国和英国传统婚俗差异研究107 A Diachronic Study on Sexism in English Lexicon108 浅谈商务英语广告的翻译109 《太阳照常升起》中的“女性化”研究110 广告英语的修辞特点111 情感因素对英语教学的影响112 中西礼仪对比113 《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我114 哥特电影的黑暗之美-市场与文化的交接115 英汉颜色词的认知语义分析—以红色、黄色为例116 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Taboos in the Context of Intercultural Communication 117 浅析《喜福会》中的母亲形象118 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的圣经原型人物解析119 中西文化差异在家庭教育中的体现120 浅析小组合作在小学英语教学中的应用121 西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神的比较研究—以《亚瑟王之死》和《水浒传》为例122 《围城》英译本中文化负载词的翻译研究123 汉英习语翻译及其所反映的文化差异124 英语商务信函的礼貌用语125 影视作品中的中英电话礼貌用语对比研究126 生态视角下《红楼梦》中动植物名称的翻译127 浅析翻译中的文化缺省及其补偿策略128 The Application of Role—play in Junior Middle School English Teaching129 《永别了,武器》的意象分析130 论格列佛人物形象在《格列佛游记》中所起的讽刺效果131 礼貌原则在商贸信函中的应用132 On the Racial Discrimination in America in Beloved133 论象征手法在《了不起的盖茨比》中的运用134 中美幽默的比较135 浅析奈达等值理论与商务英语翻译136 《好人难寻》的冷漠主题分析137 弥尔顿《失乐园》中撒旦形象的双重性138 《坎特伯雷故事集》的现实主义特征139 中英禁忌语的异同性分析140 文化语境对中西商务谈判的影响141 论《紫色》中的性别暴力142 论中美广告中所反映的文化价值观差异143 英语姓名的文化内涵144 狄更斯《双城记》中的人道主义思想145 中西方婚礼习俗的差异和融合146 叶芝诗歌中的象征主义手法147 从小飞侠彼得•潘浅析詹姆斯•巴里的悲剧人生148 《红楼梦》两个英译本(杨译本和霍译本)诗词翻译对比赏析149 从《哈利波特与火焰杯》看文学翻译中的文化冲突150 英汉习语中的文化差异及翻译研究151 论翻译的艺术152 论童话《小王子》的象征创作153 从《肖申克的救赎》看体制化对个人的影响154 论广告英语的语言特色155 Yellow Peril–the Image of Fu Manchu in the West156 从归化和异化的角度看张谷若《德伯家的苔丝》的翻译157 从思维方式看中英科普文章的差异158 《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的重生159 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响160 商务演讲中的跨文化障碍161 英语语言中性别歧视的社会语言学视角162 商标翻译的本土化研究163 以迪士尼为例分析美国文化在全球扩展这一趋势对其本身影响164 The Positive Impact of English Movies on Oral English165 浅析中美商务沟通中的恭维语166 从同化的角度看英语中的中文借词167 从中英文动物隐喻看中国与英语国家的文化差异168 英语专业学生英语口语学习动机调查研究169 论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的矛盾情感170 试析《弗兰肯斯坦》中的哥特风格171 Analyzing How Shakespeare Created Hamlet:Shakespeare’s Reflections in His Creation of Hamlet 172 The Translation of English Film Title173 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的几种婚姻模式174 尼斯湖和西湖—中西方旅游性格差异研究175 青少年的危机时刻-—短篇小说集《最初的爱情,最后的仪式》初探176 二语习得理论对初中英语教学的启示刍议177 索尔•贝娄《挂起来的人》的存在主义解读178 浅析希腊罗马文化对英语词汇的影响179 英语阅读有效教学活动设计研究180 An Analysis of American Dream--A Case Study of The Great Gatsby181 对中英语“丑”词的文化和认知解读182 打破沉默——接骨师之女中“沉默”主题的解读183 论人性自私在《呼啸山庄》中的体现184 埃德加•爱伦•坡小说《黑猫》的写作技巧应用分析185 形合与意合对比研究及翻译策略186 The Conflict between Desire and Surroundings:an Analysis of Clyde in An American Tragedy 187 探究《紫色》中的妇女主义者形象188 论英文电影片名翻译方法的应用189 英汉恐惧隐喻对比研究190 空间介词在英汉时间表达中的隐喻性用法对比研究191 报刊广告英语的文体特色分析192 论凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德短篇小说中的爱情观193 On China English as A Localized Variety of English and its Implications for ELT194 Contradiction of Hawthorne Reflected in the Symbols and Images in Young Goodman Brown 195 论初中英语教学中的任务型教学法196 《布罗迪小姐的青春》中的人物冲突分析197 浅析电影《阿甘正传》中的美国价值观198 从《哈克贝里﹒费恩历险记》看马克﹒吐温的幽默讽刺艺术199 福克纳眼中的美国南方—以《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》为例200 从中西方文化差异看餐桌礼仪。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 从考琳•麦卡罗《荆棘鸟》看人性同神性的挣扎2 论《红色英勇勋章》中的象征主义3 An Analysis of Huckleberry Finn’s Personality4 A Cross-Cultural Study on Linguistic Taboo5 文化语境维度下中餐菜名的英译研究6 《红字》中的象征手法的运用7 嘉莉妹妹三个梦的心理需求分析8 美国战争电影的人性和文化透视--以《拯救大兵瑞恩》为例9 论《红字》中的孤独因素10 论小说与电影《最后的大亨》的叙事特征11 初中英语课堂教师话语分析12 论初中生英语学习资源策略培养13 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
原创Q 805 990 74 914 从文化角度浅析新闻英语的翻译15 从服饰看中西方文化差异与融合16 An Analysis of Gender in Oh,Pioneers!17 《劝导》中安妮•艾略特的道德判断18 The Analysis of the Gothic Features of Wuthering Heights19 浅析古希腊文化对欧美文化的影响20 小学英语学习策略及研究21 功能目的论视角下的企业外宣资料的英译研究22 A Probe into Three Phases for Effective Business Negotiations23 A Comparison of the English Color Terms24 朗读在中学英语教学中的作用25 Judy’s Double Character in Daddy-Long-Legs26 The Theme of Absurdity in The Scarlet Letter27 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby28 英美小说《傲慢与偏见》和《飘》中的女性主体意识比较分析29 Analysis on Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter30 从文化视角看部分英汉习语的异同31 The Archetype of the Ugly Duckling in The Secret Garden32 Diversification in Translation33 中英礼仪文化禁忌比较与跨文化交际34 《儿子与情人》中扭曲的爱35 女权主义评论视角下的《金色笔记本》36 从生态学角度解读《白鲸》37 英汉恭维语及其应答的对比分析38 互联网时代的语言帝国主义39 从英汉动物成语比较中英文化差异40 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中象征主义的写作手法41 通往女性自由之旅--论约翰·罗伯特·福尔斯《法国中尉的女人》42 从《老友记》看美国幽默43 高中英语教学中的文化教育44 外贸企业的汇率风险规避45 中国茶文化与西方咖啡文化的对比分析46 浅析文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响47 从《悲悼三部曲》看尤金•奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承性超越48 浪漫主义天性和实用主义个性之间的冲突——评《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳人性的矛盾49 An Analysis of Characterization of O-lan in The Good Earth50 A Linguistic Analysis of Barack Obama’s Inauguration Speech51 “垮掉的一代”形成的背景探析52 对《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观重新解读53 礼貌原则下跨文化交际语用失误探析54 A Comparative Study of Coincidental Plots in Jane Eyre and Tess of the d’Urbervilles55 广告翻译56 对《大地》中女性人物的生态女性主义解读57 英汉语篇衔接手段对比研究58 两个反叛的女人——姚木兰和斯佳丽之对比分析59 美国俚语中所折射出的美国亚文化现象60 从概念整合视角解析《小王子》61 浅议我国民营企业薪酬管理62 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的追求和理想的分析63 两性英语会话话语分析研究——以小说《简•爱》为例64 《了不起的盖茨比》中颜色词的蕴义65 《飘》的成长主题解读66 《梁山伯与祝英台》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之东西方爱情比较67 哥特小说中的反天主教分析:《隐士》个案研究68 从文化差异角度论商标词的翻译69 委婉语和礼貌原则70 解读杰克•伦敦的《热爱生命》71 哈代的女性观在苔丝中的反映72 中英颜色词内涵对比分析——《骆驼祥子》个案分析73 《简•爱》的简和《德伯家的苔丝》的苔丝的比较研究74 《追风筝的人》中哈桑自我牺牲精神的研究75 从《阿甘正传》看美国青年文化76 觉醒的灵魂——解读《兔子归来》中的女性主义77 法律术语的模糊性及其翻译78 《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克性格分析79 Advertising Language: A Mirror of American Value80 简析《卡斯特桥市长》中亨查德的悲剧命运81 顺应理论视角下《红楼梦》中社交指示语的英译研究82 威廉·斯泰伦《苏菲的选择》叙事策略分析83 国际商务中的跨文化沟通84 产品说明书的翻译技巧85 Growing Pains—An Analysis of J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye as a Bildungsroman86 模糊数词在英语习语中的构成形式及其修辞功能87 论中英文习语翻译的处理技巧及文化差异88 影响中学生英语口语流利性的障碍及解决策略89 面部表情和目视行为的跨文化研究90 A Comparison of the English Color Terms91 论口译中的跨文化意识92 以超验主义视角对瓦尔登湖中寂寞观的分析93 任务型教学在高中英语写作教学中的应用94 从韦恩•布斯的修辞理论角度分析《爱玛》中的修辞手法95 论《荆棘鸟》中人性和宗教信仰的矛盾冲突96 分析内战对《飘》中斯佳丽的影响97 浅析《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的自由98 浅析威廉福克纳的《喧哗与骚动》99 从作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特看《简·爱》100 英语学习能力与风格的性别差异研究101 分析奥利弗退斯特悲剧生活的原因102 希望失落的机械天堂——析《加算器》中的人性失落主题103 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿从抗拒到妥协的精神之旅104 《红楼梦》中的数字翻译及其文化分析105 从《红字》看霍桑的政治观106 An Analysis of Women’s Status in Pride and Prejudice107 英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析108 从归化和异化的角度看张谷若《德伯家的苔丝》的翻译109 论罗伯特弗罗斯特诗歌的黑色基调---在美国梦里挣扎110 论《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》中象征主义和意识流的运用111 开放式教学理念在中学英语教学中的模式探索112 浅析中西方饮食文化差异113 An Analysis of Memoirs of a Geisha from the Perspective of Existentialist Feminism114 意识流与女性主体意识建构:以詹姆斯•科尔曼的《莫说她很怪》为例115 中式英语的潜在价值116 中国文化特色词汇的音译与中国文化的传播117 浅论中西文化差异及其对翻译策略的影响118 论零翻译在公司名称汉英翻译中的应用119 美国宗教文化及价值观在其外交政策中的体现120 从以目的为导向的翻译原则看委婉语的翻译121 论查尔斯.狄更斯的现实主义风格122 《阿甘正传》承载的美国青年价值观123 Analyzing Translation of Words with Chinese Characteristics from Intercultural Communication Perspectives124 “美国梦”的幻灭——论《人与鼠》的社会悲剧125 中英谚语体现的东西方价值观的差异126 中英文颜色词的文化内涵及翻译127 迷信思想起源研究128 An Analysis of the Female Characters in Moment in Peking129 从会话合作原则透析英语情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》幽默的产生130 章回体小说开篇叙事标记语翻译初探——以四大古典名著为例131 从电影《刮痧》看东西方文化差异132 文化背景下英文电影名称的中译133 浅议商标品牌的翻译134 从《中国老人在曼哈顿》看中美人际关系差异135 非英语专业大学生听力课堂焦虑的影响及解决策略136 解析女性主义在DH劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》人物塑造中的体现137 从“进步”话语解读《苔丝》中环境因素与人物性格138 浅析《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物“善”与“恶”的转变139 元认知策略指导下的英语专业高年级学生听力学习140 中西服饰文化差异对语言的影响141 中美鬼节文化的对比研究142 英语幽默的认知语用分析143 初中英语听说能力评价与培养的研究144 论原声电影对提高大学生英语听说能力的作用145 汉语语速性别对比研究146 《呼啸山庄》中男主人公人物分析147 论王尔德在《道林格雷的画像》中的美学思想148 女性哥特视角下的《蝴蝶梦》研究149 中外汽车文化对比研究150 中英动物习语的跨文化分析151 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究152 跨文化视角中中英颜色词的对比及翻译153 浅议公示语的语言特点及其翻译策略154 The Application of Role-play in Junior Middle School English Teaching155 拒绝话语跨空间映射的认知解读—以商务洽商为例156 A Study of Translation of English Advertising Language from the Aesthetic Perspective 157 对于英语专业的学生学习词汇策略的研究158 从跨文化角度看中美商务谈判159 《贵妇的画像》的过渡性特征的分析研究160 浅析田纳西•威廉斯剧作《欲望号街车》的同性恋倾向161 浅析英语委婉语162 《宠儿》中的女性形象分析163 论《阿甘正传》中的美国梦164 “以读促写”提高英语写作能力的教学法研究165 从卡明斯的L(a 看视觉诗的可译潜势166 解析《紫色》中妇女意识的形成167 中英道歉语及应答差异168 A Semantic Analysis of the Written Errors Committed by Chinese English Majors169 A Pragmatic Analysis of Oxymoron in Advertising170 影响大学生英语自主学习的因素研究171 大学生英语自主学习影响因素分析172 论简奥斯汀小说中的反讽艺术173 从顺应理论的角度对广告翻译的分析174 《简爱》与《名利场》中家庭女教师形象与命运的对比研究175 从语用角度和文化角度浅谈隐喻的翻译176 《傲慢与偏见》中的三层反讽177 英语词汇学习策略178 浅析简•奥斯汀《理智与情感》中的婚姻观179 Translation of English Film Titles and the Commercial Effect180 从心理学角度谈中国学生英语学习中典型语法错误的产生原因及其应对策略181 象征主义手法在《白鲸》中的运用182 困境重生—《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁宾逊性格浅析183 从生态批评视角解读海明威作品184 论《飘》与《傲慢与偏见》中女性追求幸福的不同方式185 Euphemistic Expressions in Business Correspondences186 快乐教学法在中学英语教学中的应用187 A Comparison of the English Color Terms188 简•奥斯汀小说“傲慢与偏见”中的婚姻观189 比较分析《野草在歌唱》与《倾城之恋》中女性的爱情婚姻观190 星巴克的成功之道191 On the Differences in Table Manners between Westerners and Chinese192 从《霍华德庄园》到《印度之行》:论福斯特联结梦的破灭193 英美日常交际礼仪对比分析194 论马克•吐温的种族观--以《哈克贝利•芬历险记》为例195 浅析詹姆斯•乔伊斯《一个青年艺术家的画像》的成长主题196 国际商务谈判中有效的非语言技巧197 中美婚礼文化的差异198 思维导图应用于初中英语词汇记忆的实验研究199 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述200 书面语言输入与输出对英语词汇习得的影响。
外国语学院英语专业2005级毕业论文选题参考题目英美文学研究方向选题On the Biblical A l legoryllegory in the Pilgrim’s ProgressOn the Searching for I dentity in Toni Morrison’s “Song of Solomon”Study on the Resistance in Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl”PoemsStudy on Death in Emily Dickinson’sStudy on B uddhismBuddhism in Emerson’s “Nature”Study on the V i olenceiolence in Flannery Oconnor’s Short StoriesStudy on the Symbols in Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”Study on the Distortion in Edward Albee's “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”Study of Symbolism i n Hemingway’s “The Old man and the sea”Study on Edgar Allan Poe’s Short StoriesLove, Equality and Tolerance—On the Nature of Love of Jane and TessHenry's Short StoriesOn the Endings and Features of O ·Paradise Lost—The War in the HeavenJane Austen's Marriage Conception in Pride and PrejudiceA Brief Approach to the Influence of the Religion on LiteratureA Study on the Characterization of Great ExpectationsIndividual Has Integrated into the Society—An Analysis of Hester in The Scarlet LetterThe Stream-of-Consciousness Techniques Used in UlyssesThe Attractions of The Waste LandOn the Religious Color of Characterization in Uncle Tom's CabinAn Unfortunate but Strong Woman —An Analysis of Tess in Tess of D'ubervilleA Gentleman or a Rural Man?—The Analysis of the Characteristics of Mr. Bennet in Pride and PrejudiceBeautiful Women—Analysis of Female Characters in The Merchant of VeniceThe Pursuit of Beauty in Keats's PoetryThe Great Gatsby and the Collapse of the American DreamThe Significance of the Scarlet Letter ATom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: A ComparisonThe Influence of Edgar Allan Poe's Life on his WritingComment on the Causes of Tess's TragedyCharacters Features and Social Satire in Vanity FairMoney and Marriage—An Analysis of Women's Social Status in Pride and Prejudice Appreciation of Ironic Art in Pride and PrejudiceHemingway's Philosophy as Lost Generation Seen From A Fare Well to ArmsThree Female Characters in Sons and Lovers—An analysis of Feminism in Sons and Lovers Robinson Crusoe's Philosophy of LifeThe Study of Interpersonal Relationships in Sons and LoversAn Approach to the Contradictory Characters of Angel Clave in Tess of D'ubervilleThe Theme of Money in Sense and SensibilityThe Biblical Allusions and Symbols in The Grapes of WrathThe Tragedy of Love in Wuthering HeightsThe Image of a New Woman—Comments on Hester Prynne in The Scarlet LetterResurrection in A Tale of Two CitiesThe Duality in Robinson Crusoe's CharacterA Ruined Pure Woman ——Comments on Tess of the D'UrbervillesJane Eyre as a HumanistThe Distorted Love in Sons and LoversThe Impact of Puritanism on Hawthorne —A Psychological Approach to The Scarlet Letter An Analysis of the Three Major Characters in Tess of D’Urbervilles The Power of Love —On Heathcliff's Devotion to LoveOn the Characterization and Writing Techniques in RebeccaA Brief Analysis of the Image of Bertha —the Madwoman in Jane EyreOn the Cold Imagery in Jane EyreWho is the Murderer?—An Analysis of Heathcliff's TragedySense and Sensibility —An analysis of the Love Stories in Oliver TwistBeing a Woman: Sense Or Sensibility?—An Analysis of Jane Austen's Novel Sense and Sensibility Symbolism in Tess of the D'UrbervillesGuided by God in the Life —Jane Eyre's Religious IdeasOn the Suffering and Struggling of Women as Seen in Jane Eyre and Tess of D'Urbervilles Explicating Human Nature in Wuthering Heights The View of Love and Marriage in Sense and SensibilitySymbolism and The Scarlet Letter: The Scarlet Letter as I See itOn the Symbols of Bible in Tess of the D'UrbervillesDestroyed but not Defeated —On the Theme of The Old Man and SeaTomorrow is Another Day: An Analysis of Scarlet's Positive View of Life and the Slavery in the SouthTwo Aspects Reflected from Robinson Crusoe: Society and NatureAn Analysis of the Source of Dickson’s Death PoemsLove Tragedy and War —An Analysis of A Farewell to ArmsThe Evil of Mankind Portrayed in Moby DickAnalysis of A A Rose of Emily The Aesthetic Interpretation of Ezra Pound’s Poetry鸟的赞歌--------评英国浪漫派诗歌评英国浪漫派诗歌《呼啸山庄》的悲剧分析《呼啸山庄》的悲剧分析海明威英汉形象和冰山风格海明威英汉形象和冰山风格《名利场》的现实意义《名利场》的现实意义苔丝的形象分析苔丝的形象分析哈姆雷特的犹豫再探讨哈姆雷特的犹豫再探讨爱伦坡小说的艺术创作成就爱伦坡小说的艺术创作成就爱伦坡小说人物塑造爱伦坡小说人物塑造O Neill 剧作对美国戏剧的影响剧作对美国戏剧的影响华兹华斯的语言风格华兹华斯的语言风格 华兹华斯的自然观华兹华斯的自然观简述哈代的悲剧性叙事艺术On Hardy's tragedy narrative art奥斯丁与勃朗特写作风格异同The comparison between Austen and Bronte in writingstyle浅析《失乐园》中撒旦的形象塑造浅析《失乐园》中撒旦的形象塑造《还乡》的悲剧艺术特色《还乡》的悲剧艺术特色海明威研究——浅析海明威笔下的女硬汉子浅析海明威笔下的女硬汉子《苔丝》的悲剧性与现代性《苔丝》的悲剧性与现代性 Tragedy and Modernity in Tess of D’Urbervilles 华兹华斯诗歌的和谐观华兹华斯诗歌的和谐观 On the View of Harmony in Wordsworth’s Poetry 海明威小说的悲剧意识海明威小说的悲剧意识从《老人与海》看海明威的创作特点从《老人与海》看海明威的创作特点《红色英勇勋章》的叙述技巧分析《红色英勇勋章》的叙述技巧分析 论《白鲸》的象征含义论《白鲸》的象征含义论吴尔夫的《一间自己的房间》中的女权主义论吴尔夫的《一间自己的房间》中的女权主义论简.奥斯汀对《爱玛》主人公的塑造奥斯汀对《爱玛》主人公的塑造《红字》中的象征《红字》中的象征哈姆雷特的人物特征及悲剧根源哈姆雷特的人物特征及悲剧根源华兹华斯《孤独的割麦女》赏析华兹华斯《孤独的割麦女》赏析The Beauty in Sense, in Sound and in Form关于德伯维尔家族的叙述在《苔丝》中的重要作用关于德伯维尔家族的叙述在《苔丝》中的重要作用 德莱塞的自然主义德莱塞的自然主义论海明威的死亡意识论海明威的死亡意识 Robinson Crusoe and the Colonial EmpireA Farewell to Arms —A Clear MirrorOn the Humanism in "A Tale of Two Cities"The Modernist Features in "Wuthering Heights"A Feminist Study of "Heart of Darkness"Naturalism as Reflected in "The Call of the Wild" 论《天路历程》的象征和社会意义论《天路历程》的象征和社会意义论《名利场》的社会意义论《名利场》的社会意义浪漫的现实——丁尼生作品浅析丁尼生作品浅析《蝇王》中的象征《蝇王》中的象征迪金森的自然诗迪金森的自然诗 麦琪悲剧的成因——《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》解读《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》解读从存在主义视角解读《永别了武器》从存在主义视角解读《永别了武器》《永别了武器》中主人公亨利形象分析《永别了武器》中主人公亨利形象分析《蝇王》的主题分析《蝇王》的主题分析《蝇王》的象征意义《蝇王》的象征意义1. 主题与创作风格主题与创作风格——简析海明威的《永别了,武器》(海明威的其他作品也可以)(海明威的其他作品也可以) 2. 成长的烦恼成长的烦恼____《麦田守望者》主要人物分析《麦田守望者》主要人物分析3. 女性意识的觉醒女性意识的觉醒4. ——托尼·莫里森的《秀拉》中的主要人物分析莫里森的《秀拉》中的主要人物分析5. 对种族压迫与性别歧视的双重反抗对种族压迫与性别歧视的双重反抗——简析爱丽丝·沃克的《紫色》沃克的《紫色》6. 《我弥留之际》写作手法初探写作手法初探 (福克纳的其他几部作品风格也很独特,《八月之光》,《押沙龙,押沙龙》等)沙龙,押沙龙》等)7. 《喧嚣与骚动》中的后现代主义风格《喧嚣与骚动》中的后现代主义风格(他的其他几部作品也可以) 8.简析《赫尔索格》中的知识分子形象(索尔·贝娄)(他的其他几部作品也可以)迪金森诗歌中的死亡意识9.艾米丽·迪金森诗歌中的死亡意识东西文化的冲突10.东西文化的冲突——简析谭恩美的《喜福会》简析谭恩美的《喜福会》《黄墙纸》中象征手法的运用11.《黄墙纸》中象征手法的运用《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义体现12.《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义体现。
最新200份英语专业全英原创毕业论文参考选题都有论文是近期写作1 Analysis on the Withdrawal of Feminism in The Great Gatsby2 《儿子与情人》恋母情结分析3 Semantic Analysis of the Chinese Word of Bai and Its Translation Strategies4 英汉音节结构对比5 论奥斯卡王尔德童话中的唯美主义6 探析英语政治委婉语的应用7 从《小妇人》看男性缺失时十九世纪美国女性的成长8 广告翻译中功能对等的研究9 英语新闻标题的前景化10 《简爱》的特征—一位独立的女性11 商务英语中缩略词的运用及翻译12 一位《飘》不去的女性—《飘》中斯佳丽的女性主义性格特点成长分析13 浅析马拉默德小说《店员》中的“犹太性”14 中西方鬼怪比较研究15 浅析英语中的“假朋友”现象及其原因16 A Discussion on the Accuracy of Language in Diplomatic Translation1718 论顺句驱动在英汉同声传译中的运用19 解析《永别了,武器》中亨利的人物形象20 英语报刊标题的词汇特点和修辞特点21 《格列佛游记》对理性的反思与批判22 On Morality in Shakespeare’s Macbeth23 《了不起的盖茨比》中两个女主人公的道德沦丧的探析24 试析英汉颜色习语折射出的中西文化异同25 外语学习动机的激发与培养26 An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and Sensibility27 《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义28 观春潮:浅析“戏仿”背后海明威性格阴暗面29 The Heroine’s Love Tragedy in Wuthering Heights30 新课标下初中英语教师角色转变的研究31 理想政体的历史超越性探因——《理想国》、《乌托邦》和《新亚特兰蒂斯》中哲学家的自我中心共性32 许渊冲的“三美”原则在国外化妆品品牌名汉译中的应用33 英美国家政治委婉语的文化解读34 论翻译方法的选择35 跨文化因素对字幕翻译的影响36 On Application of Humor in English Teaching in Junior Middle School37 充满爱与美的唯美世界——王尔德童话中的唯美主张研究38 浅析好莱坞英雄主义中的传统英雄和反英雄形象39 A Comparison of V alues between China and the West40 英语俚语翻译研究41 The Study of Joseph Conrad’s Colonialism in Heart of the Darkness42 《红楼梦》中的数字翻译及其文化分析43 试论英汉日常礼貌表达的异同44 文学作品的风格及其可译性45 Hip-Hop对美国社会文化的影响46 海丝特白兰—清教时代的新女性47 从哲学角度看中西餐具文化的差异48 中西思维差异对商务谈判的影响49 浅谈年世界金融海啸50 论<<禁食与欢宴>>中乌玛的觉醒51 从翻译美学探究散文英译52 《荆棘鸟》的女性主义解读53 从“死亡”委婉语看中西方文化差异54 浅析目的论下宣传标语的英译失误55 从《儿子与情人》谈家庭失和与失衡56 象征在表现主题方面的作用——分析爱伦坡的《一桶白葡萄酒》57 电影片名翻译的研究58 《贵妇的画像》的过渡性特征的分析研究59 英语专业学生语音学习中的问题60 对文化差异引起的误译的研究61 论《厄舍古屋的倒塌》的哥特式写作风格62 On the Words and Expressions Belittling the Female63 汉语语速性别对比研究64 反思任务型教学在高中教学中的应用65 英译汉语序比较研究66 论二十世纪后期西方服饰发展67 文化意识与语言教学68 英语中的汉语借词折射出的中国对外关系史69 英语环境公示语翻译中的问题以及解决方法70 浅析英语演说中对照与其他修辞格的混合应用71 中西方饮料的跨文化差异72 Analysis of the Elements of Modernism of Wuthering Heights73 论托尼莫里森《宠儿》的哥特式元素74 对爱德加爱伦坡哥特式小说中象征手法的研究75 外贸函电文体及语言特点76 初中英语词汇的学习77 从《老人与海》看海明威的硬汉精神78 商务英语翻译中的跨文化因素79 生存危机和渴求改变——黑色幽默小说的主体研究80 从目的论的角度论英文电影片名的翻译策略81 论《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的双面性82 The Tragedy Characteristics of Sister Carrie and An American Tragedy83 论《紫色》中的性别暴力84 英汉日常礼貌用语在跨文化交际中的语用差异85 双关语在广告英语中的语用分析及其运用86 A Brief Study of Bilingual Teaching in China--from its Future Developing Prospective87 浅谈英语广告中双关语的功能及应用8889 论苔丝悲剧的成因90 汽车广告翻译浅析---论消费者心理差异对汽车广告翻译的影响91 “以读促写”提高英语写作能力的教学法研究92 《了不起的盖茨比》中女性人物性格分析93 英语阅读理解中的若干信息处理手段94 “师道尊严”对当代中国英语教学的负面影响95 英语写作中干扰因素的分析96 从《鲁滨逊漂流记》看人的社会化及人的进取精神97 从《喜福会》看美国华裔女作家身份探求98 《追风筝的人》作为成长小说的的体裁分析99 对梦想的不懈追求——浅析《少年维特之烦恼》中的人物维特100 On the Gender Differences in Speech Act101 浅析习语翻译中的语用失误102 英语中常用修辞格103 论莎士比亚戏剧作品中的父权意识104 从社会心理学的角度分析《夜色温柔》中主人公迪克的堕落105 从安利(中国)的成功看直销模式在我国的发展106 目的论指导下的广告意译107 关于农村初中生在英语课堂教学中注意力的调查研究108 Text Cohesion in English Business Contracts109 Miss Havisham: an Imprisoned Woman in Great Expectations110 浅析中美商务谈判中的文化冲突111 《野性的呼唤》中的人性和野性112 奥古斯丁在《忏悔录》中对于新柏拉图主义的应用113 英语动词时态的认知及隐喻概念研究114 英汉含文化植物词谚语对比研究115 语境与商务英语信函写作116 通过《蝇王》看人性117 论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识118 论女性的牺牲——对《儿子与情人》中女性形象的分析119 初中英语口语教学的课堂管理120 从“俄狄浦斯情结”的角度解析《儿子与情人》121 析《小妇人》中的超验主义122 浅谈中学英语教学中交际任务型教学活动的设计123 英汉语言与文化差异对广告翻译的影响124 习语的文化现象及翻译策略研究125 英汉被动结构对比研究126 中英文化的差异对英汉互译的影响127 试析英语广告中双关语的翻译128 从文化角度看中美家庭教育的差异129 浅析小组合作在小学英语教学中的应用130 The Destruction and Degeneration of Heroines in William Faulkner’s Works131 从接受美学浅谈英文电影片名的汉译132 A Study of Intertextuality in Advertising Text133 从《打鱼人和他的灵魂》看王尔德的唯美主义134 英语抽象名词和物质名词的数概念分析135 德国功能目的论指导下广告口号的汉译136 论合作原则与礼貌原则在外贸函电翻译中的适用性137 On the Translation of Names of Scenic Spots138 小说《红字》中字母A的象征意义139 英语广告的语言特点及翻译方法140 英文电影对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响141 A Brief Discussion on Creative Treason in Poetry Translation—Based on the Chinese V ersions of The Isles of Greece142 跨文化商务活动中的交际与礼仪143 《名利场》中蓓基夏普的女性主义144 浅析《黑暗的心》女性形象的作用145 从中美数字谚语看中美文化的差异146 浅谈商务函电的写作147 大学英语课堂教学师生互动建构浅析148 Western Women’s V iew on Love in The Thorn Birds149 On Elizabeth’s Rebellious Spirit in Pride and Prejudice150 旅游与文化151 法律英语的特点152 从功能对等的角度浅析汉语成语中数字的翻译153 英汉委婉语对比研究154 从目的论角度看英语新闻标题的翻译155 论中西饮食文化差异156 A Study on Humanity——Based on the Analysis of David Copperfield157 从会话含义分析鲍西娅人物形象158 埃德加爱伦坡哥特小说中的死亡主题探索159 现代叙事艺术与海明威的《永别了武器》160 On the Main Practice of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Multinational Corporations161 A Tentative Comparative Study between Chinese Wine Culture and Western Wine Culture 162 守望何物--《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的困惑163 英语中法语借词刍议164 论小学英语教学中的语法教学165 论小组学习在英语教学中的应用166 南北战争新思想在女性中的体现——浅析《小妇人》167 儿童英语游戏教学168 Hemingway and The Old Man and the Sea169 日常生活中手势语的应用170 Pragmatic Failures in the Practice of Interpretation in International Business Communication 171 合作原则在小说《傲慢与偏见》对话分析中的应用172 如何激发初中生学习英语的兴趣173 生与死的抗争——《厄舍古厦的倒塌》主题解读174 从礼貌原则看中英委婉语的差异175 罪与同情—论齐林沃斯的悲剧176 《查特莱夫人的情人》中肉体与灵魂的平衡177 情感因素在英语教学中的作用178 英语语义歧义分析及其语用价值179 伯莎梅森形象分析180 Lexical Differences between British English and American English181 尼斯湖和西湖—中西方旅游性格差异研究182 从接受美学视角看旅游广告的翻译183 交际法在中学英语词汇教学的应用184 浅谈多媒体在中学英语教学中的应用185 英语商务信函的礼貌用语186 从《西风颂》看英国积极浪漫主义的特征187 A Reflection upon American Heroism Based on Reviews of Hollywood Movies 188 从《哈利波特与火焰杯》看文学翻译中的文化冲突189 英语中的性别歧视190 汉英翻译中的中国式英语产生的原因及对策191 谈商务英语信函的语言特点及其翻译192 命运与性格--浅论《哈姆雷特》的悲剧因素193 艾米莉狄金森死亡诗歌的解读194 从凯特肖邦的“觉醒”中映射出的女性自由195 小说《嘉莉妹妹》中女性成长的分析196 商标文化特色和翻译技巧197 从《喜福会》中西文化的冲突与融合中看身份的寻求198 中文标语翻译的语用学视角199 英文商业广告中的常用修辞格--以《商业周刊》为例200 科技英语中被动句的语篇功能探析。
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An Analysis on the Characterization of Shylock from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice
【摘要】Shylock has long been regarded as a mean, cruel and inhuman usurer. And most of the criticism he suffered is neither right nor impartial. Viewed from the function of Shylock’s character depiction in the play, combined with the background of the Elizabethan Age, it is reasonable that Shylock is obviously a victim of racial and religious discrimination. The discussion of the root of his meanness, cruelty and inhumanity can help the reader to treat Shylock more impartially and understand that the society should be more responsible for the shaping of his character than Shylock himself. 还原