
高口翻译难度词汇1.科学发展观the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity6.新能源观new thinking on energy development有关先进文化的词汇1.古为今用、洋为中用旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national现译draw from past and foreign achievements2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activities cultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese,pro-science and people-oriented6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; Socialist culture with Chinese appeal9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world. What’s unique for a nation is also precious for the world. When you are unique, the world comes to you.10.文艺应当贴近群众,贴近生活,贴近实际。

高级口译备考词汇笔记[1]pride oneself on (upon) 使得意;以……自豪take the initiative 采取主动occasion n. 场合,重大或特殊的活动,盛会flamboyantly adv. 艳丽地,奢华地,炫耀地with (one’s) tongue in (one’s) cheek/tongue in cheek无诚意地,假心假意地,挖苦地everyday thing 日常事情have a passion for 对……极度喜爱,酷爱match v. 和……相称,和……相一致spring from 发源(于),出身(于),来自(于)in any company 在任何交际场合,在(客)人前poverty line 贫困线no exception 没有例外,无一例外be typical of (品质、性格等方面)特有的、独特的place emphasis on 重视,强调resent v. 对……表示忿恨,因……而怨恨stem from 起源于,由……造成at first thought 乍一想take hold 生根,固定下来barbecue/grill party 烤肉野餐聚会quip v. 说俏皮话,讽刺convenience food 方便食品frozen food 速冻食品a throw-away culture 使用一次性物品的生活方式generation gap 代沟make sense 讲得通,有意义;合情合理的from scratch 从头开始,白手起家caricature v. 将……画成漫画,用漫画表现(某特征),讽刺insular adj. 狭隘的,封闭的xenophobe n. 惧怕外国(陌生)人的人,憎恨外国人的人saloon-bar n. 沙龙酒吧tabloid newspaper 通俗小报hurl v. 猛投,气势汹汹地吐(恶言)pub landlord 酒馆(酒吧)店主ethnic minority 少数民族,少数族裔EU (European Union) 欧盟stop by v. 路过,逗留visa-free access 免予签证进入Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区multi-ethnic adj.多民族的,多族裔的multi-cultural adj. 多元文化的meeting-point n. 交汇点inflict on 使承受负担,使遭受(损伤),强加eating habits 饮食习惯supermarket chains 连锁超市Tuscany=Toscana 托斯卡纳区(意大利行政区名)Piccadilly Circus 皮卡迪里广场entertainment world 娱乐世界,娱乐界Eros n. (希腊神话中的)厄洛斯Cup Final 足球杯决赛Christian Charity 基督教慈善事业,基督教博爱reveler n. 狂欢者nondescript adj. 难以形容的,(因无特征而)难以归类的imposing adj. 壮观的,气势雄伟的be decorated with 用……装饰neon signs 霓虹灯招牌tube station 地铁车站(比较:subway station [美国英语]地铁车站)escalator n. 自动扶梯showcase n. (商店的)玻璃陈列橱窗converge v. 汇聚(到某一点)be thronged with 挤满了an evening stroll 晚间散步motley adj. 混杂的,成分杂乱的national dress 民族服装cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的,世界主义的Piccadilly Circus 皮卡迪里广场entertainment world 娱乐世界,娱乐界Eros n. (希腊神话中的)厄洛斯Christian Charity 基督教慈善事业,基督教博爱Cup Final 足球杯决赛reveler n. 狂欢者nondescript adj. 难以形容的,(因无特征而)难以归类的imposing adj. 壮观的,气势雄伟的be decorated with 用……装饰neon signs 霓虹灯招牌tube station 地铁车站(比较:subway station [美国英语]地铁车站)escalator n. 自动扶梯showcase n. (商店的)玻璃陈列橱窗converge v. 汇聚(到某一点)be thronged with 挤满了an evening stroll 晚间散步motley adj. 混杂的,成分杂乱的national dress 民族服装cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的,世界主义的OPEC 欧佩克(石油输出国组织[Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries]的缩写)figure skating 花样滑冰precariously adv. 不牢靠地,不稳定地,危险地barrel n. 桶Geneva n. 日内瓦championship 锦标赛(常用复数)deliberation n. 商议,评议(常用复数)Saudi adj. 沙特阿拉伯的,沙特阿拉伯人的foresworn v. (foreswear的过去分词)发誓抛弃,坚决放弃contemplate v. 盘算,考虑,计议,视为可能Norway n. 挪威Angola n. 安哥拉Egypt n. 埃及Malaysia n. 马来西亚Mexico n. 墨西哥Oman n. 阿曼trim v. 削减,减少moan v. 悲叹,抱怨quota n. 配额,定量curb v. 抑止,控制emigrate v. 移居外国(或外地区)war-ravaged adj. 受战争蹂躏的ghetto n. 聚居区,贫民区slum n. 贫民窟underprivileged adj. 被剥夺基本权利的,生活水平低下的thorny adj. 棘手的,麻烦的blatant adj. 极明显的,公然的sit-in n. 静坐desegregation n. 废除种族隔离accommodation n. (公共)场所、设施1.我非常感谢...Reference:Thank you very much for...2.热情友好的欢迎辞Reference:gracious speech of welcome3...之一Reference:be one of4.访问...是...Reference:A visit to...has...5.多年梦寐以求的愿望Reference:has long been my dream6...给予我一次...的机会...Reference:(The visit will) give me(an excellent ) opportunity to ...7.我为...,再次表达(我的愉快之情和荣幸之感)。

高级口译词汇笔记社会发展词汇关心老龄人care for senior citizens.贵族学校exclusive school(美); select school(英)国企下岗职工基本生活保障guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state—owned enterprises 合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure积极发展民办教育Efforts should be made to develop schools not operated by government education departments。
保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women's right to employment城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old—age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas。
城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees安居工程housing project for low-income families促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics福利分房buy a benefit—oriented apartment from the organization one works with高度重视精神文明建设pay close attention to cultural and ethical progress关系国计民生的大事matters vital to national well-being and the people’s livelihood单亲家庭 single parent family工资收入分配制度the wage and income distribution system关心和支持残疾人事业Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our care and support.继续开展“扫黄打非”斗争The fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy shall be continued.坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针adhere to the principle of “doing two jobs at once and attaching equal importance to each"坚持正确的舆论导向maintain the correct orientation for public opinion建立市场导向的就业机制to establish a market—oriented employment mechanism建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府build a clean and diligent,pragmatic and efficient government建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment培养创新精神和实践能力help them develop practical abilities and a spirit of innovation人口增长与社会经济发展相协调try to keep population growth in line with social and economic development失业保险guarantee of unemployment insurance benefits实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment树立正确的价值观、世界观、人生观help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life实现小康目标attain the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质promote family planning and control the population size and improve the health of the people思想道德建设(思想政治工作)moral education among people生活费收入income available for cost of living弱势群体disadvantaged groups失学儿童dropouts实行劳动合同制度to institute a labor contract system完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and implement preferential reemployment推进素质教育push ahead with education for all—around development行行出状元Every profession produces its own leading authority.最低生活保障制度the minimum living standard security system舆论导向 direction of public opinion医疗保险制度the medical insurance system应试教育 examination—oriented education system完善失业保险制度to improve the unemployment insurance system摆脱亚洲金融危机的影响shake off the impact of the financial crisis广开就业门路increase employment opportunities;create jobs in every possible way; open up more channels of employment 固定资产投资investment in the fixed assets劳动密集性企业labor-intensive enterprises皮包公司flying-by—night company;bogus company国际收支平衡balance of international payments/ balance of payment国家科技创新体系State Scientific and Technological Innovation System企业的自我约束机制self-regulating mechanism of enterprises无氟冰箱freon—free refrigerator自由浮动汇率free floating exchange rate; variable exchange rate在巩固公有制主体地位的同时,促进多种所有制经济共同发展alongside fortifying the status of the public ownership as the mainstay,it is also encouraged to witness common development of different systems of ownership自主经营,自负盈亏responsible for their own management decisions,profits and losses走上良性发展的轨道going on the track of sound progress注入新的生机与活力bring new vigor and vitality into中介服务组织intermediary service organizationWT(weight)重量G.W.(gross weight)毛重N。

pride oneself on (upon) 使得意;以⋯⋯自豪take the initiative 采取主动everyday thing 日常事情have a passion for 对⋯⋯极度喜爱,酷爱match v.和⋯⋯相称,和⋯⋯相一致spring from 发源(于),出身(于),来自(于)feel up to 觉得能够胜任,觉得身体挺得住pass out昏倒,失去知觉tycoon 企业界的大亨in any company 在任何交际场合,在(客)人前poverty line 贫困线no exception 没有例外,无一例外be typical of (品质、性格等方面)特有的、独特的place emphasis on 重视,强调figure skating 花样滑冰precariously adv.不牢靠地,不稳定地,危险地barrel n.桶deliberation n.商议,评议(常用复数)Saudi adj.沙特阿拉伯的,沙特阿拉伯人的bankruptcy law 破产法urbanologist n.城市学家,城市问题专家emphatically adv.强调地,断然地,明显地metalworking n. 金属加工doom v. 使⋯⋯失败(毁灭等)成为必然passenger transport income客运收入passenger-place kilometre cost客位公里成本接发球return of service 发球方serving side发高远球long high serve 连击double hit扣球smash避暑山庄mountain resort避暑胜地summer resort国家公园national park山水风光scenery with mountains and rivers 诱人景色inviting views湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills青山绿水green hills and clear waters景色如画picturesque views金石印章metal and stone seals石刻碑文stone inscriptions天下第一泉the finest spring under heaven 石舫stone boat3.该城市有全国规模最大、最负盛名的园林.aolivar 博利瓦colon(哥斯达黎加)科郎colon(萨尔瓦多)科郎Venezuela委内瑞拉Costa Rica哥斯达黎加El Salvador萨尔瓦多Algeria 阿尔及利亚Iraq 伊拉克dinar(伊拉克)第纳尔dinar(约旦)第纳尔dinar(科威特)第纳尔dinar(利比亚)第纳尔The People ’s DemocraRtiecpublic of Yemendong(越南)盾DBVN 越南民主共和国drachma德拉克马Greece希腊lev 列弗Bulgaria 保加利亚Somali shilling 索马里先令Somali 索马里sucre苏克雷E cuador厄瓜多尔2008 夏季奥运会2008 summer Olympics国际奥委会the International Olympic Committee (IOC)申办城市the bidding cities候选城市the candidate cities奥林匹克精神(Olympic spirit奥运场馆(venue)奥运公交专线(shuttle busVolunteer ( 志愿者)奥运交通管制及安全)Olympic Delegation 奥运村Olympic Village组委会organization committee开幕式opening ceremony闭幕式closing ceremony吉祥物mascot证券市场securities market贴现市场discount market保险市场insurance market外贸额foreign trade volume领先优势leading-edge科研成果产业化industrialization of research findings火炬计划torch plan关系民生的产品products vital to the people's livelihoodsustained, stable and coordinated development脱贫致富shake off poverty and become prosperous解决温饱问题s ecure adequate food and clothinga relatively well-off and comfortable lifeeliminate polarization to ultimately achieve亏损企业脱困turning around loss-making enterprisespromote cyclic economy for sustainable development 投资热investment fever允许外商独资经营allow full foreign equity operationactively introduce capital, technology, competent professionals and managerial expertise form outside竟标competitive biddingequality and mutual benefit, and trading of needed goods外引内联四大国有商业银行 4 major state-owned commercial banks 中国银行Bank of china中国工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China中国建设银行Construction Bank of China中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China招商银行China Merchants BankChina International Trust中国人民保险公司People's Insurance Company of China 平安保险公司Ping An Insurance Company国外银行overseas bank资本流入inflow of capital投资热investment fever发行股票(或证券)offering原始股initial offerings首次公募initial public offerings成交量volume熊市bear market牛市bull market看跌weak/falling tendency看涨stronger/rising tendency看涨时买下的股票long stock 低价时买下的股票short stock证券securitiescash transactiondeferred paymentprecious metal新闻30 分News in 30 Minutes商业电视Business TV健康俱乐部Health Club强权政治power politics遏制与对抗c ontain and confront从我国国情出发proceed from our national conditions居安思危stay prepared against adversities in times of peace开创新局面create a new situation翻天覆地earth-shaking繁荣富强prosperous and strongcontrol the population size and improve the quality of 公务员制度civil service system’s duties; dereliction of dutybuild a socialist state under the rule of law依法治国run the country in accordance with the law人民代表大会制度the system of people's congressesthe system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPCthe Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPCdeputy to National PeopleChinese characteristics"and boost morale走出新路子blaze a new trailChinese characteristics牢牢抓住发展主线be firmly committed to development继续推进改革开放press ahead with reform and opening upto build socialism with Chinese characteristics 不被任何干扰所惑n ever be confused by any interference高度集中的计划经济highly centralized planned economyrobust socialist market economy封闭或半封闭的国家closed or semi-closed stateReform and opening-up accord with thepursue an independent foreign policy of peace,保持稳定maintain stabilityhunger strike mammoth rally poster 标语sit-in protest slogan 口号Anarchism 无政府主义Declaration of Independence Hawkish 鹰派的Dove 鸽派Check and balance of power avian flu,bird flucolour blindness传统节日Traditional FestivalsSpring Festival couplets (conveying best wishes for the year )bid farewell to the old and usher in the new ; ring out theyear-end household cleaningfamily reunion dinner on Lunar New YearTomb-sweeping Festivalpaying respect to the deadenjoying chrysanthemumenjoying the full moonperfect combination of color , aroma , taste and the light southern cuisine , and the salty northernodd-odour bean curbpork streamed with rice flourlocal delicacyrolls of dried bean milk cream烹饪方法Cooking Techniquespan-fryingstir-fryingquick-fryingdeep-fryingstewingsmokingsimmeringboilingbakingroastingsteaming贵宾门Distinguished guestsextend cordial greetings and best wishes to在热情友好的气氛中in a cordial and friendly atmosphere 在认真坦率的气氛中in an earnest and frank atmosphere 交换意见exchange views对⋯就⋯为题发言address ⋯on the topic of达成共识reach consensus转达最诚挚的问候convey the most gracious greetingskeep a good trading partnershipdistinguished/honorable guestson the occasion ofin the common interest of looking back on; in retrospect look into the future房屋总面积gross area住宅housing; residences筒子楼tube-shaped apartment电费单electric bill电话月租telephone rental押金deposit住宿accommodation分开的,独立的detached阳台balcony进口部Import DepartmentFudan UniversityTongji UniversityShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityEast China University Of ScienceDonghua UniversityShanghai University Of TechnologyShanghai University Of Engineering ScienceShanghai Normal UniversityShanghai Maritime UniversityShanghai University Of Electric PowerShanghai Institute Of TechnologyShanghai Institute Of Foreign TradeEast China University Of Politics and LawShanghai University Of SportShanghai Conservatory Of MusicShanghai Theatre Academy双重国籍duel citizenship地址address污染控制与防治pollution control and prevention生态环境保护ecological environment protection环境规划与管理environmental planning and management 烟囱smokestacks防风林windbreak forest 废物处理waste disposal 焚化incineration美化环境landscaping泥石流land slide适宜居住城市livable citymaintain/preserve the ecological balanceper capita green area of public placesConserve 节约,保护Acid rain 酸雨Biosphere 生物圈Deplete 耗尽Overgraze 过渡放牧Rainfall 降雨量Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Kyoto Protocole-business certificationhigh definition TV (HDTV)high-speed broadband networkshigh-performance computer搜索引擎search engine光通讯photo-communication; optical communication广域网wide area network (WAN)Chinese character processing softwarecomputer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS)central processing unit (CPU)宽带broadbandWAP phone手机入网费m obile access fee数字地球digital globeuniform resource locator (URL)extranet网上犯罪cyber crime网上购物shopping onlineonline trading platform 网上贸易cyber business网页w eb page卫星导航s atellite navigationInformation Industry信息高地information highland信息化informationize。

制药有限公司:Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd副总经理:Vice manager / deputy general manager /director研究生:post-graduate / graduate student研究成果:researching findings实验助手:lab assistant市中心:downtown假日酒店:holiday inn旅馆住宿费:accommodation fee招待所:guest house舒适如归: feel at home不尽如人意之处:something unsatisfactory/ inconvenient排忧解难:help sb out of the difficult or inconvenient situation / help sb out机场大楼:terminal building 候机大厅; waiting hall问讯处:information/ inquiry desk 起飞时间:departure / take-off time抵达时间:arrival time 登记卡:boarding pass安全检查:security check 海关:the customs办理海关例行手续:going through customs formalities海关行李申报单:customs baggage / luggage declaration form外币申报单:foreign currency declaration form报关:making a customs declaration应纳关税物品:dutiable goods / articles往返票:round-trip ticket / return ticket入境,出境,过境签证entry./exit / transit visa入境手续:entry formalities一次性/多次入境签证single entry / multiple entry visa再入境签证:re-entry visa旅游签证:tourist visa外交护照:diplomatic passport免税店:duty-free shop 免税物品:duty-free goods / articles手提行李:hand luggage 随身携带行李carry-on baggage行李标签牌:baggage / luggage tag行李手推车:baggage /luggage handcart / pushcart行李认领或提取处:luggage /baggage claim行李寄存处:baggage depositary机场班车;airport shuttle bus出租车候车处:taxi stand /rank健康证书:health certificate种痘/预防接种证书; vaccination / inoculation certificate接待员:receptionist接待:host receive招待:entertain盛大招待会:grand reception旅馆登记表:hotel registration form旅馆休息大厅:hotel lobby入住\退房check in | out总统/ 豪华套房presidential/ luxury suite单人房,双人房single room double room外宾:foreign guest / visitor ; overseas guest / visitor外事办公室:foreign affairs office外国专家:foreign expert/ specialist overseas expert / specialist活动日程日程安排:itinerary schedule招待会; reception / entertainment party冷餐招待会:reception buffet欢迎./告别词:welcome / farewell speech/address请允许我介绍一下自己。

EDUCATION教育1.Alma Mater 母校2.Bachelor’s degree 学士学位3.college equivalency大学同等学力4.degree 学位5.diploma毕业文凭6.division 分校7.doctoral degree / Ph.D degree博士学位8.eliminate illiteracy扫盲9.intercultural exchange 国际文化交流10.Jurist Master (JM) 法律硕士11.Jurum Doctor (JD) 法学博士12.life-long learning 终身学习13.Master’s degree 硕士学位14.MIT 麻省理工学院15.non-residential college 不提供住宿的大学16.on -job training 在职培训17.open universities (采用电视、广播、函授进行教学的)开放大学18.polytechnic adj./ n. 工艺学校, 工艺的,19.Princeton 美国普林斯顿大学20.qualifying examination 资格考试21.residential college 提供住宿的大学22.school dropout / leaver 辍/失学青少年23.self-discipline 自我约束24.Stanford斯坦福大学25.study by correspondence 通过函授学习26.the Open University, UK (英国)开放大学27.tuition (fee) 学费28.UC Berkeley 加洲伯克利大学29.Univ Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学30.Univ Munich 慕尼黑大学31.Univ Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学32.Univ Toronto 多伦多大学33.vocational school 职业学校34.1.电视广播大学television and radio broadcasting university2.函授学院correspondence school3.成人夜校night school for adults4.业余艺术/体育学校amateur arts/athletic school5.附中middle / high school affiliated to …6.在职进修班on-job training course7.政治思想教育political and ideological education8.自学成才to become educated through independent study9.奖学金scholarship; fellowship; financial grant10.领取助学金的学生 a grant-aided student11.伙食费board expenses12.伙食补助food allowance13.博士生Ph.D candidate14.博士后post–doctoral15.毕业鉴定graduation appraisal16.毕业生分配graduate placement17.伯乐 a good judge of talent (a name of a legendary person in the state of Qin during theSpring and Autumn Period who excelled in evaluating horses)18.博导supervisor of Ph.D. candidate / doctoral advisor19.成人高考/自学考试the national higher education exams for self-taught adults20.充电update one's knowledge21.初等教育elementary education22.大学城college town大学社区college community大专文凭associate degree23.分数mark; grade24.学习成绩academic record; school record25.成绩单transcript26.毕业论文(大学)paper; (研)thesis; (博)dissertation27.实习internship; field work28.毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement 毕业证书certificate29.高等教育higher education30.高等教育“211工程”the“211 Project”for higher education31.高等学府institution of higher education32.综合性大学comprehensive university33.文科院校colleges of (liberal) arts34.理工科大学college / university of science and engineering35.师范学院teachers' college / normal college36.工科大学polytechnic university37.农学院college of agriculture38.医学院medical school39.中医院institute of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)40.音乐学院music school41.美术学院academy of fine arts42.高分低能high scores and low abilities43.高考(university / college) entrance examination44.高校扩招the college expansion plan45.高中同等学力highschool equivalency46.广播电视大学radio and television university47.国家普通话水平考试National Proficiency Test of Putonghua (Mandarin)48.函授大学correspondence university49.副教授associate professor50.客座教授visiting professor; guest professor51.讲师lecturer52.助教assistant53.辅导员assistant for political and ideological work54.教研室/组teaching and research section/group55.教学法pedagogy; teaching method56.教育界education circle57.教育投入input in education58.九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education59.考研take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools60.课外的extracurriculum61.课外活动extracurricular activities62.课堂讨论class discussion63.必修课required / compulsory course64.选修课elective / optional course65.基础课basic course66.专业课specialized course67.课程表school schedule68.研究小组;讨论会seminar69.教学大纲teaching program; syllabus70.学习年限period of schooling71.学历record of formal schooling72.学年school/academic year73.学期(school)term; semester74.学分credit75.两院院academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy ofEngineering76.启发式教学heuristic education77.热门话题hot topic78.人才交流talents exchange79.人才战competition for talented people80.商务英语证书Business English Certificate (BEC)81.设计学院academy of design82.体育学院institute of physical culture83.适龄儿童入学率enrolment rate for children of school age84.授予某人学位to confer a degree on / to sb. /for sth (e.g. thesis)85.升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade86.(国家)助学金(state)stipend/subsidy/ financial aid87.硕博联读 a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate and doctoral study88.松江大学城Songjiang College Town89.素质教育quality-oriented education90.填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching91.同声传译simultaneous interpretation92.托福Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)93.脱产进修block release94.短训班short-term training course95.师生员工faculty, students and staff96.教学人员the faculty; teaching staff97.中、小学校长headmaster/headmistress; principal98.大专院校校长(美)president; (英)chancellor ; vice-chancellor99.教务长, (系)主任dean100.希望工程Project Hope101.小组讨论group discussions102.校训school motto103.校友alumnus(男); alumna(女)pl. alumni; alumnae104.学生会students' union/association105.走读生extern; non-resident student106.住宿生boarder107.旁听生auditor108.研究生graduate student; post-graduate (student)109.应届毕业生graduating student; current year’s graduate110.课程course; curriculum111.校园数字化campus digitalization112.校园文化campus culture113.学分credit points114.学汉语热enthusiasm in learning Chinese115.学历教育education with record of formal schooling116.学龄儿童school-ager117.学前教育preschool education118.学生减负alleviate the burden on students119.学时credit hours120.学位证书degree certificate121.学英语热enthusiasm in learning English122.义务教育compulsory education123.应试教育exam-oriented education124.优化教师队伍optimize the teaching staff125.在职博士生on-job doctorate126.在职研究生on-job postgraduates127.招生办公室admission office128.招生就业指导办公室enrolment and placement office129.职业道德work ethics130.职业高中(职高)vocational high school131.职业教育vocational education132.三学期制the trimester system133.定向招生students are admitted to be trained for pre-determined employers 134.示范试点demonstration pilot project135.动员mobilize136.多学科的multi-disciplinary137.重点大学key university138.被授权be authorized to do139.博士后科研流动站center for post-doctoral studies140.国家发明奖National Invention Prize141.国家自然科学奖National Prize for Natural Sciences142.国家科技进步奖National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology143.学术报告会,专题讨论会symposium/ seminar144.记者招待会press conference145.国家教委State Education Commission146.国家统计局State Statistical Bureau147.国家教育经费national expenditure on education148.财政拨款financial allocation149.职业培训job training150.职业文盲functional illiterate151.专职教师full-time teacher152.智力引进recruit / introduce (foreign) talents153.智商intelligence quotient (IQ)154.中等教育secondary education155.主观能动性subjective initiative156.助学行动activity to assist the impoverished students157.准博士all but dissertation (ABD)158.自费留学go to study abroad at one's own expense159.自费研究生self-supporting/ self-sponsored graduate student2.2 中国现行教育制度问题1. 片面追求升学率to place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level2. 全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育to carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice3. 教育必须为社会主义现代化服务,必须同生产劳动相结合,培养德智体全面发展的建设者和接班人。

1. diplomacy [dɪˈpləʊməsi] n. 外交;外交手腕;交际手段。
- 例句:China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace in its diplomacy.(中国在外交中奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。
)2. negotiation [nɪˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃn] n. 谈判;协商;转让。
- 例句:The negotiation between the two countries lasted for several months.(两国之间的谈判持续了几个月。
)3. treaty [ˈtriːti] n. 条约;协议;谈判。
- 例句:The two sides signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation.(双方签署了友好合作条约。
1. economy [ɪˈkɒnəmi] n. 经济;节约;理财。
- 例句:The global economy is facing many challenges.(全球经济正面临许多挑战。
)2. inflation [ɪnˈfleɪʃn] n. 膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张。
- 例句:High inflation can have a negative impact on people's living standards.(高通货膨胀会对人们的生活水平产生负面影响。
)3. revenue [ˈrevənjuː] n. 税收收入;财政收入;收益。
- 例句:The government's revenue mainly comes from taxes.(政府的收入主要来自税收。
1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产;传统;继承物;继承权。
- 例句:This ancient building is part of our national heritage.(这座古老的建筑是我们国家遗产的一部分。
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1.In-state tuition. 州民学费
背景补充:美国的州立大学的学费往往有两种:In-state tuition,州民学费,针对本州居民的学费,条件是学生自己必须是本州的居民,至少是美国公民,其学费相对是较低的。
Out-of-state tuition,非州民学费,针对本州居民以外,往往是in-state tuition的三至四倍。
2.Ivy League:长春藤盟校
背景补充:Ivy League:通常译为“长春藤盟校”,除了著名的Harvard哈佛和Yale耶鲁外,还包括Princeton University普林斯顿大学、University of Pennsylvania 宾西法尼亚大学、Dartmouth College 达特茅斯学院、Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学、Cornell University 康乃尔大学和Brown University布朗大学。
拂耳之言:offensive words/criticism
不悦:unhappy; displeased
愠怒:be angry; be irritated
身居要职: occupy an important position; hold an important post
心悦诚服: be gladly/completely convinced
雅量:(宽宏的气度)magnanimity; generosity;(大的酒量)great capacity to drink
心性:disposition; temperament
缺陷:flaw; defect
花言巧语:blandishments; fine rhetoric; deceiving words
投其所好:hit on what one likes; cater to another’s pleasure
可乘之机:Loophole: (法律上的)漏洞、空子
忠诚:loyal; faith
直言不讳:speak out frankly without reserve
在理智上:in reason
伟大哲学家老子:Laozi, the great philosopher
兼听则明,偏信则暗:listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted; benighted (being misled) by one-sided opinion, enlightened by difference voices.
忠言逆耳利于行: Honest advice, though unpleasant to the ear, benefits your conduct./ Truth hurts, but helps.
美言不信,信言不美: Beautiful words are truthful; truthful words are not nice to hear./ Embellished words are not true while true words are not embellished.
背离:go against; betray
古训:old teaching。