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达到设定温度的 气体循环 冷空气
Never reduce minimum ventilation to increase heat. 永远不要降低最小通风以维持温度 That this point Air is more important than Heat 在最小通风模式下,气体交换要比温度重要 If the house becomes cooler than the set point, then the heat source is incorrect.如果在最小通风模式 下,温度低于设定温度,那么必须增加热源
Side Inlet Requirements 所需的侧墙进风口
To calculate side inlets you need to follow the Nominal Chart 根据额定通风量表计算所需的进风口面积
You need to know the number of birds in the house 需要了解鸡舍内鸡的数量
Number of birds Weight of birds Nominal Pressure
80,000 1.4kg 3.5 20 Pascal
80,000 X 3.5 = 280,000m³ /h = Nominal
Number of birds鸡数 Weight of birds鸡体重 Nominal额定系数 Pressure分压
You need to know the weight at the first pick up 需要了解出鸡时的目标体重
Number of birds鸡的数量 50,000 Weight of birds鸡的体重 1.8kg
Number of birds鸡的数量 Weight of birds鸡的重量 Nominal额定系数 Pressure所需压力
Minimum Ventilation Occurs
Age 21 Set point 21日龄时设定温度= 22°C Outside Temp外部环境温度=10°C *If the Heating System is ON then you are in Minimum
Werner Grundman 王栋 (编译)
1、鸡舍环境要求 2、鸡舍密封性的检查 3、最小通风 4、横向模式压力要求 5、额定通风量 6、侧墙进风口数量 7、横向模式最大通风 8、纵向通风风机数量的确定 9、湿帘面积确定 10、湿帘进风口大小确定 11、鸡舍分区
环 境 要 求
Direct Heat直燃式
保护的加热器套 件,防水等级IP55
Gas or Fuel Burning使用燃气或燃料
Indirect Heat间接加热式
Hot Water热水
Pressure Required所需压力
This is determined by the width of the house压力由鸡舍 宽度决定的 The wider the house the more pressure is needed鸡舍 越宽,所需压力越大 The more leaks in the house the more ventilation is needed to get the desired pressure鸡舍漏风处越多,要 达到目标压力所需的通风量越大
Typical Ventilation Curve 典型的通风需要量曲线
Poultry (Ross)
2 0.17 0.15
14 0.32 0.32
21 0.69 0.69
28 1.30 1.30
35 1.74 1.74
Direct 直燃式 0.10 0.16
Gas Combustion in House(燃气在鸡舍内燃烧)
50,000 1.8kg 4 20 Pascal
50,000 X 4 = 200,000m³ /h = Nominal额定通风量 200,000m³ /h / 2,500m³ /h = 80 Inlets @ 100% 如果风机100%运转,则需要80个进风口
You can only go as low as 75% of the maximum inlets 你安装最大进风口需要量的75%也可以
Pressure Required所需压力
Rule of thumb:经验规则
Width mt鸡舍宽(米)12 Pascal帕 14 – 18 Approx大致 16
15 18 – 22 20
20 22 – 26 24
12 Meters
15 Meters
20 Meters
50,000 1.8kg 4 20 Pascal
50,000 X 4 = 200,000m³ /h = Nominal
CL 1211 法兰式进风口(11厘米)
新鲜空气进风口CL-1911 F(60-43-4011)
Number of birds鸡的数量 Weight of birds鸡的体重 Nominal额定系数 Pressure压力
How Does it Work 最小通风是如何实现的呢
A measured amount of air enters the house进入鸡舍 的所设定的气体量 This air must mix with the warmer air inside the house before it comes in contact with the animal.在气 体与家禽接触前,必须与暖空气充分混合
Minimum Ventilation
1. Brings in Oxygen带入氧气 2. Removes Harmful Gases 移除有害气体 3. Removes Moisture移除水分 4. Conditions the air for the birds needs调节空气,使之 符合鸡的需要
1 检查公式单位为:平方英尺: 漏缝面积=4.32*风机排风量(CFM)/鸡舍面积/(254*负 压(英寸水柱))1/2
0.06英寸水柱=鸡舍环境控制的水平很低;大约有1.2平方英尺/1000平方英尺的泄漏面积; 0.13英寸水柱=鸡舍的环境控制水平可以接受;0.8平方英尺/1000平方英尺 0.20英寸水柱=鸡舍的环境控制水平很高;0.6平方英尺/1000平方英尺
Pressure can be explained in the following way 可以通过下述方式解释压力 You have a garden water hose with the water turned on 你有一个花园水龙头打开了 If you want the water to go further you put your finger over the hole如果你想让水跑得远一些,可以把手指放在水龙 头嘴上 The more you cover the hole the further the water will go水 龙头嘴覆盖得越严实,则水跑得越远 This is pressure with the same volume. Air is the same气体 也可以产生同样的现象
Example例如 80 Inlets X 75% = 60 Inlets 若根据计算需要80个进风口,实际上安装60-80个进风口 都是可以的。 House needs 80 to 60 Inlets
Number of birds鸡的数量 80,000 Weight of birds鸡的体重 1.4kg
Example 112 Inlets X 75% = 84 Inlets House needs 112 to 84 Inlets
Indirect间接式0.00 0.07
Hot Water etc.(热水等)
• •
Applies to birds placed at sea level to 1,000 meters above适用于海拔1000米以内的 鸡场 Add 20% more if greater than 1,000 meters due to the lack of Oxygen 如果海拔超过1000米,为防止缺氧要再增加20%的通风需要量
Example 1例1
Breed品种=Ross Air requirement通风需要量= 0.726 m³ /h/Kg live weight Age日龄=21 days Weight体重=0.950Kg Number of Birds鸡的只数= 50,000
0.726 x 0.950 = 0.689 m³ /h/Bird 0.689 x 50,000=34,450 m³ /h of Air
Nominal is the air that is required to keep a bird at its maximum stocking weight at a temperature of 21˚C when it is 20˚C outside 额定系数是1千克体重的鸡环境温度为20度,在目标饲喂 密度及目标饲喂体重时,维持鸡舍温度为21度时,所需 的通风量
Minimum Ventilation Occurs
Age 2 Set point 2日龄时设定温度= 32°C Outside Temp外部温度 = 28°C *If the Heating System is ON then you are in Minimum
Example 2例2
Poultry 鸡
Breed 品种=Ross Air requirement通风需要量=0.726 m³ /h/Kg live weight Age日龄=14 days Weight体重= 0.450Kg Number of Birds鸡数=50,000
0.726 x 0.450 = 0.327 m³ /h/Bird 0.327 x 50,000=16,350 m³ /h of Air
80,000 1.4kg 3.5 20 Pascal
80,000 X 3.5 = 280,000m³ /h = Nominal额定通风量 280,000m³ /h / 2,500m³ /h = 112 Inlets @ 100%
You can only go as low as 75% of the maximum inlets 只要安装所需进风口最大数量的75%就足够了
2 经验判别方法:
关闭鸡舍所有的门和进风口打开一台122(48)/127(50)的风机,或两台91厘 米(36)的风机。鸡舍内所测定的压力不应小于0.15英寸水柱(37.5帕)。鸡舍 任何地方的压力都可以测定,整栋鸡舍应该一致。
Minimum Ventilation Occurs 最小通风只有在下述条件Biblioteka Baidu才会发生
You need to be able to calculate the minimum air requirement that the animal needs 需要计算动物所需 的最少通风量
Most Primary Producers will be able to tell you the Animal requirement绝大多数育种公司或鸡苗供应方可 以告诉你该品种动物所需的最小通风量
When the inside Set Temperature is higher than the outside Temperature室内设定温度大于室外环境温度
Set Temperature
Minimum Ventilation
最小 通风
Outside Temperature