Finance training
Merchandising Financial Training
16.67% 9.09% 18.37% #DIV/0! 528.57% 13.04% 5.26% 54.20% 19.35% 15.79% 808.33% 13.33% -1400.00% 4.76% 4.76% 29.26%
Initial Margin 初始毛利
Markdown 降价
Objective 目的
To help you Learn basic retail math and measures used at Wal-Mart Practice and apply basic retail math calculations Be a better business person and a better merchant Learn how to use financial information to help with strategic planning, limiting a reactionary approach Understand how you actions influence the profit components 帮助你 了解在沃尔玛所使用的基本零售数学和评估方法 练习和运用基本零售数学的计算方法 成为一个成功的商人 通过使用这些财务信息来帮助到我们的战略计划,减少负面影响 明白如何通过行动来影响利润指标
•5845 # G.O. Date: 5/18/2005
Non-Comp Store
Sales 销售
•What’s the Comp Store after May 1st, 2006?
•2006年5月1日之后,什么叫作可比较商店? •May 1st date for conversion of 13th Month Comp. Starting May 1st comp will change monthly based on the open date. •从2006年5月1日开始,一家商场只要开业满13个月就会被 列入可比较商店,并且每月更新一次。也就是说,每个月 的可比较商店会不同。 •For example 例如:
完善的财务制度英文I. IntroductionA well-established financial system is crucial for the success of any organization. A robust financial system helps in the efficient management of resources, tracking of financial transactions, and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. This document outlines the key components of our organization's financial system, the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders, and the procedures and policies that govern financial operations.II. Organizational StructureOur organization's financial system is overseen by the finance department, which is headed by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The finance department is divided into several sub-departments, each responsible for specific financial functions such as accounting, budgeting, financial planning, and risk management. The CFO reports directly to the CEO and is responsible for overseeing all financial operations and providing strategic financial guidance to the executive team.III. Budgeting and Financial PlanningA key component of our financial system is the annual budgeting process. The CFO, in collaboration with department heads, prepares a detailed budget that outlines the organization's revenue and expenses for the upcoming fiscal year. The budget is reviewed and approved by the board of directors before being implemented. Throughout the year, the finance department monitors actual financial performance against budgeted targets and provides regular updates to the board and management team.IV. Accounting and Financial ReportingThe accounting department is responsible for recording all financial transactions, preparing financial statements, and ensuring compliance with accounting standards and regulations. The department is headed by the Chief Accountant, who oversees a team of accountants and bookkeepers. The accounting department maintains accurate and up-to-date financial records, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Financial reports are generated on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis and are distributed to the board, management team, and other stakeholders.V. Internal Controls and Risk ManagementTo safeguard the organization's assets and ensure the integrity of financial operations, the finance department implements robust internal controls and risk management processes. These include segregation of duties, regular audits, and compliance checks. The risk management team identifies and addresses potential financial risks, such as fraud, market fluctuations, and regulatory changes. The CFO works closely with the risk managementteam to develop strategies to mitigate risks and safeguard the organization's financial health.VI. Procurement and Vendor ManagementThe finance department is responsible for managing the organization's procurement process and vendor relationships. All purchases and contracts must adhere to established procurement policies and procedures. The finance department conducts regular vendor reviews to assess performance, ensure compliance with contract terms, and identify opportunities for cost savings. Vendor payments are processed in a timely manner, and the finance department maintains accurate records of all procurement activities.VII. Compliance and Regulatory ReportingCompliance with laws and regulations is a top priority for our organization. The finance department ensures that all financial operations are conducted in accordance with applicable laws, accounting standards, and regulatory requirements. The CFO stays abreast of changes in regulations and ensures that the organization remains in compliance. Regulatory reports, such as tax filings and financial disclosures, are prepared and submitted in a timely manner to regulatory authorities.VIII. Training and DevelopmentTo ensure the success of our financial system, the finance department invests in training and development programs for staff members. Training sessions are conducted on financial policies and procedures, accounting standards, and emerging trends in finance. The finance team is encouraged to pursue professional certifications and undergo continuous education to enhance their skills and knowledge.IX. Technology and AutomationOur organization leverages technology and automation to streamline financial processes and enhance efficiency. The finance department uses accounting software to record transactions, generate reports, and track financial performance. Automated workflows and approval processes are implemented to reduce manual errors and ensure compliance with internal controls. The CFO explores opportunities to integrate new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, to further enhance the organization's financial system.X. ConclusionA well-functioning financial system is the backbone of any successful organization. Our organization's financial system is designed to promote transparency, accountability, and efficiency in financial operations. By implementing robust policies and procedures, investing in training and development, and leveraging technology, we are able to effectively manage resources, mitigate risks, and achieve our financial goals. The finance department plays a critical role in ensuring the organization's financial health and sustainability. With a strong financial system in place, our organization is well-positioned for long-term success.。
金融学专业人才培养的“应用 + 专业 + 思政”课程体系构建
Advances in Education教育进展, 2021, 11(3), 716-723Published Online May 2021 in Hans. /journal/aehttps:///10.12677/ae.2021.113112金融学专业人才培养的“应用+ 专业+ 思政”课程体系构建谭华1,戴夏晶2,3,颜晔11嘉兴南湖学院商学系,浙江嘉兴2浙江工商大学金融学院,浙江杭州3嘉兴学院商学院,浙江嘉兴收稿日期:2021年4月11日;录用日期:2021年5月7日;发布日期:2021年5月14日摘要近年来,如何将思政教育融合到专业课教学过程中,是教育界的研究重点方向之一。
然后结合思想政治教育知识点,形成“应用专业思政模块”知识点,最终构建完整的金融学“应用+ 专业+ 思政”课程体系。
关键词金融学专业,人才培养,课程体系The Construction of “Application + Major+ Ideological and Political” CurriculumSystem for Financial ProfessionalPersonnel TrainingHua Tan1, Xiajing Dai2,3, Ye Yan11Department of Business, Jiaxing Nanhu University, Jiaxing Zhejiang2School of Finance, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang3Business School, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing ZhejiangReceived: Apr. 11th, 2021; accepted: May 7th, 2021; published: May 14th, 2021谭华 等AbstractIn recent years, how to integrate ideological and political education into the teaching process of professional courses is one of the key research directions in the education field. In this process, the needs of employers should be taken into account. Based on the demand and training objectives of Applied Talents in finance, this paper explores how to integrate professional courses and ideo-logical and political courses. According to the actual demand of financial institutions for talents, by reconstructing the original curriculum system of finance major, combing the curriculum group, and on this basis, to obtain professional knowledge points. Then, combined with the knowledge points of Ideological and political education, the knowledge points of “applied professional ideo-logical and political module” are formed, and finally a complete curriculum system of “applied + professional + ideological and political” of finance is constructed. KeywordsFinance Major, Talent Training, Curriculum SystemCopyright © 2021 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0). /licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上强调,“高校思想政治工作关系到高校培养什么样的人、如何培养人以及为谁培养人这个根本问题”,“要用好课堂教学这个主渠道,把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程,各类课程都要与思想政治理论课同向同行,形成协同效应。
Finance knowledge财务精髓
Scrap-Some of them easily to be bad.
DPO>DSO by 10 days.
AR/AP1900 Mar. 600 Days 35 DSO /DPO 35
Feb. 500
应收票据-银行承兑汇票金额 应收帐款预付帐款其他应收款待摊费用-费用收益期一年内摊销 存货-库存商品,原材料,产成品,半成品,辅料,包装,低 耗品 以上项目为资产中的流动资产
固定资产-固定资产原值 累计折旧 在建工程 无形资产-场地使用权 其他无形资产-软件 长期待摊费用(模具 装修 ISO9000 培训费开办费) 其他长期资产
Inventory turn:
Why we put more controls on the inventory: Improve our cash.
Profit/loss -more inventory, more risk, frequent changes of the market
损益表Profit and loss
1. Order 定单 2.Sales 销售收入—单价(不含增值税)*销售数量 3.Production Cost of sales 产品制造成本 • Materials 材料(材料消耗定额*材料价格) • Direct Labor 直接人工(工时定额*直接人工费率)
1.Cost reduction 成本节约(新增国产化去年同期比节 约,间接费用节约,运用6西格玛质量节约,采购成本 节约) 2.PPM 质量(退货数量/总发货数量*1000000) 3.On time delivery 准时发货率(准时发货价值量/总发 货价值量) 4.Quality cost 质量成本(质量部差旅费工资福利 废品 损失 三包损失) 5.Productivity 劳动生产率(标准工时定额*本月入库数 /实际出勤小时)
香港大学香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称为“港大(HKU)”,是一所位处中华人民共和国香港特别行政区的公立研究型大学。
项目名称:Master of Finance创立于2001年,School of Economics and Finance下三个目的:statistical and mathematical training、financial training、computational training 该项目采取课程模块式教学,基础核心课程模块是4门针对CFA考试的金融分析基础课程,以拓展学生在定量分析、财务报表分析、经济学和资产评估方面的知识。
项目时长:full-time 最少1年,最多2年;part-time 最少2年,最多4年申请要求:本科学士学位、工作经验不要求,但更倾向于招收在金融机构、银行、政府金融监管机构有工作经验的申请者,所以应届生想要申请,须得有很强的学术背景和实习经历才行。
标准化成绩要求:托福IBT 90分以上,或者雅思总分不低于7分,各单项不低于6.5分,GMAT/GRE 不做硬性要求,但提交一个好的GMAT/GRE成绩会更有竞争力。
读音:英[ˈfaɪnæns];美[fəˈnæns, faɪ-, ˈfaɪˌnæns]。
例句:The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's eco nomic reform.翻译:财政部长将继续策划波兰的经济改革。
例句:His government began to unravel because of a banking scand al.翻译:他的政府由于一起金融丑闻而开始瓦解。
扩展资料金融的常见英文词组:financial ratios、financial stringency、financial ref orm。
1、financial ratios。
例句:Ratio analysis is the process of determining and evaluating fin ancial ratios.翻译:比率分析是指对财务比率进行决定和评价的过程。
2、financial stringency。
发音:[faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l ˈstrindʒənsi]。
金融专业英语词汇大全一、基本金融术语1. 金融(Finance):指货币的筹集、分配和管理活动。
2. 银行(Bank):提供存款、贷款、支付结算等金融服务的机构。
3. 证券(Securities):代表财产所有权或债权的凭证,如股票、债券等。
4. 投资(Investment):将资金投入到某个项目或资产,以获取收益的行为。
5. 债务(Debt):借款人向债权人承诺在一定期限内偿还本息的义务。
6. 股票(Stock):股份有限公司发行的,代表股东对公司所有权和收益分配权的凭证。
7. 债券(Bond):债务人向债权人发行的,承诺按一定利率支付利息并在到期日偿还本金的债务凭证。
8. 利率(Interest Rate):资金的价格,反映资金借贷的成本。
9. 汇率(Exchange Rate):一种货币兑换另一种货币的比率。
10. 通货膨胀(Inflation):货币购买力下降,物价普遍持续上涨的现象。
二、金融衍生品词汇1. 金融衍生品(Financial Derivatives):基于现货金融工具派生出来的新型金融工具。
2. 期货(Futures):双方约定在未来某一时间、按约定的价格买卖某种标的物的合约。
3. 期权(Options):买卖双方在未来一定期限内,按约定价格买入或卖出某种标的物的权利。
4. 掉期(Swap):双方约定在未来某一时间,相互交换一系列现金流的合约。
5. 远期合约(Forward Contract):双方约定在未来某一时间、按约定的价格买卖某种标的物的合约。
三、金融机构及监管部门词汇1. 中央银行(Central Bank):国家金融政策制定和执行的机构,如中国人民银行。
2. 商业银行(Commercial Bank):以盈利为目的,提供存款、贷款、支付结算等金融服务的银行。
3. 证券公司(Securities Company):从事证券经纪、投资咨询、资产管理等业务的金融机构。
溶剂 晶片分片/整理机
制程统计管制 制程统计控制图形
T.A. T.M. Thickness Transistor
领班/训练员 厚度
Transfer Throughput Test Wafer
Track in
产量 测试晶片
Prepared by MFG Training Center 18
Cycle time
Chip (die)
Critical layer
Control Wafer
Dummy wafer Diffusion Damage Double Doping
备用 工作区
Prepared by MFG Training Center 6
Cancel ”
Clean room
Cassette 装晶片的晶舟 Chemical
Child lot
HR (Human Resource) GA (General Affairs) Accounting MFG (Manufacturing) ENG. (Engineering) Finance PC(production control) PR(public relation)
财务英语怎么说你知道财务英语的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看吧~财务英语的英文释义:Finance English财务英语的英文例句:我们主要对贵公司的规模、产品范围、运作模式和财务英语感兴趣。
Were interested in the size, product range, business model , and financial status of your company.职位要求:1。
大专学历,国际贸易、财务、英语专业优先;Job requirement: 1. College or above, major in International Trade, Accounting,English is preferable;金融财会英语课程系列适合有志于提高财务英语交际能力的学员,或有意向外企展示财务英语实力的在职人员。
English language students wanting to improve their ability to use financial English. Individuals wanting to validate or demonstrate to potential employers their excellent financial English skills.目前给可口可乐(重庆)饮料有限公司的绩效财务部培训财务专业英语。
Now I'm teaching Financial Professional English for Coca-Cola CQ Beverage Co.Ltd.舒格曼拒绝给出迪士尼英语的财务数据,只是说盈利相当可观。
Sugerman declined to give financial details about Disney English except to saythat it's profitable.英语是财务金融和会计的国际通用语。
地道美式英文简历:银行培训主管【导语】下面是作者为大家带来的地道美式英文简历:银行培训主管(共10篇),希望大家能够喜欢!篇1:地道美式英文简历:银行培训主管地道美式英文简历:银行培训主管Bobo Smith944 Dowling Street, PO Box 401, Pleasant Hill CA 94523Home:(925) #-# Office:(925) #-#OBJECTIVEDirector of Training, First Nationwide BankSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS-Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.- and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.-Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.-Unique bination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.-Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.RELEVANT ACPLISHMENTSMORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-presentDirector of Sales and TrainingManaged eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.-Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.-Reported directly to the president of the pany.MAUDLIN MORTGAGE, Rustic City CA 1990-1994Loan OfficerDeveloped expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.-Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.-Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90Director, Administrative and Fiscal篇2:地道美式简历:银行培训主管地道美式简历:银行培训主管地道美式英文简历:应届生银行培训主管[金融财税]Bobo Smith944 Dowling Street, PO Box 401, Pleasant Hill CA 94523Home:(925) #-# bobosmithjxue Office:(925) #-#OBJECTIVEDirector of Training, First Nationwide BankSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS-Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.- and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.-Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.-Unique bination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.-Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.RELEVANT ACPLISHMENTSMORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-presentDirector of Sales and TrainingManaged eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.-Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.-Reported directly to the president of the pany.MAUDLIN MORTGAGE, Rustic City CA 1990-1994Loan OfficerDeveloped expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.-Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.-Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90Director, Administrative and Fiscal ServicesDREYDEN BEVERAGES, Hayward, CA 1985-1987Senior Internal AuditorBLOUCHER MELON & CO., San Francisco, CA1980-1985Senior Accountant-For this “Big Eight” accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (puter services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.MEGATECH MANUFACTURING, Foster City, CA 1979-1980ControllerEDUCATIONWilkes College, Wilkes-Barre PA, 1979篇3:地道美式简历:银行培训主管地道美式英文简历:应届生银行培训主管[金融财税]Bobo Smith944 Dowling Street, PO Box 401, Pleasant Hill CA 94523Home:(925) #-# bobosmithjxue Office:(925) #-#OBJECTIVEDirector of Training, First Nationwide BankSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS-Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.- and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.-Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.-Unique bination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.-Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.RELEVANT ACPLISHMENTSMORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-presentDirector of Sales and TrainingManaged eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.-Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.-Reported directly to the president of the pany.MAUDLIN MORTGAGE, Rustic City CA 1990-1994Loan OfficerDeveloped expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.-Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.-Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90Director, Administrative and Fiscal ServicesDREYDEN BEVERAGES, Hayward, CA 1985-1987Senior Internal AuditorBLOUCHER MELON & CO., San Francisco, CA1980-1985Senior Accountant-For this “Big Eight” accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (puter services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.MEGATECH MANUFACTURING, Foster City, CA 1979-1980ControllerEDUCATIONWilkes College, Wilkes-Barre PA, 1979篇4:地道美式简历:银行培训主管Bobo Smith944 Dowling Street, PO Box 401, Pleasant Hill CA 94523Home:(925) #-# bobosmithjxue Office:(925) #-#OBJECTIVEDirector of Training, First Nationwide BankSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS-Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.- and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.-Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.-Unique bination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.-Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.RELEVANT ACPLISHMENTSMORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-presentDirector of Sales and TrainingManaged eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.-Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.-Reported directly to the president of the pany.MAUDLIN MORTGAGE, Rustic City CA 1990-1994Loan OfficerDeveloped expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.-Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.-Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90Director, Administrative and Fiscal ServicesDREYDEN BEVERAGES, Hayward, CA 1985-1987Senior Internal AuditorBLOUCHER MELON & CO., San Francisco, CA1980-1985Senior Accountant-For this “Big Eight” accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (puter services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.MEGATECH MANUFACTURING, Foster City, CA 1979-1980ControllerEDUCATIONWilkes College, Wilkes-Barre PA, 1979篇5:银行培训主管英文简历银行培训主管英文简历模板范例Bobo Smith944 Dowling Street, PO Box 401, Pleasant Hill CA 94523Home: Office:OBJECTIVEDirector of Training, First Nationwide BankSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS-Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.- and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.-Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.-Unique bination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.-Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.RELEVANT ACPLISHMENTSMORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-presentDirector of Sales and TrainingManaged eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.-Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.-Reported directly to the president of the pany.MAUDLIN MORTGAGE, Rustic City CA 1990-1994Loan OfficerDeveloped expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.-Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.-Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90Director, Administrative and Fiscal ServicesDREYDEN BEVERAGES, Hayward, CA 1985-1987Senior Internal AuditorBLOUCHER MELON & CO., San Francisco, CA1980-1985Senior Accountant-For this “Big Eight” accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (puter services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.MEGATECH MANUFACTURING, Foster City, CA 1979-1980ControllerEDUCATIONWilkes College, Wilkes-Barre PA, 1979篇6:银行培训主管英文简历银行培训主管英文简历模板944 Dowling Street, PO Box 401, Pleasant Hill CA 94523Home:(925) #-# bobosmithjxue Office:(925) #-#OBJECTIVEDirector of Training, First Nationwide BankSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS-Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.- and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.-Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.-Unique bination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.-Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.RELEVANT ACPLISHMENTSMORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-presentDirector of Sales and TrainingManaged eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.-Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.-Reported directly to the president of the pany.MAUDLIN MORTGAGE, Rustic City CA 1990-1994Loan OfficerDeveloped expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.-Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.-Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90Director, Administrative and Fiscal ServicesDREYDEN BEVERAGES, Hayward, CA 1985-1987Senior Internal AuditorBLOUCHER MELON & CO., San Francisco, CA1980-1985Senior Accountant-For this “Big Eight” accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (puter services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.MEGATECH MANUFACTURING, Foster City, CA 1979-1980ControllerEDUCATIONWilkes College, Wilkes-Barre PA, 1979篇7:银行主管培训英文简历OBJECTIVE Director of Training, First Nationwide Bank SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS -Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance. - and extensive training in seminars for working professionals. -Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor. -Unique bination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance. -Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success. RELEVANT ACPLISHMENTS MORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-present Director of Sales and Training Managed eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training. -Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, salesstrategy and training. -Reported directly to the president of the pany. MAUDLIN MORTGAGE, Rustic City CA 1990-1994 Loan Officer Developed expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans. -Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992. -Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling. COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90 Director, Administrative and Fiscal Services DREYDEN BEVERAGES, Hayward, CA 1985-1987 Senior Internal Auditor BLOUCHER MELON & CO., San Francisco, CA1980-1985 Senior Accountant -For this Big Eight accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (puter services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.篇8:银行培训主管英文简历下面这篇银行培训主管英文简历模板,是一篇地道美式英文简历,分享给大家学习。
上海财经金融学专业培养计划Title: Shanghai Finance and Economics Professional Training Program Title: 上海财经金融学专业培养计划Content:The Shanghai Finance and Economics Professional Training Program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of finance and economics.The program aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue successful careers in the financial industry or related fields.上海财经金融学专业培养计划旨在为学生提供金融和经济原则和实践的全面理解。
The program typically lasts for four years and includes a mix of required and elective courses.In the first two years, students are introduced to the basic concepts and theories of finance and economics.They will also develop strong mathematical and statistical skills, which are essential for analyzing financial data and making informed decisions.该计划通常持续四年,包括必修课和选修课的组合。
金融专业英语及翻译Inverse 颠倒的;倒数的Evil is the inverse of good.Reverse 反过去,翻转He reversed the car.他倒车.教育类素质教育 education for all-round development应试教育 the examination-oriented education义务教育 compulsory education片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of students' entering school of a higher level高分低能 good scores but low qualities扩招 expand enrollment教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude提高身心素质 improve the health and psychological quality大先生创业 the university students' innovative undertaking社会实际 social practice文凭 diplomas and certificates复合型人才 interdisciplinary talents文明底蕴 the rich cultural deposits顺应社会的改动 adjust to the social changes满足社会的急需 meet the urgent needs the society任务类人才活动和双向选择 talent flow and a dual-way selection试用期 probationary period跳槽 job-hopping自在职业 freelance work拜金主义 money worship取得名利 achieve fame and wealth充沛发扬团体的潜力 develop fully one's potential and creativity任务出色 excel in one's work社会和团体的尊重 social and personal esteem生计效果 a bread and butter issue人才交流 talents exchange培育人才 cultivate talents人才外流 brain drain失业效果 unemployment problems下岗职工 the laid-off workers自谋生路 be self-employed休息力充足 shortage of manpower医药卫生类卫生环境 sanitary environment营养不良 malnutrition杀虫剂 pesticide传染病 infectious disease呼吸疾病 respiratory disease商业类冒充伪劣 forged and fake commodities物美价廉 goods with high qualities low price售后效劳 after-sale service家用电器 household electrical appliances旺季 during peak selling seasons促销 promote sales提高购置力 raise the purchasing power抚慰购物欲 stimulate the desire to buy超前消费 premature consumption国有企业 state-owned enterprise公家企业 private enterprise偷税漏税 tax evasion坚持时常良好的次第 keep market in good order垄断市场 monopolize the market社会品德类遵守私德 comply with public morality物质和肉体文明树立 material and ideological progress违法 observe/obey the law遵守交规 observe traffic regulations改良社会习尚 improve public morals违法 offend against the law侵犯团体隐私 invasion of privacy违犯公共规章 break/violate public regulations扰乱治安 disturb the social order要求索赔 claim compensation应该受法律严惩 deserve to be punished heavily by the law环保类生态系统 ecosystem环保看法 environmental awareness生态失衡 disruption of ecological balance全球变暖 global warming温室效应 greenhouse effect沙尘暴 sand/dust storms海水资源充足 shortage of fresh waterdownsizing减员**streamline精简**on the job/in-service在职**disposable一次性**think tank智囊团**round the clock service全天候效劳**(free) convertibility〔自在〕兑换**find a sugar daddy傍大款**Nordic北欧**non-renewable不可再生**out and out彻头彻尾**deadlock僵局**tertiary industry第三产业**fair (market) value市值**refund退款**axis-of-evil罪恶轴心**(nuclear) nonproliferation核不分散**holistic全体的**one-off一次性〔处置〕的;一揽子的**turnkey总承包的;现成可运用的**in-house自有的;〔in-house finance company) **round-up汇总?**overseas returnee海归**framework accord框架协议**WTO accession参与WTO**non-exclusive license非公用特许**royalty free无版权费的**sublicense转授权;转发容许证**creature comforts衣食**recapitalization资产重组**RPI〔Retail Price Index〕批发物价指数**overriding concern高于一切的思索**Lanyard系索**copyright著作权**royalty版权**compliance合规性**extension展期**co-lead underwriter副主承销商**Advisory Board咨询委员会**Board of Councillors理事会**entrepreneur创业者**upmarket高端的**attorney general首席检察官**upscale高端的**clientele客户群**self starter白手起家人**down round筹资首轮**mass market vs. submarket总的市场/次级市场〔比如依据某个规范分的客户群〕**letter/power of attorney委任书**market clout市场影响〔?〕**rehaul (a business)重组;**sell-back (与buy-out相对〕**monograph专题〔论述〕**verbatim逐字逐句的说法〔比如销售〝定式〞用语〕**Liquidity Trap活动性圈套〔宁愿把资金寄存于银行拿取零利息的报答,也不愿再投资赔了〕**many a little makes a mickle集腋成裘**reservist后备兵**at eleventh hours关键时辰**misnomer用词不当**payoff收益**outperform超越**bailout处置;救援〔for instance, the bailout from IMF for South Korea and other SE Asian countries after financial crisis)**honor of N/R (notes receivable)/dishonor到期兑现**political cronies政府人员办的关联企业**value-based pricing价值导向定价法〔区别于cost-based pricing,指能为客户带来多少价值来确定价钱,而不是消耗了多少本钱,比如飞机票)**clearinghouse like exchange〔交流场所〕**value of synergy企业兼并之后带来的利益**post-investment values〔留意post的用法〕**techie做技术的人〔与salesman相对〕**on-target专注于最终目的的**optimum最适宜的**overhead还有一个意思是〝投影〞,相似powerpoint**in line与预期相符的**YTD (year-to-date)从Jan 1到目前的时间**scorched earth焦土政策**economies of scope范围经济〔与economies of scale相比〕**toehold小支点,终点**industry observer行业观察家**networking商业构建公家关系网**conference backdrop会议背景幕**trade-up晋级**ease of maintenance/repair维修的容易度**cap〔金额〕最高限制;upper limit**lifetime〔债券等的〕存期**double dip recession二次萧条〔特指本次美国经济泡沫破灭后,还将面临的进一步衰退〕**fringe benefits附加福利〔除国度规则外的〕**annual leave年假**call to order宣布休会;要求遵守次第**second the motion附议**motion carried动议经过**window dressing粉饰**end-state最终形状**scrap废品〔与rework相对〕**disagrregate分解**solidity可*性**MIS (management information system)管理信息系统**in due course稍后**7-11便利店**numerator/denominator分子/分母**winding-up结算;停业**subsidiary/member companies下属公司**coach大客车OEM/aftermarket parts汽车业的前/后配件**assembly plant汽车整车厂**elevated rail轻轨**honorary声誉**deputy magistrate副区长〔虹口〕**size up估量**offer .. Advancement over比。
各部门培训计划英文IntroductionTraining is an essential part of any organization’s growth and success. It helps in enhancing the skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees, which in turn can have a significant impact on the company’s productivity, performance, and profitability. In this training plan, we will outline the training needs and strategies for different departments within our organization. The plan will include the objectives, training methods, and evaluation techniques for each department.1. Human Resources Department1.1 Training NeedsThe Human Resources department plays a critical role in the organization’s success by managing the workforce, recruitment, performance management, and employee relations. The training needs for the HR department include:- Recruitment and selection training- Performance management and appraisal training- Employee relations and conflict resolution training- HR policies and compliance training- Training on HRIS (Human Resource Information System) software1.2 Training ObjectivesThe training objectives for the HR department are to:- Improve the recruitment and selection process to hire the best talent- Enhance performance management and appraisal skills to drive employee development - Strengthen employee relations and conflict resolution abilities to build a harmonious work environment- Ensure compliance with HR policies and regulations- Develop proficiency in using HRIS software to streamline HR processes1.3 Training MethodsThe training for the HR department will include a mix of classroom training, on-the-job training, seminars, workshops, and online training modules. We will also arrange for external trainers and industry experts to conduct specialized training sessions.1.4 Evaluation TechniquesThe training effectiveness for the HR department will be evaluated through pre and post-training assessments, feedback from participants, and performance metrics such as recruitment success rate, employee turnover, and compliance records.2. Sales and Marketing Department2.1 Training NeedsThe Sales and Marketing department is responsible for driving business growth, customer acquisition, and brand promotion. The training needs for this department include:- Sales techniques and strategies training- Product knowledge and updates training- Customer relationship management training- Marketing planning and execution training- Digital marketing and social media training2.2 Training ObjectivesThe training objectives for the Sales and Marketing department are to:- Enhance sales skills and techniques to increase revenue and market share- Improve product knowledge and updates to effectively communicate with customers- Strengthen customer relationship management to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty- Develop marketing planning and execution skills to create impactful campaigns- Gain proficiency in digital marketing and social media to reach a wider audience2.3 Training MethodsThe training for the Sales and Marketing department will include role-playing exercises, case studies, market research projects, cross-functional team projects, and continuous mentorship by senior sales and marketing managers.2.4 Evaluation TechniquesThe training effectiveness for the Sales and Marketing department will be evaluated through sales performance metrics, customer feedback, marketing ROI, and market share growth.3. Operations Department3.1 Training NeedsThe Operations department is responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning of the business operations, manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain. The training needs for this department include:- Lean management and process improvement training- Quality control and continuous improvement training- Supply chain and logistics management training- Safety and compliance training- Inventory management and control training3.2 Training ObjectivesThe training objectives for the Operations department are to:- Implement lean management principles to streamline processes and reduce waste- Enhance quality control and continuous improvement initiatives to deliver high-quality products and services- Strengthen supply chain and logistics management to optimize the flow of goods and materials- Ensure safety and compliance standards are followed to create a safe work environment- Improve inventory management and control to minimize stockouts and overstock situations3.3 Training MethodsThe training for the Operations department will include hands-on workshops, Kaizen events, Gemba walks, simulation exercises, and cross-functional team projects to address operational challenges.3.4 Evaluation TechniquesThe training effectiveness for the Operations department will be evaluated through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as cost reduction, process cycle time, defect rate, on-time delivery, and safety incident reports.4. Finance Department4.1 Training NeedsThe Finance department is responsible for managing the company’s financial resources, budgeting, financial reporting, and risk management. The training needs for this department include:- Financial analysis and reporting training- Budgeting and forecasting training- Risk management and compliance training- Tax planning and regulations training- Financial software and tools training4.2 Training ObjectivesThe training objectives for the Finance department are to:- Improve financial analysis and reporting skills to provide accurate and timely financial information- Enhance budgeting and forecasting capabilities to support strategic decision-making- Strengthen risk management and compliance to mitigate financial risks and ensure regulatory compliance- Develop tax planning strategies to optimize tax liabilities and adhere to tax regulations - Gain proficiency in financial software and tools to automate and streamline financial processes4.3 Training MethodsThe training for the Finance department will include case studies, financial modeling workshops, simulation exercises, interactive software training, and cross-functional collaboration with other departments to understand financial implications.4.4 Evaluation TechniquesThe training effectiveness for the Finance department will be evaluated through financial reporting accuracy, budget variance analysis, risk assessment, tax compliance records, and software utilization measurements.5. Information Technology (IT) Department5.1 Training NeedsThe IT department is responsible for managing the company’s technology infrastructure, cybersecurity, software development, and IT support. The training needs for this department include:- Cybersecurity awareness and best practices training- Software development and programming training- IT infrastructure and cloud computing training- IT service management and support training- Data analytics and business intelligence training5.2 Training ObjectivesThe training objectives for the IT department are to:- Increase cybersecurity awareness and best practices to protect the organization from cyber threats- Enhance software development and programming skills to build scalable and secure applications- Strengthen IT infrastructure and cloud computing knowledge to ensure reliable and scalable technology solutions- Improve IT service management and support to deliver efficient and effective IT services - Develop data analytics and business intelligence skills to extract actionable insights from data5.3 Training MethodsThe training for the IT department will include hands-on labs, hackathons, technology conferences, online courses, and collaboration with external technology partners to stay updated with the latest industry trends.5.4 Evaluation TechniquesThe training effectiveness for the IT department will be evaluated through cybersecurity incident reports, software development productivity, IT service response time, technology infrastructure uptime, and data analytics impact on business decisions.ConclusionIn conclusion, training is crucial for the development and growth of every department within the organization. By understanding the specific training needs, setting clear objectives, implementing effective training methods, and evaluating the training effectiveness, we can ensure that each department is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their respective roles. This training plan will be continuously reviewed and updated to align with the evolving business needs and industry trends. Weare committed to investing in our employees’ growth and development to drive the organization’s success.By creating a comprehensive training plan for different departments, the organization can ensure that its employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively. This, in turn, can lead to improved productivity, performance, and profitability for the company.。
麦当劳英语简历麦当劳英语简历范文Name: Anthony LiuDate of Birth: July 1, 1964Sex: MaleLanguages: English, Mandarin and ShanghaineseTraining:? McDonald’s Worldwide Hamburger Marketing University Class XXIX at McDonald’s Global at Oak Brook, Chicago, U.S.A---Marketing StrategicPlanning Training Session? 1-Month Working & Training Experience at Reebok China HQ in Hong Kong? 2-Month Working & Training Experience at Lion Nathan Global in Sydney, Australia? 2-Month Working & Training Experience at Perfetti Global in Milan, Italy? Research Training from Gallup in China? Advertising & Media Planning Training from O & M and Mind Share in China? Presentation Skills Training in China? International Trade & Finance Training in China .E-mail: 123456@yahoo..Mobile: ************EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND:1986-1990: Department of Sociology, Peking UniversityBachelor of Law in SociologyPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:xx- Present: Senior Marketing Manager, McDonald’s( China ) Co., Ltd.Position PurposeLeads the process of developing of the marketing/business plan that profitably builds sales, transactions, and market share for McDonald’s brand. Leads additional areas of responsibility with impact outside of discipline. Key customers include Top Management, Division/Home Office Staff, Agencies, Key Suppliers, Staff and Restaurant ManagementPrincipal Aountabilities1 Leadership? Maintains and strengthens the McDonald’s brandposition in the market as of responsibility? Actively participates with Agencies, and Top Management in establishing and municating business goals? Leads the strategic and tactical development, execution, evaluation and continuous improvement of all national / local, promotion and public relations activity to achieve annual business goals? Identifies and utilizes available resources outside of the market to aid in the development and execution of the business/marketing plan模板,内容仅供参考。
金融类英语bert预训练模型Financial English BERT Pre-training ModelBERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) model developed by Google. It has gained popularity in the NLP community for its ability to capture the bidirectional context of words in a text. BERT has been pre-trained on a large corpus of text and has been fine-tuned for specific tasks such as sentiment analysis, question answering, and text classification.In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using BERT for financial text analysis. Financial documents contain a wealth of information that can be valuable for investment decisions, risk management, and regulatory compliance. BERT's ability to understand the context of financial language can be leveraged to extract insights fromfinancial reports, news articles, social media posts, and other sources of financial information.One of the key challenges in financial text analysis is the complexity and ambiguity of financial language. Financial documents often contain specialized terminology, jargon, and abbreviations that may not be familiar to the general public. BERT's pre-training on a large corpus of text allows it to capture the nuances of financial language and generate accurate representations of financial texts.Using BERT for financial text analysis can help automate tasks such as financial statement analysis, sentiment analysis of financial news, and identification of financial market trends. By leveraging BERT's language understanding capabilities, financial analysts can efficiently process large volumes of financial text and extract valuable insights for decision making.In addition to its applications in financial text analysis, BERT can also be used for financial document classification, entity recognition, and event extraction. These tasks are essential for regulatory compliance, risk management, and investment research. By using BERT to automate these tasks, financial institutions can improvetheir operational efficiency and reduce the risk of errors in processing financial documents.Furthermore, BERT can be used to develop chatbots and virtual assistants for customer support and financial advisory services. By training BERT on a corpus of customer queries and financial advice, financial institutions can provide personalized and accurate responses to customer inquiries, improving the overall customer experience.One of the current challenges in using BERT for financial text analysis is the need for specialized financial training data. While BERT has been pre-trained on a large corpus ofgeneral text, there is a need for domain-specific training data to fine-tune BERT for financial language understanding. Financial institutions and research organizations can address this challenge by creating and sharing specialized financial training datasets, which can be used to pre-train BERT for financial text analysis.Another challenge is the need to ensure the accuracy and fairness of BERT's predictions in the context of financial decision making. BERT, like other machine learning models, can learn biases from the training data, which may lead to inaccurate or unfair predictions. Financial institutions and research organizations can address this challenge bycarefully curating the training data and monitoring the performance of BERT in real-world financial applications.In conclusion, BERT has the potential to revolutionize financial text analysis by capturing the nuances of financial language and extracting valuable insights from financialdocuments. By leveraging BERT's language understanding capabilities, financial institutions can automate tasks such as financial statement analysis, sentiment analysis of financial news, and regulatory compliance. With the development of specialized financial training data andcareful monitoring of BERT's performance, the use of BERT for financial text analysis has the potential to improve operational efficiency, decision making, and customer experience in the financial industry.。
智盛数字金融应用教学实训平台操作流程The operation process of the Zhisheng Digital Financial Application Teaching and Training Platform is designed to provide students with a practical and immersive learning experience in the field of digital finance. 智盛数字金融应用教学实训平台的操作流程旨在为学生提供数字金融领域的实践和沉浸式学习体验。
To begin using the platform, students first need to create an account by providing their personal information and educational background. 学生首先需要通过提供个人信息和教育背景来创建一个账户。
Once the account is created, students can access a variety of learning materials, including interactive tutorials, case studies, and quizzes designed to test their understanding of digital financial concepts. 一旦账户被创建,学生可以访问各种学习材料,包括互动教程、案例研究和测验,旨在测试他们对数字金融概念的理解。
The platform also offers virtual simulations of real-world financial scenarios, allowing students to practice making decisions in a risk-free environment. 该平台还提供了对现实金融场景的虚拟模拟,让学生在无风险的环境中练习做出决策。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
The Business
Make Money for Today
• Our business by its nature is Short-term 我们生意的特质是相当短期的 • I’m not talking about brand building ...„rather how business decisions need to be made 这里指的不是品牌的建立,而是指在我们的营运 中各种管理决策如何形成。
The Entrepreneurial Approach
Entrepreneurial Approach
If it was your business, you would not: 如果这是你的公司,你一定不会∶
• be satisfied just getting by ... you want to make money! 因损益平衡而满意, • Pay people to sit and wait for new revenues 让你的员工坐著等新生意上门 • negotiate contracts that were unprofitable 接受无法获利的合约
Make Money for Today
– Clients come and go, reduce/cut budgets with little to no notice 客户来来去去,删减预算的动作突如其来。 – Billing cuts in the 4th qtr mean we are effectively working for free 在第四季删减预算意味著我们的工作是免费的 – We do not manufacture a product, our capital is our people 我们并不制造产品,我们的资产就是人 – Employees come and go ( high turn-over ) 员工也是来来去去的
- use freelance / temporary staff / out-source 利用外部资源 - only hire when revenue stream is confirmed 有收入才加人
–Investigate all alternatives
- avoid creating fixed costs 降低固定成本 - be creative 尝试不同的作法
O&M Guangzhou Finance Training
Finance Training
• Objectives of the training:• K – Knowledge
How do we make money / lose money What is the cost / profit standard
• A – Attitude
We are businessman / businesswoman Everyone has a role in helping the company profitable Finance discipline is part of our profession
Industry O&M
What can you do to help improve our profitability
Finance Training
• S –Leabharlann Skill How do you know your client’s profitability capacity plan, analysis of contribution margin
Make Money for Today
– Constantly changing business landscape does not allow us to accept under-performing operations 面对著如此大的变化,不获利的营运是无法被接受
– Service businesses are expected to show consistent earnings growth. 服务性的公司必须要有持续获利的成长
Entrepreneurial Approach
If it was your business, you would : 如果这是你的公司,你一定会∶ • only buy technology that makes you better and returns your investment 只有能让你更好,及能有所回收时,才投资於科技 • make yourself so important to the client, that they believe they can’t succeed without you 让客户相信他们不能没有你 • research clients credit, & collect your money 调查客户的信用,及时收回应收帐款。 – you would not be their bank! 你不会成为他们的银行
Entrepreneurial Approach
• invest in training employees who leave for better opportunities 投资於训练员工,他们却离开去寻找更好的机会。 • make long-term binding financial commitments that are not supported by income „ 做一些长期财务的承诺,而却是没有收入的支持。 • provide services to the client which the client would not pay for 免费提供服务给客户。
The Basics for Running this Business
• Negotiate Profitable Compensation
– constantly review existing contracts 定期检讨合约中的条件
has the business changed I s contract relevant
The Basics for Running this Business
• A well negotiated fee is easier to manage than commission
– we get paid for the work we do, assures client commitment
The Basics for Running this Business
• Don’t give services away for free 不要提供服务而不收费
• Make the client honor the contract 让客户尊重合约
– if its not in the contract, make them pay for it
Running The Business
The Basics for Running this Business
• Keep Overhead Low! 降低营运成本
–Negotiate flexibility 争取弹性 –Leverage price advantage where possible 运用“量”的优势 –Don’t build administrative empires 不要形成管理官僚系统
• Utilize your staff 善用员工
–minimize through efficiency the number of non-revenue generating staff 透过效率的提升可减少非产出收入的员工数 –where possible leverage existing staff for new business bus. teams are expensive & O/H 用既有的员工作新生意的开发
- set standards 设立标准值 - review performance vs standards 评估现况与标准值之差异 - make managers and individuals responsible 每一个员工都对此有责任
The Basics for Running this Business
• Don’t spend money on items Client will not pay for 不应该花钱在客户不会支付费用的项目 • Be prudent with the client’s money and they will be more willing to agree to costs 花客户钱时,务必谨慎
The Basics for Running this Business
• Staffing should match revenue stream 员工与营收的关系
–Many efficient offices under-staff with permanent employees 能否降低员工的聘用
The Basics for Running this Business
• Utilize your staff 善用员工
–clients will only pay for the staff they receive value from (will not pay for your Back-office) 有价值的员工,客户才愿支付费用 –you should keep track of the utilization rate of all of your employees 充分了解员工的利用率