刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson1(1)1.abdome n:pa rt of the bod y below the chest and dia ph rag m,c ont ain ing the stoma ch.腹部abdom ina l(a dj)腹部的an abdom ina l opera tio n腹部手术be l ly:(口)f ron t of the human bod y from the waist to the groi n;be lly肚子,胃with an empt y be lly空着肚子in the be lly of a sh ip在船腹里be lly ou t(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind be llie d ou t the sa ils2.be r ea ve:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)be re a ve sb of sb an ac c ide nt whic h be re a ve d him of his wif e使他丧失妻子的事故the be re a ve d husba nd死了妻子的男人the be re a ve d丧失亲人的人be re a ve me nt(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人de pr i ve:take st h aw ay from sb;pre ve nt sb from enjoy ing or using st h剥夺sb/st h的st h;阻止某人享有或使用st hde pr ive sb/st h of st hde pr ive of one's civil rig hts剥夺某人的公民权de pr iv at ion(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物wide spre ad de pr iv ation普遍贫困Missi ng the hol id a y was a gre at de pr iv ation.错失假日是极大的损失。
刘毅演讲式英语集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)1.Self-introductionLadies and gentlemen:It’s great to be here!I’d like to introduce myself.My name is Pat.I’m a student.I come from Beijing.I’m and outgoing person.I love to meet people.Meeting people is my forte.I’m very frugal.Money doesn’t burn a hole in my pocket.But I like to be generous with my friends.I have many hobbies.I enjoy many things.I like reading, exercising, and traveling.Traveling is my life.I love to travel.I’m not a stick in the mud.I’m always on the go.I’m always on the move.I would never let the grass grow under my feet.I’m a rolling stone.I can’t keep still.I can’t stay in one place too long.I want to see the world.I want to see the unseen.I want to do what’s never been done before.My ambition is to be a great English teacher.Teaching English is my passion.Mastering English is my goal.I won’t accept mediocrity.I want to grow.I want to improve all aspects of my life, physically, spiritually, and academically.I’m willing to work hard.I’m willing to pay the price.I’m prepared to go the distance, through thick and thin, in good time or bad, under any circumstances.I work like a madman.I word like a maniac.I’m relentless in the pursuit of my goal.I have some drawbacks.First, I’m always changing my mind.This is something I want to work on.Second, I have a bad sense of direction.I often get lost.When I’m with another person, I always let him guide me. Third, I’m a forgetful person.I often misplace things.I’m the type of person who is always losing things. What is worse, I’m not very smart.My IQ is very low.I can only do one thing at a time.I can only pay attention to what’s important.When I want to do something, I want to do it well.I hate to do it halfway.I have my good qualities.Number one: I’m a team player.I’m a person of responsibility.I seldom complain.I seldom lose my temper.I’m a person of action.Number two: I’m optimistic.I’m happy-go-lucky.I always look on the bright side of things.I have a big heart.I hold no grudges.I always let bygones be bygones.Number three: I’m very thoughtful.I’m very considerate.I’m a person who cares about others.My motto is: Play hard, study hard, and work hard.I do as much as I can every day.I don’t waste any timeGod only gives us a certain period of time.He wants us to make the best use of it.He wants us to enjoy it.Enjoy life while you’re still young.Don’t miss any opportunities.Don’t pass up any good chances.Life is short.Life is sweet.Life is precious.Go for broke.Live for the moment.I live my life like there is no tomorrow.Live it up.Try new things.Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow may never come.I don’t care if I live a long or short life.To me, quality is more important that quantity.I want to live each day as my last.Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is present.My philosophy of life is:I will try to help the people around me.The closer they are to me, the more I like them. People are a good investment.Helping people is an investment in heaven.This kind of investment will earn high interest. Love and be loved.Live and let live.If the people around me are happy, I’m happy.I like making friends with people.I hope we’ll become good friends.I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon. Please feel free to call me.I’m open 24/7.I never close.Thank you.God bless you.Have a great day.2.How to Master EnglishLadies and gentlemen:It’s an honor to be here.I’m anxious to share a secret.English is everywhere.English is a key to success.We must master it.So many people study English.So few can speak it well.What is the problem herePeople study the wrong material.People use the wrong methods.We are wasting our time.I’ve researched every method.I’ve tried them all from A to Z.Old methods are not useful.Traditional methods are too limited.They teach only one sentence for each idea.If we forget it, we’re out of luck.We learn “Situational Dialogues,” like going to the post office, or visiting the doctor.Do we have any chance to use themThe answer is “No.”We can’t go to the post office every day to practice English.We can’t expect people to talk based on the situational dialogues.If we don’t use them, how can we remember themLuckily, now we have invented a shortcut.We have found a new method of learning English.I’d like to introduce a specially designed speech draft.In this draft, three sentences are one unit.Each unit connects with another.They are all linked together like a chain.The content is common and simple.It’s made up of everyday American speech.By using the material in the speech, you can speak great English.By memorizing one speech, you will start to speak English.By memorizing ten speeches, you will become fluent in English.By memorizing twenty, you will speak better than native English speakers.The reason for that is you have been trained to speak well.The sentences you speak have been carefully selected.Memorizing the speeches has the following benefits:Number one: You can practice alone.You can speak to yourselves.You don’t need a conversation partner.Number two: Whenever you feel lonely or depressed, you can practice a speech.Did you notice that monks chant scriptures over and overReciting the speech again and again can give you peace of mind.Number three: Since the speeches are carefully designed, they are easy to remember.Anyone can learn them.Anyone can remember them.With them, you can easily learn to speak English in threes.Speak three sentences in a row.Then, you can say one sentence after another nonstop like you’re making a speech.Number four: The speeches inspire.The speeches are great for learning.They build confidence and language skills at the same time.Ladies and gentlemen, with the speeches you will excel.Practice and memorize the speeches.There is no better way.Don’t wait.Don’t hesitate.Now is the time to change the way you learn English.But, remember, to speak English fluently requires four more things:First, practice, practice, practice.Repetition is the key.Speak up.Speak loudly.Right or wrong, always be heard.Be confident.Be fearless.You must make mistakes to improve.Speaking English is most important.Make conversation your priority.Writing, reading, and listening will follow.Second, teach others English.Help them and you help yourselves.You will improve too.Teaching is the best motivation for memorizing the speech.You will never get sick and tired of teaching the speech.The more you teach, the more articulate you will be.Third, try like hell.Immerse yourselves.Eat, drink and sleep English.Go nuts.Go bananas.Be an English maniac.Be a sponge.Soak English up.Seek every opportunity to speak.Fourth, enjoy English!Make English your love.Make learning and progress fun.Put English first.You need to have passion.English requires commitment.To sum up, memorizing the speeches is the way to go.So many students say they do n’t have the chance to practice English. Wrong!With the speeches, the chance is everywhere.The initiative is with you.The ball is in your court.Practice, speak, and talk.Practice until you get fluent.Speak and talk until you become hoarse.Your confidence will soar.Your progress will amaze everyone.You won’t want to stop speaking English.Let’s roll.Take action now.English is waiting for you.Thanks very much.It’s always a pleasure.Have a lovely day.3. Award Ceremony Speech: Thank You All So Much Dear distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,All my classmates and friends:I’m so surprised.I can hardly believe it.I don’t know what to say.My dream came true.My prayers have been answered.I thank God for my very good luck.First, thank you all.I appreciate this so much.I will treasure this moment for a long time.It feels just great.It’s like I’m floating on air.I don’t want this feeling to end.I am honored.It’s a great privilege.I really don’t deserve it.Second, it was a great experience.I had an awesome time.I will never forget it.I can’t thank you enough.It gives me such joy.It means a lot to me.Third, we all did our best.We tried as hard as we could.WE ARE ALL WINNERS.I was fortunate.I really lucked out.I still can’t believe I won.Fourth, I’d like to thank my parents.My teachers were also great.My friends gave me super support.I couldn’t have won this by myself.Trying alone, I would have lost.I know that for sure.Fifth, I’ve learned two valuable lessons.“Believe in your potential.”“Hard work really does pay off!”This is my advice to everybody.If I can win this, anyone can do it!That’s the honest truth.Tomorrow I will pinch myself.I want to make sure this is real.I’ll be afraid this was just a dream.I’m glad I tried.I almost did n’t.I was too afraid.Now I’m a believer!You must get in it to win it.This award strengthens my resolve. Finally, prizes are material. Awards come and go.But this memory will last forever. The competition was excellent.I applaud everyone here.I was lucky today.A final thanks to the judges.I’m flattered to be selected. You’ve made me very happy!God bless.Good luck.See you next time.4. A Speech to Honor ParentsLadies and Gentlemen:I feel so lucky to be here.All that I am today is because of my parents.Dear Mom and Dad:You are my loving parents.These words are from my heart.From the day I was born,You did everything for me.How can I express my thanksYou fed me when I was hungry.You washed me when I was dirty.You nursed me when I was sick.You held me when I cried.You helped me when I needed it.You gave me many happy childhood memories.You always put me first.You made me feel so special.I couldn’t have asked for more.I respect the values you taught.I admire the hard work you did.I thank you for your sacrifice.You raised me well.You tried so hard.You did the best you could do.Today, I will make you a promise.Then, I will make a toast.Both are from my heart.I promise to make you proud of me.I promise to always respect and love you.Also, I promise to take care of you as long as I live.Now, everybody, I propose a toast.Let’s raise our glasses together.Let’s drink to honor my parents.My dear parents:You light up my life.You mean the world to me.A toast.Cheers.Bottoms up.To conclude our party I would like to recite the famous Irish blessing.“May the road rise to meet you.”“May the wind be always at your back.”“May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”5. A Speech to Honor Our Teachers Ladies and gentlemen:I’d like to say a few words to honor our teachers.We owe everything to them.Teachers, you did a great job.We all admire and like you so much.Without you, our graduation would be much less meaningful. We want to honor and praise you.Your teaching was a gift.Thank you for the things you’ve done for us.Our days as your students are over.We are sad to leave you.But we were lucky to have you.You did more than just teach.You were friends and role models.We will remember you forever.Your dedication was easy to see.You were patient and kind every day.You put us first, drove us hard, and sacrificed a lot.We promise you three things:We’ll remember what you’ve taught.We’ll continue to excel.We’ll make you proud in the future.Teachers:We are not saying good-bye.This is just the beginning.We take your teaching and knowledge with us into the future. Now, let’s raise our glasses and toast.To the best teachers since Confucius!Teachers, don’t forget us because we sure won’t forget you.6. Making an Introduction Ladies and gentlemen:This is Michael Wang.You’ve all heard about him.He’s an ace.He’s a gem.He’s the best of the best.He’s tops.He’s the best.H e’s A number one.He is wonderful.He is one in a million.He is a needle in a haystack.Ladies and gentlemen:He is an expert.He is a man of action.He can get the job done.He’s as solid as a rock.He’s as stable as can be.He’s a man we can’t do without.My dear friends:Mr. Michael Wang is a good friend of mine.You’ll have a chance to chat with him later.Let’s make him feel at home.Ladies and gentlemen:Here he is.Michael Wang.Let’s give him a big hand.7. How to Stay Healthy. Ladies and gentlemen:It’s great to see all your smiling faces.I’m here to talk about our health.Everybody wants to be healthy.We all desire a long and healthy life.But what’s the best way to make it happenTo begin with, we are what we eat.Eat well, and you’ll look good.Eat junk, and you’ll look bad.Some age gracefully.Some age terribly.The way we age depends on us.Don’t overeat.Don’t starve yourselves.Always eat in moderation.Eat smart.Eat right.Always find something nutritious to eat.Eat more fruit.Eat more vegetables.Don’t eat too much red meat.Beef and pork are full of cholesterol.Cholesterol will clog arteries.Fish and chicken are much healthier.Drink water.Drink juice.Stay away from soda pop.I have a remedy for a cough.Drink two big glasses of pineapple juice with lime.Soon the cough will go away.Don’t smoke.Don’t drink.Don’t do drugs.Smoking causes cancer.Drinking leads to liver diseases.Drugs invite an early death.Second of all, exercise daily.Work out every day.Keep yourselves in shape.Exercising gives us energy.It keeps our bodies young.It keeps our minds sharp.Our minds need knowledge.Our souls need love.Our bodies need exercise.Do you agreeIs this trueHow do you feel after exercisingA friend of mine has his own method to keep fit.He walks one thousand steps before every meal.He walks another thousand steps after the meal.An airline pilot once told me a simple cure for insomnia and jet lag.Take a lot of exercise right after you get up in the morning.This will help you sleep better.Exercise can be fun.I jog on my treadmill while watching TV.It’s so enjoyable I forget I’m working out.Good health is not free.Nothing worthwhile is easy.You have to work and sweat.Sweat is good.Pain is gain.No pain, no gain.Thirdly, listen to your bodies.When you feel tired, take a rest.When you feel sleepy, go to bed.Move your bowels once a day.Pee whenever you need to.Never hold it in.When I was a kid, my father taught me one important thing.Always take care of you feet.Your feet are the most important part of your body.Wash your feet every day.Change your socks every day.Keep your feet clean dry.A doctor told me a story about how to take care of our skin.An old lady lived in a castle and never went out into the sum.Her skin was as fair as a baby’s.His advice is this:Never go outside without an umbrella, rain or shine.Be sure to use an umbrella with UV protection.Fourthly, thin is in.Fat’s not where it’s at.North, south, east, or west, thin is best.Stay slim.Avoid getting fat.You must burn more calories than you eat.I have three methods for losing weight.Number one: Eat two oranges before each meal.A friend of mine lost twelve pounds in a month.Number two: Rise early.Exercise on an empty stomach.Don’t eat anything for an hour after exercising.Number three: Eat just a little bit as your lunch, like an slice of bread and a glass of orange juice.You will certainly become hungry in the afternoon.Naturally you will eat an early dinner.Whenever you feel like eating, change into your sportswear and go get some exercise.By doing so , you can lose one kilogram a week.More exercise, less eating, is the rule.In conclusion, remember, image is everything.Stay fit and look healthy.People judge you by your appearance.Good health is precious.Good health is priceless.It’s a lifetime of joy.Exercise is the way.Good nutrition is the key.A healthy life is waiting for you.Start today.Change your life.Let’s all get healthy.Thank you for joining us.Thank you for your attention.May you live long and stay healthy forever.Good-bye and good luck.8. How to Achieve SuccessLadies and gentlemen:I’m so happy to be here today.The subject I’m going to talk about is how to achieve success. Everybody wants to be successful.We all want to make it big.But how do we get thereFirst of all, you must have a goal.It must be clear-cut.It must be your passion.You can also have many minor goals in life.Achieve them one at a time.But always stay on the track of your main goal.Second, believe in yourselves.Your potential is unlimited.The world is yours to conquer.Dream big dreams.Reach for the stars.The sky is your limit.Look ahead.Don’t look back.Don’t dwell on the past.Go for it.Just do it.Make it happen.Third, commit yourselves.Dedicate yourselves.Totally focus on your goal.Try your best.Do your best.Give it your best shot.Give it your best effort.Don’t hold anything back.Don’t be afraid to let yourselves go.To succeed, you must work like hell.You must work like a dog.You must work your fingers to the bone.Fourth, follow the best.Select good role models.Study and learn from them.Take their advice.Follow their suggestions.Hitch your wagons to their stars.Pick their brains.Offer your services.They are your blueprints of success.Fifth, fear none, respect all.Fear nobody.Respect everybody.Don’t feel inferior.Don’t feel superior.Always know your place.Don’t denigrate others.Don’t put others down.Criticizing will diminish you.Sixth, seek challenges.Don’t back down.Tough tasks make you stronger.Be willing to sweat.Treat challenge as an opportunity.Don’t let anything stop you.Seventh, seek feedback.Get helpful advice.Never be afraid to ask.Swallow your pride.Eat humble pie.You need criticism to improve.Attack bad habits.Have courage to change.This is the key to success.Eighth, be a sponge for knowledge.Soak up as much as you can.You can never get enough.Be a student for life.Collect and study the best.You must always be eager for more.Ninth, be patient.Stick to your guns.Sometimes you have to wait.Never give up.Never give in.Never say never.Keep on trying.Stay in the ring.Don’t throw in the towel.Only those who persist will win.Only those who persevere will succeed.Only those who stick it out can achieve success. Tenth, you must be ready.Opportunity strikes fast.Don’t miss the chance by being unprepared.Set plans.Make a “to do” list.Follow through on everything.Keep the good.Discard the bad.Know the difference between the two.You must be in the right place.You must be there at the right time.But, most importantly, you must be prepared. Ladies and gentlemen, we all want to be the best. Wanting is not enough.You must get on your feet and take action.Push yourselves to excel.Force yourselves to break through.Don’t waste your one chance in life.Thank you for being here today.I hope your dreams will come true.Your will come out with flying colors.Thanks ever so much.9. Just Do It Ladies and gentlemen:Please listen carefully.I’ve got a message for you.Just do it.Don’t wait to be asked.Do what needs to be done.You’ve seen it everywhere.You’ve heard it one hundred times.Of course, it’s the Nike slogan.This is a great motto.It’s a super philosophy.Make it your way of life.Learn this mindset today.Put it into practice.Live by it forever.Begin now.Look around this room.What would you change if you couldAlways think this way.Look around and say:What can I do to improveEvery task is test.Every job is a chance.Improve, improve, improve.Go the extra mile.Go the extra distance.Be a “just do it” person.Outwork everybody.Be an overachiever.Do more than is expected.Achieve more.Learn more.Create more opportunities.Take charge.Take control.You have what it takes.Work like the devil.It won’t kill you.It will make you stronger.Be a go-getter.Seize the initiative.Be a mover and shaker.Start with small things.Help people in need.Jump in and lend a hand.On seeing some litter, pick it up.On seeing a crowd at a door, hold it open. On a crowded bus, give up your seat.Say to yourself:It needs to be done.I can do it.I am the one to do it.There you have it.Get started now.Good day. Good luck. Just do it.10. Happy Birthday Speech Congratulations!It’s your birthday.Happy birthday to you.You were born today.Today is your special day.This is your day.How do you feelDo you feel specialWhat’s your birthday wishYou look great-Even better than last year.You are aging gracefully.You’re not getting old.You’re getting wiser.You’re getting better.Light the candles.Turn off the light.Let’s sing “Happy Birthday.”“Happy birthday to you…”Make a wish!Take a deep breath!Blow out the candles!Good job!You did it!Your wish will come true.What was your wishWhat did you wish forI hope it was a good one.Don’t tell me.I know it’s a secret.If you tell, it won’t come true.Please say something.Speech, speech.Give us a few words.The birthday boy or girl can say:Words fail me.I’m speechless.I don’t know what to say.What a wonderful birthday!I won’t ever forget it.I’m the luckiest person in the world.You guys are so great.You are all the best.Thanks for being here.I’d like to thank my parents.I’d like to thank my friends.I don’t deserve this.The gifts are nice.The cards are great.But it’s you that make it special.I made two wishes.One is a secret.The other is for you.I wished for your good health.I wished for your happiness.Let’s have good luck in the year ahead. Finally, I’d like to say:With friends and family like you,Every day feels like my birthday.。
考研词汇5500主讲:刘一男欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材AAnglen.角Alps 阿尔卑斯山Altai阿尔泰山1, 浊清互变p/b t/d k/g f/v2, 平卷音互换s/sh c/ch t/th p/ph3,近亲字母互换r/l/n er elacidn.酸,尖酸的a.酸的an a ang =acachev.痛,刺痛n.疼痛,酸痛acutea.敏锐的,尖锐的;(疾病)急性的ute-名词或形容词后缀minute mini +uteacute sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉agonyn.苦恼,痛苦ony(谐音“爱过你”)architectn.建筑师1, 浊清互变p/b t/d k/g f/v2, 平卷音互换s/sh c/ch t/th p/ph 3,近亲字母互换r/l/n er = el-名词后缀英语单词发展的三变化:tect=cover t =toparch拱形arc弧形ang角度t ect盖子r ect直立j ect喷射f ect制造、改造detect发现,察觉rectify纠正inject注射affect影响,感动tect rect ject fecttop right jet fact事实finger手指feel抚摸fist拳头foot脚factory工厂浊清互变dentist牙医artist艺术家scientist科学家do did donego went walk散步talk谈话teach讲tell告诉tongue way inward backwarddent d-toothadaptv.(to)(使)适应,适合;改编,改写apt容易be apt to 容易…adaptationn.改编;适应agitatev.鼓动,搅动;搅拌ag=actdistinct截然不同的inct=ing-无义aviationn.航空,飞行联想:(爱飞)av-鸟aviary养鸟笼social社会的actual现场的、活的Bblackboard黑板black黑色blue蓝色blush红色blood血blond金色blank空白的红黑褐灰黄粉h fboard板子bar柜台boat船bed床bone骨头bench板凳aboardad.在船(飞机,车)上,上船(飞机,车)prep.在(船,飞机,车)上,上(船,飞机,车)a-at-在abundancen.丰富,充裕abundanta.(in)丰富的,充分的,充裕的abound 丰富、充裕bound边界board+er =border边缘beamn.(横)梁,桁条;(光线的)束,柱stream小溪string琴弦street大街stripe条纹strap皮带b-梆子abolishv.废除,取消finish完成final最终的vanish消失van词根:走pan盘子fan扇子clan家族scan扫描scout侦察机、侦察员r/l/nv/w van=wentborn~bor~bol生beneficial adj. (to) 有利的,有益的-ial 形容词后缀fic fect 做bene 好benigna.(病)良性的,(气候)良好的,仁慈的,和蔼的abolish v.废除,取消biography n. 传记bio- 生命biology 生物学ology 学说sociology 社会学graph 写gramprogram 节目单,节目表pave v. 铺wave 波涛grave 坟墓,碑刻biology n. 生物学bonus n. 奖金,红利born a. 出身于……的,天生的,生来的booth n. 电话亭,货摊smooth 平滑的tooth 牙齿tongue 舌头tail 尾巴rail 铁轨road 路boundary n. 分界线,边界bureau n. 局,处,屠bur- 红色的绒布burn v. 燃烧,烧毁,烧伤n. 烧伤,灼伤burst v. 爆裂,炸破;突然发生,突然发作n. 突然破裂,爆发embark 上船embarrass v. 使窘迫,使为难Caccelerate v. 加速, 促进ac--ate 动词后缀cel 速度celerityc- 走kiss 吻k 英语中表示嘴的概念scar 刀疤sc 有切割的含义scissor 剪刀iss 前面是核心的表义的辅音字母或词根后面是单词的词性renaissance 文艺复兴success 继续,成功cess 走c- 走predecessor 前辈,前任c- 说,唱accent 重音ch- 说,唱chant 唱诗班、圣歌、圣诗chorus 合唱团echo 回声church 教堂purchases 购买chase 追逐p- 钱pennyexpensive 昂贵的pension 年金,抚恤金access 接近,入口accumulate v. 积累,积蓄,堆积simulate 模拟stimulate 刺激ate 动词后缀ul 无意义的连字符cum comeadult 成人accuracy n. 准确,准确度ac- 加强与其的前缀-acy 名词后缀-ate 动词后缀cur 关心ious 形容词后缀curious 关心的,好奇的care 关心,关怀accurate adj. 正确的,精确的accuse v. (of) 控告,谴责curse 骂人c- 嘴,唱歌;走;抓fuse 熔丝,保险丝campn.野营,营地;帐篷,阵营v.设营,宿营lamp lumen light lanten luxstamp跺脚盖邮戳邮票camp g-genius generategrass grain green growgeometry metre geog ccampaignn.战役;运动sign标志campusn.(大学)校园casuala.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的,非正式的decidecidaccidentincidentcidcatalogue catcatastroph stardoom boomcatacasualtyn.伤亡人员;受害人catalog/cataloguen.目录(册)v.编目(录)categoryn.种类,类目,分类cut leg negativecathedral(可十一桌儿)n.大教堂Catholica.天主教的n.天主教徒cat hol ic wholeworkholiccattlen.牛;牲口,家畜cautionn.小心,谨慎;警告,告诫v.警告cauterise 烤precaution 预警cautiousa.(of)小心的,谨慎的ceasev./n.停止,终止please fease ible increase grow lease lend censusn.人口普查(调查)(散射式)ceremonyn.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪Cerescerealmeatcharacterfactory factn.性格,品质,特性,特征;人物,角色;字符,(汉)字cutcharacteristica.(of)特有的,独特的n.特征,特性characterize/characterisev.表示...的特性;描述...特性charityn.慈善(团体),仁慈,施舍cherishv.珍爱;怀有chasev./n.追逐,追求chess棋SCHOOL SGOOL orchard oral garden er el chronica.(疾病)慢性的;积习难改的;严重的,坏的chron=timecrow-chronsynchronize同步circlen.圆,圆周;圈子,集团;周期,循环bicyclecurse burse bag purse 泊暴堡accuse turn tune调节v.环绕,旋转circuitn.环行,周线,巡回;电路,线路circulara.圆(形)的,环形的;循环的n.传单,通报circulatev.(使)循环,(使)流通simulate stimulate stingcircumference ifyn.圆周,周围circumstancen.[pl.]情况,形势,环境;经济情形,境况circusn.马戏团,杂技团;马戏场,杂技场coincidev.和...一致,相符,相同coincidencen.巧合,巧事;一致,符合cid-sid decidecomedyn.喜剧;喜剧性事件city dutycomicconcealv.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽deal meal meat real right appealpan pie a piece of peace page peel palm pace pedrepeat 复述seat坐beat打feat技艺poem poetcoverconceivev.(of)设想,构思,想象;以为;怀胎,怀有deceive欺骗dive thrive eive ceiveperceiveconcentratev.(on)集中,专心;浓缩n.浓缩物centerconceptn.概念,观念,思想cept-cip acceptconceptionn.概念,观念;设想,构想concernv.涉及,关系到v./n.关心,挂念n.(利害)关系as/so far as...be concerned就...来说be concened with关心,挂念,从事于discern区分,辨别cutcernmodern moderate modest mod-middleribbon缎带丝绸or crisis cross concerningprep.关于concessionn.迁就,让步assess估计评定session say sess cess gocome gocamp 田野g stamp lamp 台灯cess sess说,坐fess phonecess ceed cedexpand expansionconcessionn.让步,迁就concisea.简明的,简洁的cise cut riseconcretea.具体的,有形的,实质性的n.混凝土v.用混凝土修筑,浇混凝土aggregate segregate greg leg neg category cut greg-组合greg crete create grcordiala.诚恳的,亲切的,热诚的cordcoren.果核;中心,核心freedom obey听任摆布obedience obedientmoon month deep depth wide width th-t-d faith 信仰信念confidencecordcardinalcorporationn.公司,企业,团体courtn.法院,法庭;宫廷,朝廷;院子;球场gardenorchardhardcamp cultcourtesyn.谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止(或言词)by courtesy of蒙...的好意(或准许),蒙...提供(或赠送);由于的...作用policy pole democracycuben.立方形, 立方体; 立方, 三次幂bicycle bikeacubica.立方体的,立方形的;三次的,立方的currencyn.通货,货币cur cargocurrentn.电流,水流,气流;潮流,趋势a.当前的,现在的;通用的,流行的curriculum([pl.]curricula)n.课程,(学校等的)全部课程simulatedecayv./n.腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退pay penny pens pension expensive wayclaydeceitn.欺骗,欺骗行为deceivev.欺骗,蒙蔽encountern./v.遇到,遭遇countcalculatecalciumcounterexcursionn.短途旅行,游览curse burseexcusev.原谅,宽恕,免除n.借口,辩解Dcondemnv.谴责,指责;判刑,宣告有罪damncurse accuseconductivityn.传导性,传导率conductorn.领队,(乐队)指挥;(电车等的)售票员,列车员;导体,导线ductdict doctpredict t vict win dict doctrineduct educateductdensea.浓厚的,密集的,稠密的fense fence offense defensedensityn.密集,密度,浓度condensev.(使)压缩,(使)凝结,精简,压缩dentistn.牙医dictatev.口授,(使)听写;命令denttoothduo two dec tenwent way walk dict tdignityn.(举止,态度等的)庄严,端庄;尊贵,高贵indignant dignfurious fury firedynasty dyn blast burst bur lastdyn dignditchn.沟,沟渠,水沟catch hatch patch fetch sketch scar scissor kitchen cookdigwitch wisedizzya.头晕目眩的,眩晕的;(可能)使人头晕的,极高的doctrinen.教义,教条,主义doctordocumentn.公文,文献documentarya.文献的n.记录片abdomen belly well telldom en erdometophome house hole pole sole same single domedomainn.(活动,思想等)领域,范围;领地;努力范围main grain strain explaindomen.圆屋顶domestica.家里的;本国的;驯养的fist last cluster frostgross domestic productdominanta.支配的,统治的,占优势的inedominatev.支配,统治,控制;占优势dulla.单调的;迟钝的,愚笨的;不锋利的mull cull choosedubiousa.有问题的,靠不住的;(值得)怀疑的;犹豫不决的double doubtdoub duodubdynastyn.王朝,朝代editv.编辑,校订indicate dictedible eateditionn.版,版本,版次editorn.编辑,编者editorialn.社论Eex re de seelseedgeedgen.边,棱;刀口,刃v.侧身移动,挤进out eecologyn.生态学,环境适应学biology bi body bi=life sociologyeconomica.经济(上)的,经济学的ec exchangenomyeconomicala.节约的,经济的economicsn.经济学,经济情况economyn.节约;经济ediblea.可以吃的,可食用的elastica.弹性的n.松紧带,橡皮圈elementn.元素;组成部分elementarya.初等的;基本的Faffiliatev.使隶属(或附属)于n.附属机构,分公司filial fildescendantascenddescendrail sail nail tail failfall fountain feeble faint affirmv.断言,肯定conferv.商谈,商议;授予,赋予fist fan feel finger footpan clan scanconferencen.会议,讨论会parliamentferinferinferiorinfra-structurestructpregnant genius generatefactory hectic structstream strait string stripe street strain strap structurestere- stereo solosphere-infra- inferultra violetconfessv.供认,承认,坦白,忏悔kiss kettlef=phprofessorprofessionfessphone bonemetaphor metaprophet fessconfinev.(to,within)限制,局限于;管制,禁闭finefinishfinalline wine mine finedefinitedefinev.给…下定义;限定,规定definitea.明确的,肯定的,限定的definitionn.定义,解释financefinancialfinefeeconformv.(to)遵守,依照,符合,顺应normal abnormal enormousneitherwormuniformconfusev.使混乱,混淆confusionn.混乱,混淆diffusev.扩散;传播,散布a.(文章等)冗长的,漫无边际的;四散的,弥漫的fall fountainfuseaccusecursedeformv.(使)变形performformidable feareffectn.(on)作用,影响;结果;效果,效力v.产生,招致effectivea.有效的,生效的efficiencyn.效率;功效efficienta.有效的,效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的effortn.努力,艰难的尝试fect fort fordforceaffordignorant i-im gn=know ant 堡groan loan 呻gr cry critic crazy crowr l n w v ussh t th c ch山水人车famine line wine gasoline famous fame n.饥荒,饥馑(发米乏米)faren.车费,船费v.过活,进展fee 费fascinate inatev.迷住,强烈吸引fatiguen.疲劳ic ueite idfaintfaxn./v.传真(机,件);传真传输(facsimile摹写传真)facile fact f feasiblea.可行的,可操作的fease lease租借租约lend please pl-说请increase growfeastn.节日;宴会festivaln.节日;音乐节;戏剧节fest 触碰touchfemininea.女性的;娇柔的femalea.女的,雌的fertilea.肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的fertilizer/fertilisern.肥料transfer转学转移taketile瓦片瓦粒feudala.封建的,封建制的,庄园制fieldformn.形状,形式;表格v.组成,构成;形成norm neitherformala.正式的;形式的formationn.形成,构成formera.以前的,在前的pron.前者formula([pl.]formulae)n.公式,程式formulatev.构想,规划;系统地阐述fundn.资金,基金fundamentala.基础的,基本的n.[pl.]基本原则,基本原理furiousa.狂怒的,狂暴的,猛烈的fierce fire meter metre theatre theater seefurnacen.炉子,熔炉furnacealter otheralter natesugar cigar vinegargarlicfurnituren.家具,设备furn-fixfusen.保险丝,导火线,引信v.熔化,熔合ac cuse curse 骂诅咒人ggainv.获得,博得;增加,(钟,表)走快n.收益,得益galaxyn.星系;[the Galaxy]银河(系);一群(杰出或著名的人物)axy policy pole acy democracy demo c racy dem on str ate demo mangalleryn.长廊,画廊,美术馆gallantgallopv./n.奔驰,飞奔waloper walk go went (赶老婆)geniusn.天才genuinea.真正的,名副其实的fakegeographic(al) grapha.地理(学)的geographyn.地理(学)graphgrave 坟墓,铭记,碑刻wave pavephotographgeologyn.地质(学)ology loggeometryn.几何(学) metergiantn.巨人a.巨大的gigantica.巨大的,庞大的(g-土大)rigid migratev.胶合,粘贴Hhazardn.危险,冒险,危害v.冒险,拼命(harm)heirn.继承人he+irherinherent 内在的固有的heritage 遗产inherit 继承hemispheren.半球hemi=half-半vert invert倒置vert whirl急转弯wheel车轮while然而where when who what 什谁啥孰vol volume involve卷入,连累spin 飞梭sphere球体r~ l~ nline ene eme ere ele telephonestere立体stereosterestructure结构construct建造建立hesitatev.犹豫,踌躇;含糊,支吾hesitationn.犹豫,踌躇cohesive 黏着的hesion 吸引力hes =her –词根:黏着,粘贴coherent 粘在一起的her-heshospitalityn.好客,殷勤,款待hostilea.敌对的,敌方的,敌意的Benefit利益,恩惠benign良性的better best badnicehypothesisn.假说,假设,前提behindHypnus [希神]许普诺斯(睡眠之神,与罗马神话中的Somnus为同一神)hypocrisy伪善hypocrite伪君子hystericala.情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里的Iidentity cardidenticala.(to.with)同一的,同样的identificationn.识别,鉴别identifyv.识别,鉴别;(with)把...和...看成一样,打成一片idiomn.习语idiot白痴idlea.空闲的,闲置的;无用的,无效的;懒散的v.空费,虚度idlenessn.懒惰;赋闲无事ignitev.点火,引燃ignatiusvolcanoignorancen.无知,愚昧;不知道ignoranta.无知的,愚昧的;不知道的ignorev.不理,不顾,忽视i gnore-knowknit打结more多score分数,得分,二十imrecognize再认出comilliteratea. 文盲的,未受教育的im in liter letter字母illuminatev.照亮,照明il in im lumin lumen流明灯illustratev.举例说明,阐明;图解,加插图illustrationn.说明,例证;图解lumen lamp lantern light luxury 奢侈品lux lus luc 光il lus tractor tract attractimmensea. 广大的,巨大的im mense-meter missile miss kissman-手miss 投掷miss mit immersev.使沉浸在;使浸没merse- merge-没emerge浮现immigranta.(从国外)移来的,移民的n.移民,侨民im migrate移民migeraterigid rig rect 直hect高fect做real rightmig m-move mote mute mig mobimplementn.[常pl.]工具,器具,用具v.贯彻,实现loyal忠诚alloy 制造合金loy绑royal roy r right real rectemploy雇佣ploy pl-用apply申请应用please pl-用implementimplicita. 不言明的,含蓄的;(in)固有的;无疑问的;无保留的play表演explain解释please请pl-说in +plic +it =implicitindex([pl.]indexes,indices)n.索引;指标,标志;指数v.附以索引,编入索引finger digit手指digital数字digit exit dig挖掘section部分sect切分—sex性别segment 片段部分g-ct-xlecture讲座lect legend传奇mix mingle混乱混淆indignanta.愤慨的,愤慨不平的indignationn.愤怒,愤慨im +dign-尊严+antdign dynastyindispensablea.(to,for)必不可少的,必需的dispensable不重要的pens-钱价值pension抚恤金年金expensive昂贵的compensate 赔偿pens-钱bill money penny 便士way clay粘土pay工资individuala.个人的,单独的;独特的n.个人,个体divide 划分inertian.不活动,惰性;惯性ert动ear alert警惕的artery 动脉factoryinevitablea. 不可避免的,必然发生的invade入侵vade v-w vent prevent vent ven-走avenue大道revenue财政收入vade ——vit –走in-不能e往外vit=vade-走able能..的ingeniousa. 机灵的;有独创性的;精制的genius天才gen-生g-Gaea genpregnant怀孕的pregnancy怀孕ingredientn.组成部分,成分gred greg集合segregate隔离leg neg greg集合、聚集、增长grain农作物gen-生gn-知道know-gn-知道gn-生——grgred=greg集合instanta.立即的,直接的;紧迫的;(食品)速溶的,方便的n.瞬间,时刻instantaneousa.瞬间的,即刻的instantlyad.立即,即刻instinctn.本能,直觉,天性stinct-sting-刺,刺激instituten.学会,研究所;学院v.设立,设置,制定institutionn.公共机构,协会,学校;制度,惯例st-站立itute polite ite minute uteituteinsulatev.隔离,孤立;使绝缘,使绝热insul island 岛屿ant isolate隔离使孤独sole唯一hole洞穴same同一的single唯一sole sulisol-isl-insulaisle 耳廊侧廊insulatorn.绝缘体,绝缘子intacta.完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的tact -touchcontact接触facttact~tegintegrala.构成整体所必需的;完整的integratev.(into,with)(使)成为一体,(使)结合在一起,(使)合并integrityn.正直,诚实;完整,完全intensea.强烈的,剧烈的;热烈的,热情的tend~tense expand expansionintensityn.强烈,剧烈;强度intensivea.加强的,集中的,深入细致的interpretv.翻译,解释,说明;口译inter pr etpray祈祷preach演讲teach tell talk tongue bleach漂白火金水土木红黄burn brass黄铜bronze青铜brand烙印,商标blue black blush blondbleach漂白preach演讲pray祈祷prparlor客厅parliament议会,国会parl-说parlor客厅parliament议会,国会parl-说beat打feat功绩neat干净repeat复述p-说poem诗poet诗人parl说parlor客厅parliament国会、议会parl——pr-说downdrown淹死溺水(drop-掉)down低dwarf 侏儒born生breed 繁殖short缩短shrink 缩水shrewd 精明的smart聪明的smile微笑small小smoke烟smog雾parl-说pr-说pr-前pr-pl-说explain解释play表演light光线night黑夜(no light)fight打架plight盟誓,情报intricatea.错综复杂的,复杂精细的intr—— inter icateirritatev.激怒,恼火,使急躁i?? in imridiculous荒谬的可笑rid 笑ridicule奚落嘲笑rid笑rid=ritirritate 激怒恼怒rid rit risrisible 爱笑的喜欢笑的issuev.流出,放出;发行,发表,颁布n.发行(物),(报刊)期号;问题,争论点,争端is ex essay散文随笔fiction小说虚构ex es is e ~ i fict fect line scene风景一场戏fect lecture lingua lick leg neg elect lect选collect挑选Llatituden.纬度attitude态度altitude海拔高度ite +ute =itute =itude 复合名词后缀cat抓pat拍wat水lat拉扯longitude 经线launchv.发射;使(船)下水,发动,开展n.发射,下水satellite卫星sat=setlancelaundryn.洗衣房(店);待洗衣物,所洗衣物lavatoryn.厕所,盥洗室lave洗wave波涛pave铺路leisuren.空闲,闲暇;悠闲,安逸at leisure从容地,有空leis =let-让容许谐音“镭射”loann.贷款;出借,借出v.借出groan呻吟cr- cry crow crazyacre 亩ground agroloan l=lendloungen.休息室,起居室,客厅,长沙发词源long谐音“老子”Mman手m-山、多m-movemacroscopica.宏观的macro major maj-mag jail 监狱gaol痂接介给magnitude众多大量mag-macro-大scop- 看scope范围视野stop暂停throp词根:群scop视野malfunctionn./v.失灵;功能失常maltreatv.虐待male-男性–坏好manifesta.明白的,明了的v.表明,证明,显示manipulatev.操纵,控制;应付,处理manual手的手册man +i +festmarvelous/marvellousa.惊人的,奇迹般的,妙极的marine 海的海洋marvelous/marvellousa.惊人的,奇迹般的,妙极的marine 海的海洋submarine 海底ive+el+ous=velousmar-mirmanage minister管家大臣male militant好斗的military军事的same similar相似的miracle奇迹mirror镜子miragemar-mirmar大海car小汽车bar 小木棒measurablea.可测量的measuremeasmeter mend mens meassymmetry对称tremendous tr-through trans- form one to anotherdimension维度measure尺寸测量merchandisen.商品,货物v.经商merchant商人merc commerce商业commercial商业的merch ant isemercury 水银Mercury 水星meritn.优点,价值,长处v.值得,应得merry 快乐mercy 仁慈mermaid 美人鱼mer-好monstrousa.可怕的,极恶的mon-monotonous单调的(mon单tone调monopoly专卖poly多plus加down dwarf 侏儒section部分sect scar scissor剪刀poly pl-多ample 大量的SundayMondaymon+ster——monster怪物mortala.致命的;终有一死的;人世间的n.凡人mortgagen./v.抵押(借款)mort gage词根:约定engage订婚tort词根旋转port港口mort词根死multiplea.多样的,多重的n.倍数mult =mountultimate最终的ult-outpl-折叠diploma毕业文凭complex复合的折叠fold fl-流动弯曲flection rect hect flexible pl-弯曲折叠pharmacy药房farmharmmunicipala.市的,市政的;市立的市mun-交流communicate交流cip-cept –拿mutuala.相互的,彼此的Nnegotiatev.谈判,交涉,商议iate otiota patriot爱国者patr-pater father patriotic爱国的iot-ot otiatenegevery is under negotiation. nominatev.提名,任命(nom-name )nominalnotoriousa.臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的notice通知notify注意not = knownourishv.提供养分,养育nutrition营养营养品nut nat-生nuisancen.讨厌的人(或东西);麻烦事nuis=nox 词根:毒noxious有毒的innocent清白的谐音“牛绅士”oob []=ab-不ob[]=op-方向相反obediencen.服从,顺从obedientn.服从的,顺从的free自由的——free d om自由scar刀疤——scan d al丑闻obscurea.暗的,朦胧的;模糊的,晦涩的(ob-不,sc-看)obstinatea.顽固的,固执的(ob-相对,st-停留、站着)odor/odourn.气味,臭气,香味(od=out-出来)eat-ed——edible可以食用的opaquea.不透明(光)的;难理解的,晦涩的aque-水aquatic水生的liquid-液体的leak-滴漏creep-爬行reptile-爬行动物burn-燃烧brown-褐色blue-蓝色blond-金色black-黑色red-红色yellow-黄色opticala.眼的,视力的;光学的(opt-光,spect-看)optimize/optimise(opt-选择变化自out + put=opt)v.使优化optionala.可以任选的,非强制的proper——appropriate恰当的——apt-适合——adapt-改编、使适应orphann.孤儿(orpheus 俄耳甫斯)infant-婴儿(in-不能f-说话ant-的)orthodoxa.传统的,符合社会风俗的;正统的(orth=right-正,dox=doct-说)paradox 反论,似非而是的话Papparatusn.器械,设备(par=prepare-准备、备)compensatev.(for)补偿,赔偿pension-年金expensive-昂贵的penny-便士compulsorya.强制的,义务的,必修的puls=push-推vulnerable易受伤害的(vuln=wound-伤)ultraviolet紫外线(ult=out)utter说出(ut=out)despatch (dispatch)v./n.派遣(dis-分着, patch-拍)paradisen.天堂(para-反、旁、不,dise-死)paradoxn.似非而是的话;反论(para-反、旁、不)parallela.(to,with)平行的,并联的;(to)相同的,类似的n.平行线,平行面;类似,相似物;对比,纬线paralyze/paralysev.使瘫痪(麻痹);使丧失作用(para-反、旁、不,l-leg-走,yse=yze-动词后缀)parametern.参数(para-反、旁,meter-数量)parasiten.寄生虫(para-反、旁,site-位置)parliamentn.国会,议会(parl-说)parlor-客厅parrot-鹦鹉port-港口repeat-复述beat打neat干净feat功绩、作为patriotica.爱国的patriot爱国者pater=father-父亲peculiara.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的(pec=pick-挑、出众)peculiarityn.独特性,特色penetratev.穿过,渗入,看穿(pene=刺,tr=through-穿过)pene=pine-词根:刺pi=bee-刺peninsulan.半岛(pen-半)isolate-孤独、隔离island-岛屿(isl-孤独的)isl=insul-岛perceivev.察觉,感知;理解,领悟(ceive-拿)concieve-怀孕、构想decieve欺骗(de-往下)perishv.丧生;凋谢;毁灭,消亡(per-每一个、周、全)persecutev.迫害(sec-跟、随)second第二的(sec-跟着,one-一,d-的)pessimistica.悲观(主义)的(pess=ped-足,底部——悲)optimistic乐观的(opt-选择)piraten./v.海盗,盗版(pir=spear-矛)pledgen.誓约;保证v.发誓;保证(pl-说,edge-边缘)play-表演explain-解释parl-说pr-说pray祈祷preach-传经、布道pl-说porcelainn.瓷器a.精制的,瓷器的(porc=pork-猪,el-后缀,ain-后缀)terrine-陶器(terr-土)porridgen.粥,麦片粥pore小孔、小口precautionn.预防,谨慎,警惕(caut-火)cauterize烧烤、熏烤(caut-烤、火)catch a fire –点火predominanta.(over)占优势的;主要的,突出的(dome=top-顶)predict预言(dict=tict-说)dentist牙医(dent=tooth)dominate-支配dominant-支配的abdomen-肚子、腹部preliminarya.预备的,初步的(lim=line-线、界线、限定)premiern.首相,总理(prem-先、前)primea.首要的,主要的;最好的,第一流的n.青春,全盛期,青壮年时期(pr-前,ime=time)primitivea.原始的,远古的,早期的;粗糙的,简单的(prime-前面的时间)prominenta.突起的,凸出的;突出的,杰出的(min-突出)eminent杰出的(min-突出)prompta.敏捷的,迅速的,即刻的v.激起,促进,推动(mpt=mote)promote-促进、推进propellern.螺旋桨,推进器(pell=push)propertyn.财产,资产,所有物;性质,特性(proper-恰当的)appropriate-恰当的、适合的;拨款prosperv.繁荣,使繁荣,使成功(sper=spect-看)prosperityn.繁荣,兴旺prosperousa.繁荣的,兴旺的psychologyn.心理学,心理(Psych-心里女神)physiology生理学Rradiatev.放射,辐射;散布,传播(rad=root-根)radiatorn.暖气片,散热器radicala.基本的,重要的;激进的,极端的;根本的(rad=root-根)radical revolutionradioactivea.放射性,放射引起的(rad=root-根)radioactivityn.放射性,放射现象(rad=root-根)radiumn.镭(rad=root-根)radiusn.半径(rad=root-根)randoma.随机的,随意的n.随机,随意(ran=run-跑、快速移动)at random随机地,任意地rarea.稀有的,难得的,珍奇的;稀薄的,稀疏的(r-生长、突出)bare-光秃的、赤裸的fare-运费(fee-费)mare-母马、母驴(m-mother)pare-削皮(p-皮)rearn.后部,尾部a.后方的,后部的;背后的v.饲养,抚养(re-返回、后面)reckonv.认为,估计;指望,想要;测算(ckon=count-计算)supersonic超音的(son-sound-声音)compound-组合component组合的(pon=pound-摆放)reckon on依靠,指望reckon with估计到,预料到;处理,对付reclaimv.要求归还,收回;开垦(claim-喊叫)call-cl-喊gold-金、金光、闪glass玻璃glory-光荣glitter-炫耀born-br-生bring产生breed繁殖acclaim-欢呼、喝彩proclaim声称exclaim呼喊reconcilev.使和好,调解,使调和;(to,with)使一致consult-商量、商讨recruitv.招募(新兵),招收(新成员)n.新兵,新成员( cr-叫cry crazy crow)reignv.(over)统治,支配;盛行,占优势n.统治,统治时期,支配;朝代rein-缰绳、驾驭(r-rope)foreign-外国的(for-否,reign-统治)sovereign君主、最高统治(over-高)releasev.释放,解放;发表,发行(relax-放松的)relicn.纪念物,遗迹(lic= leave)sergeant-警官、军士(serge=serve)alleviate减轻(lev=light-轻)renderv.使得,致使;提出,提供,呈报(r-返回、还给)repentv.后悔,悔悟(pent=ped-走)regret-后悔(gret-前进)progress-进步(gress-前进)reproachv./n.责备,指责(proach=road)approach方法、途径(proach=road)reptilen.爬行动物(rep=creep-爬行)weep泪水deep深的peep偷窥creep爬行reservationn.保留,保留意见;预定,预订(serve-保留)reserven.储备(物),储藏量,储备金;缄默,谨慎v.保留,储备;预定,预约reservoirn.水库,蓄水池resistv.抵抗,反抗;抗,忍得住,抵制(sist-站着)resistancen.(to)抵抗,反抗;抵抗力,阻力;电阻resistanta.(to)抵抗的,有抵抗力的resolvev.决心,决定;(使)分解,溶解;议决,决议n.解决,解答;决心;决议solve-解决(s-牙齿、刀)resortv.(to)求助,诉诸,凭借n.胜地,常去之处;手段(变化自resource 资源)source来源起源respectablea.可敬的,高尚的(respect-尊敬) respectfula.充满敬意的,有礼貌的(respect-尊敬)respectivea.各自的,各个的(respect-尊敬) responsibilityn.责任,责任心;职责,任务(spond=speak)responsiblea.(for,to)应负责的,有责任的;可靠的,可信赖的;责任重大的,重要的sponsor n.发起人(spons= spond=speak)restorev.恢复,使回复;修复,重建(st-站立、站起来)restrainv.(from)抑制,制止(re-往回,str-拉紧、扯紧)restrictv.限制,约束(re-往回,str-拉紧、扯紧)revengen.报复,复仇v.替…报仇(v=war)challenge-挑战、挑衅fence-剑hall-大厅small-小的ribbonn.缎带,丝带,带,带状物(rib=rope)ridgen.岭,山脉;屋脊;鼻梁(r-直、直的) ridiculousa.荒谬的,可笑的(rid-笑)ridicule嘲笑、奚落(rid-ride-骑、欺负、奚落)irritate激怒、恼怒(rit-笑)risible爱笑的(ris-笑)routinen.例行公事,常规,路线a.常规的,例行的(rout=road)Sapproximatelyad.近似地,大约(xim=same,pro-超出)similar相似的assimilate同化assaultv./n.袭击,攻击result结果insult侮辱、凌辱、强奸sult=sault-跳assault攻击、攻打consult商讨consultant顾问assemblev.集合;组装burst爆炸(bur=burn,st=ist)loyalty忠诚(loyal-忠诚的,ty=ity)second第二的(sec-跟着,on=one,d=id)r l m n sem=sameassemblyn.集合,集会,会议;装配(sem=same-同、一)resemble相似的(sem=same-同、一)consequencen.结果,后果,影响;重要性(sequ=sec-跟着)sequence次序、秩序(sequ=sec-跟着)in consequence因此,结果in consequence of由于...的缘故consequentlyad.因此,所以sec跟着/sect切分second第二的section部分sec=sequexecute执行死刑,执行,执政(ex往外,ec=sec=sect-切分,切掉,ute-后缀)counselv./n.劝告,忠告(整词变化自“consult”)result结果consult商讨consultant顾问counsel忠告、劝告council理事会、委员会the U.N. Security Council 联合国安理会episoden.片断,插曲(epi-在中间,s-song)epidemic传染的(epi-在中间,dem-人民)upon~epiessentiala.(to)本质的,基本的,必要的,必不可少的; ( sent=sense)executev.实施,执行,执行死刑(ex往外,ec=sec=sect-切分,切掉,ute-后缀)executiven.总经理,董事,行政负责人a.执行的,实施的expirev.期满,(期限)终止;呼气;断气,死亡(pire=spire-呼吸)scatterv.散开,驱散;散布,散播(scat-切开)bat梆子(b-棒子)cat抓(c-抓)lat拉扯(l-拉扯)automatic自动的(m-move)schemen.计划,方案;安排v.计划,策划;阴谋(sch=sc-切割、划分) scopen.(活动)范围;机会,余地(sc-看)scornv./n.轻蔑,藐视(sc-看)(联想:s-死,corn-玉米)seamn.缝,接缝(s-象形)beam梁, 桁条, (光线的)束,横梁(b-棒子)stream小溪scream尖叫(s-尖,cr-叫)seizev.抓住,逮住;(s-牙齿,咬住)(联想:se-色狼,抓色狼)seminarn.(大学的)研究班,研讨会semestern.学期(se=six,mest=month)shavev.剃,刮,刨,削n.刮脸(sh=s-刀、切)simultaneousa.同时的,同时存在的(sim=same,tane=time)sirenn.警报声,警报器skeletonn.骨骼;骨架,框架;梗概,提要skull头脑、头骨、头盖骨(sk-sky)pull-pel-propeller推进器consult-counsel商讨、劝告、忠告skull-skel-skeleton骨骼、骨架sleeven.袖子(谐音——死力舞)silk-丝——sl-瘦、滑born-br-breed繁殖call-cl-claim喊slendera.修长的,细长的,苗条的;微小的,微薄的(sl-瘦、滑,联想:lend-借)slicen.薄片,切片;(sl-瘦、滑,联想:ice-冰)slima.苗条的slogann.标语,口号(log-说)slitn.细长裂缝,狭长切口(sl-瘦长、滑,联想“lit-裂它”)slopen.斜坡,斜面;倾斜,斜度v.(使)倾斜(slip滑)slumn.[pl.]贫民窟,贫民区,陋巷(slave奴隶)smugglev.走私;偷运naked裸体的fake伪造;赝品snake蛇sn-大口,鼻子snackn.快餐(sn-大口)snatchn./v.攫取,抢夺(sn-大口,虎口)sneaka.鬼鬼祟祟的sn-sm-鬼鬼祟祟,偷smugglev.走私;偷运(辅助联想:什么狗) snobbisha.势利的(snob=snoopy-狗)solemna.庄严的,隆重的;严肃的(联想:索罗门)specimenn.标本,样本(spec=spect-看,imen-后缀,联想:men-男人)spectaclen.[pl.]眼镜;场面,景象;奇观,壮观spectaculara.壮观的,引人注目的n.壮观的演出speculatev.(about,on)推测,推断;投机(spec-看)(联想:late-迟到)spinv.旋转;纺纱n.旋转;自转(象声词)sphere 球(象声词)hemisphere 半球(hemi =half)stere立体的spiritn.精神;气概,志气;[pl.]情绪,心情;[pl.]酒精,烈酒inspire吸气(spire-气)expire呼气、断气(pire=spire)speak说spit吐spill喷、溅spirituala.精神(上)的,心灵的splendida.壮丽的,辉煌的;灿烂的(spl=spr=spire-气、喷)spring喷泉sprinkle洒、喷、淋spire——spr-spltend延伸(t-to)splend辉煌(spl=spr-喷)spoilv.损坏,搞错;宠坏,溺爱spontaneousa.自发的,自然产生的sponsor发起人(spons=speak)respond回应(spond=spons=speak)spurn.靴刺,马刺;刺激,刺激物v.刺激,激励spear矛(spur=spear)blear模糊的(b+clear=blear)blur弄脏、污点statistical 统计的,统计学的(state统计statist 统计学家)state国家、州statistics n.统计(学)storen.商店,店铺;贮藏,贮备品v.贮藏,贮备(st=停留)storagen.贮藏(量),保管;库房strainn.过多的疲劳,紧张;张力,应变v.扭伤,拉伤;拉紧,扯紧;紧张,尽力(str-拉扯、拉紧/grain农作物/main主要的)strapn.带,皮带v.捆扎(str-拉扯)stretchv.拉长,伸,延n.一段时间,一段路程;拉长,延伸(str-拉伸)stridev.大步走(过),迈进,跨过n.迈步,阔步(str-拉紧、扯紧)stripv.剥,剥去n.窄条,条纹(str-拉扯)strategyn.战略,策略(str-立体的、空间的)stere立体的——structure结构- construction建设、建造sphere球体、地球stubborna.顽固的,倔强的;难对付的,难以克服的(stub=stop-停止的、不走的)obstinate倔强的,顽固的(st-站着)stumblev./n.跌,绊(st-站)subsequenta.随后的,后来的(sequ=sec-跟着)suiciden.自杀;自取灭亡(sui=self,cide=cut)surrenderv.投降,交出,放弃(render-交出、给回) suspicionn.猜疑,怀疑suspiciousa.(of)可疑的,多疑的,疑心的suspect怀疑(inspect检查、视察prospect前景、远景)sustainv.支撑,撑住;维持,持续,经受,忍耐(su-sub,stain-站着)symposiumn.论坛,讨论会,专题报告会;专题论文集(pos-pot-坛子、罐子)symptomn.症状;征候,征兆(sym-seem,pt-pet-追求、要,om-后缀)synchronize/synchronisev.使同步(syn-sym,chron-时间)chronic慢性的,积习难改的(chron-时间)clock=chronsyndromev.综合症(drome=drive-驱动、发作) synthesisn.综合,合成(thesis-理论、论题)synthetica.合成的,人造的;综合的Tcontemptn.轻蔑,藐视(con-加强语气,tempt=damn-骂、看不起)damn责骂、大骂tempt诱惑attempt企图、尝试tacticsn.策略,战术tact敏感、智慧(tact=touch)contact接触、联系touch接触、碰tamea.驯服的,温顺的;v.驯服,制服lame跛子blame谴责(speak evil of)samenameteasev.戏弄,取笑;挑逗,撩拨n.(爱)戏弄他人者;戏弄,挑逗(t-说)cease彻底终结easy 容易ease 容易lease 租借、租约请情山青ease=isedisease疾病tedious a.冗长的,乏味的(i+ous形容词后缀,tend=ted-延伸)bed=床;ped=足;。
)1. BereavePage 2The children are bereaved by the death of their parents.Page 2The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.2. VoluptuousPage 34Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be very popular.Page 25Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent looks.3. BadgerPage 60The salesman has been badgering my father for two weeks to buy a new car.Page 45That salesman has been badgering my father for two weeks to buy a new car.4. PorePage 64Like human skin, soil has holes that are called pore.Page 47Like human skin, soil has holes that are called pores.5. EpochPage 66The introduction of the computer will mark an epoch in language education.Page 49There were few peaceful epochs in the history of our country.6. Salvage & SequelPage72-73台湾版中两个词的顺序颠倒。
刘毅词汇3000英语单词Lesson1attend v.上学;参加n.attendance七岁以上的小孩都得上学。
All children over seven must attend school.blame n.责难反:complimentI have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。
bubble n.气泡Children like to make bubble with soap and water. 孩子喜欢用肥皂水做泡泡。
cemetery n.墓地同:graveyardThere are many tombs in the cemetery. 墓地里有许多墓碑。
commendation n.赞扬同:praise 反:blameHe was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。
conflict n.冲突;争斗同:fight 反:reconciliationSome people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religions (宗教)and science. There was nobody to direct the workman. 没有人监督工人。
Which is the most direct way to London?去伦敦最直接的路是哪一条?draw v.拉同:drag, haulDraw your chair nearer to the table. 把你的椅子往桌子拉近一点。
empire n.帝国同:realmThe United States was once a part of the British Empire.美国一度曾经是大英帝国的一部分。
1 abroad adv.在国外同.overseasHe lived abroad for many years; he knows several foreign languages.他在国外住了许多年,懂好⼏种外语.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 affect v.影响The small amount of rain last year affected the growth crops.去年⾬量少,影响了作物的⽣长.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 attend v.上(学);参加n.attendanceAll children over seven must attend school.七岁以上的⼩孩都得上学.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 blame n.责难反.complimentI have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.我已尽了的努⼒,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 bubble n.⽓泡Children like to make bubbles with soap and water.孩⼦位喜欢⽤肥皂⽔做泡泡--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 cemetery n.墓地同.graveyardThere are many tombs in the cemetery.墓地⾥有许多坟墓.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 commendation n.赞扬同.praise 反.blameHe was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.他从⽕灾中救出孩⼦们后,因为勇敢可嘉⽽受到赞扬.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 conflict n.冲突;争⽃同.fight 反.reconciliationSome people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science.有些⼈认为宗教与科学间有很⼤的冲突.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 cooperate v.合作n.cooperation adj.cooperativeThe children cooperated with their teachers in keeping their classrooms clean.孩⼦们与⽼师合作,保持教室清洁.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 curious adj.好奇的同.inquisitiveI am curious to know what my teacher said to my mother.我很好奇,想知道⽼师跟我母亲说了什么.背完就练1.1 从刚才背过的单词中选出最适当的填⼊空格内。
1. Our goal is clear-cut.It’s plain and simple.We want to be the best.我们的目标很明确。
2. Believe in ourselves.Our potential is umlimited. The world is ours to conquer. 相信我们自己的力量。
3. Dream big dreams. Reach for the stars.The sky is our limit.要有远大的梦想。
4. Go the extra mile.Go the extra distance. Leave no stone unturned.要特别努力。
5. Go for it.Just do it.Make it happen.大胆试一试。
6. Try our best.Do our best.Give it our best shot.尽力。
7. We can do it. We have what it takes. Let’s get it done.我们能做到。
8. We tough. We are strong. We can endure anything. 我们有耐力。
9. We are on the right track. Weare doing the right thing. We are taking the right steps.我们的方向正确。
10. We are not afraid. We have no fear. We can overcome any obstacles. 我们不害怕。
刘毅老师的词汇5000(每天一课)一起学习!Lesson 1 part 11. barren: unable to produce young; unproductive; sterile (形)贫瘠的The barren land could produce little food. 这块贫瘠的土地只能生产些微的粮食。
2. bump: come with a blow or knock; collide (动)碰撞The room was dark and I bumped my head against the door. 房间里很暗,所以我才撞上门。
3. devise: think out; plan or contrive; invent (动)设计,发明He devised a new method for teaching the blind. 他设计出一种教导盲人的新方法。
4. exert: put into use; exercise (动)使用My wife’s been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job. 我太太一直对我施加很多压力,要我换工作。
5. intrigue: (1). a secret plan or activity; plot; scheme; conspiracy(名)阴谋The king’s younger brother took part in the intrigue to make himself king. 国王的弟弟为夺取王位而加入阴谋。
(2). excite the interest and curiosity of (动)引起。
的兴趣The book’s unusual title intrigued me into reading it. 这本书奇特的书名引起我的阅读兴趣。
刘毅演讲式英语 1
1.Self -IntroductionLadies and gentlemen: 女士们, 先生们:It’s great to be here! 很高兴来到这里!I’d like to introduce myself.’我介绍一下我自己.My name is Pat 我的名字叫帕特I’m a student. 我是名学生I come from Beijing. 我是北京人I’m an outgoing person. 我很外向I love to meet people. 我喜欢与别人接触Meeting people is my forte.(专长) 和别人打交道是我的专长I’m very frugal(节省) 我很节省Money doesn’t burn a hole in my pocket. 我不会乱花钱But I like to be generous(慷慨) with my friends. 但是我喜欢对朋友慷慨I have many bobbies.(爱好) 我有很多爱好I enjoy many things. 我喜欢做的事很多I like reading, exercising and traveling.我喜欢阅读,运动和旅行Traveling is my life. 旅行是我的最爱I love to travel. 我爱旅行I’m not a stick in the mud.(泥土) 我不习惯老是呆在一个地方不动I’m always on the go. 我总是到处走动I’m always on the move. 我总是动个不停I would never let the grass grow under my feet. 我绝不会待在一个地方不动I’m a rolling stone. 我很好动I can’t keep still. 我无法静止不动I can’t stay in one place too long. 我不能在一个地方待太久I want to see the world. 我想看看这个世界I want to see the unseen. 我想去看没看过的东西I want to do what’s never been done before. 我想做以前没做过的事My ambition(志愿,野心) is to be a great English teacher. 我的志愿是成为一名很棒的英语老师Teaching English is my passion. 教英语是我的爱好Mastering English is my goal. 学好英语是我的目标I won’t accept mediocrity.(平庸) 我不能接受平庸I want to grow. 我要成长I want to improve all aspects of my life, physically, spiritually, and academically. 我要从身体,心灵和学术上改进我人生的各个方面I’m willing to work hard. 我愿意努力工作I’m willing to pay price. 我愿意付出代价I’m prepared to go the distance, through thick and thin, in good times or bad, under any circumstances. 我准备坚持到底,在任何情况下,无论甘苦,无论情况是好是坏。
1abdomen['æbdəmən]n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)2belly['beli] n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛3bereave[bə'ri:v]v.使痛失(亲人等);剥夺;使丧失4deprive[di'praiv]v.剥夺,使丧失;免去…的职务5consecrate['kɔnsikreit]v.使圣化,奉…为神圣;尊崇;奉献6devote[di'vəut]v.将…奉献(给),把...专用于,致力于7evoke[i'vəuk]v.唤起(回忆、感情等);引起8invoke[in'vəuk]v.求助于(神、法律);恳求,乞求9groove[gru:v]n.沟,槽;凹线,(刻出的)线条;习惯10furrow['fʌrəu]n.沟;垄沟;轨迹;车辙;皱纹11jolt[dʒəult]v.(使)摇动,(使)震动,(使)颠簸12joggle['dʒɔgəl]v./n.轻轻颠摇13obsolete['ɔbsəli:t] a.作废的;过时的14antiquated['æntikweitid] a.陈旧的,过时的15prowl[praul]v.徘徊于;搜寻;潜行以寻觅或偷窃16rove[rəuv]v./n. 漫游;流浪(于)17scoop[sku:p]n.勺子v.用勺子(或铲)取出,舀;挖;掘18shovel['ʃʌvəl]n.铁锨;一铲之量v.铲,铲出19status['steitəs]n.地位,身份;情形,状况,状态[ˌsitʃu'eiʃ(ə)n]n.形势,局面,处境,状况;位置;职20situation位21sue[sju:]v.控告,对…提出诉讼,起诉22indict[in'dait]v.起诉,控告,指控23bandit['bændit]n.土匪,强盗,歹徒24brigand['brigənd] n.土匪,强盗25commemorate[kə'meməreit]v.纪念,庆祝26celebrate['selibreit]v.庆贺,庆祝;表扬,赞美27defile[di'fail]v.弄污,弄脏n.(山间)小道28infect[in'fekt]v.传染,感染;影响…的心情,给…示影响29deviation[ˌdi:vi'eiʃən]n.背离,偏离;偏差,偏向;离题30delegate['deligeit]n.代表,会议代表v.委派…为代表;授权31fortitude['fɔ:titju:d]n.坚忍不拔;刚毅[in'djuərəns]n.耐久力;忍耐力;耐久的时期;持续32endurance的时间[ˌinkən'səuləbəl] a.无所慰藉的,极度沮丧的,伤心33inconsolable的34depressed[di'prest] a.沮丧的,抑郁的;不景气的,萧条的35nibble['nibəl]v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃36bite[bait]v.咬,叮;刺骨n.叮,咬;吃一口37pageant['pædʒənt]n.壮观的游行;露天历史剧38exhibition[eksi'biʃ(ə)n]n.展览,陈列;展览会39scourge[skə:dʒ]n.灾难,祸害v.蹂躏40disaster[di'zɑ:stə]n.灾难,大祸;彻底的失败41tumble['tʌmbəl]v.摔跤,跌倒;打滚,翻腾n.摔跤,跌倒[groundfɔ:l]v.落下;跌倒;下降n.落下;下聊;秋42fall季43afflict[ə'flikt]v.使身体或精神受痛苦,折磨44distress[di'stres]n.(精神上的)苦恼,痛苦v.使苦恼,使紧张45censure['senʃə]v./n.责备;非难;责难46blame[bleim]n.(事故等的)责任;责怪v.责备,应受责备47dissimulation[diˌsimju'leiʃən]n.假装;掩饰48deception[di'sepʃən]n.欺骗,欺诈;骗局,诡计49flog[flɔg]v.重打,鞭打50spank[spæŋk]v. 打,拍打(在屁股上)51inscription[in'skripʃən]n.(尤指石块上的)刻印文字,铭文,碑文52caption['kæpʃən]n.图片说明文字(报刊文章的标题)53meddle['medl]v.干预,干涉,插手54intervene[ˌintə'vi:n]v.插入,介入,干涉,(时间)介于55posture['pɔstʃə]n.姿势,姿态;心态,态度v.装模作样56attitude['ætitju:d]n.态度,看法;姿势57rummage['rʌmidʒ]v./n.翻寻,仔细检查58ransack['rænsæk]v.彻底搜索,洗劫59spout[spaut]v.喷出,涌出;滔滔不绝地讲n.喷管;水柱60pour[pɔ:r]v.灌;蜂拥;倾泻;(雨)倾盆而下n.倾泻61traverse['trævə:s]v.横过,穿过,越过62intersect[ˌintə'sekt]v.惯穿,(和…)相交,交叉63wistful['wistfəl] a.渴望的;不满足的64yearning['jə:niŋ] a.渴望的;向往的;怀念的65amicable['æmikəbəl] a.和平的,友好的;友善的66amiable['eimiəbəl] a.和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的67blizzard['blizəd]n.暴风雪68snowstorm['snəustɔ:m]n.暴风雪;雪暴69cruise[kru:z]v.巡航;游弋n.乘船巡游70voyage['vɔi-idʒ]n.航海,航行v.航海,航行于(海上)71eradicate[i'rædikeit]v.根除,消灭,杜绝72extirpate['ekstə:peit]v.除尽;灭绝73glimmer['glimə]v.发出闪烁的微光n.微光,微弱的闪光74gleam[gli:m]n./v.微光,闪光,短暂而微弱的闪现75lump[lʌmp]n.块;堆;团;大量;肿块v.归并在一起76block[blɔk]n.大块;一排房屋;街区(四条街中间的区域) 77slash[slæʃ]v.猛砍;贬斥… n.猛砍;(衣服的)开叉78gash[gæʃ]v.深切,划开n.(深长的)切(伤)口;裂缝79slump[slʌmp]v.陷;沉重地坐下或倒下n.商业萧条期80depress[di'pres]v.使沮丧,使低沉;降低,压低;使萧条81vogue[vəug]n.时髦,时尚,流行a.流行的82fashion['fæʃ(ə)n]n.(服饰等的)流行式样;(行为等的)风尚83ascribe[ə'skraib]v.(to)把…归于,认为…是其人所做['ætribju:t, ə'tribju:t]v.(to)把…归于,认为是…的结84attribute果n.属性85bulwark['bulwək]n.堡垒,保障86safeguard['seifgɑ:d]v.维护n.安全装置,安全措施87dubious['dju:biəs] a.有问题的,靠不住的;犹豫不决的88doubtful['dautful] a.怀疑,犹豫,不相信的;可疑的,难料的89facet['fæsit]n.(问题等的)侧面,一面;(多面体的)面90aspect['æspekt]n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面91heed[hi:d]v.注意,留意n.注意,留心92attention[ə'tenʃən]n.注意,注意力;立正;特别照顾;照料93huddle['hʌdl]v.挤作一团,乱堆n.一堆,一团94gather['gæðə]v.集合,聚集;采集,收集;逐渐增加;推测95mumble['mʌmbəl]v.含糊地说,咕哝n.含糊的话,咕哝96murmur['mə:mə]v.低声说话,咕哝n.低沉连续的声音,咕哝97relic['relik]n.遗迹,古物;圣徒的遗骸(或遗物),圣物98remainder[ri'meində]n.剩余物,剩余;剩下的人;余数99smog[smɔg]n.烟雾(由smoke+fog合成的词)100fume[fju:m]n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气,汽101wayfarer['weiˌfɛərə] n.旅人;徒步旅行者102traveller['trævələ] n.旅馆;旅游者103wont[wəunt] a.习惯于v./n.习惯。
从最基本的V ocabulary Fundamental,到足以应付留学考试之需的V ocabulary 22000,循序渐进,为您扎实地打好词汇基础,无论您正在校求学或己步入社会,都会发现本来列书籍就是您苦寻已久,增强英文实力的最佳利器。
V ocabulary Fundamental1.本书所列单词共计1,300个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约3, 000词,均为平时最常用、最容易接触到的单词。
刘毅演讲式英语88.How to Achieve Success 成功之道 (2007-03-10 21:53:54)分类:刘毅演讲式英语及作文ladies and gentlemen:I'm so happy to be here today. The subject I'm going to talk aboutis how to achieve success.Everybody wants to be successful. We all want to make it big. But how do we get there?First of all,you must have a goal. It must be clear-cut.It must be your passion.You can also have many minor goals in life.Achieve them one at a time. But always stay on the track of your main goal.Second,believe in yourselves. Your potential is unlimited. The world is yours to conquer.Dream big dream.Reach for the stars.The sky is your limit.Look ahaed.Don't look back.Don't dwell on the past.Go for it.Just do it.Make it happen.Third,commit yourselves.Dedicate yourselves.Totally focus on your goal.Try your best.Do your best.Give it your best shot.Give it your best effort.Don't hold anything back.Don't be afraid to let yourselves go.To succceed,you must work like hell. You must work like a dog. You must work your fingers to the bone.Fourth,follow the best.Select good role models.Study and learn from them.Take their advice.Follow their suggestions.Hitch your wagons to their stars.Pick their brains.Offer your services.They are your blueprints of success.Fifth,fear none,respeck all. Fear nobody.Respect everybody.Don't feel inferior.Don't feel superior.Always know your place.Don't denigrate others.Don't put others down.Criticizing will diminish you.Sixth,seek challenges.Don't back down.Tough tasks make you stronger.Be willing to sweat.Treat challeng as an opportunity. Don't let anything stop you.Seventh,seek feedback.Get helpful advice.Never be afraid to ask.Swallow your pride.Eat humble pie.You need criticism to improve.Attack bad habits.Have courage to change.This is the key to success.Eighth,be a sponge for knowledge. Soak up as much as you can. You can never get enough.Be a student for life.Collect and study the best. You must always be eager for more.Ninth,be patient.Stick to your guns.Sometimes you have to wait.Never give uo.Never give in.Never say never.Keep on trying.Stay in the ring.Don't throw in the towel.Only those who persist will win. Only those who persevere will succeed. Only those who stick it out can achieve success.Tenth,you must be ready.Opportunity strikes fast.Don't miss the chance by being unprepared.Set plans.Make a "to do" list.Follow though on everything.Keep the good.Discard the bad.Know the difference between the two.You must be in the right place.You must be there at the right time.But,most importantly,you must be prepared.Ladies and gentlemen,we all want to be the best. Wanting is not enough.You must get on your feet and take action.Push yourselves to excel.Force yourselves to break through.Don't waste your one chance in life.Thank you for being here today.I hope your dreams will come true.You will come out with flying colors.Thanks ever so much.8.How to Achieve Success 成功之道(演讲解说) (2008-02-28 14:20:10)分类:刘毅演讲式英语及作文标签:刘毅演讲式英语教育成功之道女士们,先生们:我很高兴今天能来到这里。
第16课第1节单词1 admire v.喜欢,钦佩We all admire a brave boy, a beautiful picture, or a fine piece of work.我们都喜欢勇敢的孩⼦,美丽的图画和好的作品.n.admiration2 assemble v.集合The students were assembles in the school hall.学⽣们在学校礼堂内集合.3 beast n.⾛兽Lions, bears, cows, and horses are beasts.狮⼦,熊,⽜,和马都是⾛兽.4 bravery n.勇敢A young man of bravery saved the child from the burning house. selina260347c8d0dd22667⼀个勇敢的年轻⼈将那孩⼦从着⽕的房⼦中救出来.同.courage5 castle n.城堡A king once lived in the mountain castle.从前曾有⼀位国王住在⼭上的城堡⾥.6 claim v.请求Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.每⼀位公民都可以请求法律的保护.7 conclude v.推断As he didn't get here at six, I concluded that he had been delayed.由于他6点还没有到这⼉,我推断他被耽搁了.n.conclusion8 contract v.订约Our shop contracted with a local clothing firm for 100 coats a week.本店和市内的服饰店订约,每星期购买100件外套.v.收缩Most metals contract when they cool.⼤部分的⾦属在冷却时收缩.同.diminish9 crop n.农作物Wheat, corn and cotton are the three main crops of the United States.⼩麦,⽟⽶和棉花是美国的三种主要农作物.n.产量The drought made the potato crop very small this year.⼲旱使今年马铃薯的产量很低.10 deed n.⾏为Good deeds should be rewarded and evil deeds should be punished.好⾏为应受到奖励,坏⾏为应受到惩罚.同.behavior从以上单词中选出最适当的⼀个单词,填⼊空格内.1 The grandfather ( ) all the members of his family for the annual meeting last week.2 We ( ) people who succeed in spite of difficulties.3 They ( ) to pay cash for the house just yesterday.4 The injured man ( ) compensation for damages at the trial yesterday.5 His ( ) do not always agree with his words.答案:1 The grandfather (assembled) all the members of his family for the annual meeting last week.2 We (admire) people who succeed in spite of difficulties.3 They (contracted) to pay cash for the house just yesterday.4 The injured man (claimed) compensation for damages at the trial yesterday.5 His (deeds) do not always agree with his words.。
第9课第1节单词1accordv.符合When you have just said does not accord with what you told us yesterday.你刚才说的和你昨天告诉我们的不符.同.concur 反.discord2awardv.授予He was awarded the first prize in the speech contest.他在演讲⽐赛中被授予头奖.3boastv.夸耀He boasted about the big fish he had caught.他夸耀他抓到的⼤鱼.4butchern.⾁店,屠夫You can buy meat at the butcher's shop.你可以在⾁店买⾁.5cheekn.颊Her cheeks went red after she broke the window.她打破窗⼦后满脸通红.6competentadj.胜任的He is not competent enough to do the job.他⽆法胜任那件⼯作.adj.充分的Before you can be a lawyer, you must have a competent knowledge of the low. 在你成为律师之前,必须具有⾜够的法律知识.7consistv.组成The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland.英国是由⼤不列颠和北爱尔兰组成的.同.comprisev.存在Happiness consists in contentment.幸福在于知识.8crackn.裂缝There is a crack in the ice. Don't skate around here.冰上有道裂缝,不要在这附近溜冰.同.crevice9debtn.债务He was in debt when he was poor, but has been out of debt since he got rich. 他贫穷时负债,可是⾃从他有钱后,已经还清了债务.10describev.描述The reporter described the accident in datail.记者详尽地描述了那起意外事件.n.description从以上单词中选出最适当的⼀个单词,填⼊空格内.1 I owe him a(n) ( ) of gratitude for all he has done to help me.2 His account of the accident seems to ( ) with yours.3 It is unpleasant to hear one ( ) about his own abilities, achievements or possessions.4 His horse was ( ) the highest prize at the horse-show.5 Happiness ( ) largely in being easily pleased or satisfied.答案:1 I owe him a(n) (debt) of gratitude for all he has done to help me.我⽋了情债为了他帮我做的所有的事.2 His account of the accident seems to (accord) with yours.他对事故的描述符合你的.3 It is unpleasant to hear one (boast) about his own abilities, achievements or possessions.听别⼈夸耀⾃已如何有能⼒,有成就或有财产是⼀件很不愉快的事.4 His horse was (awarded) the highest prize at the horse-show.他的马在马会上赢得了的奖.5 Happiness (consists) largely in being easily pleased or satisfied.幸福在于容易满⾜或是成就感.。
vocabulary 10000 第一部分Lesson 1A monument was built to commemorate the victory.The children huddled together for warmth.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.The new vaccine eradicate d all traces of the disease within three months.The barbarian s defile d the church by using it as a stable.The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.(=belly)The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.(=deprive)The children were bereave d by the death of their parents.This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.(=devote)A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh. (=invoke)Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.(=furrow)The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. (=joggle)Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom. (=antiquated)Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat. (=rove)The children scoope d holes in the sand. (=shovel)Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs. (=situation)The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train. (=indict)The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off.The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.Her singing evoked admiration from the public.We still use this machine though it is obsolete.The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. either alone or in a group. (=brigand) Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. (=celebrate)The children‘s muddy shoes defiled all the rug s in the hotel. (=infect)Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed. (=delegate)She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude. (=endurance)The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten. (=depressed)Aren’t you hungry? You are only nibbling your food. (=bite)The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant. (=exhibition)After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of disease. (=disaster)The crippled child tumble d down the stairs and was badly hurt. (=fall)The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the compass.A marathon runner must have great fortitude to run such a long distance.The pretty girl‘s reputation was defiled by malicious gossips.The boy is just learning to walk, he is always tumbling over the floor.The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant.There are many illnesses, which afflict old people. (=distress)His employer censured him for neglecting his work. (=blame)The thief intrude d into the house with caution and dissimulation. (=deception)Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors. (=spank)According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919. (=caption)The gifts of charity meddle d with a man’s private affair. (=intervene)He doesn‘t sit straight; his posture is very bad. (=attitude)John rummage d all the drawers to find his gloves. (=ransack)The water spout ed out when the pipe was broken. (=pour)The climber traverse d a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope. (=intersect)A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window. (=yearning)He was flogging his horse in a very cruel way.She rummaged change from the bottom of her purse.The law does not meddle unduly with a person’s private life.The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes.The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read.The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive. (=amiable)The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard. (=snowstorm)If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht. (=voyage) Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but it still exists in some countries. (=extirpate) The doctor‘s report gave us only a glimmer of hope. (=gleam)On his desk, many articles and documents are always pile d in great lump. (=block)The woman ransack ed the house for her lost jewelry. (=rummage)He slash ed a path through the high grass with a long knife. (=gash)Out feet slump ed repeatedly through the melting ice. (=depress)That pop-song had a great vogue at one time. (=fashion)Enemy soldiers ransacked the city and carried off its treasure s.Tired from his long walk, he slumped into a chair.We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees.He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now.What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalian life in the Northern Hemisphere.He ascribe s his success to skill and hard work. (=attribute)The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark. (=safeguard)She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner. (=doubtful)Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom saw before. (=aspect)For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance, and in fact he became very well-dressed from then on. (=attention)The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm. (=gather)The old man mumble d something to me, but I could not understand him. (=murmur)This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950. (=remainder)Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog. (=fume)The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road. (=traveller)He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont. (=habit)Four people were huddled under one umbrella to avoid the sudden shower.I’m feeling better than yesterday, but it is dubious that I can go to school tomorrow.No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribe d to Cyril Tourneur.We believe that a free press and free speech are bulwark s of democracy.Take heed of what I say, or you will fail in the final examination.Lesson 2The cross-road in front of the school is a menace to the children’s safety.The girl’s dresses showed most of the hues of the rainbow.My brother was absolved of blame for the automobile accident.The pastor was standing in the pulpit to give a sermon.He suffered numerous fractures in his fox hunting days.The judge absolved the man of the crime.(=exonerate)The umpire should have no bias in favor of either side. (=prejudice)Our baseball team is contending for the championship. (=compete)We deplore the terrible traffic accident in which 30 persons were killed and 50 injured. (=lament)The boy fell from a tree and suffered fractures of his right arm and leg. (=shatter)A crowd of great magnitude attended the President’s inauguration.(=bulk)The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education. (=essence)I have no relish for seeing people being whipped. (=zest)Trying not to be seen, they quietly sneaked into the room. (=lurk)The messenger brought tidings from the battlefield. (=informationg)The first settlers in America had to contend with unfriendly Indians,sickness,coldness,and lack of food.A fracture of the leg can be very serious in old people.Most newspapers try not to show bias in their reporting.They say the hunger is the best relish for food.The book was a work of such magnitude that it took 10 years to write.Many people would be aghast at the thought of another war. (=astonished)We shall not cumber our thought with his reproaches.(=hinder)The city government decreed that all dogs must be licensed. (=determine)The children were frolicing with the puppy in the backyard. (=frisk)There was much commercial intercourse between the two countries before World War II. (=relations)In dry weather forest fires are a great menace. (=intimidation)I was standing on the very edge of a bank, a precipice not less than fifty feet deep. (=cliff)The church is generally considered as a sanctuary. (=shrine)After a light spring rain,leaves began to sprout from trees. (=grow)She trod lightly in order not to wake the sleeping baby. (=trample)They had decreed that all the conflicts between countries should end.After a shower a meadow sprouts with the yellow buds and the dandelion.The gunman menaced him with weapons and forced him to give up his money.My friend’s suggestion that we should run away from home left my sister aghast.Airplanes,good roads and telephones make intercourse with different parts of the country easier than it was 50 years ago.The soldiers still had their guns but they were out of ammunition.(=bullets)A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child. (=fond)The artist ws so engross ed in his pinting that he didn’t notive the people watching him. (=absorb)If you got a deep cut in your arm, there’s usually a gush of blood. (=flow)The deep river was an insuperable barrier to those who could not swim. (=unconquerable)Her life has been full of ordeals,sickness,poverty and loss of her beloved son. (=trial)He kept his tobacco in a leather pouch fastened to the belt. (=sack)The brakes screeched and the car suddenly stopped with a jerk. (=shriek)A man who is six feet talll is bove the average stature in China. (=height)The President’s enemies are spreading ill rumors to undermine his authority. (=erode)The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods. (=dig)Some people tried to undermine the chair’s influence by spreading ill rumors about him.He heard a screech of anger from the old woman’s room.He was so engrossed in his work that he completely forget the time .The boy was so courageous that he overcame every in superable difficulty and became the leader of his tribe. After the Korean War,the Koreans passed through terrible ordeals.Damages from last week’s flood have been assessed at $50000. (=appraise)The children searched each and every chamber of the house for the cat. (=room)The Congress of the United States has two chambers,the Senate and the House of Representatives.Now that she is rich,she disdains to speak to her old friends. (=despise)One day Robinson Crusoe espied a foot print on the sand. (=despise)The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight. (=sleek)The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night. (=doorman)She bought a packet of envelops at the stationery store. (=parcel)The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indian hands. (=lectern)The meat was black and scorched outside but still raw inside. (=singe)The grass is scorched by so much hot sunshine in summer.The ship surged in the stormy seas,rolling and pitching with each wave. (=rise)Pots,pans and kettles are useful kitchen utensils. (=implement)It is wrong to desdain a man merely because he has no money.This is the death chamber where merderers wait to be put to death .The committee met to assess the idea of establishing a new college school.She scorched my shirt by setting the iron too high for the fabric.She turned around just in time to eapy an old friend disappear in the crowd.When the soldiers ran out of ammunition, they fixed bayonets to their rifles. (=dagger)Compassion for the orphans caused him to give money for their support. (=sympathy)Lazy boys sometimes are detained at school to do extra work after ordinary lessons are finished. (=retard) The police detained the suspected thief for more questioning.A faction in our club tried to make the president resign. (=clique)The diamond shoen with every hue under the bright sun. (=color)He polished the metal until it had a fine luster. (=shimmer)The deeds or heroes add luster to a nation’s history. (=honor)He persevered in his study until he succeded. (=persist)Because of his high fever,the sick man raved all night. (=effervesce)He intended to slay his fatheer’s murderer. (=kill)The doctor told her to take three tablets a day. (=pill)Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent look. (=sensuous) I was detained,partly by the rain,and partly by company that I liked very much.After all the ammunition ran out ,the soldiers fought with their bayonets.He belongs to the liberal faction of the political party.The dancer’s movements were slow and voluptuous.The world’s main religions all teach us to have compassion for the poor,and those in nees.Lesson 3Too strong a sense of duty hanmpered him from enjoying life.They denounced him to the police as a criminal.A strange stillness pervaded the garden,like the hush before a storm.They despoiled the villagers of their belongings.A ladder provided the only access to the attic.The only access to the farm house is across the rice fields. (=enter)Only high officials had access to the emperor. (=approach)The guide for visitors beckoned us to follow him. (=signal)I concur with the speaker in condemning every criminal. (=agree)This summer two weeks of rain concurred with our vacation.He was denounced as a coward and traitor. (=accuse)The first blow makes the anger,but the second makes the fray. (=combat)Long wear had frayed the collar and cuffs of his old shirts. (=shred)Heavy clothing hampered the movements of the climbers. (=hinder)Cancer and tuberculosis are serious maladies in every country. (=ailment)The old man was plodding wearily along the bank of the river. (=trudge)Since the factory moved,this town has only a remnat of its former population. (=residue)The child with a cold in his nose snored all night. (=wheeze)Blood tinged the water as he washed his wound. (=tincture)It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailments.The two scientists,working separately and unknown to each other,had reached conclusion that concurred.Poor health and lack of money hampered his efforts to get a college education.Access to the montain towns is often difficult because of poor roads.The preacher denounced war,calling it immoral destruction.Remnants of the meal lay on the table when he had finished eating.It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailments.(=malady)The children are bickering with each other about who is the tallest among them. (=wrangle)The inventor contrived a new kind of engine with fewer moving parts. (=hatch)The bright light of the motor car on the dark country road dazzled my eyes. (=glare)She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen to write a memorandum. (=grope)Poor food and hard work impaired her health and she became thin. (=damage)The parents were mortified by their chi ldren’s bad behavior before the guests. (=humiliate)The United States became the predominat nation in the Western Hemisphere. (=outstanding)He worked to improve the sanitary condtions of slums. (=hygienic)He always keeps a lot of money in his wallet. (=purse)Do you consider the wild behavior of the crowd was enough of a warrant for the police to use force? (=assurance) The outlaws contrived a robbery of the cargo train.The doctot made sure that the injection needle was sanitary.Two children ended their bicker and became friendly again.A mother is mortified when her child behaves badly in the church.Coming out of the dark theatre,we were dazzled by the bright sunlight.The ford foundation allocated millionjs of dollars for cancer research. (=apportion)The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby. (=fight)The boys made several cynical remarksj to cover up their disappointment at being left out of the play. (=sarcastic) She embellished the simple dress with colorful laces and ribbons. (=adorn)The defence of the alamo was a heroic action of gallant men. (=splendid)He immersed his aching feet in a bucket of cold water. (=plunge)He rode his new bicycle up and down in front of our house in an ostentatious way . (=showy)Soapy followed the man with a presentiment that luck would again run against him. (=foreboding)She was so satiated with bananas thaat she would not even look at one. (=surfeit)The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze. (=wave)It is difficult to make friends with a person who is cynical about friendship.He welcomed his friend in a ostentatious manner,though he didn’t like his visitig him.I felt a strong presentiment that my belief would finally give way.That space has already been allocated for building a new hospital.The grass was undulating like waves in the field.A shop selling woman’s apparel is at the corner of the street. (=garment)He cajoled his fridends into deciding in his favor. (=coax)You can discard your old coat but not your old friends. (=reject)During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete. (=exhausted)She has had a grudge against me ever since I disagreed with her. (=resentment)Four men kidnapped the little girl, but he police soon caught them and rescued the girl. (=abduct)There is some hope that a peace pact will be signed between the two countries. (=treaty)she pries too closely into the private life of her friends. (=peep)Men scoured the whold coundtry looking for the lost child. (=ransack)The servant scoured the frying opan until it shone like silver.He swaggered down the street after winnign the fight. (=strut)The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man’s vagary. (=fancy)My father repaired the toy that I had discard as a useless thing.She was always prying into other people’s affairs.He scoured the town looking for the lost child,but he couldn’t find him.My outgoing friends were able to cajole the shy newcomer into attending the party.I always feel she has a grudge against me ,although I do not know what wrong I’ve done to her. Ability to get along with people is an asset in busineess. (=property)There was a deep opolitical chasm between the two countries which nearly led to a war. (=gap) The cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments. (=depredate)I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks. (=humorous)The wing of the airplance came off and the machine hurtled to the ground. (=dash)He wanted to be acused of larceny, because he felt comfortable in prison . (=robbery)He worked so hard that the weariness pervaded his whole body. (=spread)Though he was tortured to make him change his religion the prisoner would not recant. (=retract) He left his affairs in a complete shambles when he died. (=confusion)Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries. (=prohibition)He wore all the trappings of high office. (=decorations)The enemy troops despoiled the villages of their belongings.The violent wind caused chimney-pots and roof-tiles to hurtle down to the ground.The radio voice was a shambles of several different operator’s speaking at once.Many questiongs and problems that were once taboos are now discussed openly.The subversive ideas that pervade all these periodicals may do great harm.vocabulary 10000 第二部分Lesson 4The fun of playing the game was a greater incentive than the prize.The spy went in the guise of a monk and was not recognized by the enemy.He dissipated his large fortune in a few years of heavy spending.You are always badgering me with such a silly question.He got too near the fire and singed his long beard.When the king abdicated his throne, his brother succeeded him.(=relinquish)Ability to think clearly will accrue to you from good habits of study. (=accumulate) The salesman has been badgering my father for two weeks to buy a new car. (=tease) They succeeded in baffling the enemy’s attack plans. (=bewilder)He conjectured that his new stocks would rise on the stock market. (=surmise)The poor woman’s mind has been deranged for many years. (=upset)The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend. (=devil)The mother was pining to see her son and daughter. (=yearn)The gas almost smothered the coal miners but they got out in time. (=choke)The long climb up the mountain made her heart throb rapidly. (=pulse)The dead man had been smothered by smoke from the chimney.Your heart will throb when you are excited with terror.The thief baffled our prusuit by locking us in the house before escaping.If you put your money in the bank,interest accrues.The origin of the human race is a matter of pure conjecture.Many people usually drink hot broth when they are sick. (=soup)Some tiny plants grow in the crevice of the stone wall. (=crack)The duke’s son demeaned hims elf by doing manual babor with his servants. (=degrade) We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital. (=nurse)Our country has prospered by various incentive systems. (=stimulus)A guide led us through the maze of tunnels in the cave. (=labyrinth)She pored over the picture book in silence enjoying the various colors.Like human skin,soil has holes that are called pore.Pick up the rubbish and throw it in the garbage can.(=trash)We don’t need to speculate about the possible winner in the ga me. (=meditate)Sweet music caught and held him transfixed against the iron fence . (=petrify)Many books and magazines are filled with cheap,sensational and vulgar rubbish.After waiting a long time,I opened a little cervice in the door.His interest in my cholastic records gave me an incentive and I worked twice as hard. They speculate about the author’s hidden meaning.She was lost in a maze of narrow winding streets.A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly. (=abnormality)If you look at the end of your nose,your eyes converge. (=focus)We have a duplicate key to the front door. (=double)There were few peaceful epoches in the history of our country . (=age)Hunger and suffering from cold had made the lost hikers gaunt. (=haggard)The incessant barking of the dog kept him awake through the night. (=continuous)Though the teacher asked a simple question about her parents,the little girl stood mute with embarrassment. (=silent)He was a passionte partisan of these people and had organized a Worker’s Union. (=defender)The parents of the sick boy scanned the doctor’s face for a sign of hope. (=contemplate)She scanned the newspaper in a few minutes. (=overlook)He stabbed a piece of meat from the plate with his fork. (=pierce)Railway lines seem to converge when one looks at them from a diatance.A person’s lungs are duplicate ,but he has only one heart.The anomaly of his position is that he is very famous,but still doesn’t make much money.They scanned the mountain side for any sign of the climbers.The invention of the steam engine marks an epoch in the growth of history.I tried to cook a nice dinner,but I’m afraid I’ve rather botched it . (=ruin)Her new shoes chafed the skin on both her feet. (=abrade)After a brisk moring widn dissipater the clouds,the sky was clear all day . (=scatter)The foolish son dissipated his fater’s forturn by spending it on drinking and gambling . (=waste)The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time. (=erase)There was a glint in her eyes that showed she was angry. (=flash)Overtime work is often onerous,though it is well paid. (=arduous)The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his command that she go.(=repeat)Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery. (=tendency)Mother singed chicken to get rid of hairs. (=scorch)The little boy put on his father’s medals and strutted around the room. (=swagger)There are many kinds of diseases that medical science is yet ot unravel. (=solve)It takes many years to efface the terrible memories of war.He is engaged in the onerous job of correcting hundreds of themes a week.The careless boy made so many mistakes making his model airplane that he completely botched the job.She signed the meat overa high flame.The candidate strtted about the room like a latter-day Napoleon.He bellowed in pain when the hammer came down on his finger. (=shout)The horseback rider drew his cloak tightly around him in the rain. (=mantle)His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intention.The ministry was a vvery devout man and devoted his whold life to Christian mission work. (=pious)A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of the woodcutter. (=appearance)The power of a grain of wheat to grow into a plant remains latent if it is not planted. (=concealed)He pawned his watch to byuy food until he could get a job. (=gage)When the cannon was fired the earth quaked under his feet. (=shudder)Famine has often been the sequel of war. (=result)After the ship sank, salvage of its argo was impossible. (=rescue)The battle was won with so great a loss of soldiers that it was a virtual defeat. (=actual)He does things that are marvellous or apparently impossible,he is a wizard. (=magician) One of the most important aims of education is to develop students’latent abilities to the utmost extent. His television set was pawned to pay his room rent.He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.She reffered to the expected decease of her mother,and the gloomy sequel of funeral rites.There is nothing new here,just the same old ideas in a different guise.Lesson 5The angry man was appeased when they said they were sorry.More than a thousand people were killed in the massacre.She worked herself up into a frenzy because she thought she’d miss her train.At last she surmised from his absende from school that there’s something wrong with him.A leader must take command unless he is incapacitated.He admonish ed his friend not to be late for his work. (=advise)He seems to be doing nothing, but really he’s just biding his time. (=remain)A man who cheats on his income tax and on his expense account tends to condone these practice s in his friends. (=excuse)I designate you to act for me while I am away. (=appoint)Most animals let their young fend for themselves at an early age. (=defend)Only hardy plants will survive the severe cold in the Arctic area. (=robust)Baseball players do exercises at the beginning of the season in order to limber themselves up. (=supple) You must pay in humiliation / condescension / modesty of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy. (=charity)Can you recollect the name of the author of [Ivanhoe劫后英雄传]? (=recall)He was smitten/affected with the view that he stopped and took out his camera. (=affect)According to the testimony of the medical profession, the health of the nation is improving. (=proof)He is stiff when he begins to skate,but limbers up easily.These x-marks on the drawing designated all the possible entrances to the castle.The teacher admonished the boys not to be late for the athletic meeting.A few hardy men broke the ice on the pond and had a swim.The sound of an explosion smote our ears last night.He liked the bitter taste of the ale; beer is his favorite drink.(=ginger)Blend the butter and the sugar before adding other ingredients / factor / element s of the cake. (=combine) Especially large, sharp canine characterizes the carnivorous animals. (=cannibal)The common English sparrow is a denizen of America; it was first brought from Europe to America about 1850. (=inhabitant)She was in a frenzy of grief when she heard that her child was missing. (=ferment)The player’s injury incapacitate d him for participating in the football match. (=disable)The hunters came from the East to massacre the buffaloes of the plains, killing several million in a short time. (=slaughter)When I asked his advice he ponder the matter and then told me not to go. (=meditated)To the riddle“What walks on four legs in the mooring, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?” the answer is ”man.” (=enigma)The father spanked the naughty child for his bad manners. (=beat)The old man tottered across the room and sat down on the sofa. (=stagger)The crowd was in a frenzy after the home team scored the winning goal.The king ordered all the infants in the country to be massacred.Before casting his vote,a responsible and mature citizen should ponder his choice of candidates.。
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研读本书,您的单词量将迅速增加5倍以上! Vocabulary 5000 1.本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。
下载链接第一课的单词Barren adj.贫瘠的同:sterileThe barren land could produce little food.Bump v.碰撞同:collideThe room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.Devise v.设计;发明同:inventHe devised a new method for teaching the blind.Exert v.使用同:useMy wife’s been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.Intrigue 1. n.阴谋同:conspiracy 2. v.引起…的兴趣The king’s younger brother took part in the intrigue to make himself king.The book’s unusual title intrigued me into reading it.Oath n.宣誓;誓言同:pledgeHe placed his right hand on the Bible as he spoke the oath of office.Postpone v.延期同:adjournThe had to postpone their trip because of rain.Refuge n.避难所;避难同:shelterThe cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree.Regain n.恢复同:recoverIt took her a long time to regain her health.Shatter v.破灭;粉碎同:smashTheir hope of finding him alive was shattered when his dead body was found.Tease v.嘲弄同:vexAt school, the other children always teased me because I was fat.Tilt v.倾斜同:inclineHe tilted his chair back too far and fell on the floor. Version 1. n.翻译同:translation 2. n.叙述Do you have the English version of this bookYour version of the accident differs from that of the other witness.Absurd adj.荒谬的反:reasonableHis belief that he was too clever to be cautht in his wrongdoing was absurd.Alien adj.外国的反:domesticAfter ten years his alien speech was still noticeable. Amiable adj.和蔼可亲的反:spitefulShe is an amiable girl and gets along with everyone in the office.Ban v.禁止反:allowIn most countries the sale of liquor to children is banned. Figurative adj.比喻的反:literal“The sweet temper” is a figurative expression,but “sweet coffee” is not.Genuine adj.真正的反:falseHer wedding ring is made of genuine diamond.Hoist v.升起反:lowerThey hoist the national flag at six o’clock every morning. Incorrect adj.不正确的反:accurateThe newspaper gave an incorrect account of the trafficaccident.Massive adj.巨大的反:tinyThe house was build on a massive rock.Stale adj.不新鲜的反:freshThere was only a piece of stale cake left in the refrigerator. Thrive v.茂盛反:declineThe buy at wholesale and sell at floers will not thrive without water and sunshine. Wholesale n.批发反:retailAnnoy v.骚扰 n. annoyanceThe baby is always annoying his sister by pulling her hair. Celebrate v.庆祝 n. celebrationWe celebrated Christmas with trees and presents.Diplomat n.外交家 n. diplomacyThe unsociable person is hardly fit for a diplomat.Foresee v.预知 adj. foreseeableIt is impossible to foresee whether she’ll be well enough tocome home from hospital next month. Induce v.说服 n. inducement We couldn’t induce the old lady to travel by air.Mobilize v.动员 n. mobilizationOur country is in great danger;we must mobilize the army. Precede v.在前 n. precedentMr. Eisenhower preceded Mr. Kennedy as president of the United States.Predetermine v.预先决定 adj. predeterminateSome people bel ieve that man’s destiny is predetermined. Prevail v.流行 adj. prevalentMaking resolutions on New Year’s Day is a custom that still prevails.Subtle adj.精致的;淡的 n. subtletyHer subtle smile made him curious.Transact v.办理 n. transactionThe man transacts many affairs connected with the purchase ofa home.Treason n.叛国 adj. treasonousHelping the enemies of one’s country is an apparent treason. Utilize v.利用 n. utilityHow can we utilize his knowledge and skill to our advantage Bosom n.胸She wore a flower on the bosom of her dress.Diploma n.文凭When a person has successfully completed a certain course of study, he is given a diploma by theschool.Dramatic adj.戏剧的The meeting between the mother and her blind son was dramatic. Fume n.烟;气体The strong fumes of the automobile exhaust early choked him. Hurrah n.欢呼声“hurrah!” they shouted as the team scored again.Miniature 1. n.缩小之模型 2. n.缩小物In the museum there is a miniature of the ship “Mayflower.”The child was playing on the floor with his collection of miniature farm animals.Parcel n.包裹On her birthday her arms were filled with gift parcels.Pill n.药丸The pill stuck in his throat but an extra drink of water washed it down.Racket n.喧哗The students made a big racket as they left the school. Rhyme n.音The poet used the word “flight” as a rhyme for the word “night”.Scar n.疤The man looks terrible; he has many scars on his cheeks. Sculpture n.雕刻There are many famous sculptures in the museum.Skip v.跳When I read a book, I usually skip over; he uninteresting part.练习:本期的生词中选出适当的填空。
刘毅Vocabulary 22000完美翻译
刘毅Vocabulary 22000刘毅Vocabulary 22000Imagination Radiating Method想象力辐射方法Skill技能Young Ben franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentive to his half brother James.年轻的本·富兰克林而学会了印刷手艺作为一个apprentive到他同父异母的哥哥詹姆斯。
Eric is clumsy with tools;he has little mechanical aptitude.埃里克是笨拙的工具;他几乎没有机械资质。
To build a house, you need the servic3s ofcarpenters,bricklayers,plumbers,electricians,and several other craftsmen. 要建一座房子,你必须的请木匠、泥瓦匠、水管工、电工,还有许多其他工匠制造出来的。
You can’t expect an apprentice to ha ve the same dexterity as a master craftsman.你不能期望一个学徒做得像熟练的技工一样灵活的工匠。
Our adroit passing enabled us to score four touchdowns.我们的熟练的传球,使我们能得到四个触地球的分数。
Jack is an ambidextrous hitter;he can bat right-handed or left-handed.杰克是一位双手都很灵巧的打击手;他可以用右手或左手打击。
Leonardo da Vinci was remarkably versatile. He was apainter,sculptor,architect,musician,engineer and scientist.达·芬奇非常多才多艺他是画家、雕刻家、建筑师、音乐家、工程师和科学家。
刘毅 10000 词汇学习笔记 经典版
刘毅 10000 词汇学习笔记 lesson 1(1):part of the body below the chest and diaphragm,containing the stomach. 腹部abdominal(adj) 腹部的 an abdominal operation 腹部手术belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃with an empty belly 空着肚子in the belly of a ship 在船腹里belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出 The wind bellied out the sails:使某人丧失(尤指亲属) bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他丧失妻子的事故the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人the bereaved 丧失亲人的人bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人deprive:take sth away from sb;prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥夺 sb/sth 的 sth;阻止某人享有或使用 sthdeprive sb/sth of sthdeprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物widespread deprivation 普遍贫困Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。
deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的 deprived childhood 贫苦的童年3。
consecrate:devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special (esp religious) purpose 把 sth/sb 献给sth/sb 做某种(尤其宗教)用途 consecrate sth/sb to sthconsecrate one's life to the service of God,to the relief of suffering 献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦)的事业devote:give one's time,energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于 devoteoneself/sth to sb/sthdevoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的,全心全意的 a devoted son 孝子She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子。
★】ab dome nn. 腹部,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分) ab —加强语气,表示awayn —l —r 的关系 male —man 男性(两者的关系是:首字母相同,尾辅音通假) palm 手掌—pan 平底锅,盘子 (英语的特点是有逻辑) ★】pre domi nanta.(over)占优势的;主要的;突出的 domi nant —支配的 gas ol ine 汽油pre —在前pro —往前,向前(两个都是前缀) ★】a bidevi. (by)遵守,坚持;持续,住,逗留 vt. 容忍,忍受;等候president —总统,总裁(pre sid=sit ent)bite —咬★】obedience n. 服从,顺从obedient —服从的、顺从的obey —顺从,听任摆布(极度的,强烈的顺从)a. 反常的,不正常的,不规划的 ab —不,远离 norm —标准 al--形容词后缀 social —社会的neither nor 既不…也不 normal —标准的 neutral —中立的 neutron —中子 neutr —neitherelectron —电子(on--son) ★】ab ol ishvt. 废除(法律、习惯等);取消 ab —不ol —词根:生长(old —老) ish —动词后缀 finish —完成final —最终,最后 ★ado lesc entn. 青少年 a. 青春期的,青少年的 ad(加强语气)+ol(生长)+escent ado(成人)+lesc(缺少)+ent adold —成人(拉丁文) adult —成人 ★】co al itionn. 结合体,同盟;结合,联合 co=com=con —共同 al=ol(生长)ition —复合名词后缀 ★】a boundvi. 大量存在;(in,with) 充满,富于 bound —词根:边界boundary n. 分界线,边界 board —板子,上船abundant —丰富的,充裕的★ bound ary n.分界线,边界 ary —名词后缀factory —工厂(fact-创造) salary —薪水(sat-salt 盐) ★】ab ruptdj.突然的,出其不意的;(行为等)粗鲁无礼的,唐突的 ab —加强语气 rupt —词根:破裂 rupt=break(为什么?)因为ripe —成熟(作物成熟时要发生破裂)★e rupt (e=ex 往外) exit 出口 火山爆发 ★ re luct ant-不情愿的(re 反luct 情愿ant 表词性)luct —like(词根的版本希望u 做元音;词★ cor rup tv.贿赂,收买 a. 腐败的,贪污的 cor=com=con 共同/加强语气 ★ ripv.撕,剥,劈,锯,裂开,撕裂 n.裂口,裂缝(ripe-成熟)★ agriculture —农业(agri-土地 acre-亩、田地 cult-种植(colo 原创)) ★ colony-殖民地 ★】ab sol utea.绝对的,完全的;确实的,肯定的,唯一的 ab-加强语气sol —sole 唯一 “唯一的—绝对的‖ ute —ate —ite 后缀 polite —礼貌的★】con solid ate v.使加固,使加强,(把…)联为一体,合并 solid —固体的(liquid —液体的gas —气体) con —使 ★ sole mna.庄严的,隆重的,严肃的 sole —唯一、独特—至高无上 ★ solid arity n.团结,休戚相关ary —后缀 ity —名词后缀 ★ soli tarya.(好)孤独的;偏僻的;单一的;唯一的 n.隐士★ soleradio —收音机 video —视频audio —音频 ★ pen insula n.半岛isol ate —使孤独、隔离(in) isol —isl(元音消失,辅音压缩) island —岛屿(and--ant) pen —半 pan —全、盘 ★】a isl en.(教堂、教室)过道,通道,耳廊 a(加强语气)—isl(岛屿) —e(无含义) ★ islen.小岛(用于诗歌中) le/el —小 label —标签 ★】ab sorbvt.吸收;使全神贯注 ab —加强语气sorb —吸收(物理上的吸收) 吸允—[shun]?[yun]soup —汤(拟声词:喝汤的声音) ★】abs tracta.抽象的,n.摘要,梗概 vt.提取;摘录点 ab —加强语气 drag —拉扯、拽 ★ at tractvt. 引起的注意(或兴趣),吸引;引起;激起 ★ sub tract v.(from)减(去)sub—向下tract—拉、拽(向下拉—减去) subway—地铁★trig gern. 扳机vt. 触发,引起tract—词根:拉、拽英文说法:拉动扳机★】ab surda. 荒谬的,荒诞的,荒唐可笑的;不合理的ab—加强语气surd—无理数,荒谬的★】ac celer atev. 使加速,使增速,促进vi. 加快,增加celer—词根:速度★】ac cessn. 进入;接入;到达;享用权;入口vi. 存取cess—词根:走success—继续,成功(suc—sub)★con cedevt. 承认;容许;(比赛结束前)认输;退让cess—ceed—ceded/t/s(三者之间通假变化)expand—膨胀★con cess ion—n. 让步,妥协;特许(权)(con共同cess走ion名词后缀)★pre cedev. 领先(于),在(…之前);优先,先于pre—在前pro—往前proceed—继续进行★re cede (re—往回cede—走)v. 退回,后退;收回;跌落,缩减,贬值★ceasev./n. 停止,终止cease—cess—走(―人走茶凉‖—停止)★】ac claimv. 向…欢呼n. 欢呼,喝彩,称赞ac—加强语气claim—词根:喊cry—喊叫,哭号r/l 通假creep—爬行climb—攀登★claimv. 要求;声称;索贿n. 要求;断言;索贿;权利★pro claimv. 宣告,声明pro—向前★re claimv. 要求归还,收回;开垦荒地★ex claim—呼喊,求救ex—往外★】ac commod atevt. 向…提供住处;对…予以照顾性考虑,★commod ityn.(pl.)日用品;商品;农/矿产品;有用之物commod—方便com—共同mode—模式、模型★】complete—adj. 全部的complement—n. 补足物,;补语completion—n. 圆满、完美ment—名词后缀(实物)ion—名词后缀(抽象)★supplementn. 补遗;增刊;su=sub—下★】ac cum ul atevt. 堆积,积累,积聚vi. 累积,聚积cumulous—adj. 积云的ac—加强语气cum—词根:积云、积累ul—连字符simulate—模拟(sim=same—相同)★】accuracyn. 准确(性);精确;准确度 ★ ac cur atea. 正确无误的,准确的,精确的 (体会‖ate ‖与‖acy ‖的音似)care —关心 cure —关心、关注 curious —好奇的★ cure —v. (of)治愈,医治;矫正 n. 治愈,痊愈;良药 ★ se curea.安全的,放心的v. (from,against)使安全;防护 se —分开separate —分开的 par —pair 一对 security —n. 安全 ★ curbn. 路边,场外证券市场 vt. 制止,抑制“圆形的马路牙子” b/p/m/f —通假[b]/[v]语音通假 [p]/[f] 语音通假 patriot —爱国者pater —父亲(father) ot —名词后缀 ★ com patriot —同胞 ★ patriotic —爱国的★ cur ve —曲线,弯曲(物) cur —跑★ cur rentn. 电流,水流;潮流,趋势 a. 当前的;流通的 ★ ex curs ionn. 短途旅行,游览;离题;[物理]偏移,漂移 curs —跑 cur —跑 ex —往外★ in cur —v. 招致,惹起,遭受(in+cur) ★ oc curv. 发生,出现;存在;想起,想到 oc —往外 ★ re curv. (尤指不好的事)一再发生;重现 re+occur —recur ★ curriculumn. 课程,(学校等的)全部课程 um —名词后缀 ul —连字符 ic —形容词后缀cur —跑—curs —course —过程、课程、路程 ★ cor ridoridor —复合名词后缀 cur —cor —走 ★】accusevt. 控告,指责 vi. 指控,指责 ★ excuse —原谅 ac —加强语气‖去‖★ curse —骂人★Damn int. 该死vt. 谴责;使失败 a. 十足的 ad. 极★ condemnv. 谴责,指责;判刑,宣告有罪 ★】ap propri atea. 适当的,恰当的,特有的vt. 拨给,挪用,盗用(专指把公家的钱挪给自己)propri=proper(适合的)prop —prov (首字母相同,尾辅音通假) private —私人的 ★ de priv evt. 剥夺,夺去,使丧失 priv —私人的de —负面含义前缀:底下、反面 ★ priv i leg en. 特权,优惠,特许 v. 给予优惠,给予特权 priv —私人的i —承上启下的连接符号 leg —legal —合法的proper —适合的,个人的,特有的 ★property 财产 ★】achevi. 痛;哀怜, n. (指连续)疼痛、酸痛 ★ agonyn. (精神或肉体的)极大痛苦,创伤(由于劳动产生的痛苦)ag=act 行动,作为★ ag itatev. 摇动(液体);使焦虑不安;困扰;鼓动 it —它ag=act 行动,作为 ate —动词后缀 ★colle ag ue n. 同事,同僚 colle —collect 收集lecture —讲座(lect —讲)legend —传奇、故事(leg=lect 讲 end=ent 名词后缀)★】ac idn. 酸,酸性物质a. 酸的,酸味的;尖刻的Ac=Ag —词根:尖 id —化学后缀angle —尖角ang —词根:尖角★ ac utea. 剧烈的;敏锐的;成锐角的;尖的,高音的Ac —词根:尖的 ute —adj/n 后缀ate —动词后缀 ite —形容词后缀★】ac quain tvt. (with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉ac —加强语气know —知道cogn —词根:知道 (重点在gn 上)★ cogn itivea. 认知的,认识能力的cogn —词根:知道itive —复合形容词后缀★ re cogn izev. 再认出,认出,承认,公认,赏识,表扬re —再一次 ize —动词后缀★ recognition —n. 认出,辨认;承认★ i gnor anta.无知的;愚昧的;不知道的i=im 否定前缀‖不‖gnor=know 知道★ i gn orev. 不理,不顾,忽视cogn —quain(音似)知道★】adaptvt. 使适应,使适合;改编;改写vi. 适应ad —加强语气 apt —恰当、适合是(a p p r o p r i a t e)简化而来 ★】ad optvt. 采用,采取(态度等);选定;收养 opt —词根:选择、看、乐观 open —打开—睁开 ★ opt ical a. 眼的,视力的;光学的 ★ prospect —远景、前景★ opt imistic —乐观的 ★ pess imistic —悲观的 ★】ad dict v.使沉溺;使上瘾 n. 沉溺于不良嗜好的人 add —加、累加 dict —说 ★】ad equa te adj. 充足的,足够的;适当的,胜任的 ―相当的‖=‖适当的‖ ad —加强语气 ate —后缀 equ=equal 相等的,相当的 ★】ad her e vi. (to)黏着;坚持,遵守;依附,追随 ad —加强语气 her —词根:粘着、黏贴 ★ co her ent a. 一致的,协调的;(话语等)条理清楚的 co —共同 her —粘着、黏贴★ co hes ivea. 粘合性的,有结合力的hes —词根:粘着、黏贴 (she —hes)★ hes itatev. 犹豫,踌躇;含糊,支吾hes —词根:粘着、黏贴itate —复合动词后缀★】ad jac enta. (to)(时间上)紧接着的;邻近的,毗邻的ad —加强语气jac —词根:联接★ ad jionv. 毗邻,临近,靠近;贴近jion —加入、进入、连接★ jion tn. 接头;关节jion+t★ junct ion —结合(ion —后缀)★con junct ionn. 连接,连接,联合;连(接)词junct—jac★jung len. 丛林,生死地带jung=junct—词根:联接(树与树相连成片丛林)ag—actleg—讲—lecture—讲座saintn. 圣徒sanctionn/v. 批准,同意,支持,认可―圣旨、口谕‖是很神圣的东西★】administerv. 管理;施行,实施;掌管,料理…的事务;给予minist—minis+t★minister—n. 部长,大臣,管家★ministry—部(公安部、国防部等)★fridge—冰箱★freeze—结冰★man agerman—词根:手★】il liter atea. 文盲的,未受教育的i??—im/inletter—字母—liter★liter acyaccuracy—精确、准确★liter allyad. 照字面意义,逐字地;确实liter—letter—字母,字★glittern. 光辉,灿烂v. 闪闪发光;闪耀★imitatev. 模仿,仿效;仿造,伪造image—形象、印象、像imt imagine—想象★】adorevt. 崇拜,敬慕,爱慕;非常喜欢―我倒‖oral—口头的、口的★ap preci atevt. 为…表示感激,感谢;欣赏,赏识,评价preci—price—价值★preci ous—珍贵的ap propr iate—恰当★wor shipn. 礼拜,礼拜仪式;崇拜v. 崇拜,敬仰;做礼拜worth—值得★】ad vancen. 前进,预付vi. 前进,进展vt. 促进,推进vent—走(went—走)ad—加强语气vance—走ance—向前★anc ient—古老的★ad vance da. 超前的,先进的;高级的;开明的;前进的★ad ventn. (重要事件等的)到来,来临vent=went—走、行走★con vent ionn. 大会,会议;惯例,常规,习俗;公约,协定★vent ilatevt. 使通风;给…装通风设备vent—走wind—风★ a ven ue (a—ven—ue)n. 林荫路,大街;(比喻)途径,渠道,方法vent—ven—走★re ven uen.收入,财政收入,税收★】ad voc aten.辩护者,拥护者,鼓吹者ad—加强语气voc—词根:喊voice—声音★voc ationn. 职业;召唤;天命;天职;才能career—生涯profession—文职★pro voke—vt. 挑动,激发,招惹voke—词根: 喊★e voke—唤醒(e—往外)★】aesthetica. 美学的,艺术的;审美的es thet ic—感受上的es—出来thet—感觉ic—的thet—sent—sense—感觉(读音上相似)★con sent—同感★re sent—反感★con sens usn. (意见等的)一致,一致同意,共识,舆论com/con—共同us—名词后缀★】af fil iatev. 使隶属(或附属)于n. 附属机构,分公司,子公司fil—词根:儿子★fil ial—a. 子女的,孝顺的★ascend—攀登★descend—下降★descendant—子孙(“晚辈”) fil—fall—下降★】af flu enta. 富裕的,富有的,丰富的,富饶的flu—flow ―富得流油’★fluct uatev. (使)波动;(使)起伏fluct—flect—弯曲flection—弯曲reflect—反射、折射★in flu encen. (on)影响,感化;权势,势力v. 影响,感化―有渗透力的‖★super flu ousa. 多余的,过剩的★】af fordvt. 负担得起(损失。
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1.Self-introductionLadies and gentlemen:It’s great to be here!I’d like to introduce myself.My name is Pat.I’m a student.I come from Beijing.I’m and outgoing person.I love to meet people.Meeting people is my forte.I’m very frugal.Money doesn’t burn a hole in my pocket.But I like to be generous with my friends.I have many hobbies.I enjoy many things.I like reading, exercising, and traveling.Traveling is my life.I love to travel.I’m not a stick in the mud.I’m always on the go.I’m always on the move.I would never let the grass grow under my feet.I’m a rolling stone.I can’t keep still.I can’t stay in one place too long.I want to see the world.I want to see the unseen.I want to do what’s never been done before.My ambition is to be a great English teacher.Teaching English is my passion.Mastering English is my goal.I won’t accept mediocrity.I want to grow.I want to improve all aspects of my life, physically, spiritually, and academically.I’m willing to work hard.I’m willing to pay the price.I’m prepared to go the distance, through thick and thin, in good time or bad, under any circumstances.I work like a madman.I word like a maniac.I’m relentless in the pursuit of my goal.I have some drawbacks.First, I’m always changing my mind.This is something I want to work on.Second, I have a bad sense of direction.I often get lost.When I’m with another person, I always let him guide me.Third, I’m a forgetful person.I often misplace things.I’m the type of person who is always losing things.What is worse, I’m not very smart.My IQ is very low.I can only do one thing at a time.I can only pay attention to what’s important.When I want to do something, I want to do it well.I hate to do it halfway.I have my good qualities.Number one: I’m a team player.I’m a person of responsibility.I seldom complain.I seldom lose my temper.I’m a person of action.Number two: I’m optimistic.I’m happy-go-lucky.I always look on the bright side of things.I have a big heart.I hold no grudges.I always let bygones be bygones.Number three: I’m very thoughtful.I’m very considerate.I’m a person who cares about others.My motto is: Play hard, study hard, and work hard.I do as much as I can every day.I don’t waste any timeGod only gives us a certain period of time.He wants us to make the best use of it.He wants us to enjoy it.Enjoy life while you’re still young.Don’t miss any opportunities.Don’t pass up any good chances.Life is short.Life is sweet.Life is precious.Go for broke.Live for the moment.I live my life like there is no tomorrow.Live it up.Try new things.Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow may never come.I don’t care if I live a long or short life.To me, quality is more important that quantity.I want to live each day as my last.Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is present.My philosophy of life is:I will try to help the people around me.The closer they are to me, the more I like them. People are a good investment.Helping people is an investment in heaven.This kind of investment will earn high interest.Live and let live.If the people around me are happy, I’m happy.I like making friends with people.I hope we’ll become good friends.I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon. Please feel free to call me.I’m open 24/7.I never close.Thank you.God bless you.Have a great day.2.How to Master EnglishLadies and gentlemen:It’s an honor to be here.I’m anxious to share a secret.English is everywhere.English is a key to success.We must master it.So many people study English.So few can speak it well.What is the problem here?People study the wrong material.People use the wrong methods.We are wasting our time.I’ve researched every method.I’ve tried them all from A to Z.Old methods are not useful.Traditional methods are too limited.They teach only one sentence for each idea.If we forget it, we’re out of luck.We learn “Situational Dialogues,” like going to the post office, or visiting the doctor. Do we have any chance to use them?The answer is “No.”We can’t go to the post office every day to practice English.We can’t expect people to talk based on the situational dialogues.If we don’t use them, how can we remember them?Luckily, now we have invented a shortcut.We have found a new method of learning English.I’d like to introduce a specially designed speech draft.In this draft, three sentences are one unit.Each unit connects with another.They are all linked together like a chain.The content is common and simple.It’s made up of everyday American speech.By memorizing one speech, you will start to speak English.By memorizing ten speeches, you will become fluent in English.By memorizing twenty, you will speak better than native English speakers.The reason for that is you have been trained to speak well.The sentences you speak have been carefully selected.Memorizing the speeches has the following benefits:Number one: You can practice alone.You can speak to yourselves.You don’t need a conversation partner.Number two: Whenever you feel lonely or depressed, you can practice a speech. Did you notice that monks chant scriptures over and over?Reciting the speech again and again can give you peace of mind.Number three: Since the speeches are carefully designed, they are easy to remember. Anyone can learn them.Anyone can remember them.With them, you can easily learn to speak English in threes.Speak three sentences in a row.Then, you can say one sentence after another nonstop like you’re making a speech. Number four: The speeches inspire.The speeches are great for learning.They build confidence and language skills at the same time.Ladies and gentlemen, with the speeches you will excel.Practice and memorize the speeches.There is no better way.Don’t wait.Don’t hesitate.Now is the time to change the way you learn English.But, remember, to speak English fluently requires four more things:First, practice, practice, practice.Repetition is the key.Speak up.Speak loudly.Be confident.Be fearless.You must make mistakes to improve.Speaking English is most important.Make conversation your priority.Writing, reading, and listening will follow.Second, teach others English.Help them and you help yourselves.You will improve too.Teaching is the best motivation for memorizing the speech.You will never get sick and tired of teaching the speech.The more you teach, the more articulate you will be.Third, try like hell.Immerse yourselves.Eat, drink and sleep English.Go nuts.Go bananas.Be an English maniac.Be a sponge.Soak English up.Seek every opportunity to speak.Fourth, enjoy English!Make English your love.Make learning and progress fun.Put English first.You need to have passion.English requires commitment.To sum up, memorizing the speeches is the way to go.So many students say they don’t have the chance to practice English. Wrong!With the speeches, the chance is everywhere.The initiative is with you.The ball is in your court.Practice until you get fluent.Speak and talk until you become hoarse. Your confidence will soar.Your progress will amaze everyone.You won’t want to stop speaking English. Let’s roll.Take action now.English is waiting for you.Thanks very much.It’s always a pleasure.Have a lovely day.3. Award Ceremony Speech: Thank You All So Much Dear distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,All my classmates and friends:I’m so surprised.I can hardly believe it.I don’t know what to say.My dream came true.My prayers have been answered.I thank God for my very good luck.First, thank you all.I appreciate this so much.I will treasure this moment for a long time.It feels just great.It’s like I’m floating on air.I don’t want this feeling to end.I am honored.It’s a great privilege.I really don’t deserve it.Second, it was a great experience.I had an awesome time.I will never forget it.I can’t thank you enough.It gives me such joy.It means a lot to me.Third, we all did our best.We tried as hard as we could.WE ARE ALL WINNERS.I was fortunate.I really lucked out.I still can’t believe I won.Fourth, I’d like to thank my parents.My teachers were also great.I couldn’t have won this by myself. Trying alone, I would have lost.I know that for sure.Fifth, I’ve learned two valuable lessons. “Believe in your potential.”“Hard work really does pay off!”This is my advice to everybody.If I can win this, anyone can do it! That’s the honest truth.Tomorrow I will pinch myself.I want to make sure this is real.I’ll be afraid this was just a dream.I’m glad I tried.I almost did n’t.I was too afraid.Now I’m a believer!You must get in it to win it.This award strengthens my resolve. Finally, prizes are material.Awards come and go.But this memory will last forever.The competition was excellent.I applaud everyone here.I was lucky today.A final thanks to the judges.I’m flattered to be selected.You’ve made me very happy!God bless.Good luck.See you next time.4. A Speech to Honor Parents Ladies and Gentlemen:I feel so lucky to be here.All that I am today is because of my parents.Dear Mom and Dad:You are my loving parents.These words are from my heart.From the day I was born,You did everything for me.How can I express my thanks?You fed me when I was hungry.You washed me when I was dirty.You nursed me when I was sick.You held me when I cried.You helped me when I needed it.You gave me many happy childhood memories.You always put me first.You made me feel so special.I couldn’t have asked for more.I respect the values you taught.I admire the hard work you did.I thank you for your sacrifice.You raised me well.You tried so hard.You did the best you could do.Today, I will make you a promise.Then, I will make a toast.Both are from my heart.I promise to make you proud of me.I promise to always respect and love you.Also, I promise to take care of you as long as I live. Now, everybody, I propose a toast.Let’s raise our glasses together.Let’s drink to honor my parents.My dear parents:You light up my life.You mean the world to me.A toast.Cheers.Bottoms up.To conclude our party I would like to recite the famous Irish blessing. “May the road rise to meet you.”“May the wind be always at your back.”“May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”5. A Speech to Honor Our Teachers Ladies and gentlemen:I’d like to say a few words to honor our teachers.We owe everything to them.Teachers, you did a great job.We all admire and like you so much.Without you, our graduation would be much less meaningful. We want to honor and praise you.Your teaching was a gift.Thank you for the things you’ve done for us.Our days as your students are over.We are sad to leave you.But we were lucky to have you.You did more than just teach.You were friends and role models.We will remember you forever.Your dedication was easy to see.You were patient and kind every day.You put us first, drove us hard, and sacrificed a lot.We promise you three things:We’ll remember what you’ve taught.We’ll continue to excel.We’ll make you proud in the future.Teachers:We are not saying good-bye.This is just the beginning.We take your teaching and knowledge with us into the future. Now, let’s raise our glasses and toast.To the best teachers since Confucius!Teachers, don’t forget us because we sure won’t forget you.6. Making an Introduction Ladies and gentlemen:This is Michael Wang.You’ve all heard about him.He’s an ace.He’s a gem.He’s the best of the best.He’s tops.He’s the best.H e’s A number one.He is wonderful.He is one in a million.He is a needle in a haystack.Ladies and gentlemen:He is an expert.He is a man of action.He can get the job done.He’s as solid as a rock.He’s as stable as can be.He’s a man we can’t do without.My dear friends:Mr. Michael Wang is a good friend of mine.You’ll have a chance to chat with him later.Let’s make him feel at home.Ladies and gentlemen:Here he is.Michael Wang.Let’s give him a big hand.7. How to Stay Healthy. Ladies and gentlemen:It’s great to see all your smiling faces.I’m here to talk about our health.Everybody wants to be healthy.We all desire a long and healthy life.But what’s the best way to make it happen?To begin with, we are what we eat.Eat well, and you’ll look good.Eat junk, and you’ll look bad.Some age gracefully.Some age terribly.The way we age depends on us.Don’t overeat.Don’t starve yourselves.Always eat in moderation.Eat smart.Eat right.Always find something nutritious to eat.Eat more fruit.Eat more vegetables.Don’t eat too much red meat.Beef and pork are full of cholesterol.Cholesterol will clog arteries.Fish and chicken are much healthier.Drink water.Drink juice.Stay away from soda pop.I have a remedy for a cough.Drink two big glasses of pineapple juice with lime. Soon the cough will go away.Don’t smoke.Don’t drink.Don’t do drugs.Smoking causes cancer.Drinking leads to liver diseases.Drugs invite an early death.Second of all, exercise daily.Work out every day.Keep yourselves in shape.Exercising gives us energy.It keeps our bodies young.It keeps our minds sharp.Our minds need knowledge.Our souls need love.Our bodies need exercise.Do you agree?Is this true?How do you feel after exercising?A friend of mine has his own method to keep fit.He walks one thousand steps before every meal.He walks another thousand steps after the meal.An airline pilot once told me a simple cure for insomnia and jet lag. Take a lot of exercise right after you get up in the morning.This will help you sleep better.Exercise can be fun.I jog on my treadmill while watching TV.It’s so enjoyable I forget I’m working out.Good health is not free.Nothing worthwhile is easy.You have to work and sweat.Sweat is good.Pain is gain.No pain, no gain.Thirdly, listen to your bodies.When you feel tired, take a rest.When you feel sleepy, go to bed.Move your bowels once a day.Pee whenever you need to.Never hold it in.When I was a kid, my father taught me one important thing.Always take care of you feet.Your feet are the most important part of your body.Wash your feet every day.Change your socks every day.Keep your feet clean dry.A doctor told me a story about how to take care of our skin.An old lady lived in a castle and never went out into the sum.Her skin was as fair as a baby’s.His advice is this:Never go outside without an umbrella, rain or shine.Be sure to use an umbrella with UV protection.Fourthly, thin is in.Fat’s not where it’s at.North, south, east, or west, thin is best.Stay slim.Avoid getting fat.You must burn more calories than you eat.I have three methods for losing weight.Number one: Eat two oranges before each meal.A friend of mine lost twelve pounds in a month.Number two: Rise early.Exercise on an empty stomach.Don’t eat anything for an hour after exercising.Number three: Eat just a little bit as your lunch, like an slice of bread and a glass of orange juice.You will certainly become hungry in the afternoon.Naturally you will eat an early dinner.Whenever you feel like eating, change into your sportswear and go get some exercise.By doing so , you can lose one kilogram a week.More exercise, less eating, is the rule.In conclusion, remember, image is everything. Stay fit and look healthy.People judge you by your appearance.Good health is precious.Good health is priceless.It’s a lifetime of joy.Exercise is the way.Good nutrition is the key.A healthy life is waiting for you.Start today.Change your life.Let’s all get healthy.Thank you for joining us.Thank you for your attention.May you live long and stay healthy forever. Good-bye and good luck.8. How to Achieve Success Ladies and gentlemen:I’m so happy to be here today.The subject I’m going to talk about is how to achieve success. Everybody wants to be successful.We all want to make it big.But how do we get there?First of all, you must have a goal.It must be clear-cut.It must be your passion.You can also have many minor goals in life.Achieve them one at a time.But always stay on the track of your main goal.Second, believe in yourselves.Your potential is unlimited.The world is yours to conquer.Dream big dreams.Reach for the stars.The sky is your limit.Look ahead.Don’t look back.Don’t dwell on the past.Go for it.Just do it.Make it happen.Third, commit yourselves.Dedicate yourselves.Totally focus on your goal.Try your best.Do your best.Give it your best shot.Give it your best effort.Don’t hold anything back.Don’t be afraid to let yourselves go.To succeed, you must work like hell. You must work like a dog.You must work your fingers to the bone. Fourth, follow the best.Select good role models.Study and learn from them.Take their advice.Follow their suggestions.Hitch your wagons to their stars.Pick their brains.Offer your services.They are your blueprints of success. Fifth, fear none, respect all.Fear nobody.Respect everybody.Don’t feel inferior.Don’t feel superior.Always know your place.Don’t denigrate others.Don’t put others down.Criticizing will diminish you.Sixth, seek challenges.Don’t back down.Tough tasks make you stronger.Be willing to sweat.Treat challenge as an opportunity. Don’t let anything stop you. Seventh, seek feedback.Get helpful advice.Never be afraid to ask.Swallow your pride.Eat humble pie.You need criticism to improve.Attack bad habits.Have courage to change.This is the key to success.Eighth, be a sponge for knowledge.Soak up as much as you can.You can never get enough.Be a student for life.Collect and study the best.You must always be eager for more.Ninth, be patient.Stick to your guns.Sometimes you have to wait.Never give up.Never give in.Never say never.Keep on trying.Stay in the ring.Don’t throw in the towel.Only those who persist will win.Only those who persevere will succeed.Only those who stick it out can achieve success. Tenth, you must be ready.Opportunity strikes fast.Don’t miss the chance by being unprepared.Set plans.Make a “to do” list.Follow through on everything.Keep the good.Discard the bad.Know the difference between the two.You must be in the right place.You must be there at the right time.But, most importantly, you must be prepared. Ladies and gentlemen, we all want to be the best.Wanting is not enough.You must get on your feet and take action. Push yourselves to excel.Force yourselves to break through. Don’t waste your one chance in life. Thank you for being here today.I hope your dreams will come true.Your will come out with flying colors. Thanks ever so much.9. Just Do It Ladies and gentlemen:Please listen carefully.I’ve got a message for you.Just do it.Don’t wait to be asked.Do what needs to be done.You’ve seen it everywhere.You’ve heard it one hundred times.Of course, it’s the Nike slogan.This is a great motto.It’s a super philosophy.Make it your way of life.Learn this mindset today.Put it into practice.Live by it forever.Begin now.Look around this room.What would you change if you could?Always think this way.Look around and say:What can I do to improve?Every task is test.Every job is a chance.Improve, improve, improve.Go the extra mile.Go the extra distance.Be a “just do it” person.Outwork everybody.Be an overachiever.Do more than is expected.Achieve more.Learn more.Create more opportunities.Take charge.Take control.You have what it takes.Work like the devil.It won’t kill you.It will make you stronger.Be a go-getter.Seize the initiative.Be a mover and shaker.Start with small things.Help people in need.Jump in and lend a hand.On seeing some litter, pick it up.On seeing a crowd at a door, hold it open. On a crowded bus, give up your seat. Say to yourself:It needs to be done.I can do it.I am the one to do it.There you have it.Get started now.Good day. Good luck. Just do it.10. Happy Birthday Speech Congratulations!It’s your birthday.Happy birthday to you.You were born today.Today is your special day.This is your day.How do you feel?Do you feel special?What’s your birthday wish?You look great-Even better than last year.You are aging gracefully.You’re not getting old.You’re getting wiser.You’re getting better.Light the candles.Turn off the light.Let’s sing “Happy Birthday.”“Happy birthday to you…”Make a wish!Take a deep breath!Blow out the candles!Good job!You did it!Your wish will come true.What was your wish?What did you wish for?I hope it was a good one.Don’t tell me.I know it’s a secret.If you tell, it won’t come true.Please say something.Speech, speech.Give us a few words.The birthday boy or girl can say: Words fail me.I’m speechless.I don’t know what to say.What a wonderful birthday!I won’t ever forget it.I’m the luckiest person in the world. You guys are so great.You are all the best.Thanks for being here.I’d like to thank my parents.I’d like to thank my friends.I don’t deserve this.The gifts are nice.The cards are great.But it’s you that make it special.I made two wishes.One is a secret.The other is for you.I wished for your good health.I wished for your happiness.Let’s have good luck in the year ahead. Finally, I’d like to say:With friends and family like you, Every day feels like my birthday.。