Useful Tips for Presenting Data and Measurement Un……




攻克雅思口语:化难为易,化繁为简攻克雅思口语:化难为易,化繁为简一.〝硬碰硬〞,真金不怕火炼对于备考时间较长(半年或以上)的考生,建议大家本着务实求真的精神,彻彻底底将口语基础打牢.切记,口语和写作都是真正揭晓实力的两门,绝不能依仗技巧取胜.有经验的考官不会完全照读考题,而是会为你〝量身定做〞(Tailor-made)顺势出题,所以如果完全是所谓的技巧搭起来的空中楼阁的话,注定会不攻自破.因此,一定要充分利用这段较长的备考期,多开口,勤练习,进行实战模拟,让自己的口语有质的提高.二.由难到易,化繁为简一定的实力基础固然必不可少,但口语成绩的提高也不是完全没有捷径可走.聪明的考生能做到扬长避短,迎合评分要求回答,在短短的十来分钟内包装自己的语言,有更好的发挥.下面将介绍三种化繁为简的方法,供大家参考.第一招:减少描述,增加议论纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influencedyou(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you often goto(地点题),Describe a familyevent(事件题).很多考生会集中精力去思考如何Describe,所以在人物题中会试着用很多语言去描述外貌特征,如大大的眼睛,长长的睫毛,粉粉的脸颊,厚厚的嘴唇.且不论该考生是否都能将这些中文描述对应的恰当英文找到,除非是口语基础相当不错的考生,不然挑这些内容去讲无疑是搬起石头砸自己的脚.人物题还算是比较容易描述的了,那碰到物品题描述一个家用电器怎么办,如何去Describe?以awashing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色(〝Its color is white.〞).大小(It’s one meterhigh.),别的似乎没什么可讲的了.这个时候就可以增加议论或评价.对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this coloris that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been myfavorite color. It’s clean. You know. 而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the smallestsize at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a littlespace.由此可见,评价性的语言通常比描述更为具体,可以看做是对前一句的补充说明或者是例证拓展.这种对于每一点信息都要给出议论的习惯一定要养成,可以使我们的说话内容顿时翻倍.第二招:变抽象为具体很多考生觉得口语话题难,就是因为没话说,特别是看似较为抽象的话题,如Describe asuccess.总觉得success肯定是较为光鲜的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材.其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully didsth.,构思就会容易许多.可以讲成功地网上交友.购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合.又如part3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people’slife?如果单单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了.Well,technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an e_ample, ten yearsago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings usmore comfort.第三招:扭转乾坤,话题巧转移短短的十几分钟时间内,讲自己有准备的话题内容肯定比临场发挥好,至少在语言质量上能略胜一筹.再次强调,口语考试重形式而非内容,只要能巧妙自然地将拿到的话题转到自己觉得熟悉的内容上来,必定会有更好的效果.如Apiece of goodlaw,这个难倒了众多考生的杀手题触及到我们较为不熟悉的领域——法律.而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲〝限塑令(Thenew standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;亦可转换成工作问题,讲〝劳工法〞(The Labor Law).简言之,口语成绩的提高应该是两方面结合,基本的语言能力辅之以巧妙的应对方法.希望考生们不论见到什么样〝为难〞的话题,都不要慌张,运用以上提及的一些方法,化难为易,化繁为简.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:an activity that you feel e_citedYou should say:what you didwhere and when you did thiswho you shared the activity withand e_plain why this activity was new or e_citing for you.范文:A couple of weeks ago I went with some friends to play paintball. It’ssomething I’d never done before so I was interested to see what it would belike. My friend, who has been doing this activity for about a year, knew a placejust outside of the city where they have a special course, or site, all set upfor the participants.We arrived around 10am in the morning and one of the instructorse_plained tous all about the safety equipment, the rules, how to use the guns and talkedabout some basic techniques and how to deal with the obstacles on the site. Thattook about a half hour. Then we got ready and split into two teams. There werefour people in each team.We spent about 2 hours doing this activity. I was surprised because it’s morephysical than I thought, there’s a lot of running around involved but it’s alsovery e_citing. I could feel the adrenalin pumping inside me. It took me a fewminutes to get used to the idea of firing the gun and dodging other peopletrying to fire at me, but it was good fun as well as good e_ercise. I have toadmit that I was disappointed when I got ‘killed’ three times, but hey, it wasmy first time so I guess I still have a lot to learn if I want to become as goodat it as my friend.I can see why a lot of people like this activity, it’s quite addictive, andI’m sure the more you do it the better you become and then want to play evenmore. Two of my friends have been doing it for about a year now and they arequite serious about it. They have their own equipment and one of themparticipated in a local tournament last month.We all had a great time that day and then after we went for lunch together soit was a nice day out and it’s always interesting to try something new ande_citing that you haven’t done before. Maybe I’ll go again sometime in thefuture.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a website that you often useYou should say:where you saw itwhat it was aboutwhy you think it was an interesting advertisement.考官范文:what type of website it ishow you found out about itwhat it allows you to do, and why you find it useful.参考范文:I want to talk about a website called IELTS-Simon, which is a website I useand check every day.This is a website dedicated for the preparation of the IELTS e_am. It isupdated on a daily basis and is maintained by an e_-IELTS e_aminer calledSimon.I don t really remember how I found out about this website, but I guess itpopped out when I was googling for some IELTS materials on the web about twoyears ago. Since then, I ve been using and reading its contents every day. Of all the IELTS related websites available on the Internet, I think this isthe most useful one because of the following reasons. Firstly, we can e_pect anew IELTS lesson every day, and the lesson could be for the Listening, Reading,Writing, or Speaking part. Secondly, besides IELTS materials, Simon also givesus plenty of useful advice on grammar and tips to get high scores for thischallening e_am. And thirdly, which I think is the most important, visitors ofthis website can make comments and/or ask questions, which makes things moreinteractive and productive at the same time.All in all, this is a wonderful website that I recommend it to everyonepreparing for the IELTS.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:interesting advertisement that you have seenYou should say:where you saw itwhat it was aboutwhy you think it was an interesting advertisement.考官范文:I m going to talk about an advertisement for Coca-Cola, which is one of thebiggest brands in the world. I ve seen Coke advertised everywhere, on postersand TV commercials.The advert shows a picture of Santa Claus smiling and holding a bottle ofCoke. I think the aim is to target children and associate (link/connect) thebrand with Christmas time.The advert is interesting because the company is deliberately trying toinfluence and attract children. The marketers are trying to capture youngcustomers. They are presenting the drink as something special, a gift forChristmas. However, Coca-Cola is not necessarily a healthy drink for children;it contains a lot of sugar. Maybe this kind of advertising manipulates childrenand encourages them to pester their parents.雅思八月复考:那些关于雅思口语考试不得不除了出国留学,雅思居然还有这么多用处?今天小编给大家带来雅思的作用,希望能够帮助8月雅思考试再新增考次_部分城市因疫情变化 8月雅思考试再新增考次!部分城市因疫情变化被迫取消!今天小编给大家带来8月雅思考试再取消北京语言大学_年8月雅思考试的通知雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,。



英语作文条状图全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Guide to Writing Bar Graphs in English CompositionIntroductionBar graphs are commonly used in English composition to present data and make comparisons. They are visually appealing and easy to understand, making them a popular choice for representing information in a concise and organized manner. In this guide, we will explore the key components of a bar graph and provide tips on how to effectively incorporate them into your writing.Components of a Bar Graph1. Title: The title of a bar graph should clearly indicate what the graph is about. It should be concise and descriptive, providing readers with a clear understanding of the data being presented.2. Axes: A bar graph typically consists of two axes – the horizontal axis (x-axis) and the vertical axis (y-axis). The x-axisrepresents the categories being compared, while the y-axis represents the values being measured. Make sure to label your axes appropriately and include units of measurement where necessary.3. Bars: The bars in a bar graph represent the values of the different categories being compared. They should be of equal width and evenly spaced to ensure accurate representation of the data. Use different colors or patterns to distinguish between different categories and make the graph more visually engaging.4. Scale: The scale of a bar graph determines the range of values displayed on the y-axis. It should be set in a way that allows for easy interpretation of the data. Avoid using a scale that distorts the data or makes it difficult to compare values accurately.5. Data Labels: Adding data labels to your bars can make it easier for readers to understand the specific values being represented. Make sure to position the labels clearly and in a way that does not clutter the graph.Tips for Writing About Bar Graphs1. Describe the Data: When writing about a bar graph, start by describing the data being presented. Provide an overview ofthe categories being compared and the values associated with each category. This will help readers understand the context of the graph before delving into the details.2. Highlight Key Findings: Identify any trends or patterns that are evident in the data and highlight them in your writing. This could include pointing out outliers, significant differences between categories, or any other noteworthy observations.3. Provide Interpretation: Offer your interpretation of the data presented in the bar graph. Explain the significance of the findings and their implications, and consider how they relate to the broader context or topic being discussed.4. Use Comparisons: Bar graphs are ideal for making comparisons between different categories. Make sure to include comparisons in your writing, highlighting similarities, differences, and any relationships that exist between the data points.ConclusionIn conclusion, bar graphs are a valuable tool for presenting data in a clear and concise manner in English composition. By understanding the key components of a bar graph and following the tips provided in this guide, you can effectively incorporatebar graphs into your writing and enhance the impact of your arguments and analysis.篇2Bar chart is a common type of graph that displays data in a series of bars or columns. It is used to show comparisons among different categories or to illustrate changes over a period of time. In this essay, we will discuss the characteristics of bar charts, how to interpret them, and the advantages and disadvantages of using them.One of the main characteristics of bar charts is that they are easy to read and understand. The length of each bar represents the value of a particular category, making it simple for viewers to compare the data at a glance. Bar charts are also versatile, as they can be used to display both qualitative and quantitative data. They can be horizontal or vertical, depending on the preference of the creator.When interpreting a bar chart, it is important to pay attention to the length of each bar and the scale of the y-axis. Comparisons can be made within each category by looking at the bars, while changes over time can be observed by examining the progression of bars from left to right. It is also essential tolabel each bar with the corresponding data point, so that viewers can easily understand the information being presented.There are several advantages to using bar charts. They are visually appealing and can effectively communicate complex data in a simple format. Bar charts are also easy to create using software programs like Microsoft Excel, making them accessible to a wide range of users. Additionally, bar charts are flexible and can be customized to suit the needs of the audience, with options to include colors, patterns, and labels.However, there are some disadvantages to using bar charts as well. One drawback is that they may not be suitable for certain types of data, such as large datasets with many categories. In these cases, a bar chart may become cluttered and difficult to read. Another limitation is that bar charts only represent one variable at a time, so they may not be the best choice for displaying relationships between multiple variables.In conclusion, bar charts are a useful tool for presenting data in a clear and straightforward manner. They are easy to read and understand, making them an effective way to compare categories or track changes over time. While there are some limitations to using bar charts, their simplicity and versatilitymake them a valuable resource for communication and analysis in a variety of fields.篇3A bar chart is a common type of graph that represents data in the form of rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values they represent. Bar charts are widely used in various fields such as statistics, economics, and social sciences to visually communicate information and make comparisons between different categories or groups.One of the key advantages of bar charts is their simplicity and clarity. The bars make it easy to compare the values of different categories at a glance, allowing for quick and efficient data analysis. In addition, bar charts can effectively highlight trends, patterns, and relationships in the data, making it easier for viewers to interpret and draw conclusions.Bar charts can be either vertical or horizontal, depending on the orientation of the bars. Vertical bar charts are typically used to compare values between different categories, while horizontal bar charts are often used to display rankings or to show data in a time sequence.When creating a bar chart, it is important to choose the appropriate scale for the vertical or horizontal axis to ensure that the data is accurately represented. It is also important to properly label the axes and bars, as well as provide a clear and concise title that describes the data being presented.In conclusion, bar charts are a valuable tool for visualizing and analyzing data in a clear and concise manner. Whether used in business presentations, academic research, or everyday decision-making, bar charts can help make complex data more accessible and understandable to a wider audience. Therefore, mastering the art of creating and interpreting bar charts is an important skill for anyone who works with data on a regular basis.。



学术报告的英文写作技巧与规范Academic presentations in English are becoming increasingly important as the world becomes more globalized. It is essential to be able to communicate one's research with clarity, accuracy, and confidence in English, and the key to doing so is to follow the appropriate writing conventions and techniques. In this article, we will discuss the various skills and guidelines for effective academic writing in English.1. Start with an engaging introductionThe first few moments of your presentation are crucial in establishing a connection with your audience and setting the tone for your speech. Therefore, it is essential to have a captivating introduction that grabs your audience's interest, explains the topic succinctly, and lays out the main objectives of your talk.For instance, you can begin by presenting a current problem or issue in your field that relates to your research, providing some relevant background information, and then explaining the significance of your study.2. Use clear and concise languageClear and concise language is essential when giving an academic presentation. Technical jargon and complex sentences can confuse the audience and make it difficult to understand. Therefore, it is vital to use simple and straightforward language that all your listeners can understand.One strategy to help achieve this is to use active voice writing. This form of writing is direct, concise, and more engaging to the reader. By using active voice writing, you emphasize the subject, hence avoiding long passive sentences that can be confusing and vague.3. Organize the main pointsThe organization of your talk is also crucial when presenting academic work in English. You must structure your presentation in a logical, coherent, and easy-to-follow order.A standard format typically consists of an introduction, followed by the main body, and closing with a conclusion. You should also includerelevant visual aids to break up the presentation into manageable sections.4. Provide clarity to data and figuresWhen presenting data and figures, it is crucial to be clear and accurate in explaining the relevant information. Figures and graphs, when used correctly, can make a presentation more visually appealing and straightforward. But always make sure to explain the significance of the data and how it relates to your research topic.Numbers should be consistent and explained in the right context. For instance, it would be best if you expressed your numbers in units and measurements that are widely understood. Your audience needs to be able to follow your reasoning and grasp the significance of the data in your presentation quickly.5. Use appropriate citations and referencesAny claim you make must be supported with credible references and evidence, including data from previous studies. Correct referencing is essential to ensure that your work is not considered plagiarized.Therefore, it is crucial to use accurate referencing systems and ensure that all information sources are appropriately cited.Failure to cite your sources can be considered academic dishonesty, which can be a severe consequence. Additionally, citing other relevant research shows your awareness of previous research and adds credibility to your presentation.In conclusion, academic writing in English requires careful consideration of many factors to make an effective presentation. From an engaging introduction, clear and concise language, to proper referencing, it takes skills, tools, and consistency to make your research presentable. By incorporating these tips in your academic writing, you can confidently present your research in English and make a lasting impact.。


5. Use Headings and Subheadings:
Organize your data description using headings and subheadings to structure the information logically. This enhances readability and allows readers to navigate the content easily.
IV. Examples and Tips for Effective Data Description
1. Use Clear and Concise Language:
Ensure that your descriptions are easy to understand by using straightforward language. Avoid technical jargon and explain any complex terms or concepts that your audience may not be familiar with.
3. Introduction and Context:
Begin by providing an introduction to the data, including its source, timeframe, and significance. Set the context for readers so that they understand the importance and relevance of the data being presented. This can involve providing background information on the topic or explaining any limitations or assumptions made during data collection.



宜昌市协作体高一期中考试英语考生注意:1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。


2. 答题前,考生务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。

3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。


4. 本卷命题范围:人教版必修第一册Welcome Unit至Unit 2。





1. Where is the man going this weekend?A. The hospital.B. The bank.C. The beach.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A game.B. A play.C. A student.3. When will the man probably take a vacation?A. In July.B. In August.C. In September.4. How did the man go to school today?A. By car.B. By bike.C. By bus.5. What can we know about the man?A. He wants to buy a house.B. He might miss the town.C. He dislikes the new offer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



Overview of Effe源自tive Communication Skills
Understanding the importance of clear, consensus, and professional communication in a business
Recognizing different communication styles and adapting one's own style to suit different audiences and
Using permission and influence
Employing permission technologies such as logical reasoning, emotional appeals, and ethical arguments to influence the other party's position
Basic Concepts and Characteristics of Business English
Definition and Function of Business English
Business English refers to the specialized language used in commercial and corporate settings for effective communication
Passive Voice
The passive voice is frequently used in business English



七选五阅读填空J1[2015·全国卷Ⅱ]Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady,gradual increases in the length of the runs.__36__,buy the best­fitting,best-built running shoes you can find.No one can say which brand will work best for you or feel best on your feet,so you have to rely on your experience and on the feel of each pair as you shop.When you have found shoes that seem right,walk in them for a few days to double-check the fit.__37__.As always,you should stretch(伸展) at least ten minutes before each run to prevent injuries.During the first week,do not think about distance,but run five minutes longer each day.__38__,it is wise to take a day off to rest.But during the next week,set a goal of at least a mile and a half per run.__39__.After two weeks,start timing yourself.__40__.Depending on the kind of race you plan to enter,you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race.A.After six daysB.For a good marathon runnerC.Before you begin your trainingD.With each day,increase the distance by a half mileE.If they still feel good,you can begin running in themF.Time spent for preparation raises the quality of trainingG.Now you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance and time【要点综述】本文主要介绍了进行马拉松训练的具体做法。



英语作文模板统计表Title: English Essay Template Statistics Table。


The statistics table is a useful tool for organizing and presenting data in a clear and concise manner. It allows readers to quickly and easily understand the information being presented. In this essay, we will explore the various components of a statistics table and how to effectively use it in writing.Components of a Statistics Table。

A statistics table typically consists of several key components, including the title, column headings, row headings, data cells, and footnotes. The title of the table should clearly and accurately describe the data being presented. It should be concise and to the point, allowing readers to understand the purpose of the table at a glance.Column headings are used to label the different categories or variables being measured in the table. They should be clear and descriptive, allowing readers to easily understand the data being presented. Row headings are used to label the different rows of data in the table. They should also be clear and descriptive, providing context for the data being presented.Data cells are used to present the actual data in the table. They should be organizedin a logical and easy-to-read manner, allowing readers to quickly understand the information being presented. Footnotes are used to provide additional information or context for the data in the table. They should be clearly marked and referenced in the table, allowing readers to easily find the information they need.Using a Statistics Table in Writing。

Data Visualization Methods

Data Visualization Methods

Data Visualization MethodsData visualization methods play a crucial role in presenting complex data in a more understandable and accessible way. With the increasing volume and complexity of data in today's world, the need for effective data visualization has become more important than ever. There are various methods and techniques for visualizing data, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. In this response, we will explore different data visualization methods, their applications, and the impact they have on decision-making and understanding of data.One of the most common data visualization methods is the use of charts and graphs. Charts such as bar charts, line charts, and pie charts are widely used to represent numerical data in a visual format. These visual representations make it easier for individuals to identify trends, patterns, and outliers in the data. For example, a line chart can effectively show the trend of sales over time, while a pie chart can represent the distribution of different product categories in a sales dataset. Charts and graphs are particularly useful for presenting comparisons and relationships between different variables, making them a popular choice for data visualization across various industries.Another popular data visualization method is the use of maps and geospatial visualization. Maps are powerful tools for representing geographical data and spatial relationships. They can be used to visualize demographic data, sales data, or any other data that has a geographic component. Geospatial visualization allows users to understand patterns and trends that are specific to certain locations, which can be invaluable for businesses and organizations looking to make location-based decisions. For example, a retail company can use geospatial visualization to identify areas with high customer density and plan their store locations accordingly.In addition to charts, graphs, and maps, data visualization also includes more advanced techniques such as dashboards and infographics. Dashboards are interactive visual displays of data that allow users to monitor performance, identify trends, and make decisions in real-time. They are commonly used in business intelligence and analytics to provide a comprehensive view of key performance indicators and metrics. On the other hand,infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. They are often used in marketing and communication to convey a message or tell a story using visuals, making them an effective method for engaging and informing a target audience.The impact of data visualization on decision-making and understanding of data cannot be overstated. By presenting data in a visual format, individuals are able to grasp complex concepts more easily and draw insights that may not be apparent from raw data alone. This can lead to more informed decision-making and better understanding of trends and patterns in the data. For example, a business analyst may use data visualization to identify a correlation between two variables that was not previously apparent, leading to a more targeted marketing strategy. Similarly, a healthcare professional may use visualization techniques to identify clusters of disease outbreaks and allocate resources more effectively.Furthermore, data visualization methods are not only beneficial for professionals and experts but also for the general public. With the rise of open data initiatives and the increasing availability of data, there is a growing need for data visualization that is accessible and understandable to a wider audience. Visualizations can be used to raise awareness about important social issues, present scientific findings in a more engaging manner, and empower individuals to make informed decisions in their daily lives. For instance, a government agency may use interactive visualizations to communicate the impact of a new policy to the public, or a non-profit organization may use infographics to educate the public about a pressing environmental issue.In conclusion, data visualization methods are essential tools for making sense of the ever-increasing volume and complexity of data in today's world. From charts and graphs to maps and infographics, there are various techniques available for representing data visually. These methods have a significant impact on decision-making and understanding of data, enabling individuals to identify patterns, trends, and insights that may not be apparent from raw data alone. As data continues to play a central role in various aspects of our lives, the importance of effective data visualization cannot be overlooked. It is crucial forprofessionals, organizations, and the general public to embrace and utilize data visualization methods to unlock the full potential of the data at their disposal.。

英文表格类作文 注意

英文表格类作文 注意

英文表格类作文注意Table is a useful tool for organizing and presenting data in a clear and structured way. It helps to compare information and identify patterns easily.In the first column, we have the names of the items we are comparing. This could be anything from different products, to countries, to people's names. The first column is like the "title" of the information we are presenting.The next few columns are where we can put the data we want to compare. For example, if we are comparing different products, we might have columns for price, size, and color. This allows us to see all the information about each product in one place.The rows in the table allow us to compare the different items across the different categories. This is really useful because it means we can see all the information in one place, rather than having to look at lots of differentlists.One of the great things about tables is that they canbe easily customized to suit our needs. We can add or remove columns and rows as necessary, and we can also change the formatting to make the table easier to read.Overall, tables are a really useful way to present information in a clear and organized way. They allow us to compare data easily and can be customized to suit our needs. Whether we are comparing products, countries, or anything else, tables are a great tool for organizing and presenting data.。



Presenting It
❖ We often use a PPT hoping that it will present itself
❖ Unless extremely well made and includes all the info, it will not stand on its own
Bullet points Charts Graphs
❖ Organize the talk first, then put details in.
Prepare It
Preparing for the Talk (PPT)
❖ Use the standard company format ❖ Do not change format, it’s designed to for a
❖ Watch your tone of voice
❖ Deliver your presentation with confidence
Presenting It
Speaking Tips
❖ Don’t read your slide
One way to prevent this is ONLY provide clues to the message on the slide.
Bodoni are good for printed or Light colored
paper versions)
Logo (size, color)
Minimum “point” of font size
Prepare It
Bullet Point Text
❖ Don’t use long passages of text ❖ Reading will take audiences’ attention



条形统计图英语作文Bar graphs are a popular and effective way to visually represent and compare data. They are a type of chart that uses rectangular bars of varying lengths to illustrate and compare the magnitudes or quantities of different categories or variables. Bar graphs are widely used in a variety of fields, including business, science, education, and government, to present and analyze data in a clear and concise manner.One of the key advantages of bar graphs is their ability to convey complex information in a simple and easy-to-understand format. By using bars of different lengths to represent different values, bar graphs allow viewers to quickly and easily identify trends, patterns, and relationships within the data. This makes them particularly useful for presenting data to non-expert audiences, such as in presentations or reports, where the goal is to communicate information in a clear and accessible way.Another advantage of bar graphs is their flexibility. They can be used to display a wide range of data, including numerical values,percentages, and even categorical data. Bar graphs can also be customized in terms of their orientation (horizontal or vertical), color, and labeling to suit the specific needs of the data being presented.One common use of bar graphs is to compare the values of different categories or variables over time. For example, a bar graph could be used to show the sales figures for a company's products over the course of a year, or the unemployment rates in different regions of a country over a period of several years. By presenting the data in this way, viewers can easily identify trends and patterns, such as which products or regions are performing better or worse than others.Another common use of bar graphs is to display the results of surveys or other types of data collection. For example, a bar graph could be used to show the percentage of respondents who selected each answer option in a multiple-choice survey. This type of visualization can be particularly useful for identifying the most popular or common responses, as well as any outliers or unusual patterns in the data.In addition to their practical applications, bar graphs can also be used for more creative or artistic purposes. For example, some designers and artists have used bar graphs as the basis for abstract or decorative visual elements, such as in posters, infographics, or even sculptures.Despite their many advantages, bar graphs do have some potential limitations. For example, they may not be the best choice for displaying very large or complex datasets, as the bars can become crowded and difficult to interpret. In these cases, other types of visualizations, such as line graphs or scatter plots, may be more appropriate.Additionally, bar graphs can be susceptible to misinterpretation or manipulation if the data is presented in a misleading way. For example, the scale or labeling of the bars could be adjusted to exaggerate or downplay certain trends or patterns. As with any data visualization, it is important to present bar graphs in a transparent and honest manner, and to be aware of potential biases or distortions in the underlying data.Overall, bar graphs are a powerful and versatile tool for presenting and analyzing data. They are widely used in a variety of contexts, from business and science to education and government, and their ability to convey complex information in a clear and accessible way makes them an essential tool for anyone working with data. Whether you are a researcher, a student, or a business professional, understanding how to effectively use and interpret bar graphs can be a valuable skill that can help you communicate your findings and insights more effectively.。



《指南》在集体教学中的作用Guides play a vital role in collective teaching settings, serving as a useful tool for both teachers and students alike. 指南在集体教学中扮演着至关重要的角色,对教师和学生来说都是一种有用的工具。

For teachers, guides provide structure and direction for their lessons. They outline the key points to be covered, helping teachers stay on track and ensure that all necessary information is presented. This allows instructors to effectively communicate with their students and facilitate a more organized and engaging learning environment. 对教师来说,指南为他们的课程提供了结构和方向。



In addition, guides can serve as a roadmap for teachers, offering suggestions on how to best convey the material and engage students in the learning process. They can provide tips and strategies for effective teaching, allowing instructors to optimize their instructional methods and adapt to the needs of their students. 此外,指南可以为教师提供一种路线图,为他们提供如何最好地传达材料并激发学生学习的建议。



收集有用的信息英语作文Title: The Importance of Gathering Useful Information。

In today's fast-paced world, the ability to gather useful information is more crucial than ever. Whether it's for academic purposes, professional endeavors, or personal growth, having access to relevant and reliable information can significantly impact one's success and decision-making abilities. In this essay, we will explore the importance of collecting useful information and discuss variousstrategies for effective information gathering.First and foremost, gathering useful information empowers individuals with knowledge. In any field or endeavor, knowledge is power. It enables individuals to make informed decisions, solve problems efficiently, and stay ahead of the competition. For instance, in academic research, gathering relevant data and literature reviews is essential for producing high-quality papers and advancing the body of knowledge in a particular field.Moreover, gathering useful information fosters critical thinking skills. When individuals engage with various sources of information, they are forced to evaluate the credibility, relevance, and reliability of each source.This process encourages critical thinking and helps individuals discern between fact and fiction, truth and falsehood. In today's era of misinformation and fake news, honing critical thinking skills through effectiveinformation gathering is more important than ever.Furthermore, collecting useful information enhancesone's ability to communicate effectively. Whether it's presenting findings in a professional setting, engaging in debates, or simply sharing knowledge with others, having access to relevant information strengthens one's communication skills. By staying informed about current events, industry trends, and academic developments, individuals can contribute meaningfully to conversationsand establish themselves as credible sources of information. Additionally, gathering useful information enablesindividuals to adapt to changing circumstances and make informed decisions. In today's rapidly evolving world, circumstances can change quickly, requiring individuals to stay agile and responsive. By continuously gathering and analyzing information, individuals can anticipate changes, identify opportunities, and mitigate risks effectively. This adaptability is especially critical in professional settings, where organizations must navigate complex market dynamics and technological advancements.So, how can individuals effectively gather useful information? One strategy is to leverage technology and digital resources. With the advent of the internet and digital databases, vast amounts of information are readily accessible at our fingertips. Individuals can use search engines, online databases, and academic journals to find relevant information on any topic of interest. However,it's essential to critically evaluate the credibility of online sources and cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.Another strategy is to cultivate a habit of lifelonglearning. Instead of passively consuming information, individuals should actively seek out new knowledge and perspectives. This can involve reading books, attending seminars, participating in online courses, or engaging in discussions with experts in various fields. By continuously expanding their knowledge base, individuals can stay intellectually curious and adaptable in a rapidly changing world.Additionally, networking with peers and professionals can be a valuable source of information. By connecting with others in their field or industry, individuals can exchange ideas, share best practices, and gain insights into emerging trends. Networking events, conferences, and online forums are excellent opportunities to build relationships and tap into collective knowledge.In conclusion, gathering useful information isessential for success in today's interconnected world. It empowers individuals with knowledge, fosters critical thinking skills, enhances communication abilities, and enables informed decision-making. By leveraging technology,cultivating a habit of lifelong learning, and networking with peers, individuals can effectively gather and utilize information to achieve their goals and thrive in any endeavor.。



高中英语数据处理单选题30题1.There are various methods for data collection. We can use questionnaires, interviews or _____.A.observationsB.inventionsC.invitationsD.instructions答案:A。


选项A“observations”(观察)是数据收集的一种方法;选项B“inventions”( 发明)与数据收集无关;选项C“invitations”(邀请)和选项D“instructions”(说明)也与数据收集场景不相关。

2.When collecting data, we should ensure its _____.A.quantityB.qualityC.quantity and qualityD.neither quantity nor quality答案:C。


选项A 只提到数量;选项 B 只提到质量;选项 D 既不数量也不质量不符合数据收集的要求。

3.The first step in data collection is to _____.A.analyze the dataB.collect the dataC.define the problemD.present the data答案:C。


选项A“analyze the data” 分析数据)是在收集后进行;选项B“collect the data” 收集数据)不是第一步;选项D“present the data” 展示数据)在收集之后。

4.Which of the following is NOT a way of collecting data?A.Making assumptionsB.Doing experimentsC.Conducting surveysD.Observing phenomena答案:A。


P rep aratio n
Learn how to plan and structure
Visual Aids
your presentations for maximum
Discover techniques for creating
engaging and visually appealing
diverse audiences.
into logical and
understandable to non-
structured documents.
technical individuals.
Inform ation Gathering and R esearch
Active Listening
Learn strategies to enhance your
Note-tak in g
listening skills and improve
Decoding Verbal Cues
Master effective note-taking
English language skills are essential for professional growth. This
presentation will explore the various skills required to excel in
academic and professional settings.
diverse backgrounds.



一切有用的东西英语作文When it comes to English composition, there are several elements that are considered essential for crafting a well-written piece. Here's a breakdown of what makes an English essay not just useful, but also engaging and effective.1. Clear and Concise Introduction: The introduction should grab the reader's attention and clearly state the purpose of the essay. It should be concise, avoiding unnecessary details that could confuse the reader.2. Strong Thesis Statement: The thesis is the heart of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and debatable. It sets the tone for the entire composition and guides the reader through your argument.3. Structured Body Paragraphs: Each paragraph should focus ona single main idea that supports your thesis. It shouldfollow a logical structure: topic sentence, supportingdetails (evidence, examples, or explanations), and a concluding sentence that transitions to the next paragraph.4. Coherent and Logical Flow: The flow of ideas is crucial. Each paragraph should connect to the next, creating a seamless argument. The use of transitional phrases can help maintain this flow.5. Appropriate Use of Language: The language should be formaland appropriate for academic writing. Avoid slang, colloquialisms, and informal contractions. Vocabulary should be varied and precise, enhancing the clarity of your writing.6. Citation and Referencing: When using sources, it'simportant to cite them correctly. This not only gives creditto the original authors but also adds credibility to your work. Different citation styles exist (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.), so be sure to follow the one required for your essay.7. Critical Analysis: Rather than just describing information,a useful essay should analyze, evaluate, and interpret the information. This shows a deeper level of understanding and engagement with the topic.8. Conclusion: The conclusion should not introduce new information but rather summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way. It should leave the reader with a final, memorable perspective on the topic.9. Proofreading and Editing: Before submission, it'sessential to proofread your essay for grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies in style. Editing for clarity and conciseness can also improve the overall quality of the composition.10. Originality: Lastly, an essay should be original. Plagiarism is a serious offense in academic writing. Ensure that all ideas are your own or properly attributed.By focusing on these elements, you can create an Englishcomposition that is not only useful for academic purposes but also a pleasure to read.。



2024年英语四级作文类型总结篇1In 2024, the types of English writing tasks in the College English Test Band 4 are diverse and fascinating! Let's take a deep look into them. Firstly, the argumentative essay is a common type. How often do we encounter topics like social hotspots or educational issues? The key to writing a good argumentative essay is to have a clear stance and provide solid evidence and logical reasoning. For example, when discussing the impact of technology on our lives, we need to present both pros and cons objectively and convincingly. Wow!Then, there is the narrative essay. This type often asks us to share personal experiences. Isn't it wonderful to tell stories about our own growth or memorable moments? We should focus on vivid descriptions and emotional expressions to make the readers feel as if they were there with us.The chart description is another important form. It requires us to carefully observe and analyze data presented in charts or graphs. Oh my! This demands precise language and the ability to summarize trends and patterns accurately.In conclusion, understanding these types and mastering their respective writing skills is crucial for achieving excellent results in theEnglish四级exam. So, keep practicing and improving our writing abilities!篇2Oh my goodness! As we step into the year 2024, it's high time to take a comprehensive look at the types of English composition in the College English Test Band 4. Let me tell you, there are several prominent ones that deserve our attention.Firstly, the narrative type of composition is still a favorite. How fascinating it is! It requires us to tell a story vividly and logically. But the trend now is to incorporate more elements of modern life and social issues, making the story more relevant and thought-provoking.Then, there's the argumentative type. Wow! This one really tests our reasoning and persuasive skills. The topics are becoming increasingly diverse and complex. We need to have a deep understanding of various social phenomena and be able to present our viewpoints clearly and forcefully.And don't forget the chart description type! In recent years, the data presentation forms in this type have undergone significant changes. Instead of simple graphs, we now encounter more complex and multi-dimensional data sets. How challenging but exciting! We have to be sharp in accurately interpreting and analyzing these data to draw meaningful conclusions.In conclusion, the types of English composition in the 2024 CollegeEnglish Test Band 4 are evolving and becoming more demanding. But as long as we keep practicing and improving our language skills, we'll surely do well!篇3Oh my goodness! As we look forward to the year 2024, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the types of compositions that might appear in the College English Test Band 4. Let's take a deep dive into them!Firstly, there's the narrative type. When it comes to this, you need to focus on arranging the plot logically and vividly. For instance, start with an interesting beginning to draw readers in, develop the story with twists and turns, and end with a satisfying conclusion. Remember, details are the key to making your story engaging! How amazing is that?Then, we have the argumentative type. Oh dear, this requires a strong framework for your argument. You must clearly state your viewpoint in the introduction, provide solid evidence and examples in the body paragraphs, and summarize and reinforce your point in the conclusion. Always be logical and persuasive. Isn't it challenging but exciting?Another type is the descriptive one. Here, you should use rich and vivid language to describe a person, place, or thing. Pay attention to sensory details to make the description come alive in the readers' minds. Wow, can you imagine how wonderful it would be if you could do that perfectly?In conclusion, knowing these types and following the tips for each will surely boost your confidence and performance in the 2024 English四级exam. So, get ready and do your best!篇4In 2024, the types of CET-4 compositions are diverse and each has its unique characteristics and assessment criteria! Let's take a deep dive into them.Firstly, the narrative essay. This type requires vivid storytelling and a clear sequence of events. It demands the ability to describe details and convey emotions. A good narrative essay, like a captivating story, should draw the reader in and make them feel as if they are part of the experience. How wonderful it is when the writer can achieve this!Then there's the expository essay. It focuses on presenting clear and logical explanations. The key lies in organizing ideas systematically and providing sufficient examples and explanations. Isn't it essential for the writer to have a sharp mind and a good command of language to do this well?The argumentative essay is also common. Outstanding argumentative essays have strong viewpoints and solid evidence to support them. The reasoning should be rigorous, and counter-arguments should be considered and refuted. Can you imagine how impressive it is when an essay can convince the readers thoroughly?In conclusion, each type of CET-4 composition has its own charm and challenge. Understanding their characteristics and assessment standards is crucial for achieving high scores. So, dear students, let's work hard and master these skills. Isn't it exciting to think about the possibility of getting excellent grades in the exam?篇5As we step into 2024, it's high time to take a deep dive into the types of composition in the College English Test Band 4! Oh my goodness, have you noticed how they have been evolving over the years? Let's explore this fascinating topic together!One of the prominent types is the narrative essay. In the past, the themes might have centered around simple personal experiences or daily events. But now, they seem to be getting more complex and thought-provoking! For instance, instead of just describing a single incident, we might be asked to reflect on the impact of a series of related experiences on our growth and mindset. How amazing is that?Then there's the argumentative essay. Previously, the topics were often rather straightforward, allowing for clear-cut positions. But nowadays, they are becoming more nuanced and multi-faceted. We are challenged to consider various perspectives and present well-rounded arguments. Isn't it mind-boggling?The descriptive essay has also undergone significant changes. It usedto focus mainly on physical objects or places. However, in 2024, we might encounter tasks that require us to describe abstract concepts or emotional states in a vivid and engaging way. Wow, what a leap!In conclusion, the types of English四级composition in 2024 have shown a clear trend of increasing complexity and depth. This not only tests our language skills but also our ability to think critically and express ourselves precisely. So, dear friends, are you ready to take on these challenges? Let's go for it!。



英语作文图形全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Importance of English Composition in Graphic DesignAs a graphic designer, the ability to effectively communicate through visual elements is crucial. However, equally important is the skill of composing written content in English. With globalization and the widespread use of English as a lingua franca, designers are often required to present their work and ideas in written form. In this article, we will explore the significance of English composition in graphic design and how it can enhance a designer's career.Clear Communication:One of the primary reasons why English composition is important for graphic designers is clear communication. Designers often need to explain their creative concepts, design choices, and project briefs to clients, colleagues, and stakeholders. The ability to articulate ideas concisely and effectively in written form can help designers convey their message clearly and ensure that everyone is on the same page.Professionalism:Well-written English compositions reflect professionalism and attention to detail. Whether it's drafting a project proposal, writing a design brief, or preparing a presentation, good writing skills can elevate a designer's credibility and reputation. Clients and employers are more likely to trust and respect a designer who can communicate professionally and proficiently.Marketing and Branding:In the field of graphic design, storytelling is a powerful tool for creating engaging visuals. English composition plays a crucial role in crafting compelling narratives and messaging that align with the brand identity. Whether it's writing copy for advertisements, social media posts, or marketing materials, designers can enhance their branding strategies by mastering the art of written communication.Collaboration and Teamwork:Graphic design projects often involve collaboration with other creative professionals, such as copywriters, marketers, and web developers. Effective teamwork requires clear and concise communication, whether it's exchanging ideas, providing feedback, or giving instructions. Good English composition skillscan help designers collaborate seamlessly with team members and ensure project success.Career Advancement:In today's competitive job market, employers are looking for multidisciplinary designers who possess a diverse set of skills, including English composition. Having strong writing abilities can set a designer apart from the competition and open up new opportunities for career advancement. Whether it's securing a job interview, landing a freelance gig, or getting promoted, proficient English composition can boost a designer's professional growth.In conclusion, English composition is a valuable skill that graphic designers should prioritize and develop. By mastering the art of written communication, designers can enhance their ability to communicate effectively, demonstrate professionalism, strengthen their branding strategies, collaborate with team members, and advance their careers. As the design industry continues to evolve, designers who excel in both visual and written communication will stand out and succeed in the competitive landscape.篇2Title: The Importance of English Composition GraphicsIntroduction:English composition graphics play an essential role in enhancing the readability and comprehension of a written piece. By incorporating visual elements such as charts, graphs, and images, writers can effectively convey complex information to their audience. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of using graphics in English composition and provide tips on how to effectively integrate them into your writing.Body:1. Enhancing Understanding:Graphics act as visual aids that help readers better understand the information presented in a text. For example, a pie chart can quickly showcase the distribution of data, while a flowchart can illustrate a sequence of events. By incorporating such visuals, writers can make their content more accessible to a wide range of audiences.2. Increasing Engagement:Graphics can also help engage readers by breaking up long blocks of text and providing visual interest. By including relevant images or diagrams, writers can capture the reader's attentionand encourage them to continue reading. This is particularly important in today's fast-paced digital age, where people are constantly bombarded with information.3. Improving Retention:Studies have shown that people are more likely to remember information when it is presented in a visual format. By incorporating graphics into your English composition, you can increase the chances that your audience will retain the key points of your argument. This is especially useful when writing persuasive essays or informative articles.4. Tips for Using Graphics:When incorporating graphics into your English composition, it is important to consider the following tips:- Choose visuals that are relevant to your topic and enhance the overall message of your writing.- Ensure that the graphics are of high quality and easy to read.- Provide clear labels and captions to explain the significance of the visuals.- Use a consistent style throughout your composition to maintain visual coherence.Conclusion:In conclusion, English composition graphics are an important tool for enhancing the readability and comprehension of written content. By incorporating visuals such as charts, graphs, and images, writers can increase engagement, improve retention, and enhance understanding. By following the tips outlined in this essay, you can effectively integrate graphics into your writing and create more impactful compositions. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words!篇3English Composition: GraphsIntroductionGraphs are a visual way of presenting data and information. They help to illustrate relationships between different variables and make it easier for people to understand complex information. In this essay, we will explore various types of graphs, their uses, and how to interpret them effectively.Types of Graphs1. Bar Graphs: Bar graphs are used to compare different categories of data. They consist of bars of different heights, where the height of each bar represents the value of the data it represents. Bar graphs are often used to show trends over time or compare different groups.2. Line Graphs: Line graphs are used to show the relationship between two variables. They consist of a series of data points connected by lines. Line graphs are useful for showing trends and patterns in data over time.3. Pie Charts: Pie charts are used to show the composition ofa whole. They consist of a circle divided into segments, with each segment representing a different category or percentage of the whole. Pie charts are useful for showing proportions and percentages.4. Scatter Plots: Scatter plots are used to show the relationship between two variables. They consist of a series of data points plotted on a graph, with each point representing the value of one variable against the other. Scatter plots are useful for identifying correlations between variables.Uses of GraphsGraphs are used in a variety of fields and disciplines to present data in a clear and concise manner. Some common uses of graphs include:1. Data analysis: Graphs are used to analyze and interpret data, making it easier to identify trends and patterns.2. Presentations: Graphs are often used in presentations to illustrate key points and communicate information effectively.3. Research: Graphs are used in research to visually represent data and findings, making it easier to understand and interpret complex information.4. Decision-making: Graphs are used in decision-making processes to visualize data and inform choices.Interpreting GraphsTo interpret graphs effectively, it is important to consider the following:1. Title: The title of the graph should clearly state what the graph is about.2. Labels: The axes of the graph should be clearly labeled, with units of measurement included where appropriate.3. Legends: Legends are used to explain the meaning of different colors or symbols on the graph.4. Scale: The scale of the graph should be appropriate to the data being presented, with intervals evenly spaced.ConclusionIn conclusion, graphs are a valuable tool for presenting data and information in a visual and easily understandable way. By using different types of graphs and interpreting them effectively, we can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. Whether analyzing trends, presenting research findings, or making important decisions, graphs are an essential tool for anyone working with data.。



圆图英语作文模板## Pie Chart English Essay。

### Introduction。

A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic that is divided into slices to illustrate the proportion of each category in a statistical data set. The slices in a pie chart are drawn proportionally to the data values, and the total area of the pie represents the whole data set. Pie charts are used to show the relative sizes of different categories and to make comparisons between them.### Format。

The format of a pie chart is as follows:Title: The title of the pie chart should be clear and concise, and it should accurately describe the data that is being presented.Legend: The legend of the pie chart should identify each of the slices and provide the corresponding data values.Slices: The slices of the pie chart should be drawn proportionally to the data values, and they should be labeled with the corresponding category names.### Advantages。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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E2,95% 9.01 0.12GPa
University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 8
Level 2: Uncertainty Propagation
• Law of Propagation of Uncertainties (LPU):
• Explain important terminology and definitions
– NIST vs. ISO vs. ASME/ASTM – Oberkampf definitions of model uncertainty (not included)
• Experimental scenarios and corresponding methods
2 2 2
University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Level 3: NIST Component Measurement Uncertainty Table
University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
n n q 2 q 2 u (q) u ( pi ) i 1 pi i 1 j 1 pi n 2
q p j
u ( pi , p j )
– where, p are the inputs (components) and q is the output
• Conclusion: The interpretation of ± u is not consistent within a field, let alone between fields
– It is very important to explain the statistical relevance of the uncertainty bounds!!!
• Avoid use of ambiguous ± notation without explanation • Pet peeve: CV coefficient of variation s x x – COV = covariance
University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 5
• Use terms carefully!
– Error vs. Uncertainty: Error is the deviation from the true value and measured value (never known), which is estimated as uncertainty – Bias vs. variability (will explain later)
NIST Classification of Measurement Uncertainties
• Uncertainty classification:
– Random uncertainty / variability – scatter in the measurements (v) – Systematic uncertainty / bias – systematic departure from the true value (b)
University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Uncertainty Analysis Example
• Consider our transverse modulus work (E2)
• Hooke’s Law:
P E2 Ae 2
• Thickness and width are correlated
E E E E v ( E2 ) 2 vT 2 ( P) 2 vT 2 (e 2 ) 2 vT 2 (t ) 2 vT 2 ( w) P t w e 2
2 2 2 2 2
E E E E E E b2 ( E2 ) 2 bT 2 ( P) 2 bT 2 (e 2 ) 2 bT 2 (t ) 2 bT 2 ( w) 2 2 2 bT (t )bT ( w) P t w t w e 2
University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Level 1: Total Uncertainty
• In general,
U X 95 t95 (v X ) 2 (bX ) 2
– where, vX and bX were propagated from component uncertainties t95 = Student’s t distribution at 95% confidence level (depends on # of DOF)
– Type A – calculated by statistical methods (it is useful to explain the design of experiments and the number of samples involved) – Type B – determined by other means, such as estimate from experience or manufacturers specifications
• E2 Example:
– Uncertainty contributors were analyzed for each of the components of E2 – Random and systematic effects propagated separately – Only systematic uncertainties can have correlated effects
m = 75 ± 5 g What is the meaning of ± 5 ?
• • • • • Best guess by experimenter Half the smallest division of measurement Standard deviation: Standard error: m = /n Expanded uncertainty of ± 2 or ± 3 (95% or 99% confidence interval) • Standard uncertainty: u • Combined standard uncertainty: uc
University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineertainty Precisely
• Choose a standard for presenting uncertainty (I prefer NIST), and reference the standard • Explain the source of the uncertainty
b B 2
Range is at 95% (2) level of a normal distribution
xt = true value of specimen m = experimental population average x = experimental sample average vx = random error of sample bx = systematic error of sample
• Type of evaluation:
– Type A – calculated by s v x sx x statistical methods N – Type B – determined by other means, such as estimate from experience
P = Load A = Area A w t
e2 = transverse strain
• We will work through this problem backwards
Total Uncertainty Bias & Variability Components Contributors
– – – – Uncertainty propagation Crossed vs. nested factors (ANOVA vs. VCA) p-values Interlaboratory Studies (not included)
University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
– Either design the experiments properly or match the corresponding method to the data you already have
Useful Tips for Presenting Data and Measurement Uncertainty Analysis
Ben Smarslok
University of Florida Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
• Why is presenting data properly important?