市场营销 IE+notes_Ch02_Marketing+Strategy




毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:市场营销策略文献、资料英文题目:Marketing Strategy文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14市场营销策略1 市场细分和目标市场策略具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。












2 产品定位管理者将注意力集中于一种品牌,并以恰当的方式将其与类似的品牌相区分,但这并不意味着该品牌就一定能够最后赢利。









市场营销策略市场营销策略(Marketing Tactics)目录[]oo什么是市场营销策略市场营销策略是以需要为出发点,根据经验获得顾客需求量以及的、商业界的,有计划地组织各项经营活动,通过相互协调一致的、、和,为顾客提供满意的和而实现的过程。





40多年来,每位营销经理在策划营销活动时,都基本从4Ps理论出发考虑问题,1990年美国学者()首次提出了用取代传统,为营销策略研究提供了新的思路,相比而言,4Cs更注重以消费者需求为导向,与的4Ps相比,4Cs 在理念上有了很大进步与发展。










第1章变化世界中的市场营销什么是市场营销需要(need)、欲望(want)和需求(demands)产品(product)价值(value)、满意(satisfaction)和质量(quality)交换(exchange)、交易(transaction)和关系(relationship)市场(market)市场营销(marketing)营销管理(marketing management)需求管理(demands management)建立可获利的顾客关系营销管理理念生产观念(production concept)产品观念(product concept)推销观念(selling concept)市场营销观念(marketing concept)社会营销观念(societal concept)21世纪的营销挑战非营利性营销的增长信息技术的迅猛发展迅速全球化不断变化中的世界经济对更多道德和社会责任的呼唤新的市场营销前景第2章战略规划及市场营销过程战略规划( strategic planning )确定企业使命( mission )确定企业目标和目的设计业务组合( business portfolio )分析现有业务组合( portfolio analysis )通用电气公司法——战略业务计划方格( strategic business planning grid )制定增长战略——密集性增长(intensive growth )一体化增长(integrative growth )多角化增长( diversification growth )计划职能战略( integrative function )市场营销过程( marketing management process )目标消费者——市场细分(market segmentation )目标市场选择(market targeting ) 市场定位(market positioning)设计营销组合( marketing mix )管理营销活动(市场营销分析市场营销企划市场营销实施( marketing implementation )营销部门的组织市场营销控制( marketing control )市场营销环境( marketing environment )第3章市场营销环境公司的微观环境( microenvironment )公司供应商( supper )市场中介( marketing intermediaries )顾客( customer )竞争对手公众( public )公司的宏观环境( macro-environment )人口环境经济环境economic environment自然环境natural environment技术环境technological environment政治环境political environment文化环境cultural environment对营销环境的对策第4章营销调研及信息系统营销信息系统(marketing information system ---MIS)统计库(statistical bank)模型库(model bank )评估信息需求开发信息( development information )传递信息营销调研程序客户调研(Clients Research)Character(品性),Capital(资本),Capacity(能力),又称3C调研探索性调研(Exploring Research)描述性调研(Descriptive Research)因果性调研(Causal Research)正式调研阶段第二手资料(Secondary Data);第一手资料(Primary Data) 1.访问法(Questioning Survey),2.观察法(Observational Survey),3.实验法(Experimental Survey) 抽样设计(Sampling Plan)确定问题和调研目标制定调研计划调研方法(Research Approaches)a.观察法(Observational Survey)b.实验法(Experimental Survey)c.问询法(Questioning Survey)接触方式抽样设计(Sampling Plan)系统抽样法(Systematic sampling method)调研工具(Research Instruments)调研手段实施调研计划解释与汇报结论国际营销调研第5章消费者市场及消费者购买行为消费者行为模式(consumer Behavioral model)消费者行为(Consumer Behavior )动机理论(motive)激励(motivation)动机理论及营销实践 Motivation Theory and Marketing Practice马斯洛的需求层次理论(Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)(1)生理需要(Physiological Need)(2)安全需要(Safety Needs)(3)社会需要(Social Needs)(4)自我实现的需要(Self-Actualigation Needs)(5)成就的需要阿尔法菲(Alderfer)的GRE理论(1)生存的需要(Existence Needs)(2)关系上的需要(Relatedness Needs)(3)成长上的需要(Growth Needs)赫茨伯格的双因素理论(F.Herybery Two-Factor Theory)麦克里兰(Mccleiland)的需求理论三种需要:即权利的需要(Needs for power),联系的需要(Need for Affiliation)和成就的需要(Need for Achievement)刺激–反应模式----S–R 模型(Stimulus–Response Model).购买行为的类型a.常规反应行为(Routine Response Behavior)b.有限解决问题(Limited Problem Solving)c..广泛解决问题(Extensive Problem Solving)丰田的椎名保久(火柴盒)(1)选择性注意(Selective Exposure)(2)选择性记忆(Selective Retention)(3)选择性曲解(Selective Distortion)学习(Learning)信念和态度(Belief and Attitude)影响消费者行为的特征文化因素社会因素个人因素心理因素购买者决策过程购买程序(Buying process )需求确认信息寻找选择的评价购买决策广泛决策(Extensive Problem Solving )、有限型决策(Limited Problem Solving )和习惯型决策(Routine Response Behavior )确认需求(Problem Recognition ),信息收集(Information Search ),评估可行方案(Evaluation of Alternatives ),购买决策(Purchase Decision )和购后评估行为(Post-Purchase Behavior )(2) 购后评价(Post-Purchase Evaluation )期望绩效理论(Expectation –Perceived Reformation )购后行为模式 ),(P E f S =S --- 满意感;F —函数;E --- 产品期望;P --- 产品绩效(可觉察性能)P E =:表示没有不满意 ; P E >:表示不满意; P E <:表示满意在判断的基础上采取措施。



Cost oriented pricing
Price leadership
A pricing strategy where one company sets the prices for a specific industry or market segment
Price competition
A pricing strategy where the seller adds a markup to the total cost to determine the final selling price
Break even analysis
A financial tool used to determine the price at which the business will neither make a profit nor incur a loss
Premium pricing
A pricing strategy where the seller prices the product higher than the competition to reflect its superior quality, brand image, or unique features
Advertising is a promotional tool that conveys information about a product, service, or brand to a target audience through various media.
The purpose of advertising is to arouse consumer interest and demand, increase brand awareness and sales volume. Advertising can be disseminated through various forms of media such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet.



市场营销策略英文文献《Market Marketing Strategies》Marketing strategy is an essential component of any successful business. It involves the process of identifying the target market, understanding the needs and wants of the customers, and creating a plan to reach and satisfy those customers. Effective marketing strategies can help a business to differentiate itself from its competitors, attract new customers, and retain existing ones.There are several key elements to consider when developing a marketing strategy. First, it is important to conduct thorough market research to understand the target market and the competition. This includes gathering data on demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors that influence consumer behavior. With this information, businesses can tailor their products and services to better meet the needs of their customers.Next, businesses need to define their unique selling proposition (USP), which is what sets them apart from their competitors. This could be a combination of factors such as price, quality, customer service, or product features. Once the USP is identified, it can be incorporated into the brand messaging and used to differentiate the business and attract customers.Another important aspect of marketing strategy is to determine the best channels to reach the target market. This could include traditional advertising such as television, radio, and print, as well as digital marketing channels such as social media, email, andsearch engine optimization. By understanding the preferences and habits of the target market, businesses can allocate their marketing budget more effectively and reach potential customers where they are most likely to engage.In addition to reaching new customers, marketing strategies also focus on retaining and satisfying existing customers. This can be achieved through customer loyalty programs, excellent customer service, and ongoing communication to ensure customer satisfaction.Finally, it is important for businesses to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. This can be done through tracking key performance indicators such as customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, and return on investment. By analyzing this data, businesses can make informed decisions about where to allocate their marketing resources and make adjustments to their strategies as necessary.In conclusion, developing a strong marketing strategy is essential for any business looking to grow and succeed in a competitive market. By understanding the target market, differentiating the business from its competitors, and reaching and satisfying customers, businesses can position themselves for long-term success.。



通过创新、研发和改进,提供满足市场需求的 产品。
根据产品的特点、成本和竞争情况,制定合理 的定价策略。
评估竞争对手的产品、定价和市场份额,发 现自身的优势和劣势。
通过产品特色、品牌形象和市场创新,与竞 争对手区分开来。
1 市场细分
将整个市场按照特定的标准和需求分成不同的细分市场,以便更好地 满足目标客户的需求。
2 定位策略
确定在特定细分市场中,以什么形象和差异化策略来定位自己的产品。队,提高销 售技巧和产品知识。
选择适合产品定位和分 销策略的销售渠道。
建立高效的供应链体系, 确保产品顺利分销和交 付。
市场营销策略是指企业根据市场环境和目标客户需求,制定的提高销售和市 场份额的计划和行动方案。
1 市场分析
深入了解目标市场的需求、竞争情况和趋势,为制定目标定位提供依 据。
2 目标定位



Marketing Strategy1 Market Segmentation and Target StrategyA market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets.Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency.The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails selecting two or more segments and developing a separate marketing mix to reach segment.2 Positioning the ProductManagement's ability to bring attention to a product and to differentiate it in a favorable way from similar products goes a long way toward determining that product's revenues.Thus management needs to engage in positioning,which means developing the image that a product projects in relation to competitive products and to the firm's other products.Marketing executives can choose from a variety of positioning strategies.Sometimes they decide to use more than one for a particular product.Here are several major positioning strategies:2.1 Positioning in Relation to a competitorFor some products,the best position is directly against the competition.This strategy is especially suitable for a firm that already has a solid differential advantage or is trying to solidify such an advantage.To fend off rival markers of microprocessors,Intel unched a campaign to convince buyers that its product is superior to competitors.The company even paid computer makers to include the slogan,"Intel Inside" in their ads.As the market leader,Coca-Cola introduces new products and executes its marketing strategies.At the same time,it keeps an eye on Pepsi-Cola,being sure to match any clever,effective marketing moves made by its primary competitor.2.2 Positioning in Relation to a Product Class or AttributeSometimes a company's positioning strategy entails associating its product with(or distancing it from)a product class or attributes.Some companies try to place their products in a desirable class,such as"Made in the USA."In the words of one consultant,"There is a strong emotional appeal when you say,'Made in the USA'".Thus a small sportswear manufacturer,Boston Preparatory Co.is using this positioning strategy to seek an edge over large competitors such as Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger,which don't produce all of their products in the U.S.2.3 Positioning by Price and QualityCertain producer and retailers are known for their high-quality products and high prices.In the retailing field,Sake Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus are positioned at one end of the price-quality continuum.Discount stores such as Target and Kmart are at the other.We're not saying,however,that discounters ignore quality;rather, they stress low prices.Penney's tired—and for the most part succeeded in—repositioning its stores on the price-quality continuum by upgrading apparel lines and stressing designer names.The word brands is comprehensive;it encompasses other narrower terms.A brand is a name and/or mark intended to identify the product of one seller or group of sellers and differentiate the product from competing products.A brand name consists of words,letters,and/or numbers that can be vocalized.A brand mark is the part of the brand that appears in the form of a symbol, design,or distinctive color or lettering.A brand mark is recognized buy sight bu cannot be expressed when a person pronounces the brand name.Crest,Coors,and rider for Ralph Lauren's Polo Brand.Green Giant(canned and frozen vegetable products)and Arm&Hammer(baking soda)are both brandnames and brand marks.A trademark is a brand that has been adopted by a seller and given legal protection.A trademark includes not just the brand mark,as many people believe,but also the brand name.The Lanham Act of 1946 permits firms to register trademarks with the federal government to protect them from use or misuse by other companies.The Trademark Law Revision Act,which took effect in 1989,is tended to strengthen the the registration system to the benefit of U.S. Firms.For sellers,brands can be promoted.They are easily recognized when displayed in a store or included in advertising.Branding reduces price comparisons.Because brands are another factor that needs to be considered in comparing different products,branding reduces the likelihood of purchase decision based solely on price.The reputation of a brand also influences customer loyalty among buyers of services as well as customer goods.Finally,branding can differentiate commodities(Sunkist oranges,Morton salt,and Domino sugar,for example).3 PricingPricing is a dynamic process,Companies design a pricing structure that covers all their products.They change this structure over time and adjust it to account for different customers and situations.Pricing strategies usually change as a product passes through its life cycle.Marketers face important choice when they select new product pricing strategies.The company can decide on one of several price-quality strategies for introducing an imitative product.In pricing innovative products,it can practice market-skimming pricing by initially setting high prices to"skim"the maximum amount of revenue from various segments of the market.Or it can use market penetration pricing by setting a low initial price to win a large market share.Companies apply a variety of price-adjustment strategies to account for differences in consumer segments and situations.One is discount and allowance pricing,whereby the company decides on quantity,functional,or seasonal discounts,or varying types of allowances. A second strategy is segmented pricing, where the company sellers a product at two or more prices to allow for differences in customers, products, or locations. Sometimes companies consider more than economics in their pricing decisions,and use psychological pricing to communicate about the product's quality or value.In promotional pricing,companies temporarily sell their product bellow list price as a special-event to draw more customers,sometimes even selling below cost.With value pricing, the company offers just the night combination of quality and good service at a fair price. Another approach is geographical pricing, whereby the company decides how to price distant customers, choosing from alternative as FOB pricing,uniform delivered pricing, zone pricing, basing-point pricing, and freight-absorption pricing. Finally, internationalpricing means that the company adjusts its price to meet different world markets.4 Distribution ChannelsMost producers use intermediaries to bring their products to market.They try to forge a distribution channel—a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of marking a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumers or business user.Why do producers give some of the selling job to intermediaries?After all,doing so means giving up some control over how and to whom the products are sold.The use of intermediaries results from their greater efficiency in marking goods available to target markets.Through their contacts, experience, specialization, and scales of operation,intermediaries usually offer the firm move value than it can achieve on its own efforts.A distribution channel moves goods from producers to customers.It overcomes the major time, place, and possession gaps that separate goods and services from those who would use them. Members of the marketing channel perform many functions. Some help to complete transactions:rmation.2.Promotion.3.Contact:finding and communicating with prospective buyers.4.Matching:fitting the offer to the buyer's needs, including such activities as manufacturing and packaging.5.Negotiation:reaching an agreement on price and other terms of the offer so that ownership or possession can be transferred.Other help to fulfill the completed transferred.1.Transporting and storing goods.2.Financing.3.Risk taking:assuming the risk of carrying out the channel work.The question is not whether these functions need to be performed, but rather who is to perform them. All the functions have three things in common:They use up scarce resource, they often can be performed better through specialization, and they can be shifted among channel members.To the extent that the manufacturer performs these functions, its costs go up and its prices have to be higher. At the same time, when some of these functions are shifted to intermediaries, the producer's costs and prices may be lower, but the intermediaries must charge more to cover the costs of their work. In dividing the work of the channel, the various functions should be assigned to the channel members who can perform them most efficiently and effectively to provide satisfactory assortments of goods to target consumers.Distribution channels can be described by the number of channel levels involved. Eachlayer of marketing intermediaries that performs some work in brining the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level. Because the producer and the final consumer both perform some work, they are part of every channel.When selecting intermediaries, the company should determine what characteristics distinguish the better ones. It will want to evaluate the the channel member's years in business, other lines carried, growth and profit record, co-operativeness, and reputation. If the intermediaries are sales agents, the company will want to evaluate the number and character of the other lines carried, and the size and quality of the sales force. If the intermediary is a retail store that wants exclusive or selective distribution, the company will want to evaluate the store's customers, location, and future growth potential.Understanding the nature of distribution channels is important, as choosing among distribution channels is one of the most challenging decisions facing the firm. Marketing intermediaries are used because they provide greater efficiency in marking goods available to target markets. The key distribution channel function is moving goods from producers to consumers by helping to complete transactions and fulfill the completed transaction. Distribution channels can be described by the number of channel levels, which can include no intermediaries in a direct channel, or one to several intermediaries in indirect channels.5 PromotionPromotion is one of the four major elements of the company's marketing mix. The main promotion tools——advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling——work together to achieve the company's communications objectives.People at all levels of the organization must be aware of the many legal and ethical issues surrounding marketing communications. Much work is required to produce socially responsible marketing communicating in advertising, personal selling, and direct selling. Companies must work hard and proactively at communicating openly, honestly, and agreeably with their customers and resellers.市场营销策略1 市场细分和目标市场策略具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。



要求:营销部门要与研发、技术部门密切合作。营销 部门及时把市场客户需要传递给研发部,同时要求企业 强调售前和售后服务,特别是产品性能规格介绍、包装 承运、安装调试、操作培训甚至维修等技术方面的服务。
特点:产业市场上的产品价格比较 稳定,价格需求弹性一般不大。
要求:虽然定价策略较少成为决定 性因素,但在大批量购买的原材料、 零部件营销中,数量折扣和商业折扣 也是必要的。
特点:产业市场的分销一般为直接渠道或短 渠道,销售渠道选择余地较少。近年产业市场 分销的发展趋势之一是利用国际互联网,由于 网上购买的要约报价很容易,采购方可以接触 更多的潜在卖主,从而降低采购成本。 要求:为保持渠道稳定,企业更强调交货及 时、准确及与分销商建立长期合作关系,开展 关系营销,让分销商成为公司的一部分,利益 共享,风险共担。
特点: 产业市场上的产品结构往往较复杂,有较高的 技术要求,特别是技术性能好、质量高、功能强的产品 常常可赢得绝对的竞争优势。以产品为导向,以设计制 造和工艺技术为重点,通常是企业经营战略的一般模式。 但是习惯于突出高技术开发,以高水准的产品获取竞争 优势,而容易忽视市场分析,对用户需要考虑不够;在 产业市场上,用户也可以用自己的设备生产它们所学要 的产品,而不一定非得购买;产品包装一般更具保护性 质,而不是促销性质;产品通常按规格要求购买等。
市场营销组合(marketing mix)就是指企业 为追求目标市场预期的营销水平,综合运用企业可 以控制的各种市场营销要素,并对之进行最佳组合, 即著名的“4P’s”理论:产品(Product)、价格 (Price)、渠道(Place)、促销(Promotion), 由于这四个词的英文字头都是P,再加上策略 (Strategy),所以简称为“4P’s”。 市场营销学主要是以“4P’s”理论为核心, 许多基本原理和内容多是围绕着这四个营销要素展 开的。

营销策略(Marketing Strategy)

营销策略(Marketing Strategy)

营销策略(Marketing Strategy)引言营销策略在企业发展中起到至关重要的作用。
























营销策略 营销要点 基本内容 影响因素
营销理论上主要有四种营销竞争策略: 1、直接与竞争对手竞争;这种策略主要适用于具备 较强的竞争实力的企业,行业中企业实力相当或企业 实力上略占优势的情况,对于企业的要求当然也很高; 2、使竞争对手难以反击;即采用一些措施、手段是 竞争对手还来不及做出反应就处于失败或被动、劣势 的地位,对于企业的策略,创新性,技术性等要求都 很高,现实中可行性也有待考虑;
3、产品优势分析 这里的产品优势分析包括本品分析和竞 品分析。在营销活动中,本品难免会被 拿来与其他产品进行对比,如果无法了 解本品和竞品各自的优势和劣势,就无 法打动消费者。通过营销手段,让消费 者了解到本品的优势,进而产生购买欲 望是营销活动中重要的环节。
4、营销方式和平台的选择 营销方式和平台的选择既要企业自身情况和战 略,同时还要兼顾目标群体的喜好来进行。例 如针对全国儿童的产品,就可以根据儿童的特 点,在央视的儿童频道以动画短片的形式展现 出来,这样不仅符合企业战略,将产品传达给 全国儿童,同时能够吸引儿童的目光。






1. 目标市场(Target Market): 指一个产品或服务所针对的特定消费者群体。


2. 品牌(Brand): 是一个产品、服务或组织在消费者心中的形象或标识。


3. 定价策略(Pricing Strategy): 是制定产品价格的方法和原则。


4. 市场调研(Market Research): 是指通过收集和分析相关数据,了解市场和消费者行为的过程。


5. 市场细分(Market Segmentation): 将市场划分为不同的细分市场,每个细分市场包含具有相似需求和特征的消费者群体。


7. 促销活动(Promotion): 是通过广告、销售促销和公关等手段,向消费者传递产品信息、引起兴趣并促使购买行为的方法。





市场营销策略是指企业根据自身内部条件和外部竞争状况 所确定的关于选择和占领目标市场的策略
汇报人:XX 汇报时间:XX年XX月
基本内容BASIC CFra bibliotekNTENT基本内容
市场营销策略是指企业根据自身内部条件和外部竞争状况 所确定的关于选择和占领目标市场的策略
汇报人:XX 汇报时间:XX年XX月



什么是市场营销战略(What is marketing strategy)Abstract: in recent years, with the deepening of China's reform and opening up, foreign exchanges gradually increase, Chinese enterprises go out of the country, cross sea warfare is no longer called news. Chinese enterprises learn to swim in swimming, learn to fight in the battle, from the initial repeatedly beaten to the same stage confrontation, the middle experience of a not too long, but pay a high price process. We should thank the multinationals who brought the advanced business theory to China. It is from them that we absorb the nutrients, and therefore strengthen ourselves and develop our own competitive power.This paper discusses how to make strategy in the process of enterprise management, and analyzes the importance of strategy from the angle of research, marketing, brand and enterprise assets.Key words: strategic marketing; brand investigationFirst, what is strategy?Strategy is to determine the long-term development goals of enterprises, and points out the strategies and ways to achieve long-term goals. The strategic objectives must be consistent with the purpose and mission of the enterprise. Strategy is an idea, a way of thinking, an analytical tool, and a long-term and holistic planning.Two. What is marketing?Marketing refers to the overall marketing activities of enterprises to provide goods or services to meet the needs of consumers or users.Three. What is the marketing strategy?Marketing strategy is the enterprise marketing department according to the strategic plan, considering the internal and external market opportunities resources and other factors, determine the target market, select the appropriate combination of marketing strategy, process and effective implementation and control.Strategic goals based on the transformation to the market in the process must pay attention to "customer demand, market opportunity analysis, advantage analysis, the disadvantage of reflection, market competition factors, the possible problems of prediction, team training and improvement of comprehensive factors, determined the growth type and the defense, torsion and comprehensive marketing strategy as the guiding direction and guidelines will be transformed to market strategy.Four, the characteristics of marketing strategyThe purpose is to create customers, acquire and maintain customers; how to effectively overcome the competition in an invincible position to consider from a long-term point of view; focus on market research, collect and analyze large amounts of information, the only way to market changes in the environment and make the right decision very uncertain situation; actively promote innovation. The degree and effect of proportional;decision making in change, the decision makers should have a strong ability to have, like entrepreneurs insight, recognition and decision making.Five, the conditions and environmental factors of marketing strategyMarketing objectives should include: the amount of the target, such as sales, profits, and market share etc.; quality goals, such as improving corporate image and reputation, won the customer; other goals, such as market development, new product development, sales, sales of existing products. Management idea, policy, enterprise strategy, marketing target and so on are the preconditions of enterprise system marketing strategy, and must be adapted or obeyed. Generally, the marketing objectives may not be decided yet, but in the process of marketing strategy formulation, the marketing objectives must be determined first. When determining a goal, the relationship with the overall strategy must be taken into account to make the goal fit the purpose of the enterprise, as well as in the enterprise concept, and to the market and the customer's posture.The paper analyzes the macro environment, market, industry and enterprise status in order to grasp the market opportunity accurately and dynamically.Macro environment: the environment that surrounds the enterprise and the market, including politics, law, society, culture, economy, technology, etc.. Enterprises must carry out research, collect information, and analyze them scientifically.Environmental change is both a threat and an opportunity for the enterprise.Micro environment: refers to the new direction and new integration requirements of enterprise operation and enterprise growth needs. Using the past achievements and other information to understand the company's situation, and sorting out its advantages and disadvantages. Strategy is actually a plan for companies to win, so,When making a strategy, the enterprise must give full play to the advantages of the company and try to avoid its disadvantages.Six, the formulation and implementation process of marketing strategyMarketing strategy formulation and implementation process: market segmentation - selected target market - marketing mix - implementation plan - organization implementation - Testing and evaluation.1) market segmentation. The market is not a single, homogeneous with the needs of customers, but the diversity and heterogeneity of the group, so the market segmentation can discover new market opportunities, but also can better meet the market demand; can more fully exert the advantages, but also provide conditions for enterprises to select the target market, to lay the foundation.2) selection of target market. Choosing the target marketdetermines the market to which the enterprise will enter, answer the question of whom the customer is, and whom the product appeals to. First, enterprises must have a clear target market; two, for a product must have a clear appeal, there is a clear consumer groups; three is to seize the main contradiction, highlighting the focus.3) marketing mix. Once a clear target market, we must consider how to enter the market and satisfy the market demand, it is the organic combination of product, price, channel and promotion strategy, but not the simple addition of several strategies.4) enterprises must consider the following points when conducting marketing mix:I want to understand their use of the marketing mix through the investigation of outstanding domestic enterprises.It is unique and outstanding differences in the company's competitive advantage and give full play to the advantage of the company.* the marketing mix is the enterprise can control, enterprises can control the combination of factors to control the entire marketing mix.* the marketing mix is a system engineering, composed of a multilayer system.This marketing combination factors must be coordinated,according to different products for different prices, different channels, adopt different means of promotion.* the marketing mix is not static, but dynamic.Whether the enterprises provide products are the products required by the market, whether it can meet the needs of consumers, consumers to solve the problems to be solved, providing consumers hope to obtain benefits, this is the product key. Only consumers satisfied, consumers will accept your product.Seven, the basic strategy of marketing can be summed up as follows:1. innovation strategy1) concept innovation. First of all, we should correctly understand and understand the value of knowledge. Under the condition of market economy, knowledge itself is both commodity and value. Secondly, we should have a strong sense of innovation, and consciously improve the ability to innovate. Thirdly, it is necessary to realize that innovation is the most fundamental and effective means to improve the marketing competitiveness of enterprises. Finally, marketing innovation is not an individual behavior of an individual, but an organized whole activity involving all employees of an enterprise.2) organizational innovation. Organizational innovation includes the organization form, management system, organization setting, rules and regulations and so on. It isthe guarantee of marketing innovation strategy. Organization structure unreasonable, bloated, meticulous division of labor, management level, more personnel than work available, each other too much is not conducive to innovation.3) technological innovation. With the rapid progress of science and technology, a large number of new technologies emerge, and the technical life cycle is shortened. Technological innovation has been called the core of manufacturing enterprises. Have adequate technical reserves to meet customer demand under the premise still need to improve, market segmentation and belongs to the technical field of their own enterprise technical barriers, effectively protect thelong-term development of enterprises, and guide the consumer demand, continue to meet the new needs of customers.4) product innovation. Under the drive of technological innovation, the market life of new products is also becoming shorter and shorter. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of advanced technology to continuously introduce new products to meet customer needs.5) market innovation. Find new consumer needs and find the best target market. To observe the difference of consumer demand, based on the scientific market segmentation, find out the innovation point from the difference of consumer demand.2. talent strategy1) the new concept. Firmly set up the thought of talent standard, have talent, can make a fortune.Founder group, Peking University, is an excellent example. Founder assets increased 7000 times in the past 10 years. Wang Xuan, founder of Fangzheng group, said, "what they rely on is the solution to the relationship between" talent "and" wealth ".2) the concept of lifelong learning. For enterprises, we should set up the idea of all staff training.3. cultural strategyCorporate culture includes enterprise management concept, enterprise spirit, value concept, code of conduct, moral norms, corporate image, as well as the sense of responsibility and honor of all employees to the enterprise. It is not only an important means to improve the cohesion of the enterprise, at the same time, it in the spirit of enterprise as the core, members of the corporate thinking and behavior guidance to enterprise development goals set up, it also formed through the corporate values, norms, ethics, social psychological approach to text or members of the enterprise thought and behavior influence and control. Values are the cornerstone of corporate culture. The success of many enterprises is due to the fact that all employees are able to accept and implement the values of the organization.4. image strategyDavid Ogilvy said: "advertising is a long-term investment in brand impression". In the era of knowledge economy, advertisinghas entered the "impression" era, enterprises with all kinds of advertising and promotion, and constantly improve the corporate reputation, the creation of brand-name products, so that consumers according to the enterprise's "reputation" and "impression" to buy products.Eight. Determine the flow of marketing strategyFirst of all, market analysis, analysis of the current consumer characteristics of the market. And then market segmentation, according to your consumer demand segment market. After market segmentation, market positioning, and then select the marketing mix.Nine, summaryStrategy and strategy are different. Strategy should be at the top of the enterprise, which indicates the direction of the development of an enterprise, and strategy is the means and impetus to realize this direction. The development of China 30 years of reform and opening up, a lot of practice theory, a lot of theoretical verification, it is proved that the theory is suitable for many China enterprises, in the development process, we pay the high tuition fees, many enterprises and make us more aware of, make the correct marketing strategy is is very important for enterprises.Like Google, companies like NOKIA, they can understand the customers or consumers are thinking, they understand the market demand, they can feel the needs of the market, they can guide the customer or consumer demand. This helps them to develop theright strategy and maintain a fast and steady growth through the implementation of the right strategy. We see that these companies are also rapidly promoting their brand building.We see behind the success of brand enterprises, they are good at focusing, they are more professional, more clearly understand what is their business focus, they in the implementation of the strategic approach to their target customers, and communication methods are highly focused. This sentence can probably explain the reason why this model, "the sun also wear a reheat brick, but as long as a small laser beam can penetrate the entire plate", this is the power of strategic focus. So, what a successful brand implies is what we discussed and introduced. Only these things are linked together, perfect combination, a good brand can stand firmly in front of consumers, and more powerful and robust.Professor Michael Porter said in the "competitive strategy" in the book, the success of the marketing strategy is nothing more than three kinds: one is the lowest cost leading strategy, namely the enterprise is committed to achieve the cost of production and sale; two is the differentiation strategy, namely the enterprise is committed to creating a significantly different product lines and marketing plan, so that it is possible to become the market leader in the industry; three is the focus strategy, namely the enterprise will concentrate in several market segments of the service, rather than the pursuit of all the market.How to choose and confirm these strategies in the light of their own situation and marketing environment is essentially astrategic positioning problem.The positioning of marketing strategy is to solve the long-term, overall and directional problems of enterprises, and it is particularly important in the enterprise management.References (abbreviated)。


• Tactical planning: Process that guides the implementation of activities specified in the strategic plan.
Strategic Planning versus Tactical Planning
Porter’s Five Forces Model
First Mover and Second Mover Strategies
• First mover strategy: Theory advocating that the company that is first to offer a product in a marketplace will be the long-term market winner.
Cash Cows
Question Marks
Байду номын сангаас
BCG Market Share/Market Growth Matrix
• Second mover strategy: Theory that advocates observing closely the innovations of first movers and then introducing new products that improve on the original offering to gain advantage in the marketplace.
• HR Block recognizes the strategic window of their business.
Elements of a Marketing Strategy



第四章市场营销策略第一节目标市场策略(注:图表不好复制和翻译,所以就省略了)一、市场细分(一)消费者消费习惯Chapter 4 Marketing Strategiesquarter one:target market strategy一The market subdivides(一)consumer spending habitsRestaurant, the store, snack shop细分市场中:1、酒吧所占的市场最大,并且与其他竞争者的差距明显;其次为咖啡吧。





Into the market :1.The bars hold a larger majority of the market, compare with othercompetitors ,the gap is obvious ;Second is coffee shop. Nanning'scoffee industry is ripe; it will become a strong competition, thus furthershare the market share.2. Tea and vinegar on the consumer market share more, but the consumergroups have not much to the same.3. From the market competition, there is a small part of the market sharewhich was occupied by the fragmented competitor. The chief competitorsare drink of market or small restaurants, etc.4. And from the right picture can be seen that :consumers tend to go to drink in the house, and do business or deal with social relationship during the drinking time, so vinegar bar is the best choice.(二)消费者偏好(二)consumer preference由以上可以看出:喜欢和偏酸和酸甜结合口味饮料的人占到了41%和49%,这正好于醋饮具有的口味相吻合,有利于醋饮被广大写消费者接受。



营销战略(marketing strategy)文献综述Stanley F. Slater等[1]研究了环境影响评估的战略和业务单位在市场营销的创造力和执行效用方面的相对重要的作用,研究人员来调查这些条件,能提供关于管理和指导以便优化配置资源。

Rajan Varadarajan等[2]对现存的市场营销的环境中能使用Internet的吉姆公司的第一个十年进行研究,并猜测将来的互动营销市场的范围,研究销售和市场教育机制。

Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos等[3]认为一个公司的市场定位应该结合开发战略和市场开发,通过提供一个聚焦在客户目标的有效理论,来促进市场信息流动之间的战略进程,并集成一个动态连接能力市场。

Florence Crespin-Mazet等[4]研究了建筑业中的合作开发的营销战略,努力找出在何种条件下的项目合作开发被认为是一个可行的营销战略和具有竞争力的营销战略。

Kwaku Atuahene-Gima等[5]扩展了在新产品营销策略和基于新的冒险技术之间的关系研究,发现额外的工业关系和市场的活力能够加强新产品的营销战略在市场中的表现。

Eleri R. Rosier等[6]发明和测试了一种概念模型,是关于关键执行者和营销经理在程序上的合理的洞察力所带来的结果。


Henrikki Tikkanen等[7]研究了基本规划公司的的多商业关系和多规划的营销战略的实现。

Denise Jarratt等[8]描述了营销战略是如何随着新的竞争和组织环境的改变而演化的,解释了市场活动在公司面临营销战略时的作用和战略发展的途径。

Yvonne Brodrechtova[9]说明影响出口市场营销战略的因素不单单是西方发达国家,还有欧洲的过渡国家。


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Chapter ThreeInteractive Exercise – Marketing Strategy Instructions for the Professor:Overview:The purpose of this exercise is to help students extend their conceptual knowledge of the strategic marketing planning process, specifically as it relatesto the broad types of strategies that a firm might choose to pursue.For each of the four strategic opportunities, students are shown statements describing marketing actions undertaken in the context of specific brands. Students are expected to select the statement description that best illustrates the particular type of strategic opportunity that is under consideration.Concept Review:The overwhelming purpose behind strategic marketing planning is to match a firm’s capabilities, resources, and ob jectives to attractive opportunities that the firm is in a position to successfully capitalize upon. SWOT analysis is the preferred method of identifying and evaluating opportunities in light of the strengths and weaknesses of the firm, and the environmental forces that may influence the success or failure of the venture. While many firms will pursuemore than one type of strategic opportunity concurrently, it is useful to distinguish the four basic types of opportunities in terms of their similarities and differences. The strategic opportunities discussed below represent the four combinations of A) present vs. new products, and B) present vs. new markets. It may be worth reminding students that “market” in this context refers to groups of consumers / businesses with a basic shared need, or new and untapped geographic locations. “New” products are those that are new to the company and are not restricted to first time product innovations that essentially create a new product categorywithin an industry.Market penetration (present product; present market) occurs when a company undertakes various actions designed to encourage current customers to buy, consume, or in the case of charities – contribute more.Market Development (present product, new market) occurs when a firm attempts to expand sales by targeting a new user market with an existing product. Twokey methods of implementing this strategy include 1) selling an existing productto a new geographic market in which the firm currently does not conduct business, and 2) marketing new uses of existing products to new users.Product Development (new product, present market) occurs when new or improved products are developed for present markets. Restaurants frequently undertake product development when they introduce new menu items or menu lines.Diversification (new product, new market) is typically considered to be the riskiest opportunity of the four, as it requires a company to move into a totally new line of business while marketing to a new market. Risk is greater as the company’s lack of expertise and experience in both the product (industry, competition, production process, perhaps distribution channels, etc.) and market (targeted consumers, needs, buying habits, perhaps methods of reaching consumers) leaves greater potential for error.Using the Exercise:Initial Screen1. Slide one uses a replication of exhibit 3-2 to introduce the fourtypes of strategic opportunities.The interactive exercises are meant to be involving and fun for students. As you begin the exercise, you might lighten the moodand grab students’ attention by means of phrases such as:“{student name}, come on down! You’re the first contestant to playour game today!”The professor then asks the student volunteer to choose any one of the four opportunities.The professor clicks on the portion of the strategic opportunity matrix representing the student’s selection.Next Screen2. The screen pertaining to the selected strategic opportunityappears.The professor reads the descriptions to the class.The professor then asks students to select the statement that exemplifies the strategic opportunity being investigated, and clickson the letter that corresponds to the student’s response.If the wrong response is given, a buzzer will sound, and the letter designating the incorrect answer will turn red. For details related toright and wrong answers, refer to the ANSWERS ANDEXPLANATION section below.The selection process is repeated until the correct answer ischose n, and a cash register “Ch-ching!” sound is heard. The slideautomatically transitions back to the expanded initial screen asdescribed below in step 3.Expanded Initial Screen with Correct Example3. The four strategic opportunities are shown, with modifications.Exhibit 3-2 is updated.i. The opportunity that was previously chosen is displayed in adifferent color to indicate that it has already beeninvestigated and cannot be reselected.ii. The answer that correctly illustrates an application of thatstrategic opportunity is now listed in the appropriateproduct/market grid cell.The remaining strategic opportunities transition briefly.The professor asks for a student volunteer to select from the three remaining types of opportunity, and clicks on the table cellcorresponding to that student’s choice.Next Several Screens4. The procedures described in steps 2 and 3 are repeated untilall strategic marketing opportunity types have been examined. Final Screen5. The final screen displays each form of strategic opportunityaccompanied by the correct statement describing marketingactions that provide that opportunity.6. The professor clicks the indicated icon to end the exercise. NOTE:Clicking the “X” at any time will end the exercise.Answers and ExplanationsMARKET PENETRATIONAnswer A: INCORRECT, BUT DEBATIBLEThis one is rather tricky. While the majority of people who purchase TVGuide do so for its functional value, there has always existed a small group who collects TV Guide for the sake of collecting. TV Guide’s strategy ofpublishing multiple covers is probably best described as an attempt todevelop and grow a market that has existed, but has traditionally beenignored. Students may argue that A) TV Guide is actually following a market penetration strategy since collectors existed prior to its implementation and offering multiple covers encourages this group to buy more, or B) that it is actually an example of product development, since the cover is different. Asa counterpoint, the instructor can point out that the new covers are simply ameans by which a new use (collecting) is being satisfied, and that promoting new uses for existing products is a means of market development. Theproduct itself (contents within the TV Guide) do not change, only the cover.Useful discussion can be generated as a result of differing points of view. Answer B: CORRECT!Promotions have always been an excellent means of penetrating the market.Until the recent scandal, McDonald’s “Monopoly” promotion was the most successful of the company’s games.Answer C: INCORRECTThe development of a new product by a company known as an ice cream manufacturer does not qualify as market penetration. Firms pursuing amarket penetration strategy do not alter the product being sold, or the market to which is targeted.Answer D: INCORRECTThis is an example of product development by Dr. Pepper.MARKET DEVELOPMENTAnswer A: INCORRECTDeveloping a new product outside current areas of expertise for a new market (mechanics, do-it-yourselfers) is an example of diversification.Answer B: INCORRECTThis example features a new, rather than existing product, and thus does not qualify as market development.Answer C: CORRECTOffering existing products to a new geographic market never before served is an example of market development. International expansion, or domestically expanding distribution to new regions of the U.S. qualifies as marketdevelopment. As previously noted, developing new uses for existing products that satisfy different needs is a second form of market development. Answer D: INCORRECTA local bank that develops its own Internet service division is not only servinga new national market, it is also venturing into a new line business outside ofits area of expertise. Pursing this opportunity would be an example of a bank engaging in diversification.PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTAnswer A: INCORRECTThe Lean Cuisine example is best classified as diversification, as it would require new suppliers, production facilities, channels of distribution,advertising, etc., in order to service what is essentially a new market viaproducts new to the company.Answer B: INCORRECTFrito-Lay has decided to take advantage of a Market Developmentopportunity by introducing snack food to the Russian market.Answer C: CORRECTRC is developing a line of fruit flavored ice tea beverages for their existing market of beverage consumers. Perhaps RC is attempting to better satisfy the needs of caffeine drinkers who don’t care for carbonated beverages, and prefer the taste of fruit to cola. The drinks will be made available through traditional distribution channels (grocery, convenience, mass merchandise) and can be produced through existing production processes; beverageproduction and marketing represents a core competency of the firm rather than a new business, so capitalizing upon this opportunity would NOT be considered an example of diversification.Answer D: INCORRECTThe product has not changed, just the suggested usage – an example of market development.DIVERSIFICATIONAnswer A: INCORRECTIncreasing the amount or rate of giving among current donors is an example of market penetration.Answer B: INCORRECTThis example best corresponds with the strategy of product development. Answer C: INCORRECTThis example best corresponds with the strategy of product development. Answer D: CORRECTSaudi Arabia is clearly a new market for Coors, as religious convictionstypically forbid the consumption of fermented beverages such as beer among the Saudi; hand-held power tools represent a business far removed from Coors current brewing operations.。
