

Churchill(丘吉尔英文简介) ppt课件

Churchill(丘吉尔英文简介)  ppt课件
• On 12 October 1899, the Second Boer War between Britain and the Boer Republics broke out and he obtained a commission to act as war correspondent(战地记者) for The Morning Post. But he and his accompanies were captured by Boers. Later, Churchill escaped from the prison camp which made him a minor national hero at that time, because he is the only one escaped. Since then, he began his political career.
First Lord of the Admiralty
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Minister of Munitions
Secretary of State for War&Air
political career
Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies
President of the Board of Trade
Home Secretary


Just talk about his personalities
• Life is always full of gains and losses. Sometimes, choosing to give up is to get better results. We could learn a lot from what Churchill did during the Second World War.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THE BLITZ(伦敦大轰炸)
• His typical gesture “V” for victory brought Londoners together, which was considered as the hope for victory.
We are not now that strength 虽然我们的力量已不如当初 which in old days Moved earth and heaven 已远非昔日移天动地的雄姿 That which we are, we are 但我们仍然是我们 One equal-temper of heroic hearts 一颗英雄的心 To strive, to seek, to find 去奋斗,去探索,去寻求 and not to yield 绝不屈服


Besides,Churchill had received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 and he is good at
painting as well.
The Second World War (book series)
The Second World War is a history of the period from
in 1953. Churchill labelled the moral of the work as
follows: In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill 温斯顿·伦纳德·斯宾塞·丘吉尔爵士 (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965)
History is written by the victors. 历史是由胜利者书写的。
? Brief introduction ? Family background ? Politics ? His role in WWII ? More about Churchill
He served as Prime Minister from 1940 to
1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He is not only a
noted statesman and orator, but also an officer in the British Army



社会影响/social influence
在“二战”带领英国人民取得胜利, 与罗斯福和斯大林并称为“三巨头”
被英国民 众认为是 有史以来 最伟大的 英国人
历史上 掌握英语单词 词汇量 最多的人之一 (十二万多)
坦克 之父

他的故事不会 到此结束…

主要作品/master works
《马拉 坎德远 征史》 《河上 战争》
《英语 民族史》 (4卷)
《世界危机》 (4卷)、
《第二次世 界大战回忆 录》(6卷)
ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.

生平经历/life story
1874年4月,伦道夫· 丘吉尔与珍妮· 杰 罗姆在巴黎英国驻法大使馆举行婚礼
1893年8月被桑赫斯特皇家军事学校录取 名列第95位。
1894年11月,在帝国剧院的骚乱 中“发表了我的第一次演讲”。
. 1940年5月10日任英国首相 并兼国防大臣
Thank you!

获得奖励/Reap the rewards
•一生中写出了26部共45卷 (本)专著,几乎每部著 作出版后都在英国和世界 上引起轰动
著作等身的 作家
经邦治国的 政治家
战争中的 传奇英雄
辩才无碍的 演说家

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
人物简介/Person Introduction
个人简介/Character introduction 生平经历/life story



Churchill at the war
After the outbreak of the Second World War, Churchill was again appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. Following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain on 10 May 1940, he became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and led Britain to victory against the Axis powers. Churchill was always noted for his speeches, which became a great inspiration to the British people and embattled Allied forces.
Winston Churchill ‘s family background:
November 30, 1874 -1965 on January 24), Winston Churchill was born to an aristocratic family in England. 1881, 7year-old children of the nobility Churchill was sent to a school, schools in Churchill is the most mischievous, the most greedy. Score one of the worst students, so teachers often suffer corporal punishment, but had to transfer to another school. 1888, Churchill entered after Eton Harrow school, but results are still poor, although Churchill's academic record is not good, but the reason he was successful, the key depends on his overall quality of Lord Randolph decided after he sent his son graduated from Sandhurst Royal Military Academy.


1953 won the Nobel prize in literature Time twice topped the annual influential man Lead the British people to usher in World War II Victory Representative :<<Memoirs of the Second World War>>
Churchill was born in a noble family in England.Lord Churchill's father Randolph Churchill is the third son of Duke Mar Barrow VII,Has served as the cabinet of the Minister of Finance after the prime minister.Churchill's mother, Jenny Jerome, is the daughter of Leonard Jerome, one of the richest men in the United States and one of the New York Times.
Education background
圣乔治贵族子弟寄宿学校 汤姆逊学校 哈罗公学 桑赫斯特皇家军事学校
1900年10月,代表英国保守党参选的丘吉尔顺利当选议员 1904年他自称“独立的保守党人”,并最终于1905年1月被 保守党取消了党员资格。



Thank you for your watching.
The first person to become an Honorary Citizen of the United States. 1953, Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. 1953, Queen Elizabeth II conferred on(授予) him the dignity of Knighthood and invested him with the insignia of the Order of the Garter The largest state funeral.
Churchill's funeral was the largest state funeral in world history, with representatives from 112 nations; only China did not send an emissary. Only Ireland did not broadcast the service live on television in Europe, where 350 million people watched, including 25 million in Britain.By decree of the Queen, his body lay in state for three days and a state funeral service was held at St Paul's Cathedral on 30 January 1965.



1940年5月10日 “我没有别的,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水献给大家……你们问:我们的目的是什么? 我可以用一个词来答复:胜利,不惜一切代价去争取胜利,无论多么恐怖也要争取胜利, 无论道路多么遥远艰难,也要争取胜利,因为没有胜利就无法生存。”
1948年 “我的成功秘诀有三个:第一是,决不放弃;第二是决不,第三是,决不、决不、决不能 放弃!”演讲完后,丘吉尔就走下了讲台! 这是众多外国政治家中,最成功、最有影响力 的一次演讲,虽然时间短暂,但在世界演讲史上却堪称“经典之作”!
按照惯例附上自己的一点读后感,望大家轻拍:“资本主义社会所宣称的民主也 是在某种程度上的民主,议会选举制度确实是一个民主的公平体现,但在各党派的争 权夺利中,这种民主几乎没有发挥任何作用,即使是象丘吉尔这样的伟人也无法改变。 在二战期间,他所在的保守党与其他党派共同领导英国人民同仇敌忾,顽强抗击法西 斯的侵略,取得了二战的胜利;但在战争结束后,要重新举行大选时,却立刻翻脸对 其他党派进行猛烈抨击,令世人汗颜。”
1874年11月30日,早产出生, 仅在母亲腹中呆了7月半。
1888年3月,投考哈罗公学, 拉丁文考试交白卷,依然被录 取,可见出身对命运的影响力。
1900年6月,成功获得奥德姆 地区竞选胜利,成为下议院议 员,正式步入政坛。
1924年10月,被任命为财政 部长,成为仅次于首相的二号 人物。时年50岁。
丘吉尔 读书笔记
N永远,永远,永远,永远都不要放弃。 ever, never, never, never give up.
温斯顿 · 伦纳德 · 斯潘塞 · 丘吉尔 爵士 Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

丘吉尔英文介绍 ppt课件

丘吉尔英文介绍  ppt课件

Brief Introduction
Winston Churchill was a British politician
known chiefly for his leadership of the United
Kingdom during World War II.He is the first person to become an Honorary Citizen of the United States.
Churchill ,Stalin and Roosevelt 丘吉尔 斯大林 罗斯福
First Lord of the Admiralty海军大臣 Britain Defense Secretary英国国防部长 The Soviet-German war苏德战争 The Atlantic Charter of War大西洋宪章 The Pacific War太平洋战争 Joint Staff联合参谋部 A second war front 第二战场 The meeting in Tehran德黑兰会议 Yalta conference雅尔塔会议
如果给我5分钟,我提前一周准备;如果是20分钟, 我提前两天;如果是1小时,我随时可以讲。这个演讲 就是属于随时可信口聊的水平。
Teeth that save the world
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." 悲观主义者从每个机遇中看到困难,乐观主义者从 每个困难中看到机遇。



丘吉尔ppt讲稿,配套ppt可在我空间中寻找I am honored to stand here to talk about some still famous people. We can see three man on the screen called “The Big Three’’ include Joseph Stalin from The Suviet Union. Franklin Roosevelt from USA and Winston Churchill from The United Kingdom. Today I will introduce one of them to you.He is one of the greatest politician, the orator and diplomat, he created the tank, won the Nobel prize and saved all the world. He is Winston Churchill.Churchill’s family is a noble one. His mother is the daughter of an American millionaire and his father is a conservative politician—chancellor.As a small boy, he did poorly in study. Then he go to Royal Military Academy and became a soldier. He saved as prime minister in 1940 known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II.After the outbreak of World War II, he became prime minister of the United Kingdom and led Britain to victory against German Nazis.Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."Churchill was always noted for his speeches, which became a great inspiration to the Britain people. Churchill had a famous symbol “V”. He was trying to tell Britain people that they will get victory finally. We can see, most of his photo has “V”.Except these, Churchill was also a writer who won the Nobel price and an artist.He is the man who told us what is courage and never give in named Winston Churchill.。



1885年4月1日—1977年 12月12日 1909年—1963年 1911年—1968年 1914年—1982年 1918年—1921年 1922年—2014年5月
第二节 遗传性共济失调 (hereditary ataxia)
遗传性共济失调指一组以慢性 进行性小脑性共济失调为特征 的遗传变性病。临床症状复杂 ,交错重叠,具有高度的遗传
Churchill was born in a noble family in England.Lord Churchill's father Randolph Churchill is the third son of Duke Mar Barrow VII,Has served as the cabinet of the Minister of Finance after the prime minister.Churchill's mother, Jenny Jerome, is the daughter of Leonard Jerome, one of the richest men in the United States and one of the New York Times.
Family member
家庭成员 父亲 母亲 弟弟 配偶 女儿 儿子 女儿 女儿 女儿
姓名 伦道夫·丘吉尔勋爵
职业 勋爵 勋爵夫人
约翰·斯特兰奇·斯宾塞-丘 吉尔
伦道夫·丘吉尔 莎拉·图切-杰森
保守党议员 电影演员
玛丽戈尔德·丘吉尔 玛丽·索姆斯
部分亚型的基因已被克隆和测序弄 清了致病基因内三核苷酸如(CAG) 的拷贝数逐代增加的突变是致病原 因。



1924年10月,被任命为财政 部长,成为仅次于首相的二号 人物。时年50岁。
1951年10月,参加大选,保 守党以微弱赢得胜利,再次当 选首相。时年76岁。1955年4 月退休,辞去首相职务,时年 80岁。
1898 年 春 , 弃 军 从 政 , 参 加 奥德姆地区竞选失败,秋以战 地记者身份参加南非布尔战争 被俘后逃脱,成为英雄人物。
丘吉尔和妻子 在画画
从开始阅读这本书,到萌发写读书笔记的念头,到今天制作完成这个PPT读书笔 记,我一共花了一周的时间。在此期间,我深度阅读了书中的关键内容,然后加上了 自己的逻辑框架,最后用PPT的形式呈现出来,希望以后能养成这样读书的好习惯。
按照惯例附上自己的一点读后感,望大家轻拍:“资本主义社会所宣称的民主也 是在某种程度上的民主,议会选举制度确实是一个民主的公平体现,但在各党派的争 权夺利中,这种民主几乎没有发挥任何作用,即使是象丘吉尔这样的伟人也无法改变。 在二战期间,他所在的保守党与其他党派共同领导英国人民同仇敌忾,顽强抗击法西 斯的侵略,取得了二战的胜利;但在战争结束后,要重新举行大选时,却立刻翻脸对 其他党派进行猛烈抨击,令世人汗颜。”
1948年 “我的成功秘诀有三个:第一是,决不放弃;第二是决不,第三是,决不、决不、决不能 放弃!”演讲完后,丘吉尔就走下了讲台! 这是众多外国政治家中,最成功、最有影响力 的一次演讲,虽然时间短暂,但在世界演讲史上却堪称“经
1953年12月10日 ,瑞典文学院授予丘吉尔诺贝尔文学奖。瑞典文学 院给他的获奖评语是:“由于他精通历史和传记的艺术,以及他那捍 卫崇高的人的价值的光辉的演说。”
1874年11月30日,早产出生, 仅在母亲腹中呆了7月半。


• A man is about as big as the things that make him angry. 从让一个人生气的事情大小就能看出一个人的价值。
• we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
political career
• Churchill was the leader of British in WWⅡ.He delivered a lot of speeches to improve people's confidence to fight fascist. His first speech as prime minister was the famous saying: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.



• The World Crisis (1923-1929) • his memoirs of the Second World War (1948-1953/54) • History of the English-speaking Peoples (1956-1958)
• Churchill, a gifted amateur painter, wrote Painting as a Pastime (1948).
Winston Churchill's Painting and Art
Painting was a huge and lasting passion for Winston Churchill. Painting played a prominent role in the last 40 years of Churchill's life though there is little to indicate from Churchill's early life that he had any particular talent for art."I know of nothing which, without exhausting the body, more entirely occupies the mind" Wrote Churchill on painting.
Winston Churchill
(30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965)
"Never, never, never, never give up."



A passionate believer in the navy's historic strategic role, he immediately committed the Royal Naval Division(皇家海军) to an intervention in the Flanders campaign in 1914. Frustrated by the stalemate in Belgium and France that followed, he initiated the Allies' only major effort to outflank the Germans on the Western Front by sending the navy, and later a large force of the army, to the Mediterranean. At Gallipoli in 1915, this Anglo-French force struggled to break the defenses that blocked access to the Black Sea. It was a heroic failure that forced Churchill's resignation and led to his political eclipse.
She’s third in order of succession to the throne. ? 她在王位
详解:这个句子的主要结构就是he initiated the … by sending … to … 。 Frustrated by …在这里是分词结构做状语,逻辑主语是he,ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้中that followed是定语从句,
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Churchill ‘s late in lifel resigned, the dissolution of the coalition government to organize the caretaker government during the war. July 5, held a nationwide Election. July 26, due to failure in the general election had to resign To the prime minister. Originally confident that with Churchill in the war given the credit for the smooth election of the Conservative Party, was defeated in the general election. Although elected members of Churchill himself, but the Conservatives won only 197 seats. The Labour Party has won 393 seats, to form a government, Labour Party leader Clement Attlee • elected prime minister. This is mainly because the Labor Party's goal of building a welfare state impoverished post-war British society has a great appeal. March 5, 1946, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Fulton, United States, his alma mater, Westminster College Truman delivered a speech entitled "peace pillar" of the speech, also known as the Iron Curtain speech. In his speech, Churchill openly attack the Soviet Union, "expansion" and declared that "from the Baltic to the Adriatic side of Szczecin, Trieste, an Iron Curtain across Europe has landed down." Soviet "iron curtain" to the east of Central and Eastern European countries, the growing pressure control.

l November 1919 Britain's first general election held in the First World War, the election Houqiujier serve in the Cabinet Minister Minister of the Army and Air Force two positions. He began to adjust to the British army and the Russian civil war advocates active intervention. l The Liberal Party in 1922 general election defeat, but Churchill himself was losing his constituency in the accident. Years of war have become so left-leaning voters, the Liberal Party voters originally supported a large number of Labour Party in large numbers backward. l Summer of 1924, just set up a 9-month fall of the Labour government, Churchill was elected by an overwhelming majority on behalf of the Conservative Party candidate, was appointed Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin Chancellor of the Exchequer, which is second only to the Prime Minister Cabinet posts Churchill's father had also held positions. l May 1929 British general election again, I though this election victory over Winston Churchill, but in the country, defeat the Conservatives and the Liberal Party, Ramsay MacDonald Labour government returned to power.
Winston Churchill ‘s family background:
November 30, 1874 -1965 on January 24), Winston Churchill was born to an aristocratic family in England. 1881, 7year-old children of the nobility Churchill was sent to a school, schools in Churchill is the most mischievous, the most greedy. Score one of the worst students, so teachers often suffer corporal punishment, but had to transfer to another school. 1888, Churchill entered after Eton Harrow school, but results are still poor, although Churchill's academic record is not good, but the reason he was successful, the key depends on his overall quality of Lord Randolph decided after he sent his son graduated from Sandhurst Royal Military Academy.
Churchill at the war
After the outbreak of the Second World War, Churchill was again appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. Following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain on 10 May 1940, he became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and led Britain to victory against the Axis powers. Churchill was always noted for his speeches, which became a great inspiration to the British people and embattled Allied forces.
Little Churchill
Early political experience:

October 1900, on behalf of the British Conservative Party elected members of the successful candidates Churchill, was the beginning of political career over 61 years. The Liberal Party came to power in 1906, Churchill was appointed Minister of State for the Colonies, in the most important achievements in office is to promote South Africa to obtain autonomous status. l Churchill as Home Secretary in 1910, although he was in prison reform, and so contributed to, but because when faced with the procession of workers strike ruthlessly taken the attitude has been criticized, his tenure has repeatedly ordered the military and police repression of strikes and processions. l October 1911, Churchill was appointed Minister for the Navy. July 1917, the Liberal Party leader announced the appointment of Lloyd George • Winston Churchill as a military minister.