



最新计算机核心期刊目录一览表1.计算机科学与技术英文版: 《Journal of Computer Science and Technology》(双月刊)SCI-E源期刊,中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院计算技术研究所2.《计算机学报》(Chinese Journal of Computers) (月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国计算机学会中国科学院计算技术研究所3.《软件学报》(Journal of Software) (月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国计算机学会中国科学院软件研究所4.《计算机研究与发展》 (Journal of Computer Research and Development)(月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院计算技术研究所中国计算机学会5.《电子学报》(中文版)(Acta Electronica Sinica)(月刊)电子学报英文版:《Chinese Journal of Electronics》(双月刊)SCI-E检索源期刊,中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊6.《自动化学报》(双月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊期刊外文名: Acta Automatica Sinica创办日期: 1963.01.01主办单位: 中国自动化学会、中国科学院自动化所7.《计算机工程》(Computer Engineering)(半月刊)中文核心期刊(已经不被EI检索)主办单位:华东计算技术研究所上海市计算机学会8.《电子与信息学报》(中文版)(月刊)电子与信息学报英文版:《Journal of Electronics》(季刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊原刊名:电子科学学刊9.《信息与控制》(Information and Control)(双月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊10.《控制理论与应用》(双月刊)(Control Theory & Applications)控制理论与应用英文版:《Journal of Control Theory and Applications》中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:华南理工大学11.《控制与决策》(Control and Decision)(月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊12.《系统仿真学报》(JOURNAL OF SYSTEM SIMULATION)(半月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊编13.《模试识别与人工智能》(季刊) ISTIC收录中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国自动化学会国家智能计算机研究开发中心14.《计算机科学》(Computer Science)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:国家科技部西南信息中心通信地址:重庆市北部新区洪湖西路18号重庆天旭科技信息有限公司《计算机科学》杂志社15.《系统工程理论与实践》(月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊地址:北京中关村东路55号邮编:100080 16.《系统工程学报》(Journal of Systems Engineering )(双月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国系统工程学会地 址:天津市津卫路92号天津大学18教学楼411室邮政编码:30007217.《系统工程与电子技术》(Systems Engineering and Electronics)(月刊)系统工程与电子技术英文版:《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》(季刊)EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航天科工集团公司二院中国宇航学会中国系统工程学会18.《小型微型计算机系统》(Mini-Micro Systems)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中科院沈阳计算技术研究所地址:沈阳市和平区三好街100号中科院沈阳计算技术研究所《小型微型计算机系统》编辑部19.《数值计算与计算机应用》(Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications)(季刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所地址:北京市2719信箱《数值计算与计算机应用》编辑部20.《计算机工程与应用》(Computer Engineering and Applications)(旬刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:华北计算技术研究所地址:北京市北四环中路211号北京619信箱26分箱《计算机工程与应用》杂志社邮编:10008321.《计算机应用研究》(Application Research Of Computers)(月刊)中文核心期刊, ISTIC收录主办单位:四川省电子计算机应用研究中心通讯地址:成都市成科西路3号《计算机应用研究》编辑部邮编:61004122.《中文信息学报》(双月刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:中国科学院软件研究所中国中文信息学会地址:北京8718信箱《中文信息学报》编辑部邮编:100080E-mail:****************23.《计算机应用》(Computer Appliocations)(月刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:中科院成都计算机应用研究所四川省计算机学会地址:成都市人民南路四段九号成都237信箱《计算机应用》编辑部邮编:610041编辑部地址:成都市237信箱《计算机应用》编辑部 邮编:610041邮发代号:62-11024.《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》(Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics)(月刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:中国计算机学会25.《计算机工程与设计》(Computer Engineering and Design)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航天科工集团二院706所26.微电子学与计算机(Microellectronics & Computer)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航天科技集团公司西安微电子技术研究所27.计算机仿真(Computer Simulation)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航天科工集团公司第十七研究所28.计算机应用与软件(Computer Applications and Software)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:上海市计算技术研究所上海计算机软件技术开发中心地 址:上海市愚园路546号《计算机应用与软件》编辑部29.微计算机信息(CONTROL & AUTOMATION)(旬刊)中文核心期刊主办单位: 中国计算机用户协会自动控制分会通信地址: 北京海淀区皂君庙14号鑫雅苑6号楼601室邮编:10008130.微型机与应用(Microcomputer & Its Applications)(月刊)中文核心期刊创办日期: 1982.01.01主办单位: 信息产业部电子第六研究所编辑部通信地址: 北京市海淀区清华东路25号(927信箱)国内邮发代号: 82-41731.微型计算机(半月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:科技部西南信息中心创刊日期:1980.8出刊日期:每月1日、15日32.数据采集与处理(Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing)(月刊) EI统计源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位: 南京航空航天大学. 信号处理学会.微弱信号检测学会33.中国图象图形学报(Journal of Image and Graphics)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院遥感应用研究所、中国图象图形学学会、北京应用物理与计算数学研究所34.机器人(Robot)(双月刊)EI统计源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所35.计算机集成制造系统(Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems)EI统计源期刊,中文核心期刊36.航空计算技术(Aeronautical Computer Technique)(季刊)ISTIC收录创办日期: 1971.01.01主办单位: 中国航空工业第六三一研究所编辑部通信地址: 陕西省西安市太白南路(西安90信箱)国内统一刊号: 61-1276/TP国际标准刊号: 1671-654X国内邮发代号: 52-79出版日期: 季末月30日37.微计算机应用(Microcomputer Applications)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院声学研究所编辑出版:《微计算机应用》编辑部国内统一刊号:CN11-2204/TP国内邮发代号:2-304国外发行代号:BM555038.电光与控制(Electronics Optics & Control)(双月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航空工业洛阳电光设备研究所39.《计算机工程与科学》(Computer Engineering and Science)(双月刊) ISTIC收录主办单位:国防科技大学计算机学院电子计算机与外部设备(Computer & Peripherals)计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering)计算机与现代化(Computer and Modernization)计算机与应用化学 Computers and Applied Chemistry计算机自动测量与控制 Computer Automated Measurement & Control微型电脑应用计算机技术与发展机器人技术与应用说明:检索系统摘引情况选定如下系统:SCI (科学引文索引)中文重要期刊(研究生教育与学位重要期刊)EI(工程索引)中文核心期刊ISTIC (中国科技期刊引证报告统计源期刊)未注明者为非统计源期刊。



3.5 CSA网络数据库检索CSA是剑桥科学文摘(Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)的简称。




3.5.1 选择主题范围进入CSA Internet数据库服务站点,出现选择主题范围页面,该页面列出以下主题范围:航空航天科学(Aerospace Sciences)农业科学(Agricultural Sciences)水科学(Aquatic Sciences)艺术与人文科学(Arts & Humanities)生物学与医学(Biological & Medical Sciences)计算机技术(Computer Technology)地球与环境科学(Earth & Environmental Sciences)工程专业(Engineering Specialties)市场研究(Market Research)材料科学(Materials Science)社会科学(Social Science)按字母表顺序列表(Alphabetical List)上述每个主题范围都包括若干个数据库。



3.5.2 检索模式CSA网络数据库提供快速检索、高级检索、叙词检索、浏览索引四种检索模式。

1. 快速检索模式(Quick Search)快速检索主要适用于初学者进行简单检索。


检索前首先对列出的数据库作出选择,然后进行以下操作:1) 输入检索词在检索词输入框(Find)中输入单个词或多个词。



principal number 主数master data 主数据master data sheet 主数据表primary data set group 主数据集组master data control console 主数据控制台master data base 主数据库primary data base manager 主数据库管理程序main data area 主数据区master data file 主数据文件host data language 主数据语言chief series 主数列kingbolt 主栓main canal 主水道basic tax 主税principal tetrahedron 主四面体main servomotor 主伺服电动机main suit 主诉master speed tape 主速度带track rope 主索master index 主索引prime index 主索引machine tower 主塔key station 主控台main station 主台master 主台master station 主台master mode 主状态master mode program 主态程序master mode entry instruction 主态入口指令master mode bit 主态位main spring 主弹簧principal character 主特征principal character 主特征标subject 主题topic 主题subject indexing 主题标引arrangement of subjects 主题表thesaurus 主题词表thesaurus construction 主题词表结构thesaurus display 主题词表显示thematic 主题的master search file 主题检索文档thematic apperception test 主题理解测验thematic catalogue 主题目录subject data base 主题数据库subject-matter index 主题索引thematic apperception test 主题统觉测验agent 自主体host 主体main body 主体mainstream corporation tax 主体公司税base metal 主体金属body group 主体栏body group presentation rule table 主体栏表示规则表body color 主体色primary body 主天体main pressure regulator valve 主调压阀primary channel 主通道major path satellite earth station 主通道卫星地面站main channel 主通路main path 主通路major path 主通路main traffic station 主通信站main communication center 主通信中心master synchronization pulse 主同步脉冲master synchronizer 主同步器main lens 主透镜main cam 主凸轮master gyroscope 主陀螺仪primary network 主网络main network address 主网络地址host network administration facilities 主网络管理设备host network control 主网络控制primary network flow control 主网络信息流控制primary network support 主网络支援principal derivative 主微商mainmast 主桅杆main course 主桅主帆dominant dimension 主维数principal maintenance period 主维修时间host test 主文本host file 主文件main file 主文件master file 主文件owner file 主文件master file tape 主文件带master file update program 主文件更新程序host file close 主文件关闭central file on-line 主文件联机master file directory 主文件目录master file directory block 主文件目录块master file inventory 主文件清单host transceiver 主文件收发程序master file index 主文件索引host file system 主文件系统master file updating program 主文件修改程序host file enquire 主文件询问master file job processing 主文件作业处理bound vortex 主涡main couple 主屋架inner marker signal 主无线电信标信号master set 主系principal series 主系列host system 主系统main system 主系统primary system operator 主系统操作员master system tape 主系统带master system distribution tape format 主系统分配带格式host attachment 主系统连接装置primary system input source 主系统输入源程序host system mailbox 主系统信箱区host system mailbox switch setting 主系统信箱区开关设置host preparation facility 主系统准备功能light cell 集合小管主细胞principal cell 集合小管主细胞chief cell 主细胞primary index 主下标principal fibers 主纤维main display console 主显示台primary display sequence 主显示序列main line 主线main track 主线principal line 主线main line program 主线程序main line program counter 主线程序计数器main line code 主线代码main line code program counter 主线代码程序计数器main section 主线段principal series 主线系main line channel 主线信道master busy 主线占线dominant vector 主向量principal vector 主向量principal term 主项subject 主项main phase 主相kingpin 主销main pin 主销axle-pin rake 主销后倾kingpin castor angle 主销后倾角castor 主销后倾距caster action 主销后倾作用knuckle 主销连接kingpin offset 主销偏移距caster 主销倾角major gene resistance 主效基因抗病性main effect 主效应primal coordination 主协调main diagonal 主斜杆leading beacon 主信标main channel 主信道main signal 主信号master signal 主信号main signalling equipment 主信号设备host information processor 主信息处理机master letter of credit 主信用证prime credit 主信用证primary 主星primary component 主星primary star 主星primary body 主星体- 与卫星有关的major star 主星形main sequence 主星序principal penalty 主刑principal planet 主行星major 主修的- 大学学科major 主修科目- 大学学科中的major 主修学生- 大学专业的main sequence 主序principal order 主序post-main sequence star 主序后星chief series 主序列principal order module 主序模块pre-main sequence 主序前pre-main sequence star 主序前星principal series 主序系main sequence star 主序星main rotor 主旋翼primary cleaning 主选master gate control block 主选通控制块main gating pulse 主选通脉冲alveolus 主穴main loop 主循环major cycle 主循环major loop 主循环air-line main 主压气管道cardinal tooth 主牙host 主岩host rock 主岩main grinder table 主研磨台master sample 主样本master policy 主要保险单leading schedule 主要表格primary weapon 主要兵器main supply depot 主要补给仓库major component 主要部分essential element 主要部件major component 主要部件vitals 主要部件main department 主要部门main material 主要材料primary materials 主要材料main material cost 主要材料成本master stores record 主要材料帐master financial budget 主要财务预算main product 主要产品major product 主要产品principal product 主要产品main product order 主要产品定单leading firm 主要厂商prime cost 主要成本major constituent 主要成分basis material 主要成分材料basis metal 主要成分金属main contractor 主要承包商master certificate 主要单证master document 主要单证prime navaid facility 主要导航设施cardinal 主要的grand 主要的major 主要的primal 主要的main area 主要地区main order 主要定单main director 主要董事dominant motive 主要动机main angle 主要对角平巷principal fact related to crime 主要犯罪事实capital expenditure 主要费用cardinal winds 主要风向primary liabilities 主要负债stem 主要干线key post 主要岗位major project 主要工程key industry 主要工业major industry 主要工业main industrial sector 主要工业部门major industrial products 主要工业产品ground work 主要工作main company 主要公司majorcompany 主要公司key vendor 主要供货商main stockholder 主要股东leading share 主要股份leading stock 主要股份major failure 主要故障main 主要管道key management system 主要管理系统key currencies for international settlements 主要国际结算货币basal water 主要含水层main workings plan 主要巷道平面图senior partner 主要合伙人key link 主要环节principal volcano 主要火山key currency 主要货币main currency 主要货币major currency 主要货币principal currency 主要货币main organ 主要机构major organ 主要机构major gene 主要基因master plan 主要计划essential record 主要记录major technique 主要技术main precipitation core 主要降水中心major nodal earth terminal 主要结点地面终端机primary solution 主要解main manager 主要经理primary employment 主要就业major control 主要控制major control change 主要控制改变master inventory file 主要库存档案essential labour 主要劳动major part 主要零件main buyer 主要买主principal trade partner 主要贸易伙伴main title 主要名称principal proposition 主要命题principal mode 主要模式dominant mode 主要模式main crop 主要农作物main enterprise 主要企业major enterprise 主要企业major bulk 主要散装货dominant firm 主要商号staple 主要商品staple commodities 主要商品major equipment 主要设备major installation 主要设备key facility 主要设施main facility 主要设施principal auditor 主要审计师main crosscut 主要石门primary tense 主要时- 拉丁语、希腊语语法的leading market 主要市场primary market 主要市场- 证券发行principal market 主要市场staple market 主要市场main fact 主要事实primary fact 主要事实essential attribute 主要属性main feature 主要特点key architectural characteristics 主要体系特性key architectural feature 主要体系特性essential condition 主要条件mother gallery 主要通道- 昆虫巢中的leading currency 主要通货key statistic 主要统计量major investment projects 主要投资项目key breakthrough 主要突破principal drawback 主要退税退款main danger 主要危险性master file 主要文件primary pollution source 主要污染源major section terminal subcontrol 主要线段终端控制分站main project 主要项目major project 主要项目prime cost of sale 主要销售成本macronutrient 主要养分primary nutrient 主要养分key factor 主要因素principle factor 主要因素main bank 主要银行principal place of business 主要营业地main effect 主要影响concordance 主要语词索引major component 主要元件major casualty 主要灾害ultimate liability 主要责任primary liabilities 主要债务head book 主要帐簿main book 主要帐簿major book 主要帐簿principal book 主要帐簿main account 主要帐户major issue 主要争论点cardinal symptom 主要症状main executive 主要执行者major executive 主要执行者key post 主要职位chief group of occupation 主要职业组first charge 主要指控primary instruction 主要指令major installation 主要装置prime assets 主要资产prime meridian 主要子午线code name of main charter party 主要租船合同代号key component 主要组成部分major histocompatibility complex 主要组织相容性复合体MHC restriction 主要组织相容性复合体的限制性major offence 主要罪行home page 主页principal sheet 主页main page pool 主页池main pancreatic duct 主胰管primary constriction 主缢痕main plane 主翼面primary cause 主因principal factor 主因子principal factor method 主因子法principal factor solution 主因子解法main establishment 主营业所principal strain 主应变primary stress 主应力principal stress 主应力trajectory of principal stress 主应力轨线principal stress space 主应力空间principal axes of stresses 主应力轴principal stress axis 主应力轴primary application 主应用程序primary application block 主应用块principal mapping 主映射master user 主用户primary user disk 主用户磁盘main oil pump 主油泵main cylinder 主油缸main poise 主游铊principal right ideal 主右理想subject 主语host language 主语言host language compilation 主语言编译host language processor 主语言处理程序host language interface 主语言接口host language data base 主语言数据库host language system 主语言系统host language statement 主语言语句host language execution 主语言执行pivot 主元pivot element 主元principal element 主元素pivot selection 主元选择method of pivot selection 主元选择法pivot operation 主元运算primary circle 主圆principal circle 主圆master source program 主源程序primary source text 主源程序正文principal reduced form 主约化型main thermocline 主温跃层primary motion 主运动principle motion 主运动direction of primary motion 主运动方向main haulage 主运输大巷main haulage conveyor 主运输机gangway 主运输平巷main arithmetic processor 主运算处理机master factor 主宰因子main carrier 主载波primary plasticizer 主增塑剂master gain control 主增益控制prime liability 主债务principal debt 主债务principal obligation 主债务principal debtor 主债务人main stack frame 主栈框架main battle tank 主战坦克main station 主站master station 主站primary 主站primary station 主站primary-to-secondary flow 主站到次站数据流primary application 主站应用primary application program 主站应用程序principal tensor 主张量principal nutation 主章动major fold 主褶曲battle position 主阵地principal oscillation 主振荡master oscillator 主振荡器master oscillator power amplifier 主振功率放大器masterfrequency 主振频率main shock 主震major shock 主震main steam 主蒸汽principal normal complex 主正规复形principal normal section 主正截面main forward path 主正向通路principal branch 主枝main executive module 主执行程序模块principal value 主值main check valve 主止回阀master instruction tape 主指令带main instruction buffer 主指令缓冲器primary instruction pipeline 主指令流水线basic order code 主指令码principal exponent 主指数parenchyma 主质major dense line 主致密线major relay station 主中继站primary center 主中心局principal neutral point 主中心点main centre 主中心局master CPU 主中央处理机master central timing system 主中央计时系统master terminal 主终端master terminal key 主终端密钥master clock 主钟primary clock 主钟primary period 主周期principal period 主周期capstan 主轴arbor 主轴basic shaft 主轴caudex 主轴head shaft 主轴main axle 主轴main shaft 主轴pilot shaft 主轴principal axis 主轴quill 主轴rachis 主轴spindle 主轴principal axis transformation 主轴变换transformation of principal axis 主轴变换spindle unit 主轴部件bush neck 主轴衬base bearing 主轴承main bearing 主轴承spindle drive 主轴传动机构distance from spindle nose to central line of table 主轴端面至工作台中心线距离method of principal axis 主轴法main shaft distance bushing 主轴隔套spindle drum 主轴鼓轮spindle collar 主轴环principal axis solution 主轴解main journal 主轴颈spindle hole 主轴孔spindle bore 主轴孔径main shaft seal 主轴密封- 水轮机spindle face 主轴面main shaft angle 主轴倾角quill servo stroke 主轴伺服行程spindle speed function 主轴速度功能main shaft packing 主轴填料main shaft gland 主轴填料压盖spindle head 主轴头spindle nose 主轴头部external taper of spindle 主轴外锥primary axis 主轴线setting-out of main axis 主轴线测设headstock 主轴箱spindle carrier 主轴箱spindle head 主轴箱rapid traverse speed of headstock 主轴箱快移速度maximum travel of headstock 主轴箱最大行程travel of spindle 主轴行程basic shaft system 主轴制speed of main spindle 主轴转速speed of main shaft 主轴转速spindle speed 主轴转速range of spindle speeds 主轴转速范围number of spindle speeds 主轴转速级数taper hole of spindle 主轴锥孔minimum speed of spindle 主轴最低转速maximum speed of spindle 主轴最高转速spindle seat 主轴座dominant patent 主专利main patent 主专利master patent 主专利principle patent 主专利date of commencement of the main patent 主专利的开始日major relay center 主转换中心principal moment of inertia 主转动惯量main rotor 主转子king pile 主桩major state generator 主状态发生器major state logic generator 主状态逻辑发生器main cone 主锥inner cone angle 主锥角principal square submatrix 主子方阵principal minor array 主子矩阵principal subspace 主子空间prime subpool 主子库chief series of subgroups 主子群列leading minor 主子式minor in principal position 主子式principal minor 主子式principal meridian 主子午线master subsystem 主子系统principal automorphism 主自同构majority word 主字main group 主族major constituent 主组分principal maximum 主最大principal left ideal 主左理想principal coordinate 主坐标kier 煮布锅koktigen 煮沸疫苗cocoon cooking 煮茧cocoon cooking machine 煮茧机glue cooker 煮胶锅digestion 煮解digester 煮解器boiling-off 煮练bucking kier 煮练锅boiling house recovery 煮炼收回率boiling house efficiency 煮炼效率crabbing 煮呢boiling 煮呢crabbing machine 煮呢机boiling hole 煮生石灰坑water evaporator 煮水罐sugar boiling 煮糖vacuum pan 煮糖罐dosage for sugar boiling 煮糖配料pan-boiling system 煮糖系统boiling scheme 煮糖制度soap kettle 煮皂锅boiling of seed strike 煮种Boehmeria nivea Gaud. 苎麻China grass 苎麻ramie 苎麻ramie lining 苎麻衬布Paraglenea fortunei 苎麻天牛ramie 苎麻纤维Cocytodes coerulea 苎麻夜蛾ramie counts 苎麻支数ramie cloth 苎麻织物auxiliary saddle 助鞍boost 助爆midwife 助产士midwifery 助产学truster 助铲机- 铲运机的activating accelerator 助促进剂promoter 助催化剂auxiliary type gravimeter 助动型重力仪astatic gravimeter 助动重力仪jato unit 助飞装置nurse-root grafting 助根接secondary attack 助攻subsidiary attack 助攻scaling powder 助焊剂navaid 助航设备mnemonic coding 助记编码mnemonic variable name 助记变量名mnemonic operation code 助记操作码mnemonic programming language 助记符程序设计语言mnemonic address 助记地址mnemonic address code 助记地址码mnemonic system 助记忆方式。



信息技术常用术语中英文对照表1. 互联网 (Internet)2. 网络安全 (Cybersecurity)3. 云计算 (Cloud Computing)5. 大数据 (Big Data)6. 机器学习 (Machine Learning)7. 物联网 (Internet of Things)8. 虚拟现实 (Virtual Reality)9. 增强现实 (Augmented Reality)10. 数字化转型 (Digital Transformation)11. 数据挖掘 (Data Mining)12. 信息安全 (Information Security)13. 信息技术 (Information Technology)15. 服务器 (Server)16. 客户端 (Client)17. 网络协议 (Network Protocol)18. 软件开发 (Software Development)19. 数据库 (Database)20. 编程语言 (Programming Language)21. 操作系统 (Operating System)22. 硬件 (Hardware)23. 软件 (Software)24. 网络基础设施 (Network Infrastructure)26. 数字营销 (Digital Marketing)27. 网络攻击 (Cyber Attack)28. 数据加密 (Data Encryption)29. 信息架构 (Information Architecture)30. 网络安全漏洞 (Cybersecurity Vulnerability)31. 信息系统 (Information System)32. 网络安全策略 (Cybersecurity Strategy)33. 网络安全意识 (Cybersecurity Awareness)34. 数字化战略 (Digital Strategy)35. 网络安全法规 (Cybersecurity Regulation)36. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)37. 网络安全解决方案 (Cybersecurity Solution)38. 网络安全威胁 (Cybersecurity Threat)39. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)40. 网络安全审计 (Cybersecurity Audit)41. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)42. 网络安全监控 (Cybersecurity Monitoring)43. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)44. 网络安全事件响应 (Cybersecurity Incident Response)45. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)46. 网络安全评估 (Cybersecurity Assessment)47. 信息安全意识提升 (Information Security Awareness)48. 网络安全培训 (Cybersecurity Training)49. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)50. 网络安全管理体系 (Cybersecurity Management System)信息技术常用术语中英文对照表51. 网络服务 (Network Service)52. 数据传输 (Data Transmission)53. 信息架构 (Information Architecture)54. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)55. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)56. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)57. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)58. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)59. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)60. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)61. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)62. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)63. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)64. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)65. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)66. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)67. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)68. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)69. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)70. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)71. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)72. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)73. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)74. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)75. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)76. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)77. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)78. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)79. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)80. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)81. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)82. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)83. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)84. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)85. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification). 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)87. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)88. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)89. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)Management)91. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)92. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)93. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)94. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)95. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)96. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)97. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)98. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)99. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)100. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)信息技术常用术语中英文对照表51. 网络服务 (Network Service)52. 数据传输 (Data Transmission)53. 信息架构 (Information Architecture)54. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)55. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)56. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)57. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)58. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)59. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)Management)61. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)62. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)63. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)64. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)65. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)66. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)67. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)68. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)69. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)70. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)71. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)72. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)73. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)74. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)75. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)76. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)77. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)78. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)79. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)80. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)81. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)82. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)83. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)84. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)85. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification). 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)87. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)88. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)89. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)90. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)91. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)92. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)93. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)94. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)95. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)96. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)97. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)98. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)99. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)100. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification) 101. 数据库管理系统 (Database Management System)102. 编程语言 (Programming Language)103. 硬件 (Hardware)104. 软件 (Software)105. 操作系统 (Operating System) 106. 服务器 (Server)107. 客户端 (Client)108. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 109. 软件开发 (Software Development) 110. 数据库 (Database)111. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 112. 操作系统 (Operating System) 113. 硬件 (Hardware)114. 软件 (Software)115. 服务器 (Server)116. 客户端 (Client)117. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 118. 软件开发 (Software Development) 119. 数据库 (Database)120. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 121. 操作系统 (Operating System) 122. 硬件 (Hardware)123. 软件 (Software)124. 服务器 (Server)125. 客户端 (Client)126. 网络协议 (Network Protocol)127. 软件开发 (Software Development) 128. 数据库 (Database)129. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 130. 操作系统 (Operating System) 131. 硬件 (Hardware)132. 软件 (Software)133. 服务器 (Server)134. 客户端 (Client)135. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 136. 软件开发 (Software Development) 137. 数据库 (Database)138. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 139. 操作系统 (Operating System) 140. 硬件 (Hardware)141. 软件 (Software)142. 服务器 (Server)143. 客户端 (Client)144. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 145. 软件开发 (Software Development) 146. 数据库 (Database)147. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 148. 操作系统 (Operating System) 149. 硬件 (Hardware)150. 软件 (Software)。



信息技术常用术语中英文对照表1. 计算机网络 Computer Network2. 互联网 Internet3. 局域网 Local Area Network (LAN)4. 带宽 Bandwidth5. 路由器 Router6. 交换机 Switch7. 防火墙 Firewall8. 病毒 Virus9. 木马 Trojan10. 黑客 Hacker11. 中央处理器 Central Processing Unit (CPU)12. 内存 Random Access Memory (RAM)13. 硬盘 Hard Disk Drive (HDD)14. 固态硬盘 Solid State Drive (SSD)15. 显卡 Graphics Card16. 主板 Motherboard17. BIOS Basic Input/Output System18. 操作系统 Operating System19. 应用程序 Application20. 编程语言 Programming Language21. 数据库 Database22. 服务器 Server23. 客户端 Client24. 云计算 Cloud Computing25. 大数据 Big Data27. 机器学习 Machine Learning28. 深度学习 Deep Learning29. 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality (VR)30. 增强现实 Augmented Reality (AR)31. 网络安全 Network Security32. 数据加密 Data Encryption33. 数字签名 Digital Signature34. 身份验证 Authentication35. 访问控制 Access Control36. 数据备份 Data Backup37. 数据恢复 Data Recovery38. 系统升级 System Upgrade39. 系统优化 System Optimization40. 技术支持 Technical Support当然,让我们继续丰富这个信息技术常用术语的中英文对照表:41. 网络协议 Network Protocol42. IP地址 Internet Protocol Address43. 域名系统 Domain Name System (DNS)44. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol45. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure46. FTP File Transfer Protocol47. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol48. POP3 Post Office Protocol 349. IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol50. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol51. 无线局域网 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)52. 蓝牙 Bluetooth53. 无线保真 WiFi (Wireless Fidelity)54. 4G Fourth Generation55. 5G Fifth Generation56. 物联网 Internet of Things (IoT)57. 云服务 Cloud Service58. 网络存储 Network Attached Storage (NAS)59. 分布式文件系统 Distributed File System60. 数据中心 Data Center61. 系统分析 Systems Analysis62. 系统设计 Systems Design63. 软件开发 Software Development64. 系统集成 Systems Integration65. 软件测试 Software Testing66. 质量保证 Quality Assurance67. 项目管理 Project Management68. 技术文档 Technical Documentation69. 用户手册 User Manual70. 知识库 Knowledge Base71. 网络拓扑 Network Topology72. 星型网络 Star Network73. 环形网络 Ring Network74. 总线型网络 Bus Network75. 树形网络 Tree Network76. 点对点网络 PeertoPeer Network77. 宽带接入 Broadband Access78. DSL Digital Subscriber Line79. 光纤到户 Fiber To The Home (FTTH)80. VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol通过这份对照表,希望您能更加轻松地理解和应用信息技术领域的专业术语。







MARC(即Machine readable catalogue的英文缩写)就是机读目录,也称机器可读目录,是计算机编目的产品。





出版社、图书经销商具有得天独厚的掌握图书资源的条件,能以最快的速度、以最准确的方式为我们的客户--图书馆提供MARC数据, 这种横向书目资源的整合,能在最大程度上满足广大读者对图书信息的急切需求,这是我们在激烈的图书市场竞争中不可懈怠的任务和责任。


目次简介MARC及MARC格式一、MARC记录结构1、记录头标2、目次区(略)3、数据字段区二、CNMARC数据字段著录0XX 标识块(001、010字段)1XX 编码信息块(100、101、102、105、106字段)2XX 著录信息块(200、205、210、215、225字段)3XX 附注块(300、304、305、306、311、312、314、324、327、393字段)4XX 连接款目块(410、423字段)5XX 相关题名块(500、510、512、513、516、517、518字段)6XX 主题分析块(600、601、602、604、605、606、607、610字段)7XX 知识责任块(701、702、711、712、730字段)8XX 国际使用块(801字段)9XX 国内使用块(本地使用块)(905字段)三、附录1、国内出版地代码2、文献类型(形式复分)常用主题词(6xx@j)3、CNMARC记录样例4、名词术语解释5、书目数据录入原则6、著录信息源MARC记录,简称记录。



500 Spanish business verbs by Andrew D. Miles500 Spanish BusinessVerbsC o p y r i g h t b y A n d r e w D.M i l e s,B a r c e l o n a,2007.A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d.N o p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o nm a y b e r e p r o d u c e d,s t o r e d i n a r e t r i e v a ls y s t e m,o r t r a n s m i t t e d,i n a n y f o r m w i t h o u t w r i t t e n a u t h o r i z a t i o n f r o m t h e a u t h o r.C o v e r p h o t o g r a p h b y A n d r e w D.M i l e sa n d r e w.m i l e s@b a rc e l o n a e n g l i s h.c o mw w w.b a r c e l o n a e n g l i s h.c o mAabandonar abandon, waive.abaratar lower a price, cheapen.abastecer supply.abonar 1. i.v. subscribe 2. t.v. make a credit entry, credit 3. t.v. pay.abrir open.abrir crédito open credit.abrir libros open books.abrir una cuenta open an account.absorber absorb, take over.acaparar hoard, monopolize (AmE), monopolise (BrE), corner.aceptar accept.aconsejar advise.acopiar hoard, stockpile.acrecentar increase.acreditar 1. credit, make a credit entry 2. authorize (AmE), authorise (BrE), grant credentials.activar carry forward as an asset.actualizar 1. update, bring up to date 2. revalue, revaluate, restate, write up 3. modernize (AmE),modernise (BrE), update 4. readjust values according to the rate of inflation.acumular 1. accrue 2. accumulate.acuñar mint.acusar 1. accuse 2. acknowledge.acusar recibo acknowledge receipt.adelantar 1. advance 2. bring forward, put forward.adeudar 1. owe 2. charge, debit, make a debit entry .adicionar add.adiestrar train.adjudicar 1. award 2. allot, assign, adjudicate.adjuntar attach, enclose.administrar manage, administrate, administer, direct, run.adquirir acquire.afectar 1. allocate, assign 2. affect, encumber.afianzar secure, guarantee.afiliar 1. t.v. affiliate 2. t.v. name as a member or affiliate 3. i.v. become a member or affiliate.aflorar register in books items that were previously concealed, launder.aforar appraise, value, assess.agotar 1. deplete, use up, finish off 2. sell out.agremiar 1. t.v. unionise (BrE), unionize (AmE), join a union or syndicate 2. p.v. start a union or syndicate.ahorrar save, economize (AmE), economise (BrE).ajustar 1. adjust 2. settle.almacenar store, stock.alquilar 1. hire, rent 2. let, lease, rent, rent out.alzar rise, increase.amalgamar merge, amalgamate.amortizar 1. depreciate 2. pay, pay in instalments, amortize (AmE),amortise (BrE) 3. write off 4. redeem 5. recover an investment.ampliar enlarge, extend.ampliar el capital increase capital.ampliar el plazo extend the term.analizar analyse.anexar attach, annex, incorporate, add.anotar note down, take note, write down, enter.antedatar date back, backdate, antedate.anticipar advance.anticipar pagos advance payments.anticuar age.anualizar annualise (BrE), annualize (AmE).anular cancel, void, annul, nullify.anunciar 1. announce 2. advertise.apelar appeal.aplazar defer, postpone, adjourn.aplicar 1. apply 2. appropriate, allocate.aportar contribute.apoyar support, back up.apreciar 1. appreciate, increase in price or value 2. appraise.aprobar 1. approve 2. pass.apropiar appropriate.aprovisionar supply, provision, stock.apuntar note down, write down, enter.archivar file, archive.arquear control, count, audit.arrastrar carry over.arrendar 1. hire, rent 2. let, lease, rent, rent out.arriesgar risk.asalariar include in the payroll.ascender 1. i.v. be promoted 2. t.v. promote.asegurar insure, underwrite.asentar post, register, enter, journalize (AmE), journalise (BrE), record, make an entry, enter into books.asesorar counsel, advise.asignar 1. appropriate, allocate, allot, apportion 2. assign 3. appoint.asistir 1. attend 2. assist, help.asociar 1. t.v. associate, make someone a member 2. p.v. join, become a member.atracar berth.atrasar 1. i.v. fall behind, be late in paying 2. t.v. delay, postpone.auditar auditaumentar 1. t.v. increase, raise 2. i.v. rise.auspiciar sponsor.autenticar authenticate, attest.autentificar authenticate, attest.automatizar automate.autorizar authorize (AmE), authorise (BrE).avalar endorse, guarantee, warrant.avalorar appraise, assess, value.avaluar appraise, assess, value.avisar advise, notify.ayudar help, aid.Bbajar 1. t.v. decrease, lower 2. i.v. go down, decrease, diminish.balancear 1. balance 2. offset.bancarizar convert a cash-based payment and collection system into a bank-based system.beneficiar benefit.blanquear launder assets, reveal concealed assets.bloquear 1. block, freeze 2. blockade.boicotear boycott.bonificar 1. pay a subsidy 2. give a discount 3. pay a bonus.borrar erase, delete.Ccalcular calculate, compute.calificar 1. rate 2. mark.cambiar change, exchange.canalizar channel.cancelar 1. cancel, settle, honour (BrE), honor (AmE), pay off 2. write off.canibalizar cannibalize (AmE), cannibalise (BrE).canjear 1. barter, exchange 2. redeem, convert.capacitar train.capitalizar capitalize (AmE),capitalise (BrE), fund, convert into capital.captar clientes obtain clients, gain clients.captar fondos raise funds.cargar 1. charge, debit 2. load.catalogar catalogue (BrE), catalog (AmE).caucionar pledge, bond, place a bond.centralizar centralize (AmE), centralise (BrE).certificar certify, attest.cesar 1. i.v. stop 2. t.v. suspend from job, dismiss.chatear chat.cifrar encrypt, encode.citar 1. make an appointment 2. summon.clasificar classify, rank.coadministrar co-manage, manage jointly.coasegurar co-insure.cobrar 1. collect, cash, cash in 2. charge.codificar 1. codify, code 2. encrypt, code.cogenerar co-generate.cogestionar manage jointly, co-manage.coinvertir co-invest, invest jointly.colocar invest, collocate, place.combinar combine, compound.comercializar market, commercialize (AmE), commercialise (BrE).comerciar trade, deal, do business.comisar confiscatecomisionar commission.compactar compact.compaginar lay out, arrange.compensar 1. compensate,indemnify 2. compensate, offset.competir compete.componer 1. compose 2. compoundcomprar buy, purchase.comprimir 1. compress 2. zip.comprobar check, audit, verify.computar count, take into account.comunicar communicate.conceder award, grant.condonar condone.confiscar confiscate, seize, attach.conformar conform.congelar freeze.consignar consign.consolidar consolidate, combine, merge.constituir constitute, incorporate, set up, form.consumir consume.contabilizar 1. enter into accounts, record in accountancy books 2. count.contaminar pollute.contar count.contrabandear smuggle.contraer contract, shrink.contraofertar counterbid.contratar contract, hire, recruit, take on.contribuir contribute.controlar control.convenir agree.convertir convert.convocar summon, call, call ameeting, demonstration, strike, etc.coordinar coordinate.copiar copy.cortar cut.cosechar harvest.cotizar 1. quote 2. pay social security dues 3. give a price, set a value.cotizar en alza increase in value.cotizar en baja decrease in value.cotizar en bolsa be listed at the stock market.crecer grow.cuadrar 1. balance, tally 2. square.custodiar 1. watch, guard 2. take into custody.Ddatar date.deber owe.debitar 1. debit, make a debit entry 2. charge.decidir decide.declarar declare.decomisar seize, confiscatededucir 1. subtract, deduct 2. deduce.deflactar deflate.deforestar deforest.defraudar defraud.delegar delegate.delinear draft, draught (BrE).demandar 1. sue 2. demand.denegar deny.departamentalizar departmentalize depositar deposit.depreciar depreciate.depurar debug.derivar derive.desacelerar decelerate.desahuciar evict, dispossess.desalojar evict, dispossess.desarrollar develop.desasociar terminate membership of an association, society, club, etc.descapitalizar decapitalize (AmE), decapitalise (BrE), reduce net worth or capital.descargar download.descentralizar decentralize (AmE), decentralise (BrE).descifrar decrypt, decode.descodificar decode, decrypt.descomprimir 1. decompress 2. unzip.desconectar disconnect.descontar 1. give a discount orrebate, discount, rebate 2. discount documents.descontar documentos discount documents.desembargar release seizure, withdraw attachment order.desembolsar outlay, disburse, pay.desestacionalizar seasonally adjust.desfalcar embezzle, defalcate.desgastar wear, wear out.desgravar 1. t.v. exempt from taxes 2. i.v. be tax-deductible, allow for a tax rebate 3. t.v. remove a lien or attachment.desguazar break up, scrap.designar appoint, nominate.desinvertir divest.deslocalizar offshore.desmoldar strip, cast out.desmonetizar demonetize (AmE), demonetise (BrE).desnacionalizar denationalize (AmE), denationalise (BrE).despachar deliver, ship.despedir dismiss, lay off, fire, discharge.desvalorizar 1. t.v. devalue,devaluate 2. p.v. depreciate, lose value.desviar deviate.devaluar devaluate, devalue.devengar 1. accrue 2. produce, bear, yield.devolver return, give back.diferir defer.digitalizar digitize (AmE), digitise (BrE), digitalize (AmE), digitalise (BrE).diligenciar acknowledge, approve, stamp.diluir dilute, water.dirigir lead, direct, manage, run.diseñar design.disminuir diminish, decrease. disolver dissolve.distribuir distribute.diversificar diversify.documentar document, provide documentation, supply evidence.dolarizar dollarize (AmE), dollarise (BrE).domiciliar pay by banker’s order, pay by direct transfer from a bank account, pay by direct debit.donar donate, grant.dotar assign, provide, allot.Eeconomizar economize (AmE), economise (BrE), save.embalar pack.embarcar board.embargar seize, attach, garnish, sequestrate .embotellar bottle.emitir issue.emitir acciones issue shares (BrE), issue stock (AmE).empeñar pawn.emplazar summon.emplear employ.encuestar poll, survey.endeudar 1. p.v. contract a debt, go into debt 2. t.v. get someone into debt.engrapar staple.enjuiciar bring to trial.enlazar link.ensamblar assemble.ensayar test.entrenar train.entrevistar interview.envasar put into any type of container.enviar deliver, send.erosionar erode.escalonar graduate, stagger.escindir 1. split 2. spin off.escribir write.escriturar sign a deed.especular speculate.esponsorizar sponsor.establecer establish.estafar embezzle, defraud, swindle.estandarizar standardize (AmE), standardise (BrE).estenografiar stenograph.estimar estimate.estructurar structure.estudiar study.etiquetar label.evadir evade.evadir impuestos evade taxes.evaluar evaluate, assess, appraise.exhibir exhibit, display, show.eximir exempt.expandir expand.expedir 1. dispatch, ship, deliver, forward 2. issue.expender sell.expirar expire.explotar 1. run a business, shop, concern, etc. 2. exploit.exponer 1. expose 2. exhibit, show.exportar export.expropiar expropriate.extender extend.externalizar outsource.extraer withdraw, extract.extrapolar extrapolate.Ffabricar manufacture.facturar invoice, bill.falsificar forge, counterfeit, falsify.fechar date.fiar 1. sell on credit, sell on account 2. trust, rely on.fichar 1. t.v. sign up, hire 2. i.v. clock in, clock on (BrE), punch in (AmE) 3. i.v. clock off, clock out (BrE), punch out (AmE) 4. i.v. sign up, join.fidelizar make faithful, generate brand loyalty, make someone loyal to a brand, product, organisation, etc.financiar finance, fund.finiquitar settle.firmar sign.fletar charter, freight.flotar float.fluctuar fluctuate.fomentar promote.formalizar formalize (AmE), formalise (BrE), make official.Formar 1. form 2. train.funcionar function, work, run.fundir 1. p.v. become bankrupt 2. t.v. provoke bankruptcy 3. t.v. & p.v. melt.fusionar merge, amalgamate.Gganar 1. earn 2. gain 3. win.garantizar 1. guarantee, warrant 2. guarantee, provide surety,collateralize (AmE), collateralise (BrE).gastar 1. t.v. spend 2. t.v. & p.v. wear out.gerenciar manage.gestionar 1. manage, run,administrate 2. deal with, negotiate 3. follow steps and procedures in order to obtain authorisations, licences, permits, subsidies, etc.girar 1. draw, write out, issue 2. send a money order.girar en descubierto overdraw.globalizar globalize (AmE), globalise (BrE).graduar graduate.gráfico circular pie chart.grapar staple.gratificar 1. gratify 2. give a bonus payment.gravar 1. tax, levy 2. encumber.Hhabilitar 1. authorize (AmE), authorise (BrE) 2. provide funds.heredar inherit.hilar spin.hipotecar mortgage.homologar validate, certify, homologate.Iimponer 1. impose 2. tax, levy.importar import.imprimir print.imputar 1. assign, allocate, book as 2. charge, accuse 3. attribute.incautar seize, attach, confiscate.incentivar promote, give incentive to.incorporar 1. t.v. incorporate 2. t.v. hire 3. p.v. join.incrementar increase.indemnizar indemnify, compensate.indexar 1. index 2. update, adjust according to inflation.industrializar industrialize (AmE), industrialise (BrE).inflar inflate.informar report, inform.infravalorar 1. underestimate 2. undervalue.ingresar 1. i.v. enter, join 2. t.v. deposit 3. t.v. input, enter, introduce.inmovilizar block.inscribir register, inscribe, enrol.inspeccionar inspect.instalar install.integrar integrate.intercambiar exchange, interchange, swap.interpolar interpolate.intervenir 1. intervene, take part 2. subject an institution or estate to receivership.invalidar invalidate, nullify, void.inventariar inventory, take inventory, take stock.invertir invest.investigar research.inyectar inject.J Kjubilar pension, pension off, retire.Llacrar seal.lanzar 1. launch, release 2. evict.legalizar legalize (AmE), legalise (BrE), validate.legar bequeath, will, devise.liberar release, clear, free.liberar acciones issue shares (BrE), issue stock (AmE).liberar el mercado deregulate the market.librar draw, issue.licenciar 1. t.v. license 2. t.v. discharge 3. p.v. obtain a professional degree, graduate.licitar offer through a public tender.liderar lead.limitar limit.liquidar 1. liquidate, dissolve 2. sell off, sell out, clear 3. adjust, settle, pay.liquidar salario pay salary.liquidar sueldo pay salary.liquidar sueldo pay salary.liquidar cuentas settle accounts.Mmalgastar waste.malversar misappropriate, embezzle.mancomunar join, pool, combine, associate.mantener 1. support, maintain, sustain 2. maintain, keep.manufacturar manufacture.maquilar manufacture at a low-cost, cross-border factory.matricular 1. register, enrol 2. obtain a professional licence.mecanografiar type.mercadear sell, market.mercar trade.mermar diminish, waste.mezclar mix.minusvalorar undervalue.modernizar modernise.monopolizar monopolize (AmE), monopolise (BrE).multar fine.multiplicar multiply.N Ñnacionalizar nationalize (AmE), nationalise (BrE).negociar 1. negotiate, deal 2. buy and sell, deal in.nombrar name, appoint.nominar name, nominate.normalizar standardize (AmE), standardise (BrE).notificar notify.numerar number.Oocupar 1. employ, occupy 2. occupy, take up place.ofertar offer, bid.ofrecer offer.operar operate.optimizar optimize (AmE), optimise (BrE).ordenar order.organizar organize (AmE), organise (BrE).otorgar grant.Ppactar agree, reach an agreement.pagar pay.pagar por adelantado prepay, pay in advance.participar 1. participate 2. share.particular 1. private 2. particular.pasar a libros enter into books.pasar aduanas clear customs.patrocinar sponsor.pedir order.pensionar retire, pension.percibir receive.perder lose.periodificar accrue, divide into periods.peritar survey, appraise.permutar barter.personalizar customize (AmE), customise (BrE).pignorar pledge, hypothecate.planificar plan, schedule.ponderar weight.posdatar post-date.poseer possess, have, own.posicionar place.posponer postpone.practicar practise.prefabricar prefabricate.prefinanciar prefinance.preliminar preliminary.prendar pledge.prescribir prescribe, lapse.presentar 1. t.v. present, submit 2. t.v. introduce 3. p.v. apply for, apply to 4. p.v. introduce oneself.prestar 1. lend 2. provide a service.presupuestar budget.privatizar privatize (AmE), privatise (BrE).procesar 1. process 2. prosecute.producir 1. produce 2. yield, bear.programar 1. program 2. plan, schedule.promocionar promote.promover promote.pronosticar forecast.prorratear prorate, apportion.prorrogar postpone.protocolizar record, register.proyectar 1. project 2. plan, schedule.publicar publish, issue.publicitar advertise.pujar 1. bid 2. raise a bid, bid higher.pulir polish.pulsar click, press.Qquebrar 1. i.v. become bankrupt, go bankrupt, fail 2. t.v. provoke bankruptcy, make bankrupt.querellar bring suit.Rracionalizar rationalize (AmE), rationalise (BrE).readquirir reacquire.reajustar readjust, adjust.realizar 1. realize (AmE), realise (BrE) 2. cash in, turn into cash.realizar beneficios cash in benefits.reasegurar reinsure, reassure.rebajar reduce, rebate, lower, cut.recapitalizar recapitalize (AmE), recapitalise (BrE).recargar 1. overcharge, surcharge 2. overload.recaudar collect, raise.rechazar 1. reject, turn down 2.return, dishonour (BrE), dishonor (AmE).rechazar un cheque return acheque (BrE), return a check (AmE), dishonour a cheque (BrE), dishonor a check (AmE).rechazar una moción reject a motion, defeat a motion.recibir receive.reciclar recycle.reclamar claim.reclutar recruit.recobrar recover.recompensar reward.recomprar repurchase, reacquire.reconciliar reconcile.reconvertir restructure.recuperar 1. recover, redeem 2. salvage.redactar write, edit.redescontar rediscount.redituar yield, yield a profit, produce.redondear round off.reembolsar reimburse, refund, pay back, repay.reenviar forward, send again.reestructurar restructure.reexportar reexport, re-export.refinanciar refinance, roll over.refinanciar refinance.refrendar countersign, authenticate.regatear bargain, haggle.registrar 1. t.v. register, record, enter 2. p.v. enrol, register.reglamentar regulate, establish rules.regular regulate.reimportar re-import.reintegrar 1. t.v. refund, reimburse 2. p.v. join back, return.reinvertir reinvest.relevar 1. survey 2. replace 3. release, exempt.rematar auction.remesar 1. ship, deliver 2. remit, send money.remitir send, deliver.remunerar pay, remunerate, compensate.rendir 1. yield, bear, produce 2. render, settle, report 3. perform.rendir cuentas 1. settle accounts, render accounts 2. give explanations.rendir interés bear interest.renegociar renegotiate.renovar renew.rentabilizar make profitable, maximise profits.rentabilizar activos maximise return on assets.rentar hire, rent, lease.renunciar 1. resign 2. waive, relinquish.reorganizar reorganize (AmE), reorganise (BrE).repartir 1. distribute, deliver 2. distribute, apportion, allot.reponer replace.reposicionar reposition.representar represent.reprogramar reprogram.rescatar redeem, recall, recover, rescue.rescindir cancel, terminate, rescind, abrogate, revoke.reservar 1. reserve, allow 2. book, reserve.respaldar endorse, back, support.restar deduct, subtract.resultar result.resumir summarize (AmE), summarise (BrE).retener withhold.retirar 1. p.v. retire 2. t.v. withdraw, recall.retrasar delay, postpone, adjourn.retribuir pay.retroalimentar feed back.reubicar relocate, redeploy.revalorizar 1. revaluate, increase 2. revalue, valuate again.revaluar revaluate, write up.revender 1. resell 2. scalp.revertir reverse, revert.revisar examine, revise, audit.revocar revoke, abrogate.robotizar robotise (BrE), robotize (AmE).rotar turn, rotate.rotular label.rubricar sign, sign and seal.Ssalariar include in the payroll, give a job with a fixed salary.saldar 1. settle, pay, pay off, cancel 2. balance.saldar cuentas settle accounts,salvar 1. save, salvage 2. authenticate changes in a document.sanear free from an excessive debt burden, clean up.secuestrar 1. seize, sequester 2. kidnap.secundar second.segmentar segment.seleccionar select.sellar stamp, seal.señar make a down payment.sindicalizar 1. t.v. unionize (AmE), unionise (BrE), organise into a trade union 2. p.v. unionize (AmE), unionise (BrE), form a trade union3. t.v. syndicalize (AmE), syndicalise (BrE).sindicar 1. p.v. syndicate, pool, organise into a syndicate2. p.v. unionize (AmE), unionise (BrE), form a trade union3. t.v. unionize (AmE), unionise (BrE), organise into a trade unionsinterizar sinter.sistematizar systematize (AmE), systematise (BrE), automate.sobornar bribe, pay off.sobrecapitalizar overcapitalize (AmE), overcapitalise (BrE).sobrecargar 1. overcharge, surcharge, charge in excess 2. overload, load in excess.sobredepreciar overdepreciate.sobregirar overdraw.sobreproducir overproduce.sobretasar value in excess, overvalue, rate in excess.sobrevalorar value in excess,overvalue, overvalorate, write up.sobrevaluar overvalue, grant an excessive value.solicitar 1. apply, apply for 2. request.solventar 1. finance, pay for, fund 2. pay, settle.subalquilar sublet, sublease.subarrendar sublease, sublet.subastar auction.subcontratar subcontract.subordinar subordinate.subrogar subrogate.subscribir 1. t.v. subscribe2. t.v. underwrite3. p.v. subscribe to a publication.subscribir acciones subscribe shares (BrE), subscribe stocks (AmE),underwrite shares (BrE), underwrite stocks (AmE).subvalorar undervalue, underestimate.subvaluar undervalue.subvencionar subsidize (AmE), subsidise (BrE).sumar 1. add, sum up 2. amount to, add up to.suministrar supply, purvey.supervisar supervise.suscribir 1. t.v. subscribe2. t.v. underwrite3. p.v. subscribe to a publication.suscribir acciones subscribe shares (BrE), subscribe stock (AmE), underwrite shares (BrE), underwrite stock (AmE).suspender 1. suspend, interrupt 2. remove from office temporarily.suspender pagos stop payment.sustituir substitute.Ttabular tabulate, table.taquigrafiar stenograph, shorthand, write in shorthand.tasar assess, appraise, valuate.telefonear telephone.tender tend.terminar terminate.testar make a will or testament.timbrar stamp, put a seal or stamp.titularizar securitize.tomar take.tomar prestado borrow.totalizar totalize (AmE), totalise (BrE), add up, sum up.trabajar 1. work 2. operate.traducir translate.traficar deal, trade, traffic.tramitar carry out procedures in order to obtain officialauthorisations, permits, documents, etc.transferir título transfer title, pass title.transportar 1. transport, haul, carry 2. carry forward, carry overtrasladar 1. transfer, translate, move 2. carry forward, carry over.traspasar 1. transfer, pass over to, turn over to 2. carry forward, carry over.tratar 1. deal in, trade in 2. deal with.tributar pay taxes.Uuniformalizar standardize (AmE), standardise (BrE).unir join.urbanizar develop.usufructuar use, utilize (AmE), utilise (BrE).Vvaler cost, be valued at, be worth, have a price of.validar validate.valorar 1. value, appraise, assess 2. appreciate, increase in value.valorizar 1. appreciate, increase in value 2. value, appraise.valuar value, appraise, assess.vencer 1. expire, lapse 2. fall due, mature.vender sell.vetar veto.vigilar watch.vincular 1. link 2. bind.W X Y Zzonificar zone, divide into zones.AbbreviationsBrE AmE t.v. i.v. p.v.British English American English transitive verb intransitive verb pronominal verbAbreviaturasBrE AmE t.v. i.v. p.v.ingles británico. inglés americano. verbo transitivo. verbo intransitivo. verbo pronominal.A n d r e w D.M i l e s i s t h e d i r e c t o r o f E n g l i s h f o rB u s i n e s s B a r c e l o n a,E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s M a d r i da n d E n g l i s h P h o n eE n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s B a r c e l o n at e a c h e s E n g l i s h l e s s o n s t oc o m p a n i e s i n t h eB a r c e l o n a a r e a.E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s M a d r i dt e a c h e s E n g l i s h l e s s o n s t oc o m p a n i e s i n t h eM a d r i d a r e a.E n g l i s h P h o n e p r o v i d e s l e s s o n sb y t e l e p h o n e t o s t u d e n t s w h ow a n t t o i m p r o v e t h e i r o r a lc o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l sw w w.b a r c e l o n a e n g l i s h.c o mw w w.e n g l i s h p h o n e.b i z。



ei检索类型ca和ja有哪些区别EI检索是指国际信息检索系统(英文名为Engineering Village),涵盖了工程、科技、医学、生物、环保等领域的文献。




一、搜索的范围1.CA(Compendex Abstracts)是指工程领域文摘集,覆盖了主要的工程技术领域,包括机械、电子、电气、信息技术、航空航天、化学等方面的文献,涵盖了工程学、材料学、物理学、计算机科学、数学等学科。

















在数学方面,该专业主要涉及以下几个分支:数理基础科学离散数学数值分析运筹学图论概率论数理统计以下是这些分支中常用的一些英语词汇:中文英文数理基础科学Foundations of Mathematical Science集合Set元素Element子集Subset并集Union交集Intersection补集Complement空集Empty set集合运算Set operations映射Mapping函数Function逆映射Inverse mapping逆函数Inverse function复合映射Composite mapping复合函数Composite function关系Relation等价关系Equivalence relation序关系Order relation有序集合Ordered set上确界Supremum下确界Infimum极限Limit极限存在性定理Theorem of existence of limit极限唯一性定理Theorem of uniqueness of limit极限运算法则Rules of limit operations连续函数Continuous function连续性定理Theorem of continuity导数Derivative微分中值定理Mean value theorem of differential calculus 洛必达法则L'Hospital's rule泰勒公式Taylor's formula二、基础统计词汇在统计方面,该专业主要涉及以下几个分支:描述统计推断统计回归分析方差分析时间序列分析多元统计分析以下是这些分支中常用的一些英语词汇:中文英文描述统计Descriptive statistics数据Data总体Population样本Sample变量Variable随机变量Random variable分布Distribution频数Frequency频率Frequency rate相对频率Relative frequency累积频率Cumulative frequency频数分布表Frequency distribution table频数直方图Frequency histogram频数折线图Frequency polygon饼图Pie chart散点图Scatter plot箱线图Box plot均值Mean中位数Median众数Mode四分位数Quartile极差Range方差Variance标准差Standard deviation样本协方差Sample covariance样本相关系数Sample correlation coefficient三、基础信息词汇在信息方面,该专业主要涉及以下几个分支:信息论编码理论信息安全信息检索人工智能以下是这些分支中常用的一些英语词汇:中文英文信息论Information theory信息量Information quantity熵Entropy条件熵Conditional entropy互信息Mutual information信道容量Channel capacity编码理论Coding theory编码器Encoder解码器Decoder源编码定理Source coding theorem信道编码定理Channel coding theorem哈夫曼编码Huffman coding汉明距离Hamming distance汉明码Hamming code循环冗余校验码Cyclic redundancy check code (CRC)信息安全Information security加密算法Encryption algorithm解密算法Decryption algorithm对称加密算法Symmetric encryption algorithm非对称加密算法Asymmetric encryption algorithm公钥加密算法Public key encryption algorithm私钥加密算法Private key encryption algorithm数字签名算法Digital signature algorithm四、常用软件工具词汇在软件工具方面,该专业主要涉及以下几个方面:编程语言数据库数学软件统计软件人工智能框架以下是这些方面中常用的一些英语词汇:中文英文编程语言Programming language变量Variable常量Constant数据类型Data type表达式Expression语句Statement函数Function参数Parameter返回值Return value类Class对象Object属性Attribute方法Method继承Inheritance多态Polymorphism封装Encapsulation接口Interface抽象类Abstract class数据库Database数据库管理系统Database management system (DBMS)关系型数据库Relational database非关系型数据库Non-relational database表Table中文英文记录Record字段Field主键Primary key外键Foreign key索引Index查询语言Query language结构化查询语言Structured query language (SQL)数学软件Mathematical softwareMATLAB(矩阵实验室)MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory)Mathematica(数学家)Mathematica (Mathematician)Maple(枫树)Maple (Maple Tree)统计软件Statistical softwareR(统计编程语言)R (Statistical programming language)SPSS(统计产品与服务解决方案)SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions)SAS(统计分析系统)SAS (Statistical Analysis System)人工智能框架Artificial intelligence frameworkTensorFlow(张量流)TensorFlow (Tensor Flow)PyTorch(Python火炬)PyTorch (Python Torch)Keras(可拉斯)Keras (Keras)五、常见算法和模型词汇算法和模型是信息与计算科学专业的重要研究对象,也是该专业的核心课程之一。



25种外文期刊目录1. 刊名:ACM SIGARCH (Computer Architecture): Computer Architecture News.中译名:美国计算机学会计算机体系结构专业组计算机体系结构新闻ISSN:0163-5964电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library2.刊名:ACM SIGMOD (Management of Data): SIGMOD Record..中译名:美国计算机学会数据管理专业组记录ISSN:0163-5808电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library3.刊名:ACM SIGOPS (Operating Systems): Operating Systems Review中译名:美国计算机学会操作系统专业组综论ISSN:0163-5980电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library4.刊名:ACM SIGCOMM (Data Communication): Computer Communication Review 中译名:美国计算机学会数据通信专业组计算机通信评论ISSN:0146-4833电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library5. 刊名:ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes.中译名:美国计算机学会软件工程专业组软件工程札记ISSN:0163-5948电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library6. 刊名:Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering中译名:土木工程师学会会报:土木工程ISSN:0965-089X电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站7. 刊名:Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings中译名:土木工程师学会会报:结构与建筑ISSN:0965-0911电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站8. 刊名:Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering 中译名:土木工程师学会会报:土工技术工程ISSN:1353-2618电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站9. 刊名:Ground Engineering中译名:地面工程ISSN:0017-4653电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站10. 刊名:Concrete Construction中译名:混凝土建筑ISSN:1533-7316电子版来源数据库:Gale数据库/国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站11. 刊名:ACI Materials Journal中译名:美国混凝土学会材料杂志ISSN:0889-325X电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站12. 刊名:International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies.中译名:国际智能信息技术杂志ISSN:1548-3657电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站13. 刊名:International Journal of E-Business Research.中译名:国际电子商务研究杂志ISSN:1548-1131电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站14. 刊名:International Journal of E-Collaboration.中译名:国际电子协作杂志ISSN:1548-3673电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站15. 刊名:International Journal of Knowledge Management.中译名:国际知识管理杂志ISSN:1548-0666电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站16. 刊名:International Journal of Electronic Government Research.中译名:国际电子政府研究杂志ISSN:1548-3886电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站17. 刊名:International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking.中译名:国际企业信息通讯与网络化杂志ISSN:1548-0631电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站18. 刊名:International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education. 中译名:国际信息与通讯技术教育杂志ISSN:1550-1876电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站19. 刊名:Energy & Environment.中译名:能源与环境ISSN:0958-305X电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站20. 刊名:International review of finance中译名:国际金融评论ISSN:1369-412X电子版来源数据库:Ebscohost21. 刊名:Asian Economic Journal中译名:亚洲经济杂志ISSN:1351-3958电子版来源数据库:Ebscohost22. 刊名:International Journal of Constitutional Law中译名:国际宪法杂志ISSN:1474-2640电子版来源数据库:OUP(Oxford University Press)23. 刊名:ELT Journal. (English Language Teaching)中译名:英语教学杂志ISSN:0951-0893电子版来源数据库:OUP(Oxford University Press)24. 刊名:Journal of Applied Linguistics中译名:应用语言学杂志ISSN:1479-7887电子版来源数据库:ALJC(欧洲中小协学会出版社全文电子期刊)25. 刊名:Translation and Literature中译名:翻译与文学ISSN:0968-1361电子版来源数据库:EBSCOhost/ALJC。



计算机专业英语词汇大全第一篇:计算机硬件与维护计算机硬件部分1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) - 中央处理器2. Random Access Memory (RAM) - 随机存取存储器3. Read Only Memory (ROM) - 只读存储器4. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) - 硬盘驱动器5. Solid State Drive (SSD) - 固态硬盘6. Power Supply Unit (PSU) - 电源供应器7. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) - 图形处理器8. Network Interface Controller (NIC) - 网络接口控制器9. Sound Card - 声卡10. Motherboard - 主板11. Expansion Card - 扩展卡12. Monitor - 显示器13. Keyboard - 键盘14. Mouse - 鼠标计算机维护1. Backup - 备份2. Restore - 恢复3. Clean up registry - 清理注册表4. Defragment - 磁盘碎片整理5. Install drivers - 安装驱动程序6. Update drivers - 更新驱动程序7. Uninstall programs - 卸载程序8. Scan for viruses - 扫描病毒9. Remove malware - 移除恶意软件10. Check hard drive for errors - 检查硬盘错误11. Check system for errors - 检查系统错误第二篇:计算机网络与安全计算机网络1. Router - 路由器2. Switch - 交换机3. Modem - 调制解调器4. Wireless Access Point (WAP) - 无线接入点5. Network Interface Card (NIC) - 网络接口卡6. Server - 服务器7. Client - 客户端8. Internet Protocol (IP) - 网际协议9. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - 传输控制协议10. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) - 用户数据报协议11. Domain Name System (DNS) - 域名系统12. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) - 动态主机配置协议13. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) - 简单网络管理协议计算机安全1. Firewall - 防火墙2. Anti-virus software - 杀毒软件3. Anti-malware software - 反恶意软件软件4. Virtual Private Network (VPN) - 虚拟专用网络5. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) - 入侵检测系统6. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) - 入侵防范系统7. Two-factor authentication - 双因素认证8. Encryption - 加密9. Decryption - 解密10. Authentication - 认证11. Authorization - 授权12. Access control - 访问控制第三篇:计算机软件与开发计算机软件1. Operating System (OS) - 操作系统2. Application software - 应用软件3. System software - 系统软件4. Utility software - 工具软件5. Programming language - 编程语言6. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - 集成开发环境7. Web browser - 网络浏览器8. Email client - 电子邮件客户端9. Media player - 媒体播放器10. Database - 数据库11. Content Management System (CMS) - 内容管理系统12. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - 客户关系管理系统软件开发1. Analysis - 分析2. Design - 设计3. Implementation - 实现4. Testing - 测试5. Debugging - 调试6. Integration - 集成7. Maintenance - 维护8. Agile development - 敏捷开发9. Waterfall development - 瀑布开发10. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) - 面向对象编程11. Model-View-Controller (MVC) - 模型-视图-控制器12. Version Control - 版本控制总的来说,计算机专业英语词汇涉及到计算机硬件、计算机网络、计算机软件以及软件开发等多方面内容,能够掌握这些词汇对于计算机专业的学习和工作都十分有帮助。







2、下列哪个软件不是操作系统软件?A. WindowsB. LinuxC. Mac OSD. Flash Player答案:D. Flash Player解释:操作系统软件是管理计算机硬件和软件资源的程序,而Flash Player是一种用于网页多媒体播放的软件,不属于操作系统软件。



4、下列哪个协议不是用于文件传输的?A. FTPB. TFTPC. HTTPD. SMB答案:C. HTTP解释:HTTP协议主要用于网页浏览,而不是用于文件传输。

FTP、TFTP 和SMB都是用于文件传输的协议。

5、下列哪个文件格式不是图片文件格式?A. JPEGB. PNGC. BMPD. MP3答案:D. MP3解释:MP3是一种音频文件格式,而不是图片文件格式。







• 4、网络信息检索的原理是什么?检索的流程(步骤)有哪些?
• 按照一定方式组织存贮信息,并根据用户需求查找出有关信息的过程。 又称信息存贮与检索、情报检索。信息的查找萌芽于图书馆的参考工作。 “信息检索”一词出现于20世纪50年代 。

信息检索包括3个主要环节 :①信息内容分析与编码,产生信息记录及 检索标识。②组织存贮,将全部记录按文件、数据库等形式组成有序的信息 集合。③用户提问处理和检索输出。它按对象分为文献检索、数据检索和事 实检索;按设备分为手工检索、机械检索和计算机检索。由一定的设备和信 息集合构成的服务设施称为信息检索系统,如穿孔卡片系统、联机检索系统、 光盘检索系统、多媒体检索系统等。信息检索最初应用于图书馆和科技信息 机构,后来逐渐扩大到其他领域,并与各种管理信息系统结合在一起。与信 息检索有关的理论、技术和服务构成了一个相对独立的知识领域,是信息学 的一个重要分支,并与计算机应用技术相互交叉。
• 4、检索国内自己所学专业相对领先的学校,并列举出2个学校图书馆 OPAC系统。
• 5、书目数据库(OPAC)检索实习。
OPAC检索与本专业相关的书目信息(题目自拟),并以截屏的形式显 示检索过程及结果,要求尽量使用高级检索或组合检索)
• 6、书附光盘数据库检索实习。 在本校图书馆借书的时候,如果需要书附光盘的内容,应如何获取, 请举例说明(题目自拟),并以截屏的形式显示检索过程及结果。
• •

③外文数据库: a.Frontiers in China期刊数据库 , Frontiers 系列教育部主管、高等教育 出版社出版、德国施普林格公司负责海外发行的大型英文学术期刊项目。自 2006 年正式创刊以来,以网络版和印刷版形式出版了25 种刊物,是目前国 内覆盖学科最广的系列英文学术期刊,现由CALIS文理中心与高等教育出版社 共同负责国内数字化内容服务工作。Frontiers 系列期刊数据库共含25种全 英文学术期刊(期刊列表),其中自然科学类18种(包括基础科学、生命科 学、工程技术类),人文社会科学类7种,可提供分类浏览和检索查询。文献 类型为期刊论文。 b. EI工程索引 。《工程索引》(The Engineering Index,简称EI)创刊于 1884年,是美国工程信息公司(Engineering information Inc.)出版的著名 工程技术类综合性检索工具。EI Compendex是目前全球最全面的工程领域二 次文献数据库,侧重提供应用科学和工程领域的文摘索引信息。 C.Springer Link数据库,德国施普林格(Springer-Verlag)是世界上著名的 科技出版集团,Springer出版社与Kluwer Academic Pub.合并后,成立了新 的Springer集团。该数据库通过Springer LINK系统提供学术期刊及电子图书 的在线服务。 Springer Link包含图书、期刊/会议论文,其中期刊及图书等 所有资源划分为12个 学科,并包含了很多跨学科内容



39604的38个术语1. 数据科学(Data Science)数据科学是指通过应用统计学、数据分析和机器学习等技术,从各种数据中提取知识,以便做出有效决策的学科。

2. 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)人工智能是模拟人类智能的理论与技术,包括机器学习、自然语言处理、计算机视觉等,旨在使机器能够像人一样思考、学习和解决问题。

3. 机器学习(Machine Learning)机器学习是一种让计算机通过从经验中学习和改善性能的方法,而不是通过明确的编程指令进行操作的技术。

4. 深度学习(Deep Learning)深度学习是一种机器学习的特殊类型,通过构建具有多个神经网络层的模型,可以从大量数据中提取复杂的特征和模式。

5. 数据挖掘(Data Mining)数据挖掘是从大量数据中自动发现并提取有用的信息和模式的技术,包括聚类、分类、关联规则挖掘等方法。

6. 自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing)自然语言处理是指让计算机能够理解、处理和生成自然语言的技术,包括语义分析、语音识别、机器翻译等。

7. 无监督学习(Unsupervised Learning)无监督学习是一种机器学习的方法,用于从未标记的数据中发现模式和结构,而无需事先掌握类标签。

8. 监督学习(Supervised Learning)监督学习是一种机器学习的方法,通过训练数据集提供的标签信息,让计算机学习预测特定输入数据的输出。

9. 强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)强化学习是一种机器学习的方法,通过与环境的交互学习,使用奖励和惩罚信号来优化决策策略。

10. 数据预处理(Data Preprocessing)数据预处理是指在应用机器学习算法之前,对原始数据进行清洗、缺失值处理、特征选择等操作,以提高数据质量和模型性能。

11. 特征工程(Feature Engineering)特征工程是指根据领域知识和数据分析的需求,在原始数据基础上进行特征提取、转换和选择,以建立更有意义的特征集。






1. 研究方法学(Research Methodology):一种系统和科学的方法,用于研究问题、收集和分析数据,以得出结论。

2. 数据收集(Data Collection):用于收集研究所需数据的过程,包括采用调查问卷、观察或实验等方式收集数据。

3. 资料分析(Data Analysis):对收集到的数据进行整理、归纳、计算和解释的过程,以确定任何模式、关联或趋势。

4. 问卷调查(Questionnaire Survey):通过设计和分发问卷收集数据的方法,用于了解受访者的看法、态度和行为。

5. 个案研究(Case Study):用于深入研究特定个体、组织、事件或现象的方法,通过收集详细的信息和数据,以便于了解和解释特定情境。

6. 统计分析(Statistical Analysis):使用统计学方法对数据进行分析和解释的过程,以便于得出可靠的结论和推论。

7. 问卷设计(Questionnaire Design):设计有效和可靠的问卷,确保收集到的数据能够准确地反映受访者的观点和态度。

8. 访谈技巧(Interview Techniques):用于进行面对面或电话访谈的技巧和方法,以获取有关受访者观点、经验和意见的详细信息。

9. 可行性分析(Feasibility Analysis):评估特定项目或计划的可行性和可行性的过程,以确定其潜在利益和风险。

10. 政策制定(Policy Making):制定和实施特定政策或规定的过程,以促进目标的实现和制定相应的措施。

11. 绩效评估(Performance Evaluation):对组织、个人或项目的绩效进行评估和衡量的过程,以便于监测和改进。



/bbs/read.php?tid=3163计算机方面EI收录的外文期刊( 有“*”是同时被《EI》收录的期刊)1、738B0006 ISSN 0018-8646 IF:2、560 “*”IBM Journal of Research and Development. 《国际商用机器公司研究与开发杂志》,1957. 4/yr. IBM Corp.Old Orchard Rd, Armonk, NY, 10504. 2、738B0008-1 ISSN 0004-5411 IF:1、078 “*”Journal of the Association for Computiong Machinery. 《美国计算机学会志》,4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery, 1515Broadway, 17th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USATel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm3、738B0008-2 ISSN 0001-0782 IF:2、238 “*”Communications of the ACM. 《美国计算机学会通讯》,1958. 12/yr.Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway, 17th FL.,New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.Tel: 212 869 7440/jacm4、738B0012 ISSN 0022-0000 IF:0、661 “*”Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 《计算机与系统科学杂志》,1967. 6/yr. Academic Press Inc., Journal Subseription Fulfillment Dept., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive.Tel: 407 345 4040Fax: 407 363 9661E-mail: *************http://www.apnet.Con5、738B0018 ISSN 0360-0333 IF:0、641 “*”ACM Computing Surveys. 《美国计算机学会计算概观》,1969. 4/yr.Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway. 17th FL.,New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.Tel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm6、738B0029-2 ISSN 1077-3142 IF:1、298Computer Vision and Image Undwestanding. 《计算机视觉与图像理解》1969. Academic Press Inc., Journal Subscription Fulfillment Dept., 6227 Sca Harbor Drive, Orlando,FL 32887-4900, USA.Tel: 407 345 4040Fax: 407 363 9661E-mail: *************7、738B0031 ISSN 0362-5915 IF:1、20 “*”ACM Transactions on Database System. 《美国计算机学会数据库系统汇刊》,1976. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway,17th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701. USA.Tel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm8、738B0033 ISSN 0164-0925 IF:0、950 “*”ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems. 《美国计算机学会程序设计语言与系统汇刊》,1979. 6/yr.Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway, 17th FL.,New York NY 10036-5701. USA.Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm9、738B0040 ISSN 0730-0301 IF:1、88 “*”ACM Transactions on Graphics. 《美国计算机学会图形学汇刊》,1982. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery.1515 Broadway, 17th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm10、738B0045 ISSN 1046-8188 IF:2、036 “*”ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 《美国计算机学会信息系统汇刊》,1983. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.17th FL. New York. NY 10036-5701 USA.Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm11、738B0046 ISSN 0734-2071 IF:1、238 “*”ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. 《美国计算机学会计算机系统汇刊》,1983. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.17th FL. New York. NY 10036-5701 USA.Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm12、738B0224 ISSN 0098-3500 IF:0、649 “*”ACM Transations on Mathematical Software. 《美国计算机学会数学软件汇刊》,1975. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.17th FL. New York. NY 10036- 5701 USA.Tel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm13、738B0488 ISSN 0743-7315 IF:0、353Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 《并行与分布式计算杂志》,1984. 12/yr. Academic Press Inc., Journal SubscriptionFulfillment Dept., 6277Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL32887-4900, USATel: 407 345 4040Fax; 407 363 9661E-mail: *************14、738B0494 ISSN 0743-1066 IF:0、819 “*”Journal of Logic Programming. 《逻辑程序设计杂志》,1984. 12/yr.Elsevier Science Inc., Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 945, New York, NY 10159-0945, USA.Fax: 212 633 3680E-mail: *******************、738B0514 ISSN 0738-4602 IF:1、286 “*”AI Magazine. ( Artificial Intelligence ). 《人工智能杂志》,1979. 4/yr.American Association For Artificial Intelligence, 445 Burgess Dr.,Menlo Park, CA94025, USA.Fax: 415 321 445716、738B0547 ISSN 0884-8173 IF:0、398 “*”International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 《国际智能系统杂志》,1986. 12/yr. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Subscription Department,605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, USA.Fax: 212 850 6021E-mail: ******************17、738B0548 ISSN 0178-4617 IF:0、477 “*”Algorithmica: A International Journal in Computer Science. 《算法》,1986. 12/yr. Springer-Verlag New York Inc.,175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010, USA.Fax: 212 473 6272E-mail: **********************/journals/45318、723B0578 ISSN 1094-3420 IF:0、833International Journal of High Performance Computing Application. 《高性能计算应用国际杂志》,1987. 4/yr. Sage Publications Inc.,2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA.Tel: 805 499 0721Fax: 805 499 0871E-mail: *********************19、738B0663 ISSN 0899-7667 IF:2、727Neural Computation. 《神经计算》,1989. 8/yr. MIT Press Journal Department, 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, USA.Tel: 617 253 2889Fax: 617 577 1545E-mail: ***********************20、738B0703 ISSN 0896-8438 IF:0、886 “*”Journal of Object-Oriented Programming. 《面向对象程序设计杂志》,1988. 9/yr. Sigs Publications Inc., 71 W. 23rd St.,New York, NY 10010-4102, USA.Tel: 212 242 7447Fax: 212 242 7574E-mail: **********************21、738B0705 ISSN 1044-7318 IF:0、359International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 《国际人与计算机相互作用杂志》,1989. 4/yr. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Journal Customer Service Dept., 10Industrial Ave., Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262 USA.Tel: 201 236 9500Fax: 201 236 0072E-mail: ******************22、738B0780 ISSN 0028-3045 IF:0、368Networks. 《网络》,1971. 8/yr. John Wiley & Sons Inc,605 Third Ave, New York, NY,、738B0788 ISSN 1054-7460 IF:1、544Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 《存在:远程操作设备与虚拟环境》,1992. 6/yr. MIT Press, Journals Department,5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, USA.Tel: 617 253 2889Fax: 617 577 1545E-mail: ***********************24、738B0798 ISSN 1049-331X IF:0、889 “*”ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 《美国计算机学会软件工程与方法论汇刊》,1992. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, 17th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.Tel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm25、738B0899 ISSN 1063-293X IF:0、353 “*”Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications. 《并行工程研究与应用》,4/yr. Managing Editor: Biren Prasad, Ph. D.,International Institute of Concurent Engineering, CETEAM JournalDepartment, Po Box, 3882, Tustin, CA 92782, USA.Tel: (714) 389 2662Fax: (714) 389 2662E-mail: ****************/26、738C0017 ISSN 0305-0548 IF:0、031Computers & Operations Research. 《计算机与运筹学研究》,14/yr.Editor: G. Laporte, HEC, Montreal, Canada.E-mail: *********************.ca/wps/find/science/journal/27、738C0019 ISSN 0097-8485 IF:1、632 “*”Computer & Chemistry. 《计算机与化学》,1974. 6/yr.Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevierhttp://www.elsevier.nl28、738C0022 ISSN 0098-3004 IF:0、424 “*”Computers & Geosciences. 《计算机与地学》,1957. 10/yr. CustomerSupport Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax:(31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl29、738C0028 ISSN 1367-4803 IF:3、421Bioinformatics. 《生物信息学》,1984. 12/yr.Oxford University Press. Journal SubscriptionsDepartment, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK.Fax: (01865) 267 485E-mail: *****************.uk/journalsBarbara Cox, Embl-Ebi, Hinxlon, Cambridge Cb10 1sd, UK./30、738C0030 ISSN 0747-7171 IF:0、525Journal of Symbolic Computation. 《符号与计算杂志》,1985. 12/yr. Harcourt Brace & CO. Ltd.,Foots Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UKFax: (0181) 309 0807E-mail: ****************.uk31、738C0065 ISSN 0031-3203 IF:1、353 “*”Pattern Recognition. 《图形识别》,1969. 12/yr. Elsevier Science,Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757E-mail: *******************http://www.elsevier.nl32、738C0067 ISSN 0010-4485 IF:1、048Computer-Aided Design. 《计算机辅助设计》,1968. 14/yr.Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 375733、738C0070 ISSN 0045-7949 IF:0、418 “*”Computers & Structures. 《计算机与结构》,1971. 24/yr.K. J. Bathe, Department of Mechanical Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA.Tel: 1 617 923 3407Fax: 1 617 923 3408C. H. V. Topping, Department of Mechanics and Chemical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK.Fax: 44 (0) 131 451 3593http://www.elsevier.nl34、738C0073 ISSN 0045-7906 IF:0、105 “*”Computers & Electrical Engineering. 《计算机与电工》,1973. 6/yr.Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl35、738C0074 ISSN 0045-7930 IF:0、679 “*”Computers & Fluids. 《计算机与流体》,1973. 8/yr.Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl36、738C0081 ISSN 0898-1221 IF:0、383 “*”Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 《计算机与数学及其应用》1974. 24/yr. Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office,Customer Support Department, Po Box 211,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl37、738C0093 ISSN 0306-4379 IF:3、018 “*”Information System. 《信息系统》,1975. 8/yr. Elsevier Science,Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl38、738C0153 ISSN 0950-7051 IF:0、275 “*”Knowledge-Based Systems. 《知识库系统》,1987. 4/yr.Elsevier Science Bv, Po Box 211, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1000 Ae.、738C0164 ISSN 0269-8889 IF:0、707 “*”Knowledge Engineering Review. 《知识工程评价》,1986. 4/yr.118. 00/GBP Cambridge University Press,The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK.Fax: (0223) 315 052E-mail: journals *********************40、738C0177 ISSN 0954-0091 IF:0、964Connection Science. 《连接科学》,1989. 4/yr Carfax Publishing Ltd.,Po Box 25, Abingdon, Oxford Shire, OX14 3UE, UK.Fax: (01235) 401 550E-mail: ***************.uk41、738C0181 ISSN 0954-898X IF:1、333Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 《网络:神经系统计算》,1990. 4/yr. Iop Publishing Ltd, Dirac House,Temple Back, Bristol, England, Bs1 6be./EJ/journal/0954-898X42、738C0192 ISSN 1045-926X IF:0、431Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 《视觉语言与计算杂志》,1990. 6/yr. Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd.,Foots Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UK.Fax: (0181) 309 0807E-mail: ****************.uk43、738C0199 ISSN 1049-8907 IF:0、487Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation. 《显像与计算机动画片制作杂志》,1990. 4/yr. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Journal Administration,1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 9SA, UK.E-mail: ********************.uk44、738E0032 ISSN 0943-4962 《多媒体系统》,IF:1、290Multimedia Systems. (Text in English). 1993. 6/yr.Spring-Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, D-14197 Berlin, Germany.Fax: (030) 827 87 448E-mail: *************************http://www.springer.de45、738GL069 ISSN 0217-5959 IF:0、031ASIA-PACIFIC Journal of Operational Research. 《亚太操作研究杂志》2/yr. Editors: Assoc. Prof. G. Y. Zhao Department of Mathematics,National University of Singapore,、738KA001 ISSN 0332-7353 IF:0、500Modeling Identification and Control. 《建模、识别与控制》,1980. 4/yr.Mic, Div Eng Cybernetics, Trondheim, Norway, 7034.47、738LB002 ISSN 0010-4655 IF:1、082Computer Physics Communications. 《计算机物理学通讯》,1969. 15/yr.Elsevier Science Bv, Po Box 211, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1000 Ae /inca/publications/store/5/0/5/7/1/0/48、738LB003 ISSN 0004-3702 IF:1、683Artificial Intelligence. 《人工智能》,1970. 18/yr.Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Fax: 31 20 6854171E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl49、738LB004 ISSN 0304-3975 IF:0、468 “*”Theoretical Computer Science. 《理论计算机科学》,1975. 40/yr.Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 20 5153210Fax: 31 20 6854171E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl50、738LB017 ISSN 0924-9907 IF:0、780 “*”Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 《数学成像与显示杂志》1991. 6/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department,Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 78 6392392Fax: 31 78 6546474E-mail: *****************51、738LB061 ISSN 0166-5316 IF:0、629 “*”Performance Evaluation. 《性能评价》,1981. 16/yr. Elsevier ScienceB. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 20 5153210Fax: 31 20 6854171E-mail: ********************;www.elsevier.nl52、738LB073 ISSN 0167-9236 IF:0、781 “*”Decision Support Systems. 《决策支持系统》,11/yr.Editor-in-Chief: A. Whinston, MSIS Department,CBA 5-202, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1175, USA./wps/find53、738LB076 ISSN 0167-8396 IF:0、929 “*”Computer-Aided Geometric Design. 《计算机辅助几何设计》,1984.9/yr. Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 20 5153210E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl54、738LB087 ISSN 0885-6125 IF:1、476 “*”Machine Learning. 《机器学习》,1986. 12/yr.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dorderecht, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 78 6392392E-mail: *****************55、738LB088 ISSN 0920-5691 IF:1、600 “*”International Journal of Computer Vision. 《国际计算机视觉杂志》,1987. 15/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department,Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Fax: 31 78 6546474E-mail: *****************56、738LB092 ISSN 0921-8542 IF:0、130 “*”Journal of Supercomputing. 《高超速计算机杂志》,1987. 4/yr.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 78 6392392Fax: 31 78 6546474E-mail: *****************57、738LB100 ISSN 0924-669X IF:0、493 “*”Applied Intelligence. 《应用智能》,1991. 6/yr. 900. 00/NLG KluwerAcademic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 78 6546471E-mail: *****************58、738LB122 ISSN 0262-8856 IF:0、893Image and Vision Computing. 《图像与视觉计算》,1983. 14/yr.Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 20 5153210E-mail: ********************/inca/publications/store/5/2/5/4/4/3/index.htthttp://www.elsevier.nl59、738LB128 ISSN 1384-5810 IF:1、407Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 《数据挖掘与知识发现》,1997.4/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Fax: 31 78 6546474E-mail: *****************60、738LE051 ISSN 0010-485X IF:0、667 “*”Computing. (Text in English). 《计算》,8/yr. Springer-VerlagWien, Sachsenplatz 4-6, Postfach 89, A-1201 Wien, Austria.Fax: (0043/1) 3 30 24 2661、738 ISSN 0004-5411 IF:1、078Journal of the ACM. 《美国计算机学会志》,4/yr.Assoc Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036./jacm/62、738 ISSN 0018-9162 IF:1、062Computer. 《IEEE计算机杂志》,12/yr.IEEE Computer Soc, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle,Po Box 3014, Los Alamitos, CA, 90720-1314.二、《EI》收录的外文期刊:1、738B0029-1 ISSN 1049-9652CVGIP:Graphical Models and Image Processing. 《计算机视觉、图示与图像处理:制图模型与图像处理》,1969. 6/yr. Academic Press, Inc.,Journal Subscription Fulfillment Dept., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive,Orlando, FL 32887-4900, USA.Fax: 407-363-96612、738B0029-2 ISSN 1077-3169Graphical Models and Image Processing. 《制图模型与图像处理》,1969.6/yr. Academic Press Inc., USA.Editors-in-Chief: Norman I. Badler and Rama Chellappa.E-mail: ***************/newjour/g/mag02304.html(as CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing. 1049-9652)3、738B0052 ISSN 0011-6963Datamation. 《数据处理》,1955. 24/yr.275 Washington St., Newton, MA 02158, USA.Fax: 303-398-7691.4、738B0067 ISSN 0010-4566Computer Design. 《计算机设计》,1962. 12/yr. Computer Design,Circulation Department, Box 3466, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA.5、738B0079 ISSN 0018-8670IBM Systems Journal. 《国际商用机器公司系统杂志》,1962. 4/yr.International Busimess Machines Corp., USA. Editor: Cene Hofinagle.E-mail: *******************.com/newjour/i/msg02405.html6、738B0100 ISSN 0037-5497Simulation. 《仿真》,1963. 12/yr. Society for Computer Simulation,Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.Editor:Vice-President, SCS Publications, Robert Judd, PhD, Ohio University.E-mail: *****************//pubs/siminfo.html7、738B0223 ISSN 0882-1666Systems and Computers in Japan. 《日本系统与计算机》,1970. 14/yr. 1229. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836,Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.Fax: 03-3556-9763.E-mail: ****************、738B0288 ISSN 0360-5280Byte. 《字节》,1975. 12/yr. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., P. O. 1221Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA.9、738B0100 ISSN 0037-5497Simulation. 1963. 12/yr. Society for Computer Simulation, Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA. Editor: Vice-President, SCS Publications, Robert Judd, PhD, Ohio University.E-mail: *****************//pubs/siminfo.html10、738B0291 ISSN 0146-5422Online. 《联机》,6/yr. Online Inc.462 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897-2126, USA.11、738B0292 ISSN 0363-6399Data Communications. 《数据通信》,1972. 12/yr.McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., P. O.1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA.12、738B0309 ISSN 0162-4105Database. 《数据库》,1978. 6/yr. 1970. Bonanza Drive,Suite 219, P. O. Box 70, Park City, UT 84060, USA.13、738B0318 ISSN 0164-1212Journal of Systems & Software. 《系统与软件杂志》,Elsevier ScienceInc.,655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, USA.Fax: 212-633-376414、738B0325 ISSN 0702-0481International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers. 《国际小型与微计算机杂志》,1979. 3/yr. Editor-in- Chief: Dr. B. Furht,Dep. Of Computer Sci. & Eng. Florida AltanticUniversity, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA.15、738B0337 ISSN 0820-0750Microcomputer Applications. 《微机应用》,1982. 3/yr.ISMM, P. O. Box 2481, Anaheim, CA 92814, USA.16、738B0346 ISSN 0277-0865Computer Security Journal. 《计算机安全杂志》,1981. 2/yr. Computer Security Institute, 600 Harrisan St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.E-mail: ***********/17、738B0360 ISSN 1044-789XDr. Dobb’s Journal. 《多布氏杂志》,1976. 12/yr. M & T Publishing,Inc., 501 Galveston Dr., Redwood City, CA 94063, USA.18、738B0405 ISSN 0737-8939PC World. 《个人计算机世界》,1982. 12/yr. PCW Communications, Inc., 501 Second St., 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.19、738B0407 ISSN 0271-4159Computer Graphics World. 《计算机图学界》,1978. 12/yr.PennWell Publishing Co., 1421 South Sheridan,P. O. Box 1260, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA./home/home.cfm20、738B0485 ISSN 0740-6797Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation. 《计算机仿真学会汇刊》,1984. 4/yr. Society for Computer Simulation.Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA./pubs/transinfo.htm/21、738B0513 ISSN 0278-9647Computer Technology Review; The Systems Integration Sourcebook.《计算机技术评论》,1981. 16/yr. West World Pioductions, Inc.924 Westwood Blvd., 650, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.22、738B0536 ISSN 0742-3136UNIX Review. 《UNIX评论》,1983. 12/yr. 1 Miller FreemanPublication Co., 600 Harrison St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.23、738B0556 ISSN 0883-9514Applied Artificial Intelligence. 《应用人工智能》,1986. 4/yr. Taylor &Francis / Hemisphere,1900 Frost Rd., Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007, USA.24、738B0557 ISSN 0885-7474Journal of Scientific Computing. 《科学计算杂志》,1986. 4/yr.Plenum Publishing Corp., 233 Spring St.,New York, NY 10013-1578, USA.Fax: 212-807-104725、738B0584 ISSN 1094-3420International Journal of High Performance Computing Application.《高性能计算应用国际杂志》,1987. 4/yr. 96pp. 12k.282.00/USD Sage Publications Inc., USA.26、738B0589 ISSN 0894-9077International Journal of Expert Systems. 《国际专家系统杂志》,1987.4/yr. JAI Press, Inc., 55 Old Post Rd.,No. 2, P. O. Box 1678, Greenwich, CT 06836, USA.Fax: 203-661-079227、738B0604 ISSN 0895-6340Computing Systems. 《计算系统》,1988. 4/yr. University of CaliforniaPress,Periodical Dept., 2120 Berkeley Way,Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.Fax: 415-643-7127.Edit: Usenix Association & EUUG.28、738B0658 ISSN 1045-389XJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 《智能材料系统与结构杂志》,1990 4/yr. Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.,851 New Holland Ave., Box 3535, Lancaster, PA 17604, USA.Fax: 717-295-453829、738B0702 ISSN 1043-6464Journal of End User Computing. 《最后用户计算杂志》,1989. 4/yr.112. 00/USD Idea Group Publishing, Olde Liberty Square, Suite 230, 4811 Jonestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17109, USA.Edit: Information Resources Management Association.30、738B0736 ISSN 1050-1827International Journal of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computer-Aided Engineering. 《国际微波与毫米波计算机辅助工程杂志》,1991. 4/yr.John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836, Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.Fax: 212-850-608831、738B0741 ISSN 1049 3301ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 《美国计算机学会模型建立与计算机仿真汇刊》,1991. 4/yr. Association forComputing Machinery, P. O. Box 12105, Church StreetStation, New York, NY 10249, USA.Fax: 212-944-131832、738B0766 ISSN 0748-0016Personal Engineering and Instrumentation News. 《个人计算机工程与设备新闻》,1984. 12/yr. PEC Inc., Sales Office,Box 152, Pine Brook, NJ 07058, USA.Fax: 201-808-016733、738B0778 ISSN 0228-6203International Journal of Modeling & Simulation. 《国际模式与仿真杂志》,1981. 4/yr. IASTED,P. O. Box 2481, Anaheim, CA 92814-2481, USA.34、738B0779 ISSN 1058-9244Scientific Programming: Tools & Techniques. 《科学程序设计》,1991.4/yr.John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836,Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.Fax: 212-850-608835、738B0782 ISSN 0824-7935Computational Intelligence. 《计算智能》,1985. 4/yr.Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., Three Cambridge Center,Cambridge, MA 02142, USA.36、738B0826Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings. 《冬季仿真会议录》,1/yr.125. 00/USD Society for Computer Simulation,Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.37、738B0851 ISSN 1064-7570Journal of Network and Systems Management. 《网络与系统管理杂志》,1993. 4/yr. Plenum Publishing Corp.,233 Spring St., New York, NY10013-1578, USA.Fax: 212-807-104738、738B0918 ISSN 1042-0711Mainframe Computing. 《主机计算》,1988. 12/yr.E-mail: *****************39、738C0005 ISSN 0010-4531Computer Bulletin. 《计算机通报》,4/yr. The British Computer Society1 Sanfrod Street Swindon SN1 1HJ, UK40、738C0011 ISSN 1351-3249Natural Language Engineering. 《自然语言工程》,1995. 4/yr.Cambridge University Press,UK/newjour/n/msg02371.html41、738C0017 ISSN 0305-0548Computers & Operations Research. 《计算机与运筹学》,1974. 8/yr.Editor: Jesus R. Arralejo Faculatad de Matematics,Dept de Estadistica e I. O., Universidad Complutense de Madrid,Madrid 28040, Spain.Editor: Samuel J. Raff, 8312 Snug Hill Lane, Potomac, MD 20854, USA.E-mail: *******************.uk、738C0018 ISSN 0038-0644Software: Practice & Experience. 《软件;实践与经验》,1974. 15/yr.575. 00/USD John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,1 Oklands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex P. O. 22, 9SA, UK.43、738C0020 ISSN 0098-1354Computers & Chemical Engineering. 《计算机与化工》,1977. 12/yr.Editor-in-Chief: G. V. Reklaitis, School of Chemical Engineering,CHME Building 1283, West Lafayette, Purdue University, IN 47907, USA.E-mail: *************************、738C0023 ISSN 0360-8352Computers & Industrial Engineering. 《计算机与工业工程》,1976. 8/yr.Editor: Mohamed I. Dessouky,Ph. D., P. E. Research Professor, Dept. Of Industrial & Systems Eng’g., University of Southem California, University Park-MC 0193, LosAngeles, CA, 90089-0193. USA.E-mail: ****************.edu、738C0026 ISSN 0275-9136Engineering Simulation. 《工程模拟》,6/yr. STBS Ltd.,Order Department, P. O. Box 90, Rerkshire Rg1 8JL, UK.Fax: 0734-568211.46、738C0029 ISSN 0747- 5632Computers in Human Behavior. 《计算机在人类行为中的应用》,1985.4/yr. 18k, 180. 00/GBP Editorial Office: Robert D Tennyson Dept.Of Educational Psychology, 211A Burton Hall, 178 PillsburyDr., S. E., University of Minnesot Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.47、738C0031 ISSN 0267-6192Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 《计算机系统科学与工程》,1985. 6/yr. Editor: Wil van Der Aalst,Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, EindhovenUniversity of Technology, P. O. Box 513, NL-5600 MB, Eindhoven,The Netherlands.E-mail: **************.nl、738C0033 ISSN 0167-7055Computer Graphics Forum. 《计算机图形学论坛》,1982. 4/yr.Editor: David Duke, Department of Mathematical Sciences,University of Bath, UK.E-mail: **************/EG/Publications/CGF49、738C0034 ISSN 1077-2014Real-Time Imaging. 《实时成像》,1995. 6/yr.Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd., UK. Editors: Phillip A.Laplant and Alrxander D. Stoyenko.E-mail: ***************/newjour/r/msg02194.html50、738C0089 ISSN 0096-0551Computer Languages. 《计算机语言》,1976. 8/yr.c/o National Biomedical Foundation, Georgetown University Medical Center, 3900 Resservoir Road, N. W., Washington, DC20007, USA.51、738C0092 ISSN 0198-9715Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 《计算机、环境与城市系统》,1975. 6/yr. Editor: P. Longley,Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London,1-19 Torrington Place, London, WCIE 6BT.E-mail: *******************.uk、738C0103 ISSN 0141-9331Microprocessors and Microsystems. 《微处理机与微型系统》,1978, 10/yr.Hardware Systems and North American Editor: A. K. Somani,Dept. Of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 223 Coover Hall,Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA.E-mail: ****************Software Editor: J. E. Cooling, 35 Croftway, Markfield,Leicestershire, LE67 9UG, UK.E-mail: *********************.comSection Coordinating Editor Chip ARCHITECTURES: p. W. Thompson,Degree 2 Innovations Ltd. University Gate, Park Row, Bristol BS1 5UB. UK.E-mail: **************************、738C0106 ISSN 0140-3664Computer Communications. 《计算机通讯》,1978. 12/yr.Editor: J. B. Thompson, Troubador Publishing Ltd.,12 Manor Walk, Coventry Road, Market Harborough,Leicester LE16 9PB, UK.E-mail: ************************、738C0109 ISSN 0965-9978Advances in Engineering Software. 《工程软件进展》,1978. 8/yr.Editors: R. A. Adey, Wessex Institute of Technology,Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO40 7AA,UK.Fax: 44-1703-292-853E-mail: *******************N. Kamiya, Department of Informatics & Natural Sciences, School ofInformatics and Sciences, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-01, Japan.A. K. Noor, University of Virginia, Mail Stop 369, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681, USA.Fax: 1-804-864-8089E-mail: ******************.gov。



产品目录(Product Catalog):用于描述公司、商店或组织提供的产品或服务的详细列表。


图书目录(Library Catalog):在图书馆中,图书目录是一种索引系统,用于组织和检索图书、期刊和其他文献资源的信息。

它通常包括书名、作者、主题、ISBN 等信息,以帮助读者更容易找到所需的书籍。

数据库目录(Database Catalog):在数据库管理系统中,目录是存储有关数据库中表、视图、索引等对象的元数据信息的地方。


邮购目录(Mail Order Catalog):用于描述邮购业务提供的商品目录。


总体而言,"catalog" 表示一种组织和记录信息的系统,无论是关于产品、图书、数据库,还是其他类型的信息资源。




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Computar CCTV lenses were introduced in the U.S.A. during the mid 1970s and have continued to meet security challenges globally for more than 40 years. Today, we lead the industry in Japan, Europe, Asia and markets all over the world. We offer a comprehensive lineup of highquality products with excellent cost performance. Our designs utilize leading-edge technology, enabling us to achieve the highest quality while also ramping up production in our factories in Japan and abroad. We are proud to have an established worldwide sales network, built on the excellence of our Computar products.
1/3" 1/2" 1/1.8" MEGAPIXEL
CBC is committed to maintaining the world standard for industrial lenses through continuous research and development. We continue to strive to achieve even greater quality to meet our customer needs for today’s evolving security challenges.
13 16
21 25
Fixed Focal Vari-Focal Zoom
Fixed focal length, very simple and compact design Compact design, focal length adjusted manually Focal length adjusted without focus shift of image plane
Large aperture that transmits more light Aspherical lens which greatly improves the image quality and compact design High definition lens which is used mainly with 1MP cameras High definition lens which is used mainly with 2MP cameras High definition lens which is used mainly with 3MP cameras High definition lens which is used mainly with 5MP cameras Lens optimized for both visible and new IR spectrum which eliminates focus shift with Day&Night cameras Manual Zoom
T T H H A ① G G G ② 3Z 3Z 2Z 3Z ③
23 29 45 04 31 ④
14 10 12 14 12 ⑤
T................................ A............................... H................................ E............................... M...............................
For Security, available for monitoring at infinity. Provides good image recognition accuracy For Factory Automation or Image Processing, used in monitoring at a close proximity
② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥
Wide Aperture Ratio Aspherical Lens Megapixel Lens Megapixel Lens Megapixel Lens Megapixel Lens Day & Night
Auto iris supporting DC controlled cameras Auto iris supporting Video controlled cameras Auto iris supporting P-iris controlled cameras Operated iris, zoom and focus by electric remote control
1/3 inch 1/2.7 inch 1/2 inch 1/1.8 inch 2/3 inch
Iris type
DC Auto Iris Video Auto Iris P-iris 3 Motors
※ This rule does not apply to some products
Athermalized lens which maintains focus position over wide change of the environmental temperature
DC AMSPR A ⑪ ⑦ -IR -IR ⑧ F ⑪
Application of Megapixel / FA Lens
Security FA·Image Processing
Athermal 17µm
Athermal 17µm pitch Sensor
Thermal lens which can be used with 17μm pitch sensor
The World Standard for Industrial Lenses.
At CBC, we have set the world standard for industrial lenses through the design, manufacture and global sales of the "Computar" brand. Since the very beginning of the video security market, we have established a strong worldwide distribution network. As a pioneer in CCTV lenses, CBC and the Computar brand have grown along with the demands of the world market.
Lens provides a wide field of view Lens provides a small field of view or magnified image in long range applications A neutral density filter inside the lens that attenuates the amount of light transmission from very bright object The model which has the function of preset on focus and zoom The model which enables manual control from remote locations Motorized Zoom