2022-2023学年七年级语文下册第一单元综合过关练习一、积累与运用1.下面各组词语中加点字的注音,完全正确的一项是()A.颤抖(zhàn)奠基(diàn) 弥高(mí)零乱不堪(kān)B.深邃(suì) 函寄(hán) 磐石(pán)义愤填膺(yīng)C.踌躇(chú) 下颔(hàn) 含蓄(xù)目不窥园(guǐ)D.荒谬(miù) 匀称(chèng) 独裁(cái)小心翼翼(yì)2.下列加点词语解释有误的一项是()A.奥本海默是一个拔尖的人物,锋芒毕露。
人教统编版(部编版)七年级下册语文第1单元第2课《说和做——记闻一多先生言行片段 》同步练习
人教统编版(部编版)七年级下册语文第1单元第2课《说和做——记闻一多先生言行片段》同步练习姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、积累运用 (共7题;共14分)1. (2分)下列词语中划线字读音和字形全都正确的一项是()A . 炽(chì)痛嗥(háo)鸣斑斓(lán)参(cān)天B . 谰(lán)语怪誔(dàn)亘(gèng)古浆(jiāng)液C . 田垄(lǒng)污秽(suì)蚱蜢(měng)呻呤(yín)D . 辗(zhǎn)转辘(lù)辘默挈(qì)丰饶(yáo)2. (2分)下列各句中没有语病的一句是()A . 这些蔬菜长的这么好,是由于菜农们精心管理的结果。
B . 我每次向他借书,他不顾年老体衰,都亲自冒着严寒酷暑跑进小书屋寻找。
C . 为了发展国民经济,难道我们共产党人还有什么个人得失是不能抛弃吗?D . 她虽然缺乏对待顾客的热忱,却有一套对付顾客批评的本事。
3. (2分)(2017·杭州模拟) 下面各句中划线的词语使用正确的一项是()A . 多经历一些事情,多思考一些问题,你的视野会更加广漠,知识也会更加丰富。
B . 尽管许多流行读物企图装扮成经典,但他们最终会被时间的水流冲走,甚至不留下任何痕迹。
C . 曾经一度携款外逃、杳无音讯的贪官,在公安部“猎虎行动”的打击下,现在惶惶不可终日。
D . 把书中无关紧要的内容放在一起,断章取义,抓住书的筋骨脉络阅读,可以在短时间积累很多知识,值得推广。
4. (2分)下列句子中没有语病的一项()A . 《语文大辞典》编委会,为了使辞典有较高的质量,在躬耕修典三个春秋的编纂过程中,着重控制了关键程序。
B . 排球是一个集体项目,与其他运动是不一样的,教练员需要不断摸索,中国队的当务之急就是找到理想的配合。
北师大版七年级下册英语 第一章 单元测试
北师大版七年级下册英语第一章单元测试一、选择题1. —What’s this in English?—It’s _______ car.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. — Can you ______ a book to me?— Sure, here you are.A. giveB. givingC. to giveD. gives3. Nancy often _______ her parents in the garden on weekends.A. helpB. helpsC. helpingD. helping with4. — _______ your brother speak English?— No, he _______.A. Does; doesn’tB. Does; doesC. Do; doesn’tD. Do; do5. Lucy ______ to school at 7:30 on weekdays.A. goB. goesC. is goingD. went二、完形填空I am a teacher. I 6 in a middle school. I love my 7 very much. I go to school by bus every 8 , and I go home by bus, too. I 9 Chinese and English. My students like 10 very much. I help them 11 English every day. I like singing 12 them, too. They are very 13 in my class. Sometimes, I have 14 with them. Some of them are 15 my friends.6. A. is B. am C. are D. be7. A. students B. school C. teacher D. books8. A. month B. day C. week D. year9. A. am B. read C. teach D. eat10. A. subject B. teach C. study D. learn11. A. to study B. for study C. study D. with study12. A. on B. at C. for D. in13. A. exciting B. excitingly C. excitinging D. excited14. A. home work B. housework C. homeworks D. homework15. A. I B. am C. are D. my三、阅读理解Public LibrariesAre you looking for good places to visit? Libraries are good places to go. Many people go to libraries when they are free. There are a lot of books and newspapers there. If you want to read a book, you can go to a library.People don’t need to pay money for the books in the library. The y can borrow books from the libraries. Most libraries have the rule that people can borrow books for about two or three weeks. If people want to borrow books for a few more days, they have to pay a little money.Libraries are not only places for people to read books, but also good places for people to get knowledge. If you want to get good grades at school, you need a lot of knowledge. You can get it from books in libraries.16. Where can people go if they want to read a book?A. The park.B. The library.C. The mall.D. The cinema.17. How much money do people have to pay if they want to borrow books for a few more days?A. A lot.B. A little.C. No money.D. No idea.18. What can people get from books in libraries?A. Good grades.B. A job.C. Knowledge.D. Money.19. How long can people borrow books from most libraries?A. One week.B. Two weeks.C. Three weeks.D. One month.20. What is the text mainly about?A. Libraries.B. Books.C. Grades.D. Knowledge.。
(4分)(1)几年辛苦,凝结而成《唐诗杂论》的shuò guǒ( )。
(2)张爱萍将军称他为“‘两弹’yuán xūn( )”,他是当之无愧的。
(3)仰之弥高,越高,攀得越起劲;钻之弥坚,越坚,钻得越qièér bùshě( )。
(4)青年人写信,写得太草率,鲁迅先生是shēn wù tòng jué( )之的。
3.下列各句中加点词语使用不恰当...的一项是()(3分)A. 老师刚把任务吩咐..完毕,大家就开始行动了起来。
B. 地球用其强大的生命力养育着无数生灵,亘古..不息。
C. 这些人对个人利益斤斤计较,而对广大群众的疾苦却漫不经心....。
D. 为了还原新加坡前总理李光耀的真实形象,小编搜集了一些李光耀鲜为人知....的小故事。
4. 下列句子修改不正确...的一项是()(3分)A.李家洋、袁隆平、张启发在“中国诺贝尔奖”中获得生命科学奖,原因是由于他们在水稻研究中有开创性贡献。
七年级历史下册第一单元练习题一、单项选择1、北通涿郡之渔商,南运江都之转输,其为利也博哉!这是古人称颂A.隋朝大运河 B.通济渠 C.邗沟 D.江南河2、“政启开元,治宏贞观”是后世对唐代哪位皇帝的评价。
A.唐太宗 B.唐高宗 C.武则天 D.唐玄宗3、亲历隋末的社会大动荡,亲睹隋朝的覆亡,这对他的政治思想有极大的影响。
材料中的他是A、唐玄宗B、唐太宗C、隋炀帝D、武则天4、“开元盛世”的出现,把唐朝推向全盛,它出现的具体时期是A.唐太宗时期 B.武则天时期 C.唐玄宗前期 D.唐玄宗后期5、古人诗赞“人生四喜”曰:“久旱逢甘霖,他乡遇故知。
”与“金榜题名”相关的制度正式诞生于以下哪个皇帝统治时?A.隋文帝 B.隋炀帝 C.唐太宗 D.唐玄宗6、明代中期,吴承恩所写的《西游记》是我国历史上一部浪漫主义长篇神话小说,其创作的史实依据应当是。
A.《大唐西域记》 B.《封神榜》 C.《石头记》 D.《三隧平妖传》7、你认为在社会生活上至今还明显保留着中国唐朝人的某些风尚的国家是A.印度B.阿拉伯C.朝鲜D.日本8、印刷术是我国古代四大发明之一,它有雕版、活版之分。
右图是我国也是世界上现存最早的、标有确切日期的雕版印刷品,你知道它是以下哪一部?A.隋印《金刚经》 B.唐印《金刚经》 C.唐印诗集 D.《梦溪笔谈》9、“鉴真盲目航东海,一片精诚照太清。
”这首诗追述了唐朝文化A.对日本的影响 B.对新罗的影响 C.对天竺的影响 D.对波斯的影响10、下面那种说法符合隋唐的特点A.中华文明的起源 B.中华社会的繁荣开放C.中华民族的大融合 D.中华帝国的衰落11、汉赋、唐诗、宋词、元曲、明清小说,反映了我国在不同的历史时期,文学所呈现的突出成就,其中下列哪个朝代是诗歌创作的黄金时代?A.汉代 B.唐代 C.宋代 D.清代12、我国四大发明中的哪两项是唐朝时期出现的?A.造纸术、印刷术 B.印刷术、火药C.指南针、火药 D.造纸术、火药13、她远嫁吐蕃,密切了唐蕃经济文化的交流,增进了汉藏之间的友好关系,她是A.金城公主 B.文成公主 C.王昭君 D.太平公主14、暑假期间李丽要去参观艺术宝库莫高窟,你您告诉她应该去哪儿吗?A. 山西大同B.甘肃敦煌C.河南洛阳D.陕西西安15、藏族的祖先是A.吐蕃 B.回纥 C.南诏 D.逻些16、李白的诗歌的特点是A.直白如话 B.沉郁悲怆 C.豪迈奔放 D.委婉清新17、“赵州桥什么人儿修?玉石的栏杆什么人儿留?什么人骑驴桥上走?……这是河北民歌《小放牛》的歌词。
七年级下册 第一单元 青春时光强化训练练习题(含答案、解析)
上述问答告诉我们 ( )A.青春期是身体发育的重要时期B.青春不仅是年华,更是心态C.回忆中的青春才是美好的D.每个人的青春起止时间都是相同的2.青春,带着一份特殊的邀约,款款而来。
下列对青春期的认识中错误的是 ( )①青春的我们既要追求外在美,也要体现内在美②青春期萌发的对异性朦胧的情感是青春成长中的正常现象③独立思考、批判性思维是青春成长的重要信号④青春期的矛盾心理会让我们产生烦恼,不利于我们的健康成长A.①②B.③④C.①③D.②④3.下列现象符合坦然接纳青春期生理变化要求的是 ( )A.小明发育后,声音变得沙哑难听了,他不再积极参加班级活动了B小丽照镜子时看到自己脸上的青春痘又多了几个,羞得上课不敢抬头C.小刚上初中后个子依旧没有长高,他自我安慰:“浓缩的都是精华。
“行己有耻”要求我们 ()①树立底线意识,触碰道德底线的事情不做②磨砺意志③拒绝不良诱惑,不断增强自控力④以自我为中心,随心所欲A.①②④B.②③④C.①②③D.①③④5.现代诗人顾城在《毛虫和蛾子》中写道:“毛虫对蛾子说:你的翅膀真漂亮。
”这首诗启示我们要学会 ( )A.彼此尊重,追求个性B.相互取悦,彼此接纳C.欣赏他人,悦纳自己D.幽默风趣,乐观向上6.观察下图,通过水牛对蜗牛说的话,可以看出水牛 ( )A.自负自大B.自卑虚荣C.自信自傲D.自尊知耻7.阅读下边漫画,你得到的启示是 ( )①规避遇到的困难和阻力,适当调整自己的目标②磨砺坚强意志,增强自我控制能力③加强自我管理,勇于放弃有意义但自己不感兴趣的事④朝着既定目标,克服重重困难,勇往直前A.①③B.①④C.②③D.②④8.有位著名的音乐家说:“在任何困难的时候,我们都要有希望,都要想到早晨,都要想到阳光,都要想到亮丽的颜色。
人教版丨七年级下册英语1单元词汇练习与句型练习(附答案)Unit1 Can you play the guitar?一、词汇练习:Ⅰ. 英汉互译。
1. 交朋友_______2. 弹吉他_______3. draw a picture _______4. play chess______5. 说英语________6. 美术俱乐部_______7. on show________8. be good at ______9. 参军________10. have a swim ______Ⅱ. 根据句意、首字母或汉语提示,写出正确的单词。
1. -Can you s______ French? -Yes, I can.2. I c______ go to your birthday party. My parents ask me to see my grandparents.3. He likes to play basketball. So he wants to j_____ the basketball club.4. My sister can’t play the computer game o_____ chess.5. I know a l_____ about English history.6. Can you s______ your family photo to me?7. Please come to Students’Sports C______.8. We n_____ help at the old people’s home.9. They can t_____ you stories and you can help each other.10. We w______ students for the school show.Ⅲ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Welcome you to join our ______ (swim) club.2. He is a very______ player and he can play soccer very ______ (good).3. He _______ (not like) the school show.4. My sister likes singing and ______ (dance).5. She likes music very much, so she is good at ______ (sing).6. Jack’s father and mother are _______ (music).7. Do you want _____ (join) the music club?8. Can you ______ (show) me your picture?9. Our teacher ______ (be) good at singing.10. He is my favorite basketball ______ (play).参考答案:I. 英汉互译。
新目标英语七年级下学期第1单元选择题专项练习1. ______ is Beijing? In China. A. What B. When C. where D. How2. What ________ does she speak? She is from America.Guess?A. lessons B. subjects C. language D. words3. we have _____ good friends here. Where are _______ from?A. many; theyB. a little; theyC. many; weD. much; you4. Do you have ________ brothers and sisters? A. some B. much C. any D. a5. I’m a Japanese. I’m from ________. A. Japan B. Canada C. Brazil D. China6. _______ is my pen pal ,she’s from Canada. A. It’s B. This C. He D. She’s7. _________ Y ou stay at home _______ Sundays? A. Are;on B. Do; in C. Do; on D. Are;in8. All the students go to school ______ Monday ______ Friday. A. from;to B. to;from C. on;and D. and;on9. The man ______ France. A. is come from B. is from C. come from D. are from10. _______ comes from Japa. He speaks ______.A. Japanese; JapaneseB. Japanese;a JapaneseC. A Japanese; JapaneseD. A Japanese; Japaneses11. ________?It’s Wednesday. (03 中考题)A. What’s the day todayB.What date is todayC.What’s the date todayD.What day is it today12. What _____ the number of the girls in your class? About twenty. (04 中考题) A. is B. amC. areD. be13. Is this your sweater,Joy? No, It’s not ______ sweater. ______ is yellow. (04 中考题)A. my;MyB.my;MineC.mine;MineD. mine;My14. She _____ my good pen pal. A. am B. is C. are D. be15. Bill _____ strawberries very much. A. like B. is like C. likes D. does like16. They _______like French fries for lunch. A. aren’t B. don’t C. doesn’t D. are17. _______ you speak English? Of course. I can A. do B. Are C. can D. Does18. Englishmen ______ English. A. speak B. say C. reads D. talk19. We don’t go to school _______ weekends. A.in B. for C,. on D. of20. ______ is Jim from? A. when B. What C. Where D. Who21. Where are you ________? I’m ________.A. to; to EnglandB. from; from EnglandC. to; from EnglandD. from; from English22. What language do you speak? ______. A. Y es’ I do B. Only a little C. No’ I don’t D. French and English23. The twins often stay _______ home _____ Sundays. A.in;in B. at;on C. in;on D. at;in24. Is this your pen ? Y es,_______.A. it is B. it’s C. is D. this is25. What’s in the bag?___________. A. Y es, they are B. Some apples C. It’s Tom’s D. No, it isn’t26. Does your sister have a football _______ a baseball? She has a football. A.but B. and C. orD. for27. Is there a backpack on the chair? Y es,________. A.it is B. it does C.there is D. they are28. _______ do you speak? English and Japanese. A. What language B. What C. How D. When新目标英语七年级下第二单元练习题一、词汇练习用所给首字母完成单词:Y ou can play games in the v___________Y ou can buy some food in the s_____________Y ou can post a letter in the p__________.Y ou can read a lot of books in the l_______.Y ou can call your friends with a p_________.二、单词分类找出每组词中不同类型的词(1) _______ post office next to park hotel(2) _______ across from between near dirty(3) _______ new clean busy supermarket(4) _______ go straight turn left on the right get to(5) _______ he she your they三、选择填空1. Where ______ the post office?A. areB. isC. doesD. do2. It’s dow n the street ______ the left.A. /B. inC. onD. from3. Y ou can enjoy your meal ______ the park.A. onB. ofC. offD. in4. ______ there shops on the street?A. AreB. IsC. WhereD. Does5. There is ______ old park near my house.A. aB. /C. anD. and四、连词成句next park is to the the bank. ___________________________post is the where office? ______________________________is video a near arcade there here? ______________________is library bank between the the the and hotel.________________________(可以有不同排列) supermarket a there big is. ____________________________五、选词填空Where right there is ThankIt’s down Bridge Street on the _____._______ you very much.The pay phone ______ on Center Street.Is _________ a big hotel?__________ is the library?六、阅读理解The story happened in a street in an English town. A policeman stops a car. In the car there is a visitor from another country.Policeman (holding up his hand): Stop!Visitor (in car): What’s the matter?Policeman: Why are you driving on the right side of the road?Visitor: Do you want me to drive on the wrong side?Policeman: Y ou are driving on the wrong side.Visitor: But you said that I was driving on the right side.Policeman: That’s right. Y ou’re on the right. And that’s wrong.Visitor: A strange country! If right is wrong, I’m right when I’m on the wrong side. So why did you stop me?Policeman: My dear sir, you must keep to the left. The right side is the left.Visitor: It’s like a looking-glass. I’ll try to remember. Well, I want to go to Bellwood. Wil l you kindly tell me the way?Policeman: Certainly. At the end of this road, turn left.Visitor: Now let me think. Turn left! In England left is right, and right is wrong. Am I right? Policeman: Y ou’ll be right if you turn left. But if you t urn right, you will be wrong.Visitor: Thank yo u. It’s as clear as daylight.判断句子是否与短文内容相符,符合的写T, 否则写F。
2024年人教版七年级下册数学第一单元课后练习题(含答案和概念)试题部分一、选择题:1. 下列哪个数是最小的质数?()A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 42. 有理数3,0,5,8中,最大的数是()A. 3B. 0C. 5D. 83. 下列各数中,无理数是()A. √9B. √16C. √3D. √14. 下列运算中,正确的是()A. (3)² = 9B. (3)² = 9C. √(3)² = 3D. √(3)² = 35. 一个正数的平方根是2,那么这个数是()A. 4B. 2C. 4D. 26. 下列哪个数是负数?()A. |5|B. |5|C. 5²D. (5)²7. 下列各数中,2的倍数是()A. 3.5B. 4.5C. 5.5D. 6.58. 如果a是有理数,那么下列哪个数一定是有理数?()A. a²B. √aC. a+√2D. a√29. 下列哪个图形的面积可以用平方单位表示?()A. 圆B. 正方形C. 三角形D. 棱柱10. 下列哪个运算符表示“乘方”?()A. ×B. ÷C. ^D. √二、判断题:1. 0是正数和负数的分界点。
()2. 负数的平方是正数。
()3. 无理数可以表示为分数形式。
()4. 两个负数相乘,结果是正数。
()5. 平方根是一个数的二次方等于它的数。
()6. 任何有理数的平方根都是有理数。
()7. 互为相反数的两个数的平方相等。
()8. 一个数的平方和它的平方根相等。
()9. 质数除了1和它本身外,还有其他因数。
()10. 0的平方根是0。
()三、计算题:1. 计算:(3/4) ÷ (12/16)2. 计算:2³ × (5 3)3. 计算:√(81/64)4. 计算:(5/7) + (2/3) (1/6)5. 计算:2√18 3√86. 计算:(3√2)²7. 计算:|(5) × (4)| |(3)²|8. 计算:(0.4)² ÷ (0.2)³9. 计算:(2/3) ÷ (1/4) (1/2)10. 计算:√(49/25) × √(64/81)11. 计算:(4/5) × (5/8) (3/10)12. 计算:|(7) + 5| ÷ 213. 计算:(3/4) × (16/9) ÷ (2/3)14. 计算:√(121) √(81)15. 计算:(0.75)³ ÷ (0.25)²16. 计算:(5/6) ÷ (2/3) + (1/4)17. 计算:2√36 ÷ 3√918. 计算:(2/3) × (3/4) + (1/2)19. 计算:|(3)²| |(4)|20. 计算:(1/2) ÷ (1/4) (3/4)四、应用题:1. 一个长方形的长度是10米,宽度是6米,求这个长方形的面积。
精选全文完整版(可编辑修改)七年级下册数学第一单元练习题(北师大版)一.选择题(共8小题,每小题3分)1.下列运算中正确的是()A.a2+a3=a5B.a2•a4=a8C.(a2)3=a6D.(3a)2=9 2.下列各数(﹣2)0,﹣(﹣2),(﹣2)2,﹣(﹣2)2中,负数的个数为()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个3.某桑蚕丝的直径约为0.000016米,将0.000016用科学记数法表示是()A.1.6×10﹣4B.1.6×10﹣5C.1.6×10﹣6D.16×10﹣64.若a•2•23=28,则a等于()A.4B.8C.16D.325.若(7×106)(5×105)(2×10)=a×10n,则a,n的值分别为()A.a=7,n=11B.a=5,n=12C.a=7,n=13D.a=2,n=136.已知3m=4,3n=5,33m﹣2n的值为()A.39B.2C.D.7.若a=355,b=444,c=533,则a,b,c的大小关系是()A.b>c>a B.b>a>c C.c>a>b D.a<b<c8.已知2a=3,2b=6,2c=12,则a,b,c的关系为①b=a+1,②c1/ 32 / 3=a +2,③a +c =2b ,其中正确的个数有( )A .0个B .1个C .2个D .3个二.填空题(共5小题,每小题4分)9.计算:()﹣2= .10.已知a m =2,b m =6,则(ab )m = .11.已知:2x +3y =3,计算:4x •8y 的值= .12.若a =(﹣)﹣2,b =(﹣1)﹣1,c =(﹣)0,则a 、b 、c 三个数中最大的数是 .13.已知m =,n =,那么2016m ﹣n = .三.解答题(共4小题)14.计算(30分)(1)(−10)2+(−10)0+10−2×(−102)(2)13×(32−3−2)(3)(m −n )3∙(n −m )∙(n −m )2(4)2x 5∙x 2−x 9÷x 2+(2x 2)3∙x(5)x 12÷[(−x 3)2∙(−x 2)3] (6)(318)12×(825)11×(−2)315.(8分)(1)若4m =3,16n =11,求43m -2n 的值.(2)已知x a+b =3,x a =6,求x b 的值16.(8分)(1)已知a m=2,a n=3.求a m+n的值;(2)已知n为正整数,且x2n=3.求(x3n)2﹣(x2)2n的值.17.(10分)先阅读下列材料,再解答后面的问题.一般地,若a n=b(a>0且a≠1,b>0),则n叫做以a为底b的对数,记为log a b(即log a b=n).如34=81,则4叫做以3为底81的对数,记为log381(即log381=4),类似的有log39=2,log327=3等.(1)计算以下各对数的值:log24=,log216=,log264=.(2)观察(1)中三数4、16、64之间满足怎样的关系式,log24、log216、log264之间又满足怎样的关系式;(3)根据幂的运算法则:a m•a n=a m+n以及对数的含义猜想一般性的结论:log a M+log a N=(a>0且a≠1,M>0,N>0).3/ 3。
Module 1 Lost and foundⅠ. 单项选择1【2015四川凉山】—Is the man who is singing your teacher?-Yes, he teaches _____ physics.A。
we B。
our C。
ours D. us2。
【2015山东滨州】-David, is that _______ English teacher?—Yes, he is ________。
He is very caring。
A. yours; oursB. your; ourC。
yours; our D。
your; ours3. 【2015天津】Basketball is so exciting that ______ people play it for fun.A. million B。
two millions C。
million ofD. millions of4。
【2015四川自贡】—Bill, is that your sister’s pet dog?-No, _______ is white.A. She B。
Her C. Hers 4C5【2015山东潍坊】。
Lucy's strawberries are fresher than______.A。
I B. me C. my D。
Please be ______ with your key. D on’t lose it again。
care B. carefulC。
careless D。
Can you see my wallet? I ca n’t ______ it now.A. find B。
look for D。
look at8【2015重庆A】My mother used to make breakfast for ______ every morning, but now I do it myself。
人教版英语七年级下册unit1单元课堂练习Unit1 练习一.选择题〔共 15 小题〕1.﹣ Would you like some more orange juice,Amy?﹣ Yes, just ______ , please.〔〕A. a few B. few C. a little D. little2.﹣ Can you ________ English?﹣ Yes, but only a little.〔〕A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak3 . Dashan isat Chinese .He can speak Chinesevery .〔〕A. good, good B. well, well C. good, well4. They can English.〔〕A. speak many B. much speakC. a little speak D. speak a little5. We want two good for our school show.〔〕A. music B. musician C. musics D. musicians6. Jack often plays _____ piano and he wants to be a pianist when he grows up.〔〕A. a B. an C. / D. the7. have little milk. Can you buy some for_____?〔〕A. Our; us B. We; our C. We; us8. You must be careful when swimming ________ the lake.〔〕A. across B. below C. over D. through9. __________play with fire__________with fire is dangerous.〔〕A. Don't; Playing B. Not; PlayingC. Don't; Play D. Not to; To play10.﹣﹣ Can you and Tom draw?﹣﹣.〔〕A. Yes, I can B. No, he can'tC. Yes, we can't D. No, we can't11.﹣﹣ Can Jack dance?﹣﹣. But he wants to learn it.〔〕A. No, he can't B. Yes, he doesC. No, he doesn't D. Yes, he can12.﹣ Can you play volleyball?﹣ Sorry,I_____.〔〕A. don't B. doesn't C. can't13.﹣ ______ does it take you to go to the park by taxi?﹣ About half an hour.〔〕A. How B. How far C. How long D. How many14.﹣ ________ is it from your home?﹣ About 10minutes by bus.〔〕A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon15.﹣ What can you do, Lin Tao?﹣ _____.〔〕A. I like sportsB. I want to join the music clubC. I can do Chinese kung fu二.完形填空〔共 2 小题〕21. A. on B. in C. of22. A. runner B. musician C. movie star23. A. a B. an C. the24. A. cousin B. aunt C. grandmother25. A. She B. He C. Her26. A. and B. to C. but27. A. with B. an d C. of28. A. want B. want to C. like29. A. need B. call C. show30. A. ID card number B. room number C. phone number.17. Jane and John 〔36〕〔〕 sister and brother. They like music. Jane can play the piano. But she 〔37〕〔〕 play the guitar. Johncan't play the piano. But he 〔38〕〔〕play the guitar. Today they 〔39〕〔〕 to carry〔扛、拿〕 a piano to 〔40〕〔〕bedroom.〔41〕〔〕 piano is heavy 〔重的〕. They can't 〔42〕〔〕 it.〔43〕〔〕parents aren't at home. But they 〔44〕〔〕 a cousin brother Mike. He is here today. Theyask Mike to 〔45〕〔〕 them.36. A. is B. am C. are D. be37. A. can B. can't C. doesn't D. does38. A. can B. can't C. doesn't D. does39. A. like B. want C. can D. take40. A. Jane B. her C. Jane's D. hers41. A. The B. A C.不填 D. An42. A. take B. carry〔扛、拿〕 C. helpD. bring43. A. Jane's and John B. Jane and John'sC. Jane's and John's D. They's44. A. have B. like C. want D. there are45. A. e B. go C. join D. join in三.阅读理解〔共 5 小题〕18. Tony and Anna are brother and sister. They are Americans. Tony likes sports very much. He can play soccer, basketball and volleyball. Anna likes music very much. She can't play ball games. But they both like playing on puters. They like eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch, Anna likes eating vegetables and fruit, but Tony likes chicken and fish. They both like hamburgers. But they don't like ice﹣ cream or dessert.〔1〕 Anna is Tony's and they are .A. sister; ChineseB. sister; Americans〔2〕 Tony likes and he can play .A. sports; tennisB. music; basketballC. sports; volleyball〔3〕 Tony and Anna both like .A. vegetablesB. playing on putersC. chicken and fish〔4〕 For breakfast, they like .A. hamburgersB. vegetables and fruitC. eggs, bread and milk〔5〕 They don't like or .A. ice﹣ cream; vegetablesB. ice﹣ cream; fruitC. ice﹣ cream; dessert.19. Tom and Kate are brother and sister. They like music. Kate can play the piano. But she can't play the violin. Tom can't play the piano, but he can play the violin. Today they want to carry a piano into Kate's bedroom. The piano is big. They can't carry it. Kate and Tom's parents aren't athome. They can't help them to carry the piano. But they have two cousin sisters here today. They ask them to help.1. Tom and Kate are .A. twinsB. brothersC. brother and sisterD. sisters2. What can Kate play?A. The piano.B. The violin.C. The flute〔笛子〕.D. The guitar.3. Who can play the violin?A. Tom.B. Kate.C. Their cousin sisters.D. Their parents.4. Why don't their parents help them to carry the piano?A. Because it's big.B. Because they are old.C. Because they're at home.D. Because they aren't at home.5. Who help them to carry the piano?A. Their parents.B. Their cousin sisters.C. Their classmates.D. Their teachers.20. Can you swim well? Are you free on Saturday and Sunday? Our club needs a swimming teacher to teach children〔孩子〕 from 8to 10years old. It is interesting to be with them. Please call Leo at 5968﹣ 4437.Can you play the guitar or the drums? Do you have time this Wednesday? Our music club will have a party that day and we need you. It is fun. Please call Sam at 235﹣ 1143.56. If〔假如〕 you want to teach in the swimming club, you should〔应该〕.A. call at 235﹣ 1143B. have some childrenD. be an interesting teacher57. The students from America .A. are busy after schoolB. are in China nowD. speak good ChineseA.平静的B.友好的C.遥远的D.疏远的59. The music club will on Wednesday.A. have a partyB. give a guitar lessonC. need a guitar teacherD. teach how to play the drums60. Which is true?A. Mr. Liu's telephone number is 5968﹣ 4437.B. Children in the swimming club are aged from 5to 7.C. If you want to play the drums at the party,you can call Sam.D. If you want to help the American students,you can call Leo.21.31. You can ask to play the piano for us.A. Li XinB. LucyC. Mike32. You can watch Beijing Opera .A. at 3: 50 a. m. on Thursday B. at 3: 50 p. m. on Thursday C. at 2: 00 a. m. on Tuesday A. Chinese kung fuB. Beijing OperaC. Paint34. We can see the piano show in .A. the auditoriumB. Class FiveC. the music room35. sings songs for us .A. Lucy; at 3: 40 p. m.B. Mike; at 2: 00 p. m.C. Lucy; in the music room.1. A crow is inches long.A. about twentyB. thirtyC. tenD. less than twenty2. Why are crows dirty?A. They are black all over the body.B. They like to eat dirty food.C. They usually talk.D. They don't have baths.3. Crows are always .A. hungryB. pleasedC. sadD. kind4. Why are crows more useful to us than any other bird?A. They are usually noisy.B. They are usually dirty.C. They are flying in large numbers.D. They eat a lot of waste food.5. You can tell from crows'sounds .A. whether they are hungry or fullB. whether they are pleased or angryC. whether they are ill or healthyD. whether they are living or dead.四.句型转换〔共 5 小题〕23. He will e back in two weeks.〔对划线局部提问〕 will he e back?24. Kate wants to join the story telling club.〔对画线局部提问〕Kate want to join?25. Tom can play chess.〔改为否认句〕Torn play chess.26. We are in the music club.〔对划线局部提问〕you in?27. Alice can finish the work.〔改为否认句〕Alice the work.Unit1 练习参考答案与试题解析一.选择题〔共 15 小题〕1.【分析^p 】﹣艾米你想再加一点橙汁吗?﹣好的,一点就好.【解答】此题中 orange juice 是不可数名词,修饰它的数词用 little 或 a little; little 的意思是"几乎没有",不符合此题句意.在此题中用 a little 代替 a little orange juice.应选: C.2.【分析^p 】你会说英语吗?是的,只会说一点.【解答】 say 说,强调内容; talk 谈话, tell 告诉,强调一方告诉另一方; speak,说某种语言,此题根据语境:你会说英语吗?是的,只会说一点.讲英语用speak.应选: D.3.【分析^p 】 Dashan 擅长汉语.他汉语讲的很好.【解答】根据句意: Dashan 擅长汉语.他汉语讲的很好.可知第一空是短语 be good at擅长…,第二空是副词well 修饰动词 speak.应选: C.4.【分析^p 】他们能说一点英语.【解答】答案: D 分析^p 句子,结合选项,推测意思是他们能说一点英语.前面是情态动词,后接动词原形,同时用短语 a little 修饰后面的名词 English,应选D.5.【分析^p 】我们学校的演出需要两位好音乐家.【解答】答案: D.考察名词. A 音乐. B 音乐家,单数. C 不正确,不可数名词. D 音乐家,复数.由two 两个.可知,用复数"音乐家",选 D.6.【分析^p 】杰克经常弹钢琴,他长大后想成为一个钢琴家.【解答】答案: D.根据语境 piano〔钢琴〕是乐器, play 和表示乐器的名词搭配其前必须用冠词 the 修饰,故答案为 D.7.【分析^p 】我们没有多少牛奶了,你能给我们买点吗?【解答】答案: C.根据 have little milk. Can you buy some for,可知第一句缺少主语,用代词主格;第二个问句代词在介词for 后用宾格.应选 C.8.【分析^p 】当你游过湖的时候必须留神.【解答】答案: A 分析^p 句子,结合选项,推测意思是当你游过湖的时候必须留神.这里表示横穿,用across,从外表穿过,应选 A. B 在下面, C 在上面, D 从物体内部穿过.9.【分析^p 】不要玩火.玩火危险.【解答】答案: A.根据﹣﹣ with fire is dangerous,可知玩火危险,所以不要玩火;动词 play 放于句子开头应是祈使句,其否认句在动词前加 don't.所以第一个空应该用 Don't;再根据﹣﹣ with fire is dangerous,这里用动名词短语作主语.应选: A.10.【分析^p 】﹣﹣你和汤姆会画画吗?﹣﹣不,我们不会.【解答】答案: D.考察一般疑问句.句意"﹣﹣你和汤姆会画画吗?﹣﹣不,我们不会. ". Can you and Tom…?你和汤姆会…吗?一般疑问句,肯定答复 Yes,we can.否认答复 No, we can't.应选 D.11.【分析^p 】﹣﹣杰克会跳舞吗?﹣﹣不,他不会,但是他要学它.【解答】答案: A.考察一般疑问句.Can Jack…?杰克会…吗?一般疑问句,肯定答复Yes, he can.否认答复 No, he can't.结合语境"但是他要学它. ".可知,应该用否认答复,选 A.12.【分析^p 】你会打排球吗?对不起,我不会.【解答】答案: C.考察一般疑问句的问答一致.根据题干:﹣ Can you play volleyball?﹣ Sorry,I_____.句意:你会打排球吗?﹣对不起,我不会.可知由 can 引导的疑问句是一般疑问句,其肯定和否认答复都要保证问答一致,所以该句的否认答复是 sorry, Ican't,应选 C.13.【分析^p 】﹣﹣你乘出租车去公园要花多长时间?﹣﹣大约半个小时.【解答】答案: C.how 如何; How far 有多远; How long 多长; How many 多少.根据 About half an hour,可知这是表示一段时间,提问一段时间应该用 how long 提问.应选 C.14.【分析^p 】离你家有多远?﹣﹣乘公交车大约 10 分钟.【解答】答案: B.考察间隔.句意:离你家有多远?﹣﹣乘公交车大约 10 分钟. How long多久,问时间段; How far 多远,提问间隔; How often 多久一次,提问频率; How soon多久,多快.根据 about 10minutes by bus 可知表示"乘公交车大约 10 分钟〔的路程〕",而不是表示多长时间.应选 B.15.【分析^p 】﹣﹣林涛,你会做什么?﹣﹣我会中国功夫.【解答】答案: C.考察交际用语. A 我喜欢运动. B 我想要参加音乐俱乐部. C 我会中国功夫.结合语境"林涛,你会做什么? ",可知,应该是"我会中国功夫. ",选 C.二.完形填空〔共 2 小题〕16.【分析^p 】本文介绍的是作者的叔叔杰克,他非常喜欢音乐,在学校音乐俱乐部里,你想参加学校音乐俱乐部吗?请打给杰克吧.【解答】 21~25 BBCAC26~30 CABBC21. B 考察介词的辨析. on,在…上面, in 在…里面,of …的.结合题干可知此处是表示在学校音乐俱乐部里,应选 B.22. B 考察名词的辨析. runner 跑步者. musician 音乐人. movie star 电影明星.根据上半句 He likes music very much 他非常喜欢音乐,此处应该是:他是一个音乐人,应选B,23. C 考察冠词的辨析.根据题干可知此处是固定词组play the drums 敲鼓,弹奏乐器类的词组中间要有the.结合句意:他打鼓打得很好,应选 C.24. A 考察名词的辨析. cousin 表妹. aunt 婶婶. grandmother 奶奶.根据上半句 He hasa daughter 他有一个女儿,此处应该是:她是我的表妹.应选 A.25. C 考察代词的辨析. She 她. He 他. Her 她的.根据上一句:她是我的表妹,此处应该是:她的名字是 June.空格后是名词,此处应该是形容词性的物主代词,应选 C.26. C 考察连词的辨析. and 和. to 去…. but 但是.根据上半句 She is only four years old她只有四岁大,此处应该是:但是她弹吉他弹得很好,在这有表示转折的意思.应选 C.27. A 考察连词的辨析. with 和…一起,表示伴随. and 和,表示并列.of …的.结合句意:周末经常和她爸爸一起去音乐俱乐部.应该是表示伴随的情况,应选A.28. B 考察动词的辨析. want 想要. want to do sth.想要做某事. like 喜欢.空格后是动词 join,此处应该是 want to do sth.句型,结合句意:你想参加学校音乐俱乐部吗?应选B.29. B 考察动词的辨析. need 需要. call打. show 给…看.根据下一句: His telephonenumber is 345﹣ 5678,他的号码是 345﹣ 5678,此处应该是:请打给杰克, callsb.给某人打.应选 B.30. C 考察名词的辨析. ID card number 身份证号. room number 房间号. phone number 号码.根据上一句:请打给杰克,此处应该是:他的号码是 345﹣ 5678,应选 C.17.【分析^p 】文章大意:这篇短文主要介绍了简和约翰兄妹俩的个人爱好问题.【解答】 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. C36. C 考察动词, A. is 是,三单式 B. am 一单式C. are 复数 D. be 原形,根据上文"Jane and John…"可知,主语是两个人,根据主谓一致的原那么, be 动词应该使用 are,应选 C.37. B 考察动词, A. can 能 B. can't 不能C. doesn't 助动词 D. does 助动词,根据上文"Jane canplay the piano. "可知, Jane 会弹钢琴,紧随其后的but 表示转折,推知她不能〔can't〕弹吉他,应选 B.38. A 考察动词, A. can 能 B. can't 不能C. doesn't 助动词 D. does 助动词,根据上文"John can't play the piano. "可知, John 不会弹钢琴,紧随其后的 but 表示转折,推知他能〔can〕弹吉他,应选A.39. B 考察动词, A. like 喜欢 B. want 想要C. can 能 D. take 带走,根据下文"…carrya piano…"可知,今天他们想〔want〕把钢琴抬到卧室,应选 B.40. C 考察代词, A. Jane 简 B. her 她的C. Jane's 简的 D. hers 她的,名词性物主代词,根据空格后为名词,前面应该用形容词或者形容词性物主代词或者所有格,排除 A、D. her 意为"她的",虽然结合上文可知"她"一定是指"Jane",但 Jane 一词的出现已经隔了一个句子了,为指代清楚,应明确地指明是 Jane's bedroom 更为恰当,应选 C.41. A 考察冠词, A. The 特指 B. A 泛指,用在辅音音素前 C.不填 D. An 泛指,用在元音音素前,根据上文"Today they want to carry a piano to Jane's bedroom. "可知,第一次提到钢琴时是泛指,所以使用不定冠词 a.下文再提到 piano 时,均是特指第一次提到的那台钢琴,所以使用定冠词 the,应选 A.42. B 考察动词, A. take 带走 B. carry〔扛、拿〕 C. help 帮助 D. bring 带来,根据上文"The piano is heavy. "可知,他们搬〔carry〕不动,应选 B.43. B 考察名词, A. Jane's and John 错误表达B. Jane and John's 简和约翰共有的 C. Jane'sandJohn's 简的和约翰的 D. They's 错误表达,根据上文"Jane and John are sister andbrother. "可知, John 和Jane 是兄妹.该句意为: John 和 Jane 的父母不在家.表示两个人共同所有时,它的所有格形式是在最后一个名词的后面加's,应选 B.44. A 考察动词, A. have 有 B. like 喜欢C. want 想要 D. there are 有,根据文意可知,虽然他们的爸妈不在家,不能帮他们搬钢琴,但他们有〔have〕一个表哥,应选 A.45. C 考察动词, A. e 来 B. go 去 C. join 参加D. join in 参加,根据上文"He ishere today. "可知,他们的表哥 Mike 也在,所以他们请 Mike 参加〔join〕他们,帮助一起搬,应选 C.三.阅读理解〔共 5 小题〕18.【分析^p 】这篇短文主要介绍了安娜两兄妹在个人爱好及衣食方面的一些特点.【解答】答案: 1. B 细节理解题.根据第一行句子Tony and Anna are brother and sister. Theyare Americans.托尼和安娜是兄妹,他们是美国人.可知托尼和安娜是兄妹,他们是美国人.应选 B.2. C 细节理解题.根据第一行句子 Tony likes sports very much. He can play soccer,basketball and volleyball.托尼非常喜欢运动,他会踢足球,篮球和排球.可知托尼喜欢运动,能打排球.应选 C.3. B 细节理解题.根据第二行句子 But they both like playing on puters.但他们都喜欢玩电脑.可知他们都喜欢玩电脑.应选 B.4. C 细节理解题.根据第二行句子 They like eggs,bread and milk for breakfast.他们早餐吃鸡蛋、面包和牛奶.可知他们早餐吃鸡蛋、面包和牛奶.应选 C.5. C 细节理解题.根据最后一行句子 But they don't like ice﹣ cream or dessert 但他们不喜欢冰淇淋或甜点.可知他们不喜欢冰淇淋或甜点.应选 C.19.【分析^p 】本文介绍了汤姆和凯特是一对兄妹.介绍了他们的音乐爱好,以及他们的两个表妹帮助搬运钢琴的事.【解答】答案:1. C 细节考察题.根据"Tom and Kate are brother and sister"可知,汤姆和凯特是兄妹,应选 C.2. A 细节考察题.根据"Kate can play the piano"可知,凯特会弹钢琴,应选 A.3. A 细节考察题.根据"Tom can't play the piano,but he can play the violin"可知,汤姆不会弹钢琴,但是会拉小提琴,应选 A.4. D 细节考察题.根据"Kate and Tom's parents aren't at home"可知,他们的父母不帮他们,是因为他们不在家,应选 D.5. B 细节考察题.根据"But they have two cousin sisters here today. They ask them tohelp"可知,他们的两个表妹在这里,汤姆和凯特向他们求助,所以汤姆和凯特的表妹帮助他们,应选 B.20.【分析^p 】【文章大意】本文主要介绍了需要招聘三个教师,一个是周末的时候,教 8﹣ 10岁的孩子学游泳.第二个是教来自美国的孩子汉语,首先你要会英语.第三个是假如你会弹奏吉他或会打鼓的话,在周三的时候,有一个音乐晚会.【解答】 56. C.细节理解题.根据"Can you swim well? Are you free on Saturday and Sunday? Our club needs a swimming teacher to teach children from 8 to 10 years old. "你游泳很好吗?周末有空吗?我们需要一个游泳教师来教 8﹣ 10 岁的孩子游泳.可知周末要有空,应选 C.57. B.细节理解题.根据"They study in Beijing. "可知他们如今北京学习,因此可知他们在中国.应选 B.59. A.细节理解题.根据"Our music club will have a party that day,…"我们的音乐俱乐部要在周三举办一个聚会,应选 A.60. C.细节理解题.根据"Can you play the guitar or the drums? "及"Please call Sam at 235﹣ 1143. "假如你会弹奏吉他或会打鼓的话,可以打 235﹣ 1143 联络萨姆.应选 C.21.【分析^p 】短文用表格的形式为我们介绍了五个人的表演,包括时间和地点等.【解答】答案: 31. C 细节理解题.根据第五行第二列句子 Mike, Play the piano,可知迈克可以弹钢琴,应选 C.32. B 细节理解题.根据最后一行句子 Beijing Opera, time: Thursday 3: 50 p. m.可知星期四下午3: 50 你可以看京剧.应选 B.33. A 细节理解题.根据第三行句子 Chinese kung fu, Sunday 8: 00 a. m., Auditorium〔礼堂〕可知周末在礼堂我们可以看中国功夫.应选 A.34. C 细节理解题.根据第五行句子 Play the piano, Place: Music room.可知在音乐室我们可以看钢琴表演.应选 C.35. A 细节理解题.根据第四行句子 Lucy, Show:English song. time: Friday 3: 40 p. m.可知下午3: 40 露西为我们唱歌.应选 A.22.【分析^p 】短文讲了乌鸦是一种普通的鸟,它大约 20 英寸长,全身都是黑色的,详细的说了为什么说乌鸦是很脏的鸟,人们是如何听出乌鸦的喜怒.【解答】答案: 1. A 细节理解题.根据第一段第一行句子 It is about twenty inches 〔英寸〕 long andblack all over.它大约有 20 英寸长,全身都是黑色.可知乌鸦大约有 20英寸长.应选 A.2. B 细节理解题.根据第一段第一行句子 Crows are dirty birds because they live on old badfood.乌鸦是很脏的鸟,因为它们生活在旧的变质的食物中.可知它们喜欢吃脏东西.应选 B.3. A 细节理解题.根据第一段第二行句子 Crows are always hungry.乌鸦总是饥饿.可知乌鸦总是饥饿.应选A.4. D 细节理解题.根据第一段第一行句子 Crows eat a lot of waste food. In this way they are more useful to us than any birds.乌鸦吃很多垃圾食品.这样,它们对我们比任何鸟类都更有用.可知它们吃很多垃圾食品.应选 D.5. B 细节理解题.根据第二段句子 It is easy totell from 〔区别〕 crows' sounds whetherthey are pleased or angry.从乌鸦的叫声中分辨出它们是快乐还是生气是很容易的.可知分辨出它们是快乐还是生气.应选B.四.句型转换〔共 5 小题〕23.【分析^p 】略【解答】 84. How soon24.【分析^p 】凯特想参加讲故事俱乐部.凯特想参加什么俱乐部?【解答】答案: What club does 根据题干,可知划线局部是: the story telling,可知是问什么俱乐部?应该用 What club 提问,后接一般疑问句,一般如今时态,主语是 Kate第三人称单数,应该用 does,故填 What club does.25.【分析^p 】﹣﹣汤姆会下国际象棋.﹣﹣汤姆不会下国际象棋.【解答】答案: can't.考察否认句.含有情态动词can 的句子,变否认句,在 can 后加not.缩写为can't.后跟动词原形.答案是 can't.26.【分析^p 】﹣﹣我们在音乐俱乐部.﹣﹣你们在哪里?【解答】答案: Where are.考察划线局部提问.根据 in the music club 在音乐俱乐部.可知,对地点提问用疑问词 where 哪,后跟一般疑问句, be 动词 are 提早,第一人称 we 我们,变为第二人称 you 你们.答案是Where are.27.【分析^p 】爱丽丝能完成任务.爱丽丝不能完成任务.【解答】答案: can't finish.句中含有情态动词can,后加 not 构成否认句,故答案是 can't finish.。
人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 1 综合测试卷含答案
人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 1 综合测试卷一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一节听下面5段对话。
()1. What can't Peter do?A. Play the guitar.B. Play the violin.C. Play the piano.()2. What is David's sister good at?A. Swimming.B. Writing stories.C. Playing tennis.()3. Where is Steve now?A. At the art club.B. At the birthday party.C. At the school music festival.()4. Who can play tennis?A. Diana.B. Gina.C. Tina.()5. What can they do in the old people's home?A. Talk to the old people and play with them.B. Dance with the old people and talk to them.C. Play cards with the old people and talk to them.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。
()6. What does the boy want to do?A. Join the art club.B. Join the music club.C. Join in the school show.()7. What can the boy do?A. He can draw.B. He can sing.C. He can tell stories.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。
(李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》)(3)? 归雁洛阳边。
外研版英语七下试题 M1模块练习(答案)
初中英语学习材料madeofjingetieji英语外研版七下M1模块练习(答案)外研版七下Module1 Lost and found单元练习一、单项选择(共10小题;共10分)1. Is there any difference between your idea and ?A. heB. hisC. sheD. her2. That's Ms. Miller and room number is 345.A. myB. hisC. herD. she's3. Please be careful your things when you get to the station.A. toB. forC. withD. in4. Don't your homework at home. Bring it here tomorrow.A. forgetB. rememberC. leaveD. left5. --- bookcase is this?--- It must be .A. Who's; TomB. Who's; Tom'sC. Whose; Tom'sD. Whose; Tom6. Mary goes to school , so she doesn't have breakfast.A. in a hurryB. in hurryC. on a hurryD. on hurry7. Mum gives me a dog for my birthday. name is Lucky.A. It'sB. ItsC. ItD. Her8. --- Wow! How beautiful! flowers are these?--- Today is Mother's Day. They are for , Mum.A. Which; youB. Which; yoursC. Whose; yoursD. Whose; you9. --- Could you lend me your MP5? is broken.--- Sure, here you are.A. IB. MeC. MineD. My10. --- Is the red book ?--- No, is blue.A. your; my bookB. Tom's; hersC. his; heD. yours; mine二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共5小题;共5分)11. Pupils often use c to draw pictures in art class.12. Is that her e ?13. She bought a new w to put her money in.14. Many people l their lives in the fire.15. The two little girls are crying. They can't f their mother.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共5小题;共5分)16. Can you see any (船) on the river?17. It is (奇怪的) that we've never met before.18. My favorite color is (紫色的).19. Thomas Edison had more than one (千) invitations in his life.20. When he got to the (机场), the plane was taking off.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)21. --- 李萍,这条红色的上衣是你的吗?--- 不,不是我的,是她的。
2020-2021学年人教版英语七年级下册 Unit1 单元同步练习(有答案)
七年级下人教版英语Unit1单元同步练习一.单项选择:1. ______ Barry and Victor musicians?A. DoesB. IsC. BeD. Are2. He wants ______ the English club.A. to joinB. to beC. be inD. join3. My father can’t play ______ basketball. He can play ______ piano.A. the; theB. /; /C. the; /D./; the4. —Can Jim paint or sing? —______.A. No, he doesn’tB. Paint, I thinkC. Yes, he canD. He can’t dance5.Hi, can I help you? ________.A.Yes, please B.No, I can’t C.Yes, I can D.You are welcome 6. —Why do you want to ______ the English club?—Because Mr Li in the club is good ______ us.A. be; withB. join; withC. join; atD.be, at7.Little Tom can draw ________.His drawings are very ________.A.good, well B.well, good C.good, good D.well, well8. My brother doesn’t like playing basketball _______ watching TV.A. andB. butC. orD. so9. —Can you sing in English?—______. I know little English.A. Yes, I canB. No, I can’tC. Yes, I doD. No, I don’t10. —Can you speak Chinese, Tom? —Yes, but only ______.A. lots ofB. manyC. a littleD. a lot of11.________ you can ________ our school concert.A.Maybe, in B.Maybe, be inC.May be, in D.May be, be in12.We want two good ________ our rock band.A.music for B.musician in C.music in D.musicians for13.Can he ________ it in English?A.speak B.speaks C.say D, talk14. —Do you want to ______ the game?—No, I don’t like the game.A. look atB. play withC. join inD. speak to15. —You play the guitar very well.—______.A. Not goodB. You’re welcomeC. Thank youD. No, thanks二.完形填空:Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying, "Friends are God's way of 1. us." But how do you find real friendship(友谊)and 2. it.The American writer Sally Seamans 3. young students some clever ways to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just 4. planting a tree. You plant the seed(种子)and look after it to make it 5. .First you should choose(选择)a friend. What is a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good 6. . A good friend should be kind and patient(耐心). For example, if you have a 7. day, a good friend should listen to your complaints(抱怨)and do his or her best to help you. To make a friend, you 8._______ be too shy(害羞). You should make each other 9. and share your lives. 10. things cannot always be happy.1.A. look after B. looking for C. taking care D. looking after2.A. keep B. make C. stay D. love3.A. talks B. tells C. speaks D. says4.A. like B. likes C. is like D. liking5.A. to grow B. grow C. growing D. grew6.A. looks B. parent C. clothes D. houses7.A. badly B. good C. well D. bad8.A. cannot B. can C. must D. should9.A. kind B. happy C. sad D. smart10.A. But B. And C. So D. Because三.阅读理解:Tony and Anna are brother and sister. They are Americans. Tony likes sports very much. He can play soccer, basketball and volleyball. Anna likes music(音乐) very much. She can’t play ballgames. But they both(两者都) like playing on computers.They like eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch, Anna likes eating vegetables and fruit, but Tony likes chicken and fish(鱼). They both like hamburgers. But they don’t like ice cream or dessert.1. Anna is Tony’s _____ and they are _____.A. sister; ChineseB. sister; AmericansC. friend; Americans2. Tony likes ______ and he can play ______.A. sports; tennisB. music; basketballC. sports; volleyball3 Tony and Anna both like _____.A. vegetablesB. soccerC. playing on computers(电脑)4. For breakfast, they like _____.A. eggs, bread and milkB. vegetables and fruitC. chicken and fish5. Th ey don’t like _____ or _____.A. ice cream; vegetablesB. ice cream; dessert(甜点)C. hamburgers; dessert四.词汇运用:1.Gina wants to j ________ the music club.2.He often s_______ in the river(河).3.I can play the guitar but can’t play the p ________.4.Can you h ________ kids with swimming?5.My uncle lives(居住) in England. He can s_______ English very well.6. Nancy ________ (说) English and Chinese.7. My mother often goes shopping on ________ (星期天).8. These are ________ (我们的) books and those are yours.五.完成句子:1.我想当一名艺术家。
2024年人教版七年级英语下册第一单元课堂练习题及答案第1课时 Section A(1a-1c)
A. must
B. can
C. should D. may
( B )12. — Can you ________this word in English? — Yes. I can ________a little English.
A. speak; say
B. say; speak
C. speak; speak D. say; say
B. swimming; swimming
C. swim; swimming D. swimming; swim
基础通关 能力突破
( D )15. Lisa can sing and dance, so she can join the ________club.
A. English
B. chess
C. swimming
D. music
基础通关 能力突破
能力突破 四、词语运用。 Do you like 16. _s_i_n_g____(sing) or playing musical instruments(乐器)? If 17.__y_o_u_r___ (you) answer is “yes”, you can join us! We have the guitar lessons 18. __o_n_____Monday evening. You can learn something about music and play 19. __t_h_e____guitar in class. And the 20.__le_s_s_o_n_s_(lesson) are all free(免费的). Just come 21._a_n_d_____have a try(尝试)! We have
人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)
人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)一、选择填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
1.When we arrived____________the airport,the plane had already taken off. So we had to give up the trip to Shanghai.A.forB.atC.inD.on2.-Can Li Ming ____________ an English song?-No,I don't think he____________.A.sing:canB. to sing;canC.sings;can'tD.sing;can't3.-You play the guitar very well.-____________.A.No,not reallyB.Thank youC.Don't say thatD.All right4.-What can Ou Hao do?-____________.A.He wants to join our clubC. He plays basketball wellB. He can sing and danceD.He likes soccer very much5.Please come and_____________our volleyball games.A.watchesB.watchingC.watchD. to watch6.-Can you play soccer?-____________.But I can play ping-pong.A.Yes,IcanB.Yes.IdoC.No.I can'tD.No.Idon't7. My mother tells me____________i n the new school.A.make friendsB. making friendsC. to make friendsD.makes friends8.He is only five,but he can____________English very well.A.sayB.tellC.talkD. speak9.-____________club do you want to join?-I want to join the music club.A.WhatB.HowC.WhyD.Where10. Can you help me with____________?A. danceC.dancesB.to danceD.dancing11.-Can your parents_____________English?-Yes,they can.A.sayB.talkC.tellD.speak12.-____________do you want to join the music club?-Because music is relaxing for me.A.WhoB.WhatC.WhyD.How13.--You speak very good English.--____________.A. No,I can't.B.Yes,I can.C.Of course.D.Thanks.14.The school needs help____________music.A.writingB.to playingC.to teachD.make a15. I ____________t he dancing club and Mr.Lee in the club is good____________m e.A.go;withB.join;withC.join;atD.take;for二、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
人教新目标版七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar同步练习
人教新目标(Go for it)版七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar同步练习一、听力理解,A)请听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
(每小题1分, 共5分)1.What can Jane do?A.Play the drums.B.Play the piano.C.Play chess.2.What club does the girl want to join?A.The swimming club.B.The English club.C.The art club.3.What does Dale like doing?A.Singing.B.Drawing.C.Playing soccer.4.Where will (将要) they meet?A.At Lucy's home.B.At school.C.At the music center.5.What's John's telephone number?A.552-9631.B.255-9631.C.255-3196.二、听力理解,B)请听下面4段对话。
每段对话后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
(每小题1分, 共10分)听录音,回答问题。
6.What's Cindy's last name?A.Green.B.Brown.C.Black.7.Who can play the piano well?A.Mr. Smith.B.Cindy.C.Cindy's brother.听录音,回答问题。
8.How old is Helen?A.She's six years old.B.She's seven years old.C.She's sixteen years old.9.What can Helen do?A.Play the piano.B.Draw pictures.C.Sing.听录音,回答问题。
Unit 1 单元练习题 2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册(word版 含答案)
Unit 1一、根据汉语提示完成下列单词。
1. He is so happy to have his (自己的) computer.2. Jimmy likes (停留) at home and doing some reading in rainy days.3. Please put these (刀) in the kitchen.4. Can I have a (两倍的) beef hamburger and some juice?5. It’s very nice of you to come.Let me show you my new (书房).二、单项填空1. — Would you like to come to my party this afternoon?—. Thank you for inviting me.A.Good ideaB.Yes,I’d love toC.Sorry to hear thatD.See you then2. — May I speak to Steve?—He’s not at home. Can I take a for him?A.beachB.messageC.trainD.walk3. The shoes are too small for me,so they are not .A.cuteB.importantC.strongfortable4. — How old is Mr Brown?Is he sixty?— Yes. He’s 70 years old, but he looks younger than he is.A.overB.amongC.downD.off5. We often go and sit on the beach to the sea.It’s very relaxing.A.look out atB.look forC.wait forD.go out for)6. — Listen!Someone at the door.— It must be your sister.A.knockB.is knockingC.knocksD.is knock7. — Do you need a new schoolbag?— Yes. I’d like . My schoolbag is really old.A.thatB.oneC.itD.this8. Millie doesn’t want to a room with her sister.She wants to have her own room.A.askB.lendC.takeD.share9. —do you live,Ella?— I live in a flat on Jiangbin Street.A.WhichB.WhenC.WhereD.How10. — Would you like to go shopping with me this weekend?—I’d like to,I’m afraid I have no time.A.andB.orC.butD.so三、完形填空Do you know “homestay”?What is a homestay?When you go to another1,you live in a local(当地的) 2as a member of the family.This is called a homestay.It’s a 3experience(经历) because you can learn more about the country and its people.I’m Lily from China.I come to study in Canada with some English teachers.We are living4an old Canadian couple(夫妇),Mr and Mrs Green.They have a wonderful five⁃bedroom house.And I have a bedroom of5own there.They also have two bathrooms and a6with many beautiful flowers and big trees.Mrs Green7does the housework.She does the washing and cooks meals forus.At the weekend,my friends and I8some Chinese food for the couple sometimes.They are very happy and they think Chinese food9good.We also10 the Canadian festivals with them and get to know a lot about their culture(文化).1.A.town B.country C.beach D.city2.A.school B.restaurant C.home D.palace3.A.bad B.cheap rge D.great4.A.for B.at C.of D.with5.A.my B.her C.their D.our6.A.kitchen B.box C.garden D.car7.A.never B.seldom C.sometimes ually38.A.cook B.plant C.sell D.guess9.A.works B.tastes C.feels D.keeps10.A.dress B.show C.collect D.celebrate四、阅读理解AA BIG HOUSE FOR SALEA comfortable home for a big family,with a large garden.It’s five miles from the city centre.Three bedrooms,a living room,two kitchens,a dining room and a bathroom. Price:500,000 yuanPhone number:3434 5778A MODERN ROOM TO RENT(出租)There is a sm all room to rent here in the city centre.It’s on the first floor,good for officeworkers and students.Near three bus stops and the subway(地铁) station.Price:600 yuan a monthPhone number:3322 1088A COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO RENTAn old house to rent outside the city.Ten minutes by subway to the centre of the city.Near important stops.Buses pass by the house.One bedroom,one kitchen and one bathroom.Also a small garage(车库).Price:9,000 yuan a yearPhone number:3322 0178A CLEAN FLAT TO RENTOur flat has three big and clean rooms to rent.Twelve square metres each.Share a kitchen and a bathroom.A TV set and a fridge in the living room.Price:6,000 yuan a year for each roomPhone number:3322 78771.Which number should Andy call if he wants to buy a house?A.3434 5778.B.3322 1088.C.3322 0178.D.3322 7877.2.Which one should Jack choose if he has a car and wants to find a place to live?A.The big house.B.The modern room.C.The comfortable house.D.The clean flat.3.How much should Linda pay if she rents a room in the clean flat for a month?A.500 yuan.B.600 yuan.C.750 yuan.D.900 yuan.4.In which part(部分) of a newspaper(报纸) may we find the text?A.The part about school life.B.The part about sports.C.The part about daily life.D.The part about music.BJack is the only child in his family,so he often feels lonely(孤独的).Tom is his good friend.He has three sisters and two brothers.He has to share a room with his brothers,so he loves to go to Jack’s home.Jack’s room is big and nice,and Jack likes to share his toys with him.Jack’s parents are very busy.They even have to work on holidays.Jack often eats on his own and watches TV at night because his parents aren’t often at home.He loves to go to Tom’s home because there are always many people there.He can eat dinner with Tom’s sisters and brothers and play with them.Sometimes,he sleeps in Tom’s bedroom.He feels very happy because he doesn’t have to sleep on his own.5.What can we know about Jack’s parents?A.They like to eat at home.B.They are n’t often at home.C.They don’t like watching TV.D.They get home late every night.6.What does Jack like to do when he is in Tom’s home?A.He likes to watch TV.B.He likes to help Tom’s parents.C.He likes to do his homework with Tom.D.He likes to eat and play with Tom’s brothers and sisters.7.How does Jack feel when he sleeps with Tom?A.Angry.B.Happy.C.Tired.D.Sad.五、补全对话. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。
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