Numerical simulation and experimental study of heat and mass transfer in fuel droplet evaporation




摘要摘 要在现代战争中,城市作战、反恐、维和、维稳逐渐成为一种主要作战形式。





本文主要研究内容包括:(1) 通过作战需求及现役产品的对比分析,明确横向效应增强弹在城市战争中的重要作用,同时对国内外发展现状予以介绍。

(2) 通过各零部件的设计及作用原理分析,进行某型横向效应增强弹总体研制方案设计,同时,通过建立三维模型、数值仿真及原理计算对总体方案的发射强度、内弹道参数及外弹道参数进行研究。

(3) 通过建模对横向效应增强弹作用钢筋混凝土、均值装甲靶等目标的侵彻过程进行仿真研究,并对尾翼片切割钢筋网进行分析。


关键词:横向效应增强弹;强度;内弹道;外弹道;钢筋混凝土AbstractIn the modern warfare, urban warfare, counter-terrorism, peacekeeping and maintaining stability has gradually become a main form of battle. In order to meet the need of urban warfare, the missile that not only can open the hyperchannel through the wall for infantry, but also keep the main structure of the building has been created. The shell does not contain explosives and fuze, which is mainly used to open up a fast channel on the wall for infantry, furthermore, can effectively produce damage and destruction on the personnels and equipment hiding in the building and fortifications in urban warfare whose main operational objects are urban reinforced concrete buildings, brick-concrete structure and impermanent solid reinforced concrete fortification, light armored vehicles, temporary shelters etc. Based on the theoretical analysis and method of numerical simulation combined with experimental, the paper introduces development program of a certain PELE bomb from the aspects of overall structure, strength analysis, function efficiency and experimental results, which can provide theoretical basis and technical support for design and improvement of the same type of PELE bomb.The main research work of this paper is as follows:(1) Through the comparative analysis of operational requirements and active products, the important role of PELE in urban warfare has been defined. Moreover, the present situation and development at home and abroad is presented in the paper.(2) Based on the analysis of the design and function principle of each part, the design of the overall development program of the PELE is presented. Meanwhile, the paper has researched the emission strength, interior and exterior ballistic parameters of overall program through the establishment of three-dimensional model, numerical simulation and the principle calculation.(3) This paper establishes a mode and does a simulation research on the penetration process that PELE penetrates the reinforced concrete and mean armored target etc. It also analyses the process that the fin cuts steel mesh. The concrete will form an hourglass perforation when radial projectile penetrates. The damage forms of concrete are mainlyAbstractcompression, shear and transverse extension; The fracture mode of front steel is mainly cut off by high speed fin or projectile, while the failure modes of back steel are mainly truncated by impact of expansive concrete and projectile.Keywords: PELE; strength; internal trajectory; exterior ballistic; reinforced concrete目 录目 录摘 要 (I)Abstract ................................................................................................................................ I I 第1章绪论 .. (1)1.1 研究背景 (1)1.2 国内外发展现状 (6)1.2.1 国外发展现状 (6)1.2.2 国内发展状况及应用 (10)1.3 本文主要研究内容 (12)第2章 横向效应增强弹总体方案研制 (13)2.1 横向效应增强弹作用原理及侵彻靶标过程分析 (13)2.1.1 横向效应增强弹作用原理 (13)2.1.2 侵彻靶标过程 (13)2.2 总体技术方案 (15)2.2.1 主要零部件设计 (16)2.2.2 全弹特征参量的设计及计算 (19)2.3 本章小结 (20)第3章横向效应增强弹内弹道及发射强度分析 (21)3.1 内弹道计算 (21)3.2 弹丸零部件强度分析 (23)3.2.1 发射强度计算 (23)3.2.2 仿真分析 (27)3.3 本章小结 (32)第4章横向效应增强弹外弹道计算及仿真 (33)4.1 弹形系数计算 (33)4.2 速度降计算 (34)4.3 飞行稳定性计算 (36)4.3.1稳定储备量计算 (36)4.3.2共振不稳定性计算 (37)4.4 精度分析 (39)4.5 本章小结 (42)第5章横向效应增强弹对靶标侵彻分析 (43)5.1 对钢筋混凝土靶标侵彻仿真 (43)5.3 钢筋切断模拟分析 (51)5.4 本章小结 (52)结 论 (53)参考文献 (55)攻读硕士学位期间承担的科研任务及主要成果 (58)致谢 (59)第1章 绪 论第1章绪论1.1 研究背景近年来全球局部战争频发,尤其是在伊拉克战争结束之后,各国军队无论是否参与战斗,都在此次战争中对城镇作战有了全新的认识,并且认识到城镇作战已逐渐成为未来作战的一种主要作战形式。



第 39 卷第 1 期航 天 器 环 境 工 程Vol. 39, No. 1 2022 年 2 月SPACECRAFT ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING47 E-mail: ***************Tel: (010)68116407, 68116408, 681165443D打印赋形微小流道集热器内层流换热特性数值模拟与试验研究黄 圳1,2,李志慧2,孙敬文2,牛科研2,汪东莉2,赵长颖1*(1. 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院; 2. 上海卫星装备研究所:上海 200240)摘要:针对星内载荷存在大功率、多热源、高度非均匀功率密度的传散热需求,研发了一种3D打印赋形微小流道集热器。



关键词:大功率热源;赋形微小流道集热器;层流;换热特性;数值模拟中图分类号:TK124; V245.3文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-1379(2022)01-0047-08 DOI: 10.12126/see.2022.01.007Numerical simulation and experimental study of laminar flow andheat transfer in the 3D-printed shape follow-up minichannel thermal collectorHUANG Zhen1,2, LI Zhihui2, SUN Jingwen2, NIU Keyan2, WANG Dongli2, ZHAO Changying1*(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University;2. Institute of Shanghai Spacecraft Equipment: Shanghai 200240, China)Abstract: Based on the heat transfer and dissipation in cases of high power, multi heat sources and highly non-uniform power density for some special satellite payload, a 3D-printed shape follow-up minichannel thermal collector is developed. In view of the assessed reliability of the numerical simulation method to predict the flow and heat transfer performances of the complex 3D-printed minichannel thermal collector, the effects of the flow rate, the inlet temperature, the thermal power and the gravity on the laminar heat transfer characteristics of the thermal collector are studied by the numerical simulation and the experiment, respectively. The empirical relations between the friction factor and the Nusselt number for the thermal collector are obtained, and the structure of the minichannel thermal collector is thus optimized. It is shown that with the increase of the flow rate, the pressure drop of the thermal collector increases approximately linearly, and the increase rate of the total heat transfer coefficient decreases gradually. Increasing the inlet temperature or the thermal power would reduce the pressure drop and increase the total heat transfer coefficient of the thermal collector. Gravity has little effect on the pressure drop and the total heat transfer coefficient of the minichannel thermal collector.Keywords: high power heat source; shape follow-up minichannel thermal collector; laminar flow; heat transfer characteristics; numerical simulation收稿日期:2021-09-08;修回日期:2022-01-18基金项目:中国博士后科学基金项目(编号:2021M702087)引用格式:黄圳, 李志慧, 孙敬文, 等. 3D打印赋形微小流道集热器内层流换热特性数值模拟与试验研究[J]. 航天器环境工程, 2022, 39(1): 47-54HUANG Z, LI Z H, SUN J W, et al. Numerical simulation and experimental study of laminar flow and heat transfer in the 3D-printed shape follow-up minichannel thermal collector[J]. Spacecraft Environment Engineering, 2022, 39(1): 47-540 引言单相流体回路传热系统可作为星上大功率载荷的散热装置[1-3],其关键部件——集热器的质量、体积、阻力与换热特性直接决定了整个传热系统指标的优劣及对星上资源的占用程度。



精 密 成 形 工 程第16卷 第4期 138JOURNAL OF NETSHAPE FORMING ENGINEERING 2024年4月收稿日期:2023-12-17 Received :2023-12-17 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52201105);重庆市留学回国人员创业创新支持计划(cx2023061);四川省项目(2023NSFSC0407) Fund :The National Natural Science Foundation of China (52201105); Chongqing Overseas Returnees Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support Program Project (cx2023061); Sichuan Province Project (2023NSFSC0407)引文格式:门正兴, 王亮, 李坤, 等. WE43镁合金SLM 成形数值模拟及试验验证[J]. 精密成形工程, 2024, 16(4): 138-146. MEN Zhengxing, WANG Liang, LI Kun, et al. Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of SLM Forming of WE43 Rare Earth Magnesium Alloy[J]. Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering, 2024, 16(4): 138-146. *通信作者(Corresponding author )WE43镁合金SLM 成形数值模拟及试验验证门正兴1,王亮1,李坤2*,陈雯2,吉辰2,李子澈2,屈仁春1(1.成都航空职业技术学院 航空装备制造产业学院,成都 610100;2.重庆大学 a.机械与运载工程学院 b.金属增材制造(3D 打印)重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400044) 摘要:目的 研究WE43镁合金激光选区熔化(SLM )成形过程、成形后变形及应力分布的变化规律,得到SLM 态WE43常温拉伸力学模型。



硕士论文 破孔—随嵌串联战斗部研究I摘 要破孔—随嵌串联战斗部是一种新型的串联战斗部,它由前级聚能装药和后级嵌入体组成,作用时前级聚能装药形成的聚能杆式侵彻体对靶板进行侵彻开孔,随后后级嵌入体依靠动能嵌入到开孔的靶板中,实现对目标的毁伤与封锁。



研究结果表明,前级聚能装药对60mm 装甲钢板的开孔直径约为20~23mm ,开孔的入口直径略小于出口直径。

随着药型罩壁厚与装药口径比值/D δ的增加,聚能杆式侵彻体的长径比先增大后减小;随着药型罩曲径比/R D 的增加,聚能侵彻体的长径比减小,曲径比/0.833R D ≥时,将不能形成聚能杆式侵彻体。


采用数值模拟方法对破孔—随嵌串联战斗部的作用过程进行了仿真分析,得出前级聚能装药对后级嵌入体有重要影响;随着隔爆板厚度的增大,后级嵌入体的变形逐渐减小,而速度降随之先减小后增大,当隔爆板厚度为30mm 时,嵌入体的变形和速度降较小;随着嵌入体初始速度的增大,嵌入体的变形差异不大,速度降随之增大;后级嵌入体与前级聚能装药的轴线不重合时,嵌入体将产生侧向偏移和攻角。


研究表明,嵌入体的嵌入深度随着嵌入体初始速度的增加而增大,嵌入体合适的初始速度为200m/s~350m/s ;嵌入体初始速度一定时,嵌入体的嵌入深度随着靶板预开孔直径的增大而增大,靶板预开孔直径为20~26mm 时较为合适。



第37卷第2期农业工程学报 V ol.37 No.2268 2021年1月Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering Jan. 2021 相变混凝土能量桩热-力学特性的数值模拟与试验验证杨卫波1,2,杨彬彬1,汪峰1(1. 扬州大学电气与能源动力工程学院,扬州 225127;2. 热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室(西安交通大学),西安 710049)摘要:为了获得热力耦合作用下相变混凝土能量桩的热-力学特性,建立了其三维数值模型,比较了传统和相变混凝土能量桩热-力学特性的差异,分析了埋管管腿间距及桩体长径比对相变混凝土能量桩热-力学特性的影响规律。

结果表明,相变材料(Phase Change Material,PCM)的固液相变可使单位桩深换热量提高10.3%,且可降低桩身温度变化幅度,由温度变化所引起的桩身位移、轴力及侧摩阻力变化量也相应减小。




关键词:能量桩;相变;热力学特性;数值模拟;试验验证doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.2.031中图分类号:TU473,TU83 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6819(2021)-2-0268-10杨卫波,杨彬彬,汪峰. 相变混凝土能量桩热-力学特性的数值模拟与试验验证[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(2):268-277. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.2.031 Yang Weibo, Yang Binbin, Wang Feng. Numerical simulation and experimental validation of the thermo-mechanical characteristics of phase change concrete energy pile[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(2): 268-277. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.2.031 0 引 言地源热泵作为浅层地热能利用技术之一,因其节能、高效和环保等优势而在建筑节能中得到广泛推广[1]。


1.1 问题的提出及研究意义......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 流态化技术及优点................................................................................................................. 2 1.2.1 流态化现象及其定义................................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 气固流化床 .................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 循环流化床锅炉的发展状况................................................................................................. 4 1.3.1 国外循环流化床锅炉的发展状况 ............................................................................... 4 1.3.2 国内循环流化床锅炉的发展状况 ............................................................................... 5 1.4 气固流化床两相流模型与研究进展 ..................................................................................... 7 1.4.1 双流体模型 .................................................................................................................. 7 1.4.2 离散颗粒模型 .............................................................................................................. 8 1.4.3 小室模型 ...................................................................................................................... 9 1.4.4 模型的比较 ................................................................................................................ 10 1.5 研究目的及研究内容........................................................................................................... 10



文章编号:1000-4750(2021)04-0136-14考虑惯容的颗粒阻尼器等效力学模型及其受控结构稳态解研究黄绪宏,许维炳,王 瑾,闫维明,陈彦江(北京工业大学工程抗震与结构诊治北京市重点试验室,北京 100124)摘 要:颗粒阻尼技术因减振效果好、作用频带宽等优点使其在土木工程领域中具有良好的应用前景,然而因其具有高度复杂的非线性力学特性,并缺少合理的力学模型,限制了其在实际工程中的应用和发展。




关键词:多颗粒阻尼器;等效模型;惯容;周期运动;稳定性中图分类号:TU352.1+1 文献标志码:A doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2020.06.0359EQUIVALENT MODEL OF MULTI-PARTICLE DAMPER CONSIDERINGINERTER AND STEADY-STATE SOLUTION OFCONTROLLED STRUCTUREHUANG Xu-hong , XU Wei-bing , WANG Jin , YAN Wei-ming , CHEN Yan-jiang(Beijing Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Retrofit, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100024, China)Abstract: Multi-particle dampers have a good application prospect in the field of civil engineering structures because of their good damping efficiency and wide frequency band. However, the highly complex nonlinear mechanical properties and the lack of a reasonable mechanical model limit its application and development in practical engineering. In view of this, an equivalent single-particle mechanical model with inerter was established without considering the accumulation of particles. The introduction of inerter further considered the influence of particle rolling on the damping mechanism and effect. Then, the theoretical analysis of a single-degree-of-freedom structure with a multi-particle damper was carried out. The influence of inertance on the frequency response curve of displacement in the non-collision stage and the steady-state analytical solution of periodic collision after collision were analyzed emphatically. Numerical simulation and experimental research were also carried out to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis. The results show that the equivalent model proposed can further clarify the nonlinear characteristics of the multi-particle damper after considering the inerter. The inertia收稿日期:2020-06-07;修改日期:2020-10-29基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51978021,51908015);国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC1500604,2017YFC1500603)通讯作者:王 瑾(1987−),女,河北人,博士后,主要从事结构减震与振动控制研究(E-mail: ******************).作者简介:黄绪宏(1993−),男,山东人,博士生,主要从事结构振动控制研究(E-mail: ***************);许维炳(1986−),男,安徽人,副研究员,博士,主要从事桥梁结构抗震减震研究(E-mail: *****************.cn );闫维明(1960−2020),男,黑龙江人,教授,博士,主要从事结构隔震、减震与振动控制研究(E-mail: **************.cn );陈彦江(1963−),男,黑龙江人,教授,博士,主要从事桥梁抗震减震、桥梁稳定与振动等方面的研究(E-mail: ***************).第 38 卷第 4 期Vol.38 No.4工 程 力 学2021年4 月Apr.2021ENGINEERING MECHANICS136coefficient has a significant influence on the frequency response curve of the controlled structure in the non-collision stage and the analytical solution (boundary and stability) of the periodic motion after collision. The steady-state analytical solution of periodic motion provides a theoretical basis for further parameter influence analysis and for damping mechanism analysis of particle dampers.Key words: multi-particle damper; equivalent model; inerter; periodic motion; stability颗粒阻尼器最早由冲击减振器发展而来,用于涡轮机叶片的减振研究中[1],然而由于单颗粒冲击阻尼器在减振过程中会产生较大的噪声及其对设计参数的敏感性限制了其在实际中的应用。




My research interest is in the structural analysis and design optimization in the field of civil engineering.2.我计划通过研究现有方法和技术,提出更有效的结构设计方案。

I plan to propose more effective structural design solutions by studying existing methods and technologies.3.我的博士论文将围绕着减少建筑结构的材料使用和提高其稳定性展开。

My doctoral dissertation will focus on reducing the material usage of building structures and improving their stability.4.我将采用数值模拟和实验验证的方法,探索新材料在结构设计中的应用潜力。

I will use numerical simulation and experimental validation methods to explore the potential applications of new materials in structural design.5.通过研究和分析不同结构设计方案的性能,我希望能够找到最佳的解决方案。

By studying and analyzing the performance of different structural design solutions, I hope to find the best possible solution.6.我将借助先进的计算工具和技术,进行大规模的模拟分析和优化设计。



第44卷 第1期2024 年2月辽宁石油化工大学学报JOURNAL OF LIAONING PETROCHEMICAL UNIVERSITYVol.44 No.1Feb. 2024引用格式:李宏伟,王文武,贾冯睿,等.钢筋混凝土黏结⁃滑移行为敏感性分析及机器学习模型[J].辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2024,44(1):55-63.LI Hongwei,WANG Wenwu,JIA Fengrui,et al.Sensitivity Analysis and Machine Learning Model for Reinforced Concrete Bond⁃Slip Behavior[J].Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University,2024,44(1):55-63.钢筋混凝土黏结⁃滑移行为敏感性分析及机器学习模型李宏伟1,王文武1,贾冯睿2,苏昱太3,龙旭3(1.辽宁石油化工大学土木工程学院,辽宁抚顺 113001; 2.浙江清华长三角研究院,浙江嘉兴 314006;3.西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院,陕西西安 710072)摘要: 针对钢筋混凝土黏结⁃滑移行为,利用ABAQUS有限元软件,构建了基于内聚力模型的钢筋混凝土黏结⁃滑移有限元模型,通过能量和荷载⁃位移曲线探究了仿真模型网格敏感性以及内聚力参数敏感性。


结果表明,当网格尺寸为6 mm时,可以较理想地平衡预测精度与计算成本;有限元预测结果对内聚力参数的敏感性由强到弱依次为损伤起始强度、断裂能和刚度;所建立的NARX预测精度达到99.6%,有潜力代替量大且耗时的数值模拟和物理试验,实现对钢筋混凝土黏结强度的高效准确预测,为钢筋混凝土黏结强度的预测和设计提供新的便捷途径。








R esearch on Measurements for T emperature and Stressof Pistons in Internal Combustion EngineDON G Xiao 2rui (董小瑞),TAN Jian 2song (谭建松)11Department of Vehicle and Power Engineering ,North University of China ,Taiyuan 030051,China ;21China North Engine Research Institute ,Datong 310053,ChinaAbstract :In both numerical simulation and experimental research for the piston of internal combustion engine ,the verifi 2cation foundations are always insufficient.The reason is the measurements for its transient temperature and stress under actual operation conditions are very difficult.A multi 2channel measurement 2storage technology is used in the engine bench experiment to measure the piston temperature and stress in real time.The temperature and stress changes in the engine operation process are obtained.They provide reliable instructive criteria for numerical analysis and experiment of the piston working state.K ey Words :power machinery engineering ;measurement and storage ;temperature ;stress ;piston ;internal combustion engineC LC Number :T K427Document Code :AArticle ID :16732002X (2008)022*******R eceived 2007212218Biographies DON G Xiao 2rui (1968—),associate professor ,Dongxr @ ;TAN Jian 2song (1969—),senior engineer IntroductionThe temperature and stress of moving compo 2nents in combustion chamber depend upon the opera 2tion conditions when the engine runs ,and they vary cyclically in the steady working state.These alterna 2tive factors will lead to fatigue damage of relative components [1-2].Therefore ,their varying rules need to be mastered first for research on the fatigue dam 2age preventing technology.Their measurements in the actual engine are the most direct means.Though the numerical analysis can obtain better results ,they still need to be verified by measurement results.But ,the development of real engine measurement technolo 2gy is not obvious ,as the continuous sensor signals are difficult to be leaded out for some moving and closed components ,such as piston.For example ,the piston temperature can be measured by hardness method ,fusible alloy method and thermocouple method.For the first two methods ,no signals need to be leaded out ,but only the highest temperature of the piston can be measured.The thermocouple can measure the temperature change ,but the signal lead 2out is very difficult.With the aid of 42mechanical linkage ,it can be realized.But ,this measurement mechanism wouldbe complex ,and its connection rods and leads would be damaged easily.Therefore ,some new measure 2ment methods must be developed to satisfy the re 2quirement of the transient temperature and stress measurement.A miniature data acquisition and storage instru 2ment was designed in our lab.It can be mounted in some moving parts of internal combustion engine ,such as piston ,satisfy the compact space limitation and some adverse environment conditions ,such as high temperature ,high pressure and overload ,sam 2ple and record the sensor signals in real 2time.After experiment ,the recorded signal can be played back and the necessary data can be obtained by computer processing.Thus ,some transient parameters of pis 2ton ,such as temperature and stress ,when the engine runs ,can be measured.It provides effective measure 2ment method for the researches on the reliability and load spectrum of moving parts.1 T ested Engine and Measurement 2Storage Device111 T ested E ngineThe tested engine is a hydro 2cooling ,straight spray diesel engine with 4strokes.Its cylinder bore isJOURNAL OF CHINA ORDNANCE142mm ,the stroke is 145mm ,and the rated power of the single cylinder is 53kW/2100r/min.112 Modus Operandi of Measurem ent 2Storage SystemMeasurement 2storage system is a physical system in order to measure and store the main technological parameters.It works at such adverse environment conditions as high temperature ,high pressure ,strong impulse vibration overload ,and satisfies the compact space limitation.It can perform data acquisition and storage memory of the measured information auto 2matically.It has the basic characteristics of the gen 2eral measuring system.The system is composed of the measured parameter transfer ,the sensor or signal interface module which is affected in the minimum limit ;quick data sample and storage memory ;long 2time information holding unit ;interface circuit with the computer ;environment protector to ensure the normal work of the circuit system ;position indicator in convenience to recycle.The miniature data acquisition and measurement 2storage instrument is mounted nearby the internal test point of the tested engine ,the thermal electrical po 2tential obtained by the thermocouple is changed to the voltage signal by compatible amplifier ,then the volt 2age signal is amplified to compare to A/D reference voltage by multi 2path alternation switch ,post 2ampli 2fier ,each channel signal.The analog signal is changed to the digital signal by A/D converter ,which is transferred to the storage instrument in turn.The quick data acquisition and memory are per 2formed in real time on the spot.After experiment ,the recorded signal can be played back and the neces 2sary data can be obtained by computer processing.The modus operandi block diagram is seen in Fig.1.Fig.1 Modus operandi block diagram of themeasurement 2storage technologyThe measuring device is directly mounted on the moving parts working at such environmental condi 2tions as high temperature ,high vibration ,high oil fog.The storage chip is screened and experimentedwith high temperature performance in order to read ,write ,store the data ,and the reasonable circuit de 2sign ,part layout ,the special stereo package can satis 2fy the anti 2interference and oil fog 2proof environment to make the circuit work continuously to 36h.113 Measurement 2Storage Device The temperature and stress measurement 2storage device consists of sensor ,conditioning circuit ,digital storage circuit ,controller ,interface and power sup 2ply.They are integrated as a miniature device which can be mounted nearby the internal test point of the tested engine.The shortened transmission distance of analog signals can reduce undesired disturbance.The device can measure the piston stress and temperature simultaneously.Also ,the device codes the measured data specially to increase debug capacity in communi 2cation.The device can be connected to a computer to set the sample frequency ,read and print the mea 2sured data ,display and print the waveform ,process the data and calibrate the device itself.The thermocouple selected for temperature sens 2ing is a NiCr —NiSi thin film one.Its time constantτ0is 10-5s.The strain gage is used for stress sensing.Its maximum range is 50MPa.To reduce its tempera 2ture effect ,its virtual strain can be eliminated by bridge compensation.The measurement 2storage device can acquire 8independent signals in sampling rate of 2kHz each and with data resolution of 8bit.The measured data can be stored in a memory.Its capacity allows record 2ing the data in 12different engine operation condi 2tions with data volume of 100kByte each.Working environment temperature is less than 150℃.114 Installation of Measurement 2Storage Deviceand Layout of T est PointsThe interference of moving components is calcu 2lated and verified to ensure the installation reliability of the measurement device ,for compactness of en 2gine ’s internal structure and small clearance between moving parts.The results indicate that the interfer 2ence between piston and balancing device of crankshaft can be avoided after local finishing the un 2derside of piston pin seat and mounting the measuring device ,including chip and cell ,as shown in Fig.2.NiCr —NiSi thin film thermocouples used for pis 2ton temperature measurement are mounted on the pis 2JOURNAL OF CHINA ORDNANCE ,2008,Vol.4,No.2ton surface ,as shown in Fig.3.The test point diam 2eter is 012mm.Fig.2 Measurement 2storage device mounted inpistonFig.3 Layout of test points for temperature measurementStrain gages used for piston stress measurementare mounted inside the bore of piston ,as shown in Fig.4.Fig.4 Layout of test points for stress measurement2 T est R esults and Analysis211 T emperatureThe data of measured temperature at each test point under different operation conditions are shown in Table.1,It can be seen that ,in any stable opera 2tion condition ,the temperature fluctuation occurs mainly in the top surface of piston.At point 2,the temperature fluctuates moregreatly than other points.This result conforms to heat transfer rule [4].The temperature waveforms at test point 2under 1700r/min are shown in Figs.5and 6,respectively.T able 1 T emperatures at single test points of piston in different rotary speedsrotating speed/(r ・min -1)temperature at test point/℃123456max min max min max min max min max min max min 22303223082922823423402232211201182562531900297290280270335332213212115113243241170030530028527233633321521311711324324215003002922832683333302112091141122412401300315305282265330328207206114112238237Fig.5 T emperatu re fluctu ation at point 2u nd er 1700r/min Fig.6 Stress ch ange in a cycle at point 1u nd er 1700r/minDON G Xiao 2rui ,et al./Research on Measurements f or Tem perature and S t ress of Pistons in Internal Combustion Engine212 StressThe data of piston stress measured at each test point under 4kinds of operation condition are shown in Table 2,where sign +denotes the compression stress ,sign -the tensile stress ,0the zero coupling stress.It can be seen that the larger stress change oc 2curs at points 1and 4which are located on the top of pin seat.T able 2 Stresses at single test points in different rotary speedsrotating speed/(r ・min-1)stress at test point/MPa1234maxmin max min max min max min 150030-513013028-3170025-512015023-3190025-512015-223-22230305728 This result coincides with the actual mechanical and heat load.It also conforms to the calculation and static measurement results.The waveforms of stress at points 1and 2under 2230r/min are shown in Figs.7,8and 9,respectively.Fig.7 Stress fluctu ation at point1under 2230r/minFig.8 Stress fluctu ation at point 2under 2230r/minFig.9 Stress change in a cycle at testpoint 1under 2230r/min3 Conclusions1)The developed compact measurement 2storage device can be operated under high temperature ,high pressure ,intense pulse vibration and high overload conditions to acquire and store some signals.It is un 2necessary to lead out these signals from a closed envi 2ronment.2)Using the measurement 2storage device ,the temperature and stress of piston in a real engine are measured and better results are obtained.3)The measurement results of piston tempera 2ture and stress can provide valuable references for the design and fault analysis persons.R eferences[1] CHEN Te 2luan.Thermal intensity of ICE[M ].Beijing :National Defence Industry Press ,1991:35-48.(in Chinese )[2] Michael Winship.Piston design for the A ,SAE 930273[P].1993.[3] YUAN Jin 2liang ,Y AN G Guang 2sheng ,ZHAN G Feng 2chun.Temperature wave measurement of cylinder cover of internal combustion engine [J ].Dalian Marine College Transaction ,1989,15(3):51-56.(in Chinese )[4] TAN Jian 2song.Thermal load and construction improve 2ment of the piston of highly intensified diesel engine[D ].Hangzhou :Zhejiang University ,2000:44-49.(in Chi 2nese )JOURNAL OF CHINA ORDNANCE ,2008,Vol.4,No.2。


(2) 生成 inp 文件,通过编辑关键字对喷丸仿真 进行参数设置,包括弹丸直径、弹丸速度、质量流 量及撞击位置的随机分布等,实现有限元与离散元
的耦合,如图 2 所示。
图 1 基于试验数据的粗糙表面 Fig. 1 Rough surface based on experimental data
图 2 喷丸 FEM-DEM 耦合模型 Fig. 2 FEM-DEM coupling model for shot peening
Abstract A finite element and discrete element(FEM-DEM)coupling model for shot peening on rough surface is proposed in consideration of the surface roughness of non-peened specimen. The peened and nonpeened 45# steel specimens are prepared,and their residual stress on the surface and subsurface are measured. The measured results are used to verify the proposed model,and the effects of shot peening process parameters on the residual stress on the subsurface are studied. The results show that increasing the surface coverage and shot peening intensity can increase the peak value of the compressive residual stress,especially the impact of shot peening is more significant. With the same surface coverage and shot peening intensity,the smaller diame⁃ ter shot can increase the peak value of the compressive residual stress,while the thickness of the compressive re⁃ sidual stress increases as the diameter of shot becomes larger. If the surface roughness before shot peening is too high,the effect of shot peening can be enhanced by increasing the surface coverage. The research provides a cer⁃ tain theoretical basis for the optimization of shot peening on the rough surface.



王晓聪, 桂洪斌, 刘洋
哈尔滨工业大学 (威海)船舶与海洋工程学院, 山东 威海 264209
摘 要: [目的]为探究有限长圆柱绕流的流动机理和特性, [方法]采用大涡模拟 (LES) 数值模型行数值模拟, 并对有限长圆柱绕流进行验证和分析。 [结果]模拟结果表明, 有 限长圆柱回流区相对较短, 自由端的下洗作用会扰乱卡门涡街, 导致阻力系数损失; 相对于固定壁面, 自由端面 特性, 阻力系数更小; 圆柱自由端后存在梢涡, 圆柱与固定壁面交界处存在 “马蹄” 涡。 [结论]所得结果可对有限 长圆柱的流动特性进行相对全面的描述, 对于理解和研究有限长圆柱绕流机理具有一定的参考价值。 关键词 : 有限长; 圆柱绕流; 下洗; 自由端; 大涡模拟 中图分类号 : U664.33
网络出版时间: 2018-4-11 9:02


rinsky model) 亚网格尺度 (Subgrid Scale,SGS) 模
第 13 卷
绕流现象广泛存在于自然界中, 无论是陆上 结构物 (如桥梁上的缆索) , 还是海洋中各类柱状 结构 (如 石 油 平 台 的 桩 腿) , 都会受到绕流的影 响。圆柱绕流一般会产生漩涡脱落并诱发流体的 脉动载荷与结构振动[1], 从而发生涡激振动现象。 当振动严重时, 会对结构物本身造成疲劳等结构 破坏[2], 所以对经典的圆柱绕流现象进行研究具 有重要意义。截至目前, 尽管学术界对于经典的 圆柱绕流流体力学问题进行了诸多研究, 但对于 有限长圆柱 (Finite Cylinder, FC) 的研究却并不多 见。鉴于圆柱上端端面的下洗作用, 有限长圆柱 的绕流现象相比区别较大, 其三维特性显著[3], 故 非常有必要对其开展研究。 首先, 在实验方面, 国内外学者主要从圆柱长 径比 AR 、 自由端斯托罗哈尔数 St 、 自由端阻力系 数的变化规律等方面进行了研究。 Park 等[4]利用 粒子图像测速 (Particle Imagine Velocimetry,PIV) 技术对雷诺数 Re=7.5ˑ103 的有限长圆柱进行了实 验分析, 发现其自由端成对出现梢涡, 经分析后发 的绕流现象与无限长圆柱 (Infinite Cylinder, IFC)



CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2018年第37卷第9期·3294·化 工 进展旋转流化床粉体混合机混合效果数值模拟和实验验证陈程1,刘雪东1,2,罗召威1,崔树旗1,谈志超1(1常州大学机械工程学院,江苏 常州 213164;2江苏省绿色过程装备重点实验室,江苏 常州 213164) 摘要:为了对旋转流化床粉体混合机进行优化设计,采用CFD-DEM 联合仿真的方法,对旋转流化床粉体混合机内球形颗粒的混合过程进行数值模拟,通过Lacey 指数具体评价颗粒的混合效果,研究了进气管倾斜角度、进气管布置方式、进气方式对球形颗粒混合效果的影响,并进行球形颗粒混合实验验证。





关键词:旋转流化床;数值模拟;CFD-DEM 联合仿真;混合;优化设计中图分类号:TQ027.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2018)09–3294–09 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-0039Numerical simulation and experimental verification of mixing effect inrotating fluidized bed powder mixerCHEN Cheng 1,LIU Xuedong 1,2,LUO Zhaowei 1,CUI Shuqi 1,TAN Zhichao 1(1School of Mechanical Engineering ,Changzhou University ,Changzhou 213164,Jiangsu ,China ;2Jiangsu KeyLaboratory of Green Process Equipment ,Changzhou University ,Changzhou 213164,Jiangsu ,China )Abstract :In order to get structure optimal design of a rotating fluidized bed powder mixer, the mixing progress of spherical powder granules in a rotating fluidized bed powder mixer was simulated by a combined approach of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM). Lacey mix index was used to quantitatively analyze the mixing degree of granules in the mixer. The effects of different parameters including the tilt angle of the intake pipe, the arrangement of the intake pipe and intake method were studied respectively. To verify the mixing performance of the rotating fluidized bed powder mixer, a granule mixing experiment was carried out. Simulation results showed that the most appropriate angle of intake pipe should ensure the area of airflow is just half of the area of granular materials in the bottom of the mixer. Besides, if the intake pipe is horizontal arranged, effective mixing quality and mixing rate could be achieved. Moreover, whether the intake is continuous or pulsed, spherical granules could achieve uniform mixing. Compared with the continuous intake ,the air comsumption of pulsed intake was less. Finally, the powder mixing experimental results showed a positive mixing quality, which were in good agreement with the numerical data. It could be drawn that it is a structure with superior mixing effect if the intake pipe is tilted at an angle of 35 degrees and horizontal arranged.Key words :rotating fluidized bed ;numerical simulation ;computational fluid dynamics - discrete element method coupling ;mixing ;optimal design研发。




Fluidized bed technology is an advanced process used for handling granular materials.2.高低并列式提升管是流化床系统中的重要部分。

The high-low parallel lift pipe is an important part of the fluidized bed system.3.它可以有效地提高颗粒物料在管道中的传输效率。

It can effectively improve the transmission efficiency of granular materials in the pipeline.4.通过合理设置提升管的结构和参数,可实现颗粒物料的均匀输送。

By reasonably setting the structure and parameters of the lift pipe, the uniform conveying of granular materials can be achieved.5.高低并列式提升管可以减少管道内颗粒物料的阻塞现象。

The high-low parallel lift pipe can reduce the blocking of granular materials in the pipeline.6.它还能提高管道的运行稳定性和可靠性。

It can also improve the operational stability and reliability of the pipeline.7.采用高低并列式提升管可以减小管道的截面尺寸,从而降低系统的投资成本。

The use of high-low parallel lift pipes can reduce the cross-sectional size of the pipeline, thereby reducing the investment cost of the system.8.同时,它还能减少系统的能耗。



Machinery Design & Manufacture
刘洋,李俊弊,苏宁宁,朱旭 (长春理工大学机电工程学院,吉林长春130022)
摘 要:针对当前复杂零件难以精密加工的问题,运用磨粒流技术进行光整加工,考虑入口压力和颗粒浓度双因素对磨粒
Abstract:Zn order to solve the problem cfcomplex parts that are difficult to be precisely machined, abrasiveflow technology was
used to perform the finishing process. The influence of two-factors inlet pressure and particle concentration on the abrasive flow processing were taken into consideration, and the elbow was selected as an object. Based onfluid mechanics theory, the simula­ tions of the velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, and total pressure at different inlet pressures and particle concentrations were per­ formed, After a comparative analysis, it was concluded that when the inlet pressure is 6MPa and the particle concentration is 10%, the abrasive grainflow has the best polishing effect. According to this parameter, the abrasiveflow polishing test was con­ ducted. The results show the roughness of the inner surface of the elbow is reduced, but the surface roughness at the outlet was higher than the inlet. Therefore, the outlet was selected as the inletfor abrasive grains and the test was repeated.



第 50 卷第 2 期2024 年 4 月Vol. 50 No. 2Apr. 2024航空发动机Aeroengine正反顺序加载下安装边螺栓预紧力分散度的数值模拟与试验验证艾延廷1,田顺米1,刘玉1,田晶1,付鹏哲2,刘仕运2(1.沈阳航空航天大学航空发动机学院,沈阳 110136; 2.中国航发沈阳发动机研究所,沈阳 110015)摘要:在航空发动机机匣安装边装配过程中,不同位置螺栓之间会产生弹性交互作用,不同加载方案会使装配后的螺栓预紧力存在一定的分散度。






关键词:安装边螺栓连接;弹性交互作用;预紧力分散度;加载方案;航空发动机中图分类号:V241.05文献标识码:A doi:10.13477/ki.aeroengine.2024.02.009Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification of Flange Joint Bolt Preload Uniformity UnderClockwise-counterclockwise Circular Tightening SequenceAI Yan-ting1, TIAN Shun-mi1, LIU Yu1, TIAN Jing1, FU Peng-zhe2, LIU Shi-yun2(1. School of Aeroengine,Shenyang Aerospace University,Shenyang 110136,China;2. AECC Shenyang Engine Research Institute,Shenyang 110015,China)Abstract:In the assembly process of aeroengine casing flange joints, elastic interaction occurs between bolts at different positions, and different tightening sequence cause bolt preload dispersion to a certain extent after assembly. To solve this problem, a 3D contact finite element model of the 3-layer casing flange joint with a spigot was established, and the methods of applying the bolt preload under different loading schemes were studied. Based on the finite element model, the bolt preload dispersion of the clockwise tightening sequence, the cross tightening sequence, and the two-pass clockwise-counterclockwise circular tightening sequence for the 3-layer flange joint were simulated numerically. The corresponding test equipment was set up to verify the preload dispersion of the three loading schemes. The results show that the bolt preload uniformity is the best when adopting the two-pass clockwise-counterclockwise circular tightening sequence, and the bolt preload dispersion is relatively small. The bolt preload dispersion results from the finite element simulation and the test are 2.43% and 4.98% respectively. After adopting this loading scheme, a better sealing effect and stiffness symmetry can be achieved for the flange joint with a spigot.Key words:bolted flange joint; elastic interaction; preload dispersion; loading scheme; aeroengine0 引言均匀的螺栓载荷对航空发动机机匣安装边在高温高压等复杂且极端工况下保持良好的密封性至关重要[1]。

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ORIGINALNumerical simulation and experimental study of heat and mass transfer in fuel droplet evaporationPeng Zhao •Guoxiu Li •Yusong YuReceived:21January 2013/Accepted:27February 2014ÓSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014Abstract Heat and mass transfer in fuel droplet evapo-ration are investigated through numerical simulation and experimental study.The effect of liquid-phase heat transfer is studied using the temperature difference between the gas-and liquid-phase droplets,different turbulent intensity and oscillatory flow frequency.For the two-droplet array,some differences in heat and mass transfer mechanisms are found.For different spacing of the two-droplet array,the down-stream droplet evaporation is affected by the lead droplet.List ofsymbolsA Surface area normal (m 2)D Binary diffusivity (m 2/s)E Energy (kg m 2/s 2)h Heat transfer coefficient [W/(m 2K)]D H V Latent heat (kJ/kg)k Thermal conductivity (W/m k)_m 00V The mass flux of vapour [kg/(m 2s)]_m 00g The mass flux of air [kg/(m 2s)]l Characteristic length (m)p Pressure (Pa)S Source term T Temperature (K)t Time (s)U The mean velocity (Reynolds averaged)(m/s)Greek symbols a Volume fraction q Density (kg/m 3)Subscripts eff Effective q qth fluid l Liquid phase g Gas phase v Vapour x X direction y Y direction z Z direction C Critical V Flow velocity (m/s)Y Mass fraction Supersciptsi,j i or jth species m Mixture1IntroductionDroplet heat and mass transfer has received great attention in recent decades [1]and are of great importance in many combustion systems,such as internal combustion engines and turbine machines.Hiroshi Nomura [2]conducted an experimental study of stagnant single droplet evaporation in a microgravity high-temperature and high-pressure environment.When the pressure is 0.1–2.0Mpa,the slope of the curve of the square of the droplet diameter increases with time initially and then remains constant.At 5.0MPa,the temperature remains below the critical temperature and the latter part of the slope is reduced.Within theP.Zhao ÁG.Li (&)ÁY.YuDeparment of Power and Control Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing,China e-mail:gxli@ P.Zhaoe-mail:emailzp@Heat Mass TransferDOI 10.1007/s00231-014-1317-1experimental pressure range,droplet lifetime decreases as the temperature increases.Chauveau et al.[3]studied the n-decane droplet evaporation process under thermal envi-ronments of normal gravity and microgravity.Results show that when the ambient temperature is below950K,droplet evaporation deviates from the d2law under conditions of microgravity.In addition,in the same test environment, droplet life under microgravity conditions is longer than droplet life under normal gravity conditions.When the ambient temperature exceeds950K,the experimental results of droplet evaporation agree well with d2laws and the mass-transfer rate of droplets is the same as that under normal gravity and microgravity conditions.Hojat Ghas-semi et al.[4]experimentally studied the droplet evapo-ration characteristics of single-component and multi-component suspensions in quartz glass under normal gravity and different environmental conditions.The com-ponents include heptane and hexadecane,both of which have different evaporation rates and boiling points.The details of droplet heating and evaporation can be obtained from the multi-dimensional model.There are two methods that have been developed for multi-dimensional model of droplet evaporation,one-fluid method and two-fluid method[5].For one-fluid method,a set of governing equations are solved,while for two-fluid method,the governing equations for each phases are solved.In the last decades,two-fluid method has been widely used to investigate the problem of droplet evaporation.The two-fluid method usually assumes that the droplet main-tains the rigid spherical shape during the process of droplet evaporation.Masoudi and Sirignano[6,7]investigated the three-dimensional interaction between the advecting vortex and an evaporating droplet.The droplet convective heat transfer number is sensitive to the initial position and structure of the advecting vortex.Furthermore,the vertical structures affect the mass and heat transfer mechanisms in spray combustion systems.The study by Zhang[8]used two-fluid model to simulate a evaporating fuel droplet in a forced convective environment.Good agreement was observed between numerical predictions and experimental data.A two-way coupling method was proposed taking into account the interactions between evaporating droplets in a monodisperse stream by Frackwiak et al.[9].Castanet et al.[10]compared temperaturefields obtained by two-colour laser-inducedfluorescence and the two-way cou-pling method.They found that the frictional stresses were strongly reduced due to the small spacing between the droplets.There have been a few studies using one-fluid method for analysis of droplet evaporation.The main advantage of one-fluid method is it can consider the deformation of evaporating droplet due to interface tracking and interface capturing methods.The volume-of-fluid(VOF)method[11]has been intro-duced in the studies of droplet evaporation in recent years.The VOF method is one of the interface capturing methods.Jan Schlottke[12]studied the droplet evaporation process under incompressibleflow using three-dimensional direct numerical simulation,applied the VOF method to capture the deforma-tion of the surface of the droplets and calculated the evapo-ration rate based on Fick’s law of diffusion.Banerjee[13] studied stratified two-phaseflow using the VOF multiphase model.The object of the study was the evaporation rate of binary mixtures of ethanol and iso-octane for a two-dimen-sional tilt pipeline surface.Haelssig et al.[14]conducted a direct numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer using the VOF method,with heat and mass transfer phenomena in pipe flow as the object of study.Bergeles et al.[15]presented the VOF approach for the computation of the evaporation process of a liquid droplet impinging onto a hot substrate using an adaptive local grid refinement technique at the liquid–gas interface.They focus on mainly on the droplet shape evolution during droplet impingement on a heated surface.The calcu-lations have been done in both two-dimensional axisymmetric and fully three-dimensional domains.The algorithm of evaporated massflux considers the kinetic model.Strotos et al.[16]made a numerical comparison against Fick’s law,kinetic model and conventional hydrodynamic model for evaporation of droplets impinging and depositing on heated solid walls using the VOF method.A coupled model based on kinetic model and conventional hydrodynamic model was formulated for the computation of droplet evaporation in contact with the hot wall.Banerjee[17]performed a numerical study to ana-lyse evaporation of a single droplet composed of a binary mixture of ethanol and iso-octane using VOF multiphase model.Effect of free stream temperature and composition, liquid phase temperature and composition on droplet evapo-ration was studied.Briones et al.[18]conducted a numerical investigation of neutrally hydrophobic water microdroplet evaporation on aflat,isothermal surface using the explicit VOF model with dynamic meshing and variable-time step-ping.There is good agreement between experimental data and simulation results for the droplet volume,dynamic contact angle,contact radius and apex height.The current paper is focused on the numerical simula-tion and experimental study of heat and mass transfer in fuel droplet evaporation.First,temperature closed-loop control of the high-temperature experimental system of droplet evaporation is established.A systematic analysis of the evaporation characteristics of the fuel droplets is con-ducted under environmental temperature changes.Fuel droplet evaporation experimental results are obtained to verify the numerical model.Second,the effect of the liquid-phase heat transfer process is studied based on temperature differences between gas-and liquid-phase droplets.Finally,for the two-droplet array,differences inHeat Mass Transferheat and mass transfer mechanism are found between the upstream and downstream droplets in the droplet evapo-ration process.Upstream droplets are not influenced by downstream droplets.The heat and mass transfer mecha-nism of the upstream droplet is basically identical to that of the single droplet.Thus,we focus on the heat and mass transfer mechanism of the downstream droplet.2Experimental set-upFor diesel engines,the evaporation process of fuel droplets has a greater impact on its performance.Diesel is composed of hydrocarbons,including alkanes,cycloalkanes,alkenes, alkynes,dienes and aromatic hydrocarbons,while a large proportion is alkanes.Cetane number of n-heptane is56and Cetane number of diesel is50,so n-heptane is used as a single component Diesel surrogate fuel in this study[19,20].The experimental apparatus used for the single droplet evaporation is shown in Fig.1.Photographs of droplet shape were recorded using a high-speed camera.The ambient temperature of the experiment varied from300to 600K.The experimental system of droplet evaporation was composed of the following parts:constant volume quartz glass jars,single droplet formation device,high-speed camera,temperature controller and resistance wire.The most critical issue for designing an experimental rig of droplet evaporation in high ambient temperature is to establish a more stable temperature environment.Constant volume device having inside diameter,100mm and length, 200mm was made of quartz glass to visualize the evapo-ration process of single droplet.Single droplet is suspended at the tip of a micro injector and diameter of the injector tip is from0.1to0.5mm.The inherent errors in the experi-mental data are from heat transfer between droplet and the injector tip,the high speed camera and experimental uncertainties.Heat transfer between droplet and the injec-tor tip can be negligible because the diameter of the injector tip is very small.The ambient temperature of droplet is sustained to a nearly constant value using a closed-loop control heating system.Images of droplets are captured by REDLAKE Pro X-4plus high speed camera. The highest speed of the camera is10,000frame/s.3Calculation modelIn this numerical study,the liquid and gas phases are simulated by the VOF multiphase model.The gas phase includes the vapour and the air.aðx;tÞ¼0\a\118<:If the value is0,it indicated that the cell is full of gas phase.If the value is1,it indicated that the cell is full of liquid phase.Furthermore,if the value is0\a\1,it indicated that the cell isfilled with gas phase and liquid phase.The slope and curvature in the phase interface is calculated by the value of volume fraction of the adjacent cells,thereby the discrete equations can be solved.An advantage of the VOF method is its ability to capture the deformation of the droplet.The variable a q represents the volume fraction of the q thfluid.Thefluid may be described by the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations because of its low Mach number.The continuity equation,momentum equation and energy equation are shared between the two phases.The governing equations and source terms are as follows.Volume offluid equationo a qþv~r a q¼S aqqð1ÞS a l¼Àm000ið2ÞS a g¼m000ið3Þ0\a q\1ð4ÞContinuity equationo qo tþrÁðq uÞ¼0ð5ÞMomentum equationoðq v~ÞþrÁðq v~v~Þ¼Àr pþrÁ½lðr v~þr v~TÞþF stþq g~þS mð6ÞS m¼ð1À2aÞm000i v~ð7ÞEnergy equationoo tðq EÞþrÁ½v~ðq EþpÞ ¼rÁðk eff r TÀhJÞþS eð8ÞS e¼Àm000i h i fgð9ÞSpecies equationHigh speed camera Computer Light sourceElectrical resistance wireexperimental systemHeat Mass Transferoo tðq q a q Y qÞþrÁðq q a q v~q Y qÞ¼ÀrÁa q"J qþS sð10ÞS s¼m000ið11ÞIn this study,the purely diffusion-controlled model is used to study droplet evaporation.This model assumes phase equilibrium at the interface and calculates the droplet evaporation rate using Fick’s law.Fick’s law describes the rate at which one species diffuses through the other[21]. The massflow of vapour associated with bulkflow per unit area is equal to the massflow of vapour per unit area plus the massflow of vapour associated with molecular diffu-sion per unit area.The massflow of vapour is expressed as follows:_m000¼D vg q g1ÀY F;sr Y VÁAV cellð12ÞLarge eddy simulation(LES)wasfirst proposed by Sma-gorinsky in1963[22].In LES model,large eddies are resolved by the N–S equations directly.However,small eddies cannot be resolved directly,Subgrid-Scale Models are introduced to model the small eddies.In this study, Smagorinsky-Lilly Subgrid-Scale Model[23]is used for the calculations of droplet evaporation in forced convection.The study of droplet evaporation is investigated using ANSYS FLUENT12.0.The computational domain is two-dimensional structured mesh.Boundary conditions are indicated in Fig.2,including a velocity inlet condition at the left side,free-slip wall conditions on the lateral boundaries, an outflow condition at the right side and an axis symmetrycondition on the axis line.After calculations of grid inde-pendence,size of grid is determined of0.0526mm.4Results and discussion4.1Experimental resultsFigure3shows variations in the squared nondimensional droplet diameter at an ambient temperature of300K.Ini-tial diameter of the droplet is1.45mm.The n-heptane droplets are completely evaporated when the corrected time t/d02is34.37s/mm2.Figure4shows the photographs of the evaporating n-heptane droplet at an ambient temperature of300K.As shown in Fig.4,at the ambient temperature of300K,the n-heptane droplet evaporates slowly.At0s,the shape of the droplet is spherical.At48s,the volume of the droplet is reduced by half and the droplet becomes ellipsoidal.At 108s,the droplet completely evaporates.As shown in Fig.5,the evaporation time of the fuel droplets varies at different ambient temperatures.The corrected time for the complete evaporation of the droplet is34.67s/mm2at an ambient temperature of300K whilst the corrected time for the complete evaporation of the droplet is7.79s/mm2at an ambient temperature of350K. As well,the corrected time for the complete evaporation of the droplet is0.97s/mm2at an ambient temperature of 550K.The above analysis shows that the evaporation time of n-heptane droplets continuously decreases as the ambi-ent temperature increases.4.2ValidationThis section focuses on the validation of the numerical simulation model of droplet evaporation.Considering the limitations of the experimental apparatus,the temperature distribution inside the droplets is difficult to obtain. Numerical simulation is performed to investigate theflow field of the droplets.The parameters of the numerical simulation of droplet evaporation are shown in Table1.Figure6shows the droplet evaporation experimental results versus the numerical results at an ambient temper-ature of550K.Figure6shows that the numericalresultsFig.3Ratio of the square of n-heptane droplet diameter at300KHeat Mass Transferare close to the experimental results.The maximum error between the numerical simulation and experimental results is 2%.Thus,the multi-dimensional numerical model is accurate,reliable and can be used in further studies.Another validation is given together with the experi-mental data by Nomura et al.[2]which were obtained under micro-gravity conditions.The parameters of the numerical simulation of droplet evaporation are shown in Table 2.Figure 7shows that the numerical results are close to the experimental results.The maximum error between the numerical simulation and experimental results is 3%.4.3Simulation resultsThe difference in temperature between the gas and liquid phases can influence the liquid-phase heat transfer process.However,no relevant study on changes in the droplet internal temperature field as a result of different conditions during the process of fuel droplet evaporation has yet been published.The effect of radiation is ignored.Figure 8shows the differences in temperature fields of various temperature differences between the gas phase and the liquid phase.The temperature field is in the range 300–310K.The parameters of the numerical simulation of droplet evaporation are shown in Table 3.As shown in Fig.8,when D T is 56K,a high-tempera-ture region appears inside the droplet,the high-temperature is relatively low and the maximum temperature is 302K.When D T is 200K,the high-temperature region areat = 0s t = 4st = 8st = 12s t = 16st = 24s t = 32s t = 40s t = 48s t = 56 st = 60s t = 68s t = 76s t = 80s t = 84s(Unit:10-1mm)t = 92s t = 96s t = 100s t = 104s t = 108 sFig.4High-speedphotographs of n-heptane droplet evaporation process at 300KFig.5High-speed photography of the n-heptane droplet evaporationprocess at 300KTable 1Parameters for the fuel droplet evaporation simulation ParametersUnits Values Initial droplet diameter m 0.000548Ambient pressure bar 1Ambient temperature K 550Initial droplet temperature K 300Density of n-heptane liquid kg/m3683.72Density of n-heptane vapour kg/m3 4.25Density of airkg/m31.225Heat Mass Transferincreases gradually,and the temperature is approximately 303K.With the increase in temperature difference the area of the high-temperature region is gradually increased as well.When D T is 700K,the maximum temperature of the high-temperature region reaches 308K.The emergence of the high-temperature region is mainly due to the inhomo-geneity of the droplet internal flow field.Figure 9shows the differences in temperature fields of various turbulent intensities.The simulation condition isfor a free-stream mean velocity of 3.2m/s and a range of turbulence intensity from 10to 40%.For different turbu-lence intensity,there is a big difference on the internal temperature of droplets.With increase of the turbulence intensity,regions area of high temperature inside droplets gradually increase.When turbulence intensity is 0–20%,positions of the high-temperature region are same.When turbulence intensity is 30–40%,the high-temperature region tends to be uniformly distributed.In order to consider the effect of oscillation air flows,the velocity inlet boundary is described according to Eq.(13)[24].U 1¼U 0sin ð2p ft Þð13ÞAs can be seen from Fig.10,for different oscillating flow frequency,there is a little difference on temperature distribution of droplets.The positions of high-temperature region of each droplet are similar.However,temperature of the high temperature region gradually increases with increase of the oscillation frequency.During the process of droplet evaporation,droplets are not uniformly heated.Temperature rises in the process of droplet evaporation,the distribution ofhigh-temperatureFig.6Comparison of experimental and simulation values of n-hep-tane droplet evaporation at 550KTable 2Parameters for the fuel droplet evaporation simulation ParametersUnits Values Initial droplet diameter m 0.00035Ambient pressure bar 1Ambient temperature K 466Initial droplet temperatureK300Fig.7Comparison of experimental and simulation values of n-hep-tane droplet evaporation at 466KT= 56KT= 100K T= 200KT= 300K T= 400KT= 700K310 308 306304 302 300Fig.8Effect of different temperature differences on the liquidustemperature at 5msTable 3Parameters for the fuel droplet evaporation simulation ParametersUnits Values Initial droplet diameter m 0.000526Inlet velocity m/s 3.2Ambient temperature K 356Initial droplet temperature K 300Ambient pressurebar1Heat Mass Transferregions is near of vertical and horizontal positions of the flow through circumferential temperature distributions of droplets at the phase interface.Heating rate of droplets becomes faster with increase of the turbulence intensity.This is mainly due to fluctuating velocity of gas flow field becomes larger,thus accelerating the process of heat transfer.The diesel spray field is simplified into a two-droplet array.Figure 11shows the computational domain of the two-droplet array.The interaction between the two droplets will be discussed further in this study.Figure 12shows the temperature distribution of the two-droplet array when the space between the two droplets is equal to 2.5times the droplet diameter.The left image shows the temperature distribution of the upstream droplet whilst the right image shows the temperature distribution of the downstream droplet.At t =5ms,the temperatures of the upstream and downstream droplets have substan-tially the same distribution.Furthermore,the distribution of the high-temperature region occurs at the same positions.At t =10ms,the temperature distribution of the upstream droplet is different from that of the downstream droplet.The high-temperature region of the upstream droplet is widely distributed inside the droplet and the temperature distribution is even whereas a smaller area of high-tem-perature distribution of the downstream droplet is observed and the high-temperature region is concentrated at the front and center location.Most of the temperature region is approximately 300K.At t =15ms,the temperature inside the droplet of the upstream droplet is higher than that of the downstream droplet.Therefore,for the two-dropletarray,the temperature of the downstream droplet is rela-tively lower because of the effect of the upstream droplet.Figure 13shows the comparison of average tempera-tures between the upstream droplet and the downstream droplet when the space between the two droplets is equal to 2.5times the droplet diameter.The average temperature of the upstream droplet is quite different from that of the downstream droplet,the former being higher than the lat-ter.At t =5ms,the average temperature of the upstream droplet is 302.2K whereas the average temperature of the downstream droplet is 301.5K.The difference between the two droplets is 0.2%.At t =20ms,the average temper-ature of the upstream droplet is 302.8K whereas the average temperature of the downstream droplet is 301.64K.The temperature difference between the two droplets is about 0.4%and caused by the effect of the vapour of the upstream droplet.Given that thetemperatureFig.9Effect of different turbulence intensity on the liquid-phase temperature at 5msFig.10Effect of different oscillatory flow frequency on droplet’s liquidus temperature at 5msFig.11The computational domain of the double droplet arrayHeat Mass Transferof the fuel vapour is lower than the temperature of the surrounding air,the average temperature of the down-stream droplet is lower as well.Figure 14shows a comparison of the ratios of the squares of the droplet diameter ratio between the upstream droplet and the downstream droplet when the space between the two droplets is equal to 2.5times the droplet diameter.Several differences may be observed between the upstream droplet and the downstream droplet.The evapo-ration rate of the upstream droplet is greater than that of the downstream droplet.At t =1ms to 15ms,the droplet diameter squared ratio is greater than 1,which is mainly due to the vapour wake of the upstream droplet in contact with the downstream droplet,and the vapour changes into liquid.With increasing temperature,the droplets gradually evaporate and the droplet evaporation rate is accelerated after t =15ms.At different droplet spacings,the downstream droplet is located at different vapour wake positions.Thus,different droplet spacings greatly affect the droplet evaporation.We will discuss the effect of different droplet spacings on the process of droplet evaporation.The expressions 2.5d,5d,7.5d and 10d respectively represent droplet spacings equal to 2.5times,5times,7.5times and 10times the droplet diameter.Figure 15shows the mass fraction distribution of fuel vapour in the two-droplet array with different droplet spacings.The downstream droplet is located at different vapour wake positions of the upstream droplet for different droplet spacings.When the droplet spacing is equal to 2.5d,the downstream droplet is located at the denser fuel vapourwake,thus greatly affecting the evaporation of the down-stream droplet.Moreover,the temperature of the vapour wake is lower than that of the surrounding air and the effect of vapour wake on the downstream droplet is relatively large.The effects between the two droplets become smaller with increasing droplet spacing.When the droplet spacing is equal to 10d,the downstream droplet is at the tail of the vapour wake of the upstream droplet.Thus,the effect of the upstream droplet on the downstream droplet is rela-tively small.Figure 16shows average temperature of fuel vapor at different droplets spacing.The average temperature is average temperature of fuel vapour phase within the size of droplet diameter at different droplets spacing.As can be seen from the figure,the average temperature of the fuel vapour varies at different spacings.When droplet spacing is 2.5d,the average temperature of fuel vapour is 342.74K.Fig.12Comparison of temperatures between the upstream and downstream droplets in a double dropletarrayFig.13Comparison of temperature between the upstream and downstream droplets with spacing of2.5dFig.14Comparison of the ratios of the square of the diameter between the upstream and downstream droplets with spacing of 2.5dHeat Mass TransferWhen droplet spacing is 10d,the average temperature of fuel vapour is 350.69K.The maximum of difference of average temperatures is 8K.As the droplet spacing increases,the average temperature of the fuel vapour also increases.At different droplet spacing,the droplets at dif-ferent temperatures,and therefore it affect the heat and mass transfer of downstream droplets.5ConclusionA large eddy simulation of the VOF model is developed to study droplet evaporation in a forced convective environ-ment under different turbulent fluctuations,which includes turbulence intensity and oscillatory flow.The major find-ings of the present study are as follows.a.Experimental studies of diesel droplet evaporation process are performed under different temperature environments.Results show that when the ambient temperature is relatively low,the diesel fuel droplets first pass through the initial heating stage and then quickly evaporate.At different ambient temperatures,when the temperature is higher,the diesel droplet evaporates sooner.The evaporation time of the n-hep-tane droplets continue to decrease as the ambient temperature rises.b.The distribution of the high-temperature region of the droplet is substantially at the same position.As the temperature difference increases,the temperature of the high-temperature region also increases.Tempera-ture rises in the process of droplet evaporation,the distribution of high-temperature regions is near of vertical and horizontal positions of the flow through circumferential temperature distributions of droplets at the phase interface.Heating rate of droplets becomes faster with increase of the turbulence intensity.This ismainly due to fluctuating velocity of gas flow field becomes larger,thus accelerating the process of heat transfer.c.Several differences in average temperature may be observed between the two droplets and the average temperature of the upstream droplet is always greater than that of the downstream droplet.The differences in average temperature between the two droplets are due to the vapour wake distribution in the upstream droplet.Acknowledgments This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51076008,the Ph.D.Pro-grams Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No.20110009110023)and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (M11JB00300).References1.Sergei SS (2006)Advanced models of fuel droplet heating and evaporation.Prog Energy Combust Sci 32(2):162–2142.Nomura H,Ujiie Y,Rath HJ et al (1996)Experimental study on high-pressure droplet evaporation using microgravity conditions.Symp (Int)Combust 26(1):1267–12733.Chauveau C,Birouk M,Go¨kalp I (2011)An analysis of the d 2-law departure during droplet evaporation in microgravity.Int J Multiph Flow 37(3):252–2594.Ghassemi H,Baek SW,Khan QS (2006)Experimental study on binary droplet evaporation at elevated pressures and bust Sci Technol 178(6):1031–10535.Nichita B A.An Improved CFD Tool to Simulate Adiabatic and Diabatic Two-phase Flows [M].20106.Masoudi M,Sirignano WA (2000)Collision of a vortex with a vaporizing droplet.Int J Multiph Flow 26(12):1925–19497.Masoudi M,Sirignano WA (1997)The influence of an advecting vortex on the heat transfer to a liquid droplet.Int J Heat Mass Transf 40(15):3663–36738.Zhang H 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