


7.5 kW - 250 kW
版本 10/06
¾ 未经培训合格的人员在变频器的器件/系统上工作或不遵守“警告”中的有关规定,就可能造
成严重的人身伤害或重大的财产损失。只有在设备的设计、安装、调试和运行方面受过培训 的经过认证合格的专业人员才允许在本设备的器件/系统上进行工作。
¾ 输入电源线只允许永久性紧固连接。设备必须接地(按照 IEC 536 Class 1、NEC 和其它适用 的标准)。
¾ 设备的维修只能由西门子公司的服务部门,西门子公司授权的维修中心或经过认证合格并得
¾ 任何有缺陷的部件和器件都必须用相应的备件更换。
¾ 在打开设备进行维修之前,一定要断开电源。
注意 ¾ 变频器的包装箱是可以重复使用的。请保管好包装箱以备将来使用或把它返还给制造商。 ¾ 易卸螺丝和快速插接器便于您拆卸设备的部件。您可以回收这些拆卸下来的部件,并根据地
是其第§8 节关于“带电部件上工作时允许的安全距离”的规定。实际操作时,应该使用适当 的电子器具。 ¾ 在安装和调试变频器之前,请您务必仔细阅读这些安全规则和警告,以及设备上粘贴的所有 警示标志。确保警示标志置于醒目的地方,并更换已经脱落或损坏的标志。



页 数:第 1 页, 共 7 页描述221071A01是为产品XL4301制作的演示板,用于DC8V~40V 输入,输出电压5V ,最大输出电流2.5A 的车充应用演示,最高转换效率可以达到93%,最大电流输出时,输出电压补偿0.5V 左右。

XL4301是开关降压型DC-DC 转换芯片;固定开关频率180KHz ,可减小外部元器件尺寸,方便EMC 设计。

芯片具有出色的线性调整率与负载调整率,输出电压支持1.25V~37V 间任意调节。


XL4301为标准SOP8-EP 封装,集成度高,外围器件少,应用灵活。

DEMO 原理图VOUT=1.25V*(1+R2/R1)FUSE引脚介绍页数:第2 页,共7 页物料清单页数:第3 页,共7 页性能数据页数:第4 页,共7 页Efficiency VS Output currentEfficiency(%)Output current(A)Output voltage VS Output currentOutputvoltage(V)Output current(A)页数:第5 页,共7 页DEMO实物图PCB布局顶层底层页数:第6 页,共7 页应用信息输入电容选择在连续模式中,转换器的输入电流是一组占空比约为VOUT/VIN的方波。



最大RMS电容器电流由下式给出:IRMS≈IMAX*√V OUT(V IN-V OUT)V IN其中,最大平均输出电流IMAX等于峰值电流与1/2峰值纹波电流之差,即IMAX=ILIM-△IL/2。



DSP 芯片

F3L100R07W2E3-B11,Vces=650V Icnom=100A/ICRM=200A
















0149YWH 40#.4#BOM

0149YWH  40#.4#BOM

##### 目标比例 实际比例
实际 用量
623 5 0 5 2 3 0 10 25 1206 50 3 57.87% 36.27%
0.19665 0.368 0.045 0.6.3564 0.2376 0.1188 0.3564 1.91645 6.23 0.2376 5.42 0 0 0.594 0 0.6534 0.4158 0.594 0 0.594 3.16
3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 3.00% 16.13% 2.00%
5.00% 5.50% 3.50% 5.00% 5.00% 26.60%
5.95 6.20 8.00 3.20 0.92 3.50
3.00 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.00
605 5 0 5 2 3 0 10 25 1200 50 3
17.00 0.00
YFN13000稀释剂 8610S-J4018内涂
10.00 0.08 49.20 1.03 1.18
物料名称 用量
个 单位备注 单价 金额 目标 单价 生产 数量
总 需求
1 2 3 4 喷 5 涂 6 7 8 9
普通卷板 脱脂剂 表面调整剂 磷化液 促进剂 硫酸 98% 烧碱 96%
0.5044 1 KG 0.0040 0.0001 0.0045 0.0016 0.0023 0.0001 0.0083 0.0209 KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG
开料 直 冲压 接 压铸 人 喷涂 工 包装 小计 电费 开料 冲压 压铸 喷涂 包装 小计 燃料费用 开料 冲压 压铸 喷涂 包装

XL4301 datasheet-Chinese

XL4301 datasheet-Chinese

180KHz 45V 3A 开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC 转换器 XL4301特点8V 至40V 工作电压范围 输出电压从1.25V 至VIN-2V 可调 最小压差0.3V 固定180KHz 开关频率 最大3A 开关电流 内置功率MOSFET 出色的线性与负载调整率 内置恒流环路 内置频率补偿功能内置输出线损补偿功能 内置输出短路保护功能 内置热关断功能 推荐输出功率小于13W SOP8-EP 封装应用车载充电器 电池充电器 LCD 电视与显示屏 便携式设备供电 通讯设备供电 降压恒流驱动描述XL4301是一款高效降压型DC-DC 转换器,可工作在DC8V 至40V 输入电压范围,低纹波,内置功率MOSFET 。


PWM 控制环路可以调节占空比从0~100%之间线性变化。





图1.XL4301封装180KHz 45V 3A开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC转换器XL43012. XL4301引脚配置引脚名称180KHz 45V 3A开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC转换器XL4301图3. XL4301方框图典型应用(车载充电)图4. XL4301180KHz 45V 3A开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC转换器XL4301180KHz 45V 3A开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC转换器XL4301180KHz 45V 3A开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC转换器XL4301图5.XL4301系统参数测量电路(VIN=8V~40V,VOUT=5V/0.1A~2.5A)Efficiency VS Output current180KHz 45V 3A开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC转换器XL4301 图10.XL4301系统参数测量电路(VIN=8V~40V,VOUT=5V/0.1A~2.5A)180KHz 45V 3A开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC转换器XL4301180KHz 45V 3A开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC转换器XL4301物理尺寸SOP8-EP180KHz 45V 3A开关电流自带恒流环路降压型DC-DC转换器XL4301重要申明XLSEMI保留在任何时间、在没有任何通报的前提下,对所提供的产品和服务进行更正、修改、增强的权利。

GP-4201 4301TM 安装指南说明书

GP-4201 4301TM 安装指南说明书


目录装箱单. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2关于手册. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3电气规格. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4部件名称和功能. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4串口. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6安装. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81. 安装要求 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82. 面板开孔尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93. 安装步骤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10接线. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121. 电源线规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122. 电源接头规格. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133. 如何连接电源线. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134. 接线注意事项. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 USB电缆紧固夹 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151. 安装USB电缆紧固夹 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152. 取下USB电缆紧固夹 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17相关标准. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18装箱单请确认产品包装中包含下述所有内容:1显示模块(1)2主机模块(1)3套筒扳手(1)4USB电缆紧固夹Type A(1端口)(1)5止动销(1)6DC电源接头(1)7显示模块安装螺帽(1个,已装在显示模块上)8GP-4201TM/4301TM安装指南 (1)<本指南>9警告/注意信息(1)关于手册本手册介绍接线和安装步骤。



Max. Peak Current
1time 2times
K ±10% A 0~+10% B 0~-10% ::
Lead Wire Style and Coating S Straight Lead; Epoxy Coating I Inner Kink Lead; Epoxy Coating L Straight Lead; Silicone Coating P Inner Kink Lead; Silicone Coating ::
Pág. 3/43
Rua Juquiá, 217 - Vila Antonieta - S.B.C. - Cep:09629-040 - SP - Brasil Tel: (11) 4367-7411 - Fax: (11) 4367-7416 - .br - voltts@.br
Disc Ø Size 05 5Ø 07 7Ø 10 10Ø 14 14Ø 20 20Ø 25 25Ø 32 32Ø 40 40Ø 60 60Ø 34 34x34



NUP4301MR6T1Low Capacitance Diode Array for ESD Protection in Four Data LinesNUP4301MR6T1 is a MicroIntegration™ device designed to provide protection for sensitive components from possible harmful electrical transients; for example, ESD (electrostatic discharge). Features•Low Capacitance (1.5 pf Maximum Between I/O Lines)•Single Package Integration Design•Provides ESD Protection for JEDEC Standards JESD22Machine Model = Class CHuman Body Model = Class 3B•Protection for IEC61000-4-2 (Level 4)8.0 kV (Contact)15 kV (Air)•Ensures Data Line Speed and Integrity•Fewer Components and Less Board Space•Direct the Transient to Either Positive Side or to the Ground Applications•USB 1.1 and 2.0 Data Line Protection•T1/E1 Secondary IC Protection•T3/E3 Secondary IC Protection•HDSL, IDSL Secondary IC Protection•Video Line Protection•Microcontroller Input Protection•Base Stations•I2C Bus ProtectionMAXIMUM RATINGS (Each Diode) (T J = 25°C unless otherwise noted)1.FR-5 = 1.0 0.75 0.062 in.Device Package Shipping ORDERING INFORMATIONNUP4301MR6T1TSOP-63000/T ape & ReelTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T J = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (Each Diode)OFF CHARACTERISTICS1.FR-5 = 1.0 0.75 0.062 in.2.Alumina = 0.4 0.3 0.024 in. 99.5% alumina.100101.00.1V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)I F , F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A )Figure 3. CapacitanceCurves Applicable to Each CathodePACKAGE DIMENSIONSTSOP-6CASE 318F-04ISSUE JNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCINGPER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.MicroIntegration is a trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC).ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONJAPAN: ON Semiconductor, Japan Customer Focus Center2-9-1 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan 153-0051Phone: 81-3-5773-3850。


SAL331 距离保护测控装置
SAL331 距离保护测控装置技术说明书
概述.........................................................................................................................................................- 3 1.1 IEC61850 接口说明.................................................................................................................- 3 1.2 智能变电站应用典型方案..................................................................................................... - 3 1.3 性能特点................................................................................................................................. - 4 1.4 技术数据................................................................................................................................. - 5 1.4.1 额定参数...................................................................................................................... - 5 1.4.2 性能参数...................................................................................................................... - 5 1.5 硬件板卡................................................................................................................................. - 8 1.5.1 管理 CPU 板................................................................................................................- 8 1.5.2 保护 DSP 板................................................................................................................ - 8 1.5.3 测控 DSP 板................................................................................................................ - 8 1.5.4 电源板.......................................................................................................................... - 8 1.5.5 DIO 板........................................................................................................................... - 8 1.5.6 GOSV 板.......................................................................................................................- 8 1.5.7 键盘显示板.................................................................................................................. - 8 1.6 符号说明................................................................................................................................. - 9 -



两节,三节,四节,五节锂电池保护芯片,20款板子模块设计10号板子:单节锂电池保护板,过流 6A11 号板子:单节锂电池大电流保护板,过流 15A12 号板子:单节磷酸铁锂电池保护板,过流 6A13 号板子:单节磷酸铁锂电池大电流保护板,过流 15A14 号板子:两节串联 7.4V 锂电池保护板,过流 6A15 号板子:两节串联 7.4V 锂电池保护板,过流 15A16 号板子:两节串联 7.4V 磷酸铁锂电池保护板,过流 6A17 号板子:两节串联 7.4V 磷酸铁锂电池保护板,过流 15A18 号板子: 3 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 30A19 号板子: 4 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 30A20 号板子: 5 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 30A21 号板子: 6 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 45A22 号板子: 7 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 45A23 号板子: 8 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 45A24 号板子: 9 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 45A25 号板子: 10 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 45A27 号板子: 12 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 45A28 号板子: 13 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 45A29 号板子: 14 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 45A30 号板子: 12 节串联锂电池保护板,过流 45A10 号板子:单节锂电池保护板单节锂电池保护板子,过流 3A,10 号板子使用芯片: DW01B 锂电池保护芯片, PW8205A8TS 搭配 MOS。

11 号板子:单节锂电池大电流保护板单节锂电池保护板子,过流 15A,搭配 MOS,增大过流。

12 号板子:单节磷酸铁锂电池保护板单节磷酸铁锂电池保护板子,过流 3A,12 号板子使用芯片:磷酸铁锂电池保护芯片, PW8205A8TS 搭配 MOS。

13 号板子:单节磷酸铁锂大电流保护板单节磷酸铁锂电池保护板子,过流 15A,13号板子使用芯片:磷酸铁锂保护芯片,PW8205A8TS 搭配MOS,增大过流。



物料代码物料名称规格型号物料属性单位数量主板(半成品)PG06M-2768配置类板 1.00 02.11.PG06M层次子项物料代码物料名称规格型号物料属性图号.101.00.JZ.E12贴片晶振12.000MHZ 18PF±10PPM 4*2.5外购.101.00.JZ.E24贴片晶振24.576MHZ 16PF±50PPM 5*3.2外购.101.00.JZ.E32贴片晶振32.768KHZ 12.5PF±20ppm 3.2*1.5mm外购.101.00.JZ.E76贴片晶振7.600MHZ 27PF/±20PPM 7*5mm外购.101.13.L.L.S.E贴片电感0603-10UH外购.101.13.L.L.S.E贴片电感0805-10UH外购.101.13.L.L.S.E贴片电感0805-2.7UH外购.101.13.L.L.S.E贴片电感1206-22UH外购.101.13.L.L.S.E电感器ELL6SH5R6M SMD外购.101.13.L.L.S.E电感器SLF7028T-15UH(150M)SMD外购.101.13.L.L.S.E电感器SMI-43-100A外购.101.13.L.L.S.E贴片电感SD43-220M(22UH)外购.101.13.L.L.S.E贴片电感ELLATV470M(47UH)外购.101.13.L.L.S.E贴片绕线电感0603-43nH外购.101.13.L.Z.ES贴片磁珠0603-220Ω 100MHz,2A外购.101.13.L.Z.ES贴片磁珠0805-220Ω 100MHz 3A外购.101.14.DX.B.E锂电池MS614S-FL28E外购贴片钽电容T491A106K010AT外购.101.33.CT.EA1贴片钽电容A-1UF-10V外购.101.33.CT.EA1贴片钽电容T491A225M010AS外购.101.33.CT.EA2贴片钽电容T491B107K006AS外购.101.33.CT.EB1贴片钽电容T491B106K020AT外购.101.33.CT.EB1贴片钽电容T491B476K010AT外购.101.33.CT.EB4贴片钽电容T491C107K010AT外购.101.33.CT.EC1贴片钽电容C-22UF-20V外购.101.33.CT.EC2贴片钽电容T491C476K016AS外购.101.33.CT.EC4贴片钽电容T491D107K016AT外购.101.33.CT.ED1贴片钽电容T491D227K010AT外购.101.33.CT.ED2.101.34.CL.S.E贴片铝电解CDVS-100UF/16V 6.3*5.4外购.101.34.CL.S.E贴片铝电解CDVS-33UF/25V 6.3*5.4外购贴片陶瓷电容E CJMFF1C106Z外购.E12贴片陶瓷电容1206-4.7UF-16V X5R外购.E12贴片陶瓷电容C3225Y5V1C226Z外购.E12电位器10KΩ(EVM3YSX50B14) SMD外购.101.36.VR.E10.101.36.VR.EA电位器F-1001G-4 A20K T2.8X14/B1外购.101.37.PCB.8.电路板主板2768C-V5.0外购熔断器F1206FA-1500V063外购.101.38.FUSE.S熔断器1206FA-3A/32V(禁用,同F1206FA-3000)外购.101.38.FUSE.S.101.40.CON.D CF卡座WSH-CN-8965A外购.101.40.CON.D耳机插座ST-0204-060-100外购.101.40.CON.D AV插座ST-025-040-109U外购.101.40.CON.D电源插座DC-030 黑色 DIP外购.101.40.CON.D电池插座T2.5-4A-9/阳(H11) SMD外购.101.40.CON.D SD卡座AXA233021P外购.101.40.CON.D USB插座675031020外购.101.40.CON.S贴片插座0.8-20A外购.101.40.CON.S贴片接插件1.0-10A(卧贴)外购.101.40.CON.S贴片接插件1.0-8A(卧贴)外购.101.40.CON.S贴片接插件1.0-4A(卧贴)外购.101.40.CON.S贴片接插件1.25-2A(卧贴)外购外购.101.41.D.FD.E发光二极管209SURSYGW/S530-A3/R2 (红绿双色共阳) DIP(禁用,同φ3红绿双色共阳) .101.41.D.PS.E二极管KV1471E SMD外购.101.41.D.PS.E二极管1SS355 SMD外购.101.41.D.PS.E二极管BAT54S SMD外购.101.41.D.PS.E二极管5819 1A肖特基 SMD外购.101.41.D.PS.E二极管DAN217 SMD外购.101.41.D.PS.E二极管MA2J728 SMD外购.101.41.D.PS.E二极管PDS835L SMD外购.101.41.D.PS.E二极管SK34 SMD外购.101.41.D.PS.E二极管SS12 SMD外购.101.41.D.PS.E二极管UDZSTE-17(5.6V) SMD外购.101.41.D.WS.E贴片稳压管10V外购贴片稳压管13V外购.101.41.D.WS.E贴片稳压管16V外购.101.41.D.WS.E.101.42.Q.S.E2三极管2SD2142K SMD外购.101.42.Q.S.E2三极管2N3904 SMD外购.101.42.Q.S.E2三极管2N3906 SMD外购.101.42.Q.S.E3三极管2SC3356(R25) SMD外购.101.42.Q.S.E3三极管STS3402 SMD外购三极管A03400 SMD外购.101.42.Q.S.EA三极管A03401 SMD外购.101.42.Q.S.EA集成电路LM1117MPX-3.3V SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E1集成电路BH1418FV-E2 SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E1集成电路BIT1611A SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E1.101.44.IC.S.E1集成电路AP1624 SMD外购集成电路AT1780M SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E1集成电路TPA0233DGQR SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E2集成电路AT260B-BIZ SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E2集成电路NJM3414AM SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E3集成电路LP3985IM5-3.3 SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E3集成电路CD4052 SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E4集成电路FDS4435 SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E4集成电路XC6206P182MR SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E6集成电路MAX6900ETT SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E6集成电路S-80822CLNB-B6H-T2 SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.E8集成电路AP1501A SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.EA集成电路MP9141ES SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.EM集成电路XC6206P152MR SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.EX集成电路XC6206P252MR SMD外购.101.44.IC.S.EX.101.46.IC.E13集成电路AAT1343-TE-T SMD外购.101.46.IC.E1G集成电路SN74LVC1G08DBVR SMD外购.101.46.IC.E56集成电路K4S561632H-TI75 SMD外购.101.46.IC.E74集成电路SN74LVC1G14DBVR SMD外购.101.46.IC.E97集成电路WM9712LEFL SMD外购.101.46.IC.E9F集成电路K9F1208U0A-YIB0 SMD外购.101.46.IC.EMC集成电路MCP130T-270Z/TT SMD外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-100P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-102 X7R±10%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-103 X7R±10%/25V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-104 Y5V-20+80%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-12P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-150P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-18P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-22P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-222 X7R±10%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-224 Y5V-20+80%/10V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-27P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-33P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-330P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-3.3P ±0.25 COG /16V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-47P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-473 Y5V-20+80%/25V外购.101.54.CS.1.E贴片电容0402-82P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-100P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-102 X7R±10%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-103 Y5V-20+80%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-104 Y5V-20+80%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-105 Y5V-20+80%/10V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-12P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-18P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-180P X7R±10%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-22P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-220P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-223 X7R±10%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-224 Y5V-20+80%/16V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-273 Y5V-20+80%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-393 Y5V-20+80%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-47P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-470P X7R±10%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-474 Y5V+80-20%/25V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-68P NPO±5%/50V外购.101.54.CS.2.E贴片电容0603-682 X7R±10%/50V外购.101.54.CS.3.E贴片电容0805-105 X7R±10%/16V外购.101.54.CS.3.E贴片电容0805-106 Y5V-20+80%/6.3V外购.101.54.CS.3.E贴片电容0805-224 Y5V-20+80%/50V外购.101.54.CS.3.E贴片电容0805-225 Y5V-20+80%/16V外购.101.57.R.1.E0贴片电阻0402-0Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-100Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-1KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-10KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-100KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-1MΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-12KΩ±1%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-150Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-1.5KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-15KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-18Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E1贴片电阻0402-18KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E2贴片电阻0402-20KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E2贴片电阻0402-2MΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E2贴片电阻0402-22Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E2贴片电阻0402-220Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E2贴片电阻0402-220K±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E2贴片电阻0402-24KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E2贴片电阻0402-27KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E2贴片电阻0402-2Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E3贴片电阻0402-33Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E3贴片电阻0402-3.3KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E4贴片电阻0402-4.7KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E4贴片电阻0402-470KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E5贴片电阻0402-510Ω ±5%外购.101.57.R.1.E6贴片电阻0402-68KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E0贴片电阻0603-0Ω ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-10Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-100Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-1KΩ±1%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-1KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-10KΩ±1%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-10KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-100KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-12KΩ±1%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-12KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-1.5KΩ±1%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-15KΩ±1%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-15KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-150KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E1贴片电阻0603-18Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E2贴片电阻0603-20Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E2贴片电阻0603-2KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E2贴片电阻0603-20KΩ±1%外购.101.57.R.2.E2贴片电阻0603-20KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E2贴片电阻0603-22Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E2贴片电阻0603-22KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E2贴片电阻0603-220KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E2贴片电阻0603-27KΩ±1%外购.101.57.R.2.E3贴片电阻0603-30KΩ±1%外购.101.57.R.2.E3贴片电阻0603-33KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E4贴片电阻0603-470Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E4贴片电阻0603-4.7KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E4贴片电阻0603-47KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E5贴片电阻0603-5.1KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E5贴片电阻0603-51KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E5贴片电阻0603-56Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E5贴片电阻0603-5.1Ω±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E8贴片电阻0603-8.2KΩ±5%外购.101.57.R.2.E9贴片电阻0603-91K±1%外购.101.57.R.4.E2贴片电阻1206-20Ω±1%外购.101.57.R.8.EP贴片电阻排0402-22Ω*4 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F4否使用否P2否使用否J29否使用否P5否使用否J26否使用否J27否使用否P1否使用否P3否使用否J31否使用否J28否使用否J6否使用否J2否使用否J34否使用否BL1否使用否D24否使用否D22否使用否D13 D14 D15 D16否使用否D8 D17 D20否使用否DN1否使用否D1 D19否使用否D6否使用否D7否使用否D2 D5否使用否D23否使用否D12否使用否D21否使用否D11否使用否Q29否使用否Q1 Q2 Q8 Q4 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q22 Q24 Q28否使用否Q5 Q9 Q11否使用否Q26否使用否Q23否使用否Q20 Q21否使用否Q3 Q7 Q25 Q27否使用否U32否使用否U28否使用否U23否使用否U26否使用否U25否使用否U20否使用否U1否使用否U24否使用否U11否使用否U19否使用否Q10否使用否U4否使用否U14否使用否U12否使用否U17否使用否U18否使用否U13否使用否U31否使用否U15否使用否U3否使用否U6 U7否使用否U5否使用否U9否使用否U8否使用否U2否使用否C70 C71 C72 C73 C202 C210否使用否C290 C292否使用否C296否使用否C3 C4 C5 C7 C8 C9 C12 C13 C14 C17 C27 C28 C29 C30 C32 C33 C34 C37 C38 C39否使用否C35 C36否使用否C281 C298否使用否C258 C259 C260 C303否使用否C23 C24 C53 C54 C107 C109 C110否使用否C108 C280 C297 C308否使用否C68否使用否C279 C282否使用否C301否使用否C306否使用否C289否使用否C2 C6 C11 C15 C16 C18 C26 C31 C40 C41 C45 C46 C49 C90 C97 C101 C106 C223 C 否使用否C307否使用否C304否使用否C275 C278否使用否C128 C138 C291否使用否C112 C150 C153 C276 C310 C270 C271否使用否C81 C85 C115 C117 C119 C122 C129 C130 C131 C140 C142 C143 C144 C145 C148否使用否C22 C120 C121 C175 C230 C231 C234 C235 C250 C261 C269否使用否C111 C118否使用否C246否使用否C156否使用否C163 C248否使用否C132 C141否使用否C268否使用否C125否使用否C242否使用否C197否使用否C21 C84 C116 C123 C169 C174 C178 C313否使用否C124 C137 C139 C245是使用否C147 C134否使用否C158 C159 C160否使用否C55 C56否使用否C136否使用否C1 C10 C19 C20 C25 C50 C60 C61 C62 C80 C82 C83 C98 C164 C165 C166 C173 C1否使用否C151 C155否使用否C126否使用否R130 R131 R132 R136 R137 R155 R160 R161 R162 R247 R256 R260 R263 R287 R28否使用否R11 R269否使用否R42 R39 R266否使用否R2 R26 R41 R264 R262否使用否R1 R3 R4 R8 R9 R10 R13 R25否使用否R19 R138否使用否R40否使用否R140否使用否R14 R23 R24否使用否R20 R21否使用否R16 R17否使用否R257否使用否R258否使用否R18否使用否R7 R28 R163 R164 R165 R166 R167 R168 R169 R170 R171 R172 R173 R31否使用否R6否使用否R33否使用否R259否使用否R15否使用否R12否使用否R38 R43否使用否R265 R267否使用否R27 R29 R133 R135 R261否使用否R22 R34否使用否R5否使用否R254否使用否R45 R46 R49 R52 R53 R157 R253 R244 R245 R246 R248 R237 R274 R277 R212 R2否使用否R187否使用否R66 R79否使用否R30 R32 R188否使用否R57 R73 R112 R139 R159 R189 R276 R279否使用否R83 R87 R69 R192否使用否R37 R48 R91 R102 R103 R105 R106 R147 R149 R151 R152 R153 R233 R249 R252 R 否使用否R94 R95 R100 R104 R109 R110 R185 R234 R235 R268 R270 R292 R293 R294 R295 否使用否R81否使用否R55 R56 R62 R63 R64 R74 R75否使用否R82否使用否R93否使用否R184否使用否R146否使用否R128否使用否R238否使用否R148否使用否R78 R150否使用否R154 R236否使用否R36否使用否R96 R97否使用否R98否使用否R108 R111否使用否R67否使用否R71否使用否R54否使用否R141 R142 R143否使用否R72 R76 R77否使用否R186 R193否使用否R145否使用否R129否使用否R68 R80否使用否R144否使用否R250 R251否使用否R190 R191否使用否RA1 RA2 RA3 RA4 RA5 RA6C33 C34 C37 C38 C39 C42 C43 C44 C47 C48 C51 C52 C57 C58 C59 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C69 C74 CC97 C101 C106 C223 C224 C253 C254 C255 C256 C25740 C142 C143 C144 C145 C148 C149 C157 C167 C168 C170 C171 C172 C177 C179 C211 C222 C227 C228 C229 C232 C233 C236C98 C164 C165 C166 C173 C176 C180 EC18 EC20 C293 C299 C305 C309 C312 C244R247 R256 R260 R263 R287 R289 R29070 R171 R172 R173 R317 R274 R277 R212 R232 R255 R282 R283 F1 F2 R156 R284 R299 1 R152 R153 R233 R249 R252 R27168 R270 R292 R293 R294 R295 R296 R297C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 C86 C87 C88 C89 C91 C92 C94 C95 C96 C99 C100 C102 C103 C104 C105 CC229 C232 C233 C236 C237 C238 C239 C240 C241 C252 C311 C267 C316C105 C200 C201 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 C212 C213 C214 C215 C216 C217 C218 C219 C219 C220 C221 C243。




2. 范围适用于SPS研发部及相关部门对SPS电源及类似产品(家用/IT类/AV类等)的设计,检验及判定,并以此作为产品设计的依据,使产品在设计阶段就处于安全可靠的状态。

3.定义3.1. 额定参数,指公司依据产品的特性而制定的额定的电压,频率,功率,电流等参数或参数范围。

3.2. 绝缘等级,分为基本绝缘,附加绝缘,双重绝缘,加强绝缘,功能绝缘基本绝缘:依据本身的基本的电击防护措施的绝缘,只有一层介质的绝缘;附加绝缘:除基本绝缘以外的附加的独立的绝缘,基本绝缘外的另一层介质的绝缘;双重绝缘:由基本绝缘和附件绝缘构成的绝缘系统,从而达到防电击的要求,即含有两层介质的绝缘;加强绝缘:施加在带电零件上的单一绝缘体,其防护电击的要求相当于双重绝缘或以上的要求,它可能含有两层介质以上的绝缘,也可能是单一均质体。


3.3. 器具类别,分为0类,0I类,I类,II类,III类O类:器具整体至少具有基本绝缘﹐并带有一个接地端子﹐但其电源线不带接地导线,插头也无接地片。





3.4. 安全距离,分为爬电距离和电气间隙爬电距离:指两个导体间沿物体表面爬行的最小距离;电气间隙:指两个导体间空间直线的最小距离3.5 Class 2: 功率小于660W,输出电压不超过交流42.4VDC/60VAC,最大输出电流不超过5A,输出小于100VA3.6 限流电路:在正常工作或有单一的故障的情况下,其电路中是非危险的电流的电路3.7 一次电路,与交流电直接连接的并在变压器之前的电路二次电路,不与一次电路直接连接的电路,如变压器,电池等之后的电路3.8 功能接地:用于安全目的以外的接地,通常是电路原理需要的接地。



玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理。



Typical value
REJ03G1709-0100 Rev.1.00 Jul 03, 2008 Page 1 of 4
Electrical Characteristics
(Tj = 25°C)
Parameter Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Collector-emitter leakage current Gate-emitter leakage current Gate-emitter threshold voltage Collector-emitter saturation voltage Input capacitance Output capacitance Reverse transfer capacitance Turn-on delay time Rise time Turn-off delay time Fall time Symbol V(BR)CES ICES IGES VGE(th) VCE(sat) Ciss Coss Crss td(on) tr td(off) tf Min. 430 — — 3.0 — — — — — — — — Typ. — — — — 4.0 1150 125 14 0.01 0.06 0.15 0.2 Max. — 1 ±0.1 5.5 10 — — — — — — — Unit V µA µA V V pF pF pF µs µs µs µs Test conditions IC = 100 µA, VGE = 0 V VCE = 430 V, VGE = 0 V VGE = ±33 V, VCE = 0 V VCE = 10 V, IC = 1 mA IC = 200 A, VGE = 26 V VDS = 25 V VGS = 0 f = 1 MHz VDD = 200 V ID = 26 A VGS = 300 V RG = 25 Ω



长110mm(英制螺纹B1.375) 整体式衣架 头管有转向角限位片 15位车架号码位于头管 个 pcs
上(车架号前5位为:59532) 车架号高度大于4mm、深度大于0.2mm
金鹰专用 铁质
只 pcs
只 pcs
铁质 金鹰专用 14吋金鹰 配110鼓刹, 立管:φ25.4mm*280mm,开档110mm,
14吋 金鹰(新国标) ABS 含阻燃剂
只 pcs
14吋 金鹰(新国标) PP 黑色 含阻燃剂
只 pcs
14吋 金鹰(新国标) PP 黑色 含阻燃剂
只 pcs
14吋 金鹰(新国标) PP 黑色 含阻燃剂
只 pcs
14吋 金鹰(新国标) PP 黑色 含阻燃剂
只 pcs
只 pcs 左右勾爪全封闭式
左腿带鼓刹柱和穿线圈 腿管φ38mm 肩正前方有M6螺纹孔(装网篮支架) 黑 个 pcs
色 金鹰专用 铁质壁厚2.8 黑色
个 pcs
只 pcs
付 pair
52 53 54
56 57
59 60 61
63 64 65 66
后鼓刹 后坐垫 鞍座 鞍管 腾丰外胎 八件碗 中轴 链轮 左右曲柄 后减震 铝夹环 侧反射器 后反射器 前鼓刹线 后鼓刹线 前轮轴套 调链螺丝 前轮轴(单头) 一体式前轮(铁) 前灯连接线



YB4301 has all the protection functions and delay circuits. YB4301 is put into an The YB4301 series product is a high ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________REV0.5 One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection ICGENERAL DESCRIPTIONintegration solution for lithium-ion/polymer battery protection. XB4301 contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits ultra-small SOT23-5 package and only one external component makes it an ideal solution in limited space of battery pack.required in the battery application including overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent and load short circuiting protection etc. The accurate overcharging detection voltage ensures safe and full utilization charging. The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage.The device is not only targeted for digital cellular phones, but also for any other Li-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life.FEATURES· Protection of Battery Cell Reverse Connection· Integrate Advanced Power MOSFET with Equivalent of 54m Ω R DS(ON) · Ultra-small SOT23-5 Package · Only One External Capacitor Required· Over-temperature Protection · Overcharge Current Protection · Three-step Overcurrent Detection: -Overdischarge Current 1 -Overdischarge Current 2 -Load Short Circuiting· Charger Detection Function · 0V Battery Charging Function- Delay Times are generated inside · High-accuracy Voltage Detection · Low Current Consumption- Operation Mode: 2.8μA typ. - Power-down Mode: 0.1μA max. · RoHS Compliant and Lead (Pb) FreeAPPLICATIONS• One-Cell Lithium-ion Battery Pack • Lithium-Polymer Battery PackFigure 1. Typical Application CircuitYB4301 PIN YB4301A____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ORDERING INFORMATIONPART NUMBER Pack ageOvercharg e Detection Voltage [V CU ] (V) Overcharge ReleaseVoltage [V CL ] (V) Overdischarge Detection Voltage [V DL ] (V) Overdischarge Release Voltage [V DR ] (V) OvercurrentDetection Current [I OV1] (A) Top MarkSOT23-54.3004.102.403.02.54301AYW (note)Note: “YW” is manufacture date code, “Y” means the year, “W” means the weekPIN CONFIGURATIONSOT23-5Figure 2. PIN ConfigurationPIN DESCRIPTIONNUMBERPIN NAME PIN DESCRIPTION1 VCC Core circuit power supply2GNDGround, connect the negative terminal of the battery to this pin3 VDD Power Supply4,5 VMThe negative terminal of the battery pack. The internal FET switch connects this terminal to GNDABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Note: Do not exceed these limits to prevent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for long periods may affect device reliability.) PARAMETER VALUE UNITInput voltage between VCC and GND -0.3 to +6 V VDD input pin voltage -0.3 to VCC+0.3V VM input pin voltage-6 to 10 V Operating Ambient Temperature-40 to 85°C____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maximum Junction Temperature125 °C Storage Temperature-55 to 150 °CLead Temperature ( Soldering, 10 sec)300 °C Power Dissipation at T=25°C 0.4 WPackage Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) θJA250 °C/W Package Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case) θJC130 °C/WELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTypicals and limits appearing in normal type apply for T A=25o C, unless otherwise specifiedParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitDetection VoltageOvercharge Detection Voltage V CU4.25 4.30 4.35VOvercharge Release Voltage V CL 4.05 4.10 4.15VOverdischarge Detection Voltage V DL 2.3 2.40 2.5VOverdischarge Release Voltage V DR 2.9 3.0 3.1VCharger Detection Voltage V CHA-0.07-0.12 -0.2V Detection CurrentOverdischarge Current1 Detection IIOV1V DD=3.5V 1.75 2.5 3.25A Overdischarge Current2 Detection I IOV2V DD= 3.5V 46 9 A Load Short-CircuitingDetectionI SHORT V DD=3.5V 10 2030 A Current ConsumptionCurrent Consumption in Normal Operation I OPE V DD=3.5VVM =0V2.8 6 μACurrent Consumption in power Down I PDN V DD=2.0VVM pin floating0.1 μAVM Internal ResistanceInternal Resistance between VM and V DD R VMD V DD=3.5VVM=1.0V320kΩInternal Resistance between VM and GND R VMS V DD=2.0VVM=1.0V100kΩFET on ResistanceEquivalent FET on Resistance R DS(ON)V DD=3.6V I VM=1.0A54mΩOver Temperature ProtectionOver Temperature Protection T SHD+120o C____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________XySemi Inc - 4 -Over Temperature Recovery Degree T SHD-100Detection Delay TimeOvercharge Voltage Detection Delay Timet CU 0.17 0.25 0.4 SOverdischarge Voltage Detection Delay Timet DL28 40 52 mS Overdischarge Current 1 Detection Delay Timet IOV1 V DD =3.5V 5 8 11 mS Overdischarge Current 2 Detection Delay Timet IOV2 V DD =3.5V 123mSLoad Short-Circuiting Detection Delay Timet SHORTV DD =3.5V5 50 uSFigure 3. Functional Block DiagramFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe XB4301 monitors the voltage and current of a battery and protects it from being damaged due to overcharge voltage, overdischarge voltage, overdischarge current, and short circuit conditions by disconnecting the battery from the load or charger. These functions are required inorder to operate the battery cell within specified limits.The device requires only one external capacitor. The MOSFET is integrated and its R DS(ON) is as low as 54 m Ω typical. Normal operating modeIf no exception condition is detected, charging and discharging can be carriedbetween VM and VDD in YB4301.the YB4301 turns the FET on and changes ), the YB4301 returns to the GND pin voltage momentarily. The YB4301 discharging starts, the YB4301 turns the YB4301 turns the charging control FET on YB4301 turns the charging control FET off ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________XySemi Inc - 5 -out freely. This condition is called the normal operating mode.Overcharge ConditionWhen the battery voltage becomes higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU ) during charging under normal condition and the state continues for the overcharge detection delay time (t CU ) or longer, the to stop charging. This condition is called the overcharge condition. The overcharge condition is released in the following two cases:1, When the battery voltage drops below the overcharge release voltage (V CL ), the and returns to the normal condition. 2, When a load is connected andcharging control FET on and returns to the normal condition. The release mechanism is as follows: the discharging current flows through an internal parasitic diode of the charging FET immediately after a load is connected and discharging starts, and the VM pin voltage increases about 0.7 V (forward voltage of the diode) from thedetects this voltage and releases theovercharge condition. Consequently, in the case that the battery voltage is equal to or lower than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU normal condition immediately, but in the case the battery voltage is higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU ),the chip does not return to the normal condition until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU ) even if the load is connected. In addition, if the VM pin voltage is equal to or lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage when a load is connected and discharging starts,the chip does not return to the normal condition.Remark If the battery is charged to a voltage higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU ) and the battery voltage does not drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU ) even when a heavy load, which causes an overcurrent, isconnected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 do not work until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU ). Since an actual battery has, however, an internal impedance of several dozens of m Ω, and the battery voltage drops immediately after a heavy load which causes an overcurrent is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 work. Detection of load short-circuiting works regardless of the battery voltage.Overdischarge ConditionWhen the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage (V DL )during discharging under normal condition and it continues for the overdischarge detection delay time (t DL ) or longer, the XB4301 turns the discharging control FET off and stops discharging. This condition is called overdischarge condition. After the discharging control FET is turned off, the VM pin is pulled up by the R VMD resistor Meanwhile when VM is bigger than 1.5 V (typ.) (the load short-circuiting detection voltage), the current of the chip is reduced to the power-down current (I PDN ). This condition is called power-down condition. The VM and VDD pins are shorted by the R VMD resistor in the IC under theoverdischarge and power-down conditions. The power-down condition is released when a charger is connected and thepotential difference between VM and VDD becomes 1.3 V (typ.) or higher (load short-circuiting detection voltage). At this time, the FET is still off. When the battery voltage becomes the overdischargedetection voltage (V DL ) or higher (see note), to the normal condition from the overdischarge condition.load short- circuiting, the YB4301 stops ) or longer, the YB4301 turns detection delay time or longer, the YB4301 YB4301 consequently turns the charging ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________XySemi Inc - 6 -Remark If the VM pin voltage is no less than the charger detection voltage (V CHA ), when the battery under overdischarge condition is connected to a charger, the overdischarge condition is released (the discharging control FET is turned on) as usual, provided that the battery voltage reaches the overdischarge release voltage (V DU ) or higher.Overcurrent ConditionWhen the discharging current becomes equal to or higher than a specified value (the VM pin voltage is equal to or higher than the overcurrent detection voltage) during discharging under normal condition and the state continues for the overcurrent turns off the discharging control FET to stop discharging. This condition is called overcurrent condition. (The overcurrent includes overcurrent 1, overcurrent 2, or load short-circuiting.)The VM and GND pins are shorted internally by the R VMS resistor under the overcurrent condition. When a load is connected, the VM pin voltage equals the VDD voltage due to the load.The overcurrent condition returns to the normal condition when the load is released and the impedance between the B+ and B- pins becomes higher than the automatic recoverable impedance. When the load is removed, the VM pin goes back to the GND potential since the VM pin is shorted the GND pin with the R VMS resistor.Detecting that the VM pin potential is lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage (V IOV1), the IC returns to the normal condition.Abnormal Charge Current Detection If the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA ) during charging under the normal condition and it continues for the overcharge detectiondelay time (t CU the charging control FET off and stops charging. This action is called abnormalcharge current detection.Abnormal charge current detection works when the discharging control FET is on and the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA ). When an abnormal charge current flows into abattery in the overdischarge condition, the control FET off and stops charging after the battery voltage becomes theoverdischarge detection voltage and the overcharge detection delay time (t CU ) elapses.Abnormal charge current detection is released when the voltage difference between VM pin and GND pin becomes lower than the charger detection voltage (V CHA ) by separating the charger. Since the 0 V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function, abnormal chargecurrent may not be detected by the product with the 0 V battery charging function while the battery voltage is low.Load Short-circuiting conditionIf voltage of VM pin is equal or below short circuiting protection voltage (V SHORT ), the XB4301 will stop discharging and battery is disconnected from load. The maximum delay time to switch current off is t SHORT . This status is released when voltage of VM pin is higher than short protection voltage (V SHORT ), such as when disconnecting the load.Delay CircuitsThe detection delay time for overdischarge current 2 and load short-circuiting starts when overdischarge current 1 is detected. As soon as overdischarge current 2 or load short-circuiting is detected over detection delay time for overdischarge current 2 or discharging. When battery voltage fallsdetection voltage, the YB4301 shifts to to overdischarge current, the YB4301 stop ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________XySemi Inc - 7 - below overdischarge detection voltage due discharging by overdischarge currentdetection. In this case the recovery of battery voltage is so slow that if battery voltage after overdischarge voltage detection delay time is still lower than overdischargepower-down.Figure 4. Overcurrent delay time0V Battery Charging Function (1) (2) (3) This function enables the charging of a connected battery whose voltage is 0 V by self-discharge. When a charger having 0 V battery start charging charger voltage(V 0CHA ) or higher is connected between B+ and B- pins, the charging control FET gate is fixed to VDD potential. When the voltage between the gate and the source of the charging control FET becomes equal to or higher than the turn-on voltage by the charger voltage, the charging control FET is turned on to start charging. At this time, the discharging control FET is off and the charging current flows through the internal parasitic diode in the discharging control FET. If the battery voltage becomes equal to or higher than the overdischarge release voltage (V DU ), the normal condition returns.Note(1) Some battery providers do not recommendcharging of completely discharged batteries. Please refer to battery providers before the selection of 0 V battery charging function.(2) The 0V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function. Consequently, a product with the 0 V battery charging function charges a battery and abnormal charge current cannot be detected during the battery voltage is low (at most 1.8 V or lower). (3) When a battery is connected to the IC for the first time, the IC may not enter the normal condition in which discharging is possible. In this case, set the VM pin voltage equal to the GND voltage (short the VM and GND pins or connect a charger) to enter the normal condition.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________XySemi Inc - 8 -TIMING CHART1. Overcharge and overdischargedetectionV V CU -V V DL +V V DL ONONCHARGEV DDV ov1V SS V VMFigure5-1 Overcharge and Overdischarge Voltage Detection2. Overdischarge current detectionV CUV CU -V HC V DL +V DH V DLONDISCHARGEOFF V DDV V ov2V ov1V SS(1)(4)(1)(1)(1)(4)(4)Figure5-2 Overdischarge Current Detection____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________XySemi Inc - 9 -Remark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent condition3. Charger DetectionVV CU -V V DL +V V DLONV DD V SS V VMFigure5-3 Charger Detection4. Abnormal Charger DetectionVV CU -V V DL +V V DLONONCHARGEV DDV SS V VMFigure5-4 Abnormal Charger Detectionthis YB4301 that exceeds the performance power loss in YB4301 does not exceed th Fig 5 YB4301 in a Typical Battery Protection Circuit(Test based on YB4301A version, V ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________XySemi Inc - 10 -Remark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent conditionTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSBAT = 3.6V, T A = 25°C unless otherwise specified) Internal FET On-Resistance vs. Junction TemperaturePower Dissipation vs. Charging CurrentTYPICAL APPLICATIONAs shown in Figure 5, the bold line is the high density current path which must be kept as short as possible. For thermal management, ensure that these trace widths are adequate. C is a decoupling capacitor which should bePrecautions• Pay attention to the operating conditions for input/output voltage and load current so that the e power dissipation of the package.• Do not apply an electrostatic discharge to ratings of the built-in electrostatic protection circuit.YB4301A____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ XySemi Inc - 11 -REV0.5 PACKAGE OUTLINESOT23-5 PACKAGE OUTLINE AND DIMENSIONSDIMENSION IN MILIMETERS DIMENSION IN INCHES SYMB OL MIN MAX MIN MAX A 1.050 1.250 0.041 0.049A1 0.0000.100 0.000 0.004A2 1.050 1.150 0.041 0.045b 0.3000.400 0.012 0.016c 0.1000.200 0.004 0.008D 2.820 3.020 0.111 0.119E 1.500 1.700 0.059 0.067E1 2.650 2.950 0.104 0.116e 0.950 TYP 0.037 TYP e1 1.800 2.000 0.071 0.079L 0.700 REF 0.028 REF L1 0.3000.600 0.012 0.024θ 0° 8° 0° 8° 昱灿电子 。

An-530 BOM

An-530 BOM

1 1 通用
1 1/4个
压 铸 车 间 , 金 工 压铸,修整,喷沙 车间,喷涂车间 吴国民/周胜 南, 冲管 金工车间 大龙,喷涂车间 高涂
电源线 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 内配线 闭端子 上盘开关 下盘开关 合格证 防伪标志 底标 彩盒 提手 珍珠棉 泡沫 说明书 木勺 PE袋 外箱
规格:1200W/220V 备注
品名 胶木盖
材料规格 胶木粉
配套件数重量(g)加工单位(供应商) 506 注塑车间1 1 2 1 1 1 吕胜利 压铸车间,金工 车间,喷涂车间 注塑车间 注塑车间
椭 球 形 灯 罩 PC (红) 椭 球 形 灯 罩 PC (绿) 快速螺帽 外径Ø11.5,内5齿, 黑色 不锈钢面板 上烤盘组件 0.4不锈钢板430(拉丝) 铝压铸+冲电热管+涂 双层水性不粘涂层 ADC-12/不粘涂料
H05VV-F 3x0.75mm2 1.2m 3C插
万能/金涛 1 1 3 配线车间 万事达/宝克振 万事达/宝克振
1 1 1 1 1 1 1套 1 1套
胶木底中央,盖浇 口 贴底板,专用 方岩包装 正放在烤盘中间 金东泡沫
产品零部件明细表(BOM) 产品零部件明细表(BOM)
产品类别:30cm可摊开式电饼铛 序号
1 2 3 4 5 6 上烤盘 6.1 上烤盘毛坯 6.2 电热管 6.3 不粘涂料 6.4 下烤盘组件 7 7.1 7.2 电热管 7.3 不粘涂料 7.4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 螺丝 螺丝 螺丝 螺丝 螺丝 胶木底 底板 温控器 胶木粉 ABS黑色 升 明 190 ℃ 压 紧 固 定 片式 BTF 3x18 ZK BTP3X18Zn BTN4X10Zn BTF3X12ZK BTP3X6Zn 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 6 胶木盖+上烤盘 胶木盖+上烤盘 胶木底+下烤盘 胶木底+底板 地线2,温控器4 509 注塑车间 注塑车间 升明 共用6135A 600W/220V , 6.6 镀 铜,管针上翘 双层水性不粘涂料 下烤盘 下烤盘毛坯 1 1 514 铝压铸+冲电热管+涂 双层水性不粘涂层 ADC-12/不粘涂料 铝加工部 1 1 铝加工部 压 铸 车 间 , 金 工 压铸,修整,喷沙 车间,喷涂车间 吴国民/周胜 南, 冲管 金工车间 大龙,喷涂车间 高涂 600W/220V , 6.6 镀 铜,管针上翘 双层水性不粘涂料 1 1 529


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技术支持由 DM430-L 型系统板开发商欣创(欣世纪)电子科技全权负责。 官方网站: 公司地址:浙江宁波江北区环城北路东段 134 号科技创业中心 C504 室 服务时间:周一~周五 8:30~18:00 联系电话:0574-87470625 技术支持邮箱:support@ 产品询问邮箱:product@ 技术服务 QQ:1072969215 备注:2014 年 3 月起,技术服务主要平台为官网论坛交流平台,登陆官网 进入即可
DM430-L 型单片机最小系统板 使用手册 V3.0
宁波欣创(欣世纪)电子科技 官网&在线服务支持: 电话:0574-87470625 QQ1:624156969 QQ2:1072969215 地址:浙江宁波江北区环城北路东段 134 号科技创业中心 C504 室
欣世纪电子科技 DM430-L 型单片机系统板使用手册 V3.0
欣世纪电子科技 DM430-L 型单片机系统板使用手册 V3.0 一、硬件连接及驱动.......................................................................................................... 40 二、SF_BSL430 软件下程序下载........................................................................................42 三、MSPFET 软件下载设置................................................................................................ 44 使用仿真器时注意事项.......................................................................................................... 47



电机初始物料构成表产品名称:单位:文件编号:总重: 1.5kg 采购更新时间:组件名称序号名称图号规格材质单位用量(净重)评估价格总价格(含税17%)模具(万元)单价(含税17%)总价(含税17%)模具费(万元,含税)供应商备注单价总价/元转子组件1转子铁芯2转轴3磁钢4胶水5滚动轴承6平衡胶8轴用弹性挡圈定子组件9漆包线10定子铁芯11绝缘槽楔12绕组引线地线13接线端子14绕组引线相线15接线端子16热缩套管前端盖组件17地线引出线18十字槽盘头螺栓19螺母螺母厚度为3.2-3.6之间20螺栓用弹簧垫圈21螺栓用弹簧垫圈22外锯齿锁紧垫圈地线接头23螺栓用平垫圈地线接头24十字槽盘头螺钉地线接头25螺母地线接头用26前端盖27波形垫圈后端28盖组件后端盖29红钢纸调整垫片控制器组件30控制器板装配31标签包装32纸箱托板合计。

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批准:Biblioteka 审核:制表:肖政文
深圳市乐川科技有限公司 BOM表
national 备注 8X8mm 线粗0.5mm 红宝石ML系列 8X9mm 红宝石YXF系列6.3X11mm VPC板插 VPDC板插
注:外壳用FS-4301VP.材料请用防火料.上盖右上边的固定脚要去掉(盖好网口朝上右上角那个长柱子 说明:FS-4301VPC/VPDC PCB为共用板,只有R6,R7,线材不一样. FS-4301VPC: R6,R7贴上为VPC,线材用4301VP线材4P. FS-4301VPDC:R6,R7不贴为VPDC,线材用4301VPD线材6P.
深圳市乐川科技有限公司 BOM表
产品名称:FS-4301VPC/VPDC 以下为贴片料 序号 物料名 物料描述 1 PCB FS-4301VPC/VPDC 25X50mm 2 贴片电阻0603 25v-0R±5% 3 贴片电阻0603 25v-4.7K±5% 4 贴片电阻0805 25v-0Ω±5% 5 贴片电阻0805 25v-5.1K±5% 6 贴片二极管 M7 7 贴片二极管 SS36 8 贴片TVS管 A08A L8 9 陶瓷贴片电容0805 25V0.1uF X7R 10 陶瓷贴片电容1206 100V0.1uF X7R 11 陶瓷贴片电容1210 50V3.3uF X7R/X5R 12 陶瓷贴片电容1210 16V22uF X7R/X5R 13 IC LM2596-12 以下为插件料 序号 物料名 物料描述 1 工字电感 47uH/1A 2 扼流圈 100mH 3 电解电容 330uF16V 4 电解电容 33uF63V 5 RJ45无屏蔽 4301VP线材4P 6 只插其中一项 4301VPD线材6P 数量 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 数量 1 1 1 1 1 1 位置 R6,R7 R3,R5 R2 R1,R4 D3 D2 D1 C7 D4 C5,C6 C4 U1 位置 L1 L2 C3 C10 JP2 JP4