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酿酒科技 2019 年第 6 期(总第 300 期)·LIQUOR-MAKING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2019 No.6(Tol.300)

基于 SSH2 框架的葡萄酒文化旅游 信息管理系统的设计与实现
尹 倩 1,宋玉娥 2,窦龙祺 1,李明健 1,隋好林 1,王承国 1
(1. Yantai Research Institute, China Agricultural University, Yantai, Shandong 264670; 2. School of Electric and Information Engineering, Beijing Polytechnic College, Beijing 100042, China)
Design and Implementation of Wine Culture Tourism Information Management System Based on SSH2 Frame
YIN Qian1, SONG Yu’e2, DOU Longqi1, LI Mingjian1, SUI Haolin1 and WANG Chengguo1
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(18YJCZH218);烟台市哲学社会科学规划研究项目(YTSK2019-Z-33);中国农业大学URP项目 (U20183049);山东省烟台农业学校校级课程建设项目 (201806Kb)。
收稿日期:2019-01-10 作者简介:尹倩(1997-),女,山东莱芜人,本科,研究方向:农业信息化技术与公共事业管理。 通讯作者:王承国,男,讲师,E-mail:wangcg@;隋好林,男,副教授,E-mail:lizz1970@。 优先数字出版时间:2019-03-20;地址:/kcms/detail/52.1051.ts.20190320.1457.012.html。
(1.中国农业大学烟台研究院/山东省烟台农业学校,山东 烟台 264670; 2.北京工业职业技术学院电气与信息工程学院,北京 100042)
摘 要: 随着经济的迅速发展,人们对文化的消费趋势大大增长,尤其是以旅游为代表的文化产品消费 需求增多,而作为占据中国市场半壁江山的葡萄酒引发的葡萄酒文化也受到大众广泛关注,葡萄酒文化 旅游应运而生。目前,烟台张裕葡萄酒率先形成了以酒庄为主体的旅游路线,但该旅游产业尚不成熟,存 在极大的发展空间,更无专业的葡萄酒文化旅游系统宣传葡萄酒文化旅游产业,帮助对葡萄酒文化旅游 有浓厚兴趣的消费者提供参考。通过市场调研和需求分析,针对特定的群体和市场,基于 SSH2 框架以 Java 为开发语言,以 MySQL 作为系统数据库,设计开发了葡萄酒文化旅游信息管理系统,为用户提供葡 萄酒文化旅游的实时资讯信息、景点介绍、路线推荐以及葡萄酒文化旅游产品消费等功能服务。系统实 现了对葡萄酒文化旅游的宣传和营销,有利于推动葡萄酒文化旅游产业的发展,为消费者提供便捷服务。 关键词: SSH2 框架; 葡萄酒文化旅游; 信息管理系统; Java; MySQL 中图分类号:TP311;TS262.6;F59;TS971 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-9286(2019)06-0120-05
Abstract: With the rapid development of economy, cultural consumption, especially culture-oriented tourism enters a new growth cycle. Grape wine culture, as an important component of wine culture in China, its derived tour has triggered a wave of peoples’interest. At present, Changyu Winery has developed several chateau-based tour routes. However, those routes are still at primary stage and have great development potentials. Through market survey and demand analysis, based on SSH2 frame with Java as development language and MySQL as system database, wine culture tourism information management system has been developed for targeted tourists who are interested in grape wine culture. Such system is able to provide users with real-time tour information, scenic spot introduction, route & souvenir recommendations and other functional services. The system has successfully implemented the publicity and the marketing of wine culture-oriented tourism, and it is helpful for promoting wine culture-oriented tourism industry and could provide convenient services for tourists. Key words: SSH2 frame; wine culture-oriented tourism; information management system; Java; MySQL