A Contrastive Study of the "Subject" in English and Chinese


L13 Personal vs. Impersonal

L13 Personal vs. Impersonal

• 4. Physical feelings
• Astonishment deprived me of my power of speech. • 我惊讶得说不出话来。 • My conscience told me that I deserved no extraordinary politeness. • 凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我却受之有愧。
• 我从来都没有想到她这么不老实 。 • It never occurred to me that she was so dishonest . • 五色令人目盲;五音令人耳聋;五味令人 口爽。(《道德经》第十二章by Arthur Waley ) • The five colours confuse the eye, the five sounds dull the ear, the five tastes spoil the palate.
• 5. specific behaviors / actions
• His name escapes me for the moment. • His words sent a quiver through my body. • My patience ran out quickly and my ears began to complain. • 我一时想不起他的名字。 • 听了他的话,我不禁打了个寒噤 。 • 我很快失去了耐性,也听不进去了。
• 1. 他开始感到万分惊恐。 • 2. 黑暗中他不再控制自己(的情绪)了。 • 3. 每天抽一包香烟的妇女早产的几率是不 抽烟妇女的两倍。 • 4. 尽管他俩年龄相差甚远,但他们 “一见 钟情” 是显而易见的。 /很快亲密起来。 • 5. 爸爸讲故事的时候常常用“猜猜看”这 个词。

A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English

A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English

Learning English Is Fun
3.汉语注重音节均匀,成双成对:对偶 排比 反复 叠音 汉语注重音节均匀,成双成对 对偶 排比,反复 对偶,排比 反复,叠音 汉语注重音节均匀
行行过太行, 行行过太行, On and on past Taihang we walk By and by to Yanan we make our way Again and again with old friends we talk, One by one we count our hairs grey.
人到事中迷,就怕没人提. 人到事中迷,就怕没人提.
When a man is lost in a labyrinth, what he needs badly is a hint. There is no difference but difference of degrees between different degrees of difference and no difference.
人生来平等。 人生来平等。
All men are created equal.
做人难,做女人难,做名女人更难。 做人难,做女人难,做名女人更难。
It is difficult for everyone to live in this world, esp. a famous woman.
请你画一个大树,树根、树干、树枝、树丫、树叶都必须画全。 请你画一个大树,树根、树干、树枝、树丫、树叶都必须画全。
1. 英语有形态变化,汉语没有严格意义的形态变化 英语有形态变化 汉语没有严格意义的形态变化. 汉语没有严格意义的形态变化
English : gender, number, case, tense, voice, mood, degree of comparison, person and parts of speech.



• 汉语:主题显著的语言 (topic-prominent language), 采用主题-述题(topic-comment)的 句式 “话语 ---说明结构” 汉语句子建立 在意念主轴 (thought-pivot)上。 • 英语:主语显著的语言 (subject-prominent language), 几乎都采用主语-谓语(subjectpredicate) 的句式 “主语 --- 谓语结构” 英语句子建立在形式(或主谓)主轴(formpivot)上。
• 你真幸运,能有一个和睦的家庭。 • 你家庭和睦,真有福气。
Contrast Between English and Chinese
Meaning-focused with emphasis on implicit coherence (隐性连贯) Paratactic
Generally, the major syntactic differences between English and Chinese can be summarized as the following: • • • • • 1. Topic-prominent vs. Subject-prominent 2. Paratactic vs. Hypotactic 3. Left-branching vs. Right-branching 4. Top-heavy vs. End-weight 5. relatively fixed order vs. flexible order
① SV: The bell rang. / 铃响了。
② SVC: He is a teacher. / 他是老师。 You look young. / 你看上去很年轻。 ③ SVO: He dug a hole. / 他挖了个洞。 ④ SVoO: He gave me a pen. / 他给了我 支笔。 ⑤ SVOC: She wished her son safe and sound. / 她希望儿子平平安安的。


例如: (1)热得我满身大汗。 译文:The heat makes me sweat.(将原文的动词
巧妙地转换为译句的主语) (2)袭人道:“一百年还记着呢!比不得你,拿着
译文:I’ll remember if I live to be a hundred!”said Aroma. “I’m not like you, letting what I say go in at one ear and out at the other forgetting what’s said at night by the next morning.”(根据上下 文语境确定省略的主语)
Lecture Five
A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English 英汉思维、语言及文化对比
●The similarities between the two languages provide a possibility and basis for the translation between them. 1. Vocabulary
is a continuous body of PHYSICAL space) • 汉语是一种心理时间流(Chinese is a flow of
MENTAL time)
Major differences
1)English: parataxis; Chinese: hypotaxis (英语重形合,汉语重意合)
1.1 Similar categorization/division of parts of speech Noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, adverb and numeral exist in both languages.






A Contrastive Study of the “Subject” in English and Chinese

A Contrastive Study of the “Subject” in English and Chinese

A Contrastive Study of the “Subject” in English and ChineseAbstract: Because of the differences in language, culture and mode of thinking between East and West there exist dissimilarities in the use of the subject of a sentence between English and Chinese. The essay tries to explore respectively the different characteristics and uses of the subject between the two languages which include some differences both in morphology and syntax.Key words: Subject;translate;mode of thinking;difference1 IntroductionWithout doubt, a sentence is always a unit for people to express something and we usually translate an article sentence by sentence. The subject and the predicate are the main parts of a sentence. When we translate a sentence, the first and also most important thing we should do is to determine the subject of the sentence, then to determine the predicate and other elements of the sentence. However, because of the differences in language, culture and mode of thinking between east and west, there exist dissimilarities too in the use of the subject between the two languages, so it is necessary for us to compare the “Subject” in English and Chinese.2 The Definition of “Subject”According to Longman Lexi con of Contemporary English, the subject “ is a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that comes before a main verb and represents the person or thing that performs the action of the verb or about which something is stated.” (Tom. McArthur: 1991) The Dictionary Co ntemporary Chinese Dictionary compiled by Wang Tong Yi, gives a definition about “subject”: “The subject as an object of a statement, occurs before the predicate in subject-predicate phrases to answer questions like ‘who’or ‘what’.”(Wang TongYi: 2001)3 A contrastive Study of the “Subject” in English and Chinese3.1SimilaritiesOn the whole, the relations between the subject and the predicate of a Chinese sentence and an English one are much the same in semantic types. The subject of a Chinese sentence, and that of the English one can be divided into three types:The Agentive subject :the initiator of some action, capable of acting with volition.e.g. We offered the young man a reward.我们给小伙子一笔奖金。

第11讲 Substitutive vs Repetitive

第11讲 Substitutive vs Repetitive


海明威 美国小说家。1954年度诺贝尔文学奖 获得者。生于乡村医生家庭,从小喜欢钓鱼、打 猎、音乐和绘画,曾作为红十字会车队司机参加 第一次世界大战,以后长期担任驻欧记者,并曾 以记者身份参加第二次世界大战和西班牙内战。 晚年患多种疾病,精神十分抑郁,经多次医疗无 效,终用猎枪自杀。 (P102)

Electrical charges of a similar kind repel each other and those that are dissimilar attract. 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。

我们提倡和平共处五项原则,这项原则目前在世界 上越来越得人心了。 We have advocated the principle of peaceful coexistence, which is now growing more and more popular in the world.
3. Translation Strategies for Repetition

1.1 English: avoiding repetition

Never use the same word or write the same thing twice in a sentence unless you are repeating intentionally for emphasis or for clarity. Repetition is more or less abnormal.

1. Contrastive Study

English: Substitution, Ellipsis and Variation Chinese: Reduplication and Repetition

L2 contrastive study of E&C

L2 contrastive study of E&C
完全相等 • Eg. The U.S. State Department 美国国务院 • Computational linguistics 计算机语言学 • The Pacific Ocean 太平洋 • Tuberculosis 结核病 部分对应 Marry, gun, sister, morning 无忧PPT整理发布
Cut wheat Collocations • Cut cake • Cut fingernails • ―割,切,剪或修‖----CUT He wore dark glasses, and thick jersey, and stopped up his ear with cotton wool. Some Americans pop across the border simply to fuel up on(加油水) flavorful Mexican food and beer. But his attack was always repulsed(击退) by a kick 无忧PPT整理发布 or a blow from a stick.
– – – – – – 四字格词组 He got up in crisis of feeble infatuation. 清晨起床,内心惶恐,浑身无力,都是为情所困. 词语形态变化 Flowers bloom all over the yard. He was as poor as we are.
I admire his learning, but I despise his character. His learning I admire, but his character I despise. (主题意义不同) Translation: 我佩服他的学识,但鄙视他的人格。 他的学识,我佩服;但他的人格,我鄙视。

2.4 Sample titles

2.4 Sample titles

2.4 Sample Titles
1. A contrastive study of English and Chinese compliment responses 2. Advanced level English language learning in China: the relationship of modifiable learner variables to learning outcomes 3. A process-oriented cognitive account of L1 processinfluence on L2 writing in the Chinese context 4. An investigation into the internal structure of EFL motivation at the tertiary level in China 5. A study of second-year English majors’ pragmatic secondmajors’ competence
2.5 Sample Titles
21. A cultural interpretation of the images of needles and threads in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne’ 22. The demonstration of modernist spirit: the art of characterization in Ulysses 23. On the narrative strategy and the construction of the implied author in Lolita 24. Interpretation on semiological significance of Elizabeth Jolley’ Jolley’s personality 25. “May I compare thee to a spring’s sun?” – spring’ sun?” Reinterpreting William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 Shakespeare’

A Contrastive Study of Lexical Motivation of Chinese and English

A Contrastive Study of Lexical Motivation of Chinese and English

A Contrastive Study of Lexical Motivation of Chinese and English作者:GUO Yi[a],*, TENG Jinghua[b]来源:《Studies in Literature and Language》2013年第05期[a]School of Foreign Languages, Qufu Normal University, China.[b]Affiliated Secondary School, Qufu Normal University, China.* Corresponding author.Received 12 July 2013; accepted 9 October 2013AbstractThe study of motivation has attracted growing attention from linguists; on the other hand,there still exist such questions as incorrect understanding of the relationship between motivation and arbitrariness and the absence of a unified criterion for classifying motivation. This paper will propose a sound classification and conduct a contrastive study of the lexical motivation of Chinese and English.Key words: Lexical motivation; Arbitrariness; ClassificationGUO Yi, TENG Jinghua (2013). A Contrastive Study of Lexical Motivation of Chinese and English. Studies in Literature and Language, 7(2), -0. Available from: http:///index.php/sll/article/view/j.sll.1923156320130702.2793DOI: http:///10.3968/j.sll.1923156320130702.2793INTRODUCTIONMotivation is ―the reason why a word has certain sense(s)‖ (Yan Xuequn, 1979). To be specific, motivation denotes (a) the association between the signifier and the signified;(b)the phonetic and/or semantic connection between existing linguistic symbols and newly coined symbols; and (c) the semantic connection between a linguistic symbol as a whole and its components.The study on motivation is of great significance in modern linguistics, as a result of the fact that ―Motivating links that make sense of the association between form and meaning units and between lexical senses, therefore,form an integral part of human lexicons‖ (Swanepoel, 1992). The study on linguistic motivation can shed new light on the lexical system, reveal the law ofdevelopment of language—the development of semantics, in particular, and can meet the needs in language teaching and dictionary compilation.The study of motivation has attracted great attention from linguists, with their depth of study growing at the same time. The English linguist Ullmann is among the earliest researchers interested in lexical motivation. He classified lexical motivation into three types, namely, phonetic motivation, morphological motivation and semantic motivation. Moreover, through elaborate contrast between German, English and French, Ullmann concluded that German has the greatest lexical motivation, followed by English, and French is the least motivated language of the three. Zhang Zhiyi (1990) probed into the history and methodology of motivation study, dividing motivations into three types: natural motivation, conventional motivation, and combination of natural and conventional motivation. Swanepoel (1992) studied the application of motivation to dictionary compilation. Li Dong (1996) conducted a contrastive study between Chinese and English, concluding that Chinese has higher motivation than English and the study of Chinese lexical motivation will facilitate Chinese teaching. Wang Ailu and Si Fuzhen (2001 & 2002) made even greater contribution to the study of Chinese motivation by delving into the forms, classification and characteristics of Chinese motivation. Their study also serves as an indispensible reference to such fields of study as lexicology and semantics.Despite the progress, many problems still exist in the study of lexical motivation. For instance, some scholars tend to deny the existence of motivation on the basis of the arbitrariness of language; a unified classification of motivation is yet to be established. This thesis is an attempt to solve the problems on the basis of the previous studies.1. ARBITRARINESS VS. MOTIVATIONOne important feature of language upheld by modern linguists is the arbitrariness of linguist symbols, i.e., there is no absolute relationship between the form and meaning of linguistic symbols, and the association between the two is a matter of convention. This principle can be best illustrated with the following two facts: a. The same thing is given different names in different languages; b. Even in the same language the relationship between the signifier and the signified is by no means simplistic one-to-one correspondence: a word can have more than one meaning (such as a mouse that signifies either a pest or an input device of a computer) or the same signifier can have two or more names (a pair of glasses is the same as a pair of spectacles). Some would prove the arbitrariness of linguistic symbols by quoting Shakespeare‘s famous line ―A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.‖However, when it comes to individual words, some connection does exist between the form and meaning. Ullmann (1962, p.221) suggested that the existence in all languages of two types of words (namely transparent words and opaque words)―is in all probability a semantic universal.‖ Here by transparent words are meant those words which have an intrinsic relationship between theform and sense. On the other hand opaque words are those whose meanings are arbitrarily fixed by social convention. One more fact has influenced our knowledge of motivation: the origin of some words which were formerly transparent has become untraceable with the development of language,so these words have become opaque words, such as the English neo-classical compounds.There have existed two camps among linguists on the arbitrariness versus motivation debate:one group of linguists, represented by Meillet, Sapir, Bloomfield and Chomsky, denied motivation on the basis of arbitrariness; the other group rejected arbitrariness on the basis of motivation, with Givón and Lakoff as representatives. But in fact, it is incorrect to assume that arbitrariness and motivation are incompatible with each other. The first group of linguists have neglected the fact that arbitrariness is not absolute, and the arbitrary choices can only be made within the scope prescribed by motivation; the second group, on the other hand, have ignored the abstractness and generality of language (Wang Dechun, 2001).Although Saussure raised the notion of arbitrariness in his Course in General Linguistics, he also noted that ―Not all signs are absolutely arbitrary. In some cases, there are factors which allow us to recognise different degrees of arbitrariness, although never to discard the notion entirely. The sign may be motivated to a certain extent‖ (2001, p.130). Interestingly, Humboldt, who was regarded as a motivation advocate,noted that ―in the influence exerted on him lies the regularity of language and its forms; in his own reaction,a principle of freedom‖ (1999, p.64). Also, he remarked this freedom has its own bounds. The two linguists, though holding strikingly different views, both took the opposite side into consideration. Therefore, it may be concluded that arbitrariness and motivation are not opposed to and exclusive of each other; they are interdependent on each other and constitute a dialectical unity.2. CLASSIFICATION OF LEXICAL MOTIVATIONZhang Zhiyi (1990) divided lexical motivation into three type: natural motivation,conventional motivation and combination of natural and conventional motivation. This classification sheds much light on future studies on motivation but it fails to take into account the features of specific languages.Xu Guanglie (1994) divided motivation into seven types on the basis of his investigation of Chinese words. This classification is more elaborate but as it focuses mainly on Chinese, it neglects morphological motivation.Wang Ailu and Si Fuzhen divided Chinese lexical motivation into three types: phonetic-semantic motivation, sentence group motivation and cultural motivation. Among them, the first two belong to word-internal motivations while cultural motivation is word-external motivation. Moreover, they also made comprehensive classifications of Chinese compound words.This paper will adopt a multi-tier classification. Lexical motivation can first be divided into word-internal and word-external motivations. Word-internal motivation can be further divided into 1) phonetic motivation, 2) morphological motivation, 3) semantic motivation and 4) graphic motivation which is unique to ideographic language. Word-external motivation refers chiefly to cultural motivation.2.1 Phonetic MotivationPhonetic motivation is the connection between the sound and meaning of a word; it enables comprehension of a word‘s meaning through observation of its phonetic form. Phonetic motivation falls into two sub-categories: primary onomatopoeia and secondary onomatopoeia.Primary onomatopoeia is the direct imitation of an acoustic experience associated with a particular object. Both Chinese and English contain certain amount of such words. For example, the English words cuckoo, meow, bow-bow are imitations of the sounds uttered by the cuckoo, the cat and the dog; similarly, in Chinese there are 咕咕(gugu),喵喵(miaomiao),汪汪(wangwang), corresponding to the three English onomatopoeias. Besides, there is another type of onomatopoeia, often termed as secondary onomatopoeia, which may cause association with a phoneme or a cluster of phonemes in the word. For instance, the initial cluster sl- is indicative of the condition that Bloomfield (1933, p.245)called ―smoothly wet‖, such as in slide, slippery,slimy, sluice, sludge; the cluster –ump suggests ―heaviness‖ and ―clumsiness‖, cf. bump,dump, thump, plump. Secondary onomatopoeias in Chinese are mostly inherited from ancient Chinese and they are mainly used in the writing, such as 潺潺(chanchan, gurgling of water),瑟瑟(sese, rustling of leaves), and 琅琅(langlang, tinkling of jade or metal).Onomatopoeia in the two languages can be compared in terms of formation, usage and fidelity.A. FormationIn both languages there are monosyllabic, disyllabic, trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic onomatopoeias, among which the disyllabic making up the largest percentage, followed by the monosyllabic. Despite these similarities, the two languages differ from each other in many other aspects of the formation of primary onomatopoeias. Note the following examples:Monosyllabic: bang, splash, sough, toot, whiz;砰,哗,飕,咚, etc.Disyllabic: rustle, gurgle, gobble, clatter;唰唰,哗哗,咯咯,吧嗒,噼啪, etc.Trisyllabic: pit-a-pat, yo-heave-ho;哗啦啦,轰隆隆, etc.Quadrisyllabic: pitter-patter, jingle-jangle;唧唧喳喳,吱吱嘎嘎,噼里啪啦, etc.From the examples, we may notice that some Chinese disyllabic onomatopoeic terms are formed by repeating a syllable (be the syllable an onomatopoeia itself or merely a syllable),while some trisyllabic by repeating the latter syllable of a disyllabic term, and some quadrisyllabic by repeating both syllables of a disyllabic respectively. Likewise, in English there are also onomatopoeias formed through repetition of certain syllable(s), normally with slight modification to the vowel sound. For instance, tick-tack, pitter-patter, pit-a-pat, flip-flap-flop, etc.B. UsageApart from the differences in formation, Chinese and English onomatopoeic terms are often used in different manners. Chinese primary onomatopoeias are mostly used as adverbials, either independently or in conjunction with ―……的一声‖, as in:溪水哗哗地流。

30_A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese-2【荐】

30_A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese-2【荐】

汉语[ ]的发音部位和发音方法与英语的都不相
· zebra
· 英语[ ]、[ ]和汉语[ ]、[ ] · [ 、 ]是齿间擦音,发音时舌尖贴近上齿边缘,
也可以将舌尖置于上下齿之间,舌的两侧贴近上 排两边的牙齿,气流从舌尖与上齿间窄缝泄出, 摩擦成音。汉语中无类似音。不少中国学生倾向 于用齿(舌尖)擦音[ ]和齿(舌尖)塞擦音[ 代替。 · thing —— sing thin —— sin · this that these those
· 三、各自语言中特有的词汇,即词汇缺项。 在不同民族的文化中,词汇缺项的现象十分普遍, 在外语学习、翻译中常遇到这类词。
· 客气 vs. polite · 阴阳 · 五行 · hippie, yuppie
· 英汉两种语言有着不同的语音、词汇和语 法系统。语音和词汇都是外在的东西,区 别起来相对容易,而语法系统是内在的规 律,区别起来又一定的难度。但是,英语 之所以是英语,汉语之所以是汉语,起本 质区别作用的因素还是它们各自的语法系 统。因此,在语言学习,尤其是外语学习 中,了解这种语言的语法系统,并将其与 母语的语法系统进行比较是非常,可以讲是一
意合关系(Paratactic Relation)和 形合关系(Hypotactic Relation)
· a1. 男女老少都参加了战斗。
· a2. Men and women, old and young, all join
in the battle.



A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English (IV)Outline1. Integrity vs Individuality2. Covertness vs. Overtness3. The Subjective vs. the Objective4. Figurative Thinking vs. Logical Thinking一举两得一箭双雕一举两得/ To kill two birds with one stone (英语英语) 英语Beide Fliegen mit einer Klappe zu schlagen (一个一个拍子打两只苍蝇)(德语) 拍子打两只苍蝇(德语) Faire d'une pierre deux coups (一块石头打两处一块石头打两处) 一块石头打两处法语) (法语) 俄语:一枪打死两只兔子俄语: 思维具有共性和个性:用一种工具达到两个目的; 思维具有共性和个性:用一种工具达到两个目的; 思维方式和形象不一样. 思维方式和形象不一样."说到曹操,曹操就到"说到曹操,曹操就到"talk of the devil, and he's sure to appear / speak of angels, and you will hear their wings work like a horse ( 英国用马耕地英国用马耕地)"像老黄牛一样干活"(中国用牛耕地) 像老黄牛一样干活"中国用牛耕地) 像老黄牛一样干活1. Integrity vs. Individuality The thinking mode of the East tends to lay emphasis on integrity, that is, a unity between the God's way and human affairs(天人合一,the subjective and the 天人合一), 天人合一objective while that of the West gives prominence to the individual, that is, being self-centered and eccentric.1. 我身体健康. 我身体健康. I am in good health.2. 我们各方面的工作都取得了很大的胜利. 我们各方面的工作都取得了很大的胜利. We have won great victories in all fields of our work.3. 等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春. 等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春. ——朱熹春日朱熹I glance at the visage of vernal breeze, and I know, A thousand flowers of purple and red set spring aglow. (cf. The panorama of flowers makes me feel everywhere is spring. / Flowers of all sorts are blooming in a riot of colour.)4. 水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇. 水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇. 若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜. 若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜. ——苏轼《饮湖上初晴后雨》苏轼饮湖上初晴后雨》So charming are the shimmering waves in sunshine beams,/ And wonderous too the hazy hills in the rainy gleams. / If we compare the West Lake to the Maiden fair, / Equally fit for her will either light painting or rich wear.5. 发展要有新思路,改革要有新突破, 发展要有新思路,改革要有新突破, 开放要有新局面,各项工作要有新举措. 开放要有新局面,各项工作要有新举措. We should // It is imperative for us to // come up with new ideas for development, make new break-throughs in reform, break new ground in opening up and take new moves in all fields of endeavour.中国人重综合(重普遍联系和整体观), 中国人重综合(重普遍联系和整体观), 思维模式为:了悟(重意合),阴阳( ),阴阳思维模式为:了悟(重意合),阴阳(讲求对偶,平衡),天人合一( ),天人合一求对偶,平衡),天人合一(重整体思维).(1)"了悟"与意合) 了悟"When it came out in a newspaper interview that I said Nixon should resign, that he was a crook, oh dear, that fur flew. ("American Dream"Studs Terkel) 在一次记者采访时我说了尼克松应该辞职, 我说了尼克松应该辞职, 他是坏蛋的话.这一谈话在报纸上一批露, 他是坏蛋的话.这一谈话在报纸上一批露, 啊呀不得了啦,立刻就翻了天. 啊呀不得了啦,立刻就翻了天.(2)"天人合一"与整体思维) 天人合一""万物与我为一",这种主客观统一的万物与我为一"万物与我为一认识反映在语言心理上就是施事主体可以蕴含在行为事件的主观表现中, 含在行为事件的主观表现中,因此汉语不把主语看成必需成分.而英语强调"主语看成必需成分.而英语强调"物我两分".如诗歌中,没有主语,人景交融,情景映衬,主体与客体融为如诗歌中,没有主语,人景交融,情景映衬, 一体,施事主体蕴含在行为思想中,达到了"天人合一"一体,施事主体蕴含在行为思想中,达到了"天人合一"的境如李白的《静夜思》界,如李白的《静夜思》. 床前明月光,疑是地上霜. 床前明月光,疑是地上霜. 举头望明月,低头思故乡. 举头望明月,低头思故乡. 译文: 译文1: I decry bright moonlight in front of my bed. I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. I watch the bright moon, as I tile back my head. I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more. (徐忠杰) 徐忠杰) 句子结构:主谓两分句子结构: 译文: 译文2: A splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoarfrost? I raise my eyes to the moon, the same moon. As scenes long past come to mind, my eyes fall again on the splash of white, and my heart aches for home. (翁显良翁显良) 翁显良"天人合一"与主体意识天人合一"天人合一董事长凭他丰富的经验一眼就看出问题的所在. (a) The president at once found out by his rich experience what is wrong with the matter.(主体主体) 主体(b) The rich experience of the President told him at once what is wrong with the matter. (客体客体) 客体阴阳与对偶, 阴阳与对偶,平行说好的说好,说坏的说坏,莫衷一是. 说好的说好,说坏的说坏,莫衷一是. Some people say"good"and others"bad", I don't know who is right.会嫁的嫁儿郎,不会嫁的嫁田庄. 会嫁的嫁儿郎,不会嫁的嫁田庄. A wise woman marries a good man ,while a stupid just property.2. Covertness vs OvertnessIndirectness vs Directness; Implicity vs Explicity The Westerners tend to be explicit in their way of thinking and speaking and like to take their positions or express their opinions first and give descriptions or come up with thefacts next while we Chinese do the other way round.1. 接到你们的贺函,我十分高兴. 接到你们的贺函,我十分高兴. I am very happy to have received your message of greetings.2. 现在有机会互相介绍彼此对各种问题的观对此,双方认为是有益的. 点,对此,双方认为是有益的. The two sides found it beneficial to have this opportunity to present to one another their views on a variety of issues.3. The Subjective vs the ObjectiveThe Westerners attach importance to the objective world and their thinking way directs towards the outside while we Chinese, bound by traditions, pay more attention to the inner world and our thinking mode directs towards the inside. This contrast finds expression in such usage of language as the frequent use of inanimate subjects in English sentences but animate subjects in Chinese sentences.1. 语言这东西,不是随便可以学好的,非下苦语言这东西,不是随便可以学好的, 功夫不可. 功夫不可. The mastery of a language is not easy and requires painstaking efforts.2. 他一想到要返回去,心里就害怕. 他一想到要返回去,心里就害怕. The thought of returning filled him with fear.3. 我没想到你会反对. 我没想到你会反对. It didn't occur to me that you would object.4. 让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界. 让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界. Let the other people of the rest of the world know China. Let China make close contact with the rest of the world.4. Figurative Thinking vs Logical ThinkingThe Westerners stress scientific and logic way in thinking, and in making sentences, they are always aware that there must be agreement between the subject and the pridict, the sequence of tenses and others. On the other hand, we Chinese pay more attention to listeners' tacit understanding and appreciation than to formal construction and logic of the sentences. For example, we say"谁都知道,西北地区是艰苦谁都知道, 谁都知道的"in Chinese, but in English we should say"As everybody knows, life in the northwest China is harder."1. 首先要对东西方思维方式进行细致的比较研究, 首先要对东西方思维方式进行细致的比较研究, 培养抽象思维能力和逻辑判断能力. 培养抽象思维能力和逻辑判断能力.若两种语言距离较大时,则根据上下文的条理,层次, 离较大时,则根据上下文的条理,层次,意思的连贯性,推测作者的思路,设法得出与原作者相同的贯性,推测作者的思路, 意旨. 意旨.2. 译者不仅要掌握源语的语言系统,还应尽量多地译者不仅要掌握源语的语言系统, 接触与了解该语言属的整个文化系统, 接触与了解该语言属的整个文化系统,具备一定程度的用原文的语言思维的能力, 度的用原文的语言思维的能力,以避免清华大学出版社从译语出发,错译原文, 版社从译语出发,错译原文,并在翻译过程中对原语在特定环境中的实际应用及其交际功能保持高度的意识,尽可能全面地捕捉源语所发出的真实信息. 的意识,尽可能全面地捕捉源语所发出的真实信息.3. 增强形式逻辑观念.英语重形合,对语法形式非常增强形式逻辑观念.英语重形合, 重视, 重视,一个合格的英语句子往往要求所有的句子成分都得以体现;而汉语重意合,语法上隐含, 都得以体现;而汉语重意合,语法上隐含,置语法于不言之中"这就要求我们英译汉时语言要简约化,"不言之中".这就要求我们英译汉时语言要简约化, 但意义要相连,脉络清楚; 但意义要相连,脉络清楚;汉译英时注意语言的组织性和逻辑性. 性和逻辑性.4. 在翻译重克服思维差异的干扰,不能忽视语言本身在翻译重克服思维差异的干扰, 的因素以及与其相关的文化因素.因此, 的因素以及与其相关的文化因素.因此,作为翻译不仅要注意加强本族语言的深造, 仅要注意加强本族语言的深造,而且还要对两种相互转换的语言进行宏观文体,语言结构, 转换的语言进行宏观文体,语言结构,语义系统及文化历史方面的对比研究. 化历史方面的对比研究. 总之,思维是翻译的基础.在翻译过程中,我们对于总之,思维是翻译的基础.在翻译过程中, 语言中的思维因素要给予充分的重视, 语言中的思维因素要给予充分的重视,了解英汉语言的根本区别与思维的差异对翻译的影响. 的根本区别与思维的差异对翻译的影响.这对于消除提高译文质量具有重大意义. 翻译腔,提高译文质量具有重大意义.。



新视野研究生英语读说写2英语原文加翻译及课后答案1.大学课堂:还有人在听吗?Toward the middle of the semester, Fowkes fell ill and missed a class. When he returned, the professor nodded vaguely and, to Fowkes’s astonishment, began to deliver not the next lecture in the sequence but the one after. Had he, in fact, lectured to an empty hall in the absence of his solitary student? Fowkes thought it perfectly possible.在学期中间,Fowkes 因病缺了一次课。




Today American colleges and universities (originally modeled on German ones) are under strong attack from many quarters. Teachers, it is charged, are not doing a good job of teaching, and students are not doing a good job of learning. American businesses and industries suffer from unenterprising, uncreative executives educated not to think for themselves but to mouth outdated truisms the rest of the world has long discarded. College graduates lack both basic skills and general culture. Studies are conducted and reports are issued on the status of higher education, but any changes that result either are largely cosmetic or make a bad situation worse.今天美国的大学(原本是以德国的大学为模型的)受到了各方面的严厉指责。









第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



1. What are the speakers talking about?A. Buying DVDs.B. Renting DVDs.C. Sharing DVDs.2. What does the woman mean?A. She will help the man later.B. She is unwilling to help the man.C. She can’t be of any assistance.3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In Henry’s house.B. In a restaurant.C. In a hospital.4. What is the probable relationship between Fred and Anne?A. Boss and secretary.B. Husband and wife.C. Teacher and student.5. How did Tom go to London?A. By car.B. By plane.C. By train.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。


Research on English-Chinese Translation of Attributive Clause in Business English
Study on Strategies of Learning the New Words in Business EnglishReading
Interpersonal Function of Hedges in Commercial Advertising Discourse
A Study of Interpersonal Meaning in Business
English Letters of Claims
A Study of the Interlanguage Error Analysis in Business English Writing
A Study on the Ambiguity in Business Contract from the Perspective of Transformation—generative Grammar and Disambiguation Strategies
Research on the Application of Passive Construction in English Business Correspondence and Its Translation Strategies

英语学科教学法 teaching method

英语学科教学法 teaching method

A n a n a l y s i s o f E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n gA general viewW e i n t e n d t o l e a r n:Part One:An Analysis of the Target Language---Distinctions of a few terminologies---approach, method and techniquePart Two: A study of the subject—language learners and learning processes--- An Analysis of Learning--- some research into language learning--- individual learner differences and second language acquisitionPart three (optional)1. learner-centeredness2. task-based learning Approach in Teaching3. cooperative learning in TeachingF i r s t l a n g u a g e v s s e c o n d l a n g u a g e •What is first language?•---first??•What is second language?•---second???L1•First language•Native language•Mother language•Primary languageL2•Second language•Non-native language•Foreign language•Secondary languaged i s t i n c t i o n s•Three aspects:•Manner of acquisition•Social function•Level of proficiencyM a n n e r o f a c q u i s i t i o n•L1:--- --- •L2:--- ---S o c i a l f u n c t i o n•In social life, how do the speaker use the language?•L1:--- ---•L2:--- ---L e v e l o f p r o f i c i e n c y•Which is more proficient, or higher level?•L1 or L2?s u m m a r y•L1:--- ---•L2:--- ---I n t r o d u c t i o n•Two professions: TESL & TEFL• 1. TESL: teaching English as a second language• 2. TEFL: teaching English as a foreign languageB A N A&T E S E P•Britain, Australia and North America (BANA )•Tertiary, secondary and primary English language education (TESEP)S e c o n d l a n g u a g e v e r s u s f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e•What is a second language?•What is second?•What is a first language? Or native and mother tongue?S e c o n d l a n g u a g e• A language second to first language.• A second language is a language which is not a native language in a country but which is widely used as a medium of communication, e.g. in education and in government and which is usually used alongside another language or languages•In both Britain and North America, it would describe a native language in a country as learned by people living there who have another first language. English in UK would be called a second language of immigrants and people whose first language is WelshF o r e i g n l a n g u a g e•Foreign language?•What is foreign?•---1.of, in, from , another country, not one’s own.•---2. coming or introduced from outside.•So, how do you understand foreign language?F o r e i g n l a n g u a g e•---A language which is not a Native language in a country. A foreign language is usually studied either for communication with foreigners who speak the language, or for reading printed materials in the language. In North American applied linguistics usage, foreign language and second language are often used to mean the same in this sense.••--- in British usage, a distinction is often made between foreign language and second language, a foreign language is a language which is taught as a school subject but which is not used as a medium of instruction in schools nor as a language of communicationwithin a country•NL,SL & FL•SL & NL•FL & NL•Official statusP e r s o n a l o r s o c i e t a l•In fact, second language carries personal and societal sense, just as personal and societal bilingualism.•Second language in its societal sense means that a country two languages are used side by side with each other, and is often recognized as official (official status). They are second to each other.S L i n s o c i e t a l s e n s eD i s c u s s i o n• 1. English in China, Japan, Singapore,•India & HK, SL or FL?• 2. Burmese in Yunnan bordering Burma,•Putonghua in Xinjiang, SL or FL?• 3. Other examples?D i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n TE S L&T EF L• A. purpose•TESL??•TEFL??Approach, method and techniqued i s c u s s i o n•How would you to do (as many ways as possible):•---you are to kill an elephant in a valley.•---you are to catch fish in a pond.•Why can you do it that way?U n d e r l y i n g P r i n c i p l e s•Starve the elephant: why? •Shoot with a rifle: why it works? •….•Dry the pond •By fishing rod •….H o w d o y o u d o?•Starve the elephant: •What an overall plan would you like to have?a p p r o a c h •What is an approach?•----the act of getting close to•----way, path, road•In language teaching, approach is a setof assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. Itdescribes the nature of the subject matter to be t aught…m e t h o d•What is a method?•----way of doing sth •Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, nopart of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method isprocedural.t e c h n i q u e•Technique: technical or mechanical skills • A technique is implementational – that which actually takes place in a classroom.It is a particular trick, strategem, orcontrivance used to accomplish animmediate objective. Techniques mustbe consistent with a method, andtherefore in harmony with an approachas well.C o m m o n t e c h n i q u e s•----reading aloud, listening to the tape, •discussion, translation•----……..?????R e l a t i o n s•What’s their relations?•For approach, method, and technique, which determines which?•----approach determines method, in turn, •method determines technique. •The arrangement is hierarchical. The organizational key is that techniquescarry out a method which is consistentwith an approachD i a g r a m aD i a g r a m b•Elements and sub-elements of methodR i c h a r d s a n d R o d g e r’s m o d e l•It includes approach, design andtechniquesA p p r o a c hA.a t h e o r y o f t h e n a t u r e o f l a n g u a g e•----an account of the nature of language proficiency----what can be called language proficiency•----an account of the basic units oflanguage structure•----An account of the basic units oftechniqueslanguage structure•----basic units of language structure: letter, word, phrase, sentence, discourse •----phonology is important?•---- meaning and form, which is more important?b.N a t u r e o f l a n g u a g e l e a r n i n g • 1. Psycholinguistics and cognitive processes•----psycholinguistic processes•----cognitive processes• 2. Conditions allowing for the processd e s i g n• A. The general and specific objectives of the method•----what’s the general objectives?•----what’s the specific objectives?A s y l l a b u s m o d e l•criteria for the selection and organization of linguistic and /or subjective-mattercontent•---- what materials to be selected? •---- how should the materials beorganized?•----and what subjective-matter?T y p e s o f l e a r n i n g a n d t e a c h i n g a c t i v i t i e s•kinds of tasks and practice activities to be employed in the classroom and inmaterials•---- tasks and practice, listening,note-taking, translation or others?L e a r n e r r o l e s•-- types of learning tasks set for learners•-- degree of control learners have over the content of learning•-- patterns of learner groupings that are recommended or implied •-- degree to which learners influence the learning of others•-- the view of the learner as a processor, performer, initiator, problem solver, etc.T e a c h e r r o l e s•-- types of functions teachers fulfill •--- partner, resource of information participant, organizer, director,manager…•-- degree of teacher influence over learning•-- degree to which the teacherdetermines the content of learning •--- does the teacher have the right to decide the content•--- text-based or not•-- types of interaction between teachers and learners•---interaction modes: t—ss, t-s, s alone T h e r o l e o f i n s t r u c t i o n a l m a t e r i a l s •--- primary function of materials •--- the form materials take (e.g.,textbook, audiovisual)•--- assumptions made about teachers and learners•Procedure•Classroom techniques, practice, and behaviors observed when the method isused•-- resources in terms of time, space, and equipment used by the teacher •-- interactional patterns observed in lessons•-- tactics and strategies used by teachers and learners when the methodis being used• B. learning difficulty•Which is easier, why?L2l e a r n i n g t h e o r i e s •The habit-formation theory•The hypothesis of linguistic universals•Constructivism•The acculturation theory•The discourse theory•Monitor theoryT h e h a b i t-f o r m a t i o n t h e o r y• A behavioristic view of language learning•---language is a behavior•---to learn a new language is to form a new habit•---the process is: stimulus-response-reinforcementT h e h y p o t h e s i s o f l i n g u i s t i c u n i v e r s a l s• A innateness theory•---language is inborn•---language is universal•---we learn language with the help of LAD•---A grammar covers both core grammar and peripheral grammarc o n s t r u c t i v i s m•Representative: Seppo Tella以把它看作是心理活动的框架或组织结构。

汉英经济新闻报道的篇章结构对比分析 A contrastive rhetoric Rhetorical Study of Discourse Structure...

汉英经济新闻报道的篇章结构对比分析 A contrastive rhetoric Rhetorical Study of Discourse Structure...

Classified Index:U.D.C.:Univ. Code:ID. No: Z101301510A contrastive rhetoric RhetoricalStudy of Discourse Structure inChinese and English News ReportsDissertation in part fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsbyGAO HairuSupervisor: A.Prof. ZHOU Ying Specialty:EnglishSub Institution:School of Foreign LanguagesHebei University of Science and TechnologyJune, 2014摘要目前,许多学者一直以来致力于研究英汉篇章的结构特征并试图发现其异同,卡普兰经典研究之“跨文化教育中的文化思维方式”为对比修辞研究开辟了新的道路,但是其关于英语篇章结构呈现直线型与汉语篇章结构呈现螺旋型的假说也受到了广泛的质疑。





关键词:篇章结构;卡普兰假说;对比修辞结构理论AbstractA host of scholars have been dedicated to exploring discourse features of English and Chinese texts and trying to find out the differences. Kaplan's classical study of "Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Education”has opened up a new route of contrastive rhetoric study, although his hypothesis that English discourse pattern features linearity while Oriental discourse pattern features circularity is disputable.Since then, many scholars follow the Kaplan's research ideas delve further into the differences between English and Chinese discourse structure and refine the comparative study of the entry point. This paper in reference to previous research thinking and the obtained results based on, according to the contrastive rhetoric structure theory, in economic review texts as the corpus of English and Chinese discourse structure similarities and differences for analysis and discussion. Articles in English and Chinese text structure and rhetoric in some aspects differences do exist, but these differences were not significant conclusions are drawn..(1) Are there any significant differences of discourse pattern between Chinese and English articles?(2) Does Kaplan's hypothesis hold true in Chinese and English economic texts?At the end of the paper, the author proposes that the results of the study can be applied to the teaching of news translation and writing.Key Words:discourse pattern, Kaplan' s Hypothesis, Rhetorical Structural Theory,This work is original and has not been submitted in support any degree qualification or course.DATE OF SUBMISSION: 12/06/2014SIGNATURE:AcknowledgementI feel grateful to all the teachers and students who have provided assistance to me in the process of writing this thesis.Firstly, I would like to show sincere gratitude to my supervisor professor Zhou Ying, it is her patient modification and constant advices that guide me to finish this thesis. At the same time, I get a lot in the process of writing this thesis. I know more about English major‟s graduation thesis and have a further knowledge of the application of textual function in English discourse.Secondly, my sincere thanks also goes to all my teachers who have taught me, for their instructive lectures in linguistic studies have greatly influenced my research.Finally, I also give my special thanks to my roommates and classmates who have helped and encouraged me about my study.Contents摘要............................................................................................................... i ii Abstract ................................................................................................................. i v Contents ............................................................................................................... v iiI. Introduction (1)1.1 Background of the Research (1)1.2 Research Questions and Its Significance (1)II. Literature Review (3)2.1 The contrastive rhetoric Rhetoric Study (3)2.2 Discourse Structure (4)2.3 The Information Model (5)2.4 The Point Position (5)III. Research Methodology (7)3.1 Research Questions (7)3.2 Data Collection (7)3.3 Data Analysis (8)IV. Results, Findings and Discussions (9)4.1 Contrastive Rhetoric Researches between English and Chinese Discourse (9)4.2 General Frequency of Rhetorical Relations (9)4.3 Top Relations of contrastive rhetoric Rhetoric Distributions used in Both Chinese and English Economic Reviews (11)V. Conclusion (13)5.1 Major Findings of the Research (13)5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study (14)References (15)I. Introduction1.1 Background of the ResearchMany scholars have been devoted themselves to the study of English and Chinese discourse of the structure characteristics and try to find similarities and differences of them. Kaplan‟s classical study named …Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Education‟has opened up a new route of the contrastive rhetoric rhetorical study. Since then, many scholars follow the steps of the research ideas of Kaplan to explore the differences between English and Chinese discourse structure and define the starting point for a comparative study. According to different textual functions corpus into narrative discourse, argumentation discourse, we can say that the study of discourse is independent. This research is built on the predecessors' research ideas and results are based on rhetorical structure theory. Analyze and discuss the similarities and differences of English and Chinese text corpus for discourse structure.1.2 Research Questions and Its SignificanceIn order to examine whether there are significant differences in discourse pattern between Chinese and English, I am going to use the following three keys points to explain my points of view. They include the discourse structure, the information model and the point position.The main research questions to be addressed in the study are as follows:1) Are there any vital or important differences in discourse pattern between Chinese and English according to the news reports?2) Does Kaplan‟s hypothesis which includes the different discourse structure, the information model and the point position really hold true in news reports?As the different appearances of discourse pattern are one of the important components when related to Chinese and English news report, we have to put the discourse pattern in a vital situation when talking about the difference betweenChinese news and English news. In this report, five Chinese news reports and five English news reports have been collected to find out whether they are distinct in discourse pattern and what factors cause it. By analyzing the structure of different discourse the model expression of the information and the position of the key point in the news report, the conclusion will be supported abundantly and validly.1.3 The structure of the thesesSo far, we have had some comprehensive knowledge of the theoretical framework of this study. In particular, we have been familiar with the essentials of Rhetorical Structural Theory and the focus of contrastive rhetoric study. Firstly, i will talk about the literature review of this dissertation. Then, i am going to write about the method i used to explain my study and name it as the research methodology. Thirdly, at the fourth part of this article, i will talk about the results and findings from the hypothesis as well as the former discussion.II. Literature ReviewThe literature review of this dissertation begins with the contrastive rhetoric rhetoric study put forward by the famous scholar Kaplan( 2001), although his research and theory that English discourse pattern features linearity while Oriental discourse pattern features circularity is disputable by the public. Bell (1991) studies the news discourse from the structural perspective and suggests that news discourse is made up of an abstract, attribution and the story paper. Stuart Hall declares (1980) that the facts of events are not reported transparently but through a complex linguistic and ideological structure of news. The discussion of the structure of different discourse, the model express of the information and the position of the key point in the news report will be proposed respectively. Then it comes to the relevant researches on contrastive rhetoric rhetorical study of discourse structure both abroad and at home. Finally, this chapter will introduce the concept of and some researches of it.2.1 The Contrastive Rhetoric StudyContrastive rhetoric Rhetoric was advanced by American applied linguist Robert Kaplan in 1966. Contrastive rhetoric Rhetoric mainly explores the issue whether and how native language and culture exert certain effect on second language writing. Kaplan, taking the lead to look into the manifestation of the discourse pattern and rhetoric of the native language in second language performance, has pointed out that rhetoric varies from language to language and the native language and its rhetoric may interfere with second language writing.Contrastive rhetoric rhetoric can be initiated almost forty years ago by the American applied linguist Robert Kaplan. This research showed that a kink of language is a cultural phenomena. Since 1980s, the contrastive rhetoric analysis between Chinese and English has developed very fast. But at that time, most researches focus on the micro aspect, and the analysis of clause as well as the units of clause are not enough. Few articles concerning about the macro aspect of the analysishave been published since then. The contrastive rhetoric rhetoric aims to mine the underlying differences of discourse structure according to different languages and it has not been widely explored in China yet. It is shown from it that each language has its unique rhetorical conventions which interfere with writing in a second language.Contrastive rhetoric rhetoric, an important field of two language acquisition research, focuses on the different influence of language writing and rhetoric in native and second language learners. In the past 40 years of the development process, the theoretical framework and the research methods of contrastive rhetoric rhetoric study has been further revised and perfected. In addition, the perspective of research and field has been greatly improved and expanded at the same time. scholars who concentrate on contrastive rhetoric rhetoric. Namely, both the learner's native language and the second language writing will be based on a large number of comparative analysis. Learners are likely to turn the attention to a cross cultural study between their native language writing skills and the second language, which helps them obtain a more objective conclusion.2.2 Discourse StructureAn article written by an applied linguist named Robert Kaplan published in 1966. It studied the cross methods of the cultural education and it first put forward the concept of contrastive rhetoric rhetoric, which broke through the previous situation that most researches focused on comparing the contrast of voice, vocabulary and grammar. Kaplan discoursed the level of analysis method and compared the different macro rhetorical structures of expository texts in different languages and cultures. In 1990s, a new turn of contrastive rhetoric rhetoric study emerged and it evaluated the achievements and deficiency of Kaplan. After that, it created a new direction of the development of contrastive rhetoric rhetoric study and focused on the importance of intercultural discourse characteristics and the influence of thinking rules.Compared to the study of contrastive rhetoric rhetoric exposition, Connor paid more attention to the persuasive argumentation mode in a discourse. Connor & Lauer researched for three different national high school students to grade and score analysisthe framework of texts. The results of data analysis indicate that the English writers and Chinese writers have no obvious difference in the macro structure of discourse.2.3 The Information ModelKaplan pointed out that the rhetorical features are distinct in different languages. There is not a unified standard to judge the quality of English writing and the structure of coherence. Native English writers and readers are more accustomed to use linear type information model. Kaplan believes that language and writing are reflections of the culture because every language has its specific writing tradition and rhetorical patterns. Therefore, it is particularly important to systematic comparison of two different languages. Kaplan found that the English text paragraph model is linear while the oriental languages including Chinese is spiral.To some extent, the research of Coe & Hu Shuzhong verifies the theoretical hypothesis of Kaplan.They found that the English writing patterns of text organization are different. All in all, the study reflects the complexity of the comparative study of Chinese and English rhetoric. In this study, the data analysis results show that the method author used in the text of English and Chinese information model are significantly different. The number of linear expansion mode used by the English authors is three times more than the Chinese authors used. Among the 80% of Chinese authors used spiral type information model, and the 66.7% of English authors used linear mode arguments.2.4 The Point PositionThe point position of argumentation discourse plays an important role in the reference to distinguish between direct and indirect reasoning process. Kaplan believes that the format that Chinese authors used is similar to that of indirect demonstration model in ancient times. However, Mohan & Lo believed that the stereotyped writing method has already been abandoned in China, and the rhetoric characteristics can not be representative of the modern Chinese writing. In their study, the modern Chinese writing also encouraged to use the direct argument and writingmethods against the beat around the bush. According to the study of statistical data analysis, the author found that the rate of direct use in English writer is much higher than the Chinese writers. What’s more, there was significant difference between the control group. About 68.3% English authors like using opening theme, which is fully in line with national habit of English rhetoric. Meanwhile, about 38.3% Chinese authors argued at the beginning of the article. Finally, the author considered that compared to Chinese, English authors use much less argument at the end. In addition, by studying all the arguments of the analysis of data, there was no significant difference between these two groups.Thus, the author from English are more likely to use the method of opening theme discuss than Chinese writers. However, it is not a obvious that writers from English speaking countries use the intense argument only because there are quite a number of Chinese writers use it.III. Research MethodologyThis thesis aims to examine the similarities and differences between Chinese and English economic review texts with relation to interpersonal function. In this chapter, research questions, data collection process and analysis method will be demonstrated in sequence.3.1 Research QuestionsThe tentative purpose of this study is to examine current perspectives of contrastive rhetoric about differences in discourse patterns between Chinese and English articles, and the cultural and philosophical factors behind these differences. The following questions are proposed by the author in order to fulfill the research purpose.(1)Are there any significant differences of discourse pattern between Chinese and English articles?(2)Does Kaplan's hypothesis (circularity vs. linearity) hold true in blog texts?The detailed analysis of the economic review texts would provide some basic knowledge for the learners as well as the teachers, and it also helps to boost Chinese-English translation on the structure of economic reviews.As for the research question one, more to examine whether there are significant differences of discourse pattern between Chinese and English, we have to decompose the discourse pattern into concrete and calculatable criteria and ensure the general appearance frequencies of rhetorical relations in the samples. What‟s more, we should study the top structure of each text, mainly its rhetorical relations.3.2 Data CollectionSince contrastive rhetoric discourse analysis between different texts is not a simple work, the selection of data appropriate for contrast is of great importance. There are several authoritative economic newspapers in English and Chinese. The samples used in the present study are all chosen from some of those famous andinfluential newspapers in Britain or China. The total of the texts is 10, 5 in English from “The Times” and 5 in Chinese from “The China Daily”.In order to ensure the sources and texts are chosen representatively, I inclined to select the corpus based on representation, reputa tion and accessibility. “The Financial Times” is one of the largest and most influential English newspapers in the world. It enjoys a long history and has a large circulation around the world. Chinese data is chosen from “Zhongguo Zhengquan Bao” which is a lso one of the largest and most influential economic newspapers in China. In order to ensure the accuracy of the findings, the selected data are published in the same period from January 2010 to August 2010.3.3 Data AnalysisThe propriety of research data determines, to great extent, the validity of findings, the selection of data appropriate for contrast is of great importance. Since the primary objective of this study is to make contrastive rhetoric generalizations about how the interpersonal function realizes in Chinese and English economic reviews, to ensure the objectivity and validity of the study so that the results show the similarities and differences between Chinese and English economic review texts, the groups of reviewers must be brought up in their own cultures and deeply rooted with their values. All of the 5 Chinese economic reviews are written by native Chinese speakers, similarly, all of the 5 English economic reviews are written by native English speakers. The samples are well-chosen with series numbers.IV. Results, Findings and Discussions4.1 Contrastive Rhetoric Researches between English and Chinese DiscourseTraditionally, researchers on contrastive rhetoric linguistics focused on comparison of different languages from the perspectives of word, phrase and sentence structure. With the development of broad linguistics and new theories related emerging, researchers came to be aware that sole regard of lexical and syntactic differences between languages was far from revealing the essential specific to distinct languagcs. Hence rhetoric concerning the differences of the overall organization of discourse between different languages was brought on the stage and drew wide attention. An overview of the researches on contrastive rhetoric analysis English and Chinese discourse shows that they can be classified in terms of four categories including corpus source, corpus type, theoretical framework and research facts.For economic review articles, the writer express opinions and views about economic events or the people and things associated to them, meanwhile, the writer help the reader understand the events and judge the complex problems in actual economic activities. The figure indicates that students from different cultural backgrounds employ different discourse patterns. Usually, you can use the straight arrow of the English paragraph indicates that the "flow of ideas" in English expository prose begins with the topic sentence and proceeds "in a straight line" and is "dominantly linear in development".Therefore, a contrastive rhetoric analysis of Chinese and English economic review articles in terms of types of mood will be made in the following.4.2 General Frequency of Rhetorical RelationsOne of the most conspicuous differences of discourse organization between English and Chinese texts can be reflected by the general preference of relation types of the texts. Since the total numbers of relations adopted in the sample have anunignorable discrepancy between English and Chinese texts with a total of 674 relations in the English samples and 948 relations in the Chinese samples, we cannot simply draw a conclusion by the pure number of each relation. Instead, we have to figure out the probability of each relation in the two groups of samples respectively, which ensures.the validity of our analysis. A careful and meticulous observation of the table can help us penetrate into the internal structure of the discourse pattern. The table tells us the following findings:Table 4.1 Frequency of RelationsFirstly, In the 5 English samples texts all of the relations are adopted, not with standing disconjunction. Because some relations appear in a very low frequency less than 1 %, such as (0.30%), motivation (0.89%), otherwise (0.30%) and the sequence (0.45%). However, not all of the relations are employed in the 5 Chinese sample texts in that the frequencies of disconjunction and purpose are null. Besides, there are also some relations whose frequencies are below 1%, including motivation (0.74%), otherwise (0.32%), sequence (0.21%) and volitional cause (0.42%).Then, the most frequently adopted relations in the English sample texts are elaboration (10.68%) and evaluation (9.50%); while the most frequently adopted relations in the Chinese sample texts are elaboration (10.34%), evaluation (10.13%) and justify (10.86%).4.3 Top Relations of contrastive rhetoric Rhetoric Distributions used in Both Chinese and English Economic ReviewsTop structure, mainly concerning the relations adopted in the top layer of the RST tree, shows how the direct branch is connected with the nucleus. This connection provides a roughly holistic view of the organizational structure of the text. Take elaboration for example, the direct branches or elaborates, what is put forward in the nucleus by listing detailed information. In this part, i have tabulated the frequency of top relations in English and Chinese economic articles which shows minor differences, from which we have obtained the following major findings.Firstly, the relations of background and circumstance have not been used in the top structure of English articles whereas these two have relatively frequent occurrence in Chinese articles. With respect to background, it refers to the case that some assistant information is provided to facilitate understanding. Readers won't comprehend the nucleus sufficiently before reading the satellite text. In the relation of circumstance, the satellite sets a framework in the subject matter within which readers are intended to interpret the nucleus. Namely, the satellite demarcates a certain scope in which the nucleus acts.Then, it is effortless to explain the relations of background and circumstance enjoy popularity in the top structure of Chinese articles. As we have discussed in the previous section, Chinese speakers are used to expressing a point of view in a round about to achieve social knowledge and to avoid individualism. They often intentionally delay the real subject by referring to tradition, history or authorities before getting to the issue in question. Background and circumstance perfectly fulfill their expectation of a well-organized speech.Finally, the largest discrepancy of the frequency of top relation between English and Chinese articles lies in the relations of background and restatement whereas both English and Chinese articles have similar inclination for antithesis evaluation and interpretation.Regard to the large discrepancy of background between English and Chinesearticles, we have explicitly explained that Chinese speakers are inclined to lay some background information before getting to his point. However, in English rhetorical culture, more valued is deductive structure in which the theme line is, more often or not, put forward in the beginning.V. ConclusionThe present study explores the contrastive rhetoric analysis of interpersonal function in Chinese and English economic review texts from the perspective of systemic functional grammar. As we have observed in the introduction, the thesis is to apply Halliday‟ s conceptual framework and Martin’s appraisal theory, through the analysis of 10 Chinese and English samples, we make a careful comparative study on the realization of interpersonal meanings in Chinese and English economic reviews. The present study makes a tentative contrastive rhetoric investigation into the genre of Chinese and English economic reviews.5.1 Major Findings of the ResearchFirstly, in terms of the general frequency of rhetoric relations, we have found that relations of both least and most occurrences in English articles are much similar to those in Chinese articles; meanwhile, the overall differences among the frequencies of the relations are insignificant.Secondly, in terms of frequencies of top relations, it is observed that there is a large discrepancy of background with a large frequency in Chinese articles and rare occurrences in English articles; meanwhile, no statistical difference exists of the frequency of top relations between English and Chinese articles.Finally, in terms of deep structure of this study, difference of the distribution coordinate structure and subordinate structure do exist but it carries no statistical significance. To be precise, coordinate structure somewhat dominates in the Chinese articles whereas subordinate structure slightly dominates in the English articles. But this difference has been waning over the past years.To sum up, differences exist of discourse pattern between English and Chinese articles but are not significant. Thus, we cannot accept Kaplan's hypothesis about rhetoric pattern that Chinese discourse displays a circular structure whereas English discourse tends to be linearly developed. As a matter of fact, he has oversimplified thedisparity of rhetoric structure between English and Chinese discourses, having paid no regard to some crucial factors which play a part in the formatting of discourse pattern, such as situational context, genre, writer of the text, etc. Actually, we have more or less discussed most of these effect factors while probing into the causes underlain the statistical results. For the moment we are to bring forward a systematic and thorough account of these factors.5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudyAlthough this study does help us to have a closer view at the realization of interpersonal function in both Chinese and English economic reviews, the present study is just a tentative one and it has its limitations.First, the number of sample texts, 5 Chinese and 5 English economic review texts, is not large enough to present all the features of interpersonal function. More data needs to be gathered and analyzed to demonstrate the results. Besides, this thesis only analyzes the realization of interpersonal function through mood system, modality system and appraisal system, some issues concerning the interpersonal function and contrastive rhetoric discourse analysis are not mentioned. Moreover, the samples are only collected from newspaper, but the uses of different media may contribute to the different realizations of interpersonal function. In addition, due to different social cultural backgrounds, some personal judgments are unavoidably brought into the research process.This paper only analyzed the interpersonal function realized in the discourses restricted within the subject of mood, modality and appraisal system, and more researches on the realization of interpersonal function from various domains in the economic review genre will also possess great value. So it is recommended that a variety of other text types be collected and analyzed to reveal the characteristic linguistic strategies preferred by the Chinese and the Western writers respectively to express interpersonal meanings in the future study.It is hoped that this new field of research will attract more and more discourse analysts and involve a wider range of genres.。



两个学科比较英语作文范文Introduction:The academic world is a vast expanse of disciplines, eachwith its own unique characteristics and methods of inquiry. Among the myriad subjects, English and Mathematics stand outas two distinct fields that not only shape our understandingof the world but also influence our daily lives in profound ways. This essay aims to compare and contrast the fundamental aspects of these two subjects, highlighting their differences and the unique perspectives they offer.Body Paragraph 1 - Nature of the Subjects:English, as a language-based discipline, focuses on the study of language, literature, and communication. It is inherently qualitative, delving into the nuances of human expression, cultural context, and the aesthetic value of written and spoken words. On the other hand, Mathematics is aquantitative field that deals with numbers, data, and logical reasoning. It is characterized by its precision, universality, and the use of abstract concepts to solve problems.Body Paragraph 2 - Learning Approaches:The approach to learning in English often involves reading, writing, and critical analysis. Students are encouraged to explore various genres of literature, understand theunderlying themes, and develop their own interpretations. Creativity and personal expression are highly valued inEnglish studies. Conversely, learning Mathematics requires asystematic and structured approach. It involves learning algorithms, solving equations, and proving theorems. The emphasis is on accuracy, logical consistency, and the ability to apply mathematical principles to real-world scenarios.Body Paragraph 3 - Practical Applications:English has a wide range of practical applications thatextend beyond the classroom. It is the cornerstone of communication in various professional fields, from businessto law, and is essential for effective writing, public speaking, and critical thinking. Mathematics, too, has numerous practical applications, from calculating financial models in economics to analyzing data in the sciences. Its principles underpin many technological advancements and are crucial for problem-solving and decision-making processes.Body Paragraph 4 - Skills Developed:Studying English develops skills such as empathy, as students engage with different characters and perspectives in literature. It also enhances analytical thinking, as students must dissect texts to understand the deeper meanings. Mathematics, however, cultivates a different set of skills, including logical reasoning, abstract thinking, and precision. It trains students to approach problems methodically and to appreciate the beauty of structured solutions.Conclusion:In conclusion, English and Mathematics are two subjects that, while seemingly disparate, both play integral roles inshaping our intellectual capabilities and worldviews. English enriches our understanding of human expression and culture,fostering creativity and communication skills. Mathematics, with its emphasis on logic and precision, equips us with the tools to make sense of the quantitative aspects of the universe. Both subjects are indispensable, each contributing uniquely to the tapestry of human knowledge and experience.。

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