(采用DC12V无刷马达) - 日东工器省力机器贸易(上海)有 …















z为避免触电事故,在工作电压高于40VDC或20V AC时请使用警告标志。




HG-9026Right Angle Gearhead(Solid Shaft Type)Thank you for purchasing an Oriental Motor product.To ensure correct operation, please read this manual carefully before using your gearhead.Before using the gearhead Only qualified personnel should work with the product. To ensure correct operation, please read this manual carefully before using your gearhead. Should you require the inspection or repair of internal parts, contact the Oriental Motor office where you purchased the product.Hazardous substances RoHS (Directive 2002/95/EC 27Jan.2003) CompliantCheck the model names of the motor and gearhead.Gearheads and motors will fit together only if they are both of the same frame size and of the same gear type. See explanation below.Model designation: 4GN RAA 5GN RAA5GU RAA 5GE RAA∗ The square box in the gearhead model will contain a value representing the gear ratio.<Example>5 IK60 GE -AW25 GE 25RAAFrame size Gear type series䊶Motor model name䊶Gearhead model nameAccessories• Hexagonal socket screws, Spring washers, Flat washers 4 pcs. each (Screws are provided for connecting motor and gearhead.)• Parallel key 1 pc.(Key is not provided with GN type gearheads that have a flat on the our shaft.)• Gasket 1 sheetKey and key slot dimensions (Unit = in.)GU , GE Type1.125±0.00790.1875+0.00160.18750-0.00120.18750-0.00120.108+0.0039Installation hole dimensions (Unit: in.)A±0.010A±0.0104×ØEB ±0.010C ±0.010ØDo r mo r eGearheadmodel nameScrew type Thicknessof flangeA B C ØDØE 4GN RAA No.10-24UNC 0.35 1.10 2.17 0.98 1.380.225GN RAA 1/4-20UNC 0.39 1.14 2.24 1.30 1.460.275GU RAA5GE RAA5/16-18UNC 0.47 1.18 2.64 1.30 1.380.33∗ The square box in the gearhead model will contain a value representing the gear ratio.The shaft of the gearhead has been machined to an outer diameter tolerance of h7 and is provided with a key slot for connecting the transmission parts. When connecting the transmission parts, ensure that the shaft and parts have a clearance fit, and secure with a screw to prevent the parts from wobbling. Use a screw hole (No.10-24UNC, effective depth 0.39 in.) provided at the tip of the output shaft of 5GU RAA and 5GE RAA as an auxiliary means for preventing the transfer mechanism from disengaging.< The example of output axistip screw hole use >Note • Do not use excessive force, or hammerthe transmission parts onto the gearmotor shaft as damage may occur. • Output shaft of 5GU120RAA to 5GU180RAA , 5GE120RAA to5GE180RAA cannot be turned by hand.For position alignment, turn on the motor.• Use your gearmotor under ambient temperature of +14 to +122 °F and85% humidity.• Do not use your gearmotor where it may be exposed direct sunlight waterand/or oil.• Do not use your gearmotor in locations subject to severe vibration or shock,a large amount of dust, inflammable gas and or corrosive gas.• On rare occasions, a small amount of grease may ooze out from thegearhead. If there is concern over possible environmental damage resulting from the leakage of grease, check for grease stains during regular inspections. Alternatively, install an oil pan or other device to prevent leakage from causing further damage. Oil leakage may lead to problems in the customer’s equipment or products.• If the ambient temperature is low, the motor may take a longer time to startor its speed may drop. This is caused, among others, by an increased friction torque of the oil seal used on the gearhead output shaft. As the motor continues to operate and the sliding part of the oil seal breaks in, the friction torque will drop and the motor will operate at the specified speed.• Direction of rotation of the gearhead output shaftThe motor and gearhead output shaft rotate in opposite directions.• Maximum permissible torqueSince the output torque of the gearhead increases proportionally with the reduction of speed, a high reduction ratio of the gearhead will result in anoutput torque that cannot be taken up by the physical construction of the gearhead. Use gearheads within the maximum permissible torque set for each speed reduction ratio. Also, be sure shaft rotation is not stopped by an external force or load obstruction. The resulting shock may damage the gearhead.• Permissible overhung load and permissible thrust load“Overhung load” refers to load placed on the output shaft of the gearhead in a direction perpendicular to the shaft as shown in the Figure below. The “Thrust load” is a load applied in the axial direction of the output shaft. Since the overhung load and thrust load have a great influence on the life of the bearings and strength of the shaft, be careful not to exceed the maximum values shown in the table at following.< Permissible overhung load and permissible thrust load >Permissibleoverhung load (lb)From the endof shaftGearhead model nameGear ratioMaximum permissibletorque(lb-in)0.39 in. 0.79 in.Permissible thrust load(lb)3 to 18 22 334GN RAA 25 to 18070 45 67 223 to 18 56 785GN RAA25 to 18088 67 101 453 to 9 90 11212.5 to 25101 135 5GU RAA 5GE RAA30 to 180177 112 15756∗ The square box in the gearhead model will contain a value representing thegear ratio.• Unauthorized reproduction or copying of all or part of this OperatingManual is prohibited.• Oriental Motor shall not be liable whatsoever for any patent-relatedproblem arising in connection with the use of any information, circuit, equipment or device described in the manual.• Characteristics, specifications and dimensions are subject to changewithout notice.• While we make every effort to offer accurate information in the manual,we welcome your input. Should you find unclear descriptions, errors or omissions, please contact the nearest office.•is a trademark of Oriental Motor Co., Ltd.© Copyright ORIENTAL MOTOR CO., LTD. 2006• Please contact your nearest Oriental Motor office for further information.ORIENTAL MOTOR U.S.A. CORP .Technical Support Line Tel:(800)468-3982Available from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, P .S.T.E-mail:*****************************ORIENTAL MOTOR CO., LTD.Headquarters Tokyo, JapanTel:(03)3835-0684 Fax:(03)3835-1890Printed on Recycled Paper。



055: 7.5HP(5.5kW) 370: 50HP(37kW) 1600: 215HP(160kW)
075: 10 HP(7.5kW) 450: 60HP(45kW) 1850: 250HP(185kW) 110: 15 HP(11kW) 550: 75HP(55kW) 2200: 300HP(220kW)
北京微度科技发展有限公司 /
框號 G
VFD-F 系列
W W1
D D1 S3
H1 H H2
S4 D2 S1
UNIT: mm [inch] 框號 W W1 H H1 H2 D D1 D2 S1 S2 S3 S4
OUTPUT : 3PH 0-480V 13A 9.9kVA 7.5HP
Freq. Range : 1.5~120Hz
VFD 055 F 43 A
版本 輸入電壓
VFD-F 系列
最大適用電機 007: 1.0HP(0.75kW) 150: 20HP(15kW) 750: 100HP(75kW)


以7.5HP/5.5kW 460V 3-Phase為例
型號 輸入電源規格 輸出電源規格
輸出頻率 保護等級
條碼 生產管制序號











帝人Nabtesco RVRDRA系列减速机具有高可靠性、高刚性、高精度比、转矩大、轴向尺寸小等特点,为了直接支持较大载荷,内部装有大型角接触球轴承,采用双支撑支持机构和针轮机构,即使施加高达五倍额定转矩时,产品也不会损坏。

帝人Nabtesco RVRDRA 系列减速机特别适用于频繁正反转,对精度和刚度有高要求,对轴向尺寸要求短的行业领域。





S G M-K Z900系列开关柜智能操控装置说明书保定市西格玛电气有限公司SGM-KZ900系列开关柜智能操控装置前言SGM-KZ900系列开关柜智能操控装置用于3~35KV户内开关柜,适用于中置柜、手车柜、固定柜、环网柜等多种开关柜。


本装置采用瑞士盛世瑞恩传感器公司生产全数字化温湿度一体传感器,该传感器采用最新的CMOSens® 技术制造,确保产品具有极高的可靠性与卓越的长期稳定性。

传感器包括一个电容性聚合体测湿敏感元件、一个用能隙材料制成的测温元件,并在同一芯片上,与14 位的A/D 转换器以及串行接口电路实现无缝连接。





型号及其含义:SGM - KZ900公司标识产品型号液晶显示技术指标环境温度:-20℃~65℃相对湿度:≤95%RH介质强度:≥AC2000V 绝缘性能:≥100MΩ工作电源:AC85~265V/DC90~375V 电源功耗:≤10VA存储温度:-25~70℃大气压力:80~110Kpa温度测量范围:-40~123.8℃湿度测量范围:0~100%RH温度测量精度:±0.4℃湿度测量精度:±3.0%RH高压带电起辉电压(KV):额定相电压×(0.15~0.65)保定市西格玛电气有限公司高压带电闭锁起控电压(KV):额定相电压×(0.15~0.65)模拟图显示部分说明模拟图状态指示及智能语音提示1.断路器状态指示断路器合闸并且分闸回路完好时,红色01模拟条发光;断路器分闸并且合闸回路完好时,绿色02模拟条发光;断路器预备合闸状态时,绿色02模拟条闪光;断路器预备分闸状态时,红色01模拟条发光。



东京计器高速液压叶片马达mht500工作原理【东京计器高速液压叶片马达MHT500工作原理探究】一、导言当谈到高速液压叶片马达,东京计器(Tokyo Keiki)的MHT500无疑是业内知名的代表之一。



二、东京计器高速液压叶片马达MHT500的基本结构1. 叶片马达的概念和作用叶片马达是一种利用液体压力能量来传递动力的液压传动装置,通过液体对马达内部叶片的推动来实现转动。


2. 高速液压叶片马达MHT500的内部构造MHT500采用了先进的设计理念和制造工艺,其内部包括液压轴承、液压缸体、转子和排油板等关键部件。


3. 工作原理概述:液压动力转换过程当液压油从马达的进油口进入时,液压油的压力会推动叶片转子旋转,同时叶片与缸体内壁之间形成的密封腔随之扩大和缩小,从而将压力能转化为机械能输出,驱动其他机械设备工作。

三、东京计器高速液压叶片马达MHT500的工作原理1. 叶片传动原理:叶片与缸体的密封和协同作用MHT500采用了双作用叶片和曲面缸体的设计,通过叶片和缸体之间的配合和密封,实现了液压传动中的密闭性和高效性。


2. 液压轴承的作用和优势MHT500内置有高性能的液压轴承,其能够在高速旋转时保持平稳的动力输出,并减小摩擦损失和磨损,延长了马达的使用寿命。


3. 高速液压叶片马达的适用范围和优越性由于其高速、高效和稳定的特点,MHT500广泛应用于数控机床、注塑机、风力发电等领域,为行业用户提供了出色的液压动力支持。



ORIENTALMOTOR⽇本东⽅马达及驱动选型RKSeries RoHS-Compliant5-Phase Stepping Motor and Driver Package RK SeriesⅷStandard Type ⅷTH Geared TypeⅷPL Geared Type ⅷPN Geared TypeⅷHarmonic Geared Type2RoHS-Compliant5-Phase Stepping Motor and Driver PackageRK SeriesThe RK Series incorporates new functions and state-of-the-art technologies to achieve the ultimate use of a control motor. The seriesoffers various types including the standard type, electromagnetic brake type, IP65 rated motor type, and four geared types. Three frame sizes of 42 mm, 60 mm and 85 (90) mm are available. The wide range of motor variations and affordable prices make the RK Series a perfect solution for your various applications.ⅥFeaturesv bz Smooth Drive FunctionThe smooth drive function ensures low-vibration andlow-noise operation at low speeds by internally executing microstepping within the driver, working independently of the inputpulse frequency of your controller.V i b r a t i o n C o m p o n e n t V o l t a g e V p -p [V ]Speed [r/min]The smooth drive function of the RK Series improves the settling performance.S p e e d [r /m i n ]S p e e d [r /m in ]Conventional Model RK (Smooth Drive: ON)100 ms/div100 ms/divStep Angle: 0.72?/stepStep Angle: 0.72?/stepx Microstep Drive SystemThe motor's basic step angle is divided by a maximum of 1/250 without the use of a reduction mechanism or other mechanical elements. 16 resolution levels are available to set the desired resolution. This enables fine positioning and the further reduction of vibration and noise. A motion sequence of "low-speed transfer ? high-speed return" can easily be performed without the need for changing from a microstep pulse frequency to a full step pulse frequency. The RK Series can also be used in full-step operation.c 100-115 VAC, 200-230 VAC Power Source Variation The RK Series can be used with most common power supplies available around the world.They also comply with the international standards, ensuring safe operation.v Improved Angle AccuracyAngle accuracy may decrease during use of microstep drivers, due to the effect of current control. However, the drivers used in the RK Series are designed to ensure that the motor operates at maximum accuracy.A n g l e E rr o r [d e g ]0.0720.036-0.072-0.036Power Supply Voltage: 100-115 VAC b Improved ResponseThe RK Series, with its high starting frequency, shortens the machine cycle without affecting acceleration/deceleration rates. This produces a significant savings in time for an operation in which the same cycle is repeated thousands of times each day.Rise Time [ms]S p e e d [r /m i n ]3Features Line-upSystem ConfigurationProduct LineSpecifications and Characteristics DimensionsConnection and Operation List of Motor and Driver CombinationsAccessoriesBefore Using a Stepping MotorControllersⅷEnvironmentally Friendly Energy-Saving Mode In the energy-saving mode, the supply of current to the motor is stopped and the load is held only with the electromagnetic brake while the motor remains at a standstill. Stopping the supply of current to the motor extends the motor life by limiting the consumption of energy.(Available only with electromagnetic brake type)P o w e r C o n s u m p t i o n [k W ]Automatic Current-Cutback Modein Energy-Saving ModeComparison of Annual Power Consumption at ⅷSafe Operation in Major Countries around the World Compliance with Safety StandardsThe RK Series complies with the UL/CSA and ENstandards. (With the RK54Ⅺ type, only the driver conforms to the CSA standard.) The CE marking certifies compliance with the EMC Directive and Low-Voltage Directive.Additionally, the RK Series conforms to the EMC Directive only through its use of surge arrester. The RK Seriesdoesn't require an external ferrite core or filter in the motor line or power line.ⅷProtective Earth Terminal(Excluding motors with a frame size of 42 mm)The life of a motor is affected by its bearing. The RK Series achieves approx. twice the life of a conventional motor by adopting a modified bearing. (Available only with the standard type and standard electromagnetic-brake type with a frame size of 60 or 85 mm.)ⅷNew IP65 Rated Motor Conforming to the IP65 Standard for Ingress Protection against Dust and WaterTerminal-Block Connection DesignThe motor can be wired directly from its terminal block.No Motor/Driver RelaySince the motor cable can be connected directly with the driver terminals, there is no need for wire connection orsoldering on a relay terminal block.DriverRoHS-CompliantThe RK Series conforms to the RoHS Directive thatprohibits the use of six chemical substances including lead and cadmium.ⅥWide VarietyThe RK Series offers a range of motor frame sizes depending on the motor type and power supply voltage specification, as shown below.□ⅷStandard Type/Standard Type IP65 Rated MotorEasy-to-use standard types offer balanced performance. The IP65 rated motor conforms to the IP65 standard for ingress protectionagainst dust and water.ⅷStandard Type with Electromagnetic BrakeA motor combines with power off activated type electromagnetic brake.TH Geared Type (Low backlash)A low-cost geared motor offers low backlash.ⅷPL Geared Type (Low backlash)A geared motor offers low backlash, high strength and wide gear ratios.ⅷPNGeared Type (Non-backlash)A high-accuracy geared motor achieves a backlash of 3 arc minutes or less. It also provides high strength and wide gear ratios.Harmonic Geared Type(Non-backlash)A high-accuracy, backlash-free geared motor adopts a newly developed harmonic gear. It ensures high strength in a compact body.45FeaturesLine-upSystem ConfigurationProduct LineSpecifications and CharacteristicsDimensionsConnection and Operation List of Motor and Driver Combinations Accessories Before Using a Stepping Motor ControllersTH (Parallel Shaft)PL (Harmonic Drive)ⅥSystem ConfigurationAn example of a system configuration with the SG8030 Series controller.Mounting Brackets (Accessories)Connector-Terminal BlockDriverⅷThe system configuration shown above is an example. Other combinations are available.67Features Line-upSystem ConfigurationProduct LineSpecifications and CharacteristicsDimensionsConnection and Operation List of Motor and Driver CombinationsAccessoriesBefore Using a Stepping Motor ControllersⅥProduct Number Codeqw e r t y u io !0RK 5 6 6 B A E - N 5Series RK :RK Series 5: 5-PhaseMotor Frame Size 4: 42 mm6: 60 mm 9: 85 mm (90 mm sq. for Geared Type)Motor Case LengthMotor Shaft Type A : Single Shaft B : Double ShaftElectromagnetic Brake Blank : Without Electromagnetic Brake M : With Electromagnetic Brake Power Supply Voltage A : Single-Phase 100-115 VAC C : Single-Phase 200-230 VAC Motor Classi? c ation TypeBlank : Standard Type T :TH Geared TypeP :PL Geared Type N :PN Geared Type H : Harmonic Geared TypeGear RatioⅥProduct Line89 Features Line-up System ConfigurationProduct LineSpecifications and CharacteristicsDimensionsConnection and Operation List of Motor and Driver CombinationsAccessoriesBefore Using a Stepping Motor ControllersStandard Type Motor Frame Size 42 mmⅥSpecificationsⅷWith the RK54Ⅺ type, only the driver conforms to the CSA standard.RK543AA RK544AA RK545AA RK543BA RK544BA RK545BAHow to Read Specifications Table ?See the following descriptions.Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.ⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK543AA/RK543BAPulse Speed [kHz](0)(300)(200)(100)(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]132Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK544AA/RK544BAPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)30(300)20(200)10(100)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]132Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK545AA/RK545BAPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)30(300)20(200)10(100)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]132Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)ⅷWhen using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver’s automatic current cutback function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.ⅥHow to Read Specifications TablePlease read the following information before examining the specifications on pages 9 to 23.10Standard Type Motor Frame Size 60 mm, 85 mmHow to Read Specifications Table ?Page 9Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.ⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK564ⅪAE RK564ⅪCEPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200)30(300) Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)C u r r e n t [A ]462Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK566ⅪAE RK566ⅪCEPulse Speed [kHz](0)10(100)20(200)30(300) Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK569ⅪAE RK569ⅪCEPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200)30(300) Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2ⅷEnter A (Single shaft) or B (Double shaft) in the box (Ⅺ) within the model name.ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)ⅷWhen using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver’s automatic current cutback function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.RK596ⅪAE RK596ⅪCEPulse Speed [kHz](0)(100)(200) Speed [r/min](Resolution 10)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]510Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2 RK599ⅪAE RK599ⅪCEPulse Speed [kHz]Speed [r/min](Resolution 10)(0)(50)(100)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2 RK5913ⅪAERK5913ⅪCEPulse Speed [kHz](0)(50)(100) Speed [r/min](Resolution 10)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2 11FeaturesLine-upSystem ConfigurationProduct LineSpecifications and Characteristics DimensionsConnection and Operation List of Motor and Driver CombinationsAccessoriesBefore Using a Stepping Motor ControllersStandard Type IP65 Rated Motor Motor Frame Size 60 mm, 85 mmⅥSpecificationsHow to Read Specifications Table ?Page 91Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.2Excluding the gap between the shaft and the flangeⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK564AAT/RK564ACTPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200)30(300)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)C u r r e n t [A ]462Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK566AAT/RK566ACTPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200)30(300) Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK569AAT/RK569ACTPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200)30(300) Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)ⅷWhen using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver’s automatic current cutback function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.RK596AAT/RK596ACTPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200) Speed [r/min]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]510Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step2RK599AAT/RK599ACTPulse Speed [kHz]Speed [r/min]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)0(0)5(50)10(100)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK5913AAT/RK5913ACTPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)5(50)10(100) Speed [r/min]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 212Standard Type with Electromagnetic Brake Motor Frame Size 42 mm ⅥSpecificationsⅷWith the RK54Ⅺtype, only the driver conforms to the CSA standard.How to Read Specifications Table ?Page 9Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.ⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK543AMAPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)30(300)20(200)10(100)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]132Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK544AMAPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)30(300)20(200)10(100)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]132Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK545AMAPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)30(300)20(200)10(100)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]132Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)ⅷWhen using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver’s automatic current cutback function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.13FeaturesLine-upSystem Configuration Product LineSpecifications and CharacteristicsDimensionsConnection and Operation List of Motor and Driver CombinationsAccessoriesBefore Using a Stepping Motor ControllersStandard Type with Electromagnetic Brake Motor Frame Size 60 mm, 85 mmⅥSpecificationsHow to Read Specifications Table ?Page 9Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.ⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK564AMAE RK564AMCEPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200)30(300)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)C u r r e n t [A ]462Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK566AMAE RK566AMCEPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200)30(300) Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2RK569AMAE RK569AMCEPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200)30(300) Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)ⅷWhen using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver’s automatic current cutback function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.RK596AMAE RK596AMCEPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)10(100)20(200) Speed [r/min]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]510Current: 1.4A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72? step 2RK599AMAE RK599AMCEPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)Speed [r/min]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)5(50)10(100)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2 RK5913AMAE RK5913AMCEPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)5(50)10(100) Speed [r/min]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.72?/step 2 14TH Geared Type Motor Frame Size 42 mmⅥSpecificationsⅷWith the RK54Ⅺtype, only the driver conforms to the CSA standard.How to Read Specifications Table ?Page 9Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.Note:ⅷDirection of rotation of the motor and that of the gear output shaft are the same for models with gear ratios of 1:3.6, 1:7.2 and 1:10. It is opposite for 1:20 and 1:30 gear ratio models.ⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK543AA-T3.6/RK543BA-T3.6Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(150)10(100)5(50)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]12Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.2?/step 2RK543AA-T7.2/RK543BA-T7.2Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(150)10(100)5(50)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]12Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.1?/step 2RK543AA-T10/RK543BA-T10Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)10(100)15(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]12Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.072?/step 2ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)ⅷWhen using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver’s automatic current cutback function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.RK543AA-T20/RK543BA-T20Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)10(100)15(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]12Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.036?/step 2RK543AA-T30/RK543BA-T30T o rq u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]12Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)10(100)15(150)Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.024?/step 215FeaturesLine-upSystemConfiguration Product LineSpecifications and CharacteristicsDimensionsConnection and Operation List of Motor and Driver Combinations AccessoriesBefore Using a Stepping MotorControllersTH Geared Type Motor Frame Size 60 mmⅥSpecificationsHow to Read Specifications Table ?Page 9Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.Note:ⅷDirection of rotation of the motor and that of the gear output shaft are the same for models with gear ratios of 1:3.6, 1:7.2 and 1:10. It is opposite for 1:20 and 1:30 gear ratio models.ⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK564ⅪAE-T3.6 RK564ⅪCE-T3.6Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(150)10(100)5(50)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]24Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.2?/step 2RK564ⅪAE-T7.2 RK564ⅪCE-T7.2Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(150)10(100)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.1?/step 2RK564ⅪAE-T10 RK564ⅪCE-T10Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)10(100)15(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]24Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.072?/step 2ⅷEnter A (Single shaft) or B (Double shaft) in the box (Ⅺ) within the model name.ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)ⅷWhen using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver’s automatic current cutback function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.RK564ⅪAE-T20 RK564ⅪCE-T20Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)15(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]24Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.036?/step 2RK564ⅪAE-T30 RK564ⅪCE-T30Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)10(100)15(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]24Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.024?/step 216TH Geared Type Motor Frame Size 90 mmⅥSpecificationsHow to Read Specifications Table ?Page 9Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.Note:ⅷDirection of rotation of the motor and that of the gear output shaft are the same for models with gear ratios of 1:3.6, 1:7.2 and 1:10. It is opposite for 1:20 and 1:30 gear ratio models.ⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK596ⅪAE-T3.6 RK596ⅪCE-T3.6Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(150)10(100)5(50)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]2.55Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.2?/step 2 RK596ⅪAE-T7.2 RK596ⅪCE-T7.2Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(150)10(100)5(50)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]2.55Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.1?/step 2 RK596ⅪAE-T10 RK596ⅪCE-T10Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)10(100)15(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]264Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.072?/step 2ⅷEnter A (Single shaft) or B (Double shaft) in the box (Ⅺ) within the model name.ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)ⅷWhen using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver’s automatic current cutback function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.RK596ⅪAE-T20 RK596ⅪCE-T20C u r r e n t [A ]Pulse Speed [kHz](Resolution 10)(0)(50)(100)(150)Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.036?/step 2RK596ⅪAE-T30 RK596ⅪCE-T30C u r r e n t [A ]Pulse Speed [kHz](Resolution 10)(0)(50)(150)Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.024?/step 217FeaturesLine-upSystem ConfigurationProduct LineSpecifications and CharacteristicsDimensionsConnection and Operation List of Motor and Driver CombinationsAccessoriesBefore Using a Stepping Motor ControllersPL Geared Type Motor Frame Size 42 mmⅥSpecificationsⅷWith the RK54Ⅺ type, only the driver conforms to the CSA standard.How to Read Specifications Table ?Page 9Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.Note:ⅷDirection of rotation of the motor and that of the gear output shaft are the same.ⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK545AA-P5 RK545BA-P5Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)15(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]12Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.144?/step 2RK545AA-P7.2RK545BA-P7.2Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(150)10(100)5(50)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]12Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.1?/step 2RK545AA-P10RK545BA-P10Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)10(100)15(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]12Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.072?/step 2ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Besure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)ⅷWhen using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver’s automatic current cutback function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.RK543AA-P25 RK543BA-P25Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min](0)(50)(100)(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]12Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.0288?/step2RK543AA-P36 RK543BA-P36Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(150)10(100)5(50)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]21Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.02?/step2RK543AA-P50 RK543BA-P50Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(150)10(100)5(50)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]21Current: 0.75 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.0144?/step 218PL Geared Type Motor Frame Size 60 mmⅥSpecificationsHow to Read Specifications Table ?Page 9Sixteen resolutions are available, where n=1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200 and 250.Note:ⅷDirection of rotation of the motor and that of the gear output shaft are the same.ⅥSpeed – Torque Characteristics fs: Maximum Starting FrequencyRK566ⅪAE-P5 RK566ⅪCE-P5Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]0(0)5(50)10(100)15(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.144?/step 2RK566ⅪAE-P7.2 RK566ⅪCE-P7.2Pulse Speed [kHz](0)(150)(100)(50)Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min]T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.1?/step 2RK566ⅪAE-P10 RK566ⅪCE-P10Pulse Speed [kHz]Resolution 1(Resolution 10)Speed [r/min](0)(50)(100)(150)T o r q u e [N ?m ]C u r r e n t [A ]48Current: 1.4 A/Phase Step Angle: 0.072?/step 2ⅷEnter A (Single shaft) or B (Double shaft) in the box (Ⅺ) within the model name.ⅷThe pulse input circuit responds to approximately 200 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%.Notes:ⅷPay attention to heat dissipation from motor as there will be a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions.Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 100?C.(Under 75?C is required to comply with UL or CSA standards.)。



NO.:PS091101上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.产品规格书PRODUCT SPECIFICATION顾客:Client:产品名称:Connector Product Name:产品编码:/Part Number版本号:/ Version Number:制定审核EditCheck上海市松江区洞泾镇洞薛路651弄88号徕木:Laimu:Auto Meter Connector(汽车仪表连接器)SEE TABLE/批准Approval邮编:201619上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书Product Specification目版本号/ Version Number 产品名称 Connector Product Name 产品编码 See TablePart Number录CONTENT0更改记录........................................................................................................................................3 1产品描述Product description.. (4)1.1产品简图Outline drawing ..................................................................................................4 1.2产品组成BOM (5)2总体要求General (5)2.1功能描述Functional description ..........................................................................................5 2.2安装位置Mounting location ................................................................................................5 2.3温度范围Ambient temperature range .................................................................................5 2.4额定范围Rating range ........................................................................................................5 3默认测试条件Default test conditions .............................................................................................5 4产品性能Performance . (6)4.1外观Appearance..................................................................................................................6 4.2结构尺寸Dimension.............................................................................................................6 4.3接触电阻Contact resistance...................................................................................................6 4.4绝缘电阻Insulation resistance...............................................................................................6 4.5耐电压Withstand voltage......................................................................................................7 4.6温升Temperature rise............................................................................................................7 4.7插入力Connector Mating Force.............................................................................................7 4.8拔出力Connector Unmating Force.........................................................................................7 4.9端子保持力Terminal to Connector Retention...........................................................................8 4.10振动Vibration....................................................................................................................8 4.11温度循环Temperature cycling..............................................................................................8 4.12耐高温Heat Resistance.......................................................................................................9 4.13耐低温Cold Resistance.......................................................................................................9 4.14盐雾Salt spray...................................................................................................................9 4.15耐焊接热Resistance to soldering heat.................................................................................10 4.16沾锡性Solderability. (10)上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书Product Specification0更改记录序号 版本号 更改前描述No.: Version Description Before ModificationNumber123456版本号/ Version Number 产品名称 Connector Product Name 产品编码 See TablePart Number更改后描述 批准 日期Description After ModificationApprovalDatePage 3 of 11FOR-TS3-D08-01版本/版次:A1上海徕木电子股份有限公司SHANGHAI LAIMU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.编 号PS091101Serial Number 产品规格书Product Specification1产品描述Product description1.1产品简图Outline drawing适用于本规格书的产品系列,如下表:P/N.料号No. No. of PIN Color A1.2产品组成BOM1.2.1接触件:黄铜,底镀镍,整体镀锡;版本号/ Version Number 产品名称 Connector Product Name 产品编码 See TablePart NumberB C D E FContact :Brass, Pure Tin plated over Nickel under plating ; 1.2.2塑料本体:PBT+GF15;Housing :PBT+GF15;2总体要求General2.1功能描述Functional description本产品主要适用于汽车仪表控制模块与线束的电力信号传输与连接。

日东工机 气动手枪钻 ADR-65 ADR-100 说明书

日东工机 气动手枪钻 ADR-65 ADR-100 说明书

Due to continuous product development/improvement the specifications and configurations in this document are subject to change without prior notice.Manufactured by :NITTO KOHKI Co., Ltd.9-4, Nakaikegami 2-chome, Ohta-ku,Tokyo, 146-8555, Japan Tel :+81-3-3755-1111 Fax :+81-3-3753-8791PNEUMATIC HAND DRILLPlease read this manual carefully before you attempt to use your tool so that you may use it properly and safely.AIR DRILL Model ADR-65 ADR-100PROFESSIONAL TOOLKeep the manual handy – so you can use it whenever necessary.Original InstructionsSpecificationsModelADR-65ADR-100Maximum Operating Pressure 0.6 MPaAir Consumption (No Load)0.55 m 3/min 0.67 m 3/min Stroke Speed (No Load)2900 r/min(min -1)2000 r/min(min -1)Sound Pressure Level 76 dB(A)77 dB(A)Sound Power Level87 dB(A)88 dB(A)Vibration Level [Uncertainty K ] 4.9 m/s 2 [ 2.9 m/s 2 ]2.5 m/s 2 [ 0.75 m/s 2 ]Max. Chuck Size 6.5 mm 10.0 mm Mass (Weight)0.8 kg1.1 kgTQ12825-207/20171The following Safety notations are used throughout the manual to highlight safety precautions for the user and forCaution : Important precautions for tool setup, operation and maintenance.Thank you very much for your purchase of this NITTO KOHKI products.Before using your tool, please read this manual carefully so that you may use it properly to get the most out of it.Please keep the manual handy - so you can use it whenever necessary.・English: P lease ask your dealer ordistributor for instruction manual in local language(s).・German: B itte fragen Sie lhren Händler nach eine Betriebsanleitung in Landessprache.・French: S 'il vous plait, veuillez demandez á votre foumisseur de manuel instruction en langue locale.・Spanish: P or favor, cantacte con su distribuidor para el manual de instrucciones en español.・Portuguese :P or favor pessa ao seo agente ou distribuidor o manual de instrucces ih linguagen local.・Italian: P er Manuale Istruzioni in lingua locale Vi preghiamo di rivolgervi al rivenditore o distributore.・Dutch: V raag uw handelaar om een nederladstalige gebruiksaanwijzing.・Swedish: B e er lokala Åtreförsäljare eller distributör om manualer pá svenska.・Danish: V enligst henvend Dem til den danske distributør for instructions manualer.・Polish: P rosze pytac swojego dealera lub dystrybutora o instrukcje obslugi w jezyku localnym.・中文: 請向當地供應商或経銷商詢問中文使用説明書CONTENTS pageIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........................3GENERAL: TOOLS ...................................................3GENERAL: PNEUMATIC TOOLS ..............................4INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS TOOL ..............................41. USAGE ............................................................52. CHECK THE CONTENTS OF THE PACKAGE .........53. AIR SUPPLY ......................................................54. HOW TO OPERATE THE TOOL ...........................65. THEREAD SIZE OF HOSE FITTING .....................66. STORAGE .........................................................77. ORDERING SERVICE PARTS ..............................78. OPTIONAL PARTS (7)PICTOGRAMWarning: It might be dangerous to operate the tool if the instructions supplied are not followed.Using this tool improperly could result in serious injury. Read the instruction manual before use.Always wear suitable eye protection.Always wear suitable hearing protection.Always wear respiratory protective equipment (PPE).2California Proposition 65WARNINGSome dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known [to the State of California] to cause cancer birth defects or other reproductive harm.Some examples of these chemicals are: ●Lead from lead-based paints,●Crystalline silica from bricks and cement and other masonry products, and ●Arsenic and chromium from chemically-treated lumber.Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce yourexposure to these chemicals: work in a well ventilated area, and work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially desined to filter out microscopic particles.3IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using the tool, please observe the safety precautions below to prevent possible accident or injury.GENERAL: TOOLS WARNINGTO OPERATORS●Wear proper clothing for the type of work being done.Take care to avoid entanglement with the moving parts of the tool with clothing, ties, hair etc. If items become entangled it will cause the operator to be pulled towards the tool and lead to possible cause of accident or injury.●Always wear suitable eye protection.Remember, regular glasses are not safety glasses.The lenses are only shock resistant, which will not give you sufficient eye protection you may need in your working environment.●Always wear suitable hearing protection.●Wear respiratory protective equipment (PPE).Wear respiratory protective equipment (PPE) when working in an environment where dust particles are generated in operation.●Avoid working posture that is too stressful.Always ensure a firm footing and well balanced posture.●Do not operate the tool if you are too tired.●Never touch any moving parts of the tool when running.ABOUT WORK AREA●Keep the work area clean.Cluttered work areas (e.g. workbench) invite accidents.●Carefully select the work area.Do not expose tool to rain.Do not use tool in a wet or soaked area.See that the work area is adequately illuminated.●Never work near inflammable liquid or in a potentially explosive atmosphere.●Keep children away from the work area.Keep children and unauthorized people away from the work area to avoid accident or injury.BEFORE OPERATION●Inspect tool before use.Before using, check that screws are securely tightened, that any protective cover or guard is securely in place, other parts are free from damage and that the tool runs as it should.Check that moving parts are properly adjusted for positioning and tightened, that parts are free from damage and properly mounted, and that all other parts are in good condition for normal operation.Should you find any damage to the protective cover or other part, replace it in accordance with the Operation Manual. If there are no instructions in the Manual, please contact the sales agent through which you have purchased your tool or an authorized dealer near you for repair.Likewise, if a switch failure occurs, contact sales agent through which you have purchased your tool or an authorized dealer near you for repair.Do not use the tool if it does not start or stop with the start/stop switch.●Securely mount cutter.An improperly mounted cutter may fly out, causing possible damage to the tool or injury to the operator.●Always remove spanner, wrench, etc., once adjustment has been made with them.●Use a tool appropriate for the application.Avoid heavy-duty application that is beyond the capacity of tool.●Do not use the tool for purposes other than what it is designed for.●Do not abuse tool.Use tool in accordance with the specifications: you’ll get the most out of it while ensuring safety.●Securely fasten workpiece in place.Use a vice or clamp to securely fasten the workpiece in place. It is much safer this way than holding it in your hand, allowing you to operate the tool with both hands.ABOUT HANDLING●How to store tool.When the tool is not used, store it in a dry area and out of reach of children.●How to carry tool.Do not touch the start switch while the tool is being carried.●Do not leave the tool unattended while it is running.Turn off the start switch and disconnect the tool from power source. Do not leave the work area until the tool comes to a complete stop.MAINTENANCE/SERVICE● Do not take apart or modify tool. Disassembly or modification carried out without the supervision of a qualified or authorized service engineer could result in an accident or injury.● Inspect cutting tool and accessories, etc. Always check to see that cutting tool and accessories, etc. are in good operating condition without damage or deterioration before you mount them on the tool. Should you find any damage to an accessory or part, please contact sales agent through which you have purchased your tool or an authorized dealer near you for repair.● Check parts for damage.When you have found damage to accessory or other part, carefully check the damaged part to determine the extent of influence it has upon the functions of the tool – that is, determine whether it can still perform its normal functions.Check to see that the linkage of the moving parts is OK, that all parts are OK without damage, that they are properly mounted, and that the tool functions normally. Should you find any damage to an accessory or part that may hamper proper functioning of the tool, please contact sales agent through which you have purchased your tool or an authorized dealer near you for repair.● Have your tool repaired at an authorized Nitto Service Center.For repair or parts replacement, please contact the sales agent through which you have purchased your tool or an authorized dealer near you.● Use only Nitto genuine parts.Use of improper parts may result in serious occurrence.To obtain a Nitto genuine part, consult this Manual or contact the sales agent from which you have purchased your tool directly.● Do not detach label or nameplate from tool. When a label/nameplate gets damaged, worn or becomes missing, contact the sales agent through which you have purchased your tool or Nitto Kohki Co. Ltd, directly for a replacement.DISPOSAL● When a tool is taken permanently out of service, it is advised that the tool is disassembled, degreased and parts separated by material and recycled locally in the appropriate manner.GENERAL: P NEUMATICTOOLS WARNING● Use appropriate air pressure. Excessively high air pressure will increase the tool number of revolutions or strokes causing not only potential premature failure/breakage but could also lead to an unexpected accident or injury.● Connect tool to air supply line.There are various types of pipes running in a factory in addition to the pneumatic line (such as oxygen, nitrogen, gas and water). For this reason, always ensure that you are connecting to the pneumatic line.● Start tool properly.Turn the start switch OFF before connecting to the air supply line.● Always disconnect the tool from the air supply line before putting on/taking off any accessory and prior to carrying out any maintenance work.● Avoid exposure to exhaust air.Pneumatic tool exhaust air contains oil and contaminated moisture. Make sure the exhaust air is not directed towards your face or anyone else within the work area.● Keep tool off electricity.This pneumatic tool is not electrically insulated. To avoid a potential electric shock do not use where there is a possibility of coming into contact with liveelectricity.CAUTION● Handle tool carefully.Abusive use of tool could invite failure or accident. Do not throw, drop or shock the tool.● Handle air hose carefully.Do not carry the tool by the air hose.Do not pull the air hose to disconnect.4INSTRUCTIONSFOR THIS TOOLAbout Your ToolWARNING● Wear protective glasses and a dustproof mask.Operation generates chips and dust particles, etc.which may cause eye and/or respiratory injury:Always use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)for eye and respiratory protection.● Always wear suitable hearing protection.The tool generates loud noise. Always use ear plugsfor hearing protection. Take necessary measures tocomply with the local regulatory requirements andlaws with regard to noise level, or do better.● When the drill passes through or locked duringdrilling or tapping, the main body may be Swungaround. If it occurs, release the Trigger quicklyto avoid injury.● Do not tap a blind hole using this air drill.●Never touch moving parts.CAUTION● For tapping, always use tapping paste.● Use sharp taps.● Use a taper tap (No.1) and a plug tap (No.2) fortapping.1. USAGEThis tool is for drilling work with a drill bit. Tapping(right-hand screw) is also possible by using thereversible function.2. CHECK THE CONTENTS OF THE PACKAGECheck the contents and make sure that the tooldoes not have any damage which may haveoccurred during transportation. The contents shouldcorrespond to the list as follows. In case of damage/missing parts, please contact the sales agent fromwhom you purchased the tool.3. AIR SUPPLY3-1. Air PressureAdjust air pressure with the air regulator to the levelappropriate for the pneumatic tool used.Air pressure that is too low will fails the tool tooperate at full capacityAir pressure that is too high may cause damage tothe tool.3-2. Air Line (Fig.1)Use a 9.5mm (3/8”) I.D. connecting hose betweenthe compressor and the tool.Drained water, etc., if flown into the tool, couldcause tool failure. Install an air filter, bsetween thecompressor and the tool.Fig. 13-3. LubricationInstall an oiler between the compressor and the tool.Use the machine oil ISO VG-10. Failure to lubricateas required may result in damage to the tool. Use ofoil that is too thick will reduce the performance of thetool.564. HOW TO OPERATE THE TOOLWARNINGTurn off the air supply and disconnect the air hose before replacing the Drill Bit.4-1. How to Hold the Air Drill (Fig.2)For Stable operation, hold the grip of the Air Drill by one hand with the middle finger put on the Trigger and the index finger extended over the main body, and grip the main body firmly with the other hand asbelow figure.Fig. 24-2. How to Adjust Rotating Speed (Fig.3)Turn the Speed Control Nut to adjust the drill rotating Speed. Adjust the rotating speed for the operation requirement.4-3. How to Change Rotation Direction (Fig.3)Change rotation direction by turning the valve as indicated.Fig. 34-4. Mounting the Drill Bit (Fig.4)Mount the drill bit to the Chuck, and tighten theChuck securely with the accessory Chuck Handle.Fig. 44-5. Start and Stop (Fig.5)(1) C onfirm that the Trigger is OFF and fit the connecting hose onto the Cupla plug on the Air Drill.(2) T o turn on the Air Drill, hold the Air Drill by hands and pull the Trigger.(3) To turn it off, release the Trigger.T riggerONOFF Fig. 54-6. Tapping OperationCAUTION●Make sure the hole as large as possible within the tolerance for strength.(1) Drill a hole before tapping.(2) Apply tapping paste to the tap.(3) C onfirm that the Valve is set for normal rotation direction. (Fig.5)(4) A lign the tap with the hole, and start tapping. If the top end of drill cannot break into the hole when the tap diameter is large, manually rotate the drill in normal rotating direction by several turns with the Trigger set on, and then start tapping.(5) A fter tapping ends, change the rotation direction, and pull out the tap while the drill is rotating reversely.5. THREAD SISE OF HOSE FITTINGThe product comes with a metal-fitting with R thread. Connect the Bushing R thread X NPT thread included as standard accessories. If you would like to have American NPT thread instead.76.STORAGECAUTIONWhen tool is not used, store it out of reach of children.Avoid storing the tool in a location subject to high humidity, if the tool is left as it is used, residual moisture on the inside can cause rusting. Before storing, and after operation, oil the tool at the air inlet with machine oil IS0 VG-10 and run it for a short time.7.ORDERING SERVICE PARTSFor further operational and handling information or for replacement of parts and components, contact the company from whom you purchased the tool or an authorized dealer.In ordering parts and components give each part number, part name and quantity e only NITTO genuine parts.8.OPTIONAL PARTSA hanger to be mounted on the bottom of the grip is available as option. It can be mounted on both ADR-65 and ADR-100.Fig. 6Overseas Affiliates / OfficesNITTO KOHKI U.S.A., INC.46 Chancellor Drive, Roselle, Illinois 60172, U.S.A.For CuplasTel : +1-630-924-5959 Fax : +1-630-924-1174For Machine ToolsTel : +1-630-924-9393 Fax : +1-630-924-0303NITTO KOHKI EUROPE GMBHGottlieb-Daimler-Str. 10, 71144 Steinenbronn, GermanyTel : +49-7157-989555-0 Fax : +49-7157-989555-40 www.nitto-kohki.eu/NITTO KOHKI EUROPE GMBH UK BranchUnit A5, Langham Park Industrial Estate, Maple Road, Castle Donington, Derbyshire DE74 2UT, United KingdomTel : +44-1332-653800 Fax : +44-1332-987273www.nitto-kohki.eu/NITTO KOHKI AUSTRALIA PTY LTD77 Brandl Street, Eight Mile Plains, Queensland 4113, Australia Tel : +61-7-3340-4600 Fax : +61-73340-4640.auNITTO KOHKI (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.Room1506, Suite C, Orient International Plaza,No.85 Loushanguan Road, Shanghai 200336, ChinaTel : +86-21-6415-3935 Fax : +86-21-6472-6957 NITTO KOHKI (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. Shenzhen Branch2005C Shenzhen ICC Tower, Fuhuasanlu 168,Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518048, ChinaTel : +86-755-8375-2185 Fax : +86-755-8375-2187NITTO KOHKI CO., LTD. Singapore Branch10 Ubi Crescent #01-62, Ubi Techpark Lobby D, Singapore 408564 Tel : +65-6227-5360 Fax : +65-6227-0192www.nitto-kohki.co.jp/e/nksb/index.htmlNITTO KOHKI CO., LTD. Bangkok Representative OfficeM&A Business Center, Q-House Convent Bldg.,38 Convent Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, ThailandTel : +66-2632-0307 Fax : +66-2632-0308NITTO KOHKI CO., LTD. India Liaison Office3rd Floor, Building No.9-A DLF Cyber City, Phase-III, Gurgaon, Haryana 122002, IndiaTel : +91-124-454-5031 Fax : +65-6227-0192NITTO KOHKI CO., LTD. Mexico Representative OfficeOF1109 Torre Corporativo 1 Piso 11 Central Park Armando Birlain Shaffler #2001 Col Centro Sur, Queretaro, Qro, C.P. 76090, MexicoTel : +52-442-290-1234。



は ん だ
眼鏡.レンチ モンキーレンチ
は ん だ じょきょ き
は ん だ す と
六角.レンチ スキージ へら バイト やすり エンドミル
は ん だ
吸锡线 小锡炉 烙铁架 镊子 塑料镊子 真空吸着笔
コテ台 ピンセット ブラスチシク.ピンセシト バキユームピンセット
エポキシ樹脂 エラー エリア エンドユーザー カバー キャビ クッション くっつく クラック スピンドル スプリング スペーサーテープ スペック ずらす

め も り
目盛 パラメータ エッチング イジェクト プリント
せ つ び よ う ご
アレスター ガスチューブ
か な ぐ
避雷针、放电管 气体放电管 零件、配件 钉子 垫片 垫圈 备用品 金属盖 金属框 紧固件 螺母 螺丝钉 针状管座 磁芯 活塞 螺栓 弹簧 弹簧 酒精瓶 酒精瓶 静电腕
吸着 ピンセット チューン バス
吸着镊子 链条 定位柱.凸起部 齿轮 离合器 曲柄 探针.顶针 针套 插线板 升降叉车 整形机 磨光机 剪端子机 手摇式端子整形 端子加工机 千斤顶 锁
ローラー ローラリング ヘッドライト ラック ラッピングワイヤ ビス
さ い だ ん き
轮子.滚轮 滚柱轴承 车前灯 铁架子 包皮线 螺钉 切刀 热刻印机 O 形圈 离子风机 柄、架 拉链 胶框 菲林 塞尺 托盘 定时器、秒表 模拟
で ん ち
ボタン電池 ロムイレーサ ジェットプロー
と いし
纽扣电池 紫外线照射灯 气囊 金刚石磨刀石





产品均通过ISO 9002. ISO9002,产品应用于汽车、工业等领域、意大利SMEM电机:异步电机、三相电机、单项电机、引擎电机、双引擎电机、汽车专用马达。

SMEM现货、SMEM价格、SMEM厂家、SMEM代理、SMEM经销、SMEM型号SMEM spot, SMEM price, SMEM manufactureSMEM, SMEM agent, SMEM distribution, SMEM model
SMEM现货、SMEM价格、SMEM厂家、SMEM代理、SMEM经销、SMEM型号SMEM spot, SMEM price, SMEM manufactureSMEM, SMEM agent, SMEM distribution, SMEM model



Hangzhou Chunlan Electric Equipment Co.,LTD.
山东中际电工装备股份有限公司 常州新区金康自动化科技有限公司
江苏先电机械有限公司 太仓市天利涂装设备有限公司 3M 中国有限公司 苏州吴江市精源机电有限公司
艾诺仪器公司 上海安规机电设备有限公司 台州市光中电器制造有限公司
Changzhou Duoyou Machine & Electronics Co.,LTD. TSUKASA Electric (Shenzhen) Co.,LTD. ING YU INTERNATIONAL LLC Gye Tay Machinery Works Great Dragon Special Welding Equipment Co.,LTD.Senmen Zhejiang Chongqing gold raise machinery & electrion Co,.LTD. Shanghai Zhengyang Electronics Co.,LTD. Shenzhen Leixin CNC System Co.,LTD. Guangzhou Jingxi Model Co.,LTD OZMA CNC Equipment Co.,LTD.Hangzhou Hangzhou Sandi CNC Equipment Co.,LTD. Shanghai DIAN Machinery Co.,LTD. Shenzhen JMJ Mechatronic Equipment Co.,LTD Xinguan Technology(Shenzhen) Co.,LTD. Suzhou Smart Mtor Euipment Mufacturing Co.,LTD Herry Electrical Equipment Co.,LTD. Changzhou Qinging Machinery Co.,LTD. Changzhou Ningjing ELectrical Equipment Co,.LTD. Changzhou Tianshi mechanical&Electrical Equipment Co.,LTD. Guangzhou Kaiyuan Electronic Technology Co.,LTD. Zhongshang Yijian Mechinery & Electron Co.,LTD. Changzhou Chengjing Electrics Machinery Equipment Co.,LTD. Rohm Demiconductor Co.,LTD. Changzhou Leshi Leili Motor Co.,LTD.. Jinming Industry Incorporated Co,.LTD. Shanghai Strong Motor Co.,LTD.



目录一、企业背景 (5)1.1 工商信息 (5)1.2 分支机构 (5)1.3 变更记录 (5)1.4 主要人员 (6)1.5 联系方式 (7)二、股东信息 (7)三、对外投资信息 (7)四、企业年报 (7)五、重点关注 (9)5.1 被执行人 (9)5.2 失信信息 (9)5.3 裁判文书 (9)5.4 法院公告 (9)5.5 行政处罚 (9)5.6 严重违法 (10)5.7 股权出质 (10)5.8 动产抵押 (10)5.9 开庭公告 (10)5.11 股权冻结 (10)5.12 清算信息 (10)5.13 公示催告 (10)六、知识产权 (11)6.1 商标信息 (11)6.2 专利信息 (11)6.3 软件著作权 (11)6.4 作品著作权 (11)6.5 网站备案 (11)七、企业发展 (11)7.1 融资信息 (12)7.2 核心成员 (12)7.3 竞品信息 (12)7.4 企业品牌项目 (12)八、经营状况 (13)8.1 招投标 (13)8.2 税务评级 (13)8.3 资质证书 (13)8.4 抽查检查 (13)8.5 进出口信用 (13)8.6 行政许可 (14)一、企业背景1.1 工商信息企业名称:日东工器省力机器贸易(上海)有限公司工商注册号:310000400689719统一信用代码:913100000512021042法定代表人:笠原詳二(KASAHARA SHOJI)组织机构代码:05120210-4企业类型:有限责任公司(外国法人独资)所属行业:商务服务业经营状态:开业注册资本:3,000万(日元)注册时间:2012-08-08注册地址:上海市长宁区娄山关路85号C1506室营业期限:2012-08-08 至 2042-08-07经营范围:机械设备及零部件、五金交电、工具的批发、进出口、佣金代理(拍卖除外)并提供其他相关的配套业务(不涉及国营贸易管理商品,涉及配额、许可证管理商品的,按国家有关规定办理申请)。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告纳博特斯克(中国)精密机器有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:纳博特斯克(中国)精密机器有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分纳博特斯克(中国)精密机器有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务、静液压驱动装置、油压装置及其零部件的研发1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。





















日东工器株式会社(企业信用报告)- 天眼查

日东工器株式会社(企业信用报告)- 天眼查
5.2 失信信息
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5.3 法律诉讼
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1.3 变更记录
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1.4 主要人员
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4.1 融资历史
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4.2 投资事件
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5.6 严重违法
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0.08 0.8 0.08 0.8
0.10 1.0
[MPa] [kgf/cm2]
0.10 1.0
[MPa] [kgf/cm2]
机型名称 吐出空气量 额定电压 最高压力 最大电流 额定时间 耐用时间 使用压力范围 吐出口尺寸 线圈绝缘等级 安 装 尺 寸 ( mm ) 本体重量 导线长度
Compressor 压缩泵
[ /min]
●空气量特性图 6 4 2
空气量 [A]
●电流特性图 0.6
0.04Biblioteka 0.062 47(5.5)
8 2.5
(68) ø6 ø5
(81) 72 67
64.5 (68)
Insulation rubber feet
红(+) RED
黑(-) BLACK
4 /min DC12V 0.08MPa{0.8kgf/cm2}
0.7A 连续 3,000小时 0~0.08MPa ø6(外径) 相当于E类 50(L)×30(W) 0.25kg 400±20mm